The last stone in curling. Curling area (playing field). Curling rules



1.1. Curling is played on an ice-covered court. The curling court has the shape of a rectangle; special markings are applied to the surface of the curling court. The area of ​​the playing area, in which the movement of sports equipment (curling stones) takes place, is limited by the side lines and the back lines (bask line). The distance between the back lines of the court is 38.41 m, the distance between the side lines of the court is 4.75 m. The width of the side lines is not included in the dimensions of the playing court, the width of the back lines is included in the dimensions of the playing court.

On each side of the site, a "house" is drawn, which is a circle with a radius of 1.83 m. The width of the line limiting the outer boundaries of the "house" is included in its dimensions. In the "house" its center (point tee) is designated. The distance from the center of the “home” to the back line of the court is 1.83 m (at the point of contact, the back line of the court and the circle line of the “house” overlap).

Through the center of the "house", between the side lines of the site, parallel to the back line, the line of the center of the "house" (te line) is drawn, the distance between the lines of the center of the "house" on different sides of the site is 34.75 m. Inside the "house" on the surface of the site three circles with radii are applied: 0.15 m, 0.61 m and 1.22 m, designed to determine the advantage in the arrangement of stones in it.

On each side of the site, at a distance of 6.40 m from the center line of the "house", parallel to it, a hog line is drawn. The measurement line width is not included in the specified distance. The distance between the two test lines of the site is 21.95 m.

Through the center points of the "house", parallel to the side lines, the center line of the site is drawn.

On each side of the site, at a distance of 3.66 m from the center point of the “home”, a foot line is drawn. The distance from the line of shoes to the outer edges of the playing court must be at least 1.22 m.

1.2. On each side of the playing court, two blocks are installed on the line of the last. The distance from the center line to the inner side of each block should not exceed 7.62 cm. The length of the block should not exceed 20.32 cm. The length of the studs for fixing the block should not exceed 5.04 cm. There should be no obstacles behind the blocks.

1.3. Before the start of the match, the chief referee must take control measurements of the marking elements of the area. If any difference is found between the actual size of the marking from the standard, the teams must be warned about this by the chief referee of the match.


2.1. Curling is played using a special sports equipment called a stone. The curling stone consists of a round granite base (processed in a special way) and a handle fixed to it. The handle is attached to the granite base with a screw going through a hole drilled in the center of the fanite base of the stone.

2.2. The mass of the stone should not exceed 19.96 kg. The circumference of the granite base of the stone must not exceed 91.44 cm, the height of the granite base of the stone must be at least 11.43 cm.

2.3. In case in the process game action the stone is broken into fragments, a new stone replacing it is installed on the site in place of the largest fragment of the broken stone. The end and match ends with a new stone.

2.4. In the event that a stone, while sliding on the site, begins to abruptly change its trajectory or stop (as a result of any defects that have arisen on its sliding surface), it can be removed from the game and replaced with another stone.

2.5. In the case of complete separation of the handle from the fanit base of the stone during the execution of the throw, at the request of the team performing the drawing of the stone, the throw attempt is repeated.

NOTE: if it is impossible to replace a broken stone, by agreement of the skips of the teams and the head referee, the match can be played if one of the teams has 7 stones (in this case, one of the stones is thrown twice in one end).


3.1. The player's equipment includes:

Special curling shoes that provide sliding and movement on the site (the sole of one shoe can be covered with a sliding material, and the other with an anti-slip material); the use of sliders and anti-sliders worn on the player's shoes is allowed;

Curling brush or standard broom;

Sports suit.

3.2. The player's equipment must be clean and must not leave any marks on the surface of the playing court.

3.3. The player's equipment can be inspected by the head referee both before the start and during the match and is prohibited from use.

3.4. Players can use stopwatches.

3.5. Players cannot use any technical means to negotiate between teammates and the coach.


4.1. The team participates in play activities on the court with four players.

NOTE: the number of substitute players who can be entered to participate in a match as part of a team is determined by the competition rules.

4.2. In each end of the match, each player of the team performs two stone throws. Before the start of the match, the sequence of stone throws by the team players is determined, which remains throughout the match and is recorded in the protocol ("first", "second", "third" and "fourth" numbers).

4.3. A player substitution can be made after the end of any end in the match. The player who entered the court participates in the match under the number of the substituted partner. Reverse substitution of players is prohibited. The number of possible substitutions of players in a match is determined by the competition rules.

4.4. In an exceptional case, a team can start and play a match with three players. In the case of three players participating in the match as part of the same team, the players performing under the "first" and "second" numbers perform three stone throws in one end.

NOTE: 1) if the match starts with a team of three players, the fourth player can join the game from the beginning of any end;

2) if one of the four players of the team is eliminated from the game (due to injury, etc.) and there is no substitute player to replace him, the team ends the match with three players. If the eliminated player is a team skip, his functions are transferred to the vice skip

3) if two or more players from the four players of the team are eliminated and there is no substitute player to replace them, the match is terminated, and the team is awarded a defeat.

5.1. As part of the team, a skip (skiр) is determined, which is the team captain, the functions of which are:

Negotiating with the referees and the skip of the opposing team when making a decision in a disputable game situation that arose during the match;

Managing the actions of partners during the stone drawing by the team;

Coordination of the number of points received by one of the teams as a result of the end (end score) with the skip of the opposing team.

5.2. Skip can perform stone throws under any ordinal number in the team.

5.3. When throwing a stone with a skip, his right to control the actions of partners passes to the vice-skip.

5.4. If a skip is eliminated from the game (injury, etc.), its functions are transferred to the vice-skip.

5.5. Skip and vice-skip are noted in the match report.



6.1. A curling match consists of 10 independent parts called "end" (end).

NOTE: in accordance with the rules of the competition, the number of ends in a match can be reduced.

6.2. In each end of the match, the team is awarded points.

6.3. The team with the most points on the sum of all the ends is the winner of the match. In the case of an equal number of points for two teams after the end of the last end (a draw), an additional extra-end is assigned, and in case of a draw, additional extra-ends are assigned until the winner of the match is determined.

6.4. In one end, each team plays 8 stones, a total of 16 stones are played in the end. The scoring is carried out after the end of the drawing of all 16 stones in the end. End points are awarded only to one of the teams.

NOTE: Team skips can agree on the outcome of the end before the end of all the stones in the end.

6.5. The team is awarded one point for each stone located in the “home” and located closer to the center point of the “home” as compared to the stone (s) of the opponent. In this case, the criterion for assessing the position of the stone is the distance from the center point of the "house" to the inner (closest to the center) point of the stone surface.

NOTE: any stone touching the "house" line is considered to be in the "house"; by touching the border of the “house” by the stone, we mean the intersection of the projection, lowered from the edge of the stone to the line of the “house”.

6.6. If none of the stones is in the “house”, the end result is drawn with a score of 0: 0. If the stones of different teams are located closer than other stones to the center of the "house" and are at an equal distance from it, the end result is drawn with a score of 0: 0.

