Mass effect 3 All missions. Side quests. Return to Citadel - Final

The passage of Mass Effect 3 begins with the character selection window - three options are available. This is a standard campaign in the style of "action", where we are given a standard chief hero of Shepard, role campaign, where we can create your own character, well, and transfer your hero from the second part. Regardless of the choice, the tasks will be the same, it can change except that the overall style of their execution. After loading, we see the first rather long-lasting video, which, alas, it is impossible to disable, like all the next video. But this is not very necessary - so we will learn about the plot. And those who have not played in the first two parts will be able to know the basis of this game universe.

Then starts directly gaming passage Mass Effect 3 - For the Earth, the renouncements were attacked, reasonable race, significantly superior to people and other residents of the nearest galaxies. They appear every 50,000 years, "drinking" all living things, giving thus less developed races to live and develop. But, of course, in our plans to experience the end of the entire civilization (and not even one, and the other humanoids risk) is not included, therefore you need to fight with the renges. How? This is another question ... While even leaving the land covered by the flame, which has been subjected to a large-scale attack on all sides. This will be done in the first mission.

The first mission of the game Mass Effect 3 has a training character - there is nothing difficult here, many tips are displayed on the monitor, which will explain the basics of the game. The menu has an item in which all parts of the game interface are described in detail, the gameplay tips, etc., that is, the most real reference. Therefore, we will not talk about management and other tricks. Explain only the very scheme of passage of the first and shortest level in the game.

The task number one is to leave the inside of the attacked building and follow the admiral. We see serious destruction throughout the city and the giant robots flying here, periodically affecting the script attendance different purposes. You can not pay attention at all - they will not cause us any harm, as they perform the function of the decorations of the apocalyptic world. Therefore, just follow the Admiral Anderson, kindly gave us the gun M-3 "Predator". The game immediately will display the hint, as you can accelerate (by default, you clamp a space), but here at least hurry, even though you do not hurry, everything comes down to scripts. We are not clinging directly lasers and explosions, but forced our destruction sometimes to change the route. You jump over the failure in the cornily, we admire the savory explosion ahead, which is not able to apply at least minimal harm, go further behind the ally.

We continue the passage of the masses effect 3, jumping up a little down the admiral, turn to the left, there we will make it up in the ladder - to boil, just go to her, Shepard will do everything himself - grabbing and starts up. Next will be our first experience in using the shelter - for it, as for the acceleration and jump in special places with cliffs, the gap is responsible. Just come to the shelter, press the gap - our hero hide. I jump on the barrier by repeatedly pressing a space, go further behind Anderson. Pressing the "V" button not only displays the current task, but also gives the pointer to the nearest goal - it is impossible to get lost.

By jumping over another barrier in the form of a ventilation pipe, we will see the first opponents, deftly clipping on the wall and running somewhere forward - Haskov. They can't harm us, their destination is to give the player the invaluable experience of shooting on moving goals. Then we go down the stairs to the right, we see similar enemies that stupidly break into closed doors, make a couple of shots - cartridges end. It's time to get the first experience hand-to-hand fight. Here everything is simple - approach the enemy, press "F", having hit by hand. Sold for a couple of seconds the same key - swipe. But it is already applicable inside the building after the scripted attack of the laser on the building and after communication with a small boy, hidden in the ventilation tube.

Next, in the process of passing Mass Effect 3, we make sure that the gap is a button for all occasions, we also open the doors. After that, we jump into a small room where the cartridges are lying right on the floor - we pick out the cornice, turn to the left, we admire the beautiful explosion, go further down the slope, not paying attention to the landmark very close robot with a good skyscraper.

After passing further, we see the next explosion away, this time a monstrous power - he will wrap the building under us, as a result of which we eat down, which is rather good than bad - closer to the goal. We run behind the admiral, jump through the obstacle - we see stuck soldiers, but they will help them later - enemies on the horizon. This time larger, but less mobile - cannibals. To continue passing the Mass Effect 3, shoot them out of the shelter, carefully follow the state of our shield that protects the body from damage - after damage it is pretty quickly restored, but if you did not leave the fire line, the shield is broken and the body gets damage from which to recover You can only with the aid kits. Who meet here not and often. So the tactic of the fighting is simple - leaned out, a couple of times shot into the heads of enemies, hid. And so far we do not break the enemy.

After that, we come to the soldiers who say that they were beaten, but there is a radio station on flying - so you can call help to evacuate from this hell. We follow with the admiral to the pointer - we pass a kind of bridge, we turn left, then right, we kill the enemies-cannibals, we pass a little more and right - it is there a radio, click near her a gap, causing support. Near the radio finally, more or less normal weapons - automatic M-8 "Avenger". After the evacuation request, only one task remains to the end of the level - to keep the position before the arrival of "Normandy" - spacecraftwhich takes us from here, after finishing our enemies with a blow from the air. The defense scheme is classic - occupy the shelter and shoot enemies, preferably the cartridges of the machine to spend economically, shooting short queues. After the reflection of the attacks, another long screensaver begins, from which we learn that Shepard was restored in the same rank of captain and squarted to the nearest planet from the ground - Mars.

Mars: Protean archives

After watching the screensaver, we continue to pass the Mass Effect 3 - we kindly provided a new weapon, which is called M-23 "Katana" - a very strong shotgun. He, as it should be, is very effective, but at long distances is almost useless. We go according to the pointer - first to the left, then right, there a little right, we jump down, pick up one more weapon, a sniper rifle M-92 "Bogomol". Her behavior in battle is also typically for sniper - very good at large distances, optics makes it aptive to shoot even remote goals, but it's hard to fight it closely.

We go to the left, continuing the passage of the game Mass Effect 3, there we see the scene of the preparing execution of the colonists with attack aircraft of the Specialtiver "Cerber" - we destroy the resistance of the latter, go ahead, we will meet another small group - we will go into the complex. Inside the activation of the computer closing the door, we look at the screensaver in which Liara T "Sony escapes through ventilation mines From the pursuers, in the end, it is impressive with them and without our attention. Further ally changes - Liara joins, James goes to the ship so that in the case of which it was possible to quickly reter.

Liara says that she was able to find a drawing in the Protean archive - the weapon created by these drawings can actually help in an unequal struggle against the reinstalls, but these drawings remained in another wing of the complex. Which, as it relies, controls "Cerber". After the screensaver, the last of us attack - the battle is a bit more difficult than before, as it is not completely hidden from the enemy that shoots off the elevation. But there should be no problems. We try to climb to the upper tier with the help of the elevator - the enemies turned off, because you need to look for an alternative way to go upstairs to continue the passage of the masses effect 3.

This way is to use the lift (find the switch simply, it is highlighted, like all items that can be used, with red brackets), which will raise the container. Now we rise to the only possible path to the boxes, jump from them to just a raised container, jumping to the tier from him, from which the enemies have recently attacked. We go further, we open the door, come back on the new enemy detachment, break it up, then we go to the next room. There is a switch in a small room, activating which, open a new armor in the form of Ariakhe Technologis gloves. In the same room, to the right of the armor there is a computer - activate it, we look at the screensaver. And also in the far wall can be acquired by a more advanced gun M-4 "Syricen" and take advantage of the first-aid kit.

