Walkthrough That Level Again. Comments Tla 3d Walkthrough

So, passing. The goal of the entire game is to find the kidnapped triplets.

Location 1. Lula's Villa.

We talk with Brian. He will tell you that the triplets are missing. We run to the second floor, we find their room. To the right of the bed we select the key to the gatekeeper's house, near the glass table - a box of matches. When you leave the room will appear new mission- Find videotapes from the surveillance camera. We run back. Near the stairs on the second floor there is a small room, where we take a magazine from the table. We go down and talk about the triplets room. We do not connect the police, otherwise the game will be over. We leave through the main doors, then we run to the left. We run under the bridge and see the gatekeeper's house. We open the door with the key. We select a video cable on the floor and connect it to the VCR. Near the cabinet we find the first video cassette, near the table - the second. Watch both cassettes. We run back to the house, we speak with Brian. A mission will appear: find Spandau's phone number. We show Brian a matchbox, we speak with him. We try to dial Spandau's number (by regular phone, not by mobile phone). We dial the number, but it is incorrect. We ask Brian's phone number, he does not know. We go to the pool. We talk with Lisa (sunbathing by the pool), first about her melons, and then about the phone number. We take a mobile phone on the table. Again we call Spandau, there is an answering machine. We speak with Brian, a new mission will appear: go to San Francisco. Through the main doors we run to the garage. We are trying to open the car door. Need a key. We ask about Brian's key, he doesn't know the type. We go to the bathroom and ask about the key of lesbians in the shower. It turns out that Brian has the keys. Once again we ask him about the key. Having received the key, we get into the car and leave.

Location 2. San Francisco.

We go to a store that sells discs, and pick up a battery for a mobile phone (it lies near the cash register). Let's talk on the street with Sarah. (When I don't write what I need to talk about, then I need to talk about everything). We speak with Kikki at the entrance to the club. Doesn't let. Now let's chat with Hank, who guards the back entrance. Let's try to open the door, but Hank will stop. We ask Sarah for help to get into the club. She asks for proof that this is really important. We run to the black van, open the back door, take an earring with an ear. We show the find to Sarah. We end the conversation with her. We talk with Marilyn. We ask her for help to go to the club, then we invite her to coffee. We invite Sarah for a cup of coffee. We move to a cafe. We ask Sarah about a pass to the club. We order drinks from Phillip for Sarah and Marilyn. Again we speak with Sarah and, finally, we get a pass. From the table at which ... a couple is sitting, we take chili sauce. We leave to the street, we run to the right along the road, then down the street. There will be a narrow street straight ahead. Here we find the house of Spandau. The door is of course closed. Talk to Rowdy and Guy. Uselessly. Let's talk to the bum near the back entrance to the club. Let's ask him about Lorna. We run back to the Spandau house. The door is open. On the second floor, we try to open the door to his apartment, but it is closed. On the third floor we go into Hamett's apartment. We talk to him about Spandau. He will give the key to Spandau's apartment if you bring him a drink. We take away from the table an empty bottle and a photograph of Lorna. On another table we take a wig. We run to a liquor store not far from Spandau's house. We show Willy an empty bottle. But he ended up with such a swill. We go to the bum and give him a photo of Lorna, we get licorice. We give licorice to Willy, he will make a special drink. We run to Hamett and give him a bottle. Talk to him, as a result we get the key. Now - to Spandau's apartment. We open the door, listen to the answering machine. We examine the cat, it has a key on its collar. We are trying to stroke the cat, but she will run away. We open the cabinet in the kitchen, we take cat food. Fill them up with a bowl. The cat will start to eat, remove the collar with the key from it. We open the iron cabinet and pick up the battery, letter and cassette. We insert into the camera (which lies there in the locker) the battery and the cassette. Mission Complete. It's time for the club. We show Hank Sarah's pass. We go to the club.

Location 3. Club.

Davis won't let you on the second floor. We go to the hall. We speak with the bartender. Pour chili sauce into his cup of grog. He will drink and run into the toilet. We go behind the bar and turn on the heater. The bartender will be back soon. We take a glass from one of the visitors and give it to the bartender. He will burn his hands and Davis will come running to his cry. The way to the second floor is free. We find the chief's room, but first we open the door to the bathroom. Now we open the door of the chief's office (Stanley). We eavesdrop on the conversation and quickly hide in the bathroom (if you don’t have time, the end of the game). Once again we look to the boss and again we hide in the bathroom. Stanley will leave. We go into the office. Call Brian. We take from the table a card with an address. We leave into the corridor, we get the key from the statue. They open the room of groans. We talk with Domina. After the conversation, she will leave. Take the frying pan and use it on the senator. We remove the handcuffs from his hand. We go down the stairs and fasten Hank. Level passed.

Location 4. On the way to Las Vegas.

