Map of fighting in Afghanistan. Brief history of Afghanistan

- Boris Nikitich, what tasks stood before the topographic service of the 40th Army when securing hostilities in Afghanistan?

The tasks were a lot: the operational support of the compounds, parts and individual divisions of cards, topogeodesic intelligence, the manufacture of location layouts for control and interaction of all levels in the preparation and planning of operations, topographic training of troops.

One of the main tasks of the topographic service was to ensure the fighting cards of troops in Afghanistan and the creation of card reserves on the planned directions of the theater of the Military Action. IN initial stage There were no large-scale cards of the entire territory of this country. The largest scale map was 1: 200,000 - for the reconnaissance and organization of road marches, but it did not reflect specific objects, did not have accurate guidelines, which means it did not allow to solve many tasks in the interests of the troops. Therefore, initially in 1982-1983 began to urgently make cards of scale 1: 100,000, and then on their base, pictures from the satellite and the results of topogeodesic intelligence since 1983-1984 began to create cards of 1:50,000 to work in the most promptly important areas Afghanistan, which have already allowed to produce artillery firing along the coordinates of the goals. Then there was an increase in the "fifty" cards: with a change in the situation as a result of hostilities, with the clarification of some natural features, operational corrections were made in them. And when we covered the entire area of \u200b\u200bAfghanistan with a scale of the scale of Afghanistan, and special geodesic data cards created. Thus, a geodesic basis appeared - the exact coordinates of some objects, items, so necessary for the shooting of rocket troops and artillery, for binding to the terrain of the combat order of the troops.

Maps of scale 1: 100,000 troops of the 40th Army were provided by 1985 by 70-75 percent, by 1986 - almost all 100%. And the scale of the scale of 1:50,000 was provided completely somewhere by 1986-1987 .

How was the topographic intelligence?

Topographers of all connections and parts of the 40th army were involved in the period of the topographical intelligence of the area during the nomination of troops and during the fighting. Probably 60 percent of the entire topographic intelligence launched on aerial photography. Especially in front of large combat operations. Under Kabul stood a squadron of aircraft, among them and the An-30 aircraft with equipment for photography from the air - he performed flights to the most important areas. The photographing in this case was the pilots themselves, since they were more prepared for working with this technique, and topographers who flew along with them only clarified the task. Aviators had their own photo laboratory, and when, on Earth, we have treated information with them, such work brought good fruits. Although the An-30 flew under the cover of helicopters, all the same, the maintenance of topographic intelligence with air was a rather risky activity - at any time these aircraft could bother. But, thank God, this never happened.

On Earth, all the necessary information was gathered in the course of natural everyday observations. The specificity of Afghanistan was that no special topogeodesic expeditions sent anyone anywhere, the topographers moved throughout the territory only as part of troops during certain operations. Everything was noticed. For example, autocolon, as a rule, drove army, divisional, brigade topographers, and before all sorts of march, they resembled drivers and senior cars: "Guys, somewhere to see suspicious - immediately report." What was noticed? Where there was no vegetation before, it was suddenly a bush appeared - it means that this is a landmark for someone. The road has a triangle from stones explicitly laid out by the hands of a person, too, a landmark. Similar information They gave us and reconnaissance, special forces. In the future, after the topographers determined the coordinates of the detected landmarks, the artillerymen gave a disturbing fire there, and sometimes it was effectively.

All extracted topographic information flowed to the heads of the topographic services of divisions, brigades, and from them to me, head of the topographic service of the 40th army. We generalized this information and transferred to the topographic service of the Turkestan Military District, which at the time worked in the state of military time - the number of officers was increased. From there, information for further processing was distributed over the topogeodesic detachments of the Topographic Service of the USSR Armed Forces, which the corresponding corrections should be added to the cards. In stationary conditions, four topogeodesic detachments of central subordination - Noginsky, Golitsynsky, Irkutsk, Ivanovsky and Tashkent cartographic worked at the same time. In addition to them, in each military district, there were two or three field topped-proof detachments, which were also engaged in operational correction of maps. Each of the detachments worked on some determined region of Afghanistan to discharger the military topographic department of the General Staff of the USSR Sun.

Already corrected and supplemented cards were again entered into our topographic service, which was stationed in the vicinity of Kabul next to the headquarters of the 40th Army, in the Darulaman area. The soldiers-sorters of the army topographic part, which was there, quickly gained these cards, drove them into special machines of ACT (Army Staff Topographic Machine on the basis of "ZIL-131") and delivered in parts. When it was necessary to more quickly deliver the cards, we allocated helicopters.