6.7. The number of points received by one of the teams based on the results of the end is coordinated by the skips of both teams after they visually examine the final arrangement of stones on the playing court.

6.8. If, after a visual examination of the position of the stones in the “house”, the skips of the teams have no consensus about the advantage in the location of these stones, the match referee (after the end of the drawing of all stones in the end) measures the position of the stones in the “house”.

NOTE: the procedure for measuring the position of stones in the "house" involves the use of a special measuring device with a moving measuring unit. The base of this device is installed at the center point of the "house", and the moving measuring block is fixed in such a way that the lever of this block touches the surface of one of the stones closest to the center of the "house". In this case, the judge fixes the amount of deflection of the lever on the scale of the measuring unit. Further, without detaching the base of the device from the center point of the "home", the device moves to the next stone, where a similar procedure for measuring its position is carried out. On the basis of comparing the magnitude of the deflection of the lever on the scale of the measuring block for different stones, the judge decides on the advantage in the location of this or that stone in relation to the center of the "house".

6.9. If there is no consensus among the skips of the teams about whether the stone touches the outer boundaries of the “home”, the chief referee of the match, after the end of the drawing of all stones in the end, measures the position of the stone (stones).

NOTE: 1) The procedure for measuring the position of the stone involves the use of a reference measuring device that has a standard length corresponding to the length of the radius of the "house", that is, equal to 1.83 m (6 ft). When using this device, its base is set to the center point of the "home", after which the device itself moves in a circle;

2) if the device touches a stone, the latter is considered to be in the “house”. If the stone is visually outside the boundaries of the “house”, and during the measurement the edge of the reference device touches the stone, the latter is considered to be in the “house”;

3) in the exceptional case, when the rule of the zone of "free defenders" is applied, the stone position may be measured before the end of the end.

6.10. In the process of measuring the position of stones, only match referees can be in the "house", team players must be located outside the playing area.

If, when measuring the position of the stones at the end of the end, a player of one of the teams moved the opponent's stone, the position of which was supposed to be measured, the position of this stone is counted as closer to the center of the “home” in comparison with the stones of the opposing team, the position of which was also supposed to be measured ... If, during the measurement, a player moved a stone of his team, the position of this stone is counted as the worst in relation to the stones of the opposing team, the position of which was supposed to be measured. If, when measuring the position of stones, the judge moved one of them, the position of all stones, the positions of which are measured, are fixed as the same.


7.1. Playing a stone means the actions of one of the teams, including:

a) the definition of the game task by the skip;

b) one of the team players throws a curling stone (release of a stone with sliding on the surface of the playing court);

c) sliding of a stone from the moment a player releases it until it stops within the area or until it leaves the area, as well as movement (sliding) of other stones that have come into motion after being hit by a thrown stone;

d) rubbing the ice surface of the playing court by the players of the team conducting the rally using special brushes or brooms - sweeping.

During the rally, a stone released by a player can knock out other stones on the court outside of it (the exception is the rule of the "free defenders" zone), as well as, when hitting them, move them within the court.

7.2. In each end, the teams play the stone one by one. During the drawing of a stone by one of the teams, the players of the opposing team are prohibited from staying within the playing court and taking any action aimed at interfering with the movement of stones on its surface, as well as the actions of the players of the team conducting the rally.

7.3. The team conducting the first first stone in the first end of the match is determined by lot. In subsequent ends of the match, the first stone in the end is played by the team that won the previous end. In the event of a tie end, the first stone in the next end is played by the team that started the stone throws in the previous end.

7.4. A stone is considered participating in the game if, after release by the player, it completely crossed the hog line on the opposite side of the court and stopped in the area bounded by the back and side lines of the court. A stone touching the back line of the court is in play.

7.5. The stone is canceled and the thrown stone is removed from the game in the following cases:

a) the stone turns over and slides on the side of the handle;

b) the stone stops until it completely crosses the hog line, unless it touches another stone behind this line;

c) the stone completely crosses the back line of the site;

d) the stone touches (during movement or after stopping) the side line of the court or the side that replaces it.

7.6. Touching any line of the site with a stone means:

a) the presence of contact of any part of the stone with the line of the site or a rim replacing it;

b) intersection of the projection of the edge of the stone, lowered to the line of the site.

NOTE: if the intersection of the projection of the edge of the stone and the line of the court cannot be established visually, this fact can be established by the match referee by measuring the position of the stone using a special device - a square with a right angle.


8.1. When a team is playing a stone, only a skip (or a vice-skip that replaces it) of this team can be in the "house". The skip (vice-skip) of the team playing the stone has a preferential right in choosing a position in the “home” in relation to the players of the opposing team.

8.2. When playing a stone for one of the teams, the skip and vice-skip of the opposing team must be behind the back line of the court. The exit of these players to the court is allowed in the following cases:

a) when the thrown stone touches the stone of the given team;

b) when the stones cross the line of the center of the "house" (te line).

NOTE: when a player is throwing a stone, the skip and vice-skip of the opposing team, located behind the back line of the court, must not move along this line, and also make any movements that interfere with the throwing player.

8.3. After any stone crosses the tee line, the team skips have equal rights to sweep as the stone slides. Sweeping in relation to a stone crossing the line of the center of the "house" can begin only from the moment the stone touches this line.

8.4. When a stone is being played by one of the teams, the "first" and "second" numbers of the opposing team must be outside the court in the area between the hog lines. However, their position should not obscure the view of the scoreline judge.


9.1. In the starting position, before the throw, the player with one foot must rest on one of the blocks fixed on the playing court. Players who release a stone with their right hand use the block located to the left of the center line of the court, and players who release a stone with their left hand use the block located to the right of the center line. If the player uses the opposite block to make a throw, the stone is canceled.

9.2. When making a throw, the player is allowed to push off the block and slide with a stone in his hand to the nearest hog line, releasing a stone before crossing this line.

9.3. If the player does not have time to release the stone before crossing the end-of-line, the stone is canceled. Violation of this rule can be fixed by the scoring judge or the chief referee of the match (if he specifically records the implementation of this rule at the request of the opposing team's skip).

NOTE: if a player releases a stone in such a way that the scoring judge has doubts about the correctness of the release of the stone, the player can be warned by the chief referee of the match about the need to accurately perform this action.

9.4. If during the execution of the throw, the player with the stone in his hand did not cross the line of the center of the "home" nearest to him and, for any reason, stopped the execution of the throw, the throw may be repeated.

9.5. If a player throws a stone out of sequence, this rally is considered invalid and the throw is made by the corresponding player of the same team. If the error is discovered not at the time of the rally, but after several rallies of the stone, the player who missed the turn for the throw, throws the last stone of his team in this end.

9.6. If the team skips agree that one stone has been missed, but cannot agree on the player who made the mistake, the "first" team number rolls the last stone of his team in this end.

9.7. If one team incorrectly performs two throws in a row, the second throw is canceled (with the right to repeat it in sequence).

