Download Cheat Pak to WORLD OF TANK. World of Tanks "Assembly of cheats and mods from Shefer - Mod Arpack for World of Tanks" WOT ". List of some of them

Description and instructions


Adapted for

Attention: - Assembling raw, for those who do not wait!


Our website shows a lot of modpacov collected as from exclusively permitted modifications and using prohibited mods. To representatives of exactly the last category and applies assembling cheats and mods from Shefer - Modpac for World of Tanks WOT. In it you will find the most necessary mods for successful game On the fields of tank battles. Modpak Shefer. Equipped with a convenient installer with the ability to preview the selected components. All mods are tested and have a minimal effect on the FPS indicator in battle and are suitable for gamers with very weak computers.


Motor Drives
Aimbot-Shaytan Trial
Autodistribution SAE V29.
Autodide SAE V31
Motor Vanga
Capturing obstacles (without progress)

Tanks outside the square drawing

Indicator hitting the enemy without lighting

Destroyed Objects on Minikard
With sound


Indicator directions of enemies
Timer recharging enemies
Automatic fire extinguisher
Art. Sight for tanks, snip. For art
Red balls
Laser pointer
Removing shot objects
Thickened colored tracers
Black sky
Artillery Recharging Timer

Not prohibited

White WG.
Superior Standard

Damag panel

Fashion with settings in the hangar
UGN-s choice in the hangar
Lbz status in battle
Lock alert
Removal of camouflage and tag in battle
Sound Fashion (see description)
Radius of fragments of fragments from fugasal lips
Press 3D
Displays earned medals in battle
Mod on the point of interest marker on the gun in battle

Message to chat (do not bother shoot)
Do not send a message to chat

Improved distinctive marks on the trunk
Option 1
Option 2.

Gold premium tanks
Disable information about creating dynamic platforms
Colored decals hitting
Indicator direction damage
The direction of trunks on the ministry
Timer information guns
Statistics for the session
Black hangar
Indicators of the status of lighting in the ears + the remaining hp tanks at alt pressing
Acceleration of the battle load (+ to FPS)
Circle 15 meters around the tank
Efficiency calculator in battle
White shot down caterpillars

Battle observer
Common HP Panel
Common HP Panel BO
WG League WG Command Panel

Log printed, blocked, applied with your help damage

Show debug panel, clock, battle timer
Calculator armored
Show Promotion Medal Main Caliber
Change base capture lane

AUXILIUM (Auxilium)
Automatic return of the last crew
Auto-installation of removable equipment
Include horizontal stabilization for all equipment

Multiple zoom
Zoom 2,4,6,8,10,16,25
Zoom 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16, 25, 32
Zoom 2, 4, 8, 16
Zoom 2, 4, 7, 10, 14, 16
Zoom 4,6,8,10,16,25, fixed value of zoom 3.2
Zoom 4,8,16,25, fixed value of zoom 3.2

Professionage of the Camera (Commander Camera)

Turning off the handbrake for PT-SAU
Full shutdown
Only the chamber disshation

The duration of the display of the bulb of the 6th feeling 10 seconds
Disconnection of the flash effect when hit
Disabling the dimming effect in the sniper sight
Turning off the effect of the camera inertia
Disabling the return effect from the shot
Turning off the effect of shaking when hitting
Remember last server

TWEAKER (raising FPS)
Disable smoke and flames from shots
Turn off the smoke from the exhaust pipes of tanks
Disable smoke from destroyed tanks
Turn off the shadow under the tanks
Disable the effect of explosion of shells and getting into objects
Disable the effect of trees
Disable the effects of hitting tanks
Disable weather manifestation effects and smoke from objects on maps
Disable object destruction effects
Disable tank destroying effects
Increase maximum visibility range
Fog removal on all maps

The author of the model publishes updates as far as possible, you will be notified about updating in the game client.

Get a decisive advantage in battle using cheats for World of Tanks.

Cheats. - This is a special category prohibited for use. The reason is "too good" and give a significant advantage in battle, if you install them on the game client. For their use, you can get a permanent account of the account if you are going to use them. If you observe elementary caution, then detect cheats is quite difficult. The automatic monitoring system of disorders is not designed for complex analytics and therefore detects cheaters only in exceptional cases, according to the complaints of players, when, for example, MS-1 takes the heroes medal resetting in battle of the 8th level.

Bots - a special kind of cheats for WOT

Too bad statistics can also cause increased attention to you from the game administrators, because it may be a sign of using a special type of cheats - bots for World of Tanks. Bots - This is a separate kind of "dishonest game" when a special program is played for you. A primitive or poorly configured bot plays much worse than a person, but with the correct configuration and a suitable tank Bot may even drain the battle. For the use of this type of cheats, developers are also bantal, but do not include the bot in the round-the-clock mode and do not use completely simple cliques, the chance to get enough small.

All bots on our site are available for free use and are equipped with instructions for setting up. Usually, the bot is a separate program that runs simultaneously with the World of Tanks and takes the control of the tank in battle. In addition, bots, usually, know how to repair the tank in the hangar, replenish the equipment, ammunition and go into battle again. The meaning of such a game is that you save your time on the study of new tanks, the crew training and silver pharmaceuticals. This allows you to open high levels without creating days behind the computer, but the account statistics will become, while below average. Also, it should be borne in mind that at high levels there are much stronger players, so learning how to use the combat vehicles will still have to be used.

