Where to find jellyfish in the cordon. Where to find artifacts in stalker call of pripyat. Disclosure of ancient secrets

The gates of Atlantis in Assassin's Creed odyssey is an additional quest chain that can run both parallel to the main line, and after it, that is, you can take up its passage after completing other storyline tasks. In this thread, you have to find several artifacts, solve a couple of puzzles and fight various mythical creatures.

Gates of atlantis

Family heritage

At the end of the episode the main character find out where he needs to look for his prodigal dad. Head to the islet of Thira, which is southwest of Naxos and belongs to the Volcanic Islands.

Mirror puzzle

Then climb the hill and look at the old tablet, which gives hints to solving the puzzle. To solve this riddle, you need to properly use the sunlight. You will not be able to open the door until a ray of light falls on it. Move away from the passage and look up and to the left. There you will see many rays of the sun reflected by the mirror.

Get to the mirror, and then go in the direction where the ray falls. You have to perform a few simple steps. First of all, break the obstacles that block the path to the mirror and doorways. Then start moving the pedestals with other mirrors.

Now you will need to solve a more difficult problem - you need to move several mirrors at the same time. First, move those that are in the distance, and then remove from the road a tall building that is moved diagonally. Move another one next to the mirror, and then return the previous one to the same place and move to the side the small structure that blocks the light. Everything looks confusing on paper, but in the game itself you will quickly figure out what's what.

Follow the beam of light and break the gate so that the light falls on the doors you need. Go through the passage that appears and continue forward. You will need to crawl through the narrow hole at the bottom, and therefore be sure to bend down. Jump across the platforms and ledges, trying not to fall into the lava, and at the end, find the protagonist's father. Watch the cut-scene.

Leila Hasan

Leila and her friend will be able to find out that Atlantis really exists. The girl will immediately decide to go to the legendary kingdom. In this episode, you will play it with her. Once in the sea, dive into the depths and swim through the underwater cave until you get to the place where Alexios (Kassandra) previously visited. Watch the video again.

Gates of atlantis

To close access to the underwater kingdom, which contains dangerous technologies and knowledge that can harm the Greeks, it is necessary to find 4 artifacts hidden in several regions:

  • Mesara
  • Lesbos
  • Kythera
  • Boeotia

Each of these artifacts has its own chapter and mythical monster, so getting these items will be very difficult.

The final riddle

In this episode, you will need to complete 4 different quests with increased level requirements. Most likely, you will be able to complete these tasks after the completion of the main line of the game.

History of the Sphinx

The first artifact can be found in Boeotia. Swim to the desired location, and find the required character in its central area. Chat with him on various topics, and then head to the marked tomb, which is located southeast of your current location.

Find the dead body of Pibos there. Examine the corpse and fight the giant lion that is the leader of the pride. Then study the body of the beast - so you will find the little thing you need.

Awakening the myth

  • Recommended level: at least 36.

Make your way back to the central area of ​​Boeotia. Then head south from the lake here, where you activated the Sphinx puzzle and found an ancient object. Rewind the clock to midnight, and then click on the plate. Enter into dialogue with the legendary Sphinx. You will not be able to fight this monster, and therefore you will have to solve riddles in any case. He will ask you 3 questions out of 12 riddles he has.

You can give any answer to them. Then the Sphinx will tell you to click on 3 symbols representing the answers to the questions. The signs are painted on stone pillars around the site. Interact with the three correct symbols, and then chat with the Sphinx again. If you gave the right answers, then the monster will die, and you will get the artifact. Otherwise, the hooves will be thrown back by the protagonist.

Make your way to the lighthouse ahead and dive into the water to find a cave passage. Go inside and find the desired character. Chat with him, and then join the battle with the enemy. Kill him and proceed to the next tasks.

Full circle

This is about side quest, which must be completed to complete the quest "About the Minotaurs and People". Go to the village of Festus and chat with Ardos' guardian there. He will tell you where the old man is.

