Duke nukem how to pass stage 1. Duke Nukem Forever: Walkthrough. Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough - #1

What should we do first? Of course, “relieve”! By holding down the left mouse button, we satisfy a natural need.

When you get tired of doing this, press “E” and leave the toilet. We get out into the hall and draw the board according to our own taste. Now it's time to go extinguish the monsters. We follow the fighters and learn little about the intricacies of control.

Having reached the elevator, we select the first weapon - the Destroyer, go up and shoot at the huge Cycloid. We run in circles sideways and at one moment shoot. At the time when the shells run out, we wait for them to be delivered. The less health the Cycloid has, the closer we get to it and the more actively it tries to ram us. Based on this, you cannot let him out of your sight. Having knocked him down, we quickly run up to him and press the corresponding button.

After this, in addition to this, we quickly press “Space” and tear off a part of the body, after which the Cycloid dies. We do the signature move by pressing “E”. Once in the apartment, having finished with the twins, we leave the apartment and head to the elevator.

Why aren't we dozing?

Having gone downstairs, we head straight to the performance. In the corridor we listen to breaking news. We sign the book for the boy and head out to the studio. There are problems here, so we set out to find out what really happened. Let's go through the second passage and teach the star-studded dude a lesson.

We move along the corridors and get out to the elevator. Stuck on the penultimate floor, we use the illuminated emergency button and climb up the stairs that appear to the last floor. In the museum, we approach him and try to drive the boy away. We use the terminal on the right to take a picture of it.

We sit down on the chair and go downstairs.

Duke's Cave.

After talking with the General and the President, we move forward. An opponent is trying to break through the door. We hit him with our fists, open the door and pick up the illuminated object. We throw it at another. We enter the door on the left and kill two more. We select a weight and do little pumping, this gives an increase in health.

We tear off the illuminated hatch from the wall, crouch down and crawl. Having got out, we drink beer by pressing “6”. It makes us more resilient and opponents' attacks cause less damage to health. In the dark, you can use special glasses, button “F”. Open the door, turn left and go down the pipes.

In addition, enemies cannot see in the dark, this is a good chance to kill them without harm to health. In the last room we deal with two and knock out the grate on the wall. We jump down, where we are still crawling a little, and deal with our rivals.

Now we remove the containers supporting the pipe. We climb to another finish line and, soon sprinting, jump over to another pipe. In the room with the generator we collect power supplies from the boxes. Here we select the first weapon - the Laser Rifle. We place the sources in the appropriate connectors.

By inserting the second one, the door will open, from which the rivals will appear. We go through this door and, having killed a few more, we find ourselves in a room with a control panel for a machine. The third power source is located in the room with the controlled machine. Domestic task drag it to the hole in the wall. This is very easy to do, just carefully guide the machine, throw the source down and ram it through the hole. We select a power source and, returning to the generator, insert it into the connector.

We wait and pick up the resulting product - steroids. We accept them by pressing “5” and, running in a circle, we split our opponents into hand-to-hand combat. New creatures will crawl through the opened door. We kill them with weapons and move on. We purchase a new weapon - a branded M1911 pistol with a laser sight.

We open the door and move along the corridor, dealing with enemies. Only after wiping everyone off the face of the earth will we be able to use the huge weapon in the central room.

Carrier ship.

Having reached the surface, we wait until the alien ship’s weapon begins to destroy the city. We shoot at it until it is completely destroyed. Don’t forget to keep an eye on the temperature and enemy aircraft flying over us. Then, one of the downed fighters pushes us away, and we fall down again.

Having regained consciousness four hours later, we break out the grate on the wall and crawl along the ventilation shaft.


Having walked to the end, we find ourselves at an elevator that is about to fall. There is a lever next to the cable. We activate it by holding LMB. On the opposite wall are numbers indicating floors. We squeeze the lever all the way until there are 10–12 floors left.

We jump down and open the elevator door. We step on the liquid that has shrunk us! Noticing the boy, we move the cart away, ramming it.

We get into the car and, using afterburner, fly over the springboard. Then, we move along the only road. Having reached the first floor, we carefully drive along the edge of the destroyed fountain. Having gone around it, we accelerate, how to head and fly over.

After this, we must not only skillfully avoid obstacles, but also evade opponents so as not to become their target.

Heartbreaker: part 2.

We drive through the hall, dodging enemies. You can't go through the next door. We leave the car and crawl under it. We climb onto the pool table through the suitcases. Getting to the toggle switch will not be difficult.

Just don’t forget to kill the rats, otherwise they will do this to us before we activate the switch. We return to the car and jump over the springboard. The danger increases with the appearance of pig-like creatures. We are constantly on the move, and soon we are looking for new springboards. We meet a POP warrior who will be able to expand us if we open the gate.

We move the cart to the toggle switch and through the beds we get directly to it. We go to the magnifying platform opposite the exhibit, between the sisters. We break the glass and pick up the shotgun.

We destroy emerging enemies, both on the ground and attacking from a helicopter. At the time when the sisters fall through the ground, we open the illuminated grate and return to the gaming rooms. We can withstand the waves of our opponents in a similar way.

In the hall with the car on the podium, there are steroids on both the front and back sides. We pass along the corridor, jumping over the gap on the right side.

Heartbreaker: Part 3.

We move forward, killing enemies. Having reached our own statue, using the console we move our right hand to the tallest building on the right. Click the right mouse button and soon climb up. We kill the pig snout and through the room we find ourselves in ventilation shaft. Having passed along it, we jump down. We move away and shoot at the laser source.

The next one we crawl crouched, after that we jump over the boxes. And again we shoot at the bases located on the ceiling. On the second floor, we also explode the lasers, and extinguish the flames that appear by shooting at the fire extinguishers.

We select mines and break down the door. We move back and scatter mines against the oncoming creatures. We replenish the ammunition using a box with shells.

In the hall we will be attacked by a flying grenade launcher. We invariably move, we need to in one direction, and attack as close as possible with a shotgun. Having dealt with the aliens, we see the general.

Ruins of Las Vegas.

Having found out how happy Dylan is to work with us, we head to the truck and select a new weapon - the Ripper. We walk along the street until we find ourselves at the barricade. Using the turret, we destroy a couple of waves of aliens. We move on through the vacated passage. Having mined the rubble, we wait for the explosives to detonate and follow the bridge. Unfortunately, assistants are killed.

We jump down and deal with the aliens. If possible, take your time and use the turret to save ammo. On the box we find a new weapon - an RPG.

We meet with the soldier and the captain of the PDF. Having repulsed the enemy attack, a huge Commander appears. We can only use RPGs or explosives against him. Under no circumstances do we rise in front of him, so as not to appear under massive fire.

We shoot from around the corners and keep our distance. It is possible to replenish ammunition from the box, next to the fallen fighter. Having knocked down the thug, we run to him and use signature finishing moves twice.

After some time... Dylan appears. He is fully alive and well, despite the fact that it seemed that he would never return again after disappearing on the bridge.

Duke's Dome.

We move along the sewer tunnels. Electricity is blocking the path, so we expect that it will calm down for a while and soon we will cross the water on wooden planks. We extinguish the flames by shooting at the fire extinguisher on the hanging corpse. We climb up, where we see the builders. Soon the container lowers and we climb into it. The monster that appears kills all the people.

As long as we move through the air, we deal with enemies in sight. Don't forget that there is a box with shells nearby. Having flown out of the container, we turn around, jump over the boxes and shoot at the lock on the door.

We move around the site, killing pigfish. We pass through the container at the second finish and jump down. After going around the trailer, we climb onto the roof. Having shot through the glass, we get inside. We activate the toggle switch next to the door.

There is a new weapon on the table - the Railgun. A very wonderful sniper rifle, capable of “piercing” several opponents in sequence. We fight off the attack while in the trailer. After a couple of waves, the enemies will turn over the trailer, and we will be able to get out of it. We finish off the remaining ones and press the button next to the lattice door.

It is jammed, so we open it completely on our own.

Duke's Dome: part 2.

We move forward and at the end we find a swinging container containing a pair of barrels. We have to supplement it with barrels. One is on top of another container, and in it, you need wood boxes. And two more in a nearby container. To make them fall, we shoot at the red barrels. Having placed all of them in the last container, it hangs over and we can climb onto it through the nearby container.

We get to the tap, which does not work without a battery. We climb onto the crane and move along its lift. We get to the site through the container, shooting at the barrels in it. We climb up the red stairs and take the battery from the room. Using RPGs we destroy alien aircraft. We return to the tap and insert the battery.

We hammer into the wall of the building on the left until a hole appears. We use the forklift to enter the building and break down the door.

If you go down, you can find a Ripper machine gun at the end. And the necessary path is on the right, to do this we jump onto the stones. We destroy obstacles, crawl through the tunnel and roll the ball into the corresponding slot to open the door. All we do next is move forward, killing different creatures.

Having found the twins, we talk to them and soon they will mutate into small creatures. The next room requires a ball to open the door. Let's go along the other passage to the end.

We shoot at the larva and, when it turns into a ball, we roll it to the closed door.

Hive: part 2.

We shoot at the suspended corpses, from which both shells and weapons appear. We kill the enemies we see and clear the path of all kinds of obstacles. We jump to high places using special pushers. Having reached the pusher on the wall, in front of which there is an abyss, we throw explosives at it. At the time when it flies off, we detonate it and roll the resulting ball to the door.

At the bottom left we use the repeller.

Queen bitch mother.

We find ourselves in the building in front of a closed door. Hit the pear to increase your health bar. In the right room we select explosives and throw them into the passage to the left of the door, at as wide an angle as possible. When it falls from the other side, we detonate. We go out into the hall with the Queen.

