Dino Crisis 2 elevator protection code. Dino Crisis Full passage. This amazing and dangerous world of dinosaurs. Amazing mangoustine syrup - lose weight by smart

Dino Crisis 2.

If you played in Resident Evil, then you will not master the game in the game will not be a lot of work for you. But if you did not play (shame on your gray head, you need to know the classics!), Then you will kill you a couple of times before weighing the keyboard.
Z - Inventory
B - aim
C - activate / shoot (when pressed in)
V - Run

Combined weapon
All three types of weapons, which is in the game you can, what is there, you need to upgrade. For example, how to otapgrade a gun. To do this, select it first in the inventory. Then in the same window (and not in where the cartridges choose) will choose spare parts for a gun, that's all.

Generator Area
Regina, Rick and Jael build assumptions about what happened here in the end. After Rick leaves, you will enjoy in the back and take the key. The rack can be moved. On the shelf always lies with something useful. Go along with Gail in the room with the generator (go to the wire door, from which you just came out). Do not forget to search the confused body that you will find on the way. Gyel will remain guarding the entrance, and you have to restore the flow of energy. Come in the rooms with the generator, go to the window with fuses. The color of the fuses must match the color of the chop, position them in the following order: red, blue, green, gray. Lower the switches ... Something happened outside.
Leave the room with the generator. Cap-ah? Where are you?
Could not be dinosaur! If you are not playing not on Easy, then you will not soak the raptor, it is best to escape. But be careful, this creature is able to jump over the fences.

Сontrol Room.
Go to the building through the blue door and crawl through the ventilation (well, just not a girl, but Batman!). Go down through the first vent hole. On the wall of the plate - Sontrol Room, then the road here. Let's get into the room with computers and talk to Rick. Exit back to the corridor, the locker (e-box) on the wall - some kind of chests from Resident Evil, but in order to open them, you need keys (plug), in any new E-Box you can take objects from previously open lockers (Access button ). Behind the door under the ventilation hole will be a room in which you can sign up. Turn on the energy (red light on the wall), read the files in the computer. You can find a plug in the bedside table. Take the Scotgan, DDK Disc H and Panel Key II. Behind the corpse of a man (here who is a door, then repaid!) - a cabinet with an electronic lock (code: 0375) will find Entrance Key. When you want to leave the room - will offer to sign up.

Locker Room "s
Be careful with reptiles! It can be locked with laser rays in a stupid, but it is better to kill. Go to the lounge with a staircase (double door, open the large door using the Entrance Key. Go to the street, have a wished corpse Take DDK Card N. Return to the hall and go up to the second floor. .)

Second Floor
Caution, here are two rapets! One struck the sofa and wanders along the corridor (sometimes it can be sipped), the second will appear later. In the bar (the door opposite the window) still lives a lizard-overgrowth. It can be just sued - you will no longer go here. To get parts of the weapon, enter the code: 7687. Connect them with a gun - it will become a little stronger. Exit back to the corridor, next to the cut-off sofa door, code for it: Head. In the room you will find a dying scientist. Talk to him. Pass a little further and if you sniffed close to the window ... Meet it! Tyrananosaurus Rex to own person! The worst thing - it can not be killed. The creature will choose glass and devour a scientist, slip by a tyrannosaurus to the door. Go back to the same room. In the right corner of the room a stand with awards - to drive at it at first Leo Card (in the first slot) then SOL Card (in the second slot) it will open, enter the code: 705037 Get L Key Card.
Go down to the first floor, open the lock at the door under the stairs by entering the code: newcomer.

Training Room.
In the office, read the notes, take that you need from a red locker on the wall. Go to the Training Room (door on the left), there Rick seems to see someone on the monitor. Rapators who suddenly appear in the corridor can be stunned by a cold shower (green button on the wall on the right). Hide from them behind the laser wall and shoot from the pistol. In the TRAINING ROOM (room with computers) Take B1 Backup Generator Key (on one of the computers), you will be careful for you Raptor! When the inscription Danger!, You need to press on all the buttons (actually, of course, on the shooting button, but you are unlikely to remember at this moment, which of them "shooting") then Rugnina will push the creature and Jaire will be able to shoot the reptile. Go Turn on the backup generator. It's on the street, behind the door of the metal grid, not far from the place where you started the game. Wooden box, you can move - under it usually lies the chemistry bubble. You need to go down the stairs down. From the locker on the wall, take a spare fuse and put it in an empty slot behind the glass. Put fuses in this order: red, blue, green, gray. Lower the switches. Move the rack next to the levers, you will find another plug. Now you need to return to the Control Room (room where Rick sits), but before that, sign up!

Select script
A signal came to help, the saboteurs do not know from Cooper (Radist, we know with you that they ate it at the beginning of the game) or from Tom (Our Spy) and Rick is going to go to see who left our lives there. Gaile insists to go to the dungeon, because he noticed a person on the monitor, similar to Dr. Kirk. After Rick and Jeel bother, you will have a choice - go for Jail (first option) or for Rick (second option). Better go for Rick, and then the conscience will be tormented.

1. Go for Gail (Follow Gail)
Follow the captain, go down the stairs and see dinosaurs (well, right the lost world!), You should not pay special attention to them. Go to the room on the right, go in the cabinets will find a first-aid kit and plug, take the Soldier ID Card. Leave the room (here you can preserve). Go to another door, meet Gaila. When he runs out for the doctor Kirk, open the door to the right of the lattice. As soon as you come to the shield on the wall, the raptor will jump out of it. Again the inscription Danger! If you quickly quickly throw the keyboard, the rapet will kill the current. Come in bivalve doors, collect inventory and pay attention to the corpse. Now act as if you went for Rick. That is, climb the stairs to the street and go to the door tightened with a metal grid.

2. Go for Rick (Follow Rick)
Follow the ricke (in the southern door, it is back to the street). Concederate or skip past two rapestors, do not hesitate to pick up cartridges for a shotgun, and go through the brown door to the street. Oh shit! Pterodactyl! Break away from the winner and pick up the weapon. Go forward until you see the gate with the inscription "R-6", on the right there is a door - we are there. (From wooden boxes Take the key to open e-box.) In the room you will find Tom (this is our person who spied behind the professor Kirk). Get DDK Disc and do not forget to take another DDK Disc from the table. Now, choose the roof (the second door in the same room) and how quickly you run away from the pterodactile! Go down the downstairs down, the mystery with six computers and pipes is solved so. Computers are located as follows (top view):

6 (blue) 1 (red)

3 (green) 4 (green)

2 (red) 5 (blue)

Now you need to activate them in the sequence as they are numbered. I.e:
1. Right upper - choose red.
2. The left bottom is also red.
3. Left average - green.
4. The right average is also green.
5. Right bottom - blue.
6. The left top is the last blue.

Go up, again damned pterodactyl! But this time on your side aerodynamic conditions. Well, long angry, pleased in the fan? It serves him right! Well, at least Regina did not drag. Go to where you saw the first pterodactile, press the button on the elevator platform. Return back to Rica with Tom and take them with you. When descend down, Rick will ask you to clear the way. Close the stairs to the control panel and program the lifting crane on the unloading of containers:

First program:
2 up, 1 down, 1 left, then hook (hook) and execute (start)
Second program:
1 to the left, let go (release), execute (START)
Third program:
2 up, 1 down, then hook, output, execute (start)

You can go down down, go through the containers, for you the door to the right ... Oh! Many small dinosaurs are eating a big rapetor. See what will be with the poor Tom (even after death, he won't want to give us an ultrasound!). Do not forget to take the Soldier ID Card, now we will need to include an elevator.

Go to the room with a red mark on the door, first of all, pick up the finger print device (small computer) and DDK Disc E. Through the hall, go out to the street (where the swordled yellow lights). Passing to the right, you will see the rest of the poor-headed scientist, drive the Finger Print Device on his body. Return to Office Room (this is through the corridor, where you pour the rapeners with water) and use the Military ID Card on the blue computer. Enter code: 47812. Now the secret access is allowed. Return to the two elevators (through the door under the stairs in the lobby), now you can go down. In the elevator you will find a meeting with another prehistoric suitcase, which has not yet managed to attach a handle.

B1 Hall.
Computer Room
In order for the door to opened, enter the password: LaboTory. But, going out into the corridor, do not rush to turn off the laser wall - behind it two rather hungry creatures, which can be easily shot. In the computer room (Computer Room), find a computer with a blue display and three stripes on it to unlock the laboratory door Enter the password: 5037. In the same place, take the tool (in my opinion it is a gas key) from the red box, however, you can do it and later.

Research Meeting Room
In the Research Meeting Room (white room with a table in the middle) Take DDK Disc E. There will find a plug on the shelf.

Gas Lab.
In Gas Lab (gas laboratory), in order to neutralize poisonous gas, press the blue (first), red (second) and green (third) buttons in the following order:
Blue, blue, green, red.
The guy in the laboratory will give you a B1 Key Chip, if you kill it (and the temptation is great :)), then you will not get a small key (Small Key). When you challenge the already fixed body of the scientist, the raptor will jump into the chamber. Make it there and torture to death with gases.

