Russian folk games 2 junior. Card file of sedentary games in the second junior group. What are folk games

Folk games card file for the second junior group
Game: "Salki"
The plot of the game is very simple: one driver is selected, who must catch up and shower the players who have fled around the court.

The game "At the Bear in the Forest"
A "bear" is selected and sits down to the side. The rest, pretending to pick mushrooms-berries and put them in a basket, come up to the "bear", singing (saying):
The bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries.
The bear is sitting
Looks at us.
The bear does not sleep
And growls at us!
The basket overturned (children show with a gesture how the basket overturned),
The bear rushed after us!
Children scatter, the "bear" catches them. The first one caught becomes a "bear

Game "Geese-Swans"
The participants of the game choose the wolf and the owner, the rest - the geese-swans. On one side of the site they draw a house where the owner and the geese live, on the other - a wolf lives under the mountain. The owner lets the geese go for a walk in the field and nibble on the green grass. Geese go quite far from home. After a while, the owner calls the geese. There is a roll call between the owner and the geese:
Geese-geese! Ha-ha-ha.
Do you want to eat? Yes Yes Yes.
Swan geese! Home!
Gray wolf under the mountain!
What is he doing there?
Grouse nibbles.
Well, run home!
The geese run into the house, the wolf is trying to catch them. Those caught leave the game. The game ends when almost all the geese are caught. The last remaining goose, the most agile and fastest, becomes a wolf.
Rules of the game. Geese should "fly" all over the site. The wolf can catch them only after the words: "Well, run home!"

"Mice and a cat"
Purpose: To develop attention, figurative movements.
Course of the game: Children sit on benches or high chairs. These are mice in burrows. In the opposite side of the room or playground, a cat is sitting, the role of which is played by a teacher. The cat falls asleep (and mice scatter across the room). But then the cat wakes up, stretches, meows and begins to catch mice. Mice quickly run away and hide in burrows (take their places). The cat takes the caught mice to itself. When the rest of the mice hide in burrows, the cat walks around the room again, then returns to its place and falls asleep.
Instructions for carrying out. Mice can run out of burrows only when the cat closes its eyes and falls asleep, and return to burrows when the cat wakes up and meows. The teacher makes sure that all the mice run out and scatter as far as possible from the burrows. Minks, in addition to chairs, can serve as arches for crawling, and then muscle children crawl out of their burrows.
The game "Snow, snow is spinning ..."
(based on the poem by A. Barto)
Purpose: to teach you to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.
Game progress
The teacher reminds the children that the snow is light, it slowly falls to the ground, whirls when the breeze blows.
The educator, offers to circle, saying: "Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white!"
Then, with a gesture inviting the children to come closer, he says: “We are all gathered in a circle! spun like a snowball. "
Children perform actions randomly and slowly squat at the end. The teacher says: “A cold wind blew. How? B-in-in-in! (“B-in-in!” - say the children). Snowflakes scattered, scattered in different directions. "
Children scatter around the playground.
The game is repeated 3-4 times at the request of the children.
Game: "Little white hare sits and wiggles his ears ..."
Purpose: - to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words,
-run, bounce on two legs;
- the game promotes the development of speech.
Little white bunny is sitting
He wiggles his ears
Like this, like that
He wiggles his ears
(The kids raise their hands to their heads and wiggle them like ears.)
Bunny is cold to sit
We need to warm the paws.
Clap, clap, clap, clap,
We need to warm the paws.
(Children in the last words get up, begin to rub and clap their hands, and on the shoulders, as if they are warming up.)
Bunny is cold to stand
The bunny needs to jump,.
Dap, Dap, Dap, Dap,
The bunny must jump.
(In the last words, the players start jumping in one place.)
Someone scared the bunny,
Bunny jumped ... and ran away.
(The teacher claps his hands and the guys run away).

Game: "Guess whose voice"
Objective: Development of auditory attention
One participant of the game stands in a circle and closes his eyes. Children walk in a circle without holding hands and say:
We gathered in an even circle
Let's turn at once all of a sudden
And how do we say gallop - gallop - gallop! -
Guess whose voice?
The words "Dap - Dap - Dap!" says one child at the direction of the teacher. The one standing in the center must recognize him. The one who was recognized takes the place of the driver.

Purpose: To develop rhythmic ear, attention, improvisation according to the text of the song.
Course of the game: Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle. The teacher sings a song and shows the movements to the children.
1. Zainka stamp your foot, gray stamp your foot
This way, stamp your foot! (2 times) (children stomp their hands on the belt)
2. Zayinka, clap your hands, gray, clap your hands!
This way, clap your hands! (2 times) (children clap their hands)
3.Bunny, turn around, gray, turn around,
Turn this way (2 times) (turns to the sides, hands on the belt)
4. Zainka dance, gray dance!
Dance like that (2 times) (children bounce on two legs as best they can)
5. Zainka bow, greyish bow
Bow like this (2 times) (children bow, spreading their arms to the sides).
Directions. The number of verses of the song can be reduced, especially at first. At the beginning, you can only take 1, 2 and 4 verses.
When repeating, you can play all the verses. In addition, when the kids know the content of the song well, you can choose a zainka child who stands in the middle of the circle and performs all the movements along the text of the song. For the role of a bunny, they choose a more daring and active baby who will not be embarrassed by performing movements.
With the next driver, you can add another verse:
Zainka choose, gray one!
This way, take your pick (2x)

