The kid wanted to be there to play and sleep. Hazel baby care game. Self-sleeping techniques

Do you want to watch a cute baby turn into a screaming monster if he doesn't like something? It turns out that being a babysitter is not so easy.

An excellent game for fans of advanced variations on the theme of "daughter-mother". Try to put to sleep a charming (at first glance!) baby. But be prepared for the fact that if anything goes wrong, this angelic creature will immediately burst into tears, scream and start waving his fists in anger like windmill Yes, so much so that you want to strangle her. Now can you imagine how your mother felt when you were capricious and did not obey? Do you want to try your hand?

Objective of the game Baby Care Hazel

On the one hand, the essence of the game Caring for Baby Hazel is not that simple, but elementary: put a tired child to bed. Help brush your teeth, wash before bed, take a shower, comb your hair - nothing complicated.

On the other hand, the baby is used to a certain order of actions, and any violation of it causes her a terrible tantrum.

On the third, the task is complicated by two control options that you have to constantly monitor. The first is a timer. Remember, you have exactly three minutes and twenty seconds for all toilet and washing manipulations. And not a moment more. If you don’t have time to put the girl to bed during this time, consider yourself lost and you need to start all over again.

Your second controller is Hazel's happiness scale. While everything is going the way she likes, she smiles, and the happiness indicator on the scale slowly creeps upward. The problem is that such an idyll lasts a very, very short time. As soon as you make any wrong move (put a cup in the wrong place, for example), Hazel's lips tighten, her brows frown, and tears appear in her eyes. It is clear that any of her crying or screaming (and she sobs and gets angry, as you already understood, often) reduces the indicator of happiness, instantly reducing it to zero. And how can you win here?

As you can see, the simplicity of the Hazel Baby Care game is apparent. In fact, this is a real quest, cunningly disguised in pink "mimimi".

The ritual of putting their baby to bed for many parents turns into a real test. Moms and dads go to various tricks, and the children flatly refuse to fall asleep, cry and do not compromise. Our article will talk in detail about how to put a child to sleep without tears and tantrums. All you have to do is read the information provided carefully.

The psyche of children up to a year has its own characteristics. At this age, the little ones still cannot consciously relax and tune in to sleep. In this regard, feeling tired, the baby can be naughty, cry, not realizing that he just wants to sleep. Mom and dad should carefully monitor the condition of their child and learn to recognize in a timely manner that it is time to go to bed.

The first important rule is to put the child to bed as soon as he starts yawning and rubbing his eyes. It is at this moment that the process of falling asleep will be the easiest. Even if you have planned other activities for this time, for example, walking, bathing, feeding, you should not postpone sleep. If the little one "walks over", problems with falling asleep are guaranteed. If the baby is breastfed, he will easily calm down under the breast and fall asleep quickly. The artist can be given a bottle of formula. It is important to ensure that nervous system the chest was not overexcited. In such a situation, it will be quite difficult to put him to sleep.

The second rule is a favorable environment for sleep. No need to turn on the TV or music loudly, or put the little one to sleep in a room that is too brightly lit. It is better to create a calm atmosphere, turn on classical music or a mobile phone, and close the curtains. Before going to bed, you can bathe the baby and give him a light relaxing massage. The temperature in the room must not exceed 25°C. The room must be well ventilated.

The third important rule is not to create a load on the baby's psyche before bedtime. Do not play too active games or turn on cartoons. It is better to read a fairy tale, listen to calm music or a cartoon lullaby. This will help the little one to quickly tune in to falling asleep. Do not forget, the baby must be full. If he falls asleep on an empty stomach, he will most likely wake up at night.

If a son or daughter wakes up in a dream, they are afraid of the dark, you can put a lamp in the room in the form of a starry sky projector. It has a calming effect on the psyche, helps to fall asleep faster.

Children under one year old still do not know how to express their desires, because they themselves do not understand what their body really requires. They cannot say this to mom and dad in words.

