Environmental games for the senior group. Didactic Games on Environmental Education for Preschool Children. "What is around us?"

The didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is both the game method of teaching children preschool age, and the form of training, and independent gaming activities, and a means of comprehensive education of the child.

"Nature and man."

Purpose: to systematize the knowledge of children about what is created by a person, and what gives man nature.

The course of the game. "What is done by man?" - asks the tutor and transmits one of the playing any subject (or throws the ball). The child responds and transmits the ball or the object near the standing child, and so throughout the circle. After the completion of the circle, the educator sets a new question: "What is created by nature?" The game is repeated in a new circle; The child who did not manage to answer, goes beyond the circle and misses it, if he comes up and calls the word, he is again taken into the game.

"On the contrary."

Purpose: develop in children's intelligence, speed of thinking.

The course of the game. The educator calls the word, and children should call the opposite. (Far - close, upper - lower, etc.)

"Name the plant with the desired sound."

Purpose: develop in children a phonderatic hearing, speed of thinking.

The course of the game. The educator says: "Come up with plants whose name begins with the sound" A "," K ", ...".

"Name three subjects."

The course of the game. What items can be called in one word: flowers, birds, etc.

"Flowers!" - Podagog says and after a small pause throws the ball to the child. He answers: "Chamomile, Rose, Vasilek".

"Add a syllable".

The course of the game. The educator calls one syllable and throws the ball. I caught it should add to the word, for example: ma - Ma, book - ha. An addressed word throws the ball to the tutor.

"Tell me differently."

Objective: Teach children to select Synonym - a word close by value.

The course of the game. The educator says that in this game, children will have to remember the words similar to the meaning of the word that he calls.

"My cloud".

Purpose: Development of imagination, emotional sphere, figurative perception of nature (the game also acts as a relaxation pause).

The course of the game. Children are comfortably suitable on the clearing, grass, calm down and close their eyes.

The task. Imagine holidays in the meadow. The voices of birds sound, smells of herbs and flowers, clouds float across the sky. You need to choose a cloud in the sky and say what it seems to tell about him.

"Find a leaf, like a tree."

Purpose: Learning to classify plants on a specific feature.

The course of the game. The educator divides a group of children into several subgroups. Each suits well consider the leaves on one of the trees, and then find the same on Earth. Teacher says: "Let's see which team will find the right leaves faster." Children begin searching. Members of each team by completing the task, going near the tree, the leaves of which they were looking for.

The team wins the team that will gather near the tree of the first, or the one that will collect more leaves.

"Finish the proposal."

Objectives: learning to understand the causal relationships between phenomena; Exercise B. proper choice words.

The course of the game. The educator begins the proposal: "I put on a warm fur coat, because ...", "The children put Panama because ...", "There is a strong snow because it came ..."

"Not mistaken."

Objectives: develop the speed of thinking; consolidate the knowledge of children about what they do in different time day.

The course of the game. The educator calls various parts of the day or the actions of children. And children must answer in one word: "Breakfast", "wash", call when it happens.

"Fly - does not fly."

Purpose: develop auditory attention.

The course of the game. The educator says to children: "If I name the subject that flies, you raise your hand or catch the ball. You need to be attentive because I will raise your hands and then when the item flies, and then when it does not fly. Who will make a mistake will pay the chip. "

"Who knows more?".

Purpose: develop memory, resourcefulness, intelligence.

The course of the game. The tutor holding a glass in his hand, asks what it can be used for. Who will call actions more, he won.

"Find the subject of the same form."

The course of the game. The tutor raises the drawing of the circle, and children should call as many items as possible as possible.

"Guess what kind of plant."

Purpose: describe the subject and find out it in description.

The course of the game. The educator offers one child to describe the plant or make a riddle about it. Other children should guess what kind of plant.

Purpose: learn to compare items; find signs of differences in them; similarities, learn objects by description.

The course of the game. For example: one child comes out, and other children must guess: "Two beetles crawled. One red with black dots, another black ... "

"What is this bird?".

Purpose: Teach children to describe birds on characteristic features and to recognize them.

The course of the game. The educator appoints a leading, which depicts a bird habits or describes the characteristic signs of it, other children must guess.

"Guess what's in the bag."

Objective: Describe signs perceived on the touch.

The course of the game. The tutor in the bag folds vegetables and fruits. The child should determine what he is in his hand, and make a riddle of him so that the children can guess that in the hands of the lead.

"Get it by youself".

Purpose: learn correctly make proposals with a given number of words.

The course of the game. Giving children supporting words: autumn, leaf fall, rain, snowflakes. Ask to come up with offers from 3-5 words. Child, the first to make a proposal, gets a chip.


Purpose: develop the ability to describe the subject without looking at it, to allocate significant signs in it, to recognize the subject.

The course of the game. According to the tutor's sign, the child who received a chip rises and gives a description of the memory of any subject, and then transmits the chip to the one who will guess. Gaying, the child describes its subject, transmits the subject of the following, etc.

"Tips and roots".

Purpose: Exercising in the classification of vegetables (which is edible in them - root or fruits on the stem).

The course of the game. The teacher clarifies with children that they will call the tops, and what the roots. The teacher calls some vegetable, and the children quickly respond that it is edible.


Purpose: Remind and consolidate the idea of appearance Some trees and shrubs, about composite parts (barrel, leaves, fruits and seeds).

The course of the game. One "forester" is chosen, the rest of the children are his assistants. They came to help him collect seeds, for new landings. "Lesnik" says: "There is a lot of sitting on my site ... (birch, maples, poplars), let's give seeds."

