Quest little red riding hood witcher 3. Little red riding hood. Green paint recipe

In the village of Yantra, northeast of the city of Novigrad, you can stumble upon a village vendetta and take part in it.

We go to the village either along the paths or directly.

We approach a group of local peasants who are excitedly discussing something.

It turns out that one of their fellow countrymen is in trouble. One of the local bandits' atmansh prowls over his head. Ostensibly because he asked the witch hunters for help and they attacked the bandits. You can go away, or you can help the peasants.

We agree to help. The peasants run to their homes and lock the doors. After 17:00, bandits come to the village and begin to break down the doors.

We approach the chieftain and communicate with her. It turns out that the purpose of their visit is a traitor who, for money, sent a gang of bandits to the villages. But then he wanted more and more. And as a result, the hunters didn’t, who killed almost the entire gang. You have a choice:
- To hand over the fugitive.
- Cut out the whole gang.

No matter how two-faced bastard this informer is, the bandits will still do a lot of things. So we just cut out the whole gang. As it turns out, the chieftain is a real werewolf.

Be sure to use moon dust and the Yrden sign. Because you simply will not hit it, it is very dexterous. To begin with, get rid of the bandits, and then take care of the wolf, so as not to interfere.

As it all ends, take the reward and the letter from the wolf's corpse. The letters are strict parting words of the mother. So that the girl kept her gift under control ... But alas.

In today's post, we will tell you about the problems faced by novice players in The Witcher 3: wild Hunt"And ways to overcome them.

The main problem when passing the game is the complete lack of such a necessary alchemical item as the Witcher 3 red mutagen, especially on entry levels games.

For example, you have already passed the entire Velen location, went to the city of Novigrad, and during this period of the game you simply never got a red mutagen anywhere. Sadly, every second novice player faces such a situation. And if you want to level up a little on the red line, then it will make no sense, because you cannot put up a large red mutagen, thereby you will not earn an additional increase in strength and attack. Due to the lack of red mutagens, for a start, everything is invested in pumping signs, and then, after getting to the Skellige Islands, they begin to collect red mutagens and already pump the red branch.

If this option for character development does not suit you, then carefully read on the ways that will allow you to find a red mutagen in the Witcher 3 at the initial levels. This will allow you at the very beginning of the game to fill the required number of red mutagens, so that later you simply don’t worry about them and don’t throw around the map with a problem in the Witcher 3 where there are red mutagens.

Approximately at level 12, go to kill level 18 drowns. Since the drowned people are much higher in level, then for one hit on your character, it takes half of the life. Keep in mind that the drowners have a series of two hits, so most likely he will kill you the first time. Therefore, before you meddle with the drowning people, pump the "Explosive Shield". When you apply it, the following happens: the monster delivers an attack blow that does nothing to your character, but simply breaks the explosive shield and the monster is pushed back. This knowledge will be very useful when farming red mutagens.

Travel southeast of the Nilfgard camp.

After reaching the place marked on the map, move along the coastline. Meet the drowned man. You kill him. It is reborn after you have done meditation.

It's a bit boring to repeat the same action: kill-meditate, but it's worth it. Of course, on some versions of the game, this method may not work. Therefore, it will be necessary to save and reboot every time after killing the drowned man.

The chance of dropping red mutagens is very small, but it is one of the highest at this stage. But you will not re-read a lot of forums on the topic The Witcher 3 red mutagen where to find and in half an hour of farming a drowned man you will collect one big red mutagen. That is, nine pieces in half an hour is a good result. And at the initial levels you only need one big red mutagen in the Witcher 3. And on Skellig, there will already be more red mutagens, and also from the drowned people.

Since red mutagens are very rare, now you know in The Witcher 3 where to get red mutagens at the initial stage of the passage.

We invite you to look at all the points at which you can get red mutagens, if you can't get the option of knocking out a drowned man:

A person can die early, remaining a hero, or live long enough to turn into a villain.