For inserts from a personal case


Pavlov Boris Nikitich

Pavlov Boris Nikitich

Born on May 1, 1951 in the village of Fedosino Borovichsky district of the Novgorod region. In 1974 he graduated from the Leningrad Higher Military Topographical Team School, in 1985 - the Military Engineering Academy. V.V. Kuibyshev. From 1969 to 2002 he served in various positions in the ranks of Soviet, and then the Russian Armed Forces. From March 1987 to February 1989, he was the head of the topographic service of the 40th All-Army Army in Afghanistan. In 2002 he resigned to the reserve in the rank of colonel from the post of chief of central base topographic maps Armed Forces Awarded the orders of the Red Star, "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree, "For military merit", medal "for martial merits", Afghanistan medals. Married, has two sons.

- During your business trip, troops experienced a shortage of cards?

There were enough cards and there were no problems, because the car is that one sheet is typing, that ten thousand - the difference is superfluous. Cards for us printed Irkutskaya, Kiev, Minsk Factory and Moscow Factory named after Dunaev. But mostly Tashkent Factory - until the troops' conclusion. In addition, the hiking cartographic parts were printed: structural units, which in the field, and in stationary conditions provided the publication of the right amount of cards.

Special cards and combat schedule documents We have been manufactured by our own. In the Army topographic part there were printed machines of the OP-3, OP-4, Romayor, Dominant. The last two imported, and OP-3, OP-4 - domestic machines that have been installed and stationary, and in a hiking version on the Ural machines. They were served by soldiers-specialists: laboratory technicians, photolands and directly printers, who prepared at the request of the districts of the Zvenigorod training topogodesic detachment - the only one-of-its educational institution.

Special cards included cards of mountain passes and passes, maps overcoming water lines, snowy avalanche departure, geodesic data cards. With larger cards, we shot coordinates and transferred them to small-scale. Geodesic data cards were indispensable especially for artilleryrs. When urgently needed more than usual, the number of special cards, we sent the originals by the plane to Tashkent and after 2-3 days we were brought to us.

And what was required to make layouts, why could not be limited to one cards?

On the map not all reached the consciousness of the commanders. There are some mountains and rocks, and it was necessary to have a good imagination and perfect spectatic memorySo that you understand everything with one card alone. And on the layout immediately everything was visible: where is the mountain where the gorge leads which parts as they go, how they are put forward and from. The layout is the ideal working out of future actions. All operations demanded the manufacture of individual layouts to work out issues of interaction, so it was another main type of our activity - the manufacture of location at the headquarters of the army. Similar layouts were made in the headquarters of divisions, brigades and regiments - everywhere worked their mocks. And in general, planning operations, testing of the actions of troops and setting tasks on these layouts is a common practice for all compounds and parts of the 40th army in Afghanistan.

We made up the layouts of the terrain almost 2-3 times a month immediately before the army headquarters. Especially for these purposes the platform was highlighted, closed by a camouflage network so that the layouts did not see any of the outsiders. Only strictly defined persons were included on this site. For the manufacture of layouts, as a rule, used land, sand, cement, paints and figures that cut-saw our soldiers. Their actions were led by intelligent officers. It was a very time-consuming, serious and painstaking work. It happened that the team was given to us at 10 pm, and by 6 am the layout should have been ready. And each of such layouts were considerable - approximately 6x10 meters. Not only the command of the army headquarters, but all the chiefs of labor of troops and services have always given this work of topograms the highest rating.

And the Afghans allowed these layouts at the army headquarters?

There were persons who were allowed with the permission of the army commander. Because on top of Moscow, the teams descended - to teach them so that they fought, and we alleged them only supported. However, it was worth allowing to allow our layouts, the operations were not as successful.

How did you evaluate the topographic training of Soviet officers?

In general, topographical training of troops was weak at all stages from 1979 to 1989. And that is characteristic: Lieutenants, the same commander of the platforms who came from school, or senior officers more or less knew topography, but between these categories, as it were for some clever: Mouth Commanders threatened everything that was once taught, They behaved as if they saw the card for the first time. In addition, the map of the mountainous terrain is more difficult to read than the map of the plains, because pros, swamps, forests, lakes in Afghanistan did not. The inability to read the cards sometimes led to the fact that the commanders, mostly motorized rifles or tankers, started their units not where it was necessary. I have only 112-118 people in the army topographic part, of the officers - about 18 of them, including lieutenants who conducted topography classes directly to the troops with officers of any rank up to the colonel. In detail brought to them information about some innovations, corrections or additions on the maps, which appeared so that they could correctly read the card and set the tasks with their subordinates without errors. It turned out to be the fact that as soon as we came to some units, the leadership tried to put on topographic training for all officers who were only possible - they felt the vital necessity. And our topographers once again told everything from the conventional signs: where what means.

Afghans had their own cards, did you somehow use them in your work?