The dining room is closed. We run to the gas station and go to the store. We order coffee from Ben. We continue to talk to him. As a result, the poor fellow will run away, losing the knife. We select it and run to the black van. We pierce the wheel with a knife. Mike will appear. We play knife throwing. Having won, we go to the car. Again, no key. We go into the dining room, talk to Gina and leave together. After the video - again a mini game. This time you need to shoot two cops.

Location 5. Las Vegas.

We run along Industrial street. On the right side there will be a house with stairs. This is where Miss Schreiber lives. We call, but she does not hear. We run a little further down the street, on the right we will see a narrow alley. We run there. We find a tank with tomatoes, pick them up and run back to the house. We run approximately to the middle of the road in front of the house and start a mini-game of throwing a tomato through the window. With maximum strength, you need to hit 5 times. We talk with Miss Schreiber, who will go out onto the balcony. She will drop the key. We take it and open the door. We rise to the second floor and speak with Miss Schreiber. She will ask you to find her hearing aid. It's in the fridge in the kitchen on the first floor. We take it. In the living room, also on the first floor, we remove a photo of a western city from the wall. At the stairs on the second floor, we remove a photo of Mount Rushmore from the wall. We return the hearing aid to Miss Schreiber, show her the letter (from Spandau's locker). We talk for a very long time, then we show both photos. Now - to the photo shop, which is located on El Camino street. It's closed. We run back to Miss Schreiber and ask her about the store. We speak with her several times until she says the phone number. We go down to the first floor and call Mr. Wong on the phone near the stairs. Let's go to the photo store. We use the bell on the counter. We speak with Mr. Wong, show him a photo of Mount Rushmore. Then we check the photo through the glasses that are here on the counter. We run to Miss Schreiber and talk to her about the discovery.

Location 6. Mount Rushmore.

We run along the road to the mountain (according to the sign). Opposite the stall there are binoculars. On one of them there is no announcement that it does not work. Let's use it. Need a coin. There are two options here. Option one: sell the stall owner a magazine taken from Lula's villa. Option two: remove the medallion from Dusty's collar and put it in a box of money, then ask the owner of the stall for 2 coins of 25 cents (the medallion looks like a coin of 50 cents). The result is a coin. We use binoculars with a coin in our hands. After the video, we run further along the road. We go out to the observation deck and find binoculars again without an announcement. After using it, it will break. We check the tripod, we run to the stall. We speak with the owner about the catapult. Then we ask Gina about the catapult. We run to the car of the owner of the stall (it is parked next to Lula's car), open the trunk with a knife and take the catapult. We go to the observation deck and set the catapult on a tripod. After that, it will be necessary to shoot Dusty. It is necessary to raise the sight almost to the limit up and slightly to the right of the arrow. After the mini-game, Dusty will bring the doll. We show the doll to Gina. We show the photo of the western city to the owner of the kiosk. Then we give the photo to Gina, so that now she will talk with the owner of the kiosk. After their conversation, we speak with Gina again and leave.

Location 7. Colorado Creek.

We speak with Dave. A mission will appear: talk to the actors. We go outside, on the right, near the tents, we speak with two actors. We go to the saloon and ask Jack about Dave and Jean. We run to the church, we try to open the door. To the right of the saloon (if you face it) there is a house, near which lies an electric screwdriver. We take it with us, then back to the saloon. We go behind the bar counter and infect the screwdriver through the carrying. Use a screwdriver to open the door of the church. We interrogate Dave and Gina. We get the key to Dave's trailer. It is located behind the scenery to the right of the saloon. Open the trailer door. After the cutscene, a hard drive will appear in your inventory. We run to the house, near which we found a screwdriver and examine the sign from above. This is a gun shop. Next, we talk to Gina. The monkey will take the second doll out of the bell. We pick it up, talk to Gina.

Location 8. Beauty farm.

To the right of the door we find a box with fuses on the wall. We connect the wires. We run back to the lampposts, the door opens. We run to the door, it closes. We ask Gina to move to the lamppost. We go into the building. We speak with Miss Henson. We go to the pool, we try to open the iron locker. It's closed. We run to the second floor and try to open the operating room. We talk with Chrissy and Gina. We run to the pool, we approach the baroness from behind and unbutton her bikini. The locksmith will react to this. We take away his screwdriver (near the battery) and open the locker. We take the third doll. We speak with Gina about dolls. We take the key from the wall near the table of Miss Henson. We go to the second floor and open the operating room with this key. Video clip.
Then you have to go through five rather difficult mini-games where you have to shoot the bandits.

The protagonist of the game had a problem, the fact is that his beloved girl suddenly disappeared, the player, in turn, will have to look for her. To successfully complete a particular level, the player will have to show their enthusiasm and resourcefulness, including ingenuity. But, and if, for some reason, the gamer fails to complete this or that task, then with the help of this guide, he will definitely find the answer.

