Where is the horseshoe in the game Klondike. Tips and secrets of the game Klondike: Missing Expedition. Why i don't get money when friends hire me

Starting the game, you have a maximum energy limit of 15 units. The 3rd, 6th, 10th, 15th and 20th levels give another unit of energy to the general limit. Thus, reaching the 20th level you will have a limit of 20 units of energy.

You can temporarily increase the energy limit. To do this, disperse a lot of resources (stones, trees, pyrite, ore, coal and clay) to the last unit. And then, at once, break all the resources (with the residue in one unit) at the same time and collect the caches from which one can obtain different amounts of energy (depending on the size of the resource).

Energy recruitment effect can be increased if you proceed at the neighbors of the construction and scenery from which it falls. By increasing the common energy limit, you get the ability to break the resources inaccessible before.

The energy can also be obtained using the energy that falls from the gold statues of rabbits or brought from the expedition, or baking (which can be created in the bakery). To sufficiently spend 1 unit for planting a plant or harboring herbs and you can safely go to eat pie (cheesecake, cookie) . In this case, the energy will be replenished and will be much larger than the maximum possible.


Donation through the warehouse

Click on the "Warehouse" button in the lower right corner of the screen. Click on a small image of a shiny gift box on the right of the "Sell" button. In the dropping window, select a friend to whom you want to make a gift, and under his avatar, click on the plus. So you choose the amount of the material you want to give. On the left you can see how much this material you have in stock and what is its cost. Click "Give" and your present will go to the recipient. You can give any material that you have in stock, any object of the collection and many objects from the scenery. Exchange objects with friends to quickly collect the necessary collections.

Pritten donation

Click on your friend's avatar at the bottom of the screen and select "Give". In the window that appears, select a gift. Remember that on the day you can give one free gift to each other.

During the box

Click on image gift boxes In the left top of the screen. Under it indicates the number of friends you gave a gift / total number of friends. In the window that appears, select a gift. Remember that on the day you can give one free gift to each other.


In the upper left corner of the pop-up menu of gifts, you can write a concomitant message that will come to your friends with a gift. Tick \u200b\u200bin the point "Show who is looking for" will allow you to see those players who put a certain material (which you are going to give) in the Wishlist and need it. The "Give All" button will help distribute all friends the same gift with the same message. At the bottom of the table, you can enter a name or nickname to quick search.


Give a gift to a friend

You can give any material that you have in stock, any object of the collection and many objects from the scenery. Exchange objects with friends to quickly collect the necessary collections. How to do this is described slightly above.

Get a gift from each other

Click on the "Gifts" button at the bottom left of the screen to see what friends were presented. You can pick up a gift by clicking on the "Accept" button.

Search a thing

Click on the yellow button with a magnifying glass shown on it to ask a friend the desired material for construction or object for the collection.

Add to Wishlist

Click on the plus (add to the list "I'm looking for") next to the missing item that friends can see what you really need in the game. They will surely give you it.

Go to visit

Click on the friend's avatar and select "Visit". Come to visit him, use 5 daily attempts to find secret treasure. Press everything that is on the map to check what burned there.

Search for caches

Looking for and open the caches to pick up treasures. Remember that other players can pick up treasures before.

Hire friend

Friends are always happy to help you in hard work. Click on a friend's avatar and select "Hire". Now your friend will work for you for a symbolic fee. Do not forget that your friends need accommodation. Build a tent, shack, apartments, a hotel, a hotel * 3 to increase the number of workers' friends.

Klondike - fascinating interesting game About the bright young man, who in the valley of blue vertices is looking for his father of the gold killer. In the process of searching for the missing father and his expedition, the player together with the main character will plunge into amazing world Adventure. He will have to overcome many difficulties and fight with dangers, and also - turn a temporary station into a beautiful city. Just so, without energy, it is impossible to do it, and therefore energy is one of the most important elements of the game.

Energy is spent on everything - on seed crops, cutting down, on cleaning and delivery of stones, on a haircut of shrubs and grass, on a rod in the barn of firewood and overcoming obstacles. When the energy supply ends, it is necessary to wait for it to restore: one energy supply is added every three minutes. And yet the energy lacks constantly, so the question of where and how to get energy, worries all players, as well as how to accumulate. Energy in the game can be mined (get):

  • in those located under the stones, trees and deposits of coal, clay and ores secretly (caches do not have to be their own - the neighbor),
  • brankaya at its station overgrown acacia, snow-covered and autumn bushes,
  • digging by the neighbors: under flooring, lanterns and buildings, fences and mailboxes for mail, dog cone and pillars, fern and sequoay, under benches and flowers, near the gnomes and in the houses,
  • for past quails;
  • eating made in bakery with pie, bread and cookies and cheesecakes or consuming edible, brought from the expedition,
  • from gifts obtained in the Christmas trees,
  • getting from the neighbors - in gratitude for the gifts purchased in the Christmas tree,
  • cutting a palm tree or sulking in a cache located under it.