Traveling the northeastern part game world The witcher 3: Wild Hunt after installing the add-on " Heart of stone", the gray-haired witcher of the wolf school Geralt of Rivia could stumble upon the camp of the so-called" red knights ", who immediately pounced on him in order to take away as acquired overwork belongings and life. These knights were not much different from ordinary robbers, but one detail still caught Geralt's attention - a flaming red rose depicted on the armor of the bandits. The Witcher knew this symbol very well - the coat of arms of the once great knightly Order of the Burning Rose. Side task "Rose on a red field" is intended to shed light on the events that made the valiant defenders of the faith turn into a gang of murderers and robbers.

The witcher in search of work

In order to start this task, you first have to make a little progress on storyline additions. Head to the Seven Cats Tavern near Novigrad and take a look at the notice board. Geralt, let's say, will not be very happy to see on her offers to sell a baby cot or a joint trip to a wedding. After all, he was not looking for this, but a job suitable for a killer of monsters! Fortunately, just in time a robber-looking bruiser will come up to the board and nail the order to kill a monster that has settled in the city sewer of Oxenfurt. The witcher will be interested in this case, and he will ask the man what exactly happened? He will advise you to contact your chieftain Olgerd von Everek for details, whose gang occupied the Garin estate.

Olgierd von Everek surrounded by his gang - "boars"

The Garin family estate is located east of Ochsenfurt. Geralt from Rivia should go there to talk with Olgierd. True, the "boars", the loyal team of von Everek, will not be very happy with the guest and will begin to taunt the witcher. How to deal with them and what to answer is a matter of taste.

  • Bunch of idiots... Geralt will show that he is not a bastard either, commenting rather caustically on the "collective intelligence" of the company. One of the "boars" will not like it at all, they will start a fight with their fists. The rival for Geralt did not have anything special - the attacks of the "boar" are weighty and slow, and it will not be difficult to rebound from them or counterattack. As soon as the brains of the quick-tempered robber are put into place by the fists of the witcher, the whole mob will become much more indulgent towards the guest, recognizing him as a good fighter.
  • It was nice to chat... Not wanting to aggravate the conflict, Geralt will clarify the purpose of his arrival and insist that he be taken to Olgerd. After a short dialogue, they will stop teasing the witcher.

In any case, one of the "boars" will offer to take Geralt to his chieftain. Go up to the second floor with him and go into the room. There, Geralt will be awaited by Olgerd himself, gazing intently at the sculpture of the elven maiden. A conversation ensues, during which Olgerd asks Geralt what he thinks of this statue? Regardless of the choice of the replica, the outcome will always be the same - the baron will knock over a soulless piece of stone. After that, communication will move to the main hall, where the fun is in full swing. Ask von Everek about the order for the monster from the channels and agree to fulfill it. At the end of the dialogue, go to the exit and leave the Garin's house.

"Hey Cat Eyes!"

On Geralt Street, a girl named Adele will call out and immediately get down to business. Her friend Kluivert did not show up for a meeting a few days ago and, according to Adele, this happened for a simple and trivial reason - corpses often have problems with movement. The robber wants Geralt to find the killer and take revenge on him. In her own words, Kluivert had his own laboratory for the production of fisstech in the abandoned village of Lukovets, and it was from there that the witcher should start his search.

Lukovets village under cover of night

The village will indeed be abandoned, but at night someone still lights all the torches both outside and inside houses. Probably, this is being done by one of the ghouls who occupied the deserted village. After doing what the witcher craft does best, use your witcher instinct in the very center of the village. Geralt senses a strong smell of reagents, passing through which he will find the source - the laboratory for the manufacture of a popular drug mentioned by Adele.

Equipment for the production of fisstech, letter and traces of the runaway

The hut can be inspected with the help of the witcher's instinct. Geralt will be interested in three things:

  • Equipment designed for the manufacture of fistech.
  • A letter in which a certain Roderick warns Kluivert that someone has found out about the latter's business, and that Kluivert should run as fast as the "guests" are coming soon.
  • Human footprints from boots leading straight out of a small window.

