Great villas Westeros. Heroes of the Seven Kingdoms: the main men of the series "The game of Thrones Map 7 of the Kingdom Game Thrones Name

The final of the Games of the Thrones will have to wait at least a year, but already in the seventh season it turned out that we show us a completely different series, where the heroes have changed to unrecognizable in the new world, which is increasingly reminded by our own

From the very beginning it was clear: the seventh season will be strange. It's not just that George Martin still did not finish the sixth book of his saga and Benioff with Wiissa became almost full owners of the series. The absence of a demiurge, which created this universe of ice and flame, of course, affects: Heroes undressed and bored, and all that we saw this summer on the screens of TVs, monitors and tablets seemed too straight and predictable. Tyrion seems to have spent too much time in the company of Varis and flawless, losing interest in the female sex and knitting with drinking. Varis himself, poor to disgust, stopped weathered the web and catch flies, humbly waiting for death, which, as predicted, should overtake it in Westeros. John Snow from the sullen bastard and a lonely wolf turned into some plush toy - he, however, is now not Bastard, not a snowy and not even John at all. Melisandra retired from affairs, in Jame Lannister finally trembled, a good start, and wild, dotrachets, a night watch and flawless simply became a massive.

Frame from the series "Games of Thrones"

But the problem is not only in awkward apprentices. Martin, of course, would tell his story more gracefully, but it would hardly have changed the essence of what happened in the seventh season: the world of seven kingdoms, which we knew him, stopped existence. Saga was obliged to end the disappearance of this fantastic Middle Ages, openwork, vicious, false and touching, and we probably did not expect everyone to happen so early. "The game of Thrones" ended, even if the winner is still not officially defined: there is no more of this battle, which went immediately on several chess boards and in which grandmasters were constantly scratched, changed the rules, revived the already eaten figures or simply removed new ones and sleeves. After the murder of Baleish, one of the last representatives of the old school, only Sersi is trying to intrigue, but she looks like a remnant of the past with her naive cunning. If soon several families claimed at the iron throne, now that Lannisters are clearly doomed, and John Snow, the most obvious candidate from the kind of Starks, turned out to be Eygon Targaryne, everything clearly goes to the fact that in Westerosa will rule someone from the Lords of Dragons . There is, of course, not quite the zero chance that in the eighth season there will be a surprise and the throne will take up, say, Grazey or at all Tarlley, but this will already be a consequence of a clean-free combination, but a coincidence of circumstances and author's voluntarism. The game ran out: now it is really "Song of Ice and Flame," the battle of good and evil, life and death. Dragon against the dragon, horde against the militia.

Frame from the series "Games of Thrones"

Actually, in the series more and more families. From the clan of Lannister and there was already three people left, and Tyrion moved to the side of the enemy for a long time, and now Jame, remembering about honor and conscience, waved his sister with a golden handicuit and went to meet the winter. John Snow now is not exactly Stark, Enjoying Aria and Sanssea did not disappear anywhere, for nothing they got rid of the Misina, and Bran became interested in their psychony, after having ceased to consider themselves part of the family. The theon, of course, went to save the Yar, but he puts the sister with such a regularity that it was hard to believe in the prosperous outcome of this enterprise - what to say about Milnoy Uncle G Grage. Everything is now in itself, and the call of the blood is barely heard in fluttering blizzards.

The seven kingdoms catapulted somewhere in modernity: the atomization of the family, the decline of religion, talking about building a new world instead of McCauravian politics - all these are already signs of the newest story

Frame from the series "Games of Thrones"

They left this world and gods: the Great Sept took off to the air, his sparrow died, the red priestess went into the shadow, Toros died. The enmity of Yorks with Lancaster or War of the Scarlet and White Rose, which became one of the sources of inspiration for Martin, put the end of the Middle Ages in England, and the opposition of starks and lannisters led to the disappearance of the old era. This is no longer autumn of the Middle Ages, described by Haseing, is his winter. The seven kingdoms catapulted somewhere in modernity: the atomization of the family, the decline of religion, talking about building a new world instead of Maccavelist politics - all these are already signs of the newest story. It is not by chance that the series, where the dragons first took part in the war, taking the whole army, went on the air on August 6, on the day of the Hiroshima bombing, and the episode in which the Sinegylase Vesurion, resurrected by the king of the night, attacked the wall, was shown on the eve of the first test of the Soviet atomic anniversary bombs. For completeness, the painting lacks only the struggle for the equality of white walkers and a criminal article for inciting hatred in relation to social Group Alternatively alive. However, whether it will still be: we still have a whole season in stock, however, no matter what happened now, the Middle Ages "Game of Thrones" ended forever. Daineris, having connected by a bleed mixing marriage with a new nephew, can build in Westeros at least enlightened absolutism, even a liberal democracy, at least military communism, but we will not have enough of this old unkind world - noble dues and vile murders, tricks, bloody weddings and softening Merry adultery. Ah, Winter, what did you do, mean?

They play the thrones and lead army into battle, swear kings or declare themselves, swear in loyalty and betrayed, an incredible courage and nobility, or amazed with meanness and treachery. They are Lords Westeros, a magnificent world created by George Martin.

Great houses are the highest to know the continent of Westeros, where the main part of the events of the "Songs of Ice and Flame" George Martin takes place. It is not even families, but entire clans that depended, depend on and, most likely, the whole life of seven kingdoms will depend. Each of the houses has a rich and unusual history, as well as distinctive featureswho carefully worked the inimitable Martin. Briefly tell about each of them.

Some of the houses were previously the royal dynasties, but their representatives lost to the conquerors of Targarians, and to avoid death, they sworn frankness to loyalty. From Targarey and let's start, because it is the seven kingdoms that they are obliged to be their birth: they united all the states of Westeros into a single integer.

Flame and blood

Targarynev comes from ancient valor, their ancestors survived with the death of the Great State and made their stronghold a small island off the coast of Westeros - dragon stone. It is said that the blood of dragons flows in the veins of Targarians. True, this or a beautiful legend, of course, is unknown, but it is undoubtedly what the dragons are obliged to target with their authorities over the family kingdoms.

With a small and not particularly well-armed army, two sisters and three dragons, Eiyekon Targaryan, the conqueror went war against all the ruler of Westeros. The dragons turned out to be a crucial force, providing the owners victory. On the long years Power over the continent passed to Targarians.

Eihegon married his sisters, and this tradition, who came with their Praodina Valiria, was often respected in their family. It was believed that thereby they retain blood purity. In part, it was true: most Targarians were distinguished by an extraordinary beauty, and in addition, the healing led to the fact that among them there were both great people and real madness. Rather, either one or others - no "golden middle".

