Urban passenger transport: types, routes and rules of use. What should be urban public transport? Transport needs it often

So, in the previous posts I made out, and the city should pursue a policy of reducing the use of private cars. But by removing cars, we will not remove the need for people to make trips from point A to point B. But, as you know, a city is a place where a person can move freely without the help of a personal car on public transport (OT).

Yes, according to the hierarchy of transport in the city in terms of efficiency, pedestrians and cyclists are more preferable for the city than OT, but in reality, it is he who takes on the main load during long-distance movements, while pedestrians and cyclists, for the most part, are limited. radius of a couple of kilometers.

For convenience, we will divide the post into 2 parts: what is important for the passenger and what is important for the city.

What is important for passengers?

Ordinary passengers have general requirements for OT, following which, it will be possible, at least, not to provoke people to drive around the city in a private car, but as a maximum, it will be possible to transfer people to OT voluntarily, these are: safety, convenience, speed.

Security no matter how trite it sounds, it means there is no fear of traveling to OT. Personally, in principle, I don’t go by minibuses around the city because I see who drives these buckets with nuts and how, and I’m simply scared for my health.

This principle is understood as 1) the availability of qualified workers who are not afraid to entrust the life and health of passengers, 2) a working rolling stock, 3) a safe route.

But in addition to the transport itself, it should be safe to board and disembark from it, for example, situations are unacceptable when disembarking from a tram takes place directly on the roadway, or when a person has to wait for transport and make sure that someone does not run it over.

WITH convenience m everything is a little more complicated. Comparing the comfort of personal and public transport is meaningless - personal will always be ahead, but here the main task is to reduce the gap between them to a minimum. The range of possible actions here is huge, starting with convenient stopping pavilions, and ending with a route network, here I will analyze only the most basic ones.

route network
The coverage network of the OT city should be such that it is easy to get from one end of the city to the other without making detours. Naturally, the OT should be within walking distance, because there will be few people who want to go to the stop for a couple of kilometers. But here you need to understand that making a person's travel without a stop in urban conditions is unrealistic, so the route network should have transfer stations where a person could get off one bus, walk the minimum distance, and take a tram that will take him to his final destination, or , in terms of terminology, OT should be

schedule and transfers
Why do many people love the metro so much? Correctly for predictability, because the cases of disruptions in the movement of trains are minimal, which means that a person can more accurately plan his time. The task of the city is to ensure that the entire OT is predictable, which means that the schedule must be strictly followed.

Actually, this is precisely why, unlike in Russia, where electronic route indicators are quite widely used, which show in real time when the route you need arrives:

In the rest of the world, everything is made easier and cheaper, just by broadcasting sheets with the timetable at stops:

for why complicate things if OT goes like a clock anyway?

But it is not necessary to hang up the schedule, if the frequency of movement of the routes is within 5-10 minutes, then the person already knows that his buses / tram / trolleybus will arrive soon.

Returning to the intermodal OT model, that is, to transfers, the routes should be groomed in such a way that a person can predict in advance the arrival and departure times on subsequent routes. In this case, it is desirable that the difference should not be more than 5 minutes.

In Russia, it is generally accepted that people, by default, know everything and everything about urban transport, and that it seems that it is not necessary to inform them. But you and I are educated people, and we understand that this is wrong, and each person should be provided with a complete set of information about OT. This is done, as a rule, at bus stops. This is how we inform people:

How much information can you take from here? I think not, especially if the person is from another city, then it will be impossible to figure it out without 2Gis or the help of others, not to mention the ticket menu. Now compare with how people are informed in other countries:

I think words are superfluous here) At least a person knows where he can go from a given stop.

Well, inside, a person must also receive the necessary information, at least where he is going now and what is the next stop.

personal space

A person, although a creature and social, has an extremely negative attitude towards when strangers invade his personal space. The radius of action of this space is an extremely controversial issue, someone talks about a meter around a person, someone else. Let's say in Switzerland it is not customary to sit down with strangers in OT, because this is considered an invasion of this notorious personal space. But in general, as far as I know, it is generally accepted in the world that the optimal load is considered when all the seats are occupied. In other words, OT should not be hammered to the eyeballs, this is wrong, and suggests that something needs to be changed in the transport.

