Selection of call center operators from "A" to "Ya. Friendly attitude towards people

Once, in 1918, an unknown willar on an unknown war was wildly shouted, raising soldiers in the attack: "Well, ahead, monkeys! Or eternal life wanted?! " In 1957, Robert Hainline used this expression (and maybe he came up with - who knows him?) In the epigraph to the wonderful book "Star landing".

So here. Monkeys who decide to live forever, are not allowed here. Primates who considered that life was too boring were entertained. In order for the monkey breed to be even more fun, they were handed grenades, small arms and put in tanks. They still dressed in Soviet, American, British and German uniform, scattered in different parts of the world and gave human appearance. Martyshki, whipped by the injection of adrenaline in blood, rush into battle and nibble from rage vest. Before the start remain a few seconds. Three ... two ... one ... went.

Call of Duty 2 - Continuation of the famous militant in World War II. As in the previous part, the historical truth and realism are sent in a long vacation. Instead, we are offered a magnificent attraction. The game resembles all Hollywood blockbusters at once. Around constantly something explodes, someone is killed, the infantry rushes into battle, the tanks will smoke, airplanes are rushed. What is happening on the screen is so filled with the action that it seems - the show for one viewer is played around. The way it is. Play show. The attraction game. Game spectacle. Personally for you. Dear production that will not let you be bored.



Semiautomatic rifle with a rope for ten cartridges. Good weapons on medium distances. Let them not have accuracy and slaughter strength, like Mosin-Nagant and Kar98k, - But if you need to fire a group of opponents, and the machine can no longer get ... then I advise you to pay attention to this model.


In my opinion, the most successful car machine. Let him have low accuracy (and what automaton is it high?) \u200b\u200bAnd not the most powerful charge, but the rate of fire and the clip is 71 (it is more than in a different machine gun) overlap these minuses. That is, you do not need to constantly change the horns, like, for example, the Thompson machine. What is very important.


This model, in principle, differs little from the previous one. The store is smaller, but the above accuracy and a little more powerful cartridge. You can use, but the PSH looks much more pleasant. In general, if applied, then on average distances. By the way, this weapon can be mined only from the bodies of the dead fighters.


Standard rifle. Cage for five cartridges, high accuracy and ugly rapidity. Use only long distances and preferably against machine gunners. In other cases, it is unlikely to come in handy. There is still an option with an optical sight. The same raspberry, only shoots further. Oh yes. A small plus, the cartridges are inserted not one by one - and five pieces.


With this machine you will use most often. Typically, cartridges end quickly, and you have to look for a trophy weapon. There is no such problems with him. The second automatic on the best list. 32 cartridges, accuracy is slightly higher than that of PPS, the same punching force - but there is practically no return.


A little strange weapon. Like a machine. But the rapidity is low. But high range. I used it on medium and distant distances. Of course, the accuracy is inferior to rifles, but the ability to fire the queues also gives its advantages. At close distances, she is good, but problems may arise due to rapidity. It is rarely found in the game, and find the cartridges are great joy.


Reviewed about Mosin-Naganta Here Kar98K is the same. Only cartridges are inserted one by one. And also there is a model with optics. Sometimes it makes sense to use it. The reason is simple: easy to get, and there are no ammunition problems.

Gewehr 43.

Analogue of the American rifle M1 Garand (read about it below). Gewehr 43 has accuracy of KAR98K, but can fire automatically. Powerful cartridge guarantees death when hitting the head. Two or three shots will be required to other parts of the body. There is still a model with an optical sight. And this is the only sniper rifle with automatic firing mode. Recommend. True, it is difficult to find it. But if you search ...


Single anti-tank weapon in the game. Behind the sinus simultaneously fits up to four charges. Mainly used against armored vehicles, but also can be applied against infantry. Especially if the soldiers are crowded. Or destroy machine gunners. Quickly, securely and safe.


Of all the rifles, perhaps the best. Firing, accuracy and slaughter force - the same as Mosin-nagant / kar98k. But then the clip is ten cartridges. Recharge rate is slightly lower than that of similar models, but, right, it is not so scary.


One of the most mass machines during World War II developers turned into terrible something. Rapidity, punching force is normal ... But what did they do with accuracy? To get, you need to run up almost close to the enemy. If you started a mission with this weapon, try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Better Take MP40.


Finally got to heavy weapons. Bren machine gun must be used from a sedent or lying position. Otherwise, the accuracy will be worse. Mostly this model is used during defense. Walking on the assault with such a mahina is quite problematic.

Colt .45

Risky bypass. Such a maneuver can roll - but it is not necessary to take risks.

Who needs him? Nobody. Why is it needed? Nizach. Gives only once for the entire game and throws out at the first time. There is still the same useless "Lugger" (as well as Webley, TT-33), which the Germans are usually shooting at death. Pistols in Call of Duty 2? Here is nonsense.

M1A1 Carbine.

The rifle used by American paratroopers. A good shooting range, a shop for 15 ammunition, semi-automatic regime of fire. Only pumped the punching force. While someone will shoot, you can save from zeal.

Grease Gun.

Consider the full analogue of the English Machine "Wall". The same lousy damage, average accuracy. The only plus: low return. But why? MR40 is much better, and it is easy for it to find cartridges. For the sake of interest, you can use, but this is not the most successful model.

M1 Garand.

Gorgeous rifle. High firing range, small scatter and powerful cartridge make M1 Garand more than attractive. To get even better, try to shoot from sitting or lying. Just remember the features of the weapon. The weapon is recharged automatically when the cartridges are run out in the clip. It will not work independently.


Good machine. The rapid, accurate (for the machine, naturally), and a good punching force. The impression spoils the clip on 20 ammunition. It is necessary to constantly recharge, and often this moment comes at the most inappropriate time when a couple of Germans have already hit the weapons nearby.

Browning Automatic Rifle.

Heavy rifle. It is worth taking into hand - and the player will begin to move with the speed of the turtle. Of the advantages - a powerful cartridge that knocks out the enemy with one or two hits, high accuracy.

But the clip is only 20 rounds. An essential disadvantage is unlikely to be called. Anyway, shoots will not work. Too big return. Therefore, use this way: a pretty aimed and made an accurate shot. In the near battle is hardly useful. Too low reduces maneuverability, and do not forget about the return.


This weapon is available only in network game. Conventional shotgun. Used on small distances. One shot guarantees a deadly outcome. It is convenient to clean the bunker, houses and other buildings, where there is no place for maneuver. You can also apply for ambide. For example, wrapping the enemy at the door.


Another sniper rifle. Now the American sample. The main disadvantage: when recharging inserts one cartridge. And it happens for a long time. That is, you need to hide, wait when it recharges, then go back to position. And during this time they can kill. Uncomfortable, in one word.

How to survive in the game

Call of Duty 2 is interested in a health system. There is no longer a strip of life. Now depending on the level of complexity, the player can withstand a certain number of hits. When the condition becomes critical - a warning inscription will appear on the screen. Then you need to hide and wait a few seconds to heal wounds. Good or bad - a separate conversation. That's it. Therefore, adapt.

An enemy learned how to drop grenades. If in the first part to the Germans for half a year it came out that the grenades hanging on the belt, not only so that the nuts are pricking, now everything has changed. Crop will be constantly and with pleasure.

If the pomegranate fell next to the player, then the corresponding image appears on the screen, showing the arrival, which side it lies. When notice this, immediately run. Regardless of the level of complexity, the explosion kills immediately.

Also increased the need to use grenades. Just before the throw, hold a little in your hand to decreased the time to the explosion. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the enemy will notice the giving a gift and throw back. Your comrades also know how to throw back - a the main character, alas, such tricks are not trained. By the way, now grenades can not save. Practical every third carries a bag full of StielhandGranate. Often you do not have time to throw out your enemy already threw a new batch.

And a few words about management. He was seriously finalized. The player can carry no more than two types of weapons. To switch between them, it is enough to press 1 or 2. It seems to be a trifle, but how comfortable! Aiming, as before, "hanging" on the right mouse button. Fire - on the left. The average button is to throw a grenade (it is also duplicated by the G key). But smoke grenades put on the key 4.

Character can move standing, sitting or crawling. The position of the movement and the accuracy of firing depends on the situation. Standing the hero moves faster than everything, but shoots with scattering in Polkilometer. Lying - exactly the opposite.

Another serious innovation is a smoke checker. It is used to overcome a dangerous place. For example, you need to run the area, which is shot by several machine gunners. If you try to go on a fool, you live about 3-4 seconds. This is especially true at a difficult level.

Which exit? You need to throw a smoke checker. Wait when smoke is spreading around the district, and run. The enemy also sometimes throws such tricks. But only at the rally of the almighty script. The Germans do not wear smoke checkers, so to replenish the reserve, you need to be able to search well.

About armored vehicles. Tanks and armored personnel carriers will almost always have to destroy a plane way. Bookmark explosives on caterpillars, gas tank or hood. Salmon at the same time ... if you play in a light or middle level, you can simply run up close and install the charge. If the level is complex, then it will have to do. Use smoke checkers or try to go from the rear.

Sometimes it is necessary to use Panzershchek. It is usually thrown up before the appearance of armored vehicles. Then take away. Also try to shoot out from the flank or rear. There seems to be a thin armor. Although it is definitely not proven.

When you find yourself on the battlefield, memorize: the enemy will be constantly reborn until you move forward. Moreover, unlike the first part, this is not a pitiful one or two soldiers. Easy with whole packs. Therefore, do it. Throw a couple of grenades. Then open the fire. People should be much less. Run forward and looking for a new shelter.

You can use comrades. They are also constantly being revived. Broke through to the enemy and sat down in a quiet corner. Fighters seeing that advanced forward, they will also run into the attack. You just have to wait when the fight is over.

You can also try to pass by bypassing. Maps have become more nonlinear. It is almost always possible to circumvent the enemy. Just need to find them. Therefore, look at the binoculars. By the way, the latter is a very useful thing. With it, you can estimate the situation on the battlefield to make the right solution.

This is common. The game is full of situations when you need to find a special tactic. But about it in detail told in passage. Which we, actually reached.


The game was held three times at the difficulty levels of Easy, Regular and Veteran. The difference between them ... day and night. On an easy level, you can easily run, packing the Germans. Smoke grenades not necessarily use. Even a machine gunner is easy to end the couple of shots in the head. At the same time, it is possible to stand almost in the focus.

At a high level of difficulty, play oh how difficult. Finding couple guarantees forced shipment to heaven. That, in aggregate with constantly reviving enemies, makes every battle with a small feat.

And last. The game is automatically saved through small intervals. It is bad, and good. Ten times to overire the same battle ... dubious entertainment. But but no longer need to think when you press the save button.

The Winter War.

Red Army Training

"I wish a friend, a comrade," the commissar broadcast in the causing sinel and with a stupid expression of the face, "the Fighter of the Red Army, even a potential, should always be ready to enter the unequal fight with the enemy. Therefore, the course of study will be accelerated ... five minutes should be enough. Damn it. Rifles ended ... "

This joyful note begins the game. This time (who remembers the first part - will understand) do not have to get into battle weapons. Just run in the next building and take a rifle from the table. Returning to the Commissioner with a weapon, you will have to go through a course of a young fighter. Shooting on plush teddy bear, empty bottles and German helmets - a matter of course, fascinating. But the hands will be squeezed to show the Germans that the suburbs of Moscow is not a safe place.

Soon the attack will begin. Learning on this will end ... and the new one will begin. You will clearly show how to use smoke grenades, search for shelter and other, other, so on. The enemy at this level is lazy and special resistance does not. The only place where you can die - the road that is shot by the machine gun. But it can be slipped using a smoke checker.

Then you will meet the Panzer Hummel armored personnel carrier, which is used as mobile artillery. Destroy the security next to it (grenades and PPS are a great tool), close the close and install explosives. Probably, in Call of Duty 2, the soldiers instead of stews give dynamite, for they carry it in an unlimited quantity. This is the level and will end. Next is drawn up for almost a year of life of the ordinary Ivan Kozlov. Because we will meet with him only on the ruins of Stalingrad.


Here he is a hero city. The Stalingrad Battle, which went for almost 200 days, reheated the course of war and grinding in its millstones more than two million people. It is not surprising that some ruins remained from the city. Therefore, in large parts will have to crawl among the ruins.

Level will begin in the department store. You need to get through to the specified point on the map. You can especially not rush into battle - and rely on comrades. They will dance most opponents, you only need to push them. Sit forward, tied the fight with the Germans. Then they climbed and wait for colleagues to cleanse the territory. Especially this tactic works well in the interval between the two houses. Painfully many Germans there.

Reaching the trench, get the task to reflect the attack of the Germans. You can act differently. If you play an average difficulty level, you can, standing in full growth, shoot running soldiers. Or sitting at the basement at home and shoot the left trench. Most opponents will jump out there.

If you play at a difficult level, then such tricks will not pass. An attempt to get out of the trench during the attack will end fast death. In this case, hide in the house itself, occasionally shoot out of the window and constantly throw grenades. And, of course, look after the entrance to the house to prevent a breakthrough.

After an unsuccessful attack, the Germans will run back. Despite the draft cries, it is not necessary to break forward. It is better to find a rifle in the house with an optical sight and from afar to shoot the Germans. Special attention is paid to the machine gunner and comrades standing nearby. When more or less clearing the way, start moving forward, running from shelter to shelter. Having reached the trench, throw a pen with a couple of grenades, so that the life of the Malina does not seem.

Miss the comrades to the building (a lot there are people there, do not risk) - and then come in yourself. When the lower floors are cleaned, talk to the commander. He will order to minister the building to some mother. Run to the engineer, grab the explosive and start installing in the specified places. From the holes in the ceiling will shoot the Germans, so throw a grenade there.

