When ships are brought into war thunder. Ships announced in War Thunder: when will the fleet be released? The set includes

Almost three years ago, the developer company Gaijin announced the imminent release of ships, as the third in a row available technology for the player. Since then, on the forums and in in social networks From time to time there are topics about when it will be possible to fully enjoy a controlled naval battle. Take command of a battleship or submarine. Most often, topics are closed by moderators with the words "you have to wait." Even the approximate dates for the release date of the managed fleet in War Thunder no.

At the beginning of 2015, there were enough messages on the net that the ships could be controlled. However, this is only available in closed testing, only to a small number of human testers. And this is most likely true, since in the fall of 2014 some information sites close to Gaijin even posted video reviews about Japanese aircraft carriers from the Second World War.

At the same time, an approximate list of future equipment was announced - battleships, destroyers, aircraft carriers. However, given Gaijin's desire for realism, they will not be able to limit themselves to this technique. The above fleet will not do without smaller vessels. And don't forget the submarines. Without the famous wolf packs, it is simply impossible to imagine the fleet of Nazi Germany. But, more reliable and accurate information has not yet been provided.

However, there is still a fleet in War Thunder! The only pity is that while it is controlled by a computer. It is present in many marine and coastal maps. Such as Wake Island, Guam, Merchant Marine, Rocky Coast, etc.

Types of ships in the game.

The fleet in War Thunder, on this moment represented by the following ships - heavy cruiser, light cruiser, aircraft carrier, destroyer, battleship, cargo ship, landing ship (landing craft).

The role of the fleet in War Thunder.

Despite the fact that the fleet is still under the control artificial intelligence games, he sometimes plays a significant role during the battle. It plays both an auxiliary function for the attack and the role of a protected object.

On maps like "secret Pacific base" dropships land tanks to capture a land point, which provides a win. If you miss the enemy ships to the shore, it will be much more difficult to destroy the tanks. And in the mission "merchant fleet" you need to protect your transports and destroy enemy floating targets.

It is worth noting that the role of the fleet is more visible in the arcade dogfights.

The ships featured in War Thunder are equipped with air defenses. The shells of anti-aircraft guns and large-caliber machine guns, which ships are equipped with, can damage the structural elements of the aircraft, which will affect its flight characteristics. A leaky radiator, a broken oil pipeline, shot ailerons can lead to an early destruction by the enemy. But the ship's air defense itself is not bad at knocking down gaping pilots.

How to destroy the enemy fleet in War Thunder.

To prevent a tank landing on the coast, it is necessary to destroy enemy landing ships. They are equipped with weak air defense, but they can harm or shoot down. It is also worth noting that the landing force is almost always covered by enemy fighters. But this type of vessel is easily shattered into chips by aimed shots of 20 mm Berezin, ShVAK, Hispano and the like cannons. There is no need to talk about heavier aviation artillery, like the Yak9-K and the like. Large caliber destroys small vessels with a bang.

Destroying small landing craft brings the mission closer to victory and earns additional points for the pilot who destroys them.

And if it’s easy to destroy boats with landing forces, then it’s worth tinkering with a cruiser, battleship, destroyer. There is no need to fly headlong into the bristling vents of the ship's air defense with your machine guns and small-caliber cannons. Well, you can inflict some damage, as well as become an additional frag for artificial intelligence. It is optimal to destroy large ships with bombs from a height inaccessible to the air defense of the ship. Or torpedoes, launching them from the appropriate type of aircraft.

For the destruction of large enemy ships using torpedoes, you can be awarded the title "sea wolf", "sea hunter". For bombing strikes on ships, the titles "destroyer", "thunderer" are counted.

Still, it is worth hoping that the current modest presence of ships in War Thunder will not last long. And each of the players will soon be able to say to the other "seven feet under the keel to you."

At gamescom, seasoned Scotsman Keith Donaghy, International Community Manager for Gaijin, kicks off the Knights of the Sea story from afar.

