How to properly invest in coins. Is it profitable to collect commemorative coins and medals? What is profitable to start collecting

In the news, there are often reports that a person sold his collection for a lot of money, which will be enough for his great-grandchildren until the end of the life of their grandchildren. On TV, they show this man crying with happiness, surrounded by all his children, relatives and friends, who specially came from distant regions to congratulate the lucky one and visit his new country house For undefined period. Do you know this man's secret? And we know.

Collecting does not change over time. Items, conditions and possibilities of collecting are changing. But, the very process of collecting the collection has always remained interesting not only as a hobby, but also as a very serious business with investments.

Collecting (from Lat. Collectio - collecting, collecting) - systematic collection and study of any objects.

Of course, each of us can collect something. But turning it into a business is not. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is understanding and expertise in the field where the collection is being created.

For instance, philately (collecting postage stamps) as a business- a process accessible to many people (unlike other areas of collecting). Special catalogs are issued annually, stamps can be purchased through specialized subscriptions, and with the advent of the Internet in each mobile phone- Buying stamps for a collection has become a very simple task, akin to sending an SMS. But, on the same Internet, more and more often there are ads like “Stamps of all countries - 5 euros per kilogram. In the presence of 5 packages of 10 kg. " These are people, at best, who started the collection in the wrong way and sell what they have collected. And at worst - the sale of fakes - "remakes" that have no collection value.

Or another example. Numismatics and bonistics as a business- in the first case it is a collection of coins, in the second - paper banknotes. These areas have always been distinguished by high investment attractiveness. In addition to the objects themselves, in the case of coins, the material of their manufacture is also valuable. And due to the high popularity of this topic on the market, there are scammers with counterfeit coins and bills. A collection of such "fakes" turns out to be beautiful, but cheap.

And, by the way, you can collect not only coins, stamps or banknotes - you are not limited to collectibles, from the word "absolutely" ... on the contrary, the rarity of the collection is proportional to the subject of collection. True, this does not greatly affect the price. Because the subject of passion can be so rare that only you and your family (forcedly), who are tired of the fact that this very collection is everywhere, occupying shelves and other accessible surfaces, will be the only connoisseur of the collection. It's a pity to throw it away, but it's impossible to sell.

The most popular collectibles from a business point of view: paintings (paintings), antiques, stamps, coins, banknotes, casino chips, military collections of various kinds, orders, medals and badges, books, appliances, electronics, sculptures, jewelry, collectible scale models , natural fossils and fossils, stuffed animals, butterflies and insects, vintage toys and household items, autographs of famous people.

What makes collecting a business

Collecting expertise is the core value of any collection. And, if you decide to start collecting a collection for future sales, take care of your knowledge in this area. Constantly broaden your horizons, delve into the topic as much as possible. This is also a kind of investment, only knowing and understanding the subject, you can find in the general topic the fundamental points of growth due to which your collection will become unique and ... expensive.

For example, let's go back to the philately business. There are stamps issued by the Russian Post, the Helicopters series. Release 1997. Circulation 250 million. One brand from this series today costs from 3 to 7 thousand rubles. One brand! 19 years ago these stamps cost 15 rubles per batch. The highest investment attractiveness at the level of "rarity" of stamps issued at the beginning of the XX century. But why is it so? In 1998, a denomination took place in Russia and these stamps, issued in 1997, had to be completely withdrawn from circulation, which made the stamps of this series very rare. Many, immediately realizing the value of the series, tried to buy everything before withdrawing the series from circulation. And there are a lot of such trifles in any field that only experts can know about, in this example, the philatelists realized that the withdrawal of the series will inevitably turn into its uniqueness.

Before acquiring an "expensive" collection and joining the ranks of millionaires, each person goes through several stages of formation. It all starts with the usual collection of mass items. Then there is a fascination with the topic as a whole. Studying the available information, understanding the subject, obtaining expert knowledge. And only then, collecting turns into real collecting. Which turns into an investment business.

To accelerate this process and guide you to the first million raised from collections, here are some of the rules of the true collector.

Real collector's rules

Real collecting cannot be easy, it is very expensive, both in terms of time and money. But, it is not enough to be a rich and carefree person to put together a collection. It is necessary to love and know the subject, and then the lack of money can be compensated for by time and knowledge.