We extract explosives from the illuminated boxes and throw them at the nearest repeller. At the time when it lands next to the Queen, we detonate. Soon we will attack the opened uterus with RPGs or explosives. We repeat these steps until it is completely destroyed.

In addition, do not forget to dodge her attacks and kill small creatures. Having hit the Queen, we run up to her mouth and finish her off.

"Tit City" by Duke Nukem.

After talking with the stripper, we go in search of popcorn, a condom and a vibrator. We go inside and turn right, go through the door with the inscription “Exit”. We go up the stairs and find ourselves in the room.

We take the condom from the table. We open the microwave, pick up the bag of popcorn lying on it and put it inside. We close and wait for it to cook.

Now it is possible to eat a product lying on the microwave, thereby increasing your health bar. Then, we go to the room next to the DJ console, near the podium. In one of the cabinets we find a vibrator. We return to the stripper's room to drink champagne.

We follow her, sit down on a chair and notice the show.

Crash course.

Having regained consciousness in the helicopter, we speak with the POP warrior. We get hit and crash into a building. We jump over the fence, if there is no weapon for close range, then we select a pistol. We pass forward, jump down and move along the tentacles. One wrong move and death awaits us, so we kill enemies from a distance. Having reached a stable surface, we deal with the flying aliens.

Along the fallen piece of concrete, we continue moving along the tentacles. Using pushers we find ourselves at the stairs. We climb along it to the fallen helicopter, into which we use the turret. Be sure to use the targeted flame, right-click.

While the helicopter is shaking, we soon turn around and jump out of it. We continue to move and soon the most wonderful weapon, the Destroyer, will come into our possession. We use it to destroy the alien fighter. After that, we kill several rivals, and one of them tries to kidnap us.

We press the appropriate buttons soon so as not to fall down.

Burger Duke.

We make our way through the tentacles and enter the diner. We climb onto the reducer and head to the cabins. Next to the first one we enter the utility room through the hole. We grow up and turn off the light by moving the shield. We destroy the boards supporting the door and leave the utility room.

Activate night vision. We shrink again and, jumping onto the bench, go through the shells until we fall into the vacuum between the walls. We climb up the pipe.

Burger Duke: part 2.

We fall down and climb onto the enlarging platform. We kill small pigfish. We move to the other side and decrease again. Now we are on an equal footing with our enemies. We climb onto the rack using the boxes at the end.

We go straight and head to the closed window through the tray. We climb the pipe and jump onto the tentacle. Along it we get to the playroom. We jump to the floor and kill the rats. Approaching the door, we will hear it being broken down.

Soon we run back, lure the aliens to the reducer and destroy them. In the room with the groceries we run to the door. We climb up the boxes on the left.

In addition, we kill the appearing enemies from the opposite shelf. From the last and largest box we jump to the other side. We climb up the pipe to the highest shelf.

Having passed to the end, we remove the ventilation hatch. The woman is in danger and needs to be rescued by turning off the electricity. We climb onto the cart and then everything is as in most cases.

We jump from one place to another. The spatulas act as pushers. Having passed through the dishwasher, we push the mop and move along it to the next shelf. We select the RPG, first of all we shoot at the top shelf on the opposite side so that it falls apart, and after that we deal with the enemies. We move to the other side and climb onto the surface, which, after swinging, how to guide, we jump forward. We jump down and carefully pass through the mousetraps.

We kill the opponent on the top shelf and on the fallen box, jump over to the other side. We climb up, select the moment to slip over the gas stove, and soon jump onto the sandwich. We jump down and walk further along the corpse. Having reached the toaster, we activate it and climb onto it. We shoot at the frying pans and use the cable. We jump from sandwich to sandwich.

Finally we turn off the electricity. The woman opens the door for us, we go into the room and climb through the boxes to the ventilation.

Duke's Burger: Part 3.

We shoot through the hatch and jump down. We climb onto the magnifier and climb up the stairs to the roof. We select a new weapon - Reducer. The PDF soldier informs us that they will come for us in five minutes. During this time, of course, we will start destroying the aliens. When reducing enemies, they must be killed immediately, otherwise they will return to their previous form.

At higher elevations there are still few shells for this weapon. After some time, rivals will appear with a new weapon - the Shredder. Effective against groups of ground enemies, but completely useless against flying ones. We use a shotgun to fight them.

We climb onto the arriving shuttle.

Desert Rally.

We fly over the desert, clearing the bridge from aliens. After this, we clear the landing area from pig snouts. In addition, we destroy the source of the appearance of enemies - ships.

Having landed, we get into the Bigfoot and, guided by the arrows, drive along the road.

Desert Rally: part 2.

We continue to advance through the desert. When enemies appear, we either crush them or ignore them. When crossing the gorge, use high acceleration by holding the right mouse button. The bridge runs out of gas at the most inopportune moment. We deal with the appearing aliens. When the path is clear, we move forward to the booth on the right.

We break out the lock and, according to the data in the corner, jump onto the roof. We take a canister of gasoline and a new device - Golodyuk, which allows us to create a domestic correct copy, despite the fact that we are made invisible. We break out the boards at the door and return to Bigfoot.

We fill up with gasoline and continue moving. We don’t accelerate too much, so as not to end up down.

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough - #1

Prologue. After the introductory video ends, we begin to study the game itself. We look around and use binoculars. We zoom in and out the view. We run forward to the destroyed building and...

Duke Nukem Forever

Duke is alive.

What should we do first? Of course, ! By holding down the left mouse button, we satisfy a natural need. When you get tired of doing this, click and leave the toilet. We get out into the hall and draw the board to our liking. Now it's time to go extinguish the monsters. We follow the fighters and learn a little about the intricacies of control. Having reached the elevator, we select the first weapon - the Destroyer, go up and shoot at the huge Cycloid. We run in circles sideways and shoot at the same time. When the ammunition runs out, we wait for it to be delivered. The less health the Cycloid has, the closer we get to it and the more actively it tries to ram us. Therefore, you cannot let him out of sight. Having knocked him down, we quickly run up to him and press the corresponding button. Then we also quickly press and tear off part of the body, after which the Cycloid dies. We perform the signature technique by pressing. Once in the apartment, having finished with the twins, we leave the apartment and head to the elevator.

Why aren't we sleeping?

Having gone downstairs, we head straight to the performance. In the corridor we listen to breaking news. We sign the book for the boy and head out to the studio. There are problems here, so we set off to find out what really happened. Let's go through another passage and teach the star-studded dude a lesson. We move along the corridors and get out to the elevator. Stuck on the penultimate floor, we use the illuminated emergency button and climb up the stairs that appear to the last floor. In the museum we approach the throne and try to drive the boy away. Use the terminal on the right to take a photo of it. We sit down on the chair and go downstairs.

Duke's Cave.

After talking with the President and General, we move forward. An enemy is trying to break through the door. We hit him with our fists, open the door and pick up the illuminated object. We throw it at another. We enter the door on the left and kill two more. We pick up a weight and pump ourselves up a little, this gives an increase in health. We tear off the illuminated hatch from the wall, crouch down and crawl. Having got out, we drink beer by pressing. It makes us more resilient and enemy attacks cause less damage to health. In the dark you can use special glasses, button. Open the door, turn left and go down the pipes. Enemies also cannot see in the dark, this is an excellent chance to kill them without harm to health. In the last room we deal with two and knock out the grate on the wall. We jump down, where we crawl a little more and deal with the opponents. Now we remove the containers supporting the pipe. We stand at the other end and, quickly sprinting, jump over to the other pipe. In the room with the generator, we collect power supplies from the boxes. Here we select the first weapon - the Laser Rifle. We place the sources in the appropriate connectors. By inserting the second one, the door will open, from which opponents will appear. We go through this door and, having killed a few more, we find ourselves in a room with a control panel for a machine. The third power source is in the room with the controlled machine. Our task is to drag it to the hole in the wall. This is very simple to do, just carefully operate the machine, throw the source down and ram it through the hole. We select a power source and, returning to the generator, insert it into the connector. We wait and pick up the resulting product - steroids. We accept them by pressing and, running in a circle, we split opponents in hand-to-hand combat. New creatures will crawl through the opened door. We kill them with weapons and move on. We get a new weapon - a branded M1911 pistol with a laser sight. We open the door and move along the corridor, dealing with enemies. Only by destroying everyone will we be able to use the huge weapon in the central room.

Carrier ship.

Having climbed to the surface, we wait until the alien ship’s gun begins to destroy the city. We shoot at it until it is completely destroyed. Don’t forget to monitor the temperature and enemy aircraft flying over us. Further, one of the downed fighters pushes us away, and we fall down again. Having woken up, four hours later, we break out the grate on the wall and crawl along the ventilation shaft.


Having walked to the end, we find ourselves at an elevator that is about to collapse. There is a lever next to the cable. We activate it by holding LMB. On the opposite wall are numbers indicating floors. We squeeze the lever all the way when there are 10-12 floors left. We jump down and open the elevator door. We step on the liquid that has shrunk us! Seeing the boy, we move the cart away, ramming it. We get into the car and, using the afterburner, fly over the springboard. Next, we move along the only road. Having reached the first floor, we carefully drive along the edge of the destroyed fountain. Having bypassed it, we accelerate properly and fly over. Then, we must not only deftly avoid obstacles, but also evade opponents so as not to become their target.

Heartbreaker: part 2.

