Werethod in the game Last Day on Earth. Transport in Last Day on Earth: Survival - how to open and create. In which locations to search for transmission

To collect all-terrain vessels in the game Last Day on Earth: Survival and travel all the inaccessible locations, you need to start collecting all the necessary resources for the construction of the main platform. First prepare the floor and make it stone (3 levels).

To do this, have in inventory:

Then, go to the "drawings" and find the all-terrain vehicle on the left in 8 column. For the base crafting, you need the following amount of materials:

25 iron bars


20 pine boards
15 wires
15 bolts
10 Colent

Install it in any room, it will take only 9 cells. Immediately after that, start to fold all the necessary funds into it:

320 bolts


100 bearings
1 Transmission of the all-terrain vehicle
1 benzobak all-terrain vehicle
250 dense tissues

500 pieces of scallet


150 rubber parts
16 wheels of all pass
120 wires

200 parts engines


Most users are faced with the difficulties of finding these components, because the simplest there is in neighboring locations, they can even knock them out with monsters or get from a regular box, but the main task remains the most difficult task. On the this moment It is impossible to find only a transmission, as the developers have not added it yet.


On August 25, 2017, the all-terrain vehicle still does not work, in one of the updates they promise to finish it and launch access to the following closed locations: oak grove and oak forest.


To quickly get all the resources necessary to build this vehicle, be sure to take the humanitarian cargo, share with the merchant things. Also, attend the bunker more often and open the chests at every step and you will definitely be lucky.

To date, many are interested, is it possible to collect all-terrain vehicles in Last Day on Earth Survival? According to the legend, this transport is necessary for traveling to distant lands behind the river, namely to the oak grove, an observation and oil tower.

How to start collecting all-terrain

Let's start with the small one. For transport crafting, you will need to master the skill. To do this, go to the "drawings", we are looking for the right and study. We will need a couple of knowledge points and the following resources:

  1. Iron bars (25) - crafty in melting from ore
  2. Pine boards (20) - from pine logs in a carpentry machine
  3. Wires, bolts (15) - Look for in drawers
  4. Isol (10) - like 3 item, it is better to search for orange locations

When the installation is ready, there will be a disassembled all-terrain vehicle. When interacting with it, you can check which resources are not necessary for complete assembly:

  1. Transmission (1)
  2. Gaszobak all-terrain (1)
  3. Automobile awning (1) (in version 1.5.4. Replaced by 250 units of improved tissue)
  4. Wheels (16)
  5. Engine (200)
  6. Scrap metal (500)
  7. Rubber parts (150)
  8. Wires (120)
  9. Bolts (320)
  10. Bearings (100)

There are a lot of items. Write down what is required, and if possible, collect these parts in each hike.

Is it possible to collect all-terrain

Many players are trying to fulfill this mission, almost all the details can be found in the boxes on complex locations or in "humanitarian aid" falling from above, as well as in the crashing of aircraft or neighbors. But at the moment, no one has found one single item - transmissision from the all-terrain vehicle. Also, the engines also became very rare.

To accelerate the collection, you can use the store, go to the "Transport" tab and buy an "Box with spare parts" (for real money). Who knows, perhaps it is there and contains the last important detail - transmission. In general, all 100% should not be argued that all-terrain vehicles can not be assembled, as well as the opposite. How information appears, it will be displayed here.

Video instruction

By summing up

At the moment, the transportation of transport is a primary task for gamers, as information becomes publicly available, so everyone strives to fulfill the next goal. Let's hope for the speedy update of the game and a new gift from developers for players. Now you know whether you can collect the all-terrain vehicle in Last Day on Earth Survival. Good luck in search of parts!

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Chopper is the first transport that you will open. It is available for crafting at the 14th level for 1 study point. To create it, you will need a second level floor and a free space of 2x2.


The motorcycle assembly consists of two stages: the first is the creation of the foundation that will be collected in your database, after which the second phase will begin, for which some parts are needed.

Stage 1.

Required resources: 10 pine boards, 5 iron bars and 5 bolts.

Stage 2.

Required resources: 20 parts of the engine, 10 wires, 2 wheels, 30 screws, 10 ball bearings, 20 rubber parts, 30 scrap metal, 1 fork, 1 benzobac and 4 backpack.


