Resident Evil 7 Teaser Passage. How to turn off the water supply

After the entrance roller, leave the car and go on the way. It will lead you to a strange house. The gate is locked, and they do not pass through them, so go along the fence to the guest house. On the way, we have a television van. Searching it, it becomes clear that these are those bloggers from the demo of the game. Continue to go further along the trail, then jump to the ashes, there is a bag next to this place. Searching for her, you will find your wife's documents. Now there is no doubt, Mia is somewhere in the house. Passing through the door, go further along the corridor to the closet with a chain - remember its location. Then you will get into the kitchen, here you can look around, but nothing will be useful. After examining the kitchen, go to the next corridor and climb the steps to the second floor. On the right around the corner on the table there will be a cassette, and on the left - the tape recorder is a means for saving in the game. Preserved, go down to the first floor, go further along the corridor in the living room - the door to the right. Here come to the VCR and insert the cassette into it. After booting into the episode, turn back and pick it up, with it, open the box in the kitchen - now you can open this box in the present, there will be a coin. Having understood the episode to the end, go to the fireplace, as in the cassette, and activate the lever to open a secret passage.

The passage will lead you to the basement, go further through the flooded room to the locked camera, where the man is sleeping. In the next room, find the borer on the table, apply it to the locked chamber. It is the Mia that you were looking for. After a brief conversation, follow the girl. Long sharpening affected the girl, she will lose consciousness on the sofa. Your task is to find the way further. To do this, go to another room and inspect it. Returning to his wife, it turns out that she disappeared, but a pass appeared back to the house. Once in a familiar corridor, take a card from home in the bedside table, then look at the bathroom and pick up the first aid kits. After that, go to the only door, it will be locked, and you will have to return to the basement. On the way to you by an obsessed Miya. You can only fight back from it, pressing the desired buttons. Having knocked the knife, the girl will come to himself and will lose consciousness. Apply the first aid kit, and then check your wife. She will attack again. Once in the library, pick up the ax. With it, we will defeate the girl. After your victory will ring the phone in the corridor. Unknown to us more Zoe will advise to flee through the attic.

Putting up the tube, pick up the ax and go through the door that was previously closed. Raising, be sure to survive. In order to open the path to the attic, it is necessary to find the fuse - it is in a chain closet (in the first corridor). Return to the living room with him, where they watched the cassette, insert it into the camshaft on the wall. After that, return to the second floor, on the stairs they will again be attacked. You will be digeted to the wall, try to pull it out, and when you cut your hand, pick it up. After a terrible fight, run up and click on the button on the post. Climb the lowered stairs. Climbing in the attic, go to the side room, there will be a gun and cartridges to it. Having finished the examination of the attic, climb on the panel stairs. Not having time to open the window, Mia will attack you. Quickly descend back and move away from the obsessed girl. You need to do 5-8 exact shots in mind for victory. By killing the girl, you are stunned, and the cat scene will begin.

Main House

Having become acquainted with the family of Bakers at the dinner table, rally stools and free your hands from the rope. On the right, in the rest room, pick up the grass in the box (it is necessary to create aidhechki), one more can be taken near the refrigerator in the garbage bucket. In the next room on the floor luke - Remember where it is. Having finished inspecting, go out into the corridor and go on it until you see the chapter of a strange family. Come to him so that he discovered you, then go back to the dining table, leading the enemy. Observe the table, go back to the corridor. Where you met Jack, you can find the key from the hatch. Feed the key, open the hatch and run to a safe place where you can stay and preserve. It is possible to get the key from the hatch is secretive, constantly hiding in the rooms from Jack, but with this passage you can lose a lot of time.

In the safe room on the table, take the map. Preserved, you can leave the room. Passing through the door, the phone will immediately call, after talking, go further along the corridor to the window, where the policeman knocks. From him you will get a knife. Now you can go down to the garage. Before descending to the garage, break the box, you can pick up the cartridges. Going down, interact with the shield. After a short cat scene, pick up a gun on the floor and keys on the table. Right run to the car. Santa in She, use the key and ask Jack. When you finally deal with it, you can inspect the room. Here you can find the epoxide necessary to create various aidhechks. After that, climb the stairs above Pick the cartridges for a shotgun and statuette bull on the wardrobe. After that, move the wardrobe and jump into the room.

Figurine is needed in order to open a metal door (at the end of the corridor) inserting it into the mechanism. Behind the door you will find yourself in the central hall. Search by room, go to the portrait with a trite-headed dog.

First head. It is quite simple to find it. Take the pendulum from the big clock and insert it into similar clocks that are in the kitchen, where you got acquainted with the bekers. Getting your head, return to the central hall.

Second head. Climb the second floor and go to the door that near an elderly woman. Further go to the balcony (right) and go through the wooden door on the left (at the end of the balcony you can find different supplies). In the room you can search for useful items, there are also a video of MII here (it's not necessary to pass it, but if you still decide, then get ready to hide from the women who pusing you). The head is in the book, to the left of the table with a TV.

Third head. First you need to solve a puzzle with the projector, for this you need to find a strange figure. On the second floor, find the bathroom, pulling the water figure will lie in the bath. As soon as you take it, our old acquaintance is burst into the room - Jack. Run away from him to the first floor and hide there when he leaves, go back to the projector. Your task: Locate the figure so that it becomes similar to the crow, which is depicted in the picture. Solving a simple puzzle, you will open a secret passage. In the room with trophies, pick up psychostimulants by applying them, you will see the location of all items. Search room, run to the end of the corridor. Before descending the stairs to the basement, save in the next room. The basement is a great threat due to the plesnevikov who live there. It's easy to kill them, enough 2-3 shot in the head, if there are many of them, go away and kill enemies one by one. You need to break through the cremation room. In this room, open the last furnace and the furnace with the fingerprint. Thus, you will open the first furnace, but an enhanced monster will come out of it. It is better not to spend the cartridges on it, quickly take the key from the same furnace and run back until the monster disappears. For the crematorium, be sure to inspect the room for the green shirma, in one of them you will find scorpion - With it, you can open the doors with a scorpion (you can get a shotgun, but it is better to get better with it).

Going further, you will find yourself in the morgue, on the second floor there will be the last head. As soon as you take it, Jack will attack you. He will throw you down, it will not work out, so you have to fight. It makes no sense to shoot it, it's better to run from him in a circle and sometimes to face hanging corpses. When you rapid it enough, he will make him a chainsaw for himself, then you can take chainsaw on the same table. Now you have a weapon capable of damage damage. Like a convenient moment and Bates Boss to stun it, use corpses. Spirling Jack's head three times, you won. After that, go to the door and use your chainsaw on the iron drill. Now you can return to the central hall and insert heads.

How to get a shotgun?

In order to take a shotgun, you need to get scorpionwhich is in the basement (read above). Having got the key, run to the room where they found a cassette Mia. In this room there is a door with scorpions, open the key using the found key. Behind the door take a broken shotgun, then go back to the central hall where the working shotgun is located. Take a shotgun from the statue, and put the broken, the door will open, and you can go with a working shotgun.

an old house

Send from home, run to the trailer, collecting useful items along the way. In the trailer you can persist, and here you can exchange vintage coins on various amplifiers and even Magnum. Near the exit from the trailer, the phone will call, Zoe will convince you that Miu can still be saved, for this you need to make serum. For its manufacture, you will need some ingredients, you can find them in the old house. Passing the bridge, you will fall into the house that tends insects. Large insects are easy to kill with a knife, but small flying near the nests and will not let you just go. So the first thing you need to find flamethrower. To begin with, go to the left in the room with a break in the floor, then go to the guest room. In the next room, hive, run it on the right side. In the corridor, select the map of the old house. Reaching the room with the projector (another puzzle), go to the balcony, select the left in the tank handle burners. Go on, moving through the bridge, you will find yourself in a safe room. Here you can find a backpack that will increase your inventory. Return to the house and go to the eastern rooms (see the game card). Passing the dining room, go through the bridge, and then turn right to the house. In it you will find herbs and nose burner. Now you can create flamethrower, to do this, merge the things found. Armed with flamethrower, you can explore all the rooms and open cabinets that were before the security insects. You need to go to the living room, burn here a hive above the fireplace, and then climb through the resulting passage. In the next room, talk to the Miay, after take from the table stone statuette - Need to solve a puzzle with the second projector. You need to return to the projector, but it will not be so easy to do it. The mistress of insects will appear, it will close some doors with their insects (it is impossible to burn). Do not waste cartridges and fuel on insects and their mistress, just run to the projector through open doors.

In the room with the projector, use the statuette and decide the simple puzzle. Configuring the shadow of spider, the door will open to the western part of the house. Overcoming a narrow passage, collect useful items in the tank, then you will come across the door with the raven, but it is closed, you will return to it later. You need to go further, around the corner there will be a hole in the floor, jump there. At the end of the pit you will find handle, It is needed to raise the bridges. Favoring the handle, come back to the bridge where the burst of the burner found. Using the handle, lift the bridge and run to the house. Inside the house, find the casket, in it is key with Voronene. After that, go back to the door with the crow. As soon as you open it, the mother of the family will attack you Margarita. Falling into a hole, shoot a few times in his head, and then choose a poison on the stairs. Passing through the door with the crow, open the chest, there you will find instructions for vaccine. After that, talk to the roaring on the phone and go on. Ahead will be the closed door to which the scales are attached to open it, you need to find lamp. The lamp you need was among the Margarita, which you killed, then you will have to return to it in the pit. Once in place, the lamp did something in the cave. Go on a cave for a monster. On the other side, you will choose from the well, you will find yourself in the backyard of the trailer in which you can persist. Preserved, go to the building behind the well. The entrance to the first floor is closed, you need to go to the staircase on the right.