Walk southwest until you see a fortress called the Phaistos Theater. Deal with all the soldiers and save the old man. Help him get out of the fort, and then chat with him to complete the quest.

Collection collection

This is a side quest that must be completed to complete the quest "About the Minotaurs and People." Make your way to the town of Gortyn and then follow the southeast direction until you reach the Gatherer's house. Talk to the owner of the mansion.

Now head to the Daedalus fortress, enter the cave and go deep into it. Deal with all the enemies, climb the scaffolding and to the right of the chest, find the pedestal on which Theseus's breastplate lies. Take it and try it on your hero.

Looking for answers

You will be able to take on this quest when you have completed the 3 previous tasks. Return to Ardos, who awaits you at the Palace of Knossos (Mesara). He will reward you with Theseus' gauntlets and a fest disc.

He is waiting

Enter the palace from the side, go downstairs where you were with Ardos and use the Fest disc. Jump down and click on the door in front of you. This will take you to the famous labyrinth. Follow the path on which there is a glowing thread. As a result, you will find the body of Ardos's father. Examine the corpse to find a family ring.

Then start walking backward, but turn off the thread path. If you continue along the path with broken platforms, you will find a chest with valuable things. In front of him there will be a turn with an abyss, but on the other wall there is a cornice that you can grab onto. Use it and go forward to get to the Minotaur's lair. Fight the monster. Try to dodge his blows. Remember also that from some of the boss's attacks you can hide behind the columns.

As soon as the Minotaur has less than half of the life scale, he will destroy all the pillars and begin to behave more actively, performing two or three hits at once. After defeating the beast, return to the quest giver and tell him the truth or lie. In the latter case, Ardos decides to explore the maze himself.

For completing this quest, you will receive the final artifact and a powerful legendary weapon.

Gateway of Atlantis - continuation

After passing all the previous episodes and finding 4 artifacts, you should return to the gates in the Abandoned City. Talk to Pythagoras again in order to find out the history of the family.

Disclosure of ancient secrets

Chat with Pythagoras again - he will give you the legendary staff of Hermes. Then click on the button to seal Atlantis.

Now you will again take control of Leila from modern world... Click on the same button, but nothing happens. The girl will understand that she is missing one ray. Climb to the top level and find the sunburst puzzle. There are 3 pillars that can be moved around the site, but you only need two of them that are closest to the light.

Move the nearest pole so that the beam refracts and begins to fall on the triangular reflector next to the passage. Then start moving the second column, refracting the light onto another reflector located to the right of the entrance. You have solved the puzzle. Go down and talk to the hologram of the protagonist from the past. Then you will find yourself in Ancient Greece and you will be able to continue exploring the game world.

Artifacts in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Call of Pripyat are mysterious formations with unique properties randomly appearing in anomalies after radioactive releases. Anomalies, found in abundance on the territory of the Zone, pose a direct danger to life. Despite this, they have become the main source of enrichment for stalkers, since they generate various artifacts. Artifacts have a mixed effect on the human body - some of the effects they cause are beneficial, but the downside of this in most cases is the danger of radiation exposure. Artifacts should be selected in such a way that the resulting negative effect is leveled out and does not cause damage to health.

The game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" presents a scattering of 25 artifacts. They are all unique. Most of them are mined in anomalies. To search for artifacts. The number of studied anomalies and the power of the detector determines which artifacts will appear more often on the path of the protagonist. At first, you should not rely on rare artifacts, but over time, the chances will increase. After collecting all kinds of artifacts, it will open achievement "Seeker", which will increase the respect for the main character on the part of stalkers and bandits.

