Passage of Fahrenheit. Passage of game Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered. If you left the child to yourself

The murder

Three stabs in the chest. Murder in the toilet. So your story has begun. You need to leave the cafeteria before the police visit the toilet. Otherwise, you will be captured - and the game will end there. But first, you need to hide the evidence and raise Lucas's mental health.

As soon as the video ends, grab the body and drag it to the toilet. One less piece of evidence. Now take a mop and rub the blood stain. At the same time, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the marks on the floor, but you will improve the mental health of the character.

What else? Knife. Pick up the murder weapon from the floor and have Lucas hide it. Wash your hands in the sink to remove any traces of blood. Try using a condom vending machine. It's broken. Hit it a couple of times with your hand and you will get a coin. So, here we have done everything. Exit to the cafeteria.

Sit down at the table without talking to the visitors. Eat, drink, pay the bill. Look at the coffee mug. It's strange, because Lucas never drinks it. So someone was with him? It's time to get out of here. Once you reach the door, turn on the jukebox to cheer you up.

Once outside, take the subway or catch a taxi to get home.

For fun, you can try: go to the cafeteria with bloody hands, wait for the policeman in the toilet, talk to visitors, call the phone, try to leave without paying the bill, wait for the police to arrive on the street. True, nothing good will come of it.

The Investigation

Here are two more main characters. Karla and Tyler are cops without fear or reproach. After getting out of the car, think about the murder (the corresponding action will appear) and examine the bloody trail in the snow. Then go inside.

Have Karla talk to the police officer and then walk over to the waitress. It doesn't make much difference what questions you ask her, the main thing in working with people is communication. When the girl gets nervous, calm her down. After the conversation, the policeman will take her home. Now examine the table at which the killer was sitting. Notice the bill, the book under the table, and the blood on the seat.

Switch to Tyler. Examine the table Lucas was sitting at. After that, talk to two police officers and drink coffee at the counter to boost mental health (coffee won't hurt Carla either). To calm Tyler down, call his girlfriend.

Go to the toilet. Switch to Karla. Examine the body of the murdered man, examine the mop, the blood in the booth where Lucas was sitting, and open the door to the right booth. Let Tyler inspect the body too, check the sink, dig in the trash can and inspect the cistern in the right stall (they should find a knife there).

Now let Karla go out into the street through the emergency exit (do not try to go back, otherwise you will lose 10 mental health points) and talk to the bum. He will give some information. Return through the main entrance to the cafeteria. Let Tyler talk to the police again, and then invite Carla to go home. You get into the car, and ... this is the end of the chapter.

Returning through the back door has a negative effect on the psyche of both police officers (not otherwise, because the omen is bad), and for Tyler, in addition, the urge to relieve himself of the toilet, turn on the jukebox and talk to the homeless person.

The day after

Lucas woke up and realized that yesterday's incident was not a dream. Soon a policeman will come to the apartment, so you need to destroy the evidence. Take some medicine to relieve your headache (don't drink alcohol afterwards) and make your bed.

Exit to the living room. The phone will ring. Talk to your brother - and then listen to the answering machine. So what else? Pick up a shirt off the floor and throw it into the washing machine in the bathroom. That's it, there is no more evidence left. Open the shelf above the sink and bandage your hands with a bandage. In this case, an unpleasant incident will occur. Wash yourself. You can relieve yourself at the same time - a good way to improve your mental health.

Go to the bedroom and get dressed, then go back to the room. Drink milk from the refrigerator and listen to music. This will calm you down. A policeman will come right here. Take the key from the table and open the door. He will ask you to inspect the apartment. There is no more evidence, so agree. When the policeman leaves, go outside.

What you can do wrong: Drink alcohol after your medication, watch TV, read a newspaper, and look at a photograph. Better abstain.


Go along the path to the square, where Marcus is waiting. When talking to your brother, select the "Convince" option. When he offers to take the crucifix, agree - it will give you extra life. When Lucas goes back, he will see the child fall through the ice. And then, as luck would have it, there is a policeman who was in the cafeteria. There is absolutely no need to draw his attention - but what to do? Okay, let's hope for luck.

Throw yourself into the water and drag your child to the surface. Damn it, his heart isn't beating. Start doing heart massage. When Lucas says three, press. When the child wakes up, get up and leave the park. The policeman recognized you ... but why didn't he detain you?

Police work

Meanwhile, the police are on the alert. Our brave detectives have begun an investigation. Talk to the guard at the entrance and head up the stairs. Go to the side door to enter the office. In it, by the way, you can drink coffee to replenish mental health. The office is in the far corner. On the way, Carla will be intercepted by Detective Garrett and remind him that Tyler owes him money. And he will also say that he has some information on the murder.

Come into the office. Drink water and play yo-yo to boost your mental health. Then call Tyler and tell him to show up for work. Now switch to it.

