Magnus Karlsen how many times was the champion. Chess genius of modernity Magnus Karlsen. Draw? And this offer from Karlsen

I have not seen Karlsen for a long time. I would even say, for a very long time - five years, no less. Since he took his interview in Dortmund, and then also in Khanta - after his first large adults. He then was still a Jewish boy - awkward and shy, slowly selecting the answers and looking at the Father. But even then it was noticeable that he felt his power, understood: he should add a little, - and he was about him, - and he will come to the first roles ...

Perhaps, in relation to Karlsen, the time even slightly accelerated its jogging. Several years did not pass, as he, who did not appear something fundamentally new and not becoming a chess world, as in his time Karpov or Kasparov, the legislator mod, nevertheless, bypassed the entire world elite ... But the most interesting was the other - All noted his mighty practical power, but no one could determine what it consists of?

With all the desire, the Norwegian game is not so easy to sum up the foundation or decompose into the components. After all, he will not declare a bright tactic or, for example, a deep strategist is both both, both, and the third! So you look at a dozen batches of Magnus "without signature" - you don't have to install it that it was playing. Well, and cut, unable to figure out the phenomenon of the Norwegian, - and at all declared him with a hypnotist! Well, it can not be that in the parties with him people were mistaken so often ...

I was wondering how I changed "Magnus, who lives on the roof", how he is given world domination, what are the plans of a person who publicly refused to participate in the World Cup and the cycle of the world championship, considering that the conditions in it, as a professional, not arrange. A strong decision of a person who is conscious of his strength that believes that if desired, he will win everything that he is destined to win in life!

Karlsen has changed ... stretched out, faster, remaining, however, the same "thing in himself". He began to smile much less and speak in public. When the audience showed his parties, he enjoyed the literally two three-dimensional phrases. And in general, it seemed to me that as soon as he was in the "field of attraction" chess - around him, as if some invisible shell was embroidered, which he allowed him, almost alone, to cope with all big overloads.

I was involuntarily remembered "the image of Fisher" - he also always felt "one against the whole world". And therefore, during the chess competitions, he became sullen and irritable, it was worth it to reset the tension from himself, appeared quite another - sociable and cheerful man. Karlsen is also: during and after the tournament are two different people. I felt it for some 15 minutes that we went with him and his father after the closure of the Tal Memorial - from the house of Pashkov to Ritz.

You will not believe, but he even has a gait, he smoothes his forehead and his childhood and smile returns to him. And frankness. To confess, I was afraid of interviews that I wouldn't exist anyone - Magnus will give standard and short answers, will not be included in the conversation ... We said without a small hour! Moreover, Karlsen struck me unexpected frankness and the accuracy of the wording. He fell apart on the sofa so that it was convenient to "conduct" with his hands when he was looking for needed word. And smiled a lot, - without showing no fatigue, no impatience.

I was amazed and, saying goodbye, even expressed Henrik Karlsen my respect. Well, when he began to listen to the record, it was amazed even more. How much is hidden under this imaginary Norwegian inappropriateness of the strongest chess player of the world ...

The harder, the more interesting

To begin with, since we are talking immediately at the end of the Tal Memorial, what could say about your game and your result in this tournament?

Well, of course, I am satisfied with the result - first place is always the first place. To a certain extent, I am satisfied with your game, especially what I showed in the first half of the tournament ... Yes, I made mistakes, my rivals were mistaken, but the parties were quite interesting to remember them with pleasure.

As for the second half, then I have nothing to say. I just wanted to forget about half of the parties. Starting from the party with Svidler, where I had to look for ways to a draw in horror. Not for what I praise myself in the party with the uncompressive. Only the party with Nakakura can wash off a shame from the wrong game on the finish.

And what can you generally say about the tournament? I liked the struggle - it should be a record (in terms of rating) a tournament?

I did not think what he should be. People fought in every round, there were a lot of interesting parties. Well, what a lot of draws? So simply gathered players who reached great skills in the ability to protect the difficult positions. So, in most part of the parties, one of the parties had a serious chance of victory, and as a result, more than 3/4 of all parties ended in a draw. Nothing wrong.

Do you like to fight with top-level players or do you prefer to play in tournaments with a mixed composition like in Waik-An-Xee or in London?

For me, the Tal Memorial was the most interesting tournament this year! Here I have no doubt. There was not a single "passing" party.

- It's nice to feel tension, play the limit of opportunities?

Yes, the more difficult, the more interesting! Every time - test ...

Can you formulate that for you now chess? What do they mean in your life and how much is it essential?

I am a professional chess player, and if so, it should do everything that depends on myself to realize my potential. I like to win, striving to maximize the results ... At the same time, I still manage to get a lot of pleasure from the game! I can say that during the game I stop thinking about the result of the party, so much is captured by what is happening on the board ...

With regard to this tournament, I can remember two parties - against Gelfand and Kramnik. I'm just a thrown when we got so non-standard positions! If my every party was as interesting as these, I would be just happy. But chess, alas, consist not only of creativity.

Would your attitude to these parties change, if they ended not so favorably for you from the point of view of the result?

The result, of course, is always important, but I am talking about the pleasure of the game.

Are you just talking about the abstract pleasure from the game or about the ability to turn the right of the game in the right for you?

First of all, I like to solve non-standard tasks for the board. Maybe I and the debut, so I don't really like to do - everything starts with one position.

It must be assumed, you especially like to play with the "creative" players like Aronian or Ivanchuk. Or is it, by and large, anyway?

The creative manner of rivals, of course, is important, but I do not share rivals to the types. An interesting position may arise in the party against any.

Do not "fit" under rivals, do not try to choose a different line of behavior against players of different types?

Hardly ever. That is, of course, I watch their parties, I see, in what positions they feel confident in which "swim", but this does not become a decisive factor when choosing an option for a party. Only in very rare cases.

"Do you want to say that you don't care what kind of manner play?"

Almost yes. The main thing is to be interesting!

And, for example, when in this tournament, he gave Kramnik the opportunity to put on the entire front - what he loves most of all, - did not try to catch him in a trap, when from general reasoning it is necessary to move to concrete actions?

Honestly, did not think so deeply. Playing black with Kramnik, it is necessary to understand that the equalization of the debut will not be so simple, and therefore it is not all equal to which option to go against it. It is much more important to configure yourself to fight.

- Do you have problems with this?

They happen to everyone. It happens, you feel bad or just do not want ...

- What do you do at such moments?

I go and play a party. As I said, chess is my profession. I have to do what I should. And should do it well, not lose concentration.

Be able to rejoice

And you can imagine yourself to a person who will dedicate this ... all his life, like Ivanchuk, Anand or Kramnik? Or have you already disassemble some frames?

I dont know. Not ready to say "yes" or "no". Now I really like chess, and I will play them while I will feel the motivation. And how will it go when she is weaker - if she is weaker, I don't know yet.

This is the main problem for many strong players who are approaching 40. On the one hand, they understand that they are able to play quite well, and on the other - they are harder to work with the same impact. And play.

Very subtle moment. I'm not yet sure about myself ... Let's wait a couple of years.

- What is your main motivator at the moment?

Well, everything is simple here - just play chess. Show everything that is capable of. I do not put some special goals in chess. From time to time I think on these topics ... No, however, I can't come up with something like that! It would be possible to say that I want to win every party - but I just don't think about it.

I do not agree with those who believe that the lack of a global goal is bad ... I play, I enjoy, I want to achieve a maximum. Isn't enough?

At 21, you confidently lead a list of leading chess players in the world, but you say that you have no goals. In fact, no?

Not! Of course, I think that someday may become a world champion in chess, but if this does not happen, I will not worry about it ...

- It gives fatalism!

Perhaps ... But for me it is the easiest way to keep your current state, your attitude to chess, which I really like.