"Along a flat path"
Purpose: to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements, observation, activity, ingenuity. Create a sense of joy in children.
Course of the game: Children are free to group or form a column and go for a walk. The teacher rhythmically, at a certain pace, pronounces the following text:
On a flat path
On a flat path
Our legs are marching.
One-two, one-two
By the pebbles, by the pebbles
By pebbles, by pebbles….
Boo into the hole!
At the words “On a flat path, the children walk at a step. When the teacher says: "On the stones, on the stones" - they jump on two legs, slightly moving forward. On the words "In the hole, boo" "squat down. “We got out of the hole” - and the children get up. We repeat the poem again.
After several repetitions, he says another text:
On a flat path, on a flat path.
Our legs are tired, our legs are tired.
This is our home - this is where we live.
At the end of the text, the kids run into the house (they agree in advance where the house will be - on the bench, behind the drawn line, etc.).

Purpose: To teach children to speak at a fast and slow pace, to coordinate movements with the words of the poem, to respond to a verbal signal. Develop attention and the ability to navigate.
Course of the game: The teacher invites the children to ride the carousel. He is holding a hoop in his hands (being in the middle of the hoop) with multi-colored ribbons tied to it. Children take up the ribbons, the teacher moves with the hoop. Children walk and then run in circles. The teacher says:
Barely, barely, the merry-go-rounds spun,
And then, and then all run, run, run!
Hush, hush, don't run, stop the carousel,
One and two, one and two, that's the end of the game!
The children stop.

"Vanya is walking"
Purpose: to teach to stand in a circle, sing along with songs, educate friendly relationship to each other.
Course of the game: Children and the teacher stand in a circle The teacher, and the children walk in a circle and say the words:
Vanya walks, Vanya walks,
In the middle of the circle
Looking for Vanya, looking for Vanya,
For myself, my friend
Found Vanya. Found Vanya
For myself, my friend
One child is in a circle and chooses a friend for himself in words: Found Vanya, found Vanya for himself a friend.
Standing in a circle, they dance while the rest of the children clap their hands. Then the teacher changes the leader, the game continues.

Purpose: to teach children to hold hands, perform movements, according to the text of the game.
Course of the game: Children and the teacher stand in a circle. The teacher chooses one of the children, he will be the cap. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and sentence according to the text:
Cap, cap
Thin legs
Red boots
We fed you
We gave you to drink
They put on their feet
They made me dance.
Dance as much as you like.
Choose whoever you want!
When the words “we fed you, we gave you water” are pronounced, the circle narrows, then again the children go back, forming a large circle, and clap their hands. A child standing in a circle chooses a couple and the children dance to the music.

"Jack Frost"
Purpose: development of the ability to perform characteristic movements; exercise children to run.
The teacher stands in front of the children at a distance of 5 meters and pronounces the words:
I am Frost Red Nose. All overgrown with a beard.
I'm looking for animals in the forest. Come out soon!
Come out, bunnies! Girls and boys!
(Children go to meet the teacher.)
- I'll freeze! I will freeze!
The teacher is trying to catch the guys - "bunny". Children scatter.

"Mice in the pantry"
Purpose: to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal; exercise children in crawling, running and squatting.
Course of the game: Children - "mice" are on one side of the playground. On the opposite side, there is a rope stretched at a height of 50 cm from the ground level - this is the "pantry". On the side of the players there is a "cat" (its role is played by the teacher). The "cat" falls asleep, and the "mice" slowly run into the "pantry". Penetrating into the "pantry", they bend over so as not to touch the rope. There they sit down and seem to "gnaw" crackers. The "cat" wakes up, meows and runs after the "mice". They quickly run away to their burrows. The game resumes. In the future, as the rules of the game are mastered, the role of a "cat" can be played by any of the children.

"Hen - crested"
Purpose: to train children to quickly respond to the teacher's signal; exercise children to walk.
The course of the game: The teacher depicts a "chicken", children - "chickens". One child (older) - "cat". The "cat" sits on a chair aside. "Hen" and "chickens" walk around the site. The teacher says:
A hen came out - a crested hen, with her yellow chickens,
The chicken coughs: "Ko-ko, don't go far."
Approaching the "cat", the teacher says:
On a bench by the path, a cat has lain down and sleeps ...
The cat opens its eyes and catches up with the chickens.
The "cat" opens its eyes, meows and runs after the "chickens", which run away to a certain corner of the site - "house" - to the hen-mother. The teacher ("chicken") protects the "chickens" by spreading his arms to the sides, and at the same time says: "Go away, cat, I won't give you chickens!" When the game is repeated, the role of "cat" is assigned to another child.

"Round dance"
Purpose: to teach children to lead a round dance; exercise in squats.
Children speak the words behind the teacher. Holding hands, walk in a circle.
Around rose bushes, among herbs and flowers
Circling, circling a round dance, oh, we are cheerful people!
We were so spinning that we fell to the ground.
When pronouncing last phrase perform squats.