Artifacts and places of probable appearance in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Call of Pripyat:

  • Backwater. Dredger: jellyfish, night star, twist, gold fish.
  • Backwater. Burnt out farm: crystal, mother's beads, fire ball, eye.
  • Backwater. Caves under the burnt-out farm: twist, fire ball, hunk of meat, bubble, stone Flower.
  • Backwater. Old barge. Noah: compass.
  • Backwater. Swamp: blood stone, soul, bun, hunk of meat, firefly.
  • Backwater. Boiler anomaly: mother's beads, eye.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Sosnodub": soul, bun, blood stone, hunk of meat.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Iron Forest": sparkler, battery, Moonlight, snowflake.
  • Backwater. Circus anomaly: mother's beads, fire ball, eye, flame.
  • Backwater. Claw Anomaly: jellyfish, night star, stone Flower, gold fish, twist.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Scar": flash, battery.
  • Environs of "Jupiter". Cement factory: mother's beads.
  • Environs of "Jupiter". Parking: Moonlight, dummy.
  • Environs of "Jupiter". Career: bubble, soul.
  • Environs of "Jupiter". Ventilation complex:.
  • Environs of "Jupiter". Anomaly "Sink": blood stone, firefly.
  • Environs of "Jupiter". Anomaly "Concrete bath": soul.
  • Environs of "Jupiter". Anomaly "Bitumen": gravel, fire ball.
  • Environs of "Jupiter". Anomaly "Ash": eye, fire ball.
  • Jupiter. Household yard (): battery.
  • Pripyat. Department store (): bubble, hunk of meat, soul.
  • Pripyat. Roof of KBO "Yubileiny": snowflake, flash.
  • Pripyat. Old KBO: dummy, flash.
  • Pripyat. In the courtyard of the building between the department store and the hostel, where the signal of the Arrow appears: firefly.
  • Pripyat. School: jellyfish, gold fish.
  • Pripyat. Volcano anomaly: flame, crystal.
  • Pripyat. Vine anomaly: firefly, soul.
Beard issues periodically search orders rare artifacts, paying a substantial premium for performance and timely delivery: eye, bubble, goldfish, snowflake, flame, gravel, dummy, bun, firefly. If he hesitates, he may cancel the order. Nothing bad will happen in this case. After some time, requests will be repeated, even for those artifacts that were not delivered on time. If possible, you should keep one copy for yourself. The stalker will certainly thank you in the future.

Description and characteristics of artifacts in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Call of Pripyat:

  1. Battery(recuperation +2, radiation +1, cost 4800+ RU): it is known that this artifact contains electrostatic elements, but under what conditions it is formed, science is not yet known. It is valued among its ability to have a tonic effect on the human body. Depletes the body with too long exposure.
  2. Sparkler(electrical protection +3, radiation +1, cost 1600+ RU): a representative of electrostatic artifacts, named for its brightness. It has the ability to smooth out fluctuations in the strength of the electric field.
  3. Flash(electrical protection +6, radiation +2, cost 3200+ RU): an artifact of electrostatic nature. Demonstrates amazing ability to absorb electrical charges and then dissipate them. It is able to protect the human body from the effects of electric currents of great strength and high voltage.
  4. Twist(radiation -3, cost 6400+ RU): a bizarre artifact that appears in places of increased gravitational activity. It is a kind of sponge that absorbs radioactive elements. To varying degrees, it successfully protects its carrier both from the effects of induced radiation and from radioactive particles that have already entered the body.
  5. Eye(wound healing +4, radiation +2, cost 9600+ RU): the artifact really looks like an organ of vision, in case of injuries it accelerates the metabolic process, which contributes to the early healing of wounds. In addition, among seasoned stalkers there is a belief that the "Eye" is able to bring good luck.
  6. Gravy(thermal protection +6, radiation +2, cost 9600+ RU): an artifact is formed during prolonged gravitational action on metal-containing substances. Able to maintain a small anti-gravity field around it. Many stalkers use it to significantly reduce the weight of their backpack.
  7. Soul(health restoration +2, radiation +2, cost 4800+ RU): an organic artifact with unique properties. In an unknown way, it increases the overall rate of recovery of the body after injuries of any nature, while not accelerating the accumulation of toxins. Because of the pleasant appearance is of particular interest to collectors.
  8. gold fish (Weight Limit+12 kg., Radiation +3, cost 14400+ RU): the artifact forms in places of multiple interactions of gravitational fields. Generates a sphere of directed gravitational field around itself. It reduces the weight of the contents of the carrier's backpack much more effectively than other artifacts of this kind, and therefore is in great demand among stalkers.
  9. Stone Flower(psi-protection +3, radiation +1, cost 2400+ RU): an artifact is a stone similar in its characteristics to granites. It arises inside gravitational fields of enormous intensity. Able to fully or partially protect the owner's mind from psi-effects.
  10. Gingerbread man(health restoration +4, radiation +2, cost 9600+ RU): a rather rare artifact that forms in areas of strong chemical pollution. It is highly valued for its ability to "spur" the body so that it recovers in a matter of minutes from injuries of any severity. Scientists are spreading information about the effects of the artifact on the owner's genetic material; however, there is no confirmation of this yet.
  11. (thermal protection, chemical protection, psi protection, electrical protection +3, recuperation +2, radiation +4): a rare artifact that has the ability to show breaks in anomalous fields. They say that with its help you can pass by the most complex anomalies without the slightest risk, but few people know how to handle it.
  12. Crystal(thermal protection +3, radiation +1, cost 1600+ RU): artifact occurs in anomalous zones under the influence of high temperatures. Actively absorbs excess heat from the space around it, while remaining cool to the touch.
  13. Blood of stone(chemical protection +3, radiation +1, cost 1600+ RU): is a reddish formation of compressed and fossilized animal remains. Has the ability to partially neutralize chemicals harmful to humans.
  14. Chunk of meat(chemical protection +6, radiation +2, cost 3200+ RU): an artifact of organic nature. Consists of deformed tissues of animal origin. When it enters the zone of chemical pollution, it begins to "pull" chemicals from the air, converting them into a thick, viscous mass.
  15. Moonlight(psi-protection +6, radiation +2, cost 4800+ RU): this artifact of electrostatic nature demonstrates the ability to resonate under the influence of psi-waves. Over time, stalkers learned to adjust the "Moonlight" in such a way that it resonated in phase with the main source of radiation, thereby completely or largely neutralizing the psi effect.
  16. Mom's beads(wound healing +2, radiation +1, cost 4800+ RU): much in this artifact remains a mystery. However, it has been reliably established that the radiation arising from the pulsation of the thickening of the "Mom's beads" makes the blood in open wounds to coagulate very quickly.
  17. Jellyfish(radiation -2, cost 3200+ RU): an artifact of gravitational nature that has the ability to actively attract and absorb radioactive particles, thereby reducing the body's exposure to radiation. Widespread in the Zone; beyond its borders, it is widely, although tacitly, used in the treatment of acute radiation sickness.
  18. Night star(maximum weight +4 kg., radiation +1, cost 4800+ RU): a luminous artifact capable of generating a gravitational field around itself, which locally reduces the effect of gravity. It is widely used by stalkers to reduce the weight of the cargo carried in a backpack.
  19. Fire ball(thermal protection +6, radiation +2, cost 3200+ RU): despite the name, which reflects the nature of this artifact, "Fireball" can be easily held in hands without fear of burns. It is appreciated for its ability to maintain a constant temperature of about +24 degrees Celsius in a small radius around itself, regardless of environmental conditions.
  20. Flame(wound healing +6, radiation +3, cost 14400+ RU): artifact forms in areas of thermal activity. It is characterized by intense infrared radiation, under the influence of which the process of blood clotting in open wounds is accelerated. Due to the rarity of this artifact, its cost is extremely high.
  21. Bubble(radiation -4, cost 9600+ RU): an artifact represents several hollow formations of organic nature, connected to each other. It releases a gaseous substance that can neutralize radioactive particles in the human body; no harmful effects of this substance have been identified. Due to its high efficiency, it is in great demand.
  22. Dummy(recuperation +4, radiation +2, cost 9600+ RU): previously considered trash, devoid of any useful properties. However, some time ago it turned out that with constant contact with the human body, this artifact has a positive stimulating effect on the nervous system.
  23. Firefly(health restoration +6, radiation +3, cost 14400+ RU): a rare artifact works with fields inaccessible to science, accelerating the regeneration of tissues and organs of living beings, as well as normalizing metabolic processes. Able to literally put a seriously injured person on his feet.
  24. (health and strength restoration, wound healing +2, saturation +1, radiation +4): an artifact from the center of the legendary Oasis. Apparently, it is a crystallized plant that has taken over the property inherent in the Oasis to have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Extremely radioactive, unlike the Oasis itself.
  25. Snowflake(recuperation +6, radiation +3, cost 14400+ RU): outwardly the artifact looks like a "Kolobok"; there is an opinion that this is the "Kolobok" caught in a powerful electric field. Able to dramatically increase the muscle tone of the wearer.