Of course, we studied them, but they did not find applications. These cards were on Farsi or in English and very old editions. In addition, literally in single quantity and displayed only individual pieces of terrain. There was no solid card of all Afghanistan. Even the map scale is 1:50,000 - sheets of size 30x30 cm, that is, if you measure - only 15x15 km. What was the use of us in them? Therefore, to resort to the help of the translators of the reason was not - our cards were better: visual, easily readable, accessible to understanding any Soviet officer. From military counterintelligers, such information reached us that the dusts were looking for opportunities for exchange or redeeming precisely Soviet cards.

There were cases when military personnel during the fighting or by negligence lost the card?

Such cases were, but as PE did not be regarded. Because the scale map is 1: 200,000 - "Double-year" was not considered secret. "Weaving" had a vulture "for official use." Yes, the scale of scale 1:50 000 was a secret, but "fifty" or, as they were also called, "half-kilometers" officers of the regiments, brigades and divisions, as a rule, were not issued - they were only in staff officers within the operational management of the army. Before the officers of the field parts reached out only cards - "Hawks" with some partial information.

And what cards we left the Afghan government troops before the conclusion of the troops?

We left them completely map scale up to 1: 100,000. And the maps of "fifty" left only for certain areas - the deployment points of their military units. This was due to precautions so that the card data then did not fall into other countries. All other cards of scale 1:50 000 I took out completely back to the territory of the USSR.

The topographic part of the army was often attacked or shelling at a permanent deployment point near Kabul?

The shells were and quite a lot. For these cases, we had a scattered asylum, the barracks were covered with sand bags. The shellings were carried out by reactive projectiles mostly in the evening. Dreshans allowed RS from the distance, maybe 5-6 km. As a rule, 2, 3, 4 projectiles, no more, because almost immediately our battery answered fire. During my trip from 1987 to 1989, among the topographers, no dead was. One soldier wounded the fragment from the PC in the part of the part, and one cargo car - "ZIL-131" ACT was undermined on Mine - her all turned her, but due to maps people remained alive, they didn't even get injured.

Another danger is mines. And not only on the roads, when the columns with the columns. From our Top Fall there was a path directly to the headquarters of the 40th army. We go, go, everything seems fine, suddenly: babes - someone blew up on anti-personnel mine.

How so, the territory was protected?

Guarded. But there were a lot of Afghan workers from the service personnel. And sometimes the dust rose from the wind - many different people in camouflage and without walked with knotted half-closed persons. It seems that other people from Afghans should not have been, but they penetrated. They also paid money for it. Casted somehow, put mines where it fell. It happened that not only ours, but they themselves also undermined. Somehow, about 16 hours she walked with Colonel, Nikolai Elovik - Deputy Head of Engineering Forces of the 40th Army - from the headquarters to his part, suddenly at some point the explosion and everything flew. Squeal, moan. Sitted: Afghan boy is 15 years old, eyes open, without hands, without legs. Lee breathes - it is not clear. Looked: "Kohl, what will we do?". There was a raincoat with me - they dropped it, put a guy there, the guts and everything else and carried into the clinic, which was nearby.

When did they come out of Afghanistan?

I left among the latter in mid-January 1989, since the cards were needed to the very end. Outside of our town, fierce battles have already passed between the dusts themselves: shared the territory among themselves, and just during this period they were instructed to withdraw the column - about 70 units of technology. The column was mixed: our topographic part on the cargo vehicles with equipment, special equipment and materials; divisions of the guard of the army headquarters; divisions of the special department; Some rear divisions. We were granted 2 tanks and 3 BMP. Air cover - "turntables" Mi-24, which appeared in pairs with a gap in half an hour. On the road from Kabul to the Termeza stood out of the 103rd VDD and the 108th MSS. On the march we were given a day. On January 14, our column focused not far from the bridge across the AMU-Daria River and only in early February crossed the river and settled down in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Termez. The columns went through a day - so we stepped out.

Wrong column was not fired?

She passed without incident, and before us were cases of shelling columns, there were wounded, and losses. What happened after us, we did not know. Then they lived another month in tents in the training center under the thermosis at the border, immediately behind the river, where at one time they prepared our servicemen before transferring to the territory of Afghanistan. Because the command of the army was tasked: to be in full combat readiness with all technical support in case of returning back - this was envisaged. In a month - February 15, we were given a team of loss to the points of permanent deployment.

War of the USSR in Afghanistane lasted 9 years 1 month and 18 days.

Date:979 G.-1989

A place: Afghanistan

Outcome: Skipping of H.Amine, the conclusion of the Soviet troops

Opponents: USSR, Dr. Against - Afghan Mujahideen, Foreign Mujahideen

Supported by :Pakistan, Saudi Arabia,UAE, USA, United Kingdom, Iran

Forces side

USSR: 80-104 thousand servicemen

VOL: 50-130 thousand servicemen according to "NVO", not more than 300 thousand

From 25 thousand (1980) to more than 140 thousand (1988)

Afghan War 1979-1989. - a long political and armed confrontation of the parties: the ruling protector regime of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DR) during military support of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan (OKSVA) - on the one hand, and the Mujahideen (Dushmanov "), with a sympathetic part of the Afghan society, Political and financial support for foreign countries and a number of states of the Islamic world - on the other.

