Dota 2 big catch task


Good, there's something there!
To begin with, I would like to say right away that I want to touch only on non-obvious quests.
Those. everyone can win with 5 heroes with the main characteristic of strength, hit ethereal guys for 5 thousand with a punch, or deal 4500 damage with a crystal under a glimmer.
But what tasks can drive you into a stupor or make you play multiple games instead of one?
I would like to tell you a way to play the way you like, and not the way Gabe dictates.

Tailwind Aura

Does it seem difficult at first and require you to play with friends? It's time to destroy this myth.
All we need is a peep Chen"a. The final set of things will look like in the screenshot below (you can skip the grives and limit yourself to a meka). As an option, take another aquila instead of something.

And so, the first item immediately after the basil you can take is the dominator (let me remind you, it now gives an aura). Thus, we will already have 5 creeps from the forest at our disposal - these are 5 of our auras. My personal set was:

  • Red Ursa
  • Small centaur with magic resist
  • Satyr with HP regen
  • Gnoll or kobold (whoever he is) with a running speed aura
  • His friend with a mana regen aura (thanks to it, ursa + satyr could throw skills and farm the forest on CD)
But this is only 5 auras + 5 auras from things? Firstly, some things give 2 auras, secondly, use a tower. I completed this quest at a point between our well and 2 towers near the throne. Of course 3 stars.

On a healthy team...

Looks like you'll have to play several games? It's time to destroy this myth too.
I have personally seen several times how not particularly talented people play several games in a row for the sake of this.
To complete this quest, you need to remember interesting feature Howl"a Lycan"A.
Every cry you make heals all allies. Thus, this quest can be completed literally in 25 minutes while pumping it up, simultaneously demolishing someone else's base.

There is an even easier option - Oracle. The quest can be completed at the well.

The captain's word is law

Personally, my butt was set on fire by something that is not covered in this text. Damage is counted only against other people's heroes.
I saw how this quest was completed by a Venomancer. But in my opinion, this hero may often not be suitable for the game. My advice is to complete the quest at Shadow Shaman"e.

Liver hit

The easiest way to complete this quest is Slardar. The counter ticks in a positive direction not only from the activation of a passive skill, but also from each stun hit, because it has physical damage.

Big catch

To begin with, I will say that you can complete this quest simply by playing your Dota. You earn gold for your team by breaking toilets, towers, and killing heroes.
But if you want to complete the quest in a couple of games, then you will need a game for Bounty Hunter"a.
The main thing you need is to have time to throw tracks at your opponents.

Complete care

Again, this quest does not affect your game in any way.
Just keep playing your Dota, and as soon as you obviously win (3 lines are broken, the throne is broken) - sell all your things and buy a pack of moonshards and feed them to your allies and yourself. Peculiarity Moon Shard"But the fact is that it can be fed at any distance. That is, standing in a secret shop, you can scatter them to the entire team, no matter where it is.

Pure magic

I decided to pay attention to this quest to please fat lovers.
Yes yes, I completed this quest in Pudge"ah. All you have to do is hit the hook 20 times per game.
There is a lot of advice in the comments about who is best to go through this. Apparently people did not understand that this quest is for free and in this guide it is only for the sake of puja. For this reason, I will list the most popular heroes with pure damage for this task:

  • Enigma
  • Silencer
  • Timbersaw
  • Queen of Pain

There have been questions about this quest. Personally, I haven’t fully completed it yet at 3, because... I already have compendium level 805, but I know how to do it.
There are 2 good options:

  • Meepo- this hero has a grid, each hit of which is considered to be a stupor. This option is the easiest if you are able to avoid ruining this hero.
  • Treant Protector. Apparently I really love this hero, since I did a whole bunch of quests on him. His ultimate counts as root. This option has one a big problem- Ultimate rollback, which is significantly greater than that of the Meepo grid, but here the first skill will come to the rescue.
  • Also good option is Crystal Maiden.

Ocean of Tears

The first thing that came to my mind was Zeus.
In fact, I planned to hammer with my ult like a retard, but everything turned out to be simpler:
This hero has absolutely any skill that hits everyone around him (upper lightning when leveling up his passive). As a result, the quest is completed simply in 1 team fight.