When the last charge is installed, run out of the building for a safe distance. The explosion will thunder. This will end. And, by the way, the first chapter from the British campaign will be available.

NOT One Step Backwards

Repairing the Wire.

The battle for Stalingrad is in full swing, and it is very important that the connection with the headquarters is established. Therefore, a new task: restore the phone cable. He is reinforced by pressing the F key. At the same time, the character does not even release the weapon from hand. Apparently, skillfully twists the wires with the help of the toes. It's impossible to get lost at this level, because it is enough to run along the wire. And you will always find the road.

At the very beginning, it is necessary to cross the street, rushed by a machine gun. To do this, use a smoke grenade to hide from the inquisitive enemy's eyes. After begin to destroy the enemy in the building. In general, almost all the time you have to fight in houses and ruins (typical urban battle), so choose a weapon that beats well on close and medium distances. For example, PPS or German MP-40 is suitable.

When six breaks will be restored ... It is too early to rejoice. Tighten three German tanks. They will have to destroy them with rare masochism. Manually. Laying explosives. Under mad fire. With wild cry. Comrade Budyannye will turn from envy after such a dick.

First you need to find "sticky" bombs. You will find them next to the radio on the barrel. The first tank will sharply roll out due to the angle. Take the Germans opposite grenades and run to the house. From there, run to the tank and install explosives. It will not be able to destroy him, but the comrades will enditted. If you do not have time to run, then use a smoke checker.

The second tank rides through the streets, constantly changing its location. You will have to catch up with it. Just do not need to do it, rushing on all pairs on the gun. Let's shoot at the approaches. Better, jumping around the ruins, shooting the Germans and glancing at the compass, to watch where he stopped to sneak on the side. Again, just like a smoke checker.

The third tank is located on the square. And it is not visible. First shoot the Germans. Pay special attention to the machine gunner. Mostly it is he spoils life. When the density of the fire decreases, throw a smoke grenade, run into the area - and left. There is a tank that immediately rushes from the place when the character will seem. Therefore, you need to quickly run up and install explosives on the benzobac or caterpillars. Next, run for comrades, and confirm to the end of the level.

Railroad Station No. one

The original beginning. To get to the station, you need to spin on the old pipe. On the way, you can install the Germans from the holes. It will not give anything, but if you want ... why not? Some incomprehensible fighters will be easier to live. The pipe from time to time will fire. Therefore, do not rush forward with a hearing.

Selecting at the station, grab the grenades and the machine, lying on the drawer near the door. Once on the street, jump into the trench and inspect the terrain. A machine gunner on the second floor shoots almost all the space. Therefore, before moving on, remove it from the rifle or put a smoke barrier.

When you get rid of a machine gunner, running from shelter to shelter, move to the left. Cheat around the corner and wait when the German will be behind the machine gun installed below. Quickly clean the first floor and go upstairs. Do not forget to throw a couple of grenades to secure the passage.

When the building is under control, get ready for a counterattack. While there is time, join the ammunition and stock grenade. If the PPS lacks the cartridges, then throw the rifle and take MP-40. In theory, you must shoot the Germans from the windows. But this is a dangerous and ungrateful matter, plus the grenades are constantly flying - and most importantly: only one entrance leads to the building. Stand opposite the stairs and follow the staircase. From the machine you should have time to push the opponent trying to break through.

After beating the attack, you need to destroy the tank. First, clearing the terrain from the Germans. Then run to the building. From there, throw a smoke grenade. When the curtain hits you from fascist eye, run up to the tank and install a sticky bomb. And immediately run back. Further will handle comrades. You just help with the fire from afar. By the way, the wandering in the smoke is quite dangerous. Once I encountered my nose to the nose with two Germans, who shoved me with the buttons.

The following three tasks can be performed in any order. You need to take the storm two machine-gun nests and clean the house. You can act like this. After running from shelter to shelter (or using a smoke grenade), get to machine guns and throw them with grenades. Then go to storm the building. There again lay the road with grenades.

Or such an option. First, clean the building (however, to get to it under the machine-gun fire -Smotive joy ...), it is a pretty second floor and find sniper rifle. With the help of it to remove machine gunners. And this can be done without leaving the building.

Fortress Stalingrad.

Downtown Assault.

Last campaign for the Soviet fighter. To be honest, then there is a slight bewilderment after it. Well, held the house. So what? Battle for Stalingrad ended? Or how? Need to wait for add-ons? Do not understand what ... Your goal at this level is to destroy the warehouse of ammunition. But before this, you need to clean the range of homes (they are marked on the map letters). To do this, you will have to kill every German inside. What, however, is not very difficult. Only a machine gunner will create problems. Use a smoke grenade to slip under the fire.

When read the first house, it will appear german tank. This time the explosive did not give out (apparently, the stew was still delivered), so you will have to run into the house opposite. There on the floor lie "sticky bombs". Just before moving on, throw a smoke grenade to not go to machine-gun bursts and breaks. After jumping out the window (you can throw a couple of grenades to sift the infantry) and install explosives until smoke scattered. The explosion will thunder ... Run back to the house.

Until the next building is not so easy to get. From the windows of the house opposite the Germans lead a tight fire, and if you get closer - you will begin to throw pomegranates. Throw a smoke checker to create a veil. After jumping out the window and run to the shelter. Throw the grenade couple into the window and grant the opportunity to storm the first to comrades. Too many opponents inside. The first is quite dangerous.

Through the way upstairs, become behind the right machine gun and start shooting the fussy below the Germans. The lieutenant at the adjacent machine gun will indicate where it is to shoot, but it is understandable and without tips. The main thing is that the team of demolitions break through to the left building and installed explosives. After a truck with infantry rolled, a German tank will appear. Run away from the machine gun and wait when it breaks the wall. Jump down.

Destroy the tank is a difficult task. It is constantly riding in the destroyed area, plus the emerging infantry that will not take to run just like that. The first thing to be done is to at least clear the terrain from the Germans. Throw grenades in every corner. Then throw some smoke checkers to create a sufficient veil. And breaking his head run to the tank. Just be careful. In the smoke, you can easily wind out the caterpillars.

City Hall.

Perhaps the most difficult mission compared to previous. The fight will start on the street. There are many Germans, they are shooting almost all the space, and almost no place to hide. Plus, new and new opponents will constantly arrive, replacing the killed comrades. Throw a smoke checker and use grenades to clear the way.

Then you will go to the second street, where everything will happen. Again, use grenades and smoke checkers to break through forward. Having reached the municipality building, blew the door and run inside. This will end. And the last battle is to be.

Comrade Sniper

First you need to clean the building. The opponents are not so much, so there is no special difficulties. When you run the task, run to comrades. One fighter will fall, the battle of a sniper. Grab the rifle with an optical sight (it lies on the floor). Wait when Paul with a helmet will make a sniper seem.

The specification of its location is quite vague: "The second floor of the building on the left." Yeah, just what exactly? Hide in a secluded corner and with the help of binoculars carefully examine the second floors of both buildings. True, the sniper still notice is very difficult. It is constantly moving, and from such a distance, only a vague silhouette is visible. It is easier to find it a couple of mouth. Minus 40 degrees, however. Realism, however.

After the death of the sniper, continue to storm the building. When it is fully cleaned, run to your comrades. Now you have to survive four attacks. To do this, you will have to try, if you want to stay alive.

The first two attacks are nothing serious. Take a sniper rifle in your hands (it can also be found on the table, on this floor) and shoot the soldiers until they have time to get close and throw a grenade. We are not particularly supervised and look at the compass to find out where the opponent will go.

The following two attacks will be much more serious. Soldiers will appear who are carrying machine guns on shoulders. Try to destroy them before they install a machine gun. Otherwise, then it will have to do it under fire, which is associated with risk for life. If you do not have time to cope with the enemy and he has time to run into the building (about the grenades flying through the window, too, do not forget), then run to the stairs and keep the passage at the sight. It is narrow enough, therefore the Germans will run the crowd to the automatic line.

Finally, at the end of the death of death (it will be the fourth attack) will arrive an armored personnel carrier. Take a pomegranate from the table and wait when he comes to the building. Then get out of the window and make a shot. It is advisable to get the first time, otherwise the second may not be. After the surviving opponents survived and celebrate the victory. Whether the Stalingrad battle ended, it is not clear, but you have completed the Soviet campaign. Hoirs Vasily Ivanovich Kozlov.

The Battle Of El Alamein


The British company will begin with the already traditional raid for the raid on enemy reasons in order to destroy fuel and ammunition. And right. Let Rommel without Saloary and Machorka sits. How exactly got saboteurs to the base - they will not show. Just ended up in the rear. But the most interesting thing is that comrades will still jump out due to invisible fence, replacing the killed fighters. Spatial portal, not otherwise.

First task: destroy three machine-gun nests. The first is two steps from the beginning of the level. Throw a grenade until Brave Frieces from someone shoot. To get to the rest, you will have to rip the trench. Do not forget to throw pomegranates: for corner, in bunkers, from where the machine gunners, and the Germans sitting at the top.

You can reach the third machine gun nest, only by passing the bunker and climbing the stairs to the top. Try before moving from the trench, to shoot as many people as much as possible. After you fulfill the task, get an order to regroup with the captain price. By the way, it was he who had to save in the first part of the game in the American campaign. M-yes. Pleasant memories and familiar faces.

Now you need to destroy fuel and ammunition. There are a lot of opponents (even some clever kinet smoke checker), so first it is thoroughly sprinkled by a row with a grenade. Also shoot on the barrels. So you destroy the fuel reserves, plus the explosions will help to scatter the Germans. Ammunition will have to minimize manually. After it remains to clean the last bunker and kidnap a very important document.

Holding The Line.

The Germans in response to the counterattack decided to attack the city held by the British. And your squad just returned from the raid should help the garrison hold the defense. Attack will be mainly infantry with the support of armored vehicles. A few machine guns and a couple of 88-mm guns are placed around the perimeter.

It is better to use the latter (although it will have to sit at the machine gun, until artilleryrs do not die). From the guns, try to join the infantry when it is far away (do not forget about armored vehicles). If they break through, it is advisable to leave them on the confusion of comrades. Otherwise, the unsuccessful shot can finish off the heels of the other British, which will lead to the loss of the mission.

Attack will be with several directions, so you have to run from the gun to the cannon. In the end, you will have to run behind the machine gun. With it, shoot the Germans, a bad crowd of death. A strained moment may occur when some smoke grenades are thrown. In this case, wait when the silhouette of the next Fargin appears in the smoke.

When this attack is repulsed, run to the central building and go to the roof. Now, with the help of binoculars, you need to track the enemy (key B) and bring artillery on it (key F). Remember that the art preparation will start not immediately, but after some time. Therefore, you need to adjust the fire with amendment.

The main goal is to destroy the tanks. The infantry will attack until the end of the universe. Therefore, the main fire should be concentrated on it. But it's not worth forget. Otherwise, evil Germans, breaking through the defense, will rise by the stairs and shoot back. Comrades, of course, will shoot - but may not have time. When the last German tank is destroyed, reinforcement will come and trust.

Operation Supercharge.

In this mission to survive, you need to move, covering the tank armor.

What a loud name. Already cold sweat struck. Now the British are coming, and your task is first of all destroying anti-tank guns so that the steel monsters can roll the defense into a thin pancake. In fact, the mission can be divided into two components: run for tank and clean the trenches.

When the infantry goes to the open area, you need to take place behind the tank armor, so as not to die along the way. Moreover, it is necessary to hide behind the car marked on the Golden Star card. Other tanks are constantly exploding - and it is worthwhile, as you remained one-dinner in a clean field.

When the tank comes to the trench, begin the methodical stripper. This is not a battle at all, but a pleasure walk. Germans are not going to more than three people, armed in the main rifles. No machine guns and other nastiness. The only cluster of the people can be found among the guns - but it is thinned by a grenade.

By breaking through the first line of defense, again run for the tank to the new trenches. There will be a familiar work. By destroying the last weapon, wait when Captain Price will lay off explosives, and run inside.

Last task: Send a house in which a German command is located. Here the defense is again not so what. Only a lone machine gunner on the roof can deliver the problem. Throw a smoke checker to get into the curtain, or just remove it from the rifle. Clearing the house, use a radio station. This mission will end.

The End of the Beginning

Probably some readers already know this level by the demo version of the game. It is necessary to destroy the coastal artillery that shells the British courts. Action will begin in a truck, on which brave infantrymen break into the city to help comrades. They will be disappeared and not all.

As soon as the car stops, jumping onto the ground and throw a smoke checker to hide from the German group's eye for a wire with a machine gun led. By the way, you can not worry about opponents on the second floor. They will die by themselves, it is only worth run by.

Throw the Germans group by grenades behind the barrels and immediately throw the Limonon couple with the detachment of the house. They fired a truck at the very beginning. Next, a series of street fighting. Hard enough. The German is especially dangerous who pulls the machine gun on the shoulders. It is worth decomposing it, as the queues will begin to push one fighter after another.

Reaching docks, throw a grenade to the artillery tool and open fire on the Germans, sowing on the roof and balconies. Then transfer the fire on the barrels with a flammable. They will make most of the work. Having reached the machine gun, wait, while Comrade launches a smoke checker, - and, throwing a couple of grenades, run on the assault.

Harbor is almost ours. It remains to capture the house. In order not to get under the mill machine gunner, go around it. By the way, the infantry with MG42 on the shoulders will jump from there. Do not let go, otherwise you will get additional concerns in the future. After beating the first floor, throw a couple of pomegranate on the second and climb the stairs. After use the radio to send bombers to ships.

When the ships are sinking, run for comrades. Stumbled upon a machine gunner, step in the alley and wait when the door sname. Combined through the building, go to the square. Throw down a couple of pomegranate and remove the Germans sitting on the balcony and roof. After jumping down.