Data Base Room
In the Data Base Room (room with three rows of cabinets) Use B1 Key Chip to a computer with a monitor in the wall, the code is scratched on the key - 3695. In the same room, you can find additional parts to your gun (Hand Gun Upgrade Part), they lie Between cabinets. Now use KEY CHIP to open the Data Base Machine (similar to a wardrobe with a glowing green strip). You will get R Key Card (and L Key Card has already found in the room where the Tirano Zavevr Racks almost devoured you).

Computer Room.
Go to the Computer Room, drive the Key Card "Ohm on one of the access devices (along the edges of a big blue screen). Gael will come to the help of Regina. The screen will rise by opening another door. Password: Energy. In this small room (Simulate Room) Behind the sheine can find parts for a crop (Shotgun Upgrade PART). Come back to the Computer Room.

Computer Room.
Use the Gas Key and open the Data Base Machine. A simple puzzle has to be solved, like spots. Perform actions in the following sequence:
Right back to right once.
Do not turn the left picture, put it as it was.
Middle Point Turn right once.
After that, two options will appear again:
1. If you like to fight - go Jeil. You will have to shoot on the ramps, but from most reptiles you can easily escape. You need to go where you moved containers.
2. If you want to break your head - go to Simulate Room and suffer with a computer. You have two attempts to remember and re-type those characters that pop up on the screen, so keep the pen and sheet of paper nearby. If you do not work out - do not be discouraged, go to clause number 1.

Comunication Room.
When you choose to containers, meet Dr. Kirk and Jail. The commander will ask you to get into the Comunication Room. Return to 1F Control Room, go to the elevator - will come to Comunication Room. Take from the red box on the wall of the next Card. Through the second door, go to the roof and go until you see two doors, we are now in the left. Use the Card to turn on the antenna. Go out by fresh air... Mom, Ti-Racks! Run from it, hidey into the corner near the door and shoot from a tyranosaurus from a shotgun, usually grabs three or four shots. Run to the main hall (where the staircase is on the second floor), two pterodactiles will be waited for a large sliding door. Go to the gray door, be prepared for a meeting with two rapets that jump on top. Just run from them (on the right door!). If you are climbing the stairs and go to the left - you will find a bazook and a little cartridges to it (if you play Easy, then from the very beginning you have in a backpack)! Now you can go to T-Rack. Return down, you have to work a little workload. The boxes are so (B - small boxes; B - large boxes):

It is necessary to put them like this:

It is done so, move: B1 - right, B2 - down, B3 - right, B4 - up and do not touch B5. If you are mistaken - just leave the room and go again. The path is clear. Collect ammunition and go to double doors. Show the screensaver. How I got the damned T-REX eats everything that neither gets up! And he is all a little! There was a helicopter, and now chases you, running around the remains of the helicopter, shoot in the creature from the Bazuki. However, it is possible and not to shoot at Ti-Rex at all, but then you have to run longer. Three shots will be required, after which Rick will appear, you can now run to the elevator.

When the elevator stops, falling into a very ridden underground corridor. Only small dinosaurs run here, do not pay attention to them. On your right hand, you will be the door to the subsidiary. Ha! Many small reptiles eat a little man. Nativeate the corpse - another access card. Leave the room and go on. Right is another elevator, Rick is waiting for you there.

It seems one of the batteries failed, in Backup Power Room you can find a spare (and behind the closet - cartridges for a shotgun). Take it to Rica. In the room where mulators will run away there are two e-box, select B3I, B3II and move the cabinet (immediately you can sign up). Through the second door you will be taken to Transport Passageway. Only you come to the staircase, two dinosaur will appear, you have not yet seen such, because of their long clawed paws, they are more dangerous than rapeners, but fortunately, not so fast. To move the containers, you will need to climb the stairs, but first go to the Arsenal Storage (rising up the door, to the right of the staircase).

There is still a couple of cold-blooded creatures, take B3III and Export Area Key. You can go back to the garage and climb the stairs to the control cab. Use B3III, B3II and B3I - you have a familiar for the fruit with a lifting crane. The point is to free the way to the body of the scientist. Make the following programs on the remote:

Program 1.
3 Up, Hook (Hook), 2 Left, 1 down, release (Release), Run (Start).
Program 2.
3 Up, 2 right, hook (hook), 2 left, 1 down, release (Release), execute (START).
Program 3.
3 Up, 1 down. 2 right, hook (hook), execute (start).
Program 4.
2 to the right, let go (release), execute (START).
Program 5.
2 right, hook.

Take from the Dead body DDK Disc W. Return to where you included energy, you can now go to a double door.

Research Lad.
Go out through a double door. Be careful! Two dinosaurs crave her virgin meat. It is necessary to run through two corridors, as long as you will not find yourself on the second floor, near the ventilation hole. Ventilation will be taken to the corridor to the Scientific Room (Research Lad Passageway). Only you will take Key Card LV C, which is casually lying on the curb, as two very predatory and hungry dinosaur will appear. Therefore, it is better not in a hurry, open E-Box, which in the opposite end of the corridor, go to Researcher Lounge (this door near E-Box), Talk with Gaille and searcate the inventory. Now you can take the Key Card LV C, disperse from the tweak from under the floor, go to a two-sided door. In the room with a green table and a blue screen with beveled corners, take DDK Disc W.
Return back to the ventilation shaft. Go down to B3 (green corridor), Rick will contact you, he partially managed to break the defense. You need to go through the Lounge Room to open the door Enter Waterway. Take the B2 Key Chip 2 and talk to Rick, the corpse on the floor do not forget to pick up the plug, in addition, you can sign up in this room.

B3 Export
Rick will ask you to save the scientist who descends in the elevator - run to the platform. The elevator will go down and will come out of it ... What a big and toothy scientist, suspiciously similar to Tiranosaurus. Well, how did he get tired! Lizard-recycling will try to devour Regina, the transformer will take off (in high growth there are his minuses) and will cut off for a long time, at the same time leaving you without electricity. You need to do the same operation with the replacement of the battery, only in reverse order. Believe White Battery in the emergency room room (B3 Backup Power Room) and put it in place. Place the batteries in the following order: red, blue, green, gray, turn on electricity (four colored stripes on the wall). You can raise the door of the elevator, and collect from Port Card Key, DDK Disc D and Plug. Return to Rica.

Research Facility B2.
In the corridor, take DDK Disc S, go to the second floor, you need in that door that under the ventilation hole. In the security room, turn off the alarm (computers with red monitors), find DDK Disc S and B2 Key CHIP I. In the computer hanging on the wall with a blue monitor insert your B2 Key Chip I and B2 Key Chip II, get access to this machine. Enter 0392 to accept the data. It is necessary so that the right column consists of empty hexagons, and the left half of the red, half of the blue. On the table, near the corpse of the secretary, there is a computer with a flat monitor, drive the ID card on it and get a DR.KIRK ID Card, code: 78814. Password to the door in the "copper" corridor (Screen Shot No. 25.): Stabilizer.

You will go to the already familiar corridor on the second floor. You can turn off the rays and go to the laboratory. In a large white laboratory, take DDK Disc D and Plug to open an electronic lock. Enter: 1281. Get another upgrade to Schotgan.
To unlock the door in the corridor, enter DoctorKirk. In the next room, use B2 Key Chip "s to open the doors.

Third Energy Area
Regina finally got to the Holy Saints - the generators of that very enegry, which Dr. Kirk opened. To push the bridge Press the green button on the wall and go to the next compartment. In the room with a schedule on the monitor, take the Key Card LV (will need to go down the stairs to the lower level). The wardrobe near the wall naturally can be moved, well, scientists have been for mania to hide the first aid kits behind the cabinets, are they completely moving from boredom on their island? The next compartment is a power unit, play a small monitor in a blue monitor logic game. The meaning is that the pictures on active panels together make the desired drawing. Follow in the following order:
Middle Turn left.
Right put as it was.
Left turn left.
Now you have access to a computer that stands in the next block. When you hear shooting, go back to the power unit. Journaling by Dr. Kirk, get into his trap, and Starne Gail will have to save you.

IF You Chose ...
Now you have a hard choice, on which the end of the game depends.
If you choose the Gaila's side (first item), then get Key Card LV. A. Use your laptop (Finger Print Device) on Doctor Kirk. Check the map to find a stabilizer and initializer (Stabilizer and Initializer), you do not need to look for any composite parts. Just return to the third floor, take them from the laboratory and take to two slots in the Third Energy generator (see immediately point number 3 and No. 4). But rush to the laboratory on the second floor - it is unforgivable to skip additional parts for the Bazuki.
If you choose the side of Rick (second item), then get Key Card LV. A and Design Disc and you will have to perform the following actions:

Use the Design Disc to a computer with three monitors. Move the numbers in the following sequence: 3-6-7-2-0-4. Take the Core Part 1 and Core Part 2. Do not miss the part for your Bazooka (Grenade Part)!
In the room with a green table and scattered papers, behind that door, which is depicted in the screenshot, you must take Part I - A, Part I - B, and Part II - A. In the computer with a round screen, insert the DISG Disc and enter: 0204. On The second computer (next to the table) also need to act the Design Disc, code for it: 0367. Go to Stabilizer Lab.