9.8. In the event of an error in the execution of three stone throws by one player in the end, his partner, who performs the last throws of his team's stones in the end, makes only one throw.

9.9. If a player mistakenly makes a throw using a stone from the opposing team, the rally is considered valid (all stones remain in new positions), the thrown stone is returned to the opposing team, and an erroneously missed stone is placed in its place.

10.1. Sweeping refers to the players' rubbing the surface of the playing court with a special brush or broom.

10.2. Sweeping can only be performed in front of a moving stone, in the immediate vicinity of it. Swiping can be carried out only in the direction of movement of the stones of your team (except for the case when the stone of the opposing team crosses the center line of the "home"). Before the tee line crosses the center line of the “house” (tee line), sweeping in relation to it can be carried out by all the players of the team performing the rally, and after crossing this line - only with the team's skip or with the vice-skip replacing it in the “house”.

10.3. Players of one team cannot sweep in relation to the stones of the other team (unless the stone crosses the center line of the "home" of the opposing team).

10.4. A team playing a stone and not wanting to sweep behind the home center line must not impede the opposing team's sweeping in relation to its stone.

10.5. Only one player from the team (skip or vice-skip) is allowed to sweep in the direction of movement of the stone (s) crossing the center line of the "home".

NOTE: 1) the vice-skip gains the right to sweep behind the center line of the "home" from the moment the team's skip begins to perform the throw;

2) if a skip throws stones not the last in turn in the team, his right to perform a sweep behind the center line of the "home" is renewed only after his stone has been completely played.

10.6. The rubbing of the surface of the playing court during sweeping should be accompanied by the movement of the brush head or broom on the ice from side to side. These movements must be performed on the surface of the playing court at an angle to the line of movement of the stone.

NOTE: When performing a sweep, do not:

Unidirectional sliding of the brush on the surface of the platform in front of the stone (without moving from side to side);

... "Hanging" of the brush in front of a moving stone or above it (without touching the surface of the site);

Performing movements with a brush on ice along the stone sliding line;

10.7. When performing a sweep, it is not allowed for players and their inventory to touch the stones on the court.

10.8. During a match, a player can only use one brush or broom to sweep. In the event of a breakdown, it can be replaced with equipment of the same type. The replacement of the brush can be made only with the permission of the chief referee of the match. Several players on a team can use the same brush to perform a sweep.

10.9. A player can use two different brushes in a match: one for sweeping and the other for throwing a stone.


11.1. In the event that a player of the team conducting the rally touches a moving stone of his team with a part of his body or with a brush, this stone may be removed from the game and the rally canceled. At the same time, the skip of the opposing team may decide to count the completed rally by placing the stone, in relation to which the contact was made, at the place of a possible stop, as well as place other stones at the places of a possible stop.

11.2. In the event that a player of the non-playing team touches a moving stone of the opposing team with a part of the body or with a brush, the skip of this team can leave the stone at the place of its actual stop or place it in a position that the stone could take if it were not a mistake was made (touch).

11.3. If the position of any stone has changed upon contact with a moving stone, in relation to which a mistake (touch) was made, the skip of the opposite team has the right to:

a) cancel the rally and return the displaced stones to their original positions;

11.4. If the skip decides on the location of the stones at the places of possible stopping (points: 11.1, 11.2, 11.3), the positions of all stones must be coordinated by the skips of both teams. In the absence of a consensus among the skips, the final decision is made by the chief referee of the match.

11.5. The fact of touching a stone by a player is considered confirmed in the following cases:

a) the touch is confirmed by the skips of both teams;

b) the touch is recorded by the chief referee of the match (subject to direct visual monitoring of the given rally);

If one of these two conditions is not met, the player's contact with the stone is considered unconfirmed, and the match continues with the actual placement of stones on the court.


12.1. In the event that a player of the team playing the stone moves a stationary stone that is in the path of the moving stone, the skip of the opposing team can make one of the following decisions:

a) to cancel the played stone, returning all stones to their original positions;

12.2. In case of displacement of a stationary stone that is not in the path of the moving stone, the stationary stone returns to its original position (by skip of the opposing team). The drawing is considered completed with the preservation of the positions of the remaining stones on the site.

12.3. The fact that the player has displaced a stone is established in a sequence similar to clause 11.5.


13.1. The area of ​​the playing court between the hog line and the home center line, excluding the boundaries of the home, is defined as the free defenders area.

13.2. The rule of the “free defenders” zone applies in every end during the period of the first four stones (ie the first two stones of each team), namely: stones in the “free defenders” zone (not touching the “home” line) are not can be knocked out of bounds by the stones of opponents. If they are knocked out, the stones that were in this zone are returned to their original positions, and the rally is canceled. From the beginning of the fifth stone in the end, the rule of the "free defenders" zone loses its validity.

NOTE: a situation in which a stone located in the "free defenders" zone, after being hit by a played stone, knocks out a stone in the "house" and remains within it, is not a violation of the "free defenders" zone rule.


To control the duration of game actions performed by teams during the match, one of two principles can be used.

14.1. The first principle is the introduction of a time limit for the drawing of all stones in a match with the registration of "clean" playing time.

Each team participating in the match is allocated 75 minutes of "pure" playing time for all the stone rounds in the 10 ends of the match. If a team does not manage to play all the stones in all ends of the match, it will be counted as a defeat in the match.

The counting of "pure" playing time begins from the moment the opposing team ends the rally and lasts until the rally by this team ends (all stones have stopped on the court).

In the event of a disputable situation requiring the intervention of a referee, the countdown of the "clean" playing time stops. Its countdown is resumed at the signal of the chief referee of the match (from the moment of the beginning of the drawing of stones by one of the teams).

Registration of "clean" playing time is assigned to the judge-timekeeper.

NOTE: when using the principle of registering "clean" playing time, there is no time limit for the execution of a drawing of one stone.

14.2. The second principle is the introduction of a time limit for the drawing of one stone.

In the event that, in the opinion of the match referee, the player delays the preparation time for the execution of the stone throw or the team's skip makes a decision about the task to its partner for an excessively long time, the referee may set a time limit, namely:

a) for the player making the throw - 30 seconds to start the action;

b) for a skip (vice-skip) - 2 minutes for making a decision and defining a task for a partner.

If the players exceed these time limits, the drawing of the stone is canceled.

NOTE: this principle is used if the principle of registering "pure" playing time (clause 14.1) cannot be implemented for technical or other reasons.


Curling is a game of skill and tradition. A well executed throw is not only fun to watch, but also a great way to manifest the long-honored tradition of curling with a true spirit of the game. Curler athletes play to win, but never to humiliate their opponents. A true curler would rather lose than win unfairly.

A true curler athlete will never try to distract an opponent or in any way create obstacles to their good play. A curler athlete will never dare to break the rules of the game or any of the traditions. But if he did so unintentionally and realized it, he would be the first to report the violation.