  • Before you start putting together a collection, you need to study the subject and make sure that your collection will be of interest to more than just you.
  • The foundation or the beginning of your collection should be things that are very difficult to find. Since all other items you will receive in huge amount, in view of their prevalence. You cannot start a collection with "easy" things with the hope that the "difficult" ones will come by themselves, this will never happen and the collection will cost nothing.
  • A collection is a business. It shouldn't have things that "you never sell" - that's wrong. The essence of your collecting is making money and expanding your collection. If a good price is offered for your "valuable" thing, sell it. This is your profit, which you can use to acquire other valuable and "difficult" items to increase the investment value of your collection.
  • The value of your collection is your knowledge of the subject. You must assemble your collection with understanding and order. Systematization. Your collection will be appreciated for the "music" - that is, the combination of items from the collection with each other and with your knowledge of them. Thus, you will be able to declare yourself not only among collectors, but also in reputable publications and at thematic serious auctions.
  • Do not work with replicas and fakes. Even if it is a small thing, just complementing your collection. The slightest doubt about one item will cast a shadow on you and all your collectibles.

When you are going to sell a collection and become a happy person from TV, think of those relatives who can quickly come to you. And ... run faster in the opposite direction. Money loves silence.

And, by the way, collecting has one very important, but little noticeable, advantage. By becoming an expert (through collecting) in a particular field, you can easily open a shop or gallery that works in the subject of your collection. So, collectors are great at antiques shops, a philatelic store, an art gallery of art objects, a boutique of exclusive jewelry. And, for example, if you are fond of collecting wines or cigars, then you can open a wonderful wine gallery or a tobacco boutique.

Good luck with your collection!

The stock market is falling, the ruble is falling in price, interest on deposits is barely reaching the inflation rate. And we all begin to think about other ways to preserve and increase our savings. "RG" found out that in our turbulent times, it turns out, you can combine business with pleasure: collecting ancient coins and receive income from this. Here, the dollar is successfully replaced by an old penny, drachma or Sevsky Czech.

For all the seemingly closed business, this is a very democratic one. Unlike, say, the painting market. You can start with ten thousand rubles in your pocket. But you need to be prepared that, like in any new business, you will only have to invest for two or three years. To later become the owner of the collection middle hand, start earning.

And finally, become a wealthy collector. Whose "capital" can fit into one album, but the cost of these fifty coins will be comparable to an ordinary collection of tens of thousands of items.

Numismatics is not a gold mine now, as it was in the good old nineties. But it is always profitable to invest in antiques, simply because there are no more good antiques. The main thing is to firmly follow several rules. Pavel Ermolov, numismatist, senior researcher of the Tsaritsyno Museum, told the RG correspondent about them.

You need to start small and simple in order to gain experience and knowledge. WITH closed eyes you can't buy anything on the numismatic market. Start with relatively "easy" and "beginner-friendly" coins of the times Russian Empire or the USSR.

National coins in "their" country have a much higher value than outside it. Russian coins are relatively more valuable in Russia, German ones - in Germany, and so on. On the other hand, the more knowledge a particular section of numismatics requires, the fewer collectors are interested in it. This means that the more difficult it is to sell a coin. Therefore, for example, ancient Arabic-language coins, even rare ones, can be relatively cheap in Russia, close to the cost of the precious metal from which they are minted.

After choosing a specialization, study history, look at catalogs, view coins. Chat with numismatists and get reliable dealer consultants. It is desirable that they do not know each other. The world of numismatists is not so big, and you will very soon understand which of the dealers is "fuflogon" and "tears the client", and who is trustworthy.

This can be understood, for example, by comparing reviews of the same coin from different specialists. The risk of running into an unscrupulous dealer is quite high, because the market is still in grays and blacks. This is the legacy of the Soviet Union, where numismatics as a science developed rapidly, but the market was underground, and a numismatist could easily go to jail for his collection.

Beware of counterfeits. There are many of them on the numismatic market. And the more expensive a thing, the more likely it is a fake. It is also bad that, unfortunately, in our country the laws do not protect collectors.

An expert can determine the authenticity of a coin, but his services are expensive, because they require a lot of experience. Only after looking at several thousand items, the collector begins to identify coins that "fall out" from the usual row. Not necessarily fakes, but barbaric imitations, products rare coins courtyards, etc. It is imperative to watch the coins live, turning them in your hands.