Get out of bed (or you can lie, which will make Karla very angry), take a shower, relieve a small need (for reasons of mental health concerns). Return to the room and get dressed, and then go to the hall and have a coffee. Then talk to the girl. In the dialog select "Tender" and "Convincing" so that she calms down. Kiss her on the lips, put on your jacket and leave the apartment.

Go up to the office and go to the office. The detective will remind you to repay the debt. The choice of the response phrase does not matter: the result will be the same. Go to the office, talk to Karla. After drink some water, hang up your jacket and go out to the office.

Go to Garrett's table and listen to what he has to say to Carla. The choice of phrases does not matter. Then let Karla go back to the office, sit down at the computer and read the mail and news. Pay special attention to the letter with the subject: "Kirsten".

Alternate reality

Lucas, despite the incident, decided to go to work. Exit the closet and use the sink to wash your face. Leave the restroom and go to the office (it is indicated by a red dot). You can have coffee on the way. Sit down at the table - and attention - a mini-game. If you do it right, you will know what the colleague is thinking - but you will lose a few points of mental health.

Open the drawer to get an extra life. Use a computer. True, this will lower mental health, but there is no other way. But soon the phone will ring. Pick up the phone and talk to Tiffany - this will lift your spirits again.

Sit down at the computer - there is another mini-game in front of you. If it works, you will see how the coffee mug fell. Damn it, it seemed. Use your computer again. Soon the phone will ring and the mug will actually fall. After talking, Lucas will go to repair the broken equipment.

As soon as he starts repairing, the beetle attack will begin - and here it all depends on sleight of hand. The faster you are, the more chances you have to dodge attackers. When the inscription "Move" appears, run into the booth. And again - mini-games.

Your mental health will be lowered by not answering phone calls, saying no to Tiffany, or going into the left drawer of your desk to look at a photograph.


The pathologist will examine the body and talk about the characteristic lesions. In order for Karla to receive the maximum information, you need to win the mini-game. For each failure, she will receive minus ten points of mental health. If you fail everything, you can go crazy. After the autopsy is complete, talk to your doctor. Whatever answer you choose, he will eventually mention the Kirsten case.

Tyler & kate

Meanwhile, a waitress came to Tyler to compose a composite of the killer. Despite the girl's assurances that she supposedly remembers the killer, she will not say anything sensible. You will have to do all the work yourself. In fact, it makes no difference how the portrait comes out - albeit not at all similar. This will not affect the game in the future.

Lost love

Until Tiffany arrives, you can do your daily business. Namely - the restoration of mental health. To do this, you need to do the following: play the guitar (first turn on the speaker), practice with a punching bag, listen to music, go to the toilet, drink milk, take medicine or alcohol (do not interfere with each other). You can watch TV. This will not add anything (nor will it decrease) your mood - but you will find out the latest news.

Then go to bed. Lucas will wake up when the doorbell rings. Let Tiffany into the apartment. First select "New" in the dialog - and then "Glass". She will agree to have a drink. Go to the kitchen and get the bottle. Pour the gin into glasses and return to the girl with a drink.

She will ask you to bring boxes - why not? One lies near the phone, the other to the left of the computer. Then in the conversation choose: "Sincere", "Sentimental" and "Alone". Tiffany will ask you to play the guitar. If you do it without mistakes, you will receive a passionate kiss and something else in gratitude.

The second time Lucas wakes up in the middle of the night. If you do not want to lose 20 points of mental health, then immediately go to sleep again. You will keep strong nerves, but skip the interesting scene (I suggest: see what happens, and then replay). So, have you decided to take a look? Then go to the hall and turn off the TV, and then go out into the corridor. A strange girl is standing there. Who is she?

Hide and seek

Lucas decided to visit his parents' grave. Where the path turns towards the grave, go straight for an extra life. Then go back and go to Marcus. Place flowers on the grave and talk to your brother.

After the conversation, Lucas will begin to remember his childhood. Here is Marcus and his friends - they decided to play in the fourth hangar. A sudden vision - and Lucas realizes that the hangar is about to explode. You need to save your brother! Run to the right side of the fence. In this place, a net is thrown over it, you can move along it to the other side.

Wait for the guards to turn their backs and run to the boulder to the left of the entrance. There's a hole in the fence. Climb over to the other side and hide behind the boxes. There is a guard at the entrance to hangar 4B. Wait, when the truck goes, and, hiding behind it, run along the road, and then turn to the hangar.

After convincing your brother to hit the road, start looking for his friends. One sits in boxes (there are a number of them). The second is hiding in the opposite corner behind the plane's cockpit. To get him out of there, you have to lie that his mother is looking for him, otherwise he will not budge. The third hid on the second tier (the stairs up next) behind the iron sheets.

This concludes the chapter.