We leave from such a useful room, follow the pointer - open the door, finding out on the street. There in the distant left corner of the site there is a staircase - go down, go to the left - we see another staircase, leading up and the box, in which you can pick up the armor "Biblik Fabryashns". Next, in the process, the passage of Mass Effect 3, rising in the steps, we go to the right, jump over the failure, enter the door to the left - we turn out to be in the building where the darkness reigns, but our hero will kindly automatically turn on the flashlight. On the floor lie fighting bodies - they were closed oxygen in the building, as it turns out later. In the meantime, descend down the signage, where Shepard and his companions will turn off the lanterns, so as not to get on the eyes of the attack aircraft.

Immediately the game will kindly suggest a prompt - "some glasses can be broken down" - we bring the sight on someone's enemy head, shoot - it is necessary, do not lie! The glasses are fighting some in this game, which will facilitate the passage of the masses effect 3. After breaking together with them and enemies, jump through the knocked out windows at that very guarded room, where there is still a small room with cartridges and computer equipment - we use it, including air supply Back and leveling pressure - characters will remove helmets. Also in the screensaver I will see Dr. Eve, which does not disdain the killings of staff for their goals, well, we learn how to "Cerberry" managed to penetrate inside the complex.

We leave out of the room, following the pointer, open the next door, on the right there is another computer - there you can replenish the wiping unlimited number and improve weapons. Having passed into the next corridor, refer to solid resistance, the main problem here will be huge guards of "Cerber" - try to shoot in parts of the body, not a protected shield, otherwise you can shoot a very long time and waste a lot of ammunition. Crashing with the enemy, turn to the next corridor to the left, where again will meet resistance - disperse to continue passing the Mass Effect 3.

The last enemies at the end of the corridor are urgently retired through the door, brewing it - you will have to look for another passage. On the left there is a room, the left and right wing of which is blocked by sterilizers - it turns out a red laser mesh that does not allow us through itself. But it can be controlled - activate the switch on the right, we look at how the grid starts moving. Now it remains to stop her on time until it stands at an angle of not 90 degrees (the initial position that does not allow us), but as soon as it opens the way. It is advisable to immediately find an output to stop the grid correctly - it is in the same room to the right of the entrance slightly above the main floor level.

After stopping the sterilizers in the right position, open the door, on the left there is an improvement of a shotgun, right - improvement sniper rifle, opposite the entrance - a first-aid kit. Taking enhancements, we go and open the next door, previously overlapping the grid, we turn left behind it first, then right. Early on the door, after the opening of which we will see an unpleasant surprise - a major turret machine gun installed directly opposite the entrance. The passage of Mass Effect 3 does not provide any opportunity to fight with him, because the only thing that can be done is to just break through by him, go around the side. You can break through just - hiding in shelters and using game prompts, which and in what situations to press. We go around the turret on the left, right at the course the door to the next corridor, where the next fighters of "Cerber" are waiting for us, including very dangerous centurions. But we also do not flasher shit, because you kill the enemies and enter the room previously guarded by them - to the right of the entrance there is a first-aid kit, a little further, too, on the right - a computer technique that needs to be activated.

After reviewing the video, we are waiting for the arrival of the next part of the enemies, if desired, you can listen to the advice of the game and send someone from subordinates down to clean the area, actively promote the girls-colleagues. We kill all enemies, we enter the room, from which they just came out. There is a trailer, in which the enemy arrived, where the next computer arrived. The trailer is sent, but it is desirable to not relax in the way - even here we will be lost, they will stop our car and will attack, running up on another trailer. Fortunately, the numerical superiority of the enemy can be eliminated, skillfully hiding in shelters that greatly facilitate the passage of the masses effect 3.

After stripping an enemy serviceable car, jump into it, activate the switch and go further. Prepare for one of the most complicated battles at this level - enemies will be much, hiding reliably not enough, and rod on us as ordinary attack aircraft in large quantities and guards with centurions. After the fight, we go on the sign, in the corner of the left near the desired door there are new weapons - M-15 "Defender". By activating the door, see the roller, where our heroes break into a spacious hall and communicate with one of the leaders of the enemy by the ghost through advanced means of communication in the form of a hologram. That mad - wants to take the reins under control.

Here I find out that his subordinate, Dr. Eve, destroys the data with the drawings necessary to us, taking the original information to yourself. Ashley stop her failed, so chasing themselves. However, in order to successfully perform the passage of the game of the masses effect 3, it is not necessary to hurry here at all - the outcome will be the same, catch, and even more so killed Eve is not possible - it runs too fast, and the body is protected by shields, like yours. And on the roof it will help her cover of a flying apparatus, watering you fire. Therefore, it remains only to pursue. What to do is very simple, if you compare with similar tasks in GTA missions, for example, the goal is highlighted, it has nowhere to go. She tries to counterattack, periodically sharply turning around, but these are scripts, the opponent will not be involved in battle. So just run after it until the very end of the level.

There, the passage of the game Mass Effect 3 continues the fact that she deftly jumps into an aircraft who is preparing to fly away, but the revenue comes prudently left on the striking at the beginning of the James level. He is heroically tagged by an enemy ship, but this is not the end - the death of Eva jumps away in full combat readiness, grabs the poor man of Ashley and hits her head about a shot down ship, without killing only a miracle. Here the management is given to us - Eva runs right on Shepard, you must have time to shoot it - to go in the head. "Normandy" arrives for us, which is now sent to the citadel, where we are waiting for a meeting with the Council, which you need to convince the need to help, well, it is extremely necessary to bring to the hospital a fairly affected beauty-partner.

Passage of Mass Effect 3 - Part 1 in screenshots

Mass Effect 3 game Navigation

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For many fans game Series Mass Effect. the ending of the game became an unpleasant surprise. The five-year wait turned into a strongest disappointment in the form of an ambiguous final roller consisting of several dozen "multi-colored" frames. The unexpected turn of the events gave the start of the promotion of signatures in support of the final change. The developers were forced to make concessions and agreed to supplement Mass Effect 3 extended ending " DLC Extended Cut."In which it tells more detail about the fate of the galaxy, satellites and other details that clarify the events that occurred after a conversation with a catalyst and the decision. The standard ending is expanding due to the inclusion of new additional cinematic inserts and epilog scenes. The purpose of the Supplement "DLC Extended Cut" is not to create a new ending, but rather offer an additional context and answers about the end of the history of Shepard's commander.

Total in Mass Effect 3 available 16 endings (They differ from each other quite slightly, which allows you to reduce their number of up to 8 pieces). Each ending refers to blue, red or green way. A great influence on the choice of the ending in the game is also provided, the reputation of the main character did not matter. If certain conditions are not fulfilled during the passage of the game, some rays can remain in the final inactive and closed, which will reduce the variety of choice. In theory, best ending The combination of organic organic synthetics is considered - the top of the evolution, which the catalyst said in a conversation on the "Mountain". True, it is not known how the decision will turn into the future and there is a hidden subtext.

