The Witcher 3 needs a wolf hour. Cheat codes on elixirs. Changes in schedule

The updates are confused because they sometimes break or destroy things that they worked perfectly before them.

If last patch Witcher 3. He left you with stocks full of unsuitable equipment, suddenly lowered the level below, you now have one hour to fix it. In many respects, 1.08 update for 1.07

Update 1.07, increased the requirements of the level for some elements, as a result of which all your equipment suddenly became not applicable and you could not buy proper replacement level. It is pretty rude if you have already spent tens of hours on the game.

The solution is included in the patch 1.08, which is available on all platforms. Free Potion Hour Wolf ( Wolven Hour.) It will be available to everyone in the inventory as soon as the patch is installed. This will reduce all level requirements for all the equipment for one hour, allowing you to use old military equipment, which was available in patch 1.05, but has become inapplicable after patch 1.07. Hurry up to find the proper level of equipment, or simply rise to the level above, where you can use old gear. After one hour, the effects of potions will cease, and the requirements for all equipment will return to their initial values \u200b\u200bbefore using the potion.

The new patch also corrects a number of performance problems and with quests, laying the foundation for DLC new game +. Here full list Changes:
- Full improvement in performance, including some problems that may have been caused by patch 1.07.
User interface
- [Only for Japanese] [Only for PS4], a problem has been fixed at which the background text of certain books has merced.
- Fixed a problem at which part of the map of Kaer Morcher ( Kaer Morhen.) Not appeared properly.
- Fixed a rare problem when the elements disappeared from the cache.
- Corrections are a very rare problem that forced herasta to stick, when drinking to run.
- Interactive pop-up windows will no longer appear on empty objects to collect the lute.
- Fixed random minor failure in one of the combat animations.
- chopped heads will no longer disappear immediately after cutting off.
- "Players can perform squirrels before landing to significantly reduce damage from falling. We added a pop-up tip, so that the players everything became clear. "
- Fixed a problem at which players were unable to compare their products with merchants sold.
- Players will now be able to complete the achievement of the Card Collector ( Card Collector).
- Achievements work again correctly and will be unlocked if the players satisfy their requirements after installing this patch (PC version).
- Fixed the problem when the interiors were sometimes not displayed correctly on the minicar.
- Fixed a problem when certain elements of the world were sometimes absent and significant visual glitches in Novigrad were noticeable ( Novigrad.).

- Fixed a problem at which players could not complete the quest "Tango Threesome" (" IT Takes Three To Tango"), Even though they got the wine in the wintering ( Kingfisher.).
- Fixed a problem where heralt sometimes died after traveling to Venten ( Velen.) In Quest "Something ends, something begins" (" Something Ends, Something Begins”).
- Log in to the area where Sunstone is received, will no longer be blocked if the player comes out of it prematurely during the quest "Sunstone".
- Fixed a problem when players in certain cases could not complete the quest "Junior Hunt" ("GET JUNIOR").
- Fixed a problem when players could not finish the quest "Garbage Hunt: Snake School Equipment" ( "SCAVENGER HUNT: VIPER SCHOOL GEAR") Due to the closed gate.
- Fixed a problem in which some players were unable to explore the rooms during the quest "Family Cases" (" Family Matters."), Effectively blocking their movement forward.
- Fixed the problem when the players could not finish the quest "Hey, do you want to look at my gear?" (" Hey, You Wanna Look At My Stuff?”).
- Fixed a problem when players could not speak Roche ( Roche.) During the quest "Oko for the eye" (" An Eye for An Eye”).
- Fixed a problem when Rocher could stay in his camp instead of going to the Oxenfurt Bridge in Quest "Junior Hunt".
- Fixed a problem when, under certain circumstances, Yennifer did not appear in Oxenfurt during the quest "Great Escape" (" THE GREAT ESCAPE.”).
- Lights will be heavier to destroy Nidas (Nidas) during the quest "Black Pearls" (" Black Pearl”).
- Fixed a problem that under certain circumstances led to an infinite loading screen during the quest "to expand the Forlock ..." (" To Bait a forktail ...”) .
- Fixed a rare problem when the basement was blocked during the quest "Royal Gambit" (" King's Gambit.”).
- Fixed a problem at which players could not free the merchant during the event of a person in trouble ( Person in Distress) In Claywich.
- Trolls in the circle of elements will no longer attack Geralhal if he chooses a peaceful resolution.
- Fixed a problem at which players were unable to talk with Roche during the quest "Brothers in Arms" (" Brothers in Arms.”).
- Fixed the problem when the golden card ( Zoltan.) It was not available.
general information
- Preparatory resources launching the path to the introduction of a new game + in the future.

Connecting the console without using mods:

  1. The first thing to do to input cheat code for elixirs It is found on your computer folder with the Witcher's game installed in it 3, its standard location here - (Steam \\ Steamapps \\ Common \\ the Wild Hunt \\ Bin \\ Config \\ Base).
  2. Next, we need a file called general.ini. Open the file using a notepad and add a "dbgconcoleon \u003d True" in the end "and save the file.
  3. We go to the game Witcher 3, load. Press Tilda (~) and enter the codes you are interested in. Have a good game.

These cheat codes allow you to get the elixirs of different types:

Black blood Increases toxicity by 15. The effect lasts 30 seconds. Reflects 15% damage. Also vampires and truads get damage when herald is wounded. 3 pieces. addItem ("Black Blood 1")
Improved black blood Increases toxicity by 15. The effect lasts 45 seconds. Reflects 20% damage. Vampires and Troads get damage and discarded Herald when he is wounded. 4 pieces. addItem ("Black Blood 2")
Excellent black blood Increases toxicity by 15. The effect lasts 60 seconds. Reflects 30% damage. Vampires and Terpenes begin to bleeding when they are near Herald. When the witness is wounded, the witch blood inflicts them temporary damage, and also discards these creatures. 5 items. addItem ("Black Blood 3")

Increases toxicity by 25. The effect lasts 15 seconds. Increases the reaction time by 50%. 2 pieces.

addItem ("Blizzard 1")
Improved Purga Increases toxicity by 25. The effect lasts 20 seconds. Increases the reaction time by 55%. 3 pieces. addItem ("BLIZZARD 2")
Excellent Purga Increases toxicity by 25. The effect lasts 30 seconds. Increases the reaction time by 60%. If there are 3 adrenaline points available, any actions during this period do not spend energy. 4 pieces. addItem ("BLIZZARD 3")
Cat Increases toxicity by 15. The effect lasts 60 seconds. Allows you to see in the dark. 3 pieces. adDItem ("Cat 1")
Improved cat Increases toxicity by 15. The effect lasts 120 seconds. Allows you to see in the dark, and also gives immunity to hypnosis. 4 pieces. addItem ("Cat 2")
Great cat Increases toxicity by 15. The effect lasts 180 seconds. Allows you to see in the dark, and also gives immunity to hypnosis. 5 items. addItem ("Cat 3")
Full moon Increases toxicity by 25. The effect lasts 60 seconds. Increases health by 300. 3 pieces. addItem ("Full Moon 1")
Improved full moon Increases toxicity by 25. The effect lasts 90 seconds. Increases health by 650. 4 pieces. addItem ("Full Moon 2")
Excellent full moon Increases toxicity by 25. The effect lasts 180 seconds. Increases health by 1000. 5 pieces. addItem ("Full Moon 3")
Oriole Increases toxicity by 20. The effect lasts 60 seconds. Neutralizes the effects of poisons, gives resistance to poisons. 3 pieces. addItem ("Golden Oriole 1")
Improved Ivolga Increases toxicity by 20. The effect lasts 120 seconds. Neutralizes the effects of poisons, gives resistance to poisons. 4 pieces. addItem ("Golden Oriole 2")
Excellent Ivolga Increases toxicity by 20. The effect lasts 180 seconds. Yada Now instead of applying damage begin to preach. 5 items. addItem ("Golden Oriole 3")
Kotaka Increases toxicity by 20. The effect lasts 180 seconds. Increases air reserve by 50%. Vision under water is improving. 3 pieces. addItem ("Killer Whale 1")
Maribor Forest Increases toxicity by 20. The effect lasts 30 seconds. Accelerates a set of adrenaline points by 0.15. 3 pieces. addItem ("Maribor Forest 1")
Superior Maribor Forest Increases toxicity by 20. The effect lasts 60 seconds. Accelerates a set of adrenaline points by 0.15. 4 pieces. addItem ("Maribor Forest 2")
Great Maribor Forest Increases toxicity by 20. The effect lasts 90 seconds. Accelerates a set of adrenaline points by 0.15. Gives 1 adrenaline point. 5 items. addItem ("MariBor Forest 3")
Petri Potion Increases toxicity by 25. The effect lasts 30 seconds. Increases the power of signs by 15%. 3 pieces. addItem ("Petri Philter 1")
Improved Petri Potion Increases toxicity by 25. The effect lasts 60 seconds. Increases the power of signs by 20% .4 pieces. addItem ("Petri Philter 2")
Excellent Petri Potion Increases toxicity by 25. The effect lasts 90 seconds. Increases the power of signs by 25%. 5 items. addItem ("Petri Philter 3")
Swallow Increases toxicity by 20. The effect lasts 20 seconds. Restores health by 40. Accelerates health restoration by 40. Health recovery is suspended for 2 seconds upon receipt of damage. 3 pieces. addItem ("Swallow 1")
Improved swallow Increases toxicity by 20. The effect lasts 20 seconds. Restores health on 65. Accelerates health restoration by 65. Health recovery is suspended for 2 seconds when damage is received. 4 pieces. addItem ("Swallow 2")
Great swallow Increases toxicity by 20. The effect lasts 20 seconds. Restores health by 80. Accelerates health restoration by 80. The resulting damage does not stop regeneration. 5 items. addItem ("Swallow 3")
Dozate Increases toxicity by 20. The effect lasts 30 seconds. Increases energy recovery rate in battle by 5%. 3 pieces. addItem ("Tawny Owl 1")
Improved Nezat Increases toxicity by 20. The effect lasts 45 seconds. Increases energy recovery rate in battle by 8%. 4 pieces. addItem ("Tawny Owl 2")
Excellent nesyat Increases toxicity by 20. The effect lasts 60 seconds. Increases energy recovery rate in battle by 10%. At night is valid until dawn. 5 items. addItem ("Tawny Owl 3")
Thunder Increases toxicity by 25. The effect lasts 30 seconds. Increases the power of your attack by 30%. 3 pieces. addItem ("Thunderbolt 1")
Improved thunder Increases toxicity by 25. The effect lasts 60 seconds. Increases the power of your attack by 30%. 4 pieces. addItem ("Thunderbolt 2")
Excellent thunder Increases toxicity by 25. The effect lasts 90 seconds. Increases the power of your attack by 35%. Gives a 100% chance to apply a critical damage during storm. 5 items. addItem ("Thunderbolt 3")
White Med. Reduces intoxication to zero. Cancels the actions of all elixirs. 1 piece. addItem ("White Honey 1")
Superior White Honey Reduces intoxication to zero. Cancels the actions of all elixirs. 2 pieces. addItem ("White Honey 2")
Excellent white medical Reduces intoxication to zero. Cancels the actions of all elixirs. 5 items. addItem ("White Honey 3")
White Raffare potion Increases toxicity by 30. Instantly restores 30% of health. 2 pieces. addItem ("White Raffards Decation 1")
Improved White Raffare Potion Increases toxicity by 30. Instantly restores 60% of health. 2 pieces. addItem ("White Raffards Decoction 2")
Excellent White Raffare Potion Increases toxicity by 30.Minctively restores 100% health. For 3 seconds gives immunity to any damage. 3 pieces. addItem ("White Raffards Decoction 3")
Potion from Podomonov Bear Increases toxicity by 15. Bears do not touch Herald 90 seconds. 2 pieces. addItem ("Pharmone Potion Bear 1")
Potion from Teromer Rasta Increases toxicity by 15. Drivets do not touch Herald 90 seconds. 2 pieces. addItem ("Pharmone Potion Drowner 1")
Potion from pheromones Increases toxicity by 15. Nears do not touch Herald 90 seconds. 2 pieces. addItem ("Pharmone Potion Nekker 1")
Wolf hour Reduces the required level for items to 2. Works 1 hour. addItem ("Wolf Hour")
Elixir cleansing Returns all spent skills addItem ("Clearing Potion")
Antidote from pops mold Increases toxicity by 25. Gives immunity to the pops mold for 360 seconds. 3 pieces. addItem ("Pops Antidote")
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Having enlisted with the support of Vesreir, Heralt went in search of his beloved Yennipher, who, after a long absence, gave you to know about yourself a news from Verbian. Arriving at the meeting place, the witches collided with the consequences of bloody war: almost nothing left from the past village. However, this did not prevent Elemere, to confidently take a track of the sorceress and thanks to this to continue the search.

