Where is Dmitry Gottlieb? Double play "dima five percent". Approximate word search

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Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a request, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search with morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is performed taking into account the morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a dollar sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the request:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include the word synonyms in the search results, put a hash " # "before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be appended to each word if found.
Cannot be combined with non-morphology search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases, you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate search the words

For an approximate search, you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression Relevance

Use the " ^ "at the end of the expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the rest.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Allowed values ​​are a positive real number.

Interval search

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be, specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author ranging from Ivanov to Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to exclude a value.

From October 1, the functions of a guaranteeing supplier of electricity in the territory Smolensk region and in a number of districts of the Novgorod region passed to the company JSC "Rosseti". Earlier this year, Rosseti has already taken over the power sales functions in the Ivanovo, Penza, Omsk, Kursk, Bryansk and Orel regions.

The development of energy sales activities within the company is lobbied by the deputy. General Director for Sales and Development of Services Dmitry Gotlib- on behalf of Gottlieb, there are promising messages in the media about putting things in order in the electricity market, increasing the collection of payments for electricity and bringing the company to new level... At the same time, it is quite obvious that loud statements in the press do not coincide with reality. From the moment Gottlieb dragged the holding of JSC Russian Grids into the energy sales business, the company's affairs, to put it mildly, worsened: according to the authoritative publication RBC, the net loss of JSC Russian Grids in the first half of 2013. amounted to 2.1 billion rubles. against a net profit of 24.8 billion rubles. a year earlier. The actual collection of funds in the power sales divisions of Rosseti is on average 40-50% of the plan. Market experts are sounding the alarm - such a low indicator may be the result of unprepared management JSC Russian Grids to the problems they had to face as supplier of last resort. In addition, as experts note, the company's low turnover may be directly related to the implementation of certain corruption schemes in the network business.

Let us remind you that in August of this year there were publications about how Dmitry Gotlib, who always seemed fanatically correct, was caught covering up energy sales companies. Gottlieb received from sales directors "envelopes" with royalties in the amount of 5% of the amount of the issue for resolving issues on offsetting excess losses on networks. Thanks to these machinations, Gottlieb earned about 200 million rubles and was nicknamed "Dima five percent" in the circle of power engineers. In Bryansk, Smolensk, Kursk, Tula and Tver, rollback schemes were best established, so one can imagine the joy of Dmitry Gotlib when it was in these cities, among others, that Rosseti received the status of guaranteeing suppliers and, at the same time, full freedom of action and lack of external control.

Now Dmitry Gotlib, taking advantage of his official position, approached the work with branches much more seriously. Schemes for receiving kickbacks from consumers for the official understatement of bills issued to them for electricity consumed have been put on stream and implemented in all reporting branches. Basically, corruption activities are carried out in two main directions.

The main one, by agreement with consumers - legal entities, is associated with manipulations with metering devices, as a result of which their readings are approximately twice as low. Consumers return about 50% of the savings received in an “envelope” to the director of the branch of JSC Russian Grids, who keeps part of the remuneration for himself, and transfers the rest to Dmitry Gotlib. For example, in the city of Bryansk there are about 2000 such “managed” counters, which makes it easy to calculate the monthly additional income of Rosseti managers. For example, the electricity bill of an average supermarket monthly, if the meter is working correctly, is about 200,000 rubles, a shopping center - 450,000 rubles, and the average industrial enterprise- 900,000 rubles. And taking into account the number of branches of "Rosseti", which have long been in the "corrupt slavery" of Dmitry Gotlib, the scale of theft grows significantly.

Another source of Gottlieb's income is non-contractual consumption. As a rule, the supply of electricity without the conclusion of contracts occurs by agreement between the directors of IDGC divisions and consumers at various facilities. Needless to say, the savings for the consumer in this case are enormous, and the amount of remuneration for Gottlieb and his faithful assistants grows in direct proportion to the benefit of the consumer. For example, in Kursk there is a closed private settlement where the households of the governor and his entourage from the regional leadership are located. This village, in agreement with Gottlieb, is on non-contractual consumption - accordingly, all unaccounted and unpaid kilowatts used for lighting and heating rich cottages fall on the shoulders of consumers - ordinary citizens. And how many such settlements are there in the country ... At the same time, the company officially from time to time conducts raids to identify non-contractual consumption and arranges a demonstrative "flogging" of those who did not want to share and decided to bypass the established scheme of "cooperation".

