Osipov Mikhail. Mikhail Osipov is a little genius in the game of chess. Game with Sergey Karjakin

Mikhail Osipov - who is this little genius? After the broadcast of the program "Best of All", a 4-year-old boy turned into an idol for many children and adults. He shocked with his reasoning, and at the same time, the audience could not hold back their tears when Misha burst into tears after the game with Karpov.

The boy's mother quickly reassured her son and reminded that a lot of children dream of such a party, and such an opportunity turned up for him, and he must prove that he is brave and fair. At that moment, Misha quickly wiped away his tears and, with great courage, hurried to solve sketches.

A very small chess player

The boy's parents say that the first interest in this board game son showed at the age of 2 years. At first, the father thought that this was a short-term impulse and did not focus on it. Over time, Misha absorbed more and more information about the game and asked his mother to deepen his knowledge.

Thus, dad realized that he needed to develop his son further. It was difficult for parents to find a coach who would undertake to train such a small player. But still, Misha was lucky, and he got to classes with a good specialist.

By the age of 4, Mikhail Osipov had mastered many studies and learned to calculate several moves in advance.

Participation in the show

When the first episodes of the program "Best of All" appeared on the screens, the boy's parents realized that he must definitely take part there. Presenter Maxim Galkin was surprised by the independence of the boy at such a young age.

Mikhail Osipov shared with the studio his plans for the future, and he was offered a game with the outstanding chess player Anatoly Karpov. Then the boy lost to the champion and could not hold back his tears.

But he quickly pulled himself together and showed a few more solutions to the sketches. For his efforts, the boy received a medal with the logo of the program and a backpack with other gifts.

Game with Sergey Karjakin

The next visit to the show took place before the New Year. The program brought together all the children who conquered the audience with their talents during the season. Little chess player Mikhail Osipov was no exception. He happened to play an unusual game against Sergey Karjakin.

The opponents were waiting for the original board of large sizes on the floor and huge chessmen almost as tall as Misha. It was evident that Karjakin was surprised by such abilities of the boy. In the middle of the game, Sergey offers the kid a draw so that he will not be upset again because of the loss. Mikhail Osipov accepts this scenario and proudly shakes hands with the champion.

Karjakin admits to Galkin that he did not succumb to his opponent. He claims that he has never had to fight with such a young chess player. After the release of both programs, fame fell on Misha. He was invited to play more and more new games with famous chess players. In one of these games, little Osipov beat 95-year-old grandmaster Yuri Averbakh.

How life and plans for the future have changed

The boy's parents admit that Mikhail Osipov's participation in the show "Best of All" brought a lot of benefits and new discoveries. The boy was invited to study at the Olympic reserve chess school. Here he receives invaluable lessons from his favorite game. But the boy does not stop training with his first coach. Because she already has an approach to the little genius and immediately believed in his strength.

Parents note that he will not be sent to a comprehensive school early. Misha will go to the 1st grade, like everyone else, at the age of 7. The boy already knows how to read and easily retells the meaning of the book, but dad decided that it would be better for his son to completely devote himself to chess for several years. Mikhail Osipov supports his parents and is in no hurry to go to a regular school.

The little genius recently met Anatoly Karpov again and again lost in time. But this time the guy was not upset and was very happy useful tips world famous chess player.

Dad notes that the construction company "Vector Capital" took patronage over a promising boy and promised to pay all expenses for traveling to tournaments for a certain time. Such help is now very necessary for a young family, because so far only the father is working, and the mother has devoted herself entirely to the development and upbringing of her son.

In 2018 Misha will take part in international competitions. In Russia, he recently became the winner quick game in the category up to 9 years during the championship of Russia.

The mother of 3-year-old Misha Osipov, who fought in chess with Anatoly Karpov "Best of All", told how she brings up her son.

Misha Osipov, who bravely entered into an unequal battle with the 12th world chess champion Anatoly Karpov, touched the viewers of Channel One. Recorded video chess game the famous grandmaster and the little one, who says it doesn’t matter yet, is gaining more and more views.

Misha Osipov Photo: Channel One

Three-year-old chess player Misha Osipov was calm and collected on stage, and only at the very end, having suffered a defeat in time, he could not hold back his tears. Some social media users angrily exclaimed: “Is it really difficult for Karpov to succumb and lose to a child?” To this, Misha's mother Ksenia reasonably replied: “Karpov should not have succumbed in any case! What kind of a grandmaster is he who loses to a 3-year-old chess player? This would be completely wrong, and absolutely not useful for Misha either. As a result, my son has an even greater incentive to play chess, and now he also wants to become a grandmaster.”

