Pearl river card wot. Map "Pearl River. Approximate driving routes for all types of vehicles

Recent times I once wrote everything about rare tanks. But all this time I wanted some nostalgic material. Remember what was once in the game. What the players liked or what made their chairs "burn". And then I remembered! We have more than a dozen cards that were once introduced into the game, and then withdrawn for one reason or another. In general, in this material we recall the locations removed from the game. Well, for those who cannot remember it, because they simply did not play in those days - a small excursion into the history of the game.

Pearl river

To be precise, we have 12 cards that have left " World of tanks". The first card in our memories will be “ Pearl river ". Remember this layered Asian setting?

The map was introduced in patch 8.5 (April 18, 2013). It was possible to move along it in a circle. In the center there was a huge hill, which was impossible to drive into. In one of the subsequent updates, not very soon after the release of the map, they made corridor drives along this hill. In fact, the entire map was 90 percent from the corridors. There was a small plain in the center, along the riverbed. But few people played there, and usually only light tanks flew there. Heavy tanks and self-propelled guns went to the upper right corner to "butt" into the gorge. Medium tanks went into the mountains on the left side of the map. The game on the ART-SPG was not very comfortable here - after all, this landscape, which was multi-level ...

In patch 9.10 (September 1, 2015), the map was removed from the game. " Pearl river"Was liked by a very rare player and therefore her conclusion was greeted with joy.


My favorite " Nightmare"Or as it was officially called" Komarin". He got this nickname due to the fact that the atmosphere here was kind of gloomy, and the game here was boring.

We introduced this map in a very distant update under the number (October 6, 2010). An ordinary Russian village, which is located on the banks of a small river. The area is swampy. There are many memories with this card. So, for example, here, when the map was released, the sound of a barking dog was turned on during a run over a doghouse. And even more laughter was caused by the fact that the players were sometimes confused in the bases. Respawns were on one side, and bases on the other. The player came to capture the base, but the capture did not go! It turned out that the player was trying to capture an allied base.

In Patch 6.4 (May 11, 2011) " Komarin»Has undergone the first changes. In the center of the map, on the so-called island, buildings have been added and the number of bushes has been reduced. At 7.4 (June 14, 2012), the map was completely removed from random battles and was left only in the training room and in company battles. A little over a year later, in Update 8.8 (September 10, 2013), my beloved is returning to random battles " Komarin"In a slightly revised form. My joy knew no bounds! In Update 9.2 (July 29, 2014), new changes were made to the map. In 9.4 (November 4, 2014) there are more changes. And so, in update 9.8 (May 26, 2015), the map finally left our game. Looking at the number of changes on the map, you can understand that it was useless to redo and change something on it. But no matter how inconvenient it is “ Nightmare"- I liked him for his atmosphere. I will never forget this card.


Devil spawn called " Overlord". The map was created based on the 1944 Allied landings in Normandy.

The map is supposedly historical and very beautiful, but absolutely unplayable and unbalanced. In most cases, the top respawn team won. " Overlord”Was introduced in Patch 9.7 (April 22, 2015) and was removed from the game less than a year later. Sometime in late 2015 - early 2016. In February 2016 “ Wargaming”Even ran a vote on which card was the worst in the game. This card turned out to be our " Overlord". It bombed me a lot when I hit this card and was incredibly happy when I learned about the withdrawal of this card.


The son of the port train ... Ahem! Game location " Port»With many railway lines and an industrial area. Railway tracks here VERY many.

« Port”Was introduced in Update 7.5 (July 26, 2012). By the way, Tier X STs were introduced in the same update. The map was a loaded industrial zone some kind of gatehouses, warehouses, pipes. The highlight " Porta"There were numerous railway tracks, of which there are a lot. Among the cars, it was even possible to lose orientation in space. After a year and a half, the map was taken out of the game in the 8.11 update (February 11, 2014).
On the map one could see the logos “ World of warplanes", Because when the card appeared in the game -" aircraft»Were preparing for the release. And once the map returned to the game, but in a revised form for the game event " Tank racing", Which took place in the fall of 2014.


In Patch 7.2 (March 29, 2012) the " World of tanks"A small 600x600 map was added called" Provinces". High-level vehicles shone on each other almost from respawn.

