Klondike daily quests on April 27

Have you ever dreamed of finding a real gold mine? Then Klondike: The Lost Expedition will help you make your dream come true! There are many benefits here.

  • Firstly, it is browser-based, so you can play it without installing any clients.
  • Secondly, it is very high quality: good graphics, atmospheric musical accompaniment, themed heroes.
  • Thirdly, the project has a plot that is not inferior in scale to most client games.

It seems that this should be enough for you to want to start playing Klondike game? As soon as you install the application, you start to lose several hours a day (so if you have a session or a deadline now, we advise you to postpone the acquaintance with the game until better times).

Klondike is a game suitable for gamblers. During gameplay new tasks appear regularly, so you will constantly need to strive for something. The thematic tasks that the project prepares for the holidays are considered especially interesting. Usually "holiday" tasks are temporary, so they must be completed first of all, otherwise you will not be able to get an original and useful gift.

Surely, you thought that in Klondike: The Lost Expedition, gold is the basis of the plot. But, we hasten to disappoint you (or please, decide for yourself!): In addition to the fact that you have to find a gold mine, you (and this first of all) will need to find traces of your father. According to the plot, the main character- a boy whose dad went on an expedition to the North a long time ago. He regularly wrote letters to his wife and son, but one day the letters stopped coming. Everyone considers the father of the protagonist dead, but the boy does not believe in his death. Now that the boy has grown up, he is ready to repeat the path of his dad and learn about all the secrets.

Klondike play, where the quests for the main character begin from the place that was last described in the letters of the disappeared father. Here you and your ward are greeted by a cute northerner named Mute Shadow. He will become your guide and assistant. The Mute Shadow will give you his father's pickaxe and tell you where to look for the hidden inheritance. Having obtained a "parcel" from his father, the hero can begin his journey. Communicating with the locals will replace the training regimen. Mute Shadow will explain what to do, and tooltips will show you how. Since the search for gold is a lengthy process, you will have to settle near the mine.

The game Klondike: The Lost Expedition will show you in the course of the game how to care for a small garden and pets, improve your character and level up. Each next level opens the way for the gamer to new tasks and artifacts. The project is interactive, that is, you can play with your friends. Visit each other, help neighbors - this can bring additional bonuses, prizes, sometimes virtue even allows you to get the most expensive currency - stones.

Klondike: The Lost Expedition is the game for you if you love adventures shrouded in mystery!

Better not send stonecutters to mine coal. Try to get it on your own, with the help of energy. In this way, you can get additional experience(4-54 experience per hit on coal) and discover a number of collection items. We advise stonecutters to break large stones until your main character is able to break them on his own. The situation is the same with lumberjacks - the more they collect wood, the less experience and parts you will get for cutting down on your own.

In a sawmill and a quarry, no more than three workers can work at the same time, collecting different resources. At the station there will be 2 Eskimos - free workers, all others need to be hired for money from among your friends. The price for which you can hire your friends can be different for everyone. If you want to hire cheaper friends, look in your lists for those friends who do not visit often and have a small number of their friends, the cost of hiring them will be low. You can also purchase a Hotel, the rental price will also be small. Worker friends need shelter. Build them a tent, shack, apartments, a house with an attic, or a hotel. The better the housing, the less you will have to pay the worker for an hour of work and from here he will be able to work for you more time without interruption.


While the Eskimo lumberjacks are mining trees, break up pyrite, clay, coal and ore. In them you will receive a large amount of experience, as well as energy, coins and parts of the collections. Get the last pieces of stones or wood on your own - for a decisive blow to the resource, you will get a lot of experience, parts of collections, even gold. Pyrite also needs to be broken down on your own - with energy - from which you will receive a large amount of gold, which you can sell and buy what you need. If you use stonecutters, you will receive a regular stone. If you need some kind of resource, try to dig them from a friend, because during the digging, a certain amount of the resource being dug may fall out.