The dynasty sunset began with the death of the last dragons. True, Targarians managed to stay in power almost a half hundred years. The king of Aeris II was a madman, which made several lords raise an uprising against him, which turned out to be successful. The king himself, his eldest son and grandson were killed, and only two Targarians managed to escape.

One of them - Veris - turned out to be a vain and weak man and was killed later. And at the moment, only his sister Daeneeris does not give a proud tie of the genus - the Red Trot down dragon - the fall finally. She managed incredible - to return to the world of Westeros Dragons, and now it has a powerful army, which significantly increases its chances in the war for the return of the throne.

We are fury

Barateon House is the youngest of all the great houses. As it is believed, this genus is derived from the side branch of Targarey. During his conquest Eyegeon Targaryen, attaching the king of the storm, presents the ownership of the defeated Lord to his relative. So baratons became the lords of the storm limit. Black-haired, strong and most of their cheerful barathels for a long time remained faithful to Targarians, which were obliged to many and with whom they were associated with relatives. But with Eeeris II, everything changed.

Stannis, Last Barateon

Senior from Barateon, Robert, hated the genus Targarey. The reason for hate was walking primarily in a woman, his sister his nearest friend, whom he did not share with the heir of the throne, Rieghar. Robert became one of the leaders of the uprising, and after the victory, he climbed the throne, thereby taking advantage of the semi-more relative relationship with Eihegon's conqueror.

Not bad, in general, a person, he turned out to be a nickdy ruler and too much depended on the environment, primarily from the powerful family of his wife - Lannister. Lannister and set up the death of Robert - he was killed by Kaban during the hunt, - after which their influence on the throne and heirs (by the way, the children were not the latter) was almost limitless.

Two younger brothers Robert, Stanis and Renley, immediately declared their claims on the throne and tried to reinforce their weapons. But the brothers clung to each other, which in the end led to the death of Renley and the defeat of the troops of Stannis. The latter, at the time of the end of the "swords of swords," is the only alive man from the kind of baratonov. He continues to fight for the crown of Westeros, but goes along the blade of the knife and at any instant risks the fall of the victim of not ambition even, and the reckless faith in his right.

Hear my Ryv.

Lannister, no doubt, the richest genus of all the great homes. The blonde handsome hands ruling by Western lands and beaver clutches, according to legends, occur from Lanna smart, one of the greatest legendary heroes of Westeros.

Lannister's blooming must first of all the hectares of Lord Tywin, who carefully and confidently kept his race in the steps of power. Tywin joined the uprising against Eigeon and as a result he became the test of the new king. And the eldest son Tywin, Jame, who served in the guard of Eijekon, killed the old king, for which he received a contemptant nickname "Tsaryubyza". In addition, Jame was a lover of his sister Sernei, who married Robert Baraton (all her children, allegedly being the heirs of the throne, truly from Jame). Tywin has a third, unloved child - a cunning dwarf Tyrion.

After the death of King Robert Lannisters capture power in seven kingdoms. And, despite the fact that with rivals, you have to fight for several fronts, this power is held. Thanks to gold, strong army And unexpected tricks. True, not without loss: Jame becomes crippled and begins to change, Tyrion declared a criminal and runs from the state, before that killing his father, even before that, the senior heir dies, obviously someone poisoned.

So, despite the victories, the future of Lannister seems far from cloudless. After all, Jame is not a politician, and Sersa, with all his tricks and cunning, is not too smart. And Kivan, Brother Tywin, while remains a large extent to the "dark horse".

Winter Is Coming

The first great house, with whom the reader gets acquainted, taking into the hands of the Game of Thrones, is starks. The unchanged Lords of the North, the generation of which was not interrupted for thousands of years, since their legendary ancestor, the Builder's brandon erect the wall that defended the seven kingdoms from other.

During the conquest of Westeros Eijekon, the then ruler of the North Torrhen Stark showed prudency and, instead of fighting Targaryne, squeal to loyalty. If we were talking about another house, this act could consider cowardice, but not as storks. They are cold as the lands that they rule are hard, like the walls of their generic castle of Winterfella, and are dangerous as Lutovolki, who are mounted on their banners.

Among the other great houses, Stark were always partly strangers. Perhaps because of its coldness, possibly due to the ancient times, perhaps, due to the fact that they are the only worship of the old gods. Or maybe it's all about the amazing loyalty of starks, which, obviously, was unpleasant the rest. However, this loyalty came the end: when Robert from the house of barathemon raised the uprising, Eddard Stark supported the old friend. Many years later, he became the first adviser at the new king; As a person, honest and bold, showed himself as a short-sized politician and was killed by Lanniser after his king.

Pay for the mistakes of the father had to his children. Senior, Robb, took over the unbearable burden of power and, being proclaimed by the King of the North, began the war with southern Lords. Two of his younger brothers had to flee from the devastated Winterfella. One of the sisters, Arya, in an incomplete ten years turned out to be alone with all the horrors of the country's arms of the country, and the eldest, Sansa, became a pawn in political games. It is worth noting that each of the children Eddard had her Lutovolk, a semi-per-end creature, different from the ordinary wolf to the same extent as the wolf differs from the dog. The relationship of starks with letovolki explicitly indicates an outstanding (probably magical) potential of children to whom still have to be manifested in the future.

Starks are perhaps the most involved in the plot of the house. Each of them can be called central and, probably positive (as far as this word can be used to Martin's heroes) a cycle character. Loyalty, honor, straight, courage is their strength, for it you can love and respect them. But it is these qualities of them and lie. At the end of the "swords of the swords", the only adult offspring of male starks remains the illegitimate son Eddard John Snow, and the lands of starks or looted, or in the hands of strangers.

High as honored

One of the most ancient clans who remained on the expanses of seven kingdoms is Arrena, the eternal Keepers of the East. Before the arrival of Targaren, Arrena were kings of the mountain and the valley, subsequently these land remained behind them, but already as a lanyland.

During the dynasty of the Targarians dynasty, the mad king of Aeris II demanded from Mighty Lord John Arrena to issue his pupils, Eddard Stark and Robert Baraton. The answer to him was raised by the Luna and Sokol on him and the beginning of the uprising, which led to the end of the dynasty. After the victory, John became a handicraft, that is, the first adviser to the new king. And he married Lisa Talley, whose sister's husband, Catylin, became Eddard.