How not to remember Kasparov, who was preparing for the fact that someday he would definitely become a world champion, infected him with this idea!

What can I say ... everyone has their own way. I think about the rank of champion of the world do not interfere with living. I will ever become a champion - good, I will not be - so be. I do not want some obsessive ideas to break my life.

You spoke several times about what you like to play chess. Would you be compared today's perception with when just learned to play?

Probably at that time I loved chess a little more than now. But I try to keep the freshness of perception and never engage in strength.

At the first moment, the charm of the game, you will learn a lot of things. But I can say that now I am replaced by excitement of the struggle, satisfaction from what I win tournaments, constantly improve, becoming stronger ...

- Do you think this feeling in principle important to the elite player?

Sure! If you do something without pleasure, you can hardly achieve the maximum result ... I think it is important to maintain this feeling in myself, be able to rejoice and enjoy what you do. How else!

- How long have you done a choice for yourself - become a chess pro?

In fact, not so long ago. Some years ago. I then ended my studies at school and realized that I am not interested in anything interesting than chess ... And at that time I decided that in the near future they would be my profession.

- That is, it was not a prior choice?

I would not say, they say, everything that was before - is frivolous. But I really did not look so far ahead. I was interested in doing this, but I did not share it: here is chess, here everything else.

For many parents in Russia, early sports success of children - this is a significant reason to think about a professional career. Are you wrong?

And we have many playing chess simply for general development. It is believed that they are useful. I have a lot of friends who play chess just like that. And I also started playing chess completely by chance. And he was not welded.

That is, if immediately at the end of the school, the father said, what do you want to finish with chess, he would not mind you?

It is better to ask him about it. But, I think, it would definitely not be forcing me ... But I didn't have the thoughts to "tie" - I liked what I did.

- Your life, the future is now depends on chess?

It depends on what to understand. I think no.

- How long do you pay for them?

It is difficult for me to count. When on the tournament, chess takes all my time. At this point, I am a hundred percent concentrated on the game. So, I have a TV, a phone, I don't have anyone ... When am I at home? If I have no collection and does not have to go to some tournament, I do not do chess at all.

- Do not do at all?


- And in no way support your "sports form"?

Well, if I wanted, I can see something that interests me. Or download fresh parties ... I do not know, nothing concrete. It is difficult to talk about some targeted classes. It may seem strange, but I get a lot of benefit from simple viewing of parties. I do not analyze, do not turn on the modules, only scrolling them one after one, I look at the new ideas, who plays ...

Well, everyone has its own approach. No one knows how someone else is spent - Anand, Kramnik, Aronian ...

- Free time - yes, but how they do, we more or less know.

I also have fees. But rarely. And I have a habit of remote work than I did, even when I was small and I did not have a coach.

- Norwegian specificity?

Partly. I guess I do not fit a little in ordinary schemes.

One and without a car

- What do you think you have a specific chess talent?

I dont know. Everyone has a lot of different talents. Probably there is something like that, but I can not be 100% confident. And you yourself know what it is?

I can only judge by the fact that others told me. When I was about 12-13 years old, many said that I had a big chess talent that my great chess player could work out of me. At that moment I was in principle anyway, I will become a strong chess player or not - I just played and was happy from it ...

In fact, it is very difficult to determine who is gifted more, who are less. And of whom it will be truly a large chess player, and who will remain with anyone.

But I still remember the scene with Alexander Nikitin, the coach of Kasparov, who was standing on one of the first Aeroflotes next to your table and witnessed how you defeated Dolmatov in 20 moves. He then walked around the hall with a blank of that party and infused everyone: "This is a party of genius" ...

Yes, I remember, I was then 13 years old (laughs).I want to thank Nikitina, he then made me good advertising. He is a reputable person, and I heard about it, even returning home. Yes, and he also predicted a great future to me.

- And the truth did not confuse you, did not knock all these conversations about genius?

I want to say again: I never considered myself a chess genius, but I never concentrated on foreign estimates. And calmly treat them now ... Many people say that I am a very sober person. And I was already thinking about what is the sense in these unnecessary delights - you just need to do what is good.

- What do you think, how slowly your chess development is, if you didn't have a computer at hand?

I do not know. Never thought about it. I think (thinking)That personally at me, on my game the computer did not have some fundamental influence.

I can not believe ... you just have the fact that ready "from the sheet" to play any position, ready to protect the position where "ugly" machines are needed ...

But it is so. I can say that the first years I did not use the machine at all, even as a database! I then just put the board before myself, I took the books for which I was doing then and watched everything on it. And the first time the computer needed to me for chess when I started playing the Internet.

Honestly, when I was about 11-12 years old, I didn't even know what chessbase is. I understand that from my mouth it sounds rather implausible - and most considers me the product of the era " computer Chess."," But this is actually so! " I will say more, my computer "illiteracy" in chess even my first coaches were surprised. I have nowhere to show them the databases, your analyzes ...

Did you have any childish notebooks with analyzes that could this "document confirm"? Have you been preserved "live witnesses"?

Of course, people do not go anywhere - you can ask at least my father. And I'm not sure about any records. I did not led some special records.

- That is, your chess understanding, a sense of position is all human?

I think yes. And my fundamental idea of \u200b\u200bchess was laid without the involvement of the machine. That was my mind on chess, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe struggle.

What do you think, and you help you that you have gained habit to analyze for the board, and not at the computer? Some, for example, Kramnik or Anand, often say during the analysis: "We must see what the car will say here ..."

I did not think about it ... I have a good memory, and I usually remember that I looked at the board. Yes, I sometimes wonder what the car thinks about the position, but it never interferes with me, I do not rush right away to put everything on a computer.

- Do you trust computer estimates?

It all depends on the position. There are positions where there is no sense from the computer.

- Could we fully rely on a computer assessment?

When little time, sometimes you have to trust it with conclusions. But I try to see everything myself, you can not trust the car at 100%.

Chess baggage

We "found out" that you are not a child of the computer century, but then I'm sorry, the question: where did you come from in Norway, where there were no chess traditions?

I constantly ask this question, but I have no answer to him ... Yes, we never had strong chess players in Norway, there was no continuity as you. As a result, there was no some kind of chess players.

- Just case?

I think, yes.

- Do you remember your first coach?

Yes. He looked a few of my parties, we talked to him ... And he gave me a couple of books: Sherosevsky about the endings and several textbooks of the butler. At first, it was all my chess luggage!

- That is, call someone who "put" you would not be able to give you a game?

It happened much later. But I very carefully passed everything he gave me. I absorbed a "Soviet chess school".

- I felt that your game changed after studying these books?

Yes. I began to better navigate on the board, it is better to evaluate.

What about classic chess works like Nitzovich, Capalands or Lasker? Khalifman somehow, arguing about the tournament in Wake Ansen, said 13 chess players with a "school" and one, who does not have it ...

Before the "classics" I really did not reach.

- Do you feel about it?

It's hard for me to judge. Maybe someday ...

Judging by the fact that you got the books of the Endgall specialists, you had to love this stage of the game, although it is usually children like to attack!

I can not say that I like tactics more strategy or vice versa. Different periods were different ...

As a child, I liked the strategy more - all these long plans and fence chains, maneuvering ... Then, when I started playing regularly in tournaments, a lot of small tactics appeared in my game. Well, and when in 2006-2007, I found myself in the superstruists, "I had to threaten to review my chess. (Smiles.) I needed to make the game more acute, tactical. And then try to improve the assessment of positions.

- So you can't call ourselves tactic or strategist?

I would call himself an optimist! In fact, I do not have bright preferences in chess. I do what circumstances require me - attacked, defend or go to the endgame. Preferences means to have weaknesses.

Could we compare your feelings after the victory in the subtle endspile or some hurricane attack? Do they really be the same with you?!

