PDD card file Preparatory group. Didactic games by road rules (preparatory group). Card file of didactic and moving games on traffic rules

Tatyana Borisenko
Didactic Games according to the rules road (preparatory Group)

"Our Street".


1. To expand the knowledge of children about the rules of pedestrian behavior and driver in the conditions of the street.

2. Secure the presentation of children about the purpose of the traffic light.

3. To teach children to distinguish road signs (warning prohibiting, prescribing, information - indicative, intended for drivers and pedestrians.

Material: Street layout with houses, intersection; Cars (toys); dolls - pedestrians; Dolls - drivers; traffic lights (toys); Road signs, trees (layout).

The game is held on the layout.

Game traffic:

First option (for pedestrians);

With the help of dolls, children on the task of the teacher play various road situations. So, on the controlled crossroads on the green signal of the traffic lights, the dolls are moving the street, they stop on the yellow, waiting, they continue to stand on red.

Then the dolls go along the sidewalk or the side of the Dogs before the pedestrian crossing, indicated by the informational - index sign "Pedestrian Transition", and there are moving the roadway.

Second version (for drivers):

The educator shows road signs: "traffic light regulation", "Children", "Pedestrian Transition" (warning); "Entry is prohibited", "the sound of the sound signal is prohibited" (prohibiting); "Movement right"; "Movement right" (prescribing); "Bus stop", "Pedestrian Transition", "Underground Pedestrian Transition" (information - index). Children explain what every sign means; Planning road situations.

For the correct answer, the child gets an icon. By the number of icons, scored points are counted. The winners are awarded by the prizes - a car, a doll - a pedestrian, a doll driver.



1. Teach children to distinguish road signs for drivers (cyclists) and pedestrians.

2. Secure the knowledge of children about warning signs: "Railway crossing", "Children", "Dangerous Transition"; Forbidding signs: "Entry is prohibited" (biker, driver, "Bicycle movement is prohibited", "Pass is closed"; prescribing signs: "Mandatory Direction of Movement", "Bicycle Track", "Right", "Left", "right", "Circular motion"; information and indicative signs: "Parking site", "Pedestrian Transition"; service signs: "Item first medical care"," Phone "," Power point "," Petrol station "," Maintenance of cars ".

3. Educating attention, the skills of the conscious use of knowledge of the rules of the road in everyday life.

Material: Cardboard circles with images of road signs; paper envelope with carved in it; wand.

Game traffic:

The tutor inserts a circle into the envelope, on which several signs are drawn, fixes it with a stick. Then it moves the circle so that different signs appear in the window. Children call each sign and explains his appointment.



Clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior on the street, about the rules of the road, about different types Vehicle.

Material: Mock up streets, trees, cars, dolls, pedestrians, traffic lights, road signs.

Game traffic:

The educator examines the street layout with children, asks a number of questions. Children are accompanied by a show on the layout.

What houses on our street?

What movement on our street is one-sided or bilateral?

Where should pedestrians go? Where should cars ride?

What is intersection? Where and how should people move the street?

How is the pedestrian crossing?

How regulated traffic on the street?

What traffic lights do you know?

What road signs are on our street? What are they intended for?

What is it needed for passenger transport? Where do people expect him?

How to behave in transport?

Is it possible to play on the street?

Next, the teacher offers children to "drive" down the street, observing the rules of the road. Then someone from the children acts as a pedestrian. Wins one who is well (without errors) will cope with the role of a driver or pedestrian.

"Types of Crossroads".


1. To introduce children with the types of cross-shots.

2. Learn the rules of the street transition.

3. Develop attention and observation.

Material:paper cards big and little size With the image of street crossings.

Game traffic:

At the invitation of the tutor, children take one big card with the image of street crossings. The educator shows a small cross-shirt. A child who has a similar big card must raise it and show all the playing. "Violator" (the one who made a mistake) is "fine": he must explain what his mistake is.

"Find a mistake."


Secure the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior on the street, in various types of transport.

Game traffic:

The presenter shows pictures of situations (both the correct and incorrect). Children must tell about the rules of transition to the street, the rules of behavior in transport, find, if any, violations of the rules of behavior on the street and public transport.

"Do not snooze".


Secure the knowledge of the rules of the road.

Game traffic:

The educator offers children various road situations depicted in the pictures. Pictures 10 pieces. Each situation has been raised or two. For each correct answer, the participant receives 5 points. If someone scored the most points, he won, because the rules of the road knows best.

"This sign tells us so ..." "


Consolidate knowledge of road signs, develop spectatic memory.

Game traffic:

The teacher picks up familiar road signs, sticks them on the disks that put in an envelope with the window. The teacher indicates a single sign that appeared in the window. Asks: "What does this sign tell us?". Children answer the question.

"You can ride or not."


Secure children's knowledge about means of movement.

Game traffic:

Children take turns out of the box of the picture, show them the group, call the item depicted on it and respond whether it is possible to ride it, or not. Where you can drive, what signs are allowed to move.

"Allowed - forbidden."


To acquaint children with road signs, develop visual memory, raising attention.

Game traffic:

The lead folds in the 2 card columns with the image of the road signs. Cards depicting situations on the road are equal to equally between the participants of the game. Participants in turn lay out one card with the image of the situation opposite the corresponding road signs. The presenter controls the correctness of the performance. Wins the one who laid down all his cards without making a single mistake.

"Continue row"


Learning to deal with road signs, develop logical thinking, the ability to formulate your thoughts, prove your point of view.

Game traffic:

Children are offered ranks of signs where one sign is not depicted, that is, an empty place. Children are invited to explain what the shown signs and empty place will fill out the missing sign or come up with their own and explain it.

Children offer rows of prohibiting warning, allowing signs.

3. Think - Guess


Intensify the process of thinking, attention and speech of children; clarify the idea of \u200b\u200btransport and road rules; Railness and resourcefulness.

Rules: It is necessary to give the correct answer and not shouting it with a choir. Wins the one who received more chips for the right answers.

Educator. I will ask you questions. Who knows the right answer, must raise the hand. Who will be the first to answer correctly, gets a chip. At the end of the game, consider chips and identify the winner.


How many wheels in a passenger car? ( four)

How many people can ride one bike? (one)

Who goes on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

Who drives a car? (Driver)

What is the name of the intersection of two roads? (Crossroads)

Why do you need a driving part? (for traffic traffic)

Which side of the carriage moves transport? (Right)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violated the rules of the road (accident or accident)

Coca light top at the traffic light? (Red)

How old are the children ride a bike on the street? (From 14 years old)

How many signals have a pedestrian traffic light? (Two)

What is the animal like a pedestrian crossing? (On zebra)

How can a pedestrian get into the underground transition? (On the stairs down)

If there is no sidewalk, where you can move pedestrian? (On the side of the left, towards


What machines are equipped with special sound and light signals?

("Ambulance", fire and police cars)

What keeps the traffic police inspector in her hand? (Wand)

Where to play, so as not to be dangerous? (In the courtyard, on the playground)

Cheerful wand


Summarize the ideas about the rules of pedestrian behavior on the street; Knowledge of children, their speech, memory, thinking; Rail a desire to perform traffic rules in life.

Rules: listen carefully answers the goods and not repeat. The team wins that the command that will call more rules for pedestrians. You can give an answer, just hatemped.

The educator divides children into two competing teams, reports the name of the game and its rules.

Educator: The one who I am in the hands of the Wand, will have to name one of the rules of the pedestrian behavior on the street. It is impossible to repeat, so be very attentive! The team will win, which will call more rules and will not happen again.

The rod goes alternately from the same command to another. Children call the rules.

You can go on the street along a pedestrian underpass or only on the traffic light signal.

Pedestrians are allowed to walk only in sidewalks; If there are no sidewalks; If there is no sidewalk, you can move along the left side towards the movement of transport.

It is impossible to run the street in front of closely walking transport and move the street to small children without adults.

Before switching to the street, you need to look left at first, then right and, making sure the security, go.

Similarly, the game "Listen - remember", only children list the rules for passengers.

Development of qualities, skills and skills necessary for a child for safe conduct on the roads and streets through entertainment

Author: Galyautinova Olesya Vladimirovna, instructor on physical culture MBDOU "Kindergarten №6" of Vilyuchinsk Kamchatka Territory

Methodical materials on the topic:
"Development of qualities, skills and skills necessary to a child for safe behavior on the roads and streets through entertainment"
These methodical materials are intended for teachers preschool institutions and teachers primary classes For use at the prevention of child road traffic injuries. Scenarios or their elements presented in the work can be used with preschool and junior children school age (senior, preparatory groups of kindergartens and children 1-2 classes).
Purpose Provided methodological materials is an formation in children needs To the study of the rules of safe behavior on the roads and streets.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were delivered:
1) consolidate knowledge, skills and skills acquired by children in a preschool educational institution;
2) educate in children attention, concentration, caution, speed of the reaction;
3) Create a positive emotional attitude of children.

The most valuable is the health and life of the child, so in kindergarten the question of the safety of children on the streets and roads of the city you need to pay great attention.
Relevance And just the vital need to teach children the rules of the road traffic is undoubted. Statistics argue that very often the cause of road accidents are precisely children. Elementary ignorance of the basics of road rules and an indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway. How to tell preschoolers about road rules? Such serious and vital important information Present an understanding of their understanding and teach it to use it in different situations? Of course, in the form of games, entertainment and leisure. Since each entertainment or leisure, children must make a certain lesson who will be remembered by them will be applied at the right moment and, of course, will help preserve life and health. In many ways, the safety of a pedestrian depends on the rules of behavior on the street. In a difficult situation, with the appearance of the danger of an adult, sometimes knowledge, instinct of self-preservation, dexterity, fast response. Unfortunately, the kids have these qualities not fully and, being in a critical situation, cannot instantly make the right decision. You can avoid danger, only teaching children road rules, and, developing the necessary physical qualities From an early age.