"Hares and the wolf"
Purpose: to teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, to perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space, find your place.
Course of the game: Children - "hares" are hiding behind bushes and trees. To the side, behind a bush, there is a "wolf". "Hares" run out into the clearing, jump, nibble the grass, frolic. At the signal of the teacher: "The wolf is coming!" - "hares" run away and hide behind bushes and trees. The "Wolf" is trying to catch up with them. In the game, you can use a poetic text:
Bunnies jump: gallop, gallop, gallop -
On a green meadow.
They pinch the weed, eat it,
Listen carefully
Isn't the wolf coming?

"The sun and the rain"
Purpose: to teach children to walk and run scattered, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher.
Course of the game: Children sit on high chairs. The teacher says: “There is a sun in the sky! You can go for a walk. " Children run around the playground. At the signal: "Rain! Hurry home! " - they run to the teacher under an umbrella and squat down. The teacher says again: “Sunny! Go for a walk, "and the game repeats itself.
The sun is shining stronger
Shines into our room
We clapped our hands
We are very glad to the sun!
(children jump, dance, clap their hands)
Rain, rain faster and faster!
All under the umbrella quickly!
(Run under the umbrella)

Purpose: To bring joy to children with a fun game
Course of the game: The players stand in a circle and, without leaving their place, begin to spin, singing:
Blizzard, blizzard,
Snow is spreading across the field!
Who's spinning, spinning-
He will be swept away!
At the last word of the song, everyone should stop and stand without moving. Whoever falls, or is unable to stop in time, leaves the game. The rest are singing the song and spinning again. The most enduring remains in the circle. He wins.

"Flies - does not fly"
Purpose: To develop attention, imagination
Course of the game: Children move freely around the room: running, jumping, spinning. The presenter names any words (fish, plane, tree ...). If what is named can fly, children imitate flying; if what is named can swim, imitate swimming; if it doesn’t swim, it doesn’t fly, then the children stop. The most attentive one who has never made a mistake.

Russian folk nursery rhyme "Where have you been?"
Children are in dialogue with the teacher.
Educator: Legs, legs, where have you been?
Children: We went to the forest for mushrooms. They walk on the spot.
Educator: What did you pens work for?
Children: We collected mushrooms. Squat and
Educator: Did you help your eyes? "Pick mushrooms".
We looked and looked, Look from under
We looked at all the stumps. hands turning
right and left.
Here is Vanyushka with a fungus, Squeeze the fingers of one hand in
With a boletus! fist and cover him
on top with the other palm.
"Bunny was walking"
Purpose: To teach children to walk in a circle and perform movements according to the text.
Course of the game: Join hands in a circle. Walk in circles, saying the words:
Bunny walked, walked, walked,
Found a carrot
He sat down, ate and walked on.
Bunny walked, walked, walked,
Found a cabbage
He sat down, ate and walked on.
Bunny walked, walked, walked,
Found a potato
He sat down, ate and walked on.
In the words "sat down" - stop and squat down.

Purpose: Perform movements in accordance with the text, not to be confused with an increase in tempo.
Course of the game: We stand in a circle, holding hands. The presenter suggests repeating the movements after him:
We'll go right first
And then let's go left
And then we'll get together in a circle
And let's sit down a little
Now let's go back
And on the spot we will circle
And clap our hands.
And now all together in a circle.
(Repeat the game several times, but at an accelerating pace)

The driver is chosen, the rest are divided into pairs, and clasp their hands. Couples stand up arcs after another, raising their hands up. The driver enters the formed corridor and moves in front. He takes the person he likes by the hand. The new couple goes together to the end of the "stream" and stands there, raising their hands up.
The freed player is the new driver.

Purpose: To develop the ability to perform characteristic movements, teach to move in a circle.
Game progress: children stand in a circle
On the motive ("like on thin ice")
White snow fell,
Gathering in a circle (going in a circle)
We drown, we drown (stomp their feet)
Let's dance merrily
We will warm our hands (rub their palms)
We will clap, we will clap (clap)
Let's jump more fun (springs)
To make it warmer.
We jump, we jump (jump)

Purpose: to develop dialogic speech and correlate words with actions.
Adult directions:
- Geese went to the field to nibble fresh grass, then bathed in the river, gathered home - and not go! A wolf sits under the mountain, wants to grab a goose. I will be a wolf and you will be geese!
- Geese, geese!
(children: "ha-ha-ha!")
Do you want to eat?
("Yes Yes Yes!")
Bread and butter?
What do you want?
("Candy !!!")
Fly home!
An adult says with the children:
Gray wolf under the mountain
Doesn't let us go home.
One, two, three - run home!
Children begin to run across, and an adult with a toy wolf catches up with the children.

"Mice dance in a circle"
They choose the "cat". The rest of the children are mice. The "cat" gets up in the middle of the round dance and pretends to be asleep. The mice dance in a circle and say:
"The mice are dancing around,
And the cat is dozing on the stove.
Hush, mice, do not make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat!
Vaska-cat will wake up,
Will break the whole round dance! "
After that, the "cat" hunt for "mice". The salted "mouse" becomes a new "cat" and the game is repeated from the beginning.