« Provinces"Reminds" Mittengrad". Two slopes where vehicles will respawn. Soon, the developers realized that it was impossible to play this way, and in update 7.4 (June 14, 2012) the map became available only for vehicles up to and including Tier III. In patch 9.10 (September 1, 2015), the map was removed from the game. I absolutely do not understand why they took her out. It was fun to get fun with low tier tanks there. " Mittengrad"I don't like it as much as I liked it" Provinces", Which was recreated based on the war in Italy in 1943-1945. #SourVerniProvince

Ruinberg on fire

The same " Ruinberg", But on fire. Oh yes, there was still the effect of some kind of rain, but it was only at the maximum graphics settings.

« Ruinberg on fire”Appeared in our game with update 8.11 (February 11, 2014). At the same time, by the way, the winter version appeared “ Himmelsdorf". And if " Winter Himmelsdorf"Is still in the game, then" Ruinberg on fire"Left the game in update 9.5 (December 22, 2014). I absolutely do not understand what duplicates are for, but with different effects. Can you explain? I look forward to your explanations in the comments.


Early autumn in the mountain ranges of the North American region. It was very beautiful and atmospheric.

In update 8.9 (October 29, 2013), the map " Northwest"Appeared in the vastness of random battles. She was very beautiful, but challenging from the bottom right corner of the gameplay. In Update 8.11 (February 11, 2014), this issue was fixed by adding a new direction. I liked playing here after its change, but in 9.7 (April 22, 2015) the map was removed from random battles, and in update 9.8 (May 26, 2015) it was completely removed from the game client. The map, it seemed, was not very bad. Well, and corridor ... We had corridor on many maps at that time.


A small Soviet town, which was somehow industrial and had the name Severogorsk.

« Severogorsk"Appeared in the game with the 8.7 update (July 23, 2013). The map immediately attracted attention by the fact that in one of the garages there was “ Sturmtiger”And he could be seen through the half-open gate. There was very little playable space on the map - most of the free space was occupied by mountains. In one of some updates, they tried to fix this, but it did not work. In Patch 9.5 (December 22, 2014) " Severogorsk"Left us.

Hidden village

At the end of 2013 " Wargaming"Tried to please the Asian market and injected a ton of Asian content into the game. Map « Hidden village"Was drawn in a hurry and added to the game.

This " Hidden village"In Update 8.10 (December 20, 2013). She was all Japanese-style with cherry blossoms in full bloom. But it was absolutely unplayable, in my opinion. Two corridors and a hilly wasteland along the river. There were three directions here and on two of them there was a stoolovo. In game version 9.2 (July 29, 2014), attempts were made to make some changes. But they were unsuccessful. In Update 9.10 (September 1, 2015), the map was finally gotten rid of.


The real quarter of Stalingrad, now Volgograd. A lot of new unique buildings and houses were created especially for this map. And also here, for the first time, trenches were used, which reduced the speed of the tank.

« Stalingrad"Was added to the game in Update 9.4 (November 4, 2014). And if " Overlord", A map taken from real terrain - was very unsuccessful, then with" Stalingrad"Everything was fine. For most players Stalingrad"I liked it. But those who did not like him cried persistently on the official forum of the game. As a result, in the fall of 2015, the card was removed from the game. But they promised to somehow fix it and return it back. I hope that someday we will be able to fight again on the streets of virtual Stalingrad.

Dragon's spine

When old player hears the phrase " Dragon's spine"- he panics. He begins to shake, he is lost in space. It darkens in the eyes. A feeling of nausea appears. " Dragon's spine"It is better not to remember. This is a torture map.

In Patch 7.3 (May 3, 2012), the " World of tanks"A map with the name" Dragon's spine". A map whose real playing space occupied 10 percent of the total area. This map had such a vertical drop that tank owners Maus and they like them just shut the game if they got this card. You could play as much as you want on this map, but you would never remember where you had to turn in order to go where you need to. I described everything in such a confusing way, in fact, as the map itself was. Already in Update 7.4 (June 14, 2012), the map was removed from random battles for rework. Returned " Dragon's spine"Only in 8.1 (October 25, 2012). The map did not stay in the game for very long, and already in update 8.4 (February 28, 2013) it was sent back for rework. They did something with her there for a long time, but decided that it was better not to do it. As of Update 9.6 (February 10, 2015), all map files " Dragon's spine"Were permanently removed from the game.

South coast

Like Crimea, but only “ South coast". The map is dedicated to the battles for the Crimea in 1942.

Update 7.5 (July 26, 2012) added the map " South coast", Which has a network of Crimea. The card even on the supertest was called “ Crimea". Small resort town on the seashore, where virtual tank battles... Once the card was taken out of the game for processing and returned. But for some reason she never caught on in the game. In 2015, it was decided to remove the map completely from the game. I personally did not like the atmosphere that prevailed on the map. But it was nice to play here.