Give up the mooring lines

  • Bane - from the first level, constantly throw sleep at the enemy hardliner. Stock up on Clarity.
  • Outworld Devourer - it’s rare to play a game without leveling up your astral plane.
  • Spirit Breaker - run-ups, phantom 17% and so on per second but give us the coveted numbers.
You can always just take one of the listed heroes, this way you can easily complete the quest for 1 or maybe 2 stars. But the goal of many will be exactly 3 stars. Personally, one was enough for me, especially while there are kunka quests.

Triple care

This quest is completed in a few minutes, regardless of the opponent’s peak, of course, if you have Manta Style yourself.
We will need ancient forest creeps, namely the recently appeared satyrs, who will put several debuffs on you at once. These are the ones you will need to remove.

How to complete all tasks battle pass The International 2017 in Dota 2

Some tips for completing missions in The International 2017 battle pass ( Battle Pass) in the Dota 2 client

Some tips for completing The International 2017 Battle Pass quests in the Dota 2 client.

Let us immediately note that the so-called Dota 2 compendium or battle pass is purchased in the game client and gives a lot additional content. Part of it are tasks, for completing which you are awarded points that increase the level of your battle pass.

Path of the Navigator (
Path of the Navigator)

Magic of the Mind - Win 1/3/5 games with heroes with the intelligence attribute.
A very simple task. Just choose any heroes with the intelligence attribute and win.

Deep roots - Apply a root effect to 10/20/30 enemy heroes.
Apply the “Root” effect to enemies (numbness - approx. editors). This effect has Crystal Maiden, Treant Protector, Underlord, Ember Spirit, Meepo, Naga Siren and Techies. You can also use the Rod of Atos item for this.

Fatal Mirage - Deal 1500/3000/4500 damage while under the effect of a Glimmer Cape item.
Use the Glimmer Cape item on yourself and deal damage. Pairs perfectly with Crystal Maiden's ultimate.

Change Attack - Use any method to transform an enemy into an animal for 20/30/40 seconds.
The heroes Lion and Shadow Shaman are excellent choices for this quest. Or use the Scythe of Vyse item.

Like Swimming - Slow down enemy heroes for 30/60/90 seconds with Shiva's Guard.
Buy the Shiva's Guard item and use it on enemies.

Forward looking - Set 20/40/60 ObserverWard for your team.
Choose any support and place wards frantically.

Muffler - Kill or help kill 2/4/6 enemy heroes that you stun.
The main thing is to choose a hero who has a stun. Heroes such as Lion, Wraith King, Chaos Knight, Gyrocopter, Kunkka, Lina, Magnus, Mirana, Earthshaker, Sand King, Tidehunter and Slardar would be a great choice to complete this task.

Can't escape the noose - Deal 1000/3000/5000 damage to enemy heroes in ethereal form.
Morphling and Pugna will help you complete this task. You can also buy an Ethereal Blade item and actively use it.

Without mining there is no profit - Earn 4000/8000/10000 gold for your team.
Just collect 10,000 gold. Alchemist would be the best choice for this quest.

Sudden gybe - Stun 8/12/16 enemy heroes after using Blink Dagger.
Choose any hero with a stun and buy Blink Dagger. Earthshaker, Sand King, Sven, Lion, Wraith King, Tidehunter, Slardar and Centaur Warrunner will be an excellent choice.

Evasive Action - Absorb 3/6/9 enemy abilities withLinken's Sphere orLotus Orb.
Buy Linken's Sphere or Lotus Orb and get into more fights.

Dry Powder - Deal 2000/4000/6000 or more pure damage to enemy heroes.
Ax, Bloodseeker, Invoker, Pudge, Omniknight, Timbersaw, Tinker and Templar Assasin will help you with complete this task.

There's a plug in every barrel - Use Mekanism to heal three allies at once 3/6/9 times.
Buy Mekanism and use about three allied heroes. It is advisable to play as a support, for example, as Omniknight .

