Lilian dragon age. Sheila, a companion from the additional content of Dragon Age: Origins. dragon age origins walkthrough

We present to your attention the second part passing the game Dragon Age: Origins (Dragon Age Beginning).


As you progress through the game, you will almost always have partners in your group. Each of them has their own backstory, each of them can be talked to, each of them has their own opinion. You need to maintain good relations with them, otherwise they will not fail to get out of your group, or even take over the group. The higher your partners' attitude towards you, the more various bonuses they receive - like strength, spells, etc., depending on the character.

Approval ranges from -100 to +100, peaking at +74, excluding friendships or romantic relationships. Friendships are possible after completing a personal quest.

To increase approval, you can choose the right words in a conversation with your partners, act in tasks in a way that pleases the character, and also give gifts. Each partner has their own preferences for gifts, and if suddenly someone does not accept a gift, it means that this gift is very important for another character. Here is a brief description of each character that will help you in your relationships with your partners:


Where to join: At the very beginning of the game in Ostagar.
Exercise: Related to his sister Goldanna in Denerim. To start the quest, just talk to him every time he has something to say.
Romantic relationship: Only with a female character. Ask to talk about your past as a Templar. Tell him how attractive he is. Etc. - the relationship begins without any difficulties.
Present: Rune stones and figurines of magical creatures. Special gifts:
"Alistair's Mother's Amulet" (Redcliffe Castle, Earl Eamon's office).
“Duncan’s Shield” (you need to free the Gray Guardians messenger Riordian from Howe prison, then talk to him in Eamon’s mansion, after which he will give the key to the Guardians’ cache. The cache is located in the Trade Quarter in the Warehouse.) (You can find it only after the start of the “Meeting” Lands")
A crisis: May leave the party at the end of the Landsmeet.


Where to join: After the Battle of Ostagar.
Exercise: Find the "Black Grimoire" in the Mage Tower (in Irving's office) and give it to her. The next time you talk to her, you will receive a difficult task.
Romantic relationship: Only with a male character. After completing her task with the proper level of approval, talk to her.
Present: Jewelry. Special gifts:
- "Black Grimoire" (personal quest)
- "Grimoire of Flemeth" (personal quest)
- "Golden Mirror" (Orzammar, from the merchant Givin)
A crisis: Incorrect remarks and actions will cause a rapid decline in approval.


Where to join: After completing the additional quests of the Human Nobleman or in Ostagar with the huntsman
Present: In general, the dog always has a good attitude towards you, but you can give bones. Although you can not give, but give a bone, for example Morrigan.


Where to join: In Lothering in Dain's Refuge after a skirmish with Loghain's soldiers.
Personal task: To start the quest, you need to ask Leliana about the reasons for her coming to the church, about the minstrels, and have at least +25 approval.
Romantic relationship: Husband/Female Talk about the Church, express admiration for beauty. Starting a same-sex romance requires at least +50 approval.
Present: Andraste Symbols, Special Gifts:
Grace to Andraste" (flowers grow in Redcliffe near the mill, in the Bressilian Forest and Elfinage) Tame Naga (Orzamar Convince the Idle Dwarf in the Dusty City to find it)
A crisis: Will turn against the main character if he desecrates the remains of the Ashes of the Sacred Urn of Andraste with the blood of a dragon.


Where to join: Free Wall from his cage in Lothering.
Personal task: Good approval requires you to talk to him about his past and his sword. The sword of the gnome Dvin in Redcliffe.
Present: Paintings
A crisis: After the quest “Urn of Sacred Ashes” Stan can take over the leadership of the party.


Where to join: Meet him while traveling on the global map.
Romantic relationship: Husband/Female A little flirtation quickly leads to the development of a romantic relationship.
Present: Bars of precious metals. Special gifts:
- "Dolish gloves made of deer skin" (Bressilian forest)
- "Antivan Leather Boots" (Hideout, abandoned hut, in chest)
A crisis: Zevran may be lost if:
- killed in the first meeting;
- approval will drop to crisis levels. In this case, it will be possible to persuade him to stay, challenge him to a fight and kill him or let him go.


Where to join: Wynn will join the party locked in the Circle Tower.
Personal task: To start the quest, talk to Wynn about her past and have approval greater than +25. Then, in one of the random encounters, notice her strange behavior and talk to her about it later.
Present: books and scrolls
A crisis: agree to destroy all magicians during the Circle of Magicians.
get the Blood Mage specialization (or reveal yourself as one)
Desecrate the remains of the Ashes of Andraste's Sacred Urn with the blood of a dragon.


Where to join: In Orzamar, when you meet at the exit to the Deep Paths (when you go to look for the Perfect One)
Personal task: To start the quest, you need to talk about a woman named Felsi (you should look for her in the tavern on Lake Calenhad Pier).
Present: All kinds of booze
A crisis: The result was a massive drop in approval. You can persuade him to stay or start a fight with him, at the end of which you can kill him, force him to stay, or drive him away.

Sheila (additional content)

Where to join: After completing the downloadable quest Stone Prisoner.
Personal task: You need to talk to Sheila about Caridin after completing the quest in Orzamar. We'll have to return to the Deep Roads.
Present: gems
A crisis: The golem will leave the party if approval reaches crisis levels or if the character does incorrect choice at the end of the quest "Anvil of the Void" (regardless of whether the golem will be in the party or will remain in the camp at the time of selection for the quest).

Tenth partner (do not open the hidden text if you have not completed the Landsmeet):


Where to join: Defeat him after the "Gathering of the Lands", then force him to become Gray Warden.
Present: maps and historical documents.

Now let's return to the main passage of Dragon Age: Origins.

Brecilian Forest

A squad will be waiting for you at the very entrance to the Dalish Camp. After talking and explaining the situation, you are taken to the keeper, we talk with the keeper Zatrian and receive the task - to kill the Mad Fang and bring his heart.

walkthrough dragon age beginning

After the conversation, you are free to immediately go into the forest, or talk to the elves around. You can buy the necessary supplies from Varathorn and receive a quest to find iron bark. You can take a quest from Atras to find his wife Danniella (Quest - In the Power of the Curse). An elf named Kammen can be helped with a girl. Elora can be helped with Galla, with the proper level of survival (for any of the group), pacify her, or simply kill her or say that nothing will help Galla - in any case, you will be grateful. Once prepared, you can head to Western Brecilian. In the forest you will meet bears and werewolves. On the way, talk to the werewolf named Runner. With the right level of persuasion, you can persuade the werewolf not to attack you, otherwise you will have to fight.

Next, you can talk to the Great Oak (we make our way to it through the revived wild sylvan trees). Oak will give you the task of finding the stolen acorn. Be careful - not far from the oak tree (across the bridge - next to the river) there is a strange camp, an unpleasant surprise will await you if you decide to stay there.

The next zone is eastern Brecilian. Talk to Danniella. What you do with it is your right. Next we find the Hermit. You can kill him, exchange an acorn from him, agree to kill the Great Oak, so that the hermit will help with passing through the Forest Barrier. Well, or after exchanging the acorn, return to the Great Oak and again the path through the barrier is open. We pass through the barrier, again there is a fight with the werewolf Runner. Let's go to the Elven Ruins.

We make our way through werewolves and spiders; along the way we will also come across a rather dangerous dragon. After you kill the dragon, go to the lower level of the ruins. At the very entrance you are greeted by a large group of spiders.

We slowly move through the rooms with skeletons. Along the way, you can get the specialization of a warrior mage (read the first walkthrough). We get to the southeast of the map, making our way through the skeletons. Be careful, there are several traps along the way. In the end, we get to a small well, with the help of which we find ourselves in the Lair of Werewolves.

walkthrough of the game dragon age origins

In the Werewolf Den, you are again greeted by the Runner and his company. After talking with them, you can kill them, or peacefully go with them to the Mistress of the Forest. When you meet the mistress of the forest, you learn a lot of interesting things about the origin of werewolves, about Zatrian and everything that happened in the forest. You will have to choose - kill her, slaughter all the elves in the village, or help her by talking with Zatrian. In the first case, you will have to fight with all the werewolves and the mistress herself. In the second, if you persuade the Mistress of the Forest, you and the werewolves will attack the village. In this case, in the last battle it will not be elves who will fight for you, but werewolves. In the third, most peaceful case, you agree to bring Zatrian so that he can remove the curse from the werewolves. Go through the passage open to you and go forward until you meet the guardian Zatrian - it turns out that he was following you. Talk to the guardian and convince him to go with you to the Mistress of the Forest. Although he is categorically against helping werewolves, he agrees to go to the spirit of the forest. In the end, after the meeting between Zatrian and the Lady of the Forest, you will again have a choice of which of them to stand up for. Who will die and who will be saved at the end of this story is up to you.

With Zatrian alive or dead, with people saved from the curse or not, with good news for Atras or bad - you return to the elf camp and talk to the guardian (new if Zatrian is dead). After the conversation, do not forget to finish the started quests. And, if the hero is sufficiently pumped up, you can check the crypts in the forest - although the dead guarding the graves are very strong, everyone will have some item from the Juggernaut armor, one of the most powerful armor in the game.

After that, it's safe to say that you're ready to go somewhere else. For example, in Orzamar.


The path to Orzamar lies through the Frost Mountains. At the very entrance to the dwarf city, you will see Loghain's envoy trying to get into the city. You can intimidate him or just kill him. After this, we talk with the gnome guard and you will be allowed into Orzamar. We pass through the Hall of Heroes, examining everything that comes along the way - we enter the Community Halls of Orzamar.

complete walkthrough of dragon age

There is turmoil in Orzamar - the king of the dwarves has died, and a new one has not yet been elected. As a gray guard, we are free to choose who to stand up for - Prince Belen or Lord Harrowmont. Depending on your choice, you will have to complete different tasks. Although, in other respects, you can still change your decision during the task - the main thing is not to spoil the relationship with one of the candidates too much. Although you shouldn’t wait too long to make a choice.
First you need to talk with one of the representatives of the parties. Belen's representative is Vartag Gavorn, you can find him in the Council Hall in the Diamond Quarter. Harrowmont's representative is Doolin (Not Ivan!). You can find Doolin either in the Harrowmont mansion or in the Tavern Tavern.

Having chosen Belen, we talk with Warthog Gavorn. In order for the representative to allow you to see the prince, you will need to complete a couple of tasks for him. It is necessary to show the papers to Lord Helmy and Lady Days. After talking with Warthog, you can go to the Guardians and show these papers to the Chronicler, which will make you doubt the correctness of your choice. Or you can complete the task right away without any questions. You can talk to Lord Helmi at the Innkeepers' Tavern. We talk to Lady Days in the Diamond Quarter. She will send you to her father in the Teig of House Educan. Go to Thaig, fight your way through the enemies and look for Lord Dace there with a group of dwarves. Help him fight off two attacks from the Deep Hunters, then show the lord the papers. After returning to the Council Chamber, we talk with Warthog and get the opportunity to talk with Belen.