Thematic content

Game "Country Lights"

Goal: Develop the desire to study the rules of the road.
Tasks: 1) intensify and consolidate knowledge of transport types and appointing some road signs;
2) improve the idea of \u200b\u200bsafe behavior on the streets and roads;
3) promote the creation of positive emotional mood.
Equipment: Cape for lead, chips, road signs, large puzzles with car images, colored cubes for building a pyramid; Chest mugs of red and green colors in the number of participants, posters with names of the alley, glued along the hall, green, yellow, red flags.
Stroke Game.
Music sounds, viewers are cleared. There is a leading in the cape "DPS"

Leading: Hello! (Children answer.) Let me introduce yourself: I am the head policeman traffic police. And what do you think it is for the country such - traffic light? ( Responses of children.) I live in this country not one country, but with my alarm, small, but very smart. So, meet: "Red" and "green".

Music sounds, includes two teams in red and green breastplates. They are built and pronounce their river.

We are red signals,
For the movement dangerous.
You rules all observe
And do not yawn on the road.

Green signals ahead,
Tell you when the road to go.
You remember this, friend, always
So as not to happen suddenly trouble!

Leading: Here, dear guests, you met the inhabitants of the traffic police. As in every country, there are many alleys in traffic lights. All of them have their own names and destination. To go through these translates, you need to perform tasks. For the correct execution of the tasks of the team will receive chips.

Lane "Road ABC".
Before the participants there is a set of warning signs. The presenter makes the riddles, and the participants show the corresponding road sign and call it. The team that previously finds the sign and answers the question, gets a chip.

Looking forward to the driver: here for hiking - transition.
So, to not harm them, you are obliged to slow down!
Diffuse all the motors, and attentive chauffery,
If signs say: "Close school, kindergarten! »
("Caution! Children")
Here are some work, nor pass, nor pass.
This place pedestrian is better just to get around!
("Road works")
We walked from the garden home, we see a sign on the pavement:
Circle, inside the bike, there is nothing else ...
("Bicycle movement is prohibited")

Puzzle Lane
Participants of each team from large puzzles, which depict parts of vehicles, must collect a complete image and say, what kind of car it turned out. The chip receives the team, the first copier with the task.

Mass game "Stop"
At one end of the hall, the source line is carried out; About her, playing children are built. At the other side of the hall rises leading. He raises the green flag and says: "Fast stepping, look, do not yaw! "Playing starts movement, but at the same time they watch, whether the green check box is still raised. Driving raises the red checkbox and says: "Stop! "Playing fuses in place. Driving raises the yellow checkbox and says: "Shot on the spot!" When green again rises, playing go ahead. If the child did not stop or started moving forward along the yellow wave signal, he makes a big step back. The one who is the first without mistakes will pass the whole way.

Lane "Road Pyramid"
In front of the participants are multicolored cubes. Responding to the leading questions, the teams receive cubes and build pyramids from them. That team whose pyramid will be higher, gets a chip.

1. How many colors have a traffic light and what are these colors? (Three; red yellow, green)
2. For which part of the street should pedestrians go? (on the sidewalk)
3. What kind of transport do you know? (cargo, passenger, passenger)
4. Can cars ride the sidewalk? (not)
5. What part of the street is intended for transport? (driving part)
6. Name any special type of transport. (ambulance car, policeman, fire truck)
7. Name the type of public transport. (bus, trolleybus, tram)
8. How many lights have a pedestrian traffic light and what color are they? (two; green and red)
9. Where is the pedestrian safely go through the roadway? (by pedestrian crossing)
10. What is Zebra? (so called the image stripes on the road, which denote a pedestrian crossing)
11. When you leave the house to the street, who do you turn into? (in a pedestrian)
12. If you went to the bus, who did you become? (passenger)
13. Imagine that you have grown and driving a car. Who have you become? (driver)
14. Where do you need to wait for the bus, trolleybus? (At the stop)

Lane "Svetoforik"
Guys make a leading riddles. Team, for each unparted riddle a given chip.
I am glazing blinks tirelessly day and night.
I help machines and you want to help you. (Traffic light)

This horse does not eat oats, instead of the legs two wheels.
Sit down and rush on it, only better right steering wheel. (Bicycle)

Lucky, not a horse, self in caloes,
At the red look - immediately stands up! (Car)

On the side of the road, as the soldiers stand.
We are fulfilled with you, all that they are veyd. (Signs)

While the host calculates the chips, the game is held.

Mass game "Traffic light"
For music, children move in a circle, the teacher stops the melody and calls one of the colors of the traffic light. Children depict an appropriate control signal. Red - face in a circle, hands on the sides; Yellow - face in a circle, right hand up; Green - left sideways in a circle, right hand forward.
Leading announces winners.

Entertainment "Visiting traffic lights"

Purpose: prophylaxis of road safety; Prevention of child road traffic injuries.
Tasks: 1) consolidate the knowledge gained on traffic rules;
2) improving the skills of orientation and coordinating their movements in the current situation on the road, Street;
3) Formation of interest in children to learning traffic rules.
Material: Puzzles with the image of machines and signs, landing racks, Dor. Signs, pedestrian walkways, cardboard traffic light, 2 benches, 2 tunnels, mugs of green, yellow, red flowers in the number of all children, big circles of green, red, yellow colors, 2 steering wheel.
The course of entertainment.
Children enter the hall and searge on the benches.

Lead: Seeking more comfortable
Places occupy more
For a holiday to the country traffic light
We invite friends
Child 1.: City in which we live with you
You can rightly compare with the letter
Alphabet of streets, prospectuses, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Child 2.: Here it is the alphabet above his head:
Signs We see everywhere with you.
Alphabet of the city remember always

Light traffic lights traffic.

Traffic light traffic: I hurried, fled
Oh, did I get there?
Is it d \\ with "Zhuravushka"? (Children answer)

Traffic light reform: Oh, sorry, I did not say hello and did not introduce myself! Hello! My name is the traffic light of Migalkin traffic, doctor of road traffic. I am the most important on the road! And here I came to check how the guys know the rules of the road and do they know how to behave outside. And now I will first check which you are quick and attentive.

Commands - participants are built on the source line.

The relay "Who is faster!". Children distributes 2-3 set of paper parts with the image of machines and road signs. Collect the mosaic, children should call the car and sign.

Leading: Guys, tell me, please when we walk on the street, who are we? (Pedestrians). Right! And where should pedestrians go around the street? (Guys answer)
Child: Delighted Zebra to the corner
And the bridge imposed.
And left her stripes
Forever lie on the crossroads.
Leading: And the next relay is called Pedestrians.

Relay "Pedestrians". It is necessary to restart all the chips, go through a pedestrian crossing and run back to the team - to transfer the next one.

Traffic light reform: And these are my helpers-lights.
You should distinguish you clear
Light green, yellow, red.
Get acquainted with them.

Stage "Lightfor" (4 children participate in advance prepared)
One on the chest is a cardboard traffic light, the rest of the mugs of red, yellow and green flowers on the chest. Children are lined with each other. Ahead is a child with a traffic light.
1st child: To help you, the way to go dangerous,
We burn and day and night - green, yellow, red!
Our house traffic lights, we are three native brothers,
We light up on the road to all the guys ...
2nd child: The strictest is red light, if it burns.
Stop! There is no road further, the path is closed for everyone!
3rd child: So that you calmly switched, listen to our advice -
Wait! See soon yellow in the middle of the light!
4th child: And behind him the green light will flash ahead,
He will say: "There are no obstacles, boldly go!
Leading: Guys, tell me, please, how do you need to go around the street? (on the transition) And what types of transitions do you know? (Terrestrial, above-ground, underground)
Child: Pedestrian, pedestrian!
Remember you about the transition!
Underground, terrestrial,
Like zebra
Know that only the transition
From the cars will save you.

The relay "types of transitions". It is necessary to walk to the bench in Zebra (ground transition), go on a bench (overhead passage), crawl into the tunnel (underground pass) And run to go back, transfer the next to the next. Before each transition is the corresponding signs.

Leading: Well done boys! Well coped! And to proceed to the next task, you must first guess the mystery:
Zorkko looks at the station
Behind the wide pavement.
How to look at the red eye
All will stop immediately.
And green winning
And cars and people
Go ahead! (Traffic light)

Traffic light reform: Here I am now and check how you know the traffic light well and know how to distinguish the traffic lights.

Game with all "find your color". Everyone has a red, green or yellow circle. While playing music, all run, not touching each other. As soon as the music calms, everyone should stand under large circles of green, yellow and red colors, respectively, their mugs.

It turns out a road sign. On the chest, he is inverted with the back side of the tablet with a road sign.

Leading: Guys, who is it?
Road sign: I am a road sign. But I can not show the rules of traffic. I can open only when you answer my questions (Transmits the leading questions)

Competition "What? Where? Where? "
1. How many signals from the traffic light? (three)
2. Is it possible to start moving the street on the yellow signal? (not)
3. Where should pedestrians go? (on the sidewalk)
4. Where should cars ride? (by road part)
5. Where can I ride a bicycle? (only on special tracks)
6. Where do people expect passenger transport? (At the stop)

Road sign: Well done guys and now I can show the rules of movement! Do you know me? (Opens "Bicycle movement forbidden") Where can you meet me? (Children answer.) Lead: Right. And the next relay is called "Road Signs"

Game "Road Signs". Teams are in turn show signs, and children must correctly call, which means this sign. Number of signs in the number of children.