“I love to launch and fly in real time from London Heathrow to, say, Cologne. I don't care that it's long and tedious. I like it. But at the same time, I understand that I am an exception. Most of the players get bored with that."

Donaghy has played every conceivable (and unimaginable) simulation (and not quite sims) sea ​​battle so he had a lot to say. In his story about the ships that will soon appear in, he gave a thousand examples of how not to do it.

It was suspicious to listen to him.

"...For example, . beautiful, beautiful game... but it had maps four by four kilometers. If anything, the real ship battles of World War II lasted from several hours to several days. One of the fastest battles in history took place in two hours, ending with one successful hit from a distance of fifteen kilometers - and even before that they had taxied into position for several hours to shoot.

Oh yeah, you do know that warships usually only come into line of sight when they need to finish someone off...?

Naval battle and the time factor

It is clear what Donaghy was leading all this time to.

“Good in their own way,” he says. - But they greatly compress the time factor so that the matches do not drag out: huge battleships or, say, aircraft carriers in WoWs swim five times faster than in reality.

Now think about it: in War Thunder, ships can meet in the same batch with planes (like tanks with planes - the ability to collide in one battle different types Gaijin technicians use diligently). Imagine a ship accelerated for play, moving at two hundred kilometers per hour to get into position. And above it is an airplane flying at a normal speed of two hundred and fifty kilometers an hour. So the game will definitely not work, you will have to speed up the planes too, and as a result, the whole game will break.

Well, if the ship moves at normal speed, imagine how disappointing it is when you go to the firing position for three hours, so that one bomb is successfully dropped on you, forcing you to take a new ship and enter the position again for three hours. I repeat, I do not mind, I love this. But most players won't agree to that."

As a result, the Gaijin problem is solved radically: there simply will not be large ships in the game. There will be small nimble vessels such as torpedo boats, patrol and assault ships. Larger samples of equipment may appear as, for example, targets for escort. Taking control of ships heavier than destroyers in person will be allowed in some modes, but only if the upcoming CBT shows that it makes sense. The test will start later this year.

There were no health points in War Thunder either on land or in the air, and there won't be any at sea either - ships are also subject to a complex zonal damage system. A new concept has appeared in the mechanics of the game - buoyancy. If the ship's hull is pierced below the waterline, it starts to leak, and if the onboard pumps fail, sooner or later the ship will go to the bottom. With a fire, everything is similar: if there is nothing special to burn on the tank, then on the boats the fire walks as it wants, spreading from one system to another. Ships are destroyed beautifully and always in different ways.

At the start of the add-on, a total of thirty ships are promised, including ships from all five major nations. In the future, Gaijin intend to display all theaters of war to the maximum: the Mediterranean Sea, the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, the North Sea, and so on. Several maps will be available in the CBT - some in open waters, some in coastal ones, with large and small areas of land, between which it is convenient to set up ambushes.

And in most cases, aviation is connected to ship battles. Talking about all this, Donaghy talks a lot about the scenarios that can be played out. When I ask how about ships and tanks in the same batch, Donaghy gives the example of Vietnam, where they shot from the water at the jungle: maybe one day we will get to that.

Open testing of ship battles will begin in 2017.

, Cruisers :

Aiming and firing system

IN arcade mode simulates the zeroing mechanics in a simplified mode. After the target is selected by the player, the message “Target acquired. Fire a sighting shot."
After that, the player will be required to shoot at the target area. The range correction will be taken automatically and with some error, with each subsequent shot, the place where the projectile fell will be analyzed by the virtual crew and the range will be specified.
After firing three separate shots at the target area, the range will be determined with the maximum accuracy possible for your ship's assets, after which the range to the selected target will be adjusted automatically, and shooting will be performed with the maximum efficiency for the current distance.
At the same time, by moving the sight horizontally, the player will independently determine the necessary correction for the speed of the target, and vertical movements will make it possible to choose the area on which the fire will be fired - on superstructures or closer to the waterline. However, if the player selects a new target, the zeroing cycle will repeat again.