If you decide to take the side of Harrowmont, we are looking for Dulin Forinder. Also, to talk with the Lord you will have to complete the task. Namely, to fight on the side of Harrowmont in the Trial Arena instead of the warriors who refused to participate at the last moment. You can talk to them in the waiting rooms.

Having completed what they ask, you can use them as assistants in battle, although for this it is better to take your own partners.

We go to the Manager and accept the battle. There will be five contractions in total - you can rest between contractions. In principle, nothing complicated. The final four-on-four fight is quite difficult, but definitely easier than some boss fight. After the victory, we talk with Dulin again and go to meet with Harrowmont.

Harrowmont or Belen - you are sent to find and deal with the queen of the criminal world of Orzamar, Jarvia and her charter. To do this, we go to the Dusty City and talk to the gnome Nadezhda sitting by the fire. Give her a few coins and she will tell you the information you need. We go to the Poor Shack, there we talk with the people of Jarvia. We kill them or talk them out. We get the key from the knuckle. We leave the shack, go to the suspicious door, insert the key into the hole. Once inside, several gnomes will stand on the way and demand a password. Since you don't have the password, you'll have to fight. We make our way through the tunnels and fight with Jarvia's henchmen. In prison, we free the old friend of the gnome character and continue on our way. Eventually you will reach Jarvia. Be careful - the whole room will be filled with traps, and Jarvia will periodically disappear and send new squads of killers. After killing Jarvia and taking the key from her, do not rush to leave.

There are a lot of useful things in the tunnels, for example, Jammer's Cache, which can be opened either with the help of a key or by taking the cheapest things in three chests - Jammer, Kanka and Pikka. Then go out through the secret passage in the store, the seller will be dumbfounded. Go to Belen or Harrowmont again and get a new, last main task in Orzamar and the most difficult one. Find a perfect one in the Deep Roads, whose voice carries more weight than that of the entire council.

Before heading into the Deep Roads, it is best to collect as many quests as possible in Orzamar and complete those that can be completed in the city itself. You can help the gnome Dagna in her entry into the circle of magicians by talking with the chief magician Irving, or by talking with her father, persuade her to stay.
Search for Bemora nagas. They can be found in a variety of places in Orzamar, and Bemor will pay a good price for each naga. You can also persuade the Idle Dwarf in the Dusty City to find a naga, which can then be given to Leliana. She will be very happy.

Talk to Zerlinda in Dusty Town. Most The best way help her - talk to her father at the Tavern Tavern and he will allow her to return home.

After talking with Brother Berkel, persuade the Chronicler in the Guardians to allow him to create a church in Orzamar. Help Filda in the search for her son Ruk (he is located in the Teig location of the House of Ortan).

In the hall of guardians, talk to Orta, who asks to find the lost notes of Teiga Ortan, you will find them there.
Find the thief who stole the tome from the Guardians. To do this, first talk to Phantom Corbit in Dusty Town, kill him and take the Test Receipt. Go to the Trial Arena and talk to Craftsman Graydin.
You can also earn extra money and experience in the Arena.

Having prepared, we set off for the Deep Paths. The gnome Ogren will join you near the entrance.

It makes no sense to explain how to go through the locations of the Deep Paths; look at the map if you suddenly get lost, and don’t forget to highlight (Tab button) the territory in search of interesting things. Battles with monsters take place with variable difficulty. You will also come across squads of creatures of darkness, Bronto, and Ogres, spiders and many other creatures. Along the way you will come across body parts of some monster - you will be given the task To Pieces. To resurrect this creature, go to the Teig of House Ortan, where you will find an altar. The resurrected creature from the Shadow will give you a reward in exchange for its freedom, or you will have to fight it. In Teiga Ortan there will also be a boss battle with the Corrupted Spider Queen; Branka's diary lies nearby.

We go to the Dead Ditches. There we help the gnome legionnaires fight off the attacking waves of creatures of darkness. Do not rush to walk forward along the bridge, it is better to wait until they attack themselves, the gnomes will help in defense. After there are no more attackers left, talk to Kardol. If your persuasion level is sufficiently high, you can persuade him to join you. We go across the bridge and further. Along the way you will meet Ogres, creatures of darkness. You can also run into a very strong archer. Having passed through all the corridors, we get to the gnome who has gone crazy. Conversation, let's move on. Again the battle with the Ogres. Eventually, you will find a room with spirits, and two altars. You will find a key on one of them, after which you will have to fight with spirits that were previously neutral. We return and open the door with the key. There is a battle with the Matka ahead. In the battle with her, try not to get close - you can arm the entire squad with bows and slowly but surely shoot the Queen from a safe distance, distracted only by the tentacles and periodically appearing creatures of darkness. So, you will gradually cope with this abomination. Let's get out of here.

At the very entrance, talk to Branka. You walk through the tunnels, killing creatures of darkness along the way - watch out for Traps, Branka warned you. In the room with gas, golems will attack you one by one - it is best to press all four levers at once to pump out the gas. In the next room the golems will come to life again - now two at a time. In the middle of the room, watch out for the traps. It will be quite difficult to fight two golems at once, so try to develop a strategy against them, do not get very close to them, use paralyzing/stunning magic, dodge blows. In the next room, a mini-boss awaits again. In the center of the hall there is a stone statue, and on the sides there are four anvils. To destroy it you need to attack one of the ghosts. After the spirit dies, the anvil next to it will glow. We activate the anvil, after which the statue will be attacked from the side where the anvil stands. We repeat these steps until the statue is destroyed and the door a little further down the corridor is open. Let's move on and talk with Karidin. You will need to choose whether to destroy the anvil or leave it. Decide to leave - Karidin and all the golems will be against it, the opinion of all your partners towards you will worsen, but an army of golems will fight for you in the final battle. Agree to destroy - and Branka will attack you, the dwarves will fight for you, and only Ogren’s opinion will worsen.

You have a serious battle ahead with a boss – it’s up to you to decide which one. After the battle, do not forget to examine the tablet nearby and remove the notes from it - upon your return, give the golem notes to the Chronicler in the Guardians, he will be very happy. No matter which side you choose, upon returning to Orzamar you only have to make the final choice of who will become king.

After this, you will enlist the support of the newly made king and can consider yourself a hero of Orzamar.

Land Assembly

After you have secured the support of all allies, return to Redcliffe and speak with Earl Eamon, who decides to hold a Landsmeeting. You will be transported to Denerim to the estate of Earl Eamon, where you will speak with Loghain and his retinue. After conversations, it is best to go to the Denerim market to replenish supplies or sell unnecessary junk. Don't forget to do additional tasks. When you are ready, return to Earl Eamon's estate, where you will again talk with Eamon and Queen Anora's maid. Having received the task of rescuing the queen, we go along the city map to the estate of Earl Denerim. On the way, you will meet the Crow assassins - who Zevran used to be. If you previously accepted Zevran into the group, but did not become sufficiently friendly with him, then he will go over to the side of the Ravens. If Zevran’s attitude towards you is good, then he will help you in the battle. Once you reach the estate, follow the instructions of the maid Elrina and make your way inside the estate.

You can go through the estate disguised as a guard. While disguised, try not to talk to the guards or enter all the rooms - the disguise can be easily removed, and then you will have a hard time. You can, of course, cause a massacre, but this is quite difficult, given that there will be simply darkness of guards here.

Having reached the room where the queen is locked, realizing that the door cannot be opened just like that, we head to the basements. Here you will meet the Gray Guardian Riordan.

We go further - into the dungeon, we make our way through the guards of Earl Howe, on the way we look into the torture room - there Oswin, the son of Bann Sighart, is tied to a rack, who, if you find him in the Bitten Nobleman tavern and talk, will generously thank him for saving his son (Quest - Nobleman under Torture)
Also look into the prison, take the key from the jailer's corpse. Free poor Rexel, who lost his mind due to torture (quest - Missing Person) and the elf Soris, who will thank you if you find him in the house in Elfinage.

In the last room you will have a battle with Earl Howe, magicians and guards. Afterwards, take the key from the dead Howe. In the far room, free Vaughan for his vote at the meeting and receive a ring from the templar Irminrik (quest - The Lost Templar), which you will then give to Alfstanna in the tavern in Denerim, also for the vote. Then return to the queen. To return, it is better to use the path that you have already used, otherwise you will have to fight an army of guards and dogs.

Having freed the queen, we go to the exit. The path will be blocked by the first Lieutenant of Loghain with a bunch of guards. You can surrender - this will have a positive effect on the decision of the meeting, and it is almost impossible to defeat Catherine with so many guards. You can try to tell the truth, but then Queen Anora will betray you, saying that everything is your fault, and then you will have to fight again.

If you still decide to surrender, you will find yourself behind bars in Fort Drakkon. Next, you will need to decide whether to get out of captivity yourself or wait for help.

dragon age origins walkthrough

We decided to go out on our own:
Find a way to get out of prison, there are many options. Take your things from the nearest box. You fight your way to the armory, where, by approaching the mannequin, you can change into a guard. However, even under disguise it will be impossible to leave the fort so easily - the guards require a password, there is no correct option. You can ignore and attack the guards, fighting your way to the exit, or you can go peacefully. There are several options: having a strong theft skill, steal a piece of paper with the correct password from the guards, or find a colonel nearby and talk to him. He will order the troops to be prepared for patrol. Then talk to a couple of soldiers in the next room, go with them to the armory to get blades, then talk to the colonel again. The answer to the colonel’s question: what a soldier cannot live without: “Without discipline.” You can now leave Fort Drakkon without fighting.

We decided to wait for help:
Everything here is simple and not very simple at the same time. Take other characters, at the entrance to the Fort, persuade the guards or kill them. Then you break through the guards to the prison where the main character is being held, and return back. Fort Drakkon is behind.

Return to Earl Eamon's Estate. Conversation with Eamon, then with Anora. You receive the task from Anora to deal with the unrest in Elfinage. Now the path to Elfinage is open. Go there.

There is a plague epidemic in Elfinage, everyone is standing at the shelter. Talk to Shianni. Having learned everything we need from her, we find a way to get inside. There are many ways - the simplest is to bribe or kill the guard at the back entrance, the most difficult is accessible only to the elf - to pretend to be sick. However, the hero will only be allowed in alone without companions, and opponents are waiting inside, which will be problematic to deal with alone. We deal with the guards in the shelter, save the elves in the cage in the next room, and go outside. At the exit, we deal with the magicians, if we haven’t dealt with them before. We talk to Shianni, she will tell you about the house behind the Shelter.

