Methodology for conducting outdoor games at school. E. Ya. Stepanenkova Method of outdoor games. A guide for preschool teachers. outdoor games in different age groups

The method of conducting an outdoor game includes unlimited possibilities for the complex use of various techniques aimed at shaping the personality of a child, skillful pedagogical guidance of it. The professional training of the educator, pedagogical observation and foresight are of particular importance. Stimulating the child's interest in play, captivating him with play activities, the teacher notices and highlights significant factors in the development and behavior of children. It is necessary to identify (sometimes by individual strokes) real changes in knowledge, skills and abilities. It is important to help the child consolidate the positive qualities and gradually overcome the negative ones.
Pedagogical observation and love for children allow the teacher to thoughtfully choose methods of guiding children's activities, correct the child's behavior and his own, create a joyful, benevolent atmosphere in the group. The joy of children that accompanies the game is a powerful factor in the formation of the physical, mental, spiritual, aesthetic and moral principles of the formation of a child.
Methodology for carrying out outdoor games for children preschool age is aimed at educating an emotional, consciously acting child to the best of his ability and possessing a variety of motor skills. Under the benevolent, attentive guidance of the educator, a creatively thinking child is formed who knows how to navigate environment, actively overcome the difficulties encountered, show a benevolent attitude towards comrades, endurance, self-control.
The method of conducting outdoor games is reflected in the works of scientists: E.A. Arkin, V.V. Gorinevsky, N.A. Metlova, A. V. Keneman, M. M. Kontorovich, L. I. Mikhailova, T. I. Osokina, E. A. Timofeeva and others.
The experience of N.N.Kilpio, N.G. Kozhevnikova, V.I. Vasyukova and others showed the influence of the game plot on the all-round development of the child. A prerequisite for successful outdoor games is taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. His behavior in the game largely depends on the available motor skills, typological characteristics nervous systems NS. Active motor activity trains the child's nervous system, helps to balance the processes of excitement and
The selection and planning of outdoor games depends on the working conditions of each age group: the general level of physical and mental development of children, their motor skills, the state of health of each child, his individual typological characteristics, the season, the peculiarities of the regime, the venue, the interests of children. When choosing plot games, the formation of the child's ideas about the plot being played is taken into account. For a better understanding of the game plot, the teacher conducts preliminary work with the child: he reads works of art, organizes observations of nature, the habits of animals, the activities of people of various professions (firefighters, drivers, athletes, etc.), watches videos, films and film strips, conducts conversations.
The teacher pays considerable attention to the preparation of the attributes of the game. The teacher makes them together with the children or in their presence (depending on age).
It is important to organize the game correctly, depending on the content, the order of the tasks. It can be done with all children at the same time or with a small group. The teacher varies the ways of organizing games, depending on their structure and the nature of the movements. He thinks about ways to get children to play and add play attributes. Familiarization of children with the new game is carried out clearly, concisely, figuratively, emotionally for 1.5-2 minutes. An explanation of the plot-driven mobile game, as already noted, is given after preliminary work with a child on the formation of ideas about game images. The subject matter of plot-based outdoor games is diverse: it can be episodes from the life of people, natural phenomena, imitation of the habits of animals. In the course of explaining the game, a game goal is set for children, which promotes the activation of thought, awareness of game rules, the formation and improvement of motor skills. When explaining the game, a short figurative story is used. It changes in order to better transform the child into a play image, develop expressiveness, beauty, gracefulness of movements; fantasy and imagination of the kid. The plot story is similar to a fairy tale that evokes in children * a recreational imagination, a kind of visual perception of all situations of play and actions that stimulate them to emotional perception.
Explaining a non-plot game, the teacher reveals the sequence of game actions, game rules and a signal. It Indicates player locations and play attributes using spatial terminology (in younger groups with a focus on the subject, in the elders - without them). When explaining the game, the teacher should not be distracted by comments to children. With the help of questions, he checks how the children understood the game. If they understand the rules of the Game, then it is fun and exciting.
Explaining games with elements of competition, the teacher specifies the Rules, game techniques, competition conditions. He expresses confidence that all children will try to cope well with the performance of game tasks, which involve not only high-speed, but also high-quality performance ("Who will reach the flag faster", "Whose team will not drop the ball"). Correct execution of movements gives children pleasure, a sense of confidence, and the desire to improve.
Uniting the players v groups, teams, the teacher takes into account physical development and the individual characteristics of children. The teacher selects children of equal strength into teams; to activate insecure, shy children, they connect with courageous and
The interest of children in games with elements of competition increases if they put on uniforms, the team captains, the referee and his assistant are selected. For the correct and fast completion of tasks, teams receive points. The result of the calculation determines the assessment of the quality of the tasks and collective actions of each team. Conducting games with elements of competition requires great pedagogical tact, objectivity and fairness in assessing the activities of teams and their members, contributing to friendliness and camaraderie in children's relationships.
The teacher's guide to active play consists in the distribution of roles in the games. The teacher can appoint a leader, choose with the help of a rhyme, he can invite the children to choose the driver themselves and then ask them to explain why they assign the role to this particular child; he can take the lead role, or he can choose someone who wants to be the lead one. In the younger groups, the teacher himself first plays the role of the leader. He does it emotionally, figuratively. Gradually, the leading roles are assigned to children.
During the game, the teacher pays attention to the child's compliance with the rules. He carefully analyzes the reasons for their violation. A child may violate the rules of the game in the following cases: if he did not understand the teacher's explanation accurately enough; really wanted to win; was not attentive enough, etc.
The teacher must monitor the movements, relationships, stress, emotional state of the child in the game.
He pays considerable attention to the variants of outdoor games, which allow not only to increase the child's interest in the game, but also to complicate mental and physical tasks, improve movements, and improve psychophysical qualities.
Initially, the teacher comes up with or selects versions of the game from collections of outdoor games. It takes into account the gradual complication of the rules, increases the requirement for their execution. The teacher intonationally varies the interval of the signal: “One, two , three - catch! "; "One — two — three — catch," and so on.
He can change the arrangement of children and physical education aids in the game; choose several drivers; include rules requiring the child to be self-controlled, self-controlled, etc.
Gradually, children also join in drawing up options, which contributes to the development of their creativity.
Leading the game, the teacher educates the child's morality; forms in him the correct self-esteem, the relationship of children with each other, friendship and mutual assistance, teaches the child to overcome difficulties. PF Kapterev called overcoming difficulties moral hardening, linking it with the formation of a high spiritual potential. Correct pedagogical guidance of the game helps the child to understand himself, his comrades, ensures the development and realization of his creative powers, has a psycho-corrective, psychotherapeutic effect.
The outdoor game ends with walking, gradually reducing physical activity and bringing the child's pulse back to normal. Assessing the game, the teacher notes the positive qualities of children, naming those who successfully performed their roles, showed courage, endurance, mutual assistance, creativity, and then analyzes the reasons for violating the rules.
Conducting outdoor games in different age groups
Play activity occurs already in preschool age . In order for the play of kids to be complete, it is necessary to create a pedagogically expedient external environment for them, to choose the right toys. Children of the second year of life are very mobile. To satisfy their need for movement, it is necessary to have a slide, benches, boxes and other aids. Children should be provided with sufficient space to run, climb steps, slide down slides, etc., play v hide and seek, catch-up.
In the games of children over one and a half years old, you can notice signs
Imitations of adults. With this in mind, the educator involves the children. v playing with a toy, trying to awaken interest in them with an emotional figurative explanation. In the younger groups, the most frequently used are story games and the simplest non-plot games such as "traps", as well as fun games.
Kids are attracted to the game mainly by the process of action: they are interested in running, catching up, throwing, etc. It is important to teach the child to act exactly on the signal, to obey the simple rules of the game. The success of the game in the younger group depends on the teacher. He should interest children, give samples of movements. The teacher performs the leading roles in the game himself or instructs the most active child, sometimes he prepares someone from the older groups for this. It is important to remember that the driver only pretends to catch the children: this pedagogical technique is used in order not to frighten children and so that they do not lose interest in the game.
When conducting story games, it is recommended to use a technique that is addressed to the child's imagination. For this purpose, they use the imaginative capabilities of the plot story.
Here is a sample story for the game "Sparrows and the Car".
Children sit on high chairs and the teacher begins to tell: “Once upon a time there were little gray sparrows. On a clear sunny day, they flew around the garden looking for insects or seeds. They flew up to a puddle, drank some water and flew away again. One day, a big red car suddenly appeared and the BBC began to hum. The sparrows got scared and flew away to their nests. Let's play a game like this. You will be little sparrows. Chairs will be your nests, and I will be your car. Sparrows, fly out! And as soon as the car buzzes with BBC, all the sparrows should fly to their nests. "
This explanation takes less than a minute. The teacher plays with the children, playing the role of both a sparrow and a car. Babies do not notice such a transformation. They enter the image with pleasure, sometimes complementing it with individual actions: pecking grains and saying "pee-pee", drink some water and squeak pee-pee.
The teacher monitors the figurative performance of the actions by the children, reminds them to use the entire area, fly beautifully, emotionally imitate movements, and act whenever possible on a signal. While playing the game, it is necessary to constantly remind children of the playful image. Various attributes significantly enliven the game: hats with the image of birds, the steering wheel of a car, etc. During the subsequent play, children are offered new options: the sparrows return to their nests, climb onto the bench (sit on the wires), etc. By the end of the year, the role of the car can be assigned to the most active child.
For the younger group, text games are recommended. When conducting games such as "Hare", "Train", etc., the teacher expressively reads the text, illustrating it with appropriate movements. These games develop a sense of rhythm in children. Children, listening to the teacher, try to imitate his movements.
TO middle group children gain motor experience, movements become more coordinated. Taking into account this factor, the teacher complicates the conditions of the game: the distance for running, throwing, jumping height increases; pick up games that train children in agility, courage, endurance. In this group, the educator is already distributing roles among the children. The role of the Leader is initially assigned to children who can cope with it. If the child is not able to clearly complete the task, Non may lose faith in his capabilities and it will be difficult to attract him to active actions. The teacher celebrates the success of children in the doctor, fosters benevolence, forms honesty, Justice. In the middle group, plot games such as "Cat and Mice", "Kittens and Puppies", "Mousetrap" and others are widely used, non-plot games - "Find yourself a mate", "Whose link will soon gather?" etc.
As in the younger group, the teacher, conducting the story game, uses a figurative story. Fabulous playful images encourage the child to combine the real features of the perceived plot into new combinations. The imagination of a child of the 5th year of life is of a recreational nature, therefore, the educator must always direct his development. In this respect, the role of the figurative plot story is great. For example, you can offer children the game "The kids and the wolf."
The teacher says: “Once upon a time there was a mother-goat with steep horns, affectionate and kind eyes, smooth gray fur. The goat had little kids. Mom loved her kids, played with them. The kids ran merrily and jumped around the yard. When mom went to nibble the grass, she told the children to sit in the house and not open the door to anyone, especially the evil wolf. "When I return, I will knock on the door and sing a song: Goats, children, open, unlock, your mother has come, brought milk." The huge gray wolf really wanted to catch the little Nuzlates. He overheard the song of the goat mother and decided to deceive the kids. Only mom-goat is beyond the threshold, and the gray wolf is right there. He knocks on the door and says in a rude voice: "Little kids, children, open up, open up, your mother has come, brought milk." He sang a song and waits. And the kids heard a rough voice and guessed that it was a wolf. "We hear, we hear," they shouted, "not my mother’s voice, go away, evil wolf, we will not open the door for you!" So the wolf went back to the forest. And then my mother came and sang in a gentle, gentle voice: "Little kids, children, open up, open up, your mother has come, brought milk." The kids opened the door for mom. They said that a gray wolf came, but they did not let him into the house. Mom praised the obedient children, then gave them milk to drink. And they began to run, jump and play in the yard. "
The teacher takes on the role of a mother-goat, chooses a wolf from among the children, and the rest of the children act as goats.
The teacher reminds the children that “opening the door for mom” is only possible after the last words of the song have been heard.
Such an explanation of the plot does not take more than one and a half minutes, It does not reduce the motor activity of children, the motor density of the game. At the same time, children's enthusiasm for play makes it possible to solve educational problems in a complex.
In outdoor games of older preschool children, more complex movements are used. Children are given the task of instantly reacting to changes in the game situation, showing courage, ingenuity, endurance, ingenuity, and dexterity.
The movements of children of the older group are distinguished by greater coordination, accuracy, therefore, along with plot and non-plot games, games with elements of competition are widely used, which at first it is advisable to introduce between several children, equal in physical strength and the development of motor skills. So, in the game "Who will most likely run to the flag?" the task is performed by 2-3 children. As the children master the skills and orientation in space, competitions in links are introduced. The best is the link, the participants of which will cope with the task quickly and correctly.
In the pre-school group, most children are good at basic movements. The teacher pays attention to the quality of movements, makes sure that they are light, beautiful, confident. Children should quickly navigate in space, show endurance, courage, resourcefulness, and creatively solve motor problems. In games, it is necessary to set tasks for children to solve independently.
So, in the game "Colored Figures" children are divided into links and in each a link is selected. At the signal of the educator, children with flags in their hands scatter around the hall. At the command "Into the circle!" they find their link and form a circle. Then the task becomes more difficult: the children also scatter around the hall and at the command "Into the circle!" are built around the link, and while the teacher counts to 5, they lay out some figure from the flags.
This complication of the task requires children to be able to quickly switch from one activity to another - in this case, from active running to performing a collective creative task.
Searching for solutions to certain motor problems in outdoor games, children acquire knowledge themselves. And the knowledge gained by one's own efforts is assimilated consciously and is more firmly imprinted in the memory. Solving a variety of problems gives children confidence in their own strengths, causes joy from independent small discoveries.
With the skillful guidance of the teacher by the outdoor game, the creative activity of children is successfully formed: they come up with versions of the game, new plots, more complex game tasks.
Each player must know his task and, in accordance with it, fulfill an imaginary role in the proposed situation.

