Skyrim Dark Brotherhood Introduction. How to enter the murderers in Skyrim guild. Entry into the dark fraternity

Well I said that any garbage in Skyrima automatically becomes gold, and maybe more later.

I want to warn that in this text the spoiler sits on the spoiler and the spoiler will drive. If you have not passed these tasks and intend to do it yourself, I strongly recommend doing it yourself

Lost innocence.

It all starts in Windhelm. Walking around the city, you can learn rumors about a strange house and no less strange boy, which for a long time does not come out from there and conducts some rituals. After you talk to the right people (for example, with an innovative), you will have a record and a pointer to the same house.

Near the entrance is played by a pretty sweet scene, now there is no doubt, the boy, Aventus Aretino, obviously not just a teenager, and the house is cursed. Inside, you will hear his plea for help to mother night ...

It turned out, Aventus escaped from the shelter, where he fills a good gerrrrus (the name is really just a frustration, the old woman does not give a descent to children). In a circle laid out by burning candles lies a human skeleton, a piece of human meat and a heart. The book lying nearby tells about the mysterious ritual, thanks to which you can call on a dark fraternity. Aventus, seeing you, will be happy, his plea is finally heard. You will not have time to blink and so you are already adjusted for the murder.

Next, your path lies in a rift, to the orphanage shelter. Children "love" their mistress and as soon as she falls dead (so that you have no problems with the law, I recommend to wait until Herrud goes into my office), rejoice and begin to discuss how well they will now be healing. Return to Windhelm, Aventus is pleased, and you have become richer by 100 septimov, plus acquired expensive surname jewelry.

But after all, you have taken an order from under the nose near the Dark Brotherhood ...

With such friends ...

You may want to relax in the warm bed after they committed a murder. Or maybe not want. After two or three days the messenger will suit you and give a note. It shows black palm and there is an inscription: "We know."

You can go to bed and before the note is given, no difference. In any case, after you light, you will be able to ... in a strange, obviously abandoned hut. A mysterious lady will sit on the shelf in the assassin attire. Behind you on your knees, there are three sacrifices, in bags that are on the head. Their hands are connected. Astrid, so the name is a stranger, will offer the game. Guess who from the prisoners ordered the brotherhood. There is no choice. The door is locked, and the only key of the elf in his pocket.

In fact, the difference of whom you will kill no, the most important thing is that you were ordered to kill, and you killed. The girl is pleased with the result and invites you to asylum of the dark fraternity, finally saying the password: "Silence, my brother."

All Hail Sithis! Passage of Dark Brotherhood

All Hail Sithis! Passage of Dark Brotherhood

(Branch) Death Dark Brotherhood!

But we will not forget, the key is in the elf in your pocket. While she will pin down from the shelves (and it makes it squeezing slowly), you may have time to finish it and get a beautiful light armor, unique (very strong) dagger and a new quest. It seems that you need to talk to the captain of the personal guard of the emperor.

He lives in place, called the Dragon Bridge, which is near Solitude. Captain Marón will offer you 3.000 septimov if you destroy all the dark fraternity on the root, and at the same time will say the password and the location of their Logov. I wonder where he knows him? Oh yeah, you should go alone.

Just burst inside and kill everyone who meets. Inside you are waiting for a lot of unique and very expensive armor, four stones of the shower, the magic two-handed sword of Muga Astrid, a new cry ("murder") and a few smallest things, like a potion. Return to Maron and get a honest earned reward.

As soon as you enter inside asylum, look around, talk with new members of your family, and how will you be ready, talk to Nazir about your first work.

Contracts: Kill Narphic, kill Beitlid, kill the ennodius papis.

Narphy is the easiest goal. The homeless poorness dwells on the ash region at home. No one will look for him. You can tell him that the Dark Brotherhood It came after him, and you can keep silent. Alternatively, you can shoot it, standing on the grief. If you try to kill him in the near battle, there is a chance to get caught and attract the guard.

Beitlid is a mine worker. In the afternoon, she wanders around the city in humans, and at night sleeps in his house. You can open her home and wait for it there, or wait until she goes there to sleep and open the door already at this time. Also, if you inform Beitlid that you came from a dark fraternity, she will attack you herself, and if you kill her, the guard will find it for self-defense, and will not interfere.

Ennodius - a man living in a tent near the Henga Mill. Just kill him, the guard will not hear screams.

Morning will never come

You will be informed about the girl, Muri, who conducted a ritual of the Black Sacrament and calls to the Dark Brotherhood. Astrid will ask you to find Muiri and fulfill her task.

The girl lives in a marcate and often walks through the streets. Just talk to her. She will tell the story of her former lover, the family who betrayed it and gives you a lotus extract, poison, for lubricating the blade. You will need to kill the Dufonte, her lover who lives in the darker ruins with a hammer of robbers, as well as if possible, to finish the sister Muiri, Nilsin.

Being in the ruins, be careful, traps here at every step, but there are many closed doors, it's time to raise the skill of hacking. If you manage to open the door with the level of complexity "Expert", then you will not be difficult to activate the dormant crossbows with exploding arrows and kill the mistress and his retinue with two shots.

Now it remains for my sister. The girl lives in Windhelm. You can try to climb her at night in the residence of her family, but much more practical will meet with her in the temple, which Nilsin visits every day. She will sit back to the door. And there will be one. What carelessness. Return to Muri, it will give you several hundred coins (depends on the level) and give an alchemy ring if you killed her sister.

Whisper in darkness

After returning to the shelter, Astrid will express his concern about Cicero, the keeper of the Mother of the Mother of the night, who recently arrived in the shelter of the Brotherhood. The crazy in the judovo clothes is locked up at night in a room with a coffin and Someone says with someone. Astrid asks you to hide in the coffin of the mother of the night and overhear the conversation.

It turns out that Cicero is angry from the fact that he is not hearing and cannot hear the words of the mother of the night. But you can. Mrs. asks you to find in the tomb of Voland Amanda Motieri and talk to him. After the coffin opens, you have a conversation with Astrid and Cicero. The head of refuge does not want to return to the old traditions and says that she needs to think about everything. And for you, it's time to go to Nazir for new contracts.

Contracts: Kill Hearn, kill Lubrica.

Lubric is the worst Bard in Skyrim, Astrid had to arrange a lottery, too many wanted his death. You just need to come to the tavern, wait until the Orc leaves to his room to sleep and cut it there.

Herr - a vampire, peacefully living on the sawmill with his girlfriend, too, vampire. They are always happy to guests and look very hospitable. If you reveal your intentions, Herr will not oppose the fate, will not try to escape, but simply call you to the duel. His Passia intervene and tries to kill you.

Astrid thought out and decided that it was stupid to go against the will of the mother's mother. She sends you to Voland, meets Amand Motieri. He, together with his assistant, lives near the entrance to the tomb of the ancient hero of Northerners. Amand will offer a lot nor little ... kill the emperor himself. And you will give you an expensive amulet, as a prepayment, in order to "cover the costs".