Friendly combat

Meanwhile, the detectives decided to measure their strength in the ring to rest before an important matter. Before starting a fight, you need to warm up well. To do this, you will have to work out on two simulators with both heroes. Remember to drink water from a bottle on the bench after each exercise machine to restore mental health.

After training, climb into the ring. You need to win ten rounds. Each round is a mini-game. Sleight of hand - and your victory. You can do it again if you like. However, there will be no sense from this.

Debriefing Carla

It's time to get down to business. Karla must find the Kirsten file in the archives. Turn on the lights and listen to a claustrophobic monologue. There will be little problems. Namely, another mini-game. You need to keep the slider closer to the center so that Karla does not panic, and at the same time move forward. If you fail, the detective will lose 10 mental health points and return to the very beginning.

To go through the filing cabinets, you need to turn the wheels that move the stands. This will open up the passage. After reaching the terminal, turn left and clear the passage. You will find a switch on the wall - pull it to give current. Go back.

Now it's time to find the case. It is in the 1990-2000 section. To get there, first turn the left wheel. Go through the formed passage and turn the second wheel. Come back. Turn the left wheel again - and then the right. Go through the passage and turn another wheel there - this time the last one. Take the cassette from the shelf and return to the terminal. Review the entry. Empty ... you need to question the investigator who was in charge of the case.

Debriefing Tyler

Tyler is more fortunate than Carla. But not by much. Go downstairs and talk to the Chinese. Ask whatever you want. It won't help anyway. When you are about to leave, he will agree to help - but only if you find the right book.

As a tip, he will give you another book and say that it is from the same collection. Go to the table with a magnifying glass and read the title ("Cave Ne Cadas", "De Gruttola"). Now put the book from the cafeteria on the table. Scroll through the pages until you see an inscription in the left corner. Study it carefully and take the book. A bookmark will drop out of it, which needs to be picked up.

Go up to the second floor and look at the open book that lies on the nightstand next to the door. Find the title of the book given by the Chinese. So, published in 1796. Go downstairs and flip through the book on the table next to the seller.

Books from 1700 to 1800 are on the third floor. Climb up and find the section marked with white squares. Take the book and take it to the Chinese. You can ask him. True, he will not say anything sensible. Exit the store.


Meanwhile, Lucas decides to visit Agatha, whose address his older brother gave him. Ring the bell. No answer. Open the door and go straight along the corridor (we will return to the rest of the rooms). Go through the hall and enter the bedroom.

Blind woman in a wheelchair. Good helper. Before talking to her, rummage in the drawer for an extra life and go to the bathroom. Now start a conversation. The conversation will be pretty short - and it makes no difference what to ask.

Agatha will ask you to take her to the room with the birds, where she will continue the conversation. Leave the bedroom and roll the chair into the room to the right of the front door. Now she will continue the conversation. Choose any phrases. Then Agatha will ask you to feed the birds. Open the bottom drawer of the bedside table and go around three cells. Then talk on.

Now roll the cart into the hall. To conduct a session, you need three candles and matches. Candles are in the bedside table in the hall, you will find matches in the kitchen (the second room is next to the front door). When the candles are on, close the curtains and turn off the lights. Then sit down on a chair ...

During the session, you will have a mini-game. If you press the wrong key combination, you will lose mental health points and start from the same place. The session will be abruptly terminated. Agatha will tell Lucas to come tomorrow. Then she will reveal the secret of the murder in the cafe.

Questions & Bullets

We need to talk to the detective who led the Kirsten case. Go to the last booth and call out to the man. Before you speak, you have to shoot at the targets.

The rules are simple. You can shoot at red targets, but not at white targets. For each "killed" criminal, you will receive plus three seconds. For a "wounded" civilian - a time penalty. The fewer misses, the higher the accuracy. You need to score as many points as possible. If you shoot well, you will gain a few mental health points.

You can choose any phrases in the conversation. Anyway, at the end of the conversation, Mitchell will tell you important information about the Kirsten case.

Double or Quits

While Carla is running around on business, Tyler and Jeffrey decide to play basketball. Another mini-game. You have to do the same as in the ring. Whoever gets ten points first will win. By the way, don't forget to make fun of Jeffrey's uniform before the match.

The storm

Lucas decides to return home and rest after a hard day. When will it be heard phone call, pick up the phone ... damn voice, but it's too late. To be another series mini-games. When Lucas falls down, you will be switched to Marcus, who decided to visit his brother.

Look at the door and click on the bell. No answer. A scream will be heard from behind the door. Help the priest knock down the door (mini-game) and run to the balcony. Look down and take out Lucas (this is also a mini-game).

Dark omen

The chapter will begin with a very interesting cutscene. Exit the bathroom and step into the hall. Pick up the phone and talk to Tyler. He will promise to fax the piece of paper he found from the book. Get dressed. Soon a neighbor will come with a bottle of wine. When he rings, open the door.