Kaer Morcher

Witcher's stronghold on the Gwenleh River

Yennipher from Vengoberg.

Enjoying carefree clocks in the company of charming Yennipher, Heralt completely forgot about training with cursions. Having finished with water procedures, we use the witch of the flair to detect the key on the table. We can also look around and talk to a sorceress, which, regardless of the chosen replica, asks us to finish us first. Outpoted the door, let down down and find a rear-year-old Yemereir and Cyrgy, preferred a boring theory practice on the pendulum. Further training will continue in the lower yard, so we immediately move there or agree to the closure on the walls. In the second case, follow the student, overcoming uncomplicated obstacles. If there are stairs on the way, you must use them: the fall even with a small height is fraught with the loss of a significant part of health.

Elemere shares ceres for irresponsible attitude towards sources of valuable information, and then dispense all over pairs. Starting with the very basics, expose the steel sword and put three rapid and three powerful blows. We perform two deviations and knuckles, as well as three blocks of blocks. In order not to overlook the stronger and dangerous enemies, we use the "Capture of Objectives". Next, open the quick access menu and alternately select the specified signs, checking them in action. Having flown away, one training bomb hit Yemereir to a quick throw, and the second - a sight throw one of the highlighted dolls. We use everything that I learned, in Sparring with Elemere and end the training, removing the sword into the sheath.

Cyrgy strikes a doll with such a force that the helmet departs from the wall. Related by him, the ceres disappears. The attention of Geralta attracts a doll: Waving a piece of fabric, he detects the face of a child. Suddenly, the blizzard begins, and literally from the wild hunting riders come out, one of whom rushes with a sword.


May, 1272

Events in Caer Morhin were only a terrible sleep, but Geralta does not leave the feeling that the cursions threaten danger. If you wish, we tell about nightmare Elemere, after which he will want to explore the letter from Yennipher for missed parts. We share with the senior companion the most frank or silent about the joy from Jennipher on the Chukel of the Unicorn.

Lilac and gooseberry

Using the silver sword and the "Igni" sign, we are growing with the guys who attacked us and collect useful items from the corpses. With the help of a witch alone, we find a crystal skull from the path, belonging to Yennipher, and pick it up. Seddlary Horse, we are going for Elemere. On the crossing, we face a griffin, eagerly eating a merchant horse. Before you fly away, the griffin will attack Velsere and take the animal tuned carcass with him. We accept from a prematched grateful merchant a reward in the amount of 50 kroons or refuse it. In the interest of Brahma, is it known to him about the location of Yennipher. He will advise to go to the village of White Garden, where he often stops visiting in the only tavern in the district.

Geralt from Rivia.

Reaching the White Garden, go to the tavern and get acquainted with her owner Elsa. She, as well as her brother, never seen a sorceress and with this question recommends contacting the travelers. It is possible to get valuable information only from Günther O'Dim, which is not a sign with the ballads of the butter. He will talk about the intelligence of the Nilfgaga garrison, who was present at the conversation of Yennipher and the commander of the garrison. Leaving the tavern, faced with aggressively tuned peasants. If in the dialog to apply the sign "Aksii", then in the fisting battle, it is necessary to find out the relationship with two opponents. Obtained them, send them straight to Nilfgaga garrison.

Guarders at the gate without any questions will miss us in the camp, as soon as we imagine the witcher. In the tower, we get acquainted with the captain Peter Saar. Before granting information about Yennipher, he wishes that we kill the annoying people of Griffin. The herbal of Tomir will help with the monster's bait, and with searching - a hunter molding.

White Garden Best

Road signs provide a quick transition between them on the map, thus allowing you to do without long ride on the horse. From the Nilfgaga garrisona, we move to the Posterchers Bridge and from there we get to the hunter's housing. I knock on the door and not receiving an answer, with the help of a witch alone, we find traces on the ground and go to the south, towards the forest. Myslow was engaged in having laid wild dogs - even more dangerous creatures than wolves. We agree to help, to interrupt wolves, get an additional experience and at the same time learn the story of the thought.

When the hunter leads us to the place where the griffin tied young soldiers using the witch of the flair, we study the fire, bottles and dried blood on the ground. A little further, south, the traces of Nilfgardec begin. Continuing to go on the road, jump into the destroyed bridge and collect useful items from the chests. Immediately after the bridge, we fold to the left, boil along the rocks on the very top and detect the griffin socket. We look at the body of the soldier, the remains and female of the royal griffin. At night, the soldiers found the royal griffin's female, killed her and burned the nest. This was the reason for the decentship of the angry male throughout the district. After receiving the second level, we purchase one of the skills and drag it into an empty cell on the right. Inside the nest, you can find some money, and a soldier near the griffin - a Velansky sword.

Tomir's herbage tries to alleviate the suffering of the next victim of the griffin - the young girl Lina. By her advice, we get to the river and collect the crash from the bottom. At the same time, we acquire all the necessary ingredients from the Tomir to create useful elixirs. For example, the elixir "Swallow" allows you to effectively restore health both during battle and after it.

Returning to the tavern, we inform Yevmemire that they took an order for Griffin from Nilfgaga Captain. We share all useful information and proceed to the execution of the order. The first thing is made by the Elixir "Thunder" (increases the strength of the attack) and inventory transfer it to the rapid access cell. Following Yemereir, we go to the open field where I arrange the ambush Griffon. Before meeting with a dangerous enemy, we get crossing from a partner.

In battle with a griffon, we use the silver sword and the most effective sign "Aark", and also do not forget to consume the elixir "Thunder" to increase the damage applied. Locks are driving away from squeezed strikes of the enemy and, whenever it turns out to be in the air and dives on us, hacking it with a sight shot of the crossbow. The second half of the fight will continue near the mill in the north, therefore, without thinking, we call the roach and get to the relevant place. In the arsenal of the griffin there will be several sudden attacks: they will prove themselves from obtaining damage "Kven". Having won a victory, we collect useful items from the corpse, including the trophy and Mutagen Griffin. Mutagen is available in the "Skill" section of the same name - transfer it to the specified cell to increase the maximum health. Mutagen and skill having the same color and in the same field will give an additional increase to the bonus. We deliver the head of the griffin to the captain of Nilfgaga garrison as proof of the order performed.

Peter Saar will tell you that Jennifer went to Ill. For the work performed, the captain will offer a reward in the amount of 150 kroons - we accept or refuse. Before leaving the camp, we punish all the barrels and bags of provisions and other useful objects that are not under the gaze of the soldiers, and we will repair worn things from the blacksmith. Next, we return to the tavern to Elemere and inform him new information about Yennipher.

