The game from wooden storage tower as it is called. I'll go to architects, let him teach me. Rules of the game "Jenga"

Table game "Jenga" ("Tower") and its varieties

History of appearance

A familiar to many "Jenga" was invented by the British Designer Desktop Games Leslie Scott three decades ago. According to the author's statements, it was created in the image and likeness of the game, behind which all Cettt spent evenings in the distant seventies. Only then, instead of oblong wooden blocks, elements of the Children's Designer "Takoradi", brought from Ghana, were used. Based on the same African fun, another game called "Ta-Ka-Fore" (Ta-Ka-Radi) was created, very similar to Geng. It appeared on the American market for several years earlier, but did not have made such a deafening popularity as "Jenga."

The game has a fairly exotic name. "Jenga" - the word from the Swahili dictionary denoting "build". The author of the game, Leslie Scott, has a British origin, but she was born in Tanzania and spent all his childhood in African countries. Therefore, Leslie and decided to give the tribute to the second native language for her, surrounding his new brainchild so unusual for Europeans name.

Content kit

The original "Jenga" consists of 54 oblong wooden blocks. The surface of each bar is carefully polished, but not covered with varnish or paint. It increases friction between elements of the structure and does not give the tower to crumble. The size of the classic version of the game is 1.5x2.5x7.5 cm.

With the growth of Genga's popularity in the market, many "remakes" appeared on the market, the dimensions of which may differ from the progenitor, but the aspect ratio of the blocks is mainly preserved.

"Ta-ka-sake" VS. "Jenga"

These two games are very similar, but have some significant differences. In the "ta-ka-sake" used only 51 block of rectangular cross section. As a result, the starting tower is obtained on one floor lower than in "Geng", but the height of the design is greater. The most important difference in how to place bars. In the "Ta-sake" blocks are installed on a short side of the section with significant gaps between the elements of one row. At the same time, the bars lie closely to each other on the long side of the section.

If "Jenga" comes in paper packaging, then "Ta-Ka-sake" is sold in a fabric bag from a natural cloth with a print. The manufacturer also offers a selection of several types of fabrics from which a bag can be performed, all colors in the spirit of Africa.

Preparation for the game

Before starting the round, it is necessary to smoothly install the original tower. You can align it using the box from the game itself. Some kits "Genga" are attached to a special plastic corner, which acts as a kind of level. Initially, our structure has 18 "floors" of 3 blocks in each. Bruks are stacked for a long side. All elements should fit tightly to each other. At the same time, the bars of each subsequent row are perpendicular to the blocks of the previous one.

Rules and gameplay

"Jenga" is designed for two or more players. The principles of the game are very simple: each participant pulls out one block from the already standing design and places it perpendicular to the previous row. At the same time, the nucleus "Penthouse", preceding unfinished. Also you can not start laying blocks in new level, leaving the upper floor to unfinished.

You can pull the block from the tower only with one hand. It is preliminarily allowed to touch the elements and tick the ends of the bars, checking which one is most supportive. If something has shifted from the place, the player must return all the affected blocks to their initial position until the end of his turn.

All participants make their go in turn. The move ends when the next player is touching the tower or ten seconds after installing the pulp.

Character of the game

The game works well and analytical abilities. At the same time, it does not require participants from developing strategy and mental stress, so the gameplay is a relaxed cheerful pastime.

Game varieties

On the current market of board games, a great many varieties of "Jengi" are presented: from small portable versions with tiny bars to huge copies performing a more advertising role, rather than serving their intended purpose. A similar "taverged boom" among the manufacturers of "Top" was undoubtedly due to the popularity that the game was raised among fans of such fun. According to the statements of the very creator of the classic version of "Jenga", about 50 million copies were sold in the world. original Game.

"Jenga: Throw and Hody" (Throw "N GO Jenga) - The game, obtained from the merger of the old good "Jengi" and gaming bones. The elements of the classic dial are painted in three different colors. On the bone colors and words, from where exactly the bar (middle, top, bottom of the tower), and how many blocks should be pulled out for one move. For example, after the first throw, you get on the top face of the cube the words "any two". This means that you will have to "fight" with two bars, and not with one.

Throw the bone again, and the top is a raspberry face with the word "beginning", which means that the first element is raspberry, and it is at the base of the construction. Next, throw a bone and get the word "mid" on a black background - pull out the black bar from the middle of the tower.