While the difficulty of curling makes it possible for the players to be proficient, the spirit of the game requires them to be truly athletic, friendly and respectful. The spirit of the game should manifest itself both in the interpretation of the rules of the game and in their practical application, as well as be the basis for the behavior of the participants in the competition on and off the ice.

Playing field

Curling area:

The curling track is a rectangular field 146 feet (44.5 m) long and 14 feet 2 inches (4.32 m) wide. In our club, the ice field consists of 4 tracks.

The main marking lines on the track:

"House" -a circle ("target"), the radius of which is 1.83 m. The center is designated in the house, and three concentric circles, the radii of which are 0.15 m, 0.61 m and 1.22 m.

"Central line" - line through the center of the house parallel to the long side playing field

"Tee Line" - a line through the center of the house, perpendicular to the center line

"Hog Line" - a wide red line, perpendicular to the center line, at a distance of 6.4 m from the Tee Line. Before this line, you need to have time to release the stone.

"Back Line" - line touching the end of the house, perpendicular to the center line


A rock weighing 44 pounds (19.96 kg) is made from a specific type of granite quarried on Ayles Craig Island in Scotland. It has a cylindrical shape and an annular sliding surface. In the center of the granite base, which has a round shape, a handle is fixed, which is the main "lever" for controlling a sports equipment. Holding the sports equipment by this handle, the athlete slides with it along the site until the moment it is released, after which the stone freely glides along its surface for a distance of 20 to 30 meters.

Brush for rubbing ice (sweep) in front of a sliding stone.

Slider - made of teflon, very slippery on ice, shaped like a foot. It is put on the top of the shoe.

Elasticknee pad to prevent injury.

Brief rules of the game

The game involves two teams of four: skip, vice-skip, second and first.

The task of each team is put as many of your stones in the house as possible(circle), moreover, as close to the center as possible and prevent the opponent from doing the same. The opponent's stones, like your own, can be knocked out.

The game consists of 10 independent periods, the so-called end.

During one end, the teams take turns issuing eight stones each.

When playing a stone, the player pushes off the starting block and accelerates the stone across the ice. At the same time, he tries to either achieve a stop of the stone in a certain place, or knock out the stones of opponents from the scoring zone, depending on the current tactical goal. "Spades" are prohibited: the stone must be released before it crosses the end-line closest to the player Hog Line ... Following the instructions of the skip (team captain), the player can twist the stone.

Basically, the types of throws in curling can be divided into two groups, depending on the task set by the skip: stage throws, the purpose of which is to put a stone in the house, or to protect an already standing stone and power throws, the purpose of which is to knock the opponent's stone out of the playing area.

When the stone moves, its touching by the players is prohibited. Other team members, quickly working with special brushes, performing "Sweeping"(sweeping, English sweep - revenge, sweep), heat the ice, if necessary, adjusting and lengthening the trajectory of the stone. Curling ice is rubbed in order to create a thin layer of water on the surface of the ice, on which the stone will slide. Thus, it is possible to significantly increase the stone path (up to 4 meters per sweep track).

The stone must completely cross the opposite score line.Hog Line ... If this does not happen, the stone is removed from the game. Exceptions are those cases when another stone prevented from crossing the end-of-line: in this situation, both stones remain in play. Also, the stone is removed if it goes beyond the lineBack Line , or after collision with the side of the site

You can swipe not only your own stones, but also the stones of the enemy - in order to get them out of the playing area. However, the opposing team gains this right only when the opponent's stone crosses the line.Tee Line in the playing area, and only one player of the team has the right to sweep in this area.

The right to the last throw in the end gives a very big advantage to the team.

In the first end, the order of the teams is determined by a toss; in all subsequent ends, the right of the last throw is given to the team that lost the previous end. If, in the final position, no one has stones in the house, the end ends in a goalless draw, and the right of the last throw remains with the same team. Therefore, it is often advantageous to "throw" the last stone (that is, let it go out, deliberately make an ineffective throw), instead of earning just one point.

After all sixteen stones have been played, the end points are calculated. Only those stones that are inside the house are taken into account. The team whose stone is closest to the center is considered to have won the end. She receives one point for each stone that is closer to the center than the opponent's stone closest to the center.

The winner is determined by the sum of the points in all the ends. In case of equality of points after ten ends, an additional period is assigned, called extra-end, the winner of which becomes the winner of the match. The right of the last shot in the extra-end is granted, similarly to the previous periods, to the team that lost the tenth end.

Curling became the official Olympic discipline quite recently, in 1998. This sport requires a specially prepared field, the surface of which must be ice. The curling area is 45.7 * 5.0 meters. If you look at the field from above, it is quite possible to consider the special markings, with the observance of the boundaries of which the game itself takes place. An important element is the house, which is the display of the target for shooting. It is to this goal that athletes must bring the "stone" (special pin). The closest position of the game projectile is the optimal achievement for the players of a particular team.

Shells and equipment

The krling rules stipulate certain requirements for the sports equipment. The size must meet the following parameters:

  • Have a rounded hemispherical shape;
  • Made of granite;
  • The diameter of the projectile must be less than 91.4 centimeters. The size of the pin has a limit of 11.4 centimeters.

The mass of the stone ranges from 17.2 to 19.9 kg. TO sports element a metal handle is attached for easy launching of the stone. According to the curling competition regulations, there must be eight stones in the game. The set of stones is complemented by a brush and a stand designed to slide during the starting launch.

An important element for curlers is choosing the right footwear. Two pairs of boots are used as equipment. One set is equipped with a high-slip sole, the other pair of shoes has a reverse sole. TO technical equipment the stopwatch also applies to athletes.

Game format

A curling match consists of 10 game parties, which are called ends. According to the results of all rounds, the final counting of points is summed up. The peculiarity of the awarding of points is that they are given to the team whose stones are closer to the center of the target. The more stones in a row according to the results of the end are closer to the center of the target, the more points the team gets. The end-losing team is left without points. The end result is added up by summing up the points for the individual stages of the game.

Features of throws

According to the curling rules, a draw is ruled out in the game. When the same indicators are achieved, athletes play extra-end. The final winner is determined based on its results.

To win a match, correct and subtle calculation plays an important role, aimed at choosing the right point at which it will be optimal to perform the next action. Throwing power is also a contributing factor to success in this sport. The further process depends on the skill of the curler and how quickly his partners cope with clearing the path in front of the stone. This manipulation allows faster and more accurate delivery of the pin to the intended target.

Additional batch

By using the last shot, the team can literally snatch the advantage. The first throw in the extra end is determined by a draw. In the remaining rounds, the participants who lost the previous segment of the match begin to throw. Sometimes it is beneficial to make a forwarding in intermediate batches.

Dimensions of the field of play

The basic rules of the game of curling provide for certain requirements for the site.

Its length is 44 and a half meters. The curling field is 4.3 meters wide. The house in the form of a shooting target is made in a diameter of 3.6 meters. The standard weight of a granite stone is 19.9 kilograms.