All transport, as well as all transport facilities, must be suitable for people with limited mobility. These are not only people with disabilities, as many people think, but also children, retirees, people with bags, strollers, and so on. For them, movement itself can be difficult, and steps or narrow passages can push them away completely. A small example - try to travel with a suitcase in a minibus and in the subway, where will it be more convenient? I think the answer is obvious (although our metro is also not ideal for passenger accessibility).

ticket menu
A person should be able to buy tickets that are most convenient and profitable for him (one-time, temporary, unlimited).

sanitary condition
The rolling stock must be clean both inside and outside. And the point here is not only that a dirty OT pollutes the city (this is important, but not in this context), but that a person is psychologically more inclined towards cleanliness. Plus, due to dirt, the route and other important information can be poorly read:

And yet, in clean transport, you don't want to piggy and spoil it, it's still a terrible thing.

Wi-Fi in transport, loyalty programs for regular passengers and so on are additional amenities for passengers, which is naturally good, but you need to think about this when the above issues are resolved.

Speed OT is one of the decisive factors. By general rules, OT should not be stuck in traffic jams at all. Firstly, no one likes to stand in traffic jams) Secondly, when personal transport is in a traffic jam, and a bus with satisfied passengers quietly rushes past them, then a normal person will think whether he should go by car next time is no better to save yourself time and nerves by driving on OT?

As a rule, the average speed of a ground OT is 15-25 km / h, but on dedicated lines, with rare stops, the speed increases. On the other hand, speed can be made competitive by making life more difficult for motorists, when an OT can drive straight down the street, but a private car cannot:

for example, pedestrian and tram streets do just that

What is important for the city?

The city, in addition to the above, must choose the type of public transport for each specific case. As a rule, the main criterion for this is the congestion of the route network, if it is small, then you can get by with buses (or even minibuses, they also have their own), but the higher it is, the more clearly it becomes clear that buses will not cope. In addition, environmental and economic aspects will be important criteria.

The rules are simple - the steeper the type of public transport, the more expensive it is, but due to economies of scale, the cost is lower. That is why the mainline OT, which many people use, as a rule, choose either the metro or the tram, because they are expensive, but efficient and in terms of the cost per person they turn out to be more profitable than driving cheap buses. In general, the picture is something like this:

for vehicles without 100% dedicated traffic lanes

Off-street transport, that is, the metro and the city train, cost even more, but they also carry much more people, but the principle is the same, if there is no load, that is, if the cars carry air, it would be better to get rid of such transport, because it will be extremely unprofitable.

In addition, with its powerful hand, the city should form such a ticket policy so that people would prefer to take passes for many trips or unlimited, in order to avoid queues at the box office. As a rule, this is done with a bargaining price for tickets with a small number of trips. Local people, knowing this, will buy a subscription, and nonresidents, if they don’t need more, will be able to spend it once.
It seems to be a trifle, but such a move will allow you to significantly save on cashiers and ticket machines, plus there will be fewer queues.

Urban passenger transport (synonyms: public, communal) is intended for use by the majority of the population. Most often it works on a paid basis. Most public transport vehicles are capable of transporting large numbers of people at once or per day. In this case, the movement is carried out in accordance with the route established by the transport company. The exception is various types of taxis.

What is public transport

Public transport involves the mass transportation of people. Urban passenger transport does not include official and school buses and cars, military trains, buses transporting athletes to the match, as well as personal vehicles for company employees, excursion buses, pleasure boats, etc. Such transport has other functions and purposes. Also, elevators and escalators are not public transport vehicles, since they function only within one specific building or object.

Types of passenger transport

  • Buses are the most common form of public transport for passengers. They are actively used all over the world. Exists great amount models of buses. For the time being, gasoline and diesel fuel are mainly used as fuel.
  • The trolleybus is one of the most popular types of public urban transport in Russia and the CIS countries. It is equipped with an electric motor continuously fed from the overhead wire line. It is often used in Western Europe, where it is considered a subspecies of the bus.
  • The tram is a traditional form of urban transport in Russia and the CIS. Uses a narrow-gauge railway track and power supply from the contact network. Equipped with an electric motor. It is an intermediate option between a trolleybus and an electric train.
  • Trains are actively used all over the world, but in Russia and the CIS countries this type of transport has received the greatest development. A broad-gauge is used for movement Railway and also (for electric trains). The locomotive is powered by an electric, diesel or (rarely) steam engine. The development of this type of transport proceeded in the sequence: steam locomotives - diesel locomotives - electric locomotives. Now they use mainly electric locomotives and (less often) diesel locomotives.
  • Monorail transport is rarely used and limited. It stands out as a separate type of transport.
  • Ships. They are actively used all over the world. These include boats, ships, steamers, sailing ships, yachts. Currently, sailing ships are almost never used. The main type of fuel is oil refined products.
  • Aircraft. An actively developing and relatively modern form of public transport. Distributed throughout the world, especially in developed countries. They are used less often in Russia. Movement is carried out through the air using the principle of jet thrust. Petroleum products are still used as fuel.
  • Route taxis. Relatively the new kind urban transport. Now it is widely used in Russia and the post-Soviet countries. Transportation of people by minibuses is organized by private transport companies. Unlike taxis, the route is determined by these companies and city authorities, not by the passenger.
  • Passenger road transport (taxi). The taxi driver can work alone or for a private company. In the second case, the fare will be significantly lower.