  • Blue color ending (Left track) - Management of the Zhparde and the death of Shepard.
  • Green color ending (Central track) - DNA combination of organic organics with synthetics and death of Shepard.
  • Red color ending (Right track) - the destruction of all synthetics, including reinstalls, betes and suzzi, with the possibility of organic survival, including Shepard (where without it).
  • Shot in a catalyst or refusal to choose - Continuation of changing cycles. The ending is added to the DLC "Extended Cut".

Possible endings Mass Effect 3:

  1. Fighter troops - the land will be destroyed regardless of the choice made.
  2. Fighter troops 1751-2050 - If Shepard destroys the reapers, sacrificing himself, the earth will also be destroyed.
  3. Fighter troops 2051-2350 - If Shepard agrees to manage the renges, sacrificing himself, the Earth will be saved.
  4. Fighter troops 2351-2650 - If Shepard destroys the reapers, sacrificing himself, the earth will be only empty by an explosion and is broken, but not destroyed.
  5. Fighter troops 2651-2800 - If Shepard destroys the reapers, sacrificing himself, the earth will be saved.
  6. Fighter troops 2801-4000 - If Shepard sacrifies himself, he will be able to combine synthetics and organic organics.
  7. Fighter troops 4001-5000 - If Shepard destroys the reinstalls and, it will take away.
  8. Fighter troops 5000+ - If Shepard destroys the reinstalls, even it will destroy.
For the appearance of a roller with a sigh of Shepard among the ruins of London - after scenes with "Normandia" - you need to choose the path of destruction of synthetics - the right track from the beam "Gorna" (red ending). At the same time, the number of combat troops should be at least 4,000 points.

To save time on viewing all the endings, it is necessary immediately after completing the last conversation with the catalyst, open a folder with Save (\\ My Documents \\ BioWare \\ Mass Effect 3 \\ Save \\ Folder_PROFILE), Find File Autosave.pcsav, and make a backup, coping or by archiving it. When browse the selected ending, replace the backup copy original file. And download the game from the selected point. Repeat the process until you look at all endings. The way helps to avoid listening to long dialogs. After passing the game again returns to the point of the assault point of the Cerberian base is not an error, so it should be.

In the life of each Space Captain sooner or later, the moment comes when it wants the simple and possibly human caress. Love among the stars - what can be romantic in difficult time, when there is a sink, swinging iron awkles, renouncements! But how to understand the intricacies of galactic novels? How to unmistakably find the path to the heart or hearts of comrades? There is no reason without a comprehensive reference book. And he is in front of you.

Compared to previous games of the series, in Mass Effect 3, the love adventures of Captain Shepard simultaneously simultaneously, and complicated. On the one hand, the scenes of jealousy went into the past, and objects for the application of the Captain Charizma became greater - now it is possible to twist the amrants not only with satellites, but also with former satellites, and with the "nebevic" composition of the "Normandy" crew. On the other hand, a novel with some characters can be fascinated due to inattention, and not all the intrigues end at least some bed scene.

"I have a tentacle from you on end!"

In addition, in the assortment of "halves" there is a mysterious imbalance, offensive for playing women. See ourselves: For the Shepard men, all the ways are open - he can choose from five women, one Azari and one kvarianka (with some stretch - the same earth women). Shepardo-gay, though it is more complicated - only one reliable friend is seeded for him, the driver of the landing bot Steve Corte. There is, however, also bisexual kayden - but only if he did not die in the first part.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: This very Steve Cortec is the only storyline NPC from the team "Normandy", which artists have been lazy to draw their own face. But they were not too lazy to draw tears.

James Vega, like that hamster, "no one loves."

But the problems of courageous sheprads of any orientation are pale compared to the layout for Women Shepard. For it, only one (one!) Man-man, and even if he survived the story of the first Mass Effect. I speak about Kajenna Alenko, to which the developers for some reason changed the face. Then begins the panels. It is possible to resume relations with the aliens - relatively humans, but very sick by Tayne Cryos, or charming, but in the inseco-shaped garrot. True, these aliens are also just not given - they will start responding to courtship, only if Shepard has already glue them in the second part of the Mass Effect. In addition, due to the unhealthy, Tein meeting with him is not even considered a novel.

The most discerning for women is that the ship is a new cute guy, the company's soul, an athlete - James Vega. He is heterosexual, wit and even capable of flirting. But - no novels! Players even arranged a raid on the BioWare Forum with the petition to attach there at least some interest at least some sex. Perhaps the developers decided to prevent the playing public about the dangers of anabolic steroids in such an unusual way?

Nowhere Shepardo-Woman to go, except to rush into the arms of friends.

So it turns out that a peasant on board at best one. But women who are ready to neglect conventions and to visit the violence of same-sex relations, - two, not counting Azari. Such is discrimination.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: In the second part of the game, a good option for a heterosexual commercial woman was a Negro Jacob Taylor. But the developers and here were prying to the women of Pyzhak: Jacob, the only one of all former satellites, started seven.! Well, you will do!

Well, now it's time to list all those with whom Shepard can build their love. So, open a dossier - according to the alphabet.

Garrus Vakarian

Captain Paul:female

New novel: not

Enough already Harrus engage in endless calibrations.

Garrus, Starina Garrus, "Humped with a scar." This brave tourism was in the team of "Normandy" in all three games and more than once came to the ratings best characters Video game. But it will be difficult to kiss him into the scar - for this you need two conditions at once: the female captain and the novel with Garrus in the second part. Start with him a new novel will not work if in Mass Effect 2 Captain with him just friend.

If, in the second part, he still had a novel with Shepard, there would be no problems with his renewal. It is necessary only after the "Palaten" mission to find the Turian in the torpedo compartment, to distract from calibration and confirm relationships, covering them with a kiss right in the shummed rhuses.

After the task is performed on a tucan, associated with the genera, Garrus in the conversation will suggest to meet the citadel. He will wait for Shepard in front of the elevator in the docks - and will suggest to go to the insane journey into the forbidden areas of the Citadel. There, the Commmors will have the opportunity to admit to Harrus in love, and the player has a rare spectacle in this part of the Galaxy: a confused Turian.

The main thing is to close your eyes.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: If there is no romantic relationship with Garrussa, if everything is limited to friendship, the crazy journey will still take place - but the "fraternal" part of the entertainment will all repairs.

the main romantic scene It will happen automatically - as soon as Normandy goes to the base of "Cerber". But calm, only calm - everything will be within the framework of decency. The tourism will not remove their armor.

Developers, realizing that the connection between man and the Turian - the thing is strange even by the standards universe Mass. Effect, put a couple of jokes related to these questions in the game. Even in a sad and beautiful scene of farewell to the final battle on Earth, Garrus will not hold back from the question: "I wonder how human-turius young people will look like?" "What Shepard will answer reasonably:" It is unlikely that the laws of biology will go to meet us. "

However, one of the most fun scenes in Mass Effect 3 will meet only a player who did not start the novels either with Garrus or with Tali. Run more often in the torpedo compartment, and you can witness a comical love scene with these two. Embarrassed justification of the treasured "on the hot" Turian and the kvarianka definitely worth listening to.