We drive through the hall, dodging enemies. You can't go through the next door. We leave the car and crawl under it. We climb onto the pool table through the suitcases. Getting to the switch won't be difficult. Just don't forget to kill the rats, otherwise they will do it to us before we activate the switch. We return to the car and jump over the springboard. The danger increases with the appearance of pig-like creatures. We are constantly on the move and quickly looking for new springboards. We meet a PDF soldier who can increase us if we open the gate. We move the cart to the switch and through the sofas we get directly to it. We go to the magnifying platform opposite the exhibit, between the sisters. We break the glass and pick up the shotgun. We destroy emerging enemies, both on the ground and attacking from a helicopter. When the sisters disappear, open the illuminated grate and return to the gaming rooms. We can withstand waves of enemies in the same way. In the hall with the car on the podium, there are steroids on both the front and back sides. We pass along the corridor, jumping over the gap on the right side.

Heartbreaker: Part 3.

We move forward, killing enemies. Having reached our own statue, using the console we move our right hand to the tallest building on the right. Click the right mouse button and quickly climb up. We kill the pig snout and through the room we find ourselves in the ventilation shaft. Having passed along it, we jump down. We move away and shoot at the laser source. Next we crawl crouching, then jump over the boxes. And again we shoot at the bases located on the ceiling. We also explode lasers on the second floor, and extinguish the fire that appears by shooting at the fire extinguishers. We select mines and break down the door. We move back and scatter mines against the oncoming creatures. We replenish the ammunition using the ammunition box. In the hall we will be attacked by a flying grenade launcher. We constantly move, preferably in one direction, and attack as close as possible with a shotgun. Having dealt with the aliens, we meet with the general.

Ruins of Las Vegas.

Having learned how happy Dylan is to work with us, we head to the truck and pick up a new weapon - the Ripper. We walk along the street until we find ourselves at the barricade. Using the turret, we destroy several waves of aliens. We move on through the vacated passage. Having mined the rubble, we wait until the explosives detonate and follow the bridge. Unfortunately, the assistants are killed. We jump down and deal with the aliens. If possible, take your time and use the turret to save ammo. On the box we find a new weapon - an RPG. We meet with the captain and the PDF soldier. Having repelled the enemy attack, a huge Warlord appears. We use only RPGs or explosives against him. Under no circumstances should we stand in front of him, so as not to find ourselves under massive fire. We shoot from around the corners and keep our distance. You can replenish ammunition from the box next to the fallen fighter. Having knocked down the thug, we run to him and use signature finishing moves twice. After some time, Dylan appears. He is quite alive and well, although it seemed that he would never return after disappearing on the bridge.

Duke's Dome.

We move along the sewer tunnels. Electricity is blocking the path, so we wait for it to calm down for a while and quickly cross the water on wooden planks. We put out the fire by shooting at the fire extinguisher on the hanging corpse. We climb up, where we meet with the builders. Soon the container lowers and we climb into it. The monster that appears kills all the people. While we move through the air, we deal with enemies in sight. Don't forget that there is a box of ammunition nearby. Having flown out of the container, we turn around, jump over the boxes and shoot at the lock on the door. We move around the site, killing pigfish. We pass through the container at the other end and jump down. After going around the trailer, we climb onto the roof. Having shot through the glass, we get inside. We activate the switch next to the door. There is a new weapon on the table - the Railgun. A very powerful sniper rifle, capable of hitting several enemies in a row at once. We fight off the attack while inside the trailer. After a few waves, the enemies will turn over the trailer, and we will be able to get out of it. We finish off the remaining ones and press the button next to the lattice door. It's jammed, so we open it all the way on our own.

Duke's Dome: part 2.

We move forward and at the end we find a swinging container with several barrels inside. We have to supplement it with barrels. One is on top of another container, and also inside it, you just need to destroy the wooden boxes. And two more inside the adjacent container. To make them fall, we shoot at the red barrels. Having placed all of them in the last container, it hangs over and we can climb onto it through the nearby container. We get to the tap, which does not work without a battery. We climb onto the crane and move along its lift. We get to the site through the container, shooting at the barrels in it. We climb up the red stairs and take the battery from the room. Using RPGs we destroy alien aircraft. We return to the tap and insert the battery. We hammer the wall of the building on the left until a hole appears. We use the forklift to enter the building and break down the door.

If you go down, you can find a Ripper machine gun at the end. And the desired path is on the right, to do this we jump onto the stones. We destroy obstacles, crawl through the tunnel and roll the ball into the corresponding slot to open the door. All we do next is move forward, killing various creatures. Having discovered the twins, we talk to them and soon they mutate into small creatures. The next room requires a ball to open the door. We go along the other passage to the end. We shoot at the larva and, when it turns into a ball, we roll it to the closed door.

Hive: part 2.

We shoot at the suspended corpses, from which both ammunition and weapons appear. We kill the enemies we meet and clear the path of all kinds of obstacles. We jump to high places using special pushers. Having reached the pusher on the wall, in front of which there is an abyss, we throw explosives at it. When it flies off, we detonate it and roll the resulting ball to the door. At the bottom left we use the repeller.

Queen bitch mother.

We find ourselves in a building in front of a closed door. Hit the pear to increase the health bar. In the right room we select explosives and throw them into the passage to the left of the door, at as high an angle as possible. When it falls from the other side, we detonate. We go out into the hall with the Queen. We take out explosives from the illuminated boxes and throw them at the nearest repeller. When it lands next to the Queen, we detonate. We quickly attack the opened uterus with an RPG or explosives. We repeat these steps until it is completely destroyed. In addition, do not forget to dodge her attacks and kill small creatures. Having hit the Queen, we run up to her mouth and finish her off.

Duke Nukem.

After talking with the stripper, we go in search of popcorn, a vibrator and a condom. We go inside and turn right, go through the door with the sign. We go up the stairs and find ourselves in a room. We take the condom from the table. We open the microwave, pick up the bag of popcorn lying on it and put it inside. We close and wait for it to cook. At this time, you can eat the product lying on the microwave, thereby increasing your health bar. Next, we go to the room next to the DJ console, near the podium. In one of the cabinets we find a vibrator. We return to the stripper's room to drink champagne. We follow her, sit on a chair and watch the show.

Crash course.

Having woken up in the helicopter, we speak with the POP soldier. We get hit and crash into a building. We jump over the fence; if there is no weapon for close range, then we select a pistol. We pass forward, jump down and move along the tentacles. One wrong move and death awaits us, so we kill enemies from a distance. Having reached a stable surface, we deal with the flying aliens. Along the fallen piece of concrete, we continue moving along the tentacles. With the help of pushers we find ourselves at the stairs. We climb along it to the fallen helicopter, inside of which we use the turret. Be sure to use aimed fire with the right mouse button. When the helicopter shakes, we quickly turn around and jump out of it. We continue moving and soon the most powerful weapon, the Destroyer, comes into our possession. We use it to destroy the alien fighter. Then we kill several opponents, and one of them tries to kidnap us. We quickly press the corresponding buttons so as not to fall down.

Burger Duke.

We make our way through the tentacles and enter the diner. We get up on the reducer and head to the booths. Next to the first one we enter the utility room through the hole. We enlarge and turn off the light by switching the shield. We destroy the boards supporting the door and leave the utility room. Activate night vision. We shrink again and, jumping onto the bench, go through the shells until we find ourselves in the void between the walls. We climb up the pipe.

Burger Duke: part 2.

We fall down and stand on the magnifying platform. We kill small pig snouts. We go to the other side and decrease again. Now we are on an equal footing with our enemies. We climb onto the rack using the boxes at the end. We go straight and head to the closed window through the tray. We climb the pipe and jump onto the tentacle. Along it we get to the game room. We jump to the floor and kill the rats. Approaching the door, we will hear it being broken down. We quickly run back, lure the aliens to the reducer and destroy them. In the room with the groceries we run to the door. We climb up the boxes on the left. We also kill the enemies that appear from the opposite shelf. From the last and highest box we jump to the other side. We climb up the pipe to the highest shelf. Having passed to the end, we remove the ventilation hatch. The girl is in danger and needs to be saved by turning off the electricity. We climb onto the cart and then everything is as usual. We jump from one place to another. The spatulas act as pushers. Having passed through the dishwasher, we push the mop and move along it to the next shelf. We select the RPG, first of all we shoot at the top shelf on the opposite side so that it falls apart, and then we deal with the enemies. We move to the other side and climb onto the surface, which, having rocked it properly, we jump forward. We jump down and carefully go through the mousetraps. We kill the enemy on the top shelf and on the fallen box, jump over to the other side. We climb up, find the moment to slip over the gas stove, and quickly jump onto the sandwich. We jump down and walk further along the corpse. Having reached the toaster, we activate it and climb onto it. We shoot at the frying pans and use the cable. We jump from sandwich to sandwich. Finally we turn off the electricity. The girl opens the door for us, we go into the room and climb through the boxes to the ventilation.

Duke's Burger: Part 3.

We shoot through the hatch and jump down. We stand on the magnifier and climb up the stairs to the roof. We select a new weapon - Reducer. The POP soldier reports that they will come for us in five minutes. During this time we will naturally engage in the destruction of aliens. When reducing enemies, they must be killed immediately, otherwise they will return to their previous form. There is some more ammunition for this weapon on the higher ground. After some time, opponents will appear with a new weapon - the Shredder. Effective against groups of ground enemies, but absolutely useless against flying ones. We use a shotgun to fight them. We climb onto the arriving shuttle.

Desert Rally.

We fly over the desert, clearing the bridge from aliens. Then we clear the landing zone from pig snouts. We also destroy the source of enemies - ships. Having landed, we get into the Bigfoot and, guided by the arrows, drive along the road.

Desert Rally: part 2.