Entering a role forms in children the ability to imagine themselves in the place of another, to mentally reincarnate into him, allows him to experience feelings that may not be available in everyday life situations. So, in the game "Firefighters in training" children imagine themselves as brave, dexterous, courageous people, not afraid of difficulties, ready to sacrifice themselves for the salvation of others.
Since the game includes active movements, and movement involves practical development the real world, the game provides continuous exploration, a constant influx of new information.
Thus, outdoor play is a natural form of social self-expression of an individual and creative exploration of the world.
In a number of games, children are required to be able to come up with options for movements, their various combinations. These are games such as "Make a figure", "Day and night", "Monkey and hunters", etc. Initially, the teacher plays the leading role in drawing up the options for movements. Gradually, he connects the children themselves to this. Entering the role, figurative transmission of the nature of movements is facilitated by the children inventing exercises on a given topic. For example, come up with an exercise that imitates the movements of animals, birds, animals (heron, chanterelle, frog), or come up with and name an exercise, and then perform it ("Fish", "Snowplow", etc.).
An important role in the development of the creative activity of children is played by involving them in the preparation of versions of games, the complication of rules. Initially, the leading role in varying the games belongs to the educator, but gradually the children are given more and more independence. So, conducting the game "Two frosts" with the children, the teacher first suggests the following option: whoever "frosts", he remains in place, and the children, running to the opposite side, should not touch the "frozen"; then the teacher complicates the task: while running away from the "frost", the children must touch the "frozen" comrades and "warm" them. After that, the teacher invites the children themselves to come up with options for games. The most interesting are selected from the proposed options. For example, the children decided that it would be more difficult for the "frost" to "freeze" the athletes, therefore, during the runs, the children imitate the movements of skiers and skaters.
Using the method of creative assignments, the teacher gradually leads the children to invent outdoor games and organize them independently.
For example, Dima E., six years old, having been in a mountaineering camp with his parents in the summer, having come to kindergarten, suggested new game, which he named "Climbers". Interestingly, he began his explanation of the game with a storyline:
“On the vast territory of our Motherland there are deep rivers and lakes, waterless deserts, wide plains and high mountains. The mountains rest against the sky with their peaks. Grass spreads at the foot of the mountains in summer. And on the peaks at this time, snow caps whiten, which do not melt even in extreme heat, because it is very cold upstairs.
To climb to the "top", one must walk along narrow mountain paths (benches), crawl into a cave (arcs placed in a row), jump over cracks in the rock (jump over a rope) and, finally, climb to the top (climb a gymnastic ladder) ... The first group to conquer the summit will win. "
Thus, an indicator of children's creativity in play is not only the speed of reaction, the ability to enter a role, transferring their understanding of the image, independence in solving motor problems in connection with a change in the playing situation, but also the ability to create combinations of movements, options for games, and the complication of rules. The highest manifestation of creativity in children is their invention of outdoor games and the ability to independently organize them.
In the preparatory group for school, along with plot and non-plot games, relay games, sports games, and games with elements of competition are held.
Children preparatory group should know all the methods of choosing the leading, widely use counting rhymes.
Children of all ages have a great need for play, and it is very important to use active play not only to improve motor skills, but also to educate all aspects of the child's personality. A well-thought-out method of outdoor games helps to reveal the individual abilities of a child, helps to raise him healthy, vigorous, cheerful, active, able to independently and creatively solve a variety of problems.

Knowledge of the methodology for conducting outdoor games contributes to a more successful solution of training and education problems. The methodology of conducting an outdoor game can be defined as a professional "technology" of the teacher's labor, which he must master creatively, select and improve the methods of guiding the play activity of children.

The algorithm for conducting an outdoor game includes the following points:

1. Preparation for the game.

2. Organization of the players.

3. Guiding the process of the game.

4. Summing up the results of the game.

Preparation for the game begins with the choice of the game, which depends on the objectives of the lesson. At the same time, the age characteristics of children, the level of their development and physical fitness, the number of children, the conditions for the game, the interests of children, and their state of health should be taken into account.

V kindergarten the teacher carries out the selection and planning of outdoor games in accordance with the program. The working conditions in each age group are taken into account. Gradually, outdoor games become more complicated, vary taking into account the growth of consciousness of children, their accumulation of motor experience. In the younger group, story games that are simple in content and rules are held. Many of the games are aimed at orientation in space and game situation. In them, all children perform homogeneous roles and motor tasks. The teacher takes part in the game. Gradually, children are led to individual tasks.

In the middle group, it is possible to hold games where there are elements of the simplest competition: individual or collective.

For children of the older group, more complex games according to the rules and content are available, more complex tasks can be given.
games for children of the preparatory group are even more complicated. Can be used for team games, with collective competition, relay games, games with sports elements. At the same time, the teacher must remember that the educational effect of games will be manifested provided that children have good command of the movements necessary for the game.