We go to the Rooms and talk to the elves along the way. Also, don't miss the chest containing the Free Mariners Sextant, required for the quest Fazzil's Errand (Denerim).

Through the battles we get to the elf Devera, who, with the right level, can be convinced and she will immediately lead you to the main thing. Otherwise you will have to fight.

Having defeated Devera, we get to the magician Colladrius - there are also many options for passing here. It's best to fight him without agreeing to bribery, but it's up to you to decide. Having dealt with Colladrius and received documents against Loghain, you can consider that you are ready for the meeting.

Everything that happens at the meeting depends on your choice. There are a lot of development options and they all depend on what you say at the meeting, how you previously communicated with Queen Anora, and similar things. At the end of the day, a majority of the voting members must vote for you. After voting, you will have to choose - to attack the enraged Loghain or agree to a duel with him. After winning, you will again have the opportunity to choose. Whatever you ultimately choose, you need to prepare for the Final Battle.

last fight

Well, it’s sad, but the time has come for the last battle. Earl Eamon went to Redcliffe. Before you go after him, prepare well, go shopping, complete uncompleted tasks. Once you get to Redcliffe there is no turning back.

In Redcliffe you are greeted by clouds of Darkspawn - all but the strongest are taken out with one blow. Particularly effective will be mass spells, which, with an accurate hit, can take out a dozen enemies. We get to Redcliffe Castle. There you will be met by guards, we help them in the fight against advancing enemies - we go into the Castle.

We talk with Earl Eamon and the gray guard Riordan, discussing plans and strategy for the final battle. It turns out that the main forces of the Archdemon are heading not to Redcliffe, but to Denerim, so the army will have to return to the capital. After this, you will need to talk to Riordan, who will be waiting in a room on the second floor of the castle. Along the way we talk with the characters and go to Riordan. Having learned from Riordan about what the Gray Guardians will have to do to kill the Archdemon, we go to the room with Morrigan. She is waiting for you to discuss what you heard from Riordan and offer you something on which your life will depend. It’s your right to agree to Morrigan’s proposal or not.

After that we go to Eamon, and last fight will begin!

After the introductory video and parting words, we find ourselves in Denerim. After running a little with our entire group after the creatures of darkness, we cut out everyone we meet.

When there are no more creatures, we talk with Riordan. A touching conversation awaits you with your partners, after which you choose which of them to take with you to the battle with the Archdemon, and which to leave to defend the gate.

dragon age walkthrough

Armies can be called into battle. Their composition will depend on the decisions you made as you progress through the game. You can only summon one army in one location, and it will follow you to the end. Or until the last war is killed, then another army can be called.

But before you fight the Archdemon, you will need to kill two generals. One will be in Elfinage, the other in the Trade Quarter. Having gone to Elfinage and talked with Shanny there, we move on. The ogre is trying to break through the gate. Use mass spells on the creatures of darkness that stand outside the gate before the Ogre breaks through the gate, do not forget to call for reinforcements - we kill the general. The general will be a very serious opponent; it is better to use all kinds of magic and skills to slow him down. Try to kill him first; it will be easy to deal with the rest of the opponents without a general.

Ogres will meet you in the Trade Quarter. Try to pull them out one at a time; fighting them all will not be easy. After that, kill the General. This General is simpler than the one in Elfinage, just watch out for his powerful spells, if possible, do not let him cast them.

After dealing with all the generals, a scene of Riordan's battle with the Archdemon will be shown. Then you will defend the main gate from the attack of the Spawn of Darkness with the remaining partners whom you did not take with you.

You need to go to Fort Drakkon. Along the way we fight with the Spawns. Try to keep your partners close, if they run away, then most likely you will soon lose them. We are moving to Fort.

You will encounter dragons in the courtyard of Fort Drakkon, keep them frozen or paralyzed. Do not run into the crowd, slowly fight with those who have already attacked you, killing them, gradually move forward. Inside the Fort you will be greeted by a mountain of corpses, and when you approach the center of the hall, you will be surrounded by a large group of Shadows, and at the end of the hall you will be met by an Emissary Spellcaster. We go further, zombies will surround you in the corridor, it is better to retreat a little. We go to the second floor, we pass, killing everyone on our way. Along the way you will meet a strong opponent, a master assassin; it is better to hide somewhere in a corner to take out your opponents one by one.

At the end, don't forget to check the chests around. Yes, and you can trade with Bodan’s son Feddik, the poor guy was left without a father. Having prepared, we go to the roof of the Fort. The Archdemon is waiting for you.

The last boss is the most difficult - the battle will be hard and long. Don't forget to select your army before starting the battle. Mages are perfect for fighting the Archdemon. Monitor the health of your teammates, do not forget about medicinal poultices. You can equip your charges with bows so that they shoot at the dragon from a safe distance, but this will make the battle longer. When the dragon flies up, move it away again. The pause button will help you think through tactics in time. Also, don’t forget about ballistae - an irreplaceable thing in battle, but they break quickly, can hurt allies, and they don’t hit that far. But each hit takes away the Archdemon’s health quite well.

When the dragon's health remains below half, opponents will attack you from all sides. Don't attract the attention of all the monsters, stand somewhere to the side and heal the squad from time to time. Earl Eamon and Chief Sorcerer Irving will come to your aid.

When the Archdemon has almost no health left, the time for the final blow will come. If you agreed with Morrigan’s proposal, then you won’t have to sacrifice anyone. After a short scene with the dragon, you can congratulate yourself - you won final boss in Game.

After the victory, you find yourself in Denerim. You can talk with your partners, find out their plans for the future, etc. When you are ready, leave the castle. A crowd is waiting for you on the street - they want to see their hero.

This is the end. Depending on the decisions you have made throughout the game, you will be shown their consequences.

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Leliana- Orlesian bard who accompanies the Gray Warden during the passage Dragon games Age: Origins. She came to the village of Lothering, seeking refuge at the local church, where she subsequently spent all her time meditating and offering prayers to the Creator, asking Him for forgiveness for her past sins. She is a possible companion and romantic interest for heroes of both genders. She can also teach bard specialization. In the DLC "Leliana's Song" she is the main protagonist, the DLC reveals many details of her past.


Leliana was born in Orlais, but her mother is from Ferelden, and therefore she considers herself Fereldan. After her mother's death, she grew up under the care of Lady Cecil, an Orlesian noblewoman. Leliana's mother served Lady Cecile during the Orlesian occupation and followed her to Orlais after the liberation of Ferelden. While living in Orlais, Leliana learned a lot about the royal techniques and culture of Orlais. After some time, she became a bard, working for Marjoline. Leliana fell in love with her; however, Marjoline, taking advantage of the girl's feelings and devotion, falsely accused Leliana of espionage, for which she herself was to blame. Seduced, captured and beaten, Leliana was thrown into prison, but soon escaped. Discovering Marjolaine's betrayal, she flees Orlais, where everyone considers her a traitor. Once in Ferelden, Leliana reached Lothering and became a novice of the church.

Dragon Age: Origins

Leliana believes that she was sent a vision by her Creator, forcing her to accompany the Guardian in an attempt to stop the Blight from approaching. Leliana is first encountered in Dane's Hideout, a tavern in Lothering. When the Guardian is attacked by Loghain's soldiers, Leliana helps the Guardian in the fight. When the fight ends, she says that she wants to join the group due to her vision. Despite the Church's claims that the Creator does not communicate directly with people, Leliana is firm in her faith. This is the reason why Alistair thinks she is crazy. If you refuse Leliana first, you can ask other people in Lothering about her. She will be waiting outside Lothering and will want to join the group again. At this point, Alistair will offer to agree with her. If you do not agree to accept it, the guard will not see it again. However, she is confirmed to survive the Blight regardless of the Guardian's actions. Urn of Sacred Ashes During the quest "Urna of Sacred Ashes", the Guardian of Ashes speaks to each party member about their past. When the Guardian speaks to Leliana, he claims that the Maker only spoke to Andraste, and accuses her of making up the vision out of fear that life would become boring after joining the Church. That because of this, she made up a story about a vision from the Creator, reveling in the positive and negative attention she received. Offended by this accusation, Leliana will deny creating a false vision. In fact, if you play the add-on “Leliana’s Song”, where many details of her spy past are revealed to us, it becomes clear that there are some things she doesn’t say on purpose. For some reason, the spirit also decided not to reveal that the voice actually existed. Not Andraste, but the church servants. Due to her piety, Leliana will not stand idly by if the Gray Warden decides to desecrate Andraste's ashes. While in a group, she will attack and will have to be killed. If, during the passage of her personal quest, Leliana managed to toughen up, then it will be possible to intimidate her; she will say that she will not forgive the Guardian for desecrating the ashes, but she will not be able to go against him and will remain a companion. If she is not in the group, she will begin to blame the Guardian in the camp. If she is not convinced, she will leave the Guardian forever. Marjolaine Eventually, when Leliana reveals enough about her past to the Guardian, Marjolaine sends assassins after her. The assassins reveal that Marjoline is in Denerim. Leliana will ask the Guardian to go with her to a meeting with Marjoline and resolve the situation. During the quest, Leliana can be "toughened up" by choosing the right lines. If this is done, then she will be calmer about the evil actions of the Guardian, change her attitude towards Morrigan and possible alternate endings for her.

Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening

Leliana does not appear in Dragon Age – Awakening and is only mentioned once. If she was in love with the Guardian at the end of Dragon Age: Origins, then there may be a mention of her in the epilogue: "Some say that the commander was reunited with the red-haired bard known as Leliana, and they traveled together. The pair were seen together in Denerim a year after ending the Blight. It is unknown whether this is true, but the commander never returned to the Vigil Tower." There is also a love letter from her to the Guardian in the game.

