Fallout 4 to wear an settler. Question: As a settler, wear power armor. Where to look for an armor for a dog

Fallout 4 is an incredibly complex and tightening game (forget for a while about dialogues) with a bunch of non-obvious opportunities. Journalists VG247 made a list of the most useful and funny things that should be done in the game, and we chose all the most interesting.

To telegraph


Fallout 4 is an incredibly complex and tightening game (forget for a while about dialogues) with a bunch of non-obvious opportunities. Journalists VG247 made a list of the most useful and funny things that should be done in the game, and we chose all the most interesting.
Take care of the satellite equipment - you can even stuff it in power armor
You know that with satellites you can not only share things, but also to equip their weapons (will have to add more and cartridges) and armor? Just transfer them the desired item, select it in the satellite inventory and click the "Wear" button. You can even put it in power armor, but be careful, something can go wrong.

Save during dialogues - or just leave them

Want to always be a good guy? Avoid sarcasm, more often use rapid saving in dialogs or just complete the conversation, if something went wrong - one of the few pluses of the new dialogue game system.

Build a rack for puffs and put it in your headquarters
Foundations on the expanses of the wasteland of hops can be stored not only in the inventory - with the help of a workshop building a special rack, in which you can set all the trophies found.

Distribute settlers on the bed
Typically, the settlers choose the first bed in order to take a little bit. If you are tired of it - enter the construction mode, select the settler and assign it the bed in the same way as we sent it to grow watermelons. On the other hand, you probably have more than one settlement, somehow they themselves will understand.

Do not put beds on bare ground
Surprisingly, but settlers do not really like to sleep on the beds, just standing on Earth - suddenly under the cover of the night from under the ground, the rat will come out? Build the floor, and everything will be fine.

Build a bell to collect all residents of the village
Another bonus workshop. Want to collect all the settlers together? Build the bell, call and they will escape the call. If you wish, you can construct more and more solid.

Water purification station gives clean water not only a village, but also you
Tired of drinking nuclear cola and suffer from radiation? Build a water purification station in the village: it will supply enough water not only the settlers, but also you - the main thing is not to forget to pick up the water in the workshop.

Loose breathing during shooting
Did you get a rifle with an eye? Hold Alt, and your shots will become even more accurate - until the action points run out.

Do not forget about the imperceptibility indicator
Those basic brackets at the top of the screen - "[you notice]." The smaller the distance from the bracket before the inscription, the you more noticeable.

Security improves accuracy
In the mode of imperceptibility, your accuracy is growing, the main thing is not to forget to switch back - the guards of Daimond City can all misunderstand.

Chemical laboratory is an amazingly useful and creative thing. Why not make some funny substance with multiple effects?

Modify already armor
Usually, players try to take a gun more powerful and fasten to her the best, but forget about armor. Meanwhile, she is especially in force - also a lot of upgrades: Jetpak, a variety of filters and strengthening, bonuses to intelligence, radiation protection and much more. And flashlight, yes.

Get free Point S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
After leaving the asylum and return home, do not forget to go to the Sean's room and pick up a book lying on the floor - she will give you a bonus point S.P.E.C.A.L.

Develop your character with the mind. Or nonsense
At one time, Todd Howard said that a character focused on using v.a.t.s. will be incredibly strong - and this is true. But you can make the game much more interesting, distributing all glasses into force, endurance and good luck, becoming such a quasi-modo-cannibal with a platinum chip under the pillow.

Culinary talents will help you survive

Do not pass by the cooking station - there is nothing better than the steak of meat solicing by radiation juices (there is really no). High-level food is nicely restores health, but these recipes will not be available immediately.

Communicate with satellites
You are already in the know that you can not be romance to the romance, but if you are interested in the opinion of satellites about what is happening, they will gladly express you all that they have in mind. Sometimes it is even fun.

Do not sell weapons and armor
Your settlement needs more resources! Take all the found on the base and save up to 23 levels when you can take the pepper "garbagers" and disassemble everything found on rare components.

In the workshop you can choose several things at once
Drag items one by one - very tedious occupation; Hold the workshop button, choose and move several items immediately.

Charge laser musket
It seems to be the only type of weapon in the game that can be charged more than once. Click on R several times, cool the handle and shoot - the opponents will be unpleasantly surprised.

