Create a new account in WORLD OF TANKS. Phased instructions How to create an account in the game World of Tanks

Official Russian site of the game World of Tanks

To start playing, click, which will send you directly on the registration form of the official website of the World of Tanks.

How to register in World of Tanks? To do this, click "Play Free". A page with a form for filling out accounts data is loaded: E-mail, name in the game and password. You will also need to type the Capp flat code, check the box opposite the standard user agreement and click the "Continue" button

The world of tanks - a free game and registration in it, of course, is also absolutely free. The data you enter will be used to enter the game. We list them.

1. Field "Email"
Specify the current email address. It will be your login to enter the game. Email will also be needed if you need to restore the lost password. Do not tell your e-mail to anyone - do not facilitate the hackers life!

Fields of registration of the world of tanks

2. Field "Name in the game"
This is your nickname in the game under which other players will identify you. Come up with a name that will be easy to remember. The name must contain at least 3 characters. It is allowed to use Latin letters, numbers and a sign of the lower uplift.

3. Field "Password"
Come up with a challenging password consisting of letters and numbers. It should consist of 6-20 characters. It is advisable to add to the password to the specialist - stars, grids, etc., it will greatly complicate the task of attackers who want to hack your account. In order to avoid all unforeseen errors, enter the password in the next line.

Finally, enter the security code that you see in the picture below. If you failed to type characters, click the "Other Picture" link.

That's all! After registration you can download the game. It will be installed on your computer, like any ordinary program, and you can immediately enter the battle. You should not be afraid that your first little tank will immediately divide into shreds. Basic tanks are immortal, and you will not need to fix them after a fence. However, it is better to first examine the interface, get used to ask questions to experienced players, read the guides - so you will be much faster in the wisdom of this game.


We will analyze full-fledged step-by-step instructions How to register in World of Tanks and at the same time start playing with the maximum permissible number of bonuses in the form of 1200 units game gold And 10 days premium account. We do everything step by step, with explanations and pictures. This will require a new email invented by nickname in the game here and preferably mobile phone For binding to the account.

The main components during registration:

DOES NOT WORK Invite Link PZ KPF S35 739 + 500 Gold - Link
Invite code for 7 days

Registration World of Tanks

1. It is necessary to get on the registration form of WOT, and it is best to do on a special multi-way invite link that provides the initial bonus in the form of PZ KPFW S35 739 (F) and 500 units of gaming gold to the account immediately after confirmation of email.

There are others, even with premium tanks of small levels. But it is better to take initially 500 gold to spend them on the right premium tank.

Press RegisterMost likely there is already the main WOT account
Need to click Create a new account
Press Play for freeYou most likely create your first account in WOT

2. Fill out the correct form of registration of a new account for World of Tanks, for this you need to specify the existing mail, come up with individual nickname, and also remember or write a password consisting of at least 6 characters.

Do you have an invite code?»Additional bonus at registration.

Invite Code 2018

The most fat invite for registration is (on the link you can get acquainted to get it.) But it is very difficult to get it and it is very rare invite. However, sometimes it can be obtained in our group VK.

Previously, invite codes were available on receiving T-127 + 7 days of pa + 400,000 credits, but unfortunately the amount of input of the invite codes is sharply ended, although the validity period was until December 31, 2018.



So they got to the second component when creating with the maximum number of bonuses. We need to enter a valid, working or reusable invite code. And for example, we will use reusable invite Provides 7 days Premium account to create immediately from the go new account And we introduce it in the registration form field.

Reusable invite code for WOT and WOWS

3. Next, we need to click on the Continue button and go to the mailbox to complete the registration of your new account by a multi-sized link. Literally a couple of minutes will need to make these actions.

What we do, after registering the link on the account already there are already 500 units of gaming gold + pz KPFW S35 739 (F), also introduced a reusable invite code that added another 7 days premium account.

Training polygon in WOT

Immediately begins training polygon From a certain number of combat missions. The main thing is not to kill allies during the training camp or in missions, as it will have to undergo training again, namely the unfulfilled combat task will begin with the beginning.

The completion of the landfill adds 500 units of gaming gold and 3 days premium account.

The training landfill provided us with 3 days a premium account and 500 units of gaming gold into our piggy bank per account. Tasks appeared for the addition: the road to victory, combat briefing.

Change Password WOT.

Next, go to the WORLD OF TANKS Personal Cabinet and change the password that is asked when registering an account. What adds 300 units of gaming gold.

After changing the password, it is immediately charged on a 300 gold account as participation in stock.

To do this, we will need to proceed again to your office go to the WORLD OF TANKS Personal Cabinet and tie a mobile phone this time. First comes to mail a letter that you really want to bind a mobile phone. For what we get another 100 units of gaming gold.