If all the ways are triggered, and the energy is missing, quickly restore energyyou can, if there are reserves that were purchased in a shop in exchange for emeralds.

Accumulate more energy Every player seeks, and it is quite possible. To do this, you should know a few tricks. For example, trees, solid workers from sawmills, will give only a clean product. If the gamer spills them himself, he gets not only additional experience, but also energy.

With each following level, the energy is restored. The player must follow the number of stars, and when there are several to a new level, you need to try to fully use the remaining energy: to correct something or plan. Then you need to disassemble one of the caches, exchange your gold statue or collection. Then, in the next level, the energy scale will be filled to failure.

Klondike: Missing Expedition It has long been available for you. We all already know a little about the game, but we have a couple of tips that will help you become the best. Tips will mainly be useful for a newcomer, but also help experienced players.


Coal will be best mined in manual, for this you will also get an additional experience, and you may find a collection element. As for Kamenotesov, deal with them only big stones, and when they can break them the main character - Sharp them. It also concerns woodcutters.

If you decide to hire friends in a sawmill or a breaker, hire those who have few friends and who rarely enter the game. It will benefit you.


If you are going to tasks, you should collect as much products from animals. After performing your limit - the animal dies and turns into a gold statue, only the owner can open it. From the statue can fall out elements of the collection and much more. You should not mow all the grass on the farm, because there will be no place for animals and have to buy hay.


As in any other game, it will be more interesting to play with friends and of course more productive. Create new friends, give them gifts and maybe they will answer you the same.

Golden cores

As you know, Golden lived changes its location once a week, so you should dig every time under new buildings. And as we know, in the golden core you can find a lot of useful.


You should not sell products from a warehouse to earn, it will certainly need you. If we sell, better do it bit, because we do not know when we need one or another resource, act as collections as well. However, read on and you will learn how to deal with collections.


Find the collections is not very simple, so when exchanging or selling, think well, but is it worth it? Maybe she is about to come in handy. By the way, the most interesting collections fall out of gold monuments of animals.

We hope our tips will help you. Well, if you were looking for cheats for the game Klondike: Missing Expedition, we care you, they are not. You have to play honestly.

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In the game Klondike, the missing expedition secrets are found at every step, just need to know them and remember. Kondikek's knowing secrets can be quickly earned money and gain resources. We will try to give it in this article. practical advice And reveal the secrets of the game Klondike to be played easier and easier.

One of the secrets of the game Klondike, which many forget about, is that the coal in the game is better independently by means of energy: Kamenotees are not very suitable for this purpose. In addition, in a similar way, you can purchase additional experience (on average for one punch is given from 4 to 54 units of experience), as well as detect the elements of the collection.

The main task of Kamenotesov is to break the stones, so they are better to send them to crushing large boulders into small parts that the protagonist can already finish. Similar secret Klondikeand it works with woodcutters: the big forest area will be cut down, the less experience and chances to find something useful for themselves. In the case of self-deficuous, the chance rises.

At the same time in the quarry and sawmill, three workers performing various works By mining.

Two free workers - Eskimos are available at the player station. The rest of the workers will have to hire for a fee if necessary from among friends. The price for hiring can vary greatly from each of the friends. The minimum cost is most likely among friends who are coming into the game with a frequency once every 2 days. Hired employees will need accommodation. Therefore, you will have to build a tent, shack, apartment, or a whole house with an attic. The quality of housing affects the cost of employee services: the better the dwelling, the smaller the employee takes for his work and the longer the time he will be able to work without a break on vacation.

Following secret Klondike - While Eskimi-Woods is engaged in their work, break the pyrite, coal, ore and clay. For prey, you can not only get a lot of experience, but also coins and energy. To finish the last unit of stone or tree is better independently, because it gives an increased amount of experience, and also often drop out elements of collections and gold. During the last blow, the energy of pyrite almost always falls the gold, which can be sold to buy something more necessary. If you resort to the help of cookels during mining, then nothing but ordinary stone, it will not be possible to get. If you need some specific type of resources, you can try to breathe in a friend: very often during this process there are several units of the fusion mineral.