Many who are personally familiar with Gottlieb and his "shadow" activities can hardly imagine how such an insecure person manages to turn around multimillion-dollar schemes with such persistence. Gottlieb is characterized as an unbalanced person who can break down on his subordinates: shout or insult. In addition, Dmitry Gotlib, by virtue of his own complexes, surrounds himself with weak and spineless people and especially respects and encourages the work of sycophants and flatterers in his subordinate units.

Not so long ago, a number of SMS-correspondences related to criminal activity appeared on the Internet. In the context of one of them, with the participation Petra Konyushenko(an employee of the Ministry of Energy, who at one time was actively involved in the seizure of energy sales), Dmitry Gotlib also appeared. And, of course, again it was about the transfer of money for the provision of certain services.

Gottlieb appeared in the correspondence between Shandalov and Konyushenko

By the way, now Pyotr Konyushenko is engaged in traveling around the country and by persuasion and threats forcing the general directors of energy sales to abandon the fight for the status of guaranteed suppliers and go to Rosseti.

But the next correspondence belongs to Gottlieb himself and his to a confidant in one of the branches of IDGC of Center. Gottlieb asks his subordinate for the delay in delivering the monthly tribute. For what, and for money "Dima five percent" treats with great trepidation.

Correspondence between Gottlieb and his confidant from "MRSKA-Center"

It is not surprising that with such an approach to the work of the company's top managers, Rosseti's monthly loss amounts to hundreds of millions of rubles.

In narrow circles, there was information that (approximately in May of this year) the director of one of the branches made an attempt to break out of "corrupt slavery" and anonymously turned to the security service of "Rosseti", revealing in detail all the rollback schemes of Dmitry Gotlib's work. They say that after that Dmitry Gotlib had a raised conversation with the head of the Rosseti security service, Vladimir Shukshin. The "corrupt slaves of Gottlieb" dawned on the hope that the presumptuous manager would be stopped, but a few days later Gottlieb informed the directors of the branches about a significant increase in the size of "kickbacks" sent to the company's headquarters, the reasons for which can only be guessed at.

As the experts predicted, everything is leading to the fact that the Rosseti company is becoming an absolutely opaque structure and a favorable environment for the development of corruption. We can say with absolute certainty that all this will cause a rapid increase in tariffs. And the higher the tariffs, the higher the incomes of certain dishonest managers of JSC Russian Grids, such as Dmitry Gotlib and his team. And while Dmitry Gottlib, secretly from his leadership, "gutted" the networks and sales, ordinary citizens humbly compensate for the cost of the kilowatts stolen by him at the expense of their already skinny wallets.

Illustrations: via "ANN"

Top management of Rosseti puts the country on the counter

Sergey Petrov

From October 1, the functions of the guaranteeing supplier of electricity in the Smolensk Region and in a number of districts of the Novgorod Region were transferred to the company JSC Russian Grids. Earlier this year, Rosseti has already taken over the power sales functions in the Ivanovo, Penza, Omsk, Kursk, Bryansk and Orel regions.

The development of energy sales activities within the company is lobbied by the deputy. Dmitry Gotlib, General Director for Sales and Development of Services - promising media reports are coming out on behalf of Gottlieb about putting things in order in the electricity market, increasing the collection of payments for electricity and bringing the company to a new level. At the same time, it is quite obvious that loud statements in the press do not coincide with reality. From the moment Gottlieb dragged the holding of JSC Russian Grids into the energy sales business, the company's affairs, to put it mildly, worsened: according to the authoritative publication RBC, the net loss of JSC Russian Grids in the first half of 2013. amounted to 2.1 billion rubles. against a net profit of 24.8 billion rubles. a year earlier. The actual collection of funds in the power sales divisions of Rosseti is on average 40-50% of the plan. Market experts are sounding the alarm - such a low indicator may be the result of the unpreparedness of the management of JSC Russian Grids for the problems they had to face as supplier of last resort. In addition, as experts note, the company's low turnover may be directly related to the implementation of certain corruption schemes in the network business.

