Character Creation. Choosing an archetype

You most likely do not use the tilde button much and consider it useless. However, in Bethesda games on the Creation engine, this button (~) opens the console, allowing you to customize the game to your desires. You can give your hero superpowers, create weapons and monsters out of thin air, speed up time, or even beat the game with a single press of the Enter button.

All you have to do is open the console, enter the required command, close the console and check if that command worked. If the "tilde" (it is located to the left of the key with the number 1) does not work, then try pressing the key with the apostrophe. It depends on the country where your keyboard was released.

Finding Item IDs and NPCs

Most of these commands will require you to enter the exact ID number of the item, NPC, location, or faction. If you open the console and click on a character, you will see their ID number. Some commands work on selected characters - that is, on those that you clicked on. Sometimes it's hard to get the right ID number on the screen, and in these cases, the free camera mode (tfc) will help you. You can also search online necessary commands and ID numbers...

help[item name] - Search for items, characters, teams and more. Use the Page Up and Page Down buttons to scroll. Parameter 0 starts an advanced search.

For example: You entered the command "help "attack dog" 0", and this will show you that there is an NPC in the game named attack dog with ID number 000B2BF2. Be sure to use quotation marks when entering two or more words.

coc qasmoke- This command teleports you to a room with crates containing all the items found in the game. A little surreal, but it allows you to find out the ID numbers of all items. To do this, open the console and click on the item, after which its ID number will be displayed. For example, Dogmeat's real name is 0001d162.

General Commands

tgm- Good old god mode.

tcl- No obstacles. Walk through walls. Walk on air. Be free.

tfc- Free camera activation.

tfc 1- Same as the command above, but with all animations frozen.

tm- Turns the menu on and off and user interface. This turns off even the display of the console. In order to return everything to its place, you need to blindly click on the "tilde" and enter the tm command again.

csb– Resets blood and damage effects.

fov- Switch between first and third person view modes.

set timescale to[insert required number] - Slow down or speed up time. The default value is 16. 1 is real time, 10,000 is an insanely fast day/night cycle. If you decide to speed up time, then pay attention to the sky - the sun and moon are literally jumping back and forth.

coc- Teleportation to the right place.

For example: coc RedRocketExt

character manipulation

showlooksmenu player 1- Opens the hero customization menu, where you can change the appearance of your character. It is recommended that at this moment the hero's face be strictly in the center of the screen.

player.setrace- Change race (eg ghoul or mutant). Find the race ID using the help command, but be aware that in most cases the game will simply crash after changing the race.

For example: player.setrace GhoulRace

player.resethealth- Restores health.

setgs fJumpHeightMin[insert correct number] - Increases jump height. The higher the value, the higher your hero jumps, like the Hulk. But if you have not turned on the god mode, then the landing will be fatal.

tdetect- Enemies do not notice you. You can steal everything you see.

player.modav[skill] [number] - Improves the skill by the selected number of points. For example, if you enter "player.modav strength 10", then your strength will increase by 10 points. If there is a terminal in the game that you need to hack, or an NPC that you need to convince, then use this command. And to open perks, the command below is useful.

player.setav[characteristic name] [number] - Sets a new value for the selected characteristic. Unlike modav, this command allows you to unlock new perks by changing the characteristics of the character.

player.setav speedmult[enter the correct number] - The number you enter will be a multiplier for your movement speed. If you want to become a real superhero, then use god mode with this and the next command.

player.setlevel[enter number] - Raises your level to the specified level.

player/additem 0000000f[enter number] - Adds the specified number of bottle caps.

player/additem 0000000a[enter number] - Adds the specified number of hairpins.

player.additem[number] - As you already understood from the two previous commands, you can add ANY item to your inventory, knowing its ID number (at the beginning of the article it is written how to find out this number).