The decision to enter the troops of the USSR Sun in Afghanistan was adopted on December 12, 1979 at a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, in accordance with the secret decree of the CPSU Central Committee No. 176/125 "To the Regulation in" A "," In order to prevent aggression from the outside and strengthening southern borders friendly regime in Afghanistan. " The decision was taken by a narrow circle of members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (Yu. V. Andropov, D. F. Ustinov, A. A. Gromyko and L. I. Brezhnev).

To achieve these goals, the USSR introduced a group of troops to Afghanistan, and the "Vympel" of the emerging special unit of the KGB "Vympel" killed the current president of H. Amin and everyone who was with him in the palace. By decision of Moscow, the new leader of Afghanistan became the owner of the USSR, the former Extraordinary Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Afghanistan in Prague B. Karmala, whose regime was obtained by a significant and versatile - military, financial and humanitarian - support for the Soviet Union.

Chronology of the USSR War in Afghanistan

1979 year

December 25 - the columns of the Soviet 40th Army crosses the Afghan border on the pontoon bridge across the AMU-Daria River. H. Amin expressed gratitude to the Soviet leadership and gave an orders to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Dog on providing assistance to the injected troops.

1980 year

January 10-11 - an attempt of anti-government rebellion of artpolkov on the 20th Afghan division in Kabul. During the battle, about 100 rebels were killed; Soviet troops lost two killed and two more were injured.

February 23 - tragedy in the tunnel on Salang pass. When moving oncoming columns in the middle of the tunnel, a clash occurred, a plug was formed. As a result, 16 Soviet soldiers suffocated.

March is the first large offensive operation of the OCSV units against Mujahideen - Kunar offensive.

April 20-24 - Mass anti-government demonstrations in Kabul are dispersed with low flights of jet aircraft.

April - US Congress authorizes the "direct and open assistance" of the Afghan opposition in the amount of $ 15 million. The first military operation in Panzheter.

June 19 - the decision of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee on the withdrawal from Afghanistan some tank, rocket and anti-aircraft missile parts.


September - Fights in the Lurco Mountainside in the province of Farah; The death of Major Gachelova.

October 29 - the introduction of the second "Muslim battalion" (177 of the SOCN) under the command of Major Kerimbayev (Kara-Major).

December - the defeat of the base point of the opposition in the Darzab area (Province of Dzauzhan).

1982 year

November 3 - tragedy on Salang pass. As a result of the explosion of fuel truck, more than 176 people died. (Already during the Civil War between the Northern Alliance and Taliban, Salang has become a natural barrier and in 1997 the tunnel was blown up by order of Ahmad Shah Masud, in order to prevent the Taliban's promotion to the North. In 2002, after uniting the country, the tunnel was reopened).

November 15 - the meeting of Yu.andropov and Ziaul-Khaka in Moscow. The Secretary General had a private conversation with the Pakistani leader, during which he informed him about the "new flexible policy of the Soviet side and an understanding of the need for the fastest permission of the crisis." The meeting also discussed the issue of the feasibility of war and the residence of the Soviet troops in Afghanistan and the prospects for the participation of the Soviet Union in the war. In exchange for the conclusion of troops from Pakistan, it was necessary to refuse to help rebels.


January 2 - in Mazari-Sharif Dushman kidnapped a group of Soviet civilian specialists with a number of 16 people. They managed to free them only in a month, while the six of them died.

On February 2, the bombs of the volume explosion destroyed Kishak Vakhshak in the north of Afghanistan in retaliation for the seizure of hostages in Mazar-Sharif.

March 28 - The meeting of the UN delegation led by Peres de Cuelarir and D. Korovsess with Y.andropov. He thanks UN for the "understanding of the problem" and assures the intermediaries in what is ready to take "certain steps", but it doubts that Pakistan and the United States will support the UN proposal regarding their non-interference in conflict.

April - Operation by defeating opposition detachments in Nijrab Gorge, Caison Province. Soviet divisions lost 14 people killed and 63 - wounded.

On May 19, the Soviet ambassador in Pakistan V.Smirnov officially confirmed the desire of the USSR and Afghanistan "to designate the deadlines for the conclusion of the contingent of Soviet troops."

July is the onset of dusts to the host. An attempt to block the city was not crowned with success.

August - Stressful work of the Mission D. Korovyshs on the preparation of agreements on the peaceful settlement of the war in Afghanistan almost completed: a 8-month-old troop conclusion program was developed from the country, but after Andropov's illness, the question of conflict was removed from the agenda of the Politburo meetings. Now it was only about the "Dialogue with the UN".