In Arcade mode, arcade boosts have been added to increase the dynamics of battles and better balance between torpedo boats and larger ships. Different types of ships received different boosts that improve engine thrust, control torque from the rudder, and torpedo speed.

IN Realistic mode the player gets more control over the shooting process and some of the processes automated in Arcade mode fall on his shoulders here.
The shooting process also begins with the selection of the required target, after which the virtual rangefinder displays the distance to the target calculated by it and a possible error in determining the range. After that, the player can open fire and, observing the fall of shells in splashes, determine the magnitude and nature of the error (overshoot / undershoot) in order to manually correct the correction.
To do this, you need to select the keys that are convenient for the player in the control settings, or assign the correction to the mouse wheel, which is a fairly convenient option and allows you to quickly make adjustments.
Unlike Arcade Mode, the range correction required as you approach or move away from the target is not automatically entered into the scope in Realistic Mode. The player can judge the change in the distance to the target by the readings of the rangefinder post, but the correction will need to be entered manually. However, in Realistic mode it is possible to request a new range setting using the “manually enter pointing correction” command, after which the range determined by the virtual rangefinder will be transferred to the guns. But it should be borne in mind that as the distance to the target increases, the effectiveness of this method will fall faster than in the case of manual range adjustment.
Any maneuvering will significantly reduce the accuracy of shooting both for the player himself and for the opponents firing at him.

“Manual target designation to the auxiliary caliber” and “Manual target designation to the anti-aircraft caliber” is the ability to specify priority goal, surface and air, for auxiliary and anti-aircraft calibers, respectively. Auto-gunners assess the degree of threat and open fire on the target depending on the distance, type of enemy, type of weapon and direction of his movement. For example, with equal distances to a fighter with machine guns and to an attack aircraft with RS or bombs, auto-gunners will open fire first at the attack aircraft. If two attack aircraft are detected at an equal distance, one of which flies parallel to the course of the player's ship, and the second approaches it, the gunners will open fire on the aircraft entering the ship.

The detection range of the marker and model depends on the size (height) of the ship. Also, the detection range depends on the type used (from the third person or from the first), and when using binoculars, it increases by 3 times. For example, the detection and identification ranges of the Project 183 boat are as follows: detection - 6.9 km with binoculars and 2.3 km with a third-person view; identification - 3 km with binoculars and 1.1 km with a third person view.

The internal components and mechanisms of ships are damaged in different ways by explosions, kinetic damage, fragments and fires. For example, boiler rooms are more susceptible to damage from projectiles and shrapnel than rudders, which are more likely to fail from the effects of an explosion.
Engines, transmissions and magazines located in flooded compartments fail, become damaged or become inaccessible until the water is pumped out of the compartment.
Anti-fragmentation bulkheads, without being destroyed, retain fragments, depending on their thickness and the lethal force of the fragments.
An explosion and a dense sheaf of fragments will cause much more damage to the crew than an armor-piercing projectile that has passed right through the compartment.
A fire and explosion of the first-stage ammunition for a ship is not fatal and can only damage the modules surrounding it and cause damage to the crew placed in them.
For ships whose guns had separate loading, the magazines of ammunition are divided into shell and loaders. A fire in the magazines is not fatal for a ship and can lead to the loss of part or all of the ammunition in the magazine, as well as to damage to the surrounding modules.
Capital ships can withstand a light torpedo hit (eg SET-40) but suffer serious damage. The torpedoes have a cocking distance of 50 m, that is, it is useless to fire them at close range - they will not explode.
Damage to the chimneys will cause a loss of ship speed.
An incoming torpedo can be destroyed by a direct hit from a projectile or a close explosion (for example, from a depth charge or a bomb launcher).

battle fleet

That's right, "Thief Thunder", not "War Thunder" (Worthander and not Warthander warsander) ;-)

ATTENTION! Outdated news format. There may be problems with the correct display of content.