"Jenga: True or Desire" (Jenga Truth or Dare). The set consists of the usual number of blocks, two thirds of which are painted in orange and purple colors (in different publications, color games can vary). Orange bars are desires, purple - questions. In this case, one third of the elements of the game remains unpainted. It is on these nine clean bars to players and is invited to write their own desires or questions. Then the game acquires individual features and becomes the only one in its kind. In general, this variation is pretty cheerful and aims to talk to the participants, and the gameplay is generously filled with inventions and cuis. By virtue of its nature, it is designed for players older than 12 years. Nevertheless, many rightly noted that this kind of "Jengi" is not suitable for children. Desires and issues proposed by the creators cannot be called crystal innocent. On the one hand, you may only need to sing a song or characterize one of the participants and the game (why not?). There are more fun statements, such as "sensual dance with mop" and other similar fictions. Questions - from the category of Caverzny with a shade of the popular "American humor".

For children, it will suit "Jenga: Girl Talk" (Jenga Girl Talk Edition) - much more harmless edition of the game. Blocks are painted in pink and raspberry colors and the same as in previous versionare written by questions. This once could be seen in children's notebooks-questionnaires, which were then filled with friends and classmates. Here you will find traditional questions: "What is your most cherished desire?" Or more modern "call your favorite website."

"Jenga: Extreme" (Jenga Extreme). The elements of the game are not rectangular parallelepiped, but parallelograms. This adds gaming process A certain extreme is possible and makes it possible to build a tilted towers of completely bizarre forms.

"Jenga: Las Vegas Casino" (Las Vegas Casino Jenga) - A completely unexpected combination of two absolutely unlike himself fun: "Jengi" and roulettes! During the building of the tower, players make bets. The set consists of 54 numbered blocks of red and black colors, gaming field For rates and 75 chips. Recommended for players from 18 years and older.

"Jenga" XXL - Increased version of the classic "Jengi" (although there are many more instances of the game). The size of each bar is somewhere 45x22.5x7.5 cm. In the kit there are 50 elements (48 directly for the game and 2 "Pro Stock"). All blocks are not made of groundwood, but from the painted plywood, so during the fall, the design does not damn the players to death. The initial tower has a height of 120 cm and during the game theoretically can grow to three and a half meters! This version of "Jengi" is especially good for games on fresh air, with a bang he goes as a cheerful accompaniment to the barbecue.

We briefly told only some species of this simple board game. There are also special editions. Special attention deserves "Jenga: a nightmare before Christmas" (Jenga Nigthmare Before Christmas) - The game decorated in the spirit of the popular cartoon, which appeared on the screens of more than twenty years ago. Blocks painted black, purple and orange colors. Each of them has an image of ghosts, funny, sad, cunning mines Jack Selington and, of course, the name of the cartoon with his company "Halloween" font.

In addition, there are a lot of board games created by "Jengi". In some, the rules of the original game are saved, but the elements themselves are substantially modified. In particular, a snow-white set looks very interesting. "Jenga: Breast Bones" (Jenga Stack The Bones) Blocks in the form of bones and skull, wedding tower. Such a kit can become not only a favorite game, but also original decoration The interior that serves as a wonderful gift for lovers of various outlines. There are also similar sets on a more peaceful topics: with cats, bunnies, carrots and so on.

As you can see, the old good "Jenga" does not stand still, but develops in accordance with the desires of modern users. The market is Pespit with various options for the desk game for a long time, among which you will definitely find the best "tower" for yourself.

"Jenga" is an exciting desktop game, known in Russia as a "falling tower." The principle is simple enough: a tower is built of smooth wooden bars (each new floor is made with alternating direction of laying), and then players begin to carefully pull out one bar and put it on top of the tower.

How to win in "Geng"

Wins the one who will get the lane and wave the tower. It is necessary to act neatly and carefully, and also it is worth it to immediately think about how to put an element upstairs: because it is often more difficult than just pulling it out of the "foundation".

High turns tower?

If experienced and neat players, the tower turns out very high: on the part it seems that if the butterfly is seized, the whole design will collapse. Many build a high tower not within the game, but just for interest - for example, to take pictures with it or to beautifully drop it. By the way, the fall "Jengi" is studied in American schools in the lessons of physics.

Why is this game useful for children?

  • First, "Jenga" develops very well small motorThat is, activates the brain sites responsible for sensory and thinking. It is known that such games contribute to the prevention of various cardiovascular diseases in old age and significantly accelerate intellectual development Baby.
  • Secondly, "Jareng" teaches spatial and architectural thinking: to imagine which bar is less loaded to pull it out - the task is quite complicated, but the very necessary child.
  • Thirdly, Jenga's game develops the Command Spirit: Children can play it together and improve their communication skills.
  • Fourth, "Jenga" is very good as family game: After all, it is interesting to play both children and adults.
  • What do I find in the set?