Walkthrough THAT LEVEL AGAIN 3 all levels of the game

How to pass level 1.
At the beginning gameplay, the player will have to jump around a bit to be able to control their character. Also, the player will be able to change the game background, change the screen resolution, etc. After that, you can safely leave the location, and goes on an exciting journey.

How to pass level 2.
During the passage of this level, the player will encounter the following difficulties, and it is with an impenetrable obstacle. To do this, you need to move the platform, which is located at the top. After that, they will return to the room again and pick up the key. When all these manipulations are completed, then move the platform again and run forward.

How to pass level 3.
Activate the button with the key, after which the elevator will descend and you can go to the next level.

How to pass level 4.
During the passage of this level, many players are faced with such a problem that the sun begins to blind your character, as a result, you can not see anything. In order to solve this problem, pause the game and lower the screen brightness. But sometimes you need to increase the brightness.

How to pass level 5.
In this location, the player can control items with their fingers. To pass this level, you need to move the main character to the specified point, and then activate the button with the key. Then the passage can be opened.

How to pass level 6.
Do not lose the key and go only forward. On your way you will encounter a huge wall, destroy it with a ball. In order to activate this weapon, turn the phone in different directions. Then destroy the wall with the key, put the key on the button. When the wall falls, double jump and leave the level.

How to pass level 7.
In the beginning, we will use a fire, a flower in a pot, and, well, a fire alarm, after which we turn off the game. This is the only way to pass this level.

How to pass level 8.
At this level, your character finds his favorite, but the game does not end there. First, stop the game, then minimize and change the date on your device to the date shown in the game. Your journey will continue, now main character will not be alone, but with his beloved.

How to pass level 9.
In order for the girl to pass safely, the player will have to jump onto the sharp spikes. Do not worry, after all this, your character will again be in the world of the living.

How to pass level 10.
Give the key to your friend and then she can push the button. Only in this way will you be able to get out of the room and continue your journey.

How to pass level 11.
A phrase will hang at the top of the screen, the player can use it as a bridge, place the bridge with your finger on the screen.

How to pass level 12.
Make your way to the very top in order to successfully pass the platform at the end. Next, you will find yourself in a room where your beloved will be.

How to pass level 13.
You need to lift your friend on the shoulders of your character, in the end she will be able to get the key.

How to pass level 14.
Each hero must activate his own button. As a result, this level will be successfully completed, but the character will lose his beloved.

How to pass level 15.
Make a path out of the discarded squares by moving them with your finger.

How to pass level 16.
Tilt your device to the left to successfully cross the ravine.

How to pass level 17.
Here you only need to wait and be patient, as a result, the spikes will disappear and the path will open for you.

How to pass level 18.
Press all the buttons on your device, as a result, the control will break. It became impossible to control your character, turn the phone.

How to pass level 19.
It all starts from the beginning, the player will have to go through already familiar levels. But to open one of the doors, you have to break the control again. Follow all the previously completed steps, and then you will meet your beloved.

How to pass level 20.
Come to your beloved, that's all, this level will be completed.

How to pass level 21.
At this level, you will encounter the next obstacle, namely, a huge pit will be located on your way. To go further, accelerate to start and make a jump.

How to pass level 22.
Many players cannot pass this level. The thing is that right in the middle of the abyss there is a platform on which you need to jump from a running start. Jump on the invisible platform and see your beloved.

How to pass level 23.
In fact, there is no test, just click on the phrase "IQ test". All levels will be completed.

How to pass level 24.
At this level, you will have to collect a real bouquet for your beloved girl. But first you will need to collect those very flowers, some flowers will be located in the game menu. After the beautiful bouquet is collected, approach your beloved.

How to pass level 25.
On your way there will be another obstacle, namely mountains of boxes. To destroy this very barricade, you need to tilt the phone left and right. After the barricade is destroyed, approach the girl.

How to pass level 26.
Again, the obstacle is a large pit, in order to pass it you will need to build a bridge from the figures. So you can get to your beloved and pass this level.

How to pass level 27.
Don't take the straight road, it leads nowhere. Turn in the opposite direction and go there. Only there you can get to the girl.

How to pass level 28.
Approach your loved one first. After that, strange things begin to appear on the screen of your device, don't worry, just exit to the game menu. This is the only way to open the door and gain the long-awaited freedom.

Well, that's all, the lovers finally got out, a long and happy life awaits them. But it is worth noting that this game has another ending, not so happy.

How to pass level 29.
Get your girlfriend. But this will not give anything, the beloved leaves the room without her beloved.

How to pass level 30.
When you meet a character unknown to you, you will have to help him climb onto the ledge.

