New premium tanks in wot. Which premium tank to choose in World of Tanks? Tank cost: withdrawn from sale. Can be purchased with the opening of the promotion

So you have decided to purchase another or your first premium tank in the game. This article contains all Tier 8 tanks to make it easier for you to find a suitable tank. When choosing a new farm premium tank in World of Tanks, you should pay close attention to the positive and negative aspects of tanks. The main characteristics can be viewed by selecting the premium tank you like on our website.

Which premium tank to buy

To answer this question, let's make full list premium tanks available in the game and choose the right one. But before that, I would like to see all the tier 8 tanks in order to give a complete picture.

Which level 8 tank to buy

To find out which tank is better to buy, look at list of all tier 8 tanks. At the time of the release of update 9.8, there were no fewer than 58 units of this class in the World of Tanks. So which Tier VIII tank should I buy? Since this list includes not only vehicles that can be bought, but also pumped combat vehicles, it is necessary to single out only prem tanks. Let's designate premium tanks in gold.

List of tier 8 tanks

Which premium tank is better to buy

So, we choose from the presented tanks only premium cars. Let's highlight not only the Tier 8 tanks themselves that can be bought, but also distribute them by nation to highlight the best contender for purchase in each branch.

Prem tanks level 8

Presented here complete list of all premium tier 8 tanks in game world of Tanks. Let's find out which one is the best and why. Advantages and disadvantages.

the USSR

Soviet premium tanks are diverse. Prem tanks level 8 for farming. Perhaps the best choice for earning silver is this nation.

  • T-54 first sample
  • ISU-130

Among the Germans, there are certainly several leaders. Which tier 8 premium tank is better. Choosing one of the German premium tanks, you will hardly regret it.

  • Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71
  • 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

American premium tanks are worth buying. The best premium tank tier 8. Naturally, the feature of these machines is their versatility in combat.

  • T26E4 Super Pershing
  • T95E2
  • M6A2E1
  • T34 - was transferred from a regular tank to a premium one

Perhaps the most dynamic tanks of the eighth level are French vehicles. What is the best level 8 tank to buy. That is why it is their players who use them in clan battles.

  • AMX Chasseur de chars
  • FCM50t

Among Chinese premiums, medium tanks stand out. Overview of premium tanks of level 8. According to the players, the best premium tanks are Chinese ones.

  • Type 59
  • T-34-3
  • WZ-111

Development branch Japanese tanks not great for premium cars. What is a level 8 premium tank. Here, free premium can play an excellent service to tankers.

  • STA-2

The UK doesn't have Tier 8 tank premium farming yet. New premium tank level 8. But the developers plan to soon introduce new combat vehicles for this nation into the game.

  • Missing

Which premium tank to buy?

Let's analyze the information provided to identify the main contenders for victory among the purchased tanks in the game. An excellent option to choose would be the Type 59 tank. After all, it was he who was removed from sales at the time due to his increased farm and excellent dynamics. Do not underestimate the American counterpart, the premium tank pershing. This combat vehicle has the best survivability among all Tier 8 premium tanks in World of Tanks. Among the French, the fsm 50t remains the undisputed leader. In terms of damage per minute, it has no equal among premium tanks. One of the last German premium tanks panzer mit 8.8 deserves special attention. He also farms above average. From the Soviet ones, we recommend choosing the Isa 130 leading anti-tank sau for one-time damage.

Which tank to buy in World of Tanks

You can see the exact data on earnings on tanks in the farm table of premium tanks of level 8 at the link at the beginning of the article or right here. Also, do not forget that a free Tier 8 Premium Tank has appeared in the game, which is also included in the Top Premium Tanks.

Farm table of prem tanks level 8

Green highlighted premium tanks with an increased farm coefficient, we recommend buying them. Tier 8 premium tanks with a lower average yield coefficient are marked in pink.

Prem level 8 Average farm loans Pharma ratio
T-54 first sample 46810 0.5
IS-6 49001 0.8
KV-5 56840 1.5
ISU-130 41185 0.3
Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71 40716 0.2
Lowe 58430 1.8
8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger 53799 1.3
T26E4 Super Pershing 51004 1.1
T95E2 53812 1.4
M6A2E1 43665 0.4
AMX Chasseur de chars 49857 0.9
FCM50t 58100 1.7
Type 59 57525 1.6
T-34-3 48319 0.6
WZ-111 48990 0.7
112 50632 1.0
STA-2 52542 1.2

More news from the World of Tanks supertest. A new Soviet premium tank T-29 has been released. It will settle down on 3 game level. Most likely, this vehicle will be given to players as a World of Tanks birthday present on August 12th. Below we will analyze in detail the characteristics of this tank.