Dragon Age II

Leliana survives the events of Dragon Age: Origins, even though she was killed by the Guardian. The developers confirm this. She also says that she accompanied the Guardian regardless of whether she joined the group or not. The codex entry, however, diverges from this as a rule, but it leaves room for imagination. Whether this is intentional, an oversight or a bug remains unknown. (This may be an attempt to explain her appearance in Dragon Age II, if she was killed during the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest). She appears in the Prince in Exile DLC during Sebastian Vere's Act 3 quest. This happens before she joins the Seekers; As the Lady of the Church Elthina describes her, she plays the role of the "left hand" of the High Priestess Justinia V, (whom we know she knew as a respected Mother during the events of the DLC "Leliana's Song", the right hand was later proclaimed Cassandra). The High Priestess ordered Leliana, working under the alias "Sister Nightingale", to investigate the situation in Kirkwall. Hawke can ask Leliana if she is the same Leliana who helped the Guardian stop the Blight; Leliana will confirm Hawke's guess. If you imported a save game from Dragon Age: Origins where the Gray Warden was in an affair with Leliana, she will say that the Warden was "dear to her heart"; if not, that she has not seen the Guardian for many years, or, if the Guardian became the consort of Anora or Alistair, that they are a “good king/queen”. If in Origins Leliana happened to meet Isabella and spend the night at the Pearl, they will remember this and there will be a rather funny dialogue. Leliana asks Hawke and Sebastian to persuade Elthina to flee Kirkwall and seek refuge in the Great Cathedral in Val Royeaux, but Elthina will refuse. You can also meet Leliana while completing the DLC quests "Mark of the Assassin". Leliana will be Montfort's guest of honor at the Chateau d'Aisne. You can talk to her for a short time, and it turns out that she and Tallis have known each other for a long time. For some reason, Tallis and Leliana will not go into details of their relationship and will try to end the conversation as quickly as possible. Leliana appears in the ending of Dragon Age II. She joins Cassandra in tracking down the Guardian to get her old ally's help in preventing a war between the mages and the templars over the events in Kirkwall and Orlais. Although Leliana favors bows in Origins, she fights with two daggers in Dragon Age II, just like in the Leliana's Song DLC.

Dragon Age: Schism

After the end of the Blight, Leliana returned to Orlais and became the personal bodyguard and spy of the High Priestess Justinia. At one of the balls in Val Royeaux, Leliana meets the knight-captain Evangelina. Around the same time, Leliana arranges a private meeting with the Priestess for Wynn. After the White Spire massacre, Leliana helps Wynn and Evangeline rescue the captured mages. The templars notice her, and this gives the Lord Seeker another reason to accuse the Priestess of treason. After escaping, she and Rhys come to the Reach of Andorhal, where, at her request, Wynn was buried under a large and ancient tree. Leliana remains with the magicians.


Leliana is a possible romantic interest for both the male and female Guardians. The Guardian's first opportunity to kiss her occurs when her approval reaches Adoration (71 or higher) and she initiates a camp conversation that begins with "I enjoy the night at camp. The night always looks more peaceful, I think. Safer." However, she will not be interested in the tent and will only sleep with the Guardian if she is in love with him/her. She will not fall in love with the Guardian until her personal quest is completed and her approval reaches 91 or higher. To increase her approval, talk a lot, listen to what she tells you, be supportive, avoid criticism when she talks about the Creator, give meaningful gifts, do good deeds while she is in the group, and avoid evil acts (or at least not take her to the group when you do them). Note: Sometimes, regardless of the relationship with Leliana, if her approval is high enough, a romance will begin without the Guardian noticing. This causes current love interests to question the Guardian's relationship with Leliana and vice versa.

Leliana's Past

If you've already talked to Leliana about her past, you know that she was a bard in Orlais and that her mother was from Ferelden. You must leave the camp and return to it again so that Leliana will tell you about Marjolein, her former friend and mentor. Walkthrough After this conversation, when you travel around the world map with Leliana in the group, you will be attacked by a squad of robbers. This will be a very narrow passage, and the group of attackers will include an elite archer and a mage (regular), so be careful. After you have dealt with the attackers and are almost done with the leader, Leliana will ask you not to kill him in order to interrogate him. From him you will learn that the robbers were hired specifically to kill Leliana, and you will receive an address where you can find the one who ordered the murder. After that, you can kill the mercenary or release him on all four sides - it’s up to you. Leliana will suggest that Marjoline is behind all this and will offer to find her in Denerim. If you agree, you will earn Leliana's approval. In Denerim, the desired house will be marked on the map. It is located in the Shopping District. You'll have to fight two guards when you enter it, but they're unlikely to pose a problem to you. After the fight, go into the room and you will be greeted by Marjoline. The conversation with Marjoline can end peacefully or not, depending on your desire. If you tell Leliana, "You know she'll haunt you as long as she lives," you'll have to fight her. Marjolein will summon two mages and two warriors to help her, but if you quickly retreat to the door to the street, she will follow you, and the rest may be left behind. Mages almost always remain in their rooms, but warriors can stay or follow Marjolein. Be careful - there is a trap in front of both rooms with magicians. When you kill everyone (or let Marjolein go in peace), Leliana will state that she needs to think and that she will talk to you later. Don't forget to examine the chest in one of the rooms - there is one of the best bows in the game, which only Leliana can use. You will receive the bow regardless of whether Marjolein remains alive or not. Talk to Leliana at the camp. In this conversation, you will have a chance to “toughen up” her character. This won't have much impact on the game - except that in the "Pearl" in Denerim you will have a chance to persuade her to "triangle" with you and Isabella, and in very rare cases - to "quadrangle" with you, Isabella and Zevran. This may also have a slight impact on her ending. If you decide to toughen her character, then when she tells you about her doubts, insist that when she takes pleasure in dealing with opponents, this is part of her character and should not be fought against.


AMuletChurch - Circle Tower

Bronze Symbol of Andraste - Lothering Gold

Andraste's symbol - Orzammar

Andraste's Grace - Redcliffe, West Brecilian, Elfinage

Adorable Naga - Dusty City

Silver Sword of Mercy - Old Tegrin

Blue satin shoes - Old Tegrin

Andraste's steel symbol - Shopping district Denerima

Etched Silver Symbol - Teig Ortan

Initial statistics

Dragon Age: Origins

Increase in characteristics per level:

Strength – 0.6

Agility – 1.2

Willpower – 0.4

Magic – 0

Cunning – 1.2

Physique – 0.6


Specialization: Bard

Skills: Expert Thief, Poison Making, Expert Combat Training

Abilities: Bard: Song of Valor

Rogue: Dirty Fighting, Low Hit, Skilled Hands, Enhanced Tools

Archery: Pinning Shot, Crippling Shot, Breaking Shot, Rapid Fire

Dragon Age: Origins - Leliana's Song

Leliana in battle Class:

Rogue Level: 10

Specialization: Bard


Agility: 26

Willpower: 18

Trick: 18

Constitution: 10

Skills (no points to distribute): Expert Thief, Poison Making, Expert Combat Training

Abilities (2 points to distribute):

Bard: Song of Valor

Rogue: Dirty Fighting, Combat Movement, Mercy Strike, Low Strike, Skilled Hands, Enhanced Tools

Weapon in Each Hand: Mastery of a Weapon in Each Hand

Archery: Pinning Shot, Crippling Shot

Dragon Age: Origins Gear

Church robe

Enchanted Dagger

Leather boots

Seeker's Circle

Bow Marjolaine

Dragon Age: Origins - Leliana's Song

First and Second Royeaux

Orlesian knife

Sheepskin gloves

Leather armor with rivets

Aristocrat shoes

Bow Mont-de-Glace


(At the first meeting) "What you are doing, what you are assigned to do... there is a Creator behind it all. Let me help you."

“It’s as if the Creator stretched out His hand and said: “Even in darkness there is a place for hope and beauty. Don't lose faith."

“In the monastery, far from the noise and excitement of cities, I found peace. And in this silence I could hear the Creator.”

"Looks like I've been too loose. It doesn't matter who I once was. It's a thing of the past now."

(Leliana's Song: Jewel Theft) "Jewelry? This Sir Wally has clearly never been to Orlais."

(Leliana's Song: By placing stolen valuables on the guard) “And a thief too. This guy has fallen very low."

(Leliana's Song: Taking Jovi's corpse) "Huh. How they get fat on this terrible food!

If the Guardian asks what someone like Leliana was doing in the monastery and then says:

"A beautiful woman like you":

Leliana: Do you think there are few beautiful, attractive women in monasteries? You are very mistaken.

Guard: I don’t believe that everyone is as beautiful as you.

Leliana: Flatterer. However, I didn’t take vows and therefore I don’t seem so mysterious, right?

In a conversation with Leliana about minstrels:

Guardian: They say minstrels are spies.

Leliana: Where does this knowledge come from? Guardian: Someone told me - a long time ago.

Leliana: Do you believe everything you hear? (laughs)

Interesting Facts

In the Bioware file about her, she is described as: "Red-haired, pale, slender"

Leliana's model from the "Sacred Ashes" trailers is based on the model of Alexandra "Alleykatze" Stein

When asked to compare companions to food, Bioware employee Mary Kirby described Leliana as "A sticky cinnamon roll. No question."

Cheryl Chee described her as "macaroni; very French and very feminine." When discussing Orlesian fashion with Leliana, she will mention that before she left, shoes with soles "like bricks" were fashionable. Obviously, this is a nod to platform shoes, just as popular a few years ago and just as impractical.

Leliana is one of three companions who appears in the Sacred Ashes trailer.

If Leliana's approval is high enough, it is possible that she will hum a small tune when the player controls her.

If you give Leliana a naga, she will name him Shmoples.

There are two NPCs in the Shadow that look like Leliana

In the DLC Leliana's Song, Leliana's hair is tied up in a bun, when in Dragon Age: Origins it is loose and two strands are twisted into braids. This is due to the fact that when

in the DLC Leliana's Song, Leliana meets the Guardian of the Church, she says: “You know, you should have some braids.”

If you talk to Bethany in the church in Dragon Age II, she will say, "I miss the Lothering Church. Sister Leliana told the best stories."

If you talk to Aveline in the church in Dragon Age II, she will say that she feels uncomfortable among the novices because of the "red-haired deception in Lothering."

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Completing companion quests in Dragon Age: Origins

Companions will join you in different places and at different levels of the game. In order for a character to want to join you, and also for you to have a good relationship, you need to choose the right tone in a conversation with him. I advise you to save before starting a conversation, otherwise you risk losing your companion if you choose the wrong answer. Also, if the conversation is successful, the companion receives a bonus to his characteristics.

First to join you Alistair in Ostagar, at the beginning of the game. He is happy to join the Gray Wardens, as he is bored with the quiet life, and is not at all happy with the prospect of joining the ranks of the Templars, and the latter also find little pleasure in this.

A key character, you need to talk to him often, during long conversations he will give a personal task: visiting his sister in Denerim. During the quest, you can and should toughen the character of your companion. After talking with Alistair's sister, Goldanna, choose the answer option "Every man for himself" and during a conversation in the camp later, confirm your words. If after the conversation you console Alistair, this will not have a positive effect on his fate in the end.

Alistair is a human warrior, specialization Templar. He'll make it good tank, if you manage your skill leveling correctly. To put on armor, upgrade your strength. Upgrade your warrior skills and shield. You also need dexterity. You shouldn't upgrade your templar skills.