Collect as much output as possible from animals - an ordinary cow, a sheep and others - you will need it when building structures and completing some quests. Go in search of bird nests at the stations of your friends. To take possession of a friend's nest, hire him to work. In order to protect your nests, build a Farm and hire guards for the birds.

Your pet will die after reaching its limit. Most birds - 15-25 nests, ordinary sheep - 25 wool, ordinary cows - 50 milk, purebred sheep - 125 wool, purebred cows - 200 milk, rabbits - after eating 26 grasses. The golden monument into which the animal can turn can only be opened by the owner by clicking on it with the button. From such a monument you can drop valuable parts of the collection, as well as coins, experience, materials and products of this animal. Do not destroy all the grass in the station. In addition, it contains food for the production of birds - worms, mammals live in grass - cows, sheep ... In the absence of a place to graze the animals, they will have to provide them with hay. If you want the birds to fly, you need to buy or prepare for them in a barn, fountain or feeding place. There will also be an opportunity to raise birds and various livestock at the Farm and Poultry Farm. Basically, these animals will feed on compound feed.


Dig in to nearby live players using all 100 free shovels every day (5 per friend). The limit on free shovels is restored at 00.00 Moscow time. Shovels will also help to take eggs from the nests of all your neighbors, if there are special buildings, resources, decorations or plants that cover them. It is necessary to click on the object covering the nest, and then on the nest itself. The player will dig up the object, and then he will collect all the eggs, of course, if they were not collected by other friends of your neighbor.

In the case of the need for energy, gold, resources or certain collections, dig those items where there is a probability of their falling out. By changing some collection, you can get a special shovel with which you can get energy and a collection from your friends.

Veins of gold

Spend all the time digging on objects, decorations or other resources of your friend, in the desire to find gold ore, which is updated once a week. The opportunity to find a valuable treasure will increase if you look for it not in the easiest places, where few have been from their neighbors. In such a unique treasure, whose size is 2-8 shovels, there is an opportunity to discover: gold, experience, elements of collections. In each station, 20 deposits are constantly spawning at random under various buildings, decorations, resources and even grass. The veins in any case spread throughout the station, even if it is still closed. The fewer the number of different items your friend has, the more deposits you can find there. Using gold veins is a very good way to get rich, but in order to get a friend of the Gold Mine, you need to hire him to work. To simplify the search for lived, hire a dog, she will find everything for you just for a tasty bone.


The more friends you have in the game, the more options you will have for sharing resources, which means that there will be better game... Send invitations to the game. Send free gifts to your friends every day. The more gifts you send and the sooner you do it after the night update of the game, the more experience you can get in return. Give only the gifts you need to your friends. A hint about what each of your friends needs will help you with this. Thus, your friends will be very grateful to you if you give them not useless gifts, but those that will be very useful to them for some purpose.


Do not sell all the content from the warehouse to earn money - you will still need it in the future. The caches contain coins that remain after the resource has been cut down, and you can also receive them as a reward for selling collections. When handing over the collections, try to keep some for yourself for the future, you will still need them in your adventures. If necessary, you can sell gold, if you need to buy something or sell trays of eggs made in a barn. Here you also need to sell wisely, do not sell all items of the same type. In case of urgent need, you can dig up coins under some buildings. A good way to earn extra money is selling vegetables, animals, which become more and more after feeding. The most fast way to get coins is the sale of collections - Indigo (drops out of nests and statues of various birds, more details on the collection page). And also exchange it through a special option.


Often you will need collections when completing tasks, so think twice before selling any part of the collections, it can still be very useful to you. Collections are obtained by digging from comrades and at their own station, are found in hiding places under stones and trees, and even fall from the Golden Veins. Valuable collections fall from golden animal monuments, in which your living creatures are transformed, after fulfilling their production quota.