Try to collect on the maximum of products, which is subsequently useful in building buildings and passing tasks, from animals (ordinary cow and sheep). We regularly examine your stations and stations of friends for the presence of nest birds on them. In order to take possession of the nest belonging to a friend, it needs to be recruited. It should be borne in mind that by performing your limit on the products, the animal dies.

Limits for different species The following animals:

  • birds - 25 nests,
  • sheep - 25 wool,
  • ordinary cows - 50 milk,
  • porn sheep - 125 wool,
  • porn cows - 200 milk,
  • rabbits - after eating 26 pieces of grass.

A small secret of Klondike: after death, the animal turns into a golden statue that opens by clicking the mouse. Make it can only the owner of the animal. The Golden Monument is the source of elements of collections, including quite rare, coins, experience and products from this animal often come across.

Despite the fact that the grass is found in the birds for birds (worms) and mammals (grass), it is not necessary to completely remove it: otherwise it can turn into additional costs (for animals they will have to prepare the hay, and for birds to cook feeders, because without them They will not be able to rush).

Well, the chief advice on the game is constantly dripping the neighbors with the help of 100 free shovels available daily (5 per each other). Restriction on free shovels is updated at midnight Moscow time and at 23-00 in Minsk and Kiev.

Another secret of Klondjaka - with the help of a shovel, you can pick up eggs from the ness neighbors if they are closed with decorations or plants. To do this, you must first click on the subject closing the nest, and then on the nest itself. In this case, the character rises the subject, and then take the eggs if other neighbors still have time to take them.

Right every time under the new construction or scenery of a friend, you can stumble upon a golden core, the location of which changes every week. And if you dig there, where neither one of the neighbors have not yet searched to excavations, it increases the likelihood of stumble upon a treasure in which gold and experience can be detected.

At the station of each friend, 20 lived randomly breaks, which can be located anywhere: under construction, stones, scenery and even grass. The smaller the friend at the station is located various items, the higher the chance to stumble upon the custody. The search for gold lived is a great way to improve your well-being, however, to dull the golden custody from a friend, it is pre-hired to hire it. More detailed information You can get about golden veins in the "Other" section at the top of the game Klondike game.

A greater number of neighbors in Klondike gives more opportunities for sharing and gifts. Therefore, one of the tasks of the player who wants to succeed in the game is to send proposals to his friends with a request to join the gameplay. You can send free gifts: the earlier after the upgrade start to do it and the more send it, the more they will return in response. Friends will be happy to get something they need something: about their needs and needs, if you can give a tick when sending gifts in front of the "Show who searches".

An important advice on the game Klondike: Do not get rid of products located in stock: the need for it will necessarily arise in the course further games. After cutting the resources in the caches, you can detect coins. They can also be dealt with the sale of collections, but it is better not to sell everything at once: they may be needed when the quests are passing. Also for sale is available gold and trays of eggs created in the barn. In this case, to sell the best of each product little by little, and not the prevalence of some one resource. In the case of a sharp need for coins, they can be accumulated under some of the buildings and scenery. All are more profitable for earning the cucumbers and cabbage, as well as rabbits that breed after each feeding.
Deciding for the exchange of the collection, it is worth thinking well: the fact is that many collections will be needed in further adventures. Collections can be treated with digging at its station and friends of friends, as well as when gold and gas found. Rare collections are inside the monuments of animals.

The character of the character grows pretty slow. It increases after passing adventure tasks. At the beginning of the game, the energy limit is equal to 15. After reaching the third, sixth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth levels, the energy limit is added another one. Thus, after reaching 20 levels, the energy limit will be equal to 20.
A small secret of the game Klondike - limit can be enhanced, but at a limited period of time. To do this, you need to smash the energies to break down to the edge to the last unit as many resources, stones and trees. Then, at a time you need to finish all the resources in which only one unit. From the caches hidden under these resources, a lot of energy will fall out. It can also be collected from bread dropping out of gold monuments, as well as using rabbits and baking prepared in the bakery

Successful passage "Klondike" You will provide knowledge of secrets, tricks and many nuances that will significantly simplify the gameplay, because you have been delivered to you to find a missing expedition. In our database, the most basic words are collected. We hope that using them, you will be able to find your father along with his colleagues.

First of all, it is worth noting that the entire gameplay is simply saturated with various secrets, from which the game becomes even more interesting.


Extract such a resource as coal is best manually using only energy, so you get not only the necessary resource, but also an additional experience, and maybe you will be lucky and you will find some of the elements of the collection.