A character may die or leave you during the Landsmeet. If he falls in love, he gives the object of his affection a rose. This is only possible in relation to a female character.

Special gifts. In Dragon Age: Origins, you need to give gifts to your companions to improve your relationship with them. Each companion has his own preferences, Alistair, for example, prefers figurines of magical creatures and rune stones, and special gifts for him will be the “Amulet of Alistair’s mother,” which can be found in Earl Eamon’s office in Redcliffe Castle, and “Duncan’s Shield,” which will be possible to obtain before Using the Land Assembly, free the Gray Guardian Riordan from Howe Prison, then talk to him in Eamon's mansion about the Guardians' warehouse. Riordan will give you the key to the cache that has now appeared there. You will find the warehouse in the shopping district.

Your second companion, or rather companion, will be Morrigan, who will join you after the Battle of Ostagar. Also a key character, he will remain with you until the end of the game. Human, werewolf mage, herbalist, knows how to brew potions. It is useful to pump up her cold magic; the “Cone of Ice” spell affects all bosses. Morrigan is not a gift, she has a quarrelsome character, and does not like to do good deeds. You need to give her gifts to calm her temper a little. She will give a personal quest when she receives a special gift: “Black Grimoire”, you will find it during the passage of the Tower of Magicians in Irving’s office.

If he falls in love, he gives him a ring. Falls in love exclusively with male characters. Will be in an intimate relationship with the hero only until the moment this relationship reaches the “love” mark.

Gifts for her will be Jewelry, you can buy them from the gnome in the camp. Special gifts will be the same Grimoire, the “Grimoire of Flemeth” and the “Golden Mirror”, which the merchant Givin has in Orzammar. Morrigan will leave before the final battle if her proposal made after the Landsmeet is refused.

The next companion in Dragon Age: Origins will be Dog. If you are a human noble, you simply pick up the dog from the kitchen, the rest need to do the quest with the hound in Ostagar. He prefers bones as gifts, although this is not necessary, he loves you anyway, and bones can be given to the most harmful of companions. If you talk to your dog and ask him if he sees anything interesting, there is a chance that he will bring back something really valuable. From time to time, send him on a search, he can bring wine, give it to Ogren, give the pie and tattered trousers to whoever you want. If there was a conversation between Winn and Stan about the Fereldan frosts, then the skein of woolen thread brought by the dog will be useful to Winn to knit something warm for Stan. There is a chance to find a unique item - boots from ancient elven armor. This part of the kit can no longer be obtained.

If the dog marks the territory (I think you understand what I mean), then its fighting qualities in this area will increase.

Next satellite - Lillian. The person, a robber, needs a developed Cunning, since her specialization is picking locks and carrying wallets. Bard. She will join you during a skirmish with Loghain's soldiers at the Dane's Hideout Tavern in Lothering. You need to be as careful as possible with her, save before talking to her, because one wrong word said will forever discourage her from talking and giving you any task. Talk to her more often, otherwise you may miss the moment of the necessary conversation, which will lead to the same consequences.

To receive a personal task, you must have at least +25 approval. Ask her about her reasons for going to church and about minstrelsy. She will tell you about Marjoline, and when you move between locations with Liliana in the group, you will be attacked by robbers, whom she recognizes as those who came after her. Interrogate the robbers and deal with Marjoline. As a result, you will receive a bow that only Liliana can use. Talk to Liliana about the church, that being a Bard is not bad, that you need to be yourself and live the way you like. In the process, it turns out that she still wants to live life to the fullest, and she was bored in church.

Liliana is gay, her last love was a woman, and if you get to know her better, you will find out that she does not have very good memories of relationships with men. But if your hero is a man, and you have enough patience and desire, then you can win her heart. Compliment her on her appearance, and talk to her about what someone like her did at church. If you have patience and talk with her about such feminine things as hairstyles, shoes, etc., then in the future Liliana will tell interesting legends and sing songs. If your hero is a woman, then Liliana herself will start a conversation about relationships. She will start with a phrase about how glad she is to see you. Having asked her whether she often enjoys female company so much, she will answer with the phrase “What if I say that it happens sometimes? What will you answer? If you want to romance her, this is where you should giggle. If you already had an affair with her, which ended in a break, then after completing the personal quest you will be able to resume it. Liliana will turn out to be a faithful companion, and if she has an affair with the hero, then she will stay with you until the end. But this is only until the hero (heroine) gets married, even if this happens solely for the sake of profit. She will leave immediately.

Gifts for her will be jewelry, blue shoes and the Silver Sword of Mercy, which can be bought from the gnome encountered when moving between locations, as well as Symbols of Andraste. Special gifts for Liliana: Grace of Andraste, these flowers can be found in the Bressilian Forest, in Redcliffe at the Mill and in Elfinage. Tame Nag: If you don't have love or friendship, she won't ask for it. If she asked, then when you are in Orzamar with Liliana in the group, take the task of capturing nagas from the driver, and then hire the Idle Dwarf in the Dust City to find a clean and well-fed wild naga.

If you did not talk to Liliana during the personal quest about the church and did not convince her not to fall into fanaticism, then she will become your enemy if you desecrate the remains of the Ashes of the Sacred Urn of Andraste with the blood of a dragon. If they “sobered up” her, then even after that she will remain with the hero.

The next satellite will be Stan. Specializes in two-handed weapons, the main parameter is strength. But don’t pump everything into strength, pump up your agility as well, otherwise there will be a lot of misses on target.

Doesn't like magicians, won't approve of the desire to preserve the circle of magicians. I don’t recommend taking him to clear the Mage Tower. He will only be glad if all the magicians are destroyed, and will do everything possible for this, but getting rid of the magicians is unprofitable; they will play a very large role in the final battle and in many quests.

You will find the wall in a cage in Lothering. You can open it either with a master key, or go with Liliana to the church, and after she vouches for you, the priestess will give you the key. He will give you a personal task if you have enough approval points. Talk to him about the past, about why he did not return with a report after collecting information for the Qunari. Or about the reasons why he killed the peasants, then about the sword. He lost his sword at the entrance to the Lake Calenhad location. Interrogate the marauder, go to the Frosty Mountains, and there you will find out the name of the buyer of the sword. It will be Dvin from Redcliffe. Go to him and demand the sword back. If Sten is with you, then Dvin will not say anything about compensation for losses, but if Sten is not there, then you will have to pay a large sum.

Doesn't start romantic relationships. If you earn respect, he will invite you to travel with him to the lands of the Qunari.

Paintings will be gifts for him.


Another mage companion in Dragon Age: Origins. Specialization: spiritual healer. Its purpose is to heal the group, resurrect in battle, and buff the group.

An integral, non-conflict personality, who will support in difficult times, knits warm clothes for Wall. She is a little biased towards elves, and this is most likely due to Zevran, who turned all conversations into attempts to cry on her chest, which could not leave Wynn indifferent. In this regard, she approves of the hero by as much as +7 points when he seduces an elf in the Dalish camp.

She will join you while clearing the Circle Tower, offer her help, and after completing the quest, invite her to go with you to fight the Pestilence. She will give a personal quest if the approval is more than 25. There are many dialogues available with Wynn, but to get the quest, you need to talk to her about her past, about whether she regrets anything. If you find out that her student has disappeared, ask about him in the Dalish camp. You will find him in the cleared location of the Bressilian Forest, where the hermit's stump stands. Talk to him, receive a reward and Winn's gratitude.

Gifts for her will be books and scrolls. The merchant in Lothering has a bottle of wine for Wynne. All other alcoholic drinks are for Ogren.

You will lose Wynn if you decide to destroy all the mages during the quest in the Mage Tower. She also won’t like it very much if you desecrate the remains of the Ashes of Andraste’s Sacred Urn with the blood of a dragon. There were cases when the hero quarreled with her after becoming a blood mage, but in my case everything was fine, she did not react to these spells in any way.


Poison specialist, killer, elf. Upgrade his killer skills and skill in handling weapons in both hands. You need dexterity and a little strength. It is optimal to place it behind the enemy’s back, and do not forget about poisons. Works great together with Morrigan. Doesn't like it when vows are broken. Advice: when you leave the ruins, in a conversation with Zatrian, promise him protection only if he does not attack first; if you promise it just like that, and then talk to him about lifting the curse, Zevran will not like it very much. Doesn't like it when elves are offended.

He is very partial to females; everyone, including Winn, came under his attention. His reasoning and advice regarding romantic relationships should not reach children's ears. Joins you after completing the first story quest. Your actions attract the attention of the authorities and when you move to another location you will see a video in which Loghain hires a representative of the assassins’ guild. Now, during the next transitions from location to location, you can expect ambushes with traps and archers. After destroying the enemies, decide for yourself - you can kill Zevran, or you can take him into your service.

After receiving the quest to save Queen Anora, when moving to another location, you will meet a group of Ravens. You need to fight with them, always in a group with Zevran. If your relationship with him is bad, then he will go over to their side, although this moment With great difficulty, relationships can remain bad, because even simple chatter improves his attitude towards you. After the Ravens are beaten, Zevran says he could leave, but you don't see any strong desire to do so. At the camp he will thank you for getting rid of the Ravens. If you are having an affair, then his attitude towards you will increase to “love”, and he will give you an earring. If there was no romance, now there will be an opportunity to start one.

Zevran gives preference to women, but does not disdain relationships with men due to his former profession. But still, without hints from the male protagonist, he will not show initiative. After completing the personal quest, when you saved him from the Ravens, he will change a lot, he will stop pestering women.

If the hero or heroine becomes king (queen), then Zevran remains with the hero. If you have an affair, and the hero dies, then Zevran goes to the Ravens, destroys everything and everyone there, becomes the head of the organization and is sad for the rest of his life, and does not start new novels.

Gifts for him will be bars of precious metals. Special gifts: Dalish deerskin gloves, can be found in the Bressilian forest, in the trap camp, Antivan leather boots, they are in a chest in the Vault. Don't let his attitude towards you drop to its lowest point. In this case, he will either turn against you in the battle against the Ravens, or he will simply want to leave.

Another satellite - Oghren.

A dwarf warrior who carries a two-handed weapon. Unlike Sten, he has a bonus not to strength, but to physique, and otherwise level him up the same way as Sten. It is worth listening to the dialogues with Ogren during the obligatory chat in some areas.

She will join you when you go looking for the Perfect One, in Orzamar, when you meet at the exit to the Deep Paths.

To receive a personal quest, you need to talk to him about a woman named Felsi. Talk to her at the tavern at Lake Calenhad Marina. Now go to her with Orgen. You can help him establish a relationship with her by telling him the right phrases during a conversation.

