The game where you need to sleep. Game care for kids Hazel. The main thing is that the kids are pleased

The ritual of stacking his baby to sleep for many parents is becoming a real test. Moms and dads go to various tricks, and the children flatly refuse to fall asleep, cry and do not come on a compromise. Our article will tell in detail how to put a child to sleep without tears and hysterics. All you need to do is carefully read the information provided.

The psyche of children under the year has its own characteristics. At this age, the karapuses can not be consciously relaxed and tune in to sleep. In this regard, feeling fatigue, Kroch can be capricious, cry, not understanding that he just wants to sleep. Mom and dad should carefully observe the condition of their children and learn to recognize in a timely manner that it has come to sleep time.

The first important rule is to lay the child immediately, as soon as he starts to yawning and rub the eyes. It is at this point that the flood process will be the easiest. Even if you planned other events for this time, for example, walking, bathing, feeding, you should not postpone sleep. If the karapuz "moves", the problems with falling asleep are provided. If the baby is on breastfeeding, it will easily calm down under the breast and will quickly sleep. Artificial can give a bottle with a mixture. It is important to ensure that the nervous system of infants is not overwritten. In such a situation, it will be pretty hard to sleep.

The second rule is a favorable setting for sleep. No need to turn on loud TV or music, or put a cappusion to sleep in too brightly lit room. It is better to create a calm atmosphere, include classical music or mobile, to maintain curtains. Before bed, you can get a baby and make it a light relaxing massage. The temperature in the room should not exceed 25 ° C. The room should be well ventilated.

The third important rule is not to create the load on the baby's psyche before bedtime. Do not play too active games or include cartoons. It is better to read a fairy tale, listen to calm music or cartoon-lullaby. This will help Karapuzu faster tune in to fall asleep. Do not forget, the baby must be fed. If he falls asleep on an empty stomach, most likely he wakes up at night.

If the son or daughter wakes up in a dream, they are afraid of darkness, you can put a lamp in the room in the form of a starry sky projector. He reassuringly acts on the psyche, helps to fall asleep soon.

Children under the year do not know how to express their desires, as they themselves do not understand what their body really requires. They cannot say this mom and dad words.

Recognize that the crumb is time to lay in the crib in such signs:

  • Changes appearance Karapuza. Movement becomes more slow down, the eyes fill up, dark circles appear under them, the facial expansion changes, the baby looks sleepy, he himself lays onto the pillow or half.
  • Child terate eyes, yawns.
  • The kid pulls himself for the eye, hair, rubbing his nose.
  • The look becomes frozen, the feeling that the baby looks at anyway, so often happens with strong fatigue.
  • W. little man The mood flocks, he whirls, does not want to play, refuses to eat. Kroch more emotionally reacts to many things crying because of trifles.
  • Karapuz becomes closed from the surrounding people and peers, does not come into contact, refuses to play.
  • The activity is reduced, the child puts his head on the pillow or other items.
  • Often the baby, on the contrary, becomes too excited, sometimes even aggressive.

Mom and dad should know what signs indicate the fatigue of their Chad. Noticing the first symptoms, they should hurry to lay a baby in bed.

On the question of how correctly having a newborn or baby older, it is impossible to give an unequivocal answer. Some karapuses are perfectly falling asleep under the mention, others under her mother's breasts, the third in the crib. Each baby is individual, so mom and dad must try to find an approach to their chad.

We will only give you some general advice:

  • Most babies can not sleep on an empty stomach. Crochie should be well fed before bedtime. The exceptions are cases when, after the meal, a little man loves to play. In such a situation, feed it better in 1-1.5 hours before sleep.
  • Sometimes the problem with laying in the evening is connected with the fact that the child is well poured into lunch. You need to try to reduce daytime sleep. It often helps to solve the question.
  • You need to go to bed on time. If you put the gently toddler, there will certainly be certain difficulties. If the baby moved, it will be pretty hard forced to lie down in the crib. After all, he himself does not understand what it will be better for him.
  • The six-month or seven-month child often wakes up at night for feeding. In this regard, many mammies put babies to sleep near themselves. As soon as you can wean karapuz from night feedings, sleep will become longer and calm.
  • For a one-month, two-month, three-month, four-month and five-month baby, you need to keep a pause between the daily and night bed at least 3 hours. For ducts from six months - 4 hours.

