Clan aces wot. Streams World Of Tanks

> Eternal stream of aces (aces_tv)

I describe my feelings and talk about the eternal 24/7 stream (round-the-clock broadcast) on the Aces channel.

Where did the stream of aces go?

Alas, a high-quality idea of ​​an almost round-the-clock, serious stream has not stood the test of time. As a single platform, the Aces channel is not currently observed. Various streamers now broadcast material on their personal channels and as a single project stream aces does not exist.

Scattered streamer channels do not look like something coherent; such properties of organized activities as schedule, reliability and consistency have obviously disappeared. Previously, on a single channel of aces, streamers then invited viewers (and introduced them) to their personal channels, but the stream of aces itself was a single, integral project.

Perhaps this was due to funding problems. Or, more likely, the investor did not find a return on this project and it was closed. Since the creation of an organized action with the participation of a dozen people (with the notorious schedule and sequence) requires resources, moreover, money. But the return or profit from game streams is a very unreliable thing.

How did the stream work?

In fact, a stream allows you to watch someone's game in real time, which is somewhat similar to a television show. Since now the Internet has become fast and free for many, streams are somewhat popular among amateurs. computer games... Today I will share on www ..

In fact, not only representatives of the aces group of clans play on this channel. If you do not understand, like me, in all kinds of clans, then this will not interfere with anything. Since the streams are not related to clan activities, games in random battles are broadcast there, so everything is in order here.

Actually the aces organized this stream channel, for which they can be thanked. I can't help but mark a number on the website distinctive features this eternal stream. Actually, they are the main advantages, although the legs of the main disadvantages indirectly grow from there. But we will talk about everything in order.

The main advantages of the Aces channel, I see, is precisely the mode of operation of the channel. There are no analogues so far in the world of tanks theme, and there won't be any in the near future. The stream really goes around the clock, and experienced players change each other every hour. That is, you can watch the game at any time of the day or night.

Immediately among the pluses, one can note the inevitable diversity, because the stream is led not by one person, but by several dozen. On the one hand, the presenters do not get tired, and the audience constantly sees new faces, new approaches to the game, to communication with the audience.

That, in any case, in my opinion, is where the pros end. Variety in itself leads to a jumble of styles and so on, there is no single streamline. Here I will assume that an hour is not enough for each leader's complete line.

There are also a number of questions about the quality of the game of some players. Let's start by selecting players who are good and experienced, but not necessarily unique, as streamers. However, do not think that I accuse someone of incompetence.

It is also important to see the difference between the level of a person's playing and the level of playing while recording a stream. Believe me, it is very difficult to play at the same time, communicate with the audience and tell something. Not everyone can do this kind of multitasking.

Most often, you can see two lines of behavior even among very experienced players. In the first case, the player is silent and plays with concentration. The quality of the game is good, but the audience is bored. The second case is that the author of the stream jokes and actively communicates, but does not merge so sourly in battles. Although at one time there were no streams at all on warcraft 3, which is a pity.

On the streams of the aces_tv channel, ordinary viewers are often taken into a platoon. Unfortunately, as an ordinary spectator, I did not like this practice. In such a platoon, there is no coordination and, most importantly, no communication. It is difficult for the presenter to support a live broadcast alone; it is much easier for two or three people to do it.

However, reading my grumbling on the you need to remember that personally I don't really like streams, as they take too much time to watch. It is much easier for me to download the recording of the stream and watch the moments that are interesting to me. What is more difficult to do from the aces channel, no one specifically uploads the broadcasts to YouTube.

Summing up a small summary on the Aces channel, I will say that I really liked the very opportunity to watch the stream on tanks at any time. On the other hand, most of the streamers are not at all memorable, the lead is not bright, and some of them play not professionally enough during the recording.

If the Reds are mainly known for their activities on the global map, then the ACES clan, they are also Aces, first of all, played a huge role in popularizing World games of Tanks among ordinary players. The clan was created in April 2011 and since then has attracted the most experienced players to its ranks - it turns out quite successfully, the average percentage of victories among the clan's fighters is currently 61%.