Objective: to develop speed
PROCESS OF THE GAME: The child depicts the "bunny", and the adult - the "wolf". "Bunny" does what is sung about in the song, and on the last words of the song: "The wolf is coming!" - the "wolf" runs after the "bunny", which runs away from him.
Zainki run across
Now a meadow, then a forest.
Strawberries are harvested
Dap and Dap! Dap and Dap!
Here a clearing is softer than silk,
Look around, look around!
Watch out for the dashing wolf
Beware, beware!
Zainki fell asleep sweetly
The forest is making noise! The forest is singing! -
Run away without looking back:
The wolf is coming, the wolf is coming!

Purpose: To teach children to convey mood, to cause joy.
Game progress:
Children stand in a circle holding hands. There is a sad bunny in the center of the circle. Children sing:
Bunny, bunny! What's the matter?
You are sitting very sick.
You get up, get up, ride!
Here's a carrot! (2 times)
Get it and dance!
All the children go up to the bunny and give him an imaginary carrot. The bunny takes a carrot, becomes cheerful and begins to dance. And the children clap their hands. Then another bunny is selected.

With the help of a counting, one child is chosen, he will play the role of a spider.
The rest of the guys join hands and form a circle.
The spider squats in the center of the circle.
Children begin to dance around the spider, loudly saying:
- Spider-spider,
Thin legs
Red boots
We fed you
We gave you to drink
They put them on their feet. (players come up to the bug and help him to his feet)
They made me dance.
Dance as much as you want
Choose whoever you want!
(the spider dances and chooses from the circle who will be the spider with the next bet)
After that, the game starts over with a new "spider".

All stand in a circle and join hands. The birthday boy stands in the center of the round dance. The round dance begins to move in a circle, accompanied by the words:
How on ... name day (they call the name of the birthday child)
We baked the Loaf.
Here is such a height! (hands are raised as high as possible)
Here is such a bottom! (squat down, hands practically put on the floor)
That's such a width! (diverge to the sides, trying to make a round dance as large as possible)
These are the dinners! (the round dance converges, shrinks, comes close to the birthday man)
Loaf, loaf, choose whom you love! (the round dance comes to its "normal" size and stops)
The birthday boy says: I love everyone, of course, but ... more than anyone else! (calls the name of the chosen child, takes him by the hand and leads him to the center of the round dance)
Now the birthday boy takes part in a round dance, and the child chosen by him becomes the "birthday boy".

This game is very fun and dynamic. Children play it with pleasure. The guys join hands, form a circle. Before the start of the game, the round dance converges as close to the center as possible. The bubble is deflated. Then the bubble is "inflated", that is, diverge to the sides, trying to make the round dance as large as possible. The round dance bubble “inflates” until one of the participants in the round dance, unable to withstand the tension, releases his hands. This means that the bubble has "burst". The game is accompanied by the following text:
Blow up bubble
Pout is great!
Swell up, hold on
Don't be torn!

Card file of outdoor games for 2 younger group

"Get through - don't get in the way" (walking and running games)

Skittles (clubs) are placed on the floor in two rows. The distance between the rows is 35-40 cm, and between the pins of the same row - 15-20 cm. Children should walk or run along the corridor without touching the pins.

"Pass - don't fall" (walking and running games)

The instructor puts a board 25-30 cm wide on the floor, and behind it he lays out cubes, bars at a distance of 25-30 cm from one another. It invites children to walk along a difficult path, first along the board, trying not to stumble, then stepping over the cubes, bars, without touching them.

Run to the flag (walking and running games)

Children sit or stand on one side of the room. On the opposite side, at a distance of 6-8 m from them, flags (cubes) are laid out on chairs or on a bench. Children, at the suggestion of the instructor, go to the flags, take them and go to the instructor. Then, at his signal, they run to the chairs, put down flags and come back.

"Cat and Mouse" (walking and running games)

Children are sitting on a bench - these are mice in holes. On the opposite side of the room sits a cat, the role of which is played by the instructor. The cat falls asleep (closes its eyes, and the mice scatter across the room. But the cat wakes up, stretches, meows and starts catching mice. The mice quickly run away and hide in burrows (take their places). The cat takes the caught mice to itself. When the rest of the mice hide. into burrows, the cat walks around the room again, then returns to its place and falls asleep.

"Birds in their nests" (walking and running games)

Children sit on chairs placed in the corners of the room - these are nests. At the instructor's signal, all the birds fly to the middle of the room, scatter in different directions, crouch, looking for food, fly again, waving their arms-wings. At the signal of the instructor “Birds, to the nests! "Return to their places.

"Sparrows and the car" (walking and running games)

Children sit on a bench on one side of the playground - these are sparrows in their nests. The instructor stands on the opposite side. It depicts a car. After the words of the instructor: "The little sparrows flew to the path," the children rise from the chairs, run around the site, waving their winged arms.

At the signal of the instructor “The car is going, fly, little sparrows, to their nests! »The car leaves the garage, the little sparrows fly to their nests (sit down). The car returns to the garage - the sparrows flew.

Find your house (walking and running games)

The instructor invites children to choose houses. These can be chairs, benches, cubes, hoops, circles drawn on the ground. Each has a separate house. At the instructor's signal, the children run out of the houses, disperse around the playground and frolic until the instructor says, “Find your house! ". At this signal, the children run to their houses.