You can recognize that it's time to put the baby in the crib by the following signs:

  • changing appearance peanut. Movements become slower, eyes dim, dark circles appear under them, facial expressions change, the baby looks sleepy, he himself fits on a pillow or on the floor.
  • The child rubs his eyes, yawns.
  • The kid pulls his ear, hair, rubs his nose.
  • The look becomes frozen, the feeling that the baby is looking into nowhere, this often happens with severe fatigue.
  • At little man the mood deteriorates, he is capricious, does not want to play, refuses to eat. The baby reacts more emotionally to many things, cries over trifles.
  • The peanut becomes closed from surrounding people and peers, does not make contact, refuses to play.
  • Activity decreases, the child puts his head on a pillow or other objects.
  • Often the baby, on the contrary, becomes too excited, sometimes even aggressive.

Mom and dad should know what signs indicate that their child is tired. Noticing the first symptoms, they should hurry to put the baby to bed.

The question of how to properly lull a newborn or an older baby cannot be answered unambiguously. Some toddlers fall asleep perfectly under motion sickness, others under their mother's breasts, and others in the crib. Each baby is individual, so mom and dad should try to find an approach to their child.

We will only give you some general advice:

  • Most babies cannot sleep on an empty stomach. The baby should be well fed before going to bed. The exceptions are cases when, after a meal, a little man likes to play. In such a situation, it is better to feed him 1-1.5 hours before bedtime.
  • Sometimes the problem with going to bed in the evening is due to the fact that the child gets enough sleep at lunchtime. You should try to cut back on your naps. This often resolves the issue.
  • You need to go to bed on time. If you put a baby who has gone too far, then certain difficulties will certainly arise. If the baby has gone too far, it will be quite difficult to force him to go to bed. After all, he himself does not understand that it will be better for him.
  • A six or seven month old baby often wakes up at night to feed. In this regard, many mothers put their babies to sleep next to them. As soon as you can wean the little one from night feedings, his sleep will become longer and more restful.
  • For a one-month-old, two-month-old, three-month-old, four-month-old and five-month-old baby, you need to keep a pause between daytime and nighttime sleep for at least 3 hours. For toddlers from six months - 4 hours.

Do not forget that the quality of sleep and its duration is strongly influenced by the temperament of the child. Some sleep longer and more calmly, others sensitively and little. This is also due to the fact that the biological rhythms of children younger age not yet fully established.

It doesn’t matter if you have a monthly baby or it concerns a one-year-old toddler, there are some, proven over the years and experience, ways that help children fall asleep quickly. Many mothers use swaddling, lullabies or motion sickness.

Let's look at the most effective methods.

Fall asleep ritual

This method involves some action that the child repeats daily before bedtime. It can be a massage, a bath, reading a fairy tale, watching your favorite cartoon, any game. We must not forget that in this case it is necessary to take into account the age of the little one and the features of the development of his psyche. A baby can be taught to sleep by giving him a breast or using motion sickness. But for a preschooler, reading fairy tales is suitable. We have selected for you some examples of falling asleep rituals:

  • Putting your favorite doll or any other toy to bed. Mom and baby put the toy to bed, wish good night, after which the little one himself goes to bed. You can do this both before daytime and before going to bed at night. This is perfect for a two and three year old toddler who already knows how to play with their parents.
  • Children up to a month old can be massaged, bathed in a bath with the addition of herbs. With the daily repetition of such a ritual, the baby will develop a reflex. After receiving a relaxing massage and bathing in warm water, the baby will fall asleep very quickly.
  • Ritual of farewell to the sun. Every evening before sunset, you can bring the little one to the window and show how the sun sets, explain that animals and birds fall asleep, so it’s time for the kids to go to bed.
  • If a peanut who is 2, 3, 4 weeks old does not sleep with colic, it must be worn after feeding for 10-15 minutes in the arms in a horizontal position. This will help remove excess air from the stomach, therefore, colic will not torment the baby so much.
  • For a quick fall asleep, you can let your child hug your favorite toy, a bear, a hare, a tiger or another.
  • Another effective ritual is reading fairy tales. Already in the process of reading a book, the child will calm down, tune in to sleep.

It doesn't matter what ritual the parents use. For each crumb, you can choose your own traditions. The only thing to remember is that you can not use too active games and other techniques that excite the psyche of a little man.

Many women believe that if you constantly rock the baby, then he will not be able to fall asleep on his own. Of course, there is some truth in this, but when other methods fail, this one is also good. Sometimes the little ones sleep only when you shake them. This method can be used for healthy children if they do not have any medical contraindications.