When choosing a game, the teacher must take into account the organizational form of work in which the game will be used. The venue must be prepared for the game. On the preschool educational institution site, it can be a flat area with special markings, a green lawn. In winter, the playground must be cleared of snow.

When playing games indoors, it is necessary to remove foreign objects that may interfere with the movements of children.

When conducting games on the ground, the teacher must familiarize himself with the intended place in advance.

For outdoor games with preschoolers in kindergarten, various aids are used: attributes, sports equipment, etc. It is desirable that all objects be bright, colorful, noticeable in the game, corresponding to the strength of the children. The number of aids for the game should be equal to the number of children.

Having picked up the game, the teacher must think over its course, predict the positive and negative moments that may arise during the game, and first outline the first driver. I have to think about how best to prevent unwanted moments.

The organization of the players provides for:

1. Placing the players and the location of the leader when explaining the game.

2. Explanation of the game.

3. Allocation of drivers.

4. Distribution into teams and selection of captains.

5. Allocation of assistants.

Depending on the content, the game can be played with all children or with a small subgroup. In this case, the rest of the children should be occupied with another activity. With the wrong organization of the game, children can wait a long time for their turn to complete the game task. This reduces interest in the game, causes a manifestation of indiscipline on the part of children, inattention, and increases fatigue.

When playing a game, especially during a walk, the teacher needs to get the children to play. To do this, he can use sound signals: strikes with a tambourine, whistle, etc.

To explain the game, the teacher must position the children in such a way that they can see it well and hear the explanation of the game. For this, it is advisable to build in the starting position for the game, but if the children are separated at the same time, then they should be brought together.

Explaining the game is very important and requires careful preparation from the educator. The content of some games is revealed by the teacher in a preliminary conversation in advance. At the same time, the ideas of children are clarified, a certain attitude towards the characters of the game is created. The explanation should be emotional and interesting, should prepare children for fun play activities. It is recommended to adhere to the following plan when explaining the game: a) the name of the game, b) the role of the players and their location, c) the course of the game, d) the goal of the game, e) the rules of the game. It should be noted that the explanation of the game should be in the form of a figurative and expressive story.

Singling out the drivers, it should be remembered that his duties have a great educational influence on the players. It is advisable that as many children as possible visit the role of the driver. There are various ways of choosing a driver: by appointment of the teacher, by lot, by calculation, by the choice of the players, in turn, with the help of a counting rhyme.

When conducting team games with older preschoolers, it is required to divide the children into teams. This can be done by calculation, by appointment, by curly marching, by collusion of the selected command commanders, etc.

Assistants are allocated by the game manager. The assistants help to monitor compliance with the rules of the game, take into account the results, help in the distribution and collection of inventory.

The process of guiding the game is very important, which includes:

1. Observation of the course of the game and the behavior of the players.

2. Refereeing.

3. Dosage load.

4. End of the game.

Play should be started in an orderly and timely manner, as delays reduce children's willingness to play. The game should be started on a prearranged signal. The teacher needs to get children interested in the game.

It is necessary to monitor the implementation of the rules of the game, to cultivate a conscious attitude towards their implementation, to direct children to companionable actions. In dangerous moments of the game, the teacher can hedge children. Excessive excitement and negative emotions should be avoided.

The refereeing of the game is of particular importance. The teacher, as a judge, should find a place where he can see all the children. Having noticed a violation, you should give a signal, assign a penalty in the form of points or some additional motor tasks, moments of exclusion from the game action.

The load in the game must be dosed by increasing or decreasing the duration of the game, changing the size playground, the time of the game, the number of its repetitions, and in other ways.

The end of the game must be timely. The moment of the end of the game is determined by the decrease in the interest of the players, by the degree of their fatigue. With children of preschool age, the game can be completed with general walking. After the end of the game, you should summarize its results, noting the positive and negative points. Summing up should be completed on the positive aspects of the game.



Children love to play. A child who did not feel this desire, as defined by N. K. Krupskaya, "is either sick or re-educated." An outdoor game for children constitutes an independent vast and diverse world of a child.

The game goes through all human life: from an infant rattle, to more difficult games with a ball, rope, running, jumping and other movements. While playing, the child, as it were, in a peculiar way goes through the path that humanity has traveled from its primitive state to the modern one. Therefore, outdoor play can be viewed as part of the culture of society.

The active game contains a deep meaning, which is manifested in its full-fledged role in the implementation of physical culture and spiritual life of the people. Outdoor play is present in the history and culture of each country, represents a cultural value and acts as a creator of cultural values. In cultures different nations you can find their similarities and diversity. In an active game, physical and mental abilities develop, the accepted rules of behavior in a team are studied and mastered, the ethical values ​​of society are instilled, fantasy and imagination are developed, a person's spiritual wealth is formed. It is believed that play as a way of communication between people can be even broader than speech. Children of different nations in preschool age, who do not understand each other's speech, communicate without much difficulty during the game.

An outdoor game preserves the traditions of peoples, their culture, therefore it is a form of preserving the continuity of generations.

Outdoor games are a condition for the cultural development of a child, when he comprehends and cognizes the world around him in movements. The game develops not only the child's motor sphere, but also intellect, fantasy, imagination, contributes to the formation of a social orientation.

Physical culture as a part of the general culture of society is aimed at creative transformation by man himself of his nature. An active game is the basis of a preschooler's physical culture and is a creative motor activity of a child, since it manifests his natural need for movement, in cognition of the world around him. The child also acts as a transformer of him, while developing all his abilities.

Outdoor games are of great pedagogical importance in the social upbringing of a child. Scientists note that outdoor games reflect both the individuality and the creative activity of children, which is based on traditions inherited from the past, adapted to modern conditions.

It can be noted that, despite the variety of children's games in their content and properties, creativity is common to them. Creative activity that creates something new is peculiar only to man. It expresses individual freedom and is social in its content.

There are two sources for the child's play activity: one is objective, the other is subjective. So, as an objective one, the game simulates a life situation; and as subjective, it is a real meaning for the child, since it is closely connected with the reality surrounding the child. The child, creating his fantasy world in the game, accepts it as reality. Children often portray a situation that they may face in life. Play forms in the child a sense of freedom, independence, which allows him to recognize himself as the master of his own destiny, and this is the basis of the feeling of human dignity.

The formation of creative activity in children at the initial stage is based on imitation, this is especially typical for outdoor games of kids. During this age period, the child imitates everything he sees. It is characteristic that the outdoor games of babies are not aimed at reflecting communication with peers, but reflect the life of adults or animals.

Small children already have a developed imagination, so they fly with pleasure like "birds", like "butterflies", etc. The child seeks to spiritualize objects, wants to give the image he creates a living character. He is interested in getting used to this image through play, and in the course of this, the mechanisms of sympathy are actively activated in the child, the most important personal qualities are formed: empathy, complicity, involvement in play events.

Due to the developed ability to imitate, many outdoor games of kids have a story character. The nature of children's play activity changes in the fifth year of life; they become interested in the result of outdoor play. In motor play activity, children try to express their feelings and desires, seek to realize through imagination in their behavior in play the motor and social experience they have, while showing motor creativity.

In older preschool age, children, as before, rely on imitation and imitation in the depiction of playful images. Adults often underestimate the fact that in an active game, children master the whole variety of the world around them. At the same time, children show quite deep experiences and feelings that affect the entire future life of a person, on his way of life, on all his further activities. Although most often all feelings experienced in the game remain in the subconscious and a person forgets about them, but they often determine his further actions and behavior in general.

The natural need for play motor activity makes it possible for the child to cognize and transform the reality around the child through mobile play, developing both abilities and creative activity.

Children in outdoor games experience a significant emotional uplift, try to follow the rules that older preschoolers take seriously and believe that these rules are mandatory as a "law" for all those who play.

Children's creativity is present in every outdoor game, even if the game is not directed by a teacher. Competent and purposeful pedagogical guidance of outdoor play develops, improves and activates play creative activity of children more effectively. It follows that the teacher has a leading role in the direction and formation of the creative activity of children.

The teacher should have serious preparation for each game, based on an integrated interdisciplinary approach, which allows the formation of the child's motor and social experience, teaches him to a deeper and more meaningful perception of the game situation, helps to ensure his entry into the playing role.

Of great importance in the preparation and conduct of the game is the artistic word, which acts on children with its semantic content and internal rhythm, melody, and this increases the power of influence on fantasy and imagination. The text of the explanation of an active game should be figurative, laconic, understood by children, influencing their fantasy, imagination; should awaken thought and feelings.

Outdoor games include many different physical exercises, the fulfillment of which requires children to transfer the formed motor skills into the play situation. Therefore, it is important to develop and direct the creative motor activity of children when teaching physical exercises, using the method of creative tasks, which ensures the development of creativity when compiling various combinations of physical exercises. This approach activates the creative activity of children and promotes the use of physical exercises as a means of solving motor problems, as well as a means of forming the expressiveness of movements. It is important to ensure that children enjoy physical exercises in the game, their desire to show intense muscle efforts.

The teacher and physical education instructor supervise the compilation of options for outdoor games by children.

The next stage in the development of children's creativity in play is the ability to independently organize and conduct outdoor games familiar to the child. The highest level of children's creativity is manifested when inventing new outdoor games based on works of art familiar to children, as well as episodes from their lives. Work on the development of children's creativity should be systematic, carried out under the guidance of teachers.

Not all children can come up with new games. This is explained by the individual characteristics of children, the level of their motor and social experience, the lack of creative orientation on the part of the teacher in the pedagogical process.

In the course of an outdoor game, it is important to create a kind, joyful and cheerful atmosphere. However, this does not mean that during the game there should be no exactingness of the teacher in relation to children, his help so that children can reveal their the best sides as well as intellectual and physical abilities.

Each outdoor game is a creative motor activity, and with competent guidance by the teacher of the play activity of children, it is possible to develop their creative abilities. This will contribute to the upbringing of a socially active, intelligent and versatile child, who will continue to treat any activity responsibly and creatively. It should also be remembered that, by satisfying the need for motor activity, developing motor creativity, we form the child's physical culture. Through motor actions in the game, a child develops harmony of movements, he begins to understand the beauty of a moving human body, the rhythm and harmony of movements, which will shape his aesthetic perception.

Creative manifestations, smoothness of movements and their grace, acquired in the process of teaching physical exercises, are also manifested by a child in an active game. Full disclosure of the child's personality in outdoor play helps to experience a sense of pleasure from movements, a feeling of strength, confidence in movements, while the child's motor control is improved. As a result, plasticity, beauty, gracefulness of movements, as well as coordination abilities of the child and, ultimately, his physical perfection will be manifested to a greater extent.

Outdoor play contributes to the formation of spiritually rich personality with a culture of feelings and breadth of interests.

A person is associated with outdoor games almost all his life. It is noted that a normal person does not part with the game for a very long time, and a person, broken by adversity, aged early, embittered, loses the need for jokes, games, and entertainment.

It is very important for the child to play enough in childhood, since a child who has not finished playing in childhood, who has not learned the joy of free and creative activity, grows up as a socially inactive person.

Correctly organized play, pedagogically competent guidance of it allow children to develop feelings of camaraderie, mutual assistance and mutual understanding, friendship, and success in achieving common goals of the game. The joy that creativity gives, promotes a feeling of relaxedness, freedom, self-confidence, forms the self-esteem necessary in the future life.

Motor and other creativity in the game forms the child's inquisitive mind, the desire to be healthy and strong, ready to solve various tasks set for him by life's circumstances, and also charges him with fun and joy.

Since games never consist only of automated actions, they create ample opportunities for the formation of children's creativity. It begins to manifest itself already in children of early and junior preschool age: in the very initial form - in two-year-olds and in a more developed form - in three-year-old children.

For young children, from outdoor games, plot games are the most acceptable, since they help to clarify children's ideas about the world around them, activate visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, contribute to the emergence and development of imagination.

The real-conditional situation in plot games helps the child to reproduce a familiar life image. The kid experiences joy both from the movements themselves and from imitating birds and animals: he flies like a bird; jumps like a bunny, runs like a horse. This can be considered already the simplest performing activity of the child, his initial attempt to translate into a play image.

There should be a well-thought-out emotional-figurative methodology for guiding the educator with the creative orientation of the play activity of children in all age groups. The main task in this case is the gradual formation in children of a positive-emotional attitude to play images reflecting the life around the child, feelings of empathy and effective creative participation in this play situation. For the success of an outdoor game, it is of great importance to clearly familiarize children with its content, the game actions of the characters and the rules.

The teacher, thinking over the methods of communication with pupils, taking into account the peculiarities of children younger age, selects the most contributing to the emergence of their emotional interest in the perception of the content and impatient desire to act. He outlines such play techniques that include surprise moments, unexpectedness, which are appropriate both for the beginning and in the process of all play activity; uses a short emotional-figurative story of the plot of the game, clarifies the situation of the game visually and figuratively, gives a description of the actions of the game characters; creates new versions of the game for its repetition. Keeping the basis of the plot of the game, the teacher introduces new characters, new motor actions, changes the game situation. These techniques contribute to the emergence and preservation of children's interest in the game due to some novelty of perception, which allows to activate the creative imagination, orientation in the game situation, the development of complicated motor actions.

In the process of playing, it is very important to preserve the playing situation and the roles assumed by the children. It is imperative to verbally encourage children from time to time, trying not to make comments during the game. To correct and direct to the right channel play actions of children, the teacher tries to do it so as not to violate game plot or image.

While guiding the play activities of children, the teacher should encourage the slightest manifestations of their independence, monitor the figurative and expressive performance of movements, so that the children act in accordance with the signal. At the end of the game, the teacher tries to gradually take the children out of the game situation. To do this, do not forget to use a toy that reflects game character that you can simply move to the play area or elsewhere for the kids to see. The gradual completion of the play activity is very important for the complete completion of the game and for building confidence in the children that they can continue to play with this character.

Already in the younger group, you need to teach the child to obey the rules of the game. To do this, it is advisable to make the rule based on the role and the game situation. The attributes introduced into the outdoor game also help this, since with their help the child enters the role, and the role helps to obey the rules.

Thus, a kind of emotional-figurative methodology of pedagogical guidance of outdoor play contributes to the development of the creative activity of children, the expansion of their motor experience.



Being a part of physical culture, outdoor games take an important place in the all-round education of children. They have absorbed all the best from folk pedagogy, reflect the ideals of social education, which are laid down both by the common human culture and the culture of individual peoples.

The psychological and pedagogical literature provides data on the relationship between human movements and his facial expressions, gestures, state of mind, thoughts, emotions and feelings of a person.

The ancient Greeks understood the interconnection and interdependence of movement and mental processes, therefore they appreciated the gracefulness of movement, believing that only those movements in which the human soul was invested were distinguished by grace. Therefore, they attribute beauty and self-expression in movement to the most beautiful manifestations of the soul. Ancient Greek philosophers believed that grace of movement and beauty are not given by nature, they are created only by man himself. F. Schiller wrote that a person's movements become technical, beautiful, graceful, expressive only through thought. "

Also, much attention was paid to the spirituality of movements in the ancient cultures of India, China, Japan, where a person was considered in the unity of flesh and spirit.

In the works of I.M.Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov on the reflective role of the brain, a scientific substantiation of the interaction of the psyche and muscle activity is given and it is noted that movement is the final expression of any mental act, and thought is a reflex inhibited in its motor part, as well as and every thought is a word in the state of the beginning of muscular activity. V.M.Bekhterev and his colleagues (N.M.Schelovanov, M.P.Denisova, N.L. mental functions child. In their research there is material indicating that, starting from the simplest types of movement and ending with the most complex voluntary actions, the development of cognition and actions is determined in unity. A systematic approach in psychological science to the cognition of a child in a complex of all properties and characteristics made it possible to substantiate the possibility of self-expression through movements in an outdoor game, in psychocorrection and intellectual development child.

There are modern domestic and foreign studies reflecting the influence of bodily postures on the human psyche. Thus, it is argued that certain mental characteristics of each individual have their own mimic passport (KI Platonov, VA Belov, etc.). American psychotherapists use tense postures to correct the psyche, which helps to feel and get in touch with your body, while maintaining a sense of harmony. Also, specialists in the United States use motor exercises for psychocorrection, which helps a person return to his primary nature and relieve emotional stress. These exercises include "bicycle", "ball school". They promote free expression and personal improvement. When a child begins to openly express his emotions, then he has the opportunity to experience a wide range of feelings. Such emotional release promotes interaction with other children and adults, the search for communication, and verbal work on their reactions.

Also, the existing methodology of M. Feldenkrais sets the goal of restoring gracefulness and freedom of movement, which affirm the image of "I", expand self-awareness and develop the capabilities of the child and adult with the help of physical exercises, awareness of muscle efforts. Through the art of self-expression in movement, dexterity is formed, the ability to find the most effective way of movement.

Matthias Alexander argued that the human body is a single whole, therefore, the deformation of one component affects the entire body. Correction and improvement of habitual bodily postures helps to create the correct relationship between the parts of the body and the psyche. This is the way to improve the development of personality. The language of gesture is as expressive as the language of words. Tenacity and dexterity can be successfully developed by "play" that forms the freedom and expressiveness of the gesture.

M. Chekhov, a famous Russian actor, has convincingly proved that an expressive gesture affects the culture of thinking. He proposed to go from movement to thought, which forms a connection between movement and word, movement and emotions. Therefore, a person who repeatedly makes the same volitional and expressive movement receives the corresponding emotion as a result.

Considering all of the above, when conducting outdoor games, the teacher needs to pay considerable attention to an integrated approach. To do this, children can read fiction, view and discuss cartoons, filmstrips with them, look at pictures, observe nature, conduct conversations, and you can also use other methodological forms of bringing children to understanding the plot and objectives of games. When explaining games, it is recommended to use a figurative plot story. In the game, an important place should be given to the encouragement of children who were able to come up with an unusual figure, beautifully and figuratively execute it. It is also imperative to encourage children who have overcome their insecurity, timidity and have achieved expressive movements.

Assessing the child's movements, one should take his own achievement as a starting point, as well as the level of his manifestation of awareness and creativity. It is necessary to encourage each child so that he can come up with his own movement, create his own play image, while reflecting his individuality and originality. When evaluating the performance of tasks, children should be involved in this. They can analyze who is better, more accurate and more interesting than others who conveys in movement the image conceived by him or by the conditions of the game. The expressiveness of gesture and movement, their spirituality play an important role in understanding the movement, the imagery of its implementation.

The formation of the creative orientation of children's activities contributes to better use their motor experience in the process of teaching physical exercises and outdoor games.

Physical exercises also have a psycho-corrective effect on children, which is carried out when using a variety of ball games performed from different initial positions of the arms, trunk, head, and when hitting the ball, in finger and oculomotor gymnastics, which is included in the complexes of physical exercises.