"Walk and don't crash" (walking and running games)

Several pins are placed in one row on the floor or cubes are placed at a distance of at least 1 m from one another. Children should go to the other side of the room, bending around the pins (snake) and not touching them.

"Shaggy Dog" (walking and running games)

Children sit or stand on one side of the room. One child on the opposite side represents a dog. Children in a crowd quietly approach him, and the instructor says at this time:

Here lies a shaggy dog

Burying my nose in my paws,

Quietly, calmly, he lies,

Either asleep, or asleep.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see: “Something will happen? ".

Children approach the dog. As soon as the instructor finishes reciting the poem, she jumps up and barks loudly. Children scatter, the dog chases after them and tries to catch someone and take them to him. When all the children have hidden, the dog returns to its place and again lies down on the mat.

"Tram" (walking and running games)

3-4 pairs of children stand in a column, holding each other's hand. With their free hands, they hold on to the cord, the ends of which are tied, that is, some children hold on to the cord with their right hand, others with their left. This is a tram. The instructor stands in one of the corners of the room, holding three flags: yellow, green, red. He explains to the children that the tram moves at a green signal, slows down at a yellow one, and stops at a red one. The instructor raises a green flag - and the tram goes on: children run along the edges of the hall (playground). If the instructor raises a yellow or red flag, the tram slows down and stops.

"Tak s and" (walking and running games)

Children stand inside a large hoop (1m in diameter, hold it in lowered hands: one is at one side of the rim, the other is at the opposite, one after another. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. Children run around the playground or along the path.) change roles for a while.

“Cucumber, cucumber. "(Games with walking and running)

Children stand behind the line on one side of the playground. On the opposite side is a mouse (an instructor or one of the children). Everyone walks along the site towards the mouse and says:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end:

There the mouse lives

It will bite off your tail.

With the end of the words, the mouse begins to catch the fleeing children.

"Cat and Sparrows" (jumping games)

Children stand on benches or blocks (height 10-12 cm, lying on the floor in one side of the playground, are sparrows on the roof. In the other side, away from the children, a cat sits, he sleeps. "Sparrows fly out onto the road," says the instructor and the children jump off the benches, blocks, scatter in different directions. The cat wakes up, he stretches, says "meow meow" and runs to catch the sparrows that are hiding on the roof. The cat takes the caught sparrows to his house.

"We stomp our feet" (walking and running games)

The instructor, together with the children, stands in a circle at a distance of arms straightened to the side. In accordance with the spoken text, the children perform the exercises:

We stamp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We put our hands down

We shake hands.

With these words, the children give each other their hands, forming a circle, and continue:

And running around

And we run around.

After a while the instructor says: “Stop! »Children slow down, stop. When running, you can invite children to lower their hands.

"On a flat path" (jumping games)

The children, together with the instructor on one side of the playground, outline the place where they will have a home and hit the road. The instructor pronounces the text, according to which the children perform different movements: walking, jumping, squatting.

On a flat path

On a flat path

Our feet are walking

One-two, one-two! (They go.)

By pebbles, pebbles,

By the pebbles, by the pebbles

Into the hole - boo! (They jump.)

On a flat path

On a flat path

Our legs are tired

Our legs are tired.

(Children walk and then squat down.)

Here is our home

This is where we live.

(Everyone runs into the house.)

"From bump to bump" (jumping games)

On the site, the instructor draws circles with a diameter of 30-35 cm. The distance between them is about 25-30 cm. These are bumps along which you need to move to the other side of the swamp. You can step over bumps, run across, jump over.

"Through the brook" (jumping games)

On the site, two lines are drawn at a distance of 15-20 cm - this is a trickle. Indoors, you can put two cords on the floor at the same distance from each other. Several children are asked to come closer to the stream and jump over it, pushing off with both legs at the same time.

"Frogs" (jumping games)

In the middle of the site, a large circle is drawn or a thick cord in the shape of a circle is laid - this is a swamp. The frog children sit along the edge of the swamp, while the other children sit on chairs that are set apart from the swamp. The instructor, together with the children sitting on the chairs, says the following words:

Here are frogs along the path

They gallop, stretching out their legs,

Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,

They jump with their legs extended.

Children standing in a circle, jumping, moving forward, represent frogs. At the end of the text, children sitting on chairs clap their hands - they scare the frogs; frog children jump over the line - in the swamp and squat down. Then the game is repeated.

"Catch and roll" (games with throwing and catching)

Opposite the child, at a distance of 1.5-2 m from him, there is an instructor. He throws the ball to the child, who catches it and rolls it back to the instructor.

"Crawl - don't hit" (games with crawling and climbing)

Children sit on one side of the room. At a distance of 3-4 m from them, chairs are placed, on their seats - gymnastic sticks or long slats. Two or three children should crawl under the sticks, trying not to hurt them, crawl to the bench on which the flags are, get up, take the flags and wave them, then run back.

"Catch the mosquito" (jumping games)

Children stand in a circle at arm's length, facing the center of the circle. The instructor is in the middle of the circle. In his hands he has a rod 1-1.5 m long, to which a mosquito figurine (made of paper or cloth) is tied with a cord. The instructor circles the cord slightly above the players' heads - a mosquito flies overhead, children jump, trying to catch it with both hands. The one who caught the mosquito says: "I caught it."