Do not forget that the quality of sleep and its duration is strongly affected by the temperament of the child. Some sleep longer and calmer, others are sensitive and few. It is also due to the fact that the biological rhythms of children younger age still not fully installed.

It doesn't matter whether you have a baby or deal with the one-year-old Karapus, there are some, proven years and experience, ways that help children quickly sleep. Many mammies use swaddling, lullabies or mental.

Let's consider the most effective techniques.

Floating ritual

This method implies any action that the child repeats daily before bedtime. It can be a massage, bathroom, reading a fairy tale, view your favorite cartoon, any game. We must not forget that at the same time it is necessary to take into account the age of karapuz and the features of the development of his psyche. Breastfish can be accustomed to bed, giving him the chest or using the tech. But for the preschooler, the fairy tales will fit. We picked up for you several examples of falling asleep rituals:

  • Laying to sleep your favorite doll or any other toy. Mom and Kroch put a toy to sleep, wish good night, after which the Karapuz himself falls into the crib. You can do it both in front of the day and in front of the night falling asleep. This is perfect for a two-year-old and three-year-old kid who already knows how to enter the game with his parents.
  • Babies up to a month can be made massage, swim in the bathroom with the addition of herbs. With the daily repetition of such a ritual, the infants will produce reflex. Having received a relaxing massage and sailing in warm water, the crumb will fall asleep very quickly.
  • Farewell ritual with sun. Every evening, in front of the sunset, you can bring Karapuz to the window and show how the sun comes, explain that animals and birds fall asleep, so it's time for children in a crib.
  • If the karapuz, to which 2, 3, 4 weeks does not sleep during colic, it must be worn after feeding for 10-15 minutes on the hands in a horizontal position. It will help exit the excess air from the stomach, therefore, colic will not so torture the baby.
  • For quick falling, you can give your choice to hug your favorite toy, bear, hare, tiger or other.
  • Another effective ritual is reading fairy tales. Already in the process of reading the book, the child will calm down, tune in to sleep.

No matter what ritual Parents use. For each crumbs, you can pick up your traditions. The only thing to remember is impossible to use too active games and other techniques that excite the psyche of a small little man.

Many women believe that if you constantly rock the baby, then he will not be able to fall asleep independently. Of course, the share of truth is there, but when other methods do not help, this is also good. Sometimes the karapubuzes sleep only when they are swinging. This method can be used for healthy children if they do not have any medical contraindications.

Plus this method is that it helps to restore the biological rhythm of infants, normalize his heartbeat. Let's figure it out how to brand baby:

  • Shaking should not be too rhythmic. You can do it, sitting on the phytball.
  • Mom's movements should be neat, smooth. It will help the crumb faster to relax and sleep sweetly.
  • Karapuzu must be comfortable in mom hugs. It is necessary to maintain its head and the back in the correct position.

We must not forget that such a method of laying should be used only if necessary, since this habit may grow into a mental dependence in infants.

Want to know why some children creak teeth in a dream? Then read.

Mom must remember that in some cases the child should be given the opportunity to fall asleep independently. To do this, just put the crumb into the crib and get out of the room.

Perhaps the karapuz will be unhappy for some time in such a move of events, but, as practice shows, many children fall asleep themselves. If your child cries, you can enter the room again, calm it and go out again. After several attempts, you will be waiting for success.

Using dust

The nipple gives their children many parents. It helps to satisfy a child's sucking reflex, which is especially developed aged two to four months. If you cannot adjust the karapuz, you can offer him a pacifier. After he falls asleep, it is better to remove the nipple.

A sucking reflex gradually fading to 7-8 months. By 12 months from the pacifier, it is better to refuse and pick up other ways.

Pelennia method

This method is especially relevant for crumbling early age. Reflexes in the newborn are still poorly controlled by the brain. Karapuz can swing in a dream, pull the handles and legs, so he sleeps restless. To prevent this will help swaddling. You need to push a child quite tight, but not tight. At the same time, he arises the feeling that he is in the mother's womb, so the baby quickly falls asleep. If there are any contraindications to this procedure, it is better to abandon the swellery.