After the death of her husband, Lisa fled from the capital and got out with his little, painful and spoiled son in the genital castle of Arrenes. This fortress, referred to as the eagle's nest, is considered to be the most impregnable in all seven kingdoms. Most of the war of war between other houses passed Lisa and her little son. They themselves chose to pretend that their hut with the edge. Yes, and could hardly be a thing of people. However, such a "policy of non-interference" had the opposite direction: Little Robert Arren has undermined under the influence of insignificant in origin, but the inaccier Lord Petira Baelis. And hopes for the fact that the once-a great house will be able to rise again, less and less.

Uncomplicable Arrene Citadel - Eagle Nest

Family, debt, honor

Talley, although they differ in considerable wealth, have never been, unlike most other great homes, kings. Their fertile lands are located on the border of the Southern and Northern regions of seven kingdoms, and the castle of Riverran at the crosshair of three great rivers, called the trident, allows Talliel to control the lion's share of trade.

Talley received power over river lands thanks to Eijegon, since the first of the river lords joined him. Their motto is not just a set of loud words: it is these concepts that are always true to Talley, and such loyalty is rare among the highest nobility.

After the fall of the Targarein Dynasty, the Huster Talley has so much with his comrades, giving them (Eddard and John) to their daughters. Rodality from Talley turned out to be very big luck for Robob Stark, when he declared himself as the King of the North and entered into a war with Lannernis. It was on the river lands that most of the fighting was walking, it was thanks to the promotion of their parents of Talli and their vassals, the chances of Robb to win were high.

The betrayal changed the balance of strength. Now the son of the Hoster's Lord, Edmar, captive, and the army is scattered. But this does not mean that Talley is defeated finally. The most experienced and dangerous of them is Sir Brinden, Hoster's brother on nicknamed black fish, still controls Riveran. Let it be surrounded by enemies from all sides, but, while Brinden is alive, it does not mean defeats.

Growing - growing

Others may be richer, cunning, brave, more correct or insidious, but no one comes with Tirellas in the number of subjects. And what could be more important in wartime? Tirellov land is perhaps the most grace edge of all seven kingdoms. Here, fertile land, there is warm, but, unlike more southern lands, there is a place and coolness, and these lands are under the Lengue of the Mighty Family.

Once, before the coming of Targarenov, Tirelles were ordinary nobles, even though their genus, which was rooted in the era of heroes, was distinguished by antiquity. But the previous Master of Vladyka died in the fire of the dragon, and his steward, the ancestor of the current Tirelles, passed the Castle to the conqueror. For his act, he received a high title, and his family entered the circle of great houses. Over the years, Tirelles have supported the hostility with their southern neighbor, Dorn, also part of the seven kingdoms.

Never former kings, Tirelles are ambiguous and thirst for power. But the current head of the house, Mais Tirell, never ventured his own game. Despite its indisputable power, he supported other applicants for the role of the Supreme Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. The conclusion of the unions led to the fact that his daughter, Margery, had already buried his grooms twice. I wonder if there will be the third?

There are two representatives of Tirellov, which can be called significant figures in the confrontation of houses. Larats, young and too hot knight, until he can be considered a noticeable politician, but all the deposits become such with him. But his grandmother Lady Olenna, no wonder the name of the queen of spikes, despite the seemingly unassuming, perhaps is one of the most dangerous participants in the struggle for power.

Unbendable, unreleased, intimidating

Maretella. Eternal opponents of Tirelles. The rulers who call themselves do not kings, but princes - the princes of the southern of seven kingdoms, Dorna. They exist sufficiently isolated from all their northern neighbors, which allowed them to preserve their traditions, customs and special southern flavor in almost the priority form. The main difference of Dorn from other kingdoms, no doubt, is that only him could not conquer Eihegon. Accession took place only after many years - and not rightfully, but thanks to the political agreement and marriage.

Elia, the sister of the current Lord from the genus of Martellov Doragan, was the wife of the heir to Targarey. Lannister people killed her brutally. Brother Prince, Obserin Red Snake, avenged the killer sister and he himself broke up with life. With the exception of these two deaths, the war, broke out after the death of Robert Baraton, was practically not touched upon Dorn. It is logical to assume that Maretella will eventually come into confrontation with Lannnishers, but a careman is careful, and an open war is not foreseen.

We do not eat!

The last of the great houses, no less separate than Maretella, is Grayjoev's house. Their genus is rooted in the depths of centuries as far as Stark, and the same time lasted a feud of two houses.

Grajoi and their subjects long ago deliced \u200b\u200bon the fruitless iron islands and were forced to do piracy. However, "forced" - hardly the right word: the robbery came to taste, and now they no longer think of their lives without him, despising all other classes.

The aggressive policy of the inhabitants of the Iron Islands ended with the arrival of Targarey. But it was worth the lords of the dragons to fall, as grazing took up the old one. Having barely won in the uprising, Robert Barateon and Eddard Stark collided with the Mary of Greyjev. And when a new confusion began in the seven kingdoms, Grazi simply could not stay aside. Again, speaking yourself for themselves, they strive to snatch everything that lies badly.

Theon Griad - a treacherous bombard of a treacherous family

On the Iron Islands nothing but power does not matter. Their population is more likely several pirate gangs than an organized state. And it is impossible to vouch that soon in the fight for power they do not drive into the throat of each other. However, from this gradi does not become less dangerous for the rest, because their cruelty is in the blood.

* * *

The amazing attractiveness of the noble houses created by the imagination of Martin, sometimes makes you think, and did Lannister or Targarynen existed in reality? Even if the world of Martin's books from magical intrigue, the opposition between great houses would challenge the readers to the cycle. Great houses, no doubt, one of the main raisins of the "Songs of Ice and Flame".

On April 24, the sixth season of the game of thrones starts. We decided to remember that in general such seven kingdoms, who lives in them and why they are fighting all together.

Seven kingdoms - so called the state on the continent of Westeros, from all sides washed by the seas and only with the northern-protected wall. Although in fact, this is one kingdom, the capital of which is located in the royal harbor along with the iron throne on which the king is seated. Initially, Westeros was divided into hundreds of little kingdoms, with the arrival of the Andalov conquerors (the ancient people who brought with them culture, the language, faith in seven and knight tournaments) most of them fell, and left nine regions: Dorn, space, Western lands, royal lands , Storm lands, Iron Islands, Arren Valley, River Lands and North. And by the time of the Board of Eigon I, the conqueror Westeros consisted of seven independent states nicknamed by the family of kingdoms.