Run like a mouse, run like a bear (crawling and climbing games)

Children sit against one wall of the room. The instructor puts two arcs in front of them: the first arc 50 cm high, behind it at a distance of 2-3 m, the second, 30-35 cm high.The instructor calls one child and invites him to walk under the first arc on all fours, like a bear, i.e. leaning on the feet and palms. Under the second arc - run like a mouse (on the palms and knees, then return to your place.

"Rabbits" (jumping games)

On one side of the room, chairs are arranged in a semicircle, with seats inside a semicircle - these are rabbits' cages. On the opposite side is the watchman's house. In the middle is a lawn where rabbits are allowed to walk. Two or three children stand behind the chairs, as instructed by the instructor squat down - rabbits sit in cages. The watchdog instructor approaches the cages and releases the rabbits onto the lawn: children crawl under the chair one by one, and then jump, moving forward throughout the lawn. At the instructor's signal “Run to the cages! "Return to their seats, crawling under the chairs again.

"Mother and Chickens" (games with crawling and climbing)

Children depicting chickens, together with a brood hen, are behind a rope stretched between chairs at a height of 35-40 cm. This is their home. A large bird sits on the opposite side of the site. The mother hen calls the chickens: "Ko-ko-ko." At her call, the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the hen and walk with her, look for food, crouch, bend over, run from place to place. At the signal of the instructor “The big bird is flying! "The bird catches the chickens, and they run away from it and hide in the house.

"Hares and the wolf" (jumping games)

Children-hares are hiding behind bushes and trees. There is a wolf to the side behind a bush. Hares run out into the clearing, jump, nibble the grass, frolic. At the signal of the instructor: “The wolf is coming! "- hares run away and hide behind bushes, under trees. The wolf tries to catch up with them.

A small text can be used in the game:

Bunnies jump: gallop, gallop, gallop,

On a green meadow.

They pinch the weed, eat it,

Listen carefully

Isn't the wolf coming?

Children perform the actions described in the poem. With the end of the text, a wolf appears and begins to catch hares.

"Hares" (jumping games)

All children are bunnies. They are located on a hillock. They can serve as a slide on the site or in the room. The instructor says:

In a field on a hillock

Bunnies are sitting

They warm their paws

They are being stirred.

Children make appropriate movements (clap their hands, move their hands). After a while, the instructor and the children say:

The frost has become stronger in any way,

We will freeze sitting like this.

To warm up quickly

Let's jump more fun.

Children run down the hill, start to run, jump, tap their paws on the paws. At the instructor's signal, they return to the hill.

"Mother and Chickens" (games with crawling and climbing)

Children depicting chickens, together with a brood hen, are behind a rope stretched between chairs at a height of 35-40 cm. This is their home. A large bird sits on the opposite side of the site. The mother hen calls the chickens: "Ko-ko-ko." At her call, the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the hen and walk with her, look for food, crouch, bend over, run from place to place. At the signal of the instructor “The big bird is flying! "The bird catches the chickens, and they run away from it and hide in the house.

"Knock down the club (pin)" (games with throwing and catching)

A line is drawn or a rope is laid on the floor or ground. At a distance of 1-1.5 m from it, two or three large clubs are placed (the distance between them is 15-20 cm). Children take turns approaching the designated place, picking up balls lying next to them and rolling them, trying to knock down the mace. Having rolled three balls, the child collects them and gives them to the next player.

"Mice in the Pantry" (crawling and climbing games)

Children stand behind chairs (benches) or sit on them on one side of the playground - these are mice in burrows. On the opposite side, at a height of 40-50 cm, a rope is stretched, followed by a pantry. To the side of the players, the instructor sits, playing the role of a cat. When the cat falls asleep, the mice sneak into the pantry, crawling under the rope. In the pantry, they find themselves treats, squat, gnaw crackers, run from place to place to find something tasty. The cat wakes up, meows and runs after the mice. The mice run away from the pantry (crawl under the rope) and hide in burrows (the cat does not catch flies, it only pretends to catch them). Not catching anyone, the cat returns to its place and falls asleep. Game continues.

"Throw - catch" (games with throwing and catching)

One child or several children take a ball and stand in an empty space on the playground. Each tosses the ball directly overhead with both hands and tries to catch it. If the child cannot catch the ball, he lifts it off the floor and tosses it again.

Children stand on one side of the room or playground behind a drawn line or rope. Everyone, at the instructor's signal, throws balls into the distance. Everyone should notice where his ball fell. At the instructor's signal, the children run to their balls, stop near them, raise the balls over their heads with both hands. The instructor marks those who threw the ball farthest. After that, the children go back behind the line.

"Get in the circle" (throwing and catching games)

Children stand in a circle at a distance of two or three steps from a large hoop or circle with a diameter of 1-1.5 m lying in the center. They have sandbags in their hands, at the instructor's signal, they throw them into the circle, at the signal they approach and raise the bags and return to their places.

"Throw over the rope" (throwing and catching games)

Children sit on chairs along one wall of the hall. A rope is pulled at a height of about 1 m from the floor. A 3m rope with weights at the ends can be hung on the backs of two adult chairs or on the jump stands. At a distance of 1.5 m in front of the rope, a cord is placed on the floor. Near it lie one or two balls with a diameter of 12-15 cm. One or two children come to the line, take the balls and throw them, run under the rope; after catching up with the balls, they return back.