Recall that in August of this year, there were publications about how Dmitry Gotlib, who always seemed fanatically correct, was caught on “Covering” energy sales companies... Gottlieb received from sales directors "envelopes" with royalties in the amount of 5% of the amount of the issue for resolving issues on offsetting excess losses on networks. Thanks to these machinations, Gottlieb earned about 200 million rubles and was nicknamed "Dima five percent" in the circle of power engineers. In Bryansk, Smolensk, Kursk, Tula and Tver, rollback schemes were best established, so one can imagine the joy of Dmitry Gotlib when it was in these cities, among others, that Rosseti received the status of guaranteeing suppliers and, at the same time, full freedom of action and lack of external control.

Now Dmitry Gotlib, taking advantage of his official position, approached the work with branches much more seriously. Schemes for receiving kickbacks from consumers for the official understatement of bills issued to them for electricity consumed have been put on stream and implemented in all reporting branches. Basically, corruption activities are carried out in two main directions.

The main one, by agreement with consumers - legal entities, is associated with manipulations with metering devices, as a result of which their readings are approximately twice as low. Consumers return about 50% of the savings received in an “envelope” to the director of the branch of JSC Russian Grids, who keeps part of the remuneration for himself, and transfers the rest to Dmitry Gotlib. For example, in the city of Bryansk there are about 2000 such “managed” counters, which makes it easy to calculate the monthly additional income of Rosseti managers. For example, the electricity bill for an average supermarket monthly, if the meter is working correctly, is about 200,000 rubles, a shopping center - 450,000 rubles, and an average industrial enterprise - 900,000 rubles. And taking into account the number of branches of "Rosseti", which have long been in the "corrupt slavery" of Dmitry Gotlib, the scale of theft grows significantly.

Another source of Gottlieb's income is non-contractual consumption. As a rule, the supply of electricity without the conclusion of contracts occurs by agreement between the directors of IDGC divisions and consumers at various facilities. Needless to say, the savings for the consumer in this case are enormous, and the amount of remuneration for Gottlieb and his faithful assistants grows in direct proportion to the benefit of the consumer. For example, in Kursk there is a closed private settlement where the households of the governor and his entourage from the regional leadership are located. This village, in agreement with Gottlieb, is on non-contractual consumption - accordingly, all unaccounted and unpaid kilowatts used for lighting and heating rich cottages fall on the shoulders of consumers - ordinary citizens. And how many such settlements are there in the country ... At the same time, the company officially from time to time conducts raids to identify non-contractual consumption and arranges a demonstrative "flogging" of those who did not want to share and decided to bypass the established scheme of "cooperation".

Many who are personally familiar with Gottlieb and his "shadow" activities can hardly imagine how such an insecure person manages to turn around multimillion-dollar schemes with such persistence. Gottlieb is characterized as an unbalanced person who can break down on his subordinates: shout or insult. In addition, Dmitry Gotlib, by virtue of his own complexes, surrounds himself with weak and spineless people and especially respects and encourages the work of sycophants and flatterers in his subordinate units.

Not so long ago, a number of SMS-correspondences related to criminal activity appeared on the Internet. In the context of one of them, with the participation Petra Konyushenko(an employee of the Ministry of Energy, who at one time was actively involved in the seizure of energy sales), Dmitry Gotlib also appeared. And, of course, again it was about the transfer of money for the provision of certain services.

By the way, now Pyotr Konyushenko is engaged in traveling around the country and by persuasion and threats forcing the general directors of energy sales to abandon the fight for the status of guaranteed suppliers and go to Rosseti.

But the next correspondence belongs to Gottlieb himself and his authorized representative in one of the branches of IDGC of Center. Gottlieb asks his subordinate for the delay in delivering the monthly tribute. For what, and for money "Dima five percent" treats with great trepidation.

It is not surprising that with such an approach to the work of the company's top managers, Rosseti's monthly loss amounts to hundreds of millions of rubles.