Soft music

Pediatricians do not recommend putting newborns and older children in full silence. Remove and calm the baby will help calm music. You can include classic musical works or lullaby. As a rule, children who are accustomed to sleep with extraneous sounds, sleep tighter and less often wake up.

Each child should have their own bed. This place should be associated only with sleep, but in no case with a place for games. This will help cause close contact with crumbs.

That is, if he lay, he needs to sleep. If the mother sits the karapuz in the crib for a whole day, it is unlikely that he will quickly understand what this place is intended for.

Mint Lask.

Support Karapuz in five minutes will help positive emotions, Mamina hug and caress. In these minutes you need to devote all your attention to the child. This will help him calm down, relax, feel safe. The kids up to the year the need for tactile sensations is very high. That is why Mine Lask is the best way to enhance Karapuza per minute.

Methods of independent population

Experts insist that parents need to teach the child to fall asleep independently. After all, mom and dad teach Karapuz to walk on their own, dress, eat, brush your teeth. The following techniques can be used among children from 9 to 18 months. They will help boys and girls fall asleep not only at home, but also in the garden. So let's consider these ways.

Method of estivil

This method implies an independent falling asleep (Spanish method), without teaching and applying to the chest. Mom can be nearby, talking to a baby, stroke him, hide with a blanket, but you can not take it. It is possible that the little man will be capricious, climb in the crib, reach to his mother, but you can not surrender. Parents must take all new attempts. Already soon the baby will understand that his manipulations do not act and he can fall asleep on his own. Suitable for cuttings for half a year and older.

Before bedtime, you need to give a rough chest or a bottle with a mixture. After that, the baby needs to show the timer or watch and say that after 10 minutes the milk will end. After the baby's call, you need to climb and put in the bed. It is possible that he will cry, but parents should be patient.

The timer is installed for 10 minutes daily. After 3-5 days, it is reduced to 4 minutes. This will help a small little man to get used to such a regime and sleep without hysterical. After you gave the chest for 4 minutes, you can read the fairy tale or sing a song. Gradually, the habit of sucking the chest or the mixture will be replaced by reading a fairy tale, and the karapuz will sleep without waking up.


This technique is better suitable for children from one and a half to three years. All that is required from parents is to come up with a story, why at night the mother does not give a breast or a bottle with a mixture. For example, that the cow sleeps or another. Before bedtime, the crumb need to feed well and recall once again that the milk will not be. It helps the baby do not wake up for night feedings.


Sucking a habit of sucking a breast or a bottle with a mixture you need to try to replace any other, for example, reading a book, singing with a lullaby, stroking. At the next stage independent falling asleep You can apply the "explanation" technique. If the crumb is falling asleep for a long time, take patience. Already soon you are waiting for a reward for your efforts.

The technique is as follows:

  • On the first night, the baby is put to sleep earlier for half an hour, but awakening is carried out in the same period.
  • Crocha is put in the crib and leave the room. Do not immediately run to him if he cries.
  • If the crumb is capricious for 5 minutes, you need to approach, calm it and leave it again.
  • Next time, parents leave the room for 10 minutes.

The next night the interval between the checks can be increased to 12-15 minutes. Third-day to 20 minutes.

The method under consideration can be applied to mentally healthy babies from four months.

How many children of different ages should sleep: Table

Despite the fact that all children are different, there are certain scope of sleep for the dust of various ages. Data can be found in the table.

Age in months Night Sleep / Watch Duration Day Son.
number Duration
1 15-18 3 8
3 14-16 2 5
6 12-14 2 3
12 1 2
2 years 13 1 2
3 years 11-13 1,5 1,5
5 years 10-11 1 1
From 7 years old 10 Not necessary

Of course, there are exceptions and in 5-6 years, children categorically refuse to sleep. In such a situation, you need to pay attention to the well-being of a small little man. If he sleeps hard at night and behaves actively, it does not need to force him to sleep. In the evening, too, do not lay the babies sleep early. The optimal time for this is 21-22 hours.

Rules of Komarovsky for rapid falling

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky is a famous pediatrician who gives parents valuable advice not only on the treatment of kids, but also in other areas. Let's look at several simple rules For strong and healthy sleep.

Mom must clearly understand that the moral condition of the baby is closely connected with her personal well-being. That is, if it is not sleeping, it affects the baby. During the day's sleep, a woman should leave everything and dedicate the time to rest.

Care and trouble will wait, besides, you can ask for the help of dad or other relatives.

Clear regime

Whatever a capricious child, he should have a clear routine of sleep and wakefulness. This will facilitate not only his life, but also the life of his parents. It is extremely important that this schedule coincides with the biological rhythms of the baby. If, for example, daytime sleep is scheduled for 14 00, and at night for 21 00, try not to move away from the schedule by all.

Place for sleep

Immediately you should designate where the child will sleep. Parents have the right to put the karapuz in his own bed or with you. Both options are acceptable, but Dr. Komarovsky still believes that it is better to teach him to sleep in his room in a stroller or a crib, which favorably affects the relationships of spouses. If the baby woke up and cries, you can approach him, then leave again. Gradually, children cease to demand such careful attention.

Many children fall asleep very long, but then they can sleep up to four hours in a row. It is extremely undesirable, as it affects the quality of the night rest. The task of parents is to prevent too long-lasting daytime sleep. Even if you are very sorry to wake a little son, you need to raise it. Perhaps he will be capricious, but after some time his psychological state will improve.

Of course, this does not concern newborn babies or infants to the year. IN early age Set any mode is quite hard. If the case applies to a 1.5-year-old child or older carappow, you have to wake up a small gabble.

Sufficient activity day

Healthy night sleep will provide a small little man sufficient motor activity during the day. If he is in kindergarten or school, there should be no problem. What to do if the kid at home:

  • Walking on the street at least two hours.
  • Use moving games that match the cappuza by age (running, catch-up, jumping, dancing, etc.).
  • Crocha can be asked to help at home, for example, fitting the floor, wipe the dust.
  • From an early age you can send a child to the sports section, dancing, gymnastics, swimming pool.

Motor activity will provide not only healthy sleep, but also harmonious physical and mental development Little gown.

If the karapuz is located on the GW, it should be applied to his breast at the request or every three hours. Here the decision should be made by parents depending on the individual characteristics of their Chad. It is important to consider how well the baby falls asleep after feeding. If there are no problems, dinner must be as satisfied as possible.

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Proper preparation for sleep

Evgeny Olegovich focuses on the importance of preparing the baby to sleep and the microclimate indoors. To do this, you need to buy a crumb, well to air the room, take care of the right temperature and humidity. All this will help not only quickly fall asleep, but also to relax.

For breasts, you can use baths with the addition of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, mint, a chamber. Such swims will help calm the nervous system of a small little man and improve the condition of the dermis. In addition, it is important to take care of high-quality diapers and a comfortable bed. If diapers are poor-quality, the crumb will certainly wake up at night.

It doesn't matter how much the difference in the age of your karapusov, a year or five, to put their sleep at the same time it is quite possible, even sometimes very difficult. They can fall asleep on the same bed or apart.

It is important to take into account the following tips:

  • At lunch it is worth trying to lay the children at the same time. If even one of them wakes up earlier, it will not be a problem.
  • You can enjoy senior karapuse to lay the younger. This can be turned into a kind of game. He can cover the brother or sister with a blanket, bring a toy, apply as you need to fall asleep.
  • The weather is better to sleep in separate crots.
  • Do not get upset if one of the kids falls asleep quickly, and the second all the time turns around. All babies have their own individual features. Follow patience. Explain to the eldest child that he should not interfere with the younger. Relieve respect from an early age.

You should not believe the assurances of parents that their karapubuses fall asleep in a second. This is extremely rare, because children are not robots. Often you have to be patient and go through many difficulties.

Many karapusov is almost impossible to go to bed after the kindergarten, guests or just walks. What to do in such a situation? If the crumb is worried about insomnia or he is afraid to sleep in the dark, you should talk to him about it. It is important to find out what worries the baby, what is his fears. In such situations, the help of a specialist is often required.

