Regular and Pure Metal Ingots in Black Desert: What You Need to Know. Black Desert Beer Recipe - How to Brew Black Desert Beer for Workers: Recipe and Necessary Components

In adventure games, you need to constantly feed your hero with energy, for this you need to extract resources and use them for special recipes, including for beer Black desert... After opening all the nodes in BDO, different productions become available. After the extraction of resources, workers or residents may run out of energy; to replenish it, you will need to brew beer.

Black desert: how to make beer

Without acquiring a residential building, you will not be able to cook it. The stove on which the drink is prepared can be installed only in the middle of the house; this cannot be done on the street. When choosing a house, you can take into account:

  • internal environment;
  • the size;
  • current influence points.

In a small dwelling, it will be difficult to arrange all the necessary furniture. Influence points are needed to purchase the selected house. It is imperative to check the type of building, it must be residential.

You can buy a slab, but it costs 1,000 silver; to get it for free, you will need to complete a quest, for this you need to go to Velia. In the tavern, located right in its center, Shelley, working in it, instructs to bring her potatoes, after completing the task received from her, it will be possible to pick up the stove.

It is not so easy to collect potatoes, there is a potato field in the southern part of the settlement, but tubers are found only about every third bush. When the collection of all the required amount of vegetables is over, the inn's chef will return the stove. He needs to immediately stock up on all the products for making a foaming drink.

Beer recipe in BDO

Ingredients for beer, the most optimal option in terms of cost and availability:

  1. Sugar - 1 unit. It is necessary to use its brown version, for which you will have to go through a quest from Lawrence Murray - a horse breeder. This sweet product acts as a treat for horses. By completing the task, you will learn about the very origin of brown sugar, and also get a lump of brown sugar.
  2. Cooking water - 6 units. River water will not work for beer, you need to get a purified version, it is sold by David Pinto, a chef who lives in Velia. In other areas, you can buy a pure product at a hotel or from a local chef, you just need to find it. There is water - 30 silver coins.
  3. Yeast - 2 units.
  4. Wheat - 5 units, it can be replaced by potatoes, but it is noted that the characters do not drink this option so willingly. Wheat is harvested from the Moretti plantation.

When all the necessary ingredients for Black Desert, the beer recipe are given below, are collected, you need to prepare a place for its creation. Go to the "Installation mode" and select a place under the stove, then put the boiler on it.

Fresh beer Black desert

The process of obtaining this drink consists in performing several actions:

  • select the "Prepare food" tab;
  • the maximum amount of beer brewed at a time is 2 units, so all ingredients are put into the cauldron in double size.

As a result of making a drink, both regular and fresh beer for slaves can be obtained. It restores three points of mobility, energy is enough for about 1 hour and 20 minutes.

BlackDesert dark beer

It is cooked not only from wheat, the cereal is completely replaceable with potatoes. To harvest tubers from one bush on the field, you need 1 energy point. When brewing beer, you need to adhere to the specified proportions, for example, if you do not add water, at least one unit, then the desired product will not work. At higher levels, wheat can be substituted for corn, sweet potatoes, or barley.

Having learned how to make beer in BDO, you can prepare several portions at once, pouring all the ingredients into the cauldron one by one. After the required number is created, they proceed to treating the workers with a brewed drink, this happens by pressing the left button icon.

For those who want to know that about the quest "Beer for Workers" can be informed that it consists in making 10 glasses of beer, they must be taken to the character who is expecting them. In exchange for the drunk mugs of beer, he will give influence points.

After brewing beer in Black Desert, there are leftovers that can be sold for silver coins or exchanged for other products. This can be done in Heidel or on plantations located nearby. It is necessary to give extra items to the NPC, for which they are selected by right-clicking. Then the "Lead the way" tab, after which "T" is selected, it makes it possible to go to the desired character and make an exchange with him.

In adventure games, you need to constantly feed your hero with energy, for this you need to extract resources and use them for special recipes, including for Black Desert beer. After opening all the nodes in BDO, different productions become available. After the extraction of resources, workers or residents may run out of energy; to replenish it, you will need to brew beer.

Black desert: how to make beer

Without acquiring a residential building, you will not be able to cook it. The stove on which the drink is prepared can be installed only in the middle of the house; this cannot be done on the street. When choosing a house, you can take into account:

  • internal environment;
  • the size;
  • current influence points.

In a small dwelling, it will be difficult to arrange all the necessary furniture. Influence points are needed to purchase the selected house. It is imperative to check the type of building, it must be residential.

You can buy a slab, but it costs 1,000 silver; to get it for free, you will need to complete a quest, for this you need to go to Velia. In the tavern, located right in its center, Shelley, working in it, instructs to bring her potatoes, after completing the task received from her, it will be possible to pick up the stove.

It is not so easy to collect potatoes, there is a potato field in the southern part of the settlement, but tubers are found only about every third bush. When the collection of all the required amount of vegetables is over, the inn's chef will return the stove. He needs to immediately stock up on all the products for making a foaming drink.

Beer recipe in BDO

Ingredients for beer, the most optimal option in terms of cost and availability:

  1. Sugar - 1 unit. It is necessary to use its brown version, for which you will have to go through a quest from Lawrence Murray - a horse breeder. This sweet product acts as a treat for horses. By completing the task, you will learn about the very origin of brown sugar, and also get a lump of brown sugar.
  2. Cooking water - 6 units. River water is not suitable for beer, you need to get a purified version, it is sold by David Pinto, a chef who lives in Velia. In other areas, you can buy a pure product at a hotel or from a local chef, you just need to find it. There is water - 30 silver coins.
  3. Yeast - 2 units.
  4. Wheat - 5 units, it can be replaced by potatoes, but it is noted that the characters do not drink this option so willingly. Wheat is harvested from the Moretti plantation.

When all the necessary ingredients for Black Desert, the beer recipe are given below, are collected, you need to prepare a place for its creation. Go to the "Installation mode" and select a place under the stove, then put the boiler on it.

Fresh beer Black desert

The process of obtaining this drink consists in performing several actions:

  • select the "Prepare food" tab;
  • the maximum amount of beer brewed at a time is 2 units, so all ingredients are put into the cauldron in double size.

As a result of making a drink, both regular and fresh beer for slaves can be obtained. It restores three points of mobility, energy is enough for about 1 hour and 20 minutes.

BlackDesert dark beer

It is cooked not only from wheat, the cereal is completely replaceable with potatoes. To harvest tubers from one bush on the field, you need 1 energy point. When brewing beer, you need to adhere to the specified proportions, for example, if you do not add water, at least one unit, then the desired product will not work. At higher levels, wheat can be substituted for corn, sweet potatoes, or barley.

Having learned how to make beer in BDO, you can prepare several portions at once, pouring all the ingredients into the cauldron one by one. After the required number is created, they proceed to treating the workers with a brewed drink, this happens by pressing the left button icon.