Use shelter
Opponents (especially supermutants) will only be glad to your mental attack in full height. Hack-roll out, it can save your character life.

Squeeze grenades in V.A.T.S. mode.
Raider threw a present in your side? Switch to v.a.t.s. mode faster, aim in a grenade and shoot - it's better to blow up in the air than under your feet. By the way ...

Shoot something exploding
Cars, barrels, mines - all this is precisely those things in which you stand a little shoot during a fierce battle. The enemy will be pleasantly surprised by Fairver, the main thing is to have to move away.

Do not forget about the psyche
A dog is just cutie (no, no, it is impossible to romance), and he has several useful abilities. To begin with - a dog can not be killed; Boldly send it to open the traps. In addition, the dog can bring things (including broken heads) and look for prey.

Rename weapons and armor
"Furious lead riser" is a fairly good name for a double, but you can come up with something significantly better. And remember the HTML tags in the title.

Buy a house in Diamond City
Numerous settlements are not enough for you? A visit to the mayor, just two thousand caps - and you are the owner of the townhouse with a patio in Diamond City (it sounds better than it looks).

Select the items you want to find
It is enough sad to seek copper, constantly scrolling the lists of the lute. Fortunately, the case can help: in the inventory components panel (C key) you can choose the items that you are interested in - they will be marked with a magnifying glass.

Do not forget to pump not only peppers, but also characteristics
With each level, you get a point that can be attached either into one of the perks (most of them have several levels, you know?), Either in one of the characteristics of S.E.c.i.a.L.


There is no in the game maximum levelSooner or later you can pump all the characteristics to the maximum level.

Do not forget about energy nuclei
Your kernel will soon discharge? Rather, take it out of armor and run to the merchant - even the almost discharged kernel can be sold for a round sum. Also, take out the core from the armor if you leave it unattended - the NPC can easily take to drive your armor.

Collect armor and weapons sets with defined / damage
On the initial levels You can not think about it, but the stronger you become, the more serious opponents meet, and sometimes it is better to prepare in advance to battle. A set of armor protection against energy damage may be unlawable to please the crowd of synth.

Do not waste copper on the wires - put junction boxes
It is not necessary to stretch the wires around the house at all - sometimes you can simply put the junction box, and it will save all items that are in one part of the building. But there is a problem - sometimes it is very difficult to determine which box refers to a specific object.

Power armor can be made of the energy core
Take care of the back, torn the kernel and the opponent will lose their entire power at once.

Fallout 4 go beyond settlements No satellite is very dangerous. To have a chance to reflect the sudden attack of guli, mutants or raiders, you will need at least a pivot. Of course, robots and people show themselves much better in battle, but even they are not enough for what they are capable without improved armor.

Gradually developing and exploring new areas of Boston, it is important to monitor the condition and quality of armor and weapons to be prepared for any skirmish. Dress satellite B. game Fallout. 4 It is absolutely not difficult, but finding suitable armor for some of them is much more complicated.

Where to look for a dog armor?

Psina is the most unusual companion in Fallout 4. How to wear a satellitewhich is so different from a person and clearly can not wear a simple armor from his master? We need to look for among the raiders of those who also relies on the help of coarse pets. From the corpses it will be possible to gradually collect a complete set of enhanced costume. Then you need to open a dialogue with a pet, choose the exchange option there and pass the suit, collar and other parts into its inventory. After that, each element is selected separately and is applied by pressing the English button T on the keyboard or with the mouse.

How to wear and arm people in Fallout 4?

With human characters the situation is much better. It can be similar in the inventory to pass any suit, including purely decorative, as well as weapons. It is worth being very attentive and not forget to replenish the reserves of the respective ammunition, otherwise the partner will not use a new gun in battle, preferred standard. It is useful to know that the original trunk of any companion has an infinite clip and does not need to be recharged.

Try not to save on your partners, not forgetting to rock and their clothes on the workbench. The longer the companion will live in a fight, the less damage will receive the main character. In addition, all the special bonuses from armor act on any character. Interesting is the fact that on the codeworth you can wear a bowler.

