Map of Eurasia in English. Eurasia on the map. Use of Reshebnik in the educational process

Map of Eurasia with seas and bays

What is a geographical map

The geographical map is an image of an earth surface with a coordinate grid and conventional symbolsThe proportions of which are directly dependent on the scale. The map of geography is a reference point where you can identify the location of that, IHO array, an object or a place of residence of a person. These are an indispensable assistants for geologists, tourists, pilots and military whose professions are directly related to travel, long distances travel.

Types of cards

Conditionally divided geographic Maps possible on 4 types:

  • under the coverage of territory and these are cards of the mainland, countries;
  • by appointment and this is tourist, training, road, navigation, scientific and reference, technical, tourist maps;
  • in content - thematic, outcast, general political cards;
  • Software - small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale cards.

Each card is devoted to some topic, the thematic reflects the islands, the sea, vegetation, settlements, weather, soils, taking into account the coverage of the territory. A card may be only applied countries, mainland or state separately on a specific scale. Given how long it is reduced, the scale of the map is 1x1000,1500, which means a decrease in the distance of 20,000 times. Of course, it is easy to guess that the larger the scale, the more detailed the map is drawn. Nevertheless, individual parts of the earth's surface on the map are distorted in contrast to the globe capable of transmitting the look of the surface unchanged. Earth - Schro-shaped and distortion are found, such as: area, corners, length of objects.

1. Fill in passages in sentences

Eurasia is the largest mainland. Its area along with the islands - 53, 4 million km2. Eurasia stretches from north to south by 8,000 km, from the west to the east - by 16,000 km. Eurasia is washed by the water of the Northern Iskoy, the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. In Eurasia, two parts of the world are distinguished: Europe and Asia.

11. Before you climatic diagrams (Fig. 28). Determine what types of climate they relate.

1-moderate moderate continental

2-subtropical Mediterranean

3-tropical continental

4-subtropical monsoon

12. Determine the climate type by description

1. In the summer, moderate air masses are dominated, in winter - arctic. The sediments fall mainly in the summer. They are associated with the arrival of temperate air masses.

Subarctic climate

2. In the summer, equatorial air masses are dominated here, and tropical in winter. Summer drops out, winter dry.

Subscance climate.

13. Determine the type of climate in the following indicators: The average temperature of January -28 ° C, July + 18 ° C, the average annual precipitation is 350 mm.

Moderate continental climate

15. Sign the extreme points of Eurasia on the contour card.

16. Sign on the contour map of the oceans and the sea, bays and spills off the coast of Eurasia.

17. Sign on the contour map large islands belonging to Eurasia. Which coast of the mainland is the largest number of islands?

18. Apply to the contour card and sign the flow from the shores of Eurasia.

19. Sign on the contour map of Eurasia Mountains, plains, rivers and lakes mentioned in the text §45-46 textbook.

20. On the contour map of Eurasia, we mark the borders of the states about which there is a question in the textbook, and sign them. Sign also the capital of these states.

Eurasia relief is characterized by greater complexity and diversity, which is associated with the heterogeneity of the tectonic structure.

23. Famous zoologist and traveler B. Grimek wrote: "The pristine nature should be preserved at least than we beat the paintings of Rafael, Cologne Cathedral, Indian temples; If you wish, you can restore ... Destroying or putting at risk of destroying many types of animals on Earth, people expect a nature that does not only surround us, but also themselves. "

How do you understand the words of the scientist? Express your position.

Words of scientist truth. Often, people betray great importance to those things that really have it. We still have the opportunity to admire the real natural landscapes, the beauty of nature. However, if you do not take care of nature, subsequent generations, our children and grandchildren will be deprived of such an opportunity.

26. What letter on the map (Fig. 29) indicates the Pyrenean Peninsula?

BUT); IN); FROM); D)

27. Eurasia washed the water of the bays:

1) Bengali; 2) Biscay; 3) Mexican

1) Bengalsky; 2) Biscai

28. Eurasia includes Islands:

1) Borneo; 2) Sumatra; 3) New Guinea

1) Borneo; 2) Sumatra.