2. Stabilizer Lab.
In Stabilizer Lab (for a large glass), drive the Design Disc "Ohm on a box with a transparent wall. Take Part II - B. Insert all parts into a computer with slots in the form of a honeycomb, you will have to practic a little in connecting the stabilizer and initializer (simply turn the item in Among the screen).

We run over bridges with railing. Turn on the computer in the second block. Insert the initializer into the device at one end of the bridge.

To the right of two doors there is an elevator that will take you to the second tier - insert into a similar Stabilizer device. Turn on the computer on the opposite side of the bridge and on the first tier near the place where you are connected initializer.
Energy will be out of control, Hyila's poor fellow gives pipes, run to help him. After you do
Ending №1 (End Gail Suggestion)
If you went to Gail, then come back to Special Arsenal Storage, you will find Gaila and Dr. Kirk. Your commander will perish by giving you the records of Dr. Kirk. Go to the berth (this is where the building of the energy did not give you a rick to pass).

Ending number 2 (End 1 Rick Suggestion)
If you went for Rick. Go to the pier (Sea Port), meet Rica. He will ask you to find fuel - type from the barrels on the pier. Take the rick fuel and come back to the pier again.

Ending number 3 (End 2 Rick Suggestion)
If you went for Rick. Go to the helicopter platform, you will find Dr. Kirk.

However, what kind of ending you did not choose - wait for meetings with your old familiar, he was already prepared for the last date: I did my big teeth to the brilliance, I made a manicure on the front legs and cleaned the scales.
P.S. At the end of the game, you will be given a bazooku as a reward with an endless ammunition.

If you have problems with the passage of the game Dino Crisis 2You can always take advantage of our advice and information to action. We describe the steps in detail that you need to do to fully go through the game. Dino Crisis 2.. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Passage Dino Crisis 2 Read on our site.

We have continued one of the most famous hits of the first PlayStation era. It took a whole year after the terrible events on the island. But, as you know, people do not teach people such events, as the experiments of Dr. Kirk were continued in one of the research centers of the military base.

After this experiment, the center, the base and nearby the standing town was lost, and the jungle of some ancient era appeared in their place. To study the consequences and normalization of the situation, a whole rescue detachment was expelled. Finding on the island, our soldiers decide to break out a small camp, but did not have time they will relax, how dinosaurs are attacked by them! After the attack of T-Rex, only three remains: Regina (the heroine of the last part), Dylan and David remain. This is our adventure and begins. After the destruction of the camp, Dylan falls under our office. Name the corpse of the soldier and go through the door. Go further, take a weapon in your hands, because the rapestors will be attacked soon. Get them back and promoting further, climbing up the stairs. Run further, shoot again from dinosaurs, there you will see the second staircase. With it, go down.

The following two locations are passing along the same principle, shoot dinosales and make your way forward, until you find yourself from the water tower, go to it. Inside you will be waiting for a person in a helmet. Cat scene saw, take one of the dino-folders from Paul, it will have information about dinosaurs that the military from all over the world could receive. If necessary, saves and move to the military object.

At the military base, you will shoot, already familiar to you T-Rex. You will not be able to kill him, so run to the door on the left. In the room, a visit table that is located to the right of the rack, there will be a folder with information about T-Rex. Go to the subsequent corridor, then go to the medport. In it, take the key, then follow the T-Rex. How quickly run to another door. Go further and await the room - from the opposite side of the entrance, on the wall, you will see a special box, open it using the key you found in the medpark, so you get a card to enter the laboratory. After that, you will be reported that you, illegally penetrated the territory of the military base, so all the doors will be urgently closed. The doors shut and Dylan will be trapped, he immediately tie with Regina to request help.

Now under our regina control, go to the stairs, go up on it and pass to double doors. Open them with a shocker and go further. Inspect the corpse of a soldier, he will have a third file of dinosaurs. Go to the research center. Before entering the center, you will be expected to meet with Allosavr, but you will not be able to damage him, so run, as quickly as possible to double doors. Next, go to the radio, go there and get a flamethrower and leave it. The ticket again appears those people in masks, regina has time to catch one of them and it will be some kind of girl. Regina takes it to the radio and cares about the pipe. Leave from the research center and pass to the zone with poisonous plants.

For the passage of two locations with plants, you will fall on the water tower. There is a calm place here, so you will save and take the cartridges, then go to the military base. On a military base, first go to the room where Dylan is located. Take the key in front of the door and wait the panel to the left of the door, it blue color. After that, go back and pass to the double door, through the reception and in the corridor.

Open the door at the end of the corridor using a shocker and go to the control room. Close the stairs up and take the file, it will be written in it what to do with keys.
Go down and go further into the room. At the end of the room, on the wall you can see the keys panel. Now set the key that threw Dylan, the one that is green and take off in return, it, which is blue.

Now we can return to free dilan. After a small dialogue between Regina and Dylan, we must return to the ship. But not everything is so simple, someone destroyed the gate and therefore Regina, Dylan and David will not be able to return to the desired temporary line. Save and go back to the jungle.

On this location, kill the Allosaurus and go to the third door. The river will wait for you another Allazav, make it up and go on. Inspect the river and go downstream. But be careful because somewhere there is a key card from the third power unit. After that, head through the walled tower, through a place with poisonous plants, so you will pass to the research center. After you get to the research center, look at the door, it is still marching ivy. Put it with a machete, now you can go inside. Go further to the entrance to the laboratory. Use the card from the laboratory on the panel to the right door, so that it opened.

Being in the laboratory, go straight and right, use the machete to go to the door. In the room, cover all the hatches except one thing that is located next to the computer terminal to save the game. Inspect the cells - you see the red light bulbs on the two, and on one green? Native a cell on the left of the wall, open it and take the dino file. After that, go to the subsequent location, pick up the file from the table, close the ventilation hatch, which is at the subsequent door.

Enter the door and get into the first room. Next, go to the door at the end of the corridor. Use the key card from the laboratory and here ... Little Dino snatches the card directly from dilan's hands. Nothing can be done, you will have to catch this bastard. Using the machete, try to drive it into an open ventilation hatch, and then log in to the laboratory, close this hatch (so that the compartmentatus is unable to exit) and beat it into the cage. After receiving the key card, return to the corridor and go to the last door (using a key card). In the room behind the door, take the file and item.

Now leave the laboratory and go back to the ship. It turns out that the girl managed to get rid of handcuffs and escaped. Then, after a conversation with a regina, press the button on the control panel and select the direction on the third power unit. On the way, sea creatures will be attacked and fly away - defend from them with the help of flamethrower.

So, you manage regina again. Cook a machine gun and go out from the ship. Go through the dock (on the way, beat off water creatures and flyers). How tol will get to the third power unit's repository, a modest machine and find a new dino folder. Then go further and take the file lying next to the corpse of the soldier, you have already found this key (and if not, you will have to go back to the jungle) and now go to the next door. Insert the key card from the third power unit in the left panel from door-door and opens. Enter the door and run on, through the boat (by the way, pay attention to the boxes for small tools, you will have to go back here) and go further in the third-power management room.

Initially, a well-name remote is inhibit - you will find the key from the box on the boat, then take the file from the panel by the window and the name of the panel opposite the door - you will find another dino file. Now go out into this door, run on and wait for the corpse - you will find ID-card Mechanics. Return to the control room and go to the boat. Open the box and take the file from there. In this file, three of the four digits of the elevator code in the control room are written. Return to the third-power control room and come to the elevator. First, use the mechanic ID and try entering the code. For example, I had a code # 4.01 by the method of selection Try to find the desired figure. In this case, the correct code 4015. True, another time there may be another code - here are several options here.

Go down on the elevator, go through the corridor and head the next door. Now go a little forward and inspect the panel. Now you need to run the generator - run the panel and lights on the switches will replace the green. In case of overload (flashing red light), hit the shocker. After starting the generator, go down, take the file from the computer and a diving suit. Press the button on the control panel and go down - under water.

Under the water you will be waiting for a meeting with local inhabitants - Mesochors. Shoot them and jump down until you see the door. You fell into the water control room. If you need to save the game, and then inspect the control panel - now you do not turn it on, you need a plug to the shutter. Take the file and exit the next double doors, go through the corridor and the next room. Now you are in the water cooling system of the third reactor. Go to the northern door of the hall, but it is too early to go there ... Jump on the platform to the right of the door and carefully move on. Go up to the middle of the hall, and then jump on the central playground. Now left and on the next platform.

