Dwemer ruins. Oblivion. "Dwemer Ruins of Arkshtrumts". Who dwells in the ruins


Oblivion v. + DLC Shivering Isles
OBSE + OBSE ~ Elys ~ Universal Silent Voice (for delaying dialogues)
Cyrodiil Border Removal or similar, or editing Oblivion.ini


The mod contains not one, but several interesting and long quests at once, which you will go through while in the ancient, dilapidated, but still in relatively good condition, the ruins of the Dwemer underground city of Arkshtrumts. However, part of the city is still on the surface (the base of Dwemer aeronautical ships), but before you get there, it will take many hours of passage in the main city underground, consisting of many interconnected smaller cities ... or even factories, and not cities (more than 50 levels), where you will constantly solve a variety of tasks: solve complex puzzles, search for components, create different objects (including explosive ones) in order to somehow advance further ...
In the meantime, you will constantly bump into various obstacles in the form of: lack of the keys you need - you need to find them; the inability to read some necessary books - a scientist will help you with this, for whom you will have to "run" to the Imperial City; difficulties with opening some doors and passages - you will have to blow them up with your own gunpowder ... and so on. On the way, you will be trapped by some enemies in the form of: a variety of Dwemer mechanisms, which neither time nor dampness could kill, and ghosts - some of them are so dangerous that without magic it will not be possible to cope with them ... The picture is also complemented by: crumbling ceilings falling floors and other traps that you may not even notice due to the constant semi-darkness (in some places it is completely dark). So, before traveling underground, you will have to stock up on either a "spell of light" or a bunch of torches ...

The mod, and with it the main quest, begins with your journey to Lake Poppad (this is southwest of Chaydinhal) and clearing out a small bandit camp on its northern shore. Read the scientist's note in one of the bandit chests and, if you are fully prepared and equipped for such a long, difficult and dangerous journey, go to the very east of Cyrodiil and climb the mountains (for this you will need to disable the borders of Cyrodiil). It is there that you will find a cave, unknown until recently (there will be another scientist's note next to it), not marked on any map - this is the entrance to the ancient Dwemer city of Arkshtrumts ...

You can read more about all the nuances of this mod in ReadMe attached to the mod.


Majestic abandoned underground cities once built by the Dwemer. They are dangerous for the traveler, because they are inhabited by a variety of creatures that coexist with still working Dwemer mechanisms that can wake up at any moment and stand up to protect the possessions of their long-gone creators. In the best-preserved ruins, you can see the wonders of the technology of the deep people: elevators, puzzles, and the like.

In these locations it is possible to find ancient artifacts and simply valuable trinkets that can be used to decorate a house or sell at a good price.

On the map

Some ruins are on the surface and are not always marked on the map. The designated ones are mostly displayed as points of interest. Dwemer ruins can also be found inside the caves. It can be assumed that once these were real cities, now badly destroyed by time, the entrance to which was lost (if only the walls are visible).


This city, which now belongs to humans, was built by the Dwemer and was perfectly preserved until the beginning of the Fourth era.

To make this location available, you need to install the mod. In the Dwemer ruins of "Skyrim" there are many useful things and artifacts. If you collect scrap metal (it is scattered around the location or drops out of enemies), you can melt it into ingots. They can be used to assemble beautiful and durable armor, blades, shield or bow. This will allow you to pump the skill of a blacksmith and earn good money. Let's try to figure out where to find the Dwemer ruins, and who we will have to meet there.

Who lives in the ruins?

The most popular enemies in this underground abode are the Dwemer spiders. Outwardly, they look like a metal machine that has an arachnid shape. They work with soul stones and Dwemer oil. These ingredients drop from them along with the scrap metal. Spiders are of several types: workers, guards, and foremen. The first fight with claws, the second and third launch a charge of electricity, and after "death" they explode.

The problematic enemy of the ruins is the Dwemer sphere. Until she attacks, she is. As soon as she suspects danger, it opens up and turns into a machine with sharp bladed arms. They drop the same ingredients as spiders. Spheres are very dangerous enemies, as their lack of strength is compensated for by their speed. Sometimes they are found in the form of a kind of crossbows that can kill a character very quickly.