Entering the room on the second floor, a well-known boxes, and after jumping a break. Below, you will have to fight with already mutating Margarita. Fight with her simple, all you need to do is attacking her vulnerable area (body nest) from flamethrough, periodically screeing in order not to get damage from insects. Having won, take the lamp and return to the weights. Putting the lamp on the scales, you will open the door. In one of the rooms there will be a children's house, opening it, you will find a drawing of the secret. Open a hidden passage in the wall. There you will find the necessary ingredient - hand Series D.. After that, run to the trailer, three monster will be attacked on the way, they are better just running. The trailer will call the phone, but this time it will be Lucas. After talking with it, inspect the refrigerator, inside the monster's head inside. From the notes on your head you will learn what you need to explore the sectional room in the basement.

How to get a grenade launcher?

Go to the room with trophies (the first puzzle with the projector), discard the door with the raven. It will be a grenade launcher, also in the room you can find various cartridges.

Test zone

Perfect in a safe room, go down to the basement. In the sectional room (where you found the last dog's head) you will find a policeman's corpse on a couch. Inside him is key-snakewhich opens all the doors on which there is a snake. After that, go to the second floor of the main house. Climb the stairs and open the door with the snake. Once in the room, go to the clock to a clock, take them and put them time 10:15To open a secret passage. In this passage and is located red key card. Blue key cardLocated in Lucas room. Its room is located on the opposite side of the second floor. In the room, inspect the lamp, turning it over, you can find the button - activate it. So you will open the passage to the attic. Rising, take the video tape from the closet and decide the puzzle with shadows, as a result you will get blue key card. A video tape that you found can not look to save time. But if you still decide to go through it, here's the procedure:
Riddle with cake:

  1. Go to the toilet, pull out of it pipe pipe
  2. Look in the pickle tube and go through the shower, it will be clean. Use it and look at the TV on the wall.
  3. The characters you saw is a password from the lock on the box in the room with a cake (password: a man in a loop, a bird on the mountain, germin). You'll get solomenny doll. Here I pull out clockwork key From the barrel.
  4. Burn the doll on the gas stove, get finger mannequin. After that, burn the candle again.
  5. Go to the far door, burn the rope on it and go inside. Sit and shove the balls until you find balloon On the floor.
  6. Use this ball on the pipe for a gas stove, you will get feather for writing.
  7. Go to the mannequin at the beginning of the room and give him all the items found. From him you will get a password L.O.S.E.R.. In the room with balls, open the door and take valve.
  8. With the help of the valve, overlap water, burn the candle again and insert it into the cake

Looking at the recording and collecting all the key cards, return to the trailer on the street, right behind him there will be a door on which you need to use them. In the room sit on the chair and see the appeal of Lucas. Now you have to go through the tests that Lucas prepared you. They have nothing complicated in them, everything you need is carefully advanced, so as not to touch the stretch marks with explosives. Or you can shoot them in advance to neutralize. Reaching the room with a password, do not believe Lukas, drive any four digits, and then immediately run back. On the right will open the passage to the barn, go there. Reaching the center of the barn, climb to the second floor and save in a safe room. Further you need to jump down to another part of the barn. Here the panel lacks the battery, you can find it, rising the stairs. When you put the battery, the music will start, and along with it a big monster will attack you. For his murder, 5-6 shots in the head of the shotgun, but avoid his long-standing attack.

Winning, go to the elevator, from which the monster appeared. Passing the corridor, lower the staircase. You will return to the door with a password to go through it, hide all things in the box and enter the password 1408 . Behind the door you need to solve a puzzle with a cake. Decisions you already know. Fit the candle, open the door and enter the password. L.O.S.E.R., Take the valve and overcoat the water. After that, set fire to the candle and insert it into the cake, Lucas will be dissatisfied with the fact that you knew the password in advance, and therefore would throw dynamite in you. Pick it up and insert it in a spill on the wall. The explosion will go to the control room. In the room, take the map, cartridges and head series D. (Lies in the suitcase). In a safe room, take things from the drawer (be sure to capture the handle) and save. After that, go through the white door. Use the handle behind it to raise the bridge. Overcoming swamp, go to the building of the pier. Run to the second floor, there you will find Miu and Zoya. After the cat scene, you have to fight the boss mutating Jack. For victory over him you need to shoot eyes that are located all over the monster body. After the victory over Jack, you need to make a decision that will affect the ending.

Cure miu - By choosing this option, it will not be hostile and do not have to fight with it. In the end it will be saved.

Cure zoy - On the boat in time, she will die. In the future, you will have to fight my wife and at the end you will kill her.

The deceased ship - the final

After a long cat-scene, you take the control of another character who has no things that you have found before. Check what happened to Itan, and then go to the ship. Go along the corridor to the spacious room where the cat scene will start, then jump down through the opened hatch in the floor. Use further until descend on the second deck of the vessel. As a result of the placement, little interesting ship compartments you find yourself on the first deck. Evelina will block the door behind him to open this door you need to insert a fuse. The fuse is located in the room (in the far part) behind the double doors to the right of the staircase for which you descended. This deck is dangerous due to the plediner wandering here, you can kill it with a gun (you can find in the room to the left of the blocked). Finally, stopping Evelyna, look at the video tape, which she will give you. In this record you have decent equipment - automatic, first aid kit and sensor. Using the sensor, you need to find a runaished girl.

First of all, go to the kitchen (central room on the deck), you can go there through a small hole to the left of the door. After that, go to the elevator, descend to the engine room. Run further along the corridors (monsters will be ignored will be difficult, so use the automatic for your pleasure) to the door with the lock, you can open it with the help of a melt, which lies in the next room. Even through several corridors (oriented on the sensor) you catch up with a girl. After that, return to the second deck, and from there, climb the stairs to the third (you can get to which you can walk through the dining room with a wooden door, to the right above the wall in the wall). In one of the rooms, find the laptop from which ITANE. After that, you need the last time to catch up with the girl, after which the recording will end.

At the end of the view, go out into the corridor, pick up the lift roof and on the stairs. Jumping down, you will find yourself on the captain's bridge, where there are monitors with surveillance cameras. On one monitor, it can be seen where Itan is kept - the engine room. Before running there, find it off the key under the nut with the protrusion - Lies in the cabin of the captain on the same deck. Apply the key to the nut to open the hatch inside the elevator cabin. Next you need to find a fuse and a cable for the elevator. Fuse Located on the first deck, you can quickly go there through the hole in the elevator. Cable You can find on the second deck, for this go there, finding a room with a safe and paintings. On the left side of the picture you can rotate, on the right wall it is shown how they need to rotate. Yellow picture left up purple spot. Color green half up. Last sky to the top. Inside the safe 3 corrosion substances, they need to be applied to the door located on the left of the elevator. Behind the door there will be a key from captain Lockers, and in the last room will be cable. In this place there will be a huge PLESNIC, it is better to destroy his bombs. By killing a monster, come back to the elevator and insert everything you need, after descend on it into the engine room, and then run along the corridors until you find Itan.

Then you take under the control of Itan, choosing from the ship, go to a wooden house and activate the radio. After descend on the elevator to the salt mine. Here you need to break into the laboratory with the fight (you can just run the enemies), where you will find antidote for Evelina. After the laboratory, go further until you find yourself in a guest house. Here follow the girl who will lead you to the final boss. In the first phase you need to block the emitted wave and thus move towards the girl to put the antidote. In the second phase you need to simply shoot a mint in the face. Having won the Monster, you run the final cat-scene of the game, its contents may differ depending on your choice taken earlier (see spoiler). On this site, the site is completed!


originates in Louisiana where the main character By the name, Itan comes to search for his missing wife Mia. After leaving the car, step along the path forward until we get to the gate of the dilapidated estate, which, as it turns out, will be locked. Therefore, nothing remains for us how to follow the nearby path leading to the guest house. Reaching his backyard, we find the ashes there, where we select the red bag of our wife with her documents. After examining them, go into a creepy house through the back door.

Guest house

Thus, we find yourself in apartments that are familiar to us by. Our task: Go to the basement, in which the girl is likely and hold. First of all, we climb the second floor where we select a video cassette from the table, which after losing in the living room. In the episode from the cassette at the very beginning, turn around and raise the launder, and then open it the box in the kitchen (playing for Itan there will be a coin there will be. Looking at the material, approach the fireplace and pull there a hidden handle that opens a secret passage in the wall near the bookcase. He will lead us to the basement. Next, by passing a rather long and vestive corridor, we finally find a wife locked up by bars. We bring it with a boltology cutting, which lies on the table to the left, and after follow it. As it will later find out, the long-term imprisonment in the dirty and cheese basement was not the best affected by the health of the fragile girl, therefore Mia would soon be collected on the sofa.