Winter - martialctions Activated in the Sarobi area and the Jalalabad Valley (in the reports, Lagman's province is most often mentioned). Armed with opposition detachments for the first time remain in Afghanistan for the entire winter period. The creation of fortifications and resistance bases has begun directly in the country.


January 16 - Dushmans shot down from the PZRK "Strela-2M" the aircraft Su-25. This is the first case of the successful application of CRKK in Afghanistan.

April 30 - during a major operation in the Panjscher gorge, he was in the ambush and ended the hardest loss of the 1st battalion of the 682th motorized rifle shelf.

October - Above Kabul from CRKK "Strela" Dushmans knock the IL-76 transport aircraft.


April 26 - the uprising of the Soviet and Afghan prisoners in Badaber prison in Pakistan.

June - Army operation in Panjschore.

Summer - new course Politburo CPSU Central Committee on the political decision of the "Afghan problem".

Autumn - the functions of the 40th army are reduced to the cover of the southern borders of the USSR, for which new motorized rifle units are attracted. The creation of support basic areas in hard-to-reach places of the country began.


February - at the XXVII Congress of the CPSU M. Gorbachev makes a statement about the beginning of the production plan of the phased conclusion of troops.

March - Decision of the administration of R. Reagan on the start of deliveries to Afghanistan to support Mujaheddinov CRKK "Stinger" class "Earth-Air", which makes the combat aircraft of the 40th army vulnerable to defeat from the Earth.

April 4-20 - Operation by defeating the base of Javara: a major defeat of dusts. Unsuccessful attempts of the Ismail-Khan detachments break through the "safety zone" around herat.

May 4 - at the XVIII Plenum of the Central Committee of the NDPA to the post of the Secretary General, instead of B. Karmal, he was elected M. Nadzhibulla, who had previously headed the Had Afghan counterintelligence. The plenum proclaimed the installation on solving the problems of Afghanistan with political methods.

On July 28, M. Gorbachev demonstratively announced the imminent conclusion from Afghanistan to six regiments of the 40th Army (about 7 thousand people). Later, the output will be transferred. In Moscow, there are disputes about whether the troops are completely.

August - Masud broke the base of government troops in Farhare, the province of Taghar.

Autumn - Major Belov's interlock from the 173th detachment of the 16th Special Forces Brigade seizes the first batch of the portable anti-aircraft missile systems "Stinger" in the amount of three pieces in the Kandahar area.

October 15-31 - Tank, motorized rifle, anti-aircraft shelves are derived from the shindand, from Kunduza - motorized rifle and zenith, from Kabul - zenith.

On November 13, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU sets the task to bring all the troops from Afghanistan for two years.

December - the Extraordinary Plenum of the Central Committee of the NDPA proclaims the course for the policy of national reconciliation and advocates the early termination of the fratricide war.


January 2 - the operational group of the USSR Ministry of Defense, headed by the First Deputy Head of the General Staff of the USSR Army, Varnikov, headed by the First Deputy Head of the General Staff.

February - Operation "Strike" in Kunduz Province.

February-March - Skwal Operation in Kandahar Province.

March - Operation "Thunderstorm" in the province of Gazni. Operation "Circle" in the provinces of Kabul and Logar.

May is the Operation "Vollean" in the provinces of Logar, Paktia, Kabul. Operation "South-87" in the province of Kandahar.

Spring - Soviet troops begin to apply for the cover of the eastern and southeast sections of the boundary of the Barrier system.


Soviet group of special forces is preparing for operation in Afghanistan

April 14 - when mediated by the UN in Switzerland, the Ministers of Afghanistan and Pakistan signed Geneva agreements on the political settlement of the situation around the situation in the DR. The guarantors of the agreements are the USSR and the United States. The Soviet Union pledged to bring its contingent in a 9-month period, starting from May 15; The United States and Pakistan, for their part, should have stopped supporting the Mujahideen.

On June 24 - the opposition detachments captured the center of Vardak - the city of Maidanchahr.


February 15 - Soviet troops are fully bred from Afghanistan. The conclusion of the 40th army's troops was led by the last commander of a limited contingent, Lieutenant General B. V. Gromov, who, as stated, was last transmitted by the Border River Amu Daria (Termez City).

War in Afghanistan - Results

Colonel-General Gromov, the last commander of the 40th Army (led the conclusion of troops from Afghanistan), in his book "Limited Contingent" expressed such an opinion on the victory or defeat of the Soviet Army in the war in Afghanistan:

I am deeply convinced: there are no grounds for the statement that the 40th army suffered defeat, as well as we won the military victory in Afghanistan. Soviet troops at the end of 1979 were unhindered in the country, fulfilled - unlike Americans in Vietnam - their tasks and organized back to their homeland. If as the main opposition of a limited contingent is to consider armed opposition detachments, then the difference between us is that the 40th army did what he considered it, and dusts - only what could.