Traffic light reform: And now to break a little,
I'm a game for you
I ask questions for you - not just answer them.
If you do according to the rules of the road, then
Reply: "This is me, it's me, it's all my friends"

Game with all "That's me! It's me! These are all my friends! "
- Which of you go ahead
Only where the transition? (Children answer)
- Who flies forward so soon
What does not see traffic lights? (Children are silent)
- who is that red light
This means no stroke? (Children answer)
- Which of you, going home,
Holds the path on the pavement? (Children are silent)
-What of you in the tram close
Inferior to the eldest place? (Children answer)

Leading: Guys, and if we go on a bus or trolleybus, then we are? (Passengers) Right! Let's now imagine that we are passengers. Where do people have to wait for the bus? (At the stop) Is it possible to try to open the doors on the bus yourself? (No, they opens their driver with a special button) And you can talk while driving with the driver? (No, it can not be distracted.) Can you hang out from the window? (It is impossible, it is dangerous) Is it possible to go to the bus while driving? (No, you can fall) Is it possible to talk loud on the bus? (It is impossible, it will interfere with other passengers) Well done boys! You know very well the rules of behavior in public transport.

Child: No matter how difficult the way
You will be polite on the road.
Same senior or old
Cash not forget!
Leading: And the next our relay is called "Sit down to the bus"

The relay "Sit on the bus". On the signal, the last of the column runs to the chip, rushes it and sits on the end of the bench. Such actions perform the whole team. The latter runs the captain with the wheel. He sits down at the beginning of the bench. On this relay ends.

Then, while children are sitting on benches, to them, having embarrassed and holding back, Sv.Sv is suitable. Children inferior to him with the words: "Sit down, please!"

Leading: You see, traffic light traffic, as our kids know the rules of the road and the rules of behavior on the street and in transport! They will never fall into the unpleasant situation on the street, truth guys?
Traffic light reform: Yes, I see that the guys are well versed in road rules and know how to behave on the street and in transport, know road signs. And also they are very clever, attentive and fast. Well done boys!
On the street, be attentive, children,
Remember these rules firmly.
These rules remember always
So as not to happen to you trouble.
Leading: On this, our entertainment ends, and, finally, the guys prepared several advice!
Child 1.: So that there is no trouble,
To become order
Road rules
Do not violate!
Child 2: If you want to be healthy
And live to hundreds of years
You never try
Go to the red light!
Child 3.: Caution on the road!
Take care of hands, legs.
Observe traffic rules,
Otherwise be trouble!

Implementation mechanism and result
In our Garden "Zhuravushka" training of preschoolers by the rules of the road traffic carried out under the traffic light program T.I. Danilova. According to this program, the occupation is recommended 1 time per week. Presented methodological recommendations are implemented within the framework of the traffic light. Scenarios and abstracts of entertainment and games are based on the knowledge base that children get in the process of learning in a circle. The duration of the event is 30 - 40 minutes. Each event is pre-prepared by the necessary equipment, the heroes are invited (if necessary), the hall is decorated accordingly. We spend such entertainment 2 times a month, if possible, during, not intended for a mug, with the goal of more extensive mastering materials according to the rules of the road. The topic "Road Rules" itself is very difficult for a child, heated with its terms and concepts. Therefore, it is necessary to convey to it very sophisticated questions, And to convey so that he, by holding his breath, absorbed the information and with great desire came to classes. This is a form of classes as a game or entertainment, on which my recommendations are based on us.
The purpose of drawing up and conducting data and similar entertainment and games was to form the need for children to study the rules of safe behavior on the street and road. We managed to achieve this goal using the form in which we conducted events - entertainment and the game, as this is one of the main activities of the child. During events, children secured and summarized the knowledge and skills obtained earlier. Also in scenarios included relay and games aimed at the development of coordination, dexterity, the speed of the reaction, which is important when a child gets into a difficult situation on the road that will require a quick and correct response. The proposed recommendations help make the leisure of preschoolers more substantive and interesting, which increases the need for children and motivation to study the rules of the road.

Didactic game card by road rules


Purpose: teach correlate a fabulous character and his vehicle,

correctly call, develop memory, thinking, intelligence.

Game traffic: Children are invited to answer questions from cartoons and fairy tales,

in which vehicles are mentioned.

1. What did Yemel rode for the king to the palace? (On the stove)

2. Favorite Two-Wheel Type of Transportation Cat Leopold? (Bicycle)

3. What lubricated his Motor Karlson, who lives on the roof? (Jam)

4. What gift did the parents of Uncle Fyodor post the postman Pechekin?


5. What turned the good fairy pumpkin for Cinderella? (In the carriage)

6. What did the Old Man Hottabych fly? (On the carpet-plane)

7. Personal transport Baba Yagi? (Mortar)

8. Which went to Leningrad a man scattered from the street of the pool? (On the


9. Fun bears on a bicycle,

And behind them


And behind him, Komariki ...

What did the mosquito fly? (On the balloon.)

10. What did Kai rode? (Sledging)

11. What did the Baron Munchhausen fly? (On the kernel)

12. In addition to the sea of \u200b\u200bthe queen of the queen with a baby in a "tale about Tsar Saltan"? (IN


"Driving School"

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about how to cross the street; about

appointment of traffic lights, regulators and road signs; Exercise B.

orientation in space and time; bring up the courage

resourcefulness, the ability to help a friend.

Material: Double cardboard sheet: on the left sheet pictures with

the image of various road situations, on the right sheet is written


Game traffic: Children view pictures with the image of various road

situations. They must explain the situation shown in the picture,

evaluate the behavior of pedestrians, children's traffic, the need for the necessary

road sign.

"Safe City"

Purpose of the game: give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow important it is to go and ride around the city correctly, develop the ability to perceive real world Cities, consolidate children's knowledge about road signs and road rules.

Rules of the game: The game is played by children from 5 years old and older. Playing up to 3 people.Material: Gaming field, pedestrian figures, road signs, traffic lights, vehicles and a cube.

Game traffic: Before you start, you need to choose the lead. They can become an adult. The presenter puts road signs on the "City", determines the places of bus stops; He also controls the traffic light. The remaining players take the figures of men and distribute vehicles among themselves. Let someone be a bus driver, someone seller in a supermarket, someone builder of the park, someone's student at school. Your roles are limited only to your fantasy. Further, throwing a cube in turn, move around the city. Pedestrians in sidewalks, cars on the roadway. "Walking" by moving the chip in any direction on as many steps forward, how many points fell on the cube. By car - multiply the number of points for three, on a bike - for two. Moreover, the driver of the car can take with him passengers, for example, bring friends. (The cube in this case throws the driver). A, leaving the car, say, in the parking lot, the driver turns into a pedestrian. And you can wait for the bus at the stop and go big company. Green circle (underground transition) allows you to quickly (in one move) and safely go to the other side of the street. And if you hit an orange circle - this place requires you increased attention - you need to skip one move. So, started. From the house - to school, from the store - to the park, from the park - to visit friends. On foot, bike, bus. Observing all the rules of the road.

"Big walk"

Purpose: To acquaint children with road signs necessary for the motorist.

Material: Gaming field, chips, road signs.

Game traffic:

Children on car chips pass through the streets of the city, observing the rules of the road, collect photos of friends and return to their home. Who will first come back, violating fewer rules, he won.

"True False"

Purpose: Secure the rules of safe behavior on the streets and signs of the road.

Material: Gaming field, road signs.

Game traffic:

Children distribute characters in the picture, and each tells about who arrives - right or wrong. Wins one who is more fully and correctly describe the behavior of the selected character.

"Fun Wand"

Tasks: summarize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of pedestrian behavior on the street; intensify the knowledge of children, their speech, memory, thinking; Rail a desire to perform traffic rules in life.

Rules: Listen carefully answers to comrades and not repeat. The team wins that the command that will call more rules for pedestrians. You can give an answer, just hatemped.

The educator divides children into two competing teams, reports the name of the game and its rules.

Educator. The one who I am in the hands of the Wand will have to call one of the rules of pedestrian behavior on the street. The named rules cannot be repeated, so be very careful! The team will win, which will call more rules and will not happen again.

The rod passes alternately from the same command to another. Children call the rules.

Children. You can move the street along a pedestrian underpass or only on a green traffic light signal. Pedestrians are allowed to walk only threaters; If there is no sidewalk, you can move the field side side towards the movement of transport. It is impossible to play near the road and on the carriageway. It is impossible to run the street in front of closely walking transport and move the street to small children without adults. Before switching to the street, you need to look left at first, then right and, making sure the security, go.

Similarly, the game "Listen - remember", only children list the rules for passengers.


Objectives: Teach children road rules; Develop thinking and spatial orientation.

Material: Several playing fields, car, toys.

Game traffic:

Several options for simple game fields are prepared in advance. Each field is a drawing of a branched road system with road signs. This will give the opportunity to change the road situation. For example: "You are a car driver, you need to take a bunny to the hospital, dial gasoline and fix the car. The drawing of the machine indicates the garage, where did you come from and where it should come back. Think and say, in what order you need to visit all these items in order not to violate the rules of the road. And then we will see together, whether you chose the way. "

"Questions and answers"

Purpose: consolidate knowledge of traffic rules, road signs, behavior on the street;

develop thinking, memory, intelligence, speech.

Material: chips.

Game traffic: The educator divides children to two teams, asks questions, children

they answer, the correct answer is given a chip. The team wins

screwing more chips.

1. What parts is the street? (road, sidewalk)

2. Where can I walk for children? (in the courtyard)

3. How to behave in the bus? (do not shout, quiet)

4. Where do people wait for transport? (At the stop)

5. Where can I go through the road? (traffic light, pedestrian crossing)

6. Name traffic lights? (red, yellow, green)

7. What signal can go on the road? (on green)

8. Who can you go through the road? (with adults)

9. What are the man who manages the car? (driver)

10. What makes the car? (body, cabin, wheels)

11. Where are the cars where pedestrians go? (on the road, in the sidewalk)

12. What are there road signs? (prohibiting warning,

service Signs, Information, Indexing, Prescriptions)

13. How to get around the bus? (Wait when I leave)

14. What are the types of transport? (passenger, air, sea,

terrestrial, cargo, geruse, special, etc.)