According to the official rules, curling is based on several main requirements:

  • The match involves two teams of four curlers;
  • The confrontation is divided into ten separate parties (ends);
  • In each end, the teams alternately launch stones in the amount of eight pieces;
  • Before sending a stone to the target, the player pushes off a special column and accelerates over the surface of the ice;
  • The goal is to send a projectile in the intended place or push out the opponent's stone;
  • In many ways, success depends on the chosen tactics and the implementation of the game plan;
  • The rest of the team helps to speed up and improve the accuracy of the projectile by rubbing the surface in front of it with brushes;
  • They perform these manipulations in maximum proximity in front of the stone, which also allows you to slightly adjust its direction.

To summarize: after the drawing of all stones, the points are calculated by both participating teams. Only stones that have not left the boundaries of the house are subject to the records, which are kept by the judges. The players whose pin is as close as possible to the center of the home target wins the end. The team receives a point for each projectile that is as close to the central part of the house as possible than the stones of the opponents.

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1.1. Curling is played on an ice-covered court. The curling court has the shape of a rectangle; special markings are applied to the surface of the curling court. The area of ​​the playing area, in which the movement of sports equipment (curling stones) takes place, is limited by the side lines and the back lines (bask line). The distance between the back lines of the court is 38.41 m, the distance between the side lines of the court is 4.75 m. The width of the side lines is not included in the dimensions of the playing court, the width of the back lines is included in the dimensions of the playing court.

On each side of the site, a "house" is drawn, which is a circle with a radius of 1.83 m. The width of the line limiting the outer boundaries of the "house" is included in its dimensions. In the "house" its center (point tee) is designated. The distance from the center of the “home” to the back line of the court is 1.83 m (at the point of contact, the back line of the court and the circle line of the “house” overlap).

Through the center of the "house", between the side lines of the site, parallel to the back line, the line of the center of the "house" (te line) is drawn, the distance between the lines of the center of the "house" on different sides of the site is 34.75 m. Inside the "house" on the surface of the site three circles with radii are applied: 0.15 m, 0.61 m and 1.22 m, designed to determine the advantage in the arrangement of stones in it.

On each side of the site, at a distance of 6.40 m from the center line of the "house", parallel to it, a hog line is drawn. The measurement line width is not included in the specified distance. The distance between the two test lines of the site is 21.95 m.

Through the center points of the "house", parallel to the side lines, the center line of the site is drawn.

On each side of the site, at a distance of 3.66 m from the center point of the “home”, a foot line is drawn. The distance from the line of shoes to the outer edges of the playing court must be at least 1.22 m.

1.2. On each side of the playing court, two blocks are installed on the line of the last. The distance from the center line to the inner side of each block should not exceed 7.62 cm. The length of the block should not exceed 20.32 cm. The length of the studs for fixing the block should not exceed 5.04 cm. There should be no obstacles behind the blocks.

1.3. Before the start of the match, the chief referee must take control measurements of the marking elements of the area. If any difference is found between the actual size of the marking from the standard, the teams must be warned about this by the chief referee of the match.


2.1. Curling is played using a special sports equipment called a stone. The curling stone consists of a round granite base (processed in a special way) and a handle fixed to it. The handle is attached to the granite base with a screw going through a hole drilled in the center of the fanite base of the stone.

2.2. The mass of the stone should not exceed 19.96 kg. The circumference of the granite base of the stone must not exceed 91.44 cm, the height of the granite base of the stone must be at least 11.43 cm.

2.3. If in the course of game actions a stone is broken into fragments, a new stone replacing it is installed on the site in place of the largest fragment of the broken stone. The end and match ends with a new stone.

2.4. In the event that a stone, while sliding on the site, begins to abruptly change its trajectory or stop (as a result of any defects that have arisen on its sliding surface), it can be removed from the game and replaced with another stone.

2.5. In the case of complete separation of the handle from the fanit base of the stone during the execution of the throw, at the request of the team performing the drawing of the stone, the throw attempt is repeated.

NOTE: if it is impossible to replace a broken stone, by agreement of the skips of the teams and the head referee, the match can be played if one of the teams has 7 stones (in this case, one of the stones is thrown twice in one end).


3.1. The player's equipment includes:

Special curling shoes that provide sliding and movement on the site (the sole of one shoe can be covered with a sliding material, and the other with an anti-slip material); the use of sliders and anti-sliders worn on the player's shoes is allowed;

Curling brush or standard broom;

Sports suit.

3.2. The player's equipment must be clean and must not leave any marks on the surface of the playing court.

3.3. The player's equipment can be inspected by the head referee both before the start and during the match and is prohibited from use.

3.4. Players can use stopwatches.

3.5. Players cannot use any technical means to negotiate between teammates and the coach.


4.1. The team participates in playing activities on the court, consisting of four players.

NOTE: the number of substitute players who can be entered to participate in a match as part of a team is determined by the competition rules.

4.2. In each end of the match, each player of the team performs two stone throws. Before the start of the match, the sequence of stone throws by the team players is determined, which remains throughout the match and is recorded in the protocol ("first", "second", "third" and "fourth" numbers).

4.3. A player substitution can be made after the end of any end in the match. The player who entered the court participates in the match under the number of the substituted partner. Reverse substitution of players is prohibited. The number of possible substitutions of players in a match is determined by the competition rules.

4.4. In an exceptional case, a team can start and play a match with three players. In the case of three players participating in the match as part of the same team, the players performing under the "first" and "second" numbers perform three stone throws in one end.

NOTE: 1) if the match starts with a team of three players, the fourth player can join the game from the beginning of any end;

2) if one of the four players of the team is eliminated from the game (due to injury, etc.) and there is no substitute player to replace him, the team ends the match with three players. If the eliminated player is a team skip, his functions are transferred to the vice skip

3) if two or more players from the four players of the team are eliminated and there is no substitute player to replace them, the match is terminated, and the team is awarded a defeat.


5.1. As part of the team, a skip (skiр) is determined, which is the team captain, the functions of which are:

Negotiating with the referees and the skip of the opposing team when making a decision in a disputable game situation that arose during the match;

Managing the actions of partners during the stone drawing by the team;

Coordination of the number of points received by one of the teams as a result of the end (end score) with the skip of the opposing team.

5.2. Skip can perform stone throws under any ordinal number in the team.

5.3. When throwing a stone with a skip, his right to control the actions of partners passes to the vice-skip.

5.4. If a skip is eliminated from the game (injury, etc.), its functions are transferred to the vice-skip.

5.5. Skip and vice-skip are noted in the match report.



6.1. A curling match consists of 10 independent parts called "end" (end).

NOTE: in accordance with the rules of the competition, the number of ends in a match can be reduced.

6.2. In each end of the match, the team is awarded points.

6.3. The team with the most points on the sum of all the ends is the winner of the match. In the case of an equal number of points for two teams after the end of the last end (a draw), an additional extra-end is assigned, and in case of a draw, additional extra-ends are assigned until the winner of the match is determined.