The advantage of this method is that it helps to restore the biological rhythm of the baby, to normalize his heartbeat. Let's figure out how to properly rock a baby:

  • Rocking should not be too rhythmic. You can do this while sitting on a fitball.
  • Mom's movements should be neat, smooth. This will help the baby to relax faster and sleep sweetly.
  • The little one should be comfortable in his mother's arms. It is necessary to maintain his head and back in the correct position.

We must not forget that this method of laying should be used only if necessary, since this habit can develop into mental dependence in infants.

Wondering why some children grind their teeth in their sleep? Then read.

Mom should remember that in some cases the child should be given the opportunity to fall asleep on their own. To do this, you just need to put the baby in the crib and leave the room.

Perhaps the little one will be dissatisfied with this course of events for some time, but, as practice shows, many children fall asleep on their own. If your child is crying, you can re-enter the room, calm him down and exit again. After several attempts, you will be successful.

Using a pacifier

Pacifiers are given to their children by many parents. It helps to satisfy the sucking reflex of the baby, which is especially developed between the ages of two and four months. If it is not possible to sleep the little one, you can offer him a pacifier. After he falls asleep, it is better to remove the pacifier.

The sucking reflex gradually fades by 7-8 months. By 12 months, it is better to completely abandon the dummy and choose other methods.

swaddling method

This method is especially relevant for crumbs of early age. Reflexes in a newborn are still poorly controlled by the brain. The little one can toss and turn in his sleep, twitch his arms and legs, so he sleeps restlessly. Swaddling will help prevent this. You need to wrap the child quite tightly, but not tight. At the same time, he gets the feeling that he is in his mother's womb, so the baby quickly falls asleep. If there are any contraindications to this procedure, it is better to refuse swaddling.

Soft music

Pediatricians do not recommend putting newborns and older children to bed in complete silence. Soothing music will help to lull and calm the baby. You can include classical music or a lullaby. As a rule, children who are used to sleeping with extraneous sounds sleep more soundly and wake up less often.

Each child must have their own bed. This place should be associated only with sleep, but in no case with a place for games. This will help create a close bond between the baby and the crib.

That is, if he lay down, he needs to sleep. If the mother puts the little one in the crib for the whole day, it is unlikely that he will quickly understand what this place is intended for.

Mom's caress

Will put the little one to sleep in five minutes will help positive emotions, mother's hugs and caress. In these moments, you need to devote all your attention to the child. This will help him calm down, relax, feel safe. Babies up to a year have a very high need for tactile sensations. That is why mother's affection is The best way sleep the little one in a minute.

Self-sleeping techniques

Experts insist that parents need to teach their child to fall asleep on their own. After all, mom and dad teach the little one to walk, dress, eat, brush their teeth on their own. The techniques described below can be used in children aged 9 to 18 months. They will help boys and girls fall asleep not only at home, but also in the garden. So let's look at these methods.

Estiville's technique

This method involves falling asleep on your own (Spanish method), without motion sickness and attachment to the chest. Mom can be nearby, talk to the baby, stroke him, cover him with a blanket, but you can’t pick him up. It is possible that the little man will be naughty, get up in the crib, reach out to his mother, but you can’t give up. Parents should keep trying. Soon the baby will understand that his manipulations do not work and he will be able to fall asleep on his own. Suitable for babies up to six months and older.

Before going to bed, you need to give the baby a breast or a bottle with a mixture. After that, the baby needs to be shown a timer or watch and told that in 10 minutes the milk will end. After the call, the baby needs to be caressed and put to bed. It is possible that he will cry, but parents should be patient.

The timer is set to 10 minutes daily. After 3-5 days, its time is reduced to 4 minutes. This will help the little man get used to this regimen and sleep without tantrums. After you have given the breast for 4 minutes, you can read a fairy tale or sing a song. Gradually, the habit of sucking breast or mixture will be replaced by reading a fairy tale, and the little one will sleep without waking up.


This technique is best suited for children from one and a half to three years. All parents have to do is come up with a story about why mom won't breastfeed or formula feed at night. For example, that the cow is sleeping or something else. Before going to bed, the baby needs to be well fed and once again reminded that there will be no milk at night. This helps the baby not wake up for night feeds.