The ability to feel your movements, exercise physical control over their beautiful and precise execution - all this allows the body to rule over space and time. It should be remembered that in play, the child satisfies the natural need for movement, and when this need is satisfied, the imagination develops better. Also, creativity in physical activity has the most important biological significance for each individual, since it is the driving force behind his self-development and lies at the heart of healthy way life.



Sports activities include skiing, ice skating, sledding, gliding on ice paths, cycling, scooter, sports roller, swing and carousel, swimming.

Since sport requires maximum expenditure of energy, as well as a specially organized training process, it is unacceptable for preschool children. However, sports exercises can be successfully used in the physical education of preschoolers. They strengthen the main muscle groups, contribute to the development of the bone, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems of the child's body, develop his motor abilities and psychophysical qualities: agility, speed, endurance, flexibility, strength; form a sense of rhythm, orientation in space, balance and eye function.

The movements underlying sports exercise are natural and are used in human life and in a variety of professions. The sports exercises mastered in the process of special education are used by children in independent motor activity. Performed on fresh air, at different temperatures, in appropriate clothes, sports exercises help to increase the body's defenses in the child, improve metabolic processes.

Sports exercises allow children to learn natural phenomena, acquire ideas about the properties of snow, water, ice, the ability to perform movements in sliding, braking on ice and snow; understand the structure of sports equipment. The child's vocabulary is significantly replenished, his moral and personal qualities develop: comradely mutual assistance, discipline, coordination of actions in a team, courage, endurance, determination. Taking care of the physical training equipment, the child acquires labor skills, learns to be thrift, neat.

Currently, sports exercises have become widespread in the practice of the work of preschool educational institutions. Questions of methods of teaching sports exercises for preschool children were developed by MP Goloshchekina, VM Zagrebina, T, I. Osokina and others (skiing); L. N. Pustynnikova and others (ice skating); ZP Firsov, TI Osokina, TS Kazakovtseva and others (teaching swimming).

Sports exercises are included in the programs for preschool educational institutions from the second junior group.


"To invent a child's game is, perhaps, one of the most difficult tasks of an adult ... Paying attention to folk games, developing this rich source, organizing them and creating an excellent and powerful educational tool out of them is the task of future pedagogy."

K. D. Ushinsky

Outdoor play - it is a conscious, active child's activity, characterized by accurate and timely execution of tasks based on different types of movements and associated with the rules that are mandatory for all players.

According to the definition of P.F. Lesgaft, outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. Fascinating content, emotional richness of the game prompts the child to certain mental and physical efforts. The specificity of the outdoor game consists in the child's lightning-fast, instant response to the signal "Catch!", "Run!", "Stop!" and etc.

Outdoor games, above all, a means of physical education. They provide an opportunity to develop and improve movements, exercises in walking, running, jumping, climbing, crawling, throwing, catching, etc. Various movements require vigorous activity of large and small muscles, promote better metabolism, blood circulation, respiration, i.e. increasing the vital activity of the body.

An active game is an irreplaceable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities. The preschooler realizes freedom of action in outdoor games, which are the leading method of forming physical culture. In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of a child's all-round development. The deep meaning of outdoor games is in their full-fledged role in the physical and spiritual life that exists in the history and culture of every nation.

An active game can be called the most important educational institution, contributing to both the development of physical and mental abilities, and the development of moral norms, rules of behavior, ethical values ​​of society.

Outdoor games are one of the conditions for the development of a child's culture. . In them he comprehends and learns the world, in them his intellect, fantasy, imagination develops, social qualities are formed.

Outdoor games are always a creative activity in which the child's natural need for movement is manifested, the need to find a solution to a motor problem. While playing, the child not only learns the world around him, but also transforms it.

Outdoor games also have a great influence on the neuropsychic development of the child, the formation of important personality traits. They cause positive emotions, develop inhibitory processes: during the game, children have to react with movement to some signals and refrain from movement with others. In these games, will, intelligence, courage, quickness of reactions, etc. develop. The activity of various analyzers, clearly expressed in outdoor games, creates favorable opportunities for training the functions of the cerebral cortex, for the formation of new temporary positive and negative connections, and an increase in the mobility of nervous processes.

Joint actions in games bring children closer together, give them joy from overcoming difficulties and achieving success.

The method of conducting outdoor games is reflected in the works of scientists: E.A. Arkin, V.V. Gorinevsky, N.A. Metlova, A. V. Keneman, M. M. Kontorovich, L. I. Mikhailova, T. I. Osokina, E. A. Timofeeva and others

The source of outdoor games with rules are folk games, which are characterized by the brightness of the idea, meaningfulness, simplicity and amusement.

The plot of the game determines the goal of the players' actions, the nature of the development of the game conflict. It is borrowed from the surrounding reality and figuratively reflects its actions (for example, hunting, labor, military, household) or is created specially, based on the tasks of physical education, in the form of a confrontation scheme with various interactions of players (for example, in modern sports games). The plot of the game not only enlivens the holistic actions of the players, but also gives individual techniques and elements of tactics purposefulness, makes the game exciting.

rules- mandatory requirements for the participants in the game. They determine the location and movement of players, clarify the nature of behavior, the rights and obligations of the players, determine the methods of playing the game, methods and conditions for taking into account its results. At the same time, the manifestation of creative activity and the initiative of the players within the framework of the rules of the game are not excluded.

Motor actions in outdoor games are very diverse. They can be, for example, imitative, imaginative-creative, rhythmic; performed in the form of motor tasks requiring the manifestation of dexterity, speed, strength and other physical qualities. In games, short dashes may occur with sudden changes in direction and movement delays; various throwing at a distance and at a target; overcoming obstacles by jumping, resistance by force; actions requiring the ability to apply a variety of movements acquired in the process of special physical training, etc. All these actions are performed in a variety of combinations and combinations.



    Story games have a ready plot and firmly fixed rules, game actions associated with the development of the plot and with the role played by the child. These are mostly collective games. The storyline includes incl. folk round dance games (with singing and recitative): "Boyars", "Pebble", "Terera", "Golden Gate", "Goat", "And we sowed millet", "Stream" and folk games without singing: "Cat and Mice", "Ring", etc. ...

    Plot games contain motor play tasks that are interesting for children, leading to the achievement of the play goal. These include:

- games such as runs and traps (do not have a plot, images, but have rules, a role, game actions): "Paints", "Fifteen"

- games with elements of competition (individual and group): " Zhmurki "," The third extra "," Empty place"

- relay games (carried out with division into teams, each player seeks to complete the task in order to improve the result of the team)

- games using items (bowling pins, serso, ring throw, balls) require certain conditions, the rules in them are aimed at the order of placing objects, using them, the sequence of actions and the element of competition)

- amusement games - in them, motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions, often include an element of competition, relay races: "Running with tied legs together", "Swamp", "Fish", "Wind up the rope"

DIFFICULT include sports games (small towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, etc.), which require composure, organization, observation, development of movement techniques, speed of reaction. Depending on the age of the children, they can play according to simplified rules (including in groups of different ages).

According to the degree of load outdoor games are divided into

High mobility games

Medium mobility games

Low mobility games

The whole group of children participates at the same time; leading movements - running and jumping.

The whole group is actively involved, but the nature of the movements of the players is relatively calm or the movement is performed by subgroups. The leading movements are walking, passing objects.

The movements are performed at a slow pace, moreover, their intensity is insignificant. The leading movement is walking + games for attention.

To select the presenters and divide the players into teams in outdoor games, they use rhymes and draw ... You can use folk or author's works of these genres, as well as invent them yourself (to the plot of the game or solving a certain educational problem associated with a specific group) and together with the children.

Stages of the outdoor game :

Preparation of the game by the teacher himself (thinking over the rules and their explanations, learning texts, preparing equipment and materials)

Emotional attitude of children to play

An accurate, concise explanation of the rules that will interest children

Playing a game with the obligatory participation of a teacher (in the role of a leader, leader or "captain" of the group - depending on whose task in this game is more difficult)

2-3 repetitions of the game in one lesson

Inviting children to choose their favorite games from a well-known repertoire and reinforcing the game in subsequent lessons by reminding the basic rules

The introduction of new versions of the game based on the already well-known (including coming up with options for the game with children - for example, let it be not "Cat and Mice", but "Tom and Jerry" or "Wolf and Hares" - then both the text of the speech accompaniment and the nature of the movements will definitely change!)


The educational value of folk outdoor games is enormous. K. D. Ushinsky wrote that education, created by the people themselves and based on folk principles, has that educational power that is not in the best systems based on abstract ideas or borrowed from another people. Ushinsky also considered it necessary to pay attention to folk games, work out this rich source, organize them and create an excellent and powerful educational tool out of them.

According to A.P. Usova, the games that children borrow from each other, the younger generation from the older, are created by the people, as well as folk songs and fairy tales. It is on this basis that they are called folk.

Everyone who came across them in one way or another in their scientific and pedagogical activities pointed out the enormous educational value of folk outdoor games. E. A. Pokrovsky noted that in the life of the Russian people of various kinds games and games have occupied a very prominent place since ancient times. He was one of the few who paid attention to such a feature. folk games, as a reflection of the history of a particular nation in them. In the old days, there were especially many games with a touch of pagan cult, such are, for example, the celebration of Kostroma, Yarila, etc., accompanied for the most part by noisy, loud fun, songs and games. Starting from early spring, until late autumn, in Russian villages, at every national or temple holiday, the people have long danced in round dances, accompanied by a special kind of songs and games.