We continue to advance through the desert. When enemies appear, we either crush them or ignore them. When crossing the gorge, use maximum acceleration by holding the right mouse button. The bridge runs out of gas at the most inopportune moment. We deal with the appearing aliens. When the way is clear, we move forward to the booth on the right. We break out the lock and use the materials in the corner to jump onto the roof. Inside we pick up a canister of gasoline and a new device - Golodyuk, which allows us to create an exact copy of us, despite the fact that we become invisible. We break out the boards at the door and return to Bigfoot. We fill up with gasoline and continue driving. We don’t accelerate too much so as not to fall down.

Ghost town.

We use the fallen billboard to cross to the other side. Thus, we get to the city where we run out of gas. We move towards the main hangar, clearing the city of aliens. Having killed the grenade launcher in the hangar attic and dealt with everyone, the strong ones will break out of the main building, so you should step back and get ready to stop them. Inside, we climb the stairs and turn the mechanism, thereby moving the platform for crossing to the other side. Having crossed there, we turn left and climb up again. We turn the mechanism to lower the ladder. Now we return the platform to its place and go around the stairs. We take the canister of gasoline and run to Bigfoot. Having rammed the fences next to the hangar, we drive further.

Battle on the highway.

We reach the highway at a calm pace. You can get to it by knocking down a billboard and using it as a springboard. We move along the road, dodging thrown barrels. We try to overtake the trucks as quickly as possible. Having taken off from the highway, we drive through the area without getting hit by stones.

Battle on the Highway: Part 2.

Since the gas has run out, you will have to move on your own two feet. For large spaces we use sniper rifle, especially against machine gunners. We get to the machine gun and settle down behind it. We wait for the enemies to land and only then shoot at the red barrels on the horizon. As soon as we kill everyone, we quickly hide inside the shuttle. We select an RPG and use it to deal with enemy aircraft. We take ammunition from the box nearby. We head to the cave at the other end. The rails are damaged due to the resulting gap. We turn around and follow the rails. Having discovered the trolley, we free it from the barrels and push it towards the abyss all the way. We climb into it and pull the lever. We take a canister of gasoline, after which we come under attack. Having destroyed the small creatures, we climb up the collapsed structure. We also use the trolley again, which takes us straight to Bigfoot. We refuel it and move forward, then right. We cross two jumps - one after the other.

Top of the dam.

We leave the cave and move as quickly as possible, flying over abysses, dodging boulders and alien rocket launchers. In the last jump we knock down the enemy’s shuttle and find ourselves in the water. We get to the surface and swim to the stairs. After talking with the president, we head to the dam and help the POP soldiers. The main thing is not to rush and not move away from your assistants, and it is also advisable to use a sniper rifle, which lies nearby. At the end of the dam, the Warlord appears. We shoot at him with the Shredder and RPG, then finish him off. You may have to do this several times. Next, we go down the winch. By the way, here you can hide from the Warlord, only running for ammunition if necessary.

Middle finger boy.

We go deeper and deeper into the dam. We meet two workers and a PDF soldier. Nearby lies a new weapon - the Freezer. It is ineffective; although energy reserves are endless, it takes a very long time to wait until they are replenished. After clearing the area, we return to the workers. One of them takes us further.

Middle finger boy 2.

We go downstairs and enter the steam room. We turn the valves with steam to remove obstacles from the path.

Let's start destroying the aliens. We break the board holding the mechanism. We get to the reducing liquid, kill the rats and go to the closed passage. We unscrew the bolts and go forward. Having fallen down, we are carried away by the wind. Having landed, we go towards the light. We destroy the creatures above, the mop holding the blades, and we are carried up again. We climb the pipe and jump on the rotating mechanisms. We stop the fan by shooting or hitting the electrified capsule at the top. Next, you will have to do this three more times to disable another large fan. We get to the elevator and press the button. While we wait for his arrival, we deal with the creatures. A thug appears from the elevator and must be killed with conventional weapons. We try to shoot at the head and stay at an average distance. Something like that, so that he couldn’t pin down and wouldn’t use a weapon. Having dealt with the thug, we enter the elevator and through the railing we get to the button.


We get out of the elevator and go along the corridor. To the left of the door we destroy the box and stand on the magnifier. We move forward until we get out into the street. We climb up the stairs. Using acceleration, we run along the electrified path. We kill a couple of aliens, then jump into the water and swim to the very last staircase on the right. We kill the pigfish and stand behind the turret. We shoot the flying aliens as quickly as possible, otherwise they will kill us with barrels. The Octoboss emerges from the water, which we shoot at non-stop, naturally monitoring the temperature of the turret. We leave the turret and approach the gate on the left. The POP soldier will try to open it, but will not be able to, because he is being killed. Therefore, we are finishing what we started on our own.

Storekeeper: part 2.

On the right, we lower the loader to the ground and take control of it. We move forward, crushing opponents. We jump over the grate and find ourselves in a de-energized warehouse. We activate the glasses to at least see something. We turn right and run to the door. Rising higher, there will be a door to the room directly diagonally. There we pull the lever to restore the light. We return down and kill the enemies that appear. Having finished with the aliens, we lower the loader and get with it to the lift. We slightly raise the load carrier and stand directly in front of the half-lowered platform. We go forward and use the elevator.

Engine room.

We move forward and go down, where we meet the general and several PDF soldiers. We continue to walk, destroying the interfering creatures. We climb up the stairs and, using the remote control, move the pipes as close to us as possible. Let's jump over to the other side. We move forward, killing small creatures, and if it is impossible to pass, we follow the tentacles. We meet an old guy who will transport us on a crane. At this time, we fight off enemies with any weapon. At the end, the Octoboss awaits us. We are constantly moving, we cannot stand in one place, otherwise it will lead to almost instant death. First, let's kill ordinary aliens and only then proceed to the boss. When Octoboss falls, he will try to pull us down. Therefore, we shoot him again until he is completely destroyed. We leave the crane and get to the elevator. We enter the mine and jump down into the water.


Having emerged, we get out to the floor. We shoot at the fire extinguisher to move on. We go down the stairs and move along empty corridors. We jump down the area covered by the tentacles and climb the stairs on the other side. We throw everything that comes to hand into the working generator, namely red carts. There are exactly three of them: one next to the generator, the second a little further along the corridor and the third upstairs. We continue moving through the rooms until we get to the ventilation.

Underground: part 2. Diver.

We dive into the water and swim through the depths. We are guided by the bubbles near which we can restore breathing. We turn the valve, thereby opening the door, and swim in a circle to the next door. Here enemies appear that need to be destroyed as they appear from grenades or other powerful weapons. For example, from an RPG lying nearby. We get out of the water using the stairs. In the next room we jump down onto the boxes. The lights turn off, so we activate night vision and move forward. We kill the aliens and go through the broken door. We blow up the barrels inside the passage and go down.


We move forward, killing enemies and removing obstacles from the road. In one of the rooms we watch a huge creature from the screen. We remove the boxes and clear the area. We push the structure with the ladder to the end and climb up it. We shoot at the barrels next to the opponents on the crane. Through the open hatch we get into the room. Now we have to load one side of the crane so that it falls down. We throw the first barrel standing nearby. We kill the enemies that appear. Using a forklift, we get to high points and drop the barrels down. We also immerse them. We also deal with our opponents. In one of the opened rooms we take the last barrel. Finally this side of the crane outweighed. We kill the flying aliens and climb up along the structure below. And then we cross to the other side.

Clarifier: part 2.

We go to the surface and use the Holodyuk, if, of course, it is in the arsenal. If not, then we simply run to the stairs. Next, we jump down and climb up along the structures. We pass through the opening above the door and jump down again. Having met the POP soldier, we turn the bridge towards the door. Having turned off the electricity, we dive into the water and, opening the hatch, move on.

Dam explosion.

After swimming a little, we turn the tap and get out onto land. We place a bomb on the grate. Then, floating along the pipe, we unscrew all the valves. We select the RPG and kill the energy leech. At the end, we throw a grenade at her head and swim into the pipe.

Dam explosion: part 2.

We dive in and swim to the left. Then we run up the stairs, hiding from the barrels. If we linger too long, the water will soon overtake us. It's best to ignore opponents. Having reached the abyss, we turn left and climb first along the first, and then along the second ladder and follow the tunnel.

Decisive battle.

On the way to the Emperor, we destroy the aliens using conventional weapons. Let's leave the RPG for the boss. We attack it until it is completely destroyed. You will have to finish it off exactly twice. Soon the cartridges will be dropped, as it turns out, not only cartridges, but also the most powerful Destroyer cannon! Having dealt with the Emperor, we run away to the helicopter.

Welcome to the walkthrough DUKE NUKEM FOREVER.

Mission 1: "Duke Lives"

We are immediately offered to take a leak. You can run around the restroom and draw on the board. We need to run. We run out to the Emperor, but he throws us back. We go down the stairs. Clamping Shift, we run through the tunnel and grab the destroyer - we rise.
We start shooting at Cycloid. Soon they will drop us ammunition, but for now we are running around so as not to die.
We finish off the Cycloid.
Let's go to the elevator.

Mission 2: "Why aren't we sleeping?"

Let's go watch the news. The boy asks to sign the album (book) - we draw whatever our heart desires. We move to the elevator. We leave and ascend to the throne.

Mission 3: "Duke's Cave"

We listen to the president and go out, repelling the attack of the first strangers. We open the hatch and go through. We drink beer and go to battle. We turn on special vision and go down the pipes. We knock out the hatch and get rid of the enemies. We remove everything from under the pipe and climb in, go through and take the weapons from the aliens.
We take the first source on the boxes and activate it. Second - we will be opposite the 2nd tray. For the last one we go to the next room. We use the machine to get the last battery. Let's activate it. We take steroids and kill everyone who gets in our way in hand-to-hand combat.
We take a pistol and go to the “massacre”. Let's sit down at the gun.