For those who want to know that about the quest "Beer for Workers" can be informed that it consists in making 10 glasses of beer, they must be taken to the character who is expecting them. In exchange for the drunk mugs of beer, he will give influence points.

After brewing beer in Black Desert, there are leftovers that can be sold for silver coins or exchanged for other products. This can be done in Heidel or on plantations located nearby. It is necessary to give extra items to the NPC, for which they are selected by right-clicking. Then the "Lead the way" tab, after which "T" is selected, it makes it possible to go to the desired character and make an exchange with him.

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Black Desert: Brewing Beer for Workers

black desert - beer for workers

Often on our forum I see a question about how to make beer, but unfortunately, detailed guidance, which will describe all the nuances, could not find.

You unlocked the nodes and the workers started production. Now you can do more important things than resource extraction, in Black Desert the workers will do it themselves. Well, almost everything. The fact is that they may run out of energy points (like you) and in order to replenish them, you will have to brew beer. How and with what ingredients to brew beer - in the guide below.

  • Purchase of a residential building.
  • Installation of the stove.
  • We brew beer!
  • We sell leftovers after cooking.
  • We give the beer to the worker.
  • Purchase of a residential building

    Your first step in brewing beer is ... buying a house! The fact is that the stove on which it is possible to brew beer must be installed in the house. Any residential building will do, but I chose the one that I liked the most for aesthetic reasons:

    1. - Interior decoration of the house.
    2. - Necessary influence points.
    3. - Current influence points.
    4. - Choosing a house.

    Before buying a home, make sure you like the décor and dimensions (1). Not all residential buildings will be able to install all the furniture you need, simply due to lack of space. The residential building on the 2-1-1 line in Heidel is, in principle, quite spacious:

    Also, make sure you have enough Influence Points to buy your home. Paragraph 2 indicates the number of influence points required to buy a house (2). Usually 1 point is needed for a residential building. In paragraph 3 - the total number of points that you have at the moment.

    Also, do not make the mistake of choosing the type of house, you need residential (4).

    Installing the stove

    After purchasing your home, head to Velia. There is a quest for getting a slab:

    NPC Shelley is located in a tavern, in the very center of Velia. She instructs you to collect potatoes. We go to the south of the city of Velia, there is a field:

    The potatoes we need are not harvested from every plant, so be patient while you dig it up (from about every third plant).

    After collecting the potatoes, return to the inn and talk to the NPC Chef:

    He will give you a stove. In general, the stove can simply be bought from him for 1000 silver:

    Purchase cooking products from him immediately. The most optimal proportion in value that I have found is 1 unit. sugar (regular, not brown!):

    Then, 2 units. yeast:

    Then - 6 units. cooking water:

    And you will also need 5 units. wheat. Wheat can be obtained by a worker at the Moretti plantation (first node south of Heidel):

    My friend also did a good job of brewing beer from potatoes instead of wheat. But I think it will not be so tasty, hehe.

    After collecting the ingredients, we put the stove in the house. To do this, at the entrance to your residential building, select the "Installation Mode" function and install the stove:

    We brew beer!

    After installing the slab, go to it and press "R" to use it. We put the collected ingredients into the cauldron:

    And click "Prepare food". Please note that it is possible to start serial production. But on the stove for 1000 silver, it will come out to cook a maximum of two batches. To do this, put the ingredients in the cauldron in double quantities.

    With one craft, you will get 1-3 units. beer and 1-4 units. dishes from leftovers:

    We sell leftovers after cooking

    Leftovers after boiling can be sold to various traders, or exchanged for silver, beer, or other products.

    They are sold in Heidel or in plantations nearby. To turn in items to the desired NPC, right-click on them in your inventory:

    And select "Lead a Path". After that, when you press the "T" key, you will go to the desired NPC and will be able to exchange items.

    We give beer to the worker

    Phew, now we can finally get the workers drunk. To do this, press the left mouse button on the icon (1):

    Then, select the button (2) and click on the beer icon with the right mouse button.

    The worker is watered and can continue to mine.


    Brewing beer

    Potato beer

    The cost of brewed beer

    What else do you need to know?

    beer recipe at Black Desert ::

    The problem of how to water the workers, before a newcomer to Black Desert, will arise relatively soon from the beginning of the game. First, the player will have to deal with the production base and only after that think about how to replenish the lost energy points of their "employees". Despite the fact that the recipe for beer in Black Desert is extremely simple, some gamers have an embarrassment at the moment of preparation. This procedure has its own nuances, including those associated with the specifics of the extraction of ingredients and their use in cooking.

    Directly the recipe itself

    The recipe for beer in Black Desert includes only a few components: 4 units of flour (both wheat and other cereals are suitable), 6 jugs of purified water, 2 units of enzyme and 1 sugar. The list itself is quite easy to get, with the exception, perhaps, of cereals. However, you also need to acquire special tools for cooking, after which you can already start production. It is noteworthy that some players use instead of water for cooking - the usual one, in the amount of 5 liters, but in this case, the cooking may fail. Cereals can be replaced with a slightly different ingredient - namely, potatoes. However, it is recommended to stick directly to the recipe in order to avoid wasting additional resources.

    Buying a house and stove

    The recipe for beer in Black Desert does not have any instructions on the specifics of cooking. The player will need a stove for these purposes, as well as a residential building where it can be installed. Before buying a home, you should make sure that the player has enough influence points, and the footage of the new house allows you to install not only the same stove, but also the necessary utensils. Otherwise, the user will just have another production base instead of a comfortable resting place and storage of valuables.

    The stove can be purchased for 1000 silver from the chef in Velia, or received as a reward for the quest to get potatoes. Here you can also collect raw materials for the subsequent brewing of beer, however, players are strongly encouraged to use all the same cereals. The aforementioned vegetable is not obtained from every bush of plants, so the quest will take some time, you should be patient. After the extraction of that very plate, you need to install it. You can also buy regular sugar (10 silver apiece), yeast (2 silver coins) and water (2 silver coins) from the chef.

    Wheat and additional ingredients

    Wheat is most easily obtained from the Moretti plantation. On the other hand, the player is not constrained in his choice of other cereals, including barley and sweet potatoes. If the player has his own plantation for growing cereals, then mass production can be started. However, it should be borne in mind that a plate obtained or purchased from a merchant can produce a maximum of two batches. One recipe for beer in Black Desert produces about 1-2 units of production and up to 4 units of "by-products". They can be sold on nearby plantations. In fact, this is the answer to the question of how to make beer in Black Desert.

    Delivery of the quest and features of the drink

    Each worker will consume one beer, after which they will return to work and continue mining. Brewing beer on one stove is at least time consuming. However, it is quite difficult to gather up a whole "kitchen" without donation. The delivery of the quest takes place in the context menu with the subsequent transfer of the mentioned product to the worker. If you use beer for its intended purpose, then it will increase health recovery by 1 for a period of 20 minutes and will give 3 points of mobility on the map. However, taking into account the cost of the drink, it is more profitable to sell it or use it for workers.