So we remembered all those 12 cards that left our game. Some of them we loved, some hated. Each player has his own opinion about each card. I would also like to hear your opinion about any card. Let's share in the comments what you remember from these 12 cards. It will be interesting to read a lot of opinions. I've already expressed my opinion.

World of Tanks map "Pearl River" is made in an oriental style, has a complex relief and many tactical decisions that can lead the team to victory. The dimensions of the map are 1000 x 1000 meters, the type of the map is summer, so you don't have to spend money on winter and desert camouflages, the available battle modes are only standard. Battles from 3 to 12 levels take place on the map, so knowledge of the features of this location will be useful for both sandbox lovers and seasoned professionals.

So, the two respawns of the teams are separated by a massive mountain - on one side there is a gorge (going from B7 to D0), the capture of which guarantees quick access to the enemy base, on the other side of the mountain there is a small town with partially destructible buildings, but it is perfectly shot from all sides ...

The hottest battles take place on distant detours, which are located on lines 1-2 and J-K. It is on these paths that the light and middle tanks of both teams rush, while the heavy tanks go about their business in the gorge.

By the way, for a long time the gorge was a real valley of death with a vigorous tank stand - if the team of the first respawn managed to reach at least the middle of it, then any heavy tank of the second team, when trying to pressure, fell under the focus of fire from at least three directions and it had no chances to survive It was. Gradually, the people developed counter-tactics - now, in most cases, the ropes of the second team do not climb into the gorge at all, but counter the exit from it in the square E0. As practice shows, 2-3 heavy vehicles or tank destroyers are enough to completely deprive the team of the first respawn to push through the gorge at the final stage. Tank destroyers in square F0 not only control the exit from the gorge, but can also cover the exits from the city in the center of the map.

The city in the center of the map can become a mass grave for those who decide to push the direction through it, especially in the later stages of the game - shots with opposite bank rivers give practically no chance of survival. However fast light tank, who at the very beginning of the battle will jump into it, has a chance to light up many enemy vehicles that drove along the bypass line. And while it exists there, there is practically no chance of a successful breakthrough.

In general, it is much easier for the first team to control the bypass road - if you use the entrance in square E3 (risky, with a chance of being spotted), you can create a situation in which in square H2 the tanks of the second team meet fire from at least three directions (not counting the city). In this sense, the second rep has all the advantages in defense, but very little in the attack - it would be quite reasonable tactics in which in the first half of the game the most nimble rush lovers from the first team will be shot, and only then slowly pushing one of the directions.

What should the first team do if the second has captured the gorge and rushes to the base? On the third line, there are many positions, from which tank destroyers can competently shine and shoot those who have broken through - to find their work of technology. The case of a gorge breakthrough is more difficult for the second team - the bushes in H9 are frankly thin and save little from light.

Artillery on this World map of Tanks does not feel very comfortable - the difficult terrain affects. Positions that allow you to work along the gorge are practically useless for hitting opponents who went in the bypass direction and vice versa - so you have to choose one of two. Tank destroyers feel a little more comfortable - there are lumbago opportunities, the main thing is not to go forward and remember that you are a second-line vehicle. We have already examined the role of heavy tanks, but the kings of this map are medium tanks. Fast, agile, they can quickly take key points and inflict damage, as well as change position in case of a change in the situation on the map.

The Pearl River map appeared in the assortment of World of Tanks relatively recently, so it hasn't been really tested yet and frequent mistakes on it have become commonplace for players. The size of the map is 1000 by 1000 meters, the level of battles is from 4 to 11. The map is open enough and is intended for active actions of players. Already on the Pearl River World of Tanks, you can figure out the most advantageous positions for a successful game.

Approximate paths siding for all types of equipment.

Approximate positions and directions of attacks for both respawns, changes are periodically possible, and the refinement of this tactic.


On the map, the pearl river of art will not feel free enough, it is necessary to take into account, despite the fact that the map is open, it will be very useful to choose advantageous positions. So, for the upper respawn point A7 is the most advantageous position, it allows you to perfectly shoot through the gorge (the upper territory of the map), but remember that this position is not protected by bushes and I can easily destroy you, so occupy this point only when suppressing the enemy by forces allies. For the rest, it is better to take positions that are located on the squares E1 and E2, as well as F1 and F2. From there, you can perfectly shoot through the center and brilliant green (the lower territory of the map), hiding behind thickets of bushes. As for the lower base, it is recommended to take positions E0 and F0. From there, you can perfectly control all directions on the map.