E.A. in unforeseen cases, tirelessness and perseverance in carrying out the plan to a strictly set goal. Most of this kind of games are performed in clean air, in wide areas, with increased movements, and it is clear that games of this kind, undoubtedly, contribute to the best well-being and development of the body. "
Based on the analysis of national games, he came to the conclusion that the character of the people, undoubtedly, leaves its noticeable imprint on many manifestations of public and private life of people. This character also affects children's games, reflected in them the sharper and more distinctly, the more enthusiasm and ease the children play, and therefore with more freedom to manifest their national character. He considered outdoor games as the most natural form of physical exercise for children, corresponding to their anatomical and psychological characteristics. Children's outdoor games, taken from the treasury of folk games, correspond to national characteristics, fulfill the task of national education. They act not only as a factor in physical development and upbringing, but also as a means of spiritual formation of the personality. “Village children's games are by no means more varied and more fun than city ones. Every year, new ones are added to them, invented by the players themselves; their life prompts. And here the keen observation of kids is often manifested, a natural Russian intelligence, not yet crushed by any everyday hardships, is revealed.

EN Vodovozova recommended borrowing games from the people and diversifying them in accordance with Russian life. An active game should teach quick wits and resourcefulness . The main condition for these games is to develop the child's imagination so that later he himself, without the help of a teacher, an adult, can invent such games.

Great importance the use of Russian folk outdoor games was given by A.P. Usova. She noted that, above all, games serve as an undeniable proof of the talent of the people and an instructive example that good children's play is an example of high pedagogical skill; it is not only this or that particular game that is striking, but also how folk pedagogy perfectly determined the sequence of games from infancy to adulthood.


    Name of the game. The source from which it was borrowed.

    The aim of the game.

    Equipment and play material for the game.

    The choice of the leader and the driver.

    Description of the course of the game.

    Game rules and conditions.

    Possibilities of complicating the game.

    Option (modification) of the game.



(GAME OF MEDIUM MOBILITY, CHOROVODNAYA, source - "Music and movement", collection of games - M., 1999)

Purpose of the game: the development of dexterity, attention, a sense of rhythm, verbal memory, collective interaction, the desire for mutual assistance.

Equipment and play material for the game: you can prepare elements of costumes for a cat and a mouse (hats, ponytails)

The choice of the leader and the driver: it is more expedient for the teacher to act as a leader - he explains the rules and monitors the course of the game. To select a cat and a mouse, it is possible to use a verbal song, which is then spoken during the game: this will help children to simultaneously learn the text:

The mice are dancing

A cat is sleeping on the couch,

Hush, mice, do not make noise,

Don't wake up Vaska the cat:

How Vaska-cat wakes up,

Will break the whole round dance!

Description of the course of the game: the players lead a round dance, in the center of which is the mouse - this is her "house", pronouncing or singing words. As soon as the song is over, the players understand their hands without opening them - "the doors open", the mouse runs out and runs away from the cat that was waiting for her outside the round dance. Game rules and conditions:

    If the cat managed to catch the mouse, the game ends. You can make a cat with a mouse or choose a new pair.

    The cat has no right to run into the circle.

    The mouse has no right to stay in the house for too long during the chase - only to run in and immediately run out.

    The players in the round dance must be careful and careful - they must not abruptly lower their arms so as not to hit the drivers.

Possibilities for complicating the game: you can choose two mice, two cats.

Variant of the game: "Gingerbread man and the fox" - the terms and conditions are the same. Only changes song lyrics :

Gingerbread man, gingerbread man,

Toasted side

It is baked in a hot stove,

It's cold on the window

And I left my grandfather,

And I left my grandmother,

These are the miracles

The fox is just waiting for you.


    Make up and write in a notebook a summary of the game according to the model, come up with a version of the chosen game.

    Prepare for the game in a practical lesson.

    Write in a notebook and learn 5 counting rhymes.

    Get acquainted with the games given below in the methodological support, determine which type each of them belongs to (plot-plotless; degree of mobility).



Outdoor games different types


The participants in the game become pairs in the back of each other's head. The driver stands in front of all the pairs, he says loudly:
Burn, burn clearly
In order not to go out.
Look at the sky:
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing.
One, two, three, Last pair, run!

After the last word "run", the players of the last pair run forward (each on their side) to the conditional place, and the driver tries to hold one of the runners with a touch of his hand until the players meet. The one who was detained stands next to the driver in front of the first pair, and the second becomes the driver. Game continues.

IT IS INTERESTING! SK Yakub: “Russian historians of the last century directly connected the burners with the customs of the pagan Slavs. Every year, on the longest day of the summer solstice (June 23), the Slavs had a holiday of Yarila (and later Kupala), dedicated to the Sun. By evening, our distant ancestors - the Slavs - converged on the banks of the rivers, lit fires for night games, jumped over the fire and swam, "to meet the rising sun in purity." On the same night there was also a "washing-nodding" of the girls. In our oldest chronicle - "The Tale of Bygone Years" - this is how it is said: "I am like the games, the dancing, and all the demonic games, and that umykovakha's wife sobe." These words refer to a more ancient type of burner, where a guy can only catch a girl. The origin of the very name of the game - "burners" - is evidenced by the Russian historian, a well-known collector of folk tales A. N. Afanasyev. Here is what he writes about this: “In the epic language of folk songs ... it is sung:

No fire burns, no tar boils,

And the heart is burning, boiling zealously

By the red girl ...

The burners begin with the onset of spring, when the goddess Lada was famous, when nature itself enters into its grace-filled union with the thunder god and the earth is taken for its kind. Obviously, deep antiquity belongs to this game ... ".


On one edge of the site, a line indicates the house in which the geese are located. A shepherd stands on the opposite edge. On the side of the house is the lair in which the wolf is located. The rest of the place is a meadow. Children playing the roles of a wolf and a shepherd are appointed by the educator, the rest are geese. The shepherd drives the geese to the meadow, they graze on the logs, fly.

Shepherd: Geese, geese!

Geese (stop and answer in chorus): Ha, ha, ha!

Shepherd: Do you want to eat?

Geese: Yes. Yes Yes!

Shepherd: So fly!

Geese: We can't,

Gray wolf under the mountain

Doesn't let us go home.

Shepherd: So fly as you want,

Only take care of your wings!

Geese, spreading their wings (stretching out their arms to the side), fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, having run out of the den, tries to catch them (touch with the hand). The caught geese go to the den. After several runs (according to the conditions of the game), the geese caught by the wolf are counted. Then a new wolf and shepherd are appointed. The game is repeated 3-4 times.


The game involves 10-20 people. They choose two players, they step aside and agree which of them will be the sun and who will be the moon. Then they face each other, hold hands and raise them, forming a gate. The rest of the children join hands and walk in a line through the gate. At the same time, they say (or sing):

Golden Gate

Not always skipped:

The first time he says goodbye

The second time is forbidden

And the third time

We will not let you pass!

The gates close at the last words and catch the one who did not have time to pass. The detainee is quietly asked which side he would like to take: the moon or the sun. He selects and stands behind the appropriate player. The rest again go through the gate, and again one of the participants falls into the group of the moon or sun. When all players are distributed, a tug of war is arranged between the two groups. In this case, a rope, rope, stick is used or children take each other by the belt.


The players are divided into 2 groups of unequal composition. The smaller group, holding hands, forms a circle. They represent a mousetrap. The rest of the children (mice) are outside the circle. Those depicting a mousetrap begin to walk in a circle, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are

They all gnawed, they all ate,

Beware of cheating

We will get to you.

Let's put the mousetraps.

Let's catch everyone now!

Children stop, raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run into and out of a mousetrap. At the signal of the teacher "clap", the children standing in a circle drop their hands, squat down - the mousetrap slams shut. Mice that do not have time to run out of the circle (mousetrap) are considered caught. Those who are caught are in a circle, the mousetrap is enlarged. When most of the children are caught, the children switch roles - the game resumes. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Directions. After the mousetrap has slammed shut, mice should not crawl under the arms of those standing in a circle or try to break off the clasped hands. The most dexterous children who have never fallen into a mousetrap should be noted.


A large circle is drawn on the floor or on the landing. One of the players - a fisherwoman - is in the center of the circle, he crouches down. The rest of the players - fishes, encircling the circle, say in chorus: "Fisherman, fisherwoman, catch us on the hook." At the last word, the fisherman jumps up, runs out of the circle and begins to chase the fish that scatter across the entire site. The caught one becomes a fisherman and goes to the center of the circle.


The players stand in a circle. One of the players comes out in the middle of the circle, he will represent the owl, and all the rest - bugs, butterflies, birds. At the command of the host: "The day is coming - everything comes to life!" - kids run in a circle. At this time, the owl is "sleeping", that is, it stands in the middle of the circle, eyes closed, one leg bent under itself. When the presenter commands: "Night comes - everything freezes!", The players stop and stand motionless, hiding, and at that moment the owl runs out to hunt. She looks out for those who move or laugh, and takes the guilty ones to her circle. They become owls, and when the game is repeated, they all "fly out" to hunt.


The players (one from each team) enter a circle with a diameter of 3 meters and take the starting position for the fight, squatting on two legs or standing on one (the right hand holds the left leg, and the left hand is bent in front and pressed to the body, or vice versa). Objective: push the enemy out of the circle.