Artifacts are quite radioactive and have negative effects along with positive effects. All artifacts are divided into classes and have a number of unique physical characteristics of their impact on a living organism, relative to their environment of origin. By the nature of their origin, they are divided into six main groups - gravitational, chemical, radiation, thermal, organic and electrical.

View Name Location / Anomaly Properties The cost

Jupiter: Bitumen anomaly.

Max. weight +4 kg.
Radiation +1
6000 RU
Zaton: Dredger
Jupiter: Bitumen anomaly
Max. weight +8 kg.
Radiation +2
12000 RU
Backwater: Dredger, Claw Anomaly
Pripyat: School.
Max. weight +12 kg.
Radiation +3
18000 RU
Zaton: Burnt out farm,

Jupiter: Cement Factory
Healing wounds +2
Radiation +1
6000 RU
Zaton: Burnt out farm,
Cauldron anomaly, Circus anomaly
Jupiter: The Ash Anomaly,
Anomaly "Bitumen"
Healing wounds +4
Radiation +2
12000 RU
Zaton: Circus anomaly
Pripyat: Volcano anomaly
Healing wounds +6
Radiation +3
18000 RU

Jupiter: Quarry, Anomaly
"Concrete bath"
Pripyat: Department store, Vine anomaly
Health +2
Radiation +2
6000 RU
Zaton: Slough, "Sosnodub" anomaly Health +4
Radiation +2
12000 RU
Zaton: Slough
Jupiter: Flood Anomaly
Pripyat: Between Department Store and Dormitory, Vine Anomaly
Health +6
Radiation +3
18000 RU
Scar anomaly
Jupiter: Household yard, Parking lot.
Stamina +2
Radiation +1
6000 RU
Jupiter: The Parking Lot
Pripyat: Old KBO.
Stamina +4
Radiation +2
12000 RU
Zaton: Iron Forest Anomaly
Pripyat: Roof of KBO "Yubileiny"
Stamina +6
Radiation +3
18000 RU
Backwater: Dredger, Claw Anomaly
Pripyat: School
Radiation -2 4000 RU
Backwater: Dredger, Claw Anomaly,
Caves under the burnt-out farm.
Radiation -3 8000 RU
Zaton: Caves under the Burned-out Farm
Jupiter: Quarry, Concrete Bath Anomaly
Pripyat: Department Store
Radiation -4 12000 RU
Zaton: Burnt Farm
Pripyat: Volcano anomaly
Thermal protection +3
Radiation +1
2000 RU
Zaton: Burned-out farm, Cave under the burned-out farm,
Anomaly "Circus"
Jupiter: Bitumen Anomaly, Ash Anomaly
Thermal protection +6
Radiation +2
4000 RU
Zaton: Slough, "Sosnodub" anomaly
Jupiter: Flood Anomaly
Chemical protection +3
Radiation +1
2000 RU

Zaton: Caves under the burnt-out farm,
Swamp, "Sosnodub" anomaly
Pripyat: Department store.