I really do not know what I like in chess more! Among other batch can highlight the feelings that are experiencing after its end. When you understand that I created something truly worthwhile ... But this happens very, very rarely. In any case, with me for a lifetime - only a few times.

- Well, if you are just a viewer, what kind of party will you like?

I do not know. I am interested in the struggle as such.

- Do you have a favorite chess player?

Not. Truth! It is very useful - to study the party of great players. And not only world champions, but also those who closely approached this title.

- Do not at least have a group of players, whose game would like you?

There are many of them, but some kind of beloved - no. I revised many thousands of their parties, and everyone has something to learn - probably because of this I do not want to allocate someone alone. Maybe later?

- Did the influence of a chess player experiencing on your game?

Constantly. No - not directly, not so that I would like to look like someone. I just saw that different players Could well do different things.

- Do you think that some boys are already studying on your parties?

Never occurred to it. Maybe.

Give a big load

- Victor Corrhan recently put you in one row with Fisher and Thalem ...

Yeah, he called me a "hypnotist"!

- You were flattering in one row with world champions?

I would prefer to be close on another occasion.

- How did you assume that you affect rivals?

I do not think that in my victories so much otherworked. I do not have to apply hypnosis to win on a chessboard!

But, agrees, it was not possible to assume something like that, given, with what frequency your rivals are mistaken?

Give rivals a greater load during the game - and they will be mistaken ... I am not able to appreciate how much more often they are wrong, playing with me.

- Much more often!

I do not know, I struggle in every party to the end, I completely laid out. I do not want to feel after the party that I did less than it could ... Probably, this mood is on my rivals. Errors are a consequence of voltage!

- Do you seek to create tension on the board in every party?

I am doing my best! I can not say that it can be right in every party. Take, for example, a batch against Ananda from this tournament: I was simply failed to create no tension in it. But in all the others I tried my best ...

- Do not you think that chess turned from art in the struggle?

And before it was somehow different? Take any serious confrontation - players discarded abstract considerations aside, fought very hard.

And they turned into a debut base competition! So, the Grischuk recently said that now chess is 80% work on the debut ...

Approximately the way it is.

But ... When looking at your part, the opposite feeling is formed! Take the same Memorial Tal, where in the four first rounds of the debut you stood on 0 out of 4, and I had to dial 3.5 out of 4. You constantly replay your opponents ...

Probably because the Mittelspil and the endgame like me much more debut. I like when the party turns into a competition of thoughts, and not in the battle of home analyzes. But this, unfortunately, happens infrequently.

- Does it upset it?

To some extent, but what can I do!

- Learn more debut, like the rest ...

I am doing this more than I want.

- But at the same time, as I understand it, in general, we are inferior to them?

Yes. This is no secret that I am inferior as debut and ananda, and Kramnik, and many others. They are much more experience, developments ... They are in this big specialists! But I try to correctly have my own figures on the board so that this advantage is not so big to not lose right away.

There has never been an idea to create your team, as is the same Kramnik or Anand, so that people prepare for you debut, and you sat down for the board ...

I have never had a team who, let's say, would put my debut.

- But you would not refuse to have it?

From time to time I reflect on this, but ... I have long used to trust with my decisions - and for the board, and outside it. Should I drastically change your habits?

- What should happen to change your decision?

I do not know, perhaps, if I bring to play the match for the championship of the world, I will just be forced to collect a brigade. And I think it will not be so bad ...

- Are there chess players with whom do you like to analyze?

I have never worked with actively speaking chess players, with those with whom you have to compete in tournaments. We spent a lot of time with Peter-Heine Nielsen, when I was younger, he gave me a lot like practicing. Who knows maybe I will like it. But it's hard to call specific names.

For the highest title

I am interested in one idea, perhaps it will seem strange to you. But - would you continue to play chess if you had a different occupation, which in the future would be significantly more money than chess?

It sounds too hypothetically! And why such an unexpected question?

Well, after you refused to participate in FIDE competitions, first in the Tournaments of the Grand Prix and World Cup, and then - in the drawing of the world championship, Henrik said you would quite attend participation in commercial competitions.

And what's the unusual? Chess is my main earnings. I can not say that the money knows a lot for me. First of all, because when only started playing chess, there was nothing but pleasure and interest in the game itself.

I never fundamentally thought about this issue. Who knows, may, it turns out that in some other area I can make much more money. But I do not know that, because I have not yet tried myself in other areas ... That's getting tired of playing chess, I feel that I reached my ceiling - then we'll see.

It's great - feel freedom of choice, to be the master of your destiny. Decide at what point what to do. I have just such a situation now, but I'm not going to go anywhere from chess. I have a lot of unrealized ambitions.

Yes that's right. But I remind you of a vigorous, who, losing in 1981 in Merano's match Karpov, said that he no longer wants to play the match for the world championship, and therefore he starts to consider himself from now on with a chess lover.

- And you yourself, without a visible reason, refused the struggle for the title of champion!

I would not talk about the lack of reasons ...

- But personally, I did not understand the real reasons why it happened?

For its basis, I was not motivated to fight for such a title ... I did not like a lot in the fact that I proposed FIDE, including the format of the matches of applicants. I do not want to spread on this topic. At one time, it was said about this, the content of the matches in Kazan only confirmed my point of view. They hardly liked both the audience and the participants themselves.

- How, in your opinion, should there be a contender tournament?

I think a two-circuit tournament in which all applicants would have come down to the title, would be the best alternative to the speedy matches. He would become an event. In it, everyone would have approximately equal chances, nothing would depend on the blitzpiet ...

- That is, in the next "cycle" you can quite take part?

Yes, why not! Give good conditions - and I will play.

- No politics?


- With the tournaments of the FIDE Grand Under the same story?

There is a little different, but in general - yes. I never shy away from the competition, but I do not want to be "for" or "against" someone. I just play chess.

- UV, failed: I thought you were completely refused to fight for the title.

I did not secure the fact that my decision is connected with the unsatisfactory competition format. I did not say that I don't want to be a world champion.

- Wait, but at the very beginning of our interview said you do not have any global goal in chess!

Global goal - no. And the world champion title is a global goal?

- For someone, she becomes a fix idea throughout life!

Well, it seems to me that every person has its own idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is the main goal in chess. For me personally, she definitely did not concluded only that someday won the title ... Maybe someone will seem very strange to someone, but for me it is. Well, I will not become a champion - what about?

- Would love you Fisher, Karpov, Kasparov ...

For the previous generation of chess players, the title "World Champion" meant much more than now for me. But what to do.

- You did not discuss this issue with Kasparov, when else was still engaged?

Not. It was my decision. He did not try to convince me.

"Walking with Kasparov"

- What are your experiences from your work? This is not a forbidden topic?!

No, no, no problems. We started to cooperate in 2009, they worked quite tight more than a year. We had both live meetings and constant talk on Skype. We analyzed a lot together, played, exchanged opinions ...

- What was the main benefit for you from creative communication with him?

Thanks to him, I began to better understand the whole class of positions. It is clear that he knew much more than me ... At times, it was difficult for me to sobally for its speed and depth analysis, but most often we were with him on the same wave. What can I say: it was a unique experience for me, Casparov gave me a lot as a practitioner.

- His debut preparation surprised him?

Yes, he was amazed how little I, it turns out, I know ... But we have not focused on this issue. He shared with me methods of working on the debut, for which he was grateful. I advanced in this direction thanks to him.

- What else did Casparov shared with you?

He told me a lot about the peculiarities of the struggle, a lot - about individual elite players. He has a very peculiar look at the strongest players in the world.

- You struck the energy that he retained in his 46 years?

Yes, he is a very "energy" man! He, it seems, simply shares with you his opinion, but actually dictates how you have to do ...

- How much did your view of the position that watched?