6.4. In one end, each team plays 8 stones, a total of 16 stones are played in the end. The scoring is carried out after the end of the drawing of all 16 stones in the end. End points are awarded only to one of the teams.

NOTE: Team skips can agree on the outcome of the end before the end of all the stones in the end.

6.5. The team is awarded one point for each stone located in the “home” and located closer to the center point of the “home” as compared to the stone (s) of the opponent. In this case, the criterion for assessing the position of the stone is the distance from the center point of the "house" to the inner (closest to the center) point of the stone surface.

NOTE: any stone touching the "house" line is considered to be in the "house"; by touching the border of the “house” by the stone, we mean the intersection of the projection, lowered from the edge of the stone to the line of the “house”.

6.6. If none of the stones is in the “house”, the end result is drawn with a score of 0: 0. If the stones of different teams are located closer than other stones to the center of the "house" and are at an equal distance from it, the end result is drawn with a score of 0: 0.

6.7. The number of points received by one of the teams based on the results of the end is coordinated by the skips of both teams after they visually examine the final arrangement of stones on the playing court.

6.8. If, after a visual examination of the position of the stones in the “house”, the skips of the teams have no consensus about the advantage in the location of these stones, the match referee (after the end of the drawing of all stones in the end) measures the position of the stones in the “house”.

NOTE: the procedure for measuring the position of stones in the "house" involves the use of a special measuring device with a moving measuring unit. The base of this device is installed at the center point of the "house", and the moving measuring block is fixed in such a way that the lever of this block touches the surface of one of the stones closest to the center of the "house". In this case, the judge fixes the amount of deflection of the lever on the scale of the measuring unit. Further, without detaching the base of the device from the center point of the "home", the device moves to the next stone, where a similar procedure for measuring its position is carried out. On the basis of comparing the magnitude of the deflection of the lever on the scale of the measuring block for different stones, the judge decides on the advantage in the location of this or that stone in relation to the center of the "house".

6.9. If there is no consensus among the skips of the teams about whether the stone touches the outer boundaries of the “home”, the chief referee of the match, after the end of the drawing of all stones in the end, measures the position of the stone (stones).

NOTE: 1) The procedure for measuring the position of the stone involves the use of a reference measuring device that has a standard length corresponding to the length of the radius of the "house", that is, equal to 1.83 m (6 ft). When using this device, its base is set to the center point of the "home", after which the device itself moves in a circle;

2) if the device touches a stone, the latter is considered to be in the “house”. If the stone is visually outside the boundaries of the “house”, and during the measurement the edge of the reference device touches the stone, the latter is considered to be in the “house”;

3) in the exceptional case, when the rule of the zone of "free defenders" is applied, the stone position may be measured before the end of the end.

6.10. In the process of measuring the position of stones, only match referees can be in the "house", team players must be located outside the playing area.

If, when measuring the position of the stones at the end of the end, a player of one of the teams moved the opponent's stone, the position of which was supposed to be measured, the position of this stone is counted as closer to the center of the “home” in comparison with the stones of the opposing team, the position of which was also supposed to be measured ... If, during the measurement, a player moved a stone of his team, the position of this stone is counted as the worst in relation to the stones of the opposing team, the position of which was supposed to be measured. If, when measuring the position of stones, the judge moved one of them, the position of all stones, the positions of which are measured, are fixed as the same.


7.1. Playing a stone means the actions of one of the teams, including:

a) the definition of the game task by the skip;

b) one of the team players throws a curling stone (release of a stone with sliding on the surface of the playing court);

c) sliding of a stone from the moment a player releases it until it stops within the area or until it leaves the area, as well as movement (sliding) of other stones that have come into motion after being hit by a thrown stone;

d) rubbing the ice surface of the playing court by the players of the team conducting the rally using special brushes or brooms - sweeping.

During the rally, a stone released by a player can knock out other stones on the court outside of it (the exception is the rule of the "free defenders" zone), as well as, when hitting them, move them within the court.

7.2. In each end, the teams play the stone one by one. During the drawing of a stone by one of the teams, the players of the opposing team are prohibited from staying within the playing court and taking any action aimed at interfering with the movement of stones on its surface, as well as the actions of the players of the team conducting the rally.

7.3. The team conducting the first first stone in the first end of the match is determined by lot. In subsequent ends of the match, the first stone in the end is played by the team that won the previous end. In the event of a tie end, the first stone in the next end is played by the team that started the stone throws in the previous end.

7.4. A stone is considered participating in the game if, after release by the player, it completely crossed the hog line on the opposite side of the court and stopped in the area bounded by the back and side lines of the court. A stone touching the back line of the court is in play.

7.5. The stone is canceled and the thrown stone is removed from the game in the following cases:

a) the stone turns over and slides on the side of the handle;

b) the stone stops until it completely crosses the hog line, unless it touches another stone behind this line;

c) the stone completely crosses the back line of the site;

d) the stone touches (during movement or after stopping) the side line of the court or the side that replaces it.

7.6. Touching any line of the site with a stone means:

a) the presence of contact of any part of the stone with the line of the site or a rim replacing it;

b) intersection of the projection of the edge of the stone, lowered to the line of the site.

NOTE: if the intersection of the projection of the edge of the stone and the line of the court cannot be established visually, this fact can be established by the match referee by measuring the position of the stone using a special device - a square with a right angle.


8.1. When a team is playing a stone, only a skip (or a vice-skip that replaces it) of this team can be in the "house". The skip (vice-skip) of the team playing the stone has a preferential right in choosing a position in the “home” in relation to the players of the opposing team.

8.2. When playing a stone for one of the teams, the skip and vice-skip of the opposing team must be behind the back line of the court. The exit of these players to the court is allowed in the following cases:

a) when the thrown stone touches the stone of the given team;

b) when the stones cross the line of the center of the "house" (te line).

NOTE: when a player is throwing a stone, the skip and vice-skip of the opposing team, located behind the back line of the court, must not move along this line, and also make any movements that interfere with the throwing player.

8.3. After any stone crosses the tee line, the team skips have equal rights to sweep as the stone slides. Sweeping in relation to a stone crossing the line of the center of the "house" can begin only from the moment the stone touches this line.

8.4. When a stone is being played by one of the teams, the "first" and "second" numbers of the opposing team must be outside the court in the area between the hog lines. However, their position should not obscure the view of the scoreline judge.


9.1. In the starting position, before the throw, the player with one foot must rest on one of the blocks fixed on the playing court. Players who release a stone with their right hand use the block located to the left of the center line of the court, and players who release a stone with their left hand use the block located to the right of the center line. If the player uses the opposite block to make a throw, the stone is canceled.

9.2. When making a throw, the player is allowed to push off the block and slide with a stone in his hand to the nearest hog line, releasing a stone before crossing this line.

9.3. If the player does not have time to release the stone before crossing the end-of-line, the stone is canceled. Violation of this rule can be recorded by the scoring judge or the chief referee of the match (if he specifically records the implementation of this rule at the request of the opposing team's skip).