Return to Astrid, he is very surprised by such a contract and will send you to her long friend, a member of the guild of thieves and an appraiser. If you are already a member of the thieves guild, it will not be difficult to come to him, through a secret move. Otherwise, you will have to pass the dungeon with rats and gangsters. In any case, Delwin (so call the thief) will give you a receipt for 15.000 septimov and tell the history of the amulet. It turns out that this amulet is given to every member of the Council. Looks like someone gathered to arrange a coup.

Until the death separates us

Amand made a detailed plan, because it's just not to get to the emperor. First, you will need to kill his sister, right at her wedding. You will receive a premium if you kill it right while accessing guests (ancient northern tradition). Upon arrival at the place, I recommend to climb to a low tower, the door to it will be left of the door of the temple, if you look at the same side as the bride. There you will be waiting for the elven bow "Death of Firienel", a few arrows and elixir label shooting.

Astrid took care of you and sent Argonian, Vizaru, so that he distracted by guard and gave you to escape after the murder. Just wait until the bride goes to the balcony, and shoot from the bow. Vizara will start a fight and give you peacefully go away.

As an option, you can climb the city wall, for this go to the temple, the entrance to which is directly opposite the bride, climb the stairs to the top and open the door to the wall. Next, wait until the vitatorium starts his speech and throw a heavy statue on her head.

Award-winning will you serve a spell of the appeal of the spirit of ancient Assassina Lucien Lashans (familiar has it, right?), And if you killed the vittoria while accessing guests, about a thousand gold.

To begin with, talk to Gabriela, in the shelter of Brotherhood. You need to kill the son of Captain Marona, Guy Marona, and then put a comprehensive note on his body. Captain Marron, - Head of the Security Service of the Emperor and if you kill him, then it will simply be replaced, so it is better to break the spirit of the captain and deprive of his son.

Guy will travel through all the cities of Skyrim to personally make sure their safety. An additional condition will be the murder of Guy in one of the cities, and not on the road. In order not to attract attention, travel he will be without guard.

You can try to steal the schedule of its path from the building in the village "Dragon Bridge", but it is enough just to follow his movements on the map. As soon as he stops in one of the cities, kill him.

For the task you get about a thousand coins and overlap overlap additional task By finding the corpse of an ancient killer lying in the cave and wearing improved armor of the Dark Brotherhood.

Medicine from madness

Just think about it! Cicero completely went crazy, began to swing the blade and wounded Vizar. Babette was able to save him, but Astrid asks you to find a psycho and kill him, especially since her husband in a fit of rage went after him. Native Cicero's room and take his diary. The jester in the shelter under Danstar, and you have a password for the door. You will receive a personal shadow hill Astrid.

Near the entrance to the shelter lies the wounded Arnborne, he apparently struck by Cicero artery, so it would not be difficult to find it, just follow the bloody track.

On the table at the entrance is a set light armor jester. The best solution will take the header and clothes, replacing it the usual brotherhood armor. Follow the bloody track and re-kill ghosts. After the bridge is passing and go down the stairs, a hotel is a good table, there will be books that increase the skill of shooting and melee.

Go next to the next, fight with an ice troll. Soon you will find Cicero, it is clearly not in shape and can not fight. The only thing he asks is to keep his life. None in the future, your decision will not affect, but it is wearing unique armor Cicero, according to the properties of the Schuteskaya, but much stronger. It seems that he simulated a suicide state. Like it, and he will jump, ready for battle. On the body, in addition to armor, there will be several hundred coins and a dagger corresponding to your level. It's time to return to Astrid.

But if you spared Cicero, then he can become your partner.

Deadly recipe

The final part of the plan: you need to find a mysterious writer and the famous chef hiding under the pseudonym Gourmet, then pick up his diploma and poison the emperor. Talk to FezTus Krekshsh, he will give a tip on the court chef of the Yarl Marcata, Anton Virana. You will need to learn from him the location of Gourmet, get rid of Anton, and then from Gourmet, and it is advisable to hide the body.

In conversation with Anton, threaten him, then he will give you the name and location of Gourmet. Tell me, let's leave Anton alive and then kill. Your path lies in a roadside tavern. Balag Gro-Nolob, so in fact the name of Gourmet, lives there for a couple of months, in the basement. He loves long walks along the lakeside ... as an option, you can catch it in the basement and hide the corpse for two big barrels, there. Either wait until he walks by the lake, kill and drown his body. Do not forget to take a dip and go back to the shelter.

The death of the empire!

Tip: Take all your personal things from the driver of fraternity now, otherwise then they will be lost.

Talk to Astrid, take a root with a deadly poison and go to the task, in Solitude. Captain a certificate of gourmet and go inside. Take the cook cap from the shelf and put on. Gianna's kitchen fills everything in this kitchen and will be very glad to see you. Add any ingredients to your famous broth, to your taste, and do not forget about the most important, root root. It's time to serve a dish.

The emperor behaves strangely, but trying broth, he begins to pick it up. Then he will be bad and he will fall out. You can not wait for this moment, run! Through the door, run on the bridge ...

ATTENTION!!! Below the entire intrigue of the line of these quests is revealed. I strongly recommend you to get acquainted with the game before reading the lower-handed.

Captain Maron was waiting for you. It. And about a dozen soldier. In the fraternity, a rat was started, someone betrayed you, in exchange for the promise of Captain to leave the Order of the murderers alone forever. But Marron lied. The death of the son did not pass simply and right at that moment another squad of soldiers storms asylum. You can enter into battle, but too much enemies. Just run as far as possible.

As soon as you get to the asylum, the task will end.

Embodied death

Split several soldiers near the entrance, go inside. And inside the fire rages, the warriors of the empire finish the wounded. Right near the input lies the corpse of Visara. Break away with the fight on, Arnborne turned into a werewolf and kills the soldiers, but they are too much. You can not save it. Upstairs Nazir beats with another impert, help him. As it turned out, Nazir suspes the traitor in you, but you need to find the rest. Go upstairs, you will hear the voice of the night in your head. Stake in her coffin.

Time passes. Sound of broken glass and water splash are heard. It is not clear how, mother night saved you from the fire. Nazir, customized by Babetta, is trying to pull the sarcophagus from the water. The last thing remains, the mother's mother asks to find Astrid, it is somewhere in shelter.

And there is. The wounded elf with terrible burns lies in a circle of candles. Next to her dagger. It was she who betrayed the fraternity, it was she who passed you, in the hope that the brotherhood would survive. Now she has one request, Astrid asks death. From your hand.

When the case is done, Nazir and Babette will go to the refuge near Danstara, and it's time for you to deal with the real emperor, Titov Mountain.

Glory to Citis!

It is necessary to find someone who knows about the location of the emperor, for example Amanda Motier. He lives in the tavern that in Waitran. As it turned out, Tit is on his personal ship and is almost ready for sailing. Captain Maron, if he survived after your last skirmish, is on the pier with his guard.

