Disabled cards. Approximate ways of trains of equipment of all types

Completed. We are grateful to you for expressed opinions and wishes - thanks to this, World of Tanks will become even more comfortable.

So, according to the voting the first two places in the "inconvenience" took cards "Stalingrad"and "Overlord" . Listening to the opinion of the players, as well as analyzing our own statistical data, we decided to turn off the loss of these locations for random battles.

Map "Kharkov" Also caused a negative reaction in the game community and ranked third in the voting. However, we have now decided to leave it available for random battles: it is on urban locations that lovers of heavily-optic techniques can realize the full potential of such machines. In the future, the fate of this card will be solved on the basis of statistical data and reviews of players.

We remind you that you can always leave your wishes about gaming locations in .

Card ranking system

At the same time, we got a large number of negative reviews about the current system ranking system . To improve the situation, the current system has been changed, and now the gaming locations will be distributed as follows.

For third level of battles Mines are available, "Winter Himmelsdorf" and "Ruinberg". For battle levels with fourth on the sixth All game locations are now available, except Mittengard. FROM seventh level of battle and above Players are available all maps, with the exception of "Wydpark" and Mittengard.

For first two levels of battle remains limited set Of the three locations:

It is still the most simple and understandable maps, giving the opportunity to explore the main game mechanics.

Dear players, your opinion is very valuable for us: together we will make world of tanks even better!

The update brought us a new, historical "Overlord" card. This card is a portion of Normandy Beach, which on June 6, 1944 stormed the Allied troops.

The map turned out to be interesting as with the historical component, designer idea and a variety of Gamele. Although the main buildings on the map are not observed, "overlord" has many interesting "saves" from Fire PT and ART-SAU, sectors for light LT, pressure TT, and attack art. The size of the card is 1000x1000 meters, and the level of battles with 3 and 10.

Due to the fact that the card turned out very mixed, then it is impossible to allocate the main directions by type of equipment, except, except, heavy tankswhich descend on the beach and pushing the direction. The rest of the card zones are open, and wait for the offensive, or compete, you can, in all fronts, both from the outlines and in the center or through the side fields.

We will highlight the main four directions on the "Overlord" map - the beach, dota, central field and sowing fields that are located on the opposite edge from the beach.

So, the beach "Overlord" is a wide underfloor area on the ocean. For the coastline, the map is scattered with many heels, barbed wire, wooden beams. The beach is located in the center of the beach, with which it allows you to "trade the tower" and after a shot to roll back the relief. This point is good because there is a "save" from ART-SAU, if the artilleryrs are not located on 1-2 lines along the edges of the card, in sectors K1 and A1.

The remaining map zones - dots, the central field and sowing fields are available for all types of equipment as the Art, which can support TT from women and LTs that highlight the beach and the center of the map for the Allied Art, and PT-SAU, which can be settled Behind the spins of the allies, in positions in the center of the map and on the sowing fields.

Approximate ways of trains of equipment of all types

Green Arrogors - Directions Direction of the Team of the Lower "Repa"
Blue arrows - direction destinations of the team of the Upper "Respa"
"1" - the direction of the TT team (preferably the direction of the beach, but sometimes dots)
"2" - the direction of the ST teams
"3" - Direction of PT teams
"4" - Direction of LT teams
"5" - the main positions of art saau
Red zones are the main sectors of the cards on which the skirmishes of technology will be held.
Positions of Art, LT and PT have the same directions, because each of the sector can be used to use any tank.

But these all positions and the direction are relative, as the card is not urban and has an open game sector - you can wait for the attack from all directions.

Tactics games for Overlord

Consider the most frequent version of the tactics on Overlord. At the beginning of the battle, the team is divided into groups - the main forces on the TT are moving towards 1-4 lines and build their positions for "Defa" or "Rasha". The mountain, which stretches from C3 to H3, serves as a refuge from the shells of artillery players and the game of tanks that the beach is based on it is from this hillock.

LT teams are also divided into two types - those that shine "actively" and those that occupy positions in the bushes and try to shine "passively". The sectors from the fourth line and null fields are becoming popular zones from light tanks. Lt can fly, highlighting the tanks of the enemy and hiding behind the hills or lost in the bushes.

The average team tanks are also divided into several subgroups - fastening (for example, Art of the USSR) can support the attack of heavy rates, and to shoot N and from the sector, respectively, the base. More "cardboard" average tanks are going to the position of the field and sowing fields, and build their game from the corners of the tank - all kinds of relief and bushes allow you to do it.