Shoot the column and can now enter the door. In the next room, turn on the elevator first (suddenly you will accidentally fall down and you will need to start everything first), go further and take the plug to the shutter at the corpse. Return to the water control room and open the cooling pipeline. Now come back to the water cooling system of the third reactor and go to the northern double doors. Now you are in the pipeline. If you need to save the game, replenish your ammunition and rise up on the elevator. Take the card by Edward - City next to the corpse, and you will find a new dino file a little further.

Go down on the next elevator down and get on the third reactor - here you will also come up with another boss. In fact, he is not so terrible - a few shots from the aquagrend and Bosskair will pop up with a belly up. Excellent regina, well worked! Jump up platforms and drop up on the elevator. You are in front of Edward City. After a conversation with Dilano Regina is fused in the city. Hurry up for her.

Go to the next door to the left (from us right), disappear with the Allolosaver and in the terminal save the game and buy a mortar. Return back and run on, the corpse near the car take another dino file. Go to the door to the right (destroy the machete ivy) - on the shore, meet with regina. Passing two coast zones you will get to the inlet of the cave. With the help of a mortar, explode the limestone stone and go further.

Probably minimize the caves you will fall on the military object. Here, if you need to save the game and climb up the stairs. God! Yes, there is a whole nest of Allosavrov! At first, you manage Regina, Dylan will reset you a signal rocket and when allorosaver you will get enough of you to shoot in the air and then your partner will cover you. When Regina gets until the next gun, Dilan's turn will come. When you get to the third cannon, you play again. When, finally, Regina will achieve the last cannon, she and Dylan will leave the military facility.

Save if necessary, game and take a dino-file from the corpse. Go away Dasha and see a confused triceratop. And then where doesn't take an adult individual who will not explain to her, they don't explain that it is not you ... Without a long time thinking Regina and Dylan jump into the nearest jeep and try to escape from an angry animal - on the way you will have to shoot it. Then the road suddenly ends and the jeep, turning over, flies down the cliff. Fortunately, our heroes have time to jump out of the car, before it explodes.

So, Regina and Dylan in the field and here ... Dinosaurs are attacked on them. But here David comes to our friends. He shoots all the yvell from the helicopter, but ... it seems that the towns of the city will no longer help. Regina and Dylan are sent to the city ...

In the city, at the beginning, a well-known corpse will find a new Dino file. Now you can save the game to the Robson store there you can save the game, as well as take the file and the dwelling key. Go out to the street (Beware of the flyers!) And go to the opposite door to the left of the gate. At the end of the next street, open the door and enter it. Here you will find an old familiar T-Rex. Without a long time thinking Dylan jumps into a tank, now go ahead, shooting from T-Rex along the way.

Driving thus the warehouses you will find yourself on the highway outside the city. Take the gas mask and ... Here you will meet the old one again. Strange, she has somewhere the necklace of the late sister dilan. Then Regina and Dylan are returned to the ship. Now fuse in the jungle.

Go to the zone of poisonous plants - there remains another unexplored territory. Pass the poisonous gas zone and get on the garbage dump. If you need to save the game and go through the next door, then through the courtyard and down the steps. In the control room, take the disk with the data and go for the monitor left to you find the last dino file. Then go out and climb up the stairs ... Your old buddy T-REX will visit you, and here is our new friend. While two big animals find out the relationship, Regina go down, in the control room.

I have bad news - it seems that the warhead is activated and you will have to turn it off. All you have 10 minutes. But as soon as the regina descends down, how our new kids will appear. Now do what you see the gas plug? Go to it and click the switch and when gas will go, shove out of any weapon. Now run to the next plug and when this dino approaches you- Do the same. And so several times.

Crashing with the Giantozaurus you will get access to the launch program. Now as in the third power unit and feel a shocker. After the program starts go to the rocket and climb up on the elevator. Press the button on the console and open the panel on the warhead. Click the button on the panel and thus stop the launch.

Go down and go back back, but ... TiranoAvar is alive! Regina runs to the launch control room. If you need to save the game and go through the next door.

Go away two zones and Dylan is waiting for you for the next doors. Sit into the boat and get away from here ... But it was not here that the hydraulic is closed. Now, while David opens the gate to protect it from dinosaurs .. Next, the events are tragically, suddenly on our friends attacks Allosavr and David dies saving life to Dilan.

Dylan falls into the river and the current refers it to the other side. He comes to himself and sees a girl, she calls him behind him. Now you need to protect it from dinosaur attacks. Spend it through the jungle, and then how to get to the object, the Devak is cheerful to go to the building. Head for her, but ... you still do not get there the door protected by lasers. To disable these lasers to activate the four switches, green and red on the left and yellow and blue on the right. Now go back to the door and press the button on the left meases will disappear and you can enter.

Take the file that is at the entrance and go on, to the Cabinet of the Chief. There will be another file from the table, after which you will be preserved and buy as many aid kits, weapons and cartridges. After all, we are awaiting the final battle with the boss. Next to the laboratory. There you will meet the girl again. After the conversation, go to the door, there and our final enemy is waiting.

You can not kill the thiranosaur with weapons. First, run to the bridge and run to the opposite side, it will not be so easy to do, because the tyrannosaur will destroy the bridge. Spere in it from weapons and run to the other side. On the other side, enable the management system of the military satellite and click on the button of the main console. Everything, tyrannosar killed.

Go to the doors that lead to the laboratory. Regina will be here. They will launch temporary gates, but the base will begin to gradually collapse. One of the boxes will give dilan daughter. Dylan decides to stay with her, he transmits the third power unit disc regina, because it believes that if he can study the data of this disk, it will be able to return and save them. Regina is currently moving at present, and Dylan with her daughter remains on the basis of which takes off to the air. The end.

Important note:
In this game, dinosaurs will appear until their predetermined supply is exhausted for a particular zone. Not to rejoice, because This stock is very, very large.
After an impressive initial film there is a scene by the engine of the game, in which there is a light "discord" between Dylan and Regina, after which Regina leaves in an unknown direction.

You get control over dilan. Just go to the door that he prudently cleared his machete.

Jungle. Northern Way 1.
Just go forward until the engine scene begins. On dilan, three green bicyclerapers will be attacked, with whom he will have to fight. When you again get control over dilan, step back to the container and shoot the attackers one by one. After the battle, go to the left to meet with a pair of bicycles. Take a middle achedule in the upper right corner (there is still a "sweet" couple) and return to the previous screen. Climbing the stairs on the left side of the screen, you will fall on the fork. If you are interested to collect more points, you should choose the right way, if you want to go further, it is better to go left. After that you will see the staircase down, which leads to the next location.

Jungle. North Way 2.
There is nothing interesting here, so continue your way further. Just be attentive - there are quite a lot of bicycle results.

Jungle. North Way 3.
Here you will meet a brown bicycleraptor for the first time. He has more health, so do not relax, but do not forget to advance further.

Jungle. Northern Path 4.
After lifting on the stairs you will have two ways. I advise you to climb the stairs to the right - this path is shorter. At the end of the location, enter the door like a garage.

Water tower.
Before you can further do your affairs, you have to see a small scene on the engine, in which someone will run away from Dylan to the tower. Having received control over dylan, pick a red item on the floor. This is the first of the dino-files in which it is described about the bicyclerapers. Pay attention to a small glowing box on the wall. This Extinct Point Service (or in another version of Vital Point Service, conditionally call it EPS). Through this device, you can buy weapons, charge it, stock up with medicines and different fixtures, as well as record the game. After posting, go to the largest part of the location and go to the door leading towards the military complex.

Passage to Military Complex 1
To begin with, you carefully follow the appearance of new bicycles, in order not to lose precious health. When the development is achieved, go to a small branch on the left and take the middle aid kit. After that, continue your way to right.

Passage in the military complex 2
Before the military complex
Before you can do anything, you will have to view. Excellent flight of a container, an excellent dilan jump and just a wonderful one-eyed Tyrannosaur as an opponent. M-yes ... With the beginning of the battle, immediately climb on the nearest staircase and run at the top to the descent. Going down, run on (the faster, the better, since the tyrantosaur follows you on the heels) and again upstairs, but already on another ladder. Run! When Dylan go down on the last staircase and runs a little further, it will begin to shoot an incomprehensible view of people. The tyrannosaurus will distract them, which will give Dilan the opportunity to escape inside the military complex.

Military complex entrance.
In the first door there are no enemies here, however, they will appear. Go to the leftmost corner and take a dino-file about the tyrannosaur from the dusty table. After that, go to the white door (there is no other path anyway).

Military complex. Corridor.
Nothing interesting. Just get to the first door and enter the next room.

Go left and take a file with notes about the time displacement. Return to the previous screen and go to the left. Taking the key in a small drop, replenish your ammunition in EPS and sign up. Now leave the building. On the way, be careful - the complex is now full of bicycle rates. Upon exit, you will find that the tyrannosaur has not yet left. Run on two screens ahead and enter the only available door.