The difference between the big ... Kasparov is a researcher, and he looks at each position as the theorem that must prove. And I am more pragmatic - looking for how it is better to use the capabilities of the parties. He all tries to bring to the final assessment - "plus-minus" or "minus-plus", but I am not so eager, for me the main thing - to find the way for which it is worth going. According to some comments, I realized that my approach was largely associated with how the solutions of Karpov took. His he knew him like anyone else - I won't say that such an assessment was unpleasant to me ...

- You often fought with Kasparov?

For board? Yes, we have played many blitzpiets! It was a meaningful struggle, at times he was hard - it was felt that he had no practice.

- Under these parties could be represented as Silen Kasparov in youth?

He is a fantastic player. I did not see someone so felt the dynamics in complex positions. And it is on the fifth top ten! Of course, it would be very interesting to play with the then Kasparov, but the time, as you know, do not return ... I think it would be a chic challenge. They say, and Karpov was gorgeous in youth.

Now they say this with such a delight that hardly believes that you have never had a chess idle ...

I am talking now about the pleasure of chess communication with the great player. I did not say what I wanted or want to be like him. Everyone has his own path.

- Good, and if you sit down to play perfect Karlsen and perfect caspari ...

I do not know what it would end - we are too different players. But I think it would be interesting. It is always interesting to collide the players of different styles.

- What do you think about when someone begins to compare you and the great?

In fact, this is happening constantly for several years, and I do not pay any attention to it. I think all this is pretty superficial ... because everyone has his own eye, but how many people are so many opinions.

- Do you regret what your cooperation with Harry eventually ended?

I do not know, everything has its time ... we broke up with Casparov quite a friendly, without offense. I think he gave me a lot of useful knowledge. I think it was interesting to him. What would happen next, keep working on, I do not know.

No one can say that it would be now, continue we cooperate with him. From the standpoint of today, I believe that our parting was a right step.

- You, in some sense, got everything that I wanted to get from Casparov?

Through his coaches, acquaintances became clear: Harry was disappointed that the cooperation stopped that they were, you refused "sacred knowledge" ...

It is difficult for me to judge. Perhaps I disappointed him, but there was my choice.

- And life continues?

Yes, right! It seems to me, should not be reduced to one or two elections. Rank not there - and that's it. This does not happen ... I do not believe in the "fatal mistakes". And even if I committed some errors, these are my mistakes, I will answer them for them.

- How much did you want to change in your life?

Something can, but I would not do that.

- Are you a fatalist?

No, I just did not. And I'm still too young to start correcting errors. I just live, play chess. I try to enjoy ...

- And let the estimates let others expose?

Yes, if they like it!


The question that is interesting to many are: from the side you look like this ... a little dislike. Do you have many friends or do you prefer privacy?

I do not undertake to judge, many of them. Of course, I have friends at home, in Norway. It is clear that chess is a Sport single, and I do not feel disadvantaged when I stay alone for a long time. I feel good and so, and the Edak. I'm not suffering ...

- Are there any special topics for conversations when you meet with them?

We are talking ... Hmm, I do not even know, ordinary conversations, like everyone else. But here you need to understand that most of my friends at home somehow were associated with chess. But I must say that we chat not only about chess topics.

- Do you have any common hobbies, general classes?

Yes, like everyone else! We, for example, love football. This game gives rise to us rather emotional discussions. Considering that my best friend is a real fan of Madrid "Real", we constantly have disputes around "Real" and "Barca." Transfer policies and methods of game Maurinho, goals and eccentrics Ronaldo - all this is discussed as often as current lines of protection of Nitzovich ...

- In the confrontation of "Real" - "Barcelona" on whose sides of your sympathy?

Of course, I am for "Real"! (Here we are worried about Magnus, and he appreciated my "creamy" cap from the official store "Real".)

What about sports? All scandinavians are preserved on their own health. What do you prefer: run, skis, swimming, maybe something else?

I have no one pronounced interest, I like a lot. I love playing football with friends, in winter - skiing ... I like more tennis and squash, as well as basketball.

- You, it seems, not so long!

Yes, I'm not very good, but I like this game. A lot of struggle, martial arts, but a lot of pleasure. True, this year I tried to play basketball against your guys, - and I did not really like it. They play much stronger!

- What about other entertainment? Books, movies, games ...

I can not say that I'm on something looked. Everything happens at will ... I want - I can go to the movies or easy to be at home on a sofa with a book. I can not call myself an avid reader - in any case, no one book has captured me so that I forget about everything in the world, until I read it to the end.

- You are not fond of collecting, how are Karpov, for example?

No, no, it's not mine ... I can't imagine something to interest me so much. Many people like it, but I just can not understand this ...

- You have no extreme hobbies?

Not yet. But ... everything can be!

You talked about what you do not have pronounced goals in chess, and is there any such in the usual life? And do you put them in front of yourself?

Which for example?

- I do not know: let's say, finish the university, go around the whole world, spread it in Troy!

Of course, from time to time I think about such things, but I cannot yet say that I found some pronounced goals for myself ... in many ways, it depends on how much time I will play chess. And How!

Are you not afraid that you can divide yourself in life, if you have a chess career to select more time, what are you ready to dedicate to her?

This is a difficult question. As I said, I never practiced through strength - and if I understand that it no longer gives me the former pleasure, I can always finish. Chess while moving me forward, and I like it.

- How does your family relate to the fact that you are now - the first chess player of the world?

They like it! They support me in every way. Rejoices, congratulate ...

- And how important is their opinion?

I always listen to them, their advice is very competent. Sometimes we do not converge in something, but it was never a reason for quarrels.

- How much is your family important for you?

As for every normal person ... we have a big family - Mom, Dad, I, two sisters. And I like to spend time with them. It's great when you have some closed circle, which no one has access ... There are people who are all turned outward, all at the bottom. I am not from such.

- You continue to ride all tournaments with your father ...

Yes, I like it. It is always nice when a native person is nearby. He cares about me, supports in difficult moments.

When you were small, it was understandable, was not discussed. But when did you grow up, whose idea was that Henrik continue to drive with you in tournaments?

Honestly, we have never even discussed this topic with him. I have long used to what he is near ... I need it! When I was small, he often took part in tournaments. Then stopped. He has become much more worries. Every time he decides all household and other questions. Dad is preparing us, collects me at the party (For each batch, Magnus brings with him a whole product kit - in it and vitamined juices, and kefir "Activia", which the father squeezes honey and fresh fruit - E.A.), accompanies me to the hall, waiting after the game. In his presence, I always feel much more comfortable and calmer ...

- How do you feel about what many compare it with Mom Kasparov?

I don't care ... We never even discussed it with him.

"But do you understand that someday will go to the tournament one?"

There is nothing special about it, there is no such theory from this. From time to time I already go one ... But I repeat, there is no ritual. I'm just nice when it is near: There is always there, with whom to talk to, something to discuss ... From time to time I went to tournaments with my friends - we have a good company.

Grave burden of glory

- Father does not combine the features of your manager?

No, my manager is Espire Agdestain, although the signature on all contracts is worth it. We have complete mutual understanding, dad does not interfere in these things.

- And he is engaged in your unashable things, "promotion"?

Not. We do nothing at all in this regard. I have a friend who performs the functions of my "impresario" - he answers questions and negotiates my participation, for example, in television programs or interviews for newspapers.

These are my permanent sponsors for several years now. These are large, respected in Norway firm. SIMONSEN, I even keep a blog, although not very regularly.

Do not take judge. But since they regularly prolong the contract, apparently, I will benefit their business. From time to time I participate in some of their promotions. Normal work. I have no complexes about this.

- And you are generally famous in Norway. When you go on the street, you will know you?

Yes, at home there are many people know me, out of the crowd ...

- Do you like it or, on the contrary, creates problems?

Nothing wrong. The only thing annoying a little when people fit on the street and begin to communicate with me, as if we were just yesterday ... it looks a bit strange! Usually there is no problem if I ask for an autograph or, for example, asked to take pictures with someone. I will not say that I really like it, but this is the inevitable side of fame.