How to pass level 31.
Complete this level without touching your girlfriend. Jump over obstacles and at the end through your favorite. Then go forward, where you will expect a sad ending to this wonderful story.

Lula's mansion

Sexy beauty Lula returns in a new erotic quest, which differs from the previous adventures of the busty blonde in a fully three-dimensional engine. In the opening video, the main character performs a striptease at a local bar. It seems that this scene turned on the little dog most of all, which immediately rushed to throw out hormones on the visitor who entered. In secret - the dog belongs to Lula and will follow its owner all the way, helping her in critical situations, and the type who lit a cigar is the main villain.

The adventure begins at Lula's mansion, where she has set up a studio and produces her famous porn films. While filming another hot episode, Lula gets a call from Brian, her producer. Talk to him - the triplets actresses have disappeared, without which the shooting of the film will be disrupted. Climb up to the second floor, take the erotic magazine from the table, then inspect the triplets room. Take the key to the gatehouse to the right of the bed, an ashtray from the glass table, and a box of matches from under it. You can also grab a red bra for the collection. Lula will stuff all the items she finds into her bra. You can still understand when she puts matches there, but how (and most importantly - why?) Tomatoes, paintings or bottles are placed there is a mystery. Climb down and talk to Brian again.

Exit the house and head towards the gates of the villa. To the right of them is a guard house, open its door with the found key. Take one video cassette next to the bedside table, and the other - near the chair. Also take away the video cable and connect it to the tape recorder. Now watch both cassettes on TV, return to report your findings to Brian. The traces of the kidnappers lead to San Francisco, where the agent of the Spandau triplets lives. Show Brian the box of matches, then try calling Spandau from the phone in the lobby. Nothing comes out. Go to the pool, where take the mobile phone on the table next to the naked Lisa. Again ask Brian about the phone (with the phone in hand), then Lisa. The actress will first pat about her breasts, and only then will she tell you what interests you. Dial Spandau's number from the phone in the lobby, you will get to the answering machine. Back to Brian, then go to the cars and try to open the pink car door. It won't work without the key, ask Brian about the key - he won't give it back. Go to the bathroom, ask the lesbians basking in the shower about the keys. That's right, Brian has them. Take the keys from the producer, get in the car and go to new location.

San Francisco

Talk to Kama Sutra, the prostitute by the wall, then answer the landline. Lula will portray "sex on the phone", playing some preoccupied subscriber. Go to Dickson & Son, an adult video store, where you can pick up a CD from the shelf and a can of beer and a battery for mobile phone. Near the strip club Wild Chicken Club you will see a lady depicting Marilyn Monroe, under her white dress from below, from under the lattice, air is blowing. Talk about everything with Marilyn, then across the street with Sarah, the girl in red. Now with cashier Kiki, who is sitting in a booth at the entrance to the club. She does not let women into the club, with the exception of employees working there. Try to enter from the back door and chat in the alley near the black van with the guard Hank - he will also refuse to let you in. Open the back door of the van and take the earring. A homeless man sits on a broken car next door, talk to him. Talk about Lorne, Hank and the liquor in the bag. Ask Marilyn to help you get into the club. Then chat with Sarah, show her an earring with a torn ear. Offer to drink coffee. In the cafe, talk to Philip at the counter, then to Marilyn and Sarah about a pass to the club. Order the girls what they ask, then ask Sarah for a pass again. Give it up this time. Take the chili sauce from the table where the couple is having... hmm... sex, go outside. You can try to show the pass to Hank, although he is hopelessly stupid, he will not let him in. Run into the street next to the tram, on the door on the left hang signs of Hammett and Spandau. Open the door, go up to the second floor and try to open the door to Spandau's apartment. Closed, you can still hear the squeaking of cats outside the door.

On the floor above, talk to Hammett, he can give the key to Spandau's apartment, but in return he will demand a drink. A can of beer won't do. Take the photo of Lorna from the table and the bottle, also take the black wig (Lula thinks she looks like Sarah in it), take milk and tomatoes from the refrigerator. Go down to the street (you can first stare through the glass as Klaus and Sabina have sex on the roof), go to the alcohol store, Willys Liquor. Show Willy the bottle of Hammett, he'd be happy to help, but there aren't enough ingredients. Give the french-accented bum at the dead end near Hank Lorna's photo, he will part with his package. Take it to Willy, get a bottle of the right drink. Return to Hammett and give him the bottle, then ask him to take a picture of Lulu, after which you will see a small erotic photo session. Open the Spandau apartment with the key you received, it is full of cats, and one has a key hanging around its neck. Take cat food from the wall cabinet, pour it into a bowl near the refrigerator and remove the key from the cat. Use this key to open the metal cabinet at the entrance. Take a battery and an old letter on the left, and a video cassette on the right. Insert the battery into the camcorder and view the tape. Listen to the recording on the answering machine. Now go to the strip club from the back door, showing the pass to Hank.