Incident in the White Garden

Between the visitor and the owner of Korchma flashes the conflict in which Velsere intervenes. The situation is glowing to the limit and now the peasants are ready to rush to us with weapons in their hands. Having finished with the enemies, I've meet Yennipher, accompanied by Nilfgaga soldiers. There was a lot of questions to the sorceress, but she will be able to answer them only on arrival in an incision, where we are waiting for the emperor Emgyr Var Emrais with an interesting offer. On this, our ways with Elemere will disperse: he will return back to Caer Morchen, and we will go directly to Ilzima. On the way, we are attacked by wild hunting. As a result, all soldiers dying to one die, and Heralt and Jennipher miraculously fasten themselves.

Out, the capital of the occupied theme

Day later ...

Having gained strength after a long trip, from the instructions of the Mermerid chamberr, we present yourself to a presentable look before the audience with the emperor. During the preparation, we get acquainted with the Morvran Warrhis - the commander of the Alba division, which wishes to learn what happened to his people along the way to Ill. Then, if before the start of the game, we moved the saving from the second part of the game or turned on the simulation of solutions, follows a series of questions related to the key solutions taken in the Witcher 2.


We choose any of your favorite outfit (and better all three at once), we put on a doublet, pants and shoes in the inventory and inform the camera about readiness for a meeting with the emperor. We will demonstrate your ability to bow, and then learn how to do this correctly by choosing the second answer. Also, it will not be superfluous to assemble multiple useful and not very things in rooms.

Emgyr Var Emrais.

We get to the Cabinet Emgyra and, if you wish, we express our respect to the bow. The emperor will go to the case without unnecessary words and ask to find his daughter Cirill, whom the wild hunt is pursued. Assist to us with the search for a girl will be Yennipher and the numerous army of Emgyra. Camger will hold us to the library to Yennipher, where we can reminister the past and discuss the action plan. The sorcerer admits that magical rituals were not enough to detect ceres, and in addition to this, she attracted the attention of wild hunting. The last hope remains on the traditional and most reliable way - tracery. We have to find ceres before it makes wild hunting. The last time the girl was seen in Venten and Novigrad. Informants Yennifer - A merchant Gendrick in Wellenge and TRISS Merigold in Novigrad - will share the information they possess. The sorceress herself will go to the islands of Skelliga, where there was a big release of magical energy. We take your things from Chamber of Mermerid and examine the entire castle before leaving it. When you reach the exit, we open the map of the world and choose the velenian tree on it - the tree of the Hands.

Velenium, northern theme

Five days later ...

Nilfgaard Svyaznoye

We get to the Corchma "at the crossroads" and ask her host about Gendrike. A minute later, three gangsters are guanes to the tavern and we will ask why we carry two swords - provoke interlocutors, I answer them restrained or friendly. When choosing the first option, in conditions of limited space, we are growing with the enemies with powerful blows and frying them with the sign "Igni". Anyway, the owner of Corchma will report that Genndrik lives in the village of Verekovka. Again, if they showed aggression, then the soldiers will be waiting outside. You can avoid meeting with them by leaving the tavern through a black move in its right part.

Arriving in the destroyed village of Verekovka, I discover the only surviving and save him from wild dogs. The peasant in detail and in the colors will tell about the events of the past night. As it turned out, the riders of wild hunting reached Gendrick before us and, after a long painful torture, killed him. We inspect the body of the gerdrik in the house and in the shoe we find a challenged key, which in the next room unscrew the hatch in the floor, after finding it with a witch little one. Going to the cellar, activate the witch of the flair and interact with the secret lever in the form of a torch in the doorway. From the opened Tyak, we get the things of Gendrik, among which we discover curious notes concerning cirillies, Baron, a certain witch in the swamps and other strange circumstances.

Witch hunting

In the village of Pomesheye, we learn about where a witch lives, from one of three sources - from an elderly person near the tree at the western entrance, from two gossip, overlapping their conversation from the distance, or from her husband's peasant, paying 50 crowns or enchanting the sign "Aksii" (requires the ability to "deceit" of the 1st level).

In the east of the village, we are moving along the path along the pond until it is stumbled upon a lonely stone on the fork. Then we turn right, we are painted with four packers from the broken carts and get to the hut witch. The girl will pay the local residents with her local residents and, having seen us, hurry to hide. Entering the house, in the room on the left side, with the help of a witch alone, we find the skull on the shelf at the wall, touch it and pass through the portal.

Morvran Warhis.

We climb the stairs and welcome our old familiar sorceress Caire Mets. Hunters for witching, thirsting to exterminate everyone who is engaged in magic, forced her to move to this wilderness. Asked about Cyril, Caera admits that in addition to us it was also interested in and a certain mysterious elf-whale, hiding in ruins not far from Polesia. For a short time, thinking Caer will agree to hold us to him.

Northwest of the village

A few hours later ...

To the touch

Having descended into the dark dungeon, on the other side of the bridge we notice the three riders of the wild hunt and ask Cairo to immediately teleport us to them. However, something will go wrong and, passing through the portal, we will be in the nest of the utmost. Caero, as well as us, was unknown where. We destroy enemies, swim under water on the other side and choose to the bridge on the light (left branch) or by a slightly more complex path (right branch). Doors destroy simple blows with a sword or alarm "Aark", and we cleaner with poisonous evaporations with "Igni".

We move into the southern part of the dungeon and again on the direct, safest, or bypass path to get to Caire. First of all, we destroy the two rat holes marked on the mini-card, the "Igni" sign, and then finish the remaining rats. The sorceress once again tries to persuade us to leave this place, but ultimately agree to continue the search for an elf.

Morpho-projection of the elf sorcerer left for a cereal a message with hidden meaning, allowing you to find a secret passage. Let's go down, we drag the way with the "Igni" sign and go to the right, passing along the way with several ghosts. We boil up the top of the ledge, we get to the elf's projection and listen to the second message about Calpi - Cyril's Horses. On the rocks depicted silhouettes of hunting dogs and sea monsters, which are traps, so they are better not to touch them. Instead, we jump into the water, swallow in depth to the other side and with the help of a witch alone we find a horse silhouette on the wall. By activating it, we return to Caire and pass to the opening room, where turn on the wall another silhouette - the silhouette of the swallows.

Having passed through the portal, we are transferred to the Hall with a Golem, which will take us for enemies. The enemy is slowly, possesses powerful, but rather predictable blows, as well as occasionally beats on the floor, forming a shock wave around him, and runs a ram, waving his hands in all directions. We try to keep at a distance and attack the golem in the back of the series of powerful blows at the moment when he is distracted by Caero. Having won, climb upstairs and, focusing on the mini-card, get to the next portal, which opens everything also touching the swallow silhouette on the wall.

This time we turned out to be exactly where they planned from the very beginning. It remains only to overtake your wild hunt. The magician causes a white cold, which begins to comply from three breaks. While Caera tries to close them, we must be near her, without going beyond the magic shield, and protect it from the wild hunting racing. When an exhausted Caire fell into his hands, we can smell with her or show indifference.

Caire Mets.

On the way to the last projection, we will face the warrior wild hunting - nitral. The fight conditionally will be held in three stages, each of which ends with the appearance of hounds and the full restoration of nitral health under the impenetrable shield. We try to attack the enemy synchronously with Cayra and use the "Kven" sign to protect yourself from fast shocks of nitral. Having won, climb up on the left side and listen to the message. The elf asks the curses not to linger here and warns about dangerous wets with crank trees. Caera will share small information about these witches and will give the book "Lessey Forest" - read it in inventory. Next, with the help of a witch alone on the floor near the fire near the wall on the left side, we discover the record, on the table - a flask with a potion, on the barrel at the rod with the right wall - herbs and, finally, on the front wall - a secret passage. We get another item from Caire - the eye is not good. We use it to dispel the illusion and, turning to the right, get out on the surface.

Mistress forests

After reading the book "Miscellenses of the Forest", received from Caire Mets, we get to cricherous winds and inspect a wooden statue. The only trail will lead us to the shelter in which five orphans live and watching the old woman. The most talkative of children will mention a certain Ivasik, who does not pass anything in the swamps, but we will not be able to find out where to find it. Grandma will punish the arc for excessive talkativeness and forbade him to leave the house. Once again we will try to talk to the boy, after which we ask other children to help us distract your grandmother. They will agree, but with the condition that we will play with them in hide and seek.

Considation to twenty, proceed to the search. With a witch little, there will be no good work to track down the movement of children and, accordingly, determine their location. The first and second child hid in the bushes and in a stack of hay at home in the East, the third - in the house in the West, the fourth - in the bushes behind the house in the south. Children lure the grandmother outside, and we will be able to ask the arc about Ivasik.

We are growing up with the droplets and aquatic woman in the specified zone, and then in the footsteps on the ground, I find out the hole of Ivasik. As it turned out, Ivasik lost his voice, so before he tells about the Cirins, we must help him. We follow the harvesting, passing the utmost. Next, we rose to the crown nest and kill the flock of Garpius, knocking them from the crossbow and finishing with a silver sword. From the socket, we take the sealed bottle and bring it to Ivasik. Returning a voice, the bakeries will tell about the wounded Cirill, who gathered towards the shelter, about witches and about complex relations with his grandmother. We go back to the shelter, on the road defeated a couple of drifts and a waterbabo. Ivasik will calm the grandmother and persuade her to arrange a meeting for us with witch.

Arriving to an old oak, make your way to the cave under it, having previously dealt with wolves and wolves near the entrance marked on a mini-card icon in the form of the arch. We swim under water and meet with a ghost concluded in the tree. He will reveal the terrible secret of the owners of the forest and will warn about the danger of threatening children.

If you do not believe the ghost, it will go into deaf protection and call spiders. We destroy the branches, and then the heart itself, in the interruptions, destroying annoying spiders.

If you believe the ghost, we begin to prepare for the rite for which the feather is required, a black wild horse and the remains of the ghost body. The trunk of the feather should already be in the inventory, provided that we took it from the nest along with a sealed bottle. For the remains we go to the tombstone in the western part of the specified zone and detect it with the help of a witch alone, but before this we destroy the set of utmost and aquatic woman. Further, we go to the glade, we tame a black horse in the sign of "Aksii" and, returning to the cave, we spend the ritual.