Now you need to capture documents from the German headquarters (the house opposite). Again, standard tactics: a few pomegranate - and after you come in yourself. Taking the documents, go back to the square and become for the machine gun. The attack of the enemy will quickly choose. Actually, all. Victory. It remains to return to the harbor and talk to the captain.

The Tank Squadrons

Crusader Charge.

Funny. In numerous interviews, the developers promised to give the opportunity to ride a lot of technology. Including trophy. But, alas, only British tanks lived to the final. Which and tanks are shameful.

Short and easy mission. You need to follow the column and destroy all German tanks (on the way you can relax and suppress infantry). Your car also restores health, so if you got a couple of times - it is enough to wait a few seconds, and the armor will be redeemed by itself.

To increase the accuracy of fire, use binoculars. Then you can get when shooting for a large distance. Yes. General Council. Do not be ashamed to hide behind the spins of comrades. So reliable and safer.

88 Ridge

Another mission in which the tank is to ride. By the way, this is perhaps the only level where you will constantly stumble on the invisible walls. In the rest they are so clearly not visible. This time you will have to destroy 88-mm guns and German tanks. Try to go with the flank to get the advantage of suddenness.

Sometimes the infantry will be bought, shooting out from Panzershchekov. But this is the right of little things. Especially the machine gun in the tower shoots automatically, and you just stay on target. Do not drive forward. Gradually move and fill up enemy positions from afar. Then you yourself will be well, plus you will save comrades.

Rommel "S Last Stand

Outnumbered and outgunned

Heroes made another jump in time, and now to fight in Tunisia. And you have to defend. Fell, apparently without you. Without losing time, get up for the machine gun and start shooting the Germans. Do not forget to look at the side alley. From there, too, a couple of detachments will come running, and if you don't understand with them in time, they will hide behind the car. Those that make their way through the street directly - die out, it is worth it in the arc.

When the armored personnel carrier appears, run away from the window and go to the floor. Soon hear the root of firing, and holes with a fist will appear in the wall. However, solid. Run to the door and make a weapon. Soon she falls on the floor with a crash, and two Germans will seem.

Having selected outside, start shooting the Germans and make your way to the armored car. By the way, it seems that Captain Prica and Mc Gregor cannot be killed at all. Therefore, let the comrades ahead, and maintain fire yourself from behind the back. The most interesting thing is that a machine gunner in the car for some reason will shoot from hand-held weapons. What did not please the machine gun, is incomprehensible. When the captain pulls out the body, climb into the turret and get ready. There is an unforgettable trip.

While sitting in the cockpit, you are almost completely protected from shots. Puli bounce off two armored boards on the sides. In other words, ordinary infantry can not be afraid. But the armored car will fall apart from two hits from Panzershchekov. In a good way, and one cannot be allowed, but if I got it, what to do ...

It's funny that it was worth sitting in a bronper, as the Germans armed together with grenade launchers. As if they knew. Captain Price will say where the opponent stands, so you need to deploy the tower on time. Also from a long firing overheats the gun. And if the scale is filled completely, you will have to wait for the trunk. It is impossible to allow this, but if it happened - then switch to ordinary weapons. True, then you will become vulnerable to bullets, but ... better something that nothing.

By and large, this is an easy part of the mission. The main thing is to obey the teams of the captain and to deploy an instrument on time. By the way, the German tank can also be destroyed. Just need to shoot longer. Problems may occur when the engine will stall and the crowd of soldiers with grenade lashes will pop up. And the second moment. When you leave on the square with a lot of infantry, the price will not say where to shoot. Keep your eyes open.

When the car ... Uh-uh ... break, you will have to do the remaining path on foot. Again, comrades to the fore. Let the "immortal" run in the attack. On the streets a decent number of Germans, so be careful. Having reached the baked tank, get a reinforcement in the form of a dozen blunt soldiers. With their help, it is much easier to make your way forward.

Passing a little ahead, stumble upon the crowd of the Germans. Use a smoke grenade to sneak under the veil - and apply a sudden blow. Grenades also act well, although it is difficult to understand where to throw. In general, there are many alleys, and if you try, you can almost always go with the flank. Reaching the truck, wait for comrades and get ready for the next mission. We will be back.

Retaking Lost Ground

The next day, British forces went to storm a long-suffering city. As it should be, there are tanks in the attack (it's funny that there is no aviation support - and this is despite the fact that the allies fully dominated the air; all the aircraft at Rommel was taken for the needs of the Eastern Front). But a sense of them ... Most of the mission they will break down the walls, proudly roll forward and beautifully explode at the classroom of the script.

When the tank at the head of the column will be destroyed, jump off from armor and run to the alley. On the square of the Nemtess. Throw all grenades. Then insecurity new ones. Now the main thing is to reduce the number of opponents.

A little further is a machine gunner. Throw a smoke grenade to calm down, and run in the alley. From there, you can get along the barrels with a flammable that carefully set the owner of Mg-42. Next, give up to 88-mm guns. A couple of grenades as a gift - and seek survivors from the machine. You can not worry about the gun. It is destroyed independently.

Going to the square with the house, on the roof of which the Germans sat down, throw a smoke checker to create a veil, - and then a fan throw grenades. Now run on the assault. When destroying the Germans on the first floor, hide under the flooring and wait when Comrade will raise the staircase. When climbing on the roof, the devotions of the Germans and jump on the cart with hay.

Now your task is to destroy the four 88-mm guns. They are all protected well, so get ready for brutal battles. Having reached the first gun, first rub with a machine gunner (although a couple of grain can be thrown ...). Look for the shelter away and shoot a rifle. When you raise upstairs, come across the German tank. Hide behind the barrels and wait when it comes and will help the Allied Crusader.

By the way, in this area the game is saved when the tank appears. Therefore, if you dove before, let's start with the place when it came to the gun. In a serious difficulty level, this may become a problem. Therefore, if you have started, let comrades storm in proud loneliness. I know that assistants are not ahti - but they are endless. You just throw grenades and shoot from afar.

The following two guns are easy enough to capture. When they give them, open a quick fire. He will come run a bunch of Germans. Throw four grenades. A series of explosions, and almost anyone alive.

The last gun stands on the square. It is more difficult here. Again - four grenades for the prevention of the Nazi infection. But then immediately run into the shelter and from there, start shooting the Germans on the roof and tuned from the side street. By the way, comrades will also help well. Will distract fire on yourself.

The last task in the mission is to capture the mosque. It is not necessary to keep through the main road to her, on which the British will go, - and through a small alley. Throw two smoke checkers to create a veil. Then four grenades on the second floor. After under the cover of smoke, run to the stairs on the side and climb the second floor. One long queue - and the Germans standing in a row together together.

Now get up for the machine gun and take off the attack. It is so weak that they will not even have time to notice how the convoy will arrive.

Assault On Matmata.

Immediately warning: a difficult mission. Perhaps the most difficult thing in the game. The Germans are almost knocked out of Africa. It remains to take the last stronghold. The convoy fell into the ambush, and on all sides the Germans lead fire. What to do? You can do so. If you play on the middle level of difficulty, run in a small butt between buildings and sit, shooting from the Germans. When the gate open, run out of the damned alley. If you play at a difficult level - find barrels standing next to the truck, jump for them and learn on your stomach until the gate open. It is only worth twitching - instantly shoot or screamed with grenades.

Combined through the gate, get to the street, scored opponent. He attacks almost from all sides, so you immediately look for the shelter. And align, only to make a shot. You can go right, but there are many infantry. Or break through the street right. But here the machine gunner leads from the window. It can be removed from the rifle or throw a smoke checker, run up to the house and throw a grenade into the window. Yes, by the way, be careful. The attack aircraft will fly once.

Next, the street turns right. Someone will throw a smoke checker, thereby giving the opportunity to slip another machine gunner. Just be careful. Concrete blocks sat down the infantry detachment. In the end, you will go outside where the armored personnel carrier is. As soon as you come to him - he roll back. Follow him, but you do not turn the open area. Sit behind drawers and shoot the Germans running out of the building.

Soon the tank will arrive. Hiding his armor, run into the house on the left. So go to the flank the detachment of the Germans. Next, move the same: armor tank - and in the side house to go around the side. When the tank is like, you will have to act independently.

Soon you will go to the anti-aircraft gun. Having understood with the protection, methodically shoot the Germans on the roof. Then get the team to sit down anti-aircraft gun. By the way, do not try to use it against infantry. No matter how wonderful it sounds, it is almost useless. Airplanes will fly from the tower on which the flag with a swastika is posted. Retire them quite simple. First, they fly at high altitude, but then they make a sharp peak - and at this moment there are vulnerable.

When the last speaker of Luftwaffe finds his peace on Earth, the mission will end. But I am tormented by the question: where does the Germans have so many aviation? Her almost all was transferred to the Eastern Front. And the second: why did not the Italians in the campaign in Africa? It's a shame, yes?

The Battle for Caen


From Africa straight - in Normandia. This is already reminiscent of a pleasant walk, which is repeated from time to time. Yeah, Africa, Italy, Normandy. What, italy will not? Okay. In addition we will see. Defense of Moscow? Excellent. Is there one mission, and that training? M-yes.

In general, we went. Rotating to the glade, do not rush to rush into battle. First, the Germans will be a bit, but gradually they pull up new forces. And, for all saints, throw off the wetted "walls" and pick up MP-40. And with a rifle you can do the same.

When the garden is coming, running for funnels at a rapid horse speed. After a couple of seconds, the mortar shelling will begin, and if they do not have time on time, - no longer have time. Germans take the shots to the stop or score. A machine gunner can spoil a jog. Throw into it a grenade on the go. Or wait a couple of seconds until it comrades to comrades.

Be prepared for this meeting and get the Panzershchek in advance.

Now you can and mortar make up. When to clean the building nearby, go up to the second floor, as the commander tells. From there you can get to the first mortar calculation. Safe and convenient. Only the task is considered to be completed when you leave the house.

In the courtyard at home left the second mortar calculation. Throw back a couple of grenades. And leave the units of the Germans to the confusion of comrades. Now the task is to clean the city from the remnants of the German forces. Methodically search the ruins and finish every Hans and Friedrich. I advise you to start from the center of the square to run out did not have time.

Having reached the house, wait until the door open. Here is a miracle. I never thought that I would see this similar in Call of Duty. The Germans are talking and surrender to the victims. Apparently, the scripts firmly twisted instincts. They will show prisoner American paratroopers who miraculously avoided death. Now you need to find a truck for them.

In general, I advise you, as soon as the Germans open the door, immediately run to the beginning of the level. Otherwise, then you have to break through the battles. Fight with machine gunners, run away from the grenade and so on. Dangerous and no need. For a friend who starts with a delay, you can not worry. He is still "immortal." He himself will, and still kill whom will meet. Wait for his truck.

Close in the body, throw out the rifle and take the bumps. While it is not useful, so you can switch to the machine. While the car rides, shoot the fussy Germans. When you get to the place where the road turns into the city (there are still blocks), take a grenade launcher and wait. When "Tiger" appears - run the rocket. He needs three hits to go to Tank Paradise. You can not worry about charges. If you are spent all - they are automatically replenished. When you get to the house with prisoners, the mission will end.

The Crossroads.

Another city to be discarded from the Germans. A rather difficult mission. Passing down the street, blooming at the machine gunner, and also fall into the ambush. First, make an opponent in the building, and then remove the machine gun from the rifle. Having passed a little ahead, laughing at the German tank. Run into the house opposite and look for a grenade launcher on the second floor. Shoot through the window should not, otherwise you can die from your own explosion. It is better to return to the first floor and shoot through the doorway or a window in which the machine gun is.

Then you have to divide with the team to clean the house. Soon hear the crash of the machine gun. Run to the captain and from the second floor window, remove the Germans, crowding around Mg-42, and after the machine gun itself. Next, meet the armored car. If a grenade launcher remains, you can destroy it yourself. Otherwise, wait for the captain and orders one of the soldiers to do it.

Now you need to shoot the Germans per barbed wire. You can try to fight, hiding in the house. Almost the terrain is shot from the window. If it does not work, then hide at the fence and throw grenades. When they end, clinging to the fence, shoot, until the Germans retreat in the dense forests. It's time to return to the house, which has already been cleaned.

When the captain gets to the gate and reveals their leg with a blow, immediately run to the wall of the house. After a few seconds, the infantryman on the second floor will install a machine gun, and it will become much more difficult to break through. Now, clinging to the wall, start shooting the Germans. Then climb to the second floor and cut to silence the machine gunner.

Next goal: take the storming shed. Try to break through to the side door (you can throw a smoke checker) and throw the opponent with grenades. By destroying the radio, climb the attic and become for the machine gun. You need to beat off five attacks. Basically it will be the infantry. Moreover, most can be removed before they climb the fence.

"Tiger" will arrive at the end. Stay behind the machine gun and continue to shoot. It is decent masis and will mainly fall into the walls, which, despite the sloping state, withstand the strike of the projectile. Then the attack aircraft will arrive and destroy the tank. It remains to meet a convoy, and the mission will end.

The Tiger.

When "Sherman" is like, stay close to the captain - and you can bypass "Tiger" without receiving damage. By the way, on your own "Tiger" yet not to destroy - therefore, do not even try. In vain spending time. It is better to clean the buildings in which the Germans are swollen.

Be careful, coming to the doors, from there can jump out like a couple.

Having reached the place where "Tiger" will destroy the second "Sherman" - get a task to capture a number of objects. The tasks can be performed in an arbitrary order, but it is better to adhere to the numbering. So much easier. The closest building is the Town Hall. It is necessary to break through the wall (which is not so hard) and think about which input to storm. Best of all through the door from which the staircase is visible. The rooms are full of Germans, so the rest of the options are too complicated or impossible at all.