Now you need to find the glasses. They are in the kitchen cabinet. Put them on the table, have some wine, and have a chat with the guy. He will offer to tell fortunes on the Tarot cards. Whichever cards you choose, the result will still be bad. When Tommy is gone, watch TV, go to the bathroom, lie on the bed and grab a pizza to boost mental health.

Switch to Tyler. Sit down at your desk and turn on your computer. Check your mail and news. Pay special attention to promotions. Tyler will guess the scrap of paper is a stock list. Call Karla and tell her about your discovery. She will ask you to send a fax. Take a piece of paper, walk to the fax and send a message to your partner. At this point, Tyler will feel fatigued and lose a decent amount of mental health points. Drink some water to restore it a little.

Switch to Karla and take the fax (it is next to the laptop). Tommy will call soon. Ask him about paper. He will tell you that there should be watermarks on it. Call Tyler back and tell him to check.

Switch to Tyler. Take a piece of paper, sit at the table and turn on the lamp. Now examine the paper under the light. A watermark should be illuminated in one place. Call your partner. When asked who will go to the bank, choose Karla.

Face off

Finally, Lucas and Karla will meet. Until the detective entered the office, you need to hide the evidence. Get up from the table and look at the printout on the right. Take it and put it away. Now check the book on the left. You also need to get rid of it.

When the detective enters the office, the interrogation will begin. Answer all questions truthfully. Except for two. Talk about the illness when she asks about a seizure in the office. And when he shows you a photo of the suspect, pick a joke. She can also ask about the hand and where you were on the night of the murder. In the first case, lie, in the second, move the conversation to another topic.

There will be several mini-games during your conversation. If you win, you will find out what Carla thinks - and get a little hint. There will still be bugs, but nothing can be done about it. Mental health will decrease anyway.

When Lucas comes out of the office, look at the two photos, search the desk drawer to find the book, and take the pen. You will need it later. You can also find a printout with promotions. When Lucas arrives, the detective will leave the bank.

By the way, for the sake of interest, you can not hide the evidence or leave Karl to mess around while Lucas is absent from the office and see how this will affect the game in the future.

Back to Agatha

It's time to visit Agatha. Go straight to the hall. The old lady is dead. It is necessary to disappear from the house before the police show up. But first, you have to do something. You can examine the body if you want, but this will reduce mental health by 20 points. Better to get by.

Run into the room with the crows and open the nightstand. Examine the bag to find the key. Open the cage in the center of the room and look at the article in the newspaper. There is another way to open the cage - go to the kitchen for a knife and pick the lock.

Return to the hall and jump out the window.

Happy Anniversary!

Tyler returned home, where a pleasant surprise awaits him. Turn on the oven, remove the champagne from the fridge and pour into the glasses as Sam asks. When your friend leaves the room, turn on the music. Mini-game - if done correctly, you will get a lot of mental health points.

Meanwhile, Karla is at work. Drink water and play yo-yo to restore mental health points. After a while, Garrett will call and say that he sent the fingerprint data from the pen by e-mail. Now you need to find two matches to prove Lucas's guilt. To do this, you need to look at one piece of evidence and remember it. Then find the second - identical - also look and remember. There are many ways.

If in the first chapter you took a taxi home, look at the folder with the personal files of the bank employees and the list of addresses that the taxi drivers went to. Check the knife print data with the print data sent by e-mail. Or look at the folder with the personal files of the bank employees, and then compare with the initials written in the book of Shakespeare.

If there was a call from the cafeteria on the night of the murder, check the dialed numbers with Lucas's file. If you find a printout, attach a piece of paper to it. Or just compare the two books you find. After the arrival of Officer Martin (more on this below), take the folder with the files of the bank employees and show the photo of Lucas.

But before doing this, you should wait for Officer Martin (the policeman from the cafeteria) to come and talk about the incident in the park. After that, Karla will say that she is tired and will lose a decent amount of mental health points. However, when she proves Lucas's involvement in the murder, they will recover with interest.

Now call Tyler. The game will switch you to it. Push Sam off his lap and pick up the phone. Time to work. The young lady, of course, is unhappy - but what to do.

Bloody washing

Another vision of Lucas. In it you will see how the oracle commits a murder. And then - the image of the girl.


Karla and Tyler went to arrest Lucas. Follow the corridor until you reach an apartment. Knock down the door and examine the rooms. The suspect is not at home ... but what about the apartment? Here you will find a series of mini-games and a furious video in which Lucas will show the wonders of acrobatics.

Captain Jones is Really Upset

The captain vilifies the detectives with might and main. Answer in turn with Tyler and Karla so that mental health decreases for both - but little by little. This concludes the chapter.

Fallen angels

Lucas tries to rest at his brother's church. Suddenly a voice wakes him up. Get up from the bench and talk to the dead Agatha that appears. After the conversation, you will be overtaken by another series of mini-games and a gorgeous video.