Having walked around in the neighboring room and returning after back, we notice that the girl disappeared, and the hole was formed in the wall leading to the house. Going out to the familiar corridor, the first thing we go into the bathroom, where we select two first aid kits (on the way to her can also be found in the cabinet at home), and then go to the door, which is at the end. Having found that she was locked, return back to the basement, in which we will face the first opponent in the game. During the fierce cat scene, we refer to the attacker, and, having received an ax, we begin a massive attack. Having ultimately over the top, we soon heard the phone call, which is coming from the corridor. After a conversation with a kind of woman, we step back to the body of the killed and discover that it was gone.
Next, we select an ax and leave the door through the open door to the main corridor of the house.

The current our task: Open a passage into an attic room. For this, as we remember from the demo, we need to find a fuse. Having found it in the closet, which is standing opposite the rear stroke, insert it into the shield in the living room and rush to the stairs. On the way to her, we again subjected to the attack of the enemy, though the battle will flow as a cat scene. Once upon all the time in the attic, go into the door to the right, where we select cartridges and a gun from the table, and then go to the staircase leading to the window. Here the opponent will attack the last time, only this time to fight him personally. Well, after the victory, we will expect a meeting with a familiar head of the family.

Main House

The unexpected meeting with the daddy Jack led to the fact that we suddenly found themselves on a family dinner. As soon as the family in full (almost) leaves the common room, we will have a chance to free yourself, tilting the chair with the movements to the left / right. Getting rid of the shackles, we leave the room and step right to the long corridor. Having passed on it a couple of meters, the head of the family will suddenly appear, there is a lot of folding back and go into the room, the entrance to which passes through the kitchen, where we find the door in the floor leading in the basement. There is our task: to get the key from it lying on the end near the window mentioned. After waiting for Jack to inspect the living room, quietly make their way to the end of the Tumba, and after - to the entrance to the basement. Please note that the enemy acts every time in different ways, so at some point he may well look into our room (in this case I hurt at the table and pallets).

Ultimately, we will be in one of the few safe areas on location. Going to the door leading to the same corridor, a phone call suddenly. Speaking with a girl in a roe, we leave asylum. After some time, at the window in another part of the corridor, a sheriff's assistant will appear, which after the conversation will kindly give us a pericoing knife and will need to go down to the garage. Once on the spot, the battle with the boss will begin. In the first seconds of the battle, Jack will focus all his attention on the police, giving us odds for the following important actions. First of all, we select a gun from the floor, then find in the left corner ahead of the leaf. With it, we open the box that stands on the table on the right side of the entrance, where we get the key from the car. Well, then jump inside, we start the motor and we imprinted the enemy into the wall a couple of times. Having won, climb the lowered staircase to the top, where we find the figure of the bull in the frame. I pull out the holder from the back of the subject, remove the statuette, and after, moving the rack to the side, jump down. Next, insert the figurine found to the unusual door, which is located at the most distant end of the corridor. Thus, we will be in the main part of the house.

Our global task for the next few hours: to find three bas-relief in the shape of a dog's head, acting as a key from the entrance door of the house. First of all, approach the wall clock, standing near the door with scorpions hanging on it, and remove the pendulum from there. Next, we insert it into similar hours that are in the living room, where there was a sought dinner, and thus get the first dog's head. For the second bas-relief we go to the network of corridors on the second floor. Once there, we turn to the left and, reaching the turn, go into the door to the right. The desired item is found in the book, which lies opposite the table with a video recorder and TV.

With the third head, everything will be much more difficult. To begin with, we need to get a strange statuette lying in the bathroom on the same floor. Arriving in place, we merge in the bath black alive and get the subject from there. The next goal is: put a figurine on the pedestal, which is located in the room of the main hall (the guide is a working projector). Moreover, it is necessary to establish it in such a way that it shade the shadow in the form of a flying eagle. Having understood with the puzzle, soon a secret pass will open through which we will fall into another part of the house. Passing a pair of rooms and corridors, we end up going to the entrance to the basement (by the way, in the room there will be a safe zone nearby).

In Vitivaty, but rather linear corridors, we first need to get to cremation room. Task: Open the left left door oven, in order to pick up the key from there from the section room. To do this, open two doors: the latter and the one on which the bloody palm imprint is depicted. On the way to the right room, it is extremely desirable to look into the next room (located behind the folding harmonica door), where we select the key in the form of a scorpion-shaped flesh.

Finished ultimately before the section room, we notice on the rack in front of us the desired subject (and a shotgun layout, which a little time will help us to get a real one). Unfortunately, our old friend has time to pick up the bas-relief to us, therefore we go after it. So we will soon fall on a kind of arena, where we will once again fight Jack. The boss has several stages. In the first phase of Papan, armed with an ax, special surprises will not curl. Bringing his health to a certain mark, the boss will hand over to his knees, and after it turns out a huge pulsating ukhina, which is his weak place. And now the most interesting will begin.

Rising, Jack will soon grab the saw in the form of huge scissors. In order to at least make a little chance, we select a classic chainsaw lying next to his weapon, and begin to drive away the dances around him, passing his crumb. At the moments when the boss is again with a gland, we saw it with a powerful attack. Repeating the procedure several times, the enemy will eventually be defeated, and we will finally be able to get out of this damned house.

an old house

With the escape from the main house of the adventure of the hero on private ownership of the Bikers will not end. Going to the trailer and talking on the phone with a roe, we will get a new task: to get in the old house vaccine. Reaching there, we can notice that all the estate is flooded with insects that will completely interfere in peacefully explore the location. Therefore, we first need to build a primitive flamethrower. It consists of two parts: we find one of them on the way to the safe area of \u200b\u200bthe house in the trash can, and the other - in the Saraychik (there will be a similar one, to which a little time the bridge will be to be laid). Collecting ultimately an effective tool from insects, step to the room, the entrance to which is located to the right of the front door. On the spot we find a secret passage in the fireplace, huge huge hive. We destroy it with the help of the flamethrough, and after they make inside and look into the room where we find a familiar statuette. We set it on the pedestal, which is located near the safe area, and solve the familiar puzzle with shadows.

Overcoming the discovered narrow passage, we will find yourself in another part of the house. We step forward and turning after the right where we find a hole in the flooring (pay attention to the door with a dead raven, to which we will soon have to go back). When climbing inside, we pass forward until you stop, we select the handle in the broken mechanism, and then go to the shed mentioned above, where you raise the bridge leading to it.

Thus, we get a key with a crow, with which you can open the door mentioned. However, not all so simple. It is worth us to come to her, as Margarita suddenly attacks and drop the hero in the pit. Here we need to shoot an enemy (more efficiently classic firearmsrather than flamethrower) as long as she collapses to us down. Next, we choose through the improvised staircase upstairs and open the glood door with the crow. In place we look into the suitcase, lying right in front of us, and do not find out that there are no vaccines in the finished form, so we have to create it, getting a special ingredient - the hand of Series D. It is behind the locked door, which is located on the corridor, and the key From it is the oil lamp of Margarita. Well, nothing remains to us how to voluntarily climb into her lair.

Leaving the room, let down to the pit, from which we recently got out, and make your way through the tunnel to the stairs leading to another part of the old house. We rise to the second floor, and then jump into the next hole in the floor, thereby running the battle with the boss. Unlike swashing with Jack, the fight with Margarita does not contain hidden techniques, like races by car. Our task is extremely simple: shooting the enemy from all kinds of weapons, every time to mark in the hive, located in a woman between the legs. By the way, in this meeting the flamethrower should be highlighted a special priority. After releasing a certain amount of ammunition in its vulnerable point, the boss will ultimately fall by the death of brave, and we get the lamp you need. Lasting through the grille, which is located near the improvised entrance to the ceiling, we leave this part of the house and return to the right door.

Thus, we find ourselves in a terrible and dark network of linear corridors and rooms, where we have to wade forward until I get to the dead end in the face of the bedroom with doll house. Opening it, we find a tip to the location of the secret door, which is located right in the middle of the front wall (that is, a little left of the house). Inside, we find the owner of the mysterious hand of the D series. We take the find and rush to leave the location. Reaching a room with a suitcase, Zoya will call us, which will finally offer to meet in the trapper.

Lukas party

Unfortunately, the long-awaited meeting is not yet destined to take place. From a telephone conversation in the trapper, we learn that Zoe, together with the Mia, were abducted by Lucas. Like any decent villain, he proposes to play with him to a deadly game at a special party organized exclusively for the main character. Our task: to get peculiar invitation cards performed in the form of red and blue key cards. The first tip to their location is found in the refrigerator of the route, which tells us that you need to go to the sectional room (the room where Jack led from us from under the nose one of the bas-reliefs). Arriving in place, we find on the table a fairly shaped body of the sheriff's helper, through the throat of which we pull the key with the snake.

Next, we go to the second floor of the main house. Climbing the stairs, open the door with the snake and go to the room of an ubiquitous granny. On the end of the bed near the bed, we notice the clock on which I exhibit the time 10:15. Thus, a secret passage in the basement will open, where we will find the first key card. The second is located in the Lucas room, which is located on the opposite side of the second floor of the house. On the spot we find and inspect the desk lamp, under the lampshade of which we notice the red button opening the passage to the attic. Upstairs, the first thing is to get a video tape from the cabinet, and then solve another puzzle with shadows and result in a second key card as a result. In addition, the room can be found toy shotgun and ax. What to do with them? Read about it in or watch the video below.