It's time. Go to the pier. You can talk to Maron, he will get angry and will attack. Just finish it, the guard will take it for self-defense. Jump into the water and swim to the ship, go up on the cable to the top.

You are in the thrind, a lonely sailor stands back to you. Error. Go around the ship, soldiers there are not too strong, but it is better not to stick out. Find the captain of the ship and kill it, in your pocket you will find a master key from all ship locks. Just go into the winds of the emperor, eliminating the guard along the way.

Here you are alone. Tit Foreign Ministry waited for you. "With emperors and killers always so." Everything is predetermined by fate. The only thing he asked before death is to kill someone who ordered him. When the case is done, go to the deck and return to Waitran. Talk to Amanda, he left a generous remuneration in the urn, in the room that in Voland. If you want, you can kill it.

Take money and return to Nazir and Babette. The money received for the contract (20,000 septimov) is enough to furnish a new refuge. Then there will be only small contracts and tasks from the mother of the night. And this means that you killed the emperor, congratulations.

Dark fraternity - a cheerful family. Who is not a vampire and not a Vervolph, that full psycho.

Dark Brotherhood - Tamriel Military Guild. It exists in absolute secrecy mode, and it is not easy to enter it. The headquarters of the Skyrim division of the Brotherhood is a enchanted cave away from the road in the south of the province, next to the town of Falkrite.

The divine patroness of the Brotherhood is an ominous and powerful mother of the night, which is probably already known to those who at one time conquered the expanses of the Imperial Province. Our colleagues in fraternity, asylum inhabitants, are also specific guys. Here there is a crazy jester, and a vampire in the Little Girl Circuit (a clear hello "Interview with a Vampire"), and even a friendly frosty spider.

In addition, those who enter the brotherhood and will pass his quests, will have some benefit from this.

  • Asylum in which you can sleep, learn, to join the armor - in general, having fun.
  • The word of power on the shelter's wall is good, though one-time prize.
  • Spell calling a ghost killer that helps in battle.
  • Meetings with understanding belong to vampires - even if they are at the fourth stage of the disease.
  • And perhaps the best argument in favor of entry into the Brotherhood is a unique raven horse tongry with a huge reserve of health, quickly regenerating.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Before proceeding with the plot, look at the farm of Laura, north of Waitran and the White Watchtower, and perform the quest "Bezen Funeral" - his jester named Cicero. Technically by-Quest (more about him we will tell in the section side tasks), But it will allow you to get to know the future colleague in Brotherhood and his ... The late "Mother".

Lost innocence

The guy spent a black ritual for all the rules. There is nothing to do, the order must be performed.

To sign up for the Dark Brotherhood of the Imperial Province, it was necessary to kill any ordinary. In Skyrim, everything is a little more difficult - you can kill at least the whole city, the fraternity and ear will not lead. However, it is here - and you will be sure if Radiant Story will post you with killers who have a contract with the name of the hero (by itself to read this contract, they will have to win first)

The way to get into this mysterious organization can be found if you stay in taverns, talk with children from a shelter in Riften or immediately look into the windhelm. In Windhelm, the easiest to overhear the conversation in the lane (how to go to the city, to the right). The essence is: the orphaned boy Aventus Aretino escaped from the shelter and now spends the ritual of the call of the Dark Brotherhood.

Aretino lives in the same alley - if you open the castle, you will find it on the second floor. It is surrounded by strange subjects and pronounces strange words. The boy is peaks - or thinks that the black sacrament peaks. Does he urge the murderers? We will soon find out! In any case, seeing us, Aretino will decide that we are the "Child of Mother of Night."

The boy will give a task: to kill Gelod Good, by no means good wardrifier of the rimphenian shelter. The easiest way to do it when she sleeps. Try not to come across anyone to your eyes. In any case, the death of Gelod will postpow the entire shelter, and you will witness a very funny scene.

Aretino will give a surname plate as a reward and report that it is about to return to the shelter (but in reality he will not do this and will hang around at home until the absenteeism of the centuries).

With such friends ...

Which of the three prisoners want to see our examiners to see the dead?

Soon after the "contract", the hero will overtake the courier and give an anonymous message with a print of palms and the inscription, the essence of which can be conveyed as "we know what you did last summer." And asleep, the hero will wake up in the abandoned Saraj, in the company Astrid and three connected prisoners with bags on the heads.

Astrid will boil the hero behind Samuda over the Gelod and will offer an exam for joining the Brotherhood. The task is to ask three captives, guess who the contract is concluded, and kill him. I will not disclose the secret in the text, as it is still impossible to "fail" the entry into the wrong choice. Just select and apply.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: It is possible to reject the dark fraternity, attacking Astrid and freeing the prisoners. In this case, you can only find the guard, with his filing to go to the commander Marron and after the conversation with him to arrange a slaughter in the shelter. On this theme of a dark fraternity for our hero is closed.

Our congratulations! Now you have an official invitation to refuge. Find the entrance to the road leading to the West from Falkrite, say the code phrase and come in. Astrid will welcome us and will offer to try out the costume of the shadows. The case is purely voluntary. Our new employer will perform Redgard Nazir.


Babetta tells the story of "catching on the livery." In the role of the belly - she herself.

One of the shortest tasks in the game. Talk to Nazir, take three contracts. Our victims: Beggar Narphic, the former owner of the dumps of the Entodies of Papia and Beatilde, the owner of the mine.

  • Narphic lives in a dilapidated house through a river from Aivstened.
  • Annodium Papi's hermit sits by the fire near the waterfall west of Windhelm.
  • Beatilda wanders through the streets of Dunstara.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: To advance through the plot, just one contract is enough.

Goodbye love

Bandits are strong and well armed - but they have no methods against the female cunning of our customers.

In the meantime, a merry and madness of Cicero appeared in the shelter. If you have completed the quest "Bezen Funeral", he will know you. If you talk to him, he complains that there is no hearing in the dark fraternity - a medium who can communicate with the mother's mother, which he brought from Bavila in the drawer ...

Muri you will meet in a pharmacy "Winches", in the tavern or on the streets of the city. Tolding his unbelievable story, she will give a contract on the Robber Alain Dufon, which lives in the dormant ruins Raaldbthar, and will add that Nilsin a split shield from Windhelm would be good to kill and Nilsin.

You can get to Raldbthar from the north where the staircase leads to the mountain. It is guarded by his gangsters, so the task is practically standard sweeping of the dungeon, and not even everything, but only his small part. Alena Dufona can be found by the fire in the company of three gangsters. In his hands - a good enchanted hammer "Curse of Aegida". In the battle Alain Coworka - he most likely tries to escape, leaving his friends to deal with the killer. At the beginning of the battle, you can try a fiery spell. Set the oil spilled by the fire.

As Nilsin, a split shield, then there is a moral dilemma. With her sister, the maniac, Nilsin herself and her parents in Touréra, and, if you kill a girl, her mother will commit suicide. The award for an additional task is a ring that adds the forces of potions.

Return to Astrid. It seems that the arrival of Cicero in the shelter began funny days!

