We shoot high-quality letsplay of games on a computer and phone. What every game browser needs to be able to do

From the author: Hi all! Today we will delve into the topic of computer game reviews and find out how and how much letplayers earn. Basically, creating a letsplay channel is like doing a YouTube video blog. Only this blog will have a rather narrow focus, namely, an overview of games coming out on PC and consoles. Although, some popular bloggers from YouTube successfully combine letplays and, for example, vlogs, that is, videos where they talk about how they create those same letsplays.

Or they simply talk about their life, naturally, in their corporate style, for which the audience of several tens of thousands or even millions of subscribers fell in love with them. But, one way or another, they all have income from their channels. Today we will find out how letsplayers make money.

Advertising is the main piece of bread for a letplayer

Many users are interested in the question of how letplayers earn on YouTube and whether they earn at all. Of course, they earn money, but, of course, no one is in a hurry to pay them for their charisma and thousands of views. The bulk of letplayers' earnings come from advertisements, which appear in the form of pop-ups or in video format that are played before the letplay begins.

Sometimes a video can be skipped after 5-15 seconds, sometimes it must be watched in full. The main thing is to be sure that too long and intrusive advertising will not force you to unsubscribe from the channel. Let's just say, since the video is edited for viewers, then the subscribers should be paramount, and earning from advertising is easy by-effect.

In some cases, the blogger himself can unobtrusively (or as best he can) advertise some products. Even if an advertising poster gets into the frame during the video, or the observer himself uses the products of some brand in the video, without focusing on the attention of the viewers, this will also be considered hidden advertising. After you acquire affiliate programs, you will start earning no less than other popular YouTubers.

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How much do letplay specialists earn?

It would seem that this is not difficult. Of course, it is impossible to say unequivocally how much letplayers earn on YouTube, but according to some sources, popular Russian YouTube channels earn from $ 5,000 to $ 29,000 ... per month. An impressive figure, isn't it?

Moreover, some of these channels specialize in reviewing games, like Minecraft (this is not an advertisement!). Yes, in certain circles, these indie games enjoy impressive popularity.

Now you have an idea of ​​how and how much letsplayers earn thanks to affiliate programs.

But not everything is so simple. To start making money from advertising thanks to your letsplay, you need to become a popular blogger on YouTube. To do this, you need to literally be obsessed with this idea and devote at least 7-8 hours (!) A day to work. In addition, charisma, erudition and a sense of humor should become your constant companions in this craft.

How do you really get your viewers interested?

It is unlikely that anyone would want to watch a boring and "dry" review of the game, especially since there is really a lot of competition among letplayers on YouTube. Only by becoming better than many others will you be able to arouse the interest of your audience, therefore it is necessary to determine which game in this moment may interest the spoiled viewers of the XXI century.

There is no need to "invent a bike", there are some pretty old games, but still relevant games, for which many different reviews have been made. With each passage of one of these "classic" games, you can discover something new for yourself and the viewers of your channel. As an example, we can mention Silent Hill(it doesn't matter which part), Resident evil(same), Devil May cry and some more games from Konami or CAPCOM.

There are many details in these games that many simply do not notice. And, meanwhile, they can be a kind of references to other parts of the game - those that are called "Easter eggs".

In any case, in your video, you can make an assumption about the detail that suddenly caught your attention, and comment it wittily. In general, for video game reviews, attention to detail is never superfluous. At the same time, they should not distract from the main thing - gameplay.

All this is just a small part of what is required of a blogger claiming impressive earnings on YouTube channels. To learn more about how to become a good blogger on YouTube, check out video courses, which can be paid or even free, but will make you a great blogger anyway.

The technical side of the issue

In order to make high-quality reviews of games that came out relatively recently, you should get a sufficiently powerful PC. It is not at all necessary to spend money on a super-powerful machine for letsplay, but since you decided not just to play, but also to film this process, then you need to use a lot of resources for this.

Plus, don't forget about good headphones and a microphone. Of course, you should not buy the most expensive equipment, but it is necessary for a blogger to have it. It is best to use a highly directional microphone so that extraneous sounds, such as a dog barking outside the window, are not present in your materials.

Best of all, if the audio is recorded separately from the video, then there will be no problems during editing, and you can correct the audio track without affecting the sounds accompanying the gameplay. It goes without saying that the fewer extraneous sounds in the video, the higher the quality of the letplay in general.

The presence of a video camera will also be useful. For this, of course, it would be ideal to use a "DSLR", but if there is none - that's okay, something simpler will do. On the one hand, it is not necessary to film yourself, but creating the effect of live communication with the audience will certainly not be superfluous.

In order to record game video, it is most convenient to use programs such as Bandicam or Fraps. But, of course, the choice may fall on something else. Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere Pro will be handy for editing footage, but if you prefer other programs, use whatever you see fit.

In order to earn money, the let-player has to make certain investments. And whether they will be justified depends only on you. But if you are armed with an unshakable desire to run your YouTube channel and subsequently make it popular, then the money spent on the purchase of equipment will definitely pay off.