3 kopecks from the time of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible. Mid-16th century. The cost is 100 rubles. Photo: RG Archive

You need to understand how the technology of producing coins differed in different centuries and in different countries Oh. For example, a 17th century South German or Austrian coin must be rolled, and because of this, all these coins are slightly elongated and curved. If you see cast old Russian money, then this is a fake, because in Russia money was made from wire. It was chopped into equal pieces, flattened, and then the image was applied with a hammer.

Many ordinary people believe that if the coin is old and it is of excellent quality, then it is definitely a fake. However, there is no connection here, says Pavel Ermolov. The coin can be "killed", erased, and at the same time counterfeit. Usually such "tourist" coins are made, which gullible tourists willingly buy up or "find" by metal detectors at the excavation site. It is enough just to dump a handful of coins into a concrete mixer, at the exit we get an "old" coin.

So do not chase "freebies". Of course, a rarity bought for a pittance is a favorite topic of conversation among collectors and the secret dream of every collector of rarities. However, for such a purchase, you need to have knowledge, experience and flair. Often, a novice numismatist becomes a victim of his own greed, which sellers of fakes skillfully play on. And then, instead of a rarity, a heated collector is left with an unnecessary counterfeit to anyone, for which he paid even a third of the price of a genuine coin, but his own hard-earned and, moreover, the most real money. It is important to keep a cool head here and navigate the prices in the market.

Experience brings an undefinable flair that a numismatist needs as much as knowledge. Because you can stumble out of the blue. The story of the Sevsk Czech is indicative - a coin minted in Sevsk in 1686-1687 for the left-bank Ukraine that was recently annexed to Russia. She imitated the Polish polands (in the Ukrainian manner - the Czechs), which was intended to oust them from circulation.

This is a coin of bad metal (copper with a small amount of silver), the Sevsky Czech looks very unattractive, as a result the Cossacks did not recognize it, and the circulation went to melt down, very little survived. In 2000, a broken off copy was sold for 3.5 thousand dollars, then it was a lot of money.

A couple of years later, they found a huge treasure of these coins, and now a decent-safe copy can be bought for $ 300-400. No one could have predicted that they would find this treasure. And for another hundred years he might not be found. But such risks must be taken into account. And this can only be helped by a good knowledge of the history of monetary circulation.

Sevsky Czech. Photo: RG Archive

There is no need to buy coins, even very ancient ones, in mediocre condition - they hardly grow in price. Only extremely rare specimens can be purchased in poor quality. Only good things and relatively rare things are suitable for investment. Banalities, "tops", as numismatists say, have even been falling in price for the last two or three years.

“If you go to a numismatic fair, you will literally see basins with 'royal' copper on the shelves,” says Pavel Ermolov. “I mean coins of the 18th-19th centuries. dacha in the village. There are sometimes quite interesting things, but they cost 100-200 rubles apiece. The same coins, but in "luxury" condition, lie separately on the display case in special packages. And they cost much more. Beginners sometimes just do not understand the difference between them, and choose cheaper coins from the basin. But even in ten years, at best, you will be able to get your money out for them. "

It is necessary to buy coins, carefully observing the market, without rushing. Antiques do not tolerate fuss.

From the very beginning, get rid of the stereotype that, they say, if a coin is ancient, then it costs at least as much as a Moscow apartment. Unlike, for example, painting, a coin is a circulation item. It is sometimes a very serious shock for a beginner to learn that a genuine ancient Roman or ancient Greek coin can cost one thousand or one and a half thousand rubles.

Even antique and medieval coins can be sold by weight. It happens that a kilogram costs 500 rubles, that is, coins go almost at the price of scrap. And remember: the more ordinary a coin, even if it is very ancient, the harder it is to sell it later.

Ancient Roman coin of Emperor Gordian III. 3rd century. Price $ 50. Photo: RG Archive

The tetradrachm of some Macedonian king Philip II is one thing, and the tetradrachm of his son Alexander the Great is quite another. The price of coins is made up of four components: the original circulation, historical existence, preservation and popularity of the topic.

If the coin has a small circulation, and even its existence was not easy (for example, the usurper ordered to melt coins with the profile of the predecessor, but they managed to dig in a couple of treasures), and the name on it is engraved in such a way that everyone knows it, it should definitely be taken, because it will only grow in value. For example, coins of the fleeting reign of Tsar John Antonovich will never become cheaper.