If we take light tanks into account, then they are recommended to occupy central positions on the map, from there you can perfectly light up the central and lower areas of the map. You can also take a position on H5, it allows you to light up the center. This tactic is perfect for low base players. As for the upper one, it is similarly recommended to take central positions, try to clear the gorge and survive, and otherwise choose the least protected flank in order to break through to the base.

Guide to the Pearl River map.

Medium tanks and fast TTs are best occupied with green stuff. But you need to drive along it strictly along the K line, so there will be the least opportunity to light you up. The best place is position G3, there is a mound that can hide you from artillery and from which you can fire at the center and base of the enemy. This is prescribed for the players of the lower base, as for the upper respawn, then from there you need to capture the green in the same way. The best position is square H2, from there you can perfectly restrain enemy tanks.

Tank destroyers and thick TTs, which have strong frontal armor, are prescribed a gorge, in it are the main battles of powerful and strong combat units. But it is worth remembering that it is best to keep to the left edge of the center of the gorge, so you cannot be damaged by artillery. And thus try to break through to the enemy base. This tactic is prescribed for the bottom respawn. As for the upper base, it is recommended to send similar combat units to the gorge, but some tank destroyers can take positions D2 and E2, thus it will be possible to shoot through the center and approaches on the greenery, while remaining unnoticed.

For the pearl river, the guide described above should be key for you, since with it you will know how to act at the beginning of the battle and manage to make a significant contribution to victory.

Pearl River turned out to be an excellent map, it has many tactical possibilities and both respawns on it are in the same advantageous position. The developers are in the right direction in terms of mapping, if they stick to this concept, then all subsequent maps can also turn out great.


We continue the series of map guides and today it is the Pearl River. This guide is designed to show players the positions they need to take when playing different classes of vehicles in order to be of the greatest benefit to their team.
The designations of tanks - TT, St, Pt - are conditional, that is, if your tank destroyer has a strong forehead and can tank, then it is preferable for you to choose the direction for the TT, or if your heavy tank does not have armor, but has a good accurate cannon, then you better take position for Fri.

TT tactics:

Used notation:
Red arrow - main directions of movement heavy tanks.
Traditionally, it so happened that almost all heavy tanks on this map go to the gorge (upper right corner). The trouble is that pushing through this direction gives almost nothing! It's good if equal enemy and allied forces went there, but if the forces of one side outweigh and destroy the enemy's forces, and after that the TTs begin to move on to the enemy base, then almost always this leads to the defeat of the side pushing this direction. After all, there is nothing better than meeting the TTs pushing through the gorge (regardless of the base).

How TTs are killed:

Used notation:
Red arrow - heavy tanks breakthrough through the gorge.
Orange ovals - areas from which it is necessary to meet the group that broke through from the gorge, using cover and double bushes.

CT tactics:

Used notation.
Blue arrow - the main directions of movement of medium tanks.

I recommend all St and relatively high-spirited TTs to go along the district map on this map, which is often thrown. But this is an important direction, despite the fact that you have to go a longer way.
This direction will allow you not only to fight fast, and therefore less armored opponents, but also actively support the allies in the central city part, shooting the enemy into the side. Moreover, the Sts that travel along the district are not too dependent on TTs in the urban part, but the TTs, on the contrary, are very strongly dependent on the Sts that travel along the district, because the heavy vehicles in the city cannot move forward without first advancing medium tanks along the district, otherwise it is fraught with fast drain.
Also, this direction is good because if it is pushed through, then for sure a certain number of enemy TTs will try to return from the gorge in order to avoid capturing the base and here they can be easily disassembled by occupying the areas marked on the map above with orange ovals.

Tactics Fri:

Used notation.
The red triangle is the position for the PT-sau.
The black arrow is the direction in which you can fire from this position.
Standard positions for PT-sau are marked on the map. In general, the map is not very suitable for a PT-sau, due to the lack of large and open spaces, hence there is a high probability of glare after the shot, so you should not neglect the bushes and the 15-meter rule.
Much better PTs show themselves on this map when the enemy forces break through the gorge and move towards your base. Again, the meeting points are marked above with orange ovals.