NOTE: if a player releases a stone in such a way that the scoring judge has doubts about the correctness of the release of the stone, the player can be warned by the chief referee of the match about the need to accurately perform this action.

9.4. If during the execution of the throw, the player with the stone in his hand did not cross the line of the center of the "home" nearest to him and, for any reason, stopped the execution of the throw, the throw may be repeated.

9.5. If a player throws a stone out of sequence, this rally is considered invalid and the throw is made by the corresponding player of the same team. If the error is discovered not at the time of the rally, but after several rallies of the stone, the player who missed the turn for the throw, throws the last stone of his team in this end.

9.6. If the team skips agree that one stone has been missed, but cannot agree on the player who made the mistake, the "first" team number rolls the last stone of his team in this end.

9.7. If one team incorrectly performs two throws in a row, the second throw is canceled (with the right to repeat it in sequence).

9.8. In the event of an error in the execution of three stone throws by one player in the end, his partner, who performs the last throws of his team's stones in the end, makes only one throw.

9.9. If a player mistakenly makes a throw using a stone from the opposing team, the rally is considered valid (all stones remain in new positions), the thrown stone is returned to the opposing team, and an erroneously missed stone is placed in its place.


10.1. Sweeping refers to the players' rubbing the surface of the playing court with a special brush or broom.

10.2. Sweeping can only be performed in front of a moving stone, in the immediate vicinity of it. Swiping can be carried out only in the direction of movement of the stones of your team (except for the case when the stone of the opposing team crosses the center line of the "home"). Before the tee line crosses the center line of the “house” (tee line), sweeping in relation to it can be carried out by all the players of the team performing the rally, and after crossing this line - only with the team's skip or with the vice-skip replacing it in the “house”.

10.3. Players of one team cannot sweep in relation to the stones of the other team (unless the stone crosses the center line of the "home" of the opposing team).

10.4. A team playing a stone and not wanting to sweep behind the home center line must not impede the opposing team's sweeping in relation to its stone.

10.5. Only one player from the team (skip or vice-skip) is allowed to sweep in the direction of movement of the stone (s) crossing the center line of the "home".

NOTE: 1) the vice-skip gains the right to sweep behind the center line of the "home" from the moment the team's skip begins to perform the throw;

2) if a skip throws stones not the last in turn in the team, his right to perform a sweep behind the center line of the "home" is renewed only after his stone has been completely played.

10.6. The rubbing of the surface of the playing court during sweeping should be accompanied by the movement of the brush head or broom on the ice from side to side. These movements must be performed on the surface of the playing court at an angle to the line of movement of the stone.

NOTE: When performing a sweep, do not:

Unidirectional sliding of the brush on the surface of the platform in front of the stone (without moving from side to side);

"Hanging" of the brush in front of a moving stone or above it (without touching the surface of the site);

Performing movements with a brush on ice along the stone sliding line;

10.7. When performing a sweep, it is not allowed for players and their inventory to touch the stones on the court.

10.8. During a match, a player can only use one brush or broom to sweep. In the event of a breakdown, it can be replaced with equipment of the same type. The replacement of the brush can be made only with the permission of the chief referee of the match. Several players on a team can use the same brush to perform a sweep.

10.9. A player can use two different brushes in a match: one for sweeping and the other for throwing a stone.


11.1. In the event that a player of the team conducting the rally touches a moving stone of his team with a part of his body or with a brush, this stone may be removed from the game and the rally canceled. At the same time, the skip of the opposing team may decide to count the completed rally by placing the stone, in relation to which the contact was made, at the place of a possible stop, as well as place other stones at the places of a possible stop.

11.2. In the event that a player of the non-playing team touches a moving stone of the opposing team with a part of the body or with a brush, the skip of this team can leave the stone at the place of its actual stop or place it in a position that the stone could take if it were not a mistake was made (touch).

11.3. If the position of any stone has changed upon contact with a moving stone, in relation to which a mistake (touch) was made, the skip of the opposite team has the right to:

a) cancel the rally and return the displaced stones to their original positions;

11.4. If the skip decides on the location of the stones at the places of possible stopping (points: 11.1, 11.2, 11.3), the positions of all stones must be coordinated by the skips of both teams. In the absence of a consensus among the skips, the final decision is made by the chief referee of the match.

11.5. The fact of touching a stone by a player is considered confirmed in the following cases:

a) the touch is confirmed by the skips of both teams;

b) the touch is recorded by the chief referee of the match (subject to direct visual monitoring of the given rally);

If one of these two conditions is not met, the player's contact with the stone is considered unconfirmed, and the match continues with the actual placement of stones on the court.


12.1. In the event that a player of the team playing the stone moves a stationary stone that is in the path of the moving stone, the skip of the opposing team can make one of the following decisions:

a) to cancel the played stone, returning all stones to their original positions;

12.2. In case of displacement of a stationary stone that is not in the path of the moving stone, the stationary stone returns to its original position (by skip of the opposing team). The drawing is considered completed with the preservation of the positions of the remaining stones on the site.

12.3. The fact that the player has displaced a stone is established in a sequence similar to clause 11.5.


13.1. The area of ​​the playing court between the hog line and the home center line, excluding the boundaries of the home, is defined as the free defenders area.

13.2. The rule of the “free defenders” zone applies in every end during the period of the first four stones (ie the first two stones of each team), namely: stones in the “free defenders” zone (not touching the “home” line) are not can be knocked out of bounds by the stones of opponents. If they are knocked out, the stones that were in this zone are returned to their original positions, and the rally is canceled. From the beginning of the fifth stone in the end, the rule of the "free defenders" zone loses its validity.

NOTE: a situation in which a stone located in the "free defenders" zone, after being hit by a played stone, knocks out a stone in the "house" and remains within it, is not a violation of the "free defenders" zone rule.


To control the duration of game actions performed by teams during the match, one of two principles can be used.

14.1. The first principle is the introduction of a time limit for the drawing of all stones in a match with the registration of "clean" playing time.

Each team participating in the match is allocated 75 minutes of "pure" playing time for all the stone rounds in the 10 ends of the match. If a team does not manage to play all the stones in all ends of the match, it will be counted as a defeat in the match.

The counting of "pure" playing time begins from the moment the opposing team ends the rally and lasts until the rally by this team ends (all stones have stopped on the court).

In the event of a disputable situation requiring the intervention of a referee, the countdown of the "clean" playing time stops. Its countdown is resumed at the signal of the chief referee of the match (from the moment of the beginning of the drawing of stones by one of the teams).

Registration of "clean" playing time is assigned to the judge-timekeeper.

NOTE: when using the principle of registering "clean" playing time, there is no time limit for the execution of a drawing of one stone.

14.2. The second principle is the introduction of a time limit for the drawing of one stone.

In the event that, in the opinion of the match referee, the player delays the preparation time for the execution of the stone throw or the team's skip makes a decision about the task to its partner for an excessively long time, the referee may set a time limit, namely:

a) for the player making the throw - 30 seconds to start the action;

b) for a skip (vice-skip) - 2 minutes for making a decision and defining a task for a partner.