He likes to drink and will be glad to have a drink as a gift. Watch his attitude towards you; if his approval drops, he will leave. In this case, you can persuade him to stay, challenge him to a fight, and in the end either kill him, or force him to stay, or drive him away.

Sheila, a companion from the additional content of Dragon Age: Origins.

Joins after completing the Stone Prisoner quest. To receive a personal quest, talk to her about Karidin after completing the quest in Orzamar. Now go with her to the Deep Paths, a new lock has opened there, clear it and talk to Sheila again.

Gifts for her are precious stones.

Will also leave the party if approval drops too low. In addition, if the character decides to keep the Anvil of the Void, the golem will also leave the party, and it does not matter whether he is in the group at the moment or remains in the camp.


If you don’t kill him after the “Gathering of the Lands,” you can force him to become a Gray Warden. True, Alistair will not like this very much, so he will leave. If you toughened him up, as advised above, he will marry Anora, remove himself from the board, but still leave the party. If you haven't toughened it up, he'll just get drunk. Gifts for Loghain will be maps and historical documents.

Interesting Facts

Walkthrough - Companions

Walkthrough - Companions

D In order to receive a quest from any of your associates, in addition to other individual conditions, you definitely need an approval level of more than 25, that is, “warm”. In order for your teammate’s attitude to jump to the “friendship” (or “love” in the case of a romance) mark, in addition to a high approval scale, you must definitely complete his/her personal quest.

P Almost all of your comrades have so-called “moments of crisis” - depending on their disposition towards you and your decisions in certain matters, they can either leave the group forever, or even attack you if you don’t please them at all. Almost all of them will decide to leave you if their attitude drops to -100. You can also kick most of them out of the group yourself at any time if you wish.

P In almost every important location there is a place, upon crossing which dialogues between teammates always (or almost always) begin. This is the bridge in Orzammar leading to the Arena, the bridge in Redcliffe (the one on which you met Thomas), the bridge in Lothering, the northern street in the Trade District in Denerim, the corridor on the first floor of the Wizards' Tower (after clearing it of demons), the border of the camp Dalians (when you go to this location from the world map, you only need to take a few steps for your comrades to initiate a dialogue). You need to leave the location and return to it if you want to listen to more conversations.

R talk to your teammates more often - this will help you gain their respect (or lower it), and besides, they sometimes really give useful tips. They have the most conversation options in the camp, but in other locations it is quite possible to talk to them.

D Most allies have special gifts that, when presented, initiate a dialogue of gratitude. They can be given to only one companion - the rest will refuse them. In addition to special gifts, everyone has their own type of preferred gifts that raise the attitude of a particular ally higher than others, although they can be given to others too. You can find out what kind of gifts this or that companion prefers from conversations with them and by reading the Code, which is updated every time your relationship moves to a new level.

E If, out of principle, you decide to bring the attitude of all your associates to +100, I recommend buying gifts from all merchants, but not giving them right away, but wait and see how high the attitude of your associates towards you rises in the course of natural events. (For example, your romantic interest could go up to 100 pretty quickly with no gifts at all). If you have the Guardians' Fortress expansion, store gifts in the chest so that they do not take up space in your inventory. Of course, you can give special gifts whenever you want, because they are suitable only for one comrade-in-arms and are useless for others, and besides, they are often the subject of a personal quest.

In this case, in the second half of the game you should have enough gifts that you can manipulate, improving the relations of those who have lagged behind the rest. Don't forget that with the exception of special gifts that initiate dialogue, the rest can be given to anyone - if you save enough of them, that will be enough. For example, if Alistair's attitude towards you is already at around one hundred, there is no reason not to give something from his assortment of gifts to someone else whose attitude towards you has not yet reached its maximum.

And, of course, it makes sense to keep one or two gifts for each ally in case you suddenly do something that they really don’t like and decide to make up for the unfavorable impression. By the middle of the game, you should know your companions well enough to determine which of them will agree with your style of problem-solving and which will not, and, accordingly, whose gifts you should save just in case.

WITH There are “general” gifts that are not intended for anyone in particular. Their highest value will be 5 points for any companion, as opposed to preferred gifts, whose primary value for the one who prefers them is 10.

TO Each gift reduces the value of the next one by 1 point. (That is, if when you receive the first gift your attitude rises by 10 points, then when you receive the second it increases by 9, etc.) Any gift must bring you at least 1 influence point.

If your colleague’s attitude towards you is negative, then the value of any gift is halved (with the exception of those that raise the attitude by just one).

E If a follower's attitude towards you rises above neutral, then under your inspiring leadership one of his characteristics will increase. As their positive attitude grows, this stat can rise to +4 - for example, Alistair's Constitution, Stan's Strength, etc.

Attitude scale:

100 – crisis (the ally will leave or attack, in some cases he can be dissuaded from this with high Conviction)

99 - -26 – hostile

25 – 25 – neutral

26 – 75 – warm (they can teach specializations, start talking about themselves, and if other conditions are met, they will give a personal quest, if any)

76 – 100 – friendship (will express gratitude for your company and moral support)

26 – 50 – interest (they can teach specializations, start talking about themselves and, if other conditions are met, they will give a personal quest, if there is one, they will start flirting with you)

51- 70 – care

71 – 90 – admiration

91-100 – love

Although it is quite possible to have affairs with three associates at the same time, sooner or later you will be given an ultimatum and asked to make a choice. This always happens if you reach Love with more than one companion, but it can happen earlier.


Alistair joins you shortly after your arrival in Ostagar. Of all the NPCs, he is the only one who plays almost as important a role in the events taking place as the GG, and therefore, unlike the rest of your comrades, he will not leave you even if his attitude towards you is -100. You also will not have the opportunity to kick him out of the group yourself until the moment of his personal crisis.

Special gifts for Alistair: Alistair's mother's amulet (in the table in Earl Eamon's office at Redcliffe Castle) and Duncan's shield (in the Guardian's cache in the warehouse that Riordan tells you about if you talk to him in Eamon's palace after rescuing him from Howe's dungeon, provided that you took the Gray Warden documents from there). Alistair also collects various figurines, figurines and rune stones.

Alistair will teach you the Templar specialization if his attitude towards you is high enough.

Quest – Alistair's Family

After you visit Redcliffe Village for the first time, Alistair will tell you about his origins. If his attitude towards you is high enough, then in the next conversation he will mention his sister and ask if you can visit her in Denerim with him. The sister's house will not be marked on the map - it is the building next to Wade's shop (to the left of it). All you have to do is approach him with Alistair in a group and he will initiate a dialogue in which he will point out the house as his sister's place of residence. Go inside.

Listen to the conversation with Goldanna and answer as you wish. When you find yourself on the street, you will have the chance to "toughen up" Alistair's character. This won't really affect his behavior except for some key moments late in the game. Female GGs who are having an affair with Alistair and want a happy ending with him are highly recommended to tighten it up (unless you are playing a GG of noble birth - in which case it doesn't really matter).

In order to toughen up Alistair, after a conversation with Goldanna, select the option “Every man for himself... you should understand this” in the conversation, and after a conversation in the camp, where he will say that you are right and he must make his own decisions , rather than relying on others, confirm that this is what you meant. (If you tell him that's not what you meant and ask him not to change, then the "toughening up" won't happen.)

Moment of crisis

Alistair can leave your group only under one condition - if you spare Loghain after the Landsmeet. Depending on whether you brutalize him during his personal quest will determine whether he becomes king or disappears from your horizon forever. It also depends on your behavior whether Anora will execute him or let him go home, but in any case, Alistair will leave your group forever.

Alistair as romantic interest

Alistair is a romantic interest for female character. In conversations, you will have many opportunities to start a romance with him, the very first of which is your question, “Has anyone told you that you are good-looking?” If you are high enough, Alistair will give you a rose as a sign of his affection (and a signal to you that the romance is developing in the right direction).

Alistair can be invited to the tent by the GG herself, and depending on his disposition towards you, he may refuse or not, but it is best to wait until he does it himself. His location should be at the Love mark - then upon returning to the camp, he will initiate a dialogue in which he will invite you to spend the night with him.

Of all the novels, only the novel with Alistair has several variations of endings.

Provided that neither Alistair nor GG died during the events and Alistair remained in the group:

1. If you play a character of noble birth and Alistair became the king of Ferelden, you can marry him and become queen. (To do this you need to have pumped up Persuasion.)

2. If you play a GG of any origin other than noble and you did NOT toughen up Alistair during his personal quest, he will break off relations with the GG after the Assembly of the Lands, since state interests oblige him to marry a woman capable of procreation.

3. If you play a GG of any origin and you toughened up Alistair during his personal quest, then with a high enough Conviction he will agree to the option where he marries for reasons of state, but you remain his beloved.

4. If Alistair did not become king, but remained a Gray Warden, then he always remains with the GG.

(Note for noble characters - If you do not want to be queen and agree to remain just a lover, then it does not matter whether Alistair marries Anora or not. If you persuade them to rule together, then the option to marry him is yours itself, it won’t.)


Morrigan joins the party at the request of Flemeth after the Battle of Ostagar. You can kick her out of the group if you want, but if she stays with you until the end, it will give you additional options for the game's endings.

A special gift for Morrigan, in addition to the Black Grimoire and Flemeth's Grimoire involved in her personal quest, is the Golden Mirror (sold in Orzammar in the Unnoble District). Morrigan is also very fond of jewelry.

Morrigan can teach you the Changeling specialization.

Morrigan adheres to the rules of “every man for himself” and “survival of the fittest,” and therefore your altruistic impulses will not meet with her support. It is possible to soften her character somewhat when presenting her with the Golden Mirror - when she asks what she owes you for it, ask her to be kinder. After this, your kind deeds will cause her less irritation.

Quest – Grimoire of Flemeth

To receive this quest you need to visit the Tower of Mages. In this case, Morrigan will mention that a certain templar in the distant past stole a black grimoire from her mother, which she treasured very much. According to Morrigan's assumptions, the grimoire should most likely be kept somewhere in the Tower of Mages. You can find it in a chest in Irving's office.

After receiving the grimoire as a gift, in the subsequent conversation (you need to leave the camp and return to activate it), Morrigan will tell you what she learned from the grimoire and ask you to help her kill Flemeth and get her real grimoire.

Go to Flemeth and talk to her without Morrigan in the group. She will offer to simply give you the grimoire and tell Morrigan that you killed her. Whether you agree or not is up to you; it will not affect anything at all. If you decide to fight Flemeth, she will turn into a dragon with the appropriate health and skills. After defeating her, take the key from her body and take the grimoire (and at the same time a great outfit for Morrigan) from the chest in the hut. If you decide to avoid the battle (after all, whatever her motives, Flemeth saved your life), Flemeth herself will give you the key.

Either way, give the grimoire to Morrigan as a gift and her quest will be over.

Morrigan as romantic interest

Morrigan is a romantic interest for a male character. You will have a lot of opportunities to start a romance with her - in almost any of the dialogues, especially at the beginning of the game. Morrigan will invite you to the tent even with a relatively low disposition (it is enough to have it above 30), but she will refuse to spend the night with you if her disposition reaches the Love mark (yes, she is such an unusual girl). As a sign of her sympathy, she can give you a ring.

There is no happy ending with Morrigan. If you refuse her offer at the end of the game, she will immediately leave your party. If you accept her offer, she will leave you after the final battle. The maximum that the GG can do is to go in search of her after the final battle, but no one will know whether they will be successful or not (at least until the official continuation or addition).


Leliana can be found in a tavern in Lothering. She herself will ask you to take her into the group immediately after the battle, which will begin automatically after your meeting.

Special gifts for Leliana are the "Grace of Andraste" flowers, which grow in the Brecilian Forest, at the mill in Redcliffe and in the Elvenage in Denerim, and the naga, which the Idle Dwarf can catch for you in Dusty Town. (To do this, talk to the naga catcher Boernor in the Unknown Region with Leliana in the group, and then talk to her again - otherwise the option to ask the Idle Dwarf to catch a naga will not appear for you.) Of the rest, she will gladly accept religious symbols related to to Andraste, and beautiful shoes.

Leliana can teach you the Bard specialization.

Quest - Leliana's Past

If you've already talked to Leliana about her past, you know that she was a bard in Orlais and that her mother was from Ferelden. You must leave the camp and return to it again so that Leliana will tell you about Marjolein, her former friend and mentor. After this conversation, when you are traveling around the world map with Leliana in the group, you will be attacked by a squad of robbers. This will be a very narrow passage, and the group of attackers will include an elite archer and a mage (regular), so be careful. Of course, it all depends on the composition of your group, your level and your favorite tactics, but if you suddenly have problems with this encounter, I recommend taking out the mage first and at least immobilizing the archer leader while you deal with the rest. (As an option, immediately throw all your strength at the leader, since when you take away almost all his lives, the battle will end.) The bridge there, by the way, is protected by a fireball trap.

After you have dealt with the attackers and are almost done with the leader, Leliana will ask you not to kill him in order to interrogate him. From him you will learn that the robbers were hired specifically to kill Leliana, and you will receive an address where you can find the one who ordered the murder. After that, you can kill the mercenary or release him on all four sides - it’s up to you.

Leliana will suggest that Marjolein is behind all this and will offer to find her in Denerim. If you agree, you will earn Leliana's approval. In Denerim, the desired house will be marked on the map. It is located in the Shopping District. You'll have to fight two guards when you enter it, but they're unlikely to pose a problem to you. After the fight, go into the room - and Marjolein will meet you.

The conversation with Marjolein can end peacefully or not, depending on your desire. If you tell Leliana, "You know she'll haunt you as long as she lives," you'll have to fight her. Marjolein will summon two mages and two warriors to help her, but if you quickly retreat to the door to the street, she will follow you, and the rest may be left behind. Mages almost always remain in their rooms, but warriors can stay or follow Marjolein.

Marjolein is a very powerful bard. I recommend not crowding around her with the whole group - sometimes she uses a bard’s skill, which paralyzes everyone nearby (but also the bard himself), in which case she is quite easy to kill by that ally who did not fall into her sphere of influence.

Be careful - there is a trap in front of both rooms with magicians.

When you kill everyone (or let Marjolein go in peace), Leliana will state that she needs to think and that she will talk to you later. (Don't forget to check the chest in one of the rooms - there is one of the best bows in the game, which only Leliana can use. You will receive the bow regardless of whether Marjolein remains alive or not.)

Talk to Leliana at the camp. In this conversation, you will have a chance to “toughen up” her character. This won't have much impact on the game - except that in the "Pearl" in Denerim you will have a chance to persuade her to "triangle" with you and Isabella, and in very rare cases - to "quadrangle" with you, Isabella and Zevran. This may also have a slight impact on her ending. If you decide to toughen her character, then when she tells you about her doubts, insist that when she takes pleasure in dealing with opponents, this is part of her character and should not be fought against.

Leliana as romantic interest

Leliana is a romantic interest for both male and female characters. Of all four romantic partners, the easiest one to make a mistake in is her affair, since you will only have two opportunities to start it - and if you choose the wrong answers in both cases, you will not have another chance.

If you are playing as a man, then when you talk to Leliana about Lothering, ask "What was such a girl doing in the Church in Lothering" and then note that the other novices could not be more attractive than her. This will mark the beginning of a romance (you can see this from Alistair's comments if you run with him and Leliana in a group at the same time).

If you're playing as a woman, you'll have to wait a little longer. A man doesn't even need to reach 25 on the approval scale, but a woman needs at least 50. In this case, Leliana will start one of the conversations with the phrase "Did I tell you that I like your hair?" Develop the topic and you will have the option to ask if she has always enjoyed the company of other women, after which you will immediately be asked that if so, how would you react to this. Answer that you would giggle in response - and this will be the beginning of a romance.

If for some reason you missed the first opportunity, another one will appear after completing the quest with Marjolein. Ask her how she feels after the whole experience, agree that you know what she means after her answer, and in the subsequent conversation, say that people change over time. If Leliana eventually notices that you remind her of Marjolein, you are on the right track.

If you have already started and for some reason ended your romance with Leliana, then by following the above dialogue, you can resume it again.

In order for Leliana to invite you to her tent, her attitude towards you must be 100 - Love. Unlike other romantic partners, you won't have the opportunity to initiate it yourself.

Moment of crisis

Like many other companions, Leliana has her own “moment of crisis” in the game. If she is in your party during the Sacred Ashes quest and you desecrate Andraste's ashes, she will attack you. If she is not in your party, she will leave you after you return to camp (but with high Persuasion you can persuade her to stay).

If you toughened up Leliana during her personal quest, she will not leave your party if the ashes are desecrated.


Zevran and a group of mercenaries will ambush you on the world map after completing the first of four main quests - Earl of Redcliffe, Perfection Itself, Essence of the Beast or Broken Circle. The ambush will consist of Zevran (the assassin), a mage, several warriors and archers located on the hills on both sides of the road. I would recommend taking out the mage first, Zevran right after her, and then it shouldn’t be difficult for you to deal with the rest.

After the battle, you have to make a choice - to kill Zevran or not. If you decide not to kill him, he will ask to join your group. If you agree, Alistair (with good influence and Persuasion can reduce the loss of influence to just 3 points) and Morrigan will not approve, but Leliana will like it, since she firmly believes in the possibility of redemption.

Special gifts for Zevran are Dalian Gloves (found in a chest in the Western Brecilian Forest, which appears after dealing with the Shadow in an abandoned camp) and Antiv Boots, which can be found in a chest in the Haven village trading post. Zevran also loves precious metal ingots.

Zevran can teach you the Assassin specialization.

Moment of crisis

Zevran does not have a personal quest, but towards the end of the game, when you are already in Denerim along the main storyline, when moving between locations on the map of Denerim (usually this happens when moving to the palace of the Earl of Denerim (appears upon receiving the quest “Save the Queen” ) or the Earl of the Western Hills (appears when receiving one of the quests of the Rogue Coldrey), you will meet his old friend from the Ravens - Talisen. (If you have an affair with Zevran, then he may have already mentioned this name earlier, telling you about his previous mission.) It is not necessary to have Zevran in the group - he will automatically join you after starting a conversation with Talisen.

Talisen will invite Zevran to return to the Ravens - and his answer depends entirely on his attitude towards you. If you have not made friends with Zevran and his attitude towards you is negative, then he will not hesitate and will accept Talisen’s offer - in this case he will leave your group and you will have to fight him. If his attitude towards you is quite neutral, he will remain on the sidelines, leaving you to deal with Talisen without his participation. And finally, if his attitude towards you is positive enough (above 33 or "interest" in the case of romance), he will refuse to join Talisen and will fight him on your side.

After the fight, Zevran will ask if you would let him leave the group. You can use Persuasion and invite him to stay for the treasures you acquire along your travels, or - if his attitude towards you is really high - ask him to stay simply as a friend without any persuasion. (If you are having an affair with Zevran, then there will be no attempts on his part to leave.)

Zevran as romantic interest

Zevran is a romantic interest for both female and male characters. It is very easy to invite him into the tent (yes, even easier than Morrigan), but if you decide to wait until he makes the first move, then he will take the matter unexpectedly seriously and will make you wait until his attitude towards you rises above 75. Since Zevran does not have a personal quest, the catalyst for the relationship is instead a meeting with Talisen - after this, if you have a high enough influence (above 90), it will shift to the Love mark. After this, Zevran will offer you an earring as a gift as a sign of his affection. (If you refuse it, he will try again during the next conversation - and this time he will offer a gift not just as a sign of sympathy, but also as a veiled marriage proposal).

If you had a romance with Zevran that reached the Love level and you decide to break up with him, Zevran will leave your group.

When Zevran’s attitude towards you reaches the level of Love, he will refuse another trip to the tent in order to think about the situation and sort out his very unexpected feelings, but, unlike Morrigan, after thinking about it and having a rather serious conversation, he will continue his relationship with GG .

If you play as a nobleman/noblewoman and decide to marry Anora or Alistair, Zevran will quite easily agree to stay with you as a lover.


The Mabari Dog can be obtained at the very beginning of the game if you play as a nobleman, but if not, then he joins you after the Battle of Ostagar when moving from Flemeth Hut to Lothering and provided that you have completed the quest of the kennel manager in Ostagar.

The dog is 100% friendly to you from the very beginning, so it’s worth feeding him his favorite bones just to please the dog. You can ask him if he found anything interesting in various locations - then he will bring you all sorts of things, from a half-eaten pie to part of a set of armor (happens on the Deep Paths).

Almost every area has a special landmark that the dog can mark, which will increase its combat abilities in that particular location.

Despite the fact that the dog is not able to talk, the other members of the squad often conduct very funny dialogues with him, in which he answers them to the best of his canine capabilities.


Stan sits in a cage in Lothering without water or food as punishment for killing a family of local peasants. If you free him, he will join your group in an attempt to atone for his sins. You can free him by talking to the Reverend Mother in the Church. If you make a large donation, you can convince her to let Stan go. You can also threaten her. If Leliana is in your group, then the Reverend Mother will agree to let Stan go without any convincing.