The phone number can be used any, which is not only attached to the account. After receiving Gold you can immediately untie. Only the restriction of no more than 1 phone binding will appear per month. Re-get gold will not work.

What bonuses when registering in WOT 2018 we got

Invite Link to Valentine II + 600 Gold - Link

The account already has 1500 Gold and 11 days premium account, as well as premium Tank T-34-85M for 10 days

A complete list of tasks for the execution of which you can get different buns in game world Of Tanks, including rent tank T-34-85M for 10 days, MKA New Year's Premium Tank and 600,000 silver after approximately 28 battles.

Battle Briefing in WOT

1 First victory10 000 silver
500 units. Free experience
2 Improve the car25 000 silver
3 New shells25 000 silver
1 000 units. Free experience
5 Sell \u200b\u200bnot needed2,500 units. Free experience
stripe on tank
6 Full setMasking Network on Tank
7 First, it's beautiful75 000 silver
5 pieces. Provision for crew experience
5 pieces. Reserve for combat experience
8 Improve3,000 units. Free experience
5 pieces. Reserve for loans
T-34-85M Rent for 10 days

P.S. I would like to remind if you manage to find the current invite code on Churchill 3 in our VK group from Rostelecom.

30.4.2017 14145 views

Few people did not hear about the sensational game World of Tanks. She gained wide popularity due to the combination of colorful and close to the reality of graphics with arcade.

Any tank has armor, which is possible only with many factors. This includes an angle of inclination, and the thickness of the armor, and the location of the car, as well as much more. The so-called "tanks" already have more than 100 million users. And this is not the limit.

If you wish to replenish the ranks of the players and join tank battlesYou need to perform only two simple steps:

  • register in Tanks World Of Tanks
  • install on your computer application for online game;

We will analyze each of these actions:

Registration procedure

Registration to WORLD OF TEXKS is needed on the official website of the game, for this press the button below, go to the game site (opens in the new tab) and proceed to the registration.

  1. Use an existing account on social networks in VKontakte, Google+ or Facebook.
  2. Create your account in the game World of Tanks.

Registration in the game in the first way the fastest way. In this case, you just need to click on the icon of that social networkwhich has your page. A separate window will open, with permission to access the tanks to the account in this social network. You just need to click the "Confirm" button, or "Allow", and here: Registration in tanks is almost passed - check the mailbox and activate the link in the letter.

If you prefer to create an account directly in the game, then you need to fill the fields offered by the registration form.

The first of them is "e-mail". Here you need to specify an existing email address to which you have access. The final stage of registration will be its confirmation.

Next, you will need to enter your nickname. Come up with it may turn out challenging taskbecause already more than 100 million different options are busy. Nickname is nothing but your future name in the game, which will later be seen to other users. Therefore, it is necessary to approach his choice with the corresponding level of responsibility. If you come up with a unique combination of Latin letters and numbers (and one of them should consist of your game name) fails, you can use the name generator. To do this, there are many resources on the Internet, selecting free names for the World of Tanks.

After nickname is selected, you need to remember the next field - "Password". It must be reliable. To create it, you can use the letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and punctuation marks. It is best when the password is designed in such a way that alphabetic designations in the capital and lower case version are present in it. They can be mixed with numbers and signs. For greater reliability, the password should not be the same as you are already using in any account, for example in the mail. It is also undesirable to be associated with any significant dates like your birthday.

The invented password must be confirmed, repeating it again in the field below. In the event that you forget the invented combination, access can be restored using the email you have specified.

Complete registration

The final step is to confirm the specified mailbox address. Registration in the game implies the use of real postal addresses. A letter with a secret link will come to him. To confirm your e-mail and completing the account creation, you need to execute instructions in the letter. It implies just a transition by a secret link in which the tab with a message appears that your account is created:

On this, registration in the game World of Tanks is completed, and you can begin to the second step:

Installing a client for the game:

To play World of Tanks, you need to install a special program to your computer that allows you to connect to the game. The first thing to do for this is to check your computer on minimum requirements To the system in the game World of Tanks. The following parameters include their list:

  • software Windows XP from 7 version and above (Windows Vista is also suitable from 8 series and more);
  • dual-core processor;
  • built-in rAM The computer must be a size of at least 1.5 GB (for Windows Vista Minimum size - 2 GB);
  • available on the hard disk space of at least 25 GB;
  • the speed of the Internet connection must be from 256 kb / s.

If all of the specified parameters are met, then you can start installing the game application. Otherwise, registration in World of Tanks will have to postpone - you simply will not be able to play for technical reasons.