Outside, we will wait for an older. Having received a reward from him in the form of his own ear, we are transferred to the shelter to the witches and learn from them a new information about the Cirins.

Cyrgy story. Fighting with swamp

Cirins, being in cruise tops, escaped from the owners of the forest, who wanted to eat it, and immediately became the object of attention of the wild hunt. The girl has only a steel sword in arsenal and instead of evaders can instantly shuffle for short distances. Her health is restored by itself, outside the battle. We destroy the hounds of wild hunting, endlessly appearing from the gaps until you get bored, and then chosen from cricherous winds, focusing on the mini card.

Bloody Baron

A warm welcome in the castle of peers will not have to wait if earlier we interpret the gangsters in the tavern "at the crossroads": the locals will scatter in their homes, and Baron's people will definitely try to stop us. The main goal, directly into the rest of Baron, will still not be able to go, so we ask help from an old man, lonely sitting on a barrel in the center of the settlement. For 15 crowns, he will tell how to walk around the gate to the castle. We get to the chapel in the north-west outside the castle, we jump into the river and swim through the secret course under the rock. Having met the Water Babo in the cave, we destroy it and boil to the very top. We continue to run forward until we find yourself in a dehydrated well. Climbing the stairs and meet Baron in the garden.

Speaking goodbye to the guests, the Baron holds us into its office and will offer to drink vodka for a meeting - agree or refuses. Anyway, the bloody baron will be introduced by Philip Agon and will tell about the Cirins.

Cyrgy story. King Volkov

He climbed away from the enemies and having broken from the cliff, in search of help continue to move forward by the old direction. Having encountered a little girl with a sun, save it from hungry wolves and learn about the wolf king and his stack that will not allow us to go on. We destroy the six more wolves and completely inspect the peasant's confused body. The nature of the RAS says that somewhere nearby really walking the wolf king. We prepare for the fight, collecting three blue blue wolf and two dog parsley white. Having finished with the next group of wolves and making the oil for a sword on the recipe of Yemereir, proceed to the routine in the cave and deal with the wolves. In gratitude for the saved life, the peasant will take us to his owner, which is a bloody baron.

Focusing and drinking cursions and rack, Baron allowed them to stay in the castle, even though none of them was his daughter.

Family affairs

Baron will propose a persuasion - to find his wife Anna and the daughter of Tamar in exchange for additional information about the Cirins. Before searching, we get good to look around in the rooms. Proceed by the baron on the third floor and the first thing to look into Anna's room. Using the witch of the flair, we draw attention to the wall, picture, hole for the picture, the cabinet and the rumped candlestick inside it, the vase with flowers on the same table and the mess on the other. The track from the smell of a weathered wine will lead us back to the stairs - we select the mascot facing the gap between the boards in the floor. In the room of Tamara from the closet, we get a rusty key and incense and pay attention to the doll by the bed. Asking Baron about everything we managed to find. Baron will give a tip on the wodge, from which Anna, most likely, received a medallion.

Before the house, the gangs gathered gangsters, intending to dwell with an old man for writing the wrong recipe for their comrade Edrik. Bandits will refuse money, but will be happy to take new recipe. We can also kill them or enchant the "Aksii" sign (the ability to "deceit" the 2nd level is required).

Breeding admits that he did a mascot for Anna. A specific accessory was supposed to defend Anna from evil forces. Bag does not know where Anna and Tamara are located, but may ask about the spirits. Before burning, we must find his goat princess.

Having received a bell, inventory we carry it into the appropriate cell and in the footsteps on the ground we run towards the West until we face with wolves, and then with the goat. Select the bell in the quick access menu and, periodically calling it into it, go home. At some point, the goat will replenish back - catching up with it and paint the bear. Returning to the godge, learn from the perfume about the child's child's child, who turned into Ishosh. The old man will advise to remove the curse from the igoshi, thereby turning it in a church. Open Glossary - Bestiary and in the "Cursed" section, read the information about Ishoshe.

Upon returning to the castle, I will cut a stable stable in the fire. A man of Baron will ask to save his brother Austin, who remains inside the stable, and we agree or refuse. In the first case, penetrate inside the stairs on the left side of the building. We destroy the barrels by the sword, go down the stairs, then quickly open one of the heads with a horse and, focusing on the mini-card, get to the exit, bypassing the debris on the right side. The heroic act will not remain unnoticed, so the next time you visit the castle we get 20 kroons from the saved groom.

Having heard the bitter truth about himself and about his family, a drunk baron will import and throw on us with fists: in battle we use powerful attacks, occasionally evading or exposing a block. After a series of revelations, closer to midnight, the Baron will hold us to the place where he buried the baby. Ishosa just got out of the grave - attack him or turn it into a church.

In the first case, we will grow up with ghosts and igosha themselves, applying the sign of "Aksii" whenever it starts to restore his health. Favoring the blood of Igoshi, we go to the godge for the ritual. Following the old man, we get to the Wolf Drug: We light the lights on three stones and, fighting with numerous ghosts, do not forget to rebuild the extinguished lights, otherwise the ritual risks to delay for a long time.

Bloody Baron.

In the second case, we returned to the castle, passing the ghosts and soothing Ishoshu by the "Aksii" sign. We try not to move greatly from Baron to prevent the transformation of igoshi into a huge monster. Baron will give the name of a unborn daughter and bury it in all the rules. I sit down at the grave and meditate until the next midnight, when they can call for Chura. Following Chur, we get to the barn, where with the help of a witch alone we find a horseshoe, a bracelet on a barrel and clothes on Earth. Then, continuing to follow the road, stumble on the horse's corpse and inspect it, pre-destroying the rotches.

Alone or together with ChURE, we get to the fishing hut on the banks of the river, in which Moacho lives together with his family. It turns out that grandmother from the shelter in cricher tops is Anna - Blood Baron's wife. Tamara is most likely in Oxenfurt. Returning to the baron, we tell him about the daughter and, having received a Redan Greethouse, we go to Oxenfurt. There are looking for Tamaru and give her a choice - go back home or go with Greden. Despite all our attempts to explain to her that the Baron really regrets the deed, the girl remains unshakable in his decision to stay with a new friend.

Once again we return to the castle and put the point in the family, adding the story with details about Anna.

Cyrgy story. Racing

Once, by gathering around the fire after hunting, the conversation comes to who is better managed by a horse. For a short time, thinking cursions and the baron conclude a dispute, putting the most valuable on the same that they have. For victory at jumps, it is necessary to accelerately rush along the route specified on the mini-card, while trying hard to miss the opponent's forward. Anyway, the award for a while will have to forget, because, from where I will take, Vasilisk appears and attacks us.

Cyrgy story. From the shady

We collapse on Vasilisk a flurry of shocks whenever he descends to the ground, and shy away from his poisonous claws. Disarming Baron, Vasilisk will take him on the top of the tower. Tightening the direct ledge on the rocks right in front of the road sign and, rising to the top, we finally be straightened with the enemy. Speaking up with the baron and warning it about the wild hunt, the cursions will go to Novigrad.


Bonfires of Novigrad

On the hierarch square, we are witnessing how Caleb Menge publicly burns the sorceress Felicia Corey and Doppler Lyasharel. Reaching the house of Triss Merigold, we will find several robbers in the courtyard, which disappears the last things of the sorceress. We learn from them that TRISS can hide in the rotten grove in the king of the beggars. Soon, Caleb Menge will appear and will order the guard to lead the marauders. He will also warn us that there is no place for magic and crimes in the city.

You can find out about the location of the rotten grove from the beggar sitting on the upper beam in the West, or tracing the pickpocket, which will appear in the northern zone when we come to the crowd. In the first case, to get into the grove, it is enough to name the password "The Old Chock has gotten the feedback", and in the second to pay 50 kroons or enchant the security guard by the "Aksii" sign (the ability to "deceit" the 2nd level is required).

Caleb Menge.

Triss Merigold joined the influential community of beggars and thereby provided themselves with a cover. King beggars - Francis Pobles - seeks to overthrow Caleb Menge and seize power in the city. Asking TRISS about cursions, we go along with it to execute the order. The informant who had to get an important ingredient was saved before the guards and threw a bag with a magician in the channel. Anyway, the breakdown to the water will have to make us. Going into the basement, we destroy the utmost and with the help of a witch alone, activate the secret button on the column. Selecting the outside, get to the place where the convolution is expected. We dive into the water and with the help of a witch alone, we find a bundle at the bottom, practically next to the bridge. Returning to the TRISS, we go to the customer to the grain warehouse. If you wish, you can get a deposit in the amount of 150 kroons.

Entering the warehouse, the witch slightly we find three small slits on the walls and in each of them we place one crystal. Then the TRISS activates the spells, after which we will have an overnight minute for a frank conversation. Rats as a friend of the warehouse, and instead they appear hunters for sorcerers, who called the customer. Crashing with the enemies, taking a double rate from the brandon for the inconvenience caused and get from the TRISS coordinates of the Oneiromantka Corina Tilly, specializing in dream predictions.

Sleep in the big city

Rudolf de Jonker - the owner of the largest bank in Novigrad - invited Cino Tilly to his newly acquired home to save him from ghosts. Rising to the bedroom on the second floor, we will find a bedside over the body of Oneiromantka, who, seeing us, will hurry to hide. Being in a dream, the girl mutters about a certain doll in the attic. Climbing even higher, we cleaned the passage by the "Aark" sign and in the next room with a chair we select the drawing of the cradle, and from the bench - rag doll. We inspect the drawing in the inventory in the "Things for Jobs" section, descend back on the second floor and in a small room we put the rag doll into the cradle. Next, open another drawing from the door and go down to the basement through the door under the stairs. Inside the furnace, we find the priest to Sarah, who decided to swing over Corina, the worship of her terrible dreams.