"Follow the order"


specified sequence.


road signs, signs of denoting "stations" (dining room, railway crossing, kindergarten, school, hospital, etc.), steered.

Preparation for the game: Designing the road and alignment of the studied signs.

Stroke Game : Children from the "dispatcher" (educator) get a task to go,

for example, to the hospital. The child rides and returns back. Next he gets

at once two tasks: "Go to the railway crossing, then you sing in

dining room. " The child must perform tasks in a given sequence.

Gradually, the number of simultaneously these orders increases.

"Where is my seat?"


attention, memory, speech.

Material: large construction material (cubes, bricks, prisms,

cones, cylinders, etc.) for the design of the road, the arrangement on the road

warnings (school, dining room, road repair, etc.) corresponding to

studied road signs.

Game traffic: The task of players replace verbal warnings for the necessary

signs. The game can be carried out in two versions.

1. One player puts signs, the rest evaluate the correctness.

2. Two players compete, who will put the signs faster and more correctly.

"Speaking Road Signs"

Purpose: To teach children to navigate the road signs, keep the rules of the road, be attentive to each other.

Material: Each game field is a drawing of a branched road system with road signs. Machines, game characters.

Game traffic:

Before each child, the field, each task: Driving on the field, observing all the rules, without missing a single sign, to get to the named item.

"Well no"


Game traffic: The teacher asks questions, the children of the choir respond to "yes" or "no".

I Option:

Fast in a mountain ride? - Yes.

Rules Do you know the movements? - Yes.

Here in the traffic lights red light

Can you go across the street? - Not.

Well, and green burns, then

Can you go across the street? - Yes.

I got into the tram, but did not take a ticket.

So what do you think? - Not.

Old woman, advanced very years,

Do you give birth to her place in the tram? - Yes.

Lazy, you prompted the answer,

Well, did you help him with it? - Not.

Well done guys remember,

What is "no", and what "yes",

And do, as you need, try always!

II Option:

Traffic light sign to all children?

Do everyone know him in the world?

Is he on duty at the road?

Does he have hands, legs?

Are there lanterns - three eyes?!

Does it turn on all of them at once?

Here it turned on red light

This means there is no stroke?

What should we go?

Blue - maybe obstacle?

And we will go to the eagle?

On green - rustling?

Well, probably then

On green stand up, right?

Is it possible to run on red?

Well, if carefully?

And go to go to the Guska then

Then, of course, you can? Yes!

I believe my eyes, ears

Traffic light sign to all of you!

And, of course, very happy

I am for competent guys!

"Road signs"

Objectives: Consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior on the street; remember famous road signs; To acquaint with new concepts: "Railway train without a barrier", "Islet of security".

Material: Road signs

"Road Lotto"

Purpose: Consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road; Teach find the right road signs depending on the situation on the road; Develop logical thinking, memory, attention, observation.

Material: Cards with situations on the road, road signs.

Game traffic:

Each child is given a card on which the road situation is depicted, children are invited to find the desired sign, the corresponding situation on the road.

"Road Exam"

Purpose: Training traffic rules and behavior on the road; develop

thinking, memory, attention, speech.

Material: Large building material (cubes, bricks, prisms,

cones, cylinders, etc.) for the design of the road, the arrangement on the road

road signs.

Preparation for the game: Construction of the road and placement of signs.

Game traffic: The child is a driver - a student who comes to the right of driving a car. He "rides" on the road and, envying one or another sign, explains what he should do. For example: Slipping road ahead. Reduce speed, food carefully, without overtaking other cars.

"Road to grandmother"

Objectives: Develop attention, memory, observation in children of preschool age; Contribute to raising road literacy.

Material: The field on which the path to the grandmother with various road signs is depicted; chips; Cube.

Game traffic:

Two - three children offer chairs to get to the grandmother's house, while observing the rules of the road.

"The laws of streets and roads"

Tasks: improve knowledge of the rules of behavior on the streets and roads; Develop attention, the ability to solve problem situations, read road signs, independently navigate on the street; Rail interest to the commercial traffic rules.

Rules: By participating in playing road situations, do not disturb traffic rules. Tasks need to be performed to the end.

Materials: Game field, pedestrian and transport figures, road signs.

1. Acquaintance with the city plan, its buildings and inhabitants. You can give names to the city, river, streets, etc.

2. It is necessary to help residents of the city Choose a safe route to go to the right place: Professor - to the store "Optics" to buy new points, in a kiosk for fresh newspaper, to send a telegram, a witness workshop, etc. Housewife - for Shopping in a bun, grocery store, send a parcel, meet granddaughter from school, etc. Man - a town and railway station, to a football match, to the hotel, restaurant, etc. Schoolgirl - to school, to the library, circus ...

3. You can enter traffic signs, traffic lights, regulators, transport: "ambulance", fire truck, police, taxi, bus, truck "Products". Give the task to solve various problematic situations, while observing the traffic rules. For example, the products "Products" truck will boot the nashboating and dilute of fresh bread in kindergarten, school, restaurant, bread shop.

4. The tutor holds the game in the form of a road quiz by asking children questions.

Where can I ride in the city?

Show the most dangerous places in the city.

What will change on the road with the arrival of winter?

What is the road markup and what is it needed for?

At the same time, the educator simulates the situation - at night a strong hurricane, I threw all the signs in the city, the riots began on the roads - and makes a task to fix it.

"Know and perform traffic rules"

Purpose: Secure the rules of traffic rules with children; Repeat the frequency values.

Material: Illustration of city streets.

Game traffic:

Children make a riddle about traffic lights, discuss the importance of the flower of traffic lights, the analysis of situations on the road and the correct behavior of the characters.

"Game in words"

1. Flood your hands, having heard the word related to the traffic light. Explain

selection of each word.

Dictionary: three eyes, standing on the street, intersection, blue light, one leg,

yellow light, red light, moving across the street, pedestrian assistant,

green light, stands at home.

2. Flood in your hands, having heard the word related to the passenger. Explain the choice of each word.

Dictionary: bus, route, stop, road, bathing, reading, sleep, ticket,

conductor, flight by plane, pedestrian, seat, salon, bed.

3. Make a story with the words: morning, breakfast, road to school (kindergarten), sidewalk, bakery, pharmacy, intersection, ground transition, traffic light, kindergarten.

"Game in the ball"

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about road rules, road


Material: ball.

Game traffic: The tutor with the ball gets into the center of the circle and throws a child to the ball, at the same time asking the question. He answers and throws the ball to the tutor. The game is held with all children in turn.

Educator: On the road who goes?

Child: Pedestrian.

Educator: Who leads the car?

Child: Driver.

Educator: How many "eyes" at the traffic light?

Child: Three Eyes.

Educator: If the red "eye" burns, what does he talk about?

Child: stand and wait.

Educator: If the yellow "eye" is burning, what does he talk about?

Child: Wait.

Educator: If the green "eye" burns, what does he talk about?

Child: You can go.

Educator: Go our legs on the pedestrian ...

Child: track.

Educator: Where are we waiting for a bus?

Child: at the bus stop.

Educator: Where do you play hide and seek?

Child: on the playground.

"Play Yes Shift!"

Tasks: develop mental abilities and visual perception; Learn to correlate the speech form of a description of road signs with their graphic image; Relieve independence, speed of reaction, smelting.

Rules: The image of the road sign closes only after listening to information about it. Wins the one who first correctly close all the images that sounded in riddles or verses.

4-6 children participate in the game, in front of which table signs and empty cards are laid out. The principle of the game - Lotto. The teacher reads the riddles (poems) about road signs, the children cover their image cards on the table.

Hey, driver, carefully!

It is quickly impossible to go.

People know everything in the world -

Children go in this place.

(Sign "Children".)

Here road works -

Neither drive nor pass.

This place is pedestrian

It is better to just get around.

(Sign "Road Works".)

Never follow

Underground passage:

Pedestrian road

There is always free in it.

(Sign "Underground transition".)

He has two wheels and saddle on the frame,

Two pedals are downstairs, twist their legs.

In the Red Circle it costs

About the ban says.

(Sign "Bicycle Movement is prohibited.")

This zebra on the road

I'm not at all afraid.

If everything is in order,

Strins in the way I will spend.

(Sign "Pedestrian crossing".)

Red Circle, Rectangle

A preschooler must know.

This is a very strict sign.

And where would you not hurried

With dad on car -

Do not pass in any way!

(Sign "Entry is prohibited".)

I'm not soapped on the road,

Roof fruits, vegetables.

Got sick and see item

Medical care. (Sign "Item First Medical Aid".)

This sign on moving -

In difficult, notice, place.

Here the barrier is not worth

The locomotive is might and the smoke.

He scored the speed already

So be on the relatives. (Sign "Railway crossing

without a barrier. ")

"Red and green"

Purpose: Teach children to establish links between objects and phenomena, act across the signal.

Materials for the game:Two mug (green and red), machine.

Game traffic: The game is held with one child. The tutor takes two mug - red and green, - offers a child to take a toy: the car and says:

You, Vasya, the chauffeur, you yourself will drive the car. When I show the green circle, the car can go. That's how (shows). When you see a red circle, the car must stop.

"How to get to?"

Purpose: consolidate the rules of the road, develop orientation in

space, attention, thinking, memory, skill to execute the command in

specified sequence.