Wild Chicken Club

Rise to the second floor, the guard Davis will not let you go further. Well, you'll have to take him out. Go down to the stage and talk to Heidi at the pole. Then with the bartender, pour chili sauce into his cup. The bartender will choke and run to the toilet. Quickly behind the counter, aim the heater at the sink. Take an empty glass from one of the tables and give it to the bartender. He will try to wash it, but will be scalded. But Davis will rush to his screams and for some reason will not want to return to his post. Will stay to watch the dance of the stripper. Climb up to the second floor, open the door on the right... A chocolate-black blonde and a white man are having sex on the bed, there is nothing more exotic here. Further along the corridor will be the boss's room and then the bathroom. Go to the last one, open the metal box (switch box) next to the mop and press the button. Go out into the corridor, open the door of the boss, Lula will overhear the conversation. Quickly run back to the bathroom, come back again and spy on Stanley again. The fat man will talk on the phone, then head towards the exit. Once again hide in the bathroom, then go to the office. Brian will call, he will mention Las Vegas. Take a business card from the table, now there is an exact address of the mother of the triplets in Las Vegas, where you need to visit. It remains to safely get out of the club. Stupid Hank blocked the road and prevents pass. Go to the statue of a naked girl (nude bitch) and take away from it... hmm... the key. Open the door for them, from behind which groans come. Talk to Domina, who is helping the senator satisfy his sadomasochistic tendencies. After she leaves (it's funny, they forgot to turn off the love moans), take a frying pan from the wall and heat the senator with it. Clark. Remove the handcuff from his left hand, go downstairs and fasten Hank to the stairs.

Roadside motel in the desert

The diner is closed, and Lula is in dire need of coffee. Go to the motel (talking to the girl will not give anything) and talk to Anton about suspicious people. You're on the right track, a black van stopped here recently. Go to the gas station and ask Ben for coffee. Then discuss with him suspicious people and the problems of his marriage. Lula will try to seduce the unfortunate man, but his feminine charms do not attract - she will run away, dropping her knife. Pick up a knife, pierce the wheel of a familiar black van with it, it stands between two houses next to a green car. Guard Mike will descend on the noise, and the mini-game "throwing knives" will begin. It is necessary to throw knives at Mike, hiding behind the van. Go back to the Cosmo diner, the door is open. Talk to the robber Gina, she just took the cash register and also grabbed the keys to your car. The girls leave, and the vigilant owner of the motel calls the police. After a short trip, another "shoot the cops" mini-game will begin, which is almost no different from throwing knives. Only here it is necessary to reload the weapon in time and there will be two opponents. Gina and Lula part ways, kissing each other goodbye in a passionate kiss.

Las Vegas

Walk down the street until you see a neat low house with a balcony on the right. Miss Schreiber lives in this dwelling. The door is closed, go around the house and pick up the spoiled tomatoes from the trash can, if you did not take them earlier in Hammett's apartment. Go back to the balcony, try to enter again, ring the doorbell - no answer. Get out on the road, stand on the dotted line, from here you can interact with the window of the house. For example, throw tomatoes into it. The "throw a tomato" mini-game is even simpler than the previous two. Choose the right throw force and angle, hit five tomatoes in the indicated window - and the game will end. Didn't work the first time? Are you out of tomatoes? You can always get more in the trash can. After the conversation, Miss Schreiber will throw down the keys, open the door. Go up to her room and talk again, the old woman does not hear well, but this is fixable. Go to the kitchen and take the hearing aid from the refrigerator. Give it to Schreiber and get ready to listen, it will be a long conversation. Former stripper will tell all about her life and her triplets daughters. Show her Josh Dekker's letter from the locker in Spandau's room. Go to the stairs and take a photo of Mount Rushmore with the faces of the presidents from the wall. Another photo (it shows the old town and Dekker) must be taken from the wall in the living room, by the door next to the refrigerator. Take the photographs to Schreiber. If you haven't already tried entering Wong's Photo Shop near your car, now is the time to do so. Then talk about it with Schreiber until she says the phone number. Call Wong from the phone under the stairs, then go to his store and ring the bell on the counter. After a long conversation, show Wong the photo of Mount Rushmore, then look at him through his glasses. Lula will find Schreiber's hubby in the picture, please the old woman with this find. As a result, Lula will get into trouble, but she will be saved by the robber Gina. If you look closely, you can replace a small blunder - first we see how the black van with the bandits drives away from the house, and in the next scene it is still in its place.

Mount Rushmore.