NPC manipulation

tai- Disables AI, causing all characters to just stand still with calm faces.

tcai- Disables combat AI. There is peace and tranquility in the game. Incredibly boring peace and quiet.

killall- Kills everyone in the area, except for companions and a few important characters in the plot. They will simply fall down with injuries, and only your stim can bring them back to normal.

kill[enter ID number] - Kills the creature that matches the ID number. If you type "kill 0017fda3" then the wild ghoul I tested this feature on will die wherever it is. There is another way: you can click on the NPC with the console open and just type kill.

resurrect[enter ID-number] - Resurrects the creation with the entered ID. The "resurrect 0017fda3" command will bring the wild ghoul back to life! He's just having an incredible day. You can also click on a dead NPC with the console open and enter the resurrect command. If you resurrect a headless NPC, keep in mind that he will remain headless.

recyclingactor- Reloads the character.

setscale[number from 1 to 10] - Makes you or your enemy HUGE. The results can be seen in the screenshot at the beginning of the article.

sex change- Yes, yes, this is a sex change. Works on anyone, but unique characters can be difficult.

getav CA_affinity- Shows the trust level of the current companion.

setav CA_affinity[number] - Sets the companion's trust level to the given number.

modav CA_affinity[number] - Increases the trust level by the specified number. Personally, I did not notice the effect.

unequipall- Selected NPC loses all his items.

Faction Commands

player.AddToFaction- Makes you a faction ally. If you hover over an NPC and remove the word player from the command, then this character will either become an ally (0) of the selected faction, or join (1) it.

For example: The command "player.AddToFaction 00028670 1" will make you a member of the bug faction.

player.RemoveFromFaction- Will remove you from the selected faction. If you remove the word player from the command and aim at the NPC, then you will remove him from the faction.

removefromallfactions- Removes the selected character from all factions.

setally- Makes two factions friendly (0) or allies (1).

setenemy-Makes two factions neutral (0) or enemies (1).


complete lobjectives- Completes all current tasks in the quest.

resetquest- Restarts the quest.

completequest- Completes the quest.

caqs- Completes each step of the main quest, essentially bringing the story to an end. WARNING: Don't use this command if you don't want plot spoilers.

Playing for the first time or looking for ways to make your character's stats more effective. Since the rules have changed somewhat, how you distribute S.P.E.C.I.A.L. will largely depend on how you play your character.
Since there is no right or wrong way to create your character, below is a list of optimal settings for those who want to create a character of a certain type of character, as well as what perks they should acquire in order to level them up. Please note that you do not have to follow the suggested customization principles thoroughly, you are free to customize your character as you wish, or add something of your own!

Character archetypes


Are you looking to make something? Do you like to do everything with your own hands? Do you enjoy housework and gardening? Then Artificer is the archetype for you. These settings focus on those stats that are related to getting perks that allow you to use the best materials to create something. With Strength 4, you can get both the Armorer perk and the Blacksmith perk, which will give you the ability to create modifications to armor and weapons. Charisma 6 will get you the Local Leader perk, which will allow you to build supply lines between settlements (which is good for crafting). You can also build retail outlets, thereby earn extra caps on the side.

Meanwhile, Intellect 6 will offer you the Weapon Zealot (Gun Nut) perk for the best modifications weapons, the Scrapper perk for getting better components when scrapping weapons and armor, and the Science perk! (Science!) to gain access to high-tech modifications. Finally, if you're both hands on crafting, then put 5 in Perception and unlock the Demolition Expert perk - with it you can craft explosives at any chemical station! Of course, the picture will make you a little slower, weaker and less lucky - so divide the remaining points between Stamina, Agility and Luck as you see fit.

Mister Brutal

If big and intimidating is your nickname, we suggest the Mister Brutal archetype. Leave talk, stealth and craft to weaklings - you are a bigger fish. These settings focus on the creation of the monster in the end. With a colossal Strength of 9, you have the option of perks that increase weapon damage, melee damage, or just anything that has to do with brute strength. Don't forget to add a final point when you find power armor and a bunch of working fusion charges that allow it to work.

With Perception 3 you will be fairly accurate and have the ability to increase your rifle damage. Endurance 7 will turn you into a powerful blow fighter who can take a hit - with the Adamantium Skeleton perk, your limbs will remain unharmed. Finally, with Intelligence 3 you can upgrade your weapons to be even more deadly, and Agility 2 will grant you the Commando perk, which will increase the damage dealt with automatic weapons. And don't forget to put 3 on the Luck line to get the Bloody Mess perk - because to qualify as Mister Brutal, you have to paint walls with the blood of your enemies.


Quiet, deadly, quick to make massive attacks in tight spaces, the Ninja is a good choice for those who have stealth as second nature. Put at least 4 in the Strength row, which will allow you to get the Armorer perk to create even more dangerous weapon. Perception 6 will make you even deadlier in the night with the Night Person perk, as it's always better to be stealthy in the night.