Now you need to take the post office. Unfortunately, a close path is overclocked with a wire and shelled a machine gunner. You need to run through the rear courtyards of neighboring buildings and from the window or door opening to shoot the Germans. So you can remove most opponents. Then clean the post office, throwing grenades into each room.

From the post office, run to the east and find an instrument. Throw a couple of grenades to artilleryrs. In general, this is the edge of the card, and the Germans are clamped in a small space, so it is really to cry with grenades at all. Or arrange an ambush behind the cart. From the gun run to the church. There, the Germans decided to stand to death.

First, throw a couple of smoke checkers to run up closer. While did not dissipate smoke, you need to decide, through which entry to storm. There are four of them. Obtain each and throw one or two grenades. Then go through the southern entrance. Most should die from explosions. It remains to deal with the benches.

It remains to capture headquarters. It is worth come closer, and the Germans will start jumping like devils from tobacco. Throw a smoke checker to hide from a curious eye. Now run to the building. It has many entrances, so decide what to go. Throw grenades and wait, when the Germans will run away from there. You just need to stand on the side and shoot one by one.

Now go to the house and throw a grenade to the second floor. Then climb up and seek survivors. By the way, you can try another tactic. Run around the perimeter of the building, throw pomegranates into each opening and wait for comrades to the attack. This mission will end.

The Brigade Box.

Last mission in this long campaign. The level will begin under the mortar shelter. Run behind the captain price record or Mc Gregor, holding as close as possible. They will definitely not fall under Ma and Kozhonki to get to shelter.

The next area is packed by the enemy under the string. You do not need to heroge, it is better to provide this honor to colleagues. Particularly try the "immortal" price and mac Gregor. Your task is to cope with the armored personnel carrier and the machine gunner cunning by bypass maneuver. Although ... you can just run forward and sitting in a secluded corner. Comrades will sweep everything in its path. So there should be no particular difficulties.

The first mortar calculation can be destroyed by a shuffling barrels. The explosion will ride the majority - and the rest can be calmed the grenade. Just follow the ruins. There can be sitting by the Germans who shoot in the back at the most unexpected moment.

Now you need to cleanse several houses before you reach the road. In general, this is a standard procedure. First throw pomegranates, then run inside. Just be careful. While do not clean the building, the Germans will be constantly reborn. By the way, sometimes the team is somewhere lost, so they go further, you need to run to them. Otherwise, there will be in one place until the sconion. Soon you will go to the second mortar. The Germans, as the last time, scattered around the perimeter of the barrel with flammable. Apparently, they decided to sell in the break between the battles.

Reaching the house, jump over the fence and remove the machine gunner. Now sit in the shelter and shoot the Germans. When the first wave goes, start to make a quiet way along the right side. Do not suck your head so that it does not tear off the machine gun. Having reached the Sarayev near the house, wait for the comrades and begin to storm the house. He is big, and a lot of Germans. In general, the hint is clear.

When the house is captured, get ready for the attack. As usual, the last mission in the campaign is furnished with a special pathos. Many Germans, dramatic defense. Winning with tears in the eyes. Yeah. We will go different ways. You need to stand three and a half minutes. Stand up for the machine gun and start shooting the infantry trees trembling through the fence.

When they throw a smoke checker, run to the patio on the western side. Put the stairs and start "clicking" the Germans, which will try in vain. This is the only way, so there will be no special problems.

Approximately 20 seconds before the end of time will arrive "Tiger", which born all the past mission. It is necessary to get through the field through which the Germans are run by the crowds. In a difficult level, I managed to do this, probably, from twenties.

On words sounds simple. You need to throw two smoke checkers on the field to get back, not attracting attention. But in practice it turns into nightmare. When installing explosives on the tank, run into the shelter and wait until the Germans run away. Do not get on the way. It's a shame if you kill a few minutes before the victory. This means - start first.

Then return to the courtyard and talk to the captain. Mission completed. Campaign for the British too. Yankov remained.


The Battle Of Point Du Hoc

No place in the light of wonderful than Normandy. We must visit the local beaches when I am in France, and I will scold a sign: "The most stamped place in the gaming industry." By the way, it is interesting that such an operation really took place. On June 5, 1944, Rangers troops stormed the cliff to seize the artillery guns that were to fire on the beaches.

While floating in the boat, sway in a squat, so as not to hide the queue. Looking at the beach ... Somewhere you saw this? Spielberg, probably, drops from such a quotation of "Saving Private Ryan". When you get old, grab the sniper rifle and remove the machine gunner. Next, run to the rope and start climbing upstairs.

There reigns a real hell. The benefit that paratroopers will figure it out with a large part of the enemies on their own. And with a machine gunner, including. Jump into the trench and begin to move right. In the end, you will go to the bunker. Having passed a little ahead - get up to two machine gunners (to shoot yourself, alas, not fate - most of the Germans on the eastern border).

Now you need to break through east to comrades. But the anti-aircraft gun will not give a couple of steps. Throw a smoke checker and run that there are strength. By joining comrades, wait when aviation destroys the anti-aircraft. When the gaps are unclosed, move towards the city.

Urban battles never differed ease. Get ready. Most of the houses sat down by the German detachment, plus a machine gunner shoots the area. The main thing is to break through to him. The rest will apply. You can throw a smoke checker, but if you try, then it is possible to repeat from the rifle. By the way, the curtain will help move forward and your comrades.

Reaching the garden, immediately run to the left - and, if you are lucky, you have time to reach before the Germans will take defense. And you will only shoot a stupidly walking Germans. Then you need to deal with the gun. This is a pair of a couple of rigged pomegranate.

Now you need to return to the beach and finish the Germans who sat down in the bunkers. On the way will have to break through the hordes of opponents. When you go to the beach, run to the door leading to the bunker. Wait when Comrade will determine the charge, - drop away. Otherwise, it can bother with an explosion.

Then clearer bunkers and trenches. Again, grenades will be helped in most situations. And do not be lazy to guard the Germans who are standing next to the trenches. Otherwise there is a chance to get a queue in the back, when the least you expect it. When the bins will be ends, the mission will end.

Defending the Point

In the past mission - the beach captured. This will have to defend. The Germans are determined, so they will not retreat - and they will fight to the end. The fight will start on the road. Turn companion from the machine gun and begin to shoot the Germans yourself. Then they throw a smoke checker, but she will help them a little. The road is narrow, so it is enough to drive an eye from side to side.

When the attack goes on another flank - hide into the shelter and do not shown until the arrow will be removed in the armored personnel carrier. Then you can bother, but you just do not need to climb the forefront. Comrades coped well independently.

Then the order comes to retreat. Now the defense will have to keep in the garden. The Germans will also become violently, so they will soon have to retreat a little back. Do not suffer and run on the second floor of the house. There is a machine gun - and with the help of it much easier to shoot. True, they will fall more often, so do not forget to hide. When the tank arrives - run from the attic.

Soon there will be an order to retreat on the beach. Wait when the door opens, and shoot a German. On the way, do not get involved in the shootout. Having reached the beach, find a machine gun and start shooting Fritz again. Then the tank arrives again and moves off from the space.

Again will have to retreat and keep defense in a new place. If the cartridges ends, then change the "Thompson" on MP-40. Or run around the district and look for boxes with ammunition. The tank will continue to write and eventually drive into the last bunker.

It is better not to herogery - and sitting in a secluded corner and shoot those who try to approach. Alternatively, you can try to keep defense on the roof. From here, almost all terrain is spinned - but but you are like a palm. By the way, comrades will be constantly reborn (no, I still claim that they have a spatial portal) and at least a little, but will help.

When the time almost expires, get the command to install a smoke checker on the roof of the bunker. So that the aircraft of the allies accidentally bombarded together with the Germans. If you dried upstairs - put a brow case of a few seconds. Then hide in the bunker and wait for the allies will arrive.

The Silo.

Interesting start. Your squad must support comrades who attack 88-mm guns in the field. It does not have to run awake. You only need to support them with fire. This will help the rifle with an optical sight and full pockets of ammunition. Lower next to the comrades and open fire for machine guns. Some MG-42 after a while again start shooting. Therefore, do not forget to repeat the terrain.

When artillery is destroyed, run to the village. Sniper rifle for a while you can smooth out the sinus. It's time to get the machine. In the village you need to clean a number of buildings. You can do it in an arbitrary order. What will look more - there and run. Just do not forget to wait for comrades. It is unpleasant to be in the German company in full solitude.

Tactics Standard: Pomegranate couple in the doorway and a window - and ahead with checkers naked. There will be a couple of intense moments, but the smoke checker will help. In special cases - a large number of grenades. And do not forget about machine gunners. They can be neutralized from a sniper rifle from a long distance. By the way, you can try to shoot the Germans exclusively by it. Only comrades will have to customize. But safely.

When the village is released, run to the tower (two paratroopers go there) and climb upstairs. Now your task is to destroy mortar calculations. Their location is celebrated by golden stars on the map. As soon as they saw such, turn out to the other side and look at the sight. Must notice two running Germans with a mortar on the shoulder. Sometimes they are hiding behind buildings. In this case, run around the tower. From some corner will get it.

It is advisable to shoot before they have time to establish a mortar. Otherwise a couple of shots in "Milk" - and then the shells will fly straight to your heads. In the intervals between the shooting of Fritz, you can help the infantry to beat the attack. Although no special needs are observed in this. Comrades cope with themselves. Moreover, they sometimes sing mortars themselves.

When there are tanks, just follow how Fritz chasing the field. You can join and practice in shooting at a moving target. After descend down and run to the collection point. Here is another chapter passed.

Hill 400.

Approaching Hill 400.

Again, I am tormented by doubts. Accidentally not for these hills ran a sergeant Baker from Brother in Arms? Before you get to the hills, you need to clean the city inhabited by the Germans. Simple and short mission. Also monotonous. You need to run from the building to the building, knocking out the chambers of the sausages and the Brussels cabbage.

Actions should already be worked out until automatism. Grenades come first. Then for prevention, you can still grenades. Finally run yourself. Clean the first floor, then climb the second. From the windows, if possible, shoot the Germans. Go outside and run to storm the next home. And there will be a lot of them.

Having reading the fourth house, get under the mortar fire. You have to slip the field. But in this you are hampered by several Fritz and a machine gunner (try to remove it on the go). If it does not work, you can hide among the dead cows. There is reliable.

Then again stripping houses. And at the end - the fight in the destroyed church. Throw in the opening of a smoke checker and grenades, install explosives on the armored person. And run to the main entrance. Nobody is waiting there. Therefore, you can shoot in the back. Do not forget to climb up to kill machine gunners. This mission will end.


The city fell. It is time to storm bunkers. The mission is quite simple at the beginning and brutal at the end. The detachment will run together on the assault and the bones on the approaches. Apparently, autumn aggravation of suicidal inclinations and youthful heroism. Pay attention, comrades always run faster than the main character.

We will not repeat the mistakes of a silicon soldier. Hide in a funnel and throw a smoke checker. When smoke clubs are sprayed around the district, get up and zigzags run to the bunker. Come back and install explosives. When the explosion thunders, throw the pomegranate inside the couple. Then run and finish from the machine.

By the way, in this or in the second bunker you can find a semi-automatic sniper rifle. It is desirable to find it, because life will become much easier and more convenient. And one more interesting observation. Next to this bunker is the second door, which is also made by explosives. But behind it ... an empty barracks. What is this joke? Or flaw?

Run the comrades. They already probably managed to get into a fight with the Germans. Try to go on the side and especially to look for Fritz, dragging the machine gun. Having reached the second bunker, wait for colleagues to throw a smoke checker. Now climb the attack and go behind the comrades. Around the bunker, several detachments of the Germans. Let others understand with them. Our business bins is cleaned. The former circuit: explosives on the door, grenades inside and the destruction of survivors.

The third bunker is no different from the second and first. Plus, if there is a sniper rifle, you can shoot a bunch of people still at approaches. Although you should not fear machine gunners. Do not fit on the side. But the fourth will begin the slaughter.

Bringing the first line of defense, go to the trench and wait for the armored personnel carrier by passing by. Then get up and instill from the back of the machine gunner. Now see what is happening ahead. Several dozen Germans. Do not drive forward. Let the comrades climb. And you help them with fire from sniper rifles. You can throw a smoke checker to make it easier.

Having reached the bunker, blow the door and clean the room. Go outside. On the stairs, climb the roof. From there you can shoot the first team of mortar wheels (there with them the barrels with fuel stand) and most of the Germans. Then descend down and run to the trench. From her - to the armored personnel carrier. Install explosives and go a little ahead. At the bottom of the second detachment of mortar. By destroying them (remember about barrels with fuel), finish the mission.

Battle for Hill 400

Excellent. The hill is taken. But now it needs to be held. This will require inhuman efforts. You have only a handful of fighters against hundreds of vermural soldiers of the Wehrmacht in the battle. By the way, the card has changed a bit. For example, the hopper around the perimeter is fenced with barbed wire. The staircase on the roof is destroyed. Probably, that the player does not sit down - but participated in the battles.

The first thing to do is to find and destroy mortar calculations. Have you remembered a similar mission? Now forget. There was a profitable position. There is no. To facilitate the task, they will give a sniper rifle. As usual, the approximate location of mortar meters is marked with golden stars. Only they still need to see.

Run along the wire and look down. When you see the characteristic smack, turn the approach and remove the exact shots. But this is complicated by this. Among the trees it is very difficult to notice exactly where soldiers are sitting. It is still not easy to find a position where you can open fire. And finally, the Germans constantly throw smoky checkers. Thanks to which they do not see anything at all. Like this.

When mortar makers are destroyed, the Germans will decide to use artillery to sweat the nerves to the defenders. When the commander gives an order to look for a shelter, run to one of the places marked with golden stars. The closest and challenge - bunker.