29. Choose too much:

1) Turan lowland; 2) Mesopotama lowland; 3) Amazonian lowland

3) amazon lowland;

30. What letter on the map (Fig. 30) indicates the mountains of Himalayas?

BUT); IN); FROM); D)

31. Select unnecessary:

1) Rhine; 2) Elba; 3) Darling; 4) SENA

3) Darling

32. What letter on the map (Fig. 31) indicates the Yangtze River?

BUT); IN); FROM); D)

Climate type Territory

1) Arctic a) Pyrenean Peninsula

2) Subarctic B) Wrangel Island

3) Moderate c) Kalimantan Island

4) Tropical d) Iceland Island

5) subtropical D) Island United Kingdom

6) subequatorial E) Industan Peninsula

7) Equatorial

3 - a, g, d

34. What letter on the map (Fig. 32) indicates India?

BUT); IN); FROM); D)

Country Capital

1) Mongolia a) Delhi

2) India b) Tehran

3) Iran c) Ulan Bator

4) China d) Kabul

5) Afghanistan D) Beijing

37. Choose a sure approval.

1. Natural zones in Eurasia are elongated in the meridional direction.

3. The monsonic climate is distributed in the West of Eurasia.

2. Eurasia is washed by all the oceans of the Earth.

38. Which of the statements is correct?

A) the wet place on Earth is Cherrypundy.

B) On the territory of Eurasia there are all natural zones.

1) is true only a;

2) is true only b;

3) both are true;

4) both are incorrect

April 30, 2012.
Contour map Eurasia. 7th grade. Posted by: Grade 7
Fine art / cartography / School maps / Album contour maps of Russia 7-9 class Planimetric Cards of Russia 7-9 Class
Posted by: Ivasiv Alexander

Contour map of Eurasia. 7th grade

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«Previous photo list photos»

Collection of cards of Eurasia in Russian. Political, geographical, physical and satellite maps Eurasia.

Detailed maps Eurasia can be increased. Full sizes of Eurasia cards are optimized to a maximum of 1 megabytes.

Satellite map of Eurasia Google in Russian:

Political map of Eurasia in Russian:

Detailed map of Eurasia with countries on english language:

Map of Eurasia with cities and capitals in Russian:

Physical map of Eurasia in Russian:

Geographical map of Eurasia (map of Europe and Asia) in Russian:

Contour map of Eurasia:

Turned map of Eurasia:

Map of Eurasia with population density:

The map shows the density of the population in Eurasia.

Each point corresponds to the number of population in 100 thousand years.

Mainland Eurasia - The largest on the planet. He ranks a third of all land sushi. Eurasia consists of Europe and Asia, the separation between which passes through the Ural Mountains.

Eurasia lives three quarters of the inhabitants Total globe. The distribution of the population of Eurasia can be viewed above on the Eurasian population density map (density is shown in red).

The maximum population density of Eurasia is located in the eastern part of China, throughout India and Central Europe. Square Eurasia 55 million square meters km.

5 billion 262 million people live in Eurasia, this is about 70% of the world's population. The mainland of Eurasia is located about 90 countries of the world.

See also:



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Map of Eurasia

Detailed map of Eurasia in Russian. Examine the map of Eurasia from the satellite. Close and view streets, houses and attractions on the map of Eurasia.

Eurasia - The largest mainland on the planet.

More than 75 percent of the population lives in Eurasia, about 5 billion people. Naturally, Eurasia began mainland relatively recently, only at the end of the 19th century. Before that, he was called just Asia.

Eurasia It is not only the biggest mainland, but also the most densely populated.

On this continent - 80 countries.

Almost the entire territory of Eurasia is located in the northern hemisphere. Almost for the entire territory, the mainland is characterized by a moderate climate, but in some areas there are arctic and subarctic climatic belts, since these regions are located for the polar circle.

Eurasia - It is also the only mainland, surrounded by four oceans - Atlantic, Indian, quiet and ice. In addition to ocean waters on the mainland, many other water bays - bays, seas, lakes, straits.

The west coast of Eurasia is much stronger than east.