Sarah flatly refuses to leave the house - let it be left, but the condition that she will lag behind Corina, or run a reliable method. For the second option, you need to buy a buckle at a herbalist, put it in the oven and set fire to the "Igni" sign. Returning to Corina, tell her about the tricks of the court and agree on the next meeting in the Korchman "Golden Ostr". Walking outside Rudolph notify that the house is delivered from ghosts or that we could not do anything.

Having met Corina in Golden Opeter, we share the memories of the Cirins, then immerse yourself in a dream, in which we see the buttercup and swallow. Waking up, we tell about the dream seen and learn from her that the butter was inherited by a brothel called "Sage and Rosemary".

List of Bludnitz

In the brothel, we encounter our old friend Goldana, together with which I expel from the establishment of a staggered bunch of vagrants. We tell Golden about the Cirins and pursuing her wild hunting, after which we learn about the disappearance of the butter. Using the witch of the flair, pick up the daily of the buttercup from the chest under the window. In it we find a list of girls with whom we met a loving bard. At least one of them, the buttercup must be a tend about its closest plans. We open the section "Things for Jobs" in the inventory, read the diary and before leaving again, let's talk with Golden about all the girls.


We deliver Vespla from the company of recreivers by any of three ways: paying 200 kroons, blowing the king of the beggars or dealt with the enemies in battle. With the rest of the girls - Alikhal, Molly and Marages - there will be no problems: each of them will tell an interesting story about Lutika, but no more. In the case of Molly, if desired, you can compete at horse races with the General Morvran Wriorhis themselves and, in the event of a victory, get a saddle on 70 cells.

You can get into the house to Rosa Var Attre you can in two ways - I presented by the guard of the fencing teacher or independently enjoying the territory of the Villa. In the second case, we go around the villa on the left side until we stare on the stairs near the fountain. Then, descending down, we run along the rocks, jump over the failure and climb up the ledge. In the garden, we encounter Rose Var Attre, which will cover us before the guard and order to hold in the hall for classes.

Proceed by the captain of the guards inside the house and, taking the wooden sword from the rack, go down to the hall for classes. Dressing around, proceeding with the training: in both rounds attack the rival with powerful blows to the victorious end. Later to us will join the sister-twin Rosa Edna Var Attre. Rose admits that the relationship between her and the strainer did not work out due to the fact that he chant the talents of some kind of latch. I say goodbye to my sisters, we return to the Boutinal to Zoltan and asking him about the Troubadors from Covir. As it turned out, the buttercup of the ears fell in love with the girl named Priscilla, which every evening performs in the "wintering" along with the troupe "Renar and Foxes".

Arriving to the specified place, being outside meditating until 18:00 and go to the institution to meet Golden and listen to the solo speech of pricked. Having finished, the girl will tell that the buttercare planned at the treasury of Sigi Roisen, tried to help the cursions, and also contacted his head with a gang of the junior bastard, who later chased him through the whole city. Since then, nothing has been heard about Barda.

Hunt for younger

In the baths we will be taken as the desired guest: we leave things in the locker room and proceed for the Eunuch. The bastard junior, having enlisted the support of a certain influential Mr., managed to spoil the relationship with everyone who could only, therefore Sigi Roaven, Francis Poil and Karl Varese intend to exclude him from the Big Four. Instead of going to the meeting, he sent his people, so that they found the surprise of members of the Triumvirata and arranged a bloody massacre over them. Armed first, which falls at hand, help the cones criminal world To restrain the onslaught of enemies. For Tesacha, such keenness from the younger became the last straw, and he intends to find and punish the traitor at any cost, even if it's up to the ears of all newness.

Sigi Roaven will recall our resentment, but will not refuse help. He advises to look for bastard in his own house, as well as in the casino belonging to him and arena.

In the house at the bastard of the younger, with the help of a witch alone on the first floor we look at the floor on the floor, and on the second - things on the floor and a rack with the items on the wall.

Bribery, we are engaged (required by the skill "deception" of the 2nd level) or kill the gatekeepers at the entrance to the arena. With a peaceful version, we agree with Igor, which is engaged in the fighting, about the work and agree to participate in the fight in the ring. Before that, do not forget to fill the stocks of the elixir "Swallow" and to be purchased by food, since in the ring we will have to stand four rounds without the possibility to finish the battle. Having won, the junior bastard will appear and will order us to kill us. Peaceful and hostile options will lead to one outcome: consistently deal with a large number of enemies, not allowing them to surround themselves. Having finished with everyone, among the things Igor, we find a note, which refers to the cache and how to go to him. Actually, we get to this very cache and with the help of a witch alone activate the secret mechanism in the form of a torch to the right of the wall. We go to the secret room and get a mysterious letter from the chest. From it we learn that bastard junior works on the King Rada.

King beggars.

We are engaged (required by the skill "deception" of the 2nd level) or kill the gatekeepers at the entrance to the casino. With a peaceful version, you will have to play in three games "Gwint", while not in one word without mentioning the bastard of the younger, in order not to cause aggression from enemies. Peaceful and hostile options will lead to one outcome: we consistently clean up all three floors from enemies. On the top floor in the room, we find Krasnolyud named Rico, which is the spy of the king of the beggars. He will tell us that bastard junior junior with the Redans. However, this information will already be known to us if we have previously visited the arena. We liberate or leave connected Rico. When choosing the first option, then we can go to the king of the beggars and get a silver sword from it.

Returning to Roisen, tell him about the connections of the younger with the Redans, after which we go to the camp partisans from Oxenfurt, headed by our familiar Vernon Roche. At the entrance to the camp, we face ORENTSIO - we are engaged in His sign "Aksii" or we defeat in a fistboard. Roche will agree to bring us with the Radovid, but before that we will have to meet with a connected at the bridge in Oxenfurt. Arriving in place, together with Roche we go to a chess club, where the King Radodid himself is to our surprise, who will hand over us the junior bastard.

Cyrgy story. Visit to the younger

Doppler Duda was captured to the bastard of the younger, and the cursions and the buttercup were turned on how to save him. For a short thinking, the girl decided to sneak into the Willy House. We climb the stairs, we climb even higher on the ledge and, having come to the balcony on the roofs, penetrate inside through the window. In battle with Willy, for the first time we apply a special gift, allowing you to spectacularly apply a significant damage to one or several enemies at once. Having won, freeing the Duda Bibervest, we clean the first and second floor from opponents and leave the house.

Service for Radovida

On the audience, the king Radyid wishes that we led to him a lively sorceress Philip Eilhart, seeking to restore the lodge of the charger.

Treasures of Count Royaven

Royen is ready to use his influence to find the buttercup, but before this we must help him with the investigation of the mysterious robbery. Going under the baths, proceed for Sigi to the treasury. The only witness - Troll Bart - turned out to be powerless before the intestinal thieves, who were separated by the wall with the help of explosives, and before that, somehow they did a considerable way through the sewer channel with a poisonous mold Pop. Attempts to go along the trail of the thieves did not lead to anything good: Royven lost his man, and even encountered a monster who forced him to go back.

Sigi Roaven (Diykstra).

Drinking antidote from pops mold, with the help of a witch alone we consider a broken pipe over break, a grid from the pipe lying near the opposite wall, and a piece of pipes on the fork. We move through the channel along the blue line on the mini-card, passing the utmost destroying. Reaching the next site, at the lattice, we discover the donyshko of the vessel, presumably fragment of the self-made bomb, and, as it should be studied, we return to the Roisen with the report.

While visiting the Bay, the thieves were abandoned by a homemade bomb in the swimming pool, which designed behind the wall next to the treasury. With the help of a witch alone in the water of a distant pool, we find oil, and next to the edge - a silver lid. The deceased Marcgraf Henkel turned out to be an ill-fated day among the visitors, who was obvious and disguised the robber. Sigi will give the coordinates of Henkel mansion and asked to immediately go there.

In a fight with a vilochvost, we use improved oil against draconides and the most effective sign "Aark". The enemy, having received a serious injury, will try to hide - we will overtake it in a dark cave, passing in the footsteps of blood to the earth, and finish, adhering to the previous strategy. Favoring the Wiloch Supplies, we return to the fortress of Caer Morchen, chairs with Excel. In the case of victory as a reward from the Witcher will be available boots of the mountain people.

Last test

Lambert got the most responsible order - fill the phylacteria of the elements of the circle. Having met the Witcher in the fortress, together with him we go to the pond, pass through the way, destroying Garpius. Last time, Lambert left a boat tied to the berth, but it was not in place. We continue to walk along the shore, until I will encounter with numerous clouds and aquatic woman. Crashing with them, sit in the boat opposite Lambert and transport the cave on the other side of the lake.

Once at the entrance to the cave, from somewhere nearby, the cries of the child are coming. Despite the warnings of Lambert, that this is just an illusion, we can make it easier to make it right and turn out to be trapped by fog. Having finished with the enemies, we return to the cave and pass inside. Climbing on a high and not very ledge, we go deep into the cave, where we find a sensible sleeping old grott. No appropriate to the cyclop, we climb on the ledge on the right side and leave the cave. Otherwise, before getting out, enter the fight with a big opponent and in the course of it actively use the signs of "Aksii" and "Kven."

On the way to the circle of elements we meet several trolls, which will be against the fact that we go further than they will cause aggression from Lambert. Quickly get to the next cave, we pass through it and on the other side again entering the dialogue with local inhabitants. Peerly agree with the trolls or we are growing up with them in battle, after which we rise to the circle of elements, we light four torches located in the corners, and impose Filacteria to the altar. Speaking with Lambert in souls, we take the filled with the power of phylacteria and come back to the fortress.