Captain Paul:male

New novel: not

Immediately visible - Jack missed.

The subject "Zero", or simply Jack, was a very unusual and bright character in Mass Effect 2. Unfortunately, its role in the third part is only episodic, and the novel (more precisely, the hints of it) will happen at Jack only with the captain of the male And then only with those who won it in the previous game.

Meeting with the subject "Zero" will occur in the Ghissorskaya Academy. Jack will do everything herself - the player will only remain choose the necessary answers and react to the "moments of interception" in time by pressing the right mouse button. Do not forget to kiss Jack in the landing bot when it comes to her tattoos.

Alas, Jack will not leave the position of the teacher, so she will not get to the ship to us. The culmination of the novel will be only a meeting in the club "Purgatory" and a joint dance. Before the battle with the ghost, the girl naturally will not come (it is not on the ship), so the meeting in the bar will become the latter. Already on Earth, in the glowing London, with Jack it will be possible to say goodbye to holographic communication.

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Jack in his repertoire: At the meeting, she will be saved to Shepard on the jaw "For what gone", and in a farewell conversation on holographic communication will require the captain to stay alive, "because I will need to sleep with someone."

Diana Allers.

Captain Paul:male and female

New novel: Yes

So, what about "exclusive"?

You will probably remember the annoying journalist Kalisau and its specific interviews from the first two parts. In Mass Effect 3, the developers decided to pour new blood into space journalism, and now we have anything and Diana Allers, leading the report " Space war" At the first visit to the citadel, she will try to ascend to "Normandia" and, if Shepard stops a journalist on board, just stands in the engineering deck.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: If you wish, it can be expelled when the citadel can be re-visited.

Diana Allers is a character of the neboree, but it is interesting to talk to her, and in meaningful to visit it after each important mission. At one fine moment, the journalist will require an interview in the captain's cabin - here do not yaw: Answer to flirting. But do not wait for the result right away - the "exclusive" Diana will agree only on the second interview if Shepard (any sex) promises to be silent.

To the clutch, you can not count on the appropriate love scene - here the Lord the creators fame.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: A secret meeting with Diana Allers can hardly be considered a full-fledged novel, so it does not hurt Shepard in parallel to build a serious relationship with someone else.

Kaiden Alenko

Captain Paul:male and female

New novel: Yes

Still, something in it remained from the old Good Kaiden.

Of all "loving" characters Mass. Effect 3 It is Kiden Alenko that caused the most disputes. Players did not like a lot of things. For example, its plastic surgery is here, tea, not TV shows, so that there was a need to change the actors.

Many prevented the sudden bisexuality of Alenko - in the first part of the Mass Effect, this was not found. The developers did not even bother to explain why it would be a hardened fighter suddenly pulled into FVAN entertainment. But most of all the emotions caused the scene on the citadel in which Kayden is trying to shake the commander. If we consider that before, Alenko demonstrated only heterosexual behavior, similar sudden, no motivated subdocks caused, to put it mildly, awkwardness. Players even rebelled slightly on the BioWare forums.

It turned out that the problem was not to the end of the thought-out system of courtship: game mechanics (And with her and kayden) perceived a bottle of whiskey - an innocent gift to the Kaiden lying in the hospital - as a signal to courtship. And at this place in Alenko, sudden feelings for the donor walked - no matter how gender.

"It's morning already?"

Actually, this can be finished the conversation about how to awaken love in Kaiden - it does not matter, new or old, to a woman or a man. Buy a sick whiskey in a local shop, and a date in the community of the Presidium is guaranteed. And what to say there - will figure it out.

The love scene with Alenko before going to the "Cerber" in the game is present - more than frank. London Farewell, the developers also paid a lot of attention.

Liara T'Soni.

Captain Paul:male and female

New novel: Yes

Shepard again thought about the peculiarities of the physiology of Azari.

Beauty Liara, Bisexual Azari, was the first novel candidate in Mass Effect. Relationships can be renewed - at the very beginning, when you find it on Mars. At the same time, the choice is made immediately, as soon as Liara asks: "Did you have everything seriously or so?" Do not forget to call Liara to the captain's cabin when she proposes to tell about his new project. What to do next - nature will tell. After that, it will remain only to meet with a liar in communities and passionate kisses to fasten love.

The scene before the assault base of the ghost is one of the most sensory in the game. Image of "Framed Azari" developers try to maintain all the forces

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In the game scenes there is a funny dialogue, in which Joker is trying to find out from Liara, whether Azari moves head tentacles. It turns out that these are not full "Tentacles", but only tight horny thighs that can be baptized a little, but no more.

It's a pity. Application it would be found.

Miranda Louuson

Captain Paul:male

New novel: not

On Shepard, Miranda will have a very little time - all things, things.

Miranda Lawson in Mass Effect 2 was the "representative of the Ghost" on the ship "Normandy". In the last part of the trilogy, her role is episodic - besides, a certain similarity of the novel is available only to those who met her in the previous game.

All will begin with an email, in which Miranda invites Shepard to meet in the docks and talk. Confirm that she is still entering the plans of the commander, and the award will be a modest kiss.

In a conversation with Lairo through the terminal "Spectra", warn it about Kate Lenge, and then she will appoint a second meeting at the apartment in the communities - again by e-mail. First, you talk about the affairs - then the Shepard will have the opportunity to abominate: "In the bed!"

If the novel with Miranda near Shepard was not, it is necessary to meet with her. And that's why...

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Save Miranda from death in the final scene on the planet horizon is not easy. It is necessary to have a good relationship with her in Mass Effect 2 and, if you had mutual feelings, in no case to break with it. With Miranda, it is necessary to cross the Citadel to the attack "Cerper", and, having learned about Kate Lenge from its terminal, warn Miranda through the "spectrals" room. When she asks the alliance resources - let them. Finally, in the scene with the father of Miranda, do not forget to use the interrupt - it does not matter, "good" or "bad".

The love scene as such in relations with Miranda is not - the artists lazy to spend paints on the former girl Shepard.

Samantha Treynor.

Captain Paul:female

New novel: Yes

For Shepard-Men from Samantha - only chess.

Samantha Treynor is our secretary. In the game, she replaces Kelly Chembers, which, as of mental health, left "Normandy" and settled on the citadel. Samantha is pretty, obedient, Tvorova - But with all this, only female shepards can start a kind of romance.

Make it easy. It is necessary only from time to time to talk with Samantha, and then after the "Cherberian" mission to the Citadel, she will talk about his addiction to strategic games and in the letter will offer a batch in chess. Invite it to the captain's cabin, and she immediately starts the shower with the hint. Offer her to go under the shower, and then join. At the same time and fear.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: As in the case of Diana, an innocent intrigue with Samantha Treynor will not prevent the captain to build a serious relationship with someone else.

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In the scene with the shower there will be a couple of oddities. Samantha, for example, will remain in underwear, and the captain will step under a stream of water, without removing the uniform (or that it uses instead of it).

Steve Cortez

Captain Paul:male

New novel: Yes

Steve Cortez flashes about the untimely deceased husband. And Shepard seems to begin to suspect something.