Dexterity 9 will give you best perks stealth, which offer greater range to attack with melee weapons. If you find yourself more of a weapon fanatic, raise this stat to 10. Finally, Luck 6 will give you perks like Better Criticals, and even Idiot Savant, as long as you have an Intelligence of 1. Of course, Intelligence, Stamina and Charisma set to 1 seems like a lot, but you can always decrease the points for Luck and Perception.

Eloquent scientist

With your cunning genius and sharp tongue - make the world follow you - be it people, robots or anyone else. Just make sure your gullible thugs stand between you and your enemy. An eloquent scientist is one who makes other people do his dirty work for him, while he himself remains away from the real threat. With Charisma 10, you will have access to both the Wasteland Whisperer perk, which allows you to subdue and control creatures below your level, and the Intimidation perk, which allows you to do the same to humans.

Anything related to threat artificial intelligence, solves the Robotics Expert perk, accessed at 8 Intelligence, which allows you to hack robots and take control of them. The remaining 5 points can be evenly divided among the remaining stats, so you're not exactly a weakling, but how you distribute them is up to you.

How character creation works

Character creation in Fallout 4 begins in the tutorial part of the game, when an encounter with a Vault-Tec merchant takes place. He will ask you to fill out a questionnaire that includes your name and the distribution of points among the seven attributes of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system. The distribution of points is not final... you will have the opportunity to change them right before leaving Vault 111.

Each attribute controls different aspects of your character in two ways:

First, the numeric value of each attribute affects your initial abilities tied to that attribute.

  • Strength determines the damage dealt hand-to-hand combat and load capacity.
  • Perception controls accuracy in V.A.T.S. and manual dexterity.
  • Endurance is responsible for running ability and damage points.
  • Charisma governs many aspects of conversation and persuasion.
  • Intelligence affects experience bonuses.
  • Agility adds Action Points in V.A.T.S.
  • Luck is responsible for the maximum frequency of repetition of profitable events.

The second, and no less important, attributes of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. are responsible for the available perks. Perks, in turn, determine a large number of your character's abilities: lockpicking, hacking, gaining damage bonuses, discovering additional caches with finds, and many other special abilities. We recommend that you choose a few abilities that you really want to have throughout the game, they will affect the distribution of your attribute points. I like 18

Not everyone manages to create a character in such a way that one would really like to see and play it. Therefore, the process of creation and customization can be delayed and bring a lot of discomfort - especially for those who are prone to the “donkey and two haystacks” syndrome.

Of course, there is no “absolutely right” and “absolutely wrong” combination of characteristics (and even more so appearance) of a character. Especially when it comes to Fallout. But how the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. will largely determine the style of the game and the enjoyment of it. Therefore, a little clarifying information will not hurt.


Fallout 4: my light, mirror, say

And all because the process of creation begins with how a cute married couple looks at themselves (or each other?) in the mirror. At this stage, you can "play around" with the appearances of both - both men and women. And in theory, the “survivor” will be the one who remains in the foreground before pressing the “ready” button. And you will play with them. Until the end.

The process of creating a character Fallout 4 understandable on an intuitive level - and those who have encountered customization of the “change your face” level (which is now typical for many) will not have any problems at all. Well, except for “what color of eyes suits blond hair more?”

You can, of course, not bother at all and take what they give (there are also default faces), but did the developers in vain pore over all the possibilities of creating someone unique? Here you have the details of facial expressions, and skin color, and hairstyle, and physique. The process, in general terms, is to move the mouse over the part that you want to change (so that a green highlight appears) - and select the type and color. Here, too, you can not be limited to the standard set and sculpt in your own way, and to confirm this - dozens of screenshots of players who "skupturirovan" in Fallout 4 who only their darling wanted - from Harley Quinn with the Joker to Abraham Lincoln. There is also a “subsection” with scars, freckles and other “defects” that can be bestowed on a character - well, so that he is completely, completely unique. You can also adjust their intensity.

After that, you will need to try your best not to get confused in the long lists of colors and hair styles - take heart! Well, do not forget about the physique - turn the adjustment triangle. And-and-and-ready!

Fallout 4: all sorts of perks are needed, all sorts of perks are important

After the appearance is over, it will be possible to wander around the house and feel like family life. And then there will be a knock on the door, signaling an even more intense moment of customization - adding character to the character.