Build your whole collection. Subsequently, it will be possible to sell it as a whole at a much higher price than in parts. If, of course, you can part with your brainchild. By the way, each collection bears the imprint of the personality of its owner and can tell a lot about him.

Alexander Igorevich

Reading time: ~ 6 minutes

Experienced collectors often joke that it is not antiques that are getting more expensive, but that the money for which they are bought is getting cheaper. Most often, numismatists say this, referring to their collections. In fact, the demand for items of antique or rare value is growing every year. And if demand rises, then the price rises. Today we are going to talk about the coins that are valued the most.

True, so far, there are not so many investors interested in investing money in coins, so there is a chance to succeed in this field. If everything is calculated correctly, then you can get up to 100% profit, because time is on your side.

But what options are currently being valued? Naturally, most newbies are afraid of both being mistaken and being deceived by scammers. But this is not a reason to give up numismatics, you just need to study the market for valuable coins.

Segments of the valuable coins market

Most important difference: modern varieties are minted today, while antique ones have long been a part of history. Therefore, in order to understand antique coins, you should at least have a good knowledge of history.

Also, you will not be hurt by the presence of familiar numismatists or people “in the subject”. But it is sometimes difficult for a beginner to acquire such acquaintances, so many experts advise starting collecting with representatives of later years of release.

The coins that are most valuable right now

If we talk about antique versions, then Russian collectors-investors mainly collect, oddly enough, Soviet and Russian coins... This is due to the fact that such collections are highly valued abroad, because the specimens presented in them are considered rare and cost 20-30% more than in Russia.

Varieties that were considered rare in the USSR, for example, released in small editions or trial lots, are extremely popular. different years coinage, for some reason, got into circulation.

A real example is the 50 kopeck coin from 1929. One such instance in 2011 was sold at an auction for 10 million rubles... We can say that this is an astronomical price. But such a cost is due to its extreme rarity.

Although beginners should still start with less rare specimens, and therefore not so expensive. For example, it is quite easy to find silver rubles of the beginning of the 20th century, the main thing is that it should be in excellent condition. The cost of a good such specimen can reach several hundred dollars, as is the case with the 1924 version, which sold for $ 800 not so long ago.

Also, a good investment opportunity is provided by the so-called "remakes".

They are coins minted by the original postmarks, but at a later time. These pieces are produced especially for collectors. An example is the varieties released in the 19th century, which, in turn,. True, their price is still fabulous, because their circulation totaled only about 100 pieces.

The ideal solution for a novice numismatist can be called. Some experts believe that they are underestimated in the world market, and therefore have good potential in terms of further increasing the value.

So, for example, they stand out against the general background. The same representatives of the "Chechen Republic" from the series " the Russian Federation”Can cost up to 2500 rubles apiece. Naturally, this only applies to very well-preserved specimens. And in the future, the price will only grow.

A video that will tell you what ancient coins hide

So if you want to take the path of numismatics for the sake of profit in the future, you know how to find coins that are valuable. If you just intend to acquire an interesting hobby, then the value of your collection is not so important, the main thing is the pleasure of owning it. And this already depends on your personal numismatic preferences.

Pioneer badges, grandfather's books, grandmother's service and father's records. These knick-knacks that collect dust in our homes can cost a lot of money. We figure out how to profitably sell something unnecessary.

Rare coins

You can earn up to 250 thousand rubles.

What to sell: Look for rare coins in your wallet - maybe you were accidentally given 50 kopecks for change, which collectors will estimate at one hundred thousand rubles? Of the modern ones, five-ruble notes of the St. Petersburg Mint of 1999 (more than 250 thousand rubles) and 2003 (up to 6 thousand), two-ruble notes of the Moscow Mint of 2001 (up to 30 thousand), St. Petersburg 2003 (from 8 thousand), as well as coins with Gagarin without a mint mark (up to 3 thousand rubles). You can also sell commemorative coins- check the cost of each specific on specialized sites.

Where to sell: Rare coins are periodically bought up by banks, for example, Sberbank, but not everyone is ready to wait for the next such action. The easiest way is to sell the coin to buyers, who then arrange them into albums and resell them to collectors.
And the most profitable, of course, is to sell the coin directly to collectors. To do this, find the appropriate forum or social networking group in your area.

Old laptops and phones

You can earn up to 40 thousand rubles on a work laptop and up to 8 thousand on a broken one.