World of Tanks is the most famous tank stimulant in which all combat vehicles Developed in accordance with the image of real cars who participated in hostilities.

Based on this, all characteristics are fully realistic or as close as possible to reality. And today, many lovers of such entertainment raises the question of how to register with World of Tanks.

Download game

First of all, before passing the registration, you should download the client. This step is significant, because the client acts as a means by means of which you can play tanks. (You can download the game by following the link!

But initially, the installer should be loaded onto the computer, and it is necessary to do it from the official resource. All actions here are made completely free. In this case, the actions are as follows:

  1. download and start the installer;
  2. select a disk space where the client will be recorded;
  3. waiting for the completion of the installation process.

when the process is completed, you can log in to the client boot screen. And here the question arises again how to register in tanks? After all, it will not work in it, it is necessary to implement a number of certain actions.

Registration instructions in World of Tanks

Initially, the boot screen appears. What to do next? How to start the registration process. Everything is very simple:

Also in the last window there is an opportunity to enter an invite code, which is issued by the player who sent an invitation to this project.

Here will be the benefit to him and you, so this item will also be better to fill. This is the process of registration, but still in the game can not be hit.

By and large, the whole process is produced in 2 stages, and confirmation is confirmed as the second stage. On that email, which was specified in the process, comes a letter in which the transition should be made by the specified link.

This will give the opportunity to go to the official website on which a congratulatory message is posted. On this, everything can now be proceeding directly to the game itself!

Here is a complete instruction, how to register with World of Tanks. And after the implementation of all the actions described above, you can safely move towards the game.

In this case, you need to enter the very email address that was specified in the registration, as well as passwords when you run the application.

World of Tanks is a dynamic online game based on the motives of World War II. Multiplayer battles involving real-existing tanks, attract the attention of millions of users. Curiously, but the number of registered users has overlated for a mark of 110 million. This is an absolute record among online games. Of course, the data are not accurate: the rules do not prohibit the simultaneous registration of several game accounts. However, the numbers look impressive.

What is based on popularity

What caused an increased interest in the game? Here, such features can be distinguished:

  • Interesting symbiosis of the realism of what is happening and dynamic action. The game accurately reproduced the real characteristics of combat vehicles. In addition, the tanks have a different margin of strength and capabilities of armored guns.
  • The game does not cause difficulties in mastering. It is enough for users to remember the 4 keys responsible for the direction of movement, the tower and shooting control are performed using the mouse. However, this is only a basic minimum. To become a real tank ASA, you will have to roll back not one thousand battle, thoroughly study game cards, find out the game mechanics.
  • WORLD OF TANKS is absolutely free game. At the same time, the rules allow in-game purchases that do not give significant advantages over other users. Therefore, tankers riding in a clean client, and decide to buy a reply account or technique, are in equal terms.
  • The game is not demanding on the computer resources, therefore it works on the old "hardware" and ultra-modern PC.

World of tanks registration

To start playing, you will need to download the client tanks world. Of Tanks for free and start a WOT account, and for this click on the button to play a free download banner located in the upper banner or the tank button register, which will direct you directly on the registration form of the official website of the World of Tanks.

Registration in WOT.

How to register in World of Tanks?

This is necessary so that the previous authorization on the site does not interfere with the creation of a new account WOT.. Where after clicking to play, the form form must appear to fill personal data.

Do not forget about the Capper code and check the box opposite the standard user agreement and click the "Continue" button, do not forget about the column - Which is administered only to Register in World of Tanks and provides a bonus to new players when creating an account.


This field is intended for active email, the domain of which performs the function of login account. Email may be needed if the user will forget the password to the account. You can only restore it via e-mail. Note that it is not necessary to report the email address: the administration never requests personal data of the players. Therefore, mail may only be required by fraudsters.


This is your personal game nickname that will be available to all players. The user's nickname is displayed in the command list before the battle. The name must be invented independently, using the letters of the Latin alphabet, numerical notation and lower emphasising. Please note that nickname must include more than three characters, not to wear offensive. The obscene vocabulary is not allowed - this will lead to the blocking of the account.


This is a personal player code that opens access to the account. The password must be difficult, but Lvegko memorable. The number of characters entered may vary within 6-20 characters. To complicate the task of hackers, it is recommended to enter the letters with different register, use numbers and special characters.

Do not forget to enter the code (Captch) and then click Continue.

Invite code for WOT

The usual graph on the form of registration of a new account WORLD OF TANKS, to which on our site is given a whole section "Invite-code". Since there are invites both disposable and reusable limited on the number of registrations in game WOT.. In the section we publish the latest and accessible to users of invite codes.

Before creating an account, we suggest familiarize yourself with the information articles about or simply write in PM