As you know, the most desirable and powerful in Fallout 4 is the power armor. And there is no way better, how to wear a satellite in Fallout 4Than to give him the opportunity to fit in the iron. Even the weakest version of this costume increases will increase the portable weight, protection and damage to several points, will allow not fear of falling from height. The only minus is the need to constantly change the nuclear battery, which is enough for about 40 minutes of real time. To order the satellite to put on power armor, it is worth choosing a point of action in a dialogue and specify a mouse on an iron suit. Later in the dialog, an exit point will appear.

Video: How to wear a satellite into power armor

Moreover, part of the elements, in particular the helmet, can be removed from the companion if you really like it looks like, for example, a launder. You can still hand an improved weapon to the partner, without forgetting at the same time to replenish the stock of ammunition. You can use any model and any modifications of power armor.

General advice

  • When you are asked to press Enter in the menu, just press E.
  • The pip-battle screen can be closer to the right mouse click (button back, if you play with a gamepad from Xbox 360, or similarly located (to the left of the central button), if with the gamepad from Xbox One.).
  • To quickly get out of the fission of the terminal, instead of several clicks of Tab, you can hold this button.
  • Satellites of the protagonist and settlers do not change their equipment without special instructions. When you are in the exchange mode, give a satellite armor, select it and click "T" on a PC or a triangle on the PlayStation 4 (Y on the Xbox One) - then the satellite escorts the subject. Dress armor, by the way,.
  • It is unclear, the bug is or developers changed their decision, but the Perk "Lonely Wanderer" works if your satellite is a dog, although it should work on the idea only if you do not have a partner at all.
  • You do not get the default peppers from satellites. Now they are given to achieve maximum approval from the companion and remain forever, even if it is "dismissed."
  • Perk, allowing in VATS mode to shoot obstacles, in addition it allows you to shoot enemies through, hitting what otherwise can be seen from behind or under certain conditions. Get into the control mechanism of the turret or a nuclear power supply unit? Easily! In the second case, the nuclear mini-explosion is also waiting for you. You can also shoot bounds in the head, even if it is hidden by a shell.
  • Perk "Khalyavshchik" allows you to find the cartridges of all types, and everywhere, regardless of the location level. Do not be surprised if at the beginning of the game the incomprehensible cartridges are selected: later you will meet the "endgames" weapons under these calibers.
  • When hacking the terminal, look for brackets, (),<>, and (), with any content inside. If you press the left bracket, then the wrong password will disappear, or attempts to guess it will be restored. By the way, it worked in F3 / FNV.
  • Try to have several types of weapons for different cartridge calibers. Then the ammunition will not end so quickly. If you buy cartridges - it means you do something wrong.
  • Some satellites know how to hack locks and terminals. Unfortunately, the "very complex" level is unavailable.
  • Shakhtar helmet is an excellent light source, much better than a lantern on PIP-Boy. But if you do not have it, adjust the color of the PIP battle on the white, then its flashlight at least to suit something.
  • Vats allows you to detect mines and hidden gulles.
  • You can look out over the corner by pressing the aiming button. And, of course, shoot too.
  • The stealth level is shown not only by the phrases of the type "you will not see", but also square brackets on both sides of this phrase. The closer the brackets to the words - the sooner the enemies will go to another condition, for example, "you will not see" to "anxiety".
  • In the game there are only a few types of clothing, on top of which you can wear all parts of the armor, and the best of these costumes is already with you. This is asylum overalls. The remaining costumes simply do not have protective properties, or incomparably worse.
  • Rename weapons and armor on the workbench, it is convenient. For more convenience, you can put a space at the beginning of the name, and then the subject will always be the first in the list.