When the angels have calmed down, Marcus will appear and wake up his brother. In a conversation, it doesn't make much difference which phrases to choose. Although it is desirable to be quieter. However, Marcus will still think that Lucas is crazy ...

Soap, Blood & Clues

Get out of the car and tell Tyler to wait inside. Then talk to Garrett. The choice of phrases is at your discretion. Go inside and examine the victim lying near the door. Then examine the bloody footprints on the floor. Then go to the second victim and examine the body. Finally, check the toolbox at the door.

Switch to Tyler. Examine both bodies and the phone. You can take a look at the washing machine. Finally, examine the key to the door. Talk to Karla and offer to get out of here.

The fugitive

The police hang on their tail, so you need to hide somewhere to rest and think about what to do next. An ex-girlfriend's apartment is not the best place, but what to do. Before reaching the door, Lucas will see a warning that they are already waiting for him. Walk a little back and turn into the alley.

Climb over the fence and wait for the police to turn away. Cross over to the other side. By the way, don't look at the crow (and don't talk to the guy sitting by the booths) unless you want to lose your mental health points. Climb up the pipe onto the cornice. You need to pass it in a certain time - otherwise you will fall down. Move forward. You will have to play mini-games a couple of times.

Go down the pipe and climb over the fence. Now you need to get into the apartment. You can take a brick and break glass. Or play a mini-game and open with your hands (this option is preferable). Once in the room, get another mini-game. If you do everything right, a vision will visit you, from which it will become clear that it is better not to hide under the bed.

By the way, if you want to restore mental health, then lie on the bed. Then go to the hall and watch TV. Lucas will figure out what to do next. Go to the kitchen for a snack and milk to restore your health. And also go to the bathroom for an extra life.

Tiffany is coming soon. If you slept with her, you will get extra mental health points. The conversation will be interrupted by a knock on the door. Police officers. You can hide in the shower, closet or cupboard. But the funniest thing is to get under the table: you can see that someone's arms and legs are sticking out from under it, but the policeman does not notice them point-blank.

When you choose a place to hide, Tiffany will open the door. While she is talking to Tyler, who, in turn, inspects the apartment, you need to play a mini-game so that Lucas is not found. When the cops leave, the chapter will also end.


Karla decided to visit a psychiatric hospital to talk to a patient who had committed a similar crime. Go straight along the corridor, then turn right. The worker will open the door to the cell. In conversation, choose the words: "Kristen", "No Crazy", "Kristen" and "Other Murders".

Leaving the camera, you will receive an unpleasant surprise. The lights will turn off and Karla will start to feel claustrophobic again. Move straight down the corridor. When you reach the intersection, stop and do not breathe until the patient has passed. Turn left and, leaning against the right wall, move forward. Having stumbled upon another patient, freeze again and do not breathe.

When you almost reach the checkpoint, the door will slam behind you - and the sick will begin to approach from three sides. Run to the door faster and knock until the orderly notices Karla. Phew, it's carried over! With these crazy people, you never know what you're going to get yourself into.

Meeting kuriakin

There is not much to see in the museum, so go straight to the professor. When he asks which newspaper you are writing for, say that you are a freelance journalist. Then you have a mini-game. If you fail, avoid the discussion so as not to arouse suspicion.

Follow the professor to the picture and choose the phrases: "Thoughts", "Other-World" and "Oracles". Go to the next canvas and answer: "Oracle Kills", "Executor", "Conclusion". When he asks who you really are, choose "Truth" and "Show Forearms".

After that, the professor will take you to the parking lot, where a series of mini-games will take place. At the end of your visit, he will die, but before he dies, he will share important information... By the way, if you answer in a different way, then he will expel Lucas from the museum and will go to inform the guard about it.

Mayan secrets

Finally managed to meet face to face with a mysterious oracle. After the conversation, a black panther will appear and a series of mini-games will begin. At the end of the chapter, Lucas will meet Agatha - and after talking with her, he will return to real world.

The clan

Another scene, during which ... guessed right. Mini-games. Try to read the text carefully - and you will get a lot of valuable information (yes, I know that it is inconvenient to knock on the keys and read at the same time).

Danger & Ubiquity

Mad chapter. You have to play as three characters at once. Start as Lucas (with limited time). When he wakes up, get out of bed and call Marcus.

The game will switch to the latter. An oracle has come to the church, but at that moment the phone will ring. Without engaging in conversation, go to the door (you need to select the appropriate phrase). Pick up the phone. When Marcus asks, answer "No Time". Then lock the door and pick up the phone again.

Now you play Carla. Knock down the door, next to which Tyler is standing ... yes, it turned out uncomfortable ... When Karla starts to leave, she will notice that number 366 - not 369. The number accidentally turned over. Run to the room next to the fire escape and knock down the door. Nobody. When the cops leave, Lucas appears and the phone rings again. Pick up the phone ...