Mission 4: "Mother Ship"

We fire at a huge ship over the city. It will be most effective to shoot at the cannon itself. We destroy small ships.
4 hours later...we go through the ventilation, destroying the bars to get through.

Mission 5: "Heartbreaker (Part 1,2,3)"

1 part.
We go out to the elevator - we begin to pull the lever, without reaching the end.
We push the cart away and get into the car. We drive around all the obstacles. To cross the abyss, we use afterburner. We go down the floors.
Part 2.

We drive through the gallery and stop at the gate. We leave and go inside. There will be boxes in front of you, we climb in and walk along the gaming tables to the button - then we get into the car again and drive on. We jump over the chasms and dodge the aliens.
We use the cart to open the gate. We stand on the particle stretcher, break the display case and take the shotgun. We fight back in close combat.
Let's go back to where we came from. We reach the casino and hide - we need to kill the crowd. Raise the gate and take a position in the corner, because they will teleport behind you.
Let's move!
Part 3.

We immediately turn on our special vision, because there is darkness ahead. But don't forget to shoot. We go out to the hall where there will be a huge Duke. We approach the switch and make Duke stand with his back to you, his left hand at the top. We jump on the lifts and go up to the 2nd floor.
We go through the door, then into the ventilation. We jump down, replenish supplies from behind, and go around all the mines. To put out the fire, we shoot at fire extinguishers. We take the mines and open the door. We stock up on ammunition and hide. We shoot at the flying fat guy.
Let's go to the General.

Mission 6: "Ruins of Las Vegas"

Let's go get Dylan. We stand behind the machine gun and shoot the pigs. Let's follow the squad. We take a partner “for 5 minutes” and forward along the bridge.
We take a stronger weapon, for example the Captain's Laser, which makes our life easier. On the way we will meet an RPG - we take it and go down into the ditch, fight back.
The Warlord will appear - so huge, and also with a machine gun... without leaving the ammunition, rain down a hail of RPG rockets on him. We finish him off and go into the newly opened hatch.

Mission 7: "Duke's Dome (1.2 parts)"

1 part.

We pass through the ruins and climb out through the well. We climb into the container. There will be enemies at the construction site, and you have ammunition at your side. We go to the gate and break the lock. We kill the aliens and go through the container to the construction site. We go around the house and get inside through the roof. We use the switch and press the button at the gate.
Part 2.

We pass through the ruins. There's a dead end ahead. We climb onto the container and explode the red barrels in the other - it will fall. Blue ones will roll out from there - drag them into a container near the scaffolding. He will bend over - now we climb onto him and pass through. We walk along the crane, jump onto the construction site, blow up the barrels and go upstairs. We take the battery. Using an RPG, we shoot down the ship and go to the crane. We insert the battery and destroy the building on the left, then raise the crane and go there.

Mission 8: "The Beehive (Part 1.2)"

1 part.

We turn on special vision. We move along the edge to the right. We break the slime and into the cave. We go through all the doors. Soon you will hear the voices of girls, we pass - there will be a “trampoline” on the lower right - we jump. We find girls - they will “give birth”.
You will eventually reach a dead end. We shoot at the caterpillar and begin to roll it into the girls’ room, we go through the door.
Part 2.

We collect items from the corpses and walk along the edge of the cliff. We jump up and walk along the fragments of stones. We reach a room with capsules and explosives. Opposite you is a trampoline - we throw explosives on it using the "3" key. We roll the ball back to where we came from. We fight off flying octopuses along the way.
We move forward using the trampoline...now cockroaches are crawling out of the flowers. We kill everyone on our way and complete the stage.

Mission 9: "Queen Bitchmother"

We immediately open the door and stock up. There is a cave to the left of the door - throw a grenade there. We go in and go up to the uterus.
To the left and right are trampolines. We throw grenades at them and wait until they get behind the mother’s shields - we blow them up... then we take RPGs to help. She will call for help, the shotgun will help.
After everything, we finish her off.

Mission 10: "Titty City" by Duke Nukem

Well, everything is clear here.
Find 3 things:
Vibrator and condom in the room with the code (near the bar). Code 4768.
Popcorn will be after the toilet, upstairs. It needs to be cooked. We go straight to the champagne drinking room. The girl will get you there.
We sit down and “enjoy.”

We walk along the tentacles, clearing the way. We jump on the trampolines, get up and behind the machine gun... try not to miss a single ship. Start shooting back.
We carefully exit and continue walking along the giant tentacles. We select a destroyer and destroy the alien ship. We shoot the flying paratroopers...we deal with the last one.

Mission 12: "Burger Duke (Part 1,2,3)"

1 part.

We pass through the tentacles and shrink. Now through the hatch, we become normal and turn off the electricity.
We shrink again, turn on special vision and jump onto the bench, from there onto the sink and into the hole where the current came from. We climb up the pipe and move forward in cramped conditions.
Part 2.

We fall and become normal. We enter into battle with small bulls. We crawl through the hole to another part of the hall. There will be boxes on the right - we climb in, then along the cash register and upstairs. We jump onto the tentacle and walk along it. Huge enemies will come at you, we lure them into the diminutive liquid and deal with them on equal terms. We go to the utility room and climb up the boxes. We break the ventilation and go through.
We need to turn off the electricity. We jump down, then onto the cart, then onto the refrigerator and onto the trampolines. We jump to the dishwasher and activate it. We throw off the mop and move on. We jump onto the boxes and climb up the shelves. We jump over to the other side and go along the bottom. We climb onto the stove and jump on the hamburgers. We jump onto the cart, then onto the corpse. We climb the boxes, turn on the toaster and fly up. We use the hook, jump on the rolls and turn off the current. We go through the door, climb up and into the ventilation.
Part 3.

We knock out the grate, grow larger and go out onto the roof of Burger Duke. We take the reducer and wait for evacuation... isn't it too easy?!

Mission 13: "Desert Rally (Part 1.2)"

1 part.

We clear the bridge. We clear the landing site. We get into the car. We head along following the signs.
If the car has turned over, go up to it and press “E”.
To go faster, use afterburner (right mouse button).
To turn sharply - space.
Part 2.

Now there will be enemies on the way - you need to crush them.
Following the signs will take you onto the road. We use the afterburner to fly over the chasms. We'll soon run out of gas, let's get out and go into battle!
We reach the booth, break the lock and the old fashioned way... we get inside from above. We take the canister and the holoduk... we return to the car and hit the road!

Mission 14: "Ghost Town"

Using the shield, we jump over the cliff and right ahead there will be an area with buildings and, of course, the “civilian” population, who just want to welcome you hospitably. After a skirmish with the residents, we jump over another blockage. Soon you will see a wooden bridge, do not break it, but go around the turn and cross it. Here's another town - go to battle!
A fat flyer will jump out of the hangar, best tactic- throw the holodyuk and give him a good beating from behind. We go inside the hangar, first move the platform in front of us, go up to the upper level and lower the stairs. Now we put the platform in its initial position and take the canister through the other side.
We run to the car, fill it up and forward through the hangar!

Mission 15: "Battle on the Highway (Part 1.2)"

Mission 16: "Top of the Dam"

We are going to the dam, there are a lot of enemies ahead. We crush whoever gets run over, but in general it’s better to go around obstacles. We jump onto the ship.
We go up the stairs and see the crazy president. We go around it and meet with the squad. We take weapons and fight off the attack on the road. Here the Warlord will crawl out again. The principle of operation is the same: shoot with an RPG while standing near a box of ammunition. This time you will have to tear off 2 horns instead of one.
We go down the rope. We go into the tunnel.

Mission 17: "Boy - middle finger (part 1,2)"

1 part.

We go to the workers and take the “Freezer”. We go in and long and persistently fight off all the waves of enemies. We return to the door from where the workers came and will come - they will open the way for you further...
We go down the stairs.
Part 2.

We go into the door, to the left of the obstacle we turn the screw. We place the pipes in such a position that they are not in front of you.
That is, there are 3 rows:
- near the wall - 1
- in the middle - 2
- in front of you - 3
It is necessary that the 1st and 2nd rows are parallel to each other, then we turn the screw and move on.
We deal with the enemies, break the board and get up. We shrink down, unscrew the bolts on the grate and jump down. We break the mop and take off. Unscrew the screw and climb the gears. Turn off the fan and move on. We go out and jump onto the wheel, now through the whole mechanism. We got up and broke the ventilation to turn off the main fan. "1:0 - in favor of Duke."
We climb up the suitcases into another room. We call the elevator - a thug will appear, we kill. We reach the button along the handrails.

Mission 18: "Storekeeper (Part 1.2)"

1 part.

Let's go to the magnifier. In the main room we activate the switch. We open the gate and go up. Here you can run along the cornices. We go through the hole in the fence. We break the boxes and destroy all the enemies. The Octoboss will appear soon - we sit down at the machine gun.
We lift the gate and go inside.
Part 2.

We sit down at the lift and go ahead.
We jump over the grid, turn on special vision, go up to the control room and turn on the light. We go out, kill the crowd of enemies, and use the lift to climb up. We get into the elevator.

Mission 19: "Turnroom"

We exit the elevator and go down the stairs to the squad.
We go into the hall and jump down. We pass through the current. We climb up the stairs and move the pipes. We move along the tentacles from one generator to another. We go upstairs and stock up. While the platform is moving, we fight off the Octoboss. We take the Destroyer and bombard it with missiles.
Soon he will fall and begin to attract you - we shoot until we kill him.
We jump down to the worker and exit. We jump into the elevator shaft, and from there into the water.

Mission 20: "Underground (Part 1.2)"

1 part.

We extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher and go down. We pass through the hall with the propellers and go up. We throw the red locker into the mechanism and 2 more that are below. We get down and out. We climb into the ventilation.
Part 2: Diver.

We dive and swim down through the door. Don't forget to increase your oxygen levels. We turn the valve to open the hatch - we swim through the round room. We destroy cockroaches. We climb out the stairs and jump down... turn on special vision and down again. We kill the enemies and go down into the tunnels.

Mission 21: "Clarifier (Part 1.2)"

1 part.

We clear our way, destroy the aliens. We use the scaffolding to climb up. We go down to the platform. A crane will come out, use it to get the blue barrels and load them onto the platform.
1 barrel - near the platform.
2nd barrel - above the door where the tap came out.
3 barrel - on the scaffolding where we came from.
We load all the barrels onto the crane. Strangers will come out of hangar No. 2 and No. 3 one by one - let's deal with it. Another barrel will be in hangar 3.
2 fat guys fly out - we kill them. We climb onto the crane and go down.
Part 2.

We exit carefully. If there is a holoduk, we use it; if not, then we quickly break through to the stairs on the left. We jump down and climb onto the scaffolding on the right. From there we follow the tentacles into the hole above the door.
We jump down, then along the black islands. We go upstairs, through the pipes to our friend.
We go down and turn the bridge to the door. We cut off the electricity. We jump into the water, open the hatch and swim.

Mission 22: "Dam Explosion (Part 1.2)"

1 part.

We swim, turn the tap, now we swim out. We install the first bomb on the grate. Turning all the valves, swimming along the yellow pipe.
We take the RPG and kill the energy leech. You can replenish supplies at containers. At the end, we place a bomb in her head and swim into this pipe.
Part 2.

We jump into the water and swim to the left. Be careful, the floor may collapse at any moment.
We run up the long stairs, hiding from the red barrels... we can’t hide for too long - there’s water behind us. Ignoring the enemies, we run. There is an abyss ahead, but there is a ladder on the left. There is another one ahead - we rise and run through the tunnel.

Mission 23: "Final Battle"

We kill ordinary aliens with a pistol in order to take possession of the RPG. We begin to fire at the emperor, after the cartridges run out, we kill ordinary pigs with a pistol and always do this. We take all the health from the emperor and climb on top of him.
His life is almost restored - we continue to besiege him with fire. Let's climb for the second time.
They will tell you that they will drop ammo - but there will also be a "Destroyer", oh...FINISH HIM!
Let's go by helicopter!

If you are having problems with Walkthrough of the game Duke Nukem: Forever, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Duke Nukem: Forever. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Duke Nukem: Forever read on our website.

Mission 1: "Duke Lives"

The game begins with our hero having to urinate in the toilet. If you wish, you can wander around the room and play with the drawing board. After which, you will need to run upstairs. We need to run to the Emperor, but we will be thrown back. Use the stairs to go down. Hold Shift, run along the tunnel and grab the destroyer - climb up. Start shooting at the Cycloid. Then they will start throwing ammunition at us, but for now we need to take care so that we don’t get shot. Finish off this Cycloid already, watch the scene from classic game and follow to the elevator.

Mission 2 “Why aren’t we sleeping?”

Go and watch the news, walking along the corridors, you will meet a little fan, he will ask you for an autograph, you don’t have to sign, you can draw anything. Let's go to the elevator. Come out and sit on the throne.

Mission 3 "Duke's Cave"

We listen to the president and go out, repelling the attack of the first outsiders. We open the hatch and go through. We drink beer and fight. We turn on our special vision and descend through the pipes. We knock out the hatch and get rid of the enemies. We remove everything from under the pipe and climb in, go through and take the weapons from the intruders.

We take the first source on the boxes and activate it. 2nd - we will be opposite the 2nd tray. For the final one, we go to the next room. We use the machine to get the final battery. Let's activate it. We take steroids and kill everyone who comes at us in hand-to-hand combat. We take a pistol and go for a “fight.” Let's sit down at the gun.

Mission 4 "Mother Ship"

We fire at a huge ship over the metropolis. The most successful thing will be to shoot at the cannon itself. Eliminating small ships.

4 hours later...we go through the ventilation, destroying the bars to get through.

Mission 5 "Heartbreaker"

We go out to the elevator - we begin to pull the lever, without reaching the end.

We push the cart away and get into the car. We move, avoiding all obstacles. To cross the abyss, we use afterburner. We go down the floors.

We drive through the gallery and stop at the gate. We leave and go inside. There will be boxes in front of you, we climb in and walk along the gaming tables to the button - then we get into the machine again and move on. We jump over the chasms and dodge the invaders. We use the cart to open the gate. We stand on the particle stretcher, break the display case and take the shotgun. We fight back in close combat. We go back where we came from. We reach the casino and hide - we need to kill the crowd. Raise the gate and take a position in the corner, because they will teleport behind you.

Let's move!

We immediately turn on special vision, since there is darkness in front. But don't forget to shoot. We go out to the hall where the big Duke will be. We approach the switch and make Duke stand with his back to you, his left hand at the top. We jump on the lifts and go up to the 2nd floor.

We go through the door, then into the ventilation. We jump down, replenish supplies behind us, and go around all the mines. To put out the fire, we shoot at fire extinguishers. We take the mines and open the door. We stock up on ammunition and hide. We shoot at the flying fat guy.

Let's go to the general.

Mission 6 "Ruins of Las Vegas"

Let's go get Dylan. We stand behind the machine gun and shoot the pigs. Let's follow the squad. We take a partner “for 5 minutes.” and forward along the bridge.

We take the most powerful weapon, for example the “Captain’s Laser,” and make life easier for ourselves. On the way you will meet an RPG - we take it and drop into the ditch, fight back.

The Warlord will appear - so big, and also with a machine gun... without retreating from the ammunition, rain down a hail of RPG rockets on him. We finish him off and go into the hatch that has just opened.

Mission 7 "Duke's Dome"

We pass through the ruins and climb out through the well. We climb into the container. There will be enemies at the construction site, and you have ammunition at your side. We go to the gate and break the lock. We kill the intruders and go through the container to the construction site. We go around the house and get inside through the roof. We use the switch and press the button at the gate.

We pass through the ruins. There's a dead end ahead. We climb onto the container and explode the reddish barrels in the other one - it will fall down. Blue ones will roll out from there - drag them into a container near the scaffolding. He will bend down - now we climb on him and pass. We walk along the crane, jump to the construction site, blow up the barrels and go upstairs. We take the battery. Using an RPG, we shoot down the ship and go to the crane. We insert the battery and destroy the room on the left, then raise the crane and run across there.

Mission 8 "Hive"

We turn on special vision. We move along the edge to the right. We break the slime and into the cave. We go through all the doors. Soon you will hear the voices of women, we pass - there will be a “trampoline” on the lower right - we jump. We find women - they will “give birth”.

You will eventually reach a dead end. We shoot at the caterpillar - and begin to roll it into the building to the girls, we go through the door.

We collect things from the dead and walk along the edge of the cliff. We jump up and walk along the scraps of pebbles. We reach a building with capsules and explosives. Opposite you is a trampoline - we throw explosives on it using the “3” button. We roll the ball back to where we came from. We fight off flying octopuses along the way. We move forward using the trampoline...now cockroaches are crawling out of the flowers. We knock down everyone on our own path and finish the stage.

Mission 9 "Queen Bitchmother"

We immediately open the door and stock up. There is a cave to the left of the door - throw a grenade there. We go in and go up to the uterus.

To the left and right are trampolines. We throw grenades at them and wait until they get behind the mother’s shields - we blow them up... then we take RPGs for support. She will call for help, the shotgun will help.
After everything, we finish her off.

Mission 10: Duke Nukem's Boob City »

Well, everything is clear here.
Find 3 things:
Vibrator and condom in the room with the code (within the bar counter). Code 4768.
Popcorn will be after the toilet, upstairs. It needs to be cooked. We go straight to the champagne drinking room. The woman will get you there.
We sit down and “enjoy.”

Mission 11 "Crash Course"

We walk along the tentacles, clearing the way. We jump on the trampolines, get up and behind the machine gun... try not to miss a single ship. Start shooting back.
We carefully exit and continue walking along the huge tentacles. We select the destroyer and eliminate the intruder ship. We shoot the flying paratroopers...we deal with the final one.

Mission 12 "Burger Duke"

We pass through the tentacles and shrink. Now into the hatch, we become normal and turn off the electricity.
We shrink down again, turn on our special vision and jump onto the bench, from there onto the sink and into the hole where the current came from. We climb up the pipe and move forward in cramped conditions.

We fall and become ordinary. We enter into a duel with small bulls. We crawl through the hole to another part of the hall. There will be boxes on the right - we climb in, then along the cash register and upstairs. We jump onto the tentacle and walk along it. Big enemies will come at you, we lure them into the diminutive liquid and deal with them on equal terms. We go to the utility room and climb up the boxes. We hack the ventilation and go through. You need to turn off the electricity. We jump down, then onto the cart, then onto the freezer and onto the trampolines.

Let's go to the dishwasher and activate it. We throw off the mop and run across. We jump onto the boxes and climb up the shelves. We jump over to the other side and go along the bottom. We climb onto the stove and jump over the hamburgers. We jump onto the cart, then onto the corpse. We climb the boxes, turn on the toaster and fly up. Let's use a hook, jump over the rolls and turn off the current. We go through the door, climb up and into the ventilation.
We knock out the net, grow larger and go out onto the roof of Burger Duke. We take the reducer and wait for evacuation... isn't it very simple?!