Chemical protection +6
Radiation +2
4000 RU
Backwater: Caves under the burned-out farm, Claw Anomaly Psi protection +3
Radiation +1
3000 RU
Zaton: Iron Forest Anomaly
Jupiter: Parking.
Psi protection +6
Radiation +2
6000 RU
Zaton: Iron Forest Anomaly Electrical protection +3
Radiation +1
2000 RU
Backwater: Scar Anomaly, Iron Forest Anomaly
Pripyat: Roof of KBO "Yubileiny", Old KBO
Electrical protection +6
Radiation +2
4000 RU
Zaton: Old barge Noah + gives Beard as a quest to solve the problem between bandits and stalkers Thermal protection +3
Chemical protection +3
Psi Defense +3
Elec Defense +3
Stamina +2
Radiation +4
10000 RU
Jupiter: Ventilation complex (the task "Oasis" is given by Professor Ozersky from the bunker of scientists) Health +2
Stamina +2
Healed. wounds +2
Saturation +1
Radiation +4
7000 RU
Jupiter: Tunnel west of the cooling tower (quest Variable psi radiation) Radiation +6 6000 RU
Backwater: Dredger (Brody's task - Strange glow quest) Radiation +6 3000 RU

How to use Artifacts in Stalker Call of Pripyat

There are no special containers for collecting and carrying artifacts; all found specimens are calmly carried by stalkers in backpacks. Such artifacts do not interact with the main character and do not have a negative effect on him. The use of artifacts is due to special cells built into a protective suit or body armor. The number of cells at the start is limited to two, but their number can be increased by upgrading and upgrading the suit of the technician Azot (sitting at the Yanov station, the Jupiter neighborhood location) and Cardan (in Skadovsk, the Zaton location). When placing artifacts on the belt of an armored suit, do not forget about the negative properties - this can not only damage the health of your character, but also lead to death.

When interacting with artifacts, it is worth remembering the mutually exclusive effects. For example, if you want to increase the carrying weight of the suit, you need the following combination of artifacts: 2 Goldfish (+24 weight +6 radiation) + 1 Gravi (+8 weight +2 radiation) + 2 Bubbles (-8 radiation). Thus, only positive effect, in the form of an increased carry weight of 32 kg, without the negative effects of radiation.

Buying and selling artifacts

Collecting and selling artifacts is quite a profitable activity that brings an impressive income, given that the price of one artifact on the stalker market can reach up to 24,000 RU. Pricing is regulated by demand and rarity, so in addition to independent searches, you can take tasks from merchants to find rare samples. On Zaton, such a buyer is Beard, and if you build relationships with him correctly, for example, complete the Strange Glow quest and bring him the Altered Steering Wheel artifact, he will give an amount higher than the nominal.

How to search for artifacts in Stalker Call of Pripyat

In Stalker Call of Pripyat, the search takes place exclusively with the help of detectors that have different costs and functionality. The Svarog detector is considered the most advanced. Unlike previous parts trilogy, artifacts spawn exclusively in anomalies, and the formation of artifacts in them occurs immediately after the release. All anomalous formations are quite radioactive and, depending on their origin, are toxic, and a long stay in them without special equipment will lead to the death of Mr. Therefore, carefully select an armored suit, comparing its protective characteristics with the interaction environment. There are also special medicines in the game that allow you to fight radiation, psi radiation, burns and electric shocks - Mexamine, Psi-blockade, Radioprotector, Periwinkle, Scientific first-aid kits and Antidote. By the way, the appearance of rare artifacts can double if Degtyarev gets the achievement of an experienced stalker.

Unique and quest artifacts

Some of the artifacts presented in the game have the status of unique or quest ones, and some can indirectly or directly affect the ending of the game. These examples include the Heart of the Oasis (the Oasis scientists' quest), the Altered Steering Wheel (Beard's Quest Strange Glow), the Altered Isolator (Quest Variable Psi Radiation), Compass (quest with Noah), Gingerbread Man and Piece of Meat (Garik's Quest).

List of all artifacts in the game Stalker Call of Pripyat

This list fully reflects the entire range of artifacts of the game Stalker Call of Pripyat, it provides information about positive and negative effects of exposure, their visual display, price, name of anomalies and game locations with spawn locations.