Fate on Russian Hills

Once in the park, approach the crow. He will fly - run after him. Reaching railroad, call the rail booth. Sit inside and roll upstairs.

Now you need to walk along the beam to get to Tiffany. A rare mini-game in terms of difficulty. You need to feel the slider so as not to fall down. When you are on the other side, untie the girl and ...

Child "s Play

Again childhood memories. When you wake up, get out of bed and wake up your brother. Get out the window. You need to get to the place indicated on the map. Try not to get caught in spotlights. Otherwise, you have to start over.

You will easily make your way past the first soldiers. When they turn away, cross the road. Then, suddenly, because of the turn, another one will appear. Run to the side and take cover behind a boulder. When he passes by, go back.

The next post is not so easy to skip. Therefore, Marcus and Lucas will split up. Run one character to a heap of garbage and throw a stone (the corresponding action should appear). Now, in turn, run across the road.

Further, the task will become more complicated. Let Marcus go around the house and hit the iron barrel. Attracted by the roar, the soldier will rush. While he is figuring out what happened, Lucas will climb the pole and crawl along the wires (don't forget about the spotlights).


Again scenes with the oracle and a mini-game. Nothing complicated.

The pact

Karla decided to visit the grave of the deceased girl - it is easy to find her by the fresh flowers. While she stands and thinks, Lucas will come up from behind. In the conversation, choose the phrases "Trusting", "Why" and "Oracle" (mini-games will also be).

Frozen to the bone

It doesn't matter who you play in this chapter. When Tyler asks about the Lucas case, tell the truth. This will improve your mental health. When Sam arrives, go and talk to her. Now you need to make a choice. If you leave, you will receive 20 points to mental health. If you stay, you will lose 85 points. Tyler will no longer appear in the game, so it's better to go with your beloved to Florida.


While sleeping, Lucas will see where to look for Jade. By the way, notice how Karla touched him - and compare the dates of this and the last chapter.

Where is Jade?

Here is the orphanage where Jade lives. Get out of the car and enter the building. The timer starts counting down. But you can take your time. There is enough time. Walk past the nun and head to the end of the corridor. Go to the door on the left (opposite there is a picture that Lucas saw while sleeping) and take the girl.

Exit into the corridor. The Oracle is already here. After the conversation, leave the shelter through the fire exit. Once on the roof, get ready for a series of mini-games. When you get to Agatha, give her the child and, having completed the mini-game, get ready for the next chapter (we'll talk about this chapter later - it affects the ending).


Follow the homeless person until you reach the fire. Talk to Marcus, then sit on the box and chat with an old acquaintance. What questions will you ask - of great importance does not have. To end the conversation, select the phrase: "Now What".

After that, Lucas will go to bed. But Karla still has a lot to do. Warm your hands by the fire to boost your mental health. Go to the barricade from the heap of garbage - and break off the iron bar. Go to the far car and remove the batteries from the flashlight. After leaving the car, go to the wall and use the found things to fix the radio. After listening to the news, go to Lucas's carriage and go to bed. For the coming sleep - a little erotica ...


Simple chapter. Get out of bed and eavesdrop on your parents' conversation. When Lucas is noticed, the chapter will end immediately.

Final countdown

Final touches to the story. There are many options for endings. And there are even more ways to achieve them. I hope I managed to find everything. Get out of the snowmobile and fight with the wind (mini-game), get to the base. Go inside and take the elevator. In general, that's all. Now for the details.

If the chapter "Where is Jade?" gave the child, the following options are possible.

First there is a battle with A.I. Beat him up and take the baby. An oracle with Karla will appear. He will demand to give Jade. Refuse. A mini-game will start. If you can do it, Karla will shoot the oracle. If you lose, there will be a battle. After winning it (or after completing the mini-game, everything is one), pick up the child again and take it to the artifact. You have won - and the world is saved!

If the oracle wins or you give him the child, the clan will win - and the world will be in their power. The snow has melted. Nothing happens yet, but soon they will strike.

If A.I. - the oracle will appear and the battle will begin. Let Karla get out of the car and go to the base. While the opponents are busy with showdowns, start shaking Lucas. Soon A.I. wins - and hits Karla. There is a battle with artificial intelligence ahead. By winning it, you will save the world.

It is worth losing the battle, or not having time to wake up Lucas in the allotted time, or blowing the mini-game, and you will win artificial Intelligence... Catastrophe. People are practically destroyed, everything is covered with snow - but there is hope that a new prophet will appear.

If the chapter "Where is Jade?" did not give the child, the following options are possible.

First, there is a battle with the oracle, then with the soldiers of the clan and A.I. Defeat them and the world will be saved. If you blow through the soldiers, artificial intelligence will appear and scatter them. The next plan is to kill A.I. If you lose to the oracle - switch to Karla and go to the base. Pick up a crowbar and stun the soldier. Lucas will wake up - and you will have a battle with A.I. and soldiers.