Economic storage
Follow the corridor to the next room and take a file with a description of stored items from the table. Now go to the left and use the previously obtained key to open the red panel. Taking a research complex from the niche, Dylan will be locked in the room. For his calls for help on the radio, Regina will respond.
Docks. Place landing.
Now you have to play regin for some time. To begin with, I advise you to go back to the ship and sign up. After that, go to the red light on the grid and use the paralyzer (you have a second weapon) to open the door.

Docks. Suspension bridge.
Do not worry about vibration, simply under the bridge passes a tyrannosaurus. He does not see you, so quietly inspect the corpse in the corner to get a dino-file about Allosavra. Go across the bridge and enter the next door.

Jungle. South way 1.
Actually, there is absolutely nothing interesting here, except for the rapers, so you go on.

Jungle. South way 2.
Go forward until you see the blue door. So far, you go there early, so turn to the left and go towards the research complex.
Passage to the research complex.

Overlooking the stairs, try to climb on it. Not a very pleasant meeting, right? Allosavr, apparently, on the kindness of the soulful, tried to press the jeep regina, and now he wants to eat. So it will not go. From my point of view, it is best to follow such a battle scenario:
1. Climb the stairs to the right.
2. Shoot in the Allosaurus, leaving a little back (4-5 steps).
3. Going to you, he will not be able to attack, so jumps to you.
4. Before the jump, he will move away a little back. Use this moment to jump down.
5. Shoot it until it jumps back to you.
6. Above the top and everything first.
After massaging with the Allolosaver, go further.

Research complex. Backyard.
Here you have nothing to do here, just continue your way to the door covered with ivy. Skip this door, go to the right and go into the control room.

Research complex. Control room.
Take a file about the destruction of plants, join the ammunition in the EPS existing here, sign up and go back to the backyard. Again these strange people with strange weapons. Running, one of them breaks down and hangs on the edge of the bridge. By performing an operation on his salvation, Regina removes an unusual helmet and discovers ... Girl. As soon as Regina bibns her handcuffs in the control room, the control will switch to you again. Buy in EPS flamethrower and sign up. Now come back to the South Way 2 and go to the same blue door you missed last time.

Transition. Southern zone of poisonous plants.
Take your flamethrower and burn plants, "spindlers" to poisonous gas. If you act quickly enough, you can get a combo from 13 hits, and this is 5,600 points.

Transition. The northern zone of poisonous plants.
The same as in the previous location, only a slightly smaller quantity can be obtained - 11 hits. Entering the door at the end, you will get to the water tower. Write down the game, recharge the weapon and head to the place where the dylan is locked (storage). In the location of the passage to the military complex 1 on regina will again be attacked by strange people. Wow, how they made already! Further on the way you will meet pheranodones. Be careful with them: they are very fast and still fly. To the repository, select a key broken with dilan, and direct your feet into the military complex corridor. They hit your magic knife on the red panel and go to the control room.

Military complex. Control room.
Climb the stairs to the left and take the file with the instructions for using keys. Go back, and passing to the end, insert the key in your own in a strange type of machine. Check the machine again and take the blue key. It is time to pull dilan from captivity. Return to the storage and use the blue key on the blue panel on the wall. Regina will tell Dilan about the strange girl she found, and they will come back to the ship. It turns out that someone from the soul has fun there, rapping all the equipment, including the engine moving engine. Now it is necessary to find at least some parts, otherwise Dylan and Regina stuck in this time forever.

Write down the game in EPS and buy Heavy Blade from the Tools section. Now you can go on.

Go along the side and climb the stairs to the docks.

Docks. Place disembarking
Get ready to take a fight with Allosavr. It is best to use the previously described method with a staircase at that point, from where the Allosavr, in fact, and appears. Killing him, go to the only available door.

Jungle passage to the northern way.
Here you meet the next Allosaur. Kill it and go to a small waterfall. Checking the waterfall, you will notice the fallen sheet, which floats on the water. Check out the place where it disappears to take the 3D Energy card. After that, go on to the northern way 1. Well, here you already know everything, therefore, killing on the path of the rapestors, head in the water tower. On the way, you will notice the tyrantosaurus, but do not worry - he does not see you again. In addition to the waterpasters, the Water Tower will fill the lack of ammunition, sign up and go to the door leading to the transition to the southern path. Further to the already laughed road to the research complex. There you can sign up in the control room and replenish the sleeve. After that, using your machete, clean the Ovita ivy door and enter the inside of the research complex.

Research complex. Entrance.
Mm, kids donate dead rapent. Disgusting ... Go to the left and meet a new type of dinosaur - Oviraptors. Run further along the corridor, just do not forget to shoot the raptor strikers. At the end you will see a red gear. Use the Research Complex card on it and enter the door.

Research complex. Passage.
There is nothing interesting here, so calmly go to the left and go to the door.

Research complex. Generator
Go through the room to the end and take the file with the records of the researcher. After that, clean ivy on the door and go further.

Research complex. Research room.
Go left to three small cell. Check out the one where the green light is burning, and you will find a Dino-file about compartmentatus (those small creatures, marveling the corpse of the rapetor). Now close the ventilation hatch and go to the previous screen and down. Feature a file with a diary of the researcher, close ventilation next to the EPS, replenish the ammunition and sign up. Now remove ivy with the door and enter it. Go to the right and use the Research Complex Card on the Red Panel at the door. OPS ... This little rubbish dragged our card! Need to come up with something.

1. Challenge the melnogo to the ventilation hole at the entrance to the generator.
2. Go to the generator, close the hatch next to the door and drive the copsognatus further to the next hatch.
3. Come into the study room and close the nearest hatch.
4. The most difficult thing is to drive it around the room until you drive into the cage, after which you will have a card again. Now save the game and go out on the door next to EPS. Re-use the card on the door with the door (now nobody takes it). Be careful, because Now location is filled with dinosaurs.

Research complex. Laboratory.
There are two subjects here: a file with a report on an unidentified corpse and battery. Now it is time to return to the ship and get ready for a mini-game.

Dylan discovers that the prisoner disappeared. After a conversation with Regina, it turns out that the prisoner was not one of the survivors, which means they need to look somewhere else. Use the control panel and select the 3rd Energy complex as a destination as a destination. Ships will begin to download, and Regina will see that they were attacked by Plesiosaurs. You control dilan again. Sign up and go to the deck for a mini-game.

Shot of Plesiosaurov and Pteranodonov.
Excellent mini game. Here are some tips for its more efficient passage:
1. Shoot Plesiosaurians in the head. Shot in the neck does not cause enough damage.
2. Be prepared to kill all Plesiosaurov.
3. If hard, do not pay attention to phendranodones: they are applied significantly less harm than Plesiosaurs.
After the end of this mini-game, you will arrive at the 3rd Energy complex, and the regina will be "issued".

Now you manage regina. Buy in EPS HEAVY MASHINE GUN or SUB Maschine Gun. Better, of course, heAvy, since he is clearly no longer. Do not forget to purchase 1000 cartridge cartridges for Heavy Mashine Gun (no need for usual - there and so 1000). After that, go to the deck.

Just go forward and go to the docks of the 3rd Energy complex.

Complex 3rd Energy. Docks
If you have a Heavy Mashine Gun, shoot for each PLUSIOSAVRA 2 times, then he will fold the ends. With ordinary machine guns will have to spend more time.
Note: This is a place to collect glasses. After the battle, return to the ship, recharge the weapon and again in the docks. Plesiosaur will be at your disposal again. As soon as they stick, go to the next zone.

Complex 3rd Energy. Transition 1.
Again the place of collecting points. And again, shooting, go on.

Complex 3rd Energy. Transition 2.
Be careful, because This place is silent by peteranodones. You can simply run to the next zone or shoot plenty. I managed to collect a 15-speed combo here.

Complex 3rd Energy. Warehouse zone.
This place is also filled with pheranodones. Run forward until you see a truck. Check it, and you will receive a dino-file about phendranodones. Go further and pick up a file with a soldier's notes. Now use the 3rd Energy card, which you picked up in the jungle, on the red panel and go to the next zone.

Complex 3rd Energy. Transition 3.
And again the place of the harvest glasses. How finish, go on.

Complex 3rd Energy. Control room.
Go down twice along the stairs and take the key from the box. Go up to the top screen until you see EPS on the right and table on the left. Name the table closest to the EPS to find a dino-file about Mosazaw. After that, go to the right door.

Complex 3rd Energy. Warehouse zone 2.
There is also a lot of pheranodones, but it seems to me that they are easily murut from Heavy Mashine Gun. Complete to the end and wait the corpse to get the ID card mechanic. Now go back to the transition number 3. Use the key on the box (you do not miss it, because it is highlighted), and you will receive a file with the elevator security code. Remember and go back to the control room. Write down the game in EPS and use the ID card on the red panel next to the elevator. Now you need to enter the elevator code - and go ahead!
Pass to the lower level.
Go forward to the next zone.
Lower level. Elevator.
Go left and turn on a large monitor. Regina will hear alarm and reactivates the main power source. Now you manage regina again. You need to use secondary weapons for the reactivation of the energy source. You need to beat them in red panels.