In narrow circles, there was information that (approximately in May of this year) the director of one of the branches made an attempt to break out of "corrupt slavery" and anonymously turned to the security service of "Rosseti", revealing in detail all the rollback schemes of Dmitry Gotlib's work. They say that after that Dmitry Gotlib had a raised conversation with the head of the Rosseti security service, Vladimir Shukshin. The "corrupt slaves of Gottlieb" dawned on the hope that the presumptuous manager would be stopped, but a few days later Gottlieb informed the directors of the branches about a significant increase in the size of "kickbacks" sent to the company's headquarters, the reasons for which can only be guessed at.

As the experts predicted, everything is leading to the fact that the Rosseti company is becoming an absolutely opaque structure and a favorable environment for the development of corruption. We can say with absolute certainty that all this will cause a rapid increase in tariffs. And the higher the tariffs, the higher the incomes of certain dishonest managers of JSC Russian Grids, such as Dmitry Gotlib and his team. And while Dmitry Gotlib, secretly from his leadership, "gutted" the networks and sales, ordinary citizens humbly compensate for the cost of the kilowatts stolen by him at the expense of their already skinny wallets.

Who and how is destroying the Russian power industry

Large fish caught in the net
Recently flared up another scandal in the electric power industry. One of the managers of JSC "Russian Networks" Dmitry Gotlib(formerly - a member of the Board of Directors of JSC "Energy Sales Company of the Moscow Region" ("ESKMO") , They are suspected of a corrupt scheme of selling positions in network organizations owned by OJSC, as well as of the compensated "outweighing" of salesmen's debts to "Russian Networks".
This is how events unfolded. On August 2 this year, Pavel Polyak, the general director of this energy sales company, was detained by the FSB special forces on suspicion of stealing funds from Tverenergosbyt. For the Investigative Committee, Pavel Polyak became a valuable "client", the beginning of many interesting stories from the life of energy sales.
And it was Polyak who brought the investigators to the top of a large energy holding company Russian Grids - to the Deputy General DirectorDmitry Gottlieb, with whom he was long and tightly tied in the scheme for milking energy sales companies