- Can you refuse someone?

If someone is too pressing, and I have a bad mood - I can refuse.

- Do you often find yourself on the national TV, give interviews to newspapers?

As I said, there is Agdestain, who is engaged in all these questions ... He gets some suggestions every day. And if it believes that the invitation is worth accepting, go to television or give an interview with the newspaper - I do it.

- How do you feel about this side of your work?

I can not say that it causes me delight or rejection. At times it happens even interesting. But I do not like to lose a lot of time on it.

- What do you think you have many fans in Norway?

No idea! I know, in our country there are many people who do not even play chess, but still follow my speeches. It's amazing! When he played in the World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk, five years ago, I was shown the statistics of site visits. Norway was confident in the first three on request.

In short, many in Norway know who I am. But some statistics on personal fans I do not have. Probably, you need to hold a tournament at home ...

- never thought to "convert" his popularity into something tangible?

What, for example?

For example, to get acquainted with the girl who you like, get some thing that is not so easy to get a "ordinary" person?

I will not say that I ever tried to squeeze something out of my fame. First, I'm not sure that it will definitely "work." And secondly ... If I suddenly want to meet a girl in the bar, then I will hardly tell her that I am a famous chess player. People there for both drinking to become bolder!

- Do you consider yourself brave in various life situations?

I try to go to the end. If something has decided for himself, if I think that right.

- Have you ever to fight, defending your rights?

Each of us, at least once in life fought. True, I no longer remember when.

- But if you suddenly have?

I will try to find some other way to settle things.

- Do you prefer to spill your aggression on a chessboard?

It would not say that I am aggressive. This is not the most bright quality. The same Casparov is much aggressive me, I felt it, working with him ...

- What feelings are experiencing, looking at the global rating?

I like that I am on the first line. I want it to be so longer!

- Do you think that someday beat Harry's rating records?

Little. I can not say that this is my itself, but I believe that I could potentially gain more than 2851. But, I repeat, it is not so fundamentally. If this happens, it will be great. And it will not work, I will not upset hard ...

POKER? No - Chess!

Asking about hobbies, I thought you would "split" - recently there are stubborn rumors that you are seriously carried away by Poker. This is true?

No, these rumors are greatly exaggerated. I play, but very rarely and the little things.

By quoting all the same rumors, they say that you advised you to play poker, almost Casparov - they say, it is useful for the development of intuition ...

And this is already completely complete nonsense! Not sure that he himself plays poker.

- Well, then you yourself have to tell how everything was!

History is simple ... For the first time I played in 2005 at the European Team Championship. Nielsen explained the rules, gave his account on some of the rooms so that I would try my strength. The fact is that many players in that tournament walked after the party in the casino, and I was not trivial there - I was only 15 years old.

- And you started rolling on the net?

I would not call it a roller. Peter-Heine said that I can take his account and play, but warned that I would not lose more $ 25!

- What played?

I sat down for Cash tables of unlimited Hold'em $ 0.25 / $ 0.50. At first, I quickly gave Nielsen $ 25, then, fearing, no matter how he returned, played them back. At that moment, when Peter-Heine returned, I was in a slight minus, but then everything, alas, lost ... more than Nielsen I defined. It was my first time.

- What were the first impressions?

I did not like what I lost, but I understood that I could beat them! Given those serious mistakes that I allowed, these people could be played ...

- Have you tried your strength on nowline?

I would not say that it was very interested in me, and chess took me a lot of time. About the year after that did not play at all. And then, from time to time I began to play alive with my friends at school.

- Poker for you - pure entertainment in a pleasant company?

Yes, nothing serious. For example, I do not play at absolutely on the Internet.

- Surely never captured?

Once, a few years ago. Approximately a week I played from morning to evening, but it seems to me, since I had enough for years ahead!

- Lot a lot that time?

No, just "poke" poker. I often "moved", I still sat down and played yet, but at some point I suddenly became uninteresting. This happens.

- Your favorite game?

Like everyone, I play Hold'em. Several times with the guys we tried to play Omaha, but for us it's too complicated game: everything ends inevitable all-else on the flop, and there who will be lucky. Approximately also played Omaha on Full Tlit.

What do you think about other players who go from chess to poker, considering that they can earn much more?

This is the choice of everyone. Someone better feels in poker, and someone likes chess. I have little bluff for my board, I'm looking for the best course. Maybe because of this, I and for poker table harder. And someone has it happening more naturally.

And even when I play with my friends, my goal is not to win money, and to reveal their bluff, to show logic. I like to disclose other people's ideas.

Based on your approach, ever ever see you playing in some poker tournament? Moreover, a serious, expensive tournament.

I will not charge for the future, but in the near future - no. I somehow played in the same live tournament in Norway. I can not say that I really liked it. Here in the cache game, where you can stand at any time because of the table, it is easier for me ... and then, I didn't have the opportunity to really play. Every minute someone came to me, I asked about something: "You are the famous chess player, how did you bring here?!"

- Never compared poker and chess himself?

There is something in common between them - and there and there it is necessary to analyze the situation, not lose concentration, calculate the chances. But in poker a lot depends on the case, in chess I fully control the situation. So I choose chess!

Publication time: 09/24/2011 21:09 | Last updated: 09/24/2011 21:15

Judging by the information published in the new book "Smarte Trekk. Magnus Carlsen" Journalist Hallegeir Named and responses in the Norwegian press on the presentation of this work, the author of which during the year followed the career of a young star, parting Magnus Carlsen with the coach Harry Kasparov was not so cloudless As they tried to submit parties in the "Communique" published at one time.

In the semi-annual cooperation of Karlsen and Kasparov, the difficulties with communication were agreed, since the you used to work alone, the young Norwegian sometimes found guardianship and activity of Kasparov excessive.

By the turning point was the loss of Karlsen Vladimir Kramnik at the tournament Weeh-An-Zee in January 2010, when the first line of the Magnus rating has already gone to one of the most fundamental rivals. The party, we recall, went in extremely difficult struggle. Playing White Carlsen missed the advantage of the 18th move and ultimately remained at the broken trough.

Before the game Kasparov managed to "wind" the Norwegian, who wrote on his page in Facebook, which defeats the Kramnik under the nut. After lesion, Magnus was subjected to mockery on the Internet. He was terribly angry and decided that until the end of the tournament would make decisions himself, without the participation of Kasparov. Carlsen also allegedly deleted four thousand "friends" from his tape in Facebook.

A few weeks after the end of the tournament, in which he still managed to win, Carlsen decided to stop working together with Kasparov, who, in turn, perceived this decision extremely painful.

Over the time who has passed since the professional break, Karlsen's relationship with Kasparov has normalized.

1. D4 NF6 2. C4 E6 3. NF3 D5 4. G3 DXC4 5. BG2 BB4 + 6. BD2 A5 7. NC3 OO 8. A3 BE7 9. QA4 C6 10. QXC4 B5 11. QB3 BA6 12. BG5 NBD7 13. BXF6 GXF6 14. QC2 B4 15. NA4 RC8 16. OO C5 17. D5 EXD5 18. BH3 BB5 19. AXB4 AXB4 20. RFD1 D4 21. BF5 NE5 22. BXH7 + KG7 23. NXE5 FXE5 24. BF5 RC6 25. QE4 RH8 26. Qxe5 + BF6 27. QE4 RE8 28. QG4 + KF8 29. BE4 C4 30. BXC6 BXC6 31. QH5 RE5 32. QH6 + KE7 33. E4 D3 34. QE3 BXE4 35. NB6 BB7 36. QF4 QXB6 37. QXC4 RE2 38. RF1 0-1.