Exit the laboratory and go around it. On the other side of the window, new tracks will appear, most likely left by Kluivert. Follow the route drawn up by them, simultaneously restoring the picture of events: probably those about whom it was written in the warning letter caught Kluivert by surprise and he could only run. Jumping out through the window, the businessman tried to hide in the bushes, but was quickly discovered and forced to continue his escape. Unfortunately for Kluivert, he was unsuccessful.

Kluivert's frozen body

Although the pursuers turned out to be slower than the fugitive, Kluivert could not be saved from the crossbow bolt. Examine the corpse, a scar on the forehead will confirm the identity of Kluivert and Adele's concerns. Go to the dilapidated fence, standing along the perimeter of the field, and you will find traces of the shooter. They will lead the witcher to the exit from Lukovets, trampled by horse hooves. It is noteworthy that upon arrival in the village, the hoof tracks cannot be detected with the help of the witcher's instinct, although they will be on the ground.

Hoofprints from several horses

The case is small - all that remains is to find the place where the killer went, following the trail. You will have to run not far, but keep in mind that the path runs next to a swamp inhabited by drowned people. It is not necessary to fight them, but if you get too close, the monsters will instantly rush to their meal, called Geralt of Rivia. Eventually, the witcher stumbles upon a modest-sized hut.

Geralt battles the renegade knights of the Order of the Burning Rose

As it turns out, the hut was occupied by the "red knights" - once noble and revered fighters for the peace and safety of ordinary people, who became outcasts and, in fact, bandits. They will not be inclined to a peaceful dialogue and will immediately bare their weapons. Geralt will have no choice but to defend himself. The knights themselves are not strong opponents, they take, rather, in numbers. Do not stand in one place, try to take one enemy away from the others and begin to hack him with your blade. If the Axii sign is pumped enough, do not hesitate to use it on enemies standing close to your comrades. It also does not hurt to use the protective sign of Quen, and, if possible, its alternative. Remember that the battle will take place in an open space, and if you realize that you cannot cope with the pressure of the enemy, just run away, heal and come back. When the last knight is defeated, read the letter lying on the cart next to the hut. From it, Geralt learns that the raid on Lukovets was organized in order to get Kluivert's equipment, which was transported to the secret lair of the Order's apostates near the village of Bronovitsy. Do not forget to look into the hut itself - there will be a diary of one of the knights on the table, and in the chest you will find a drawing of Ophir trousers, which will be useful for the task. " From distant Ophir".

Red knights guarding a secret lair

Approaching the entrance to the lair of the "red knights", Geralt will just find the process of unloading raw materials for the manufacture of fisheries. Of course, the two knights will not give the witcher a warm welcome, but unlike their brothers, they will not attack, allowing the gray-haired one to leave here in an amicable way.

  • What's inside? Geralt's curiosity knows no bounds. Will the witcher say that he is very interested to see what is behind this door? The guards will not have enough patience for long, and one of them will threaten that Geralt has three seconds to disappear.
  • I don't like your tone. With this phrase, Geralt will infuriate the guards and they will attack the witcher. Defeating them is not difficult. From the body of one of the knights, you need to pick up a rusty key that will open the door to the lair. The knights inside, however, will not show aggression.
  • Already gone. If you feel that you are not ready for battle, or if you want to do something before continuing the passage of this task, choose this option.

Development of dialogue when choosing the line "What's inside?"

  • Do you want to fight? Welcome. The consequences are obvious - a fight with two opponents.
  • Out of the way, bros. If the sign of Axii was pumped at least to the second level, Geralt will be able to convince the knights that they should skip it. In this case, the key is not required - the apostates will open the door with their own hands. Take into account that an insufficiently strong Axii sign will provoke them to attack.
  • Quiet. Let's agree. The moral foundations of the knights, obviously, were greatly shaken, and the witcher can take advantage of this by bribing the guards with a thousand Novigrad crowns.