    The question of how to make beer in Black Desert appears quite often, since there are simply no detailed guides on such “penny” recipes. For example, the fact of the need for a stove for cooking drives many beginners into a stupor, despite the fact that the recipe itself is extremely simple.

    Black Desert - Beer Recipe for Workers

    Black Desert - which became in recent times very popular game with a unique world and equally unique characters, which are divided into classes and races. The vitality of the inhabitants of the game depends on the energy replenished with the help of beer, which is also brewed independently. So, how to brew Black Desert beer yourself, taking into account all the nuances, what ingredients are needed for this - we will consider in stages.

    Black Desert - Beer Recipe Exists

    Very often on the forums of the game, questions arise about how and from what to brew beer. Beer in the game is used to replenish the energy of workers (slaves), which is simply necessary for every player. The frothy drink is worth two energy points and is made with simple ingredients. However, in order to brew beer, you first need to acquire a house that will house a cooker table and stove. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that we choose a residential building, which means, first of all, we evaluate its interior decoration. The cost of the house is not very high. IN game Black Desert recipe for beer for workers is composed of the following ingredients - one unit of sugar, two units of yeast, six units of water and five units of cereals (wheat). The first three ingredients are bought (as well as the stove itself) in Velia from the chef in the inn.

    Wheat can be harvested on a specially designated plantation. When the components we need are collected, you can start brewing the drink itself.

    Brewing beer

    We install a boiler on the stove (you can also buy it at the inn) and put all the ingredients we need in it. We do this very carefully so as not to accidentally click on the adjacent window with another ingredient - the windows are quite small. It is also worth keeping an eye on the amount of products you collect - an inadvertent finger movement can increase the requested product several times, which we do not need at all.

    We start the cooking process by pressing the desired button. The game provides for serial production, but for this you will need to double the number of products. In Black Desert, the slave beer, the recipe for which is discussed in this article, may be slightly different. Often potatoes are added instead of wheat during cooking. Potatoes are also harvested in the town of Valley in a special field. Basically, when a player goes to a tavern to buy a stove and food, the hostess of the tavern first of all sends the player to pick potatoes - this is where the first acquaintance with harvesting takes place. It is worth considering that the number of dug out fruits is not the same - some of the bushes may be completely empty.

    Potato beer

    At Black Desert, the potato beer recipe is as popular as the wheat one. The potatoes, as we have already said, are harvested in the town of Velle on the potato field of the Bartali farm (wheat is harvested on the Moretti plantation). To collect one potato bush, you have to spend one energy point. At the same time, collecting potatoes from a bush can be effective - up to three potatoes, and maybe ineffectual - not a single fruit. When brewing beer, it is worth strictly observing all the proportions - if you break at least one of them, the result can turn out to be completely unexpected.

    Before preparing a drink, but after installing the boiler, it is worth pressing the letter R - after this simple procedure, the preparation process starts. The good thing about potatoes is that you can harvest them yourself or with the help of slaves, while wheat can only be harvested in the first way.

    The cost of brewed beer

    To find out how much the finished drink will cost, you can make the necessary calculations. We will not take into account the cost of the plate (1000 units of silver), since it is bought only once. Sugar (it is worth choosing ordinary, but not brown - it is very expensive) will cost 20 silver coins. Yeast will also cost 20 coins per unit. Water is sold in the city from a merchant for 30 coins per unit. We collect potatoes or wheat ourselves.

    As a result, it turns out that the cost of a mug of a foamy drink is not very high, which means that you can constantly prepare it to maintain the vitality of your own workers. In Black Desert, the beer recipe is unchanged - having memorized it once, you won't have to look for clues in the future.

    What else do you need to know?

    Although the Black Desert beer recipe consists of a certain amount of products, residues are still formed after brewing. This is additional opportunity cash in a little, or rather, sell the leftovers to other merchants, simply exchange for silver, or exchange for ready-made beer or any other product. The last step is, of course, feeding the hungry workers (slaves) in Black Desert. The recipe for the beer, or rather the drink itself, is very popular with the characters. Many players even feel sorry for their wards, trying to make beer from wheat, and not from potatoes, sinning on the not very high taste quality of the drink made from the last fruits. The beer has been drunk (with great pleasure) and the worker is ready to work again. The result has been achieved!

    Black Desert - Beer Recipe for Workers

    Food and drink

    Black Desert is a very popular game that has recently become very popular with a unique world and no less unique characters, which are divided into classes and races. The vitality of the inhabitants of the game depends on the energy replenished with the help of beer, which is also brewed independently. So, how to brew Black Desert beer yourself, taking into account all the nuances, what ingredients are needed for this - we will consider in stages.

    Black Desert - Beer Recipe Exists

    Very often on the forums of the game, questions arise about how and from what to brew beer. Beer in the game is used to replenish the energy of workers (slaves), which is simply necessary for every player. The frothy drink is worth two energy points and is made with simple ingredients. However, in order to brew beer, you first need to acquire a house that will house a cooking table and stove. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that we choose a residential building, which means, first of all, we evaluate its interior decoration. The cost of the house is not very high. In the game Black Desert, the recipe for beer for workers is composed of the following components - one unit of sugar, two units of yeast, six units of water, and five units of cereals (wheat). The first three ingredients are bought (as well as the stove itself) in Velia from the chef in the inn.

    Wheat can be harvested on a specially designated plantation. When the components we need are collected, you can start brewing the drink itself.

    Brewing beer

    We install a boiler on the stove (you can also buy it at the inn) and put all the ingredients we need in it. We do this very carefully so as not to accidentally click on the adjacent window with another ingredient - the windows are quite small. It is also worth keeping an eye on the amount of products you collect - an inadvertent finger movement can increase the requested product several times, which we do not need at all.

    We start the cooking process by pressing the desired button. The game provides for serial production, but for this you will need to double the number of products. In Black Desert, the slave beer, the recipe for which is discussed in this article, may be slightly different. Often potatoes are added instead of wheat during cooking. Potatoes are also harvested in the town of Valley in a special field. Basically, when a player goes to a tavern to buy a stove and food, the hostess of the tavern first of all sends the player to pick potatoes - this is where the first acquaintance with harvesting takes place. It is worth considering that the number of dug out fruits is not the same - some of the bushes may be completely empty.

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    Potato beer

    At Black Desert, the potato beer recipe is as popular as the wheat one. The potatoes, as we have already said, are harvested in the town of Velle on the potato field of the Bartali farm (wheat is harvested on the Moretti plantation). To collect one potato bush, you have to spend one energy point. At the same time, collecting potatoes from a bush can be effective - up to three potatoes, and maybe ineffectual - not a single fruit. When brewing beer, it is worth strictly observing all the proportions - if you break at least one of them, the result can turn out to be completely unexpected.

    Before preparing a drink, but after installing the boiler, it is worth pressing the letter R - after this simple procedure, the preparation process starts. The good thing about potatoes is that you can harvest them yourself or with the help of slaves, while wheat can only be harvested in the first way.