    In the eighth round of the Bielsk tournament, the first meeting of the leader was completed, Karlsen-Morozhevich. In the Vienna version of the queen Gambit, Norwezhez received an extremely minor advantage from the debut, nothing significant to achieve him further.

    French Maxim Your Lagrav has been awarded the prize from the tournament organizers in Wike-An-See for the best party of the fourth round. Together with Alexei Shirov, they played the current version of the Protection of Grunefeld, who met, in particular, in the first party of last year's match for the championship of the World Topalov - Anand.

    Under the noise of air conditioners Alexey Shirov and Levon Aronian told about their party, about the history of the option applied in it and about the attack of Marshall in general. Listen to the audio.

    A somewhat more busy than, turned out to be a duel of Magnus Karlsen with Yan Nepomny. The Russian admitted that the opponent managed to surprise him, choosing not the most ambitious version with 3.BB5 + in Sicilian protection. "But the course is not without poison," the Yang clarified.

    In Chinese Hainan, the match between Anatoly Karpov and Hou Yifan continues. Recall that yesterday the twelfth world champion defeated the young rival in black. Today's second party was held under the dictation of Chinese chess players, but Karpov managed to keep an unpleasant position.

    Expected with great interest Meeting the World Champion of Vichy Ananda and the leader of Magnus Karlsen's rating in the first round of the "Big Helmet" started in São Paulo, a rather colorless draw.

Magnus Karlsen is the current world champion. Many consider him a strongest chess player in history, although they can also qualify for this honorary title. In any case, Carlsen is the best of the best, although he is not yet 30 years old.

It is not difficult to understand why. At 13, the Norwegian Wunderkind in the same tournament in 2004 played a draw with Kasparov and won a month before becoming second in the age of the grandmaster in history. In 2009, he became the most young chess player who was conquered a rating level of 2800.

Soon, Carlsen moved from the discharge of strong adderkinds in the Pantheon of the greatest chess players in history. He rose to the first line of the world ranking in 2011 and since then it was not inferior to anyone. Becoming the world champion in classic chess, he defended the title three times. He repeatedly became the world champion on Rapidu (twice) and Blitz (four times), established a world record for the highest rating and won ten victories in the tournaments of the strongest, including twice in Stavanger (Norway) and seven times in Wike-An-See ( Netherlands).

The most amazing thing is that the Karlsen still has ahead. Continuing in the same vein, he will leave a truly legendary heritage. In the era, when the competition in chess is greater than ever, he is much ahead of all rivals.

Childhood (1995 - 2004)

Karlsen learned to play chess at five years old, but at first they were not too interested. He surprised other people, demonstrating a large intellectual potential at a very early age.

In two years, Carlsen collected mosaics out of 50 details and played with Lego sets, designed for children from 10 to 14 years. When Henrik Karlsen, the father of the child, introduced him to chess, he already remembered the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory, the number of inhabitants, flags and the capital of all countries of the world. Later, Carlsen remembered the area, the number of inhabitants, coat of arms, and administrative centers of all areas of Norway, and in the country 422.

Memory helped Carlsen and in his chess classes. At first he just wanted to defeat the younger sister, but soon he began to disassemble the parties shown by the Father, to solve the combination and read books. His first book - "Find a plan", Six-time Champion Denmark and the strongest Chess player Scandinavia before the appearance of Karlsen.

At the beginning of Chess Career, Carlsen helped their talent strongest grandmaster of Norway, seven-time champion of the country Siememan Agdestaine and Norwegian champion among juniors Torbjorn Rigdale Hansen.. For the year (2000), its rating has increased more than 1,000 points: from 904 to 1907.

Soon Carlsen began to seek impressive success and win victories. In July 2000, at nine years, he became the champion of Norway under 11 years old with a result of 10/11 and took part in several tournaments, in one of them showing the performance of 1900.

Then, according to Karlsen and his family, a real breakthrough occurred: at the Norwegian Team Children's Championship in September 2000, he scored 3.5 out of 5 against the strongest juniors of the country. At nine years, Carlsen played in a performance tournament above 2000.

In 2002, the rapid takeoff of Karlsen continued. He took the sixth place at the European Championships up to 12 years old, and in a few weeks divided the first place at the World Championships to 12 years, although he lost on additional indicators that became the champion.

A year later, Carlsen got into the top ten European championships and the world for up to 14 years. At the age of 12, he earned three points of the International Master for the year, having received this title in August 2003.

Grossmaster Teenager (2004 - 2009)

Karlsen gives a session of a simultaneous game in 2004. Photo: Wikipedia Commons, CC 3.0.

The Norwegian phenomenon has become famous all over the world after a successful 2004. At first, Karlsen won in the "C" tournament in Waik-An-See, gaining 10.5 / 13 with the performance of 2702. This was enough to get the first score of the grandmaster, get into the headlines of the newspapers and conclude a sponsorship agreement with Microsoft.
Having received the second point of grandmaster next month, Carlsen took part in the Blitz tournament in Iceland, where he managed to defeat Anatoly Karpova, The 12th world champion, which is considered one of the 10 greatest chess players of all time. The next day, in the fast chess tournament, 13-year-old Carlsen played against Kasparov, then the strongest chess player in the world.

It is surprising that Kasparov, who was in the heyday, hardly achieved a draw. Karlsen got a big advantage, but got into Zeitnot. Karlsen gave way to Kasparov in the response party, but his struggle with two legends of Chess caused a huge interest of fans and the press.

In April of the same year, Carlsen received the third and last score of the grandmaster, becoming at the age of 13, four months and 27 days. Faster - at 12 years and seven months, it was continuously conquered only, whose record has not yet been surpassed.

In 2004, Carlsen divided the first place at the Norwegian Championship with the current champion Berg Ostestad. Both Tai Break Parties ended in a draw, and Ostenstad retained the title due to the best additional indicators.

The following year, Carlsen again divided the first place, this time - with his teacher, Agdestin. The rules have changed, and now there are no additional indicators (the best of Karlsen). AGDENSTEIN won Karlsen in the sixth of the fast match of the Tai Break. Carlsen won the title champion only for the next year and since then did not participate in Norway championships.

In 2005, 14-year-old Carlsen ranked first at Arnold Eikrem Memorial with 8/9 and High Performance 2792, a prosperidation of more experienced grandmasters. At the end of 2005, at the age of 15, he took the tenth at the FIDE World Cup, becoming the most young in the history of the chess player, which was reported to participate in the matchs of applicants. In the match, held only in 2007, he met with the first seedy. Six parties in the classics did not reveal the winner, and Aronian won on the rapid on the rapid.

In 2006, Karlsen with Performance 2696 shared the first place on a two-circuit tournament in Sarajevo, where six grandmaster rates with an average rating of 2659 took part. He also won the Glitnir Blitz blitz tournament, winning the semifinals and the final and Hannes Stefansson With the same score 2-0. On the 37th Chess Olympiad, he scored 6/8, showing the fifth performance among 42 chess players with the ranking higher than that of Karlsen and 13 - above 2700.

At the tournament in Bile Carlsen held the last place in 2005 and the second in 2006. In 2007, he first won in Bile at the tournament of the 18th category (with an average rating of participants from 2676 to 2700), typing 6/10 points with Performance 2753 and overtaking four grandmasters who were among the strongest in the world: (9), ( 14), (19) and (25).

2008 17-year-old Karlsen started two perfromans above 2800. In the starting list of the tournament "A" in Wike An-See, where from 14 participants 11 were among the strongest in the world, and only two rating was below 2700, he was the tenth, but I shared first place with Aronian.

On a two-circuit tournament in Linaresa, Karlsen was inferior on the rating the rest of the participants, but with the result of 8/14 he took a clean second place, retarding only from the world champion of Ananda. Also in 2008, Carlsen took the first place in the Aerosvit tournament (Aerosvit), typing 8/11 points without defeat and with the best performance at that time 2877.