Esteban "Steve" Cortesis is another new character, and I would not call him successful. He has no remarkable template-Latin American face, he is overlooked, and his role is only in episodic dialogues before tasks and after them (he is the driver of the landing bot).

In general, with Gay on board, Shepard was unambiguously lucky. But Steve, at least tacty, does not stick so aggressively, like Kaiden Alenko, and makes it possible to carefully move away from the topic.

Nevertheless, if the captain "Normandy" such Preferences, he must visit the cortis in the cargo compartment, to conduct long conversation with it - and then cross in the refugee camp on the citadel and finally understand the feelings in the "purgatory" bar.

Some spoilers, click to read

At the beginning of the mission on Earth, Steve may die along with the landing bot. So that this does not happen, you need to make friends with him ... or "make friends".

Tali'zora you Normandi

Captain Paul:male

New novel: not

Tali is the most mysterious and mysterious companion of Shepard.

Kvarianka Tali gives care of only those captains with whom she already "united the Wednesdays of Spaces" in Mass Effect 2. You will meet her after a mission with dreadnought of geta and in conversation will be able to hint at the resumption of communication. Tali at this point is angry and comes to employment.

IT IS IMPORTANT: Note that if you're before meeting with Tali promise your hand and the heart to someone else - for example, the same Liare, the roman with a kvarian will not take place. When meeting, she will say with the go: "I am happy for you" - and refuses to be more than a friend.

It should be remembered: the conversation at the meeting does not mean that you are together. Shepard must catch a letter from Tali in the mail, call it to the cabin and confess the feelings there - only after that it will be reckoned that you have a new novel.

Left - original with Gettyimages, right - portrait of the hoist.

Before departure to the Ranok, try to meet the hoists on the Citadel. After the task in the native Kvarian planet, if the outcome is favorable for the kvarians, Tali will give us their portrait, kindly taken by BioWare artists from photobibelets. To get a portrait, visit the hoists in the engine room.

Alas, but also in the culmination stage in front of the "Cerberian" task we will not see the face of the kvarianka. She will not even remove the gas mask.

This is a bug: If Tali, being a beloved Shepard, dies during the events on the banner, she still can come to the captain's cabin to support him in front of the assault headquarters of Cerber. So in a sense, the rule "until death cannot separate us" in Mass Effect 3 does not work.

Some spoilers, click to read

Do not miss the scene in the rest room (living deck, left from the elevator) After the attack at the headquarters of Cerber. Tali sits in the bar and diligently dries through a special mechanism for entering alcoholic liquids (people call it "straw"). The conversation with a spray of drunk hoists is very funny.

Ashley Williams

Captain Paul:male

New novel: Yes

The face of Ashley The developers also decided to change, like the face of Kajen. And the bruises appeared later.

Ashley Williams and Kayden Alenko - mutually exclusive characters. In the game there can be only someone alone - for those who have transferred storage files through the entire trilogy, it depends on the solution adopted in the first part.

As in the case of Alenko, Roman with Ashley Williams will begin in the hospital, if you give her a book poems by Tennison, purchased at a local store. The second important conversation with Ashley can be started after the mission on the satellite of Falave, and finally put the point over I will help the meeting in the communities of the Presidium.

Some spoilers, click to read

Ashley Williams, as you may, remember, in the second part broke with Shepard and at the meeting was very aggressive - accused him of work on the inhuman "Cerber" and did not hear the excuse. In Mass Effect 3, she suddenly was supposed, and the developers had an explanation of this: Ashley's aggression in Mass Effect 2 was caused by the fact that she was afraid to believe in the "wonderful" resurrection of the captain.

* * *

Now you know everything to successfully conquer any woman, any man and any aliens in this part of the Galaxy. No journalist and no secretary will not stand up before the charm of Shepard. It's time to test the knowledge in practice! New victories and accomplishments are waiting for us!

IN last years It was not so many truly resonant games that "clinged" all the gamers without exception. A pleasant exception is the "Mass Effect 3". The passage of this game is quite difficult, and therefore we prepared this article in which we will try to reveal the most interesting features.

Immediately warn you that it is preferable to choose simple and unambiguous options for answers in gaming dialogs. It's easier not to get bogged down in side quests. As soon as you master the "Mass Effect 3", the passage can be done more unfolded.


It all begins with the fact that the admiral of the Hace is alarmed by some activity observed immediately in several galactic sectors. The turning warrior begins to suspect that confused renouncements are to blame. He immediately sends Anderson to pull Shepard, so that he gave the divergent advice of exhaustive tips on these unpleasant creatures.

One of the members of the Alliance asks whether to unite in the face of such a terrible danger. Of course, we agree with him. Immediately after that, the rebels attack the lunar colony of earthlings and demolish a couple of skyscrapers on the earth itself. Shepard casts off an explosion to the wall. Hooray! Only after that you have the ability to control the character. It should be noted that the passage of the game "Mass effect 3" is largely characteristic of the fact that some sections of the gameplay practically do not depend on your direct participation.

We begin to act

Shunter running over Anderson, dodging the falling pieces of the building. We meet with husks, kill them from the pistol issued to you earlier. We see in the ventilation course of a frightened child, we advise him to hide better. Finally catch up with Anderson and go behind him. We listen to His reasoning about the injustice of being and the happening of deaths, we suggest that everyone happens in war. You stop near the device to replenish the ammunition, we get cartridges for your faithful pistol. An explosion again, and you with Anderson throws off to the wall, as if we continue to pass the game "Mass effect 3".

Continued fight

I will crawl away, we meet a couple of soldiers. We are trying not to come across the eyes to the superior enemy, but we still notice cannibals. You have to spend precious cartridges for shooting these creatures. Anderson is interested in whether the soldier has a radio station. One of the guys responds that the radio is on their shot-down ship, but there is everywhere enemies. Of course, we will go straight there.

First, shoot all the enemies, and then select a radio station that is lying close to the cliff. There you also find a good rifle. Do not miss the chance to take it with you. We send a distress signal. Immediately after that, containers with cannibals begin to raise off the sky. Muspectly shoot them. Saves position Arrived ship. Anderson says that will remain (in order to raise the military spirit). He restores Shepard in his position and wishes good luck in future epic accomplishments.


On the ship it turns out that some important data on reloads may be in the archives of Mars. Do not be surprised that his employees do not communicate. We will have to go to the voyage on the Red Planet. Sit down in the shuttle and go on the road. On Mars, they are waiting for a surprise - Cherberian attack aircraft. We destroy them, go to the archive building and sit down in the elevator. When you leave it, you will see a wonderful picture: Liara T'Soni, rapidly flying from the attack aircraft and passing them with singularity.

We help her to end the opponents. And here, then our old friend is suddenly much surprised by your statement that there are arms drawings in Martian archives, capable of catching up to death. It is clear that here you need to people "Cerber"! After that, we send all opponents to the forefetrics and go to the elevator. Nothing amazing, he is broken. However, you can use others.

We rise to the second floor, we are looking for a central computer there. It has a video of a week ago, on which some kind of woman can be seen. Then Liara T'Soni says that it was she who let "Cerberry" in the archive. We advise her to forget.