It is highly recommended to deviate from the image of Geralt as a pacifist, trying to sprinkle blood on the blade of his swords only as a last resort. At the next stage of the quest, the witcher will have to fight with a large number of knights in a confined space. If you do not kill two guards on the street, then you still have to do it, but already in the den, which will add hassle.

Ulrich - the leader of the "red knights"

In a cave that serves as a refuge for knights who stumbled, Geralt will meet with Ulrich, the main antagonist of the mission. He will tell the witcher about what happened to the Order of the Burning Rose after the events original game The witcher... When the third war of the kingdoms of the North with Nilfgaard began, the ruler of Redania Radovid sent most of the knights of the Order to the front line to fight the conqueror. Many have lost faith in a bright idea in battles, even more and gave their lives altogether, fighting in a war not intended for them. And what was the disappointment of the surviving knights when, in "gratitude" for the merits of the Order, Radovid dismissed it. Those who did not dare to contradict the king, he turned into witch hunters, and the disaffected were driven out or shackled. Ulrich and his comrades had to flee in order not to share the fate of the latter, and the trade in fisshtech and robberies on villages and caravans became for them the only way survive.

After Ulrich's story, there will be three lines to choose from.

  • Frankly, I don't care. Geralt will sharply speak out about the story of Ulrich and his pack, while saying that he will have to answer for the robberies committed.
  • And you became bandits? The witcher ironically asks Ulrich, what would Siegfried of Denesle say about this? He will wonder how Geralt knows the Grand Master of the Order?
  • Congratulations. And I say goodbye to you. The Witcher will express utter apathy for the activities of Ulrich and other renegade knights, and will try to leave, finally comparing the "red knights" with the notorious gang of Salamanders.

Regardless of the choice of the remark, the outcome will always be the same - Ulrich recognizes Geralt of Rivia, the murderer of Jacob from Aldersberg, and, blaming him for all the troubles of the Order, he will attack the witcher. Unfortunately, it will not work to achieve a peaceful ending to the confrontation. As mentioned earlier, you will have to fight against several opponents at the same time, and the battle will take place in a confined space. It is best to try to lure the knights into gas vapor, and then use the Igni sign. However, be careful - the damage from ignition also applies to Geralt, so it is advised to apply the protective Quen sign before that. It is also possible to run out of the cave into an open space, but for this you have to fight your way to the exit. It is important to remember that Ulrich is the main target and the most powerful enemy; he should be killed in the first place, or else temporarily lure to his side with the sign of Axii, since in this situation a friendly blade will not hurt, let this "friend" after a short period of time again switch from his comrades to Geralt. Having cleared the lair, you don't even have to waste time searching the cave - there is nothing interesting in it. But from the corpses of killed knights, you can collect good things for which merchants will pay well.

Adele is delighted to hear that her friend is avenged.

The witcher can only go for the reward. You can get it from Adele, who will while away the time in the Oxenfurt tavern "Alchemy". The girl will be glad that Geralt has dealt with the killer of Kluivert, and will ask the witcher who exactly was behind his murder? You can honestly admit that this is the work of the fallen knights of the Order of the Burning Rose, or you can shirk the answer. In any case, for his labors, the witcher will receive 200 Novigrad crowns, experience and respect for the robber.

I hope that this walkthrough will be useful for you, dear readers. Have a good game and good luck on the way, witchers and witches!

Publication date: 09.06.2016 16:08:48

In the "Blood and Wine" expansion of the third part of the Witcher's adventure, paint was added. With their help, you can change the color of annoying armor that you wear for too long. You will have several ways to get paint. For example, you can buy ready-made products, with the help of which you can immediately get the required color of armor, or you can not spend your hard-earned money, but in this case you will first have to find a recipe for a certain paint, then prepare it, and only then apply it to your armor. It is worth noting that if you decide to go looking for recipes, you will be able to find unique colors that are not available for purchase. Dyeing your armor a new color will make it unique. In addition, they will match better with each other.