He can only describe a tree without calling him. Children are looking for seeds, collect them and show the "forester". Wins one who more scored seeds and was wrong.

"It happens - does not happen" with the ball.

Purpose: develop memory, thinking, speed of reaction.

The teacher utters a phrase and throws the ball, and children must quickly answer.

Iney in summer ... (can not be).

Snow in winter ... (it happens).

Frost in summer ... (can not be).

Drops in summer ... (can not be).

"What it is?".

Purpose: develop logical thinking, memory, smelting.

The course of the game. The educator makes the subject of a living or inanimate nature and begins to list its signs, and children continue. For example: egg - oval, white, large, hard, nutritious, can be found in the store, edible, chicks are hatched out of it.

"Learn, whose sheet."

Purpose: Learn to recognize plants on the sheet.

The course of the game. For a walk to collect fallen leaves from trees, shrubs, show children, suggest learn from what tree, and find proof (similarity) with unqualified leaves that have a variety of shape.

"Tell me without words."

Objectives: consolidate the presentation of children about autumn changes in nature; Develop creative imagination, observation.

The course of the game. Children in a circle, the educator invites them to portray the autumn weather by the facial, gestures of hands, movements.

Show what it became cold. Children are minimal, healed hands, gestures put on themselves caps and scarves.

Show that it is cold rain. Open umbrellas, raise collars.

"Find what I will describe."

Purpose: Develop the ability to look for a plant by description.

The course of the game. The teacher describes the plant, calling its most characteristic signs. Who is the first to determine the plant, gets a chip.

"Guess the riddles."

Purpose: expand the stock of nouns in the active dictionary.

The course of the game. Children sit on a bench. The teacher makes the insect riddles. Guessing the child himself makes a riddle. For the guessing and riddling the riddles, he gets one finish. Wins one who scores more chips. Children may think of their mystery.

"When it happens?".

Purpose: clarify and deepen knowledge about the days of the year.

The course of the game. The teacher calls the seasons and gives the chip to the child. The child calls what happens at this time, and transfers the chip to another. He adds a new definition and transmits the third chip.

"What is around us?".

Purpose: Teach to share two and three-sided words into parts, utter each word.

The course of the game. For a walk, children find around themselves what has one part (ball, poppy, ball, house, garden), two parts (fence, bushes, flowers, sand, grass), three pieces (swing, veranda, birch, car ). For each answer, the child gets a chip, the winner is determined by their number.

"Tell me what you hear."

Objectives: Learn to use complete suggestions; Develop a phrase speech.

The course of the game. The teacher offers children to close his eyes, listen carefully and determine what sounds they heard (noise of rain, signals of the machine, the rustling of the falling sheet, the conversation of passers-by, etc.). Children must answer the complete proposal. Wins one who will call the heard sounds anymore.

"Who am I?"

Purpose: specify the named plant.

The course of the game. The tutor quickly indicates a finger on the plant. The one who first calls the plant and its shape (tree, shrub, grassy plant), gets a point.

"Find a pair."

Purpose: Develop the speed of thinking, auditory attention, intelligence.

The course of the game. The teacher distributes to children on one sheet and says: "Blood wind. All leaflets scattered. " Hearing these words, the children are spinning with leaves in their hands. The teacher then gives the team: "Once, two, three - Find a couple!" Everyone should become next to that tree, the sheet of which holds in the hands. "

"Fix a bug."

Objective: Learn to understand the meaning of the proposal.

The course of the game. The educator says to children: "I will read you suggestions. But they made mistakes, you must fix them. Listen carefully:

The goat brought the food to the girl.

The ball plays with Sasha.

The road goes by car.

The gene broke the ball and so on.

"Remember different words."

Goals: continue to learn listen to the sound of words; Exercise children in self-name calling words and a clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

The course of the game. Children become a circle. Each child must remember some word and say it to the following, how to transfer it, next says the same word, turning to the third child. In turn, all children should pronounce in one word. After 3 circles, the game stops. The one who failed to quickly call the word or repeated already named, comes out of the circle.

Rules of the game. You can not repeat one word twice.

"Stop! Wand, stop. "

Goals: continue to learn listen to the sound of words; Exercise in self-name calling words and a clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

The course of the game. Children become in a circle, educator - in the center. The educator says they will describe the animal and each child must say something about him. For example: The teacher says: "Bear" and transmits a child's wand, he says: "brown" and transfers the stick to the following. Who will not be able to say, comes out of the game.

"Who lives where?".

Purpose: Fasten the ability to group plants in their structure (trees, shrubs).

The course of the game. Children will be "squirrels" and "bunnies", and one (driven) - "fox". "Squirrels" are hiding behind the trees, and "bunnies" - for bushes. "Bunnies" and "squirrels" run in the meadow. By the signal "Danger, Fox!" "Squirs" run to the tree, "hares" - to the bushes. Whoever missed the task, "Fox" those catching.

"Name the bird with the desired sound."

Objective: Develop a phonmematic hearing, speed of thinking.

The course of the game. The teacher says: "Come up with birds, in the title of which there are letters A, k,…»

Who will call more, he won.

"Third End" (birds).

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about the manifold of birds.

The course of the game. The educator says to children: "You already know that birds can be migrating and wintering. I will now call birds ahead, who will hear a mistake, must slam in your hands. "

"Birds (beasts, fish)."

Purpose: Fasten the ability to classify and call animals, birds, fish.