Kings of the North, Stark House (North)

Coat of arms:gray Lutovolk, Running on the Snow Field
Motto: Winter Is Coming
Castle: Winterfelle

Stark - Very ancient genus, originating from Brandon Builder, who lived 8,000 years ago. Like most Northerners believe in the old gods. Before the unification of Westeros ruled by the northern lands as the kings of the North, however, the king before the Eight conqueror, became Lords Winterfella and the keepers of the North. It is this title proudly wearing Lord Eddard Stark at the beginning of a long history called Song ice and fire. He lives himself in Winterfelle with his wife, five children and Bastard John Snow. In the 1st season of the series, he loses his head in the literal sense of the word, and the chaos begins not only among households, but in the whole kingdom. At the moment, the eldest son Robb is killed at the wedding of Edmur Talley with Roslin Frey in the walls of the twins, Sansa married Ramsi Bolton, Arya is in Braravos in a black and white house, Bran was looking for John, but eventually found a magic tree from his visions, fate Ricon is still unknown. Their mothers Camelin cut the throat on the very bloody wedding. And John Snow, already as the Commander-in-Chief of the Night Watch, was also killed by his own subordinates. However, we still do not believe that he died finally and, most importantly, irrevocably.

North - the most extreme and large region of seven kingdoms, albeit little-seated. From the south, it borders with river lands on the variety, and on the northern side, it is under the wall. The harsh edge, far from abounding food, where winter can begin at any time. And she is so heavy and long here that not everyone is capable of survive. The wall that stands on the border of the world of people and lands behind the wall, guarding the brotherhood Night watch - Ancient Order, created eight thousand years ago, in times Long Night. Its members give an oath of loyalty, adopt vow of celibacy and asceticism and wear black. In the old days, the watch was the most powerful army and serve in it was considered a great honor. Now it consists of exact criminals and, hardly, is able to protect even himself.

Kings of the islands and rivers, home Hoarov (Iron Islands, River Lands, Royal Lands)

Coat of arms: Consists of four parts, testifying to the first majority of the house - Golden Rail (Iron Islands), Green Pine (Sever coast), Red Grape Bunch (Arbor) and Black Raven (Old Town)
Motto: Unknown
Castle: Initially, they belonged to Hoar Castle on the island of Big Vic. But the last king of this house, Harren Hoar, built the awesome Harrenhall in river lands, where, in fact, and died.

Hoary - One of the extinct houses of the Iron Islands. At one time, there was a powerful enough, gave the islands of several famous kings and fleecers. After the arrival of Andalov, Hoars have achieved the hereditary royal power. They were called black dynasty or black blood.

Iron Islands - A group of islands in the west of Westeros, separated from the continent of the bay of iron people, and from the west is washed by the sunset by the sea. The edge is even poorer than the northern, surviving at the expense of the seafood. Its inhabitants are called rumblebery. These are free and very cruel pirates who worshiped by the drowned god. In the past, raids on the mainland coast were often suitable. Now the Islands right Greyjev's house from the castle of Pike. The theon G Grage, the son of a cunning traitor Beilon, while still in the continent in captivity of Bolton, from which at the end of the 5th season he, it seems, managed to escape along with Sansa Stark. And his father and militant sister Asha are going to fight.

River land - Central, well-populated region with a multitude of rivers and lakes. However, its population is quite divided. Tally House rules from his castle Riverran, their vassals of Frei own the crossing of the twins, and the largest and most strategically important castle is semi-abandoned Harrenholl. Now Brinden Tallie (Black Fish), Uncle Camelin Stark, who held a siege of Riverran for a long time, was forced to surrender, but he managed to escape from the paw Lannister minions, and we still do not know about his location.

Royal land Located on the east coast of the mainland. It is here that the capital of the state is the Royal Harbor, as well as a small port of the Twilight Dol and Island Castle of Drakoniy Stone - the once generic castle of Targarians. The royal land borders with river lands in the West and the space in the southwest, are separated by the bay from the Valley of Arren and the royal forest from the storm lands. The Chernovaya River has greatly contributed to the development of trade in the region and the prosperity of the port, which is considered the largest on the mainland. From here, the royal tract takes its beginning - the main artery connecting the north and south.

Kings of the valley, house Arrene (Valley Arren)

Coat of arms: White Moon and Falcon on Heavenly Blue Field
Motto: High as an honor
Castle: Eagle's Nest

Arrena- One of the most ancient and purebred Andal gods. In the old days of the resettlement of Andalov in Westeros, the founder of the house Artis Arren won the fairy-tale griffon king, taking his place. After that, his descendants of many centuries ruled as the kings of the mountain and the valleys up to the coming of Targarey. The last of the heirs - Lisa Arrene, fisted on his near Son, was in love with Petira Baleish. He also sent her to the forefathers, pre-married, and got an eagle nest. True, still a little Robert Arren remained, but in the world of George Martin, rare boys live at least to their age. And such fragile and painful especially.

Valley Arren - Eastern land separated from Westeros lunar mountains. Located on them the castle Eagle's nest is considered the most impregnable on the mainland. Wild mountaineers live in the mountains - robbers and robbers who do not obey anyone. The largest city and main port is a chaychy city. By the way, Arrena from the tea-town city is representatives of one of the younger branches of the Rod Arrene. The richest, however, the most despised for marriages with brides from merchant families.

Rock Kings, Lannister House (Western Lands)

Coat of arms:golden lion on aal field
Motto:Hear my roar! (Lannisters always pay their debts - this is a family proverb)
Castle: Rock Casterley

Lannister- Rules of Western lands and representatives of one of the great houses of Westeros. They go to their origin and coat of arms, so they love to call themselves lions and lions. Lannizport is in their authority - the main port of the west coast and the third largest city on the mainland. Western lands, among other things, are rich in gold mines. Profit with them and the skillful distribution of finance made lannisters with the richest home of seven kingdoms and the main creditors of the royal treasury. At the end of the fifth season, Taiwin Lannister is the head of the family, who at least somehow could restrain all his children, killed his own son-dwarf Tyrion, who fled after this to the Mother of the Dragons. Taiwin Sersi's daughter, the widow of the ex-king Robert Baraton, was publicly disgraced for adultery with his brother Jame. And from the three joint children born in sin, only one boy Tommen has already been left, which is still officially listed by the king. Senior Son Joffrey, crowned after the death of "Father", poisoned. Mircell's daughter at the end of the 5th season was also sent to the forefacials.

Western lands - Small hilly, but very fertile terrain. This, as well as the neighborhood with the Iron Islands, always made them an object for attacks and ruin. Here is the Lannport, famous for his artisans. And not far from him and Rock Casserley - a generic nest of narcissistic Lviv.