We go into the following room. Right behind the door there is a modification for weapons. If you are lucky, it is suitable for your gun. We go further, we meet a bunch of cherberry fighters. To shoot them all, it will be necessary to take advantage of the singularity of the liara. We run to the section of the transport squad, feel an unpleasant smell on the approach. Liara says that it smells like a disinfectant gas.

Turn off the installation for the injection and go to the room. It has a modification for a sniper rifle and shotgun. "The method of typing" having mastered the remote, open the door. In the next room there is one big and unpleasant surprise - a stationary tool. We are going through the mini-game in which you will be taught perfectly to use shelters and leave the shots with the help of focate.

Combined the next room, we destroy the attack aircraft and centurion, which was there. There is a lot of useful in the room, so you look at more detail. Do not forget to turn off the stationary weapon, which gave you so much problems in the near past. Then pay attention to the cameras.

Who we see! This is the very girl who was letting "Cerber"! It turns out that her name is Dr. Eva. Liara declares concerns that she has already managed to get to the archive, and to intercept the signal that "Cerber" will send from there, it will be impossible. To avoid this, trying to deceive enemies by using the transmitter in the helmet of one of the dead attack aircraft. Under the helmet, something is found, most reminiscent Husky. We inform Ashley so that she stops hysterically and stopped worrying about us.

We call enemies using the transmitter to the point of the meeting we send an ambush. We destroy enemies, go to the archives. We are waiting for a bomb that incredulous sacotos left just in case. We destroy the new batch of enemies, go to the archives. Again fights! We advise you to use all your pumped skills, since without them it will be difficult to win. After you figure out with them, feel free to enter the archive, where the information crystals are simply waiting for you, on which the drawings of the wonder-weapon are recorded.

Here is an annoyance! We discover that all the data is erased, and the restless doctor of Eva broke through Ashley to the shuttle. Need to rush! We destroy Eve, take information about the ancient weapons against the reapers. Fly at Normandy. What else is preparing us the game "Mass Effect 3"? Citadel, the passage of which is desirable to be performed as careful as possible, as many important information will be found in its course!


Upon arrival, Ashley is sent to the medical center, but we are not allowed behind it. But the Shepard has the opportunity to chat with AVP, local artificial intelligence. We study all the same information that she will provide us. Incidentally talking with a smart computer, we go to the store and buy for Ashley a large packing of candies (thousand loans). Going to her in the ward, we see two attending doctors. They report that our girlfriend is strong, and her life does not threaten anything.

At the same time by Dr. Chakvas for her further service on the ship "Normandy". Since Ashley still falls out unconscious, we leave her candy and leave the hospital. We go to the embassy, \u200b\u200bwe are looking for Bailey on the second floor. Talking it, you can learn a lot about the citadel itself. After that, you can go to the Udina room. From there we are carried out in the boardroom. As Shepard and assumed, his members do not express their special readiness to help.

By the way, you can learn about what influenced the solution of some participants in the Council in the "Mass Effect 3". Passage of side quests gives answers to all these questions, so do not regret them!

But here the word Liara takes, which once again hesit about the new weapon, which can destroy the reinstalls. The Council is naturally indignant: if it exists, then why did the early civilizations do not end up with this race? Liara says that the weapon lacks a certain "catalyst". However, it does not help. Almost the entire Council does not agree.

But soon Shepard finds the adviser to Turians. He says he knows someone who could help us in solving this problem, but Sheparda will have to fulfill one service for his race. If you do not go into details, we will save the Turian primarch. We continue to describe full passage "Mass effect 3"!


Let's fly to the moon of pavalen. After disembarking, without much surprise, we discover that all alive on the planet with excitement is destroyed by the renges. Throwing through to the defending towing people, we learn that their primarch is already dead. We demand to assign a new one, because you need to task his people! Fighters are not against, but they need permission from their highest command. As it should be expected, the only radio hat, from which you could have a signal, is already captured by the Haskov detachment.

Grabbing James and Ashley with him, we go to solve this problem. Crawing with sacraments, communicate with the command. There they inform you that the new primarch was appointed Viktus. He is popular with the soldier, loves to take the initiative during the battle. Now we have to transport the new commander to a safer place.

Here the new wave of enemies rolls on us, everything is mixed. Bringing off, run search for Viktus. He, to put it mildly, not delighted with his new destination. We inform the soldier that besides him, it is simply a certain one. Straightening the heart, he agrees, but it says that it is forced to conduct a common military collection, which will be present to Croogans.

How can you diversify "Mass Effect 3" (passage)? Aria T'Laak soon after the completion of this chapter will ask you to combine several gang of mercenaries at its beginning. It is worth helping the old girlfriend!

Do you know how it can seriously surprise "Mass Effect 3 Omega" (passing)? Sofa Aria! The unscrewing emphasis will ask you to find it! If you successfully handle this mission, a pleasant reward will not wait a long time!


Our new friend Viktus asks us about the same service. It is about saving the crew of the fallen ship. The vessel was crashed on the planet of the rush. Upon arrival, we learn two news on the place: first, the ship failed with the invaluable "help" of the reapers. Secondly, the son of Viktus was in the crew!

Sit down, looking for a rescue capsule. We arrange a hot spring there, in which we destroy all the enemies that are intensely in the Turians. We get to the son of the primarch, who thanks us for salvation. Shepard requires fighters to continue fulfilling the task, to which they mean disagreement. Patinially declare them about debt, after which Viktus helps us persuade their subordinates.

We associate with the command and find out that the primarch has been hidden from us. We are trying to outstand from it hidden from us information, but tolerant fiasco. We remind us that we must solve the problem of Croogans and Turians. Again with Paphos, we declare that we never forget about our debt, after which we go to the ruins of the city.

Important! How is it easier to destroy enemies in the "Mass Effect 3"? "Arena Armaks Arsenal"! The passage of this quest is rewarded with the receipt of the new armor "Shadow" with which Shepard becomes almost immune to attacks of many enemies.

The ruins of the city

When we are on the ship, the younger Viktus is associated with us. He reports that he revealed a conspiracy, the purpose of which was the excitation of discord between the Turians and Croogans. He also reports that it is forced to neutralize a bomb that is intended to fulfill this dirty plan, and says goodbye to you, since the detonator will cost him life. We bring your condolences to his father, passing the conflict between him and Riv.

Pay your attention to the addition of "Mass Effect 3", "Omega". Passage, the text of which is scheduled in this article, is seriously expanded in this DLC. The fact is that when solving conflict situations, more options will be available to you, so you can solve the problem without resorting to the power options. It is perfect for those players who wish to keep as many members of their squad.

Finally, do not forget about one distinctive feature "Mass effect 3": passing by side quests! Omega in this regard gives much more freedom than the original game! In fact, gamers get a chance to re-pass many game assignments.

Attempt in Citadel

Let's fly to the Citadel. It turns out that the "Cerberian" squads already attacked her. We destroy all the enemies that have turned into arm. In the Citadel itself, we see the corpse of the employee who killed someone by letting the bullet in the back of the head. Our suspicions were confirmed: "Cerber" and in fact uses its agents in particularly delicate affairs!