    The cost of brewed beer

    To find out how much the finished drink will cost, you can make the necessary calculations. We will not take into account the cost of the plate (1000 units of silver), since it is bought only once. Sugar (it is worth choosing ordinary, but not brown - it is very expensive) will cost 20 silver coins. Yeast will also cost 20 coins per unit. Water is sold in the city from a merchant for 30 coins per unit. We collect potatoes or wheat ourselves.

    As a result, it turns out that the cost of a mug of a foamy drink is not very high, which means that you can constantly prepare it to maintain the vitality of your own workers. In Black Desert, the beer recipe is unchanged - having memorized it once, you won't have to look for clues in the future.

    What else do you need to know?

    Although the Black Desert beer recipe consists of a certain amount of products, residues are still formed after brewing. This is an additional opportunity to cash in a little, or rather, to sell the leftovers to other merchants, simply exchange them for silver, or exchange them for ready-made beer or any other product. The last step is, of course, feeding the hungry workers (slaves) in Black Desert. The recipe for the beer, or rather the drink itself, is very popular with the characters. Many players even feel sorry for their wards, trying to make beer from wheat, and not from potatoes, sinning on the not very high taste quality of the drink made from the last fruits. The beer is drunk (with great pleasure) and the worker is ready to work again. The result has been achieved!


    Cooking recipes at Black Desert

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    Food: Consumables, Workers, Pets, Fishing, Gathering, Weight Capacity, Friendship with NPCs, Jump Height, EXP, Crafting EXP, Stamina, Movement Speed, HP Recovery, Max Health, MP Recovery, Max MP / FP , attack speed, spell speed, attack power, critical damage chance, accuracy, defense, removal of hypothermia, combined effects, meals.

