Tanks blitz clans in vk. Clans in here. Universal respect and glory

The world-beloved "Tanks" have been powerfully updated. Are we playing?

For those who are still not in the tank. - a mobile version of the same "tanks" from Wargaming, from which the whole country goes crazy. Released last year and instantly gained a huge share of players on both iOS and Android.

What's the difference from the full version?

Yes, especially in nothing. V mobile version you do the same thing as in the computer one: you participate in network battles and pump tanks for the experience you have earned.

Fans of battles on heavy armored vehicles have access to more than 90 legendary military vehicles from the USA, Germany and the USSR.

Today, Blitz is rightfully one of the the most beautiful games for mobile devices- and incredibly fun. After trying a couple of times, you can get hooked for many months. Actually, which is happening everywhere. For that Wargaming special honor: no other online game in the CIS has such a huge community.

At the beginning of August saw the light big update , in which new features have been added. For many, this will be a worthy excuse to return to battle. What's new?

What's new in update 2.0

Clan system.Oh yeah! The vast majority of regular players were looking forward to it. Now everyone can unite into clans of up to 50 people. You can get together and participate in battles along with your tank and alignment comrades.

There is even nothing to comment on: playing with clan members several times more interesting because instead of having fun skating on the map, everyone tries to help each other and generally behaves like a team.

You can create a clan yourself by coming up with a description and a motto. Or you can join an existing one by simply entering its name in the search field. Applications for membership are processed by the head of the clan (its creator). If you are not allowed into one, they will let you into another, no big deal.

The developers promise that the functionality of the clans will be significantly expanded in the next updates. Like, bye create, and then it will be more fun.

You can correspond with each other in PM, discuss the round, blame it on a complete "drain".

Clans can (and have already begun) to measure against other barrel lengths: win rate, average damage, total tank power, and so on. Clan tags are displayed next to the nickname during battles. The statistics for them go to the general "cauldron" of the clan, so strong teams will select only strong players. Motivates to learn, and for many it will be a reason to remember the past.

Changes to popular maps. Desert map "Burning Sands" received new life and has changed completely. If you've played before, you won't recognize the landscape at all.

In particular, they removed the high mountains at the edges, from which lazy players "camped" others with pinpoint shell shots (and ruffled their nerves). The water disappeared, the sand dunes became lower. Now the game is played not only in the open, who will catch whom first, how many in maneuvers between the buildings of the eastern village and (in vain) attempts to hide behind the sand.

Similar changes were found in the map "Baltic Shield"... Now you can't really play hide and seek here: they removed almost all the plants, except for the trees, and also leveled the landscape. As they say in Wargaming, work on improving this map is still underway.

Balance changes. Tweaked the "stat" of a number of tanks by changing the turret traverse speed, gun reload time and other points that regular players complained about in the game forum. For a number of tanks, the coefficient of dispersion of shells when firing on the move has been reduced. Now you can ride and shoot more confidently without fear of overshooting.

It can be seen that the update is focused on increasing the dynamics of the game... The maps are smoother, the accuracy in motion is higher. We do not stand still, move and shoot. Camper- into the tower :)

New graphics settings menu. Big hello to the owners of Android devices with different characteristics. Now, as if in full computer game, in Blitz you can change texture quality, models, range of drawing and reflections. In fact, you don't need to do this on the iPhone 6, but the old Apple devices here win in stability and frame rate.

Just do not underestimate the drawing too much - the enemy must be seen everywhere.

We also fixed a number of minor bugs and improved some points. The list can be found.

It's time to get back to WoT

I propose to disappear from the real world and become a tanker. It's okay, especially in the evenings, lying on the couch with an iPad in hand.

In general, update 2.0 was logical: people went crazy on the forums because of the lack of a clan component. Now mobile World of Tanks has become even more like computer version games. There is still no such lethal "depth" of each battle, but how to implement it without pinpoint mouse and keyboard control - I have no idea.

Is it really necessary? The game is free, you can do not invest a dime, chop and win... I checked it on my own experience, having skated 7 battles with test account and losing only once. Fana is rife!

With a new update I will try again and distract myself from Destiny. If someone wants to put up with a loser in their team, add ngoryainov :))

To have the right to discounts and bonuses, to defeat enemies shoulder to shoulder with friends, to be respected by everyone, and everywhere to be greeted with a warm welcome and cheers. Clan in game World of Tanks Blitz is more than uniting players with a goal playing together... A clan is a team of tankers who are united by common goals in the game, close hobbies and friendships in life, as well as a name, motto and commander.

In a clan, you can always:

  • find a strong partner in the platoon;
  • help each other complete combat missions;
  • receive good advice or a hint on the game;
  • and in between battles - to enjoy communicating with nice people.

Each clan has its own ideology, its own purpose of existence, a motto leading the clan like a battle banner. What is so interesting about the clan and why is it worth finding or creating your own team as soon as possible? Well, there are at least five reasons to join a clan, and they are in front of you!

Financial well-being

Players in clans with upgraded supplies receive many bonuses: discounts on tanks, repairs and consumables, the ability to purchase slots in the Garage for credits. And this list of "goodies" continues to grow. At the same time, all that needs to be done to pump up the supply is simply to play and earn combat experience. World of Tanks Blitz supplies are small but permanent discounts. If in one battle you save 5000 silver, then for 100 battles already 500000 silver, you no longer have to think about what to take with you into battle - adrenaline or chocolate.

Fight in a new way!

A training room, 7 tanks on each side, one of the usual maps - what could be new here? But once you play in a team where everyone follows the orders of the commander, and it becomes clear: there is a whole abyss between a clan battle and a random battle. Try yourself in an organized team or become a commander yourself - defeat a worthy opponent. Clans and training rooms in World of Tanks Blitz are completely new experience battles. One commander, a cunning plan and a thorough knowledge of the maps - you have not participated in such battles yet.

Universal respect and glory

A clan with a big name is a pass to higher circles tank community. They listen to your opinion, help you in battles, sometimes you even frighten the enemy with your mere presence. The main thing is to fight with dignity and defend the honor of the clan. And remember: joining a tough clan is good, but helping a clan become tough is priceless. Earn a name for your clan and that name will start working for you. Sometimes the enemy mentally surrenders the battle at the sight of a formidable clan fighter.

Friends. Many friends!

Clans often grow into large gaming communities, and their friends are no longer virtual, but real ones. Friends will help not only with advice on the game, but with word and deed they will also support you in real life... Friends will tell you how to pierce armor on the IS-7, where to go on the new battle map. They will teach you how to fix your printer and how to marinate your kebab. And how many new travel destinations are opening - you can't count!

Clans are the future

Clan development continues, ahead World players of Tanks Blitz are waiting for new interesting competitions and prizes. It is much better to become part of a close-knit team today than to try to jump onto the last car of a departing train tomorrow. When the developers of World of Tanks Blitz announce a new game event with good awards or the players organize a tournament, it will be very difficult to assemble your own team in the confusion and oppose the teams played. Join the clan now - make your way to glory!


In update 2.0, each player will be able to become a part of the largest combat unit in World of Tanks Blitz - a clan. You will have 49 reliable companions, new acquaintances and a clan name to fight for!

A clan is a team of tankers who are united by common goals in the game, close hobbies and friendships in life, as well as a name, motto and commander.

In a clan, you can always:

  • find a strong partner in the platoon;
  • help each other complete combat missions;
  • get good advice or hints on the game;
  • and in between battles - to enjoy communicating with nice people.

Each clan will have its own profile. The overall average statistics for the clan will be formed from the combat effectiveness of the fighters. Compare the performance of your clans and compete to improve the overall team statistics with your personal achievements!

Many tankers have already united on the game forum, and their commanders have to wait for the update and register clans in game client... Among these teams there are also representations of large gaming communities that have existed for more than one year.

Join one of them or create your own clan and wipe your nose with all competitors - it's up to you. Take command and make sure that when you see your clan tag, the enemy gives up, and the enemy team prepares for defeat even before the battle begins!

Version 2.0 is the starting point for the development of clans. The commanders have time to gather reliable tankers under their command, get to know them better and assign roles in the team. Only the most united teams will be able to win future challenges - prepare for new challenges in advance!


After the release of Update 2.0, a new button will appear in the main menu of the game - Clans. From here you will start most of the clan-related activities, such as:

  • clan creation;
  • personnel management;
  • search for other clans;
  • View clan notifications, invitations and join requests;
  • viewing the clan profile;
  • editing the name, emblem, motto and description of the clan.

As with the button news, a red circle with a number on the Clans button indicates that you have new notifications. To view them, you need to go to the clans page and click on the button with the envelope image.

Create your clan, commander!

If you are going to take charge and become a clan commander, first of all make sure that you have everything you need:

  • A combat vehicle of at least Tier V in the Hangar.
  • 1,000,000 silver on the account.

Everything is? Then feel free to press the button Clans which will take you to this screen:

Everything is very simple here: just click Create a clan and you will see the following window:

This is the first step. At the bottom of the screen is the link "By creating a clan, you accept the clan rules." Be sure to read them. After that, come up with a clan name and clantag, and then click Create. Later, you can change both the name and the tag at any time.

Clanteg is an abbreviated clan name that will be displayed in square brackets next to your in-game name in battle, in the Garage, on the post-battle statistics screen, etc. For example, the Wargaming clan tag is.

If all the data is entered correctly (for example, the clan name was not taken), with account credits will be written off, the clan will be created, and you will receive the title of "Commander". The next step is the description of the clan, the motto and the choice of the emblem:

We recommend that you fill in the clan description in detail. Tell us what your clan's goals are, what players you need, how you can contact you. This will help attract the most suitable tankers to the clan. Click Apply, and a still empty clan profile will appear on the screen.

An invitation to a clan can be sent from the player's profile page. It is not necessary to add the tanker as a friend.

Congratulations, you are now a clan commander. Good luck to your community!

Join the clan, fighter!

Finding a clan is even easier than creating one. As with creation, you first need to click the button Clans, and in the menu that opens, select the button.

The button will take you to the search bar. Enter part of the clan name or its tag in it, and the search will show all matching results.

Click on the line with the desired clan to go to its profile. From here you can send your request by clicking the corresponding button in the upper right corner of the screen:

If the commander of this clan has previously sent you an invitation, the color and label of the button will change. By clicking Join, you agree to join this clan.

Any player can join the clan, including those using a demo account. However, it is impossible to create a clan from a demo account or transfer the powers of a clan commander to a demo account.

When the clan commander reviews your application and accepts you, you will be assigned to the personnel. Congratulations, you have switched to new level games in World of Tanks Blitz!


With the appearance of clans in update 2.0, tankers will have the opportunity to monitor not only the personal statistics of the players, but also the success of the clans. You can find out everything about the clan you are interested in on its profile page.

What does the clan profile say? How are statistics generated and why is it important to keep track of this kind of "showcase" of your community? Read below!

general information

This part of the profile contains information about the name of the clan and the number of fighters. You will also see the emblem, motto and a small excerpt from the description of the clan.

- this is a transition to the list of personnel.

This is perhaps the most important part of the profile. Here you can evaluate the activity of the clan players - both each and all together. To start calculating the statistics of the clan, there must be at least 5 players in the staff.

  • Battles per day is the weighted average number of battles per day per clan member. By this parameter, it is very easy to understand how often the personnel play and whether the clan you are interested in is "alive".
  • Total battles is the average number of battles of all clan members.
  • Win rate- the weighted average percentage of victories per clan player.
  • Average damage is the weighted average amount of damage that each clan member deals per battle.
  • Tank level- This is the weighted average tier of vehicles that clan players use most often into battle. By the tank level, you can determine what the strength of the clan is based on - playing on high-level vehicles or in the "sandbox".

Note! In addition to the "Total battles" indicator, all data in the clan statistics are calculated not as average, but as weighted average. The parameters strongly depend on the number of battles each clan member has. For example, a player with 60% victories and 10,000 battles influences the clan statistics more than a player with 90% victories and 1,000 battles.

This is a kind of honor board. By default, the best tankers are selected by the percentage of victories, however, you can sort the players by any parameter, as well as descending or ascending. To do this, click on the column name.

Tankers' stats consist of the same parameters as clan stats. The difference is that the players have their personal achievements indicated.

As well as while watching complete list personnel, you can click on the line of one of the players and go to his personal statistics.


A player who is not a member of a clan can only go to a profile through a search. At the same time, the Join Clan button will be displayed in the clan profile.

If the tanker is a member of a clan, the buttons for viewing notifications and searching for other clans will be displayed instead of this button.

And now it's time to talk about what clans are like in World of Tanks blitz. By definition, such a "grouping" in wotblitz is a kind of gaming community that unites gamers by interests, and these interests can be very diverse. So, for example, some collect nagibators, others - sandbox lovers, and some even set themselves the goal of getting into a fun company for joint virtual tank rides.

Clans in the World of Tanks game

According to statistics, today on the Internet there is a huge variety of various communities united by one idea - tank battles in World of Tanks. And if in one of these teams there are no more than a hundred people, then another company may include five hundred or even a thousand "tankers" in its composition. And each of the clan members has their own responsibilities: someone is a “recruiter”, someone is a “treasurer” in charge of the financial side of the matter, someone is monitoring statistics, and someone is appointed to the position of “deputy commander ".

But what does the player gain from joining such a tight-knit, organized group? So, let's try to understand this issue in detail.

Playing on global map. If the community you are going to join or have already joined is strong enough, then you, as its separate unit, may well try your hand at fighting on the global map with other tankers for the right to own territory. But be prepared for the fact that you will need to constantly provide help and support to your community, as there are often situations in which there is an acute shortage of people to protect the provinces.

Tournaments, events and other events. Any close-knit clan is famous for the fact that none of its members is sitting idle. Massive entertainers tirelessly come up with more and more new ideas for some interesting events - it can be something from the category of "tamper with Mouse with the help of MS-1", and "massive jump over the bridge", or something else no less exciting ... We assure you - you will not be bored!

How not to make a mistake and join a worthy group?

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a community you plan to join is its age, the number of units and players in each of them, as well as their skill and, most importantly, friendliness. Of course, it is simply impossible to write a universal instruction that could reveal all the secrets and tricks of choosing a team and joining it, because there are a great many such "groupings", as mentioned earlier, as well as the people in them. But behind each individual gamer hides his own character, manner of playing and communicating with "fellow tribesmen".

Therefore, the only thing that can be advised "tankers" - pay attention to the points that we indicated above and listen to your own inner voice. And if you are comfortable in the "new family", then you have come to the right place. Otherwise, you should not torture yourself and it is better to leave the group you do not like without unnecessary words and unnecessary scandals.

In update 2.0, each player will be able to become part of the largest combat unit in World of Tanks Blitz

In update 2.0, each player will be able to become a part of the largest combat unit in World of Tanks Blitz - a clan. You will have 49 reliable companions, new acquaintances and a clan name to fight for! A clan is a team of tankers who are united by common goals in the game, close hobbies and friendships in life, as well as a name, motto and commander.

In a clan, you can always:
- find a strong partner in the platoon;
- help each other to complete combat missions;
- get good advice or hints on the game;
- and in between battles - enjoy communicating with nice people.

Each clan will have. The overall average statistics for the clan will be formed from the combat effectiveness of the fighters. Compare the performance of your clans and compete to improve the overall team statistics with your personal achievements!

Many tankers have already united on the game forum, and their commanders have to wait for the update in the game client. Among these teams there are also representations of large gaming communities that have existed for more than one year.

Join one of them or create your own clan and wipe your nose with all competitors - it's up to you. Take command and make sure that when you see your clan tag, the enemy gives up, and the enemy team prepares for defeat even before the battle begins!

Finding and creating a clan

Commanders of the first Clans World of Tanks Blitz are already preparing to register their communities, and hundreds of tankers are eager to join the ranks next to their friends. This guide will help you find or create a clan quickly and easily.

Go to the clan menu
After the release of Update 2.0, a new button will appear in the main menu of the game - Clans. From here you will start most of the clan-related activities, such as:
- creation of a clan;
- personnel management;
- search for other clans;
- View clan notifications, invitations and membership requests;
- viewing the clan profile;
- editing the name, emblem, motto and description of the clan.

As with the News button, a red circle with a number on the Clans button indicates that you have new notifications. To view them, you need to go to the clans page and click on the button with the envelope image.

Create your clan, commander!
If you are going to take charge and become a clan commander, first of all make sure that you have everything you need:
- A combat vehicle of at least Tier V in the Hangar.
- 1,000,000 on the account.

Everything is? Then feel free to press the Clans button, which will take you to this screen:

This is the first step. At the bottom of the screen there is a link "By creating a clan, you accept." Be sure to read them. After that, come up with a clan name and clantag, and then click Create. Later, you can change both the name and the tag at any time.

Clanteg is an abbreviated clan name that will be displayed in square brackets next to your in-game name in battle, in the Garage, on the post-battle statistics screen, etc. For example, the Wargaming clan tag is.

If all the data is entered correctly (for example, the clan name was not used), credits will be debited from the account, the clan will be created, and you will receive the title of "Commander". The next step is the description of the clan, the motto and the choice of the emblem:

We recommend that you fill in the clan description in detail. Tell us what your clan's goals are, what players you need, how you can contact you. This will help attract the most suitable tankers to the clan. Click Apply, and a still empty clan profile will appear on the screen.

An invitation to a clan can be sent from the player's profile page. It is not necessary to add the tanker as a friend.

Congratulations, you are now a clan commander. Good luck to your community!

Join the clan, fighter!
Finding a clan is even easier than creating one. As with creation, first you need to click the Clans button, and in the menu that opens, select the Find Clan button.

The button will take you to the search bar. Enter part of the clan name or its tag in it, and the search will show all matching results.
Click on the line with the desired clan to go to its profile. From here you can send your request by clicking the corresponding button in the upper right corner of the screen:
If the commander of this clan has previously sent you an invitation, the color and label of the button will change. By clicking Join, you agree to join this clan.
Any player can join the clan, including those using a demo account. However, it is impossible to create a clan from a demo account or transfer the powers of a clan commander to a demo account.

When the clan commander reviews your application and accepts you, you will be assigned to the personnel. Congratulations, you have moved to a new level of playing World of Tanks Blitz!

Clan face - its profile

With the appearance of clans in update 2.0, tankers will have the opportunity to monitor not only the personal statistics of the players, but also the success of the clans. You can find out everything about the clan you are interested in on its profile page.

general information
This part of the profile contains information about the name of the clan and the number of fighters. You will also see the emblem, motto and a small excerpt from the description of the clan.

To read the entire clan motto and description, simply touch this field.

Clan combat effectiveness
This is perhaps the most important part of the profile. Here you can evaluate the activity of the clan players - both each and all together. To start calculating the statistics of the clan, there must be at least 5 players in the staff.

- Battles per day is the weighted average number of battles per day per clan member. By this parameter, it is very easy to understand how often the personnel play and whether the clan you are interested in is "alive".
- Total battles is the average number of battles of all clan members.
- Win percentage - weighted average win percentage per clan player.
- Average damage - the weighted average amount of damage that each clan member deals per battle.
- Tank tier is the weighted average tier of vehicles that clan players use most often into battle. By the tank level, you can determine what the strength of the clan is based on - playing on high-level vehicles or in the "sandbox".

Note! In addition to the "Total battles" indicator, all data in the clan statistics are calculated not as average, but as weighted average. The parameters strongly depend on the number of battles each clan member has. For example, a player with 60% victories and 10,000 battles influences the clan statistics more than a player with 90% victories and 1,000 battles.

The best clan players
This is a kind of honor board. By default, the best tankers are selected by the percentage of victories, however, you can sort the players by any parameter, as well as descending or ascending. To do this, click on the column name.