If the problem is caused by ordinary excitation, you can try to listen to such recommendations:

  • An hour before sleep to refuse active games.
  • Exclude TV viewing.
  • Senior Children to ban gadgets, computer games.
  • Make a crumbling massage.
  • Use ritual falling asleep.
  • Organize for a small bathroom harness with the addition of herbs.
  • Many children are well falling asleep with their favorite toy.
  • If your little robber is transported, play with him in a calm game, spoil the song, read the fairy tale. Very soon his nervous system will come to normal and it will help to establish sleep.

Remember, in no case can you shout on the child. It will only aggravate the situation. All questions need to be solved by persuasion, mutual understanding, without scandals.

There are more than 100 ways with which you can go to bed in a few minutes. Let's consider the most effective of them:

  • Speaker. This simple way is suitable for children up to the year. All you need to do is simply smoothly swing a small little man from side to side.
  • Many karapuses are perfectly falling asleep under third-party sounds, resembling noise in the womb. You can turn on the hair dryer, vacuum cleaner or other household appliances. You can create such a sound using water noise.
  • Nipple helps perfectly. The pacifier needs to be crumbling during falling asleep, and later pick up.
  • The newborn is perfectly falling asleep in the mother's chest. During this period, a common dream is allowed.
  • In order for the baby to calm down, you can sing a lullaby or to include calm music.
  • Mobile helps to calm the child. Such musical toys can be bought at any store.

In addition, it is necessary to take a walk with your tea before bedtime. Fresh air It will contribute to rapid falling asleep and long sleep.

Each child is individual, so parents must pick up an individual approach to it.


Here are some more advice from a psychologist, how to put the Karapuz to sleep without tears and hysterics.

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Revolution genre

Not so long ago, there were no computers yet. For many small girls, the main entertainment was exactly games with numerous messengers and dolls. However, everything in this world is fleeting, including the choice of toys. Games Care for kids - For many young chairs, today has already been completely replaced by real pups and dolls. The virtual karapuses in them allow themselves to knock on legs with a lack of attention and capricious, they ask for hands all the time, do not forget to report, while also in the whole voice, about their feeling of hunger and desire to eat, in general, behave in the same way as Real bass.

Watch up for cute nannies from the side, one pleasure, but to satisfy a number of numerous needs of scuttle bumps completely and make them adagge and smile it turns out not always. As a rule, in the games of such a baby plan you need to wear, feed, drink and lay sleep. At the same time, the diapers will also have to change the diapers, and recycled to process, and to read the fairy tale, if necessary.

Care for kids will be a favorite lesson girl

When you see a tiny squeezing lump with eyes with butchers, it's hard to stay and hide your emotions. I immediately want to take a crumb into your arms, to find a thousand tender words to calm him, in general, to do everything in order for the baby to be cozy and comfortable. Explanation of this simple - triggers the maternal instinct. The presence of such instinct girls largely explains the children's games in the mother's daughter, love for the dolls and the desire about someone cares. And if there are no small children in the family, on which you can pay your attention, then games about care for the kids and are precisely the place where young nurse learn to take care of the younger and provide them in all attention.

These games are diverse. There are among them and dress ups, and games in which you need to find something defined, for example, rattle. In some nanny, you need to spend the whole day with the baby and at the same time go to walk with him and shopping, make sure that it is constantly dry and not forget to feed at the set time.
Sometimes kids are somewhat. Then the most interesting thing begins. One thing I want to sleep with another, and you need to change the third diaper. And the poor nanny is spinning, like a squirrel in the wheel, runs from one baby to another. At the same time, the task is sometimes more complicated by the fact that in the game there is only one changing table and one chair for feeding. And try to explain the baby that his place is still busy.

The main thing is that the kids are pleased

Nanny are different, however, like games about them. But the ultimate result of each of the players at different nuances is the well-being of the bribes entrusted to their concerns.
Each of the nanny has its own tactic in achieving the goal and its tricks.

Child care is not easy. Agree that in order to keep track of everything and at the same time, you still have a loved one who is beloved in order to bring persistence, patience and speed in decision-making and sequence of actions. Entertaining moving restless crumb, even getting dressed for the upcoming walk will have to, without releasing rattles. But you need to wear the kid decently and look decently. At the same time, you should not forget that during feeding the baby may relite you to blur your clothes. So it's worth the baby first feed, and then think about yourself. By the way, it is possible to take a children's book for a walk for a walk, but you can not worry about the newspaper with crosswords, there will be no time to relax. As soon as the child is falling, you can go to the store with a stroller.