What to sell: Do not rush to carry the equipment to the landfill. Firstly, it cannot be thrown into ordinary containers, and, secondly, it can be sold profitably. V large cities almost any electronics repair buys old computers for parts. For good laptops in working order in Moscow, on average, they offer 20-25 thousand rubles. For broken or very old ones - 6-8 thousand.
The average price of used smartphones in working order ranges from 30 to 50 percent of the cost of a new device of the same type on the market. For a broken one, they will give at least a couple of thousand, but this is money, especially considering that for you such a thing is, in fact, rubbish.

Where to sell: Contact a computer electronics repair point or on a special website on the Internet - many of them are even ready to go to the client to pick up an old laptop or smartphone. Just call a few companies first - perhaps somewhere you will be offered a higher price.

Vinyl records

You can sell one disc for an average of 50-300 rubles.

What to sell: Many of us still have vinyl records at home or in our garage. If the turntable for them is broken, and you are not ready to spend fabulous money on a new one, the vinyls can be sold. General rule this: the older the disc, the more expensive it is. The exception is limited and rare editions, which are now almost impossible to get.

Where to sell: The purchase of records is carried out by specialized stores, as well as collectors in in social networks... Selling records one at a time is inconvenient, unless, of course, we are talking about rare collectible vinyl. At online auctions, large collections without a description also go badly, so it's better to turn to professionals after all. There are enough such firms in Moscow and other large cities.

Soviet badges

You can earn from 3 thousand rubles to one and a half thousand dollars.

What to sell: Soviet badges are not valued by everyone, but only made of heavy metals and, preferably, before the 1950s - they can be sold at a price of 3-5 thousand rubles apiece. The more complex the badge is, the better. Also, the price depends on the circulation - if it is less than 10 thousand copies, the cost rises sharply. Rare badges with history and documents are especially appreciated - their price can go up to $ 1,500.

Where to sell: The simplest, but quite effective option is online auctions and sites such as "Hammer" or "Avito". If you live in Moscow, in good weather you can go to the monument to Zhukov on Manezhnaya Square - near it there are both exotic sellers for tourists and real collectors.

Rare book editions

You can earn from 200 to 20,000 rubles.

What to sell: If you have a book at home that was published before the Great Patriotic War, or, even more so, before the revolution, its value is likely quite high. But what to do with Soviet books purchased in the 1970s-80s? Check the titles before taking them to your nearest library.

The market values, for example, books of the series "Philosophical Heritage" (1,500-3,000 rubles per publication), "Library of the World Literature" (from 200 to 700 rubles per volume), as well as the complete works of Lenin and Stalin (15-20 thousand rubles for the complete selection of the 1950s). In addition, at online auctions from you, it is quite possible that they will gladly buy small-circulation books (up to 1000 copies), but this can take a long time, since connoisseurs are quite rare.

Where to sell: In the Russian segment of the Internet, perhaps the largest platform for the sale of second-hand books is Ozon, but you can cooperate with it directly only by registering an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. If you do not feel like venturing with this - books in a good second-hand bookstore.
True, central stores, such as, for example, Biblio-Globus, accept only publications before 1950, while the Moskva bookstore generally requires a list first, and only then promises to contact if something interests them. Therefore, less picky outlets or the Internet are preferable for you.

Soviet porcelain

You can earn from several hundred to several tens of thousands of rubles.

What to sell: Are there Soviet dishes left from your grandmother in the sideboard? Do not rush to throw it away. Perhaps the Soviet porcelain preserved in your home is of value to collectors.
For figurines of the middle of the century, they may well give a couple of thousand rubles in antique salons, and pre-war samples are even more appreciated. Rare author's sculptures at a price even reach several thousand dollars, but this can hardly be in your sideboard, unless your grandfather was a major party official.

Where to sell: You can sell porcelain to collectors on your own, on such sites as "Hammer" or "Avito", or you can take it to an antique store, where the figurine will be appreciated and a buyer will be found. True, in this case you run the risk of miscalculating and hearing an unreasonably low price from an antiquarian. Therefore, it is better to first ask collectors to estimate the approximate cost of porcelain on a specialized forum.

10 reasons to start collecting coins right now

Collecting coins is a delight for some, for others it is condescending. For some it is an exciting leisure time, for others it is a waste of time. Let's figure out how numismatics makes the world a better place than coin collectors stand out so much from other people, and also why you should start collecting your collection right now!