Alternatively, you can simply pick the lock on the cage if you have the appropriate skill.

A special gift for Stan is the item of his personal quest - his sword. Stan is also a big fan of paintings of all kinds.

Quest – Sword of Beresad

When Stan trusts you enough to tell you what prompted him to commit bloody murders in Lothering, you will learn that after the battle with the Fiends of Darkness, he lost his sword - the personification of honor and duty of the Qunari. Without the sword, Stan cannot return back to his homeland.

Head to Lake Calenhad where you will find the Marauder. From him you will learn that the sword is most likely in the possession of a certain person named Farin, who is currently on his way to Orzammar. Follow him to the Frost Mountains. Farin stands near the entrance to Orzammar next to the trading stalls. He does not have the sword, since he has already sold it to a gnome collector named Dvin. If you've been to Redcliffe before, this name should be familiar to you.

Go to Dvin's house in Redcliffe and demand the sword back (this is much easier to do if Stan is in your party). If you do not want to threaten the dwarf on principle, you can simply buy the sword from him.

If Dvin died in the defense of Redcliffe before you received the sword from him, do not worry - you will find it in a chest in Dvin's house.

Note - as a result of a bug, sometimes you can demand a sword from Dvin immediately after talking with the marauder, without even seeing Farin.

Moment of crisis

If Stan is in your group in the village of Haven while completing the quest “Sacred Ashes,” he will be somewhat annoyed that you are doing extraneous things, in his opinion, instead of going to chop off the heads of the Fiends of Darkness in general and the Archdemon in particular. If you cannot prove that you are right, he will challenge you to a duel. If you lose, he will decide to leave your group. If you win, he stays.

If Stan's affection for you is very high, then even if you agree to the duel, he may decide that you are already worthy of his loyalty and will remain, refusing the duel.


Wynn joins your party if you side with the mages in story quest"Broken Circle"

If you want to have Winn in the group, but at the same time want to attract the templars to your side, then do not tell either her or Cullen that you agree with the templars - go and save Irving, and after that, in a conversation with Gregor, offer to isolate those remaining in living magicians just in case. Irving will agree with your proposal - and as a result, Wynn will remain with you, and the templars will come to your aid in the final battle.

Wynn loves books, ancient scrolls and wine, although gifts that initiate a special dialogue do not exist for her.

Quest – Regret Wynn

As you travel across the world map with Wynn in your group, you will be ambushed by the Fiends of Darkness. After the battle, Wynn will faint, and when she comes to, she will note that she thought for a moment that "it was all over." If you ask her what she meant, she will promise to tell you at the next stop.

The next time you visit the camp, Wynn will initiate a dialogue in which she will explain what exactly happened to her in the recent past in the Mage Tower. After that, in subsequent conversations you will have the option to ask if she is afraid of death, and after that, if she regrets anything in her past. Wynn admits that he regrets only one thing and will tell you the story of his first student - an elf named Aneirin.

Go to the Dalian camp and talk to Saren, who will tell you that Aneirin is their healer and basically spends all her time in the Brecilian Forest. You can find Aneurin in the Eastern part of the forest near the crazy hermit. Wynn will talk to him and this will end her personal quest.

Note: After the first Darkspawn ambush, the next time you travel across the world map with Wynn in the group, a second ambush will await you - this time led by Harlock Omega, the “orange” boss. Concentrate all your efforts on him, because he is capable of quickly incapacitating the entire group with his spells mass destruction, and without him the rest of the Fiends should not present any problems for you.

After this battle ends, Wynn will gain a new ability that instantly restores most of her life and mana and increases their regeneration for both Wynn herself and the rest of the group. The downside to this ability is that when it ends, Wynn will be temporarily stunned.

Moment of crisis

Winn will attack you if you agree with Cullen that the magicians must be destroyed during the quest "Broken Circle". She will also attack if she suspects that you are a Blood Mage and you cannot convince her otherwise, but this usually only happens at the very beginning, that is, in the Tower of Mages. After this, you can not only demonstrate the abilities of the Blood Mage in the group in the presence of Wynn as much as you like, but also give the Blood Mage specialization to her herself (no matter how illogical it may sound).

Wynn will attack you if she is in the group during the Sacred Ashes quest and you desecrate Andraste's ashes. If she is not in the group at this moment, she will leave you after you return to camp.


Oghren will decide to join you on the way out of Orzammar when you go looking for Branka on the instructions of Harromont or Belen in the story quest “Perfection Itself”.

Ogren loves alcohol. He does not have any special gifts that initiate dialogue.

Oghren can teach you the Berserker specialization.

Quest – Ogren's Old Love

When Ogren trusts you enough to tell you about his former lover named Felsi, go to Lake Calenhad to the Spoiled Princess tavern.

You can go there without Ogren and talk to Felsi yourself first. If you want to get the maximum possible number of approval points from this quest, talk to Felsy without Ogren, and then tell him about it, assuring him that you conducted preliminary reconnaissance solely for his benefit and that you will certainly take him to Felsy next time.

When you go there with Ogren, he will start a conversation and ask you to help him get back into Felsi's good graces. You can help him or not, and as a result, Ogren and Felsi will either make peace, or Felsi will refuse Ogren's reciprocity. In the latter case, as one would expect, Ogren's disposition towards you will decrease significantly.

Depending on exactly how this quest ends, it may affect Oghren's epilogue at the end of the game.


To get a powerful golem as your ally, you need to have the “Stone Prisoner” add-on and complete the quest “Golem of Honnlith Village”.

Sheila loves gems. There are no specific dialogue-initiating gifts for her, but when you first equip her with one of the crystals you found or bought, she will be very pleased and ask you to get more.

Quest – Memory of the Stone

You can receive this quest only after talking with Karidin during the “Perfection Itself” storyline. If Sheila is in the group when talking to Caridin, he will tell her a little about her past and after that she will express a desire to know more. If you did not take Sheila with you to the Forge of the Void, then she will complain that she was unable to talk with Caridin and will decide to try to find out about her past herself. In the first case, a new location will immediately appear on your map of the Deep Paths; in the second, go to the Deep Paths in any teig with Sheila in the group, and she will remember the location of the teig she needs, which will then appear on your map.

Go to teig Kadash. There you will meet Fiends of Darkness and Deep Pursuers (who, as usual, ambush you in large numbers), and at the end an ogre, the orange boss, will be waiting for you. I recommend luring him to your bridge, because when crossing the bridge, if you move away from him a little, several Screamers will attack you in addition to the ogre.

After you deal with the enemy, read the inscriptions on one of the columns - and this will complete Sheila's personal quest.

Moment of crisis

Sheila will leave your party and attack you if you decide to side with Branka against Caridin in the "Perfection Itself" story quest. If you completed this quest without Sheila in the party, she may decide to leave when you return to camp, but with high Persuasion you can persuade her to stay.


Loghain only joins you if you decide to spare him after the Landsmeet. (As a replacement for Alistair, since Loghain also specializes in shield and sword.)

Loghain loves various geographical maps. Gifts that initiate a special dialogue do not exist for him.

Since Loghain only joins your party towards the end of the game, he does not have a personal quest. Also, his attitude cannot be raised to the “Friendship” mark, even if you bring it to 100%.

Dragon Age Characters: Leliana

Robber man. A bard, he specializes in the bow and little things like opening locks and carrying purses, which requires a developed Cunning. Not bad for a novice of the Church, isn't it?
She's the hardest one. It’s enough to say something wrong somewhere at the very beginning or not talk about the right topic, and that’s it - she’s silent until the end of the game like a partisan, doesn’t make any friendships, doesn’t give personal quests and freezes out in every possible way.
Where she joins: in Lothering at the Dane's Refuge tavern, she will intervene in a skirmish with Loghain's soldiers and offer her help in the fight against the Blight.

ATTENTION! As the storyline progresses, Lothering will be destroyed and it will no longer be possible to return there! Take Liliana right away or you won’t get this opportunity again.
Personal quest: To start the quest, you need to ask Leliana about the reasons for her coming to the church, about minstrels, and have at least +25 approval. Then she will talk about Marjoline, and later, when moving between locations with Liliana in the group, the squad will be attacked by robbers, whom Liliana recognizes as having come after her soul. Interrogate the robbers, deal with Marjoline one way or another, and get an excellent bow (which only Liliana can use). During the quest, Liliana can be slightly sobered up on the subject of the Church and all sorts of religious nonsense, explaining to her that being a bard is not bad at all, you need to be yourself and not be ashamed of it, and you don’t have to turn into Marjoline. Then she admits that she was still bored in church, that she wants to live life to the fullest, and get rid of religious fanaticism.

* Strength - 18
* Dexterity - 22
* Willpower - 18
* Magic - 14
* Cunning - 19
* Constitution - 10

Romantic relationships: Liliana’s orientation is unconventional. Her previous love is a woman. If you get to know her well, you will find out that she does not have the best memories with men. But with due patience and desire, a gg-man can win her heart. Talk about what someone like her did in church ( the right move- compliment her appearance). If you have the patience to communicate about shoes, hairstyles, etc., then in the future she will conduct quite interesting dialogues, tell legends and even sing (many people really like Lilian’s song, which she performs after the quest with the Dalish elves).
Liliana initiates the conversation leading to an affair with a gg-woman herself. Says something about how glad it is to see you, etc. If you ask her whether she often enjoys female company so much, she states: “And if I say that it happens sometimes? What will you answer?” Those wishing to have a romance here should promise to giggle.
After completing a personal quest, you can resume your relationship, even if you already had an affair with Liliana that ended in a breakup.
If she has an affair with the hero, then she will stay with him until the end - “both in life and in death” (c) But if the hero (heroine) gets married, even for political reasons, she leaves.
Gifts: Symbols of Andraste, as well as jewelry. Blue shoes and the Silver Sword of Mercy (sold from the gnome, which is randomly found when moving between locations).
Special gifts:
Grace of Andraste (flowers grow in Redcliffe at the mill, in the Bressilian Forest and in Elfinage)
Tame Naga (In Orzamar with Liliana in the party, take the quest to capture the nagas from the driver, then hire the Idle Dwarf in the Dusty City to find a wild naga - clean and well-fed). If there is no love or friendship with Liliana, she will not ask for a nag.
Crisis: can turn against the main character if he desecrates the remains of the Ashes of Andraste's Sacred Urn with the blood of a dragon. If you “sober up” her during a personal quest, she will remain with the hero even after such sacrilege.

We take it with us as a lock opener and a long-range fighter. Also, the traps she has learned will diversify the battles, and the songs she sings will lift the mood and morale.

Leliana andMorriganfor