Before the 40th army there were several main tasks. First of all, we had to assist the Government of Afghanistan in the settlement of the domestic political situation. Basically, this assistance was to combat armed detachments of the opposition. In addition, the presence of a significant military contingent in Afghanistan should have prevented outside aggression. These tasks of the 40th Army were fully implemented.

The Mujaughches before the output of Oxawa in May 1988 never managed to carry out a single major operation and could not take a single major city.

Military losses in Afghanistan

USSR: 15 031 dead, 53,753 wounded, 417 missing

1979 - 86 people

1980 - 1 484 people

1981 - 1,298 people

1982 - 1 948 people

1983 - 1,448 people

1984 - 2,343 people

1985 - 1,868 people

1986 - 1,333 people

1987 - 1 215 people

1988 - 759 people

1989 - 53 people

By titles:
Generals, Officers: 2 129
Earrigners: 632.
Sergeants and soldiers: 11 549
Workers and employees: 139

Of 11 294 people. dismissed from military service as a state of health remained with disabilities 10 751, of which - the 1st group - 672, the 2nd group - 4216, the 3rd group - 5863 people

Afghan Mujahideov: 56,000-90 000 ( peaceful residents from 600 thousand to 2 million people)

Losses in technique

According to official data, 147 tanks, 1314 armored vehicles (BTR, BMP, BMD, BRDM), 510 engineering machines, 11,369 trucks and fuel trucks, 433 artsystems, 118 aircraft, 333 helicopters. At the same time, these numbers were not specified in any way - in particular, information on the number of combat and non-union losses of aviation was not published, about the loss of aircraft and helicopters by type, etc.

Economic losses of the USSR

The support of the Kabul government from the budget of the USSR is annually spent about 800 million US dollars.

Afghanistan is a poor state, many centuries torn by internal contradictions and discords. One of the branches of the Great Silk Road took place through the country

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The Islamic State of Afghanistan is located and the central part of Asia.

Administratively, the country consists of 34 provinces (prize).

The largest citya: Kabul, Kandahar, Herat.

Capital of Afghanistan - City of Kabul.

Borders and Square of Afghanistan

Ground borders with India, Iran, Pakistan, China, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Afghanistan covers an area of \u200b\u200b647,500 square kilometers.

Map of Afghanistan


Population of Afghanistan

29 117,000 people.


State languages \u200b\u200b- Pushtu and Dari.


Afghanistan - Islamic Republic. About 80% of the population - Sunni, 19% are shiites. Other religions - 1%.


Official monetary unit - Afghani.

Medical care and insurance

The level of medicine in Afghanistan is one of the worst in the world.

Voltage in the network

220 volt. Frequency 50 Hz.

International Physical Code of Afghanistan

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"Form of clothing number eight - what we have, then we are wearing" - an army joke, which has become a daily reality in Afghanistan. Rare for special forces in Afghanistan Uniformity forms of clothing was the subject of constant criticism of a higher command.

The battle form of scouts is quite often replenished with objects of trophy uniforms, shoes and equipment. Judging by the Band Forming Radio Hat, even they were difficult in determining the ownership of "some armed people, unlike" shock ". And not surprisingly because Only units of special forces were allowed to conduct hostilities without compulsory for the whole personnel of 40 OA in the body armor and steel helmet (helmets) associated with Afghans with external species Shoot. This single privilege of special forces caused even the envy of the remaining servicemen of the contingent.

"Lightweight" was the main field uniform of the personnel of OCSV throughout the "Afghan War". Only in the second half of the eighties, its partially substitute Nilo field uniforms of the "new sample", but it does not have half a limit to the requirements for the actions of personnel in the hot climate.
Lightweight cotton uniforms for hot areas included an open collar jacket and straight trousers. Summer lightweight form of clothing assuming wearing with Panama costume and Yuft shoes.

The costumes of the cut, similar to the field form of NATO countries, were provided only by the Special Forces Special Forces MO and the KGB of the USSR, designed to perform combat missions in the rear of the enemy. In the special forces, a suit for special forces was called "Jump" (in it there were training in a parachute) or "sand". The first name was taken in the Union, and the second was more familiar to "Afghans." The costume sewed from a thin but dense, cotton fabric of sand or olive color, but there were samples of uniforms and colors of ocher. In Afghanistan for special forces, there was mainly an outfit of sand color, which, unfortunately, quickly fused and acquired almost white color.

Protective net suit (CWS) was included in the individual protection of military personnel from weapons of mass lesion. The CPP consists of a cotton jacket with a hood and wide sharovar. It is intended for disposable application on the ground infected with poisoning and radioactive substances. Thanks to an excellent breathable ability, the CWC was very popular among the entire personnel of a limited contingent. In the summer under the CWC, only underwear was dressed, and in the cold season he dressed over another uniform. The service life of the "disposable" CPP was short, and in the units of special forces constantly felt the deficit of this property of the chemical service.