Whispering in darkness

"Who sat in my mom's sarcophage and remembered her?"

Astrid is concerned - without that mad cicero began talking to someone in his room. Doesn't he plunge bad? To overhear the conversation, the hero has to hide somewhere. For example, in the coffin of his "Mother", next to the mummy.

Open the sarcopha castle and enjoy the scene.

After that, a conversation with Cicero and Astrid - tell them what happened. We are sent again to Nazir. He will give two contracts - one on the Orc-Barda Lurbuk, and the other - on the vampire named Herr.

  • Herr and his girlfriend live on a semi-lunged sawmill, not far to the north of the asylum of the Dark Brotherhood. Most likely, you will find a "client" in the house, for a weak castle.
  • Orc-Bard Lurbuk - the fastest bard in Skyrim. It is so bad that the guilds had to arrange the lottery on the contract, because from the wisp of his death there was not a penalty. He acts in the Mall Farm Tavern. The easiest way to get to it when he leaves the main hall.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: To go further on the plot, it is enough to execute one of two contracts.

With the death of silence

Who else to seek the elimination of the emperor, how not to the dark fraternity? Case familiar!

Upon returning to the shelter, Astrid will meet us and will suggest to listen to the mother of the night and go to the gravestone Volundud to talk to a certain Amone Motier.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Do not forget, entering the volundud, to deal with the skeleton sitting on the throne (pretended, bad!) And pick up the diary to take a side quest "Silence of Languages".

Amon Moter does not have to search for a long time - turn left and, passing by bodies twice the deceptions, open the door. It turns out that Amon attracted the attention of the mother's mother with the help of a black sacrament. He will suggest so interesting task: Kill the emperor himself! Having received a letter and valuable amulet from the well-named Rex, come back to the shelter.

After a conversation with Astrid, you will only run to rifer, look into the thieves guild and find out from the buyer Delwin Mellory that Amon Motier gave us for an amulet. It turns out, amulet is a sign of belonging to the imperial council of elders. Take the delkina reception and return to the shelter. Looks like a conspiracy against the emperor, someone from the Council was involved.

Astrid, receiving a receipt, will send a hero to the wedding. To cause His Majesty of Titus Mida II in Skyrim, you need to arrange troubles. The best way to do this is to kill his cousin Vittoria Vikali, the head of the Solitude branch of the Eastern Imperial Company and, by coincidence, the bride. An additional task is to kill it at the moment when it will spend speech before guests.

Until the death separates us

This is clearly not Cupidona Arrow.

For a character who knows how to hide and owning a bow, the task will be easy. It is necessary only on the fortress walls to get to the wedding site, not to spout and, when the bride comes to the balcony, to say, let's start a staring arrow.

You can use and destroy spells, and the illusion of rage (on the husband), and cold weapons, and Claws of the Werevolf! You can even push the bride on the head statue from the wall. But the developers have provided a light "rifle" way to kill the bride even for heroes, not familiar with the bow. To the left of the main entrance to the temple of the gods there is a small door leading to "Solitude" - on a small balcony in front of where the princess will perform. There you will find a powerful enchanted onion "Death of Firiniela", six elven arrows and the potion of the accuracy.

It is advisable not to stay on the balcony, and climb above - from there it is easier to leave. You will cover the wizard of Vizara, but it is enough to run through bastions, holding the right wall to get to the city gate.

Tip: It makes sense to seize the body of the bride for valuable keys and wedding clothes with a ward. But it is quite quickly removed from the game, and jump over to him immediately after the murder means to bring the wrath of guards. There is a tricky, bordering the suggestion. The way to get around the problem is at the same time when the arrow flies into the bride, you need to move to the refuge to the rash, to pass the quest and also instantly return to Solitude.

Astrid will give a reward and the "daily" talent of the call of a ghostly assassin (playing in Oblivion should learn it), after which will send to Gabrielle to a new briefing.

IT IS INTERESTING: If you take with me this ghost on the tasks, it will be from time to time to comment on the after by the after by the afterlying voice. The time of the call is not limited to the Spirit can go after us until the enemies kill him, and tag, telling about the past day.


While the locals stare on the dragon, Guy and the commander Maron calmly say goodbye.

The task from Gabriella sounds difficult: To neutralize the bodyguards of the emperor, we must demoralize the head of the security, killing his son Guy during the inspection bypass of the cities. In addition to the body of Guy, it is necessary to put fake paper, testifying that he prepared an attempt on the emperor. Make it is prevented not on the road, but during one of his stops in cities - so that the body is quickly found. For it, an additional award is rewarded - the Sign of the Provisian, with which the hero will receive a side Radiant Quest on improved armor of shadows.

The schedule of the trip can be stolen in the barrison house Penitus Okulatus, but it is also not necessary to do this - you can just wait for the victim in one of Skyrima Tavern. Or, looking at the scene of the farewell in the village of Dragon Bridge, come with the Gay until the first settlement, kill it and lay the "compromising letter" (default key R).

Gabriella will meet you at the entrance to the shelter. Take the task and go to the Astrian again.

Medicine from madness

The killers! Even after death, they strive to engage in loved things.

Everything was mixed in the house of the Dark Brotherhood. Cicero attacked his inhabitants, mortally wounded the Lizard Vizaru and escaped, pursued by the husband of Astrid - the Vervolph Arnborn. To find out where a crazy jester could escape, we will send us in his room. From the diaries will be clear and destination - the second shelter of the brotherhood in Dunstara, and the password for the entrance.

So that we quickly get to the place, Astrid will lend his horse - the legendary tehkin. Sit on it, but to Davent, of course, it is better to get a "fast movement".

First, we need to find Arnbiorn. He suffered in a fight with Cicero, but he can say: Vervolph will tell that Cicero wounded, and will offer, entering shelter, go through the bloody trail. When the door asks "What is the greatest illusion of life?", Do not choose the items "happy marriage" or "Hmm ... well, focus, where a woman is cut in half," and tell my sinister voice "Innocence, my brother".

Inside you are waiting for insane comments of the cicero, traps (fiery oil for stretching, spikes in the walls) and the ghostly guard of the sanctuary. Pay attention to the judovo clothing on the table and many educational books.

Tip: Call the ghostly killer and listen to his comments about what is happening.

The bloody trail will start you for the round opening in the ice cave (carefully - bear tramps!). Cicero will talk about the fact that someone "forced him to expand", and soon we will see who it is, is a hefty troll named Udurfruk (and this is already greeting from Ice Saltheim).

At the wooden door, open the passage to the tomb, pulling the chain. There we are waiting for the series of coffins and a new party of ghostly watchmen. Open another passage with the chain, and here it is Cicero. He seems not in shape, can not fight and suggest to leave him alive, deceiving Astrid. How to be? The choice is notoay. On the one hand, he really broke firels, but on the other ... the mother of the night is the mother of the night, and Cicero her keeper.