    The box contains 54 smooth brus from a dense tree, the thickness of which is slightly smaller than the width, shape and. The latter serves to build a smooth tower, with which the game begins.

    Who came up with this game?

    Girl named Leslie Scott: The first set was released in 1974. Leslie grew near the house from such blocks - and in childhood it often collected different structures from "wooden bricks". In the 1980s, the game became famous in the UK, and in the 87th - in America. So bricks and neighboring construction sites can have an irreparable effect on the psyche of millions of people around the world.

    What are the modifications of the game?

    In Gengu, you can play with colored blocks and bones: in this case, the cube throw decides which block you need to move. You can purchase two dials "Jengi" to play one in the classic version, and the second to put paint the child - this will help increase it. creative skills And significantly increases interest in this useful and educational game.

    What other names of this game are used?

    All over the world "Jenga" is known under different names. We call it the "town", in Brazil - "earthquake", in Europe know as the "Pisa Tower", in Denmark - as a "brick house".

    What other kits are:


    "Satisfied yesterday the company, two hours spent)"

    The falling tower, or as still call this game Jenga (Jenga) is a popular and interesting board game for the company. She is not like familiar games. It does not have chips and cards in it, but there are bars from a natural unpainted tree (birch).

    From the bars, fold a smooth tower using a special corner that is included in the game. In each row there must be three bar, each subsequent row folds in the direction of the transverse previous one. You will have 18! Turn the corner and remove it. On the table will be a high, eighteen-storey impregnable tower. Now players can go to the attack.

    Battle participants may be as much as friends gathered in your company. Each player chooses for the attack any level and pulls one of the bars one hand! This bar, which turned out to be in the hands of the player, stacked on a new, top, floor of the construction. All actions are carried out by the participant in such a way that the Tower of Brucks would not collapse! The culprit of the catastrophe is considered to be a loser! You can apply sanctions that players consider fair, the game will be more intense with this rule. If you play without it, the game will be more dynamic. Choose a suitable option. And if there are snarling, attentive and smart participants in your company - the height of your tower can grow 2 times!

    In the end, if you get tired of playing, lumps can be used as a set of cubes for a small builder, as they do not contain varnishes, dyes and veil, and made from an environmentally friendly Vyatka birch.


    • 54 bar;
    • rules of the game.
  • Reviews of desktop games falling tower


    The quality is bad. Square on the sidewalls since the opening of the package (((

    Answer: Perhaps you got a defective game or was damaged during transportation .. We will definitely help solve the issue.

  • Here are the characters of our today's review. Let's start playing seniority in Mikado and Gengu.

    But closer to the essence ...

    How to play Geng?

    The meaning of the game

    Our task is to build a tower from blocks, and then carefully pull out one block from the base and rearrange it up. The game continues until the tower collapses. The one who was the reason for the fall of the tower, comes with a punishment. For example, let them erect the tower for the next round. If building blocks you have diluted (it happens, they can be different in texture or color), then the game can develop in several scenarios.

    Scenario №1

    This is a lightweight game option to "shoot" and get acquainted with Jeng. We erect the tower of 16 floors, as shown in the figure above. Consider, the game has already begun, as to build a high-rise building is the same as to collect the designer. Further, in turn, I pull any liked bar and put it on top of the tower. We continue until full collapse.

    Scenario №2.

    Events develop just like in Scenarios number 2.Only here the cube comes into the game. Built the tower, then throw a cube. What drawing will fall, such a paler you and drag. Each time the tower is becoming unstable, not even an hour, and scatter as a card house.

    Scenario number 3.

    Complete the game. Suppose we have 2 players. Distributing between them a paler. One player is allowed to drag the blocks only with Panda and Giraffe, and the second - with cheetah and zebra. Blocks without drawing remain spare. They can be pulled out by both players, but only in hopeless situations. Here you have to think about it))

    Scenario №4 - Domino effect

    We build a paler vertically in a row at a distance of several centimeters. Then one of the movement of my finger push the last bar, and the whole range is very angry with each other. It is very funny children))

    Scenario №4 - Big Construction

    Build incredible structures from Jengi's blocks is almost art. Our buyers are so fond of what is purchased on the second set of parts. So admire ....

    And this building seems a lightweight cob. Dun, and falls, but no, it is ....