Virtual nursery

The situation is somewhat different in those games where you need to watch and care for several children. This is where the motor needs to have, but otherwise it's just nothing for such a thing and take. In virtual nurses, poor Nyan have not very sweet. Only perseverance and hard work here, perhaps, will not be enough. Also love for children should be limitless. About free time, working at such a pace, you do not have to dream. But the skill come in handy, and what else! Games Care for children for girls to learn you at the same time immediately for several cases. After all, they will simultaneously need to bathe babies, prepare them a mixture, feed, change diapers and rattles. In general, feel a bee. From how clearly such a day working day will be planned, and will depend on how badly parents will be.

Do not forget that only before half a year the babies will lie there where you put them. Hallheads are older delivery even more troubles. Some begin to crawl, not always willingly sit down on the pot, begin to scatter more intensively toys. Before all these little shkhodniks, there is a case, and your task is to keep track, not allow, to catch in time, to sit in the playpen.

True bliss starts to experience when satisfied parents begin to take one of their favorite kids. It is good that they were all virtual, and you could cope with all the tasks set by the numerous tips on the screen and click on the right place.

Games care for kids are instructive and interesting. Girls are happy to take part in the care of cappuses, showing the best of their qualities and acquiring precious experiences and knowledge from childhood, which will be useful in adulthood.

Chubby, charming and tasty mamia milk babies always cause a desire to take care of their well-being and well-being. That is why games for girls care for kids so popular near the young lady. Choose this category of games on our website, and loading in colorful and funny children's Worldin which bike diapers, ringing rattles and heated bottles are preserved.

Games Care for kids for many years do not lose their relevance, since almost in every young person, Maternal instinct wakes up over time. But it is not always possible to donate a live baby, so appropriate virtual entertainment come to the rescue. In games about the care of kids, each girl will be able to try on the role of an older sister, a future mother or an experienced nanny, and with pleasure to begin daily child care obligations.

Games for girls care for kids will teach young princesses how to change diapers, prepare a mixture for feeding, bathe newborns and cope with hyperactive twins. It is fun and very entertaining, and as a bonus, your daughter will receive invaluable experience, which will certainly come in handy in the future.

Do you want to watch how a cute baby turns into a scream monster, if I don't like anything? It turns out that there is not so nanny and simple.

Excellent game for lovers of advanced variations on the topic "Mother's daughter". Try to put sleep charming (at first glance!) Baby. But be ready for the fact that if anything goes wrong, this angel-like creature will immediately hurt with tears, it makes shouts and starts waving his cams from anger as windmillYes, so that it will want to strange. Now imagine what your mother felt when you were capricious and did not listen? Want to try your hand?

Task game Care care Hazel

On the one hand, the essence of the game care for the baby Hazel is not something that is simple, but elementary: to save the tired child to sleep. Help clean the teeth, wash in front of bedtime, take a shower, hairstyle - nothing complicated.

On the other hand, the baby got used to a certain order of action, and any of his violation causes terrible hysteria.

With the third, the task is complicated by two control options, which you have to constantly follow. The first is a timer. Remember, you have exactly three minutes twenty seconds for all toilet and wash manipulations. And no moment more. Do not have time to put a girl in bed during this time, consider, lost and you need to start everything from the beginning.

The second is your controller - Haisel's happiness scale. While everything goes as she likes, she smiles, and the figure of happiness on the scale slowly crawls towards zoom. The problem is that this idyll lasts very and very long. It is worth you to make any incorrect movement (not there to put a cup, for example) how the Hazel sponges are pressed, the browching is frowning, and tears appear in the eyes. It is clear that any of her crying or scream (and shifts and is angry, as you already understood, often) reduces the figure of happiness, lightning it up to zero. And how can I win?!

As you can see, the simplicity of the game care for the kids Hazel is the apparent. In fact, this is the real quest, slyly disguised into the pink "Mimmi".