Material: Large building material (cubes, bricks, etc.), signs "Traffic right", "Movement right", "Movement to the left.

Preparation for the game: Construction of the road using signs

"Movement straight", "Movement right", "Legal movement". Noted

points of departure and destination.

Game traffic: Children (from one to three) must go to the point

destination. Wins the one who did it faster without breaking the rules

road traffic.

Purpose: Exercise children in recognition and correctly called road signs,

develop attention, thinking, memory, speech.

Material: Road signs.

Game traffic: The presenter shows signs, children answer, observing the order

"Who is an excellent pedestrian?"

Objectives: Consolidate children's knowledge of road rules (traffic lights, pedestrian transition); Educating prishability, attention.

Materials: 2 chips and a cube with numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6. Game field.

Game traffic:

The first pedestrian comes out of the house number 1, the second from the house number 2. Throw cubes in turn, while the number 1 will not fall on the cube 1, the second is the number 2. And the cubes are thrown again. At the same time it is necessary to carefully look at multicolored pictures. On the first picture on the traffic lights the red light burns. So, the pedestrian can not jump on that circle that stands after the traffic light. He patiently stands still. In the second picture - a car. You can not cross the road, you need to wait. On the third - on the traffic light green. You can move the chip on as many circles as the cube shows. In the fourth picture - a motorcyclist. You need to skip it, stop. On the sixth picture on the traffic lights the yellow light burns. And the pedestrian can stop right in the picture itself. At the seventh picture - the adjustor. It is safe to him, you can go straight home to my grandmother. Who is the first, without breaking the rules of the road, will come to her grandmother, he won.


Purpose of the game: To form the ability to fold the image from the details of the geometric constructor-mosaic, combining various figures, changing their position on the plane of the table;

develop the memory, the speech of children, to educate their creative activity;

develop logical thinking, the ability to make parts of the whole.

Material: Envelope for each player, where the logical table of machines from geometric shapes with one empty cell is indicated; geometric figures different color.

Game traffic: The tutor, together with children, disassembles which machines are depicted in a logical table. Example of reasoning: Look, each machine consists of cabins, body and wheels. First choose the cabin. Tell me, do machines in the first line have the same cabins? And in the second line? And in the first column? So, in the third line, all machines must have different cabins. But in the third line there are already cars with a rectangular cabin and with a cabin in the form of an incorrect quadrangle. What should be the cabin from our car? That's right, triangular. And now let's find out what the body should be? Arguing similarly, children find a suitable triangular body. The educator asks for children to explain his choice by helping them to build statements like reasoning.

"We are passengers"

Objectives: Clarify the knowledge of children that we are all passengers; Secure landing rules in transport and disembarking from it.

Material: Pictures with road situations.

Game traffic:

Children take one picture and tell that they are drawn, explaining how to act in one way or another.

"We are drivers"

Tasks: help learn to understand the road symbols and its specificity (on the example of road signs), see its basic qualities - image image, brevity, generalization; To form and develop the ability to independently invent graphic characters, see and solve problems.

Rules: You need to come up with a road sign that is most similar to the sobbanist. The most successful sign gets a chip - a green circle. Wins one who gains more circles.


cards with road signs on the series: The road goes to the medical unit (maintenance point, dining room, gas station, etc. - 6variants); meetings on the road (people, animals, types of transport - 6variants); difficulties in the way, possible dangers (6 options); prohibitive signs (6 options);

a piece of chalk, if the branched road is drawn, or paper strips depicting such roads;

small car or bus;

green mugs - 30 pcs.

Children sit around the shifted tables, on which the branched road from the paper is unfolded.

The teacher puts the car at the beginning of the road, calls the game and along with children discusses the duties of the driver.

Educator. Each driver car is obliged to know how it is arranged, how to start it, repair how to manage it. The driver's work is very difficult. We have to quickly transport people and cargo. It is very important that no incidents are happening on the road. There may be different surprises: then the road branches, and the driver must be solved, where to go, the path lies past the school or kindergarten, and small children can jump onto the road, then suddenly the passenger who goes next to the driver, felt bad and his It is necessary to urgently deliver to the hospital or in the car something suddenly broke, or gasoline ended. How to do the driver? Maybe ask passersby where the hospital is located, where can I fix it or fill the car? And if the desert road and passersby do not? Or don't passersby answer the driver's question? How to be?

Responses of children.

Of course, along the road, you need to put special signs to the driver, even if he goes very quickly, looked at the sign and immediately understood what he warns or reports. Therefore, drivers must know all the signs found on the roads. When you become adults, you will also be able to learn how to drive a car, but with road signs we will meet today, which means one or another sign.

The car rises quickly on the road and suddenly ...

The following describes the situation when it urgently needs to find a telephone, dining room, medplex, car service, gas station, etc. The car stops, and children should guess what the sign looks like, near which the driver stopped his car. They offer their own icons (which, in their opinion, should be drawn). The teacher reminds that the car is usually driving quickly, the driver should take a look and immediately understand the sign, so the sign should be simple, there should be nothing superfluous on it. The teacher then shows a road sign and puts it on the place of stopping the car, and the children along with the educator estimate all the options for signs, rewarding the greatest mug of the most successful of them. Game continues. The educator focuses his story on his road signs.

Today we learned some road signs that help drivers in work. And you, when you go down the street or go in transport, pay attention to road signs placed along the road, prompt adults what they mean.

And now we must summarize our game and learn the winner.

Children consider their green mugs. The teacher congratulates the winners, celebrates the most active children, encourages timid and shy.

"On the island"

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about how to bypass different types

transport; acquaint with the most typical road transport

situations and relevant rules of pedestrian behavior.

Material: Pictures depicting different situations involving

pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights.

Game traffic: Children should consider and explain the situation depicted in the picture, assess the behavior of pedestrians, passengers, drivers; Explain the need to install the desired road sign.

"Find a safe way"

Preparation for the game: Depending on the age of children, the teacher tells

or asks children:

Will you can go around the street everywhere?

What signs indicate that in this place is allowed to move the street?

Where and why need to look at the beginning of the street transition?

Where and why it is necessary to look in the middle of the street, on which cars are going to two


What does it look like and what does a pedestrian transition sign warn?

Why did Zebra drew on the road?

Purpose: consolidate the rules of the road and behavior on the road; develop

thinking, memory, attention, expand vocabulary.

Material: Street layout (road part), road signs, traffic lights,

transport (cars passenger, freight).

Game traffic: Children play various situations on the layout.

"Find the desired sign"

Objectives: Consolidate in children knowledge of road alphabet; Learn to learn the road signs needed for a pedestrian security on the road.

Material: The cardboard sheet on which the car is depicted in the corner, and in another person; Road signs on velcro.

Game traffic:

The child is offered a field on which the machines are depicted in the corners, and in another person; Child needs to choose from the proposed signs to choose the desired for the driver and for a person.

"Teach melanchka PDD"

Tasks: consolidate the knowledge gained earlier on the rules of the road; Systematize knowledge of safe road behavior; Railing to discipline, respect for traffic rules. Develop the ability to formulate their thoughts, listen to each other.

Rules: Clearly explain the rules of the road, without repeating and without interrupting each other.

The teacher tells children about the minor - a boy who does not know how to behave outside, and constantly falls into various unpleasant situations.

Educator . Soon, Dunno goes to school in grade 1 and if he does not learn traffic rules, it will fall into these ridiculous stories every day, be late for lessons or can even get to the hospital. What to do?

Children offer help minted to learn security rules on the road.

Dunno. I left the house today and decided to play football, but there was no one in the yard, and I went to the street, I threw the ball, and he gave way to the road. I began to scold passersby, but I didn't do anything like this ...

Together with the children, Dunno disaccues the road situation. Children explain the deferment of security rules.

Then I wanted to cross the street, but the brakes of cars and drivers began to scream at me. Why they shouted - I do not know ...

Children explain how to properly move the street.

And when I sat down on the bus, I was punished at all and planted near the Skordor. For what - I do not know. I did nothing, just got up on the seat and stuck my head into the window to look at the car.

Children explain the deferment of the rules of behavior in public transport. The educator leads some more situations that children help solve. The accomplice of the game Dynouries thanks the guys for the help and promises not to disturb more traffic rules.

The educator accompanies melanomy with the words: "If you have problems, then come in guys help you."

"Our friend's friend"

Purpose: consolidate the ideas about the profession of the regulator, its functions;

signs of gestures (which gesture of which signal of the traffic light corresponds to),

develop attention friendly attitude to peers.

Material: Cache, wand controller.

See: Postech

Rose on our pavement

Quickly handed the hand

Deftly wand waved.

Have you seen? Have you seen?

All cars immediately got up.

Together got up in three rows

And do not go anywhere.

The people are not worried

Across the street goes.

And stands on the pavement

As a wizard of the wizard.

All cars are alone

Obey him.


Game traffic: Leading-page. Children players are divided into pedestrians and drivers.

On the regulator's gesture drivers and pedestrians go (ride) or

stop. Initially, the role of the post is taken by the educator. Then,

when children will starve the regulator gestures, they can perform this role


"Our Street"

Purpose: expand the knowledge of children about the rules of pedestrian behavior and driver in

street conditions; consolidate the presentation of children about the purpose of the traffic light; Teach children distinguish road signs (warning prohibiting,

prescribing, information - index) intended for

drivers and pedestrians.

Material: Street layout with houses, intersection; Cars (toys); dolls - pedestrians; Dolls - drivers; traffic light (toy); Road signs, trees (layouts). The game is held on the layout.

Game traffic: With the help of dolls, children on the task of the teacher play various road situations.

Objectives: Develop observation in children (on the example of observing the work of the regulator); learn to find the desired traffic light depending on the regulator position; Develop memory in children, attention.