Art-sau tactics:

Used notation.
The red closed contour is the area of ​​the Art-sau location.
The yellow arrow is the direction in which it is best to fire from the right base, from these positions.
Azure arrow is the direction in which it is best to fire from the left base, from these positions.
It is much easier to fire on the gorge from the right base, but from the left you will have to drive along the river and stand behind a bush. There is nothing more to say, the main positions are marked, and he himself abandoned the art.

LT tactics:

Used notation.
Orange arrow - light tank route for right base.
Yellow arrow - light tank route for the left base.
The orange circle is the place for the passive light from the right base.

Used notation.
Red line - light tank breakthrough route to enemy artillery for the right base.
Blue line - light tank breakthrough route to enemy artillery for the left base.
Green line - Common part of routes for left and right base.

At the very beginning of the battle, it is a good idea for Light Tanks to complete the route shown on the map in orange for the right base and in yellow for the left. For a successful result, you need to drive along the central, urban part of the map, until the enemy is detected, and then abruptly go to the lower area of ​​the river, which will protect you from enemy fire.
A minute after the start of the battle, this route becomes dangerous, and then Lt has 2 options, either to ride along the circle until the first glare of the enemy (for allied art), while not driving into narrow corridors, from which it will not be possible to leave if the enemy meets in this very corridor, or try to make a breakthrough to the enemy artillery. The breakout route is shown on the map in red for the right base and blue for the left. If you try to follow this route right at the beginning of the battle, you will simply be killed. It is necessary to give the enemies time to move and after 2 - 3 minutes this route becomes quite safe and very effective.

On the right base, there is a great islet of dense vegetation that is great for passive light. You can also introduce fire from it, moving away from the bushes by 15, while remaining unlit, which is also suitable for a fast PT-sau. It is best to stand on the edge of the island, so that in case of detection you can abruptly leave it, using the island itself as a shelter.

The Pearl River map appeared in the assortment of World of Tanks relatively recently, so it hasn't been really tested yet and frequent mistakes on it have become commonplace for players. The size of the map is 1000 by 1000 meters, the level of battles is from 4 to 11. The map is open enough and is intended for active actions of players. Already on the Pearl River World of Tanks, you can figure out the most advantageous positions for a successful game.

Approximate driving routes for all types of vehicles.

Approximate positions and directions of attacks for both respawns, changes are periodically possible, and the refinement of this tactic.


On the map, the pearl river will not feel free enough, it is necessary to take into account, despite the fact that the map is open, it will be very useful to choose advantageous positions. So, for the upper respawn point A7 is the most advantageous position, it allows you to perfectly shoot through the gorge (the upper territory of the map), but remember that this position is not protected by bushes and I can easily destroy you, so occupy this point only when suppressing the enemy by forces allies. For the rest, it is better to take positions that are located on the squares E1 and E2, as well as F1 and F2. From there, you can perfectly shoot through the center and brilliant green (the lower territory of the map), hiding behind thickets of bushes. As for the lower base, it is recommended to take positions E0 and F0. From there, you can perfectly control all directions on the map.

If we take into account, then they are recommended to occupy central positions on the map, from there you can perfectly light up the central and lower areas of the map. You can also take a position on H5, it allows you to light up the center. This tactic is perfect for low base players. As for the upper one, it is similarly recommended to take central positions, try to clear the gorge and survive, and otherwise choose the least protected flank in order to break through to the base.

Guide to the Pearl River map.

And fast TT is best to take green stuff. But you need to drive along it strictly along the K line, so there will be the least opportunity to light you up. The best place is position G3, there is a mound that can hide you from artillery and from which you can fire at the center and base of the enemy. This is prescribed for the players of the lower base, as for the upper respawn, then from there you need to capture the green in the same way. The best position is square H2, from there you can perfectly restrain enemy tanks.

And the thick ones, who have strong frontal armor, are prescribed the gorge, in it are the main battles of powerful and strong combat units. But it is worth remembering that it is best to keep to the left edge of the center of the gorge, so you cannot be damaged by artillery. And thus try to break through to the enemy base. This tactic is prescribed for the bottom respawn. As for the upper base, it is recommended to send similar combat units to the gorge, but some tank destroyers can take positions D2 and E2, thus it will be possible to shoot through the center and approaches on the greenery, while remaining unnoticed.

For the pearl river, the guide described above should be key for you, since with it you will know how to act at the beginning of the battle and manage to make a significant contribution to victory.

Pearl River turned out to be an excellent map, it has many tactical possibilities and both respawns on it are in the same advantageous position. The developers are in the right direction in terms of mapping, if they stick to this concept, then all subsequent maps can also turn out great.