After art preparation, infantry will go on the assault. They will attack from all sides, so use machine guns useless. All the same, the heels and another soldier will go with the flank. By the way, throw out a sniper rifle and take the bumps. Soon there are armoredirs who need to be destroyed from a grenade launcher. Of course, you can try to lay explosives, but for this you have to run up close. That in itself is unsafe. And so - one shot, and ready.

By the way, if it becomes hot, you can use smoke checkers. They are in excess scattered in terms of level. Thus, hiding from the Germans, you can use machine guns. In general, if you are constantly killed, remember, from where and when the Germans come. And use machine guns. Spere up from one, rearranged after another. Just do not forget to look at the level of damage. If they began to shoot in the back, immediately leave the position and switch to the attackers. And if it is very bad, then go to bed and wait for the wounds.

If there is a particularly large crowd, you can shine from the grenade launcher. It is especially well obtained to cover the units of the detachments, which are fleeing a friendly crowd and have not had time to crumble. There are enough charges, and Panzershchek is no longer useful. In general, turn around like a protein in the wheel. One please: automatic saving occurs every minute. Therefore, even if you die, lose a little.

Yes, that's what. Do not think that it is possible to sit down in the bunker the whole level. The enemy seems to be armed with self-watering grenades. It is only worth sitting in a secluded corner, as a few seconds, it flies there from two to four grenades. You have to run by laying your head and look for the bastards, daring to do it.

After some time, the timer will turn on. You need to hold out five minutes before the arrival of reinforcements. Well said. The enemy will begin to attack especially violently. Again, learn, from where and when the infantry arrives. Without it, it is almost impossible to win at a difficult level. Constantly move, change positions, throw grenades and smoke checkers. In general - hold on.

Get two "tigers" as a pleasant addition. What to do with them? You can try to sneak closely and install explosives. To do this, use smoke checkers in order not to die at the approaches. Just consider: at a difficult level, it is difficult to do it.

If it does not work, then hide on the south side of the bunker (tanks will come from the north) - and for reliability, throw smoke checkers around the perimeter. To certainly not noticed. Of course, other problems may occur. The Germans will not be visible, and, wandering in smoke, Yak Hedgehog in the fog, you can get butt on the back of the back.

When the time expires, airplanes will fly and show the mother of Kuzma. If the tanks remained intact, they will go into consumption. The most interesting thing is that the Germans, having heard the noise of aircraft, how bad will run into the forest, instead of reaching the handful of defenders and sit down in the bunker. However, their right.

Crossing the rhine

The Crossing Point

Last mission. Oddly enough, not at all complicated. Especially when compared with the previous one. So, entertainment walk along the banks of the Rhine. It is necessary to silence the guns on the river bank. Of course, there will be unpleasant surprises. But in what mission they were not?

You will start the level on the amphibian tank. While standing behind a machine gun, try to shoot German machine gunners in the window at home opposite. Just need to do it immediately. Otherwise, then the car shines, and it will not be able to aim normally. Reaching the shore, go out.

The commander will give an order to throw smoke checkers. But no one is going to fulfill him. Therefore, throw yourself. Then run to the fallen trees and because of them first remove the machine gunner, and then the infantrymen. You can get closer to pomegranates. If you want, you can sit down for the gun and shove into the house. For prophylaxis. The second tool is practically not guarded, so there should be a couple of grenades.

Next will have to make your way through a narrow street. There are many Germans, so the accuracy is above all. Do so. Shot part of the people. They moved to shelter. Widdle when comrades will take a position - and move on. In a place where the street makes a turn, you can fire the third instrument through the fence.

To advance further, you need to use a smoke checker. Fire is so tight, which is different not to pass. And try first to shoot a machine gunner in the window. He creates the most problems. Then throw the German grenades in a dilapidated house. Get survived next to the gun. And go through the house on the street.

Next, it is necessary to break through the cemetery. Here is just a shootout with infantry. Having reached the fourth gun, thwart with grenades who came running Germans. After sit in the floor chair. A couple of shells in the barricade at the opposite end of the street will make it much calmer.

The fifth instrument stands on the square. Throw grenades and run into the frontal attack. Must happen. When the last gun is silent, two "tiger" will be riveted. And they need to destroy them with dynamite. The first will appear next to you (that is, a cannon), so a fast reaction is required. A sharp jump to the side, and take the explosive to the caterpillar. The second tank, a little shooting, will go to his affairs, it is unlikely to turn the steel back. The main thing is to reach it as soon as possible and do not die along the way. Therefore, move zigzags. "Tigrua" may, and anyway, the infantry does not sleep.

When tanks are destroyed, it will remain to clean the square and return to the cemetery. After a short conversation, the mission will end, and the credits will go. I advise you to watch an interesting scene to the end. After all, otherwise you will learn what " No Cows Were Harmed in Making Of this Game»?

View from the outside

Stalingrad battle. The battle that has been prevented by war and traveling almost 2 millions of lives. They talk a lot about her, glorifying the memory of the dead soldiers. In the USSR and Russia, many books are written and removed, both documentary - and feature films. In the West of the Battle of Stalingrad, and indeed battles on the Eastern Front, prefer to delicately silence. Anyway. They have their own reasons.

But there is a third opinion. One view of many. German generals who participated in this battle. Larew. And subsequently wrote memoirs "Fatal solutions", in which they explain - and often justify - the causes of defeat. Not everyone should be taken for a clean coin, but the side view on well-known events is always interesting.

After long-term artillery training, an offensive began on Romanian positions. The situation for the Germans became catastrophic. The 48th tank corps was introduced into battle, which could only be involved on the personal order of Adolf Hitler. He had to delay or stop the offensive of the Soviet troops. But during preparation for battle, he was attacked by breaking tank parts. Nadezhda collapsed. Now it became clear that the offensive does not stop.

Despite the numerous requests of Colonel-General Kurt Zeitler, it was refused to give an order for the retreat of the 6th Army. Starting for the straw. From the Caucasus, a tank division was transferred, which could no longer change anything. All failures were drunk on commanders. As a result, the ticks closed, and the 6th army was surrounded.

Now they began to develop one more insane more than one. The 6th army was renamed the troops of the fortress Stalingrad (as if it had changed something). At first, high hopes were pinned on the "air bridge". But for many reasons, aviation could not transfer a sufficient number of supplies to fully satisfy the requests. Then it was decided to use, only came from the conveyor and not tested in the battles "Tigers". An attempt to discharge the ring failed. As a result, the Army of Feldmarshal Paulus unconditionally capitulated.

Kurt Zeitler wrote: "The soldiers of the 6th Army performed their duty to the end, despite the meaninglessness of the orders received by them and despite the fact that many, if not most of them, well understood it. Their position was truly tragic. Weakened from malnutrition suffering from terrible frost, almost without ammunition and supplies, they caused Russian commanders and troops a lot of trouble and caused heavy losses. I do not have enough words to describe their devotion to my military debt. History will give tribute to soldiers who have thought only to fulfill their debt until recent days. "

If you are a wizard for repairing shoes, you look at the boots of friends, the dentist draws attention to a smile, a psychologist for behavior, and what is the attention of the Call operator? Several years of successful work in the line will open for you new yourself! What? We interviewed several professional operators, how to change them in the position of operator call center.

Master the art of patience and ability to take the position of another

Successful dove today and measured in uncertainty, like a monument, tomorrow, we realize how different nature created us - not only people, but also a person within every person. Try to stop the conflict when the mechanism is already running? Not so easy, right? But not for the operator.

According to the phone etiquette and the rules of the work of contact centers, the operators are forbidden to express their discontent to the client or break off on it. Therefore, the operator has to restrain their emotions and exercise loyalty to the client. Over time, this is a habit and a person begins to relate to people with patience as a whole.

Operator work helps to train speech

What person do you feel more pleasant to communicate by phone? 99.9% of people will answer that with a skillful Russian language.
The literacy of the candidate is almost the main criterion when admission to work as a contact center specialist. Of course, there are few philologists among operators and business coaches and do not everyone know how, for example, to correctly put the emphasis in the word "meager". Talking with the client, it is important to give him to understand that it deals with a professional, including in terms of literacy.

Basic telephone negotiation skills

Operators face various categories of calls: for example, consulting a client or selling a certain product. It is important to comply with the structure of the dialogue and say "beautifully". Not all people in real communication on the phone in life use expressions like "How can I contact you?", "Tell me, please ..."

Friendly attitude towards people

When every day, several times at work you say "Thanks for the appeal, everything is good, goodbye," involuntarily start to apply it in everyday life: whether it is a seller in the supermarket, a bus driver or a waiter. Thus, on the one hand, you force the service personnel to smile, on the other hand, praise yourself for a friendly attitude towards people. And that, and that is a big plus.

Developing the ability to listen

There are people-story stories, and there are listeners. The work of the operator helps the first to learn to listen and hear the client in the dialogue process. The reason for this is, first of all, the internal policy of the call-center. So, the use of such a phrase as "I understood you correctly" helped one of the operators to establish contact with the child.

How to put a question?

It is important to give the client the choice of choice, to speak, i.e. Set an open question without negative.
Consider on specific examples.

I'm interested in this service.
- We will execute the application?

I'm interested in this service.
- I can offer you to leave a request in our Call Center, or contact the office. What method for you is preferable?

Agree, the first option does not give the possibility of choosing for the client and drives it into the angle. Similarly, the use of this skill helps to establish communication with children.

Use variability in words / actions

There are projects in which we offer the client several options for solving the issue. Accordingly, when solving the problem outside of work in the head, several solutions arise in the head. For example, I need to pass an obstacle on the road. I can either get around it or jump over this obstacle, or call someone to help.

Method "Conveyed Plate"

When the client "Neumbly", the operator has to explain the same thing several times. It is clear that if you use the same phrase without changes, there will be no effect. The same can be said about the dispute: the most effective phrases will use to prove their right.

"Reconstruction" of phrases: from negative to positive

On learning before working in the line, we teach us to avoid denial. "Old people" usually "cuts" the use of interns of phrases, which set up the negative. It can be said that the work in the line successfully helps to cope with the use of denial not only in the call center, but also in life.

Summarizing, I would like to pay attention to that, having worked as an operator, you start to perceive any conversation including with friends as a process that can be managed. You can deliberately play in this process leading or leading role, but the main thing you know now a little more about the nature of human relations and decision-making technologies.

- Undoubtedly, one of the best representatives of this genre. So, we start our passage Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. And we hope that you will succeed.


Newbie fuel, i.e. We joins the special forces group. Begins training firing skills.

G36c rifle is given - quite light, but accurate weapons, and a 12 charging gun USP of the 45th caliber (irreplaceable when the store is erected at the main weapon).

After you shoot the target in the target and a couple of watermelons, training a knife, we are sent to the captain of the price for an inspection of a beginner. In order to get into the group, you need to confirm that you are worthy of this, and go through a melee skill test. You need to go through a polygon in less than 60 seconds. After that, we are given a rifle of MR-5 - more serious weapons and 4 light grenades. Depending on how this test comes, a suitable level of complexity is offered. And then - the first task.

Mission 1.

One of the spies from Russia reported that in the area of \u200b\u200bBering Strait, a vessel was held with an important cargo on board.

Our task is to fall on the ship and find out what they are transported.

We and five more special forces arrive to the point of destination under the cover of the storm. Sitting on the ship next to the main log cabin and remove all the enemies who are inside the cut.

Gas stays on the deck, cover the back, and we go to check the cabins in the feet. Go down the stairs, they kill a drunken Russian in the header of the Ushanka. On the right, two sailors sleep in the cabin, we also finish them, without waiting for the awakening of Song. We descend on the cargo deck, dispersed around the perimeter and go along the ship.

Remove two guards on the platform. We go further, there are many well-armed people on the second floor. They discovered us, but they are eliminated from the helicopter a large-caliber machine gun. The helicopter fuel comes to an end, and he flies to the base. We climb on the platform, blast the rail door with plastic and storming the room, leaving at the entrance of our two.

We go down the stairs to the lower level, we find three terrorists there. Short shootout, go further along the corridor left. More terrorists. Blind them

luminous grenade and tear in a large cargo compartment, made by containers. We clean it. On the left we find the door, the captain makes it a foot, and we tear into the inside.

There is exactly the same neighboring cargo compartment. There will have a little tinker. Terrorists settled behind the boxes and lead to us fire.

We pass this compartment, behind him there is a smaller room, there are also terrorists, they throw us with grenades. We throw the outbreak there (light grenade) and, while they are blinded, remove them.

The left in the container is found that we are looking for, but from the base transmit that there is no time for loading, because two helicopters fly to us. We grab the documentation for the load and run away, but halfway on the ship is already applied to a rocket blow.

We are contusted. The ship is sinking, everything around collapsing and breaks, we run back to the helicopter. The main thing here is not to miss the captain. Jump out in the helicopter and fly away.

We see the video: President Al-Fulani is carrying on the jeep to some Middle Eastern country and planted him near the crowd of jubilant armed people. And lead to execution. That's how.

Mission 2.

The next task in Russia, in the Caucasus. It is necessary to save our spy that has merged us about the shipping shipping. We promised to help Russian loyalists (from the word loyalty), if we help them with storm settlementwho captured separatists.

Sit down in some kind of swamp. You need to meet with Russian troops and provide sniper support. We go to the north of knee in the water, in a wooden house on the shore near the UAZ, we find a laptop with useful information. We go to the north-west, pass under the bridge and go out on a small settlement.

I will minor a way out of a wooden house and shoot to attract attention. Masha with hands before entering and running away. Stupid Russians (this is only about virtual Russians, of course), begging a crowd for a mine, the hype begins here. It runs out a few more terrorists and immediately get from M4A1. Further over the north-west. We see the clearing, there is a meeting with loyalists, their leader - mosquitoes.