  • Renewal date: 02 Feb 2018.
  • Current version: 1.3
  • Shefer.
  • Total marks: 29
  • Average rating: 4.38
  • Share:
  • More reposts - more often update!

Information about the last update:

Updated 02.02.2018: Adapted for

Some modes of cannon include all modes in their brainchild, and prohibited, and legal, others are preferred only by one category. Shefer went on another way, presenting a tank community to assembling mods, which includes both cheats and permissible modifications.

Struppa from Shefer

  • Several auto-deals, each of them adds to Wot new Opportunities, for example, relieves restriction on the seizure of the target behind the obstacle.
  • Mod to indicate the enemy outside light, if the enemy disappeared, the silhouette of the tank will appear on the site.
  • Opponent direction indicator, this is a cheat showing the enemy direction using a multicolored arrows, the highlight is that the color of the arrows shows, in the apparer of the equipment or not.
  • Activation of always working contours, cheat is called and it will draw contours regardless of the position of the tank, the main thing is that it is lit.
  • Showing the remaining time before recharging the enemy, the CD timer will appear above the car marker.
  • The script for rapid fire extinguishing, now even the standard fire extinguisher will work lightning.
  • Another curious mod for the inclusion of new aiming modes on different classes, for example, you can activate the artillery aiming on the usual tank.
  • or redballs, one of the most useful mods for art saau, can be seen from where the opponent's artillery has fire.
  • Laser pointer, a very useful cheat, showing where the sight of the illuminated enemy is directed.
  • Do not know where an unfinished enemy is worth? Install the cheat on the show of the destroyed objects and if the enemy pouches the tree, on the minist, in the place, the corresponding icon will appear.
  • Another shadow option, but with a different color.
  • , familiar to each lover of chet mod, turning out the drawing of vegetation on the battlefield.
  • Together with the vegetation from the map, you can remove those objects through which the projectile can pass. These are a variety of small details of the landscape, such as cars, fences, haystone, etc.
  • Noticeable tracers, with the possibility of indicating using different colors of each type of projectile.
  • The show of the equipment outside the square of the drawing is true, it is not shown not the tank itself, but a red pillar.
  • Black sky. The standard sky is completely disconnected, instead now black. I, honestly admit, did not understand what benefit will bring this mod.

Hard Cheat. Mod Pack Includes dozens of diverse mods, most of which are cheats. They are prohibited by the rules of the game, but for last years Won great popularity with tank community, because they give a lot of advantages over the opponent.

Composition Hard Cheat MOD Pack Mercave

  • Dvaraimbotas new features in the route mode. This is monitoring the purpose, capture of shelters, prey and much more.
  • Several types of x-rays. They are not different, because the principle of work is the same - to make the contours of enemy technician shielded through the obstacle.
  • Smart repair of modules, automatic crew treatment, depending on the importance of tanker and a standard fire extinguisher, which will work as a premium.
  • Different types of color tracers.
  • Diverse options for foliage, from transparent vegetation in sniper mode until it is completely shutdown, including crowns of trees.
  • Shadow - mod, leaving his silhouette with the title name at the last position of the opponent.
  • Display of opponents recharging using timers over markers.
  • Red balls - old modification, adding a red mark on the shot point at the point of an unfinished SAU.
  • Lasers from trunks.

In assembly of hard cheat for Added and legal mods, the authors of the Modpaka tried to find only the most necessary work of the modmeckers.

  • Showing the directions of rivals, the color of the icons will be different, depending on whether fire is possible on the enemy or not.
  • Battle Assistant, mandatory mod for all artists, it changes the isometry aiming mode.
  • Efficiency calculators, various options are used, for example, EFF and WN8. A minimalist log of damage is also added.
  • Points of strength of two teams.
  • Removal from the battlefield of the fog will add a few frames with a weak PC and improve the convenience of aiming from distant enemies.
  • The fashion zoom, he is the commander camera.
  • The counter of the Natahannaya Damaga.
  • Showing the conditions of the LBZ and the progress of their execution.
  • Fast crew treatment and smart repair modules.

In addition to useful cheats, the installer turned out to be very functional, it can be cleaned by a client from previously installed mods, remember the settings of the installation, make a backup copy of the RES_MODS directory and reset the settings of the game client.

Installing mods Hard Cheat Merkava

  • Follow the installer's instructions and be sure to correctly specify the game folder.
  • The list of mods available in the cannon may differ slightly from the above due to the fact that the developers team regularly update their brainchild.

(Dropping: 76)

Current version:

Others interesting news on this topic

Axo - last server, crew refund, auto installation

In addition to mods, which are not prohibited in their essence game world Of Tanks, there are prohibited variations that are pursued by the developers and are punishable by the account by blocking the account in the game. But, if you understand well the essence of the world of tanks, then the few use of cheats may remain unpunished.

The main thing is to know the measure, otherwise it will be as in the saying "I pay twice." We picked up specially for you the safest prohibited modifications so that you can use them normally and are not afraid of a ban. Naturally, we want to warn you that if you mean someone in the dialogue, you use this mod, do not be surprised by your blocking.

Download cheats

There are a variety of cheats on our website, so you can choose anyone you like. In principle, the effect of these modifications is similar to the rest, i.e. Safe. The only thing that when there is both and the on state, your skill level will increase, because All ways will be opened for you to defeat the enemy.

He will think that his attacks is superior, an experienced player, and in fact he will lose a novice. The main thing is not to overdo and keep yourself in your hands. You can find with us markers to combat lighting, automatic fire extinguishers or even red balls for art.