There it will also be possible to select a name - and there is a built-in list of names, and when choosing one of them, Codsworth will refer to the character using the name itself. Which is pretty cool, considering that in other games, despite the choice of even the name "default", the character is addressed either by rank or by last name.

There will also be a list of seven Attributes: Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Dexterity and Luck. And 21 points that can be used for all this. So,

  • Strength - affects how much a character can carry with him and how painfully he hits;
  • Perception - Simply put, "attention to detail", which affects, among other things, the accuracy of weapons in V.A.T.S.;
  • Endurance - affects the "fortress" of health and how long the character can run;
  • Charisma - affects the ability to convince in dialogues and increases the chances of a discount in stores (if used correctly);
  • Intelligence - the higher it is, the more experience points the character will receive, because smart people learn a lesson from everything;
  • Agility - affects the ability to be invisible and sneak, as well as the number of action points in V.A.T.S .;
  • Luck - affects the critical damage dealt and the chances of finding unique gizmos.

It is possible to pour all 21 points into one Attribute, but it is worth remembering that Abilities are tied to Attributes - and you won’t be able to create modifications to weapons and armor unless there are at least four points of Strength (which open the Gunsmith Abilities and “ Blacksmith"). Simply put, the subsequent "leveling" of the character depends on the initial distribution of Attributes.

Therefore, below will be presented several optimal "assemblies" for characters Fallout 4- no one forces you to do it this way and nothing else, but at least demonstrate how it works.

  • Charismatic Scientist. Strength - 2, Perception - 3, Endurance - 2, Charisma - 10, Intelligence - 8, Dexterity - 2, Luck - 1. With such a mind and the ability to speak fluently, the world will be literally at your feet, be it people, robots or birds in a tree. This whole type is aimed at persuading others to do their dirty work. With 10 points in Charisma, the Wasteland Speaker (calm down and command creatures below your level) and Intimidate (same as the previous one, but regarding people) will immediately be available. And an 8 in Intelligence will give you access to the Robotics Expert Ability - which will allow you to hack robots and spin them around at will. The remaining 5 points in this case can be distributed as you like.
  • Assassin. Strength - 4, Perception - 6, Endurance - 1, Charisma - 1, Intelligence - 1, Dexterity - 9, Luck - 6. Quiet and dangerous - a good option for those who do not like to "shine". 4 points in Strength will grant access to the Blacksmith Ability, and therefore the ability to create more deadly weapons and quieter shoes. Perception of the proposed level will give access to the "Night Creature" - that is, at night a character with such a distribution of points will be even more dangerous. Dexterity will "succumb" to more Abilities aimed at stealth. A 6 in Luck will unlock Savant Abilities (though the dumber the better) and Critical Damage and prove the existence of an "alternative genius".
  • Tank. Strength - 9, Perception - 3, Endurance - 7, Charisma - 1, Intelligence - 3, Dexterity - 2, Luck - 3. Explaining to a gamer (even a beginner) what a "tank" is seems irrational - but if talk, stealth and others tricks are not for you, then here is the right option. With 9 points in Strength, Abilities that increase damage will be available ... any damage, which is what lovers of "brute force" require. Distributed in this manner, Perception will unlock sufficient marksmanship, and Endurance will unlock "Adamantium Skeleton", which completes the picture of a "brutal warrior who can take tons of damage." Well, the limbs will remain in place. A 3 in Intelligence will allow you to modify weapons, and a 2 in Agility will unlock Commandos (damage bonuses for automatic weapons). And finally, 3 in Luck means the Bloodbath Ability - because what kind of tank is it that does not paint walls with the blood of its enemies?
  • Inventor. Strength - 4, Perception - 5, Endurance - 3, Charisma - 6, Intelligence - 6, Dexterity - 2, Luck - 2. Fallout 4. Albeit with an emphasis on creating, building, inventing… well, you get the idea. With such a Power, Blacksmith and Gunsmith will become available, which means modifications to armor and weapons. "Local Leader" is only available with a Charisma of 6 points and allows you to build supply lines between settlements, as well as build trading posts. An intelligence of the same “height” will allow you to become a “Weapon Fanatic” (improves weapon modification), “Junk Collector” (you can get better components from disassembled things) and “Science!” (access to high-tech modifications). And a strong five in Perception will unlock the Expert Demolition Ability - you can make explosives almost on your knees.