About the development of War Thunder ships

From the very beginning of the development of the War Thunder fleet, we understood that this would not be an easy task, since the format of our game, on the one hand, provides the player with maximum realism, and on the other hand, offers him dynamic battles in the form of relatively short gaming sessions. Also, if we talk about naval battles, it is difficult to combine the participation of equipment from different types of troops within the same battle, so the choice of combat boats and ships of small displacement for our project was quite logical. Battles involving such ships would be dynamic and quite interesting.

The playtests conducted with your help helped us identify shortcomings in the gameplay, find various errors and adjust our plans. After analyzing your feedback, we decided to focus on improvements to the main gameplay and not to bring new ship models for testing until we make major improvements and improvements in this direction.

Based on the results of the preliminary testing stage, we decided on improvements, improvements, and sometimes a complete redesign of the following systems.

Stabilization of gun systems for roll compensation

We believe that the effect of waves on ships should be simulated in the game, otherwise we will end up with “tanks on blue grass”. But, at the same time, on real ships for firing in different waves, a variety of stabilization systems were used, including even three-plane ones, so on our ships we also implemented stabilization of gun platforms, including manual, which allows firing at walking in excitement.

Damage system

The damage system has been improved: even small boats combine a large number of different systems- there can be several dozen firing points alone - while in the game it is almost impossible to make an aimed shot at a unit or assembly that has small dimensions. Therefore, we moved on to modeling larger units and modules of ships that can be hit by aimed fire, while their defeat is distinguishable in the hit-camera. We also decided to move away from the tank logic of calculating the destruction of a ship by incapacitating all crew members — or, to be more precise, from the part of this logic that caused the most complaints in ship gameplay: the search for the “last sailor” on an enemy ship. In the new Damage Model, to destroy crew members, it is enough to hit the compartment in which they are located, or a combat post. Damage inflicted on a compartment will automatically incapacitate a certain number of crew members assigned to it.

Fire control of guns of various calibers and purposes

A large number of firing points of different calibers makes it difficult to intelligently aim and adjust fire, and their unified control also forces the player to concentrate the fire of all guns in the direction of one target. Therefore, we plan to divide weapons for different purposes into different groups and give the player the opportunity to choose independently which of the guns he will take under his control, and which ones will automatically fire at air or sea targets, taking into account the player’s target designations.

New logic of ship damage control mechanism

Repairs, fires and floods - we plan to add more gameplay to these critical actions for the life of the ship and move away from the full automation of these processes implemented at the moment.

smoke screens

Small displacement ships usually do not carry structural armor protection, so smoke screen systems are essential to increase the survivability of ships and increase the variety of gameplay. We have already demonstrated smoke screen technology during the April Fools' event, and now we are working on its implementation for ships.

Other innovations

We also plan to change the logic of the torpedo sight and add a torpedo lead indication.

In addition to a general improvement in the gameplay of our fleet, all these changes will allow us to add larger warships to the game.
And now a little in numbers about what has already been done and what you can see in the near future.

Currently under construction or ready

  • More than 70 ships and boats of various classes and playable nations are completely ready, and about 20 more ships are in development;
  • 10 maps (both ready-made and currently in development);
  • weapons stabilization systems for warships;
  • mobile torpedo tubes;
  • procedural destruction of ships;
  • new logic of the ship damage model;
  • gyrocorrection of the course of torpedoes.

Company Gaijin Entertainment expanded the list military equipment sailing ships. The developers have opened fleet testing for everyone who wants to join the sea battles.

As the site has learned, you can feel like a captain of a sailboat in the "Events" section, where matches are held according to the rules of arcade battles. Only the line of the British sailing flotilla is available to players, from cruisers and frigates to battleships and galleons. In total, gamers were presented with 7 different ships.

According to the developers, they set their sights on recreating the Golden Age of navigation, when the largest powers fought each other for the sea. In the future, the Gaijin team plans to send ships free-floating in a PvE-focused "Open World" mode.

In the new mode, players will have to fight pirates and protect merchant ships. At the same time, it will be possible to rob ships with gold and even storm forts and fortifications of the enemy. Tasks in " open world» can be performed both alone and with a group of comrades.