Leave him alive makes sense because later he can become our companion. But if you still decided to kill the poor jester, keep in mind that he was not dead, but only pretending and pulling on his feet, if you poke into him with a sword or try to ride. But from the body it will be possible to remove the improved set of judovo clothing.

Return to Astrid and crate her (or tell me the truth, if the jester is killed by your hand). It is time to promote the "imperial" plot - your instructor will this time will be Festus Kreks, a grimewous old man.

Kindle recipe

The orc cook is so light that it is possible to raise his corpse literally for the shake.

Who exactly hides behind the name Gourmet, knows one person - Anton Wihan from the Podcast Fortress of Marcard. It must be interrogated and then kill. Best at night, when all the kitchen workers are sleeping. Hearing about the Dark Brotherhood, Anton will instantly post everything as in spirit: Gourmet is an orc named Barate Grosnob from the tavern "Night Gate", west of Windhelm.

The orc dwells in the cellar, but in the afternoon it goes ashore. If he is fresh airThe corpse can be drown in water, and if a large empty barrel will serve in the storage of the storage. Do not forget to take a pass from the body, and from the basement - a training book.

Currency before Festeus Kreks. It's time to kill the emperor! The instructor will again be an Astrid.

Tip: Before you go to the next task, make sure you have not forgotten anything in the shelter. Next it will become inaccessible.

The death of the empire

"And now put in the soup ... coin!"

The task is easy to: using the outer skip, penetrate the palace. Then to poison the food root root and, when the emperor gives God to God, escape through the top door and a non-shown bridge.

In solitude, rising in stone steps, overhear the conversation of concerned legionnaires. They talk about the disclosure of the conspiracy and the commander of Marone - the very, whose son we killed a couple of quests above. Maron himself stands pronounced. He will accept our skip and send to the kitchen, to Gianne's kitchen.

Where is it seen - against the Redcard, and the fire spells throw?

The rapid movement in the asylum of the dark fraternity will turn off, so go to it on foot from Folkrit. Quest will begin when imperial agents will attack you. Around the cave - barrels with butter, and inside the flame buys. Having overheard the conversation of two imperts, you will learn that someone one of the brotherhood survived and drove it into the depths of the caves.

Arnbiorn you save not be able. But, breaking through the fire and imperial agents, you will find a nazir. By killing the agent fighting with him, you will prove your innocence in a conspiracy against the Brotherhood. But cut out of the cave. Nazir is good - he is Redgard, low-speed to fire. And what to do to us? Follow him, and there is a way out - in the sarcophage mother of the night.

After the scenes, go to search for Astrid. After completing it a small request, go back to my mother's mother, listen to the instruction. From now on, we are the head of the Dark Brotherhood.

Glory to Citis!

"Catarius" in the Bay of Solitude. Anchor chain, oddly enough, - in the stern.

Pass Nazir the words of the mother of the night and go to the tavernu "Garzing Mare" in Waitran. There we are waiting for a familiar employer - Amon Motier. He will tell that the real emperor is on board the ship "Catari", at the mouth of the Bay of Solitude, and under powerful protection. In addition, it makes sense to kill Maron's commander - he is in the port.

If you are going to kill Maron, start with it - it goes to bridges in the port and is a light goal.

"Catarius" led an anchor behind the Solitude Rock, and it is possible to get on board the ship in an anchor chain. Protection is small (as-nothing fraternity is crushed, and there is nothing to fear), and through sailors and the agents of the empire can be sneaked. Soon you will come across the door, locked on a powerful castle. The key from this door and to the door to the emperor can be decorated or removed from the body of Captain Avia (it dwells in the cabin next to the GuaupTahta).

Oddly enough, the emperor was waiting for us. Before his death, he will ask to kill more and a conspirator, Amon Moter. If you want, do it after talking with it in the "Gartsy Maul" and go to Volundud, where in the old urn there is a solid award (and most likely, another pretending skeleton at the entrance).

It remains only to go to Danstar asylum and, after a conversation with a зазим, engage in random contracts from the mother's mother and the arrangement of the new Brotherhood House.

Dark Brotherhood in the game - Society of hired assassins that perform contracts for death for ringing coins gaming currency. And our lucky protagonist will be able to become a member of an ancient sect, who worships the God of death and emptiness - Citis. If you want to try yourself as a murder-killer, you need to find someone. Something. But let's in order. In general, we will talk about how to enter into a dark fraternity in SkyrimSo sit comfortably ...

Black fraternity - to be entry or not to be?

The game has a great place where you can find out the latest city news, drink and listen to Barda. Take a ticket to Tavern in Riverwood and ask the owner of the institution, which is new in this world. In one of the news he will tell that there is a young man who got in the shelter, escaped from him and so on ... The boy lives in Windhelm. The guards of the city, in the search for this task, will also point to the boy, who, by the way, is the name of Aventus Aretino.

Worth performing Dark sacrament And the door will knock the door. You will simply be enough to point out the one who more, in your opinion, is not worthy of drinking the boots of the Skyrima road, and after the contract is fulfilled to pay with Assasin Coin Coin. That is what Aventus committed. You will learn about it from rumors and woven. It will be necessary to get into the house of Aretino, hacking a simple castle with a launder. There you will set the guy for performing a gloomy ritual. Your appearance will please Aventus, as he will take you for a member of the guild of hired killers. Talking with a boy, as well as fighting in a house where you will find a letter of interesting content, you will realize that the purpose of your assignment will be a guardianship of a children's shelter with the speaking name of the Glod's kind. After the death of Mother Aventutus got into the shelter to this pretty woman, where he and many other children suffered systematic mockery from the hostess of the orphanage. As a result, Aventus escaped, because I decided to do not tolerate the mockery.

Take the task and carry in any convenient way to Rift, to visit the shelter to contribute to the development of the guardianship and explain the Glodod that the children offended by fate in no way deserve a similar relationship. The method of depriving the life of this noble lady does not have the slightest value, and although the Gelod does not leave the shelter for a minute, no one will try to protect it or call the guard. The easiest thing is to be eliminated in her cell where it is breaking periodically. In a reward, Inthanitative You will get joyful children's exclamations and gratitude to children, as well as panic and fright from the guardianship of the shelter.

Final decision

Return to Aventus, get a honestly earned family relic. Aretino (plate, worth 100 coins). After graduating from the quest, which is called, to the Word, "Lost Innocence", you will find a strange messenger, who will give you a letter signed (more precisely with the symbol) of the Dark Brotherhood, who says "WEKNOW". They know, in short. Going to rest, because something new begins, and, having fallen in my bed, you wake up in an abandoned hut, where myself will be observed ... even so, the head of the dark fraternity, called Astrid itself. Here you will come across the storylock. Killing Astrid, you will start the quest "Farewell, Dark Brotherhood". But do not rush to do it! To join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim - It is required to accept the offer, after which it will be possible to start passing the main line of the plot of the Dark Brotherhood.

Dark fraternity is the Guild of Assassins - ruthless killers. Members of the Dark Brotherhood worship the God of death, they are ready for any crimes for the sake of profit. Keep in mind that all members of the cult are well hidden, so it is not easy to find them. If you wondered to get into the dark fraternity in the game Skyrim, then we will tell you how to do it.