We go to sniper positions on the north-west, up the hill and farther along the road until we see the anti-aircraft salts. We are at the top on the road and uhay all like cockroaches. Helicopters fly in full swing, we leave with an elevation.

Comers are trying to manipulate us using us allegedly for breaking to Nikolai, our spy. Down to us runs a lot of separatists. It is good that M4A1 has a grenade launcher M201, it will solve most of the problem. Then cover the people of Komarov sniper fire and run to the north to the power plant.

Captain Price is nervous, mosquito does not say where the spy is exactly the spy, it falls on him a little press. Break through the northeast direction to the house where the spy is kept. Gas cuts the wires, and we are with night vision appliances on the house.

Nikolai sits on the second floor. All, the mission is completed. In the south-east of the house we are already waiting for a helicopter.

Mission 3.

The action is transferred from the Caucasus to the Middle East. Already other specials. The group should storm a house where Al-Assad is allegedly located. We play for Sergeant Paul Jackson. Plant in the city district and run to the north. We undermine the door the door of the building where Al-Assad hides. In the lobby we kill two terrorists who did not expect such a turn. On the left side of the stairs we go to the basement, there are several terrorists hiding behind drawers in the dining room.

In the building al-Assad did not find. New information was obtained that he acts live in a semi-kilometer on the south-east of this place. We make my way through the narrow eastern streets. After halfway to Teletozer, the street is blocked by the machine, the pair of terrorists sits behind it. On the roof sits full of terrorists, and rushed with grenades. There are many ways to televal, but there are ambushes for cars and terrorists on the roofs. We kill them, get to the television center. In the southern part of the television center we blame the door with plastic and run. Directly along the corridor room with television equipment, there are seven terrorists there. Then through the archive with the records we go to the large hall. There is a couple of tens of terrorists, armed AK-74U, grenades and RPGs. Pomegranates throw out, just have time to throw back. In the right left corner there is a door to the main hall of which can be climbed by the 3rd floor in TV studio. One - zero in favor of al-Assad. Instead, a record with his performance is launched in television center.

Mission 4.

In the suburbs in a semi-kilometer to the north stuck a tank from the Alpha group, the task is to help them. At the very beginning, an ambush is waiting for us, all the building on the right is defiled by the militants. I have to clean it, we climb on the 2nd floor and kill four terrorists. The building begins to storm from the back side, fix the windows, we go to the roof to fire fire from there. On the roof, too, several terrorists are sitting. From the roof we kill everyone below. From above there is very strong fire from the bridge from grenade launchers. Intelligence reported that several tanks were moving towards the destination, through the bridge. But it is nothing when there is Javelin FGM-148. It is very good to hit it from it to tanks to immediately destroy more infantry with them. After the destruction of tanks, we go to the north-west on the aisle and left, pass under the bridge to the Abrams tank. Many enemies need support from air, but in the southwest there is an anti-aircraft installation. You need to get to it and explode. We make your way to the CPU. The main thing is to remove machine gunners from the roofs so that you can calmly propellets. We blow up the CPU.

After the destruction of the anti-aircraft installation, you need to put an infrared beacon for helicopters. The lighthouse needs to be installed in front of the house in the southwest, from the building they beat the machine gunners to suit the shelters and set the lighthouse. Then helicopters arrive and allow a couple of dozen missiles into the building. The mission has been successfully completed.

Mission 5.

The action is postponed again to Russia. We see the video: the helicopter returns to the commodity group that saved the spy. The turntable flies over Western Russia, and here he is knocked down by Stinger. Pilot died. AC-130 was sent for us, we need to get to the place of landing in the West.

We go to the west on the road, hiding under the bridge from the truck column. How everything was amended, go further. Return to a small village. We are growing with three separatists who stuck to the local resident. Going further in the same direction, a patrol helicopter flies with a searchlight, we were segged. We hurt from the pursuers in the basement of the nearest house. From the basement climb the first floor and shoot from the pursuers. We make my way to the west through the village, there are still separatists with dogs. Dogs, by the way, are very realistic. We make my way through the village, cross the stream, the larger group of separatists detects us further. I advise you to immediately kill the machine gunner on a helicopter, not to hide anywhere. Crossing the field, followed by another stream. We go right through the greenhouse, the separatists fall behind it. Slaners lie to the north-west from the greenhouse in the barn, with the help of them you can finally knock off the boring helicopters. Right behind the barn comes a message that the AC-130 arrived in our square, and that it will help us get to the point of landing of helicopters.

Mission 6.

In this mission, we manage the weapon on the AC-130 traded aircraft, you need to support the air from the air that makes the landing site. At our disposal, a large-caliber machine gun and two guns 40 and 105 caliber. Combining them, you need to destroy the enemy, not putting it to our guys, and try not to touch yours.

Mission 7.

Near East. Sergeant Jackson.

It is necessary to accompany the Tank Abrams M1A2, which we saved in 5 missions to the place of evacuation. It is necessary to move to the East, there are terrorists behind the bat technique, the helicopter helps them. The tank moves for Sergeant Jackson (i.e. for me), so some places you can run, sprinkle, and the tank will go after you, but much more interesting to deal with all hated enemies.

Having understood with a small ambush, the tank turns left, along the way that the parked passengers parked. Tank is well covered by destroying machine gunners in the windows. In the narrow streets, full of cars, which take turns explode, so it is better to go away from them. On the second floor of the building in front of the roadside, the RPD lies with the bus (a large such belt machine gun). Behind the bus, overlapping the road, goes to the left, there is an enemy tank. To kill him, you need to take a grenade launcher, which lies on the second floor of a building with a completely destroyed wall on the second floor. After that, everything is safely ends, the tank is delivered, alive and unharmed.

Mission 8.

Intelligence reported that al-Assad had a nuclear warhead at the disposal, it was urgent to end with him. Our task is to weaken terrestrial troops and capture al-Assad. The mission begins with an air attack on the accumulation of troops from MK-19.

After successful sweeping, we fly to save the surrounding group that fell into the environment. So that we find them, they let the green smoke checker. Green smoke is visible in the north-west of the place of disembarkation. A storming house in which the allies were hidden, 4 terrorists hide on the first floor.

On the roof and inside the windows sits 4 terrorists with RAP. The helicopter is waiting for us in the northeast. Just to the right of this building - she landing. In the Al-Assad Palace, they discovered a nuclear device, and here as it was called the second helicopter, with cobra. 90 seconds are given to her salvation, then the helicopter explodes. I was enough for 40 seconds to reach the fallen helicopter and save Cobru, carrying it on my own shoulders, not paying attention to the bullets falling into me, falling and getting up.

Well, everyone saved everyone, planted into the helicopter, flew ... Beauty ... From the window city like on the palm, a large mborous cloud grows ... a nuclear explosion!

"I woke up with him again together
We are in white nurse "
Yeah, how :)

One, in a swelled helicopter, walked, everything is swimming, only enough forces, only to go out ...

Looking at the entrance roller, you will be in a boat with your fighting comrades. Very soon the first operation will begin, which will unfold on the French coastline. When the boat stops, run out and talk to the lieutenant in the shelter, after that your task is to break through to the specified marker, to do this, run from one shelter to another, move chaotically so that you are not shot.

Reaching the specified place, put explosives on Bangalore. To do this, move the pointer to the circle and press the button shown. After the explosion, go into the bunker. Run into the trenches on the left side, killing several opponents can take first-aid kits.

Note: Health scales is not restored automatically, as in other modern shooters. To replenish health, it is necessary to use the first-aid kits that can be found or asked for a physician of your squad.

Souvenir - Here you can find the first souvenir, for this at the end of the trench, turn right to machine-gun dot, which shells the beach, inside you will find a souvenir. (1 out of 3 on this task)

Having understood with opponents, go up on the way, which leads to other bunkers. Here your task is to clean the bunkers from the enemy. Try to shoot enemies at a distance and only then approach and go inside the bunker, otherwise you can get into the environment. With the first bunker there will be no problems, hold the shelter and disperse with the security.

Feat - on the way to the second bunkers, you may notice how the German soldier is trying to kill your comrade in hand-to-hand combat. Kill the enemy to get your first feat. (1 of the two on this task).

On the approach to the second point, be careful, the enemy machine guns are installed at the exit. Throw a smoke grenade to slip past them. Further make it easy to the Third Bunker, a flamethrower will attack you, killing it you can take his weapon.

Souvenir - Do not rush to run to the fourth dota, first go left and down (where came from). The door that was closed earlier will be open, and inside you can take the second souvenir. (2 out of 3 on this task).

Feat - On the way to the fourth bunker in the room you need to reserve your comrade from the enemy. As the last time simply kill the enemy, so you will receive a feat (2 of 2 on this task).

Now you have left to get to the last fifth bunker, where a German soldier will be sketched. At this point, the QTE mode is activated, where you need to press the buttons that are depicted on your screen. Having finished the fight, check the tsissman, then unfold and kill the enemy from the pistol. After that, your task will be the salvation of the Tsussman, it must be dragged into the nearest medpark. Drag your comrade through the side hole of the bunker. On the street will need to shoot from enemy soldier, try to shoot. Reaching the specified place, your task will change to another. Now you need unito celebrate an enemy artillery that shells the beach. Go towards the specified marker, finding two houses (most The opponents are sitting in the right). Clean them from enemies, and then strengthen your position on the first floor (a lot of shelters) or on the second, where there is a machine gun and can fire on the upcoming soldiers.

Souvenir - Pay attention from where German soldiers appear (to the right of you, the machine gun is impossible to deploy there), in this direction the souvenir will lie on the table. (3 out of 3 on this task).

You can only hold out before your allies arrive. After the destruction of enemy artillery, come back to the medical center to complete the operation.

Operation "Cobra"

Your goal: take marignas, France, to open a straight path to Paris.

Souvenir - As soon as the task is started, pay attention to two soldiers who stand near the barrels. There you can find a souvenir (1 out of 3 on this task).

After jumping on the tank, you will move towards Marigna. German bombers who destroy a couple of tanks will appear. Nearby there are several firearms that will need to be destroyed, as well as one anti-aircraft installation, which will allow the opponent's opponent's aircraft. Real up in the specified location, and then clean the barn, which captured the Germans. To the right of the barn there is a road at which you should follow the next marker, hiding in shelters. Near the wall there is a window that is an excellent place to destroy opponents. On the way to the left shelter will be less, but the Germans are in a more vulnerable position. In any case, as soon as you finish with them, then climb up. Behind the barn there is a field with haystacks. It is from here that the Germans will try to counteratact you - shoot them all, using hay as a shelter. Move forward, go through the forest strip, where some opponents will try to stop you.

Feat - When you see that the enemy soldier is surrendered, go to it and aim when the scale is filled you accept his building and earn a feat (1 out of 3 on this task).

Souvenir "Going along the trail that leads to an anti-aircraft gun, next to you will find a hut, inside lies souvenir (2 out of 3).

By destroying the bombers, you will have to get to the German heavy artillery trying to destroy the allied tanks. Follow the Pearson along the road and go to the viewing point. Stop to replenish the ammunition, and then jump down and clean all the trenches, where there are two firing positions with anti-tank infantry. Take a sniper rifle at the desired point and shoot on red fuel cannors (it will be when you enter the building and climb upstairs). Either just shoot for each enemy in three trenches.When all three positions are cleaned, the tanks will begin forward. Hide over one of the tanks and move the trail using it as a cover from machine-gun points. Do not forget that you can discard enemy grenades. As soon as your tanks have achieved a certain point, then the machine-gun positions of the Nazis will be able to destroy, allowing you to go to the next area.

Souvenir - By destroying the guns, go to the long on the right and go down. Here you can find a soldier gas mask this will be the last souvenir on this task.

Feat - Taking a gas mask, look to the left - there is your ally in danger, save him by killing the enemy (2 out of 3).

Your tanks will be stopped by the next packs, so you have to clean the neighboring barn and find a good position for a sniper (on the second floor). Go to the shed on the right and destroy all the enemies surrounding it - either go to the shed on the left. In the second Sarader there is a machine-gun point, so be careful. To the right of the machine-gun point is the red canister - shoot it to the explosion to kill the machine gunner. From the barn, we will deal with three packs, shooting from sniper rifles by canister or for each opponent separately. Do not forget that by closing the left shift, you can delay your breath.

Feat - Destroying Paks, cross the enemy trenches, there you will meet the pier. Faced with enemies who are trying to surrender, say them to get a feat (3 of 3).

After regrouping with Pearson, you will find that Charlie detachment was surrounded by the Germans. You will be placed in a jeep - you need to go as soon as possible to have time to save them. A marker at the bottom of the screen with a scale is not a timer. Strip shows the likelihood of your meeting with Charlie on the basis of how quickly you are traveling. Cropped into obstacles, you will slow down movement.After a few seconds, Daniels car driving the Tsussman steering wheel, and you will have to shoot opponents from enemy machine gun. Getting into the village, kill the fascists until you finally kill them.


Your task to capture the church, and then climb the bell tower to cover your allies from above. There you will find a sniper rifle with optics. Move through Mariny, more often use smoke grenades to cause mortar shelling always when possible.

Souvenir - Having understood with enemies, not far from the beginning of the task, on the second floor near the stairs on the right there is a small medallion, hanging in front of the pattern of the convex wall, take it to get your first souvenir on this task (1 of 3).

Feat - When enemy reinforcement appears, hold out before all-terrain vehicles appear. At this point, bring the first help to your companion from the detachment (1 of 1).

After the destruction of the Germans on all-pass, move to the specified place and stand up for the machine gun. You will try to counterattack fascists who will appear on the left side of the screen. The machine gun makes a huge damage, and well shielded enough to protect you. But if you have any problems with the definition of opponents, then ask Pearson to specify the goals.