Kings Storm, Durrandon House (Storm Lands)

Coat of arms:black Crown Deer on Golden Field
Motto:We are fury
Castle:Storm limit

Durrandon (storm kings) - Royal dynasty, many centuries ruling stormy lands. Baratenes, replacing DurranDonov as a stormy limit lords, took their emblem and motto. At the same time, baratons are also relatives of Targarians, which were procured in the process of the uprising of Robert Barateon. At the time of the start of history, he is the sole ruler of the seven kingdoms and the owner of the Iron throne. True for a short time. After an accident on the hunt and his sustainable death, the war began for the throne, because the heirs from Robert did not turn out. In any case, legal. Only brothers.

Storm lands - area in the south-east. Posing with all winds, but, nevertheless, fertile and rich. It belongs to many islands in a narrow sea, among which tart and jade. Connected with the northern part of the mainland by the Royal Forest. Border with royal lands, dorn and spacious. With the last two stormy lands constantly fought for the Dornal brands - the lands on the border with Dornar, who were moving several times from hand to hand. As a result of such historical events, the Knights of Dornasti brands became the strongest warriors, and the region received many enviable castles.

Criga of space, House of Gardeners (space)

Coat of arms:green hand on a white field
Castle: Haygarden

Gardey - Destroyed royal genus.

Spacious - The most fertile and densely populated region in the south-west of the country. Ideal natural conditions, mild climates and fertile lands made it a resident of seven kingdoms. Rubles here a powerful and rich house of Tirellov. The main city of the Prostor and one of the most important ports The Oldest Lights is not inferior to the Royal Harbor. It is here that scientists of Meters are studying in the citadel. And the noble knights rule the ball. At the moment Margery Tyrell, the only daughter of Lord Hayigarden, is located in the Royal Harbor, becoming the third time the wife of the heir to the throne. And her native brother Larats Tirell, once the object of the lust of all young virgins of the kingdom, dwells in custody for uncomfortable connections with men.

Princes of Dorny, houses of Martellov (Dorn)

Coat of arms: Red Sun Pierced by Golden Spear
Motto: Unbendable, unreleased, intimidating
Castle:Sunny spear

Martella They originate from Andalov and traditionally master the head of the house and his family members with princes and princesses. They were the latter who keen knees in front of the iron throne. For several centuries in a row, Targaryen tried in vain to conquer them with all their dragons. For which more than once were marriage with representatives of the family of Martellov. Thus, the blood of the lords of dragons flows in their veins. Eliu Martell, Raigar Targarien's wife, and her children killed Lannisters during the uprising of Robert Barateon. Since then, its brothers Obserin and Dapanest Lyuto hate Lviv. True, alive at the moment, only Pedaran remained.

Mandrel - The most southern region, bordering the scoring and stormy lands. Edge of the scorching sun, endless deserts and dead Mountains. It was attached to the seven kingdoms of a dynastic marriage only a hundred years before the events described.

Daenerys Targaryen

And, perhaps, it will not be superfluous to mention Daenerys Targaryen - Almost the most important character of the saga. Although it is not related to geographically with all previous representatives of seven kingdoms. She was born in marriage King Eiris II insane with his native sister Targaryen and is the only representative of his kind. Denis was born already after the extermination of all his relatives by Barateon and lived in free cities all his life. Now she travels through the countries of the East in search of allies, with the help of which, as well as with the direct participation of the three of their dragons, is going to return to seven kingdoms and take the right-hand iron throne.

Seven kingdoms or Westeros is a fictional world created by the writer George R. R. Martin. On the expanses of this huge mainland, the action of books from the cycle "Song of Ice and Fire"as well as a popular series based on these works "Game of Thrones". Name Westeros one large decoration, the language does not turn, because the huge array of information that has accumulated in Martin's works turned seven kingdoms into a full-fledged living world with his thoughtful geography, history, culture and religion.

At Lukomorye Oak Green ...

If you pose an analogy real Mir, Vesteros spread out from the polar latitudes to the equator, affected, respectively, all climatic zones. On the mainland you can see and powerful ice covers, and extensive forest arrays, frying swamps, hot steps and desert. And, of course, do not forget about the magnificent mountain gorges and valleys. All wonders of light as on the selection.

Dragon stone

The least explored part of the mainland is considered the extreme north or land of eternal winter. The wilderness, fenced from the Kingdom of the Giant Ice Wall, built by ancient heroes to protect humanity. This is the edge of permafrost, where rare coniferous forests are very quickly replaced by lifeless mountain peaks. People, however, live in these adverse places, forming the scattered tribes of wild. But even they placed their parking lots only in more or less warm areas a few kilometers north of the wall. What happens for the icing mountain peaks is not known, but judging by the terrible stories and ancient legends, there is a monastery of real evil.

South of the wall proudly settled the largest kingdom of Westeros - North. The birthplace of harsh men, the cold-blooded beauties and the greatest heroes, for which the valor and honor were always above all. It was Northerners who at one time built a wall and stood on the defense of the mainland from the horror of distant icy deserts. The north is the region, where even snow can fall into hot summer days, and only geothermal sources saved in the winter forest. Despite the huge sizes, the population is small here: few people on the moral to sip these cold lands, grow greens and breed animals. But when it comes to war, Northerners willingly throw all things and grab about swords, even if the threat could get around them. Here is such a hot people.

Red Castle

Continuing the trip to the south, you will fall into river lands. Area with a temperate climate, located between the beds of the largest Vesteros rivers. In this edge there are enough firing swamps, among which many small villages and farms spread. Despite the tranquility reigning here, this is the region with difficult fate, because the kingdom is located almost in the center of the mainland, it borders with many important areas, and also misses the royal tract - the most important trade and transport highway. It is because of its strategically important arrangement, river lands often become aged arena.

East of river lands are the majestic mountains, followed by the valley of the arena. Perhaps no among the seven kingdoms of a more quiet and peaceful place. Remote from the main trade routes, hidden from prying views of beautiful, but difficult to pass the mountains, the valley always lived somewhat apart from the saturated life of Westeros. However, this area is still very important for the rest of the kingdoms, because rich sources of minerals are located among the mountains, without which the developed state in the era, close to the Middle Ages, cannot be burned.

Eagle's Nest

But west of the river lands are the kingdom, which, on the contrary, has always played a very important role in political life Westerosa, because here it is produced here the basis of market relations of the state - gold. A large number of mines made Western lands with the richest region that have a rather strong influence on the royal power. In Western lands, there are also mountains, but they are far from so majestic as in the valley. This is predominantly hilly terrain, well-populated largely due to the warm climate and the wealth of the region.

Continuing the journey to the south, the traveler will definitely be able to pass by albeit little, but but the most densely-seated and politically important area: royal lands. This is the heart of Westeros. Instead of the peaceful landscapes of the medieval depthint, the main attraction of these lands is the royal harbor. it the largest city Westerosa, the capital of the state, where in the throne hall of the magnificent Red Castle meets the king himself.