ATV is an important vehicle for all survivors who want to travel away from home. To create it, you will need a third-level floor and a 3x3 free space.


As in the case of a bike, the deposit of all-terrain vehicles consists of two phases, the first of which is the basis, and the second is the assembly of all parts.

Stage 1.

Required resources: 25 iron bars, 20 pine boards, 15 wires, 15 bolts and 10 isolants.

In everything as in real life. You need food, clothes, a cozy dwelling. All these benefits for a comfortable existence in dangerous world Games are mined in their own difficulty. Resources on your territory and nearby locations are depleted. You will have to master new lands. Immediately acute the question of the movement means. The first thing, when reaching level 18, collect a motorcycle! Without it, all subsequent tasks will not be for you.

Description of the allocation

Another transportation Last Day on Earth Survival, which is available to you in the game is all-terrain (ATV). It is needed in order to get into the oak grove and get to the location of the observation tower. You can do it only on the all-terrain vehicle.

Collect all-terrain vehicles is difficult, but maybe. All complexity of assembly lies in a large number of details.

Dare! And maybe you will be among those who succeeded.


To start an assembly of the all-terrain vehicle, learn the drawing. It will be available not earlier than level 18. As soon as you do this, it will be possible to start directly to create the most all-terrain vehicle. Before collecting it, prepare a place where it is supposed to put a frame.

Werethod, or rather not yet collected design, set the third level on the floor

For floor 2 levels need:

  • 45 limestone
  • 45 boots

To improve the floor up to 3 levels, you will need:

  • 15 stone blocks
  • 10 Iron ingots per 1 meter floor level 2.

Collection of carcass

Collection of the ATV framework process is simple. Time does not take a lot. The necessary ingredients you will divide during the collections for one or another resource. Usually they are taken from the boxes.

Explore green, yellow and red zones, check the box with a humanitarian cargo. Something from the items necessary for the crafting of the case can be given for the execution of the task in the camp of the survivors. Do not come around the airliner crash site.

Basic parts of the frame

  • Iron bars 25 pcs. Flow in melted from iron ore. Throw into the melting ore, maximum 20 and firewood at the rate of 1k1.
  • Pine boards 20 pcs. For the manufacture of boards you need a joiner.
  • Wire 15 pcs.
  • Bolts 15 pcs.
  • Insulating tape. An indispensable thing))) just 10 pcs.

Wire, bolts and tapes come apart absolutely in all locations in boxes or humanitarian cargo. Place the harness in the garage.

This is the final stage. Collect the necessary resources difficult. The need for them is incredibly large. Search will have to be in the most remote places. Arm yourself to the teeth, the enemy can be very dangerous. Getting to remote locations is better on a chopper, such a way will save you a lot of time and energy. Take a first-aid kit, many bandages and firearms. It is not known how you will go there.

The main parts of the all-terrain vehicle

  • 120 MOTKOV wires. Basically lies in boxes in green areas
  • 16 wheels - not often occurred, in red zones and boxes of "Humanities"
  • 320 bolts. Incredibly a large number. Look for them in green areas, in boxes and bags. In order for the process to go faster, a modest of yellow and red zones.
  • 100 bearings, except for the deposit of all-terrain vehicles, are needed for craft truck and helicopter. Detail can lie in one of the boxes in the location of the aircraft
  • 150 rubber parts; Green zones and other survivors
  • 1 gas tank for all-terrain vehicle. It is mined in limestone rocks and humanitarian goods. Maybe in the alpha bunker on the top floor
  • 500 pieces of scrap metal. Rood with zombies and search boxes
  • 250 units of dense tissue. The craft of the sewing table will help in creating this item. Created from pieces of tissue falling with zombies, fatty and runners from corpses.
  • Engine parts. Very important detail! Falls from the boxes by chance, but it is precisely in the bunkers "Alpha" and "Bravo"
  • 1 Transmission of the all-terrain vehicle.

To make it faster, perform the mission camp survivors, help neighbors and daily tasks. Other players and bots will be attacked for you, check their backpacks, there is a possibility that it is in them you will find the items you need.