How to join the Dark Brotherhood Skyrim

First you need to finish the main mission. After that, it is necessary to get to the city of Windhelm and find a guy named Aventus Aretino. So, in order to get into his house, hack the lock on the door and enter inside. He will suggest you to pass the quest - Innocence Lost - Lost Innocence to lose its innocence and go an initiation.

You will need to go to the orphanage Riften, where the evil old woman lives, which mocks the unfortunate children. Here it will be necessary to kill it, but only under one condition - it should be in your room, otherwise there will be too many screams.

When you are shaped with the old woman, we can assume that the quest is almost completed. You just have to go back to Aventus and find yourself overnight for just one night. The place does not matter - it can be just a randomly taught bed or a house you purchased. When you wake up, you will see the three members of the Dark Brotherhood near himself.

One of them needs to be killed - this is the final part of the mission to enter into a dark fraternity. After that, Astrid will give you a password and will send a dark brotherhood in the sanctuary, which you will find the south of the cave of pine forest.

The dark fraternity is a mysterious and no less gloomy fraternity of assassins who are ready to kill anyone who will indicate some "dark sacrament" to them. The dark fraternity in Skyrim moved away from the usual cult of Citis and at the moment she worships no less mysterious mother of the night, thereby observing all five commandments. They practically became ordinary hired killers, which are ready literally for all for the sake of ringing coins.

In when passing Dark Brotherhood A couple arise difficulties, incomprehensible tasks, situations and so on. We will help you to figure it out in each game part, for a more detailed and understandable passage.

Lost innocence

To join the dark fraternity in Sirodile, it was necessary only to kill some innocent alone of this province. In Skyrime, there are other laws - you can destroy the whole city, but you don't get the agenda to the dark fraternity. But you should not lose hope and you should not doubt that the dark fraternity exists. In proof of its existence, the killer can attack you, from the corpse of which you can take a note, which will be said that you were ordered in the dark fraternity.

In any case, to get into the dark fraternity really, you only need to wander around the taverns or to talk to the kids who are in a rift shelter, although you can also immediately go to Windhelm, since it is from there and all rumors about the dark fraternity will go. Once you find yourself in Windhelm, then inlet overhear the conversation of the characters on the right side. In general, you will hear the following: A recently orphaned boy named Aventus Aretino, ran away from the shelter and is now going to call on a dark fraternity.

The boy lives in the same alley where you could hear a story about him. There will be a locked door there, so hack it, enter inside and rise to the second floor, where you will find Aretino. You will see that the boy surrounded himself very strange items, when he also utters very strange words. So, the boy thinks that he makes a black sacrament. But it is not known whether he causes secret murderers or not. In any case, Aretino seeing you, decides that you are the one he called.

In general, the boy will ask you to kill some Gelod Good, which will be not so good. She is in the shelter, which is located in Riften and kill it the easiest way when she sleeps. After you quietly make your way and kill it, then unexpectedly all the shelter wakes up and a very funny scene begins. As a remuneration, Aretino will give you his family plate and say that in a short time it will return back to the shelter (but in fact he will never return there and will sit at home until the end of life).

With such friends ...

At what point the main character brings a letter to the courier, on which there will be a fitting with hand. The essence of the letter reads about the approximate such "we know what you did the summer." Well, and falling asleep at some point on his beloved bed, soon wake up in some incomprehensible and abandoned Saraj, already in a company of some kind of Astrid. So, in front of you sit on the knees of three "hostages".

Astrida, in turn, leaves for the fact that you committed myself and will soon offer to pass the test for the entry into the dark fraternity. The text is simple - to talk to the prisoners and think of whom the contract was concluded, after which kill the goal. This test is absolutely impossible, so there is no meaning to describe it, so talk to everyone and kill someone already.

After this test, you will officially be accepted into the dark fraternity and are officially invited to their refuge. Now go to Falkrite and find there you need to enter this asylum, at the entrance you will need to pronounce a secret word, after which you will open the doors. At the parish, Astrid will welcome you into this asylum and will offer to try on the branded suit of the Dark Brotherhood - armor of shadows. After that, you will also get acquainted with your first employer in the asylum, which will be Nazir.


Go to Nazir and take three contracts. So, your victims will be: poor name-called Narphic, hostess of the Mine Beatild and the former master of the sawmill named Annodia Papigi. Narfi you can find in the destroyed house, which is located in the vicinity of Aivsted. You will be able to find the hermit of the end of the waterfall in the West, which is located in the vicinity of Windhelm. And the last goal is Beatilda, you can find on the streets of Dunstara.

Goodbye love

Soon, a cheerful and mad cicero appears in the shelter. If you have completed his task called "Bezen Funeral", then he will undoubtedly find out! If you talk to him, then he complains that there is no hearing in your dark fraternity - a medium who could talk to the mother's mother, which he recently brought from Bavila in one of the boxes.

At the same time, Astrid sends you already in Markart, where the assistant of the pharmacist named Mauri wants to deal with his former lover. In general, hand over all previously having contracts with izir and go to a new task.

Mauri you can find in a local pharmacy called "Winches tincture" or in the tavern. Saying it to her and about her hardest fate, she gives you a contract for the robber named Alain Dahon that lives in the depths of the coumenting ruins called Raldbthar. In addition, she will also tell you that it would be nice to kill more and some Nielsin a split shield that lives somewhere in the city of Windhelm.

Roulebthar will need to get to the dwelling ruins from the north side, as it leads the staircase from there. Outside, you will meet the friendships of Alena Dufon, so the task is to go to the most conventional sweeping of the dungeon. You can find your goal within this dungeon, by the fire with the rest of the robber. By the way, in the hands of Alena, you can see the hammer called the "Curse of Aegis". Since Alain is a coward, only his boyfriend will be drawn in battle, and in the meantime he will try to hide from you. By the way, there is a spilled butter near the fire, so you can try to fry all the walker.

As for Nilsina, a split shield, then you will have to face a moral dilemma. Her sister killed a maniac, so the whole family is in full trarawe and if you kill Nilsin, then her mother will hang ... as a remuneration you get a ring, which gives additional forces to your potions. After the job is completed, return back to the Astrid. And on the parish you notice that after the arrival of Cicero, their funny days begin in the fraternity.

Whispering in darkness

Astrid will be very concerned, because without that too, too mad cicero has already started talking to someone in his room. Maybe he plots something very bad? To overhear what Cicero says, it will be necessary to quietly and gently get into his room. And it is better to hide somewhere in advance, for example, in the coffin of the mother of the night, "with mummy ... In general, open the lock on the sarcophagus and touch inside.

After a small scene, you will have to talk to Cicero and Astrid. You will have to tell them what happened to you. In the end, you are sent to Nazire. He, in turn, gives two new contracts. In the first contract you will have to kill the orc-bard named Lurbuk, and in the second contract you will need to kill the vampire named Herr.