Dangerous but interesting inhabitants of the Dwemer ruins are centurions. This is the name of the steam engines that guard a certain area. They work with special cores that look like gyroscopes with a red glow inside. The centurion cannot be confused with anyone, because he looks like a huge armored warrior. It drops very expensive items, soul stones, oil, gems, good arrows (for example, Daedric). You should know that if you sneak past this enemy, then he will stand motionless (usually they calmly support the walls).

Inhabitants such as Falmer and Corus are also found in the ruins. Falmer are called unattractive blind creatures. Once upon a time, they were over which the Dwemer conducted various experiments. As a result, the elves underwent a mutation and turned into these creatures. Falmer very often coexist with corus - arthropod living creatures. They have a strong chitinous shell and glands that allow spitting poison at enemies.

In the Rift

We can find several ruins on the territory of the Rift. Here are located: Avanchnzel, Btalft, Rkund.

We will find ourselves in the ruins of Avanchnzel after we take a task from an Argonian woman in the port of Riften. She will give us a cube, which will have to be returned to its place. The entrance to the location does not look like a Dwemer city, but looks like an ordinary cave. Inside, a meeting awaits us with the spirits, who, as they progress, will reveal the story of their campaign and death. You need to walk very carefully here, because there will be traps and strong Dwemer spheres-masters. A successfully completed quest will give a unique spell "Ancient Knowledge".

The Dwemer Ruins of Btalft are where material has been crafted and used to craft various devices. The Btalft Key is divided into four parts that are located in 4 different cities. As a result of many years of wars, the smithy was abandoned and then destroyed. Inside it, there are quite beautiful and unusual places: a grotto with waterfalls, Dwemer buildings, models of Dwemer mechanisms.

The ruins of Rkund are located in an open area, where buildings and destroyed columns can be found. Here you can find a few ingredients, potions, and some scrap metal. This location is nothing more interesting.

In Winterhold

On the territory of the snowy Winterhold, there are two locations with Dwemer cities: Alftand and the Temple of Zrib. The temple is a common building guarded by the Falmer and Corus. In this location, they have placed several of their camps with various supplies. The most notable place of the temple is the main hall, which consists of several tiers. But you won't be able to get to all levels - some of them are overwhelmed. You can leave the location using the Dwemer lift.

Where in Skyrim are the Dwemer Ruins of Alftand located? This large city is located southwest of Winterhold. From it you can get to an incredibly beautiful and mysterious place - Black Reach.

The main attraction of the location is the cathedral, which occupies a fairly large area. There are several buildings connected by stairs. Various pipes, gears and piston mechanisms are visible along the walls. You can get into the hall only with the help of a special device.

White Beach

Within the territory of White Beach there is an impressive number of cities built by the Dwemer. There are Mzinchaleft, Raldbthar, Irkntand and Mzark Tower.

Mzinchaleft is a ruined city located near Dawnstar. Near him you will have to fight with robbers engaged in illegal excavations. Inside the ruins we will meet Dwemer machines and Falmer. Also from here you can get to the territory of the Black Reach.

We get to the Mzark tower after we take the search quest ancient scroll at Ugar gro-Shub (in the library of the College of Winterhold). In addition to the scroll, there are many valuable items that can be sold profitably. The location consists of intricate and interesting labyrinths. On way back some puzzles await us and

Raldbthar is the territory of bandits, machines, Falmer and Corus. You should beware of traps in the form of spinning blades, burning with fire and others. Here you can find a pedestal with buttons. If you press them incorrectly, then traps will be triggered. In one of the halls, mechanisms are stuck and they will have to be started. As soon as they work, the bridge will drop and the centurion will revive. After killing him, we rise to the surface using the lift.

Irkntand - Dwemer ruins, in which we find ourselves during the thieves guild quest. On this huge location, you need to find a traitor and prevent him from escaping with treasures and an important key. You will have to look for the entrance to the territory, because the gates are closed with bars (bandits have settled here). Inside Irkntand we will see many corpses and broken cars. There are several difficult pitfalls to overcome in order to meet up with your comrades-in-arms. At the end, there is a battle with a traitor, from whom we need to take the items we need. After that, the room will flood with water and you will have to quickly find a way out of here. In order not to choke, it would be good to enchant some thing (for example, a helmet) with the "water breath" spell.