The update brought us a new, historical "Overlord" card. This card is a portion of Normandy Beach, which on June 6, 1944 stormed the Allied troops.

The map turned out to be interesting as with the historical component, designer idea and a variety of Gamele. Although the main buildings on the map are not observed, "overlord" has many interesting "saves" from Fire PT and ART-SAU, sectors for light LT, pressure TT, and attack art. The size of the card is 1000x1000 meters, and the level of battles with 3 and 10.

Due to the fact that the card was very mixed, then it is impossible to allocate the main directions by type of technology, except, except, heavy tanks that descend on the beach and pushing the direction. The rest of the card zones are open, and wait for the offensive, or compete, you can, in all fronts, both from the outlines and in the center or through the side fields.

We will highlight the main four directions on the "Overlord" map - the beach, dota, central field and sowing fields that are located on the opposite edge from the beach.

So, the beach "Overlord" is a wide underfloor area on the ocean. For the coastline, the map is scattered with many heels, barbed wire, wooden beams. The beach is located in the center of the beach, with which it allows you to "trade the tower" and after a shot to roll back the relief. This point is good because there is a "save" from ART-SAU, if the artilleryrs are not located on 1-2 lines along the edges of the card, in sectors K1 and A1.

The remaining map zones - dots, the central field and sowing fields are available for all types of equipment as the Art, which can support TT from women and LTs that highlight the beach and the center of the map for the Allied Art, and PT-SAU, which can be settled Behind the spins of the allies, in positions in the center of the map and on the sowing fields.

Approximate ways of trains of equipment of all types

Green Arrogors - Directions Direction of the Team of the Lower "Repa"
Blue arrows - direction destinations of the team of the Upper "Respa"
"1" - the direction of the TT team (preferably the direction of the beach, but sometimes dots)
"2" - the direction of the ST teams
"3" - Direction of PT teams
"4" - Direction of LT teams
"5" - the main positions of art saau
Red zones are the main sectors of the cards on which the skirmishes of technology will be held.
Positions of Art, LT and PT have the same directions, because each of the sector can be used to use any tank.

But these all positions and the direction are relative, as the card is not urban and has an open game sector - you can wait for the attack from all directions.

Tactics games for Overlord

Consider the most frequent version of the tactics on Overlord. At the beginning of the battle, the team is divided into groups - the main forces on the TT are moving towards 1-4 lines and build their positions for "Defa" or "Rasha". The mountain, which stretches from C3 to H3, serves as a refuge from the shells of artillery players and the game of tanks that the beach is based on it is from this hillock.

LT teams are also divided into two types - those that shine "actively" and those that occupy positions in the bushes and try to shine "passively". The sectors from the fourth line and null fields are becoming popular zones from light tanks. Lt can fly, highlighting the tanks of the enemy and hiding behind the hills or lost in the bushes.

The average team tanks are also divided into several subgroups - fastening (for example, Art of the USSR) can support the attack of heavy rates, and to shoot N and from the sector, respectively, the base. More "cardboard" average tanks are going to the position of the field and sowing fields, and build their game from the corners of the tank - all kinds of relief and bushes allow you to do it.

This is a mixed type map: on the game area, rustic buildings, long-term defensive fortifications and a sufficiently large number of open space, interpreted by trees, shrubs and relief folds are adjacent.

As a field of combat, the abstract place of allied landing in 1944 is taken. At the same time, it can be noted that the relief of the card excellently transfers the characteristic features of the terrain in Normandy.

Loading screen

Martial steps on the map occur in the period of June 5-7, 1944, because The landing has already happened, the main forces of the Allies broke through the defense, but the traces of the fighting will still literally smoke, and on the beach there are banging landing bots.

A separate mention is new objects, which first appeared in the game on this location, separate houses, a new church, which is a copy of the present.

The defensive line of strengthening that we can see on the map is created in accordance with the German charters of those times. The exception is only the battery of long-range guns, which in reality was at a distance of 10-12 kilometers from the coast, and on the map was added for atmospheric.


With its work, real historical stroke schemes were used. The coastal line is somewhat simplified, because In reality, it was completely covered with anti-contaminated barriers and anti-tank hedgehogs.

Such a simplification is associated with game issues (the beach would have turned out to be non-chamber) and optimization problems, a large number of destroyable objects could adversely affect performance.