Material: Three cards with different adjustment images that correspond to traffic lights, on the back of each card, a traffic light without signals.

Game traffic:

The child needs to pick up to each card with the position of the controller, the signal of the memory traffic light.

"Repair traffic lights"

Purpose: Fasten children's knowledge about traffic lights.

Material: Traffic light pattern, red, yellow, green circles.

Game traffic: The teacher explains to children that the traffic light broke, it is necessary to repair the traffic light (properly assembled in color). Children impose circles on a ready-made traffic template.

"Pass the Wand"

Purpose: consolidate the presentation of children about road signs, traffic rules, exercise in

the correct name of road signs, the wording of traffic rules, develop

logical thinking, attention, intelligence, intensify speech.

Material: Wand regulator.

Game traffic: Playing line up in a circle. The rod of the regulator is transmitted to the player on the left. Prerequisite: Take a rod right hand, shifting into the left and transfer to another participant. Transfer goes to the music. As soon as the music is interrupted, one who turns out the rod, raises it up and calls any rule of road traffic (or road sign).

Issted or incorrectly called a road sign dropping out of the game.

Wins the last remaining player.

"Pedestrians and drivers"

Purpose: Training road rules, road behavior, consolidate

presentations of children about the assignment of traffic lights, instilling stable

motivation to PDD compliance, develop attention, thinking, orientation

in space.

Material: Road signs, traffic lights, steering, handbags with Irushki, table, coupons,

signboard "Toys Store", toys, strollers, dolls, certificates -

green circle of cardboard. Children in the form of traffic police inspectors (cap, cape with letters inspector traffic police or traffic police badge), children - pedestrians, children - drivers, child-garment toys.

Game traffic: Part of the guys depicts pedestrians, and part of drivers. Drivers must pass the exams on the right of the chauffeure and get the car. Guys - drivers are sent to the table, where the "Traffic police commission" is located and the exam is passed. Pedestrians are sent to the shopping toy store. Then with dolls, strollers go to the intersection. The Commission asks questions to drivers:

What light can machine moving?

What light you can not move?

What is driving part?

What is the sidewalk?

Name signs ("Pedestrian Transition", "Children", etc.)

Suppressing exam receive certificates (green circles) and coupons;

members of the Commission congratulates them. Drivers are sent to the parking lot

car, sit in them and go to the regulated intersection. Pedestrians

from the store, too, go to this intersection. At the intersection:

Attention! Now the movement will begin through the streets. Follow the traffic lights,

(The traffic light is connected, cars go, pedestrians go. Signal change.)

the game continues until all children digest the rules of movement.

"On the way to"

Objectives: Consolidate knowledge of various types of transport; Training attention, memory.

Material: Pictures of cargo, passenger transport, chips.

Game traffic:

Before the trip, agree with the children, who will collect any type of transport (for clarity, you can distribute pictures of cargo and passenger transport, you can also take specialized transport: militia, firefighters, ambulance, etc.). On the way, children pay attention to cars, calling them to get chips for it. Who will collect more, he won.


Purpose: develop coordination of the movements of the hands (right, left), visual

attention, thinking, the ability to execute the command, according to the sign in the hands


Material: Signs: "Movement right", "Movement right", "Movement

left ", steered.

Preparation for the game: Children are built in a side by face to the tutor. If the game

it is conducted by a subgroup of 6 people, then the children are heard. At the teacher, signs: "Movement right", "Movement right", "Legal movement".

Game traffic: If the tutor shows the "movement right" sign, then children

make one step forward if the "Movement right" sign is children, imitating

steering turn, turn right if the "movement movement" sign is children

imitating the steering wheel rotation, turn left.

"Pick up the sign"

Objectives: Teach children to compare road signs by value; Develop in children observation.

Material: Cards on which samples of signs differ in shape, color; Road signs of various meanings and species.

Game traffic:

Before each child lies a card on which a sample of a sign is depicted, the child needs to pick up other signs to the sample corresponding to the form, color, then it is necessary to explain the meaning of the signs on the card.

"Think - Guess"

Purpose: clarify the views on transport and rules of the road;

intensify the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; Educate

sophistication and resourcefulness.

Material: chips.

Game traffic: The educator sets questions to children. Who of children know the right

the answer raises your hand. Who will be the first to answer correctly, gets a chip.

Wins the one who received more chips for the right answers.


How many wheels in a passenger car? (four)

How many people can ride one bike? (one)

Who goes on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

Who drives a car? (Driver)

What is the name of the intersection of two roads? (Crossroads)

Why do you need a driving part? (For traffic traffic)

Which side of the carriage moves transport? (Right)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violated the rules of the road

movement? (Accident or Accident)

What is the light top at the traffic light? (Red)

How many signals from the traffic light? (Three)

What is the animal like a pedestrian crossing? (On zebra)

What machines are equipped with special sound and light

signals? ("Ambulance", fire and police car)

What keeps the traffic police inspector in her hand? (Wand)

Where do you need to play so as not to be dangerous? (In the courtyard, on the playground).

"Put the road sign"

Purpose: Teach children to distinguish the following road signs: "Railway crossing", "Children", "Pedestrian Transition", (warning); "Entry is prohibited", "Pass is closed" (prohibiting); "Right", "right", "left", "" circular motion "," Pedestrian track "(prescribing); "Parking place", "Pedestrian Transition", "Point of Medical Aid", "Power Station", "Phone", "Power point" (informational and index); Educating attention, orientation skills in space.

Material: road signs; Street layout with the image of roads, pedestrian

transitions, buildings, intersections, cars.

Game traffic: Playing various road situations.

"Traffic Laws"

Objectives: Consolidate the basis of road certificates; introduce the main road signs, their classification, appointment; Promoting the development of attention, memory, thinking.

Game traffic:

The educator assumes the role of the traffic police inspector. Participants are moving in gaming field With the help of a cube. The green color fell - the movement is allowed, yellow - attention, red - stand - playing passes the move. If the chip stopped on the field with the image of the road sign, the participant needs to find a sign from this group in the "Common Bank". Wins the one who gains the greatest number of points. 1 Card - one point.

"Rules of behavior"

Objectives: Consolidate the rules of behavior with children; Discuss various dangerous situations that may arise when playing in the courtyard at home, on the street; Teach the necessary precautions.

Material: Cutting pictures.

Game traffic:

On the board, pictures on which people are depicted in various situations. The educator invites children to consider them. Children view these pictures, choose anyone and tell, remembering the rules of the road, which cannot be done and how to act.


Purpose: consolidate knowledge of road signs, develop thinking,

attention, memory, speech.

Material: Building material (cubes, bricks, prisms, etc.),

road signs, magic hats.

Preparation for the game: The educator designs the road in advance and puts

signs incorrect (near Zebra sign "Slippery Road", etc.) then

tells children a story about how evil "perfumes" decided to visit in the city

mess and asks to help correct the situation.

Game traffic: Children, turning into good wizards, set signs

right. Explain what they do.

"Travel by car"

Purpose: Secure the knowledge of road signs and rules of behavior on the streets with children.

Material: Gaming field, chips.

Game traffic:

On the playing field, children begin to play. Passing by road signs, stop, telling about each of them. Wins the one who will reach the sea.

"Cutting signs"

Objectives: Develop the ability to distinguish road signs; consolidate the name of the road signs; Develop in children logical thinking, eye meer.

Material: Split signs; Sample signs.

Game traffic:

The child is first offered to remember what traffic signs he knows, and then sample is asked to collect cut signs. If the child is easily coping, then he is offered to collect signs of memory.

"Traffic light and adjustr"

Objectives: Clarify the knowledge of children about the work of the traffic police officers (regulator); explain the meaning of his gestures; Learn children to relate control gestures with traffic light color.

Material: Adjustable adjustment wand, traffic signs.

Game traffic:

After explaining the educator, children in turn perform in the role of the regulator, showing his gestures, the rest depending on the "Regulator" position show the desired signal of the traffic light.

"Traffic light"

Purpose: consolidate the presentation of children about the purpose of the traffic light, about its signals,

develop attention, visual perception; bring up independence

fast reaction, smelting.

Material: Circles of red, yellow, green, traffic light.

Game traffic: Presenter, distributing the children of a mug of green, yellow, red colors,

consistently switches the traffic light, and the children show the appropriate

mugs and explain what each of them means.

"Listen - remember"

Purpose: consolidate the rules of the road and pedestrian behavior on

street, develop connected speech, thinking, memory, attention.

Material: Wand for regulation of the road.

Game traffic: Leading with a rod in his hand comes up to one of the participants of the game,

transmits him a rod and his question about the rules of pedestrian behavior on the street.

"Name one of the rules of the pedestrian behavior on the street." - "You can not go

street in front of closely walking transport. " If the answer is correct, leading

transmits a rod to another participant of the game, etc. It is necessary that the answers are not

they repeated, so everyone should be attentive.

"Gather Road Situations"

Tasks: exercise in designing, skilling from individual elements to make a whole image; consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of safe conduct on the roads; develop perception, thinking; bring up independence, the ability to bring the started thing to the end.

Rules: As soon as possible, it is possible to properly assemble the whole picture from the parts, fully tell the road situation on it.

Materials: Two (or more) dice set with glitched pictures reflecting road situations. The number of drawings corresponds to the number of sides of the cube.

The teacher resembles children, what road situations they have considered.

Educator. We have cut pictures with road situations start and stuck on cubes. And now you need to fold these situations out of the parts of the person in a person and tell us as much as possible about it - what is depicted there, who comes correctly, and who is not and why?

Children alternately collect road sites from cubes and tell them. He wins the one who quickly folded the picture and fully told about her.

With children you can make similar cubes for the didactic game "Collect Road Signs" (cars, etc.).