The player's constant energy limit grows rather slowly - due to the level increase. Starting the game, you will have the largest energy limit - 15. The third, sixth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth levels will add another point of energy to the total limit. As a result, when you reach level 20, you will have a limit of 20 energy. Full list levels can be viewed on the levels page at the top of the menu.

You can raise the limit temporarily. To do this, with the energy limit filled to the brim, break a lot of resources, stones and trees, every last part. After that, finish off all the resources (in which there is only one unit) at one time in one moment. From the caches that are under these resources, a different amount of energy falls (depending on the size of the resource). The quality of the energy gain can be increased if, before the game is updated (until 00:00 Moscow time), excavations are carried out at a neighboring building and scenery, where it can drop out. This action can be done after the update. By increasing the total energy limit, you will be able to break the resources previously closed for breaking by the main character. Energy can be obtained from the Bread, which is dropped from the golden monuments of the Rabbits, and the rest of the pastries, which can be made at the Bakery.

Extraction and storage of energy

Energy is spent on everything - sowing seeds, clearing the forest, cleaning and delivering stones, cutting grass and bushes, chopping firewood in the barn and avoiding obstacles. When the energy supply comes to an end, you will need to wait for its recovery: every 3 seconds you will be credited with one point of energy. But in the forehead, the energy is not enough forever, the question arises of where and how to get the energy, worries all the players, as well as how to collect it. Energy can be obtained in the following ways:

  • in glands under stones, trees and deposits of coal, clay and ore caches (caches do not have to be your own - neighbors will do as well),
  • cutting down acacia thickets, snow-covered and autumn bushes at his station,
  • digging with neighbors: under the flooring, lanterns and buildings, fences and mailboxes, dog kennel and poles, ferns and sequoias, under benches and in flower beds, near gnomes and in poultry houses;
  • for completed quests;
  • eating cakes, bread and biscuits and cheesecakes made at the Bakery, or consuming food brought from the expedition,
  • from gifts received in Christmas trees;
  • receiving from neighbors - in gratitude for the gifts purchased in the player's tree;
  • chopping down a palm tree or rummaging in a cache located under it.

In the case when all the methods have been tried, but the energy is not enough, it is possible to recover the energy faster if there are reserves that were bought in the Lavka were exchanged for emeralds.

Collect more energy every player wants, and it's not at all difficult to do this. To do this, you need to know a few tricks. For example, trees cut down by workers from a sawmill will provide only clean goods. If the player cuts them down himself, he also receives energy in addition to bonus experience.

At each next level, your energy will be restored. You need to keep track of the number of stars, in the period when there are not many of them to the next level, try to completely exhaust the rest of your energy: cut down or plant something. Then you need to destroy one of the caches, exchange your golden statue or collection. After that, your energy bar for the next level will be completely filled.

Successful passing "Klondike" you will be provided with knowledge of secrets, tricks and many nuances that will greatly simplify the gameplay, because you have been given a responsible task - to find the missing expedition. Our knowledge base contains the most basic of them. We hope that using them, you will be able to find your father together with his colleagues.

First of all, it is worth noting that the entire gameplay is simply full of various secrets, which makes the game even more interesting.


It is best to extract such a resource as coal by hand, using only energy, so you get not only the necessary resource, but also additional experience, or maybe you are lucky and you will find some of the elements of the collection.

As for stonecutters, it is worth using them to break large stones into rubble. When the main character will have the opportunity to break large boulders, then it is worth using a stonecutter. The same can be attributed to lumberjacks, when clearing the forest with the help of lumberjacks, the chances of finding something useful are much reduced.

If you want to hire your friends to work in a sawmill or quarry, then it is worth hiring those who have very few friends and visit the game quite rarely. This will only be a plus for you. You can hire three people for each of them.

The game also provides assistants, who will be completely disinterested to help. These helpers are the Eskimos, who will meet you immediately upon arrival at the station. Everyone else has to pay.

When hiring workers, remember that they need housing. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the additional construction of residential buildings immediately. The better the worker's living conditions, the better he works and agrees to do his job for a lower salary.