The course of the game. Children become a circle, the lead calls a bird (fish, animal, tree, flowers) and transmits a small ball to a neighbor, he calls the next bird, etc. Who will not be able to answer, comes out of the circle.

"Who needs?". "

Objectives: Exercise in the classification of objects; Develop the ability to call items necessary to people a certain profession.

The course of the game. The educator proposes to remember what needs to work for people of different professions. He calls a profession, and children respond to work in this area. And in the second part of the game the teacher calls the subject, and the children say for which profession it can come in handy.

"What? What? What? ".

Objectives: to learn to select definitions corresponding to this example, phenomenon; Activate the words learned earlier.

The course of the game. The educator calls some word, and playing in turn call as many signs as possible corresponding to this subject.

Squirrel - redhead, smart, big, small, beautiful ...

Coat - warm, winter, new, old ...

Mum - good, affectionate, gentle, beloved, dear ...

House - wooden, Stone, New, Panel ...

"Where can I do?".

Purpose: Activate in speech verbs that are used in a certain situation.

The course of the game. The educator sets questions, children respond to them. Competition game.

- What can be done in the forest? (Walk, collect mushrooms, berries, hunt, listen to the singing of birds, relax.)

- What do they do in the hospital?

- What can be done on the river?

"What season?".

Objectives: Learn to listen to poetic text; educate aesthetic emotions and experiences; Consolidate knowledge of months of each time of the year and the main signs of different times of the year.

The course of the game. The educator, referring to children, says that the writer and poets in poems challenges the beauty of nature at different times of the year, then read the poem, and children should highlight signs of the year.

"What happens?".

Objectives: Learning to classify objects in color, form, in quality, by material; Compare, compared, select as many items suitable for this definition.

The course of the game. Let's tell me what is green, - cucumber, crocodile, leaf, apple, dress, Christmas tree ...

Wide - river, road, ribbon, street ... etc.

Wins the one who will call the words more, for each correct word, the child gets a chip.

"Looking for".

Purpose: to teach properly use adjectives, coordinating them with nouns.

The course of the game. Children must see as many objects of one color as possible for 10-15 seconds, or the same shape, or from one material. According to the tutor signal, one begins to list, others complement it. Wins the one who correctly calls a larger number of items.

"Who will come up with more words."

Objectives: intensify the dictionary; Expand the horizon.

The course of the game. The teacher calls some kind of sound and asks children to come up with words to a certain topic (for example, "Autumn"), in which this sound is found. Children form a circle. One of the players throws someone's ball. Caught must say a word with conditional sound. The one who did not come up with the word or repeats the already said by someone skips the move.

"Come to another word."

Purpose: expanding the vocabulary of children.

The course of the game. The educator says that you can come up with one word different, similar, for example: a bottle of milk - a dairy bottle.

Cranberry Kissel - cranberry kissel.

Vegetable Soup - vegetable soup.

Potato puree - mashed potatoes.

"Who will remember more."

Objective: enrich the dictionary of verbs denoting the actions of the process.

The course of the game. Carlson asks for children to look at the pictures and tell about what he saw.

Blizzard - team, Love, PURIT.

Rain -

Crow -

"What did I say?".

Purpose: Learning to distinguish between several values \u200b\u200bin the word, compare these values, find a common and different in them.

The course of the game. The teacher says that there are words close, there are opposite in meaning, and there are words that consume often and call them many different items.

The educator calls the word, children list its values.

Head - child's head, dolls, onions, garlic.

Needle - syringe, christmas trees, pines, sewing, hedgehog ...

Nose - in humans, steamer, aircraft, kettle ...

Uhko, leg, handle, zipper, neck, wing, etc.

"How to say differently?".

Purpose: Exercise children in the name of one of the synonyms.

The course of the game. How can I say about the same, but in one word?

Heavy rain - shower.

Strong wind - hurricane.

Heatwave - heat.

False boy - liar.

Cowardly hare - coward.

Strong man - silacha.... etc.

51 "What does this mean?".

Purpose: to learn to combine words in meaning, understand the direct and portable meaning of words.

The course of the game. Can I say so? How do you understand this expression?

Fresh breeze - chill.

Fresh fish - recently caught, unspoken.

Fresh shirt - clean, ironed, washed.

Fresh newspaper - new, just purchased.

Fresh paint - impaired.

Fresh head - rested.

Deaf old man - that who hears anything.

Deaf night - quiet, deserted, dark.

Deaf bang dogs - remote, poorly audible.

"How many items?".

Objectives: Learn to a subject account; develop quantitative representations; Understand and call numeral.

The course of the game. Children gives a task: find out on the street and call items that are found one by one. After execution, find 2, 3.

The task can be changed and so: Find as many identical objects as possible.

"Yesterday Today Tomorrow".

Purpose: learn to use the adverbs of time.

The course of the game. Children get up in a circle. The teacher says a short phrase, for example: "We looked ..." - and throws the baby to the child. Caught finishing the phrase, as if answering the question when: "Yesterday".

"Who are you?".

The course of the game. The educator comes up with a story in which all children receive roles. Children become a circle, and the teacher starts the story, and at the mention of his character, the child must stand and bow. Children should be very attentive, and watch not only for their role, but also the roles of neighbors. Who two times "scopes" their role, coming out of the game.

"Do not yawa" (birds, migratory birds).

Purpose: develop the auditory attention of children, the speed of the response to words.

The course of the game. The educator gives all children the name of migratory birds and asks to closely follow him. As soon as their name sounds, they must stand and clap your hands, who spoiled their name, coming out of the game.

"And I".