Although it turns out that the main connected "Cerber" is Udine, who has already sent his advisers to the Sharmal Plaza, where they are already looking forward to the killer. I rush to fly there on the shuttle. On the way, some ninja falls on us, which spoils the control system, as a result of which the unfortunate shuttle falls. So continues "Mass Effect 3" (passage). "Leviathan", the second plot addition to the game, implies his stay in one of the side quests.

We get to the Citadel and inform Bailey about the existence of some super killer. The commander with irony notices that they did not notice his traces. Shepard replies that Ninja will inevitably soon manifest itself again. Will we have a chance to find this obsessive companion in the "Mass Effect 3"? The passage of "Omega DLC" involves its disclosure, so take the addition and dare!

Base Reapers on early

Plant on the planet, heading to the base of the geta. Along the way, we destroy all who will try to attack you (and there will be a lot of such). On the basis, we find out that we need to break the connection of the geets with the reaches, otherwise our mission will fail. We call "Normandia", but here there is some kind of reaper from the gate. We destroy it and order "Normandy" to fly without you, as it is necessary to solve some other problems.

We have to choose allies: if in the dialog you choose the option to "transfer the code", then your ally, hoists, will drop off from the rock from grief. But you will receive at the disposal huge army Getoves. If you click on "We give Hetam to die," Tali will remain alive, but you will receive not so many troops. What else can surprise "Mass Effect 3" (passing)? "Leviathan", that is, one of the plot add-ons, introduces to game process A lot of new characters and even quests, so do not miss the chance!

Texa temple

Land near Azari squad. They immediately kill the fighter, which stands behind the steady of stationary gun. As soon as Husks and creatures are destroyed, speak with the lieutenant Kurin. Your task is to persuade her to stay in my post.

Go further, constantly hiding behind the ruins and destroying enemies. We meet a dangerous opponent - Banshi, who can deliver you a lot of problems. We destroy it and all the accompanying modified enemy of opponents, we go to the saint of the temple. There it turns out that your mission is actually failing and that we will have to kill Kai Lena. Communicate with the command, after which we are ordered to return.

Remarks on scene additions

By the way, the plot add-ons "Mass Effect 3" ("Omega") can seriously surprise you. The passage (reactor in particular) of this DLC is particularly different from the main part of the game in that there is much more fulfilled confrontation with Cerberry.

Sanctuary horizon

Take off. Let's fly to the planet horizon. Artificial Intelligence It hints that it would not hurt to find out the nature of the occupations of the notorious Kai Lena on the planet. We agree with him.

We enter the sanctuary, breaking through the crowd of enemies. On the interior cameras, see how Cerberian experts make from refugees ... Haskov! Soon we learn that the father of Miranda is behind everyone. He created a system, with which you can control hacks and, perhaps, the reckons themselves. In the course of further battle, Miranda dies, but you manage to collect all the necessary information. Upon returning to the database thanks you a command. It turns out that the location of the Cerberian base is indicated in the information you received. You are "events" for its destruction.

In addition, it turns out another thing. It turns out that the catalyst of an ancient weapon against the reapers is the citadel itself on the ground! So that's why the Military Race fights for the possession of the planet with such pressure! You revealed the main secret of "Mass Effect 3". The passage continues.

Land, London

We arrive on the ground. Admiral Hicket immediately reminds us that the citadel needs to be discovered, without loss. We go to battle. We calculate the seating zone for landing the "hammer" squad. Along the way, we wish all the fighters who are fighting shoulder to shoulder with you, good luck. It raises the fighting spirit of defenders. Complete "Mass Effect 3". Citadel, the passage of which in this case is quite difficult, will require a full calculation from you!

We destroy many enemies that will overlap the paths of the approach to the Citadel. In the last scene, you enters the battle ray of the back. Shepard in a semi-dimensional state goes to Anderson. In the final scene you have to choose between two versions of the ending. Note! For players who did not like the small duration of the game: Extend the passage of "Mass Effect 3"! DLS will help you. Of course, if you are not sorry to pay for extra chapters.

Surely you will enjoy the game "Mass effect 3". The passage of it is quite worthy that you repeat it a couple of times!

So, we start the game from choosing your background. This passage will be with such settings:

Race (Personal Business): Cosmonaut
Reputation: war hero
Class: Scout
Additional skills: armor-piercing cartridges
Losses in battle: Ashley Williams

S. previous parts Not used. In passing, we consider only the priority tasks necessary to achieve the end of the game. Do not forget to visit the Normandy's lower deck to improve armor and weapons, as well as to access the stores. Mail can be found in the cabin cabin, or at the Universe card.

You can download saving from Masseffect2 if you place it in the "... My Documents \\ Bioare \\ Mass Effect 2 \\ Save"

Mass Effect 2 ended victory over collectors. In the "suicidal" Mission Shepard retained, or destroyed their lair and retired. However, a large threat makes humanity to turn to the only one who came across the renges. Shepard restored to the ranks of the Alliance and will try to protect the galaxy by all means.


We look at the entrance roller - we are raised by the Council, the land is attacked by the rebels and they are already here. Everything explodes, and we run behind Anderson, not forgetting to press the "space" to accelerate, jump over the abyss and climb through an obstacle.

Soon we will meet the first hassles, they are very safe if the bats are running manually "F". Going down the stairs and sobraying with the enemies, an explosion will occur by opening the future path to us.

We pass to the locked door - the Hask get out, killing it you can open a damaged door. The next roller about the boy, he will go away in any case, and we move on, take the cartridges. Another explosion is going down, we encounter cannibals and sobering with them, we speak with two surviving people. Now you need to get to the radio on a knocked ship.

Go forward to the lowered beam, we kill a few cannibals, find a radio (and a rifle)

The signal is filed, you need to hold out before evacuation. Using shelters, destroy the enemies before the arrival of Normandy. Anderson remains, and we destroy from the ground. Admiral Halket is connected with us on the ship and sends to Mars, behind the protean data.

Priority: Mars

Looking around, we go to the right from the solar panels, we go down, find a pair of corpses, and I visible a little further as a squad of the Alliance.

Having broken with the villains we pass forward - another detachment, we go into the complex, activate the elevator. Going down, we meet Liara, she will talk about the drawings of the protean weapon, which you need to pick up from this base before "Cherberry".

After a conversation, the attack aircraft will attack from the balcony, bringing up with them to raise a small elevator at the boxes upstairs, we climb on it and go to the "green" door.

We pass to the room with the control panel - activate the console, open the door. Once upon fresh air We watch the wagons and go down. We have one way, we fall into the room without light and air. Going down the stairs, knock the windows by setting a surprise to Cherberian detachment. The right will be climate control.

We go to the left door and break through the battle to the room with the sterilization included. Turn off the beam so that there is a passage to the stairs and go to the right door.

The path will lead us to the turret that you need to bypass from the shelter to shelter.

Finally, being in the control room, we turn off the gun and watch a small video. By deceiving "Cerber" we called a car that would take us to the archives. On the way, our rail explodes, but the aspirations of the next killery detachment will also provide new transport.