Regarding Kamenotesov, it is necessary to apply them to break down large stones on crushed stone. When the opportunity to break large boulders will be the main character, then it is worth using Kamenotes. The same can be attributed to the woodcutters, during the deforestation of the forest with the help of woodcutters, the chances of finding something useful are much reduced.

If you want to hire a job in a sawmill or a quarry of your friends, then you should hire those who have completely few friends and attend the game quite rarely. For you it will be only a plus. Hire for each of them you can three people.

The game also provides assistants, helping which will be completely disinterested. Such assistants are Eskimos who will meet you immediately upon arrival at the station. Everyone else has to pay.

When hiring workers, it is worth remembering that they need housing. Therefore, take care of the additional construction of housing buildings you need immediately. The better the housing conditions from the employee, the better works and agrees to fulfill its work for less salary.


During the passage of tasks, it is necessary to collect with animals as many products as possible. Each of the animals have their own limit of life, after which dies, turning into a gold statue, to open which only its owner can. Elements of the collection and many other useful things can fall out of these statues. Also during the cleaning of the territory from weeds, do not hurry to remove all the grass, because your animals need to leave somewhere otherwise you will have to acquire hay.

Limits on animal resources, on the exhaustion of which animals dying:

  • for sheep wool in an amount of 25 units;
  • for birds 25 nests;
  • for cow milk in the amount of 50 units;
  • for the pioneer cow milk in the amount of 200 units;
  • for breeding sheep wool in the amount of 200 units;
  • for a rabbit grass in the amount of a maximum of 26 units.


The passage of this game project will be much more interesting in conjunction with friends and not only. Joint passage It will be much productive. Add new friends to yourself, send gifts to them, perhaps you will get a retaliatory useful things.


Having found the golden core, you should not relax. In this game project, she changes its place weekly. Therefore, you are constantly in search of golden veins. Each time you dig under the new construction, because the golden lived will bring you useful things in large quantities.

It is also worth remembering that a larger amount of gold falls out during the last blow to the energy for such a resource as pyrite. The resulting gold can be sold to purchase useful things or other resources. If you put in the process of this process, it can only get the usual stone.

Excessive will not be unnecessary if you dig next to the new building of your friend, because it is so much easier to find a golden core. Digging in a new place where no one has digging earlier very helpful. Sometimes, in this case, quite interesting things fall out in the form of a treasure from a heap of gold and experience.

Weekly on each site in any of the places there are twenty lives. At the same time, the veins can be found anywhere and buildings, stones, grass with scenery is not an exception. The more items you will focus in one place, the more likely to find a golden core. It is worth noting that the search for gold lived quite advantageous lesson, allowing to enrich.


In order to earn money in the game, you should not sell products from a warehouse, it is still useful for you in the future. If you still need to make money quickly, it is worth selling in small batches, because you do not know which resource, and at what point you may need.


It is difficult to find any element from the collection, so before exchanging or selling a collection is good to think about whether it is really necessary. At any time you may need some of the collections. It is worth noting that the most interesting collections can be obtained from gold monuments of animals.

Important moment

When you send your assistants to the Eskimos, you can do other things yourself - to produce and develop other natural resources: ore, clay, coal and pyrite. Get minerals, you get energy, experience and money. But the last unit of the resource should be mined independently, thanks to this, you will increase your experience. Sometimes it will bring gold and parts of the collection.

One of the secrets

Daily in the game you are given 100 shovel for free. They are necessary to take advantage of the neighbors and friends. With the help of a shovel, you can pick up even eggs from the nest from the neighbor, provided that the egg is covered with some plant.

To get eggs, you must first click the mouse on the things that the laying of the eggs are covered, and then already along the nest itself.


During gameplay You need to control and take care of increasing energy. The energy of the hero is growing enough. First, its level is equal to 15. In the process of passing, its level is gradually increasing. Having reached the 20th level, you will receive twenty energy.

There is also the possibility of improving the limit, but for this a short time is reserved. When the energy level falls and is approaching more and more to zero, try to break the stones, cut trees and some other resources, the more, the better. Energy caches are under all these resources. Also, energy can be found in bread, various baking, rabbits and gold monuments.

  • Tips on the game from Klondike.
  • Workers.
  • Resources.
  • Animals.
  • Shovels.
  • Golden veins.
  • Friends-neighbors.
  • Coins.
  • Collections.
  • Energy.
  • Adventures.
  • Questions on animals.
  • Issues in energy, emeralds, coins.
  • Questions about friends-neighbors.
  • Questions on materials and collections.
  • General issues.

Video reviews for the passage of the game "Klondike"

Where to find a golden vein

How to earn a million