Well, as a conclusion - the most useful Abilities for the character at the beginning Fallout 4 the following: "Freeloader" (Luck - 2), "Hacker" (Intelligence - 4), "Science!" (Intelligence - 6), "Massed Fire" (Perception - 10) and "Burglar" (Perception - 4).

Distribute healthy!

In general, create a character to your liking!

Character creation in Fallout 4- this is a very responsible process, and although it is almost impossible to create an unplayable build, it is still better to immediately decide what you want to get from your hero in the end.

Boy or girl

The gender of your protege practically does not affect anything, and you can safely make a choice based only on aesthetic considerations. Only the list of companions with whom you will have the opportunity to have a romance will change, and some dialogues in the game will change a little. And in Fallout 4 your main character fully voiced, so the voice in the male and female version, of course, will be different.


The appearance in the game does not depend on anything at all. Here you can safely give free rein to your imagination and create at least a parody of a famous actor, even a freak with green skin.


The role-playing component of the game is based on the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system, which, in turn, is based on seven characteristics: strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, dexterity and luck. Each of them is responsible for certain indicators of the character and gives access to special talents (perks). It’s very difficult to understand all this right off the bat, but below are tips for creating a character in Fallout 4, thanks to which you can find out what each of the characteristics is responsible for and outline approximate path development of your character.


If you like close combat, then you will definitely need strength. The damage of melee weapons depends on it, as well as the amount of weight you carry. This characteristic will also be useful for those who want to shoot from heavy weapons, because such impressive guns weigh a lot.

So for all those who like to fill the enemy’s face with their fists, hit the adversary with a tire iron on the head and drag everything that lies badly on their hump, it’s imperative to pump strength.

There is one feature that must be taken into account. When the hero equips a skeleton power armor its strength becomes 11, regardless of what this indicator was before.


Hacking, stealing, and firing non-automatic rifles all require good perception. A high value of this characteristic is required if you want to use stealth mode and kill enemies with well-aimed shots in VATS mode.

A high perception value will help you learn perks for picking complex locks, additional damage from carbines, increased damage from explosives, and much more.

If you like to play as a sniper, who at the same time remains invisible, and can pick out the pockets of a gaping enemy (well, or a random passerby), then perception is definitely your choice.


Everything is simple. The higher your stamina, the higher the health indicator of your character, so this characteristic is useful for absolutely all heroes. Also, the more stamina you have, the longer you can sprint.

Well pumped stamina will give you the opportunity to learn perks for health regeneration, resistance to various types of damage, reducing the effects of chemicals and even cannibalism. The latter will allow you to restore life by eating corpses, but keep in mind that your companions will not really like this process and they will begin to treat you with disgust.


But charisma is useful to all players who prefer not to engage in battle with opponents. This characteristic will allow you to solve many situations peacefully. You can persuade merchants to give you discounts on various goods, get enemies out of your way, and even talk your opponent to death.

There are many interesting perks that can be obtained with Charisma. Some will allow you to make friends with all the animals in the wasteland and even call them in battle, others will improve your companions, and others, on the contrary, will allow you to receive bonuses when you are without partners.

All lovers of dialogues and non-standard passage should download charisma in the first place.


The higher this characteristic, the more skill points your character will receive. If you want to quickly upgrade your hero, then you cannot do without intelligence. It's a good idea to take as much intelligence as you can early in the game to get the most out of your skills.

Intelligence will also help with hacking computers (this will allow you to disable turrets, reprogram protectrons, and much more), will allow you to better modify laser and plasma weapons and enhance the effect of all drugs.


Affects the amount of action points in VATS mode, so along with perception, it is great for snipers. In addition, agility allows you to move silently in stealth mode, so for those who like stealth, it will be very useful.

An agile character will be able to learn perks for increased damage from pistols, automatic rifles and sneak attacks, improved stealth, faster reloading and faster recovery of action points.


Luck she and in Fallout luck. Allows you to find valuable items and caches with lids during your travels in the Wasteland. In addition, lucky characters deal critical damage more often, which sometimes helps out in difficult fights and can help in a seemingly hopeless situation. Download this feature if you want unforeseen situations to arise during the passage that make the game process much more fun.

With luck, you can learn perks for more caps and ammunition found, increased damage of critical attacks, ricochet, guaranteed crit, and others.

That's all you need to know before creating a new character. Of course, the choice is always yours, but it's best to immediately imagine what you want to get from your hero as a result and, based on this, develop the necessary characteristics and perks.