Where to buy paints?

As mentioned above, you can become the owner of a particular paint in different ways. The easiest is to just buy them from the store, but in that case, you have to spend your money. In addition, merchants do not sell all colors. If you nevertheless decide to get paints in this way, then you should go to the eastern part of Beauclair. Look for a merchant near the port. You are unlikely to miss him, since he is engaged in the production of his products right on the spot. You can buy many different colors from him. He will also sell you the solvent you need to paint.

Where to get paint recipes?

Of course, just going to a merchant and buying paints from him is not a very difficult matter, but you can make the desired paint colors yourself. To do this, you first need to get the recipe for the desired color. Below you can find information to help you find eight recipes.

Where can I find a recipe for black paint?

You should go to the ruins that are located north of the Rio Cannes sawmill. Once in this place, look for the corpse that lies near the wall. You will find a chest next to it. It is best to explore the ruins from the east side.

Where can I find a purple paint recipe?

To start looking for this recipe, you need to activate one non-main quest. This can be done in the village of Floviv. Just go to the bulletin board and sign up for the order: "Tufo Monster." Now you need to get to the customer you will find at the winery. He will give you a key with which you can get to the basement. Once inside, go down the stairs. Now turn left. The recipe is in the chest, which is located near the shelf with barrels. Remember, having the aforementioned quest is a prerequisite to obtaining this recipe. If you do not have a quest, then you will not be able to get to the basement, access to which you will get with the key from the customer.

Where can I find a recipe for gray paint?

Go to the Castel Ravello winery for the gray paint recipe. Now find the message board and read the message "Wizard Wizard Wanted!" You can get the quest "About the knight and the beautiful lady." During this task, you will need to explore the house on the cliff. You will find the recipe inside. Look for a table that is located directly opposite the entrance.

Where can I find a recipe for red paint?

You should start your search for a recipe for red paint from the cave, which you will find to the east of the sign "Fork at Dun Tynne". The cave can be found across the river. Inside, get ready to meet wolves and other monsters. You need to get to the end of it. Look for a table with a mattress and bench next to it. The recipe will be in a chest on the table.

Where can I find a recipe for green paint?

Travel to the ruins of Fort Ussar. Look for the recipe chest in the eastern part of the ruins.

Where can I find a yellow paint recipe?

If you need yellow paint, then you can find the recipe for it in the capital of Toussaint. Go to the City Cemetery. Once there, find the crypt and go down to its lower level. When you reach the hall, go straight. Now go through the small gate. You will find yourself in a narrow corridor. Look for the recipe near the skeleton.

Where can I find a recipe for pink paint?

Of course, not everyone will like the pink color, but, for example, if you love ponies, then why not get a recipe for this particular paint. Travel to Montcran Castle, which is located northwest of the city. A large number of robbers will be waiting for you in this zone. Your goal is to get to the destroyed tower. When you enter the ruins, turn left, and then walk to the end. Near the tower you need to dispel the illusion. Now you can go down to the dungeon, where the necessary recipe will be.

Where can I find a recipe for white paint?

To find a recipe for white paint, you need to go to Montcran Castle (there you can also find a recipe for pink paint). You need to get to the destroyed tower. Go inside the tower. Using the stairs, go upstairs. There you will find an awning with barrels next to it. Below it is a table with a chest, inside which a recipe for an elegant white paint will be waiting for you.

How to use paints?

Now you know where to buy ready-made paints or find recipes to create your own. It's time to tell you how to use them. First you need to open your inventory. Find the paint you want to use to paint your armor. Select it and apply to the piece of armor. By the way, you don't have to waste paint just to see how the item will look after painting. You have a preview option. If you often paint your things, you will face the fact that you may not always like the end result. For such cases, there is a special solvent. Apply it to the painted object to get rid of the unwanted color. It is worth noting that one can of paint will only paint one of your items. So, to change the color of multiple items, you need several paint cans.

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