At the Limit

Most of the Dwemer ruins of "Skyrim" are located in the Reach. Here we will meet: Btardamz, Nchuand-Zel, Arkntamz, Nest of the Winds of Reach and Ferry of the Deep People.

The Deep People's Crossing is an open area where some outlaws will meet. There is nothing of interest here, except that He can be found on the opposite side of the bridge.

Nchuand Zel is a vast Dwemer territory located below Markarth. Here you can find so much scrap metal that there are not enough "pockets" for it. In the ruins you will have to fight with falmers, machines, frosty spiders. You can get into them if you open the door with a key (give it to Calselmo and ask you to kill a huge spider) or break it with a master key.

The Nest of the Winds of Reach is a tower located near Markarth (southeast). The well-preserved structure consists of an interior location and a balcony. Here you can find some scrap metal and various artifacts.

Arkntamz is located near the orc fortress of Dusnik-Yal. The structure is small, and its walls are partially destroyed. As a result of the earthquake, its ground part was practically not preserved, but in the depths you can find a center where the properties of ethereum were studied. There is practically nothing interesting for our character.

Where are the Dwemer ruins of Btardamz in Skyrim? They can be found in the bowels of the Reach Mountains. Here we will meet the obsessive followers of the Daedra Peryite. They attack any traveler, and they do it in concert, which can become a problem. Inside the ruins, you will meet various enemies, artifacts, ore veins.

In Eastmarch

Several Dwemer buildings can be found in Eastmarch. Here we will see Kagrenzel, the Pantry of the Dwarves and Mzulf.

We will reach Kagrenzel along a small path that runs near the Ansilvund tower. Hunters camped nearby. Next to him there will be an impressive staircase leading to the desired location. Outwardly, the ruins resemble an ordinary fortress. Inside, you can see a corridor, with the help of which we get into a dark room with a pedestal. There is nothing more interesting here.

Mzulf is located in the mountains of Skyrim (to the east). It is represented by two buildings: the entrance to the city and the storeroom of the gnomes, located here. We will find ourselves in the ruins of Mzulf if we take the quest in In this area we will have to find a unique staff - the Eye of Magnus. There are also many artifacts, scrap metal and various ingredients.

The Dwarven Pantry is located near Mzulf (not marked on the map in any way). It is a small room with a convector, which is needed to charge a special shower stone. Also on the territory of the pantry there are a lot of Dwemer scrap, chests with various contents.

In Solstheim

If you install the add-on to the game TES 5: Dragonborn, you can get to the island of Solstheim. There are 3 locations with ruins available for exploration: Kagrumez, Nchardak, Falbtarz.

Kagrumez is a small Dwemer town in the center of the island. Its design is slightly different from similar buildings of "Skyrim" (for example, some parts of the building are lined with malachite). The building served as either a huge storage facility or a test site. There are traps and a clever gate-opening system. By the way, to solve the riddles, you will need special resonator stones, which are scattered throughout the island.

Nchardak is a huge library city located on a small island of Solstheim. We will get here if we undertake to help Neloth from Tel Mithrin (without him the location will be closed). Only he can open the doors with a special cube. With the help of cubes, you can control the water level in the building, which will allow you to get to the right places. If before that we have not come across black books, then here we will see the first of them. With their help, you can move to the world of Hermeus Mora.

Falbtarz - ruins big city Dwemer, located near the Stone of Water. Outside and inside us, the Rieklings, harmful creatures throwing spears, will await us. Albino spiders live in the depths of the ruins. From their abdomens, you can make spiders that strike with fire, acid, frost. The hero will like to move around the island in the company of 2-3 such individuals.

There are many Dwemer ruins in Skyrim. It is worth visiting each of the locations, because there is interesting quests, artifacts and items. As for the system requirements, they are the same as for the main game (it must already be installed on the computer).