"Gather a sign"

Purpose:consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs and traffic rules; Develop logical

thinking, attentiveness; educate the culture of the safe behavior of children

on the road and in public places.

Material: In the envelopes of puzzles - road signs, chips.

Game traffic: The educator departs children on crews and a common team (whistle signal) children open envelopes and fold their signs from parts (puzzles). After 5 - 7 minutes the game stops. How many signs are assembled correctly, the team receives so many points. You can earn I.

extra glasses if the players will correctly answer how the sign is called and

what it matters. For the correct answer, the teacher gives the crew chip.

Objectives: To teach children to navigate the road signs, follow the rules of the road, to educate the ability to be polite, attentive to each other.

Material: Game canvas, road signs, cars, figures of people.

Game traffic:

Children choose their cars and figures of people, focusing on the drawn situation, spend their characters on the game field.

Purpose: Teach children to distinguish and correctly call road signs, their

appointment; develop attention, memory; Relieve moral qualities:

consistency and cooperation.

Material: Maps depicting road signs, wheels of yellow.

Game traffic: The game can participate from 2 to 10 guys. Children sit around

tables, everyone gets cards with road signs. The educator explains

kids that they will twist the disk in turn and for the correct named

road sign and his appointment will receive a yellow circle from the cashier and close the same sign on their map if it is available. Cashier is appointed, it is transferred to the earthen circles. The teacher distributes the cards to sitting children. The game begins. The presenter rotates the disc and together with the children pronounces words:

Arrow, arrow, twink,

All of you show signs,

Show us as soon as

What sign to you are a nail!






Purpose of the game:{!LANG-a89d4b850efcfc1364f3b5fe69977035!}




Game traffic:{!LANG-dd9066a55d337226182c0ff0eeec6830!}


Purpose of the game:{!LANG-ddd00bd87638d44d3b13f18e16cac25d!}





Game traffic:{!LANG-6353b4a926c127504f8d01435d8e7552!}



Game traffic:{!LANG-286a9866ddf9ba23ce8b06461fd06519!}























































































Stroke Game{!LANG-a6a60bd481661752801d9218e35ff755!}
















Game traffic:

{!LANG-7e6430a8d0ec6f7b0839b515550b091a!} {!LANG-46a36306e82cdd0ea35def9c562bedc0!}{!LANG-8dc2079542455cc77de0092a69fb3998!}




Game traffic:







Game traffic:






Game traffic:{!LANG-47c34be8bee32954c9f41b29aa6c8253!}













Game traffic:{!LANG-0a80ca0624300c829371470bcf4afa8b!}































































Responses of children.















Game traffic:{!LANG-ef8ef080f10451abbbef7b4be08ca7a2!}




















Game traffic:



  1. "Automuli"
  2. {!LANG-93b352d3141102b161f971a6c0492293!}
  3. "Safe City"
  4. {!LANG-8da1c54b4194d256f5399f2348fb4887!}
  5. "True False"
  6. "Fun Wand"
  7. "Drivers"
  8. "Questions and answers"
  9. "Follow the order"
  10. "Where is my seat?"
  11. "Speaking Road Signs"
  12. "Well no"
  13. "Road Lotto"
  14. "Road Exam"
  15. "Road to grandmother"
  16. {!LANG-6eb6a4876fbec51b950b7301b2ab83e3!}
  17. "The laws of streets and roads"
  18. "Game in the ball"
  19. "Game in words"
  20. {!LANG-5f670c69202e6e282dc9b9379656accd!}
  21. "How to get to?"
  22. {!LANG-7cf82e2c15f03e944bc95728936a389d!}
  23. {!LANG-dc29d74b39ad65182626fe6034c15a29!}
  24. "Who is an excellent pedestrian?"
  25. "Cars"
  26. "We are passengers"
  27. "On the island"
  28. "Find a safe way"
  29. "Find the desired sign"
  30. "Teach melanchka PDD"
  31. "Our friend's friend"
  32. "Our Street"
  33. {!LANG-4c5e16fb1e24f6ecb8c49f812892496b!}
  34. "Repair traffic lights"
  35. "Pass the Wand"
  36. "Pedestrians and drivers"
  37. "On the way to"
  38. "Turns"
  39. "Pick up the sign"
  40. "Think - Guess"
  41. "Put the road sign"
  42. "Traffic Laws"
  43. "Rules of behavior"
  44. "Confusion"
  45. {!LANG-8302ab7d861a2f56e4188c120ce3289d!}
  46. "Cutting signs"
  47. "Traffic light and adjustr"
  48. "Traffic light"
  49. "Listen - remember"
  50. "Gather Road Situations"
  51. "Gather a sign"
  52. {!LANG-b6210275bcad6ab729018dd044ff241e!}
  53. {!LANG-8cb236bcc83c025c9d8249f41bf6bbf7!}
  54. {!LANG-f0ce2e6ec060040922884010b0bc4e60!}
  55. {!LANG-440e62910190e6b514007e5dae38f4bd!}
  56. {!LANG-016bede50ab47baa0e9034df0e655180!}
  57. {!LANG-8a09f1dd0c19c2691d3de9b01774b6ab!}
  58. {!LANG-ca283944c319c9e1abcefcbba00475bc!}
  59. {!LANG-1adc9a6c7a76e96c018f72ad63c523da!}
  60. {!LANG-70ed29ba32db38cbf58e71da3acdfdd9!}
  61. {!LANG-aca6a0c3289e56fa51bef025be351eab!}
  62. {!LANG-3cdbfd05e99b1258fe83bee762b073ae!}
  63. {!LANG-1258643dcc6c94d40dbe2a25d0b06a44!}
  64. {!LANG-93b152cb7d991282db109ef4c07eb449!}
  65. {!LANG-ebd7a4017b3135b05085c8d36f01264c!}
  66. {!LANG-8896ab38348bbc0f7aec2be5a8f0cc99!}
  67. {!LANG-a3582b539aed622ea52ec6cccd7d8019!}




{!LANG-2b2a91f336b7079bad0133a583fab5d1!} {!LANG-3c1f4ea3988c4da14435d5fd4f758661!}{!LANG-a7c9a6e43cf0f8f9c1633a8d4f03cc9a!}

{!LANG-9b9839a6703565915344aaa846ca3ddd!} {!LANG-4f6cb6a4e7fdc2f6179f8af2d5b2d81b!}{!LANG-50d729dcbad1bdc9ddd739a64cd661cd!} {!LANG-0a7b0679c27efe85ac843aecaf40e2e3!}{!LANG-eb6c9b764b042377a7a978b1427a4954!} {!LANG-458df2a676e35c32a4479b4c64146094!}{!LANG-0e750b64f7a3f791775a9d98d73b108d!}












{!LANG-bab97e8940cbe242b6c43c3356b13936!}{!LANG-b3ce11f8ef717fcd4cbf0c2799095766!} {!LANG-f8dfdc344fda4d294e4c4dbcb5c81b02!}{!LANG-c5e52592a4d532e5b996defb80aac13f!}



















































































Game traffic:





Game traffic:


"Gather a sign"



Game traffic:


"Think - Guess"



Game traffic:


{!LANG-7b065569a07253f324f56b0d27783738!} (4)

{!LANG-4992d58ce755a68a6ff812e0a1892e4f!} (1)

{!LANG-ffe08480b3f34070d54d0f6cc7be4f76!} {!LANG-ae8be119f6bdbf23c0bb98b51df4bc63!}

{!LANG-2b3cb1a8d2cdce00900a36b3c74ceb9a!} {!LANG-a715f64d674a0ab4f0297644206197c9!}

{!LANG-1b3a8eab02ed71a3e51355639329674c!} {!LANG-3e63c8aa22dd2bb5c8a9e5c55ee5af87!}

{!LANG-1028bf0d43d5c3b12a8aa2d5e2ed7e9e!} {!LANG-e49056d68dbac42e66ca0fa1a6ce88d6!}

{!LANG-6f924fd2ae1786367041e32c54e7f798!} {!LANG-e5a50c0ec15157e41146df1629138398!}

{!LANG-f096bfc2e2305282ca5517fd27f1f8de!} {!LANG-010dfc39747e09907c122adf4634597d!}

{!LANG-ff2838e70ef7f1a437f72e37f929852c!} {!LANG-8219d3aed2899d81608ffdbe9e50c469!}

{!LANG-6d38ce25704a2670f1fe4a3d241e43b0!} {!LANG-02a1f3e06d9bb1336a3b36c3637e7c50!}

{!LANG-45d2594f940a55d8a644969954c48753!} {!LANG-2dba0f2a080c8cce82b712322e849883!}

What machines are equipped with special sound and light signals?