Purpose: Develop the Survey, Exposure, Humor's feeling.

The course of the game. The teacher says to children, which will tell the story. When he stops, children must say: "And I", if these words are suitable in meaning. If they are not suitable in meaning, they do not need to speak. I am going to the river once ... (and I).

Rive flowers and berries ...

On the way there comes across a sir of chickens ...

They peck the grains ...

Walk on green grass ...

Suddenly, the Korshun fled.

Chickens and the zoom frightened ...

And ran away ...

When children understand the rules of the game, they themselves will be able to invent short stories.


Objective: Develop speech activity, speed of thinking.

The course of the game. The educator says a few words of the proposal, and children must add it new words to make a complete proposal, for example: "Mom bought ...". "... books, notebooks, a briefcase," children continue.

"Where was I?".

Purpose: to form the forms of the vinitive case of a plural number of animated nouns.

The course of the game. Guess the guys where I was? I saw jellyfish, sea skates, sharks. Where was I? (On the sea.)

And now, you make me riddles where you were. Tell us who you saw. Just need to say whom you have seen in large quantities. The main thing in this game is not guessing, but riddling.

"Is it true or not?".

Purpose: Find inaccuracies in the text.

The course of the game. The educator says: "Listen carefully a poem. Whoever notices no more, what does not really happen. "

Warm spring now, grapes ripe with us.

The horse horned in the summer jumps in the snow.

Later autumn, the bear loves to sit in the river.

And in the winter among the branches of the Ga-Ga-ha, Solovy.

Quickly give me the answer: Is it true or not?

Children find inaccuracies and replace words and suggestions to work out correctly.

"Find the opposite word."

Purpose: Select the opposite words in the meaning of the word in the tasks of different types.

The course of the game. The teacher offers children to answer the questions: "If the soup is not hot, then he means what?", "If the room is not light, then how?", "If the knife is not acute, then it ...", "if the bag is not easy, then She ... ", etc.

"I must say differently."

Objective: Pick up the words close to the phrase, close in meaning.

The course of the game. The educator says: "One boy had a bad mood. What words can I say about him? I came up with the word "sad". Let's try to replace the words in other suggestions. "

- It is raining - pour.

- The boy goes - steps.

- Fresh air - fresh.

"Who will find a short word?".

The course of the game. The teacher says to children, to find out, long word or short, you can steps. He pronounces: "soup" and simultaneously walks. The teacher says it turned out only one step, as this is a short word. Children are built along the line, and one begin to pronounce words and take steps. Who will contact incorrectly, coming out of the game.

"Speak, do not delay."

"Guess the word."

Purpose: develop speech activity.

The course of the game. The teacher explains the rules of the game: the presenter makes the word, but only the first syllable says: "Lee-". Children pick up words: fox, lily, linden and. t. d.

As soon as someone guesses, he becomes a leading and the game begins first.

"Speak, do not delay."

Purpose: develop speech activity, vocabulary.

The course of the game. Children stand, forming a circle. One of them first says the word in parts, standing next to the word should say the word starting from the last syllable of just uttered words. For example: Va-for, in-rally, ka-bi-on, etc. Children who are mistaken or could not name the word become for a circle.

"A knock yes knock, find a word, cute friend."

Purpose: Secure the Slots Selection Skills.

The course of the game. Children become a circle, caregiver in the middle. He has a tambourine in his hands. The tutor strikes the tambourine 2 times, children should call plants (animals), in the title of which 2 syllables, then hit 3 times (animals with three syllables, etc.).


Purpose: Find the road to the names of familiar plants and other natural objects.

The course of the game. The educator chooses one or two leaders who, according to noticeable landmarks (trees, shrubs, flower beds with certain plants), determine the road at which all children should pass to the hidden toy.

"What else do you say?".

Goals: fix and clarify the value of multivalued words; Easy as a sensitive attitude towards the combination of words in meaning.

The course of the game. Tell me Carlson, what else can I say:

It's raining - snow, winter, boy, dog, smoke.

Plays - girl, radio.

Gorky - pepper, medicine.

"Well no".

Purpose: learn to think, logically set questions; Make the right conclusions.

The course of the game. One child (driving) departs aside. An educator with children choose an animal, such as a cat.

Driven Is this a bird?

Children. Not.

Driven Is it a beast?

Driven Wild Beast?

Children. Not.

Driven Is he meowing?


Purpose: Exercise in the ability to classify and call animals, fish, birds, etc.

The course of the game. Children become in front of the line, at the end of the stool. This is "Forest", "Lake", "Pond". Here is one of the players - "Hunter". Standing still, he utters such words: "I go to the forest to hunt. I will hunt ... "Here he takes a step forward and says:" ... hares, "makes a second step ... At every step, the child calls one animal. Cannot be repeated. The winner is the one who reached the specified place first or passed on.

"Name three subjects."

Purpose: Exercise children in the classification of objects.

The course of the game. The teacher says: "Boots", - and throws the ball to the child, he must answer that it is clothing, shoes, headdress, etc.

"Find the subject of the same form" (2nd option).

Purpose: clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe form of objects.

The course of the game. The educator or one of the players calls the items of living or inanimate nature and asks to call geometric shapewhich is similar to this subject. For example: Mountain - triangle, rain worm - curve, etc.

"Guess what in the bag" (2nd option).

Purpose: describe the signs of items perceived to the touch.

The course of the game. A child with two phrases describes the subject taken in the bag, and playing children should determine what the child rushed into the bag.

"What is this bird?" (2nd option).