Mission 13 "Desert Rally"

We clear the bridge. We clear the landing site. We get into the car. We head along following the signs.
If the car has turned over, go up to it and press “E”.
To move faster, use afterburner (right mouse button). To quickly wrap - space.
Now there will be enemies on the way - you need to press them. Following the signs you will emerge onto the road. Let's adopt the afterburner to fly over the abysses. We'll run out of fuel soon, let's get out and fight!
We get to the booth, break the lock and the old fashioned way... we get inside from above. We take the canister and the holoduk... we return to the car and hit the road!

Mission 14 "Ghost Town"

Using the shield, we jump over the cliff and straight ahead there will be an area with buildings and, of course, a “peaceful” population, who also want to greet you kindly. After clashes with the residents, we jump over another blockage. Soon you will see a wooden bridge, do not break it, but go around the turn and move through it. Here's another town - let's fight!

A fat flyer will jump out of the hangar, best strategy- throw the holodyuk and give him a good beating from behind. We go inside the hangar, first move the platform in front of us, go up to the upper level and lower the stairs. Now we put the platform in its original position and take the canister through the other side.
We run to the car, fill it up and forward through the hangar!

Mission 15 "Battle on the Highway"

We drive within the water to the right and up the hill. We break the advertising zit and jump through it onto the highway. There will be enemies on the trucks who will throw reddish barrels at you. Using the afterburner, we overtake them and break into the ditch. There we maneuver away from light and other obstacles. We crush our opponents.
Soon we will run out of fuel again.

We get out of the car, take the "Relston" and kill all the enemies within the machine gun, and those who will run at you. Then, on the left side of the car, we take the holodyuk and go around there, dealing with the enemies...we reach the ammunition and stand behind the machine gun. When a ship arrives, it’s time to use a “diversionary maneuver.” We take an RPG and fire at the ship.

We go into the cave and find a cart. We throw out all the barrels and push it onto a hill to fix it on the brake. We climb in and begin a short trip. We take the canister. There will be forests on the left... let's go up. Another cart - again we roll it to the brakes - we sit down and go!
Let's pour gasoline into the cave!

Mission 16 "Top of the Dam"

We are moving towards the dam, in front there is a very large number of opponents. We crush whoever gets under the wheels, in short - it’s better to go around obstacles. Let's jump onto the ship.

We go up the stairs and see the crazy president. We go around it and meet with the unit. We take the weapon and fight off the attack on the road. Here the Commander will crawl out again. The principle of operation is the same: shoot with an RPG while standing within the ammo box. This time you will need to tear off 2 horns, instead of 1.
We go down the rope. We go into the tunnel.

Mission 17 "Boy - middle finger" »

We go to the workers and take the “Refrigerator”. We go in and for a long time and stubbornly fight off all the waves of enemies. We return to the door from where the workers came and will come - they will open the way for you further... We go down the stairs. We go into the door, to the left of the obstacle we turn the screw. We place the pipes in this position so that they are not in front of you. In other words, there are 3 rows: - within the wall - 1 - in the center - 2 - in front of you - 3 It is necessary that the 1st and 2nd rows be parallel to each other, in those cases turn the screw and move on. We deal with the enemies, break the board and rise. We shrink down, unscrew the bolts on the mesh and jump down. We break the mop and take off. Unscrew the screw and climb the gears. Turn off the fan and move on. We go out and jump onto the wheel, now through a whole mechanism. We got up and hacked into the ventilation to turn off the largest fan. "1:0 - in favor of Duke." We climb up the suitcases into another room. We call the elevator - a thug will appear, we kill. We reach the button along the handrails.

Mission 18 "Storekeeper"

Let's go to the magnifier. In the main room we activate the switch. We open the gate and go up. Here you can run along the cornices. We go through the hole in the fence. We break the boxes and suppress all opponents. The Octoboss will quickly show up - we sit down at the machine gun. We lift the gate and go inside.
We sit down at the lift and forward. We jump over the net, turn on our special vision, go up to the control room and turn on the lights. We go out, kill a lot of enemies, and use the lift to climb up. We get into the elevator.

Mission 19 "Machine Room"

We exit the elevator and go down the stairs to the squad. We go into the hall and jump down. We pass through the current. We climb up the stairs and move the pipes. We run along the tentacles from the first generator to the next. We go upstairs and stock up. While the platform begins to move, we fight off the Octoboss. We take the Destroyer and bombard it with missiles. Soon he will fall down and begin to attract you - we shoot until we kill him. Let's jump down to the worker and leave. We jump into the elevator shaft, and from there into the water.

Mission 20 "Underground" »

We put out the fire with a fire extinguisher and go down. We pass through the hall with the propellers and go up. We throw the reddish cabinet into the device as well as the 2 ones below. We get down and get out. We climb into the ventilation. We dive and swim down through the door. Don't forget to increase the air level. We turn the valve to open the hatch - we swim through the round room. We eliminate cockroaches. We climb out the stairs and jump down... turn on our special vision and down again. We kill the enemies and go down into the tunnels.

Mission 21 "Clarifier" »

We clear the way for ourselves, eliminate the intruders. We use the scaffolding to climb up. We go down to the platform. A crane will come out, use it to get the blue barrels and lower them onto the platform.
1 barrel - within the platform. 2 barrel - above the door where the tap came from.
3 barrel - on the scaffolding where we came from. We load all the barrels onto the crane. Strangers will begin to emerge from hangars No. 2 and No. 3 one after another - we’ll deal with them. The next barrel will be in hangar 3. 2 fat guys will fly out - we kill them. We climb onto the crane and go down. We exit carefully. If there is a hunger, we will take it into service; if not, then we quickly push towards the stairs on the left. We jump down and climb onto the scaffolding on the right. From there we follow the tentacles into the hole above the door. We jump down, then along the black islands. We go upstairs, through the pipes to a friend. We go down and turn the bridge towards the door. We cut off the electricity. We jump into the water, open the hatch and swim.

Mission 22 "Dam Explosion" »

We swim, turn the tap, now we swim out. We install the first bomb on the grate. Turning all the taps, floating along the yellowish pipe.
We take the RPG and kill the energy leech. You can replenish supplies at containers. At the end, we place a bomb in her head and swim into this pipe. We jump into the water and swim to the left. Be careful, the floor may fall at any moment. We run up the long staircase, hiding from the vinous barrels... we can’t hide for too long - there’s water behind us. Ignoring our opponents, we run. There is an abyss ahead, but there is a ladder on the left. There is another one ahead - we rise and run through the tunnel.

Mission 23 "Decisive Battle" »

We kill ordinary invaders with a pistol in order to master the RPG. We begin to fire at the ruler, and after the cartridges run out, we kill ordinary pigs with a pistol, and so on almost constantly. We take all the health from the ruler, climb on top of him. His lives are almost restored - we continue to besiege him with flames. We climb for the 2nd time. They will tell you that they will drop the cartridges - but there will also be a "Destroyer", oh...FINISH HIM! Let's go by helicopter!

Real old-school gamers remember Duke very well - he was one of the first colorful characters to appear on personal computers. Duke Nukem is main character series of shooters of the same name, which began appearing back in 1991. Even then, the project became very loud and attracted a lot of attention, since it was one of the first first-person shooters in the history of game development. Naturally, the developers did not stop there - the second part was released two years later, and in 1996, five years after the release original game, Duke Nukem 3D appeared. This is where the series ended - there were also side projects, spin-offs, platformers and much more, but the original series was closed until 2011, when Duke Nukem Forever appeared. Playing through this game brought gamers back to the roaring nineties, but at the same time allowed them to enjoy high-quality graphics, excellent physics - and again enjoy the rude comments of the favorite of the computer public twenty years ago. Even if you are not a fan of the series, you should still try this project - if today's gamers are unlikely to be tempted by the pixel graphics of the original trilogy, then the last part can attract the attention of absolutely all players. And if you have any difficulties, you can always use the help of the passage.

“Duke is alive” and “Why aren’t we sleeping?”

IN Duke game Nukem Forever walkthrough begins in typical style. The first thing you need to do is relieve yourself, you can do this either in the urinal or throughout the toilet - as you wish. After that, go to the next room, you can draw with chalk on the blackboard. When you get tired of having fun, join the squad and learn the basics of control and other features of the game, pick up your first weapon. After this, you will have a meeting with the Emperor, during which you will be strongly thrown back by the blast wave, which is why you will be separated from the squad. Now you need to act on your own - climb the stairs, run through the tunnel and meet the Cycloid - the fight with him will not be easy, but you will be dropped with ammunition, because this is still only the beginning of the game. When you defeat the enemy, go to the elevator. After watching the news, you can again show the wonders of creativity - this time leaving an autograph for your fan. When problems with the broadcast begin, go to the utility room and teach the impudent person who is ruining everything for you a lesson. You then need to take the elevator again, which will get stuck one floor short of your destination. Get out of the cabin and use the fire escape. Once in the throne room, take a photo of the boy who climbed onto the throne so he can run away. Sit down in his place and go downstairs. As you already understand, in the game Duke Nukem Forever the passage is divided into chapters, of which there are a little more than twenty in total.

"Duke's Cave" and "Mother Ship"

So, in Duke Nukem Forever, the sequel begins to unfold at a fast pace. If in the previous chapter you had no need to fight at all, now you will have to sweat. First, listen to what the President and General tell you, then go to your first battle with the aliens. After defeating them, head to the hatch, which will lead you to the first aid kit, which in this game is beer - it increases your stamina and reduces the damage caused by enemies. It's time for the next fight, after which you will need to use night vision goggles to get through the pipes and exit into another room filled with enemies. Having dealt with them, you will need to clear a passage for yourself, deal with another group of aliens and take their weapons. You can only get to the next room when you collect three batteries. This will give you access to steroids that will allow you to take part in incredibly large hand-to-hand combat. Having made your way to the cannon, sit down at it and begin interplanetary fire. This perfectly describes how impressive Duke Nukem Forever is to play through. The turbine room is littered with alien bodies, and Duke is firing at their ship with a huge cannon. Aim at the cannon that will fire at the city, but don't forget about the small ships that will fly around. Once you destroy the cannon, one of the enemy fighters will shoot you down and you will fall back down, losing consciousness. As soon as you wake up, break out the ventilation grill and move on.