To play, you need a rope 2-3 meters long with a weight tied at the end - a bag of sand. The players form a circle, in the center of which the driver stands with a rope in his hands. He begins to spin it so that it rotates above the ground itself. The guys jump over the rope. The driver gradually raises the plane of rotation of the rope higher and higher, until one of the participants “falls for the bait,” that is, he is able to jump over the rotating rope. The one who gets caught drives. Game continues.


On opposite sides of the site, two houses are designated, in one of them the players are located. In the middle of the platform, the driver stands up - Frost-Red nose. He says:

I am Frost-Red nose.

Which one of you will decide

To set off on a path-path?

The players answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After that, the children run across the playground to another house. Frost catches up with them and tries to freeze (touch with his hand). The frozen ones stop at the place where Frost overtook them, and stand until the end of the dash. After several runs, another driver is chosen.

Option - " Two Frosts "

On opposite sides of the site, two houses are indicated by lines. The players are located in one of the houses. Two drivers, two Frosts (Frost - red nose and Frost - blue nose) stand in the middle of the playground facing the children:

We are two young brothers

Two Frosts are daring

I am Frost - red nose,

I am Frost - blue nose,

Which one of you will decide

To embark on the path?

All the players in chorus answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

After that, they run to another house, and Frosts try to freeze them (touch with their hand). The frozen ones stop at the place where Frost overtook them. They stand like this until the end of the dash. Frost counts how many players they managed to freeze. After 2-3 runs, new Frosts are chosen. At the end of the game, a summary is summed up: which Frosts froze more players.

Directions. A player who runs out of the house before the signal or remains in the house after it is also considered frozen.


In the middle of the circle, the driver, and the rest, breaking into threes, become one after the other facing the center (the first number is three or four steps from the entrance. The leader gives all the players names: the first in the threes are cones, the second are acorns, the third are nuts ...

At the signal, the driver says loudly, for example: "Nuts!" All players, called nuts, must swap places, and the driver seeks to take any vacant place. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver.

If the driver says: "Acorns!" - change places standing second in threes, if: "Cones!" - those who are in the top three change places. When the game is mastered, the driver can call two or three players in threes, for example: "Cones! Nuts!" The summoned must also swap places.

The winners are players who have never been driving.

The rules of the game prohibit the summoned to remain in place without running over to any other three. Such a player is going to drive. When repeating the game, each triplet can be built not in a column, but in a circle.


The players stand in a column one at a time, hold each other tightly by the waist. The first depicts a shepherd, the last - a lamb, the rest - sheep. The player representing the wolf stands a few steps ahead of the "shepherd" (facing him). At the signal of the leader - the teacher - the "wolf" rushes to grab the "lamb". The "shepherd", stretching out his arms to the sides, tries not to let him pass. "Sheep" run in the least dangerous direction. When the "lamb" is captured by the "wolf", the teacher assigns new "wolf", "shepherd" and "lamb", and the game resumes.

option - "Chicken and Kite" The Kite is selected. Everyone, the rest - chickens, which stand in a column one by one. All hold onto the belt in front of the one standing. The first player in the column is a brood hen.

The vulture's task is to grab the last chicken. The hen can interfere with his hands, move in different directions, and with her the whole column. When the kite catches the last chicken standing, it becomes a brood hen, and the chicken becomes a kite.


All participants in the game stand in a circle. The driver with a handkerchief goes around the circle, puts a handkerchief on one of the players and quickly runs in a circle. The one to whom they put the handkerchief takes it and runs after the driver. Both are trying to take a free seat. If the player with the handkerchief catches up with the driver and is able to put the handkerchief on his shoulder before he takes a free space in the circle, he again becomes the driver, and the player who gave the handkerchief takes the free space.

If the runner is the first to enter the circle, then the player with the scarf remains the leader. He goes in a circle and the game continues again.


Any number of children can take part in the game, but not less than three. It is advisable to have some space so that you can move without bumping into obstacles. The game begins with the choice of the driver. You can use a counting room or just throw lots. The "carrier" is blindfolded and taken out to the middle of the platform, then turned several times around its own axis. Then you can read a rhyme or just run away on command. The blind man's task is to catch the player. Rules of the game : When blind man's buff approaches dangerous subject, everyone shouts "fire" to avoid injury. But you cannot use this word to distract the blind man's attention from the player who cannot escape. You cannot run far away (it is advisable to discuss the boundaries of the site for the game in advance) and hide behind some objects. Zhmurka must recognize the caught player without removing the bandage.


The participants of the game run around the site, stop at a distance of 1 m from each other, and mark each place with a circle. The driver walks between the players, performing different movements. He comes up to the players and with the words "The sea is worried" puts his hand on the player's shoulder. Everyone touched by the driver follow him, performing the same movements. So the players all leave their places. The driver takes them as far away from the circles as possible. Then he suddenly stops, turns to the players and quickly says: "The sea is calm." The driver and the players run to take circles. The one who did not have time to take the circle becomes the leader.


Participants are all over the site. Together with the presenter, they raise their hands up, smoothly lead them to the left - to the right, depicting the waves and pronounce the counting rhyme:

The sea is worried once

The sea is worried two,

The sea waves three,

Sea figure

Freeze on the spot!

The players stop and freeze in a pose depicting a figure. The presenter announces the participant who came up with the most beautiful position as the winner.


Children create a circle, there is "Baba Yaga" in it, she has a pomelo (twig). Children move in a circle and say:

Grandma Hedgehog, bone leg,

I fell off the stove, broke my leg!

And then he says:

"My leg hurts!"

I went outside-

Crushed the chicken.

I went to the bazaar

Crushed the samovar

I went to the lawn-

She crushed the bunny.

Children scatter, and Baba Yaga jumps on one leg, tries to batter the children with her broom, without running out of the circle.

"Baba Yaga" is the one whom the leader assaults.


outdoor games in different age groups


Explanation of the game

Distribution of roles, choice


Guiding the game

Summing up the game

Outdoor games are complicated in terms of content, rules, number of roles, and the introduction of tasks for collective competition.

When competing in small groups, the physical development and individual characteristics of children are taken into account. Relay games, sports games are used.

The number of roles increases (up to 3-4), the roles are distributed among all children.

The following sequence of explanations is desirable: name the game and its intention, briefly outline the content, emphasize the rules, remind the movement, distribute roles, distribute attributes, place the players on the court, start game actions.

If there are words in the game, then you should not specifically learn them during the explanation, children will naturally remember them during the game.

If the game is familiar to the children, then instead of explaining it is necessary to remember some important points with them.

If the game is difficult, then it is not recommended to immediately give a detailed explanation, but it is better to do this: first the main thing is explained, and then all the details during the game.

The teacher explains the rules before playing and then asks questions to make sure all children understand the rules of the game.

Children can tell the rules themselves or answer questions from the teacher before the game.

The leading role is always a temptation, therefore, during the distribution of roles, various conflicts occur.

The choice for the main role should be perceived by children as encouragement, as trust, as the educator's confidence that the child will fulfill an important assignment.

The teacher's choice must be motivated.

Rhymes are often used (children themselves believe).

Whoever gets the last word will drive.

Everyone is jealously watching the counting hand, so it is impossible to divide words into parts.

Possible choice for a role at the request of the child.

You can use a riddle (whoever guesses first is the one who drives).

You can choose for a role using the "magic arrow".

As an encouragement, by lot.

For the appointment of a new leader during the game, the main criterion is the quality of the execution of movements and rules.

The teacher guides the game, observing it from the side.

But sometimes the teacher participates in the game, if, for example, according to the conditions of the game, an appropriate number of players is required.

Makes remarks to the violator, prompts the bewildered one to act, gives signals, helps to change the leaders, encourages children, monitors the actions of children and does not allow

static postures, regulates physical activity, which should increase gradually.

Celebrates those who showed agility, quickness, followed the rules.

Names those who broke the rules.

The teacher analyzes how they managed to achieve success in the game.

Summing up the results of the game should take place in an interesting and entertaining way.

For discussion

The performed game is necessary

Involve all children.

This teaches them to analyze their

actions, causes a more conscious

attitude to

compliance with the rules of the game and movements.

Gradually game tasks complicate: to be able to run away from the catcher, to hit the moving target with the ball, etc. The rules also more clearly define the scope of their actions, provide for several drivers (in collective games).

An important point in the management of the game is the dosage of movements. This is especially true for such types as running at maximum speed, jumping, climbing. The duration of continuous running at a speed above the average for children of this age group is 20-25 s per one repetition of the game. And its total duration is 10-12 minutes.

In the preparatory group for school most children are good at basic movements. The teacher pays attention to the quality of movements, makes sure that they are light, beautiful, confident. Children must quickly navigate in space, show endurance, courage, resourcefulness, creatively solve motor problems.

In the system of physical education children 7 years old a significant place is given to outdoor games. In the preparatory group for school, along with plot and non-plot games, relay games, sports games, and games with elements of competition are held.

A characteristic feature of games in children of this age is their great independence... In games, it is necessary to put in front of children tasks for independent solution.

So, in the game "Colored Figures" children are divided into links, and in each a link is selected. At the signal of the educator, children with flags in their hands scatter around the hall. At the command "Into the circle!" they find their link and form a circle. Then the task becomes more difficult: the children also scatter around the hall and at the command "Into the circle!" are built around the link, and while the teacher counts to 5, they lay out some figure from the flags. This complication of the task requires children to be able to quickly switch from one activity to another - in this case, from active running to performing a collective creative task.