    Consumables products
    Dried fish
    Fish - 1 [Dry] fresh fish via menu [L] on a sunny day
    Cereals - 1 [Grind] cereals via the [Production] menu ([L] key)
    Milk - 1 [Mix] milk and cream via the [Production] menu ([L] key)
    Sugar - 1
    Milk - 1 [Dry] milk via menu [L] on a sunny day
    Cream - 1 [Mix] salt and cream via the [Production] menu ([L] key)
    Salt - 1
    Dough (any)
    Flour (any) - 1 [Mix] flour and water for cooking via the [Making] menu ([L] key)
    Cooking water - 1
    Pure alcohol
    Flour (cereals) - 1 You can prepare pure alcohol using the stove.
    Fruits - 1
    Yeast - 1
    Fruits - 1 You can make vinegar using the stove.
    Cereals - 1
    Sugar - 1
    Yeast - 1
    White sauce
    Wine vinegar - 2 You can make white sauce using the stove top.
    Sauce base - 1
    Milk - 1
    Fruits - 1
    Red sauce
    Sugar - 2 You can make red sauce using the stove top.
    Cooking water - 2
    Meat - 1
    Sauce base - 1
    Salt - 2 You can prepare the seasoning using the stove.
    Cooking water - 1
    Egg - 1
    Olive oil - 1
    Food for workers (energy recovery)
    Cooking water - 6 Worker Energy Recovery +2
    Cereals - 5 Fresh Beer (Chance): Worker Energy Recovery +3
    Yeast - 2
    Sugar - 1
    Flour (from cereals) - 9
    Milk - 3 Special Oatmeal (Chance): Worker Energy Recovery +6
    Onion - 3
    Honey - 2
    Fish in breadcrumbs
    Flour - 7 Worker Energy Recovery +5
    White sauce - 3
    Salt - 3
    Dried fish - 2
    Cheese pie
    Cheese - 7 Worker Energy Recovery +7
    Dough - 5 Great Cheese Pie (Chance): Worker Energy Recovery +8
    Egg - 4
    Butter - 3
    Pet food
    Food to increase fishing speed
    Cooking water - 5 Fishing speed +1 for 30 minutes
    Dough - 3 Special Grain Wine (Chance): Fishing Speed ​​+1 for 45 minutes
    Yeast - 1
    Pure alcohol - 1
    Aloe yogurt
    Aloe - 5 Fishing speed +1 for 30 minutes.
    Yeast - 3 Thick Aloe Yogurt (Chance): Fishing speed increases by 1 level for 45 minutes
    Sugar - 3
    Milk - 2
    Fruit wine
    Fruits - 5 Fishing speed +1 for 60 minutes.
    Cooking water - 5 Sweet Fruit Wine (Chance): Fishing Speed ​​+1 for 75 minutes
    Pure alcohol - 3
    Moonshine - 1
    Honey cookie
    Food to increase the gathering speed (gathering)
    Food to increase the carrying capacity
    Food for friendship
    Food to increase the height of the character's jump
    Food to increase the experience gained
    Food to increase the earned craft experience points
    Endurance food
    Soft bread
    Dough - 6
    Yeast - 4 Milk Bun (Chance): Max Stamina +100 for 45 minutes
    Milk - 3
    Egg - 2
    Lizard kebab
    Cereals - 7 Maximum Stamina +100 for 30 minutes
    Meat (amphibians) - 6 Kebab (chance): Stamina +100 for 45 minutes
    Vegetables - 4
    Onion - 4
    Red sauce - 2
    Pie with meat
    Dough - 6 Maximum Stamina +200 for 60 minutes.
    Meat - 4 Meat Pie (Chance): Max Stamina +200 for 75 minutes
    Olive oil - 4
    Sugar - 3
    Meat sandwich
    Food to increase the speed of movement of the character
    Food to increase character's HP recovery
    Vegetables in batter
    Grape oil - 6 HP recovery +2 for 30 minutes.
    Vegetables - 4 Special vegetables in batter (chance): HP Recovery +2 for 45 minutes
    Dough - 3
    Egg - 2
    Poultry meat
    Poultry - 7 HP Recovery +5 for 60 minutes.
    Flour - 4 Fresh Bird Meat (Chance): HP Recovery +5 for 75 minutes
    Black pepper - 3
    Egg - 2
    Milk tea
    Recipe Experience points + 8% for 90 minutes.
    Meat salad
    HP Recovery +5 for 90 minutes.
    Food to increase maximum health
    Food to increase MR regeneration
    Food to increase the maximum amount of MP / FP
    Food to increase attack speed
    Food to increase spell speed
    Food to enhance the character's attack
    Boiled eggs
    Cooking water - 6
    Egg - 3 Eggs Beautiful (Chance): All Attacks +1 for 45 minutes
    Wine vinegar - 1
    Salt - 1
    Fried sausages
    Meat (mammals) - 6 All types of attack +1 for 30 minutes.
    Black pepper - 2
    Salt - 2
    Onion - 1
    Roast meat
    Meat - 7 All types of attack +2 for 60 minutes.
    Red pepper - 4 Special Roast Meat (Chance): All Attacks +2 for 75 minutes
    Sauce base - 2
    Onion - 2
    Ham sandwich
    Accuracy +8 for 90 minutes.
    Black pudding
    Recipe All types of attack +3 for 90 minutes.
    Food to increase the chance of critical damage
    Food to increase the character's accuracy
    Aloe cookies
    Dough - 7 Accuracy +4 for 30 minutes.
    Aloe - 5 Sweet Aloe Biscuits (Chance): Accuracy +4 for 45 minutes
    Sugar - 4
    Honey - 3
    Fish fillet
    Cooking water - 3 Accuracy +4 for 30 minutes.
    Garlic - 2 Clean Fish Fillet (Chance): Accuracy +4 for 45 minutes
    Salt - 2
    Fish - 1
    Stewed seafood
    Cooking water - 7 Accuracy +6 for 60 minutes.
    Red pepper - 3 Specialty Seafood Stew (Chance): Accuracy +6 for 75 minutes
    Salt - 3
    Seafood - 1
    Ham sandwich
    Recipe All types of attack +3 for 90 minutes.
    Accuracy +8 for 90 minutes.
    Food to increase protection
    To relieve hypothermia
    Food with multiple effects
    Honey cookie
    Honey - 6 Loading capacity +50 for 90 minutes, fishing speed +1 for 90 minutes.
    Dough - 4 Crispy Honey Biscuits (Chance): Lifting Capacity +50 for 110 minutes, Fishing Speed ​​+1 for 110 minutes
    Milk - 4
    Egg - 2
    Milk tea
    Milk - 3 Experience points + 8% for 90 minutes.
    HP Recovery +5 for 90 minutes.
    Herbal tea - 2
    Butter - 2
    Salt - 2
    Meat sandwich
    Meat - 7 Maximum Stamina +200 for 90 minutes.
    Movement speed +1 for 90 minutes.
    Vegetables - 6 Maximum Stamina +200 for 110 minutes.
    Movement speed +1 for 110 minutes. (Great meat sandwich)
    Cheese - 3
    Soft bread - 1
    Cheese casserole
    Dough - 5 Maximum HP +70 for 90 minutes.
    Attack speed +1 for 90 minutes.
    Vegetables - 4 Maximum HP +70 for 110 minutes.
    Attack speed +1 for 110 minutes (Rich casserole).
    Cheese - 3
    Red sauce - 3
    Fried sausages - 1
    Fruit Pie
    Dough - 6 Maximum MP / FP +70 for 90 minutes.
    Spell speed +1 for 90 minutes.
    Fruits - 6 Maximum MP / FP +70 for 110 minutes.
    Spell speed +1 for 110 minutes (Fruit Pie).
    Sugar - 4
    Cream - 3
    Ham sandwich
    Vegetables - 5
    Egg - 4 All types of attack +3 for 90 minutes.
    Accuracy +8 for 90 minutes.
    Soft bread - 2
    Accuracy +8 for 110 minutes. (Great ham sandwich)
    Fried sausages - 2
    Black pudding
    Pig (boar) blood - 7 All types of attack +3 for 90 minutes.
    Additional damage (humans) +2 for 90 minutes.
    Poultry - 5 All attacks +3 for 110 minutes.
    Additional damage (humans) +2 for 110 minutes. (Bloody black pudding)
    Oatmeal - 1 Cooking requires skill: Professional (Cooking)
    Pickles - 1
    Meat salad
    Meat - 8 All types of defense +3 for 90 minutes.
    HP Recovery +5 for 90 minutes.
    Seasoning - 4
    Black pepper - 3
    Vinegar - 2
    Balenos lunch
    Stir-fried vegetables - 2 Movement speed +2 for 90 minutes.
    Fishing speed +2 for 90 minutes.
    Gathering speed +2 for 90 minutes.
    Beer - 2 Movement speed +2 for 110 minutes.
    Fishing speed +2 for 110 minutes.
    Collection speed +2 for 110 minutes. (Balenos Special Lunch)
    Smoked fish - 1
    Cutlets - 1
    Cheese casserole - 1
    Serendian lunch
    Boiled eggs - 2
    Accuracy +10 for 90 minutes.
    Critical Hit Rate + 5% for 90 minutes.
    Fruit wine - 2
    Accuracy +10 for 110 minutes.
    Critical Hit Rate + 5% for 110 minutes. (Serendian Lunch Special)
    Honey cookie - 1 Cooking requires skill: Master (Cooking)
    Pie with meat - 1
    Ham sandwich - 1
    Calpheon lunch
    Soft bread - 2 Reduce all damage +5 for 90 minutes.
    Max. HP +100 for 90 minutes.
    HP Recovery +5 for 90 minutes.
    Milk tea - 1 Reduce all damage +5 for 110 minutes.
    Max. HP +100 for 110 minutes.
    HP Recovery +5 for 110 minutes. (Calpheon Special Lunch)
    Fish salad - 1 Cooking requires skill: Professional 6+ (Cooking)
    Cheese pie - 1
    Naval pasta - 1
    Media lunch
    Fried sausages - 2 All types of attack +5 for 90 minutes.
    Additional damage to humans +5 for 90 minutes.
    Skill speed +1 for 90 minutes.
    Moonshine - 2 Special Media Lunch:
    All types of attack +5 for 110 minutes.
    Additional damage to humans +5 for 110 minutes.
    Skill speed +1 for 110 minutes. (Special Media Lunch)
    Meat salad - 1 Cooking requires skill: Master (Cooking)
    Oatmeal - 1
    Black pudding - 1
    Knight's lunch
    Black pudding - 1 All types of attacks +5 for 120 minutes.
    Bonus damage (humans) +5 for 120 minutes.
    All types of protection +5 for 120 minutes.
    Ham sandwich - 1 Cooking requires skill: Master (Cooking)
    Cutlets - 1
    Fruit wine - 1

    Most of the resources can be obtained from the nodes with the help of workers.

    Vegetables: pumpkin, paprika, cabbage, tomatoes, olive.

    Fruits: grapes, apples, pears, bananas, strawberries, pineapples, cherries.

    Flowers: sunflowers, rosebuds, tulips.

    Poultry meat (obtained by cutting the carcass with a cleaver or prey (chicken) at the nodes by workers): chicken, yellow-beak, pink flamingo.

    Cereals: wheat, corn, barley.

    Eggs: can be obtained as an additional product when mining chicken meat by workers

    Honey: can be obtained from workers at Alejandro's farm

    Available from vendors: Wine vinegar, sauce base, cooking water, salt, sugar, olive oil, yeast.

    In this article, you will learn how to get the required number of failures (failures, varnishes) in Black Desert Online to improve equipment.

    What to do with failures (failures)?

    On Replas, you can raise 18-19 fail, but then you will have to fill in fail on I + sharpening items. If the allowed number of failures is already full, but the weapon or armor did not want to sharpen, it is better to leave these failures on this character, and switch to another one yourself and start all over again. You shouldn't spend a huge number of failures on low sharpening, they will still be useful to you. After all, faults in the game cannot be bought, even for real.