You should try to replace the habit of sucking at the breast or a bottle of formula with any other, for example, reading a book, singing a lullaby, stroking. At the next stage of self-falling asleep, you can apply the "Explanation" technique. If the baby falls asleep for a long time, be patient. Soon you will be rewarded for your efforts.

The methodology is as follows:

  • On the first night, the baby is put to bed half an hour earlier, but the awakening is carried out in the same period.
  • The baby is placed in the crib and left the room. Do not immediately run to him if he cries.
  • If the baby is naughty for 5 minutes, you need to come up, calm him down and go out again.
  • The next time the parents leave the room for 10 minutes.

The next night, the interval between checks can be increased to 12-15 minutes. On the third day up to 20 minutes.

The considered technique can be applied to mentally healthy infants from four months.

How much should children of different ages sleep: table

Despite the fact that all children are different, there are certain limits on the duration of sleep for toddlers of different ages. The data can be found in the table.

Age in months Nighttime sleep/hours daytime sleep
Quantity Duration
1 15-18 3 8
3 14-16 2 5
6 12-14 2 3
12 1 2
2 years 13 1 2
3 years 11-13 1,5 1,5
5 years 10-11 1 1
From 7 years old 10 Not necessary

Of course, there are exceptions and at 5-6 years old children categorically refuse to sleep. In such a situation, you need to pay attention to the well-being of the little man. If he sleeps soundly at night and is active during the day, you do not need to force him to sleep. In the evening, too, do not put the children to bed early. The optimal time for this is 21-22 hours.

Komarovsky's rules for falling asleep quickly

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky is a well-known pediatrician who gives parents valuable advice not only on treating babies, but also in other areas. Let's look at a few simple rules for sound and healthy sleep.

Mom should clearly understand that the moral state of the baby is closely related to her personal well-being. That is, if she does not get enough sleep, it affects the baby. During daytime sleep, a woman should leave all business and devote time to rest.

Worries and troubles will wait, besides, you can ask dad or other relatives for help.

clear mode

No matter how capricious a child is, he should have a clear schedule of sleep and wakefulness. This will not only make his life easier, but also the life of his parents. At the same time, it is extremely important that this routine coincides with the biological rhythms of the baby. If, for example, daytime sleep is scheduled for 1400, and nighttime sleep at 2100, try your best not to deviate from the schedule.

Place to sleep

You should immediately indicate where the child will sleep. Parents have the right to put the little one in his own bed or with him. Both options are acceptable, but Dr. Komarovsky still believes that it is better to teach him to sleep in his room in a stroller or crib, which favorably affects the relationship of the spouses. If the baby woke up and cries, you can approach him, and then leave him again. Gradually, children cease to require such careful attention.

Many children fall asleep for a very long time, but then they can sleep for up to four hours in a row. This is highly undesirable, as it affects the quality of night rest. The task of parents is to prevent too long daytime sleep. Even if you are very sorry to wake up a little sleepyhead, you need to raise him. Perhaps he will be capricious, but after some time his psychological state will improve.

Of course, this does not apply to newborn babies or infants up to a year old. IN early age setting any mode is quite difficult. If it concerns a 1.5-year-old child or older toddlers, you need to wake up the little bully.

Enough activity during the day

A healthy night's sleep will provide the little man with sufficient physical activity during the day. If he is in kindergarten or school, there should be no problems. What to do if the baby is at home:

  • Walk outside for at least two hours.
  • Use outdoor games that match the age of the toddler (running, chasing, jumping, dancing, etc.).
  • You can ask the baby to help around the house, for example, sweep the floor, wipe the dust.
  • From an early age, you can send your child to the sports section, dancing, gymnastics, swimming pool.

Motor activity will provide not only healthy sleep, but also harmonious physical and mental development little bully.

If the little one is on breastfeeding, it should be applied to the chest on demand or every three hours. Here the decision should be made by parents, depending on the individual characteristics of their child. It is important to consider how well the baby falls asleep after feeding. If there are no problems, dinner should be as satisfying as possible.