It was Aces who were among the first to start streaming - live broadcasts of battles from the game in the composition of platoons and companies. Now this fact will not surprise anyone, but at the time of the formation of the game it was a real breakthrough, allowing players to learn from the masters not from the records of battles, but live, using the example of a constantly changing situation. It was from Tuz that the famous Sergey Karapetyan, better known as Vspishka, came out, whose videos on World of Tanks are popular with all fans of this project. And it was the Aces who gave the Virtus Pro team the legendary captain - Derp. The guys very rarely climbed on the global map - it is extremely difficult to hold many territories with the composition of one clan, and the clan is not about that. The main direction of the clan is to conduct various streams on the portal.

And the portal is very, very impressive - there are streams from the world of tanks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Numerous prizes are held with participants - both with prizes for in-game gold and for quite real computer devices.

In addition, the portal contains many thematic articles, not only on World of Tanks, but also on World of Warplanes, as well as on World of Warships - the material is well-chosen and interesting.

The esports section keeps track of all the news in the gold, silver and bronze leagues of the WG, plus an archive is available, so that the path of a team can be traced virtually from the moment of its formation.

The video section of the portal contains the most popular materials - VODs, map reviews, I would like to separately mention the periodically released videos dedicated to the situation on the global map (let me remind you that the second restart of the GK and β€œ World War"Flared up with renewed vigor).

In the Mods section, there are many mod-packs from leading water makers, various sights, alternative voices and programs for obtaining extended combat statistics are also available for download and installation. Not without Tweakers - here you can find the most latest versions programs that increase the performance of World of Tanks.

And, of course, the forum is well-implemented Feedback clan with spectators, plus discussion of the most important topics and acceptance of applications from candidates for joining the Aces. There is also a Vkontakte group for more efficient distribution of news.

In general, Aces have found their calling and delight us with high-quality video broadcasts, and as a forge of personnel for the teams of the top division, the clan is very, very good. It has a small allied unit ACE-S and only - the rest of the clans using a similar abbreviation in their names are impostors, so be careful.

Read also about a large alliance of more than 200 people in the world of tanks - the World of Tanks Foxes clan aka Foxes.

Stream is a live broadcast gameplay Internet player. Through this, many gamers earn money, because their fans can donate to their electronic wallet to support the player right during the battle.

On the Russian cluster of the game World of Tanks great amount professional cybersportsmen, extras, water managers. They all broadcast their games online and make money on it. Our site brings to your attention streams from World of Tanks from such famous players as Jove, Amway921, antiNoob, AlinaRin, Vspishka, Desertod.

Jove, often performs various entertaining quests that fans offer him. He broadcasts from test server and sandboxes that many players do not have access to. Sometimes Jove decides to stream WoT on a specific topic, for example, playing only on heavy tanks or using exclusively high-explosive shells. Viewers love this very much and usually such broadcasts from Jove are very popular. Jova has a press account, so if you like rare tanks, you can also see them on his streams.

Amway921 is an equally popular water maker. He also likes to arrange various challenge streams, on which he discusses the usefulness of a certain class of equipment, talks about the news from general test and sometimes communicates with developers. Amway often conducts online broadcasts of an educational nature, for example, where it shows interesting positions or tells about the best tactics for beginners. Amway often streams with other video bloggers, including Jov.

Alina Rin is one of the most popular female tankers on the Russian Internet. She has a pleasant appearance and this attracts men, but girls also love to watch her streams because of her striking traits. Often, Alina conducts thematic broadcasts, sometimes plays the art, but most of all she loves the tank destroyer gameplay.

Of course, our site offers streams for viewing not only from popular water producers, but also from novice video bloggers. You can see the entire list of available online broadcasts in the thematic section. We have collected on our portal only the best streams from World players Of Tanks and invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

Benefits of watching streams on our website

The game "World of Tanks" has won millions of hearts, so it is not surprising that many players are playing and streaming online now World of Tanks, and you can plunge into the huge universe of tanks with their help without starting the game client. For example, watch how Jove rides on his favorite batch, or Flash rolls out the Bulldog while passing the next LBZ. All this can be done on our website without opening additional portals, simply by launching an online broadcast in the "Streams" section.

Thanks to the convenience of using the section, you can watch several streams at the same time. This is necessary when water makers are playing gold right during the online broadcast, and in order not to miss the moment of receiving additional game currency, the ability to view multiple streams is very useful.