Press Gang - Hit three or more enemy heroes with a single spell 10/30/50 times.
Spells with a large area of ​​application will be good here. Spells LegionCommander, Jakiro, Zeus, Queen of PainShadow Shaman, Meepo and Underlord will help you.

Sailor's Fortune - Hit an enemy hero with your club 50/100/150 times and activate the Jackpot with Fireblast or Ignite on enemies 10/20/30 times.
Choose Ogre Magi and attack enemy heroes. Try to use Fireblast and Ignite abilities on enemies more often.

Path of the Wave Breaker

Master-At-Arms - Win 1/3/5 games playing as a hero with the strength attribute.
It's simple: choose any heroes with the strength attribute and win.

Boarder - Win 1/3/5 games as a hero with the agility attribute.
And here everything is very simple: choose any heroes with the agility attribute and win matches.

Unsinkable - Die before the end of the game less than 5/3/1 times.
Just try not to die. Choose heroes with invisibility, for example, Riki.

You have a gap - Keep enemies affected by Medallion Of Courage or Solar Crest for 30/60/90 seconds.
Buy Medallion Of Courage or Solar Crest as quickly as possible and use it on enemies.

Lubber's Fate - Kill the same enemy 2/3/4 times.
Choose Riki or Bounty Hunter and hunt down your target.

Rum Punch - Stun an enemy hero 12/24/36 times with an attack.
The Skull Basher and Monkey King Bar items will help you complete this task. The best heroes for passing: Alchemist, Troll Warlord and Antimage.

Body Triple - Clear 5/10/15 effects with Manta Style.
Buy Manta Style and use it after the enemy hero has thrown its effect on you. You can also complete this quest using Manta Style after receiving numbness from the ancient creep Moroder Shaman.

Submariner - Kill or help kill 3/6/9 enemy heroes protected by your tower.
Try to kill enemies near someone else's tower. Try to do this with the support of your creeps.

Riverview Gusher - Deal 2000/4000/6000 damage with critical attacks.
Critical attacks of PhantomAssasin, Juggernaut and Bounty Hunter will help you with this.

Full speed ahead - Use Moon Shard on yourself or your allies 2/4/6 times.
Buy a Moon Shard item and use it on yourself or allies.

Chum in the water - Dial15/20/25 chargesBloodstone.
Buy a Bloodstone item and kill enemy heroes to gain item charges. This item looks good on many heroes, such as Death Prophet, Timbersaw and Lina.

Burial at BKB - Get 2/4/6 kills or assists on enemy heroes after you use BlackKing Bar.
Just use Black King Bar in team battles.

Loyal Crew - Deal 2000/4000/6000 damage to creatures you control.
Heroes that can summon creatures are suitable: Visage, Invoker, Chen, Lone Druid, Shadow Shaman, Nature`sProphet, Enchantress. Or buy Helm of theDominator, use it on creeps and deal damage to enemies with it.

Freeboot Haul - Reach 7500/10000/12500 current gold before 25:00 minutes.
Choose Alchemist and go to the mid lane. There shouldn't be any problems with the passage.

Night Watch - Cast Lucent Beam on an enemy hero in any way 20/40/60 times and kill 10/15/20 creeps in 30 seconds.
Choose Luna and use Lucent Beam 20/40/60 times on enemy heroes. Ask the supports to make you stacks of creeps and calmly farm them, or wait until a large number of enemy creeps gather in the lane.

Arcana drawing to choose from - click the link

Path of the Rising Tide

Let’s say right away that the tasks of this path imply the right game the whole team. Some of them cannot be completed alone. Try to complete the tasks of this path with friends.

Pre-dawn mission - Destroy 2/3/4 towers before your opponent destroys even one.
Choose heroes who can quickly destroy towers: Nature`sProphet, Lycan, Meepo, Broodmother, Chen, ChaosKnight, Clinkz, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma, Venomancer, Tinker, Shadow Shaman.