Upon arrival, talk to Gina and follow the sign to the mountain with the faces of the presidents. In the souvenir shop, chat with the seller, look in the coin box. You need to put something in there that looks like 50 cents. Remove the token from your favorite dog Dusty, the dog is spinning around the monument of naked priests in the parking lot. Throw the token into the coin box in the tent and demand a 25 cent coin from the vendor. Go to the tourist telescope, toss a coin into it, and watch as Lula discovers the doll right under President Jefferson's nose. Follow the path further to the area with the flags. On a bench, a couple makes love, and they do not seem to be embarrassed that they are on an observation deck and it is raining. Go to the edge and use the telescope, it will break, but Lula will think of adapting its stand to create a catapult. Return to the souvenir shop and talk to the seller about the catapult. Go to the parking lot and chat on the same topic with Gina. Now open the trunk of the car next to yours with a knife. Take the catapult, use it on the broken telescope. The "throw the dog" mini-game is similar to throwing tomatoes, only now instead of tomatoes we shoot Dusty, and you need to hit Jefferson's nose. Pull the scope up as far as possible, and aim at the right edge of the mark. When the nose collapses, the dog will grab the doll and bring it to Lula. Take the toy, show it to Gina. Then show a photo of the old city with Dekker to the owner of the souvenir shop, and after Gina. She will find out all the details from the intractable merchant.

Colorado Creek

In search of the triplets, Lula and her girlfriend come to an abandoned town in the spirit of the Wild West, now used for filming films. Talk to the director, ask him about the triplets, about the movie he's making, and about the weapons. Come out of the saloon and talk about the missing girls with the actors at the tents, one looks like an astronaut, and the other portrays a cheeky cowgirl. Cross the bridge over the river and try to get into the church, behind the door of which suspicious groans are heard. Near the weapons store (just next to open door, behind which the couple is engaged ... well, what else can they do in this game?) there is a toolbox, take the electric screwdriver from it. Enter the saloon and go behind the counter, there is an extension cord near the wall. Charge the screwdriver battery and return to the church. Use the screwdriver on the door, go inside... no, it wasn't the triplets that were moaning, it was just Gina jumping on Dave. Lula will try to distract them from this activity, but nothing will come of it, but now she has the keys to Dave's trailer. It's right next to the sheriff's office. Watch a cutscene of Lula taking part in a threesome gangbang with an astronaut and a cowgirl. She will come out of the trailer with a rifle. Go to the weapons store, near which they took the screwdriver, read the sign. Talk to Gina at the saloon entrance. Lula will lead her to the place, shoot her gun in the direction of the church. The bell will fall and break, and the monkey, running up to the noise, will get the second doll out of it. Take the doll from the monkey, then talk to Gina. Two policemen will come to the set and will swear bad words for a long time and juicy. However, they will not be able to arrest Lulu and her partner, the female charm will overpower the sense of duty.

Tropicana Motel

This chapter is non-fiction, consists of several dialogues and a lot of sex scenes. However, helpful information is here too. Lula and Gina will meet with Chrissy, one of the triplets, and discuss their next plan to beat the robbers and save her sisters.

beauty clinic

Approach the glass doors, they should move aside, but for some reason this does not happen. Look at the fuse box to the right of the door, repair the damage. If you move to the lantern, the door will open, but it will immediately close, you just have to leave this place. Ask Gina to stand in your place, enter the clinic. Ask about everything Miss Hanson, then go to the pool and near the door of the janitor, try to open the metal cabinet. Does not exceed. You can try to open it with a screwdriver, but the repairman Dagger is in no hurry to leave his workplace yet. You have to distract him somehow. Chat with the Baroness to find out the features of her bikini. Climb up and go to the operating room - it's closed. Chat with Gina and Chrissy, then return to the pool. Unfasten the bra on the Baroness, Dagger will react to this. Take his screwdriver and use it to open the metal cabinet. So the third doll was found. Take it to Gina. Take the key from the wall behind the counter, Miss Hanson has gone somewhere. Go upstairs and open the operating room with this key.

Lula and company will fall into a trap, the girls will be put to sleep with chloroform. Several mini-games follow which take place in Lula's nightmare. In the first one, you need to throw two gangsters with knives, in the second one - shoot them with a pistol. This is followed by similar skirmishes in the cemetery (do not forget to kill the skeleton), then two more in the swamp. The last one is the most difficult, it is better to shoot the rightmost bandit first, his bald head is visible from behind the cover bars, and then the other two. Watch the final video at Lula's villa, in which the girls celebrate their victory over the crooks and give each other gifts. Of course, without a lot of scenes of obscene content, this time too.

That game Level Again is a special kind of puzzle that will take you to a fairly large room and introduce you to an eccentric little man - the owner of a huge head and short legs. Her goal is to help this kid get out of the room, which is filled with a variety of traps, platforms and red buttons. And for this you need to open the door and here you will need ingenuity, ingenuity and logical thinking, since the lock is unlocked in the most unusual ways that we will tell you about.