    If it so happens that on all the twinks you already have a bunch of failures, then they will come to the rescue, into which you can pour the failures. It is sold by a blacksmith.

    With the introduction of Drieghan, new item"Petrified Dragon Scale". Petrified Dragon Scales can be dropped from Driegan's monsters.

    You can exchange with Order Commander Trina Valks in Calpheon:
    - 30 pcs. petrified dragonscale on Council of Valks (+20)
    - 350 pcs. fossilized dragon scales to Council of Valks (+40).

    Where can I get the missing files?

    In order to add some failures, you can use Valks's Protest. Valks's protest adds +1 fail (failure) to the accumulated one. You can throw a maximum of 10 failures with the help of Valks' Protests.

    Valks's Protests can be obtained by dismantling a suit from the Pearl Shop in the Extraction menu from the Blacksmith.

    January 30, 2019 was added Dark saturation system. Now you can exchange sharpened equipment for fail. Dark saturation can also be used if the enhancement chance is +1 or more.
    You can remove the failures from the equipment in a special window of the Black Spirit. After removing the files, the equipment will disappear.
    If the enhancement chance is 0, then Dark Saturation is available for equipment of any rank. If the enhancement chance is +1 or higher, then Dark Saturation is available only for equipment of green rank and higher.
    Dark saturation is available only for equipment of a certain level: weapons at least +8 and armor at least +6.
    If you try to make Dark Saturation with an increased chance of amplification, there is a certain probability of both success and failure.
    Dark Saturation is no longer available for equipment inlaid with Gems or enhanced with Caphras Gems.

    Weapon upgrade levels Number of upgrade files
    +8 +4
    +9 +5
    +10 +6
    +11 +8
    +12 +10
    +13 +12
    +14 +14
    +15 +16
    I +20
    II +26
    III +33
    IV +45
    V +75

    Armor upgrade levels Number of upgrade files
    +6 +3
    +7 +4
    +8 +5
    +9 +6
    +10 +7
    +11 +8
    +12 +10
    +13 +12
    +14 +14
    +15 +16
    I +20
    II +25
    III +30
    IV +40
    V +70

    Black Desert: How to Make Fails (Lacquers, Failures) updated: November 29, 2019 by the author: orbit-games

    The game was developed by the PearlAbyss team in a genre with a pronounced action component and a non-target combat system. Bright graphics, a change in the daily cycle, a detailed drawing of the terrain, variations of colorful locations, a huge seamless open world, well-thought-out classes for every taste and color, various quests, tasks and much more await you in colorful fantasy.

    The plot is based on the traditional confrontation of the parties. In connection with political strife and the desire to get their own, a war is unleashed between the state of Calpheon and the eastern neighboring territory of Valencia. The confrontation lasted for 30 years and did not benefit any of the states. Only the trading empire of Mediah, located in the middle of the two warring parties, remained neutral during the war, was able to benefit from this prolonged bloodshed. The thing is that a rather rare resource is mined in the lands of Valencia - “black stones”, and it was Mediah who managed to reveal the magical properties of this item. Having bought up huge reserves of black stones from the warring parties, the empire turned into a strong, competitive state. The tense situation and constant attacks from mystical creatures haunt even after the end of a long war. A confused past and an unstable present require your intervention.

    The history of creation begins in 2010, followed by long and laborious stages of PTA and, of course, the long-awaited final stage. The system is based on the confrontation between guilds, battles take place in open world while sieges and territorial clashes involving huge amount players are a key element. If you are not an adherent of active military operations, a variety of story quests are provided for you, you can also do: alchemy, gathering, research, home ownership, production and much more. Minimum system requirements, gamepad support and proprietary Black Desert Engine make the game a unique indicator of a quality product.

    Probably the most frequently asked question by newbies. Horse Taming is a necessary and very useful skill for Black Desert players. To do this, you need a lasso, carrot, or sugar. In order for your character to be able to use the lasso, his taming skill must be pumped to the 5th level. To increase the level of taming, you need to ride a donkey, after which your level will increase, and you can start taming the horse. You can buy a lasso from any merchant in a large city.

    Having found a free horse, take the lasso to the control panel and press the "lasso" at a safe distance for the horse. Then, hover over the horse and press the left mouse button, and then you need to press the "space" button in time. If the horse is rearing up, you should stop and then continue approaching the horse again. After that, a mini-game begins in which you must quickly press the "space". If you succeed in this, you can proceed to the next step. Now try feeding your horse (sugar or carrots) which will increase your chances of riding your target. If the horse does not make contact, you should follow the previously described course of actions with this or with another horse. When the horse is given, you can safely gallop to the groom and lead the horse into the stall.

    Karma in Black Desert Online

    The problem of karma is especially relevant, since the game is with free PvP, so many questions arise, for which karma points are given and how to clean it up. Firstly, karma is awarded for killing players, but if your clans are in a state of official war, there are no penalties. Further, fines are given for killing horses and some mobs, which act as ordinary townspeople and do not aggro by themselves, but are needed to complete quests. There is nothing you can do about it, the developers did it on purpose in order to accustom gamers to the PvP realities of the game.

    How to wash away karma and lower it? It's very simple - you need to kill a lot of mobs. And it's better to do this in a party, it's faster and safer, because a character with high karma is an excellent target for those who like to profit from a drop from players. PCshers are also attacked by city guards, and at death there is a risk of items falling from inventory and loss of experience. The higher your level, the more experience is lost and the more your karma, the higher the chance of losing things.

    Classes and equipment

    At the beginning of the game, you are given five starting classes, which differ in basic mechanics and are suitable for fans of any method of fighting.

    Warrior - a melee class and any kind of ranged attacks, this class practically does not have. For a beginner, this class will be the easiest to learn. Most of the warrior's skills revolve around using the shield, which in turn has medium damage. This class is not particularly suitable for PVP masses. The optimal equipment for the start will be the Ageri set.

    Archer - the class opens at level 53 and requires you to know hidden combos. It does not have blinks and shields, but with previously opened all kinds of key combinations, you can skillfully avoid attacks and cause great damage to your enemies. The class is designed for players with high skills and combat skills. Outfit - Ajeri set.

    Witch - class of melee and ranged combat. Blinks allow you to evade attacks and damage from any enemy. The class is considered the most popular for one-on-one games. PVP requires quick reaction and player speed. The class is not for the masses of PVE. Outfit - Ajeri set.

    Giant (berserker) - more refined from its previous sluggish version. Now he has a good takeoff run and improved overall mobility. Has one of the highest damage rates. He is most likely the strongest farmer in terms of PVE. The starting equipment is the Ageri set.

    Mystic - the class has a pet - a dog, which is definitely a PVE skill. High damage rate and well-developed approaches to attacks. Outfit - black set Taritas.