Reaching to the entrance to the party (located near the auto acceptance), climb up and sit down in the room in front of the TV. After viewing, a secret passage to the linear network of corridors and rooms will open, which will be devoted to numerous stretch marks. Most of them can be calmly barely, but some will have to deactivate shots. By the way, many boxes with objects are also mined, therefore, they should be broken by gun. Ultimately, we will get to the room with a cunning castle on the door. Speaking with Lucas, we enter any four-digit code on the panel, and then immediately make a couple of steps back, in order not to smear us along the wall by the pendulum trap.

Now our task: to find a password to the door. We step into the corridor through the open door and get to the second floor of a spacious barn, from which we jump onto the stalls. Next, climb the stairs to the top, we select the battery there and install it in the panel below. Suddenly, the light music will suddenly turn on, and a healthy plynevik sprawling with a distant distance will arrive on the elevator. Having understood with an unexpected guest, go to the elevator and climb upwards, where we find the burned body, which we know the code from the door we need (it is different every time). Returning to her, we put all our things in the storage box and go inside.

Here we are waiting for the most mortal game For survival, made in the spirit of films "Saw". The task is extremely simple: put a burning candle on a festive cake, bypassing some kind of shower that the fire is quenched when we come out every time and come out of the room. However, one important nuance lies here: having solved a number of mysteries using all the found items, we will not fulfill the task, but we will not succeed in survive after this event. The key to the successful passage of the stage - found in the attic of the video tag, on the record of which our friend passed exactly this test. Full passage Records see the video below. If you did not find the cassette or do not want to watch, then after the death of the character you can just boot with control point And to replay the stage.

Hearing the rules of the game, we step onto the gas stove, with the help of which I fierce the candle. Next, we go to the far door and set fire to the rope that it blocks it. Code from the castle of the next room is the word which we take the valve. Insert it into the pipe that is in the room with a cake, overlap the flow of water, and then insert a burning candle in the dessert. In order, thus, a subsection traps, we will encounter a second with another to their misfortune - the dynamite that falls from the ceiling. Without delays, we grab the explosives, tear away from the boarding board of the wall of the wall with the bar and throwing a bomb to the gap, in passing around the wall, while providing us with the passage to the Lucas shelter. On the spot, we look at the next video message, taking the next second ingredient for serum and leave out.

Overcoming a short plot on the swamp, go into the building of the berth and discover the abducted girls on the second floor. We liberate Miu and Zoya, give the last ingredients found and get two servings of serum. Soon the long-awaited meeting will be interrupted next and this time a very large boss. The vulnerable points of the enemy (huge eyes all over the body) will not be difficult to notice, but they need to hit them. After that, the boss will repeat the eye on the face, which we need to destroy as early as possible, because you can almost not be able to dodge his blows on a small heel. Finally, we kill the enemy by the province of serum. Monster fell, however, the next second there is a dilemma: which of the girls give the only syringe with the vaccine. Choosing one of them (in our case, I was Miya), we finally leave the ownership of the bikers.

Deceased ship

As we tried, but I did not work off far away. After a minute of skating on the Louisiana swamp, our boat will turn the next mold monster, as a result of which heroes will throw ashore to the destroyed tanker. After that, the game will throw an unexpected surprise by giving us under the management of Miu. Stepping forward on the wreckage of the ship, we find on Earth in the unconscious state of Itan, which will soon take off the pulsating black mass towards the tanker. It remains nothing to me how to follow her.

As a result of the methodical overcoming the numerous bays of the ship, we will soon go to the first deck, where the girl Evelina will run into one of the rooms, blocking the door behind him. To open it, we need to insert the fuse in the panel, which is located in the room (in the distant end) behind the double doors to the right of the stairs, according to which we climbed onto the deck. By the way, moving here is extremely careful, because the corridors wanders the four-legged Plendian. However, it will be possible to fight back, finding the door to the left of the door to the left of the door in the room.

In the end, we find Evelyna, who kindly asks us to view the video tape, in order to learn some shocking truth. We will also have to play for the MIU, and the search for the girl's escaped girl is to search. With the help of the sensor tracking the distance to the object, we find instead of it in the kitchen (go there through low passage to the left of the door) a bunch of pulsating mold, then we go to the elevator on which we go into the engine compartment. There, we will soon get to the locked door, the castle of which we melm the corrosive substance, which lies in the room nearby. After some time, we finally catch the girl, however, it again manages to flush, at the same time it is notable to bother the ship. Now we need to return to the second floor, and from there to climb the stairs on the third (to get to it, it will be necessary to climb through the narrow passage at the top of the wall). Next, in one of the rooms we find a laptop from which ITANA is familiar to us a video message, and after the last time I will harve Evelyna.

At the end of the view, we go into the corridor, we climb the roof of the elevator and climb up the stairs. After jumping on the captain's bridge, where we discover the monitor with video surveillance cameras. At one of them we notice Itana, whom Evelina holds in the engine room. The first step in the rescue of the spouse is to find a key under the nut (lies in the cabin of the captain on this deck), in order to open the hatch on the roof of the elevator with it. Also worth paying attention to the box with storm riflewhich a little later we will be able to open. However, first go to the elevator. Once inside, we notice that there are not enough two elements to activate it: a fuse and power cable. Finding the first special problems will not be, the benefit we did not use it so long ago to open the door on the first floor (there, by the way, you can quickly descend through the bug that formed in the elevator). But with the power cable will have to tinker. To begin with, we choose from the elevator to the second floor, where in the room passing through the dining room, we find a safe. To open it, we need to put pictures hanging on the wall in line with it on the opposite side. So we will get banks with a corrosive substance. By using one of them to open the door located on the left of the elevator, we select the key from the captain's locker, and then rose to the third floor. In the room, where we did not send a message so long ago, open the door and, having passed along the corridor, get to the room, where we find the cable we need. A huge plednev appears, which can be easily destroyed by remote bombs. By running the elevator, go down to the engine compartment and the same route that on the video viewed with Evelina, we get to a dead end.

Salt mine

As a result of certain events, we again take control of ITAN. Having selected from the ship, we step to a wooden hub, where we activate the walkie-talkie, and after step forward to the elevator leading to the mine. Passing several hundred meters along the tunnels with a fight, at some point we will get to the laboratory, where, finally, we will find out all the plot details of the game, and at the same time it will find the weapon against Evelyn. Next, we again have to break through the horde of opponents, with each step lifting the mine up. Ultimately, we will suddenly find yourself in the guest house, which will be subjected to hallucinations. First, we need to follow the girl along the corridors up to the rear door, and after climbing the attic.

Here we have to fight with Evelina, which is part-time the final boss of the game. At first, the enemy in the usual appearance will be emitted to the wave, which we need to block by pressing the corresponding key, along the way moving to it. Going closely, we enhance her serum, and then observe its transformation into an incredibly huge monster. Our further actions will be minimal, because everything we have to do is shoot her face, without even the opportunity to move freely. Ultimately, the boss will soon be defeated, and the game, respectively, is passed.

This article will consider the passage in detail. Resident Evil. 7: Biohazard. We will tell you where to look for the necessary items, caches and how to kill bosses in the game.

Guest house

Follow the path through the forest, turn left from the locked gate and go to this direction until you find yourself near the domestic house. Inspect the Mia Bag and learn the documents inside. Enter the inside and see a closet locked with a chain. Go further, roll over the corner and see the staircase. Climb upstairs and around the corner to the right, find the video tape on the shelf. Go down and look at this cassette in the living room where there is a TV.

During playing from the Earth, behind the hero, pick up a wash. Follow the kitchen and apply the housing on the retractable box on the right. When you return to the usual time, go to the kitchen and open the box. Inside lies an ancient coin.

After that, inspect the fireplace and pull the lever to open the hidden passage, as was done in the video tape (in the same room, where there is a TV with a player).

Move through the basement and see the locked door. Miya lies behind her. Go to the left, take the borer from the table and apply it to the chain on the same door. Job with Mia and then move the girl.

Meeting with Mia

When Mia is lying on the sofa, you will need to find a passage further. Go to the next room, look around and come back to the sofa. Myi is not here. Move back to the corridor and from the bedside Take the map of the guest house. Examine the bathroom, where you will find a first-aid kit.

Calive to the door that will be locked. Go back to the basement, where Mia will attack you. Bring it from it by pressing pop-up keys. Apply the first aid kit, and then inspect the miy lying on the floor. And re-bother with its attacks. Once to the library, take the ax and attack them an obsessed girl. Go to the corridor and talk on the phone with Zoe.

Having lifted the ax, go through the door and save. To get to the attic, you will need to find a fuse. He lies in that very locked on the closet chain. Apply boltology and take the fuse. Go to the room with a TV and fireplace and on the wall locate the shield. Insert the fuse.

Follow the stairs upstairs, how suddenly the Miy attacks you again. Break away from her and follow above. Click on the red button on a wooden platoon and move the steps above. Go to the room on the right, take the gun and cartridges.