We climb into the room at the top of the tower and communicate with Yennipher, which is extremely unhappy with the progress of preparing for the ritual for removing the curse with the mind. A conversation about the bed can end that the magician will remember our novel from the TRISS, and then, if not apologizing for her words, in rabies teleports us right into the river far beyond the limits of Kaer Morhan. One way or another, help the yennipher to restore the performance of Megask, namely, we find and eliminate the reason that violates the work of crystals. We descend on the first floor, we take a power point in the hands, approach the source of magical interference - drawers with Dietary bombs at the wall, to the left of a large cell next to Elemere and the mind - and interact with it. Returning to Yennipher, take part in a conversation with the go of Emaean, which is one of the members of the Lodge Clavies. She will give some tips on the removal of the curse and at the same time will remind the prophecy of Itlena, in which the key role is assigned to cereals.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better

Elemere is in an alternative way - to rent a curse with the help of folk traditions - and for this takes the mind to the mountains all night. Free time dedicate to communicating with friends for drinking. When Yennifer leaves to sleep, join her or continue the gatherings already in a purely male company, having entertained more and more sophisticated ways in proportion to the amount of dried alcohol.

VA Faill, Elaine

The next morning, Yemereir with the mind will unsuccessfully return from the mountains, so all hope remains on the ritual. Collecting the ingredients from the table, prepare the elixir in the section "Alchemy" on the recipe "herbs extracts" and give it yenniphr. This time everything will be passed as it should, and the mind will be folded: a satellite satellite was hidden under the body of an ugly creature - Elf Avallak'h. He will tell that the cursions are located on the island of the fogs and that it is haunted by wild hunting in order to get older blood and with the help of it to open the gates to our world for the thousands of army.

Brothers in Arms

An inevitable battle with a wild hunting every day is becoming increasingly close to reality. The battle for Kaer Morcher is expected to be serious, therefore it will not be superfluous to enlist the support from our friends and just good acquaintances, including TRISS, Diykstra, Rocher and Zoltan from Novigrad, Camera Metz from Velen, Emgyr Var Emrais from Nilfgarda, collapse, 4 Keris and Hyalmar from Skeliga. For most of them will have to provide a service, i.e. Perform one or more additional quests, but there will be those who unconditionally agree to arrive in Caer Morsen.

Tumanov Island

On the shores of Skeliga, we find any free boat and we get to the island of fogs, where the recommended character level begins with a mark 22. In this case, all previously unfulfilled tasks will be automatically failed.

Following the magic firefly received from the elf of Avallak'h, on the water, they fight off the annoying harpi with the help of a crossbow, and on land - from Tangaporov. We get to the house on the top of the hill, in which the gnomes who survived shipwreck were hidden. They let us inside only after we give them their missing comrades - Ivo, Gaspara and Fens. Having received information about their location, go to search.

On the shore, we are on the shore with a couple of wateries and on the top of the rocks we find the Ivo, which, trying to go down, will eventually break to death. The second gnome named Gaspar to find sleeping inside the tower. He suffers from narcolepsy, so we try not very much away from him so that in the case of what to wake after the next attack, and at the same time to protect against Tangaporov. The Third Dwarf of Ferens is found dead on the swamps, having previously dealt with the demon: in battle, we use the signs "Kven" and "Aksii". Returning to the hut with the only surviving gnome, on the bed I find a cold and not breathing cereals, which, sprinkling with a magic firefly, wonderfully comes to life in our arms. Asking the girl about her adventures or immediately go to Kaer Morhin. Dwarfs, without waiting for us, flooded with a boat, and meanwhile, a wild hunting ship appeared on the horizon. We convince the cursions to use the portal and transfer us to the fabric of the Witches.

Battle in Kaer Morcher

After a short, but warm meeting, we convene the advice in the fortress, on which the scrupulously discuss the preparation plan for the upcoming battle against the wild hunting. We make a choice in favor of elixirs (we will get "Thunder" and "Excellent Swallow") or traps, embedding holes in the wall or clearing arsenal. A few hours later when all preparatory work It will be completed, come out and observe the arrival of wild hunting. Yennipher will create a magic barrier around Caer Morchen, the trisss will stop the first rain to stop the first enemies to the fortress, and together with Lambert, seed horses, go to the forest for exploration. To avoid battle, we try not to approach the hounds and close the portals from the distance, the sighting cast of the Dietary Bomb. If the bombs are not enough, you can use the Irden sign. With the advent of immigrach, our invisibility will disappear, so we apply the TRISS signal with a shot from the crossbow into the sky, but the support is not waiting.

In the meantime, the cursions will not want to sit down in the fortress and will come to the profog to Elemere and surrounded by the enemies of TRISS. Using new abilities, make your roof to the red-haired sorceress and destroy the warriors and hounds.

Having finished with numerous opponents, but not immunich, not without the help of fiery rain, we return to Kaer Morhin on horseback and, first of all, we closing the gate, rising to the lever on the wall. Nevertheless, the riders will continue the offensive and will be forced by Lambert's surroundings, to whom Caera Metts appears on the revenue. Further, retreating to the courtyard, where we also destroy a large number of enemies, and then go to the main goal, which Esquel should have discovered, but for some reason still did not do it. We get to the TRISS and joint efforts to be dealt with warriors and hounds.

Esquel and Cyrian will successfully fight Quarantir, after which the last will hurry to hide. We destroy the soldiers of everyone to one and open the gate for friends. Already habitual ways, as soon as possible, we close all the portals of wild hunting, if necessary, ignite the reserves of a diversified bombs from everywhere scattered boxes, and get to the main gate at the request of TRISS.

Yennipher, invalid recent power, I will lose consciousness, thereby leaving Caer Morkers without any protection and allowing the wild hunt to pierce the last line of defense. Reaching Cyri, Eredign is trying to spend it through the portal, but Yevmere will stop this attempt, desperately rushing to the enemy. After that, Imerrych begins severely beat the Witcher and intends to kill him, so the cursions solve voluntarily surrendered by the wild hunt. Taking advantage of a good moment, Yevmere pulls out the dagger and stuck him in immigrach, and he in turn kills the Witcher. Shocked cereals flow into the state of uncontrollable anger and through a deafening cry releases the energy of such a force that the wild hunting does not remain anything else but to retreat. Stop the explosion of power takes suddenly those who came to Avallak.

Landscape after battle

After the burial of Yemereir, we meet with friends at the wall of Caer Morcher and discuss the last battle with them, which could have ended very tragic. Wild hunting turned out to be stronger than we expected, so Yennipher offers to enlist the support of powerful challenging and for this, it has already concluded an agreement with the emperor so that it is in exchange for the aid amnestied false challek and granted her refuge in Nilfgard.

After a few days, Avallak was never able to teach ceres to control its strength. The girl still blame himself in the death of Yevmereir and therefore appeals to us for advice - how to overcome depression: We offer to drown a mountain in alcohol or have fun at the game in the snowball. When choosing a second option, we try to hit the cursions by sight throws, while driving from the response snow. Snow stocks replenish from snow accumulation places.

The next morning the cursions will ask to go with her on the bald mountain, where the immigrach himself will be present on the sabbar, which the Cirins intend to kill in retaliation for Elemere. If you convince the cursions to pop up to the emperor, then if you wish, you can get from the last award in the amount of 2000 kroons.

Bald Mount

Ard Kerbin is home to the owners of the forest, which, as it turned out, secretly communicate with a wild hunt. Get to the village in the depths of the island and, sitting by the fire, let's talk with the local resident. At the annual festival of the young man and the girl in the number of three people, honor is honored to meet with the owners of the forest. The old man will send us to the text that is selected by the elected, which will be lucky enough to visit the top of the mountain. On the way, we will meet an old friend - Ivasik. He will advise not to contact the witch and even more so with Imorrich.

Cirins, being a young and beautiful girl, will easily be selected for a meeting with witch, and we will have to take a fairly simple challenge. When flowing will throw an ancient coin into the water, we jump down and dive water. By destroying the clouds from the cross, with the help of a witch alone, we find the coin at the bottom of the underwater cave and come back to the flow to the flow. Further, following the tembol assistant, we get to the gate on top and pass to the cave. The lovers of Fugas will make us a death sentence, as soon as we demonstrate to him the confused coin. In battle, we use the "Kven" sign, which in addition to protecting against shocks, also removes the negative effect of fire. Having won the "Stone, Scissors, Paper" game, we define who will go: we are for immulber, and ceres are for witches.

Going to the waterfall, we jump in the break and get to the heart of the roots of oak, where the owners of the forest are located. We consistently destroy the witches one after another, using a special gift and more often evading attacks. In the end, one of the defeated witches will fool Medallion Velsere from the neck of Cirins and fly away in an unknown direction.

We climb to the squeezing at the very top of the mountain immunich and, after a short conversation, entering it into a fight. Going close to the enemy, shy away from his attack on the right side and put two quick blows in the back, then quickly jump off back or in advance we defend themselves with the "Kven" in advance. Periodically impulses will be covered with a white bloom and thanks to this teleport to us behind the back. Avoid an unpleasant attack, the empty can be cooled by the enemy by the "Igni" sign. In the second half of the battle, Im Elerych will discard the shield and will be permanently covered with a white bloom. I also give preference to the sign "Kven", but now you have to show more skill, evading first backwards, and then forward when the enemy turns out for our back. After the third attack, the commander of the wild hunt will stop literally for a few seconds - this is our chance to apply as much quick blows as much as possible. Having victory over Imerrych, with the cursions to be transferred to Novigrad.

Latest preparations

In the brothel "Sage and Rosemary" we will meet with a buttercup and gold, who will tell about the latest events. The affairs of Yennipher, Triss and Avallak'h are not progressing very well, so each of them needs help from our side.