Youth 2800+ (2009 - 2013)

In September-October 2009, Carlsen performed perfectly at the Supernison in Nanjing, gaining 8/10, at 2.5 points more than the remaining second, who had the highest rating in the world at the highest rating. All delighted the Performance of Karlsen-3001, the fourth since the beginning of the official application of the Elo system in 1970. After the tournament Statistics Chess Jeff Sonas I called this success by one of the 20 greatest tournament victories of all the times and the greatest, obsessed with a teenager.

At 18, the Norwegian Wunderkind won the Pearl Spring Chess tournament in Nanjing and raised his ranking on 29 points, from 2772 to 2801. He became the fifth chess player in the history that has reached the ranking of 2800 and still remains the youngest one who managed to.

A month later, Karlsen was two weeks before his 19th birthday, he became the world champion in Blitz, gaining 31/42 with Performance 2894 - three points more than the current world champion in classic chess Vishvanatan Anand. And six more than the 14th world champion and Karyakin, dividing the third place. The tournament took place in two circles with the participation of 22 chess players with an average rating of 2718.

Successful 2009 ended for Karlsen in London on a superstorener, where an unusual gradual accrual system was used: three for victory and one draw. Karlsen took first place by typing 13 points with three victories, including - over Kramnik.

The victorious series continued in 2010. In January, Carlsen won the tournament in Wike An-Xee with a result of 8.5 of 13 points, ahead of Kramnik, , Ananda and. In June, Carlsen won the tournament in Mediash 7.5 / 10 without defeats with Performance 2918, two points ahead of Rajabov and.

Tonight, Norwegian grandmaster Magnus Karlsen was defended by the World Chess Champion title for the second time, the touring of the Russian Sergey Karyakin on Tai Break. "SE" gathered ten bright facts about the current champion.


Magnus was born on November 30, 1990, so on the last match for the title of world champion against Sergey Karjakin, he was 26 years old. Struggle for chess crown It was tense: after 12 major batches of the match with classic time control, the bill remained equal to 6: 6. The draw was and after the first two batches on a tie break - only in the third and fourth parties managed to identify the winner.

It was very difficult. If we talk about matches for the chess crown, then, of course, it was the most complex fight. I would compare it with the Tutornament of applicants in 2013, in which I won, - Magnus noted at the final press conference.

For the victory, Carlsen will receive 550 thousand dollars, 5 percent of which FIDE and the organizer will keep as a fine for departure from a press conference after the defeat in the eighth batch. Karyakin will receive a fee of 450 thousand dollars.

Chess Mozart.

Karlsen became a grandmaster aged 13 years 4 months and 27 days, which is the third result in the world after Sergey Karyakin and Indian Parimaryan Niga, who received a chess title, being for five days younger than Norwegian. At the age of 15, Carlsen at the tournament in Khanty-Mansiysk becomes the youngest challenger on the chess crown in history. At the age of 16 - he is the youngest player who overcomed to the bar in 2,700 Points of ELO rating, which is adopted by the international federation of Chess (FIDE) as the most objective indicator of the skill of the chess player.

Later he becomes the youngest grandmaster, overcoming the bar in 2800 points. In 2013, Norwegzz became the owner of the highest Elo indicator in the entire history of the existence of the rating - 2872 points. In 19 years, Magnus is the youngest chess player who headed FIDE rating. Karlsen is the first in the history of Chess absolute world champion in three categories (classic chess, rapid and blitz). In the western press Magnus, they compared with Fisher and Thalem, and the Washington Post edition called Karlsen "Chess Mozart".

Pupil Kasparov

In 2009, the Norwegian publication VG publishes the news - the former number one chess Harry Kasparov in secret for several months worked as a personal trainer of Karlsen. At that time, Norwegez held the fourth line of the FIDE rating, and the task voiced later to Kasparov was to achieve Magnus first position. For the year of the collaboration of Kasparov and Karlsen held two preparatory sessions in the spring and two-week fees in Croatia in the summer of 2009. In addition, the chess players were engaged in Skype. According to Karlsen, communication with Kasparov helped him better understand many positions.

I coached the Norwegian during the year, in 2009, - wrote later Kasparov in The New. Times. "And he was then amazed as far as exactly - at the level of intuition, without any additional miscalculation - he is able to evaluate the position on the chessboard and act further as much as possible. My style is completely different: it demanded a colossal concentration of energy and labor behind the board, demanded a deep miscalculation of the set of options to find the only right course in each position on the board. Karlsen belongs to another champion school, the one that was represented by Jose Capablanca and Anatoly Karpov: they were able to feel harmony on a chessboard and reminded virtuoso musicians with absolute hearing.

The most influential titanium

In 2013, Magnus Karlsen was included with Time magazine to the list of "100 most influential people in the world" in the category "Titans". The company in the category was compiled by such personalities as the reper Jay-Z, the billionaire and the inventor of Ilon Mask and the James Lamb Basketball Player.

"His intuitive style of the game retains mystic chess at a time when every fan is more and more complex computer processors think that the game is simplified. Carlsen is as charismatic and independent as talented. And if he can revive interest in the world to the world royal game, soon we will live in Era Carlsen, "wrote Harry Kasparov as a comment to the nomination. In November of the same year, Norwegz met with the current world champion Indian Vishvanatan Anand and for the first time won the chess crown, which owns to this day.

Unprecedented attention

Spectator excitement for the championship match of Karlsen - Karyakin increased from the party to the party and reached a record scale. In Norway, some parties lived on TV to half a million people, and this is despaling to match the title of world chess champion and ski seasons. According to the president of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) Kirsan Ilyumzhina, the online audience of the 12th game of the match in the world amounted to more than three million people.

For each match of the match Karlsen - Karyakin on the Internet, representatives of 217 countries and territories are followed, which is an absolute record. To keep track of the parties to the site where the match is broadcast, more than three million people come in, "said Ilyumzhinov.

According to analysts, the overall online audience of the match amounted to 7 million viewers. More than 30 thousand publications on the theme of the chess confrontation of Karlsen and Karyakin came around the world.

Hypnotist or pragmatic computer

Carlsen is often compared with a supercomputer. "He wins the leading chess players such positions in which they usually agree to a draw," Grossmaster Evgeny Bereev said in 2010. - He has a phenomenal technique and in addition as if the complete absence of the nervous system. Well, the Karlsen options consider very good. . Magnus Karlsen is a chess machine to achieve the result. "

There is, however, another opinion: Karlsen is a hypnotist. "In the world of chess there are several people with incredible hypnotic abilities," Victor Corrhan swissmaster in his book wrote in his book. "- I believe that Enrique Meking is in a group of three people who have been successful not always chess. This is Mikhail Tal, Magnus Karlsen. And Enrique Meking.

Mat Bill Gates for 12 seconds

In January 2014, on the air of the Scandinavian NRK television channel during the Skalan program, the World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen held an indicative match against one of the richest people of Planet Bill Gates. For all moves, Carlsen received 30 seconds, and Gates - 2 minutes. Nevertheless, to put the mat businessman, Norwegz had enough nine moves, for which he spent only 12 seconds. Meeting with Gates was not accidental for Karlsen. Eleven years earlier, the largest computer company became interested in young giving and began to provide him with sponsorship. With the support of computer magnate, Carlsen held the first annual tour of the world.

Karlsen and Real

Magnus adores football and is a loyal fan of Madrid "Real". In 2013, the leadership of the Spanish club invited a young grandmaster to apply the first symbolic blow to the ball in the match against the "Real" from Valladolid, than Carlsen with joy took advantage. Next year, after the protection of the World Chess World Champion title, President Florentino Perez sent the second invitation to Magnus. The Scandinavian chess player is one of the few people who have honored the honor of putting a symbolic first blow in the "Royal Club" matches twice. Interestingly, Sergey Karyakin also loves football and is sick for Moscow "Spartak".