Hearn lives with his girlfriend on a semi-lift sawmill, which, by the way, is not very far from the asylum of the dark fraternity. Usually your goal is sitting at home, so hacking the castle, you can go inside and kill the garb.

As for Lurbaci - you should know that he is the most sick bard in all Skyrim. He is so bad in the Berdy Craft that his guild decided to remove him. He will act in the tavern of the city of Morpal called "Veska". The easiest way you will get to it when he will leave the main hall. After you perform these two contracts, you can safely continue to pass the plot line of the Dark Brotherhood.

With the death of silence

As soon as you come back to your refuge, you immediately meet Astrid and offers together to listen to Mother's Mother and after, will go to the burial ground called Volundud to talk with a person named Amon Motier.

You will not have to seek this person for a long time - just turn on the left side and go through the corpses of the draped, then open the door in the end. As it turns out, Amon attracted the attention of mother's mother's night with the help of a black sacrament. In general, this character offers you a very interesting contract: the murder of the emperor! As soon as you get a letter from the Rex with a valuable amulet, then go back to the refuge of the dark fraternity.

After you chat with Astrid in the shelter, then you will only go to Rift and get into the thieves guild to the buyer named Delwin Mellory. He will need to learn more about the Amulte who gave you Amon Motier. A little later, it turns out that the Amulet is a sign that he belongs to the Elders Imperial Council. You will have to take a delkina to take a receipt and return back to your refuge. Apparently, someone from the Council of Elders is involved in this murder.

So, Astrid after receiving a receipt, sends you already at the wedding. In order to cause the emperor of Tita Mida II in Skyrim, it is necessary to cause a big confusion, so the best way is to sew someone from his relatives and the choice falls on Victoria Wichi, which stands as the head of the Eastern Imperial Company, which is in Solitude. Immediately you will have an additional task - kill it at the moment when it will be speaking.

Until the death separates us

That character who knows how to hide and owns a bow, the task will be easier than simple. It is only necessary to get through the fortress walls to the place where the wedding will occur. After that, to find the place is better, wait when the bride will begin to pronounce their speech and kill ultimately.

You can also take advantage of some devastating spell, or the illusion of rage on her husband (after which he will score it there), the cold weapons and even claws of Libanop will be very effective! By the way, you can also push the statue on the head of the girl, which is standing on the top of the wall. But the developers still squeezed over everyone and allowed to kill the bride even to those who own a bow. So, on the left side of the entrance to the temple of the gods there will be a small door that leads to the city to the balcony, which is located just opposite where the princess is going to speak. In general, in that place is a very powerful bow called "Feriniel's death", with now the six elven arrows and a jar with a potion pottery will immediately lie!

But after you find this bow, it is best there to not stay there and climb higher, since from there it will be much easier to leave. Of course, the lizard of Vizara will cover you, but also enough that you will run from this place on bastions and you will keep the right side to finally get to the city gate.

Tip: It makes sense to seize the body of the bride on the subject of any valuable thing, for example, wedding dressing with it. But the problem is that this clothing is quite quickly cleaned from the game, and immediately jump to the corpse is quite dangerous, because at the bottom of the full-dead guards. But there is one tricky way: as soon as the arrow enters the bride, you must immediately move to the refuge and pass the task, after which it is more likely to go back to the solitude to the corpse.

As an Astrid remuneration you will be given talent, which allows you to call for a ghostly assassin (one who is familiar with previous part Games will undoubtedly recognize this talent). In general, after that you need to go to Gabriella and get new instructions on the task.


The task that Gabriella gives it very difficult to: to neutralize the guards of the emperor, you will have to demoralize the head of this security, and this can be done only by killing his son named Guy, at the moment when he carries out the inspection bypass of Skyrim's cities. Although it does not ends with this, because after the murder it is necessary to put fake pieces on the body of Guy, in which it will be said that it was he who prepared an attempt on the emperor. By the way, it is better not to exercise this plan when Guy is in some city, and then when he is on the road - so his body will be able to find faster, with something you will be given to an additional reward, with which you can still And get an additional task in which you get the already improved armor of the shadows.

The schedule of all trips you can overeat in a garrison house called Penitus Okulatus, but it is also not necessary to do it, since your goal you can just wait in one of the taverns. Or you can simply see the scene, where Guy says goodbye to a dragon bridge. From there you can only trace him to the nearest social Pointwhere you can kill Gaya and throw him a false letter.

The note: Just if you passed the company civil War And they were on the side of the brothers storms - that is, they took a dragon bridge, you can not be afraid of Guy, because he with his soldiers will be able to calmly defeat all enemy soldiers and continue to move on the specified route.

As soon as you fulfill everything you need from you, go back to the refuge of the dark fraternity. Gabriella will meet you at the entrance to the shelter. In general, give her your task and return back to the Astrid.

Medicine from madness

In the refuge, the dark fraternity is full of Bardak: Cicero took and attacked the inhabitants of this place, mortally wounded Vizaru, after which he fled from the persecuted Arnbiorn. To find out where Mad Cicero dumped, you are sent to his room. At some point you find his diary and it becomes clear where he ran away. This place will be another refuge of the Dark Brotherhood, which is located in Dunstar, in addition, in the diary there is even a password from entering this refuge.

So that you get to Cicero faster, Astrid will kindly give you your horse, which will become the legendary tehkin. Sit down and go on the road, but in any case, it is best to get to Dunstara using rapid movement.

The note: If the tehkin does not appear from the Black Lake, then try to bring enemies to this place to actually attack them, thereby choosing to you. In any case, the best will be preserved before you choose from the shelter and go to the lake.

So, first it will be necessary to find Vervolf Arnbiorn, who led the pursuit of Cicero and suffered in battle. In the end, he may tell you about how the Cicero wounded and tells you that when you find yourself in the asylum, then move the bloody tracks. As soon as the doors ask you "What is the greatest illusion of life?", Then answer "innocence, my brother."

As soon as you find yourself inside, start hearing the most insane words of Cicero. Also be careful here, because on the way, fiery traps and ghostly guards of the sanctuary will meet. By the way, pay your attention to the clothes of the jester, which lies on the table and also for a large number of educational books.

Tip: You can call upon your ghostly killer and listen about what he thinks about everything that is going on here.

Bloody traces lead you in the end to the ice cave, where you will begin to meet the bearish traps. Soon, Cicero will tell you that someone "forced him to expand", after which they will see who is this "someone" is a huge troll undurfruct.

As soon as the wooden doors go, then pull the chain. Having passed a little further you stumble on the coffins and the next batch of ghostly guards. As soon as you leave all the enemies, then open another passage, while pulling the chain. At this point, you finally meet Cicero. Since he is very wounded, he asks you to spare it and deceive Astrid. But how to be? On the one hand, he had a great harm to fraternity, but on the other hand he is the keeper of his mother's mother.