Objective: Learning to describe birds according to characteristic features, habits and to describe to recognize them.

The course of the game. The lead calls one bright sign of the bird, children should guess it, what is the bird. For example: Bird loves fat (cynic), the bird has red takes (woodpecker), etc.

"Clean, we will go out."

Objectives: clarify and expand knowledge about trees and shrubs; Name their signs, describe and find them in description.

The course of the game. Children describe any plant in the following order: form, number of trunks, growth, painting. The description should learn the plant. Chips gets guessing and made a child.

If a child remembers or think up his riddle, he gets extra chips.

"What is this insect?".

Objectives: to specify and expand the ideas about the life of insects; describe insects by characteristic features; Rail a caring attitude towards nature.

The course of the game. Children are divided into 2 subgroups. Children of one subgroup describe insect, and the other - should guess what it is.

"Do you remember these poems?".

Purpose: develop children's speech.

The course of the game. The teacher reads passages from poems familiar to children. Children should pronounce missed words. For example:

Where did the sparrow dined?

In the zoo at ... (Beasts).

You will not stand too close:

I … (Tiger), but not … (pussy).

Wind by sea ... (walks)

And ... (boat) Customs. etc.

"Tell me what you hear?".

Purpose: develop a phrase speech.

The course of the game. The teacher offers children to close the eyes, listen carefully and determine what sounds they heard (twitter birds, signals of the machine, the rustling of the falling sheet, the conversation of the hallways, etc.).

Rules of the game. Children must answer the complete proposal.

What happens in nature? "

Purpose: consolidate the ability to use verbs in speech, coordinate words in the proposal.

The course of the game. Adult, throwing the ball to the child, asks a question, and the child, returning the ball, must answer the question. It is advisable to hold the game on the topic.

Example: theme "Spring".

Adult. What does the sun do? Children. Shines, heats.

What do streams do? Run, murmur.

Snow what makes? Darks, melts.

What do birds do? Arrive, sing.

Drops what does? Rings.

"Good bad".

Purpose: Continue to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.

The course of the game. The educator shows children icons of behavior rules in nature, children should tell as fully as possible about what is shown there that you can and what can not be done and why.

"Who knows, let it continue."

Purpose: Develop the ability to generalize and classify.

The course of the game. The educator calls generalizing words, and children are a species concept.

Educator. Insect is ...

Children. Fly, mosquito ...

"Who will remember more."

Objective: Enrich the dictionary of children with verbs denoting the actions of the process.

The course of the game. Carlson asks to look at the pictures and tell what actions are performed there.

Blizzard - team, Love, PURIT.

Rain - pours, drizzles, puts up, dripping, begins, grooming ...

Crow - flies, squabbles, sits, eats, drinks, sitting ... and so on.

"What is superfluous?" (1st option).

The course of the game. The educator calls four signs of different seasons:

Birds fly south.

Snowdrops bloomed.

Wishes leaves on trees.

There is a harvest.

Children listen carefully, they call an extra sign, explain why he is superfluous.

"What is superfluous?" (2nd option).

Objectives: develop auditory attention; Fasten knowledge of signs of different times of the year.

The course of the game. The educator calls four signs of weather of different seasons:

There is snow (the children put fur coats).

Overcast (children took umbrellas).

Pouring torrential, cold rain (children are sitting in the group).

The roast sun shines (the children put panamans, shorts and thaws).

Children listen carefully, they call an extra sign, explain why he is superfluous, and called what time he applies.

"Shop" Flowers ".

Purpose: Teaching a group of plants at the place of growth, describe their appearance.

The course of the game. Children perform the roles of sellers and buyers. To buy, it is necessary to describe the plant that chose, but not call it, but only to say where it grows. "Seller" should guess what kind of flower, call it and the department in which it is worth (field, garden, indoor), then issue a "purchase".

"Name the animal, insect with the desired sound."

Objective: Develop a phonmematic hearing, speed of thinking.

The course of the game. The teacher suggests: come up with insects, in the title of which letters meet A, K.

Who will call more, he won.

"What I have seen in the forest."

Purpose: Exercise in the ability to classify and call animals, fish, birds, insects, etc.

The course of the game. Children become in front of the line, at the end of the stool. This is "Forest", "Lake", "Pond". Here the "traveler" goes - one of the players. Standing still, he utters such words: "I am going through the forest and see ..." Here he takes a step forward and says: "... hare." At each step, the child calls one animal. Cannot be repeated. There is a second child and calls insects, the third birds, etc. The winner is the one who reached the chairs first or passed on.

"What do you like?".

Purpose: to clarify the knowledge of how individual insects eat.

The course of the game. Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the baby to the ball and calls the insect, the child must say than it eats.

"Call three birds."

Purpose: Exercise children in the classification of birds.

The course of the game. The educator calls birds. "Birds are migrable," says a teacher and after a small pause throws the ball to the child. He answers: "Swallow, strife, larks." "Winter birds" ... "Birds of the forest" ...

"Where is it growing?".

Objectives: to learn to understand the processes occurring in nature; give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of plants; Show the relationship of all living on Earth from the state of vegetation cover.

The course of the game. The teacher calls various plants and shrubs, and children choose only those that grow on the plot kindergarten. If they grow on the plot, the children clap into your hands or jump in one place (the movement can be chosen anyone), if not - the children are silent. (Apple tree, pear, raspberry, mimosa, spruce, saksaul, sea buckthorn, birch, cherry, orange, linden, maple, baobab, mandarin.)