Bus - city passenger transport with autonomous power supply. City bus is also called street wheeled transport. It is convenient for its maneuverability and lack of binding to rails or wires. It can even drive on dirt roads. One bus transports from 200 to 4500 passengers per hour. The maximum value for city buses is 9-10 thousand people. It is actively used as the main and auxiliary vehicle. All cities have their own bus network. At any time, the route can be adjusted or changed. This is usually done when expanding cities and adding new districts.

In small towns and villages, the bus is practically the only form of transport available. In larger settlements, it is usually combined with fixed-route taxis. The disadvantages of using similar Vehicle so far are:

  • operating costs,
  • air and soil polution,
  • noise pollution,
  • the need for frequent repairs due to breakdowns.

The gradual transition to electric buses will eliminate all of these disadvantages.

Bus in Russia

In our country, bus transport is traditionally widely used. It is used for both intracity and suburban and intercity transportation. More than 1500 settlements Russia have bus routes and a bus fleet. The average distance traveled by a bus passenger is 6 km. Despite the prevalence of intercity bus transportation, it is still considered an intracity mode of transport. With long travel distances, buses often break down. Also in this case, serious accidents are not uncommon, mainly due to driver fatigue on a long journey.

In large cities of Russia, bus stations have been created, which are similar in design and mode of operation to railway ones. On arrival, departure, flight delay, etc., the bus station employees notify passengers via a loudspeaker.

The role of the trolleybus in passenger transport

The trolleybus as a mode of transport is not so popular and is used mainly in large cities. There are intercity trolleybus routes (trolleybus lines) in Crimea and Donbass, where they have existed since Soviet times. However, on a global scale, it is rather exotic.

For the operation of the trolleybus, an overhead contact network of wires is used. Therefore, it belongs to the category of trackless electric transport. The maximum number of passengers carried is 8-9 thousand people per hour. The advantages of using this type of transport are environmental friendliness, low operating costs, and relative reliability. At the same time, there are significant costs in the construction of trolleybus lines and low maneuverability. Quite often, there are violations of the contact of the trolleybus with the cantata wired network, which leads to a forced stop and downtime of the vehicle directly on the route.

Trolleybuses are actively used in Russia and the CIS countries, mainly in large and medium-sized cities. With a population of more than 250,000 people. the use of this type of transport may become advisable.

Tram as a means of transportation

The tram is also a surface urban passenger transport, typical for large cities of Russia and countries. the former USSR... However, it gradually goes out of fashion and is now used less and less. They have a long history where they appeared a long time ago. One such vehicle can serve up to 12-15 thousand people per hour. Trams used to be popular and carried more passengers than any other form of urban transport. They are considered environmentally friendly, but at the same time quite noisy devices that can break on the route, which can cause traffic jams. Also the disadvantage is the low maneuverability. Nevertheless, trams in Moscow are a popular form of transport among residents.

Metro - underground transport of large cities

It is also a rail mode of transport, but much more powerful than a tram. The metro can already be classified as a traditional means of transport, while it continues to evolve. In Moscow alone, every now and then new stations are being commissioned and new stretches are being built. Many cities have plans to expand the metro network. Much attention is paid to the design of the stations (they are mostly underground). Each of them has a unique, unique look and its own individual characteristics. But the variety of subway cars and locomotives is incomparably lower than that of buses.

The metro capacity is very high. One train can serve up to 40-50 thousand people per hour. The construction of the metro is advisable in largest cities with a population of over 1 million people. At the same time, the construction of the subway itself requires serious investments.

Route taxis

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this semi-commercial form of transport became very popular. Minibuses do not have a clear reference to stops (although in recent times the authorities of the Russian regions are trying to restrict their freedom of movement), which is very convenient, especially for people with limited mobility. Their routes can be changed at any time. The downside to using them is that they are stronger than buses, they load the streets and contribute to environmental pollution. This type of transport is actively used for suburban traffic, and they are rarely used in intercity transportation. The cost of transporting people by minibus in last years growing rapidly.