Dwemer ruins are abundant in Skyrim and Morrowind. While in Cyrodiil, the area of ​​operation of the fourth part of the Scrolls, we can admire the shining abandoned ruins of the Ayleids, but the legacy of another bygone race, unfortunately, is not here. Several luxurious creations have been created for Skyrim, adding ancient elven cities to the snow-covered mainland. And the modification, which this news is devoted to, allows you to expand the world of Oblivion with beautiful Dwemer ruins, fully correcting the sad lack of the original game.

As you might guess, the action of our big quest flows endlessly far from the usual cool forests, groves, meadows and cozy farms - on the very edge game card, where the border between Cyrodiil and distant Morrowind lies. The plot begins with the story of a very curious scientist who discovered something amazing in these wild lands, and considered it his duty to immediately return to the University to report the discovery. But alas - on the way back, changeable fate decided to turn its back on him, and the poor man never reached the goal of his journey. Let's say chance brings you to Lake Poppad, where you can stumble upon a camp. And there you will find out what kind of trouble befell the scientist from the capital ... and continue his research. If you like.

This is an incredibly large and complex enough project for an unprepared player (and his character). The ruins of the Dwemer stretch for tens of kilometers underground, where you will meet puzzles, powerful enemies and interesting discoveries, but most importantly - books. There are many of them, and each of them contains exciting content that you simply cannot help but familiarize yourself with! The modification was created by users, but at the same time it harmoniously complements and increases the depth of the universe, makes it possible to find out more details from the history of Nirn and allows you to build many assumptions about the everyday life of the race, which is only slightly familiar to many. There is plenty of room for exploration, some places look creepy, while others, on the contrary, are a little cozy. This effect is especially felt when playing with additional graphical enhancements. As you move deeper, you will encounter a lot of new things ... Unseen enemies, huge dark halls, locked doors, strange places and ancient, like autumn, but still working devices, the purpose of which has yet to be clarified. This is a dungeon crawler creation, but the exploration is very intense, and the thirst for discovery will pull you deeper and deeper (sometimes literally, as some places are flooded). You will have to think about many moments - to run through the ruins in a whirlwind through and through, destroying everything moving and taking valuable goods with you simply will not work, because to advance you will have to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the written documents and carefully look around so as not to miss the keys.

It will be easier to find this huge underground complex if you know the geography of the central region of the Empire. The quest does not have compass markers indicating the target, as well as entries in the journal - which means you have to use your own memory and knowledge. WITH a certain moment another scientist from the University of Magic will join you, and you will continue to advance together. No, he will not constantly turn around at his side - while you open new paths and destroy mechanical guards, the scientist will be engaged in research in a separate, safe room... But you should not rely only on his help. In any case, knowledge of the lore of the game will be very useful, because with it you can go through many difficult places faster. It is also worth having patience, because of inattention, you can miss many important for the plot, terribly interesting moments.

If you are a lover of collecting valuables, then over time, abundantly replenish your mansion with books, unique weapon and artifacts. Alchemists will undoubtedly love the still working laboratory, in which they can create mixtures and potions with completely new effects. Sooner or later, the hero will stumble upon an old railway station that can be repaired and used to move quickly underground. You will see a Dwemer air station, you can show yourself on a steam locomotive, enjoy the view of the landscape from the height of the aircraft, feel the sound of the sea on sea ​​ship and visit a small island that is part of Morrowind. You will be able to learn new abilities, skills, and of course - uncover the secret of these great ruins. Strong impressions guaranteed.

In general, such are the things. By the way, it will be a pleasant surprise for someone to find out that the modification was made in Russia. And this is another great contribution to the world of modmaking - along with such wonderful creations as "" and "". It actually came out a long time ago, but that version contained a lot of mistakes, flaws and similar things, which often made it simply impassable. But in 2016, it was, so to speak, "picked up", and developed, polished, improved until now - so now, thanks to the work of many good people, it is completely finished and ready for a comfortable passage. Personally, I have the most positive impressions of acquaintance with the "Dwemer Ruins" - one more coin in the endless piggy bank of positive memories from the fourth part of the Scrolls, and another must-install modification that expands Cyrodiil - this time in the "underground" area. By the way, here are some examples of what loading screens look like (dark version, light version). Even if some of you, dear visitors of our site, have long abandoned the fourth Scrolls, this release is a great reason to return there.