By implementing search for solutions to certain motor problems in outdoor games, children acquire knowledge themselves. And the knowledge gained by one's own efforts is assimilated consciously and is more firmly imprinted in the memory. Solving a variety of problems gives children confidence in their own strengths, causes joy from independent small discoveries.

With the skillful guidance of the educator by outdoor play, the creative activity of children is successfully formed: they come up with options for the game, new plots, more complex game tasks.

In a number of games from children requires the ability to come up with options for movements, their various combinations. These are games such as "Make a figure", "Day and night", "Monkey and hunters", etc. Initially, the teacher plays the leading role in drawing up the options for movements. Gradually, he connects the children themselves to this. Entering the role, figurative transmission of the nature of movements is facilitated by the children inventing exercises on a given topic. For example, come up with an exercise that imitates the movements of animals, birds, animals (heron, chanterelle, frog), or come up with and name an exercise, and then perform it ("Fish", "Snowplow", etc.).

An important role in the development of the creative activity of children is played by involving them in drawing up versions of games, complicating the rules. Initially, the leading role in varying the games belongs to the educator, but gradually the children are given more and more independence.

Children they themselves determine the elementary rules, they can change them at will... The content of games is often associated with the use of a variety of aids, which encourages children to take certain actions: a rope to jump, a ball to throw at a target, toss or roll, etc.

Children love it when they play unexpectedly different situations(obstacles), and try to overcome them. Taking this interest into account, one should draw their attention to the result of the game, give them specific tasks: what the players should do, in what sequence, what is forbidden for them. For example, after one conditional signal to run or quickly take your place, after the second - to sit down, after the third signal to stop or throw the ball to your partner (“Forbidden movement”, “Dash”, “Ball to the captain”, etc.).

At this age, preschoolers are interested not only in the content of the game and the role in it, but also in the results (to run faster than anyone else, to hit the target more accurately, etc.). It is necessary to carry out more often games with elements of competition for accuracy, dexterity, speed of movement. Conducting competitive games, children should be taught to restraint, avoid unnecessary shouts, arguments, and show positive emotions. It is also important to teach children to independently tell the content of a game they know, explain its rules, organize and conduct it together with their comrades.

Children of the preparatory group should know all the ways to choose the leaders, widely use counting rhymes.

The end of the game shouldn't be unexpected as this can cause negative reactions. If the game does not have a clear end, it is stopped, for example, after changing the driver ("Monkeys", "Trap", "Don't give the ball", etc.).

The number of repetitions depends on the physical load on the child's body. Games of high mobility are held 3-4 times, medium and low - 5-6 times.

Game selection... Games are selected in accordance with the tasks of upbringing, age characteristics of children, their state of health, fitness. The place of the game in the mode of the day, the time of the year, meteorological, climatic and other conditions are also taken into account. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of organization of children, their discipline: if they are not sufficiently organized, then first you need to pick up a game of little mobility and conduct it in a circle.

Gathering children to play... You can get children to play in different ways. In the younger group, the teacher begins to play with 3-5 children, gradually the rest join them. Sometimes he rings a bell or picks up a beautiful toy (bunny, bear), attracting the attention of the kids and immediately involving them in the game.

With children of older groups, you should agree in advance, even before going to the site, where they will gather, what game they will play and on what signal they will start it (word, hit to a tambourine, bell, wave of a flag, etc.). In the older group, the teacher can instruct his assistants - the most active children - to gather everyone for the game. There is another technique: after distributing the children among the links, suggest that they gather in the established places as quickly as possible on a signal (note which link gathered more quickly).

It is necessary to collect the children quickly (1-2 minutes), because any delay reduces the interest in the game.

Creating interest in the game... First of all, you need to create an interest in the game in children. Then they will better understand its rules, they will perform movements more clearly, and experience an emotional uplift. You can, for example, read poetry, sing a song on a relevant topic, show children objects, toys that will be found in the game. It is often possible to lead to the game by means of questions and riddles. In particular, you can ask: "What did you draw today?" Children, for example, will answer: "Spring, the arrival of birds." “Very good,” says the teacher. “Today we will play the game“ Bird flight ”. Children of the younger group can be shown a flag, a bunny, a bear and immediately ask:“ Do you want to play with them? ” A short story, read or told by the teacher immediately before the game, gives a good result.

Organization of the players, explanation of the game When explaining the game, it is important to place the children correctly. The educator most often puts the children of the younger group in the way it is needed for the game (in a circle). He can build the older group in a row, in a semicircle, or gather around him (in a flock). The teacher must stand so that everyone can see him (facing the children when lining up, in a semicircle; next to them, if the children are gathered in a circle).

In the younger group, all explanations are made, as a rule, in the course of the game itself. Without interrupting it, the teacher places and moves the children, tells how to act. In older groups, the teacher announces the name, reveals the content and explains the rules even before the start of the game. If the game is very difficult, then it is not recommended to immediately give a detailed explanation, but it is better to do this: first explain the main thing, and then, during the game, supplement the main story with details. When the game is played again, the rules are specified. If the game is familiar to children, you can involve them in the explanation. Explaining the content and rules of the game should be short, precise and emotional. At the same time, intonation is of great importance. Explaining, it is especially necessary to highlight the rules of the game. Movements can be shown before or during the game. This is usually done by the teacher himself, and sometimes by one of the children of his choice. The explanation is often accompanied by a demonstration: how a car drives out, how a bunny jumps,

The successful conduct of the game largely depends on the successful distribution of roles, therefore it is important to take into account the characteristics of children: shy, sedentary ones cannot always cope with a responsible role, but it is necessary to gradually bring them to this; on the other hand, it is impossible to assign responsible roles always to the same children, it is desirable that everyone knows how to fulfill these roles.

In games for young children, the teacher first takes on the leading role (for example, the cat in the game Sparrows and the Cat). And only then, when the kids get comfortable with the game, assigns this role to the children themselves. Even during the explanation, he appoints the driver and puts the rest of the players in their places, but counting-rhymes can also be used for this purpose. Sometimes those who have fulfilled the role of the driver choose their own deputy.

In the older group, the game is first explained, then the roles are assigned and the children are placed. If the game is held for the first time, then the teacher does it, and then the players themselves. When dividing into columns, links, teams, it is necessary to group strong children with weaker ones, especially in games where there is an element of competition ("Ball to the driver", "Relay in a circle").

You can mark the playground in advance or during the explanation and placement of the players. Equipment, toys and attributes are usually distributed before the start of the game, sometimes they are placed in the designated places, and the children take them during the game.

Running and directing the game. Gaming activities children are supervised by an educator. Its role depends on the nature of the game itself, on the size and age of the group, on the behavior of the participants: the younger the children are, the more actively the teacher manifests himself. When playing with younger children, he acts on an equal footing with them, often playing the main role, and at the same time leads the game. In the middle and senior groups the teacher at first also performs the main role himself, and then passes it on to the children. He participates in the game even when there is not enough pair ("Find yourself a pair"). The direct participation of the teacher in the game raises interest in her, makes her more emotional.

The teacher gives commands or sound and visual signals to the beginning of the game: a blow to a tambourine, a drum, a rattle, a musical chord, hand claps, wave of a colored flag, hand. Sound signals should not be too loud: strong blows Harsh whistles excite young children.

The teacher makes instructions both during the game and before repeating it, assesses the actions and behavior of the children. However, you should not abuse indications of incorrect execution of movements: comments can reduce the positive emotions that arise during the game. It is better to do instructions in a positive form, maintaining a joyful mood, encouraging decisiveness, dexterity, resourcefulness, initiative - all this makes children want to accurately follow the rules of the game.

The teacher suggests how it is more expedient to perform the movement, catch and dodge (change direction, slip or run past the "trap", quickly stop), reminds that poetry should be read expressively and not too loudly.

The teacher monitors the actions of the children and does not allow prolonged static postures (squatting, standing on one leg, raising the arms forward, up), which cause narrowing of the chest and impaired blood circulation, observes the general condition and well-being of each child.

The teacher regulates physical activity, which should be increased gradually. If, for example, when the game is played for the first time, children are allowed to run for 10 seconds, then when it is repeated, the load is somewhat increased; on the fourth repetition, it reaches the limit, and on the fifth or sixth, it decreases. The load can be increased by changing the pace of the movements.

Games of great mobility are repeated 3-4 times, more calm - 4-6 times. Pauses between repetitions are 0.3-0.5 minutes. During the pause, the children do lighter exercises or speak the words of the text. The total duration of the outdoor game gradually increases from 5 minutes in the younger groups to 15 minutes in the older ones.

Ending the game and summing up the results... In younger groups, the teacher ends the game with a proposal to move on to some other activities of a calmer nature. In the older groups, the results of the game are summed up: those who performed the movements correctly, showed dexterity, quickness, ingenuity, ingenuity, followed the rules, rescued their comrades are marked. The teacher also names those who broke the rules and interfered with their comrades. He analyzes how he managed to achieve success in the game, why the "trap" quickly caught some, while others never caught him. Summing up the results of the game should take place in an interesting and entertaining way, in order to arouse the desire to achieve even better results next time. All children should be involved in the discussion of the game. This teaches them to analyze their actions, evokes a more conscious attitude to the implementation of the rules of the game and movements.

Features of the methodology for conducting games in a mixed group... In this group, games can be conducted both simultaneously with everyone, and separately with younger and older children. If the game is carried out together, then it is selected according to the strengths of those and other children. Older children play the main role. The caregiver regulates physical activity, reducing it for young children. More challenging games with older children are spent separately during walks.