Bad endings can be obtained in the same way as in the previous case. Lose to the oracle and let me take the girl to the artifact, lose to A.I. - etc.

The murder

After the perfect murder, you need to remove the evidence. Take a mop, remove traces of blood, wash yourself, hide the corpse in the stall, and also hide the knife, which is located near the former blood stain. Leave the toilet and run outside.

Go to the right from the entrance, there you will find a taxi, sit down and leave.

The Investigation

Now control is transferred to two policemen Karla and Tyler. As Karla, talk to the waitress, calm down and support her during the conversation. Now examine the table at which the killer was sitting. Take the Shakespeare book under the table.

Go to the toilet. For Karla, examine the body of the murdered man, the mop, the blood in the booth and open the booth on the right. For Tyler, inspect the corpse, sink, trash can, and if there is no knife, search the cistern.

Playing as Carla, leave the toilet and go through the door on the right and also on the right, find a homeless person and talk to him. Find the taxi that Lucas used to take. Talk to Tyler at the diner and drive away

The day after

We wake up for Lucas and we need to remove all the evidence, make the bed, drink the medicine. Walk through the hall, taking the bloody clothes behind the post, into the bathroom, put the clothes in the washing machine, wash yourself, open the first aid kit (above the sink) and bandage your hands.

Dress in the bedroom. Drink milk from the refrigerator and listen to music. When the policeman approaches, take the key from the table and open the door. Let him inspect the apartment, say that you are alone in the apartment, and when asked about your hands, lie. After finishing the inspection, leave the apartment after the policeman.


Go along the path to the square, where Marcus is waiting. Talk to him. When he offers to take the cross, take it. On the way back, you will see the child fall through the ice. You have a choice to save the child or leave.

Jump into the water and haul your child out onto dry land. Start doing heart massage, count to three between strokes.

Police work

Climb the stairs to the left and go through the door there. You go into the office in the opposite corner. Call Tyler and switch to him.

Get out of bed and go to the shower, go back to the room and get dressed, and then go to the hall and drink coffee, talk to the girl. Try to calm her down, kiss her and go to work.

Go to the office, offer to play basketball on account of the debt, and go into the office. Take off your jacket and go back to the office.

Talk to Garrett, ask him about everything.

Alternate reality

Go to your office using the map, the office will be indicated by a red dot. Sit down at table.

Open crates to get an extra life and a bonus. Use the computer, then the phone rings, answer.

Use the computer again, and go to repair the computer, also following the map, go to the broken computer and fix it.


The pathologist will open the body, you need to win the QTE and get as much information as possible, then the doctor will mention the Kirsten case.

Tyler & kate

Draw up a composite sketch of Lucas, if you do it correctly, it will be easier to create an accusation in the future.

Lost love

We have to wait for Tiffany. Play the guitar, hit the pear, drink milk, relieve yourself, watch TV, stand on the balcony, take your pills, check your mail, and when Lucas starts yawning, go to bed.

Tiffany comes, let her inside, ask what news she has, offer to drink. Pour the gin into a glass and bring it to Tiffany.

You will be asked to bring boxes of things, they will be marked with initials, the first box is to the right of the refrigerator, the other is in the bedroom near the computer.

The second time you wake up in the middle of the night. You can fall asleep again or leave the apartment in the corridor.

Hide and seek

Follow the path to Markus and place flowers on the grave.

Lucas will begin to remember his childhood in the military town. We are watching the video, there will be QTE, after completing it, the path to the hangar will be shown on the map.

Climb along the net on the right, run to the stone, when you are sure that the guards cannot see you, climb into the hole. Run across to the boxes, wait for the truck and follow it to the straight line to the hangar.

Save your brother, run to the plane's cockpit, lie to him, then run to the other end of the hangar, to the boxes, convince him to leave, the last one will be on the second floor behind the sheets of iron.

Friendly combat

Warm up in the hall, for Tyler and Karla, and enter the ring, win 10 rounds, and this chapter will end.

Debriefing Carla

Playing as Karla, you need to find Kirsten's case in the archive, but there is one problem, Karla is claustrophobic, you will need to hold your breath on the arrow in the center, turn with the right mouse button.

Approach the terminal and walk to the left from it to free the passage by scrolling the valves on the stands. There will be a switch on the wall at two between the stands on the left, use it and you will turn on the terminal. Now go to the stands at the other end.

The case is on the stand 1990-2000. Turn the left valve, go forward and turn the next one. Go back, turn the valve, then another one on the right. Go through the passage and turn the last valve. Take a cassette and insert it into the terminal.