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Proper sleep preparation

Evgeny Olegovich emphasizes the importance of preparing the baby for sleep and the microclimate in the room. To do this, you need to bathe the baby, ventilate the room well, take care of the correct temperature and humidity. All this will help not only to fall asleep quickly, but also to have a good rest.

For babies, you can use baths with the addition of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, mint, thyme. Such bathing will help calm the nervous system of the little man and improve the condition of the dermis. In addition, it is important to take care of high-quality diapers and a comfortable bed. If the diapers are of poor quality, the baby will certainly wake up at night.

It doesn't matter how much the difference in age between your little ones, a year or five, putting them to bed at the same time is quite possible, although sometimes very difficult. They can fall asleep on the same bed or apart.

It is important to consider the following tips:

  • At lunch, try to put the children to bed at the same time. Even if one of them wakes up earlier, it won't be a problem.
  • You can attach the older peanut to lay the younger one. It can be turned into a kind of game. He can cover a brother or sister with a blanket, bring a toy, set an example of how to fall asleep.
  • The weather is better to lull in separate beds.
  • Do not be upset if one of the babies falls asleep quickly, and the second tosses and turns all the time. All babies have their own individual characteristics. Stock up on patience. Explain to the older child that he should not interfere with the younger. Cultivate respect from an early age.

Do not believe the assurances of parents that their little ones fall asleep in a second. This is extremely rare, because children are not robots. Often you have to be patient and go through many difficulties.

Many toddlers are almost impossible to put to bed after kindergarten, guests, or just a walk. What to do in such a situation? If the baby is worried about insomnia or he is afraid to sleep in the dark, you should talk to him about it. It is important to find out what worries the baby, what fears he has. In such situations, the help of a specialist is often required.

If the problem is caused by ordinary overexcitation, you can try to heed the following recommendations:

  • Stop an hour before bedtime active games.
  • Stop watching TV.
  • For older children, ban gadgets, computer games.
  • Give your baby a relaxing massage.
  • Use the sleep ritual.
  • Arrange for a little bully a bathroom with the addition of herbs.
  • Many children fall asleep well with their favorite toy.
  • If your little robber is overexcited, play a calm game with him, sing a song, read a fairy tale. Very soon, his nervous system will return to normal and this will help to improve sleep.

Remember, never yell at a child. This will only make the situation worse. All issues must be resolved by persuasion, mutual understanding, without scandals.

There are over 100 ways to get your baby to sleep in minutes. Let's look at the most effective of them:

  • Motion sickness. This simple method is suitable for children up to a year. All you need to do is just gently rock the little man from side to side.
  • Many peanuts fall asleep perfectly to third-party sounds, reminiscent of the noise in the womb. You can turn on the hair dryer, vacuum cleaner or other household appliances. You can create such a sound using the sound of water.
  • The pacifier helps a lot. The pacifier should be given to the baby during falling asleep, and later picked up.
  • Newborns sleep well at their mother's breasts. During this period, general sleep is allowed.
  • To calm the baby, you can sing a lullaby to him or turn on calm music.
  • The mobile helps to calm the child. Such musical toys can be bought at any store.

In addition, you must definitely take a walk with your child before going to bed. Fresh air It will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Each child is individual, so parents should choose an individual approach to him.


Here are some more tips from a psychologist on how to put a toddler to sleep without tears and tantrums.

Plump, adorable and deliciously smelling of mother's milk, babies always make you want to take care of their well-being and well-being. That is why baby care games for girls are so popular with young ladies. Choose this category of games on our website and immerse yourself in a colorful and funny children's World, in which flannelette diapers, ringing rattles and heated bottles reign.

Baby care games long years do not lose their relevance, because in almost every young lady, the maternal instinct wakes up over time. But it is far from always possible to babysit a live baby, so appropriate virtual entertainment comes to the rescue. In baby care games, every girl will be able to try on the role of an older sister, expectant mother or an experienced nanny, and with pleasure begin the daily obligations of caring for a child.

Baby care games for girls will teach young princesses how to change diapers, prepare formula, bathe newborns and deal with hyperactive twins. It's fun and very entertaining, and as a bonus, your daughter will get invaluable experience that will certainly come in handy in the future.

Tell your friends about the games!