Go to the room with a staircase leading to the roof, to the window. Try to climb, but from there I will fly out with a chainsaw. In this and adjacent rooms there are extra amateurs. Shoot in the miy, aiming right into the head of an obsessed girl. Combate various obstacles so that it does not have time to attack you. See the cat scene.

Here is a video that demonstrates how to kill Miu at the insane level of difficulty:

Passage of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. Main House

When everyone leaves, shake on the chair and free to continue passageResidentEvil 7.Biohazard.

Traditional family dinner bikers

Indoor with a sofa on the right inside the drawer lies grass. Another is in the urn near the refrigerator. Go to another room through the kitchen to see the hatch in the floor.

Follow the corridor until you meet Jack. He must find you. Run back to the table, followed by, go around him so that Jack followed you, and then go to the corridor. Not far from the place where you saw Jack, is the key. Take it down, run to the hatch and open the key. Jump down and get to a safe room with saving.

Take a guest house map from the table. Go out and answer to phone call. Head forward toward the window for which a policeman knocks. Talk to him and take the knife. Go to the opposite direction from the window and go down the stairs to the left, to the door of the garage. If you break the box, you will find cartridges. Put rail tape and log in to the garage.

First meeting with jack

As soon as the control will be back, you will pick up a gun from the floor and take the keys to the right from the table. Jump quickly into the car and use the key by applying it to the ignition lock. Get the engine and start to Tarab Jack. Epoxide is lying in the room. Follow the stairs to the ceiling platform and be sure to take the bull figurine. Slide the cabinet and jump down, room.

First battle against jack in the garage

Follow through the corridor and see a large door. Insert the statuette into it. So you can get to the central hall. Left there is a door with a cut in the form of three dog heads. Have to find these heads to get out and continue passageResidentEvil 7.Biohazard.

The first head of the dog

To find this item, take the pendulum from high clocks, located just to the right door with dogs. Run back to the dining table. A little further there is a living room with a sofa. The wall on the left there is a clock. Insert the pendulum in them and take your head.

Second head dog

To find the second head, follow the second tier and go through the door near the grandmother. Follow the balcony on the right side and open the wooden door on the left, at the end where there are supplies. Drain and take Mia video cassette. Watch the cassette is optional. If you suddenly decide to do it, just hide from a woman and decide the riddle to get through the wall. On the left side of the table on which the TV is located, there is a book. Inside it is hidden a head.

Third dog head

Finding the third head will have longer. On the second floor, where the balcony is located, find the toilet with the bathroom. Fix the water from the toilet and take the wooden figure. Jack will appear. Run on it down, on the first tier. When Jack leaves the central hall, then approach the projector on the side and apply the figure. Turn it so that the image of the bird is. Click the LKM to confirm. If everything is correct, the passage between the walls will open.

Slide there and find yourself indoors with the fireplace - this is another living room. Here you will find the first psychostimulants - using them, you can see the location of all useful items for a while. Follow in the nearby room, etc. Before going to the basement on the stairs, saves in a safe room.

In the basement will be great amount Plendnevikov. Try to shoot my heads, otherwise the ammunition will be completely ended. The right hand will be a cremation room. Drain and read a note on the right. It is clearly indicated, in which sequence to open cameras. Do it, and from the first oven when you open it, get the key. Relieve, without killing the molds.

Behind the green screen ahead will be a spacious room. Inside the box on the table lies with a scorpion key - take it. You will open the door with the same symbol.

Continue to explore the surroundings until you get to the morgue within passingResidentEvil 7.. On the second tier there is a head of a dog - the latter. Try to take it, as Jack suddenly strikes. Fight will begin.

Second battle against Jack

Do not even try to shoot it. Just run from Jack, pushing in it bags with corpses. In the end, he will ruin the fence and take huge scissors. You're from the same table to take chainsaw. Selecting the moment, attack Jack with chainsaw. If there are bags, then continue to push them to Jack. When he gets on his knee, check the specified keys.

By winning, use the same drink to destroy the doors on the door. Select from here and follow the door in the main hall to apply all three heads of the dog.

How to get a shotgun?

If you have a scorpion key, then follow into the room with a video cassette of Mia, on the second tier. Open the door with a scorpion to pick up a broken shotgun from the grandmother's room. Go to the hall and take the work shotgun from the stand, and install the broken instead. Later it will be possible to find a shotgun layout to pick up broken and repair it with remkomplekt.

Passage of Resident Evil 7. Old House

Leave the house and follow the trailer. Inside is a safe room. Ancient coins can be spent to open cells. Try to go out, but the phone will call. Answer a call. You need to make serum.

Follow the bridge to get to the house with insects. Kill large opponents with a knife, but it is necessary to destroy small. So far, go to where there is no negle. Follow the left, where there is a huge hole in the floor in the large room. Go to the guest room and go around the hive of another room, moving the right to him. In the corridor you can find a map of an old house. Take sure.

Finding into the room with the projector, you will need to solve the riddle. You could see her in the mission video tape. Follow the balcony and from the left side of the urn to get the burner handle. Go on the bridge and enter safe room. Take a backpack to expand the inventory.

Go back to the house, get to the dining room and move along the bridge. Turn to the right to the house, because the path forward is not possible (raised the bridge). Take the grass and, the main thing - the nose of the burner. Connect the handle and spout to get flamethrower.

Now you can burn the hives, located inside the house. But do not hurry! It can happen so that you destroy unnecessary hives, the supplies will end with flamethrough and you will not be able to advance further.

First battle with margarita

Go to the living room and destroy the flange of the hive, above the fireplace. Follow the fireplace in the hidden corridor and talk to the Mia. The table is a figurine - take it and go to the projector in front of the wall, at the balcony where the burner handle found. To go back there, you will need to defeat Margarita. It is not worth spending the cartridges and fuel on insects. Choose the path that is free (with open doors).

Apply the statuette to the projector and adjust the shadow so that it turns out the spider. Slide between the walls, collect the supplies and see the door with the raven. Around the corner there is a hole in the floor. Jump through it and in the end, find the handle that is useful in order to raise the bridges. From the handle, go to the bridge located near the barn with the spore sparkle.

With it, lift the bridge and go towards the building ahead. Inside there will be a box, inside which lies with a raven key required for further passingResidentEvil 7.. Go to the door itself and open it. Margarita will attack you and you fall into the pit. Shoot the Margarita when you see it, but periodically destroy insects. When that falls to you, just choose to the top.

Open the door with the raven and unplug the cheese in front to find the manual for the manufacture of serum. Talk to Zoe by phone (she will call himself) and move forward. On the closed door there are scales. To open the door, you will need to find the lamp. Margarita has a lamp (she kept her in her hands).

Go to the pit and see that Margarita disappeared, turning into monster. Go down and follow it. Chosen out and get to the greenhouse. Opening the gate, you can return to the trailer. Save and go back to the greenhouse. It is impossible to climb the first floor, so go inside the stairs immediately to the second.

Fight against Mutating Margarita

Drain here and jump through the hole in the floor. Below you are waiting for Margarita. The fight is not so complicated, as it seems. Shoot the belly of Margarita, using flamethrough and other weapons. After the victory, take the lamp and go to the door with weights.

Battle with Mutating Margarita in Orange

Apply scales and open the door. Follow the far room where the toy house is located. Behind the baby bed there is a passage in the wall. He is not big. Make and enjoy over the wall to pick up the hand of the D Series. Go back to the trailer and talk on the phone with Lucas. Look in the refrigerator and study your head. After reading the note, you will understand what you need to go to sectional, which is in the basement.

Passage of Resident Evil 7. Test area

Follow back to the sectional, where there was a third head of the dog. There will be a corpse of the corpse. Examine it and get the Kite key from the body. Go to the second tier of the main house and open the door with the snake. Examine the clock on the end, read the note and set the time 10:15 (such a time on the rest of the clock at home). Take the red key card from the secret room.

To find a blue card, you need to get into the Lucas room. Go to another part of the second tier and open the nursery. Look under the desk lamp (under the lamp shade) and click on the button. Slow down the staircase in the attic. In the attic, take the video tape from the cabinet. From the shelves to the right take a shotgun layout. Solve the shadow puzzle to get a man with an ax. Take a blue card from the niche.

You can not view the video tape if you know what to do next. If not, then the sequence of action in the Lucas room within passingResidentEvil 7. It will be like this:

  • Take a look into the toilet booth on the right, lower the water and take the glass from the pickle tube.
  • In the inventory, put it on it and go through water strips, in a room with a cake.
  • Through the glass, look at the monitors to see the code of three characters.
  • Enter this code on the castle in the room with a cake and take the straw doll.
  • Pull out the valve from the barrel in the same room.
  • Go to the main hall and burn the burner.
  • Sleep the straw doll on it.
  • Apply your finger on the mannequin. There apply the clockwork.
  • Go on fire on the grinding candle and go to the door to the right of the monitors.
  • Burn the rope.
  • In the room with balls, hello and find the ball on the right.
  • It must be inflated using the pipe opposite the cake, to the right of the gas stove.
  • On clown, use everything that was previously found. Finger, feather and key with barrels.
  • Get out and see Loser password on your hand.
  • Follow the room with balloons. Enter the code and take the valve.
  • Insert it next to the cake, and then turn it.
  • Heirs the candle on the gas stove and apply to the cake.