    Where to get this starter set? Ajeri's set is assembled either by knocking out mobs during the pumping process or by crafting, crafting is not recommended, since it is long and economically unprofitable. From lvl 15, it is recommended to export in the vicinity of the city of Heidel, where quests from lvl 17 are issued. Parts of the white set of Ajeri drop from Altar Imps, in addition to this, Asvol weapon drops from them. The ruins of the Al Rhundi rebel castle are also considered a good spot.

    Since the game requires constant dexterity and dexterity from you, you simply have to master the combat system of your character, so to speak, always be ready for battle. After all, if you do not know how to protect yourself in the game, then your the only way to escape - this will learn to quickly run away from enemies. So about the combat system ... A slightly original combat game with a free sight that does not force you to fix on one target (Black Desert is the so-called non-target MMORPG). For some of the more accurate ranged skills, there is an aim assist option. An excellent system of combinations - with incredible fluidity, skills complement each other, merging into various combos. There are five types of basic attacks: back attack, counter attack, air attack, speed attack and finishing move. Moreover, the greatest amount of damage is inflicted by an attack from the air.

    The world of Black Desert is incredibly spacious and open, pleasing to the eye with impeccable portrayal of the terrain and titanic sizes of locations. But the developers immediately try to present all sorts of convenience and make the process of travel and exploration as pleasant as possible, first of all, by saying NO to the loading screens. To ensure comfort, for example, there is a function that allows the character to automatically get to the quest markers on his own. After a certain type of mob has been repeatedly defeated, information about it is entered into a kind of bestiary, and at each subsequent meeting with this enemy, the player will be able to see the exact number of his health points.

    Generally, combat system Black Desert is intuitive with obvious action genre features. Beautiful combat attacks, perfected movements - all this will not let you get bored during expiration and pumping. It is very important to constantly improve the skills of your character, because this is what makes him faster and more invulnerable to enemies.


    There are various crafting options in Black Desert, but the choice and, in fact, the occupation of them is a voluntary thing. In general, all the worries and deeds for you are automatically done by your slaves. But if you still want to do them yourself, first you should buy a rented house and the necessary equipment for the chosen type of activity. You can start a vegetable garden, craft food, cans to increase energy and experience, craft beer for slaves. There are many options for every taste and preference.

    Retrieving and Finding Resources

    Gathering in Black Desert is a way to obtain resources to create items for your character.

    There are two types of gathering:

    1) Resources are mined by hand:

    • gathering with a collection tool;
    • gathering at the tent.

    2) Resources are obtained through hired labor.


    There are six types of tools, each of which can be purchased from the NPC in the village of Velia:

    • pick
    • hoe
    • axe
    • skinning knife
    • butcher knife
    • syringe

    You are given the opportunity to collect leaves, various fruits and seeds with your own hands, but the above tools greatly speed up the process. With these tools, the collection of resources (wood, leather, stone) becomes much faster and averages 20-60 seconds. By purchasing at least one of the items, you will feel the simplification of the process. But do not forget that any tool has its own expiration date, so here too - each tool has its own level of durability, which is 20 units. Damaged tools cannot be repaired and should be replaced with new ones.

    Tools and how to use them:

    Pick - used for working with stone formations. With the help of this tool, we extract various deposits of stones: various crystals, metal, etc.

    Hoe - the good thing is that with its help we have the ability to extract several types of necessary resources at once. Thanks to the hoe, such resources are available to us: various vegetables, tree roots, tubers.

    Axe - an indispensable tool for collecting wood. With the help of an ax, you effortlessly get a log from a growing tree, which, by the way, does not turn into a stump after being cut down, but continues to grow further.

    Skinning knife - will allow you to get skins of various wild animals.

    Butcher knife - used for gutting various monsters, for processing meat and bones.

    Syringe - used to collect the blood of various animals and to collect sap from trees.

    Each of the items is a necessary and versatile assistant for your character.

    Character parameters

    There are many parameter priorities: running speed, crit chance, accuracy, attack speed, dodge, etc. Maximum level pumping parameters is - 5. For starters, it is worth pumping the attack speed, not crit. Each pumped parameter accelerates, improves and makes your hero almost invulnerable, improves dodging from attacks, increases the damage done, etc.

    Energy points

    You can increase your energy points by completing special quests, as well as for gaining knowledge and pumping a certain circle of MPS. You can restore energy points on a regular bed and even faster on a premium bed. In addition, you can buy a potion that restores energy levels.

    Influence points

    Obtained by completing various quests. They are needed for practically all actions related to crafting, slaves, and renting items.

    Quest structure

    Quests are classified into three types:

    • Plot quests, issued by the Black spirit. Having reached a certain level, it becomes possible to call the spirit with the "\" key.
    • NPC quests. At a certain level, you can take quests from NPCs.
    • Guild quests. They can be obtained through the guild menu from the guild master.
    1. Subject quests

    Throughout almost the entire game, you will be accompanied by the Black spirit. To call it you need to press the "\" key after which the spirit begins to circle around you. Also, it appears when completing the previous quest. Having started a conversation with him, you can turn in the completed quest, get a reward of your choice (items of equipment) and start a new one. The black spirit develops along with your character, taking on new forms.

    1. Quests from NPC

    You can get a quest from an NPC by reaching his location. The location of a non-playable character can be determined using:

    • the map on which he is depicted as a yellow square with an exclamation mark;
    • also, it can be found in the city, there will be a yellow icon above it;
    • it can be found thanks to the list of NPCs in the lower left corner of your screen. All NPCs of the nearest settlement will be registered there.

    Sometimes mobs drop items with which you can activate the quest. By pressing the "O" key, you can see the number and progress of completed quests. Two tabs contain lists of your ongoing and completed tasks. In addition, there are tips in the form of different icons, which are located by default on the left edge of the screen:

    • winding arrow - the place of the quest;
    • checkbox - description of the quest and the function of rejecting it;
    • stone is a reward for completing a certain mission.

    After completing the next quest, the NPC can issue a reward in the form of replenishing skill points, potions, items and cooperation points.

    Types of quests from NPCs:

    • Repeatable. They can be found in any locality, quests "for goats, cat, kite", etc. repeated at a certain interval in time.
    • Mini-games. Quests in the form of mini-games, which usually require a tool obtained with Collaboration Points to participate. For example, a street, a flute or a gun. Similar quests - "Pied Piper", "Fisherman", "Shooting".
    • Quests for the extermination of mobs. Quests for killing certain mobs or knocking objects out of them. You can take such quests, for example, from mercenaries in taverns, as a reward for completing them they give coins and experience.
    • Accompanying quests. It is required to bring any NPC to the required destination.
    • Research quests. Exploring a specific area, finding objects in a particular area.
    • Trade quests. They are taken from NPC merchants, usually consisting in delivering goods to another character. As a reward, you can get a wheel to expand your inventory.
    • Quests for skills. To develop skills in hunting, cooking, gathering, crafting, etc. It is required to create the specified NPC item.
    • Special quests. For example, quests for early PvP activation.
    1. Guild Quests

    Issued by guild masters from the mission menu, to all guild members. These quests have their own price and the time given for their completion should be taken into account. As a reward for completing a quest, you can get experience points, guild points, sharpening stones and siege tents for the clan leader.