    From Jengi, of course, it is difficult to break away))) but in line already languishes Mikado, not less interesting game. So go further.

    Japanese calm with Mikado

    Mikado - old japanese gameSomething looks like our flames. Does not tolerate fuss and sharp movements. It is necessary to play thoughtfully, leisurely, smoothly pulling sticks from a shared handheque. Such movements of the fingers are superbly developing small motility in people of any age.

    How to play Mikado?

    The essence of the game

    The handful of sticks freely pour out the table or on the floor. Then try to pull the wand, do not knuckle neighboring. If taught, the move goes to another player. If the "Operation" was successful, the move remains yours. The whole chip is that sticks have a different cost, and will win the player who will take more points.

    Table of cost of sticks
    Spirals ("Mikado") 1 * 20 points 20 points
    2 blue rings + 3 red rings ("Mandarin") 5 * 10 points 50 points
    1 Red Ring + 2 Blue Rings 5 \u200b\u200b* 5 Points 25 Points
    1 Red Ring + 1 Blue Ring + 1 Yellow Ring 15 * 3 Point 45 Points
    1 Red Ring + 1x Ring 15 * 2 Points 30 Points

    If you pulled the "Mandarin" or "Mikado" sticks, you can use them to pull out the rest.

    Game options in Mikado

    1. Rightstov-Levashe - complicate yourself the game. If you are right-handed, try to pull the sticks with your left hand, and if left-handed right

    2. Accounting sticks - Use Mikado sticks as countable material.

    3. Mikado in the ring - It will take a ring that grips tightly. It can be a ring from a pyramid, not too tight elastic band and TP. Fold the sticks with a tube, then turns them as if squeeze the lingerie.

    Place the sticks in the ring and put on a flat smooth surface. Now this slag should be disassembled. Alternately pull out sticks from the design. Who will destroy Shalash, he lost.

    Mikado is so popular that it was even invented by her "garden" version for the game on the street. You need to play gigantic chopsticks with a length of 90 cm (!) Try to pull out the Taaaa wand)))

    These are the "thinking" ads on agility. Not only fingers become deft, but brain cells. Nice to play!
    Olga Polovinkina

    In the boarding game "Tower" (also known as "Falling Tower", "Town", "Jenga") from smooth wooden bars (every new floor "is being made with alternating the direction of laying), and then players begin to carefully pull out one by one Bruck and put it on top of the tower. Wins the one who will get the lane and wave the tower.

    Desktop tower game From Tactic is, in fact, a very famous famous game "Falling Tower" game. The principle is simple enough: a tower is built of smooth wooden bars (each new floor is made with alternating direction of laying), and then players begin to carefully pull out one bar and put it on top of the tower.

    How to win in the "tower"

    Wins the one who will get the lane and wave the tower. It is necessary to act neatly and carefully, and also it is worth it to immediately think about how to put an element upstairs: because it is often more difficult than just pulling it out of the "foundation".

    High turns tower?

    If experienced and neat players, the tower turns out very high: on the part it seems that if the butterfly is seized, the whole design will collapse. Many build a high tower not within the game, but just for interest - for example, to take pictures with it or to beautifully drop it.

    Why is this game useful for children?

  • First, the Tower is very well developing a small motorcy, that is, activates the parts of the brain responsible for sensory and thinking. It is known that such games contribute to the prevention of various cardiovascular diseases in old age and significantly accelerate the intellectual development of the child.
  • Secondly, the Tower teaches spatial and architectural thinking: to imagine which bar is less loaded to pull it out - the task is quite complicated, but the very necessary child.
  • Thirdly, the game develops the team spirit: children can play it together and improve their communication skills.
  • Fourth, the "tower" is very good as a family game: after all, it is interesting to play both children and adults.
  • What do I find in the set?

    In a tin box, there are 48 smooth squares of a square section of a dense tree and a form for the construction of a smooth tower, with which the game begins.

    Who came up with this game?

    The authorship of the game belongs to Leslie Scott: the first set was released in 1974. Leslie grew near the house from such blocks - and in childhood it often collected different structures from "wooden bricks". In the 1980s, the game became famous in the UK, and in the 87th - in America.

    What other names of this game are used?

    Worldwide "Tower" is known under different names. The most famous analogue is the desktop game "Jenga" or "Jareng" from Hasbro. We also call it the "town", in Brazil - "earthquake", in Europe know as the "Pisa Tower", in Denmark - as a "brick house".


    " Thanks for the game!! Good idea to spend time with a child !!! "