As soon as you enter the church, you will see a box with ammunition that needs to be used to replenish them. When you do it, a machine gunner will open from the second floor to you, and several other opponents appear on the first tier. Go to the right part of the church and make methodically moving to visible purposes, killing one after another. Open the door to the courtyard of the church, pre-reloading the weapon.

Souvenir "Crashing with enemies in the church, go to the right side of the building, here near the pit from the explosion there is a small niche, where souvenir is lying (2 out of 3).

Part of your allies will leave the church to destroy anti-aircraft guns, while you and a couple of other soldiers will need to climb the bell tower and cover those who came out. Climb up the specified staircase, and then get to the tower and pick up a sniper rifle.Before bags with sand, kill four-five Germans. Next, the enemies will appear on the left side of the square, and you try to first kill the fact that with flamethrower. After three sniper in the green camouflage will be on the second and first floors of the building opposite. A little later, three all-terrain vehicles will arrive together with artilleryrs. Kill the latter, and after doing the rest. Tsussman breaks down the street to the anti-aircraft gun. On the second floor of the building on the right will appear enemies - shoot them all. As soon as the anti-aircraft gun is destroyed, the Germans fired your position. Some allies will die, but as soon as you are shot down with the legs, then perform simple QTE actions to dodge the falling bell. Going down the stairs, you will be caught trapped on the foot of the beam. This will start another QTE scene. When you remove the beam from the legs, then follow and leave the church before the bell fell. After successful escape, it will be necessary to keep the position, killing the Germans, counteracting through the area.

Souvenir - Hide in the shelter on the right, there you will find a large object with which you can interact (about sand bags). This is the last souvenir on this task (3 of 3) and the last souvenir on the location.

The Germans will run both on the left and right flank. Listen to Pearson and Stilza to find out which side of enemies is more. There are weapons and first-aid kits scattered by location. Do not forget that sometimes pick up a new weapon much more quickly, rather than recharge what is in hand.

In this task you will have to fight on a fortified train and pursue it, everything is to stop it. One of the feature of this task is that it can be two simple ways: hidden and attack in the forehead. Go to the marked goal if you find a report to the train - you need to hurry to have time to act secretive, you must not rush and slowly move from one purpose to another. After the cat scene, samples back and kill the sniper by clicking on the Q key. A truck will appear with an officer - it will be marked as the main goal - to shoot it, and the allies will figure it out with two other enemies. Follow the Crowley through the window inside the building, where German will appear from the corridor to the left. Kill it hidden and not even think about the two fascists outside the window - you do not need them.

Souvenir - Near the window, in the room on the left side there is another German. Do not worry - one of your allies will finish it. After you find yourself on the other side of the house, turn left to detect three talking Nazis. Kill them quickly so that no one warned the rest. Then look at the basket where the first souvenir is. (1 out of 3)

Go to the area from below, where several routes will be at once, for which you can go through the spacious field in front of the house. It is best to move along the left edge. When you are in the camp, then notice the jeep entered here. You should not hurry - wait until all opponents go past, to the courtyard of the house, after which it will be left to kill two enemies - one near the truck, and the other - the wall is ahead. Wait until two Germans are dispersed with different routes. You can use even firearms - it is very powerful and quiet (with silencer). As soon as we run through the hole in the wall on the left, you will find yourself in the second area with a fire in the center. Kill the German outside, in front of themselves - those who are inside, will not notice you. Then kill the enemy inside the house. By that time, another enemy may come around, which examines the body of his partner, lying on the street. Kill him, and then disperse with the one that stands on the other side of the fire.

Souvenir - Entering the house, right in the room there will be a souvenir, it lies on the piano in the form of a necklace. (2 out of 3).

Go inside as soon as you find yourself in the next area, you will automatically detect the enemies that it will interrupt the secretive passage of the task and turn it into purchase By train. First you need to clean the whole yard from opponents before the countdown will end, notifying that the train went.There will be a lot of enemies on the street. Throw a grenade that allows you to destroy some of them. Next, the dogs will run, which immediately attack you - shoot the beasts. You need to get into the building across the road, in the post office, from where you can take the train. Collect ammunition and first aid kits off the allies and try to kill the Germans as soon as possible.

Feat - Moving forward you can find a wounded soldier who lies on the road near the passage to the courtyard. You need to drag it to a safe place to get a feat. (1 out of 1)

The stars icon with a circular, devastating scale shows whether you have time to catch up with the train. Several Germans will try to attack you from there, where did you come from, so be careful. When the opportunity appears, always take the ammunition from the stylza. Killing enemies in the yard, go inside the post office.

When reading it, then open the door to see the train shooting in you. The train will go, and you will have to jump into the jeep and catch up with it. Next, go along the road that you see, trying not to crash in anything. Tsussman will capture control, and you will have to kill opponents from the machine gun. Main pay attention to those Germans who are closed on the roof - most of them will be RPG.

Souvenir - the last souvenir can be found after the train crash. During promotion through the wreckage, you will meet the enemy, overcame it, look at the boxes on the right. There you will find the radio - the last souvenir on this task. (3 out of 3).

When the train crashes stopped, reunite with your detachments to start a new mission.


Sidial damage

Here you have to make the liberation of Paris and play for two characters. First you take on the role of French spy toamil Denis, Rossi. The task of which undercover will meet with the general and start sabotage. During the start of the task, you will be given the opportunity to explore the documents, they need to remember well. To get to the guarded territory, go to the guard and show him the documents. When a question appears about why you are here, select " Personal documents" You need a person by the name Fisher, who is dressed in a gray uniform of an officer. It works under the name Oberst and is your spy. A lot of documents available for study scattered around the hotel. There are a lot of people with whom you can talk to get more information.

From here you can go different routes. If you want to get to the spy directly to the spy, then rewind the information below. Follow through the lobby, you will see the room behind it - log in to it and arouse in the room in the rear. You will see an officer who studies the map.

Ask him for Fisher to find out about what he is in the served. Having left the room and returning to the corridor, go to the left. You will see how an officer in black uniform closes the door and begins to walk along the corridor. You can either follow him to the destination, or stun it, or hack the castle. In any case, you will not be caught.

Souvenir - Here is a bathroom in which you can enter. Native here everything and take the first souvenir. (1 out of 3)

Going down, you will see a soldier who beats a woman - it happens in the side room. You can enter there and kill this soldier, or leave the girl alone is not a feat. Chat with a German soldier near men playing the card - ask whether he is Fisher. He will tell you that Fisher rose to the second floor. Also in the basement you can find the camera with a prisoner and sleeping a guard - hack the castle on the camera. There are two stairs in the basement. Find the long and climb to the second floor to meet Fisher. Your contact will be at the table. You may ask if he is Fisher, or you can immediately call the code phrase. He will hold you in the side room and will explain that you appeared early. You need to meet him later so that he gives the explosive. He will send you through the Cabinet of Heinrich. Follow the existing marker right to the office of the commandant of Heinrich, rising to the third floor. Enter the room and try to open the window - this will lead to the appearance of an officer, which will immediately begin the interrogation. You will talk to him in English. When he tasks his first question, then select Spiegel (it is he, judging by the documents, sent you here). The commandant identifies Rossi, starts to confuse, and then pounce - perform simple QTE actions to grab the cup and finish off the enemy. As soon as you kill it, then choose out through the window and head to the military room, where Fisher is waiting for you. As soon as you meet with him again, you pick up a suitcase from the floor - unfortunately, it will be caught. Quickly go down to meet Crowley. You will stop the guard that will ask the question and ask for a suitcase so that you will not answer you will suspect you, but the partner will help you. Then you will move to the courtyard that is well guarding soldiers. Here you can secretly install explosives on the gate or choosing a convenient position to shoot opponents, choose for you, but better still the first option. And on the right side of the courtyard, in one of the buildings you will find how to interrogate Fisher, we will take care of the house and save him, in the future he can help you.

By installing explosives on the server gate, you need to mined the opposite gates.

Souvenir - When you put an explosive on the northern gate, open the door on the opposite side of the passage. Then there may be opponents if you act secretively, if there is no way to be free. Go Top, and go to the room at the top of the stairs, there on the luggage near the couch you will find a souvenir. (2 out of 3)

By installing explosives on the second gate, you will take the control of Daniels, whose task together with the detachment through the area and enter the fortress. Punch through enemies without leaving your squad.

Feat "When you find yourself on the bridge, find the wounded wounded there, save him to get a feat (1 out of 2)."

Souvenir - At the end of the bridge you will fall under the flutter fire of the machine-gun point, hiding in the shelter. Not far from you there will be a tarpaulin and empty bottles, in the right part you will find the last souvenir on this task. (3 out of 3).

Go on the bridge, periodically hiding in shelters. At the end of the bridge on the second floor of the angular building, diagonally from you, there will be a machine-gun point and several enemies, one of which has a grenade launcher. Use the shelter, pay attention to the tarpaulin and empty bottles. The routine part of the table is the third and last level souvenir.

Feat - Having understood with an armored personnel carrier that appeared. Real up with your comrades and make a break through the house, armed with a shotgun. After killing everyone on the first floor, go to the second, there some of the enemies will wish to surrender - take their surrender to get a feat.

As a result, you will strengthen in one of the buildings, with a machine gun. Your task is to stop the offensive of the Germans who are trying to return their positions. When your position is undermined, run out into the street and continue the battle. Take a grenade launcher and destroy the enemy's technique, so you finish the battle.

Factory of death

The allies reheated the fight between the battle and now your rear will capture the German city of Aachen. After the cat scene, hide in the shelter and shoot yourself, then gradually move on. When you go to the marker and take the phone, you will take your task to control the tank, deliver the tank platoon to the square to assist allies. In this part of the task, you will manage the tank and keep fire from it on opponents. At first glance, it can show easy, but do not forget about enemies with grenade launchers. Always eliminate dangerous opponents first of all (they are highlighted and usually hidden in homes). Sooner or later, you will come across the enemy tank - "Polezer". First of all, give back - the enemy has an impenetrable armor in front, so you have to maneuver among the ruins and attack only the back of the tank. By destroying it, move on, until they encounter a "tiger", and behind you will fit another "Polezer". The first is not a big danger (just has more health than the "polezer"), focus on the destruction of one tank, and then do others. Crashing S. enemy tanksYou left to overcome a slight obstacle in the form of an enemy platoon. And the area will already be behind them.

Having done this, try to climb the hill, but the German "Tiger" will take place from the building on the right. In addition, another "Panzer" will appear on the location behind you. Roll to the left and go around the "Tiger" just as they did with the "Panzer". Focus on the destruction of one of two tanks, and already after deal with the second. It is necessary to shoot exclusively in the side or rear. On armor and fire power, these tanks are stronger than yours, but the American has an advantage in speed.

Having finished the battle on the square, follow the German fortress - indicates the marker.

Souvenir - After the ambush with a machine gunner, take the document with the piano. (1 out of 3).

Feat - After the second shelling of the machine gun, before you go to the building with a detachment, help your companion. (1 out of 3)

In each company, questions are somewhat or later: how to better organize communication with customers, how to improve the service? Often the opening of the corporate call center becomes the optimal solution. Although the National Classifier Profession "Call Center" profession has not yet been submitted, the posts are already enough long.

The call center operator performs a variety of job duties, which are determined by the peculiarities of the activities of this unit:

  • provides reference information;
  • consults customers on various issues, receives certain information from them (complaints, answers to polls), informs about the shares;
  • selling services / goods, etc.

Considering the position of the operator, professional subgroups should be allocated:

  • working on incoming calls;
  • working on outgoing calls (additional qualifications are required);
  • sales-dealing (incoming or outgoing calls).

Requirements for operators who are engaged in sales coincide with the requirements for specialists / sales managers.

Features of the selection of call center operators depend on what companies are required by employees: to provide or collect information.

Application for the vacancy

Selection of the Call Center operator - like any other specialist - begins with the preparation of an application for a vacancy. The application indicates the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, as well as personal qualities of a person. The more Clever the leader understands who he needs in this place (and describes it in the application), the more effective the selection will be organized and the result will be better.

As noted above, the requirements for call center operators can vary greatly in different companies (depending on their tasks and personnel policies of a particular organization, for example: receiving people without work experience; students; only experienced operators, etc.). Nevertheless, you can highlight a number of general requirements:

  • good dictation;
  • acceptable tempo of speech;
  • culture and literacy of speech (knowledge of language and ethics of communication);
  • good communication skills (clarity, logical of statements, attentiveness to the interlocutor);
  • person partnership behavior in conflict situations;
  • emotional competence (emotion management);
  • sophistication (high thinking speed);
  • stress tolerance.

In most cases, people-oriented people are selected. However, if we are talking about the selection of operators for sales by phone, preference should be given to the result-oriented candidates.

Search for call center operators

The search for employees to the position of the Call Center operator has its own specifics.

First, these people rarely make special requirements for knowledge and skills; In addition, sufficiently high requirements for personal qualities (meanwhile, not all applicants are able to appreciate them adequately).

Secondly, for many candidates, a call center is the first place of work or an additional part-time job. Since people have no experience (as well as the skills of its search), the recruiter must be prepared for the design of the vacancy announcement will be read inattentively, the requirements are not understood / ignored, etc.

According to the data collected by one of the All-Ukrainian Collest Countries, out of 100 requesting applicants successfully undergo a telephone interview and are invited to a personal interview only 10-15 people, of which five-seven work offer. This means that the number of responses to the vacancy should be quite large - only then the recruiter will be able to select decent. The probability of failure to appear in potential candidates for the interview (up to 90% of the total number of invited) is also very large. But this problem can be solved, with two ways:

1) to invite more applicants for the same time (though, in this case, the risk of meeting with all candidates immediately) is increasing);
2) Conduct group interviews.