Three-year-old chess player Misha Osipov was calm and collected on stage Photo: Channel One

Ksenia said that when she saw how dad and grandfather were playing. At first, the parents worked out with their son at home on their own, and at 2.8 they took him to the coach. "IN Lately son got carried away online chess- shared Xenia. “Misha is excited about the opportunity to play with some chess player from Malaysia, for example.”

Fairy with an ax

Hi all!

The teacher sent a list of stationery, it contains "oil and plain pastels" and an A4 drawing folder, yesterday they climbed the entire DM, but they did not find it ...

Tell me, please, where to look for this pastel and what is a folder for drawing, I can’t figure it out.

Thank you and have a nice day everyone! :)


Suessy S.S.S.

Daughter 6.7. She is not pugnacious herself, she can defend herself at most if she is offended too much. Yesterday in the garden they had a fight with the girls, well, how they fought. One daughter was holding, the other was sleeping sand on her head. Well, the child told me this before going to bed.

In the morning I talked with the teacher, with the father of one of the girls (they matched in the dressing room). Educator: "Ayayay, well, why didn't she tell me right away, yes I, yes me ..., .. Well, that's it, like the topic is closed. In the evening, my daughter says that I didn’t have time to leave, the teacher and the nanny called her a sneak in front of everyone. Well, bon appetit before breakfast. Label and teacher education not available like?

In general, given that two against one, I understand my child. And I had to talk about the sand theme. Or something, like, sit down, shut up. Well, then she won't come to me for protection. I just went to the kindergarten for the second time in all the years to sort things out. Usually we just advise our daughter something when she tells us. Now what do you recommend? They are on your head, and you are in their eyes, so that it is not habitual? So I went into the garden to talk.

And tomorrow, go again, already about, sneaks, talk. Or maybe it's really a sneak, but I don't understand it.


Larisa Ivanova

Girls, how do you take care of yourself? What is the norm for you to do every day, every week, every month? Has anything changed with age? How much are you willing to invest in yourself? Time and money?
I look at my friends - most of them from the age of 25 at least once every two weeks at the beautician, cleanings - peelings - massages - injections - something else.



We were told today that this year's solemn assembly in Moscow has been cancelled. At first, the people were so taken aback that they did not even resent. Then questions poured in. Teachers cannot answer them, they are upset. On Yandex they write that for security purposes.

They only said that there would be a solemn meeting of first graders and eleventh graders.

Sad. I was going to go stand up, although not the first time)
Survived .... What will be the next step?
How are you this year?


Charm OSV

2 years before school, they decided to send the child to kindergarten. IN senior group 5-6 years. Immediately for the whole day stayed, a few days already departed. Now we have one permanent teacher (the second is on vacation, she has not been seen yet), the second is temporary.

The one that constantly says that ours is afraid of noise and children, does not eat certain things, does not sleep during the day (just lies quietly), does not say anything good. I myself observe that this teacher constantly yells at the children, this is her manner of communication. The second teacher, on the contrary, praises. She says that our daughter eats, sleeps during the day, plays with children, recites poetry. This teacher has a completely different temperament and style of communication with children (but it is temporary). Here are two opposing views.

Our neighbor goes to the group, so I know for sure that they are playing with my daughter in the garden (therefore, the first opinion of the teacher is strange). I myself can say that my daughter can behave differently, depending on the situation. But why does the first teacher expose everything in a negative way, because the child got into a new team? What are your opinions on how to interact with such educators?


As befits a three-year-old, Misha still does not speak quite clearly. But he plays chess very well - recently he even defended the second junior category. After talking a little with the chess prodigy, the host of the show Maxim Galkin invited the famous world champion Anatoly Karpov to the studio. When the chess players converged on the board, Misha never tired of surprising the grandmaster with his knowledge. Moreover, he recognized Karpov:

– I watched you play with Viktor Korchnoi!

It turns out that Misha watches records at home. best games in the history of chess and not only knows how to play at an incredible level for a child, but is also well versed in theory. For example, he easily named the method of protection he used when Karpov asked him about it.

Let the kid down until not too much experience. Twice refusing the proposed draw, Misha did not meet the allotted time - the clock flag fell, and the young chess player was defeated. At this point, the emotions failed: the boy could hardly restrain himself so as not to cry. Fortunately, my mother was there - Misha calmed down and even found the strength to solve the three proposed studies with brilliance.

“All your victories are yet to come,” Karpov said goodbye to him and kissed him on the forehead.

Little chess player Mikhail Osipov. The best! Fragment of the release dated 11/13/2016. Mikhail Osipov, 3 years old, Moscow. He is seriously fond of chess, which he will demonstrate in a duel with the twelfth world chess champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR Anatoly Karpov.