Reaching to the destination, suppress the power of the enemy and go to the archives. We meet there with the projection of the ghost, (the head of "Cherberry") we say, notice that someone is erased. One of the satellites detects Dr. Eve, she rushes off. We run behind it using a space, it is useless.

In the end, she will sit in a shuttle, but he will betray James. Eve, being far from a person, will try to kill one of the partners, in my case Kaiden.

We send it to the world another and watch the rollers in Normandy. Now our path lies in the Citadel - deliver Kaiden to the hospital and talk to the Council.

Priority: Citadel

Arriving in the Citadel we find ourselves in the Dock "Normandy", we go right in the checkpoint and taking advantage of the elevator in the embassy. Immediately right there will be a staircase - rose, go to the first right door (Udine's office).

There is a meeting with the Council, we refuse to direct aid, but the Tourian Advisor gives a hook, and also restores Shepard to the rank of spectrum.

Priority: Palamen.

We go back to the dock, you can pick up the recreation area on board the reporter Diana Allers. We return to Normandia and see a dream about the boy.

The boy runs through the forest, we are moving behind him. Waking up, talking to Lairra, Trainor and Halket. We go through a small hall to the doors, pass to the team hall. We fly to the moon of Falave, to save the Turian Primary of Fedorian. To do this, on the map of the Galaxy, we choose the system of the Apique Cross, pumped to the Menae satellite, click "Exit into orbit", "Landing".

Slowing out, we clean the place from the Haskov. We ask the soldier, he says how to get to the camp.

We go to the right and directly, we meet the general. We learn that Fedorian Mortv, and to find out who is now the primarch, you need to repair the radio. Straight and left will be the door, behind them to the right tower.

When you reach it, we use the panel - we send one of the satellites to repair, and together with the second, fought from the Haskov. Go back to the general. We meet Harrus, find out what we need to find Viktus, go to protect the takele field (left).

If you are confused where to go, you can press "V". After shooting the attackers, we go back, by General and on the barricade.

Fight from Haskov from the gun, then the "creature" appears and resets us from the wall.

It is not so difficult to kill it, and we continue the way on foot to Viktus. Following Garrus, we reach the soldier, then on the label. Let's get into the camp that will need to be cleaned. There will be three "creatures" and other attackers. Reaching General Viktus, we convince him of the need to leave the battlefield and convene advice.

Priority: Sur'kesh

We are talking to Normandy with the representative of Azari. On the way to the team hall, we are asked to descend on deck 3. We use the elevator and go to the medical compartment.

There we meet suzu in the new appearance - the body of Dr. Eve. Now she is a member of the team. We return to the galactic map, we use the repeater and fly to the annos pool. There will be a vessel diplomats - carry out the dock.

At the meeting, we learn about the requirements of Croogans, they want to cure the geatropham and know how to do it. Having persuade the adviser to the Salarians in the need for action, learn where they kept those who survived after the experiments of the females of Kroganov. Let's fly for females on Sur'kesh.

Landing at Sur'kesh without any problems did not cost, the Salaarians have received permission for too long. As a result, our Krogan remained at shuttle, and we moved to the elevator.

Having received the tolerance to the lower level, we descend, but here it is usually not necessary without "Cherberry". The base attack was made and now it is necessary to urgently take the female.

We go back to the elevator, there is a bomb, we run into the opposite door - an emergency exit. We run the corridors by destroying enemies, opening one of the doors to see a monster from the laboratory, there is an open fire - you need to go around the left and then jump over the pit.

We reach the first gearbox, press the button. Cerberry explodes the wall, we kill two on the shuttle and go to the hole formed.

We will soon meet engineers, they put tures, so it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible. Behind them will be a closed door, next to the terminal - you need to log in and the passage will be open.

Further room with a staircase, climb on top, we clean the territory. There will be a door, she is "red", but it needs to be simply hacked, come with a "space". We go forward, past the PPP2 to the "power connector", activate.

Return, activate the PPC2.

Having understood with him and several attack aircraft liberating, finally, Crogans.

On board "Normandy", a huket is associated with us, reports the beginning of the construction of the protean weapons. Then RIV and Viktus will ask us about a personal conversation.

Priority: Tucanka

We are talking to Palawen's primarch, he asks us to land on a tucancle and help the Turian detachment in the fight against the jackets.

It turns out that he heads the detachment of his son - Tarquin Viktus. Landing, rush to the aid of Viktus, causing enemies by surprise. Going from the back destroying several hassies and cannibals. Soon there will be a cliff, and on the other side the collector - shoot it at a distance.

On the right, the staircase, we rummage, run to the hole, jump. New enemies and one more collector. After him right in the corridor. There will be a room with last battleThe enemies will appear for a while, we will meet the creature, and at the end the collector arrives.

As usual, with the help of shelters, we deal with everyone and go on to the lieutenant. Having met, learn about their goals - to neutralize the bomb on the tucan.

We return to "Normandia", speak with a huket and primarch, then Mordin will tell about the way of spreading the medication from the geniphag.

We fly on a tucan to heal the genophag. On the way, Dalatsea is associated with us and offers to deceive the Croogans so that the cure effect was minimal. To do this, do not talk about breakage in the veil, which will spread the medicine.

Landing, find out in the hall where you need to shoot Haskov to protect Eve. It will last for a short time and soon the two clans of the krogan will begin the dispute, which will stop the prudent Eve.

We go to the curtain, but on the way I'll buy on the obstacle. We approach Croogan-reconnaissance, which is worth the right, we are interested in something. In the meantime, the Turians attack the reservoir, thereby putting in the threat of our convoy. Krogans are leaving, and our path lies through the catacombs. We go back to the wall and jumping to the tunnel.

Left will pass - jump there. On the opposite wall, the right pass is another room, also in the right pass. Further on the tunnel, we find the dead rashney and go on the white light.

Once in the ruins we meet enemies, there are a pair of devastants among them. You jump over the bridge, there are several cannibals and creature. We go further, make your way to a large bridge, there should be chosen, but the threshiller appears here.

We jump over the bridge, we enhance the wall and find yourself in the monument to the fallen krogans. We shoot the attackers and go to the left, go down to the ground. We climb into the car, and drive up closer to the curtain.

Now you need to remove the reel. We beat off the road to the stairs, rising, go through the bridge, but the reaper resets the Shepard down. Next, you should activate two hammer. They will call Calros and distracted the reservoir. We run to the rebel, using shelters, in the end you need to be in the middle.

The Turius attack will distract the reservoir and we break on. There will be a lot of creatures, it is not necessary to kill everyone, you just need to run to the Molotov left and right.

It remains to run the medicine into the course. Here I chose the deception of Croogans, for more support from Salaarians. In this case, Eva dies, and Monda had to stop personally - he did not survive.

The next Eva funeral scene. Croanians will honor her as holy, but about the deceased Salaarian beggar.

If I report on the proposal of Dalaresses, then Eve will be alive. Mordina is still not lucky, he will walterly go to the top of the Tower to repair a malfunction and will die for the elimination of the geniphag.

Then we return to "Normandia", speak with the primarch and a huket. Turians will now provide assistance to Earth.

Shepard goes to sleep and again sees the dream about the boy.