South of the royal lands spread out the space. The place is essentially perfect for the modern generation of adolescents: a quiet, beautiful, with a warm climate. Even in the harsh winter years, in the south of the spacious, the snow may not fall at all. Excellent weather conditions, fertile soil and huge areas allocated for crops allow you to shoot rich yields several times a year and make a real feeder of seven kingdoms. In addition to food bodily, the wizard gives Westeros food and for the mind, because it is in this kingdom that the city is located in the Old Academy, where Maister training are held - local scientists, philosophers and healers.

The most southern and most unlikely to the rest of the Earth Kingdom is Dorn. Historically, Dorn always lived in his laws, adhered to his own views on the events in the world. Even hundreds of years after the six other kingdoms were united in Westeros, Dorn continued to live apart, resistantly resisting the aries of the invaders. No force could be broken by its inhabitants, and difficult-to-go mountainous ridges on the border with the rest of the lands only complicated the task of conquerors. Only a peace treaty, enshrined by the marriage of the King and the Dorny princess, made these lands part of Westeros, but even after that the Southern Kingdom continues to live their lives. Most of these lands are covered with desert, which is washed with the largest seas from three sides. Dorn plays an important role in trading, as well as famous for its wine, which is recognized as the best in Westerosa.


After brief description Seven kingdoms would be impolite not to say a few words about the second mainland, because in the east, Westeros has a neighbor - no less huge mainland Essos. However, its most part is a lifeless desert. Only in a narrow coastal zone there are several major cities. Once they were no more than colonies of the legendary valium, but after the death of this empire, independence and right to self-government gained. In the time immemorial, the continents were one, but the natural cataclysis of the crushing power destroyed the narrowest, and Essos turned out to be forever separated from Westeros by a narrow sea.

Golden age of heroes

Like any state, Westeros has its own rich history. Many significant events occurred on the mainland and beyond since the formation of the world - just do not list. We will try as a whole to tell about how the seven kingdoms developed on the way to their modern appearance.

The beginning of the history of Westeros is associated with certain mythical creatures - the children of the forest. From the beginning of time, they settled the latter land, along with giants and other fabulous creatures. Forest children are difficult to call people. These were small creatures, similar to the gnomes, or on fairies who owned magic and knew how to communicate with nature. The children of the forest worshiped the so-called old gods whose personification is white trees with carved persons - Chardore.

Eihegon Conqueror on the Dragon

The first people came to Westeros from Essos on the landstorm, which then also joined the continents into a single whole. For development, they were comparable to the globe of the Bronze Age. The first people began to massively cut the forests for the construction of their settlements, hunts "on an industrial scale." The children of the forest could not accept this and gave the first people fight. The lack of weapons they compensated for their magic, having wrapped natural disasters in the first people. According to the legend, it is the magic of children of the forest destroyed the experiencing that connected Westeros and Essos.

However, the first people were in no hurry to surrender. The case threatened to grow into a long war, but both people realized that the bloodshed to anyone was not necessary. Therefore, between the children of the forest and the first people, a contract was concluded, according to which people could freely settle the most of the mainland, but should have been more careful to nature. Also, they were strictly forbidden to cut down Chardrev. The first people willingly accepted these conditions, and since then they have lived in the world with the children of the forest, and over time they even adopted their religion.

After several thousand years, Westeros survived the conquest of Andalov. This hot people also arrived from Essos, overlooking the narrow sea. Being a more developed civilization, Andala owned a high-tech steel weapon, which provided them with superiority over the first people. During the hundreds of years, they captured almost all the kingdoms, and only in river lands the first people were able to give a worthy repulse to the conquerors. The north remained for them, but the rest of the fields were under the authority of Andalov, who brought with them a new religion of seven, developed writing and traditions, which determined the appearance of modern Westeros.

With the arrival of Andalov, the children of the forest begin to leave Westeros, and soon completely disappear somewhere in the north.

About a thousand years before the cycle events "Song of Ice and Fire" In Westeros, another people appeared: Royer. This civilization once occupied adjacent to the Andals of the Earth in Essos. Ruionarov's troops were broken down by the Army of Valion during the grips of this empire. The Queen of Nimeria, saving his people, led him through a narrow sea in Westeros, where the ships of Royonarians moored to the sub-mainland. And although Andalas were not delighted with arrivals of the neighbors, the new people were firmly ass in Dorn. Nimeria gave an order to sink his ships, as a sign that Royonary found their home and do not go anywhere.

The main event, finally formed the modern appearance of Westeros, was the coming to power of Targarians, which was marked by the union of the kingdoms in a single state.

Targarians were originally from Valira. Already, the mentioned empire has already developed in parallel with Westeros and was the most powerful force in the region. Valorians owned magic and knew how to grow dragons that were used in their conquering campaigns. The Empire had developed technological knowledge that allowed to produce impressive things, the example of which is the stronger Valirya steel having a large price in Westerosa.

As the legend says, the Valorians paid for their own knowledge. Unsuccessful experiments with magic led to the catastrophe of the striking scale, which destroyed Valyry. The fiery storm is raging over the islands of the empire even hundreds of years, because sailors prefer to bypass the deceased state to the tenth party.

The family of future ruler Westeros managed to escape at the death of valia. Eiyepon Targaryen with two sisters and a small army moored to the Dragon Stone - a small island near the Royal Harbor. It was from him that the campaign began, which united seven kingdoms in Westeros. Eyegeon possessed a crushing force - three dragons, which could not resist any army. Some kingdoms tried to resist the invaders, others swore to loyalty to such a mighty strength. Only Dorn remained uncompaired and became part of Westeros only after two hundred years after the conquests of Eigen.

Targareins ruled Westeros almost three hundred years. During this time, all the dragons died, apparently, not transferred to the climate of Westeros, but the dynasty continued to hold power. Among Targarians were very wise kings, and there were those who brought seven kingdoms only troubles. So the king was Eikeis II, called insane. His opposites, he quicks against himself all the kingdom. Mass discontent turned into a rebellion of baratonov, which put the end of the Board of Targarians. The rebellion itself is a fairly capacious theme, heeded by many interesting events, heroic feats, absurd cases and beautiful legends. This event deserves a separate article, therefore it suggests in detail about it within this material is not worth it.

After the fall of the Targarians dynasty, Robert Barateon came to power. Twenty years after that, the history of books and the series begins.

About the weather and not only

Perhaps, main feature Westeros consists in an unusual year change. The continent's presentation is carried out familiar to us, but the arrival of winter is not associated with the calendar year and more resembles a short ice age.