Trains and electric trains

It is traditional for medium to long distances. They generally don't pollute too much environment and are more reliable and safer than buses. This type of passenger transport has practically no drawbacks. However, a relative disadvantage is the high cost of travel on long-distance trains. They also have a relatively low speed compared to an airplane. Within cities use commuter trains and sometimes monorail. Train ticket prices are relatively low. The downside is that there are not many stops and train routes within the cities. But they are optimally suited for suburban transportation.

Air transport

Air transport is widespread throughout the world. Routes leading to resorts are popular in Russia Black Sea coast... The undoubted advantage of aviation is its high speed of movement, which can drastically reduce travel time. Prices for plane tickets are close to those for long-distance trains. However, this type of transport also has its drawbacks: dependence on the weather and a small risk of crashes, which often have tragic consequences. Nevertheless, statistics show that it is much more dangerous to use a private car for long journeys.

Water transport

It is divided into river and sea. River water transport is more developed in Russia. In general, only a small number of passengers use the services of this type of transport, although in ancient times it was of great importance.

City passenger transport management

Relevant ministries and departments have been created to manage various types of transport. Transport system management implies a set of measures aimed at coordinating the work of transport elements both among themselves and in connection with the external environment. Driving a vehicle requires knowledge of the rules road traffic, payment of taxes, distribution of paid and free sections of the road network, taking into account the peculiarities of traffic when transporting a large number of passengers, etc. All this determines the rules for using urban passenger transport.

How public transport will develop in the future

Electrification projects are being developed in many countries around the world different types transport, including public. The leaders in this regard are Europe, China and Japan. The first plans to transfer to electric traction buses. In some cities in China, this process is almost complete. Some buses can be reoriented to use hydrogen fuel. The likely time frame for such a transfer is 10-15 years. Electric taxis are also actively developing. In the United States, all these processes are proceeding more slowly, but they can accelerate after the change of the country's president. On this moment the Trump administration is holding back such projects.

Somewhat later, passenger ships and small airplanes will be switched to electric motors. As for large liners, the situation here is still uncertain.

The gradual transfer of transport to electric traction will allow solving environmental problems, reducing the noise level, improving the technical characteristics of vehicles, and making their operation cheaper.

Hello again! This material belongs to a whole series of articles in which are published the answers on the game Riddles Magic Story in Odnoklassniki.

In turn, we note that in this material the answers to levels from 291 to 300 of the game Riddles Magic Story in Odnoklassniki are published. You are welcome, use it and rejoice!

Riddles Game: A Magical Story. Answers to Levels 291 292 293 294 295

Level 291 - Riddle:

Transport often needs it, and sometimes a person,

To get around the danger, do not fall from the slope into the river.

Correct answer to riddle # 291: BRAKE

Level 292 - Riddle:

It is often replenished, there are dissatisfied ones.

How to go somewhere, everything is missing.

Correct answer to riddle no. 292: WARDROBE

Level 293 - Riddle:

Flowers often flaunt there,

Cats also warm their belly.

The correct answer to riddle no. 293: WINDOWSILL

Level 294 - Riddle:

Birds used to carry them, airplanes, cars,

And now, to send them, you just need to press the button.

Correct answer to riddle # 294: LETTERS

Level 295 - Riddle:

This informant is important.

What you need - he will tell you:

Phones, addresses, all the places you are looking for.

The correct answer to riddle no. 295: REFERENCE

Riddles Game: A Magical Story. Answers to Levels 296, 297, 298, 299, 300

Level 296 - Riddle:

Distance is not a hindrance there.

Everything is close there, even if it is far away.

There are many masks, grief, laughter.

It's not easy to get out of there!

The correct answer to riddle no. 296: INTERNET

Level 297 - Riddle:

Yes, Mamai is resting here.

The hurricane smokes on the sidelines.

Runs through the apartment

He's like a mad bullet.

Correct answer to riddle no. 297: CHILD

Level 298 - Riddle:

She brings wealth to the house

Although the path to it is sometimes not sweet.

Someone rejoices at her, who runs home sooner.

Correct answer to riddle # 298: WORK

Level 299 - Riddle:

This is a necessary attribute, they are often distributed.

To someone at the right hour

I could easily find you.

Correct answer to riddle # 299: BUSINESS CARD

Level 300 - Riddle:

What a cute creature?

Well, the very charm!

For love, it is also affection,

But he often believes in fairy tales.