League of legends genie blood moon. The blood moon has risen in League of Legends. Limited set of champions

She woke up from her own scream.

Red ... Everything around was bright red. And in the midst of the bloody massacre, masked warriors danced. Their eyes burned with the desire to kill. "Good night" - whispered eyes.

Anxious companions crowded around her. A bonfire was burning out behind. The sky was covered with heavy clouds.

- What did you see?

She hesitated to answer. Did she dare to bring about these visions?

- Nothing ... it's a bad dream. Just a dream.

“Just a dream,” she repeated.

A sudden gust of wind shook the branches of the trees around the camp. She shuddered, closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

The clouds parted, and a blood-red moonlight illuminated the earth.

Kill everyone with the help of Yasuo and Kennen - new skins are already available in the store for 975 RP each.

Blood Moon Icons

If you're looking to boost your supernatural talents in the Rift, check out these ghost icons:

  • Yasuo Blood Moon Icon - 250 RP
  • Blood Moon Kennen Icon - 250 RP
  • Blood Seal Icon - 250 RP (or 1500 IP until March 7 at 23:59 PST)

Blood Moon Pack - 2450 RP(4305 RP with champions)

Strike terror into the souls of enemies with this set and purchase the Blood Seal Icon for 1 RP. In a set that will be available before 09:59 UTC March 8 are included.

The Blood Moon rises over Summoner's Rift. The ground of the Rift is tainted red with blood. Spirits and demons rise throughout the jungle. Oh, and Jhin finally gets a new skin.

In the past, Blood Moon was merely a line of champion skins that was released yearly. This year, Riot has turned it into a huge event with much more than just skins. The Blood Moon event comes to League of legends this year with a ton of awesome new features, like a new game mode, a themed Summoner's Rift, and a healthy dose of angst.

“To the Cult of the Blood Moon, the sign is clear. The heavens call for brutal sacrifice, and the cultists will take the night to slaughter anyone foolish enough to be caught beneath the looming orb, ”reads the official Blood Moon website.

If you want more details on the event before you dive in, so you can be prepared to make sacrifices to the Blood Moon like a pro, we’ve got you covered.

New game mode: The Hunt of the Blood Moon

The new mode is set on a creepy version of Summoner's Rift, with players forced to sacrifice spirits, demons, and each other to appease the Blood Moon. For more details, be sure to check out.

Oh, and you can only play assassins and high-damage dealing divers. The game mode will be available for play this weekend and next weekend (Feb. 10 to 14 and again Feb. 17 to 21).

All defensive items have been disabled, leaving only offensive items to promote maximum bloodshed.

New Blood Moon skins for Jhin, Diana, Twisted Fate, and Talon

Each of the new skins comes with its own story, to really drive home the whole “murder cult” theme. You can find details about the skins, their stories, and skin bundles for sale on the official Blood Moon page.

Blood moon jhin

“The Blood Calligrapher’s masterpieces are as beautiful as they are horrific. For him, each victim represents a new inkwell, and his canvas will be as broad as that ink will allow. The sanguine marks on the ground signify the Cult’s power and deepen the artist’s connection to the spirit world. ”

Blood moon diana

“The moon shines most vividly as the Blood Priestess approaches. Scarlet rays from the night sky beam down on her victims, and the lunar assassin is never far behind. Her ritual slaughter is done swiftly, her arcing blade glinting in the dark moonlight. "

Blood moon twisted fate

“Few agree on the true nature of the Trickster Demon, who deals death from his deck of afflictions. Whether he is a demon from the spirit world or a mortal in a mask, quiet whispers spread conflicting rumors of his whereabouts. The truth belongs only to him-and the spirits trapped in his cards. ”

Blood moon talon

“As precise as he is patient, the Blade Demon is thought to be the result of a broken symmetry between the blood moon and the earth, sent down from the deathly sky itself to collect its due. Silhouetted against the crimson moon, he descends on his victims from the canopy above. ”

To see all previously released Blood Moon skins, head to the website and scroll to the bottom.

Icons & Wards

The Blood Moon event brings several new icons and one new ward skin to the game.

Whether you’re looking to spend some Riot Points on new goodies or hunt down victims for the Blood Moon, the event should be a blast. Get out there and have fun slaughtering your enemies.