Hot time can last for more than ten years. Then the autumn period is quickly passed, and a harsh winter comes in seven kingdoms. Cold, too, for a long time, the land of Westeros is for a long time. Usually, the student is time here lasts 2-3 years, but the history of the mainland knows the winter, which lasted dozens of years, bringing with them a lot of misfortunes of Westeros.

One day, surprisingly cold winter has grown overnight. People were born and died in darkness, and not seeing sunshine. As you know, the trouble does not come alone, and from the north to Westeros, the army of other - the dark beings carrying cold and death. The first people together with the children of the forest were able to win, but a big price. To prevent the repetition of the attack of others, the legendary firm builder, the founder of the stark dynasty, with the help of giants and the magic of children of the forest built a wall that the Order of the Night Watch has been guarded.

Wall and "Night Watch"

In seven kingdoms, fully delightful monuments to construction skills, because the bright mind of a talented writer sometimes is able to exceed the efforts of even the most outstanding architects. Take at least an eagle nest or a red royal castle. And what is only worth Harrenhol, who albeit in the ruins, destroyed by the flame of the dragons of Eegonon's conqueror, but continues to strive imagination with its huge size.

But the most impressive manual construction of Westeros is, of course, the wall. Constructed by ancient heroes The monumental structure reliably protects seven kingdoms from dangers that are hidden in the depths of the land of the Far North.

Since the first people, the wall guards the Order of the Night Watch. Once this was an elite organization, which was a great honor. Each Lord commander-in-chief considered his duty to put the wall, making the barricade more and more inhibited. In the best times on guard, the walls were thousands of people, garrisons were located in ten castles. This powerful defensive complex was ready for a new meeting with the army of others, which once almost crossed the mainland.

However, the century went, and the prestige of the night watch gradually fell. The fact of the existence of others began to be questioned, and legendary battles A century of heroes were increasingly perceived as a fairy tale. The garrison of the night watching has reddished, and he became unable to extend the wall, as was accepted by the ancestors. Moreover, it was soon impossible to contain ten castles, so by the time the history of the "Game of Thrones" began on the wall only three defensive posts.

In addition, the service in the night dosage has become increasingly involved in criminals. Glory to the walls began to fall rapidly, and in the end in the eyes of ordinary residents of Westeros, she turned into a kind of prison, whose garrison struggles for the existence on the scarce lands and prevents the penetration of the few groups of wild, who want to move into warmer edges. Given that in the forests of the North, it is often possible to stumble upon the parking lots of the wild, with their work the modern night watch is not very coping with.

However, soon these people will have a meeting with ancient evil. Will the wall be able to fulfill its purpose and protect Westeros from the species of cold and darkness, depends only on the writer's imagination.

House Lannister

Motto: "Hear my roar"

The photo

Lannister - One of the great houses of Westeros, the rulers of Western lands. The golden lion is depicted on the coat of arms on the Red Field, and the members of this house love to call themselves "lions" and "lioness." Lannister Castle - Rock Casterness, In addition, in the power of this house there is a city of Lannizport -Labe port of the west coast, the third largest city of Westeros. Lunnport lives the youngest branch of the houselisters from the Lannports, which come to Lannisters from the rock with long-distance relatives.

Lannisters are high, beautiful and blondes, they lead their pedigree from Andalov, who were able to destroy the powerful kingdom in Western lands, on the men's line and from Lanna smart, legendary coolness and a deceiver, which was able to take hold of Casterly, on the female line. For a long time, Lannister ruled Western lands as the Kings of the Rock.

Launister Lannister became the last of this royal dynasty. I united with the king of the observer by a measuring gardener, he put up against Eigon Targaryna sixty thousand warriors, but suffered a defeat in the battle, known as a fiery field. Since that time, Lannisters serve as a king at the iron throne as the Supreme Lords of Western Lands and the Keepers of the West.

Numerous gold mines of Western lands and skillful contact with finance made Lannisters in the richest home of seven kingdoms; They are-making royal treasury lenders. In addition to the official maiden, this house has a proverb: "Lannisters always pay their debts."

The house of Lannister is an old and rich genus, in the entire history of which he had several branches that rule in various castles in Western lands. For comparison, the house of stars is older than the house of Lannister, but because of the difficult living conditions in the north, stars are not so many cousins \u200b\u200band only one branch, the house of Kartarkov. And Lannister has the number of relatives, cousins \u200b\u200band cousins, countless, many of them are only distantly connected with the house, and Lannisters consider them more than their vassals than family members.

From representatives of the houses of the house in the series, Elton Lannister, Cousin Jame, Serney and Tyrion mentioned. His mother is Sinda Lannister. There is also a branch of Lannister from the Lannnyport, which rule the same port city, which is located near the cliffs of Kasserley. One of his representatives is Reginald Lannister, Zeznyar Tywin.

House Tirell.

Motto: "Raised Stretch"

The photo

They rule the scope, extensive fertile densely populated lands in the south-west of the continent. Their castle is Haygarden.

Tirella, despite the fact that they begin to play an active role only at the very end of the saga - the house is very powerful. It is in possession of Tirelles most of the grain of the seven kingdoms grown. Possess a large army equal to the royal and fleet. Have a common border with Lannernisers.

The House of Tirelles was a branch of the house of Gardenaner, the ancient kings of the space. For centuries, Tirella served as Castelans Haiigarden. Gradually, their power grew, they became stronger and even fastened the bonds of marriage with powerful noble houses of space.

During the conquest war, the King of Merne Gardenener was burned alive in the battle, which received the name of the field of fire, he was killed by the dragons of Targarey. His heirs also died. After that, Charlen Tyrell voluntarily passed Haygarden Aigon Targarien, he made Tirell Lord Hayigarden and the Supreme Lord of the Prostor, although there were other noble houses with closest relationships with Gardner in the square.

The history of Tirelles perfectly characterizes their emblem - spikes are hidden for the beauty of roses. Tirelles seem honest and fair, in fact they are no less slys than Lannisters, and they are not alien to Palace intrigues and political games.

For many years, Tirella has always joined the military conflicts to those who are most likely to get out of the conflict winner. It was and during the conquest of Targaren, and during Robert's uprising. During the uprising, Robert Tirelles won a crushing victory in the battle of Ashford, and then besieged the storm limit. But after the death of the insane king, they immediately surrendered and swore to the loyalty to Robert Barateon.

House Barateon

Motto: "We are rage"

The photo

One of the great houses of Westeros, and the youngest of them. The symbol of this house is a black crowned deer standing on the back legs on a golden field. The crown on herb appeared not immediately, it was added there when Robert Barateon won the Iron throne.