Follow the trailer and open the door to the left of it using both key cards. Sit on the chair and look at the TV. Move through a number of rooms, destroying mines. When you see the door with the password. Enter any numbers and drop because it is a trap. On the right side will open the door. Follow the barn and pick up. In safe room, sax and exit on. Upstairs on the stairs, locate the battery and insert it into the hole on the panel. Will play music. Kill the enemy, hiding from his poisonous spit for shelters. Shoot several times in the head of the shotgun.

Enter the elevator and lower the stairs. After hitting the Lucas room, enter the password 1408. The same game will begin.

The sequence is different if you do not want to die. Immediately open the door ahead, enter the Loser code and take the valve. Discharge the water as on the video. Bring here a burning candle and burn the cake.

Wait. Since the barrel is a whole, then the oil will not light up. Lucas will throw a bomb. Pick up the bomb and fold the boards in the break of the wall between the cake and barrel. Throw a bomb there and drop away.

Fight against Mutoving Jack

Go to the room and take the card and head of the D series. Use the handle on the bridge and run through the swamp. Inside the building you will see Zoya and Miu. Fight with Mutoving Jack - Attack his eyes.

Collision with Mutoving Jack

If you do not see the eye, and Jack is still alive, then look for them more carefully. After completing the battle, you will need to make a difficult choice - cure Miu or Zoe.

Passage of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. Deceased ship

Game for Miu.

In this piece passingResidentEvil 7. You play for Mius. Go to the ship and watch the cat scene. Follow the hatch in the floor and go to the deck. Follow the various ship compartments before the first deck. Evelina will leave and close the door. You must find the fuse. Go to the far part and see a double door, the right of the staircase. It is there that the fuse should be sought. The pistol can be found in the room from the left side of the locked door. Kill it with a moldnevka.

When you stop Evelina, then watch video tape. Using different gear, find the girl. In principle, routes here are linear.

First visit the kitchen, which is located in the center of this deck. Use a small hole next to the door. Go to the elevator and go down. Start through the corridors, killing enemies from the machine. You will see the door with the lock. You need a special substance. You will find it in the next room. Run behind the girl until it is catching up. Follow back onto the second deck and step even higher, on the third, using a hole in the wall in the dining room.

Here you will need to find a laptop. It was his Miya who used to send Itanu Epistle. Get to Evelina to finish video.

After completing it view, follow the corridor and climb the top of the elevator cabin. Lock up the stairs and jump below. This is the captain's bridge. Here you can find a monitor from the room where Itan is held. Before follow there, find the key under the nut with the protrusion, which is inside the cabin cabin on the same tier.

Use this key to open the hatch on the elevator and get into the cabin. Inspect everything and understand that you need a fuse and power cable.

Go down to the first deck using a hole in the elevator. Here are looking for a fuse. You have already used it, remember? On the second deck there is a power cable. On the way you will see a room with paintings and safes. Pictures on the left wall can be rotated. Make so that:

  • The purple stain on the yellow picture was in the upper left corner.
  • Green half of the second picture was at the top.
  • The third picture was turned around by sky.

Pull the substance from the safe and use them on the door on the left side of the elevator. Take the key from the captain locker. Pass on, to the last room, and take the power cable. Be careful, because you will have to kill the spindy healthy.

You can use for this bomb. Go quickly to the elevator and apply the fuse and cable. Drive down, in the engine room. Follow the corridors until you reach Itan.

Game for Itan. Battle against Evelina

Leave the ship and go to the house ahead. Use the radio, and then go on the lift down, in the salt mine. Kill various enemies, moving to the laboratory. There will be an antidote for Evelina.

Leave the laboratory and go to the guest house. Show the girl until you see the final boss. In the first stage, use a block when a strong air flow is on you. Gradually move to the girl, and then across the antidote. At the second stage of the battle, just shoot a monster's huge face. Pick up the weapon and shoot a few more times to complete passageResidentEvil 7..

Re R2.

Resident Evil 7. Passage of the game (2)

  • general information .


    Resident Evil 7. Passage


    On the right fence of the stairs, we examine the small high jug, in it lock. To the right of the staircase in the grass pot of earth, in it ancient coin (8/18). On the window of the house below the ingredient separator. On the left side of the staircase in another pot therapeutic grass. Right further in the basin there is gunpowder. In the left dead end, the porch is grass and gunpowder. Near the porch between the two stairs, we look at the wall, move the sheet of metal, prolazing under the porch, we find the repair kit.

    The left wall has a door with a colored garland to open it, you need to have a blue and red key card. To the left of the door lie nutritional supplements. Behind the trailer there is a locked door to the pond.


    Come to the trailer. Right in the basket lies epoxide. Between the ladies at the entrance hid the statuette (7/20). Inside the trailer, a safe room is a container and an audio player. On the bed lied broken pistol M19.It can be restored by the repair kit, it is more powerful of our police gun G17 (or we can restore the broken shotgun M21 in the lobby, it is more powerful than the shotgun M37, but not 4 charges are placed in it. On the wall zoe Message (14/32). There are bird cells on the tables, inside which there are bonuses, vintage coins are needed to open cells:

    3 coins - steroids (increase in maximum health),

    5 coins - stabilizer (acceleration of reloading of weapons),

    9 coins - revolver Magnum 44.

    In front of a cage with a weapon lies ancient coin (9/18). We leave, answer the call from Zoe. She says that the whole family is infected, and to cure her and myi you need to find serum.

    an old house

    On the right path we come to the bridge, we enter the house. Large moths are sitting on the wall, we can knock them down with a knife until they started to attack us. Spiders are sitting on some cabinets, do not fit close to them, avoid all insects.

    We go to the left, into the hall with a fault in the floor. From here we go to the guest room. Near the door in the pit we find cartridges for Magnuma. Here, hive and aggressive bees, quickly run to the next door. In the cabinet solid fuel. In the northern corridor we find card old house.

    Gallery. We arrive in a room with a light puzzle. We go to the balcony on the right in a dead end big first aid kit and epoxide. Left in a tank take the handle burner. Through the bridge we go to a safe room, inside we find a backpack (increases the inventory for 4 cells). The statuette is also hidden here (8/20).

    We return to the house, we go to the eastern rooms. In the dining room under the protection of spiders, and under the washbasin, a locked box, if we spend the launder, we take the first-aid kit. From the dining room we leave on bridges above the water. On the left there is a powder, to the right in a dead end psychostimulator and lock. We pass forward, you need a lever. On the right, you can go into a separate house - the point of water supply, in it herbs, the nose of the burner. We combine the handle and nose, the result is a full burner, in it 150 fuel. The burner can burn the flocks of bees and spiders.

    With burner

    We return to the dining room, burn spiders on the closet, inside the cabinet epoxy and strong epoxide. We go to the living room, burn the hive, hanging over the fireplace so that it completely disappeared.

    Prolazim in the purified fireplace. At the exit of the stairs, the statuette is hidden on the left behind the wooden pallet (9/20). Below to the left in the table lies ancient coin (10/18). We enter into the room, I see Miy behind the bars, we communicate, but soon her son of the family - Lucas will take it. In the room we take stone statuette.

    We return to the house, we enter the door to the left, behind her Margarita, she creates on the door of spiders, now we will not be able to open it. We go through the northern rooms, on them will also go Margarita, it attacks, poking on us flocks of insects, but we can just run by.

    We get to the gallery, we use a statuette in the center, customize the shadow of spider, enter the door.

    Western half of the house

    We fall on the western half of the house. We collect grass and fuel. In the side corridor, locked the door with the raven, near note from Margarita to Zoe (15/32). Right in the epoxide table.

    In the northern impasse, we descend in the subfield, we find on the way psychostimulator. On the left on the upper shelf we find a statuette (10/20). On the right of the wooden frame hid with epoxide. At the end of the suburb, we find a mechanism, remove the handle from it.

    Through the whole house we return to oriental bridges, we use the handle there to raise the bridge to the northern house. Inside the house in the box we find the key with the crow. Right on the toilet tank ancient coin (11/18) and fuel for burner.

    We go back to the western half of the old house, come to the door with the crow, but at that moment the mother of Margarita attacks and throws us into the pit. Mother stands on top and chats his lantern, releasing insects on us. Here you need to have a gun or shotgun with you, shoot a few times in the face of the old woman, it will fall to our pit. We choose the stairs, open the door.

    Altar. Open the chest on the table, inside the dried germ and instruction (16/32) how to make serum from infection. We answer the phone call Zoe, she has one ingredient, we need to find the second. Near the piano read margarita note (17/32). In the table of the tables we find fuel for burner.

    We go to the northern room, in the center there is a bedside table, on it a figurine (11/20). In the far bedside table ancient coin (12/18). Ahead locked the door to which scales are attached. On one cup hangs the lamp, you need to find the second one. The lamp was at Margarita, we return to her pit.

    In our eyes in the pit, a long hand pulls the lantern into the cave. We go on the cave after the monster. On the other side, we choose from the well. We found themselves in the backyard behind the automated car. Open the doors, we enter the trailer and persist.