On all fronts - Destroy 2 enemy towers within 90/60/30 seconds of each other before 30:00.
In this task you also need to choose heroes who are good at breaking buildings. Lycan, Meepo, Broodmother, Chen, ChaosKnight, Clinkz, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma, Venomancer,Nature`sProphet, Tinker and Shadow Shaman will be an excellent choice.

Give up the mooring lines - You and your team must neutralize enemy heroes for 250/350/450 seconds.
Choose Bane, Sven, Tiny, Tidehunter, Enigma, Mirana, Outworld Devourer and neutralize as often as possible.

all hands on deck - With your team, assist in a kill 25/35/45 times before 25:00.
Try to provoke team fights from the very beginning of the game and win them. Heroes like Zeus and Specter are the easiest to complete this task.

In a healthy team... - You and your team must heal each other for 10,000/15,000/20,000 health.
Choose healing heroes: Oracle, Omniknight, Lycan, Wraith King, Winter Wyvern, Witch Doctor, Necrophos, Pugna, Treant Protector. You can also use the Urn of Shadows item and heal allied heroes with it.

The fog is coming - After using Smoker of Deceit, kill an enemy hero 1/2/3 times with 2 allies.
Use Smoker of Deceit and attack your enemies.

Battle Cup Buccaneer - Win a Battle Cup match 1/2/3 times.
Create a group of five people or join an existing one in the Battle Cup and just win.

Discoverers - Your team must draw first blood, destroy the tower first, and kill the first Roshan.
This quest can be completed solo if you choose Ursa or Troll Warlord.

Take no prisoners - Your team must get 10/12/14 kills before 15:00.
Try to provoke team fights from the very beginning of the game and win them. To complete this task, it is better to take a carry with good damage at the beginning of the game, for example: Phantom Assassin, Ursa, Bounty Hunter, Wraith King, Troll Warlord.

All boarded - Together with your team, deal 20000/40000/60000 or more physical damage to enemy heroes.
One of the simplest tasks in this path. Easily completed if the match lasts 40 minutes or more. PhantomAssassin, Ursa, Bounty Hunter, Wraith King and Troll Warlord will help you with this.

Rune Armada - Together with your team, collect or place 20/30/40 runes in a bottle before 30:00.
Have your teammates buy the Bottle item and collect runes. The same task that cannot be completed without friends.

Tailwind Aura - Be affected by 6/9/12 of your team's auras at once.
There are many different auras in the game, under the effect of which you can pass through this building.
Aura from objects:Vladmir’sOffering, Helm of the Dominator, Pipe ofInsight, Mekansm, Headress, Ring of Basillus or Ring of Aquilla , Assault Cuirass, Drums of Endurance, Guardian Greaves.
Aura from heroes: Luna,Outworld Devourer, Vengeful Spirit & Wraith King, CentaurWarrunner, Crystal Maiden, Drow Ranger. It is important that your teammates choose these heroes.
Aura from creeps: Centaur (attack speed aura), Satyr (health regeneration aura), Wolf Leader (damage aura), Owl Ripper (armor aura), Elder Kobold (movement speed aura), Troll Priest (mana regeneration aura).

A day at the helm - Win Captains Mode 1/2/3 times.
Just win in Captains Mode.

  • Topic in the "Compendiums and Quests" section, created by ap4xi93, May 17, 2017 at 05:06 pm.
  • Are there any other options for who to complete this task? Last edit
  • How to improve the Battle Pass without donating | Dota 2 | We complete additional quests

  • Dota 2 Bounty Hunter - completing the task big catch. International 2017. Bottom rollers (S-2) #19 - YouTube

    • Published on May 27, 2017. Dota 2 Bounty Hunter - completing the “big catch” task.
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    • How to complete all tasks of The International 2017 battle pass in Dota 2.
    • Some tips for completing The International 2017 Battle Pass quests in the Dota 2 client.
    • Dry Powder - Deal 2000/4000/6000 or more pure damage to enemy heroes.

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    • Quest big catch. Topic in the "Compendiums and Quests" section, created by user rostiqks, May 29, 2017 at 04:56 pm.
    • Passed by a friend and his team. He played BH, but the ult didn't seem to help at all.

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