If the players exceed these time limits, the drawing of the stone is canceled.

NOTE: this principle is used if the principle of registering "pure" playing time (clause 14.1) cannot be implemented for technical or other reasons.


Curling is a game of skill and tradition. A well executed throw is not only fun to watch, but also a great way to manifest the long-honored tradition of curling with a true spirit of the game. Curler athletes play to win, but never to humiliate their opponents. A true curler would rather lose than win unfairly.

A true curler athlete will never try to distract an opponent or in any way create obstacles to their good play. A curler athlete will never dare to break the rules of the game or any of the traditions. But if he did so unintentionally and realized it, he would be the first to report the violation.

While the difficulty of curling makes it possible for the players to be proficient, the spirit of the game requires them to be truly athletic, friendly and respectful. The spirit of the game should manifest itself both in the interpretation of the rules of the game and in their practical application, as well as be the basis for the behavior of the participants in the competition on and off the ice.

* This section is mandatory for the World Curling Federation Laws of the Game.

With each new year, more and more various sports games appear. And they all have their own certain rules... And their entertainment is different. But this is what attracts a large number of people who, over time, become fans of a particular sport. However, it should be noted that not all disciplines are capable of entering the program of the Olympic Games. Curling not only managed to achieve this, but also became the official sport of the Olympics. In this review, we will talk about what rules are typical for this game, which has managed to gain universal recognition from many fans. In addition, some historical moments of this interesting sport should be highlighted.

What can you say about this type of competition?

Curling is a type of sports discipline that has been officially included in the Olympic program since 1998. However, the history of this competition began much earlier. Somewhere in the sixteenth century. Today, a large number of athletes from many countries of the world are engaged in curling. There is nothing strange in this, since the game has a pronounced adversarial nature and is able to attract the attention of even those people who have not watched it before. That is why the rules of the curling game have become of interest to many.

The term "curling", if interpreted with of English language, stands for "rotation". Currently, this is how it is called sports game held on ice. The rules of the game of curling imply the use of such a special object as a pin.

A bit of history: about the emergence of sports discipline

The game originated in Scotland. It was this country that provided the opportunity for many other states to get acquainted in more detail with this sports discipline. Basically, curling has taken root where conditions are suitable for it. Indeed, at that time, the pouring of ice on some specific areas was not carried out. The fields were simple frozen natural reservoirs. Officially, curling is a sport recognized in 1838 when a specialized club was opened. Five years later, after Queen Victoria visited the game, it became appropriately called royal.

What is an Olympic sport?

Although in 1924 curling was included in the first Winter Olympic Games, which were held in Chamonix, it was not officially considered an Olympic discipline. They began to call him such only after 74 years.

The rules of the curling game involve the use of a specially prepared field. And it must be filled with ice without fail. The size of the playing area is 45.72x5 meters. If you look at the field from above, then there is an opportunity to consider the markup along which the game itself takes place. An important part is the "house", which looks like a shooting target. It is to him that athletes need to bring the pin. In addition, the rules of curling imply that the closer to the center it gets, the better it will be for the players of any team.

Sports equipment dimensions

The pin looks like a round-shaped projectile. When creating it, a material such as granite is used. The diameter of the stone should not exceed 91.44 centimeters. The height also has a fixed value and is 11.43 centimeters. The weight of the skittles can vary from 17.24 to 19.96 kilograms. A metal handle is attached to the projectile so that it is more convenient to launch it. The curling competition rules assume there are eight pins, 2 for each athlete on the team. In one set with such shells there is a brush, as well as a stand that is used to slide during the throw.

You will definitely need to choose shoes. It is a pair of boots that have a wide variety of properties. One pair of shoes has a sliding sole, while the other, on the contrary, has an anti-slip sole. Of the technical accessories, athletes only have a stopwatch.

Dividing the game into separate periods

Curling, namely a match in this sport, is divided into separate playing parts in the amount of 10 pieces. They are called "end". As a result of the completion of all parts, points are determined. Moreover, they will be awarded to the team of athletes who win the race. The second team, respectively, is left without points. The overall result will be the sum of the points that were received for completing the individual stages of the game.

How to make the most accurate throw?

The rules of the game state that there simply cannot be a draw. In this situation, if the teams have received an equal number of points, they will be given an additional race. It is his result that will contribute to the final determination of the winner. Competitions can be won through subtle calculation. The athlete is only required to calculate with high accuracy the point at which to stop before making a throw. The strength of the throw is also of particular importance. Everything will depend on the skill of the player and how quickly the athletes cope with clearing the road in front of the projectile. This must be done in order for him to get to a certain goal faster and more accurately.

for Game

So, we should summarize what was written above, and highlight some more aspects, answering the question of how to play curling.

The length of the site should be 146 feet, or 44.5 meters. The playing field is 14 feet 2 inches wide, or 4.32 meters. The target, called a house, has a diameter of 12 feet, or 3.66 meters. The shell weighs 44 pounds, or 19.96 kilograms. Granite is used in the manufacture. It has a cylindrical shape, flat surface with high sliding performance. There is a handle at the top of the skittles.

What else can you say about this sports discipline?

What other curling rules are there? IN gameplay two teams take part, 4 athletes in each. The game is divided into periods independent from each other. There are 10 of them in total. During one end, and this is how one period of the game is called, teams take turns launching eight shells. When playing a stone, the player must push off from the starting column and accelerate the projectile, moving it along the ice. At the same time, he must either achieve a complete stop of the pins in a certain place, or make it so that it knocks out the projectile of the opposing team. Everything will depend on the tactics chosen. Other players on the same team help the projectile move faster and more accurately by rubbing the ice with brushes. They do this directly in front of the stone. In addition, due to this rubbing, they help to correct the movement of the pins.

When all the shells for both teams have been played, the period points will be calculated. The jury will take into account only those pins that will not go outside the house. The team with the projectile closest to the center of the target will win one end. She will receive a point for each pin that is as close as possible to the opponent's stones to the middle of the house.

An extra period in the game to help determine the winner

With the last throw, the team can get a very big advantage. Whoever throws the shell first in the opening end will definitely be drawn. In the remaining periods, those players who lost in the previous end start throwing. If, at the end of the period, there are no stones left within the target, a draw will be scored. In the next end, the first team to throw will be the same team that started throwing the pins in the previous game stage. That is why it is sometimes very profitable to throw a projectile, and not get at least one point.

The winner will be determined by the total of all points in all game stages... In the event that their number is equal, an additional period is assigned, which is called the extra-end. The winner of this period becomes the winner of the entire game. The team that lost the previous one will throw in the additional end.

The popularity of the game is constantly growing

On this, the question of what rules of the curling game exist is fully considered. We hope that this review has helped you understand this sports discipline and understand what it is. In principle, there is nothing complicated and specific in this game. However, interest in it grows stronger and stronger every day. And the addiction of people to sports only pleases.