    Guild quests are divided into three types:

    • On ordinary mobs
    • Elite mobs
    • To create items

    The simplest tasks require you to kill a fairly significant number of mobs, and the kills are counted in the sum of all members of the guild. All such quests have clues: a navigation arrow leading to the quest area; job description and deflection function; description of the award.

    More quests are divided on the way of execution:

    • Eliminate the required number of mobs
    • Knock out the required items from mobs
    • Knock out a scroll of knowledge from mobs
    • Find a specific item
    • Inspect anything
    • Explore the desired area
    • Explore the desired cave
    • Escort NPC
    • Deliver goods to NPC
    • Make goods
    • Deliver Collective Item

    This is not all the information on the game, but in general, this guide for Black Desert beginners gives an idea of ​​how to quickly start playing, navigate the terrain and understand the essence. Do not forget to express your opinion or point out inaccuracies. See you in the vastness of the universe!

    Not just another MMO.

    Despite what it looks like, Black Desert Online is not an easy MMORPG. There are many fantastic ideas hidden in it, but figuring out how everything works here will be really difficult - something that lousy English localization will not help with. Fear not, I have seven tips to help you get started and find meaning in the tangled web of Black Desert Online's search, trade and adventure.

    In most MMOs, missions are the only way to level up your character. We know that when we arrive at new town, we must run around it, collecting tasks and completing them before we leave. In Black Desert Online, this will lead you to despair due to the sheer number of tasks, most of which do not provide any experience at all. Instead, focus on the quests that the Black Spirit you meet at the start of your journey gives you, or those that the city of Velia offers you, which will lead you to various activities such as crafting and trading. You should also pay attention to the quests marked with an exclamation mark, as they are important to the story and worth completing.

    While most of the quests will not level up, they will give you experience - something that we’ll break down in detail in a minute. Choose between assignments and prioritize those that give you special items, supplies and expansions, or teach you something new. If you want to level up your character, the best way is to go kill monsters, which is very good, because the combat in Black Desert is quite interesting.

    Doing everything yourself is for losers, so invest in good deeds and get hired NPC workers to do the hard work for you. In Black Desert, contributions are a refundable currency that you can use to invest in trade routes and production chains to make a lot of money easily. You get this currency from most tasks, and although you will have very little deposits at the beginning of the game, you will quickly earn more. The system seems a bit dull, but taking the time to learn how to do it will save you a lot more.

    As you figure out, each area of ​​the world is a point that you can unlock by using contributions and linking them together with other points leading back to the city. In each city there is a boss over the workers, from whom you can buy them out and send them to the points to extract special resources. You can also use the dues to buy out properties by converting homes into workshops and hiring more workers to create and recycle resources. It's all pretty complicated, but it's a great source of passive income. If you are not interested, invest in buying houses and turn them into storage facilities to use as bank safes.

    One of the worst things you can do is play Black Desert Online like it's another MMORPG - which it isn't. While the temptation to reach level 50 can be overwhelming, I do advise you to take the time to interact with the NPC and dissolve into the atmosphere. Black Desert Online is incredibly crowded, and if you try to swallow everything in one go, you'll get a stomach ache. Moreover, by moving slowly and exploring the world, you will increase your character's knowledge. In Black Desert Online, knowledge is power.

    The monsters you've killed, the things you've found, the characters you've talked to all contribute to your character's knowledge store, and doesn't just give you a little bit of legend knowledge in the game's world. When you gain enough knowledge on a topic, for example, you meet all the merchants in a certain city, you get more energy for it, and this, in turn, allows you to create or collect more. Energy is replenished quite quickly, but you will need its supply when you go on your journey. If you take the time to comb the surroundings and talk to the characters, you can stock up on more energy and a better understanding of the legend and history of Black Desert. It also allows you to read anything in long journeys between cities.

    Black Desert requires you to do more than just get in the game, run a dungeon or two, and get out. You still have many options, even if you are distracted to make yourself a snack. Instead of going out, try leaving your character fishing with the rod down. It will automatically start fishing, it can be slow, but it is a great way to improve your fishing skills and make some money while you are not at the computer.

    Even if you have no energy left for fishing, you can always load your donkey with goods and send your character to distant cities to earn easy money. Just remember to check periodically, or plan your itineraries carefully to avoid meeting thugs who like to hang out on the roads. In addition, the workers you have hired to collect remain active only when you are in the game, so staying in Black Desert even if you are not playing can earn valuable resources.

    You get your first horse and it can be very exciting because they can get you to your destination faster than walking. But horses are more than just quick way movement, they can be equipped with weapons and can be used in battle, acquire skills, produce offspring, and they can be sold to other players for a large sum. To be honest, you can spend all your time in Black Desert and become a horse charmer. So take the time to learn how to properly handle your horse.

    Horses are a big responsibility as they don't appear or disappear with the wave of a magic wand. If you got off your horse, left it somewhere unattended, and went to explore the area, there is a high probability that it will die as a result of the attack of monsters. Take the time to find a safe place for her, and always have a carrot on hand to maintain her stamina, this will save you a lot of money on grooming your horse. By training your horse and teaching it new skills, it can be an invaluable companion for you.

    Leveling up reserve characters in most MMOs can be painful enough as you go through the same story to try a slightly different playstyle. However, Black Desert is highly non-linear, and makes pumping up substitutes less of a duty. Once you've watched the intro video, you can go anywhere in the world. It is even better if the characters unite in a "family", will share money and access to each other's homes and warehouses. One thing they cannot share is energy.

    While you might find the idea of ​​creating a jack-of-all-trades character who can do anything appealing, you will never have enough energy to spend on crafting and gathering. Instead, create a backup character that focuses on creation, while you hoard the main character's energy for more important things. It will also allow you to learn how each of the classes behaves in combat, and how each is different. Switching between characters is easy enough, you don't even have to leave the game.

    Ok, this will be the default, but you'll be surprised at how much single player MMORPGs are lately. Black Desert Online does not actively punish those who play alone, but doing so is to miss a critical aspect of the game. Although they have not yet released, sieges will help players in guilds take control of territories several times a week. Without the traditional raids or dungeons at the end of the game, sieges will become the main pastime of communities after the process of fighting for victory. It would be a big mistake to skip this because you haven't joined the guild.

    Guilds themselves are often much more complex than they first appear. Instead of just joining, you sign a contract and receive a daily salary from the guild safes. You can also take part in special guild quests to increase your salary, in addition to special guild skills that can supply you with effects such as increased gathering speed. Playing with friends has a very positive effect on the experience you get from killing monsters, so you never want to kill alone again. Plus, it's great to have someone to talk to, isn't it?