{!LANG-56813bb707d656686b882824acf0991a!} {!LANG-c99f032e2fb22d6720f98b2e190b8b62!}

{!LANG-cfcdb7710a2cd2fe2b9c2ed7a396e4a7!} {!LANG-7b12e06104bb9ffcad9a2cf5f80585a2!}



Material: {!LANG-3cf93fe57914e019836e383ec0a5d0d9!}{!LANG-e4c03d4e6ff7254c3aa2eaa66d8d1606!}

Game traffic:


"Traffic light"



Game traffic:





Game traffic:






Game traffic:


{!LANG-91a6fedb76bc89740011fa0b99493b1a!} {!LANG-2208192a8e819beebc2e86ded79f9e72!}

{!LANG-7024af26f5a058cdd9d5dc922053474f!} (Bicycle)

{!LANG-79f699d0044cfb51d55d404d0ae99224!} {!LANG-8eb3677c3b745a8bd783a2ecab134ba4!}

{!LANG-2d488fd53f3b969725d6e83274956011!} (Bicycle)

{!LANG-2268a8d4df79b244dbeafe63f6b68349!} {!LANG-97c78102fcfaddc6ebbb1d4820691005!}

{!LANG-ba38912cbecab48940e93cc87f47bff7!} {!LANG-9fcb9201c5a0f66d6d2961149f7d5e7e!}

{!LANG-d566cc56cccb7523ac912cbbbdcad998!} {!LANG-52917ea507e2368ad92405999da7d03f!}

{!LANG-3177e99c04ad04d3100049e43b815209!} {!LANG-a39a0e5c3b457b655c9b4091532f1cf6!}

{!LANG-31c42a5a923717194d5ecb0b01bc7db5!} {!LANG-667df203f722e14f3b24ac334cd3d100!}

{!LANG-33a22636b886db0bb5085a564d51311e!} {!LANG-23f3dced5a411f2a4db9b632300bbdbb!}

{!LANG-7c38e299148cc4d01d690cbf622bc574!} {!LANG-b3fff670dccfdc348481d048dba6efb8!}

{!LANG-2c5a5df570ad9e4a04fb9747b7906a5a!} {!LANG-ed80240371968c9bf9f888a31d03434c!}




Stroke Game:


"Questions and answers"



Game traffic:


{!LANG-a948c6c95a55316ed7b096f7f5202283!} {!LANG-8ce370164d27e6cebf64774b2acc8201!}

{!LANG-d7d7b7302740bf333742ef8073c0f549!} {!LANG-8056d7d2983d2bc7c5b5a7ac1931f4a4!}

{!LANG-e9400b4c083e668abe51a64ac4174fdc!} {!LANG-31579e4101994e141a28c0b8a328e876!}

{!LANG-f414cc6d42ce71d3ec102581ad46f271!} (At the stop)

{!LANG-ae4e2228ee705e359e74682248adfd2e!} {!LANG-53c835d19976760b72f83c8122d5ef46!}

{!LANG-f26628bdad95bb7b4ff97e4a7a201560!} {!LANG-6b3fc4eed0b4c3cf4486a16513bf9d94!}

{!LANG-ab1ece0ce9257f16f1c0a2a8c15c323b!} {!LANG-db786b1523fd72efa57bded551581e21!}

{!LANG-d537c8ecc41862adf1e6c9818b75ce99!} {!LANG-5bfc2719a0d2d371cf0c76b2412b971b!}

{!LANG-5b27bf86d257b9a7615b2834df8cc346!} {!LANG-c0222b403d839fbf09cba523ba2f72b7!}

{!LANG-44550738aceb1e397a1d1dcf4b6dc072!} {!LANG-1d839288b98c728748bd32c8df83e266!}

{!LANG-9c4619e0f3aaa7d9c7ecd39a86d20ee5!} {!LANG-95551834463531c82267beee8f0e6d57!}

{!LANG-4f80b8846108fbb00bf8bcddc8cce03d!} {!LANG-c105fd3feac35f5fe7dc855632f9c347!}

{!LANG-feff29a5ac1a76026c7fe32f24eadfab!} {!LANG-8f75187263e376694c774d8cdca5d865!}

{!LANG-d3d0ce47dcbd7acb417b5c2d6349caa5!} {!LANG-43f029679423e3cfe4d8c9f3aa860966!}{!LANG-181172423a6be3bc9ffdcd399f0ec687!}

"Repair traffic lights"



Game traffic:


"Well no"


Game traffic:



{!LANG-9a0043f21a536cf5dff888161a114466!} {!LANG-6e6cf4c0d2b0af87dddf48fb218016a5!}

{!LANG-53bddafdf9f3cbbc95b8c32b5ba28ecf!} {!LANG-6e6cf4c0d2b0af87dddf48fb218016a5!}


{!LANG-c5aef8eff0da5dd44ea3259722bf916d!} {!LANG-b35e25edc7f221c77eb29d8f2bfb6eb5!}


{!LANG-c5aef8eff0da5dd44ea3259722bf916d!} {!LANG-6e6cf4c0d2b0af87dddf48fb218016a5!}


{!LANG-db86269db1fcd45e7ddcbdc42b784e23!} {!LANG-b35e25edc7f221c77eb29d8f2bfb6eb5!}


{!LANG-3da324532ada7bf130f6d17a9a24c7ac!} {!LANG-6e6cf4c0d2b0af87dddf48fb218016a5!}


{!LANG-b43f007005e8993494bc43e4a0f378f9!} {!LANG-b35e25edc7f221c77eb29d8f2bfb6eb5!}










Game traffic:



Game traffic:





{!LANG-f9bb806ac033c0c4c092b9642ab06984!} {!LANG-b95f5ce14ce19ed3487e6dad2e87f183!}


{!LANG-3333392a7a653b5471ff0cef56ead3bf!} {!LANG-b95f5ce14ce19ed3487e6dad2e87f183!}




{!LANG-92628c57fbb5a568db9d9c617afed16f!} {!LANG-b95f5ce14ce19ed3487e6dad2e87f183!}




{!LANG-3dcf0bb794f2167c90ecc9ac3d71ac47!} {!LANG-b95f5ce14ce19ed3487e6dad2e87f183!}


{!LANG-69a2bf4f23222a9fad10695e14af2eff!} {!LANG-bd9b4f1621e9b70d614599586ef65d14!}



Game traffic:




"Our Street"



The game is held on the layout.

Game traffic:


"Pedestrians and drivers"




Game traffic:






{!LANG-238656e15559f38478c472c52977c486!} {!LANG-0dbca9323ac221d5496a5314faf553c6!}

{!LANG-5d93d2c16ca37667d7c9e692066c41ce!} {!LANG-befc0011eb9f743692ce63e359968ec8!}{!LANG-37052d0576e4c586b99e9c8ce730e396!}

"Our friend's friend"

















Game traffic:


"Find a safe way"

Preparation for the game:{!LANG-90904c7c789bdfe83e559b98b1808ccf!}



Game traffic:


"Where is my seat?"



Game traffic:







Preparation for the game:{!LANG-a76dbc0e0e26d30df3885db277c701ad!}

Game traffic:


"Road Exam"



Preparation for the game:{!LANG-c4abbacfb2da6b28d60a3975094f6fb0!}

Game traffic:


"Follow the order"



Preparation for the game:{!LANG-81bb3ea320e8650d11845a86687984a7!}

Game traffic:





Preparation for the game:{!LANG-9de4659a9b68927ef53aa50cc3eaeac3!}

Game traffic:





Game traffic:


"How to get to?"




Game traffic:






Game traffic:


"Pass the Wand"



Game traffic:





Game traffic:





Game traffic:


"On the island"



Game traffic:




  • {!LANG-2213211db5332dcf5f107722a03c7673!}
  • {!LANG-2a2b936831061a8c007ebe4e971046f9!}
  • {!LANG-64f46bfb286c5cea4952bc0a4f614d84!}


  • {!LANG-cfdba1ff540406d45fa15418d733e25f!}
  • {!LANG-2576db5e472ed553fb05a9fa3fb35a1f!}
  • {!LANG-154dba6ee8f1888967285db1358c56f4!}
  • {!LANG-456970ad2a62220e564029c9748a6e85!}


  • {!LANG-154dba6ee8f1888967285db1358c56f4!}
  • {!LANG-972df889aac09a7cdc0b06919a623906!}
  • {!LANG-2213211db5332dcf5f107722a03c7673!}
  • {!LANG-9678954ee1ba7634f0bf9ff7d880735d!}


  • {!LANG-4dfe3d178220571f543f93917b9b4e32!}
  • {!LANG-5447b1862f47425e7226ecb0c4be702b!}
  • {!LANG-eaf4494a6c80826653471af1edd8d67a!}
  • {!LANG-e7be71e3ac6717dd6f13d1475b4b8f15!}

"Game in words"









Game traffic:


"Game in the ball"



Game traffic:




















"Listen - remember"



Game traffic:

{!LANG-43188636fb4f75d51af9267a977c8287!} {!LANG-89d315447d5fa1378d548d48f92fd109!}{!LANG-8c686bbe8b59a99364ac302b4f348512!}





Game traffic:





Game traffic:

{!LANG-1bc688df0616d81d9c9f7fcb01c12921!} {!LANG-def07d841dc7a4525e5e39bfce42c734!}{!LANG-d6387e20a42ecc803d8b4c498edc40f2!}



Game traffic:





Game traffic:





Game traffic:





Game traffic:





Game traffic:





Game traffic:

{!LANG-4097a594c3fb4ec87a1fc0d8223a30a2!} {!LANG-c3a97daccbd9f235637973b851b8184f!}{!LANG-4efa761661608e84d233c6bffff87b15!}

"Traffic light"



Game traffic:


{!LANG-b2714f957045f3b1bec0085a0b72e39a!} {!LANG-ded0fd8cfa3fcfe1ceed6716c8e0d3b9!}

{!LANG-e918b23bf7c931bf9c9c48921c2b743e!} {!LANG-2a1ff60d97819f588ca769e9100ed449!}

{!LANG-f492e3213dfa5b87948d77a002e6d07c!} {!LANG-c2e9ff6bfea49e6a1d68a80460434bd7!}

{!LANG-fa98c091fe814dfadffae6d17f3e531e!} {!LANG-ca5a9a5b5a26811966afd9f80558d8f0!}

{!LANG-31a36f231a0c7255363c8000f91f2923!} {!LANG-a99d87e94e9c0abad1cf47704e4f1f6a!}

{!LANG-4b9e6eafbf16d525118a1972319f32ac!} {!LANG-c821a4b59ca286d1978d546b34b6ef37!}




Game traffic:





Game traffic:





Game traffic:





Game traffic:

















{!LANG-278836bbad3efde6744a7a2d987fb5e3!} {!LANG-a3279f5d40de86f5eda5de60fb1617a0!}