Here is a small hint:
Denote panel numbers from left to right from 1 to 3.

Here is a combination:
1,2,3,2,3,2,1,3,3,1,2,1 and 3, (1.3.2 almost together).

After that, Regina will hear a message that the power is restored, and computers are turned on in the same area. Go down the stairs, run into the other end of the hall and climb to the top computer. Taking a suit and file with mechanics notes, use the bottom computer.

Lift shaft. Inside
Before you can do something, an emergency shutdown will work, and the mosazavra is attack on Regina. Use your second weapon for paralysis and achieve them from the gun. Do not worry, the cartridges are infinite. From now on, be careful because you will often be attacked. Go right and down. After a long jump, sign in the only door.

Water circulation room
There is an EPS in this room. Go left and take a file with a description of the work. Do not forget to buy AQUARGENADE and the most expensive expansion cartridge to it. Write down the game and go to the right to the next zone.

Underwater level. Transport passage 1.
Be careful, there are mosazaws. Go up to the next zone.

Underwater level. Transport pass 2.
You will notice something upstairs, but so far it will not be possible to take. After 2-3 screens, you will find an elevator that does not work yet. Later you can turn on the power, but for now go to the following zone.

Water circulation room.
Go straight until you reach the door. Do not enter it, and raise the boxes next to the door. Go to the right until you see a cracked column. One shot from Aquagrenade - and the column will fall apart, opening you access to the top of the transport passage 2. Entering the accessible door, check the red light to turn on the elevator power. Go left, take a candle and return to the water circulation room. Use the candle to the large computer and turn it on. Two valves previously blocked your path will open and on the monitor will light up the green light. Now go to that door, next to which you jumped in boxes.

Inside the cooling system
There is an EPS, with which you should replenish the stock of the garnet and record the game. After that, use the elevator on the left. Go left and take the city card from the corpse. Also, do not forget to choose a dino-file about Plesiosaur before using the following elevator. Come on the door and get ready for a meeting with the boss.

3rd Energy reactor.
Regina got to the reactor, that's just a big such problem appears, on a lot of tons. Plesiosaur in his desire to dine regina destroys part of the reactor. The emergency system is turned on by a locking compartment to prevent explosion. Now you need to destroy the boss to disable the systems.

Here is my method of destruction:
1. Go to the next screen (just click forward and go).
2. Go to the right (to the bottom right side).
3. Press and hold R1 and quickly press L1 for the objects of the target.
4. As soon as you see the head's head, shoot. He will pop up.
5. Go to the bottom right of the screen (do not go to the next).
6. Wait in this place and repeat the operation with a shot.
7. Repeat steps to completely destroy the boss.
Well, the protective system turned off, you can continue your way. Go up until you see boxes. Raby on them, then even higher and then jump right to the bridge. Go on it and take a big first aid kit. Now again right and jumps to the elevator itself. Turn on the panel to the right of the elevator and go up on it to Edward City.

Entrance to the city. Docks
Go down the stairs and look at the saver about the Regina and Dylan meeting. At the time of their conversation, someone will communicate. It will be David, who will report on the survivors found. However, the connection will be interrupted before he says their exact location. After that, Regina unlock the gate to the city. Now you manage dilan again. Return to the ship and buy an anti-tank rifle, as well as chainmine as a second weapon. In fact, the chainmine will be more important to you, but the rifle against tanks is not better suitable for the retail of large creatures. Recovering the game, go from the ship and go to the same gate. In which Regina entered.

Entrance to the city. Road
Be careful, two blue-red rapers live in this zone. Thank God, they will attack one. It is best to cope with them with the help of an anti-tank rifle. Pass on, without entering the door, and take a Dino file about foreigners. Now you can enter the door.

Container warehouse.
It is not here in the first of your right of rapeners, so calmly die almost to the end. At the very end, Allosaur will jump on you. Kill it and write down your game in EPS. Now come back to the previous zone and go from the selection of the dino file to the right to the door, dug ivy. Clean the door and go to it.

Lake Coast 1.
Go forward a little further, and Dylan will discover the label left by David. From somewhere there will appear Regina and after quite a short conversation again will go nowhere. Be careful, this area is filled with ovuyptors. Go on the road to the next zone.

Lake Coast 2.
There are also many ovuyptors here. Carefully move to the next location.

Cave 1.
Use chainmine to split the stone. Passing on, you will see a large first aid kit. Slide another stone and take it. Having reached to the end, climb the stairs to the next zone.

Cave 2.
Go a little forward, and you will meet with another dinosaur - foreigners. This kind is quite dangerous, try not to let such close. Go ahead until you see the staircase in the next location.

Cave 3.
In general, there is nothing interesting here, except for gathering glasses. You can go short way if you break the stone on the right. In the end, go down the next stairs.

Cave 4.
There are two stones that can be broken. To continue the path, you need to split the left. Go to the door to the new zone.

Command post. Interior
There is an EPS, where you should replenish the wip and record the game. If you want, you can return to the cave and earn more points, if not, go up the stairs, and you will meet with Regina. As soon as the regina jumps down, Allosaur will appear, clearly wanting to dine. Dylan will destroy it, however, with the newly advanced regina will have to cope with itself. Dylan will give her alarm rocket so that she pointed the soot for shooting. You manage regina. Take a heavy machine gun, destroy the allosaurus, run right and mark the signal rocket boxes, so that Dylan can destroy them. After that, climb the stairs and go to the right. You manage dylan. Go to where Regina is located. It is not necessary to especially be afraid of Allosavrov: the anti-tank rifle is an excellent means of combating them. Continue move down to the next zone. You again manage Regina. Run to dilan and listen to your feedback about their joint work. After that, they go together to the following zone together.

Command post. External perimeter.
M-yes, a large number of corpses. Take the Dino File about Triceratops and write the game in EPS. After that go down. Dylan sees the dying young triceratops. The reached milf considers Dilan and Regina the killers and begins to be angry. Dylan and Regina jump into the jeep, they donate from the attack, and ... another mini-game begins.

Sticking triceratops.
Also very fun entertainment: just shoot and win. If you want more points, shoot during the attack dinosaur. So you get extra glasses. Good luck! Excellent, only regina missed the breakdown. Oops ... See wonderful Muvik, after which our heroes are in the city.

City. Residential neighborhoods 1.
Dylan and David are angry that they could not save anyone, but Regina reminds them of the second part of the mission - to find a disk with data on the 3rd Energy project. David leaves, Regina follows him, and you will manage Dylan. To begin with, take the Dino file about the Oviraptor on the right side of the screen. Now go to the left, climb the stairs and take a large first aid kit. You can then go to the Robson Store.

Top up the cartridges from EPS, take the file with the store owner and the key from the residential area. Recovering the game, go out to the streets, descend the stairs and go to the right. You need to get to the door in the right part of the zone, on the way, beating from the annoying pheranodones.

City. Residential neighborhoods 2.
Go down to the next door, shooting ovuyptors along the way. Use the key from residential neighborhoods to go to the next zone.

City storage quarters.
Wow, this one-eyed tyrantosaur does not want to leave dilan alone. We will have to use the services by chance that tank turned up. Another mini-game ... Shooting from the Trannunosaver gun and search for an exit you can shoot by the tyrannosaur with ordinary shells, and you can use a blinding charge for its paralysis for how many seconds (dazzles are limited by quantity). In any case, you need to fill it, after which we clear your way further. Tyrannosaurus will come back again and again, so do not break. One nice: the path to freedom is only one, and you will not get lost. After reaching before leaving, Dylan has time for the closing gate ... well, it does not quite have time, the tank is still squeezed. But at least from Tiranosaurus broke off.

Outside the city. Highway.
Go to the next screen and take a gas mask. Again, dilan attacked. Only now he saves the same girl who released Regina. She loses a necklace that reminds Dilan the necklace of his long-disappeared sister. After the tear history, Dylan and Regina turn out to be in cabling of the ship. Now you manage regina. Look at the control panel and select the jungle as destination. Write down the game in EPS, go from the ship and go to the water tower through the northern way. Take the ammunition, write down the game and go to the transition to the southern path. Go to the southern zone of poisonous plants. Go up until you see a red sign. Now go down the stairs.
The zone of poisonous gas.
Run down until the next zone.

Waste destruction room.
Booking cartridges and writing the game in EPS, go out on the left.

Be careful, there are red rapestors here. Go to the very end of the zone, go down the stairs and enter the singular door.

Danish Management Room
Take the 3rd Energy disc from the computer, go to the left and select the last Dino File about Giantozar. After that, go to that door, from where you came, and climb the stairs. Oh my God, again this one-eyed freak! It was already shot from the tank, and he was all alive. However, assistance comes from an unexpected side. A giantozar appears and after a short "conversation", the Tyrannosaur is lighted for all traps.