The most difficult task in front of you is, to find a transmission, without which the all-terrain vehicle remains useless hardware. In search of this detail you will have to literally search every corner and bush in all sorts of locations where access you are allowed. You, in fact, will have to turn into a stalker in search rare Artifact.. Start looking for a transmission best of all well-grained armed person on a motorcycle. Strengthen the database by all possible methodsIn order to do during your absence of a crowd of zombies and other players did not plunder your warehouses.

Where to seek transmissory

  • "Humanitarian", which from time to time rolls from the sky
  • Places of falling aircraft and other all kinds of events
  • It is worth searching the bunkers "Alpha" and "". There is a chance that the transmission lies there in one of the military lockers
  • Travel to neighbors' bases, visit friends. It is better to go with the margin of instruments so that the walls can be broken and get to the boxes
  • Look at the location of the police station
  • Ask the mechanic at refueling
  • Red and Yellow Locations

Most likely, you come across this precious item completely by chance, in search of something else. You can always "slip", but not worth spending money. Spare parts in the boxes fall randomly. The higher your level, the easier it will succeed.

Last Day On Earth: Survival is an isometric survival for mobile deviceswhich offers players to try out their strength in a dangerous world, full of all sorts of monsters. They will need to produce resources, shoot monsters and create their own asylum. Moreover, users will be able to create a variety of vehicles. In this guide, we list all the existing types of transport in the game and tell how to scratch them.

Note: The game, in fact, is on the stage of beta testing, so many elements in it still do not work as it should, for example, all vehicles at the moment (June 28) are useless.

Motorcycle (Chopper)

Chopper (Chopper) is the first transport you can open. It is available for crafting already at the 14th level and costs 1 student point.

It is an excellent motorcycle that can be used in the future for traveling game world. The fact is that with this bike you can move from one object to another much faster, spending less energy at the same time. On the motorcycle will not be able to get into new areas.


Like the construction of many other structures in the game, the creation of a chopper includes two stages. The first implies an assembly of a kind of "carcass" on the territory of its base, and the second is the search and use of special parts necessary to complete the work on the transport.

The first phase: At this stage you will need to scaffle the "frame" of transport in a special menu. It will be necessary to spend 10 pine boards, 5 iron bars and 5 bolts.

Note that for the collection "Frame" on the database you will need a size of 2x2 and level 2.

The second phase: at this stage you will need special motorcycle spare parts, including 20 engine parts, 10 wires, 2 wheels (CHOPPER WHEELS), 30 bolts, 10 ball bearings (ball bearings), 20 rubber parts ( Rubber Parts), 30 Units Scrap (Scrap Metal), 1 Teeth (Chopper Gas Tank) and 1 exhaust pipe (Chopper Exhaust).

The developers finally added to the game Benzobak. It can be found at the 1st level of the alpha bunker. So you can collect a motorcycle. More detailed information About the assembly of chopper can be found in a separate guide.

Werethod (ATV)

Werethod or ATV will be extremely useful for survivors that are going to explore long-range regions. It opens after unlocking the motorcycle. With the help of it, the survivors will be able to travel to various locations, such as oak forest (Oak Bushes) or watchtowers (WatchTowers).

As in the case of a bike, ATV is created in two stages: first the so-called "frame" is used, and then the necessary spare parts that are installed in the all-terrain vehicle are collected. By the way, for the crafting of the structure based on the size of 3x3 and the size of the 3rd level.

Unfortunately, there are no spare parts in the game with which you can complete the all-terrain vehicle. As soon as they appear, we will immediately update the manual.

MA-24 helicopter

A combat helicopter is one of the high-level vehiclewhich you will be able to unlock only at the 76th level. With it, you can cross water obstacles without any problems and overcome considerable distances, spending a minimum of energy. In addition, the helicopter will be able to put quite a few objects, so it is ideal for the transportation of resources.

For the crafting of this transport you will need the following materials:

  • 20 tungsten bars
  • 20 high-tech components
  • 18 units of electrical wiring
  • 20 ball bearings
  • 25 bolts.
  • 25 crashes from ash

Unfortunately, to build a helicopter in the current version of the game (1.5) can not, since it does not have the necessary components for this.