    We go to the building behind the well. The left entrance to the 1st floor is closed, we go to the right staircase. At the beginning of the stairs we find a valuable photo (it shows the toilet in the autotrailer, in this secret are hidden cartridges for Magnuma).

    We enter the room on the 2nd floor. In garden boxes two herbs, near the separator, fuel, two incendiary ammunition.

    We jump in the break, now there are no paths back, we will not be able to leave the greenhouse until we destroy the mutating margarita. We will meet her on the stairs, it attacked through the window with its extended hands. After that, she will chase us constantly. We have two floors available, they are decomposed many herbs, epoxides, cartridges and fuel for burner.

    Vulnerable place of Margarita - Beehive, grown between the legs. Attacking it with fire, but the shots from the shotgun also help. We constantly run away so as not to get into the flock of insects, and again atak.

    When I appline enough damage, Margarita will crumble, turning into ashes. Take her lamp. On the first floor we are approaching the lattice, the mold around it employs and crumbling, we can leave here.

    2nd floor

    We return with a lantern through the well to the western half of the house, hang the lantern on the scales, it will open the doors to the second floor. We fall into the children's rooms, inspect a couple of children's drawings. In the contaminated room, everything is in mold, but there are no monsters.

    In the room of imprisonment in a toy house we find the secret card. We come to the center of the far wall, sit down, we enter the secret LAZ. Inside a strange creature with a lively hand, we take the ingredient in the hand of the d series. At the outlet, we notice a little girl, but she immediately runs away. On the back path We are waiting for 3 black monster, run past them. Near the altar will call Zoya.

    We return to the trailer, once again respond to the phone. Lukas calls, now Zoya is in captivity. At the request of Lucas, we go to inspect the refrigerator, we find head with a note (18/32), learn what you need to explore the sectional room in the basement.

    4. Test zone (Lucas)
    Resident Evil 7. Passage

    Return to Main House

    We can return to the main house to the door with the crow (in the southwestern part of the house, in the room with trophies), for her we find a new weapon - a homemade grenade launcher shooting various types of shells. Here are also lying cartridges for shotgun, solid fuel, powder, strong epoxy. To create shells for a grenade launcher, we use the ingredients: strong epoxide + fuel \u003d incendiary projectile; Strong epoxide + nutritional supplements \u003d neuro projectile.

    Let's go down to the basement, in the section room we find the corpse of a policeman on the couch, inside it we find a key-snake. There are several monsters from behind us, so we go along the top platform, we open the door with the snake under it.

    Children's, attic

    In the western part of the second floor, open the door with the snake. In the children we find out that Lucas had many rewards for ingenuity. We read a note as Lucas locked a familiar boy in the attic - a document (19/32). On the table near another note about this (20/32). In the cabinet we find epoxide, on the window of food additives, on the shelf in a vase lies lock. We inspect the lamp on the table, we find a button under the scatter, press it, it will lower the ladder from the attic.

    Near the stairs at the top there is a figurine (12/20), you can only get a shot. In the attic of the very entrance in the cabinet we find video Cassette "Happy Birthday". Right on the part of the contract for the reconstruction. On the shelves are toy shotgun and toy axwhich can be used as duly instead of real weapons. Ahead on the shelves strong epoxide. We solve the puzzle, turn the statuette, create a shadow of a person with an ax. After the decision, the toy house will open, in it blue key card.

    With a toy ax, we go to the courtyard, we go to the bushes to the left of the trailer, there will be a puzzle with light. We use the ax, turn it out so that the shade is in the form of the figure "7", we get a stimulator for it.

    Master bedroom, workshop

    We go to the hall on the second floor, behind the door with the serpent is the master bedroom. Inside sits grandma. In the box find loaf. In the chest - grass. By photography, learn that Jack was a marine. Under the chair cartridges for shotgun. In the cabinet epoxide.

    In the side warehouse there is valuable photography (Cage, on it a mannequin head with a cap), drawing of the homemade grenade launcher, and where to find it. Below under the picture neriva-paralytic ammunitionnear the grass. On the top shelf, the second backpack (+4 slots in the inventory).

    The tip is hanging on the table "The same time as on the rest of the clock" - the document (21/32), the clock arrows can be moved. The closest working hours in the lobby, they show 10:15 So turn the arrows. Proper time to move the bed, under it the hatch down into the workshop. At the bottom of the table with the remains of animals. We find cartridges in the closet and red key card on the table.

    Video "Happy Birthday"

    We are in the role of prisoner, Lucas puts us into a room with puzzles. At the beginning sits a robot clown, take him a candle. Our task is to convey a burning candle to the right room and put on the cake, but water flows on the way and flames fire. You need to overlap water, and for this make a variety of actions.

    1. The candle can be lit from the gas stove again. Burning candle burn the rope on the door ahead.

    2. We enter a room with a lot of balloons. Squate and shore balls with fire candles. When it becomes more productive, we will find on the floor near the bedside bedside ball.

    3. In the central room, approach the left wall, it has a pipe with air, we use the ball on it. The ball sides and burst, and the pen will fly out of it.

    4. We approach the toilet, fill it with water, then check its contents. Find dirty pylon pipe.

    5. Turning on the pavement tube, we go through the shower, the tube will be clean.

    6. In the central room through the pylon pipe, we look at the TV from 9 screens, we see three characters.

    7. We go to the room with a cake, we enter a seen password: man in a loop, bird on the mountain, germ. From the open drawer we take solomenny doll.

    8. The doll is burning over the gas stove, as a result inside the doll we find a finger of the mannequin.

    9. From the barrel with wine, we screw the clockwork key. We use this key on the torso robot clown.

    10. We use a robot finger on hand, and then feather. The robot will write the password in our hand.

    11. We go to the room with balls, enter a password out of 5 letters: Loser.. In the room we take the valve.

    12. We go to the room with a cake, the valve overlap water into the shower.

    13. We again light the candle, bring it to the cake. The cake will explode, the leaning wine from the barrel will light up. We are trying to re-open the water with the valve, but it does not work. I burn alive in the locked room.

    With two key cards we go to the building to the left of the trailer. We pass the room, in the end you sit down in a chair in front of the TV, watch a video from Lucas. He has the head of the D series, and we will have to go through it to get to the right thing.

    We enter the opened corridor. Take herbs, fuel for burner. In the rooms ahead settled stretching traps, squat and pass under them. In the last large room in the corner we see a cell, and on it a mannequin head with a cap - we saw the secret in the photo. Weching your head, find repair kit (We can repair a shotgun in the lobby, and pick it up, leaving a wooden uluage instead). In the drawer on the stairs of the explosive, it is better not to break it.

    Get to the room you need to open a password of 4 digits. Lucas stands outside the door and prompts several options. By entering any password, immediately running away, the fatal pendulum trap will work.


    Do not open the door yet, but the secret corridor opened on the right, we go there. In the side room, a pair of boxes, in the right bomb trap. We pass along the corridor to the end, we enter the door right in front of yourself. Inside three stretch marks and a bomb box. Open the locker, inside steroids. Open the table drawer, in it ancient coin (13/18).

    We enter a large two-story shed, there are several black monsters. Run from them, we collect on the way dry fuel, cartridges for shotgun, powder, cartridges for Magnum. We look at the left to the top of the fence, the statuette is put there (13/20). On the second floor there is a safe room with audio and video player, and a chest.

    Upstairs in two dead end epoxy and strong epoxide. Jump on the first floor where there are a lot of audio colors. The panel lacks one battery. We climb the stairs, find the battery and grass. A bomb is hidden in the left box. We put the battery in the panel, turns on light music and sound. Lucas gave us a "barn fight." Thick black monster attacks us, we make 4 shot headed from a shotgun, and he will perish.

    We enter the opened elevator on the side of the stairs, we get to the next floor. Collect food additives and epoxy. We look at the burned corpse on the chair, read note "1408. you're on the queue" (22/32). Ahead in the corridor two shelves, on the bottom lies antique coin (14/18) . I lower the staircase, we turn right in front of the door with the password, now it is known for us. Enter the code 1408 , It is suitable, but besides this, Lucas demands to lay out all things before entering. We go to the barn to the second floor, and we put everything in the chest, then we can enter the code door.

    Escape Room

    We have already viewed the video cassette "Happy Birthday", and know what to do. But you don't need to repeat everything, it will lead to the same death. We know passwords, and this greatly reduces the number of actions.

    1. We take a candle, bend to the cake, she swears under the shower.

    2. Gilt the candle over the gas stove. Candle burn the rope.

    3. We approach the long door in the room with balls, enter the code Loser..

    4. We take the valve, go to the room with a cake, overlap water.

    5. We light the candle, bring it to the cake.

    The cake will explode, but since the barrel we did not open, it will not cause a fire. Lucas will try to destroy us with another way - throw a dynamite checker. We select a bomb, throw it into a hole in the wall.

    Control room

    After the explosion, a new corridor will appear. We go to the control room. On the wall test zone mapnext cartridges for a shotgun. In the suitcase find the head of the d series. We look at the video message from Lucas. Zoya and Mia are chained to the wall somewhere on the boat station. Here is the preservation room, taking your battle items from the chest. We also take a handle with you.