Danish Management Room
Regina is very frightened. Dylan who came to her reports that everything is in order he slept the ship closer, as the alarm suddenly hesitates, and then the female voice reports the start of the launch of the rocket launch procedure. M-yes ... got ... Dylan hurries to start the evacuation process, and Regina goes inside the launcher, to try to deactivate the rocket.

Startup. Mine.
Giantozava "comes" inside the mine, spreading the wall, and will attack Regina. Regina uses a gas valve to slightly pour the dinosaur skit. But the trouble: again an emergency situation and walkways on the way to the rocket are lowered down. Well, you have to get a lesson to this giantozar. Actually, the method of destruction was already shown. You need to take turns to open the gas supply valves and wait for the jet using your weapons. Repeat the procedure until the gianoantosaus will discard the skates. Bridges rose, and you are open on. Go to the very end of the passage and check the computer screen on the wall. So, a story is repeated with switches, only there are now 3, 5 pieces. Bates on the red-colored panels with your paralyzing blade, and as a result, another bridge will rise, opening you access to the rocket itself. Go through the rising bridge, then along the rocket itself and climb the elevator upstairs. Passing to the end, use the computer to open access to the rocket control panel and deactivate the alarm. Now you can go back and watch a great Muvik called "Giantozaur and Rocket".

Launch management room
There is a solid fire around the regions. Be careful, the following zones are filled with foreigners. I advise you to buy a rocket installation and a pair of expansion cartridges to it. After writing the game, descend on the stairs to the next location.

Spare output. Corridor 1.
Here is full of foreigners, however, with a rocket installation, they win very quickly. Irit right to the door to the next zone.

Spare output. Corridor 2.
The same enemies and also in large quantities. Killing a dinosaur, go to the end and leave this damned complex.
Spare output. Outside.
Regina meet Dylan and David, and they all go to the ship along the river away from the complex.

Bank of the river. Before the dam.
OPS. And the path is closed with valves. It is good that the dressed regina notices the valve, with which you can open the valves manually. Dylan and David are sent to perform "purely men's" work on unlocking the path. When David begins to twist the valve, the raptor is quietly suited to him. Noticing this, Dylan grabs a machine gun and ...

Another mini game.
Shot of rapestors while David turns the valve. Rapors will attack on three sides: right, bottom and left. The best method of their destruction is to keep the sight near David and shoot on the ramps when they are preparing to bite it. Excellent work, that's just Allosavr decided to eat our heroes. David saves Dylan, dropping it into the water, but it becomes the extraction of Allosaurus.

Jungle. Unknown zone 1.
Dylan woke up and saw that strange girl who helped him in the city. She is trying to say something to him, and he understands that she calls him with him. The main task is to guard the girl. Take into the hands of an anti-tank rifle and clamp R1. As soon as the girl stops, for you an attack signal. Click L1 for guidance and shoot ovuumptors throughout the path until the next zone.

Jungle. Unknown zone 2.
Everything is exactly the same as in the first zone. To upstairs, use the stairs to the left.

Complex. In front of entrance.
The girl runs away, leaving you alone. As for opponents, it is not particularly worried about: there are only bicycleraptors that for you should not make problems with anti-tank gun. Go to the other side where the girl ran away, and climb the stairs. Mm, a laser barrier activated, which means you have to turn off. To do this, you need to use four spare locks.
1. Lower left.
2. Upper left.
3. Lower right.
4. Upper right.
After that, go to the barrier and use the panel in front of it. Having done all this, go upstairs to the next zone.

Complex input
Take from the table file with the will of the commander and go to the right to the next zone.

Room Commander
Take the file with the Noeva Ark plan and write the game in EPS. If you want to earn more points, get ready for a long time and hard to shoot in a gigantosaurus from the rocket installation. The main thing is not forget about the aid kits, they will need quite a lot. After recording, go to the next room.

Big laboratory.
Go down the stairs and get ready for the next plot. The girl includes a holographic projector. A man on a hologram says that his wife killed the dinosaur and his daughter is in critical condition. After that, a person says that he is a member of T.R.T. detachment. by name ... Dylan. What a news! It turns out that this girl is Dylan's daughter. M-yes, understandable. Why he is in such a stupor, not every day such news beat on the head. After that, the hologram says to the real dilan, that there is a door behind the door, in which you can enter only once, and that Dilan will come back in due time with Regina and Paula (so the girl is called). Follow the girl to the next room.

Large transport hall
Something is wrong, a female voice reports the manual inclusion of self-destruction regime. An unknown person appears in the hall who launches the disk towards Dylan and Paula. Dylan manages to cook it, but there comes a giantozar and spoils everything (as usual). Dylan runs away from the bridge and almost at the same second Gigantozaurus this bridge is rehearsed as Costa. Run left, until the next bridge. As soon as the engine passes, immediately run forward, without stopping. Giantozavr will collapse the bridge, and if Dylan will be on it - Game Over. There was damage to the compartment, and the emergency blocking system was enabled. That is, we locked us in one room with a giantozar. Cool ... Run up to the monitor and activate it. Now you need to run down the barrier that closed the passage, and turn on the monitor there. The orbital gun guide system is now prepared. It remains to reach the central monitor and click on the cherished button. M-yes, the tool what is necessary: \u200b\u200bnot just smeared the giantosaurus, but also made a boiled hole in the floor. After watching destruction, go to the place where the barrier was, and go to the last room. It seems that everything is ready to move in time, and here from the next earthquake falling on top of the monitor presses the legs of Paula. Dylan and Regina are trying to free it, but the monitor is too heavy. Dylan sees that there is almost no time left. He tells the regina to go to one and transfer information about the project by a government official. Regina returns one time, and the 3rd Energy complex turns out to be once again destroyed.
Well, here is the end of our story. However, do not be discouraged, you prepared several fun surprises. I will not tell about them, let them turn out to be a surprise.

Game description

Dino Crisis 2 is a shooting window overlooking the third person, released by Capcom on the success wave of the first part. The game genre was changed from the horror of survival on the adventure action. It was ambiguously encountered as players and critics. But despite this showed itself pretty good from a commercial point of view and was ported to personal computers, it was also a lot later published in the digital shop playtoshen.

Scenic prison

The plot game is associated with the previous part, only a few key moments. From the characters of the first part we swore only Regina, while about the fate of other members of her team and Dr. Kirk, nothing is known to us. It is only known that experiments with the "third energy" were continued and this once again led to a catastrophe. The military base and the whole city with the inhabitants fell into the prehistoric era to dinosaurs. For their salvation, as well as in search of research documents, a detachment of the military was sent through the portal who fell and regin. In the same detachment, another protagonist of this game was enrolled - Dylan.

Arriving through a temporary bar, the group broke the camp on the coast near the military base. Not having time to strengthen the fools, the fighters were attacked by a large flock of lesions and almost all killed. In favor of the end of this terrifying feast, the king of all lizards tyrannosaurus Rex arrived. He attacked the remaining regina, Dylan and his buddy David. Of course, that in absence to confront such a threat, they had to make legs. Having fraud, the main characters were also divided due to the dispute. This is actually the game itself. To play at the beginning is given for self-confident dilan, which because of his own pride will have to slip alone through the jungle, sising prehistoric creator.

Game process

You will begin the game, as mentioned above, for the military from the Special Trat - Dylan. He has only a machete and shotgun. The first of your enemies will be bicycles. Having shooting them, your character gets special glasses that can be used in the store for purchasing cartridges, aidhechki or new weapons. Through the plot, you will be given alternately for one of two protagonists - dilan or regina. Next will be found new types of dinosaurs, for each of which you need to use your own type of weapons and tactics. A couple of times for the game will get a mission in the style of a shooting line, that is, according to the script you, for example, we are going in the jeep and shoot from predators in the first person mode, leading on the screen the scope.

Locations themselves are quite bright and varied. There is also a jungle, an underwater base, and a cave with a lava, and a scientific complex with a futuristic design and others. Each of these locations will meet its unique kind of opponents. All of them will be described in dino-files that can be assembled along the path to the main goal. If they are all collected, then for the second passage you will be given a bonus, in the form of an endless ammunition. At the end of the game, you will show the result and will open the Dino Colosseum regime, where you can fight on a special arena against dinosaurs who will attack you by waves. You can play both the characters of both parts of games and dinosaurs. Dino duel will also be available, where you can play for two, against a friend, driving dinosaurs.


This is a very good action that is possible to go over 3-4 hours, and when re-passing and faster. It is possible that the change in the gameplay in the direction of the arcadeness will scare the fans of the first part, but nevertheless the game did not become worse. The dynamics simply changed, the paints became brighter, and the cannons are more powerful. In addition, in contrast to the predecessor, the second part has become more self-sufficient and the abode of evil is less like a clone. In general, it is worth playing, at least once.