"Heartbreaker" and "Ruins of Las Vegas"

However, you should not think that the most difficult passage that Duke Nukem Forever has to offer you is behind you. The machine room is nothing compared to what awaits you ahead. Go out to the stuck elevator and use the lever to lift it. As soon as the opportunity arises, jump inside. There will be a spilled liquid that will somehow shrink you in size. Push away the cart that is blocking the exit from the elevator, get into toy car and hit the road, jumping over obstacles and dodging enemies. A door will block your path, which can be opened with a switch located above the billiard table. Climb onto it using the suitcases, shoot from the rats and open a passage for yourself. Then the race becomes even more difficult, as new opponents appear. After a while you will reach soldiers who have an enlargement unit, but in order to use it, you need to raise the gate. Look for the switch, make your way to it and activate it. Having become big again, pick up a shotgun and deal with the aliens. Go to the room with your own statue, turn it so that you can climb up to the floor above. It will be completely dark there, so use your night vision device. Go through the door and then crawl into the ventilation. Jump down, replenish ammo and carefully avoid the mines. Once in the hall, fight the flying grenade launcher, after which you can advance to the General. There you will be assigned a partner - Dylan, who is very happy to work with you. Of course, you don't care, so go get your weapons and head out with your squad to fight the aliens. When crossing the bridge, your entire group is killed, and you have to fight the next boss - the Warlord. He is huge, powerful and armed with a machine gun. When you defeat him, it turns out that Dylan survived. As you can see, completing the game Duke Nukem Forever can bring pleasant surprises.

"Duke's Dome" and "Beehive"

The passage of the game Duke Nukem Forever is gaining momentum, you have to confront more and more aliens and other opponents, and most importantly, they are becoming stronger. Now you need to go down into the sewer and make your way through the ruins, which will lead you to a well - through it you can rise to the surface. Get to the construction site, where there will be a lot of enemies, but there is ammunition in the container, so you shouldn’t have any problems. Having defeated all the aliens, go around the house and activate the switch, which will open the gate for you. Along the opened path, reach a dead end - here you will no longer need brute force, but intelligence. When you solve the puzzle, a further passage will open for you. You will be able to pick up the battery and RPG. Why do you need an RPG? When an alien ship appears above you, you need to shoot it down. When you get rid of the ship and the alien landing, it's time to use the battery - turn on the crane and demolish the wall of the building to get inside the Hive. There you need to break down the door and go down - there will be a lot of mucus all around. Once in the hive, you will discover that the aliens have abducted human girls in order to bear their cubs in them. Duke will promise to take revenge for this, after which you will need to move through the hive, constantly shooting at a wide variety of aliens, from small and nimble beetles to huge flying octopuses. You only need to move forward, shooting back, until you finish the chapter and continue with Duke Nukem Forever. The Hive is quite a difficult chapter, so be careful.

"The Queen Mother" and "Duke's Bub City"

Where did completing Duke Nukem Forever take you? The hive is a place where aliens live and breed, and you could already see exactly how they do this, as well as how many of them there are inside. But, naturally, you are not very interested in ordinary aliens. You need to deal with their queen to get rid of the root of the problem. Therefore, collect as many supplies as possible, Special attention focusing on grenades and rockets, since the queen is very large, so you won’t do much harm to her with ordinary weapons. Once in the room with her, pay attention to the trampolines made of mucus - you have already jumped on them more than once in the hive. But this time you'd better throw grenades at them so that they fly behind the queen's shield plates - this way you can make her defenseless. Start firing at her with an RPG, but don’t forget that she will call for help, so periodically switch to a shotgun and get rid of the annoying monsters. After a while, you will be able to finish her off with pathos and go to a strip club to reward yourself for your efforts. After talking with the stripper, you will need to go in search of three necessary items - a condom, a vibrator and popcorn. Once you have all this, return to the stripper and follow her to the VIP room to get a private show. Don't be indignant - the game description clearly indicates age restrictions, so children are simply not allowed to play this project. So, it’s time to continue the passage in Duke Nukem Forever - the Queen is defeated, what’s next?

"Crash Course" and "Burger Duke"

What does the Duke Nukem Forever walkthrough have in store for gamers this time? The Alien Queen is dead, which means the invasion is over, right? It turns out that everything is not so simple. While you were having fun, something happened - and you come to your senses only in the helicopter, where you are given a brief briefing that the alien threat is still far from exterminated. Then your helicopter is shot down and you find yourself on tentacles huge monster. Proceed carefully because falling means death. If you need to kill an enemy threatening you, stop and take aim, and then continue moving. Once on solid ground, you can exhale - now your movements will be freer, but there will be even more opponents. Make your way to the machine gun installation, where you need to sit down and start firing at the alien fighters. As soon as the helicopter in which your machine gun is installed is shaken by an enemy hit, jump out or fall into the abyss. Pick up the most powerful weapon in the game - this is the Destroyer. Now you need to use it to manually destroy an enemy fighter. Having completed the task, resist the aliens' attempts to kidnap you. When you succeed, make your way through the thickets of tentacles to the burger shop. Then you need to look around and find the diminutive liquid and the door to the utility room. The door is closed, so shrink down, get inside and turn off the power by becoming large. Then shrink down again and make your way into the ventilation shaft - after getting out of it, you finally become big and begin to deal with the crowd of aliens who have settled in the diner. Having dealt with everyone and solving all the riddles, you can get out to the roof of the diner, where you will find a walkie-talkie and a new weapon - the reducer. It does not kill opponents, but makes them small, but you need to deal with them immediately, as they return to normal size quite quickly. The radio tells you that they will come for you in five minutes, so all you need is to hold out. The battle is difficult, but you have a reducer that will make it easier in Duke Nukem Forever. Burger Duke is a mission that requires serious preparation, since spontaneous actions will not lead you anywhere.

"Desert Rally" and "Ghost Town"

Well, now you can try out the air mission that the Duke Nukem Forever walkthrough offers you. Burger Duke is left behind, and now you have to fly through the desert, during which you will not be able to relax. You will need to destroy aliens on the ground and in the air until you reach the landing zone. It will also have to be cleared of a crowd of enemies, after which your squad will descend to the ground. You need to get into the buggy and hit the road. Don't forget to accelerate before the cliffs to overcome the gaps without any problems. Don't be distracted by the aliens and don't stop to deal with them - you can easily shoot them down, it's a very fun and enjoyable activity. But at one point you will run out of gas, and then you will have to walk to the gas station, fighting off monsters. At the gas station itself you will be greeted by an even larger crowd of aliens - when you deal with them, grab the canister and return to the car. Fill it up and continue on your way. You will find yourself in a city that has been captured by aliens. I'd like to drive it, but you're running out of gas again. You'll have to wander around the city, shoot enemies and find another canister to refuel your car again and move on to continue your passage in Duke Nukem Forever. Duke's Dome, part 2 - this episode is reminiscent of this mission, but only then there was no car.

"Battle on the Highway" and "Top of the Dam"

Everyone remembers how unpleasant it was in Duke Nukem Forever to go underground, 2 times you had to go down to great depths, and you couldn’t see anything there, but there were just an incredibly large number of aliens. It would seem that on the surface everything should be simpler, but this is far from the case. Of course, there is no darkness here, and you don't need to use night vision, but there are even more aliens - and they are even stronger. Now you need to fight other cars on the road until you run out of gas again. Make your way to the machine gun, and then deal with a huge amount enemies both on earth and in the sky. Go to the cave, explore it, then fill it with fuel and set it on fire. You can fill up your car with the same gasoline and move on. There are more and more aliens, so crush them, but don’t get carried away so as not to get stuck. Having reached the dam, meet with the squad, look at the President who has gone crazy and get ready to fight a crowd of opponents. Then the Warlord will appear again - attack him using the same strategy as the first time. After that, go down the rope and go into the tunnel to continue the passage in the game Duke Nukem Forever. 1 against all is your motto throughout the process, so don't be discouraged by the fact that the squad either dies or gets left behind again.

"Middle Finger Boy" and "Storekeeper"

As you can understand, the game Duke Nukem Forever is already nearing its end. “Middle Finger Boy” (2 parts) is one of the last missions. Here you need to pick up a new weapon that freezes opponents - it will help you deal with several waves of monsters. When you're finished, the workers will let you move on. There you will need to become small and solve a puzzle in order to move on. After going a long way, you can get to the enlarger and return to your normal size. Move on, open the gate and fight a bunch of aliens until the next boss appears. Run to the machine gun and fight it to the bitter end, then move to the lift - you need to activate it, but rest assured, you will not be left without company. When you get to the very top, get ready - a series of final tasks awaits you that will complete your passage in the Duke Nukem Forever game. The Hive Part 2 was a mission that was incredibly challenging and intense. Now the real test awaits you.

Latest missions

This is the end of the Duke Nukem Forever walkthrough. Part 1 was quite easy, but gradually the difficulty increased and now everything is very difficult. First, you will need to destroy the next boss in the turbine room, then crawl through the sewers again and even swim underwater. Then you will need to blow up the dam in order to eventually meet with the Emperor, the fight with whom will end the passage in the game Duke Nukem Forever. The Hive (Part 2 of it) pitted you against the first major monster in the game, and now you need to deal with the Emperor using the RPG and the Destroyer, which will be dropped on you a little later.