Good coins become more expensive over time. The main thing is to learn to distinguish which ones have potential. Numismatists know that buying a small circulation coin is a good investment. Anyone who trusted his instinct and bought 2 euros of Grace Kelly at 110 € at the time of release, after some time could easily sell them for 1500 €. Old coins with history can also be bought profitably if you understand a little about their varieties.

Coins made of precious metals (including investment ones) will help save capital, because gold and silver always grow in the long term. Such investments not only compensate for inflation, but also keep from impulsive waste without special occasion.

Reason 2. Get a psychotherapy session

Sociologist Vladimir Ilyin notes the compensatory psychological function of collecting. According to him, through the acquisition or compilation of collections, a person "earns" a certain status and becomes more self-confident.

In addition, numismatists, unlike the same philatelists, receive a bonus in the form of a feeling of wealth: after all, coins are the same money.

As with any hobby, collecting helps relieve stress and distraction. And it's just nice - to sort the collection into capsules and albums and occasionally look into it or show it to friends.

Reason 3. Become more erudite

Numismatists are well versed in history and geography. They draw their knowledge from coin plots dedicated to outstanding personalities, important historical events and architectural monuments. Coins carry cultural enlightenment, encourage people to learn more about great artists, musicians, writers, philosophers, rulers and military leaders.

Every fifth collector in the world is a numismatist.

And collectors know better than others where different countries are located, what their territorial division is, how their regions and monetary units are called.

Reason 4. Be in trend

To constantly monitor exchange rates, quotes of metals and raw materials, the political situation in the world, economic trends and even the health of individual businessmen and politicians - any self-respecting collector investor tries to keep his finger on the pulse and constantly improve his economic literacy.

Reason 5. Contribute to history

Who knows, maybe it is on the example of your collection of coins that descendants will study world history in thousands of years.

Today, the oldest is considered to be an antique coin made of an alloy of gold and silver (electrum) - a stater. According to the assurances of archaeologists, the most "experienced" of the found specimens is not less than 3200 years old. The coins are well kept, which means that in the future they can be trusted to retell the history of our time.

Reason 6. To keep the family together

There is no escaping the problem of fathers and children. A common hobby allows you to smooth out the rough edges that arise in relations between generations due to the difference in the perception of the world.

Coin collections are passed down from generation to generation, it is a collaborative business that brings family members closer together. A 12-year-old boy can surprise his grandfather with an innovative blue titanium coin, and he, in turn, will gladly tell the teenager about the “kerenks” and their role in the history of the country.

Reason 7. Make new friends

Collecting coins is a hobby club. Members of this huge community, covering the whole world, communicate on numismatic forums on the Web, meet at fairs and coin exhibitions, and even engage in joint treasure hunting. Often, numismatists become real friends, for whom age, geographic, political and even language barriers cease to exist.

And the gatherings of "diggers" going out of town with metal detectors are akin to fishing or hunting. The hobby encourages people to spend more time in nature, to crawl out of the cells of social networks.

Reason 8. Develop superpowers

Memory is a basic property of the psyche, but in the frantic rhythm of modern life, it becomes more and more difficult for a person to keep information in his head. So an excellent memory in the current "stressful era" can be called a superpower.

Collectors learn to store a large amount of data and quickly access it when needed. So, a numismatist who collects euro cents from different countries must constantly remember what is missing on a trip in order to put the necessary copy aside in time.

And collecting also teaches perseverance, self-control and poise, which a modern person still lacks.

Reason 9. Find a profession

Numismatists say: "Selling what you collect is not a sin." Many people not only collect their own collection, but also help to get the coveted samples to fellow hobbyists. Buying something piece by piece is expensive, but if you take a dozen, it turns out to be more profitable.

For some, this eventually develops into a real business with the opening of online stores or real numismatic salons. It is not at all ashamed and even honorable to associate your life's work with what really fascinates you.

The most interesting thing is that there are a huge variety of coins in the world, so that everyone can find a direction for themselves that others have not mastered.

Reason 10. Make the world a better place

A favorite business, a bright head, self-confidence, a healthy psyche, a mobile mind, new friends, peace in the family and financial stability - all this makes a person feel happier, and the happier each individual, the higher the concentration of happiness in the whole world. ...