If the children managed successfully, you can transfer trees faster: plum, ox, chestnut, coffee, rowan, plane, oak, cypress, pine, allycha, poplar.

At the end of the game summarize, who called more trees.

"Repeat each other."

Purpose: Develop attention, memory.

The course of the game. Playing calls any word (animal, insect, bird). The second repeats the named word and adds its own. He who is mistaken, drops out of the game.

"Third extra" (insects).

Purpose: Fasten the knowledge of children about the diversity of insects

The course of the game. The educator says to children: "You already know who insects are. I will now be called insects and other living beings ahead of the way, who will hear the mistake must clap your hands. "

Daria Alferova
Card file of didactic games for the development of environmental representations for preparatory group

Didactic Games for the Development of Environmental Representations

for preparatory group.

Prepared: Educator Alfere Daria Aleksandrovna

MBDOU "Kindergarten" Sunny ", Tambov, 2017

"We - ecologists»

purpose: Fasten the knowledge of children about nature.

Stroke Game: The teacher reminds children that people who are engaged in the study of nature and issues of its protection are called ecologist, I. suggests to be in the role of environmentalists. The rest of the children will ask them questions. for example:

1. If we are guarding birds in the forest, who will we help?

2. Why do Nature need predators?

3. What is a red book and what is it needed for?

4. Why do people create reserves?

5. Tell us how to deal with each other, squirrel, lynx?

6. What kind of help plants are animals, insects?

"Protection of Nature"

purpose: Fasten knowledge about the protection of nature objects.

Equipment: pictures With the image of plants, birds, animals, man, sun, water, air.

Stroke Game: on the table or set canvase picturesdepicting plants, birds, animals, man, sun, water, etc. The tutor cleans one of picturesAnd children must tell what will happen with the remaining living objects if there is no hidden object on Earth. for example: Removes the bird - what will happen to other animals, with a person, with plants.

"Live Pyramid"

purpose: consolidate children's knowledge about environmental Pyramid through Perfo Carts.

Equipment: punch cards depicting predatory and herbivore animals.

Stroke Game: The teacher is distributed to children punch cards With the image on the left side of the predatory animals, on the right side - herbivores. Children should hold an arrow from a predatory animal to those animals that they catch.

"Nature and man"

purpose: Stop and systematize the knowledge of children about what is created by a person and what does nature give a man.

Equipment: Ball.

Stroke Game: The tutor spends a conversation with children, in the process of which clarifies their knowledge that the surrounding us items or made by the hands of people or exist in nature, and the person uses them; For example, forest, coal, oil, gas exists in nature, and at home, the plants create a person.

"What is done by man"

"What is created by nature"? Asks the tutor and throws the ball.

Children catch the ball and answer the question. Who can't remember, misses his move.

"Big chain"

purpose: Clarify the knowledge of children about objects of living and inanimate nature.

Equipment: pictures With the image of a living or inanimate nature.

Stroke Game: at the teacher in hand sub picture With the image of a living or inanimate nature. Transfer pictureFirst, the tutor, and then each child on the chain calls one sign of this object, so as not to repeat. For example, "squirrel" - Animal, wild, forest, red, fluffy, nibbles nuts, jumps from branches on a branch, etc.

"Air, earth, water"

purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about nature objects, develop audit attention, thinking, intelligence.

Equipment: Ball.

Game traffic:

Option 1. The educator throws the ball to the child and calls the object of nature, for example, "magpie". The child must answer "air" And throw the ball back. On word "dolphin" The child answers "water", on word "wolf" - "land" etc.

Option 2. The educator calls the word "air" The child caught the ball must call the bird. On word "land" - animal living on earth; on word "water" - the inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.

"Who lives where?"

purpose: Fasten knowledge about animals and their habitats.

Equipment: pictures With the image of animals and their habitats.

Stroke Game: At the teacher pictures With the image of animals, and in children - with images of habitats of various animals (Nora, Berloga, River, Hawk, Nest, etc.). The tutor shows picture With the image of the animal. Baby must determinewhere it lives and if the coincides with his picture, "Settle" At itself, showing card teacher.


purpose: Fasten knowledge about the relationship in nature.

Stroke Game: First option: "The benefits - harm". (Subject: nature)

Children must stand in a circle. The educator sets question: "What is the benefit of the bee?", Children must take turns to the question, without repeating the answers to comrades. Then task changes: "What harm from the bee?"

Second option: "Like - Dislike" (Subject: not wildlife)

Third option: "Good bad". (Subject: Seasons of the year and 4 elements: water, air, earth and fire). The principle is the same.

The educator asks the question: "What would happen if all the bad qualities of natural objects disappeared, and all the surrounding would be good?" (the wolf became good - stopped eating hares, hares would divorced so muchThat they would nibble all the bark on trees, trees would have been less and there would be no place to live in many birds).

It turns out that if only only benefits and no harm, then life on the planet will change dramatically and can even die.

At the end of the game, the teacher must conclude that there are no harmful creatures, no useful, there is nothing superfluous in nature, everything is necessary.

"What we take to the basket"

purpose: Secure knowledge about what kind of harvest is collected in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest, to teach to distinguish the fruits at the place of their cultivation.

Equipment: pictures With image of vegetables, fruits, cereals, fruits, mushrooms, berries and baskets.

Stroke Game: some children - picturesdepicting different gifts of nature. Other's - pictures in the form of a basket.

"Children - Fruits" Under merry music, the room, movements and facialics are depicting a bad watermelon, a gentle strawberry, hiding mushroom in the grass, etc.