Power armor

  • It is important to understand that the power armor consists of an exoskeleton-frame and endowed from the bottom of the parts (they differ for different species armor). From the killed enemy you can remove the armored parts, but the frame is no longer removed. By the way, the frame may be useful in itself, because it sets your strength to 11.
  • When you are in a power armor, I hope simple armor is not taken into account, and no bonuses do not work.
  • The "fuel" of the armor is the nuclear unit - gradually dries, but it is enough for hours to two real time. However, when playing any actions, spending action points (VATS, power attacks, sprint, jetpak, and even breathing delay when aiming) - the charge goes much faster. Rapid movement on the map does not spend the charge block.
  • Your first power armor is ancient ruins. She will come into disrepair from a couple of hits, it's worse only Rider armor. In order for the hands-legs longer served, you need to modify them. Remember that the parts that came to the dissent are departed into your inventory, and they can be replaced with the go, if you have spare. To fix part of the armor, you need to drive it (or even an empty frame) to the service station, unfortunately, without the armored place installed there, you cannot repair parts.
  • Remember that the characters of the game (except the main character and its satellites) do not know how to use silence Armor. without a nuclear block. Therefore, when you need to leave the armor in the middle of the street, take a nuclear block with you, if you don't want to fight with a random raider, causing your walking tank. The nuclear unit is like keys to the car.
  • On the contrary, the enemy armor can be "sobble". To do this, it is necessary to sneak to the enemy and steal the nuclear block. He will come out of the armor, and she is yours. You can do this and not with the enemy, but, for example, with a friendly paladin of fraternity.
  • During the fight, your allies (satellites of the hero and settlers) can enter the power armor standing nearby, and so remain in it. Do not leave in your settlement in the middle of the armor with the power unit inside, if you do not want the settler to put it when attacking raiders. By the way, if you want the satellite to come out of the armor, you just need to tell him about it.
  • If you need money, you can sell a nuclear unit. And the one where 1% of the charge remains, will be sold at the same price as fully charged.
  • New nuclear blocks can be requested in the generators that are in most industrial buildings. Even more blocks are in military locations.
  • Remember that the power armor does not swim, instead you will slowly go along the bottom.


  • To attract people to your settlement, it is necessary to build a "recreation radio". The maximum number of settlers depends on your charisma. Standard number of people - 10. An indicator of your charisma is added to this figure.
  • All workbenches in the settlement is a common settlement inventory. You can put anything in there, and the settlers fold their earnings and excess (water, food, prey). You can combine the inventories of settlements by connecting their supply line, but it will only combine "trash", that is construction Materials. Everything else that you decide to fold there, will not be available everywhere.
  • You do not need to manually disassemble every found hlama. Just reset all the trash in the workshop (there is even a special button for this), and it will understand as needed. You may seem that unused residues from the disassembled object disappear, but it is not so, simply because of the bug they are not displayed until their number change.
  • When construction, you can omit and raise any objects, holding the e and turn the mouse wheel.
  • Remember that you can move any existing object, for example, an uncomfortable workbench or dog booth.
  • If you hold down, you can move not only one object, but all the others that concern it. So you can move the huge walls and whole houses.
  • Some unsuccessful settlement places can be made more appropriate. For example, the Starlight restaurant can be delivered from radiation by removing the barrels from there with waste and an old car.
  • When you look at the settler in construction mode, it is highlighted and what he is engaged.
  • One settler can produce up to 6 pieces of food, usually 12 plants. Also, one ocean can dudge on three watchdogs.
  • Build a "garbage collection station" and appoint a person to work there. It will gradually deliver different materials in the settlement inventory.
  • So that the settlement is rarely attacked, your level of protection should exceed the amount of food and water levels.


  • Adhesive can be obtained from a stub, which is boiled on the fire. Ingredients can be simply grown in the settlement, and clean water can be either assembled during the game, or also to extract if your settlement has access to water.
  • You can create and oil, for this you need to make a lubricating liquid in the chimlaborator. And yes, it will take a bone for it.
  • You can "mark" the materials you need if you switch to the "Show Materials" mode on the "trash" tab of PIP battle. Then the game will mark the objects containing these materials so that you immediately see what to take with you.
  • When you improve the subject, its current modification will be removed into your inventory. If you put it on the workbench, then it can be installed on the same weapon. It looks quite useless, but in fact it allows you to save a bunch of materials, for example, when transferring modifications from ordinary weapons to a unique one. You simply replace your cheap modifications to the "Standard", and then put these fastened on new weapons. Remember that modifications are sensitive to the type of weapons, the sight from the laser will not suit the plasma and vice versa. But more importantly - you can use even those modifications that are not yet able to create yourself. So the Perk "Fanatic Weapon" is not at all necessary.
  • Do not forget to prepare the meat of the creatures you killed. Unlike previous games, it treats better steampacks, and it also often has useful bonuses. For example, the fried meat of a two-headed deer temporarily increases the lifting capacity.