Commander 668 OO SPN Major V. Hoynekov (right) conducts a review of 2 companies to perform a combat task. In the center of the dysfunction center in the mesh protective suit CZS. Kabul, Spring 1988

The camping overalls or masklalate has a bilateral color. Thanks to this, one side of the maskhalate (green) is ideal for action in "Zelenk", and the other (gray) - in the mountain-deserted terrain. Rotary craftsmen in a matter of minutes transchangeed the jumpsuit in the costume pair - pants and a jacket. A little later, the domestic military industry will take into account Afghan experience and will establish the release of camouflage costumes instead of overalls. The fragile fabric maskhalate kept only a few combat outs, after which the outfit turned into rags ...

Summer field cotton uniforms of "new sample", and easier - "Experimental", for the personnel of OCSV in RA, has become in mass quantities from the middle of the eighties. For the sewing "Experimental", the same cotton protective fabric was used as in the previous model of field uniforms Soviet army. Due to the many lining and pockets, the uniforms turned out to be too "warm" for the Afghan summer ... Scouts dressed "Experimental" for combat operations only at the cool time of the year, and in the summer she preferred her lighter clothing.
Subsequently, after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the field uniforms of the "new sample" will go down in history as "Afghan".

Winter cotton jacket and pants "New Sample" had an unfounded insulation. Disclaimed Vatinovaya Lining made it possible to use this uniform as demi-season clothing. In some cases, the scouts dressed only "insulation", which was due to its low weight and good thermal insulation properties. The lining of the trousers, even in winter, dressed only when marsham marsham was made on armored vehicles or at the arrangement of the group on the day.

Mountain uniforms saved scouts from wind and rain in the autumn-winter period. In the set of mining uniforms, except for a climbing suit, included a woolen sweater and a prehemmer, as well as mountain boots with high berets and tricons (spikes). Mountainee costume, and easier - "Gorka" - dressed on top of the underwear or other uniforms. The jacket "Gorki" dressed up at night in the mountains even in the summer, despite the day heat, nights in Afghanistan are pretty cool. For special forces, and the remaining Soviet troops in Afghanistan, it was characteristic of the mixing of all available types of uniforms, when there was a disclosure to the fighting. Everything was considered practical or was in stock at the moment "War".

To perform individual combat missions, special forces scouts sometimes changed in the "Okrug" clothes. Elements of Afghan national clothing were especially widely used by reconnaissance when conducting reconnaissance and search engines in the waters and on trophy "combat" cars, as well as during other special events. In the multinational military teams, the dark guys from Central Asia and the Caucasus in national Afghan clothes did not particularly differ from Afghans. When establishing a visual contact of the interpretation with the enemy, this circumstance allowed the intelligence time to win the time and to prevent the Mujahideen in actions.

"Old", sample Azh 1954, but a convenient paratrooper backpack is the main subject of combat equipment of special forces to the present day. In the compact RD-54 and outside it (with the help of ribbons), a large part of the property required for conducting hostilities was placed. When the Capacity of the RD-54 for the placement of all the necessary property was not enough, the intelligence officers used alpine (from a set of mining equipment), tourist or various trophy backpacks. Very often, the scouts were sewn to "Erdashka" additional pockets, but cut off (as unnecessary) a bag for grenades and shops.

In the combat equipment of scouts in Afghanistan, a raincoat was required, and with a sleeping bag. The raincoat was provided with all military servicemen, and a bluscle was launched with bedroom bags ... Army cotton bedrooms were so heavy and voluminous that the question of their use was not even considered as requested. At best, domestic sleeping bags were used by the armorroup personnel. In the mountains and desert, the scouts preferred a trophy synthetic or foam bedboards. In the main mass, these were sleeping bags of civilian destination received to Pakistan for Afghan refugees, but meeting only at the Mujahideen. In addition to the well-mentioned bedrooms, the "perfumes" and, accordingly, the special forces met a lot more army English or other imported down-powered bedrooms.

7.62 mm AKMS and AKML automata (with a plank for fastening the night sight) enjoyed more popularity in special forces than 5.45 mm automata. The reason for this was the best stopping effect of 7.62-mm bullets and the fact that the main small arms of the Mujahideen was 7.62-mm Chinese sample of the Kalashnikov machine gun. With the relative autonomy of the actions of the union, special forces, the presence of the opponent of the same type of ammunition allowed the scouts to use during the fight captured at the enemy
7.62- mm Cartridges (Chinese, Egyptian, etc.). Intelligents improved and the possibility of replenishing the ammunition of its automaton with trophy cartridges with "discontinuous" bullets (armor-fed-incendiary), since Soviet troops in Afghanistan are due to the domestic cartridges. "Humanities"(?!) Practically not supplied. Serious argument in favor of selection
7.62 mm Kalashnikova automaton was the presence of a device for a silent and free firing of PBS-1.