During the passage of tasks, it is necessary to collect as many products as possible from the animals. Each of the animals has its own life limit, after which it dies, turning into a golden statue, which can only be opened by its owner. Collection items and many other useful things can fall out of such statues. Also, when cleaning the area from weeds, do not rush to remove all the grass, because your animals need to graze somewhere, otherwise you will have to purchase hay.

Limits on animal resources, upon the depletion of which animals die:

  • for a sheep wool in the amount of 25 units;
  • for poultry 25 nests;
  • for a cow, milk in the amount of 50 units;
  • for a thoroughbred cow, milk in the amount of 200 units;
  • for a thoroughbred sheep, wool in the amount of 200 units;
  • for a rabbit a maximum of 26 grass.


The passage of this game project will be much more interesting together with friends and not only. Joint passage will be much more productive. Add new friends to yourself, send them gifts, perhaps you will receive useful things in return.


Having found a gold mine, you should not relax. In this game project, she changes her position weekly. Therefore, you are constantly on the lookout for a gold mine. Dig under a new building every time, because a gold mine will bring you useful things in large quantities.

It is also worth remembering that more gold falls out during the last energy hit on a resource such as pyrite. The resulting gold can be sold to purchase useful items or other resources. If you put a stonecutter on this process, then he will be able to extract only an ordinary stone.

It will not be superfluous if you dig next to your friend's new building, because it is much easier to find a gold mine this way. Digging in a new place where no one else has dug before is very useful. Sometimes, in this case, very interesting things fall out in the form of a treasure from a heap of gold and experience.

Twenty veins are spawned in each site every week. At the same time, veins can be found anywhere and buildings, stones, grass with decorations are no exception. The more items you concentrate in one place, the more likely you are to find a gold mine. It is worth noting that the search for gold veins is quite a profitable activity that allows you to enrich yourself.


In order to earn money in the game, you should not sell products from the warehouse, it will still be useful to you in the future. If you still need to make money quickly, then it is worth selling in small batches, because you do not know which resource, and at what point you may need it.


It is quite difficult to find any item from the collection, therefore, before exchanging or selling a collection, you should think carefully about whether it is really necessary. At any time, you may need one of the collections. It is worth noting that the most interesting collections can be obtained from golden animal monuments.

An important point

When you send your Eskimo assistants to work, you can do other things yourself - to extract and develop other natural resources: ore, clay, coal and pyrite. By mining minerals, you gain energy, experience and money. But the last unit of the resource should be mined on your own, thanks to this you will increase your experience. Sometimes this will bring gold and pieces of the collection.

One of the secrets

Every day in the game you are given 100 shovels for free. You should definitely use them to dig in neighbors and friends. With the help of a shovel, you can even take eggs from the nests from a neighbor, provided that the egg is covered by some kind of plant.

To get eggs, you must first click on the thing that covers the egg laying, and then on the nest itself.


During the gameplay, you need to control and take care of increasing the energy level. The hero's energy grows rather slowly. At the beginning of the game, her level is 15. In the process of passing, its level gradually increases. Reaching level 20, you will receive twenty energy.

There is also the possibility of increasing the limit, but for this a short time is allotted. When the energy level drops and approaches more and more to zero, then try to break stones, cut trees and some other resources, the more the better. Energy caches are underneath all of these resources. Energy can also be found in bread, various pastries, rabbits and golden monuments.

  • Game tips from Klondike.
  • Workers.
  • Resources.
  • Animals.
  • Shovels.
  • Veins of gold.
  • Friends-neighbors.
  • Coins.
  • Collections.
  • Energy.
  • Adventures.
  • Questions about animals.
  • Questions about energy, emeralds, coins.
  • Questions about friends-neighbors.
  • Questions about materials and collections.
  • General issues.

Video resources on the passage of the game "Klondike"

Where to find a gold mine

How to make a million