The safety margin is 250 hit points, which is normal for level 3. The tank does not have special armor, but for its level it will be able to tank some shots from machine guns / cluster guns. The thickest place is the frontal projection of the hull, its thickness is 30mm. The remaining places of the tank in a circle are 20mm. This is really not much, but as mentioned a little earlier, it will still allow you to tank at least something. The review is 300 meters, which is not much.


Under the "hood" of the tank is an engine with a capacity of 500 horsepower, which in turn gives a specific power of 17.5 horses per ton. The maximum forward speed is 45 km / h, while the reverse reaches 20 km / h. The tank is quite maneuverable, because the hull agility is 46 degrees per second, and the turret traverse speed is 36 (worse, but not so bad).


The gun we got is not quite ordinary, but already known from other tanks, for example, from the A-20 - this is a 76mm high-explosive. Penetration on the AP is 66mm, while gold cumulatives give 75mm of armor penetration. The damage from these projectiles is 110 units. The third type of shell is just the same HE with a penetration of 38mm, and here the alpha strike is already 164 units. With a rate of fire of 12+ rounds, the tank does 1324 damage per minute.

The gun's accuracy is terrible at 0.53m, but the aiming is quite fast - only 2.2 seconds. Since this is a Soviet tank, you shouldn't expect any great DHL down, so it's not surprising that they are -5.


Looking at the tank as a whole, one would boldly and immediately want to call it "gift". The reason for this is its far from the best performance characteristics. Yes, of course there are good traits, in the form of good mobility and some kind of weapon, but that's all. In the negative moments, we will write down the armor, most of the parameters of the gun (penetration, flight speed, accuracy, stabilization, and so on), and not the most agile turret. Like many tanks that were given away by Wargaming for the game's birthday, this one won't stay in Random Battles for long and will either be sold or collected in a hangar as part of a collection. For detailed analysis Below I attach a screenshot of the performance characteristics of the tank.

In 2019, World of Tanks fans wondered what premium tanks are better to use on the front line and for farming silver. How and what is better to win, what technique is better for shooting in WOT?

Today we will try to answer this question with a selection of the most effective tanks of 2019.

Heavy tanks WOT 2019

Heavy tankDamage per PenetrationDamage per minute (standard)Damage per minute (upgraded)
VK 100.01 (P)440 14.38 11.09 1836 2381
IS-3390 12.75 9.83 1835 2380
IS-M390 11.22 8.65 2086 2706
VK 100.01 (P) - German heavy tank tier 8

A premium tank of level 8 is one of the best heavy tanks for farming and bending opponents, its features are high damage, excellent armor.

IS-3 - Soviet heavy tank 8 levels

Tier 8 premium Soviet tank that can easily bend the enemy, its side armor is not pierced with the right game.

IS-M — domestic Tier 8 premium heavy tank

IS-M — domestic Tier 8 premium heavy tank

If you are an experienced tanker, then you will appreciate the location of the turret near the IS-M, this tank is best suited for DMP.

Medium tanks WOT 2019

medium tankDamage per PenetrationReload time in seconds (standard)Reload time in seconds (upgraded)Damage per minute (standard)Damage per minute (upgraded)
T-44390 14.57 11.24 1606 2083
P.44 Pantera240 10.5/9.6/7.7 (from first to last projectile)8.1/7.4/5.9 (first to last round)1877 2435
Centurion Mk. I230 7.19 5.54 1919 2489

T-44 - Tier 8 domestic medium tank

T-44 - Tier 8 domestic medium tank

One of the advantages Soviet tank T-44 in front of other medium tanks in 2019 is ricochet armor and the most damage in a single hit.

P.44 Pantera - Tier 8 Italian medium tank

P.44 Pantera - Tier 8 Italian medium tank

P.44 Pantera - differs in drum ammunition, there are only three such vehicles in the World of Tanks branch, but only this medium tank of level 8 can be upgraded. The enemy will be sure to be defeated after you sneak up on him and distribute the entire drum into him.