Through time and space

Avallak'h is impressed with how we quickly dealt with immorich, but do not cost to forget that this is only the beginning of the path, because in submission of Eredgor, two more strongest commander remains. One of them - G'els - Avallak'h hopes to incline on our side, discontinuous to him the truth about Estinus who killed the king of the Oberon's elves and subsequently took his place. You can find G'els in Aen Elle - in the edge of the people of alder, which is the home of the wild hunting and all other elves from parallel Mira. You can get there through a combined passage system in other worlds. In our world, such a pass is hidden in the basement of one of the usual houses of Novigrad. Reaching the specified place, we pierce the wall by the "Aark" sign and pass through the portal.

Once in a destroyed desert world, proceed for Avallak'h to the portal at the other end and destroy the driving sand worms. As soon as the portal opens, we immediately pass through it and move to the next world. We go around the first rock, then the second and go down the slope on the right side. Quickly cross the meadow with red plants and stone pillars, then we climb up again and get to the next portal. We swim to the next portal, which will take us into the snowy world. The exit from the cave melts the icy wall with the "Igni" sign and accelerately go down the slope, from one shelter to another. Smoothly shift on the right side and immediately at the destroyed building they roll up at an even coolest slope. In one breath we descend to the next building on the left side and, jumping down, quickly ignite the fire on Earth. Thanks to the heat, we quickly replenish with cold health. Racing with a couple of hounds, get to the furthest building and, passing through it, roll down. Without departing from heat sources, destroy several more enemies and finally achieve a lighthouse.

Avallak will tell us that once the cursions saved us from wild hunting and since then the Eredign never ceases to pursue her. After a short conversation, but a meaningful conversation is transferred to a shooting gallery on Lia, looking for a ge'els and convince him to go with us to Novigrad.

Oneiromantka Corina Tilly will spend a dream session for a guest from the distant world to show him how Ehreghen killed the King of Oberon. Having received irrefutable evidence, G'else agrees to help us and tell how with the help of a sunny stone located on Skeliga, lure the Eredign to our world. Then, when the leader of the wild hunt will be trapped, G'els promises to leave it without support.


For all the time that the cursions spent in Novigrad, she managed to acquire not only good dating, but also to nourish their enemies. The first in the list, whom the Cirins wishes to see, a junior bastard is. If we have left Willy alive, it will be possible to find it in trimming: from a pitiful and lowered the lowest sections of the Society of the Big Four participant will not remain the shadows, so cursions, instead of killing him, it will consider that life has already punished his. If earlier we killed Willie, we go to his asylum. Enchanting the bandits at the entrance sign "Aksii" (the ability to "deceit" the 3rd level is required) or dealt with them in battle, inside the Doppler Duda, who made the inferior bastard of the younger.

Further, we go to the Golden Ostr to the waitress of Bai, who risks his life, assured the cursions in search of the buttercup. We run down the bandits by force or in the word and, thanking the bey, go to the climbing camp of the stray circus. Waldo and Agign helped ceres with money and sheltered her when she collided with difficulties in a large alien city. Waldo will challenge the shortage of horses, so necessary to leave Novigrad because of oppression from the temple guard. After arriving on horseback with the air, we agree or refuse to participate in the adventure. In the first case, we take part in theft of horses, and in the second - we find out the relationship with the high-fuzzy battle. We make my way into the stable, having previously climbed onto the roof from a wooden platform, go down the stairs and approach the table slowly. Feed the key, unscrewing them the entrance door and take the horses directly from the nose of the guard. If it did not work out silently, then we first straighten with the guard, and then, before leaving the stable, we calm all the horses with the sign "Aksii".

Darken all under the lantern


Filippe Eylhart hit his former lover Arthur, who decided to take revenge on her old resentment: when the sorceress, succumbing to Arthur persuasion, appealed to the OL, in order to disappear from the persecution of Raduid, he challenged her in Dietary shackles. Soon Arthur was executed, and Zoltan acquired at the bidding. A few days later, Krasnolyud lost his owl to a certain non-native person. Speaking towards Hydromantia, the TRISS will determine that Philip is in the baths at Diykstra. Arriving in place, finding the Diykstrua itself and Philip, who has been learning the defeat in the room. Pursuing a sorceress, paint with the enchanted people of Diykstra, as well as with a troll Bart or convince him to skip us further, saying that we want to help his newly owned hostess. Outping the Philip, destroying the designed elemental fire, using the Kven sign in battle and avoiding violet traps. Winning, climb upstairs and neutralize the sorceress. Diykstra does not want to part with Philippe so much, so in return we provide valuable information about the emperor Nilfgard or enter into an open conflict, during which the second leg will be broken in the Diikstra.

Great escape

Yennipher learned that the magician of Margarita Lo-Antille is kept in an oxenfurt prison, from which until recently it was not possible to escape any prisoner. Abbot Faria has become the only one who managed to break freely, therefore his knowledge will be useful to us in the process of liberation of Margarita. Having waited for the appearance of a fugitive, trying to talk to him, but he, having hurt the danger, hurry to hide. After we catch the abbot, he will share his escape story, and will also talk about often drinking guards and about tunnels through which you can imperibly enter the prison.

It makes sense to seek for help to Golden only if we have previously left the problem of challenging, who wanted to escape from the city (Question "Question of Life and Death" and "Now or never"). In this case, Krasnolyud agrees to deliver hot drinks to prison and drink the guards.

Having met Jenniphr, proceed for her to the well, through which we descend into ruins under the prison. We swim under water, we go to the room on the right side and we are painted with the cemetery woman. Then, using the witch of the flair, we find the mechanism on the wall without the most necessary part - lever. We get to the next room, where we destroy several utmost and remove the lever from the mechanism on the wall at the doorway. Returning to the previous mechanism, insert the lever into it and thereby open the secret door. Further, we go to the left, we break through the shooting wall by the "Aark" sign and spread with one rotch and three pules. At the end of the tunnel through a small break on the right side penetrate directly into the prison unit.

Depending on whether Zoltov helped us or not, they jump past drunk hunters behind the sorcerers or deal with them. Enemies on the second floor, one way or another, will have to kill, after which we will find out from Margarita that you can open the camera only to those key that constantly carries the head of the Guard. Selecting the outside, we are growing up with numerous radian soldiers in the courtyard or, if they are drunk, prohibit by them. In the course of combat you can always run the building to translate the breath and fill the lost health. Next, we climb into the office to the head of the prison, we kill it and take the key from the camera. Returning to Margarita, we produce it from imprisonment and leave the prison.

Latest preparations (continued)

Philip Eylhart.

Cyrgy is experiencing about the fact that Philip and Margarita show an increased interest in it - we suggest going with her or send one to the conversation with sorceries who want to recruit the girl in the lie.

Tango threesome

Recognition in love at the same time and TRISS, and Yennipher will lead to the fact that both sorcerers will perform for the proposal to spend a pleasant evening in the Threesomes in the "hazard". Arriving in the specified establishment with a bottle of good wine, climb the second floor and knock on the door of the room. Triss and Yennipher will appear in front of us in all its glory, but so suddenly gorgeous happiness will last for a short time: the girls bite us to bed and, celebrating their little victory over us, impoverish the room. And only the next morning in the room will look like a buttercup and freest us after the night spent on the bed, being challenged into the shackles.

Preparation for battle

Having met the allies in the port, Jennipher will tell that, despite an agreement with Emgir, the last sorcerer - Vigo Frigil - held in the imperial dungeons. We inform Avallak'h about my readiness and the whole makeup go to the island of Skeliga. Nilfgaga Fleet also arrived there, headed by the emperor, on board whose Frigil is.

Veni Vedi Vigo.

Having received a letter from Yennipher about the inviolability of the lodges, we will be meditating until midnight and, we get to the ship Emgyra with the nearest road sign to the fleet. Avoiding the illuminated areas, climb on the anchor on the right side of the nasal part of the ship, we convince the emperor to let go of the sorceress and together it return to the Ard Skeliga.

Sunny stone

With the search for ancient artifact, we will assist the alarm. Depending on whether we were helped by Keris and Hyalmar (quests from the collapse - "Decision of the Gods", "Vladyka Undwick" and "Karoney Gambit") or not, the new King of Skeliga will become Keris (Hyalmar) or Svanigge. In the first case, this will lead to war between clans, and in the second - with Nilfgaard. We go to Kaer Mur, where we help the arsuer to deal with Lugas insane and his people, or in Caer Toldd, where you kill Nilfgaga soldiers. Anyway, the muscular will send us to Scalid Evindu, who will certainly know something about the sunny stone.

Fiercely forcing Evinda to report the coordinates of the cave, saying that we collect material for the adventure novel. Otherwise, the bard quickly scores a lie and refuses to help us. The alternative implies a meeting with a catcher of pearls, to get to which you can float under water in the cave in the West. Having received the necessary information, we are growing up with the uta and return to Yennipher.

The ceres will tell about a certain laboratory that Avallak'h preferred to visit without unnecessary witnesses. Philip is engaged in search of elf ruins, where there is probably a sunny stone.

We swim on the boat before the entrance to the elf ruins on the north side of the mountain and together the Philippe pass inside. Moving forward, we are growing with the drunks, lilac, having a pre-haltering it from the crossbow, and the golem. Further, the sorceress will sacrifice the blood of Chief Phiallane, after which we can get to the room with mirrors. Focusing on a mini-card, bypass routes rise to the mirrors and each of them activate exactly once, pre-destroying the spirit of the spirit. Then it remains only to pick up a sunny stone and leave the ruins along the same way, which they got into them.

Child senior blood

Having met with Cirins and Yennipher at the entrance to the laboratory of Avallak'h, we are straightened with your golem and pass inside. After watching, let's talk with a sorceress and go down, where you find the genealogical tree of older blood. In the extreme room we will meet Elm, which will tell about true, not quite rainbow to the Cirins, the intentions of Avallak'h. We calm the upset ceres or let it give to the will of emotions, swaying in the laboratory everything falls at hand.