What else to see:

  1. Cards of countries of the world
  2. Capital World
  3. Map of the world from the satellite
  4. Political world map
  5. World map geographical
  6. World map online

Contour Cards Geography Answers Grade 7 Contouring Maps Kourbi 2011

Choose a suitable Reshebnik edition

  1. Contour cards in geography Grade 7 contour cards Kourbi 2011
  2. Contour cards in geography 7 Class Kourbsky 2013
  3. Workbook in geography Grade 7 contour maps Kourbsky 2015

Ready tasks

Australia and New Zealand
Atlantic Ocean
Climatic belts and fields of the world
North America
Countries of Foreign Asia
Countries of foreign Europe
The structure of the earth's crust
South America

Reshebnik on geography for the 7th grade is an integral part of the modern educational process.

It has a positive effect on the assimilation of the new material and increases the performance of students. With the help of Reshebnik, new forms of work are available to students. educational materialNow it is not necessary to solve a puzzle in the form of difficult homework from evil teachers. Working with objects on the contour maps will be simple and easy, it will be enough to attach minimal efforts.

The continents and oceans will gladly open knowledge for students of the 7th grade with reshebnik.

In it, all tasks are explained by simply and understandable for students of the 7th grade.

From now on, it will not be necessary to spend a lot of time on books with superfluous information and thoroughly study the Atlas. Tirelessness will decrease and more free time will appear on other classes. This is relevant for students who have not chosen the geography with a profile subject for further training. Each response in the Reshebnik can be carefully disassembled and learning.

Use of Reshebnik in the educational process

Reshebnik on the geography of the 7th grade goes as an application to the working notebook.

It is her practical tasks Explained and folded around the bones. The reshebnik presents the following material:

The advantages of reshebnik, as a study manual

Reshebnik is a specialized textbook, which is designed to solve a narrow circle of tasks.

With the help of Reshebnik, students carry out:

For students of the 7th grade and their parents, the electronic version of the reshebnik from the TopGDZ resource is perfectly suitable, from where it can be downloaded for free. You can enjoy the manual both on the computer and on the smartphone - everyone for itself decides how it is more convenient to absorb knowledge.

But the main thing is to remember - the banal memorization of the material will not improve the knowledge, but aggravate. After all, the main thing in learning is to learn how to argue and analyze information.

Maps of Eurasia

In order to increase or download the map, click on the image or on the "Enlarge" link.

Political map of Eurasia in Russian

Card size: 3759x3321 px (pixels)
File size: 5.39 MB
Language: Russian
Image format: jpg.

Map of Eurasia with countries and capitals

Card size: 3162x2821 px (pixels)
File size: 2.84 MB
Language: Russian
Image format: jpg.

Physical map Eurasia

Card size: 2700x2050 px (pixels)
File size: 2.71 MB
Language: Russian
Image format: jpg.

Eurasia on the world map

Card size: 2018x1000 px (pixels)
File size: 403 KB
Language: Russian
Image format: jpg.

Collection of cards of Eurasia in Russian. Political, geographical, physical and satellite maps of Eurasia. Detailed maps of Eurasia can be increased. Full sizes of Eurasia cards are optimized to a maximum of 1 megabytes.

Satellite map of Eurasia Google in Russian:

Detailed map of Eurasia with countries in English:

Map of Eurasia with cities and capitals in Russian:

Physical map of Eurasia in Russian:

Geographical map of Eurasia (map of Europe and Asia) in Russian:

The map shows the density of the population in Eurasia. Each point corresponds to the number of population in 100 thousand years.

Mainland Eurasia - The largest on the planet. He ranks a third of all land sushi. Eurasia consists of Europe and Asia, the separation between which passes through the Ural Mountains.

Eurasia lives three quarters of the inhabitants All the globe. The distribution of the population of Eurasia can be viewed above on the Eurasian population density map (density is shown in red). The maximum population density of Eurasia is located in the eastern part of China, throughout India and Central Europe. Square Eurasia 55 million square meters km. 5 billion 262 million people live in Eurasia, this is about 70% of the world's population. The mainland of Eurasia is located about 90 countries of the world.