"Find your place" (orientation games in space)

Each player chooses a house for himself - a place where he can hide. Indoors, it can be a chair, bench, cube; you can draw circles on the site. Children are in their places. At the instructor's signal, they run out onto the site, run easily in different directions. At the signal “Find your place! "Return to their places.

"Find what is hidden" (orientation games in space)

Children stand in a circle or in a row. The instructor puts three to five objects on the floor in front of them (cubes, flags, rattles, balls, rings) and invites them to remember them. Then the players, at the signal of the instructor, turn their backs to the center of the circle or face the wall. The instructor hides one or two objects and says: “One, two, three! Turn around and see! ". Children turn to face objects and, looking closely at them, remember which ones are not there. The instructor invites the children to find these items in the room. When the items are found, the game repeats.

"Guess who's shouting where and where" (orientation games)

Children stand in a circle with their backs to the center. The instructor stands in a circle. He appoints the driver, who also stands in the middle of the circle. Some of the children are asked to shout, imitating any domestic animal or bird: a cat, a dog, a rooster. The child standing in the center of the circle needs to guess who and where shouted.

"Find your color" (orientation games)

The instructor distributes flags of three or four colors: red, blue, yellow, green. Children with flags of the same color stand in different parts of the room, near flags of certain colors. After the words of the instructor, “Go for a walk,” the children disperse around the playground in different directions. When the instructor says: "Find your color", the children gather at the flag of the corresponding color.

"At the bear in the forest" ( folk games and fun)

A circle is drawn on one side of the site - this is the bear's den; on the other - the house in which the children live is indicated. The instructor chooses the bear that sits in the den. When the instructor says: “Go, children, go for a walk! ”, They leave the house and go to the forest, pick mushrooms, catch butterflies. They say in chorus:

The bear in the forest

I take mushrooms, berries,

And the bear is sitting

And growls at us.

After the word “growls”, the bear begins to catch the children running home. The one whom the bear touches is considered caught: the bear takes him to his den. Children cannot be caught behind the line of the house.

After the bear has caught several players, the game resumes. Another child is assigned to the role of the bear. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

"Hide and Seek" (folk games and fun)

The instructor invites several children to hide (behind the gazebo, behind the bushes, and he closes his eyes so as not to see where they are hiding. After a while he asks: “Ready?” The children answer: “Ready!” The instructor goes to look for them. He looks in to different places, pretending that he will not find the children in any way. At the same time, he can utter the following words: "Where did the children hide? Where are our children?" from the hiding place and run up to him. In this case, the instructor happily draws them to him and says: "Here they are, our children!"

"Zhmurki" (folk games and fun)

The instructor invites the children to disperse around the room. He himself closes his eyes or ties them with a kerchief and pretends that he is trying to catch the children: he carefully moves around the room and catches the children where they are not. Children laugh. The instructor asks: “Where are our children? ". Then he takes off the bandage, turns to the side of the children and says: “Here they are, our children! ".

Bubbles (folk games and fun)

For the game, you need to prepare plastic tubes or straws according to the number of children, dilute soapy water in a small saucer. All children receive straws and try to blow a soap bubble. If this succeeds, they enthusiastically blow bubbles, watch how they fly, run after them, watch whose bubble flies farther and does not burst.

Russian folk games for younger children preschool age

Material Descriptions: I offer you some folk outdoor games for younger age... After all, the game is an integral part of the international, artistic and physical education preschoolers. The joy that children experience in playing on the move is combined with the spiritual enrichment of children. A stable, interested, respectful attitude to culture is also formed.

Outdoor play Is an absolutely natural companion in a child's life, a source of joyful emotions, which is captured by the greatest educational power in the development of children, especially of preschool age. Therefore, from my article there will be more bias towards outdoor games, which are a traditional means of pedagogy. I chose one branch of games - Russian folk games for young children. Although adult children also play in them with great pleasure. Especially in folk games, the way of life of people, national foundations, way of life, work is clearly reflected. The idea of ​​honor, courage, courage is also reflected. Desire to possess strength, dexterity, endurance, speed and beauty of movement. Show ingenuity, creative invention, endurance, resourcefulness, will and desire to win.

Target: cause children to enjoy playing folk games.

The teacher should remember that his main task consists in:
- to teach children to play actively and independently;
- learn to regulate the degree of attention and muscle tension in any game situation;
- adapt to changing environmental conditions;
- find a way out of a critical situation;
- make a decision quickly and enforce it;
- show initiative.
Thanks to educators who are restrained and able to correctly explain the rules (one of the important factors at the beginning of the game) and the implementation of the words written above, preschoolers acquire important qualities that will be necessary in their future life.
So, folk games in combination with other educational means represent the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed, active personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. When working with children, the teacher must remember that the impressions of childhood are deep and indelible in the memory of an adult. They form the foundation for the development of his moral feelings, consciousness and their further manifestation in socially useful and creative activities.
I suggest some Russian folk games for young children:

Before the start of the game, all the players pronounce the song:
First-borns, cherries,
Little blueberries were flying
Through the fresh dew
On someone else's lane
There are cups, nuts,
Honey, sugar -
As the last word will say, everyone must shut up. The presenter tries to make the players laugh with movements, funny words and nursery rhymes, comic poems. If someone laughs or says one word, he gives the presenter a fant. At the end of the game, the children redeem their forfeits: at the request of the players, they sing songs, read poetry, dance, perform interesting movements. You can play fantasies right away as you go wrong.
Rules of the game. The presenter is not allowed to touch the players with his hands. Fantas should be different for all players.