    From the control room we go to the white door, turn around, we see a statuette (14/20) above it. Outside, we collect cartridges. We use the handle on the mechanism, raise the bridge.

    By bridges we go to the right to the smashed house. Inside cartridges, sleeves, epoxide. On the left wall under the fishery network statuette (15/20). We go to a dead end, we kill the jumped monster. On the left behind round lattices have cartridges for Magnuma, right ordinary cartridges. Cool the mechanism, raise another bridge.

    On the left road, we catch up with three monster, running left, we kill one crawling monster on the way. We run into a safe room. We collect gunpowder, psychostimulants, incendiary ammunition, herbs, sleeves. From the chest we take the ingredients for serum: hand and head. We take powerful weapons - shotgun, grenade launcher or revolver.

    Upstairs, we free my miy and the root from handcuffs. Zoya will create two serum portions. But at that moment a huge monster will attack.

    Boss: Mutoving Jack

    We fall on the two-storey arena. In the corners inside the boxes lies several aidhechk. Initially, we need to shoot the monster all eyes on the body: 1) on the head, 2) on the back, 3) on the left hand, 4) on the right hand, 5) on the tail, 6) on the groin. The last eye is very difficult to notice, you need to lure the monster to the top floor, and jump yourself and shoot at the bottom.

    When all eyes are knocked out, Mutoving Jack go down and go under the water. He will return with the restored eye on his head. Now we need to shy away from the blows of his hands and constantly shoot through the only eye. The monster stands so that you can even hit the eye with a knife if all the cartridges ended.

    By defeating the monster, we go to the opened door. Jack catches us with his paw. On the Zoe Board, we use one syringe with serum to cure Jack and thereby kill him.

    We leave on the pier where girls are waiting for us. Serum remained only one, we decide who to cure (from this will depend on the ending):

    - Cure miu - His Girl (We will play the next level for the MIU);

    - Cure zoy "The daughter of the Bakers (Zoya will kill in the end, and we will still play my Mia, but it will remain infected).

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    5. The deceased ship (Evelina). 6. Final.
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    DLC: Banned Footage, Not A Hero, End of Zoe.
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Central Hall Puzzle with projector (shadow)

To escape from the main hall and disappear from the death axis of Jack, you will need to apply the light of the projector at the pedestal of the first floor of the main house. Before doing this, you will need to find a special item - a wooden statuette.

To do this, follow in the bathroom on the second floor of the main house and get a statuette of the bathroom, pre-drained water (switch in the bathroom). Place it on the pedestal on the first floor of the main house, in the central hall.

Adjust this feature so that an image of a bird (presumably, eagle) is formed on the wall of the shadows. When it is, confirm the decision.

The first puzzle with the projector.

NOTE. It is absolutely optionally to do so that the shade coincides with the white image of the bird in the picture. Even if it is a little left, above, below or rightly, confirm everything.

Now that Jack appears, just run away from it and slam the door behind you to escape from it and get extra time for the decision of the riddles.

Cremation. Closed camera

In the cremance, first room of the processing zone, there is a key from the sectional. You will need this key in order to progress in the plot. The key is hidden inside one of the chambers of the cremation furnace, namely - in the leftmost. To open this camera, inspect the note above the sink. It gives prompts.

First, open the door on which there is a bloody imprint (in the center of the row).
Open the door in the far right corner. Inside, there is a tag with the name of Tamara, and the note it was said that three "a" should be remembered. In the name of Tamara, three letters "A".
This will lead to the fact that the left chamber is unlocked. Inside it, on the catal you will find the key from the sectional, but first will need to kill the monster.

Puzzle in cremance.

Central Hall Door with dog heads

When you get to the central hall, you will find the door leading to the courtyard. It is closed. You will need to explore most of the main house to find all three dog heads.

When you have a scorpion key, you can go to the grandmother's room on the second floor. On the table in this room there is a note in which all places are indicated, where Bikers decided to hide the dog's heads.

Note on the location of dog heads.

Blue Dog Head: On the second floor of the main house, in the rest room. It is hidden in a large book on the shelf to the left of the rack with the video player.

Head of blue dog.

White dog head: in the living room on the first floor of the main house. Take the pendulum from the hours located in the central hall, and insert it into the watch from the living room in which you can get from the dining room (where there was a scene with dinner).

Manipulations with a pendulum of hours.

Red dog head: In the morgue of processing zone. Get the key from the sectional in cremation and take the last dog's head out of the morgue, which is why the battle with the boss will begin.

Having all three heads in the inventory, you can open the door in the lobby and go to the courtyard.

Master bedroom. Puzzle with a clock

In the main bedroom on the second floor of the main house, on the bedside end to the left of the bed you will find the clock with which you can interact. There is a note with more than a direct tip. The answer is quite simple.

Install on the clock 10:15. This time is shown on the dials of the rest of the clock in the house.

Puzzle with a clock.

When you enter the time, then the bed will move aside, and you will see the secret way to the basement.

Children's room. Secret button allowing you to get into the attic

In order to get into the attic, you will need to find a hidden button that lowers the staircase. This mystery will be available after you have a key with the snake. There are two tips that allow you to solve a puzzle. Read the documents. Decision, again, simple.

Lay the lamp on the table at the right wall and interact with it. Turn it so as to see a red button hidden under the lamp. Click on it - the staircase drops.

How to open the way to the attic from the children's room.

You will find at the top various subjects, among which will be the necessary statuette on the pedestal. Turn it so that the wall is visible on the wall resembling a man with an ax. Here you will find the mock of a gun that can be inserted into the hands of a statue of a soldier.

Yard - Secret Shadow Projector

This puzzle is associated with a toy ax that we wrote about in a separate article.

Room Party. Puzzle from the video "Happy Birthday"

This video you find in the attic inside the cabinet opposite the stairs. Access to the attic can be obtained from the children's room. When placing the video tape into the player, you can begin to solve the riddles. If you find an answer in 5 minutes or less, then get the achievement.

Take a candle with a mannequin at the very beginning. Bring it to a room with a cake. Water flowing from above will hide a candle. Thus, the task is to light the candles at the festive cake. But now it is impossible to do it!

While you are in the room with a cake, you need to do two things:

Open a festive gift using a combination, and take the straw doll.
The combination of images is always the same. From left to right this is: Hangcop (man on a loop), a bird on a bell, a germ.

Proper combination for the locker on the wall.

To get this combination, you need to get a dirty old telescope from the toilet bowl (drain the tank) and rinse it under water, all the time it is quenched with a candle at the entrance to the room with a cake. Next, send a telescope on the TV screens and see a combination.

Take the clock key from the barrel in the room with a festive cake. Light a kitchen plate and apply a straw doll to it to find a finger of the mannequin. Also again burn the candle from the inventory.

Fit the burning candle to the rope holding the door on the right side of the TV. You will find yourself in a room with a bunch of balls. Move into the long-distance part and the table to the right of the floor select the harsh ball (it is whole).

Apply this ball on the pipe, visible through the wall opposite the aisle to the festive cake. The ball will explode, and you get a goose feather. You have all the elements to solve the riddle.

Go to a strange mannequin at the beginning of the location and apply to it sequentially: a finger on the left hand, the goose pen there, the clockwork on the mechanism in the stomach.

Go to the rear room and enter the code word on the castle that you left on your hand - Loser.

Take the valve from the wall and go back to the room where the festive cake is located. Apply this valve to the pipe to the left of the passage to the cake to close the water. Re-lit a candle and apply it to a festive cake. Try to turn on the water with the same valve, see the cat-scene.

Party Room - Puzzle In Test Zone

After the video is over the video, you will have to decide the riddle in the parties room. This time it is necessary to solve it so that it is not else to die, because in the video, everything ended with this. You must understand what action led to an explosion. If you did not figure it out, here's a guide:

1. Take a candle with a mannequin, go to the room with a cake, where there are sprinklers that will hang it. Like last time, your goal is to light all the candles at the festive cake.

2. The trick is not to take a clockwork from a barrel with oil (it is precisely because of a diffused oil that burned Clancy). Yes, and you don't need the key, you have seen a password, so you should not launch a mannequin.

3. Turn on the gas stove and burn the candle again. Fit the rope holding the door to the right of the TV.

4. Enter the Loser code word on the far door lock.

5. Take the valve, go back to the room with a cake and insert the found item in empty place To the left of the passage. Discharge water.

6. Wrong candle again on the gas stove. Follow the cake and insert it. You do not burn, because the clockwork key in place and the oil remains in the barrel.

Lucas will throw a bomb to the room. Raise it quickly, break the board in the broken wall to the right of the cake and to the left of the barrel, and then throw off the explosive through the hole.

Broke the board in the wall.

Living room. Puzzle with paintings on the deceased ship

On a broken ship there is a puzzle, which is actually not recommended. But if you want to access multiple rooms on location and collect items, then do it.

When videoalling is running out, go down to the second tier and go to the living room. There are six paintings - three with each of the two sides.

Solution puzzle with paintings.

You just need to compare every two pictures, located opposite each other:

The right picture is configured so that the tree stood as it should (roots down).
Turn the red-blue picture so that the blue strip is on top, and the red is from below.
Adjust yellow painting so that the purple spot is in the upper left corner.
After deciding the puzzle, you will open the safe with three corrosive substances.