The big map (1000 * 1000) and in battles on it all types of equipment will be able to find a use:

  • Art, as a fairly universal class of technology, will be able to move across the entire map, instilling fear and hatred in the hearts of enemies;
  • for TT there will be places for battles in a short distance and improving directions;
  • on the map there is a sufficient number of convenient positions for PT-SAU and SAU;
  • the presence of distant strips will allow LT to implement its main function - exploration.

In updating 9.7 players expect new mapBy which they will be in the seaside part of Normandy, near the beaches, where allied troops landed on June 6, 1944. The map is interesting not only by the historical component, but also by its design. This is a whole exhibition hall of samples of German fortification from the entire Atlantic Shaft.

Long June day

Early in the morning of June 6, 1944, the landing fleet approached the shores of Normandy, which was not equal in the entire history of wars. The allies opened the second front, and the troops, knocked out from the continent four years ago, were now returned to recoup for past failures.

One of the most important problems for the defendant side is the need to foresee where an enemy blow will be applied. The Germans perfectly understood that the allies would try to fall out, but the direction was determined incorrectly: they believed that the landing would take place in the area of \u200b\u200bPa de Calais, in the narrowest place of the strait of La Mans. And when reports on landing in Normandy began to come, the German command was confident for a long time that this is just a distracting blow.

The tension of the battle on the shore was different. On the site "Utah", by noon, it became clear that success was achieved: American troops not only entrenched on the shore, but also advanced by 8 km deep. In areas "Gold", "Juno" and "Suduord" resistance was stronger, but here the Allied troops were able to knock off the Germans from the coastal strip and gain.

The most bloody battles unfolded on the Omaha beach. The landing from the very beginning turned out to be problematic: because of the excitement on the sea, most support tanks were sank. Neither bombing nor artillery fire from ships could cause serious damage to the German defense, therefore the infantry that pulled down on the shore was under a powerful flame of small arms and artillery. Several hours it seemed that the landing was dropped into the sea. Only in the evening it was possible to capture the last passage from the beach and to gain. On the first day of the battle on Omaha, about 4,000 people were lost.

Within a few days after the landing, the allies expanded and united the bridgeheads. Through La Mans, new and new ships went through, built runways for aviation. Artificial harbor arrived to the French shores, thanks to which it was possible to receive goods more effectively. There was a battle for Normani, and every soldier and an officer of the Allies understood how difficult it would be.

"Overlord": arithmetic average

The Gaming Map "Overlord" is not tied to a specific area, but most like the landscape of the beaches of Utah and Omaha. Like in reality, there are beaches, coastal cliffs and a small town of Godl from the sea.

The conditional time of action on the map - a few days after the landing of the landing. And disembarking with serious battles: here and there you can see the core destroyed by German and American equipment. In real german tanks They did not participate in the battles on the shore, because for entering them, Hitler's personal permission was required. Only in the afternoon he gave such permission, but it was too late.

On the left edge of the card passes the beach with anti-tank and anti-infrastructure facilities. In reality, they were located much thicker, but taking into account the game specifics, the designers of the levels "broke out" them. Nevertheless, it is possible to imagine what the infantry and technique make their way through the steel and log obstacles under the squall fire of the bits.

On coastal cliffs there are concrete tools and a variety of dots. These defensive structures were simulated based on the real firepoints of the Atlantic Shaft. Most of the objects were designed specifically for the "Overlord" card and is of interest not only as potential shelters or obstacles for the tank, but also as historical elements.

Concrete positions for heavy Gaubitz decided to leave empty. Going down, the player can cover the body of its car and fight "from the tower." Corner observation dots could be seen in the film "Save Private Ryan", however, in the role of combat - from the observational ambrusura, a machine gun shot.

Artillery concrete points are diagnosed with real bunkers armed with trophy French ship cannons. Separately, it is worth noting a grand bunker with an instrument from the linker on the right side of the card. This is a copy of the so-called "Battery of Todta", an armed 38-cm ship gun. The battery was located near the city of Kale - far from the planted beaches of Overlord. But our designers decided that such a construction is worthy of posting on a new game Map. It should be noted that in the Games of Military Historical Topics, this bunker has not previously figured.

When creating such objects such as bunkers and dots, a special method of building 3D models based on photography was widely used. It was also used for part of architectural facilities: houses, farms, etc. The most interesting structure on the map can be called the church, recreated in accurately in accordance with the actually existing church in the French town of Baye.

Although the "Overlord" map is not a virtual copy of the real locality on the coast of Normandy, it is quite possible to name historical. Designers managed to transfer the atmosphere of the distant June 1944 days - days when the second front was opened.