Cirins, having learned that her familiar Skyal was died during the battle with a wild hunt, wishes to visit his grave - agree or refuse to make it a company. In the first case, Yennipher will take us to the island of Hindarsfyalle, in the village of Lofoten. Not finding the graves of Schonya at the local cemetery, the cursions will remember that the bodies of the exiles are discharged into a special pit designed for the fallen sheep. After we are humanly borony, the villagers accuse us of violating the law, but then come to the conclusion that they are not entitled to condemn the person who saved their lives.

On thin ice

Having finished with all the affairs on Arda Skeliga, we inform Avallak'h about the willingness to go to the island of Undwick, where after all the preliminary discussions of the upcoming battle we call a wild hunt in our world with the help of solar stone. The first quarantir appears and puts the spell of his staff, thereby freezing absolutely everyone and all within a radius of several hundred meters. Cyri, despite the previous promise, the first rushes into battle, in order to break the action of the spell as soon as possible.

We get to the ghost ship of the Nagl Far, passing out with the warriors and hounds, and in a short battle without much difficulty, overcome quarantir. However, at the last moment, the commander substitutes his staff, the powerful energy of which discards us far back. Before quarantir grabbing curses, she managed to teleport unknown where.

Meanwhile, Geralt gets rid of ice shacks and takes finish the ward begun. We are constantly selected to the enemy, moving from side to the side to avoid ice spheres, and we apply as many blows as possible. The slow elemental ice of special problems will not be delivered, so they can not be distracted at all. The filled quarantir teleports us to the bottom of the sea - we swallow to the surface and observe how cursions are once again saved from the ghost riders.

Returning to Nadellpar, we are witnessing the kill of the crane of An Kratut and enter into a decisive fight with the leader of the wild hunt - ego. At all three stages of battle - on the ship, the top of the cliff and again the ship - adhere to the same tactic as in the battles against the immigracy and quarantir. Only in contrast to the commander, the Eredign causes a little more damage on the near distance and conducts more massive attacks from the distance. We also do not forget to actively apply the most effective signs of "Igni" and "Kven". Before his death, Eredign will tell that the alleged Avallak is a traitor, and his only goal was to pick up the cursions and use her strength in his own interests.

Tedd deireadh. An hour of the end

Yennipher will transfer us to a safe place, and soon the gate will open between the worlds. We follow the sorceress first on your two, and then on horseback. Next, climb the slope, holding next to Yennipher, so as not to die from the Barana, and paint with the hounds of the wild hunting. Once at the bridge where the effect of the magic barrier begins, we go through the break, made by Yennipher and, finally, get to the tower. As it turned out, the culprit of all that was happening became a cereal that was removed to stop the white clad. Regardless of our persuasion, the girl step into another world. Its further actions will be fully dependent on previous decisions.

Something ends, something begins

Solutions that affect the main ending of the game:

Quest "Landscape after battle"

1) Play snowballs (positive) or drunk (negatively)
2) go immediately in velen (positively) or to call for Empector Emgyra (negatively). Get a reward (negative) or refuse her (positively)

Quest "Latest Cookings"

3) Go to a conversation with Clavicarians Philippe and Margarita (negatively) along with Cyrian or send it one (positive)

Quest "Children's Children"

4) Allow the cursions to teach the defeat in the laboratory of Avallak'h (positively) or soothe it (negatively)

Quest "Children's Children"

5) Together with the Cirins, visit the grave of Schonya (positive) or refuse this ventilatory (negative)

Most of the positive actions, including ignoring Emperor Emgyra or his visit, but the rejection will lead to the first ending.

Most of the positive actions plus a visit to Emperor Emgyra and receiving the award, as well as the performance of side quests "OKO for the eye", "death conspiracy", "enemy of the people" and "business of state importance" (will open, provided that they have agreed with Diykstroy in good Philip from the bath), in which we accept the side of Roche and kill Diycstrua, will lead to the second ending.

And finally, most negative actions regardless of whether we visited the emperor Emgyra or not, and also accepted the award or refused it, lead to the third ending.

Ending 1.

Two weeks later, Heralt arrived in Ilzima to tell Emgyra about the tragic disappearance of his daughter cereals. Finally, the emperor will wish to never see us again. At the coming, some time, we go to the destroyed fortress for a meeting with an old acquaintance - a master of ort, - who made a unique silver blade specifically for us. Supplementing the sword with the last strokes, get to the Corchma in the White Garden and hand a gift of the Cirins, decided to become a witch secretly from the Father.

Ending 2.

Geralt returned to the White Garden along with her friends, Golden and Lutik. Reaching the hut hunter Mind, immediately from there we are going to the place of meeting with the Cirins. At the request of the girl, visit the nest of the griffin, where to deal with a suddenly appearing a vilochvost, and then go down to the lake. We scrapping the bear in any way, after which we throw a bomb in the hole and collect four milk fish. Returning to the village, the Cyrgy will tell about his decision to become the heiress Emgyra and to lead the Nilfgard's empire accordingly.

Ending 3.

A week after the disappearance of the Cirins, and possibly her death, Heralt went to the brown of the TEmeria, where he met the wolk-tree by name. We will agree to hold us through the swamps straight to the only witch survival - Prime. On the road, we are growing up with the group of peasants from the nearest village, which they caught the Wolf, who annoyed them for a long time. Reaching the shelter, destroy PRYUU and several utmost. Heralt finds in the house of Velmir's medallion and after some time it turns out to be surrounded by the Rotten Marsh, which shown from all the ends of the swamps.

During the passage of the secondary task "In the Wolf Shkure" in the "Witcher 3", Heralt will have to face Wolkolack. It would seem that the case will not be so complicated, because during my travel the hunter for monsters managed to kill not one dozen representatives of this species. But what if the monster refuses to die, and after each of his death is revived again? The answer to this question is just to find in this article.

Start history

Quest "In Wolf Shkure" in "Witcher 3" is automatically activated after heralt arrives in the Frey Grove, which is located on the Islands of Skeliga. The hero will see a picturesque picture of how the wolkolak eats his prey. True, the monster will not like the presence of foreign spectators at all, so he will quickly hide out of sight. Get the mission "In Wolf Shkure" in the "Witcher 3" can be both in another way. Just take the order from the bulletin board and the task will appear in your diary.

I am a little assuing from the incompleteness of the wolf tree, Geralt decides to learn more about it more details and goes to Zhrice Yoste. She will tell the Witcher a story about how Morkvarg (and this is what the monster is called), being another man, plundered the sacred grove, and was forever cursed for it. Since then, many brave people go to Frey Grove and try to kill a monster. But, even being blown into small pieces, the monster is resurrected once over time. In addition, Joste advises Heralt to visit some Tordara. Well, that, it will become the next step in the passage "in the wolf skins" in the "Witcher 3".

Tordara you can find on the pier in the settlement of Larvik. He willingly agree to cooperate with Heralt and tell him about how, being a pilgrim, has witnessed the transformation of Mockers to the wolves. Tordar will also confirm the words of Joste that the pirate was really cursed for the desecration of the sacred grove.

Searches for Morskvarga

Now that Heralt learned the whole story, it is time to get rid of the monsters. Go to the northeastern part of the sacred grove, find a moroccarg lair there. On the approaches to the dwellings of the Volkolak, you, hanged in the shelter, hear how the monster talks with himself about some kind of mysterious key.

Long hide the witch will not work. The monster with an excellent sense of smell is quickly learning outsiders, so it will have to fight with him. The battle is not so complicated. The player you just need to have time to apply fast blows with a silver sword without giving the time to the regeneration time. In addition, the monster is vulnerable to fire, which means the Igni sign will be very useful.

By defeating Mockevarga, you can talk to him and learn more details about the curse. Volkolak, by the way, asks not to kill it finally, but awake, so you have to choose how to act further.

If you decide once and forever get rid of the monsters, then for this you will need only to feed it with its own meat. Just take this ingredient from the body of the murdered wolf, and during the next meeting with Morcvarg, press me meat. After that, the quest "In Wolf Shkure" in "Witcher 3" will be completed, and you can get a reward for him by contacting Zhrice Yoste.

Secret Tordara

But in case you want to argue Morkvarga, it will have to run a lot of different locations. First of all, the player will need to get to the secret cave, which is under the log of a wolf tree. To do this, raise the first dam, taking advantage of the levers, dive under the water and swim under it. Once in the cave, inspect the remains of the robber and take the key with them, about which Mockevg mentioned.

Now go back to the entrance to the Frey grove, go to the common house. Here you need to open the door to the library and find the Moroccarga's diary there. After reading him, Heralt learns that Tordar earlier and himself was a bandit, he knows about the curse more than told the first time. Well, it's time to visit him again.

Go to Larvik. As soon as you find Tordar, immediately blame him in lies and take the fang, promising to keep silent about his past. Keep in mind that in no case cannot be killed by Tordara, otherwise you will not be able to remove the curse and complete the passage of "in the wolf skins" in the "Witcher 3" by this way.


Having got a magic fang, come back to the Moroccarg lair. Volkolak will immediately attack Gerala, but this battle will not differ from the previous one, so you can easily win. As soon as the monster is getting out of his strength, put on it to him, then we will witness the transformation of a monster into a person.

Morcvarg in gratitude for salvation promises Geralt a reward that can be collected from a degree in Novigad. If you agree to accept it, the task "in the wolf skin" in the "Witcher 3" will be passed.


As you probably noticed, you can pass the quest in several ways, and therefore the consequences of the choice will be different:

  • If you feed the wolves with my own meat, it will definitively die, and you can pick up a Salmita brigantine from his body (Armor). In addition, priestess will be awarded if you tell them about your act.
  • If you spare Morkvarga, then after some time, again starts to rob and kill people. In this case, the silver sword will become a silver sword, which can pick up at the old woman in Novigad.

You can also get both rewards for the quest "In Wolf Shkure" in "Witcher 3". To do this, argue Morkvarga and get a sword at the old woman. Then, returning to Skeliga, kill the former volkolak, and after taking the award also in the priest.