To ensure a sufficient number of candidates for selection, it is advisable to use several sites for posting ads for vacancies. For example, to choose the call center operators in Kiev, good results (including cost / results) gives publication in specialized print media and accommodation on job sites. Other methods (dissemination of information about the vacancy on leaflets, participation in exhibitions, posting ads on Bigboards, on the running line of telemonomotors in the subway, etc.) in the capital showed themselves ineffective.

Other results are possible in other cities. In any case, you need to take into account the regional specificity of the audience and, based on this, choose adequate means of communication with it.

Telephone interview

The primary selection of candidates for the interview passes in the telephone mode. Given the specifics of the vacancy, it significantly saves the recruiter time and increases the efficiency of its work.

First, in the telephone interview, the ability and desire of the candidate should work in this position. It is often necessary to repeat the information specified in the ad: work schedule, wages, the existence of internship, etc. You need to be prepared for the fact that 20 calls from 100 will be unproductive to be out of 100: someone did not pay attention to the work schedule, to own English tongue, etc.

Secondly, it is possible to check the suitability of a person to work "on the phone": voice timbre, diction clarity, speech speed, literacy.

Thirdly, some knowledge and skills are easy to check during the first telephone interview - for example, possession of spoken English. For your own experience I know: after the warning that the recruiter will now go into English, and the simple question in this language, seven who called from ten refuse to continue the conversation.

Similarly, with the help of a number of simple issues, the availability of special knowledge and skills is checked (for example, in medicine or in the field of IT). This will help to cut off candidates who do not even speak basic knowledge.

The obvious advantages of the applicant should be noted:

  • impeccable politeness during the entire conversation with the recruiter, knowledge of business etiquette;
  • professionally supplied voice (speech intonation, "smile" in voice);
  • the ability to arrange the interlocutor to yourself, "sell" yourself.

Student youth is the most numerous contingent, seeking operator work. Recruitor should be remembered that students adopted during the flight holidays will not always be able to continue working after the beginning of the school year, therefore, during the first interview, it is necessary to find out - for what period a person is looking for work. Unfortunately, it is in this matter who does not have to count on the honesty of candidates. It is recommended to clarify the readiness of a person to continue work, asking, for example, such questions: "I understand correctly, you want to temporarily settle for the summer, during the vacation?"; "How do you plan to combine work and study?"; "Did you have such an experience earlier?"; "Why did you quarrel from the previous call center?"

Interview with candidates and their assessment

The interview can be held in two formats:

  • an individual interview (gives a more accurate result);
  • group or panel interview (applied if you want to select a large number of operators when closed vacancies compressed).

With a mass selection (and therefore, the large flow of applicants) the work of the recruiter should be easily simplified, especially with regard to fixing the results - it is possible to reduce the costs of time. To optimize work, the useful tool is sheet interview. Interview options for individual and group interviews are given in applications 1 and 2. Each indicator is proposed to evaluate the three-point scale: 1 - "excellent", 2 - "permissible", 3 - "bad" (if necessary, it can be expanded).

Attachment 1

Sheet of individual interview

FULL NAME. Applicant: _______________________


1 point

2 points

3 points


Dickey, speech rate

Communication skills

A culture of speech

Language knowledge:




Conflict partnership

Emotional competence

(thinking speed)


Major motivators: ________________________

Orientation on the process, leaning towards monotonous work: ___ yes ___ no

Stress resistance: ___ yes ___ no

Additional Information: ________________________

Appendix 2.

List of group interviews

Vacancy: Call Center Operator
FULL NAME. Recruiter: ________________________
Interview date: _____________________

Full name of the applicant

Alekseenko A. G.

Bolinsky M. R.

Dickey, speech rate

Communication skills

A culture of speech


Partner Behavior
in conflict situations

Emotional competence


Orientation on the process

Stress tolerance


Notes Recruiter

IN table 1. A description of the criteria that are used to evaluate the candidate is given.

Tab 1. Description of the criteria to assess the candidate for the vacancy of the call center operator



1 point

2 points

3 points

Dickey and speech rate

Clear dictation
No accent
Normal tempo speech

In general, good dictation, however there are small defects (some letters, lightweight, etc.), which generally does not affect the understanding of speech by the interlocutor
Sometimes an accelerated or slow speech

Infectiously pronounces words, "swallows" the end
Very fast or very slow speech pace, long pauses

Culture speech and literacy

Literary language
Complies with the rules of speech etiquette (greeting, farewell, attentiveness, respect for the interlocutor)

Often violates speech rules
Use obscene words
Shows disrespect for the interlocutor (for example, rudely interrupts, goes to "you" without the consent of the interlocutor, etc.)

Community skills
(Communication Building
and active

Laconicity, brevity
Logical conversation conversation
Clearly answers questions, if necessary, asks clarifying questions

Sometimes slightly deviates from the topic of conversation, but it is returned to the initial issue independently
A person does not always ask clarifying questions, even if I did not understand the essence of the statement

Constantly deviates from the topic, responds not on the topic, loses the topic
Often asks, inattentive to the answers of the recruiter, tend to interrupt

in conflict

Expresses the desire to help
Uses polite phrases clarifying questions
Can adapt to the interlocutor

Expresses the desire to help
Communicates calm and politely

Emotional competence
(ability to manage your emotions)

The ability is not to retract to the conflict, remain calm and balanced, continue to solve the problem of "client" in stress

Emotional drawing into conflict, but preserving courtesy, customer focus

Drawn into conflict, open dispute with the client
Takes a tough position in conversation

Owning a foreign language

Knowledge and skills fully satisfy the requirements of the vacancy.

Knowledge and skills mainly meet the requirements of the vacancy
Need to adhere, spoken practice

Knowledge does not meet the requirements of the vacancy

Sophistication(thinking speed)

Currently, quickly finds a way out of a difficult situation.
Offers several solution solutions

It does not immediately find a way out of the situation.
Sees a small number of solution solutions

Lost in a non-standard situation

Methods and evaluation technologies

The work of call centers operators requires such qualities as psychological sustainability, sociability, etc. In order for the selection to assess the compliance of the person with the requirements of the position, various methods can be used.

Stress tolerance. Since the operation of the operator for the most part consists of communicating with people, stress is its unchanged component. To assess the degree of stress resistance, a candidate can be used, for example, a stress interview. Although in a professional environment, this method finds less supporters, from my point of view, unacceptable only such interviews in which emotional tensions are created by manifestation to the candidate of disrespect, and even direct insults.

If the stress interview is carried out correctly, it becomes an effective selection tool. The skill of the recruiter is to correctly enter the rigid rhythm, and then return the course of the conversation "in the peaceful direction", to restore the emotional balance of all candidates, to maintain the location of the company, smooth out the impression of emotional "shake". It is even more important that there is already stress for seekers of people.

Create tension on an interview can, for example, by increasing the rate of formulation of issues and / or increasing their complexity. Upon completion of the "stress part", it is important to apologize and explain to the person that similar situations can be met in the process of customer service, so it is so important to assess its readiness for stress.

The weak point of stress interview is that with its help you can check the candidate's reaction only in a short-term stress situation. It is possible to predict the behavior of a person with prolonged adverse effects if he already has experience in stressing.

Orientation on the process. Monotony resistance (ability to perform uniform, repeating tasks for a long time) is important quality for the call center operator. The easiest quality is estimated using metaprograms. In this case, we are interested in the metaphrogram "Process / Result"; I propose issues of questions to identify it ( table. 2.).

Table. 2. Options for issues to identify a candidate metaprogram



Orientation on the process

Referral orientation

What do you like most of your work / school?

Like the process of work / study ("I love to learn something new, communicate with colleagues, clients", etc.)

Like to receive / create results ("I love to get high grades for quality work, honestly deserved diploma; to achieve the goal; striving to career growth", etc.)

What do you need to successfully undergo a trial period?

Work according to the rules
Qualitatively perform your work

Perform a sales plan
Achieve the goal

Skills. Parameters such as the overall speech culture, dictional features, the tempo of speech, communicative skills are tracked throughout the interview. If there are several candidates at the same time at the same time, you can first conduct a brief presentation of the company, familiarize people with the functional responsibilities of the call center operator, and then ask them to tell about themselves, explain why they are interested in vacancy. According to the answers, candidates will become clear - if they listened to the recruiter, as they represent their work, etc.

To check the knowledge of the language (native and foreign), special tests should be applied - separately for oral and written speech. For example, written literacy can be estimated with the help of a dictionary dictation, the accuracy of the perception of speech on the rumor - by auditing, etc.

I would like to note that for the recruitment it is important not only to cut off candidates with flaws, but also to look for capable. In particular, in no case should the applicants who have such advantages:

  1. The ability to separate the information on the received information from the secondary one. It is no secret that often customers cannot clearly formulate their request, so one of the most complex tasks The operator is to understand that it is necessary to subscriber.
  2. A step-by-step technique for creating needs can be trained, but the skill of the active hearing is much more complicated. If a person has this skill has already been formed, to train a novice to various communication technologies will succeed much faster.
  3. Free possession of two languages \u200b\u200b- Russian and Ukrainian. It is no secret that finding the operator with good spoken skills of the Ukrainian language in the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, and Russian - in Western and partly in the central and northern, quite difficult. Full bilingualism is a big advantage for a person applying for the role of a call center operator.

Conflict partnership. A good way to analyze the behavior of the candidate during the conflict, as well as the assessment of its ability to manage its emotional state is the role-playing game. The recruiter (or his trained assistant) acts as a client, the candidate - as an operator. Playing sit back to each other so that the "operator" did not see the face of the "client", then the conversation between them begins - the conditional "client's call".

With the help of a role-playing or case, you can also rate sophistication / Speed \u200b\u200bof Thinking candidate Examples of tasks for role-playing games shown in appendix 3. (Case 2).

Appendix 3.

Job examples (cards) for role-playing game

Case 1.

Task for "client"

Two weeks ago, you bought a refrigerator, but he broke. Now you want to return the poor-quality goods and get back money. Check you lost, but retained warranty coupon. Failure to take a refrigerator without checking you annoys, you start talking on elevated colors.

Tasks for "Call Center Operator"

The client complains about the poor quality of the purchased home appliances. According to the current rules, if the client bought the goods recently (up to 14 days), then if there is a check, the company can return money to him, in other cases warranty repair is offered.

Your task is to help the client who lost the check, solve the problem.

Case 2.

You are working in the call center of the household appliances supermarket: react to customer complaints. You call you a person who says that is your regular buyer. Light disappeared in his apartment, he does not know how to enroll in such a situation. He asks to help find the phone housing, because your call center is the only place where he always helped. What are your actions?

Cases do not have one right solution. When evaluating the behavior of the candidate, it is important to pay attention to how quickly a person offers a "interlocutor" the way out of the situation, how adequately is the proposal, whether he will respond to a request for help, whether a person resonates with the emotional state of man, etc.

Motivation. To find out that a person is waiting for from work (and, therefore, to predict its suitability and loyalty), it is possible using questions:

  • What did our vacancy attracted you?
  • What do you like in the work of the operator?
  • What do you think gives the work of the operator to a person?
  • Why do you need work?

For example, to assess the motives that prompted a person are interested in vacancy, you can use the description of the criteria and the standard three-point scale ( table. 3.).

Table. 3. Examples of motif estimates

Criterion / Evaluation

1 point

2 points

3 points

Interesting field of activity
Permanent communication
Implementation of knowledge
Ability to help people
Good team

flexible schedule
Social package
Convenient location of the office

The need for temporary work (on vacation, between sessions) *
* NB. Attention should be paid to the expressions: "You need to persuade", "do not take anywhere anywhere", etc.

When evaluating motivators, the features of a particular company should be considered. For example, the candidate demonstrates the desire for career growth and development. It is possible to estimate this motive in different ways - depending on the availability of opportunities in the company for vertical / horizontal promotion and resources for employee training:

  • if there is a possibility, then the activity of the candidate is estimated high - the maximum score is assigned;
  • if there are no opportunities, and in the near future they will not appear, then the activity of the candidate is estimated low - the minimum score is assigned.


After the assessment of candidates, the question arises: who from the applicants should be invited to work? To do this, it is necessary to determine which of the evaluation criteria are key, and which are less significant. Applicants who scored the maximum number of points "1" by key indicators and "1" / "2" for the rest, receive a proposal for work immediately after the interview. If the choice is great, the recruiter selects only "excellent students".

In markets with a deficit of qualified personnel, it is necessary to work with candidates who scored "2" / "3". All other things being equal, you should pay attention to those flaws that can be changed in a short period by learning (including in the workplace). For example, partnership behavior in a conflict situation can be "to configure" in the rules of working with subscribers; Business etiquette / courtesy - adjust the use of speech modules (required phrases in a conversation with the client). If conflict situations are rarely expected, stress resistance also relates to optional requirements.

Candidates can conventionally divided into three groups: "Reception", "Refusal", "in question". People who fell into the third group are compared with each other; Gradually, the recruiter chooses those of whom who has a combination of personal qualities and skills acceptable to work. But the answer to the question: "Teach selected before achieving an optimal result or continue to search more worthy?" - It depends on the policy of a particular company.

Call center operators are "on advanced" communication with real and potential buyers, customers and other stakeholders: inform, listen to claims, help solve problems. After all, customers most often cannot appreciate the "scope" of the company's goods line or talents who created and manage managers, but they remember very well as employees responded to their request or complaint.

Paradoxically, it was precisely these people - it would seem, the homelie workers - for customers are not only a "voice", but also the "person" of the company. It is their behavior that forms its image image. Accordingly, it is necessary to present special requirements, and it is also very responsible to relate to their selection.

The article is provided to our portal.
edited by the magazine