Sophisticated Russian basketball

Carlsen does not neglect his physical form. He loves not only to watch football, but also play it. He also regularly visits the gym and goes on skis with pleasure. "I still like big tennis and squash, as well as basketball," said Grossmaster in an interview with ChessPro. - Yes, I'm not very good in basketball, but I like this game. There is a lot of struggle, martial arts and a lot of pleasure. True, this year I tried to play basketball against Russian guys - and it was not pleased. They play much stronger! " By the way, Karyakin also plays football and basketball, and tennis lessons took the famous tennis players Anna Chakvetadze.

Fashion model

The Carlsen chess player successfully combines the role of fashion model. In 2010, together with American film actress and model Tyler Liv, he took part in the advertising company of the collection of clothes "Autumn / Winter", and in 2014, together with Lily Cole - "Spring / Summer", released by the fashionable Dutch company. In addition, the Norwegian is the face of a chess application for smartphones, which, when determining the level of complexity of the game, is guided by the level of the game of Karlsen in one or another age. These and other advertising contracts allow Magnus to earn more than a million dollars a year.

Magnus Karlsen is one of the youngest grandmasters of the world. There are several chess Oscars in the young man's account. The young athlete managed, it would seem impossible: he has the highest rating of Elo for the entire period of its existence - 2882 points. This indicator of Magnus has reached in the spring of 2014, breaking the record held for 13 years.

The full name of a chess genius - Sven Magnus Ein Carlsen. The baby was born in November 1990 in the town of Tonsberg, which is located in the Norwegian province of Westfoll. In addition to the son, three daughters were grown in the family: the eldest Helllen and two younger - ingre and a signal.

The boy turned out to be a gift for his father - engineer of the oil company Henric Karlsen. He is an avid chess player who has achieved in this sport of a solid result: an Elo rating is 2100 points. With the birth of a son, Henrick had a chance to grow himself a worthy partner on his beloved game. What a father began immediately.

The boy showed outstanding mental abilities. At 4, Magnus knew all 436 titles of Norway municipal cities. Another child unmistakably called the capital of the countries of the world and their flags.

Already in 5 years, Magnus sat for a black and white board. And after 3 years, the guy achieved impressive results. For a successful blitz game on the Internet, Microsoft sent the Karlsen family in Tour for a year.

Magnus was ahead of development peers. It was visible to the naked eye. Therefore, in school, the guy had difficulty. Children did not take the child to them and expressed dislike rudeness and ridicule.


Since 2000, 10-year-old Magnus Carlsen was trained by International Master Torbierne Ringeal Hansen. This is the pupil of Norway champion and grandmaster Symemina Agdestain. It is noteworthy that the mentor advised the student to improve the technology of the game Tutorials of Soviet authors, among which the books of the Mark Butler and Mikhail Shereeshevsky. But after 2 years, young Magnus took everything from Hansen that he could offer him. Therefore, Agdestin himself took the preparation of a talented teenager.

At the age of 13, Magnus Karlsen managed to pass the way from Young Wunderkind to a chess superstar. The teenager becomes the youngest grandmaster, taking the 2nd place at the World Cup in Dubai. It happened in April 2004.

In Reykjavik, Magnus defeated the 12th World Champion, and with the second champion - Harry Kasparov - played a draw. From that moment, the brilliant chess biography of Magnus Karlsen begins. Victory followed one after another, hitting chess world. In 2005, the guy entered the top ten of the strongest players at the World Championship, which was held in Khanty-Mansiysk, and managed to confirm the title of the strongest chess player of the planet. At the same time - the youngest.

In 2009, the Norwegian Wunderkind coached Kasparov. First secretly, and then openly. Training took place from March to September. Thanks to the Russian mentor, Magnus Karlsen party becomes more virtuoser. As Casparov admitted, he was amazed by the abilities of the 19-year-old Norwegian. He demonstrated talent with one intuition, without additional miscalculations. He feels harmony chess game So, it feels a musician-virtuoso, which has absolute hearing. Not in vain Magnus Karlsen fans are called "chess Mozart".

In the same 2009, Magnus Carlsen visited China's tournament by typing 8 out of 10 possible points. This performance is considered the best among all those who followed. Norwegz managed to achieve the highest rating of Elo in history, leaving behind his mentors, including Kasparov.

In 2011, Carlsen managed to defeat the main rival for that period -. Two years later, the young grandmaster fell among the most influential people of the planet. The list next to this player adjoin the presidents and the richest people of the planet.

In the same 2013, the Norwegian chess player became the 13th world champion in this form of intellectual sports.

For a big honor to play a party with him counted and.

Gates young man put a mat for 9 moves, spending on the game 11 seconds. Naturally, the young man beat Zuckerberg without difficulty.

Norwegians are considered a universal player, but at the same time the Mittelspil and endgame, in which the chess player is especially strong. About the technique and style of the game of a young man Many rivals and mentors respond only to an excellent degree. Karyakin says that the Norwegian chess player "plays almost perfectly." Netherlands grandmaster Luke Van led argues that Magnus Carlsen is unique in that "where others do not see anything in position, he is just starting to play." At the same time, it delicately feels the psychology of the opponent.

About this ability of the Norwegian even go legends. Soviet, and later, the Swiss chess player Victor Corrun said that the success of Karlsen "do not have a direct relationship to chess - Magnus simply hypnotizes the opponent." And the observation chess fans claim that the Maneru of the Norwegian Games can be called "lazy grace."

But there are skeptics. So grandmaster Yuri Razuvayev, characterizing the Norwegian star, believed that "Tactic he is the most ordinary, but here is a positional talent at him at the level of Petrosyan or Karpova."

In January 2016, the famous chess player took the 1st place at the famous Weik-An-See tournament in the Netherlands.

The greatest attention of Russians and fans of the game from around the world was riveted to the Norwegian star in 2016 in connection with the fighting of a guy with a strong Russian rival Sergey Karyakin. Karyakin managed to "beat" the Karlsen record, becoming the most young grandmaster of the world - in 12 years.

The match for the title of world champion took place in New York from 11 to 30 November 2016. It consisted of 12 parties. It is noteworthy that this match was called the most "young", because the opponents were then 25 and 26 years. Prize Foundation reached 1 million dollars. The winner received 60% of this considerable amount, and the loser - the rest of 40. Magnus Karlsen and Sergey Karyakin were considered the most strong chess players in the world for 2016.

After the 12 parties played, the bill was 6: 6. As a result, a tie break with shortened time control. Then Karlsen won with a translate 3: 1, retaining the title of world champion.

In the same year, one Internet portal reviewed 8 chess debuts Magnus Karlsen, thanks to which a young man manage to stay on top of Chess Olympus. These include " Spanish party, Berlin Protection"," Sicilian defense "," Novo Indian Protection "," Refused Ferzy Gambit "and others.

Personal life

In addition to chess, Norwegian has many other hobbies. Magnus plays a tennis, football and basketball. Virtuously holds on skis and adores comics.

The considerable article of the income of Magnus Karlsen is a job guy model. Young grandmaster advertises the clothes known dutch company G-Star Raw. Magnus Colleagues - and Jamma Arton. The advertising activity of the chess player brings a guy more than a million dollars a year.

Behind the heart of the chess star is hunting a lot of beauties. With a height of 185 cm, the chess star is a prominent guy. But the private life of Magnus Karlsen is still undefined. This young man with a heavy look at the question of the newspaper "The Telegraph" about his personal life answered that he did not think about creating a family. And under 25, the young man did not fall in love. In the same conversation, the chess player noted that the hobbies, of course, arose, but not love.

In 2017, one beauty managed to conquer the heart of the king of a chessboard. The young man confirmed that he was in a relationship with a girl named Sin Christin Larsen. Magnus changed the status in "