Dima - five percent
It is worth clarifying here that all of Gottlieb's activities during his work at JSC Russian Grids were associated precisely with supervising sales activities, which allowed him to receive double benefits from his work: and large incentives from the employer for Good work in the interests of the company, and large bonuses from other structures for the work of Gottlieb in their interests, contrary to the interests of Rosseti. Does Rossiiskiye Seti know that Dmitry Gotlib, who seemingly defends the interests of the company in front of energy sales companies, Last year very actively involved in the "protection" of these same energy sales and the solution of their legal issues and economic interests? Gottlieb's favorites are the energy sales of Bryansk, Smolensk, Kursk and Tver. These firms also responded with love to their patron, affectionately christening him "Dima five percent." According to informed sources, Gottlieb took 5% from power supply companies for resolving issues on offsetting excess losses on networks. The policy of the networks is such that in every possible way to avoid recognizing these losses, "hanging" them on other market players
According to the results of each disputable claim accepted for offset, Dmitry Gotlib received a kickback in a "premium envelope" in the amount of 5% of the resolved issue. According to the estimates of the persons participating in the above-mentioned schemes, about 200 million rubles were transferred to Gottlieb for resolving issues. Plus an award from Oleg Budargin, head of Russian Grids, for outstanding success in sales. And if we also take into account Gottlieb's appetites, which he quenched at the stage of absorption by networks of those sales that lost the status of guaranteed suppliers, then those 120 million rubles thatleft Tverenergosbyt to the accounts of the Depository Center oligarch Sergei Veremeenko, will seem not so much a sum.
Gottlieb's Fixed Tariffs in Electricity
Market participants are betting: will Pole merge his accomplices, led by Gottlieb, into the investigation, or will Dmitry Gotlib come out dry this time and continue his previous profitable activities? Thanks to his entrepreneurial skills, Gottlieb became a covert participant in another case of misappropriation of proceeds. In connection with the loss of the status of a supplier of last resort by JSC Kurskregionenergosbyt, its functions were temporarily assumed by a branch of IDGC-Center, JSC - Kurskenergo. That is, the grids acquired the right to collect both current payments and debts of electricity consumers. Only collected debts in the amount of tens of millions of rubles "Rosseti" decided to keep for themselves, absolutely not thinking about settlements with others network companies and generators of electricity. This is the model of Gottlieb's work, which Ostap Bender himself could envy.
Another source of Gottlieb's income is appointing people to high positions in the company for money. And here he is distinguished by the constancy of tariffs: $ 3 million for a leading position in the Rosseti holding in the regions where the company is present. True, in this business, Gottlieb, too, has already managed to pierce. He very recklessly sold the chair of the general director of energy sales companies in the North Caucasus and the Republic of Kalmykia.to his friend Dmitry Cheremisinov ... It is worth noting that Mr. Cheremisinov, during his career in the energy sector, also managed to appear in high-profile cases, for example, he was a suspect in the "laundering" of funds of OJSC Volgogradenergosbyt. But, apparently, for Gottlieb, such working episodes are only a plus for a candidate for a high position - after all, working with him can be very promising and profitable. True, he forgot that the candidacy of such a plan must be coordinated not only with his own wallet, but also with the leaders of the regions. Therefore, after the appointment of Cheremisinov, the head of the Republic of Dagestan personally called the head of Rosseti Oleg Budargin, after which Sergei Cheremisinov was transferred to a secondary position. He was replaced by Alexander Yeist, who, by a strange coincidence, had previously headed the branch of IDGC of Center - Tverenergo. Dmitry Gotlib himself this time not only managed not to "get dirty", but also retained his position, and the price list for appointments, by the way, he also remained unchanged. It is strange that Oleg Budargin, the head of the Russian Grids company, turns a blind eye to such behavior of his subordinate - one can only guess: whether the cunning Gottlieb dodged the boss, or whether all these machinations are beneficial to Budargin. I would like to believe that the investigation will be able to unwind this tangle and, as a result of Polyak's arrest, will get to the true culprits of the chaos in the electric power industry.
ESKMO as a school of excellence for Gottlieb
From 2006 to 2009 Dmitry Gotlib was a member of the board of directors JSC "ESKMO". http://ieport.ru/21180-gotlib-dmitrij-igorevich.html
It is worth paying attention to this point of Dmitry Gotlib's work biography, if only because it was there that he honed his "skill" in removing cream from energy sales, and, in addition, introduced his principles of work at ESKMO.
After Gottlieb left the board of directors, in 2010 he was appointed Deputy General Director for Corporate Governance and Development at ESKMO OJSC. Andrey Gladyshev... And in 2012 he became the general director of ESKMO. From the biography of Gladyshev it follows that at one time, from 2008 until his appointment to JSC "ESKMO", Gladyshev was the director of legal affairs IDGC of Center, JSC". Education of A.M. Gladyshev corresponding: graduated from the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 1999 with a degree in jurisprudence, in 1999-2000. served as an investigator in the military prosecutor's office.http://www.escmo.ru/about_company/direction/chief/
That is, after leaving the board of directors of ESKMO, Gottlieb left a successor who fully assimilated the principles of his former colleague. At present, JSC "ESKMO" is actually a subject of the electric power industry, closed from the prying eye. Information obligatory for disclosure by joint stock companies is kept silent by "ESKMO". The financial results of the company can only be guessed at, the latest data at the end of 2012. What does the management of OJSC ESKMO hide: its unprofitableness? Lack of funds to ensure their obligations both to the wholesale market and to shareholders?
One can only make assumptions about those schemes for the withdrawal of funds earned by JSC ESKMO, which were developed and implemented during the period of the Gottlib-Gladyshev tandem, as well as after its collapse
After successful work at OJSC ESKMO, Dmitry Gotlib went for a promotion at OJSC Russian Grids and now runs the country's grid sector, and A.M. Gladyshev rose to the position of General Director of JSC ESKMO and continued the work of Gottlieb: great powers - great opportunities.
Are there any guarantees that ESKMO OJSC is not a structure used for the illegal withdrawal of funds from the power industry? Where does consumer money go?
The answer to this question is covered with a dark curtain of informational secrecy. And until the moment when the activities of all companies in this sphere are not transparent, and lawmakers do not take the side of consumers, we will never see an energy system worthy of Russia, and our funds will continue to be plundered.
Ivan Peresvetov