How to make from Lego work. Unusual use of LEGO details. Night light from the designer lego

The ideas of the design is a lot, but not every manual to bring to the end ...

Some for some reason are not inspired. Others are inspired, but impracticable due to rare parts. Third really want to do, but there is no instruction.

Here are 5 good ideas. They are quite complex and contain a challenge, while quite interesting to motivate. Only common parts are used in the crafts. Everyone was made from the old cubes of Lego and brought to the logical completion of the 7-year-old Lego Fan, whose name is Semyon.

They will be interested in children from 5 to 99 years. Instructions are attached in case you want to assemble such.

And if you want to get more ideas that can be made from LEGO cubes, click on the picture below.

Lego helicopter

Crafts from Lego from Semyon are obtained by such colorful, because we do not have enough bricks of the same color. But when they are located, Semyon prefers to replace on one-color - he loves when beautiful. At the photo is noticeable attempts to make a helicopter red. That is why it is important to sort the parts not only by type, but also in color.

The helicopter had to replace some details (for example, chassis) on the available from the collection. Responsiveness and ingenuity is part of the game in Lego.

Assembly Instructions:

When you see such a handicraft - wonder how easy it is possible to collect such a symmetrical beautiful design. But there is one catch. Assembly parts of the design is not difficult, but it does not work in any way. The design is very fragile and falls apart. I tried - I did not succeed. But Semyon managed:


Robot from Lego.

This interesting robot turned out quite durable. It is not even noticeable immediately that there are not enough hands in it.

But the details that could not be found were required. Perhaps you will find on this instruction:

Instructions for the robot of Lego

Machine for candy

This is a very fun handicraft and not at all difficult. Who does not like to receive candy, such as M & MS or Skittles? With the test of the machine, the main thing is not to rearrange how in this video 🙂

Unfortunately, the instructions from this apparatus hid somewhere - it is impossible to find it. There is similar.

House-shop-cafe from Lego

When I saw that the child is going to take up this project, I thought it was a hopeless idea. Of course, this is interesting - 3-storey design, disclosed as a book. Inside so much interesting. On the showcase of the bike - where to get a bike?

But Semyon saw everything differently. The bike was replaced by a girche (after all for sports) and other fir-handed materials. This is how the first floor turned out. And then unfortunately failed - there were inactive details in the instructions.

But the first floor is a success for such a project. He turned out to be a complete house with which you can play. The most difficult thing is to see that it is possible when it seems that there is no. If you manage to finish this project to the end - please email us about your successes.

And here is the instruction

While I did not imbued with the passion of my son, sometimes I traveled Lego bricks, crissed under your feet, in a trash bag. How I am ashamed now! There were certainly rare details, which are not enough now. And we would have more details of the same color - the crafts would be more beautiful. If you, as I do not have enough patience - do not sweat in a trash bag, and in the carpet bag:

Toy carpet bag

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When a child learned to make crafts from old LEGO bricks, new sets become a profitable attachment. After all, they will serve for a long time, developing and entertaining the baby. What to do from lego

What to do from lego

The hints of permanent readers on the heaps of no interesting kids of Lego sets were provocative, as they forced me to ask the problem. It turned out that it was even a manufacturer himself, coming up with large and small forms of useful disposal. Of course, artists directions Lego Art and just creative people.

I'll start with what I will show the decisions of artists. Impressive

There are already well-known names, for example, Nathan Sawaya, which collects sculptures from Lego

And the craftsmen collect different useful things for the house ...

Lay out the mosaic, and she works and on the street ...

Obviously, it is not very difficult to collect all sorts of pieces of Lego because not a single master class caught me. Well, apart from three bricks that are collected in the corner - that is, the usual connection.

On the street, and even in a compartment with a brick, and even in small inserts - it looks, of course, very, very

Key type house.

The clock is also cool.

Frames for photos and paintings

Still watches: already complex. New Year's gift - excellent

It is clear that I could not pass by the head of the moose, although technogenic head

The Pisan Tower is from artists. What is not the decoration of the modern interior?

And these are complimentary - pieces. Apparently for "charm mom"

And what is the bad stand for forks and spoons, albeit in the gratitude ...

And here are big forms from the manufacturer Lego. Well, repeat something if you want, you can

Tables and tables. Clear, mosaic

Walls: globally and defiant

The shelf is quite functional.

still shelf

Nowadays, children have many toys. One of the most common educational games is the designer. With the acquisition of this entertainment for the child, parents appear a new concern. After all, so often the baby appeals to dad or mom with a question: "What can be built from" Lego "?" There is a lot of answers to this question. It is only necessary to show fantasy and, perhaps, a little "fall into childhood." We learn that you can build from "Lego" with the baby.

Option One: House

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is to build some room. It can be a residential house or apartment, office or office, garage for a car or car depot.

To build a building, you will need inserted windows, doors, roof elements and other additional accessories. The more details of the designer, the higher and wider the room will be wider. Consider in advance the color gamut of the walls and the facade. You may want to build high and beautiful columns in front of the entrance.

Before the building you can arrange trees and various plants, people and cars, which are also built from this designer.

Option Second: Tanks from "Lego"

Naughty boys love to play war. For this, they will need barricades and tanks. Build a fitting wall of the designer is quite simple. It is enough just to fix one cube to another. It is necessary to do this until the height needs you.

The tank is somewhat more complicated. To do this, it is better to attract adults or senior brothers and sisters. The base of the tracked car is quite simple formed. The size is determined by the number of existing girlfriend. In order to make caterpillars, you need to put cubes on the contrary. That is, so that the convex parts were outside. Get started to build a blank from the inside. When one part of the tank is done, it is necessary to symmetrically formed and second. In the same way, construct the required number of tracked machines.

How to build a car from "Lego"?

Perhaps, after building buildings, this option is the most popular. In order to make transport, you will need wheels. First think the car will be. Build the basis of several parts with wheels.

After that, make a cabin for the chauffer of the required size and body. If the car should be passenger, then harmoniously fasten the cubes and make the hood, roof and trunk. If you wish, you can leave large holes in the form of windows. Through them you can put in the cabin of the driver and passengers.

Alternative option

So, what can be built from "Lego" yet? Options may be weight. With a large number of details, you can collect a giant robot or tree. Girls will certainly appreciate the following ideas: fruits and vegetables, cakes and other products. Also a small princess can make a doll or castle. All furniture can be created from small details of the designer.

In addition, you can collect a real computer or phone. Many children like to build farms and animal pens, which are also created from the "Lego" constructor.

It is worth noting that the manufacturer offers to purchase goods of various sizes and shapes. Small details will be more suitable for older children. While the major parts will appreciate the kids.

If you do not imagine that you can build from Lego, pay attention to the packaging in which the designer was sold. Always the manufacturer offers several ideas of buildings that are drawn on the box. Most likely, of which you can choose the most suitable option for your children.

A modern multifunctional designer uses specially popular among boys and girls. Lego (LEGO) . With this amazing designer, your child will be able to create the most incredible buildings, and even entire worlds.

The designer of Lego any series can be an excellent gift for a child on his birthday or New Year. IMPORTANT when choosing the subject of the designer to take into account the floor of the child, because there is great amount Lego thematic designers 8Terminal .

For example, for boys there will be interesting series of Lego designers as Lego City (the ability to build a real city), Lego Train (what boy does not dream of creating, and then manage a real train), star Wars (The series was created based on popular fantastic saga), etc.

For girls there will be interesting series of Lego designers as a cozy cafe, a fabulous castle for the princess, a mysterious house on the seashore, a spa pet, a restaurant or pizzeria.

Each designer of Lego contains a set of necessary details, understandable and detailed instructions on the assembly, as well as small figures of lego men who have appearance According to the subject of the designer you choose.

The more convenient and the Multifunctional designer Legogo is the fact that even after your child is pleasing to them playing. You do not have to throw it into a trash can or give to neighboring kids. You will ask why? Yes, because using the details of the Lego designer, you can easily create the most incredible and useful items for the house.

In this article, the news portal "Site" decided to share with you the most simple, but impressive crafts that each of you can do at home.

So, proceed ...

Vase from the designer Lego

For the manufacture of a stylish and fashionable vase from the designer, you need a tall glass or old vase and detail of the designer. It is advisable to have the basis of the LEGO designer, then the vase can easily be rearranged from place to place, not risking to lose a glass glass with water, which is inside.

So, the base from the Lego designer will be the bottom of the future vase. Now using different details, build a high box so that it completely covered the glass that will be inside.

To progress, you can lubricate the parts with glue with each other when assembly.

Liquid soap with the details of the structure of Lego

Your child does not like to wash his hands? Then this idea will have to taste. Make this bright and original liquid soap, which will become not only the decoration of the interior of the bathroom, but also an excellent motivator for compliance with purity.

The next time you go to the store for liquid soap, select liquid soap in a transparent bottle. At home neatly remove unnecessary stickers from the bottle, and pour the details of the designer of Lego inside the jar.

Wreath of Lego Designer

Here is a bright and funny wreath, it can become a magnificent decoration of the door that leads to the children's room.

Cut the circle from a tight cardboard sheet, plunder it with foam rubber and drape by any beautiful cloth.

Clear the wreath of the detail from the Lego designer, strengthened them with the help of glue in chaotic order.

Keeper from the designer lego

Such an original thing will be very relevant in the hallway, especially in those families where a large amount of time spend in search of keys.

For the manufacture of the key, you need the basis of the designer and small details.

From multicolored details, make bright keychains for keys with which the keys will be attached to the key.

Night light from the designer lego

The bright and magical night light can turn out of the transparent details of the Lego designer. Fold from the details a small box, and inside it put the cartridge with a light bulb.

Enjoy a soft and muted light that you will give you a miracle night light Lego.

Jewelery from Designer Lego

This idea will surely enjoy young fashionable.

Do the holes in the detail from the designer of Lego and the grove in them is a dense harness. You have bright summer beads or necklace.

Use the details from the designer to create unusual pendants for rings and earrings.

Flash drive of Lego do it yourself:

Christmas toys from Lego do it yourself:

The news portal "Site" will be happy to place the photos of your unusual crafts from the designer of Lego. Send your work with a description of our email address -

The company "Lego" has been producing children's designers with the same name for many years. In the 1st time, this company patented its plastic products in 1958. The kit includes plastic parts of different sizes, each of which can be quite simply attached to other parts using pins located in its upper part. With the years of these models The sets were improved, and stolen the question - what can be made from Lego?

To date, the range of these designers is very wide: there are often a variety of additional details on stores for stores: figures of people, birds, animals, as well as coins, trees, etc. Attributes. In addition, the designers themselves can belong to a certain topic, for example: wizards, pirates, etc. Characters and all that accompanies them. But the very big popularity is the model of the city or Lego City.

Before starting to do anything from this designer, it is, of course, must be purchased. Suitable standard set. In order to assemble a machine gun, a gun or other weapons, you need to start with small details. By the way, another advantage of this designer is that even a one-year-old kid can play with him, because his details are not so small to penetrate the breathing bodies of the child. But for the most part, the overwhelming mass of the sets is recommended to acquire children aged 5 years.

Any Lego accompanies instructions for the manufacture of one or another element (robot, machine, etc.). After reading it carefully, you can make a designer without much effort and work. The main difference of such an instruction is the most understandable description of the assembly stages, and color pictures will make an understandable assembly process even a small child.

With Lego City, the situation is somewhat different: for its construction, most likely, it will be necessary not 1 set, because here you will have to design buildings and structures, as well as elements of urban or rural use. Such a toy hobble not only children, but also adults!

By the way, for the details of this designer there are 1 more unusual use, namely, domestic. For example, such products can become excellent molds for ice! To do this, they are enough simply fill with water and put in the freezer, and then remove the content from them with a knife. In addition, from Lego can make a fridge magnets, candles, molds for soap or other useful objects.

Now the company is actively producing new sets, with which you can create figures not only from simple parts, but also from gear, chains, various connecting elements, and even programming block.

Do not forget the company and about its numerous fans. In this regard, she opened a number of amusement parks, which are something similar to Disneyland, located in Paris. They are called such Liegeland and Leggings. In them, kids and adults can look at unusual buildings, ride on attractions and even create structures and entire cities independently!

Crafts from Lego do it yourself: options

Designers Lego is an exciting educational game that especially like children because of its bright colors and colorful design. But its main advantage is many different parts assembly variations. Anyone can assemble what else will like him: from weapons like a pistol or machine gun, to cars, robots and even structures!

But before starting to collect the designer, it must be unpacked and watch the manual - the instruction, there will be the work options. Guide is step by step, so long to think about how to properly assemble this or that design does not have to.

If all the options offered by the instructions are already tested by the instructions, you can create a special model or design using, for example, video lessons.

But there may be a situation where you will not have any desired detail, then you need to purchase another 1 set of constructor. But you can immediately buy Lego Freestyle, thereby adding the source designer with a large number of different parts.

The set of "Lego Technician" is very useful for children's DevelopmentBut for the beginning of the baby, you should teach the basic details to fasten together, and then you can already give the will of his fantasy. By the way, this set Lego includes in addition to the main parts and quite specific, for example: Motors, gears and chains. Therefore, you need to carefully follow a small child at a time when it will be engaged in designing that he cannot swallow small details.

Work on complex designs sometimes takes quite a long time, so if your son or daughter has not been 7 years old, it can very quickly get bored. To search for the necessary scheme occupied the highest possible time, you can search on the Internet.

But you need to know that different sets They have, respectively, different sizes. For example, when buying "Lego Hollow", the next time it is better to purchase the designer of the same series if your plans include expansion of parts. There are also sets for older children, and still those who love to break their heads, such as "LegoMindStorms". Here you will find software modules, many small and connecting parts and even electronic sensors, with which you can make a robot or car without much difficulty!

How to make out of the lobework: video

Many children, especially boys, love robots - transformers. After all, the toy can be at the same time the robot itself, and a car, and even by the plane.

Lego DIY: video