All the playing are sheep, they ask the wolf to let them take a walk in the forest: "Let us, wolf, take a walk in your forest!" The wolf replies: "Take a walk, walk, but don't pinch the grass, otherwise I won't have anything to sleep on." At first, the sheep only walk in the forest, but soon forget the promise, nibble the grass and sing:
We sprinkle, we nibble the grass,
Green ant
To grandmother on mittens,
Grandfather on a caftan,
To the gray wolf
Dirt on a shovel!
The wolf runs through the clearing and catches the sheep, the caught becomes a wolf, the game resumes.
Rules of the game. When walking in the forest, the sheep should disperse throughout the site.

Bees and swallow
Playing - bees fly around the clearing and hum:
The bees are flying
The honey is being harvested!
Zoom, zoom, zoom!
Zoom, zoom, zoom!
The swallow sits in its nest and listens to their song. At the end of the song, the swallow says: "The swallow will get up, the bee will catch." With the last word, she flies out of the nest and catches the bees. The caught player becomes a swallow, the game is repeated.
Rules of the game. Bees should fly all over the area. The swallow's nest should be on an elevated position.

1. Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the USSR: A guide for a kindergarten teacher / Comp. A.V Keneman. Ed. T.I. Osokina. -M .: Education, 1988.-239 p .: ill.

Russian traditional round dance game"Loaf"
All stand in a circle and join hands. The birthday boy stands in the center of the round dance. The round dance begins to move in a circle, accompanied by the words:
As for the name day (they call the name of the birthday child)
We baked the Loaf.
Here is such a height! (hands are raised as high as possible)
Here is such a bottom! (squat down, hands practically put on the floor)
That's such a width! (diverge to the sides, trying to make a round dance as large as possible)
These are the dinners! (the round dance converges, shrinks, comes close to the birthday man)
Loaf, loaf, choose whom you love! (the round dance comes to its "normal" size and stops)
The birthday boy says: I love, of course, everyone,
But here is more than anyone! (calls the name of the chosen child, takes him by the hand and leads him to the center of the round dance)
Now the birthday boy takes part in a round dance, and the child chosen by him becomes the "birthday boy".

Russian folk round dance game "Bubble"
This game is very fun and dynamic. Children play it with pleasure. The guys join hands, form a circle. Before the start of the game, the round dance converges as close to the center as possible. The bubble is deflated. Then the bubble is "inflated", i.e. diverge to the sides, trying to make the round dance as large as possible. The round dance bubble “inflates” until one of the participants in the round dance, unable to withstand the tension, releases his hands. This means that the bubble has "burst". The game is accompanied by the following text:
Blow up bubble
Pout is great!
Swell up, hold on
Don't be torn!

Russian folk round dance game "Dubok"
This round dance of the Kostroma province. Children, standing in a round dance, sing (or rhythmically say) about an oak tree and, without tearing their hands, show movements.
We have an oak tree
That's it,
That's it! (The round dance moves in a circle. With the last word the round dance stops)
Root yes it
That's so deep
That's so deep! (Children bend over, trying to reach the floor with their hands)
Branches yes it
That's so high
That's so high! (hands are raised and shaken)
Leaves yes it
That's so wide
That's so wide! (the round dance diverges, expands)
This round dance can be played with the driver. One of the children is chosen as an “oak tree”. He stands in the center of the round dance. Together with all the guys, he shows what leaves, branches, etc. he has. At the end, the "oak" chooses a new leader from the round dance, and they themselves become a round dance. At the same time, he can "assign" the new driver the name of another tree, for example, maple, mountain ash. And then they will sing about this tree.

"Spring, spring red"
Spring, spring is red! Children walk in a circle holding hands.
Come spring with joy
With joy, with joy, Turn in the opposite direction
With great mercy:
With linen high, they stop, rise on their toes,
pull your arms up, take a breath.
Deeply rooted, lower their arms, squat,
With abundant bread. Holding hands, they run in a circle.

My birch, birch, Children walk in a circle, holding hands.
My white birch
My curly birch.
You are standing, birch, they stop, raise their hands,
In the middle of the valley they stretch upwards.
On you, birch, They lower their hands.
Fox green,
Under you, birch, Slowly squat.
Silk grass.

"Rainbow - arc"
Hello rainbow - arc, Children bow.
Multi-colored bridge! Hands spread wide to the sides,
"Drawing" an arc in the air.
Hello rainbow - arc! They bow again.
Take us on a visit. Walking in a circle, holding hands.
We are running along the rainbow Run in a circle one after another,

Through a rainbow - an arc Stand with their faces in a circle, do
four jumps on toes.
Let's jump over on the run. Take four more jumps.
On the socks.
And again running, running Run in a circle one after another,
Let's run barefoot. lifting your knees high.