Level 1 (0:04): Guess for yourself. To open the door, the man must press the red button.

Level 2 (0:13): Try harder. The door will open if the man presses the button three times.

Level 3 (0:23): Press the button. To unlock the door you have to press the red button, only this time you have to do it using your finger.

Level 4 (0:31): Press harder. Here you have to press the button with all your might. And for this, the little man must jump onto it from a platform located under the ceiling.

Level 5 (0:42): Die trying. This time it takes death to open the door. Therefore, the little man will have to jump on the very spikes.

Level 6 (1:01): Don't touch. To get out of the room, the little man cannot touch the red button.

Level 7 (1:17): Back. To get out of this room, the little man must return to the previous level.

Level 8 (1:20): Chaos. Here the little man must reach the door, simultaneously pressing the red button.

Level 9 (1:29): Faster, faster. This time, the little man must press the button until the door is fully opened. After that, he still has to get out before it closes again.

Level 10 (1:45): Changed controls. To open the door, you and the little man will have to work together. Holding it with your finger, you need to press the button, and then exit through the doorway.

Level 11 (1:57): Press pause. This time, the pause button, which the little man must press, will help open the door.

Level 12 (2:13): Bad weather. The same red button will help the little man open the door. True, due to the strong wind, the hero will move much more slowly.

Level 13 (02:28): Knock knock. This time, a normal knock will help open the door. To do this, simply tap on its surface with your finger and take out your ward.

Level 14 (02:37): Don't believe your eyes. In this room, an illusion awaits you, so after pressing the button, the door remains closed. However, it can be easily passed through.

Level 15 (02:44): Use telekinesis. Here, the little man will need telepathic abilities, with which he will move the platform in order to bypass the stakes with it and get first to the button, and then to the door.

Level 16 (2:59): Feel like Mario. It will not work to open this door, so the little man will have to break through the floor with his head and leave the room through the resulting hole.

Level 17 (03:09): Wobbling door. This time, the door will only open if the little man jumps to it from the bottom platform and touches it a couple of times.

Level 18 (03:21): Save your jumps. In this room, the little man is allowed to perform only two jumps, so they should be used only as a last resort, where they cannot be dispensed with.

Level 19 (03:29): Danger. To get out of this room, the little man needs not only to press the button and get to the door, but also to dodge the falling spikes.

Level 20 (03:40): We are sinking. Here you will have to use the red button to send an SOS signal by pressing it several times with your finger. After that, the little man will be able to leave the room.

Level 21 (03:52): Moon. There is a very low gravity in this room, so the little man must be careful while jumping. And the door opens all the same - by pressing the red button.

Level 22 (04:06): Play with gravity. Here, the little man needs to be careful while moving towards the button and the door, since gravity can change when jumping.

Level 23 (4:24): Just give up and give up. You will not be able to open this door, so pause, go to the That Level Again game menu and go to the next level.

Level 24 (04:32): Like in a library. You and the little man will enter a room where it is strictly forbidden to make noise. Therefore, you will have to pause the game, go to the menu and turn off all sound effects and music.

Level 25 (04:43): Moon and one jump. In this room, lunar gravity, and besides, here the little man is allowed to perform only one jump. Therefore, he must use it in order to get to the button. After that, he needs to die by hitting the spikes. Now it's up to his clone to walk along the path and make his jump to get up to the door.

Level 26 (5:18): It's easy. Here, on the way to the red button and the door, there are sharp spikes, so the little man will have to sacrifice his life. Now his clone will be able to use the body instead of the platform and get to the target.

Level 27 (05:28): Like a balloon. This time the little man has lost his weight, so now he reminds balloon. And this will make it harder to get to the button and the door, because there are sharp spikes everywhere.

Level 28 (05:43): Try this. The little man continues his flights, which can be very dangerous due to the huge number of spikes, so he needs to be extremely careful.

Level 29 (6:11): Something heavy. This time it will not be enough to press the button with the strength of a little man alone, something heavy is needed here and the platform located above it is just what is needed. Therefore, our hero must drop it on the button, and then go to the door.

Level 30 (6:39): I want a plane. In order for the little man to be able to press the red button and get out of the room, you will have to put your phone into airplane mode.

Level 31 (07:04): Gravity has gone. In this room, there are problems with gravity, which will turn off and on. Therefore, the little man will have to be patient and be careful during his journey to the button and the door.

Level 32 (7:18): Next photo. While the person makes the familiar path to the button and door, you will have to move your finger across the screen of your phone. This will open the constipation and get out.

Level 33 (7:24): Die in the right place. This time, the spikes located under the platform with the red button will help open the door. Therefore, the little man must jump right into them, and his clone will complete this mission by reaching the door.

Level 34 (07:45): Ping. This little man is waiting for the already familiar path to the button, and from it to the door. That's just between pressing the buttons and the movement of the hero there is a significant hitch, so you should be more careful.