She woke up from her own scream.

Red ... Everything around was bright red. And in the midst of the bloody massacre, masked warriors danced. Their eyes burned with the desire to kill. "Good night" - whispered eyes.

Anxious companions crowded around her. A bonfire was burning out behind. The sky was covered with heavy clouds.

- What did you see?

She hesitated to answer. Did she dare to bring about these visions?

“Nothing… it's a bad dream. Just a dream.

“Just a dream,” she repeated.

A sudden gust of wind shook the branches of the trees around the camp. She shuddered, closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

The clouds parted, and a blood-red moonlight illuminated the earth.

Kill everyone with the help of Yasuo and Kennen - new skins are already available in the store for 975 RP each.


Blood Moon Icons

If you're looking to boost your supernatural talents in the Rift, check out these ghost icons:

  • Yasuo Blood Moon Icon - 250 RP
  • Blood Moon Kennen Icon - 250 RP
  • Blood Seal Icon - 250 RP (or 1500 IP until March 7 at 23:59 PST)

Blood Moon Pack - 2450 RP (4305 RP with champions)

Strike terror into the souls of enemies with this set and purchase the Blood Seal Icon for 1 RP. To the set that will be available until 10.59 Moscow time on March 8 includes:

  • Yasuo Blood Moon
  • Kennen Blood Moon
  • Kennen
  • Yasuo Blood Moon Icon
  • Blood Moon Kennen Icon
  • Bloody seal icon

And today - a new mode in which we have to play only assassins and sacrifice enemies. All the details are below.

New Summoner Icons

Several new icons. There are no details on how to obtain them yet.

Blood Moon Hunt - New Mode

DefaultChar shared details:

Map: Summoner's Rift

Mode: blind choice with certain champions


  • The team with 300 points wins.
  • You can earn points in 3 ways: sacrificing an enemy champion, an enemy spirit, or a demon herald.
  • Killing champions gives you +5 points.
  • In both forests, yours and the enemy, spirits will appear, killing which your team will receive +3 points.
  • Also, killing a special demon herald will give +30 points to your team's piggy bank.
  • Demon status: if you can kill 3 champions without returning to base, then you are given a special demon status, turning you into invisibility and allowing you to run very fast.
  • You lose your demon status after 45 seconds or after damaging an enemy. When attacking a target, you also deal 20% of their maximum health pure damage once.

More gameplay differences:

  • In both teams, the forest will be highlighted so that the spirits can be seen. The maximum number of spirits spawning at a time is 8.
  • Gold and experience are the same for everyone, and towers are invulnerable.
  • When the game starts, the outer towers are removed. 6 minutes later, the second outer towers are also destroyed automatically, giving you more room to maneuver.
  • Also, many items have been removed from the store (mainly those that give protection).

Limited Champion Pack:

  • You can only play as a champion from of this list: Ari, Akali, Camilla, Diana, Ekko, Eliza, Evelynn, Fizz, Kassadin, Katarina, Kennen, Ka "Zix, Le Blanc, Li Sin, Pantheon, Rengar, Shako, Talon, Yasuo, Zed.

In honor of the event, 10 champions from the list above will be included in the week's free champion rotation. More details will come later. This is our first attempt at creating a limited champion mode. We hope you have a lot of fun and we wish you a successful hunt!

According to our estimates, the average duration of a game in this mode will be 10 - 12 minutes.

The first team to complete the top bar (300 points) wins. Points are earned for killing champions (5), forest spirits (3) and herald (30). Speaking of the latter: in this mode, the demon herald appears in the place of the dragon ALSO !.

All players are given a unique Blood Pact buff: you have a 50% reduced cooldown of Summoner skills, as well as increased movement speed and mana regeneration out of combat, as well as an accelerated recharge of ultimates.

There will be 3 markers next to each champion, which will fill up when champions are killed. The marks drop if the champion returns to the base to the fountain.

After killing 3 champions in a row without returning to base, you will receive demon status, which gives you the opportunity to deal 20% pure damage from your maximum health.

Being in this status, you are filled with a special red glow.

Here are some screenshots from this map, click on them to enlarge the picture: