Games at a children's holiday 10 years. Interesting entertainment and competition for every taste or children's birthday contests at home: how to organize and spend. What to pay attention to

The birthday of a child is an important event for both the baby and for his parents. If you work hard and not afraid to spend your personal time to prepare an event, you can create a bright holiday with a lot of positive emotions. We remember such a day for a long name of the birthday and its guests.

Children's birthday - a cheerful and joyful holiday. This day must be filled with a variety of adventures, surprises, jokes and gifts. To celebrate your child's birthday, it is not necessary to hire a professional animator and spend crazy amounts of money on scenery, attributes and prizes. It is enough to show a mixture, attach patience and then everything you need can be created independently.

Children's birthday

A variety of contests based on riddles guess will present the birthday and its guests bright emotions and spirit of rivalry, when everyone wants to earn a desired prize.

Competition "Guess the Cartoon" with answers for parents

In this competition, one lead (someone from the parents) reads the "winged phrases" of cartoon characters. The second parent follows the one who gives the answer faster and presents him a special bright cardboard chip.

According to the results of the competition, the child who collected a larger number of chips receives a symbolic prize (candy, key chain, notepad or markers).

Modern children are perfectly focused in cartoons and love everything with them connected
  • "Freedom to parrots! Freedom!" ( Kesha from "The Return of the Prodigal Parrot")
  • "Maybe already dinner already" ( Masha from Masha and Bear)
  • "It seems the rain is starting…" ( Piglet from "Winnie Poo")
  • "The man's dog is a friend - everyone knows about" ( Barbos "Bobik Visiting Barbos")
  • "You come in, if that!" ( The wolf from "lived was the dog")
  • "I am a man at least where! In full bloom! " ( Carlson from "Kid and Carlson")
  • "Come out of a sneaky coward!" ( Mice from "Cat Leopold")
  • "Congratulations to you, the ball! You are the ballobs "( Cat from "Prostokvashino")

Competition "Edible Something" with answers for parents

In this competition, children will be necessary only by description and riddles to guess the edible vegetable or fruit. Promotion occurs in the same mode: chips are active for which the prize is actively issued.

Prizes - the best way to stimulate a child to participate in contests
  • This fruit grew in the garden, sang with sun weather. Attracts the fruit that OS and calls ( apricot)
  • He is a big fruit and heavy, very sweet it tastes. Attracts babies ripe and strolley ( watermelon)
  • This fruit is the meal of monkeys, it is from warm southern countries. He is a favorite kids fruit, bright sunny ( banana)
  • It grows with family on branches, there is a vine and fruit, like kids. There is anyone so happy, it is juicy ( grapes)
  • Juicy and ripe, on the sun tanned. Next to her, the wasp is circling, because it is called ( pear)
  • This vegetable knows everyone, he crisp and is very important. Without it, he is so empty and called him ( cabbage)
  • We are accustomed to this vegetable to eat everybody day. It grows in the ground in a garden and prefers shadow. You add it to the okroshka, because it is tasty with ( potato)
  • This citrus knows everyone, he is even sour, but everything is important! ( lemon)
  • The kids do not like him, he too cuts his eyes. It is so comforted and elastic, both white ( onion)
  • This fruit we know close, he is every New Year I am glad to call your backbone and under the Christmas tree. He is a brother of orange, boring to live without ( mandarin)

Competitions can be carried out immediately after the feast when children are configured to cheerful entertainment. Such classes will be able to organize all the kids and not to make anyone to miss, develop logic and associative thinking.

The funniest and fun contests for the birthday of the child

Relevant to children's holiday There will be active contests that will allow all guests to participate and receive prizes. A variety of existing competitions and tasks is impressive. For the event, you should prepare some attributes, decorations and incentive prizes.

Quest "Treasure Island" on the island of adventure

To carry out this competition, you should stock the desired attributes:

  • draw a treasure map (map or plan of apartments, at home)
  • hide tips and valuable prize
  • on the door of the rooms, place signs and all over the house place the index arrows
  • cook for children Costumes: Hats, Cardboard swords, parrot and others
Children's pirate quest

Parents need to hide the secret prize in the most unexpected place: on the mezzanine, in the closet, on the balcony, in bed. For the kids, an extremely confusing card is drawn, on which the entire territory of the apartment is depicted, divided into zones:

  • beach Dead.
  • wild jungle
  • dark cave
  • aboriginal settlement and others.

Well, if every point on the map (house room) will be one presenter. You can attach to the organization of the contest of your relatives and friends. The leaders are needed in order to give tips to children if necessary, but not just so, and for the tasks performed. For instance:

  • tell the verse
  • sing a song
  • perform physical exercise
  • collect puzzle
  • solid puzzle

When the card is passed, and the treasure is found - celebrate it. In modern stores, you can easily be able to buy chocolates in the form of coins, covered in the Gold Foil.

A kilogram of such chocolates will be an excellent treasure, which kids will be able to divide among themselves and get bright impressions.

chocolate coins for the competition, they are easy to buy in the store or order via the Internet

Competition for the children's birthday "Festive lottery"

The secret and success of this draw is that every child will draw a cherished ticket and will be able to get his comic prize. You don't have to spend a lot of money on prizes, since they all should be symbolic and funny, intended to give joy and smile. Lottery tickets should be exactly as much as children are invited for a holiday.

An example of a children's lottery ticket, in the middle of the sprocket you need to write a figure

Prize options for a lottery:

  • At school you need to get the best marks. Here hold now notebook In a small cage
  • You are without a doubt well done and a bright guest today. Keep a gift - lollipop And be satisfied!
  • This prize will need you to lose the keys. We wish you about this birthday to remember. ( trinket)
  • Here is sweet chupa Chups,children's candy. He is a pleasant taste and winter and summer
  • Give you a gift animalvery small toy
  • This important is a very thing, you will always come in handy flashlight.Darkness - not a barrier now, it is the most pleasant gift
  • Here cookies -it is useful, you can eat
  • Here barrette,without a doubt you need this decoration
  • You have a rare prize today - it wet wipes
  • You are successful, here notebookyou for fun

Interesting and fun birthday games for children

Moving games will allow the kids do not sit still, and the logical will be able to develop thinking and cause the spirit of rivalry.

Cheerful birthday games

Game "ColorPrition"

They need to be folded on the floor on the floor in the largest room. Task: Come in the house things that correspond to the color of the ribbon and fold them into the center of the circle.

All children are divided into two teams and the winners are the team that she was able to find a larger number of items.

Game "Agteat Tail"

To do this, prepare Watman size A1. It should be beautifully drawn donkey or any other animal. The donkey must be without a tail (like the donkey IA in the cartoon about the "Winnie Poo"). Each child is tied eyes, a ponytail made from threads (yarn turn into a pigtail and flip).

Children alternately approach the poster and the needle attach the tail. The end result is always pleased and causes happy emotions, as it is rare who can manage the tail to the right place.

Take the game for children and adults

Try to capture the camera joyful moments in this game, as she always pleases the kids, makes smiling and laughing.

Tailless template

Funny and fun birthday riddles with answers to children

Riddles - Favorite Heads for Children. They always hide the answer that everyone knows, but not always guess about him. You can choose a variety of riddles for the competition and distribute chips for each correct answer. The winner will be the one who will have a greater number of chips.

Try to pick up a symbolic gift that meets the specifics of the competition - a notebook for entries, crossword or statuette "the smartest".

kids love riddles very much, especially if they are rewarded by prizes


  • There is a pine hollow, in this voupelo heat. Harsh spits round, shaggy and redhead lives in it ( squirrel)
  • In winter, he sweets sniffs, and in the summer searching the Medka in the forest Bee hive agitates ( bear)
  • He's snowy winter cold in the forest wanders hungry ( wolf)
  • Small gray barbed tangle, to her mink mushrooms tops ( hedgehog)
  • Very moonlife paws with thick sharp claw, the tail shaggy seems to be a hat, we call him ( kotom)
  • It flows round blocks, she carries her water ( river)
  • It so happened that it was important. Without it we cry, we hurt from him ( the sun)
  • He is used to wearing a jacket green striped, scarlet he inside like poppy and taste it sweet ( watermelon)
  • You put it on the table - it will be very used, gold like the sun he and round it as a sieve ( bread)
  • You love her for breakfast and dinner too, blend for two cheeks with a large butter with a large spoon ( porridge)

Children's birthday

Give a holiday to the child is very simple if you try to invest in organizing all the power and not afraid to spend your time. Children - not spoiled by money and stereotypes of creatures, inflated balls, contests and symbolic prizes will become tremendous with great happiness and leave them a lot of impressions.

Video: "Competitions, Dancing games for a children's birthday"

To entertain children at the age of about 10 years on the birthday, which is celebrated at home, the easiest way, arranged funny Games and contests.

If you are now on this page, then the birthday of your child is soon!

What to give, and what to surprise? How interesting is the holiday itself, if friends and classmates are expected to visit?

Organize interesting contests And game quiz, and then no one will be bored!

Where to begin?

Oddly enough, I advise, with banal safety equipment for the knee and elbows:

  • free enough space for children's fun - the furniture can be in such a day and sighing;
  • hide sharp and easily fighting items - small guests are usually distinguished by mobility.

The game itself should not tire children - otherwise the conceived fun will cease to be funny!

Premises are ready. Now you can proceed to the contests themselves!

We offer for a variety of birthday several types of household competitions for boys and girls 10, 11 and 12 years old.

Movable competitions contests

Lopni Ball

Children are divided into 2 teams. Everyone in the hand is a multicolored ball.

By team you need to burst with your hands the ball of the enemy. The team wins the team that has more than any balls.


The presenter throws up the air ball. So far, in the air you can move, dance, talk. As soon as the ball touches the floor, everyone gets freeze.

It drops out the one who did not have time to frost.

The game continues to the last winning.

Running chair

Chairs are set in a circle. The number of playing for one less than "landing" places.

On the team or with the beginning of music, the players begin to walk around the chairs. The music broke out or sounds the "Stop" team - playing trying to sit down. It drops out the one who did not get the chair. After that, one chair is cleaned.

The competition is held until the last "Sex".

In Ariant - instead of the chairs, it is interesting to use hoops. With the end of music or at a signal, playing sit down (or get up) in free hoops.


Two teams. In one corner room, the container with potatoes. In the other there are children with spoons in their hands about two empty bowls.

At the signal, each team should take turns to bring only with a spoon on one potato in its plate.

We defeat those who have moved faster all the potatoes.

Floating apples

Children are divided into two teams.

In two large pelvages in the water flooded apples with sweets. Apples smoothly in the number of children. At the signal, players of each team are trying to catch the apple to the apple without help.

We defeat those who will quickly cope with the task.

I advise when choosing an apple to ensure that the cutters are quite long and strong.

Basketball basket

Two teams of playing. Before each equal number of sheets of paper and on a basket (as an option, you can use a saucepan or other deep container).

The task is to roll a paper "ball" and throw in the basket.

The team will win, which will have more hits after the leaves are ends.

Option - play for a while. Paper then gives more.

Loved over a minute

You can play in winter.

Play two with blindfolded eyes. On two chairs, the same number of items of the outerwear are unfolded - jackets, caps, scarves.

Won the one who is faster and more correctly caught all the unfolded clothes.

Option - 2 players with tied eyes dress some of the guests.

I think that it will be fun!

Gift birthday

Two teams are two "gifts". It can be a toy, fruit or any suitable object.

Players are built up with each other. According to the team "Gift" transmitted on a chain. We will win those whose subject will get to the birthday girl faster.

And the gru is better to spend only with sufficient number of guests.


One of the guests turns out or goes into another room.

The rest of the children are taken by arms, and it turns out a long "pauting thread". Then, not letting go, everyone is confused into a dense tangle.

The presenter must unravel the "cob", never breaks it.


Two commands are two identical sets of Lego (or any other designer).

For a while you need to build a curious building. The speed and "architectural solution" is estimated.

Option - the game is carried out on a chain. Children take turns put their detail.


Two players are given on the rope or any cord of equal length.

The task is to quickly smash the tank.

Option - wand (pencil). It is necessary to wind the attacted rope.

Children's bowling

With the help of simple kegles and balls, you can organize almost adult bowling. Instead of kegles, you can use other items or toys.

Get into goal

It will take drawn target and balls with velcro. After entering, we count the glasses.

Creative and intellectual contests

Who called me?

Playing get up in a wide circle. Walking blindfolded in the center. His slightly spin and ask to guess who called by name. The one who gave birth to sits down or gets into place of a leading.

Chain words

Two teams with an equal number of playing. Each has a piece of paper and handle (pencil). The first player from the command writes any word. Each subsequent writes his word on the last letter of the previous one. It turns out a chain of words.

The game is held for a while.

Wins a team that will be written more words.

Cat in a bag.

In a beautiful bag, the simplest objects are put on, which you need to learn to the touch without removing them. Win the one who gues more objects.

Option - For greater entertainment and fun, items are shown to guests, but the eyes are tied in this case.

Two or three teams in each of which 3 people. Three sheets of paper are issued.

For allotted time (2-3 minutes), players diverge in different directions and draw a fantastic animal: who is a head, who is torso who are legs-paws.

Then all the sheets are compiled together, and the team that has turned out the most funny beast, wins.

In this competition, I think it is more important than a team of some kind of team, but a common fun!

Broken phone

Who among adults does not know this game?!

But I suggest you make a contest for children at the bottom of birth.

Divide guests for 2-3 teams. Put from each other. The first in the chain of each team speaks his word. Playing transfer it to a very quiet whisper to each other. The latter must say out loud, what word I heard.

Win those who are more accurately transferred the word first in the team.

Colored spots

This, in my opinion, is a very funny competition that combines movement and intelligence.

Lead pronounces words: "Once or two or three! White (blue, green, gray, red ...) Find! "

Playing immediately grabs the named color, where they can find it around.

Who will not be able to touch the subject with the specified color, or will be the last - dropping out of the game. The rest continue until the winner remains.

Cheerful alphabet

The lead calls any letter of the alphabet. Children should write as many words with this letter for a certain time (2-3 minutes).

Wins the one who will turn out to be longer.

Collect the picture

Each player is issued to the cutting picture that needs to be collected. The topic can be different: cartoons, games, nature, animals ... You can use the pages of children's logs or pre-print pictures on the printer by the number of guests.

The game is held for a while.

Puzzles with matches


  • "Write" to the specified phrase.
  • Pictulate animal.
  • Mathematical tasks with moving and retracting matches.

You can buy or ordinary, or long "fireplaces" matches.

Games and contests for girls 10-12 years

Agree that there are competitions for which boys will look with a smile. But girls are happy to participate with pleasure.


For 5-10 minutes, find in the room what you can decorate yourself for the holiday. It can be any items of clothing, ribbons, scarves, ropes and hairpins ...

Guests then choose the most funny fashionista.

Interestingly in the jury to plant boys.

Who hid there?

The hero of a popular fairy tale or a cartoon is drawn on a sheet of paper. The image is covered with a second sheet completely. The host gradually opens a picture.

Wins the one who first guesses the character.

Sad princess

You choose a leading girl (not necessarily a birthday room), which sits on the chair and tries not to smile. The task of players of this contest to laugh her.

Condition - touch the princess is impossible.

Clockworky doll

In a basket, a box is papers with the names of playing.

Everyone comes up with the task for the "clockwork doll": sing, dance, eat, .. show the task you need to be a fairy and gesture with or without voice.

Driving pulls out the papers and says who will execute the task.

Stylists (artists)

Guests are divided into couples: client and artist.

Each pair is given watercolor paints. It is necessary to make fun makeup. Who will turn out more fun, he wins!

An option for boys is to draw a funny face or animal on the face (existing or not).

Fascinating contests for boys 10-12 years

Pick a key

Several locks are offered and many diverse keys.

Task - open every castle.

Collect Dragon

Playing get along the box of the clips. You need to collect clips to the chain for the allocated time. Who "Dragon" will turn out longer, he won.

Turtles ninja

Couples participate in the competition, which become back to each other and are connected by elbows.

The task is to reach the opposite end of the room without opening your hands.


Draw a non-existent funny animal and come up with a name name. Wins what kind of animal turned out to be not like real.

Additional points are given for the story about the habits and the habits of this miracle-yud.


Players are obtained along a long stick with a fishing line or rope on which a magnet is attached.

Before them are toys with magnets. The task is to "catch" with closed eyes as many "fish" as possible. The complexity is that they are playing in pairs: "Skye" leads the actions of the Fisherman, whose eyes are tied.

Option - you can attach a small magnets to candy. And then the pleasure after the game will be also sweet.

Pirate Card.

Draw a few room cards in advance with a cross place "Cache". Remove the "treasure" (any item), every time asking "pirate" to find it, focusing on the map.


Before children lie a variety of things (clothes, kitchenware, stationery, etc.) Playing must take the maximum number of items .. You can hold your hands, head, help knees ...

Won the one who will be able to collect more and do not drop items.

Collect scarecrow

Guests are divided into two teams. Before each set various items Clothes (scarves, towels, hats, shirts, etc.) You need to build from the girlfriend "scarecrow".

Wins a creative team.

Merry children's, moving competitions for his birthday!

The happiest day for mom, a day that is impossible to forget is the birthday of her child. However, the older the kid becomes, the more stupid it happens this holiday for parents. However, these troubles are pleasant. A gift to the birthday and colorful invitations for its guests, a cake with candles and many, many balls, pick up games and entertainment for kids ... It seems they have not forgotten anything. To help you a little, we collected the most interesting contests for your birthday for children here! And I don't need to look for anything!

Game "Bird Market"

(children's competitions and for school, and the birthday of a child is good)

This is an Italian teenage contest. Play six - eight people. One player is the seller, the other is the buyer. The rest are squatting and their hands cover their knees. They chickens. The buyer comes to the seller and asks: "Is there a chickens?" - "How not to be, there is." - "Can I see?" - "You are welcome". The buyer comes from behind chickens and takes turns to them: "I don't like this, too old", "This dwelling", "this skinny", etc. Finally, touched upon the chosen chicken, says: "That I will buy." The seller and the buyer raise chicken for both elbows into the air, rock and say: "You are a good chicken. Do not crawl hands and laugh. " If the chosen chicken starts smiling or laughing or breaks his hands, he leaves the game.

Competition "Puster of the nucleus"

(Cheerful Children's Competition not only for schoolchildren - adolescents)

On the edge of the table put an inflated balloon. Water tie eyes and put back to the table. Then he makes 5 steps forward and turns three times on the spot. Next, he must return to the table and blow away the ball on the floor. Most likely, he will lose the right direction and will blow away the ball from there, where it is not and in risen. It turns out very funny!

Penny ruble coats

For the game you will need small coins and somewhat small in size. Participants are divided into teams with the same number of players. In the number of commands on the finish line, copyright cups are put. Each team is lined with each other.

On the foot sock of the first one from the team participants is a coin. The player is trying without dropping, to carry it from the start line to the finish (three - four meters) and reset to the "piggy bank". The participant dropped by the coin drops out of the game. For each coin that fell into a cup, one point is charged. Wins the team that scores the largest points.

Game "Mirror"

The game participants are divided into two teams. One person from each team is becoming three steps from the ball lying in the middle. The task of one of their players is to come to the ball, grab it and carry it to themselves, the task of another is to protect the ball.
Rules of the game: the one who comes up to the ball should do different movements near him: to squat, turn to the ball back, even to move away from it. And the defending should be as a mirror to repeat everything that does the enemy, and at the same time be alert. He can also postpone the enemy before he takes one step from the ball. Play all the couples in turn, players of the first team "take" the ball, players of the second - protect it. In the second round, the teams are changing roles. Wins the one that scores more points.

"Find boots"

Preparation. Two or more teams consisting of 10-15 players, remove their shoes and collect in one bunch of 15 steps to themselves. Shoes should be well mixed so that no one could recognize their own from afar. The game. Both teams are built into the line, and the first queue player runs to a heap and is looking for his shoes. How will find, putting it up and runs back to his team. The next in the queue player makes the same thing, and so until all the team members are waiting again. The game is most interesting when the player shoes do not have a diversity!

"Ribbon Couple"

(Competitions for adolescents on February 14, steam rooms)
The presenter invites 5 boys and 5 girls to go on stage. They get around it. The leading in the fist is clamped 10 tapes, the ends of which are freely hanging in different directions, but their middle are confused. At one end of each ribbon tied a bow. The presenter offers all participants to take on these ends, girls need to choose those ends on which the bows are tied. At the expense of "times, two, three" leads a fist, and all participants diverge down the hall. The same couple wins, which is first raised. Thus, each tape with its ends "tied" a couple.

Game with adhesive - Congratulations to a child for a birthday

... and ... (child name)! Congratulations on your ... Birthday! During this year from ... and ... the baby you turned into ... and ... the boy / girl! And this is all thanks to your ... Mom and ... dad. Let them continue the same ... love you and ... raise. I wish you to stay the most ... grandson / granddaughter for your ... Grandparents. And your ... Grandma Anya, if still does not make souls in you. ... Mom's girlfriend Aunt Lena Let love you like a native son, and her ... Katenka's daughter will be crazy about you .... Aunt Masha and ... Uncle Vitya will always invite you to visit them and their ... The sons of Tyoma and Stupa will become you ... Comrades. In general, grow, (the name of the child) ... and ... kiss and hug. Your ... Aunt Tanya.

Instead ... - the adjectives invented in advance are substituted. Better by people who have not seen the text of congratulations. Than funny adjectives, the more interesting there will be a game.

"Theater director"

(Great competition for school and birthday)

Tell the poem "Our Tanya loudly crying, if
1) you have a tooth
2) You wet in the rain and Obrogly
3) you got into the eye Sorinka
4) You have fallen a brick
5) You have scabies
6) the wolf chases you
7) you were offended by parents
8) flies to you
9) you fall pants
10) You have a very good mood)
Pail with the help of facial expressions:
1) athlete suitable for rod
2) the fan of the team that scores the goal
3) football goalkeeper
4) Fencing
5) Athlete, running 5 kilometers
6) the patient in the office of the dentist.

"Who quickly"

Guests are divided into two teams, each comes from each participant. They get a big box and the corresponding set of objects. Task: as soon as possible put items in the box and close it. With each new member, the box is less and more, and the items are more or more difficult in packaging. But keep in mind, you should try in advance, whether the items in the container are accompanied. The team wins, whose members will cope faster, and will make their job better.

"Egg basketball"

The team takes part in the game from three or more participants who are issued raw eggs and one basket. Command members in turns should get the egg to the basket. The team that will be able to throw the largest eggs to the basket, and wins in this competition.

"Dance with a lid"

You need an ordinary cover from the pan. Participants are divided into pairs, clamping the lid from the pan and under fast music begin to dance. They should dance so that the lid does not fall, and if it happens, the couple leaves the game. The remaining couples continue to compete before the winner.

"Nature soon"

For this game you need to prepare two coils and threads 3 - 5 m long. In the middle of the thread, the mark is made - paint or node. Playing becomes against each other, keeping in the hands of the coil in such a way that the thread is tightly stretched. The team is starting to quickly wind thread on the coil, all the time approaching each other. Wins the one who will come to the middle of the thread.

Sound operator

For this game, sound support is needed, and here it is not necessary without special devices. To do this, find items that can become sources of different characteristic sounds. Feed baking sheets and metal spoon, ski boots and board, clean tin cans filled with dry peas saucepan with lid, whistle and more.
Also, prepare a tape recorder and an empty cassette. Now you are ready to make a radio station. Tell me, for example, "a fairy tale about good and evil." It can start like this:
"Once we wandered through the forest and suddenly heard someone's steps. (Slide your hands in shoes, and then hard and slowly move them on the board). First, the steps were quiet but gradually became louder and louder. (You know how to do it). I turned around and saw a huge bear. I froze from fear, and here I hit the thunder. (Imcroken several times with a spoon by contrast). I looked at the sky from which big raindrops fell (shake with a canning can with dry peas), and the bear revealed his umbrella and went away ... ".
Turn on the microphone and proceed.


Everything and everything turns into something else, but not by the help of words, but by determining the feasibility of actions. The room turns into a forest. Then the participants are in trees, animals, birds, lumberjacks, etc. And if the station means in a suitcase, train, passengers. And if in the studio - in the speakers, tele operators, "pop stars", etc. At the same time, someone can make noise design, depict details, etc.


First, participants are invited to "open" a new planet - to inflate as quickly as possible. balloonsAnd then "settle" this planet for the planet - to quickly draw on the ball figurine of the little ones with markers. Who has "residents" on the planet will be more - the winner.

Merry contest

You will need: empty (glass) bottle, threads and pens (pencils).
1) Tie a thread to the waist.
2) to the remaining end (15-20cm) tie a handle (pencil).
3) You become over a bottle (1 sow slightly push the pen (pencil) and try to insert the end of the handle (pencil) in the neck of the bottle.
Highly merry contest! Win, the one who will be the first to do !!!

Any holiday for children is not only gifts, congratulations, surprises and a sweet table. Many children appreciate the holidays for the atmosphere of fun reign on them. In order for the overall mood, it is not turned into chaos and each of those present children was able to take direct participation in it, competitions are always envisaged in the celebration programs. What competitions are interested in children aged 10 years and when they should be carried out, we will also tell me further.

What contests are interested in children for 10 years?

Children aged 10 years of mobile and contests they are interested in such that there was an opportunity to spill their energy and demonstrate their dexterity and intelligence to other children. Also at this age, children are already actively starting to be interested in the opposite sex, and therefore joint Games They are no less interesting. However, to select contests with the invasion of boys and girls in the personal space, only in companies, where children know each other very well and communicate well. Otherwise, some children may feel uncomfortable.

If this is a birthday or simply envisaged a feast, you must alternate calm and moving contests. The break between moving competitions should be about 20 minutes.

Birthday competitions: 10 years

On the birth of a part of attention, guests should pay the most culprit of the celebration. You can do this with the help of contests.

"Dress for birthday"

If the birthday girl is a girl of 10 years old, for her such a competition will be by the way.


Flomers and photo cards with the image of a birthday girl in the dress, similar to the costumes of gymnasts, but without decorative details.

Contest's course:

All guests are heard photographs of the birthday girl and they need to "wear" her in a beautiful suit with the help of markers. Wins the one whose outfit will like the birthday itself most.

"Supergent on the task"

For boys for 10 years, you can spend an equally fascinating competition, especially if this themed evening and boys play pirates or agents.


Heap of old things

Contest's course:

The guys explain that their chief agent (birthday) should be reincarnated to the grandmother. Children like changing clothes like and laughter, fun will be provided. In addition, you can involve in the contest and other children, for example, handing them out the cards with other images. The unusual heroes will be in which they have to reincarnate, the more interest will be called the game in children.

Children's contests for large children of 10-year children

In large companies, contests should be made mobile with possible small prizes, in the form of souvenirs. There will be good competitions in which children will have to fulfill the command job. With the help of such competitions, experienced teachers can even contribute to resolving conflicts inside the children's team.

"Merry Statue"

In this competition, children can not only show their creative skills And the ability to manage others, but also to laugh from the soul.

Contest's course:

For the competition you need two rooms. In the first, the competition itself will occur, and the participants from another premises will be called in turn.

Two first players are invited to draw up a statue of love or fun from their own bodies. After that, the third player is invited. It is for him to become a leader for a short time, drawing up a statue as he sees it. After that, the third player ranks first in the statue. Further, the fourth player is invited to the room to which after all manipulations take place the second and so as long as all children play the game.

"Air battle"


Big room, chalk, 10-20 balloons.

Contest's course:

The room with chalk "shares" input. Children are invited to divide into two commands, each of which is given the same number of balls. The task is to throw all your balls on the opponent field, while the balls from the opponents should also be sent back to their field.

The game begins on sound and alarm and after re-sounding, a few minutes later, children must stop. The team becomes the winner, the field turned out to be less than all balloons.

10 years - the first round date in a person's life. The entertainment program will make this event bright and memorable. Interesting competitions, original contests and quizzes will have fun invited to the birthday of friends of the birthday name. Dynamic games will fill the holiday with children's laughter and joy. Happy children's smiles will delight parents and present at the event of adults.

    Game "Set of letters"

    The game participates all the children. They divide equally for 2-3 teams. The lead gives each group of participants to one identical set of cards with letters. The task of players is to fold the word from these letters. Words relate to the theme "Birthday". The team that the first raises above the head and shows the leading and audience the specified word, gets 1 point. Cut words are prohibited. The prevailing word must be submitted to the lead and show the audience. After the team gave the first word, the lead gives them the following set of cards and so on. The group of participants with the highest points is defeated.

    Sets of cards with letters

    • ordpos - a gift
    • ints - guests
    • shikar - Ball
    • thinfae - Candy
    • pDNPAZK - Holiday
    • zhaffelny - Wish
    • meninkni - Birthday
  • Game "Gift Birthday"

    The game participates all the children. They divide equally for 2-3 teams. For the competition you will need cardboard blanks in the form of a gift and items for decoration: festive paper, ribbons, sequins, paper cuts in the shape of hearts, flowerfish, candies.

    Problem teams - decorate the workpiece so that it turned out original gift Birthday. To complicate the task, all participants tie their eyes and give certain items for decoration and glue. Players take turns come up to a gift and begin to accompany it.

    At the end of the game, the birthday girl chooses the winner - the creator team of the most original gift.

    Competition-relay. It participates all those who wish children. They divide equally for 2 teams. To each contestant to the leg, the plastic cup filled with half caramel is pregnant.

    Participants are built up in 2 ranks along the start line. At a certain distance, each of them is the container - a deep plate or a cup. The task of representatives of both teams is to take turns to carefully reach its capacity, pour into it without the help of the hands of the cup and return back to the start.

    The team wins, in the capacity of which is more candies after passing the relay by all participants.

    There are several children in the competition. Each participant receives 2 sheet paper A4. The task of contestants - as soon as possible go through the "swamp" on the "bumps". To do this, it is necessary to put one sheet on the floor, to become both legs on it, and another leaf put in front of you. Then you need to cross onto the second sheet, pick up the first sheet and shifting it forward and so on. The participant is conquered, which will overcome all overcome in this way the specified distance (will be held through the "swamp").