However, before purchasing all the letplay technology, carefully review and analyze the channels of other game reviewers and bloggers. This is necessary in order to understand whether you really want to review video games, and see what your competitors are capable of, and then decide what you would like to fix in their videos, and what to borrow for yours.

But the main thing is not to plagiarize! Be original and your followers will love you for it.

In order not to miss new articles, subscribe to our blog and improve your freelancing skills. Until next time!

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Today we'll talk about how to become a letsplayer and how to shoot a letsplayer. Hello dear visitors to my site. Perhaps many of you have heard about the so-called letsplayers who play computer (and not only) games by filming and uploading videos to Youtube video hosting? So, this article will focus on them. I will explain why they are doing this, as well as tell you how to become a letsplayer, and what is needed for this.

Since the beginning of 2012, I myself have become a letsplayer. Why did I decide to become one? Probably because I was attracted by the ease of this type of earnings on Youtube. It seems to be nothing complicated - you just need to go through some recently released, popular game by recording all this on video and getting subscribers and views at the same time. But not everything is so simple. At that time, there was a huge competition among letplayers and video bloggers on Youtube, and each of them wanted viewers to watch only his videos.

I didn't really promote my channel, I didn't pay other, more popular letplayers for PR, I just shot 1-2 episodes every day passing retro games like Command & Conquer - Red alert, Diablo, etc. A year later, my channel already had over 200 posted videos, 300 subscribers and 100,000 views. Not so much, but quite enough to get an affiliate program.

So, why do you need to shoot letsplays at all? The reason is simple and clear - for earnings... The fact is that recently all residents of the CIS countries who have more or less promoted channels on Youtube have the opportunity to connect an affiliate program. Before that, only foreign users could connect it, and some Russian-language channels, which had more than a million subscribers and even more views. An affiliate program (affiliate program) is necessary to add new functions to your channel that were not there before, and most importantly, for video monetization.

After we figured out who the letplayers are and why they do it, we can talk about what needs to be done to become one of them.

  1. First, you need to have free time, great patience, endurance to sit in one place for many hours and shoot a video. Many novice letsplayers quit their job precisely because of a lack of patience.
  2. Secondly, it is unnecessary to pay attention to haters. Haters are users who dislik a video and write angry comments about it. It is best to ban these users in the "bud", although you can leave them alone. After all, haters help a lot in promoting the channel by watching the videos of the letsplayer so unloved by them.
  3. If you are going to shoot the passage of modern games, then you need to buy a more powerful computer. It is desirable that he pulls games at least at medium settings, without losing FPS (frames per second). Because, viewers will not be very pleased to watch summer plays, which are more like "slideshows". Also, to this item you can add the purchase of a capacious hard drive, where the years will be stored. I think 500 gigabytes will be enough.
  4. To become a letsplayer You need to buy a microphone. It is not necessary to buy a studio microphone from the very beginning, which costs a couple of thousand dollars, it is better to buy an inexpensive microphone, within 500 rubles. The main thing is that when recording, the voice is clearly audible, without interference and noise.

So, I have listed the main criteria for how to become a letsplayer and you have learned how to shoot a letsplayer. If you also want to become one, then you are always welcome. Perhaps you will like this activity and soon you will

0 March 23, 2016 6:01 pm

Let-play (from the English let "s play" - "let's play") - a genre of videos in which the author films the process computer game and gives his comments on what is happening. Nowadays, the hobby is quite popular: letplayers (they are streamers) have millions of subscribers on YouTube, and many users watch letplayers as an interactive movie, because they have neither the time nor the desire to figure out how to play, but watching the process fascinates them ...

Even if you have not seen a single video of this genre on YouTube, you probably still have an idea of ​​what is at stake. This is especially familiar to those who have a brother in their family who rarely shared a joystick with their sister (story of my life). In such a disadvantageous situation, you just sit and watch someone play the console.

Nowadays, these YouTube blogs great amount subscribers who are happy to watch how the authors pass on new level in Game. Here are five bloggers who caught our attention.

Felix Arvid Ulf Cheelberg is a Swedish video blogger, creator of the YouTube channel PewDiePie. The 26-year-old guy created his project on April 1, 2010. To date, more than 42 million people are already following Felix's comments on gaming news.

PewDiePie is one of the fastest growing channels and one of the most profitable. According to The Guardian, Felix's income for 2014 was $ 7.4 million. In his reviews, the author of videos most often plays horror and action games.

18-year-old Karina shoots various videos, in some of them she comments on the process of the game. If you watch the video without sound, you can see a charming and cute girl with cute ears, who dresses in anime style. By turning on the sound, get ready for a contrasting soul from a sweet voice and a loud mat. The girl's mood changes quickly, and it is impossible to predict what she will throw out in the next minute. By the way, Karina can not only comment on the process of playing Dota, she also cooks, sings in karaoke and draws.

Karina already has 189 thousand subscribers on YouTube, and the popular girl's Instagram has 89 thousand followers. Streamer has become a real star social networks, fans adore her for her controversial image and self-irony.

26-year-old Mark Fitchback was born in Hawaii, began his career in Ohio, later settled in California, and came to popularity on YouTube. On his channel you can find how the letplay is pretty serious games and entertaining videos in which the author plays "Mario" and comments on the actions of a mustachioed plumber.