5.45- mm Kalashnikov machine was the most massive weapon of units of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. In service of special forces consisted of automata AKS-74, AKS-74N (with a plank for fastening the night sight) and AKS-74U (shortened). 5,45-mm Kalashnikov automaton was favorably different from its 7.62-mm precursor to the amount of ammunition by intelligence in their equal weight, the best adhesion of firing and other ballistic characteristics. Unfortunately, AKS-74 has a smaller stopping action than an old good AKM, which has an important meaning in the near battle.

Knives as a combat weapon with special forces practically did not apply. The exception was only those episodes when the scouts were silently eliminated the enemy, and several cases of hand-to-hand fight with the Mujaheds. But it was impossible to do without a knife in battle and daily activities. Scouts used bayonet knives of automata, HP scout knives, Army knives on-43, Afghan combat daggers and economic knives, as well as various models of pearn and tourist folding knives.
Knives were used to trim the blizzards from the destroyed caravan, the small repair of weapons and equipment, opening canned, cutting bread and vegetables, cutting animals and cleaning fish, as well as for other purposes.

Dry ducks

In the PPD parts in Afghanistan, all servicemen were provided with hot three-time nutrition, and for the period of combat missions, dry soldering. For military personnel of units, special forces was designed dry lads "Etalon No. 5". For action in highlands during the stay of the Soviet troops in Afghanistan, the production and supply of troops with high-calorie mountain solders - summer and winter was established. In the summer heat of the dry soldering products, intelligence officers were often left in the barracks, and in the winter there are still sci-or extra food: bread, fish and meat canned food, condensed milk and other products that were received in stock, bought in the store or delivered other, one fighters famous, ways. Sometimes a single soldier diet has complemented local products: fresh meat, fish, vegetables and fruits; Various oriental sweets and seasonings.

Afghanistan is a country in the Middle East. Satellite map of Afghanistan shows that the country is bordered by Iran, China, Pakistan, India, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Country Area - 652,864 square meters. km. Most of the territory occupied by mountains and valleys.

The state is divided into 34 provinces. The largest cities of Afghanistan are Kabul (Capital), Herat, Kandahar, Mazar-Sharif and Jelalabad. National languages \u200b\u200b- Pashto and Dari. National currency - Afghani.

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world. The country has tremendous mineral reserves, but their mining is not developed. The state economy is based on agriculture. One of the main directions of agriculture is the cultivation of opium: the country is considered one of the largest drug exporters in the world.

Landscapes of Afghanistan

Brief history of Afghanistan

Vi in. BC. - The territory of Afghanistan entered the Persian Empire

IV-II century BC. - was part of the Empire of Alexander Macedonsky, the state of the selevikov and the Greek-Bactrian kingdom

VI century - Afghanistan conquered by Arabs, spread Islam

XVIII century - Afghanistan is part of the Persian Empire, the emergence of the first independent Afghan principles

Start of the XX century - " Big game"Between Russian and British empires for the territory of Afghanistan.

1919 - the country receives independence from the UK

1919-1973 - Kingdom of Afghanistan

1973 - the state coup and education of the Republic

1978 - Revolution, Education of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan

1978-present. time - Civil War, Taliban movement, drug production growth

2001 - the fall of the Taliban regime, the formation of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

War in Afghanistan

Sights of Afghanistan

On the detailed map Afghanistan from the satellite can be seen some attractions: Mount Noshak (7492 m), Paropamiz and Hindukush mountain systems, the River Amudarya, Gerud and Gilmennd, Lake Hamun Group.

On the territory of Afghanistan, monuments of architecture of different historical periods have been preserved. The pagan period includes the Round Temple of Dashal, the sanctuary in Kandahar and the ancient settlement of Altyn Tapa in Balkha. From the monuments of the Buddhist period, the temple in Gazni, the cave complex Khazar Sum, Monasteries, Bamian and Kunduz, are preserved.

Bamian Valley (Cave Monastery)

The monuments of the Islamic period include a blue mosque in Mazar-Sharifa, cathedral mosques in Kabul and Herat, tombs and mausoleums in Herat and Kandahar. The Jam Minaret is included in UNESCO World Heritage List.

Among the attractions of Afghanistan is to highlight Baburic Gardens and Kabul Museum in Kabul.

Tourist on note

Gulrypsh - Calmable place for celebrities

Is on Black Sea coast Abkhazia City Town Type Gulrypsh, the appearance of which is closely related to the name of the Russian patron of Nikolai Nikolayevich Svytsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. The case decided the case.