Level 35 (8:09): Buck with a pause. Not only the red button will help the little man get out of this room, but also the pause that must be started as soon as the door opens. After that, the hero must continue his movement and leave the room.

Level 36 (08:24): Passing out. In order for the little man to overcome the usual path to the button and the door, you just have to shake your phone.

Level 37 (08:31): Turn around. To open the door of this room, the little man must get to it and turn away. It will immediately begin to rise and at this moment it is necessary to slip through the resulting opening.

Level 38 (8:45): In this room, you will have to get to know your ward very closely and walk the usual path from a different angle.

Level 39 (08:57): Volume. This room will require a lot of noise from you, so you should set your phone's volume to the maximum.

Level 40 (9:12): Relax. The little man will again have to get first to the button, and then to the door. And for its movement, you must click on the arrow pointing to the right. That's just the control buttons will jump around the screen, so it will not be easy to hit it.

Level 41 (09:59): Stand on the button. This time, the goal of the little man will be the red button, on which he must stand and stand on it even when the door opens.

Level 42 (10:17): Another button. Here the little man will have to find another red button. And for this you have to press pause and enter the game menu. Now the hero will be able to find the coveted button and move to the next room.

Level 43 (10:31): Traps. This room contains great amount traps you can't see. Your task is to guide the little man so that he gets to the button and the door without hitting any of them.

Level 44 (10:47): Touch you corpse. There are three red buttons in this room that must be pressed at the same time. Therefore, the little man will have to die on one of them, and when his clone takes place on the middle button, you will enter into action by pressing the last one with your finger.

Level 45 (11:05): Here you need to work hard, because you will have to control the little man using only one button - the right arrow.

Level 46 (11:16): Secret passage. This time, pressing the red button will not be easy, because there is a mobile platform with sharp spikes above it. Every time the hero steps on the button, it will rapidly fall. Therefore, the little man must jump on it, which will lead him out of the room.

Level 47 (11:39): Upside down. Everything in this room is upside down, so the little man will have to use his head instead of his legs to press the button.

Level 48 (12:11): Find my button. This time the little man will have to find an additional button, and for this you need to enter the game menu. There is a special icon with the inscription "opens the door". As soon as you press it, you can return to your little man, who only has to do how to get to the door.

Level 49 (12:32): Magic word. Any phrase you say into the microphone of the phone will allow you to open this door. After that, it remains only to bring the little man to the door.

Level 50 (12:46 PM): Vector. The buttons do not work in this room, so the little man will follow the vector that you draw on the phone screen with your finger.

Level 51(12:57): Jump. The only way the movement of the little man in this room will be jumping. Therefore, you will have to try to guide him to the button and the door, while saving his life.

Level 52 (13:12): Pick up. In this room, the button may not work, so you will have to work as a lifting mechanism. To do this, simply lift it with your finger and swipe the little man.

Level 53 (13:25): Push. It will not work to open this door with the button, so the little man will have to push it until he leaves the room.

Level 54 (13:38): Wake up. The little man is tired and sleeps on the go, and in order to leave the room, he will have to be woken up. And for this you need to click on it when it falls into a dream.

Level 55 (13:51): Quick. This time, it is not so easy to deliver the little man to the cherished door and the button, because he moves quite quickly. So, you will have to show attention and caution.

Level 56 (14:04): Door menu. To open this door, the little man will need a special door menu, which will appear on the screen after he touches it. There you need to click the checkmark and you can leave the room.

Level 57 (14:16): LPV. To help the little man achieve his goal, you will have to alternately press the Left, Right, Up buttons.

Level 58 (14:28): Fill in the gap. This time, our hero just needs to walk around the room, not forgetting to press the button.

Level 59 (14:41): Stuck in time. There is no red button in this room and in order to find it, the little man must stand on the middle platform, after which you will have to pause the game That Level Again and enter its menu. So you can see the button, after which the hero will be able to continue his movement.

Level 60 (14:59): Back 2. To open this door, you will have to press the "back" button on your phone. Now you can send the little man on the road.

Level 61 (15:13): Self-propelled. In this room, the little man will move on his own, and the button will not be located on the central platform. Therefore, you will have to contrive to get him to climb to the button and get to the door without running into spikes.

Level 62 (15:38): Password 1234. There is a combination lock on the next door, so you need to type in the password. And for this you have to go to the game menu and enter the indicated numerical values. After that, it's up to the little man who needs to go through the open door.

Level 63 (16:05): Earthquake. To open this door, you will have to make an earthquake. And for this you have to shake your phone well.

Level 64 (16:12): Hint. To open the last door, you will have to evaluate this toy. Of course, you can also omit this moment by clicking on the cross. Now your ward - big-headed little man is free.