Mark has over 12 million YouTube subscribers, and in addition to game reviews on the guy's channel, you can find funny videos of animals.

Frost, or Yuri Morozilka, is a well-known Russian video blogger who takes pictures of let-plays. His selections are weird, but rather simple games... The video clips entertain the viewer rather than give a real idea of ​​the game. The author is not shy about playing children's games and makes it pretty funny.

The Frost channel already has more than 4 million subscribers, and the author of the videos himself makes good money with the help of his videos - according to various sources, his monthly income ranges from 30 to 40 thousand dollars.


Lizzie is a 23 year old fan Minecraft games(a computer indie sandbox game with elements of a survival simulator and open world- ed.) from Liverpool. The girl mostly posts videos from the game in pastel colors that match her image.

Elizabeth already has almost 2 million YouTube subscribers who love not only the girl's charming manner of acting, but also her gentle image.

Photo Stills from video

From the author: Once again, welcome to the blog, one of the tasks of which is to highlight the various Internet professions. Today we are going to talk about letsplay, or rather, how to become a letsplayer and start making money on it.

Let-play is a video walkthrough of a computer game, accompanied by the author's comments. During the recording process, the letplayer tells the audience about his impressions of the game, forming its general vision for the viewer.

Many potential freelancers are wondering: what does it take to become a letsplayer? Of course, a great desire and relevant personal data play a primary role, but more on that later. Now we will clarify the material side of this issue.

What equipment does a letsplayer need?

Relatively powerful PC.

There is no need to purchase a super powerful computer, but if you intend to review new games, it is important that they run at least with average graphics settings and do not slow down.

The review, which resembles a slideshow, is unlikely to please the public. Games already use a lot of resources, and if you are going to record the gameplay, then you really need good computer.

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In addition to a proper PC, the hard drive is equally important for the letplayer. Modern games take up a lot of memory, and videos can weigh even more.


Naturally, a microphone is required to record the let-play. It is best to use a directional microphone to minimize keyboard and mouse clicks in the video. But at the beginning of a career, a budget microphone option is also suitable.

By the way, it would be best to record the audio track with your comments separately from the video. We are not immune from extraneous sounds, and KAMAZ can noisily rush past your open window at the most inopportune moment.
If the audio track is located separately from video materials, you can remove extraneous sounds during editing. Otherwise, you can remove this sound only together with the sounds of the game itself. Keep in mind that the absence of extraneous sounds improves the overall viewing quality.


It is best, of course, to use a DSLR, but you don't have to show yourself in the review, so you can do without a camera. But if the director, director, producer and actor himself appear on the video in one person, this will create the effect of live communication with the viewer.

In theatrical performances and in cinema, the actor's addressing directly to the audience is called the destruction of the fourth wall. Indeed, sometimes it comes in handy.

Let's remember the concept of one of the most famous Pink Floyd albums: there should be no wall between musicians and fans. And, of course, if you start filming yourself, take care of your surroundings - for example, against the background of a carpet, you may be considered overly conservative.

You can use Bandicam or Fraps to record video, but if you like a different program, then you are welcome. Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere Pro are perfect for editing, but here, too, your choice may fall on another program that seems to you the most optimal.

In principle, the technical part of the let-play is limited to this, and you can already start recording and editing. But not so fast. Hardware is just the foundation. Now you need to build the building itself, that is, make the material really interesting and lively. How difficult it is to become a letsplayer!

And becoming a good letsplayer is even more difficult. But take your time to give up. Look at the problem more broadly: channeling is a kind of blogging. On the Internet, you will find or even free video courses that will teach you some of the subtleties that are needed when blogging of any kind. And if you constantly develop your channel, you can do it.

What does every game browser need to be able to do?

To become a YouTube letsplayer, it's time to be patient. Firstly, without proper exposure, you will not edit a single video, and meanwhile, it will take months or even years before you become a successful reviewer earning money from affiliate programs(as, in fact, all popular letsplayers make money).

Secondly, you will have so-called "haters" (English hate - hatred), who will consider it their duty to dislike you or write a comment with insults to you. If this is critical for you, then it is best to ban all "haters" after the first comment, however, and they can play into your hands and affect the number of views of your videos.

How to become a popular YouTube letsplayer if you lack charisma? No way. But this situation is fixable. Analyze the videos of other reviewers, find out what you would like to learn from them and what mistakes you think they made.

Pick a moment when you are in high spirits and record. The main thing is that you enjoy this process. In general, record in any state, but the next day evaluate the recording with a “fresh” eye and correct it. In addition, be sure to train your diction, because a boring and slurred voice is unlikely to be appreciated by your audience.

Anyone who wants to become a letsplayer needs constant self-improvement, perseverance and creativity. Top tip: Get really creative with your hobby - this will set you apart from most game reviewers.

In games meet interesting moments, details that are invisible at first glance, but may turn out to be "Easter eggs", that is, references to other games, films or literary works. Even if the detail that suddenly caught your attention is not a reference at all, you can think out for the developers and make your guess. This will make the audience think and generate additional interest in the material being watched.