Centurion Mk. I - English medium tank tier 8

Centurion Mk. I - English medium tank tier 8

Centurion Mk. I is one of the best British-made premium medium tanks with an excellent penetrating base shell. The difference from others is a well-armored turret. Tanking on this machine is worth shooting at enemy towers.

Light tanks (PT-ACS) WOT 2019

light tankDamage per PenetrationReload time in seconds (standard)Reload time in seconds (upgraded)Damage per minute (standard)Damage per minute (upgraded)
Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger490 11.03 8.77 2666 3352
Charioteer390 9.68 7.47 2416 3134
UDES 03390 11.22 8.92 2086 2622
T28 Prototype400 9.68 7.47 2478 3215

Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger — German tier 8 tank destroyer

Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger — German tier 8 tank destroyer

One of the best damage machines from the list of light tanks in 2019, excellent camouflage allows you to remain unnoticed throughout the battle, excellent alpha characteristics allow you to deal maximum damage to the enemy from cover.

Charioteer is a British Tier 8 Tank Destroyer.

One of the fastest and best-shot tier 8 tank destroyers, this vehicle does not have high damage, but it outperforms the enemy in terms of reload speed, which, if tanked correctly, gives excellent results in battle.

Charioteer- british tank destroyer 8 levels

Many scold this car for its distinctive gameplay, but true tankers like this tank. Excellent disguise - the best of all that is, in this device you will not be distinguished from the bush.

T28 Prototype - American tank destroyer tier 8

T28 Prototype - American tank destroyer 8 level

The American tank destroyer model is distinguished by strong armor and a capable turret. rotate 180 degrees. Shooting good damage is not difficult due to the excellent penetration of the enemy.

Arteleria WOT 2019

Concerning the best Arta to play WOT in 2019, then any car from the list is suitable here, just take the first one that comes across and cover the enemy with land mines.

So, you decided to invest some money and buy yourself a premium tank in World Of Tanks. The choice of tanks in the premium store is not so small, therefore, at the first purchase, the question arises - which premium tank is better to buy?

The best premium tank for farming

First you need to decide for what purpose you need a car. Farm or bend? I think you have already heard enough about farming on premium tanks. If you take a tank purely for pharma, then on this moment they are M4A1 Revalorise, Skorpion G, Lowe and T34. Farming on these premium tanks will be the easiest. Of course, you say that you can farm on almost any premium. Yes it is. But it is these tanks that will still bring more profit to beginners. An experienced player can farm on almost any tank (if you have a premium account).

The best premium tank for bending

Still, we wanted to talk about bend in the wot. Which premium car will be the easiest to tear apart enemies, take Kolobanovs and Redleys? Opinions differ here, but I will share with you my personal opinion, which, of course, you can dispute in the comments. I present to you the top 3 premium tanks for bending in wot.

At the moment, the best premium tanks are:

  1. Skorpion G
  2. IS 6 and WZ-111
  3. M4A1 Revalorise

But these tanks were not bad before

  • 3rd place. Super Pershing and FCM 50t. The tanks are completely different in concept, but not so much in terms of bending. Here, experienced players will not agree, they say, ftsm bends, ololo. But our guide is designed for beginners, if you are an experienced player, then what are you here, sorry, forgot? Ftsm 50t is too cardboard and it will be too difficult for a beginner to handle it. As for super pershing, the tank is not bad at all. If ftsm is a TT that plays the role of a CT, then the situation is the opposite with Persh, it is a CT that copes very well with the role of a TT - tanking damage. By the way, we have an interesting article - how to tank sideways. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it, although it has little to do with Super Pershing, its sides are "not very". In general, both tanks have normal aiming speed and accuracy. The tools are comfortable.
  • 2nd place. Lowe and T34. good tanks, well suited for farming. However, you don’t really bend down with dozens. They are thrown to the 10th levels, unlike the previous two. And the armor is not so hot, which interferes with survival. Of course, the T34 has a very difficult tower to penetrate, but it needs to be able to play and find suitable places, which is difficult for a beginner. + Naturally, a frequent game with dozens will discourage the desire to "bend over" on these tanks.
  • 1 place. IS-6. Yes, many will disagree with me. But, having gone through a difficult path from a beginner to a more or less successful player with a blue stat and a good percentage of wins, I can say that this premium tank is better than the rest in terms of bending. One has only to feel it, although this applies to any tank. It seems that he doesn’t drag, but then, having skated 100-300 battles, the peak begins. And the tank seems to be not bad, and the victories went, and I like the game. So. If you correctly substitute your IP 6 to the enemy, then you can even tank nines in some cases. Do not worry about dozens, the tank has a cut level of battles. It will only throw to the top and to the ninth levels, unless of course you are in a platoon with some tank without a cut level of battles. Yes, this premium has a bad penetration, but... If you play on full gold with a premium account, then you can go to 0 safely, and often even + 10-30k silver. In direct hands it is possible and more. What about accuracy? The tank is not very accurate, but its concept does not imply this. The tank is great for urban environments and tanks divinely.
  • Bonus place. E-25. If you are lucky and you managed to snatch a flea, then you can bend over it endlessly. Excellent prem in terms of bending, as well as normal farming. There is one problem, sometimes there will not be enough shells, so this should be monitored carefully. By installing a mask-net and pipes, you can make a rat-cheater reception from the bushes. This is great too prem tank for bending, like the IS-6, but the concept of tanks is different and, unfortunately, the E-25 brought them out of sales. But, here the situation is slightly different from Type-59, most likely, it will still be put on sale several times during promotions, like the WG league.

Conclusion. The choice of a premium tank is up to you.

Like it or not, but you choose. The final decision on what exactly to take from premium tanks is up to you. Perhaps this guide will help you make a choice. best premium. We recommend reading other interesting articles from the site -

You can find out which of the desired premium tanks you can buy via trade-in in three places in the game at once:

Depending on the amount of gold on the account, the tank available for exchange can be displayed in two ways:

The tank can be exchanged. enough gold The tank can be exchanged. Gold is not enough

Once you have decided, right-click on the tank and select Buy or exchange.

  • By default, the list of rented cars is sorted by the size of the "discount" from the largest to the smallest.
  • The list also contains tanks that are currently unavailable for exchange (in battle, not repaired, in formation). When you click on them, a corresponding message will appear in the Notification Center.

After choosing a tank for exchange, two display options are possible: if the purchased vehicle is without a discount (Fig. 1) and at a discount (Fig. 2).

On the exchange screen, you can perform the usual actions: buy a slot, purchase basic ammo, train the crew. But if you don't want to buy a slot, you don't have to buy it - it remains from the tank that was traded. Great savings! In addition, even non-removable equipment on a surrendered tank is removed free of charge.

Enter the desired amount in gold in the lower field, click exchange, and the system will again show an additional window in which it will once again tell you what will happen: the surrendered tank will be decommissioned, the crew will go to the Barracks, equipment and shells will go to the Warehouse.

Confirm your consent, the gold will be debited from the account - and new tank you have in the Hangar.

What you need to know and remember

Please read this list carefully to minimize possible misunderstandings of the trade-in system:

  • The promotion is valid for premium tanks from levels VI to VIII from October 12 09:00 (MSK) to October 26 09:00 (MSK).
  • You can only turn in tanks of the same or lower level than the one you are buying (but not lower than VI).
  • The exchange takes place on the principle of "1 to 1".
  • Prices are subject to discounts: if there is a discount on the returned tank, the savings will be less!
  • Shells, equipment and equipment on the surrendered tank are unloaded to the Warehouse free of charge.
  • The rental style is tied to a specific tank, so if you exchange this tank, the style remains in the Warehouse. You will be able to use it in the future only if you purchase this tank again.
  • The crew of the surrendered tank landed in the Barracks. If there are no free beds, there will be no exchange!
  • It is impossible to restore a surrendered tank for credits.
  • A new slot for a purchased tank can not be purchased.
  • The exchange occurs only when the operation is confirmed again (where it is told what will happen to the tank) - before that, the exchange can be absolutely safely interrupted, and nothing will happen.

If you are unable to exchange any vehicle for the tank you are interested in, make sure that this tank is not in the vehicle carousel in your Garage. It is possible that you rented this car and the lease has expired. In this case, the tank you are interested in is still in your Garage, but you cannot use it. To get rid of inactive rental equipment, right-click on it and select Remove. Then repeat the exchange operation.

Happy shopping and happy gaming!