Leave him alive stands at least because he is a little later, he can become your companions. But if you want to kill him, then consider what he is not wounded, but only pretends, so jumpers on MiG and will fight with you. In addition, if you overpower it, then you can take improved clothes of the jester from his body.

After that, go back to the Astrid and you can lie - if you decided to spare Cicero, or say the truth - if killed. So, it's time to move along the imperial conspiracy, now as an instructor you will have a cupcake festus (a very grumpy antique).

Kindle recipe

Your new task is to kill the secret gourmet. In addition, you will need it also to decoke the pass of the personal chef of the emperor, and after, hide the corpse, so that no one knows that the imperial cook died. Of course, no one has no idea what this unknown gourmet looks like, so this is your great opportunity to assign them.

Who exactly hides in fact behind the unknown gourmet knows only Anton Wira, that lives in the subcalate fortress, which is located in Marcart. You first have to interrogate it, and after kill. It is best to kill your info after the night comes and everyone fell asleep. As soon as Anton hear that you are from the Dark Brotherhood, then everything will immediately tell everything that he knows. So, unknown gourmet, an orc named Bagogog Gro-Nolob and is located in the tavern called the "Night Gate", which is located in the western part of the city of Windhelm.

Orcs you can find there in the cellar, although he goes ashore in the afternoon. If you want to kill him on the street, then you can throw off the corpse into the water, and if you kill it in the basement, then the corpse will have to throw into one of the barrels. Also, do not forget from his body to take the desired pass, but in the basement the training book.

The note: Note that if you try to kill the orc at the moment when he will sit on his chair, the corpse can get stuck and then there will be inhuman efforts to pull it out of this "grill".

After the murder is committed, the corpse is hidden, and all the necessary papers are taken - come back to Frestus Kreku. Finally, it's time to kill the emperor. In this case, Astrid appears as an instructor.

Tip: Before you go to the next task, make sure that you have nothing to go to the shelter, as it is in the near future it will not be available to you.

The death of the empire

The task sounds too simple: take advantage of the recently stolen skipping, get inside the palace, send food with the root root and after the emperor folds his legs, get out of here through the top doors to a unguarded bridge.

How to find yourself in a solitary, then rising a little on stone steps, overheam the conversation of legionnaires, which will be very alarmed by something. They will talk about what was revealed what conspiracy. Also they mention the commander of Maron, whose son you killed a few tasks back. Marron himself will stand nearby. He takes your pass and sends you to the kitchen to the kitchen named Gianna.

So, the girl will tell you to wear a cap. You do all the way that she speaks and after, start cooking food. By the way, do not forget to add the root root.

At some point, cooking ends and Gianna takes a saucepan with food to the emperor. As it will be a little later, the food went to the fake emperor, but you still do not know. Look at one eye on the way the emperor trapes, and after slowly, choose from the palace. As soon as you choose the emperor and he will die, then immediately go to the bridge. Once upon a bridge, you are encountered unexpectedly with the Marone commander, where you have to face custody.

The note: Try to kill the guards, because if you do not kill them, they will remain further in the city in the battle mode, what will be constantly resurrected and again to attack you.

After such a stand, it's time to pour from here. Go down with the help of a spiral staircase and turn out this way outside the city.

The death of embodied

Suddenly, fast movement in the shelter will cease to be affordable, so you have to move on your two from Folkrit. The task begins when the agents of the empire attack you. Around the asylum of the dark fraternity you can notice a bunch of barrels with butter and burning fire inside. If you overhear the conversation of the imperials, then hear that someone from the fraternity managed to survive, but the problem is that he hid deep in shelter.

Running inside you do not have time to save the ancient Arnbiorn, but coming further through the fire find a nazire. Having understood with him with imperial soldiers, you can finally prove your innocence in this plot against the Dark Brotherhood. Talking with Nazir, you understand that the exit from this place is blocked, but there will be nothing to Nazir, because it is the Redgard - this means that it is practically not vulnerable to fire. But what to do you? You will have to hide in the mother's sarcophage night ...

After a small scene, get out of the sarcophagus and go to search for Astrid. As soon as I request her request, then go back to the mother's mother and listen to what she tells you. In the end, the night's mother tells you that now you are the head of the dark fraternity.

Glory to Citis!

It's time to transfer to Nazire what the night mothers told you. After that, go to the tavern called the "Garzing Mare", which is located in Waitran. There you will meet your old familiar Amon Motier. He will tell you that at the moment the real emperor is on board the vessel called "Catariya", which is located at the mouth of the Bay of Solitude. What is the emperor there is very powerful protection. In addition, you can finally be busting with a maroon, which will be located in the port. The task is better to start from Marona, since it is the easiest goal: wanders around the port bridges there and here.

The ship "Catarius" threw anchor near the huge rocks of Solitude. You will be able to get on the ship by the chain of the anchor. Protection will be small. Apparently relaxed after they realized that the dark fraternity was broken. Puting through the sailors and the agents of the empire, you will soon stumble on the doors that are locked with a powerful lock. You can take the key from this locked door from a local captain, which will dwell in the cabin in the neighborhood.

As it will be a little later - the emperor was waiting for you. Before his death, he asks to fill up and the conspirator - Amon Motier. You can fulfill the emperor request and after talking to Amonia in Waitran's tavern, pierce it, and get a reward in the volunder, in the old urn.

After finally the completed contract, return back to the new shelter in Dunstar and talk there with Nazir. Now you are a new chapter of the dark fraternity and you can take contracts from the mother of the night, as well as slowly cut the refuge.

Where to hang your head enemy

Before you go to the tavern called the "brown flask" to Delwin, you can immediately take the task from the mother's mother called "Dark Brotherhood eternal." The task is infinite, since the mother's mother will constantly send you to the nameless customer, which in turn will pay nameless goals. In general, payment will be 1,200 septimov for one murder. In addition, you can also take and small contracts that gives a nazir, but for them of course they will give much less money - 750 septimov, but they will be interested in that the victims are the actual characters of Skyrim, and not generated at the time of taking the task, But Nazira contracts will not be endless.

In general, choose from your asylum and at some point we meet the old Cicero, who returned back to their duties (provided that you were certainly not poured in the past). Cicero as always in his style: first frightens his bad joke, and then speaks normally. So, you can now take it to your partner, and help and send back to wipe the Mother's Mother's Coffin.

In any case, go to Delwin. Upon arrival, ask him to repair and equip Derstar asylum. You will be forced to buy everything he will offer you, because if you interrupt his offer, the pointer will be removed from it. In general, you will have to post a very round sum for all this - 18000 septimov (by the way, almost all reward for the death of the emperor).

As soon as you come back to your refuge, notice how good it became here. Nazir, along with Babetta, will be surprised that Cicero survived (of course, if not taken care of the past about the opposite). In the torture chamber you can see the victims who are languishing there. In addition to the fact that they are ordinary prisoners, they also know where the treasures are stored, so you can take four tasks for the search for treasures. Even in the refuge you can notice what two devoted to the initiates appeared, which by the way can also become your partners. At this stage the main story line Dark fraternity ends.