"Children - baskets" Must in both hands to gain fruits. Necessary condition: Each child must bring the fruits that grow in one place. (Vegetables from the garden, etc.). Wins the one who fulfilled this condition.

"Mushroom basket"

purpose: Fasten knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.

Equipment: basket, pictures With the image of edible and inedible mushrooms.

Stroke Game: on the table before each child is lying packages pictures. The teacher makes a riddle of mushrooms, children find out and put pictureHighness edible mushroom in a basket.

Publications on the topic:

Didactic game card for children 4-5 years Pre-school educational institution D / s №4 p. Unarokovo prepared: tutor middle group Radchuk I. I. Cardotek didactic games.

A card file of didactic games and speech development exercises in different age groups in kindergarten. Card file of didactic games and speech development exercises in different age groups in kindergarten Didactic games And exercises for.

Didactic game card for the formation of pre-school ideas about a healthy lifestyle Didactic game "To the eyes do not hurt" purpose: to form knowledge about the organs of vision. The educator reads the rules and shows the models cards.

A card file of didactic games on the musical development of preschoolers 3-4 years. Game Name: 1. Workout Object: organization of children before occupation. Materials and equipment: without items. The course of the game: children are sitting on chairs.

What is harmful and useful for nature (water)?

(Game with cards.)

Objectives: To draw the attention of children to the attitude of a person to objects of nature (water). Secure the rules of behavior in nature. Relieve careful attitude towards water.

Material: Perfocards, which show the actions of a person who harm nature (water) and the use of water for useful purposes.

Gaming action: Mark various signs (for example, different colors or shapes) is a positive and negative impact of a person on nature (water).


- consolidate the knowledge of children about the meaning of water in the life of a person, animal and vegetable world.

- Exercise children in the classification of plants, animals, birds.

- develop logical thinking, memory and attention.

- To form prishability, desire for independence.


Gaming fields 20x25 (5 pieces) separated into squares. In the center of the playing field there is an image around which 8 empty squares are located. Images: "Who lives in water?"; "Who lives at the water?"; "Who drinks water?"; "What are watering water?"; "What grows in water?".

6x6 cm cards, depicting animals, insects, people, birds, plants.

Game traffic:

1 option. The game can take part from 1 to 5 children.

The presenter distributes game fields to the game participants - the 20x25 cards, which depicts: "Who lives in water?"; "Who lives at the water?"; "Who drinks water?"; "What are watering water?"; "What grows in water?". Cards, size 6x6 cm., Depicting animals, insects, people, birds, plants are at the lead. The leading mixes them, and, by taking out one, shows children, clarifying questions: "Who is it? Who needs this card? The playing calls what is shown on the card, and why he chose it. " (For example, "This is a cat. She drinks water"). If the answer is the right presenter gives the card to playing, and it lays out a picture on my playing field.

The game continues until all the participants in the game will select the cards to game fields. Wins the one who first fill their playing field cards.

Option 2. "Confusion". The game can take part from 1 to 5 children. The presenter offers playing cards with incorrectly filled fields. Playing must correct the error.

Recommendations for the use of the didactic game in the practice of Dow: The game can be used when organizing activities with children in educational areas - "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization".

Software content.To acquaint children with the fact that water can be in a solid, liquid, gaseous state. Learning to build a model of any particular subject or even the plot with the help of "men".

Give kids knowledge about inanimate nature, physics elements. Develop such qualities such as inquisitiveness, curiosity, mental activity and imagination.

Material.Cards with the image of water in various aggregate states (solid, liquid and gaseous) - Ice, snowflake, juice, milk, couples; Cards with the image of the "man" models, characterizing aggregate states - (demonstration and disassembly).

The course of the game.

3-5 people can take part in the game.

The educator offers children a set of cards with the image of models of men, which symbolize water condition: liquid, solid and gaseous. As well as cards with the image various items: ice, water, snowflakes, steam, glass of juice, orange, etc. Explains that any item can be portrayed schematically using models.

The educator invites children to find all the solid objects. Why are these items solid? What is in them inside? Inside each solid subject live men. They tightly hold hands so that nothing has passed.

The teacher then proposes to find liquid substances that flow: water, compote, etc. Liquid also live men. They hold hands on the belt, but touch each other with elbows. That is, they keep their handles so that hard items can pass through the water.

Gaseous substances - smoke, steam, air. Here, too, live men. But they seem to fly, constantly in motion.

With the help of men teach children elements of modeling, i.e. Teach children to build a model of any particular subject or plot: a glass of glass with juice, an orange model, a steam model, etc.

1 option.

The educator invites children with the help of men to build a model of any particular subject or plot: a glass of glass with juice, a model of an orange, a pattern of a steam, etc. Heates children modeling elements.

Option 2.

The tutor offers to pick up the cards with the image of a suitable item.

Recommendations for the use of the game in the practice of Dow: The game can be used when organizing activities with children in educational areas "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", in experimental activities and individual work with a child. As well as children can use the game in independent activities.

Purpose:Clarify and expand the ideas of children about the snow. Help the children understand why when the temperature changes, the snow changes its properties. Develop thinking interest in winter phenomena to inanimate nature.

Material: Cards depicting various water states: waterfall, river, row, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, couples, snowflake, drop, hail; Four cards depicting four times.

Game traffic:

Children go round a circle round cards. On cards are depicted various states Water: waterfall, river, row, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, couples, snowflake, drop, etc.

During the movement in a circle, the following words are pronounced:

That summer came.

The sun lightly lit up.

It was hotter to spy out,

Where to look for snowflake?