Old description

A year after the events of the first part. Studies of Dr. Kirk were continued by the Government. As the first part of the game proved, it is not necessary to play with time and this time an error occurred. The TRAT team (in which, by the way, the heroine of the first part of the game - Regina is included) departs where the research base and the city was nearby. But on a privala, a flock of ledge attacks, which destroys most people. To top it off, the Tyrannozavr crashes the remains of the camp. Alive remains only Regina, Dylan and David. Good start of rescue operation.

Gaming characters have become 2. Play We will have to be changed for both depending on the plot.

The game changed the genre, now dinosaurs have become more than once in 20 and a bias is made in action. Removed the ability of the synthesis of things and cartridges with first-aid kit are always in prosperity. Weapons, ammunition and so on are now bought in a virtual store in safe room For glasses obtained for killing dinosaurs.

You can run on locations and fill points and always be with money. The weapon has become more and for each character it is its own, but there are general things. It is also possible to shoot from a stationary heavy machine gun, heavy rifle and even a tank.

Third power unit
So, you manage regina again. Cook a machine gun and go out from the ship. Go through the dock (on the way, beat off water creatures and flyers). As soon as you get to the repository of the third power unit, we have a custom and find a new dino folder. Then go further and take the file lying next to the corpse of the soldier - you have already found this key (and if not, you will have to return to the jungle) and now go to the next door. Insert the key card from the third power unit into the panel to the left of the door. Sign in and run on, through the boat (by the way, pay attention to the boxes for small tools, you will have to go back here) and further - in the service room of the third power unit.
Initially, a well-key remote control - you will find the key from the box on the boat, then pick up the file from the window by the window and the name of the panel opposite the door - you will find another dino file. Now go to this door, run on and wait for the corpse - you will find a mechanic ID card. Return to the control room and go to the boat. Open the box and take the file from there. In this file, three of the four digits of the elevator code in the control room are written. Return to the third-power control room and come to the elevator. First, use the mechanic ID card and try entering the code. For example, I had code # 4.01. In the method of selection, try to find the desired digit. In this case, the correct code 4015. True, another time there may be another code - here are several options here.
Go down on the elevator, go through the corridor and head the next door. Now go a little forward and inspect the panel. Now you need to run the generator. Run the panel - and the lights on the switches will replace the green. In case of overload (flashing red light), hit the shocker. After starting the generator, go down, take the file from the computer and a diving suit. Press the button on the control panel and go down - under water.
Under the water you are waiting for a not quite a pleasant meeting with the inhabitants of this world - Mesoyech. Shoot them and jump down until you see the door. You fell into the water control room. If necessary, save the game, and then inspect the control panel - now you do not turn it on, you need a plug to the shutter. Take the file and exit the next double doors, go through the corridor and the next room. Now you are in the water cooling system of the third reactor. Go to the northern door of the hall, but it is too early to go there ... Jump on the platform to the right of the door and carefully move on. Go up to the middle of the hall, and then jump on the central playground. Now to the left - and the next platform.
Shoot the column - now you can enter. In the next room, turn on the elevator first (suddenly you will accidentally fall down and you will need to start everything first?), Purchase further and take the plug from the corpse to the shutter. Return to the water control room and open the cooling pipeline. Now come back to the water cooling system of the third reactor and go to the northern double doors. Now you are in the pipeline. If necessary, save the game, replenish your ammunition and rise up on the elevator. Take the card-key from Edward City near the corpse, and you will find a new dino file a little further. Go down on the next elevator down, and fall on the third reactor - here you are coming up with another boss. In fact, he is not so terrible - a few shots from the aquagrend and Bosskair will pop up by the belly up. Excellent, Regina, well worked! Jump up platforms and raise up on the elevator. You are in front of Edward City. After a conversation with Dilano Regina goes to the city. Hurry up for her.

Edward City
Go to the next door to the left (from us right), disappear with the Allolosaver and in the terminal save the game and buy a mortar. Return back and run on, the corpse near the car take another dino file. Go to the door to the right (destroy the machete ivy) - on the shore, meet with regina. Having passed two zones of the coast, you will get to the cave entrance. With the help of a mortar, explode the limestone stone and go further.
Probably passed by the cave, you will fall on a military facility. Save the game here and climb up the stairs. God! Yes, there is a whole nest of Allosavrov! At first, you manage Regina, Dylan will reset the signal rocket tape for you, and when the Allosavra will not get enough of you, you need to shoot in the air - and then your partner will cover you. When Regina gets until the next gun, Dilan's turn will come. When you get to the third cannon, you play again. When, finally, Regina will achieve the last cannon, she and Dylan will leave the military facility.
Save and take a dino file from the corpse. Go further - you will see a confused triceratop. And here, where neither take, an adult person appears - she will not explain that it is not you ... Without thinking, Regina and Dylan jump into the nearest jeep and try to escape from a furious animal - along the way you will have to shoot it. Then the road suddenly ends - and the jeep, turning over, flies down the cliff. Fortunately, our heroes have time to jump out of the car, before it explodes.
So, Regina and Dylan in the field and here ... Dinosaurs are attacked on them. But David comes to our friends. He shoots all the yvell from the helicopter, but it seems that the cities will no longer help. Regina and Dylan are sent to the city ...
There, at first, aim is the corpse - you will find a new file Dino. Now head to the Robson Store - there you can save the game, as well as take the file and the key from the dwelling. Go out to the street (Beware of the flyers!) And go to the opposite door to the left of the gate. At the end of the next street, open the door and enter it. Here you will find an old familiar T-REX. Without thinking, Dylan jumps into the tank - now go ahead, shooting along the way from T-Rexa.
After passing the warehouses, you will find yourself on the highway outside the city. Take the gas mask and ... Here you will meet the old one again. Strange, she from somewhere the Necklace of the late sister Dilan. Then Regina and Dylan are returned to the ship. Now go to the jungle.

Again in the jungle
Start into the zone of poisonous plants - there remained another unexplored territory. Pass the poisonous gas zone and get on the garbage dump. Save and go through the next door, then through the courtyard and down the steps. In the control room, take the disk with the data and go for the monitor on the left - you will find the last dino file. Then go out and climb up the stairs ... Your old friend T-REX will visit you, and our new friend is tyrannosaur. While two big animals find out the relationship, Regina go down, in the control room.
I have bad news - it looks like a warhead is activated, and you will have to turn it off. All you have 10 minutes. But as soon as the regina go down, our new friend will appear - tyrannosaurus. Now do what you see the gas plug? Go to it and press the switch, and when gas will go, shine from any weapon. Now run to the next plug, and when this dino approaches you, do the same. And so several times.
Crashing with Giantozar, you will get access to the start program. Now, as in the third power unit, run and feel a shocker. After the program starts, go to the rocket and climb up on the elevator. Press the button on the console and open the panel on the warhead. Click the button on the panel - thereby stop starting.
Go down and go back back, but ... TiranoAvar is alive! Regina runs to the launch control room. Save and go through the next door.
Go away two zones, and Dylan is waiting for you for the next doors. Sit into the boat and get away from here ... But it was not there - the waterproof is closed. While David opens the gate, protect it from dinosaurs. Further, the events unfold tragically - suddenly on our friends attacks Allosavr and David dies, saving lives to Dilan.
Dylan falls into the river, and the current refers it to the other side. He comes to himself and sees a girl, she calls him behind him. Now you need to protect it from dinosaur attacks. Spend it through the jungle, and then, how to get to the object, the Devak is cheerful to go to the building. Head for her, but ... you still do not go there - the door is protected by lasers. To disable these lasers, activate the four switches - green and red on the left and yellow and blue on the right. Now go back to the door and click the button on the left - the lasers will disappear, and you can enter.

Inside the object
Take the file before entering and go further to the Cabinet of the Chief. Take another file from the table there, then I strongly recommend that you keep the game and buy more health, weapons and ammunition - ahead of meeting with the main boss of the game. Go further and go to the laboratory. There you will meet this girlfriend again. After a long video insert, go to the following doors - there will be a meeting with the final boss.

Final fight
I warn you immediately - do not kill a tyranosaurous weapon. Initially, run to the bridge and overload to the other side - it is not easy to do so, as the tyrannosaur will begin to destroy the bridge. Shoot it from anything powerful and run to the other side. By moving on the other side, activate the management system of the military satellite and press the button on the main remote. All - Tirano Cayuk!
Go through the following doors - to the gate laboratory. Regina joins Dylan and his daughter. They launch a temporary gate, but ... suddenly the base begins to collapse. One of the boxes falls and presses the floor. Dylan decides to stay with his daughter, he gives the disk of the third power unit Regina and says: "We study the data on this disk - and you can return and save us," after which Regina returns at one time, and Dylan remains with her daughter ... the base takes off On the air.

So, the ending is not the best, waiting for Dino Crisis 3. And now accept my congratulations - you passed DC 2. After passing this game, if you have collected all 11 dino files, you will receive a platinum IDP card, next time you get the Dino game Colosseum and passing the game for the third time, you will open the game Dino Duel - battles between dinosaurs. Good luck to you!