Initially, the Barathemon's family lock was a storm limit, but after Robert became the king, also the Castle of Targaren Dragon Stone began to belong to the house, and the king himself began to rule from the Royal Harbor.

When Robert died, the house of baratonov was divided into three warring groups:

  • The house of barathers from the Royal Harbor, at the head of which stood the alleged children of Robert.
  • The House of Barateon from Dragon Stone, at the head of which stood Stannis, the younger brother of Robert.
  • The group led by Renley, another younger brother Robert. He proclaimed himself the head of the house of baratonov, and he was supported at home storm lands, as well as space.

The attendant of the house is Oris Barateon, who was General at Agon's conqueror. There were rumors that Oris is Bastardo and a consolidated brother of Agonon. Oris killed the last king of the storm limit, Argilaka arrogant, and took the castle. His daughter, Argel, he took his wife.

House Talll.

Motto - "Family, Debt, Honor"

The photo

Tally House rules river lands from his generic castle Riverran, headed by Lord Riverran

In fact, the house almost does not play roles in the saga. But he should be. Also, it should be remembered that the creators did not set their goal to spend full parallels with something, they painted the overall picture.

House Talley won a high position during a conquest war. Edmin Tallie, who at that time was the head of this noble house, supported Targarey and raised the uprising against the king, which at that time ruled by the Iron Islands and River Land, Harren Black. The lords of river land led by Edmina won, and when Aigon I Targaryen won the continent and occupied the throne, he gave Edmina the title of the Supreme Lord of River Land, and since then, the descendants of Edmin inherit this title.

Until recently, the head of Talilli was the Horsic Tallie. His daughters of Camelin and Lisa, the wife of Lords Eddard Stark and John Arrena, during Robert's uprising formed a major alliance of their homes.

Historically, the river lands often became the place of hostilities. To survive, the house of Talley constantly concluded marriage alliances with other noble houses.

House Arren.

Motto: "High as an honor"

The photo

They rule in Arren Valley a thousand years. At the moment, the Lord of Eagle nest is Robin Arren, but so far Regent Liza Arren ruled from his behalf.

The second strange house, immediately after starks. Practically do not take part in the throne share, but they brought up the future king Robert Baraton and Eddard Stark - the future ruler of the North. It could easily be deposited from the kingdoms, sitting in an impregnable castle on the rocks, but do not make it. Symbol at home is white flying falcon and month on a blue background.

According to the legend, the house was founded by Syrian Artis Arrene, who flew on the falcon, landed on the highest mountain of the valley of the giant and defeated King Griffin, the last king of the mountain from the first people. Artis Arren became the first king of the mountains and valleys. His descendants continued to rule in the valley until the invasion of Eigon Targaryen, after which they began to obey the king on the iron throne. The castle Orlinic nest is considered impregnable and protects its inhabitants from the attack of wild tribes.

Lord John Arrene was a respected and noble man. He brought up Eddard Stark and Robert Barateon. After the abduction, Lianna Stark and the execution of Ricard and Brandon Starks are insane king, John Arren raised the uprising. Strokers and baratheones joined it. They entered into an alliance with the Talley House by Eddard Stark's marriage on Catylin Talley. After the victory, the new king Robert Barateon appointed John Arrena to the hand.

Over the next seventeen years, John performed his duties until he discovered that Robert's children and Serne were not at all like the descendants of the king. Shortly thereafter, he was seriously ill and died suddenly.

John had a wife Lisa and son Robin.

Grejoy House

The motto "We are not sow"

The photo

Manage iron islands from the castle of the Pike. The symbol of this house is the Golden Kraken on the Black Field. Pirates, robbers, local analogue of Vikings. Greyjian House comes from the gray king, the legendary king of the Iron Islands. According to believing, he ruled a thousand years and took the mermaid in his wives.

Like most rail-born, they believe in the drowned god.

At the time of the beginning of the series at the head of the house Beonon Grazey. Eight years before the events of the first series of the series, he raised an uprising against the power of the Iron throne. The uprising ended for Beilon by defeat, two of his sons, Rhodri and Maron, died. The Third Son, Theon, took hostage Eddard Stark, he was taken to the Winterfell Castle, where he brought up and he studied with the children of Stark. Near the Beylon, only the daughter of Yara remained.

House Martell

Motto: adamant, unreleased, intimidating

The photo

One of the great westeros houses. They rule the most southern region on the continent, Dorny, from the castle of a sunny spear. Although they are loyal to the King on the Iron throne, after Robert's uprising, they are trying to isolate.

The symbol of the Martlov - the golden sun pierced by a spear.

Stark House

Motto: "Winter Close"

The photo

The Great House Westeros, the former rulers of the North.

Very ancient race, it is believed that their pedigree was not interrupted since the time of Brandon Builder, who lived eight thousand years ago. Like many other north houses, they retained faith in old gods. For a long time, Stark ruled its area as the kings of the North. But after the invasion of Westeros, Eigon I Targarian King Torchen Stark surrendered, seeing dragons whom Targaryen brought with him on the battle on the flame field. So starks received the title of the Supreme Lords of the North and began to serve the King on the Iron throne as the keepers of the North.

Three hundred years later, Lord Eddard Stark threatened with Talley's home, marrying Catylin Talley. During the uprising of Robert Barateon Eddard and his people fought on the side of Robert and helped him climb the throne.


Motto: "Flame and Blood"

The photo

Targareen - Former dynasty of Westeros kings and a former great house. After the defeat in the uprising of Robert Barateon, his descendants fled from Westeros to Essos. The motto of the house is the phrase "Flame and Blood", and the symbol is a red three-headed dragon on a black background.

Targarians were one of the noble families of the Valiy Frigold, the powerful Essos Empire. They occupied the castle of dragon stone on the island of the same name in a narrow sea. After the death of the Empire during the catastrophic eruption of volcanoes, known as rock valillance, Targarey invaded Westeros, having a small army and three dragons.

For a fairly short period of time, they won the six kingdoms that existed at that time on the continent, and founded the dynasty of the kings of Andalov and the first people. Two centuries, the kingdom of Dorn joined them, which in the end led to the formation of a state known as seven kingdoms.

Two hundred eighty years later, Eiris II Targaryene, who set up against himself most of the regions, as a result of which began civil Warwhich was named Robert's uprising. Targareins lost it and almost all were destroyed. Saving managed only to two youngest children of Eiris, Vieris and Deineris, who were hiding in free cities. Also stayed alive Uncle Eiris Eymon Targaryen, who by that time had long served in the night doser.

Almost all Targarians in appearance have common features, for example, silver hair with a golden tump.

So, now we know exactly what Lannisters differ from the barathones and who belongs to which house.