Genre revolution

Not so long ago, there were no computers. For many little girls, the main entertainment was just playing with numerous baby dolls and dolls. However, everything in this world is fleeting, including the choice of toys. Baby care games - for many young charmers, today they have almost completely replaced real baby dolls and dolls. Virtual peanuts in them allow themselves to knock their legs with a lack of attention and be capricious, they ask for hands all the time, do not forget to report, at the same time at the top of their voices, about their feeling of hunger and desire to refresh themselves, in general, they behave in the same way as real little ones.

Watching cute nannies from the outside is a pleasure, but it’s far from always possible to satisfy a number of the numerous needs of screaming butuzes and make them hum and smile. As a rule, in games of this kind, the baby needs to be dressed, fed, watered and put to bed. At the same time, you will also have to change diapers, and process with powder, and read a bedtime story, if necessary.

Baby care will be the favorite pastime of little girls

When you see a tiny squealing lump with button eyes in front of you, it’s hard to resist and hide your emotions. I immediately want to take the baby in my arms, find a thousand affectionate words to calm him down, in general, do everything to make the baby cozy and comfortable. The explanation for this is simple - the maternal instinct works. The presence of such an instinct in girls largely explains children's games of daughter-mothers, love for dolls and the desire to take care of someone. And if there are no small children in the family to whom you can turn your attention, then baby care games are exactly the place where young nannies learn to take care of the younger ones and give them all kinds of attention.

These games are versatile. There are dress up games among them, and games in which you need to find something specific, for example, a rattle. In some nannies, you need to spend the whole day with the baby and at the same time go for walks and shopping with him, make sure that he is constantly dry and do not forget to feed him at the set time.
Sometimes there are several babies. This is where the fun begins. One wants to eat, another wants to sleep, and the third needs to change diapers. And the poor nanny is spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, running from one baby to another. At the same time, the task is sometimes complicated by the fact that there is only one changing table and one high chair in the game. And try to explain to the baby that his place is still taken.

The main thing is that the kids are happy

Babysitters are different, however, like games about them. But the end result of each of those who play in various nuances is the well-being of the little ones entrusted to their care.
Each of the nannies has her own tactics in achieving her goal and her own tricks.

Caring for children is no easy task. Agree that in order to keep track of everything and at the same time still have time to put your beloved in order, you need perseverance, patience and speed in making decisions and sequencing actions. Entertaining the mobile restless baby, you will even have to get dressed for the upcoming walk without letting go of the rattle. But you also need to dress the baby decently and look decent yourself. At the same time, do not forget that during feeding, the baby may reluctantly stain your clothes. So it’s worth feeding the baby first, and then thinking about yourself. By the way, it’s quite possible to take a children’s book for a walk, but you don’t have to worry about a newspaper with crossword puzzles, there will be no time to relax. As soon as the child falls asleep, you can take a walk to the store with a stroller.

Virtual nursery

The situation is somewhat different in those games where you need to monitor and care for several children at the same time. This is where you need to have a motor, otherwise there is simply nothing to take on such a thing. In a virtual nursery, the poor nanny is not very sweet. Only perseverance and diligence here, perhaps, will not be enough. Also, love for children should be limitless. There is no need to dream of free time, working at such a pace. But skill come in handy, and even what! Baby care games for girls teach you how to do several things at the same time. After all, they will simultaneously need to bathe babies, prepare a mixture for them, feed them, change diapers and slip rattles. In general, feel like a bee. On how clearly such a vain working day is planned, it will depend on how supportive the parents of the kids will be.

Do not forget that only up to six months babies will lie where you put them. Older tomboys are even more of a hassle. Some begin to crawl away, not always willingly sit down on a pot, begin to scatter toys more intensively. These little miscreants care about everything, and your task is to keep track, prevent it, catch it in time, seat it in the arena.

You begin to experience true bliss when satisfied parents begin to take their beloved children one at a time. It's good that they were all virtual, and you could cope with all the tasks by looking at the numerous tips on the screen and clicking the mouse in the right place.

Baby care games are instructive and interesting. Girls are happy to take part in caring for the little ones, while showing the best of their qualities and gaining precious experience and knowledge from childhood, which will be useful in adulthood anyway.