With the last word, everyone stops. Those who are needed by the desired pictures should raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:

Finally, winter came:

Footage, blizzard, cold.

Go out to take a walk.

Where to look for snowflake?

Reggle choose the desired pictures and explains the choice.

Complication: Lying 4 wrap with the image of four times of the year. Children must disseminate their hoops cards, explaining their choice. Some cards can correspond to several times of the year. The conclusion is made from answers to questions:

What time of year, water in nature can be in solid state? (Winter, early spring, late autumn.)

Didactic ecology games for children 6-7 years.

purpose: Expand the knowledge of children of preparatory age on wild animals of the Far North and wild animals Taiga and forest.
Rail in children love for nature.
Develop skill, figurative thinking and logic in children of preschool preparatory age.
Consolidate the knowledge of children through chaff circulations, crosswords.
Activate vocabulary.
Preliminary work:
Conversations with children about wild animals of the Far North and wild animals Taiga and forests.

The game "Who loves?".
Purpose: to form a presentation of children about predatory animals and herbivores. Fasten the knowledge of children through cards.
The course of the game: The teacher distributes the children cards with the image of the models of animal nutrition features. Children should hold a pencil arrow from the animal to his food.

Game "Whose parts of the body?"
Purpose: to develop in children the ability to systematize animals along the trail. Fasten the ability of children to use perfocarters.
Games: The teacher distributes cards to children with an image on the left side of wild animals, on the right side of the body of these animals. Children should hold a pencil arrow from the animal to his part of the body.

The game "Who loves what?".
Purpose: To form a picture of children about the stern of wild animals. Fasten the knowledge of children through cards.
GAME: The teacher distributes cards to children with the image on the left side of wild animals, on the right side of wild animal feed. Children should hold a pencil arrow from the animal to his stern.

The game "Live Pyramid".
Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about the ecological pyramid. Fasten the knowledge of children through cards.
Game Travel: The teacher distributes the children cards with the image on the left side of the predatory animals, on the right side of herbivores. Children should hold an arrow from a predatory animal to those animals what they catch.

Game "Whose tail?"
Purpose: to develop in children the ability to systematize animals by their tails. Fasten the ability to use perfocards.
Games: The teacher distributes cards to children on the left side of animals, on the right side of their tails. Children must hold a pencil arrow from the animal to his tail.

Game "Whose traces?".
Purpose: to develop in children the ability to systematize animals by their trails. Fasten the ability of children to use perfocarters.
Games: The teacher distributes cards to children with an image on the left side of wild animals, on the right side of their traces. Children should hold a pencil arrow from the animal to his trail.
Didactic games for ecology for children of preparatory age.
Polar bear.
Profession: Predator.
Special signs: White big with a leisurely gait.
Clothing: Fluffy thick fur protects from cold.
Menu: roots berries, fish, seals.

Where lives: in the extreme north in the country eternal ice.
Profession: herbivore.
Special signs: Wide hoof, on the head of all deer horns.

Clothing: Long thick and wavy wool.
Menu: Moss, Alpine herbs.

Polar Wolf.
Where lives: in the extreme north in the country of eternal ice.
Profession: Predator.
Special Signals: Fangs, Gray Tail.
Clothing: Gray thick fur protects from cold.
Menu: Polar hares, reindeer.

Polar hare.
Where lives: in the extreme north in the country of eternal ice.
Profession: herbivore.
Special signs: Long ears.
Clothing: White fluffy fur protects from cold.
Menu: Moss.

Where lives: in the extreme north in the country of eternal ice.
Profession: Predator.
Special signs: fluffy tail.
Clothing: White fur protects from the cold.
Menu: polar hares, lemminagamm.

Profession: herbivore.
Special signs: Giant from the family - deer, huge branched horns.
Clothing: Brown wool.
Menu: juicy aspen, birings, in water leaves and roots of aquatic plants.

Noble deer.
Where lives: in the mountainous terrain covered with forest.
Profession: herbivore.
Special signs: round trunks and branches of their horns.
Clothing: Wool is cast by gold.
Menu: young shoots of trees.

Where lives: in the taped forests.
Profession: Predator.
Special signs: Striped color, has a mustache and tail.
Clothing: thick, long wool.
Menu: boar, moose, deer.

Where lives: in the forests.
Profession: Predator.
Special signs: Tassels on the ears, short tail, wide paws.
Clothing: Bright wool.
Menu: hares.

Where lives: in deaf places and forests.
Profession: Predator.
Special Signs: Lives in a flock, Watch the choir.
Clothing: Gray Wool.
Menu: Moose, deer, boars.

A fox.
Where lives: in deaf places and forests.
Profession: Predator.
Special signs: fluffy red tail.
Clothing: Red Fur, White Breast Black Boots.
Menu: mice, hares.

Where lives: in coniferous and mixed forests.
Special signs: jumps from branches on a branch, fluffy tail.
Clothing: Reddish wool.
Menu: mushrooms, nuts, berries.

Brown bear.
Where lives: in Siberian forests.
Profession: omnivorous.
Special signs: in winter sleeps in Berorga.
Clothing: Brown wool.
Menu: Berries, Nuts, Honey, Bird Eggs, Fish.

Where lives: in deaf places and forests.
Profession: herbivore.
Special Signs: Long Ears, Short Tail.
Clothing: White Winter, Summer Summer.
Menu: bark of trees, grass.

Where lives: in deaf places and forests.
Profession: omnivorous.
Special signs: needles on the body.
Menu: larvae, rodents, plant fruits.