Debriefing Tyler

Go to the seller, he will tell you to find a book, take the book that was given to you on the table under the stairs, inspect it, then go up to the 3rd floor and find an area with white lights, go to the fifth (from the wall) cabinet and take the book. Take the received book to the seller, and return to the table under the stairs and examine the book of Shakespeare, there will be an inscription on the second page, then remove the book and you will receive a piece of paper. Leave the store.

For Lucas, ring the doorbell and enter the front door, then the left door.

Talk to Agatha and take her to the room to the left of the entrance to the house. She asks to feed the birds, there will be a box to the left of the entrance to the room, open the bottom box and take food and pour food into three cages. Continue your conversation with Agatha.

Take her to the room at the end of the corridor, take the candles in the same room in the cabinet, the matches will be in the kitchen, to the right of the entrance to the house. Put up the candles and light them by closing the curtains and turning off the lights, using the switch at the entrance, sit on a chair.

Execute QTE and this chapter will end.

Questions & Bullets

Go to the penultimate booth and talk to the investigator, you will have to shoot.

Shoot red targets and talk to Mitchell during breaks.

Double or Quits

Play basketball, complete QTE and winning 10 times will be over.

The storm

Back home, your phone will ring and a large number of QTEs will begin.

Dark omen

Exit the bathroom and through the bedroom into the hall, take the phone on the left. Tyler will say he will send you a piece of paper. Get dressed. Tommy will come with the wine, let him in.

Find the glasses in the cupboards. After drinking wine, he will offer to find out the fate of the Tarot cards.

Switch to Tyler. On Karla's desk you will find a newspaper, there you will see stock reports. Call Carla. Take a scrap and go to the fax, use it.

Switch to Karla and take the fax. Tommy will call soon. Ask him about paper. He will mention watermarks. Call Tyler.

Switch to Tyler. Take the paper from the fax, turn on the lamp, sit at the table. Examine the paper. Call Karla.

Face off

Take the printout on the table, then the book.

Tell her that you are sick when she asks about strange incidents in the office. When they show you a photo, laugh it off. You may also be asked about your hands and where you were on the night of the murder. Lie to the first question, avoid the second.

During interrogation, there will be QTEs, completing them, you will have additional options answers. Beetles will also appear, during their appearance, do not press anything.

As soon as Lucas comes out, examine the photos, take the pen from the table.

Back to Agatha

Go to the hall to Agatha. Run into the room with the crows and open the lower cabinet on the right, you will find the key in it, open the cage in the center. Take the newspaper and leave through the window in the hall.

Happy Anniversary!

Turn on the oven, remove the champagne from the refrigerator and pour it into the glasses. When the friend leaves the room, turn on the music, dance, performing the QTE.

After a while, Garrett will call. Now you need to find two matches to prove Lucas's guilt.

Connect the folder with Lucas's personal file with the addresses where the taxi drove. Connect the prints from the knife and the prints on the handle.

Now call Tyler. Move Sam aside and pick up the phone. Time to work.

Bloody washing

See Lucas's vision.


Go along the corridor to the desired apartment. Examine the rooms. As Lucas, complete the QTE.

Captain Jones is Really Upset

Answer Tyler and Carla alternately.

Fallen angels

Talk to Agatha. Complete the QTE, then talk to Markus.

Soap, Blood & Clues

Talk to Garrett. Inside, examine the two corpses, traces of blood, and the toolbox to the left of the entrance.

Switch to Tyler. After examining the bodies and the phone, go to the door and examine it. Leave.

The fugitive

Climb over two fences, wait until the police are looking in your direction, and climb the pipe upward, in a limited amount of time you must cross to the other side, there will also be a couple of QTEs.

Take the brick opposite the window and knock out the glass.

Inside, by executing a QTE, you will see a prompt. Eat a sandwich in the refrigerator, drink milk there, eat nut butter from a cabinet next to it, and watch TV.

When Tiffany arrives, talk to her. The police will come, run to the window through which you came and hide there. Perform QTE to avoid detection.

In the hospital, go along the corridor to the second turn to the right, talk to the patient there.

Move straight down the hallway and watch your breath. At the crossroads, turn left and go hugging to the left. When you see another patient, stop and do nothing until Karla says, "He's leaving." Continue forward.

Run to the door, this will end the chapter.

Meeting kuriakin

Go to the professor, tell him that you are an independent journalist. Perform QTE, if fail, dodge questions.

Follow the professor to the picture and choose the phrases: "Another world" and "Oracle". Go to the next canvas and answer: "The Oracle kills", "Executioner". Then tell the professor the truth and show him your hands.

Mayan secrets

Talk to the Oracle, then there will be QTEs.

The clan

Perform QTE.

Danger & Ubiquity

Get out of bed, go around it and call Marcus. Tell them to answer the call. Take the phone, and when Marcus asks, say: "No time" Go to the door, close it and continue the conversation.

Fate on Russian Hills

Follow the raven. At the slides, go to the booth and call the cart. Sit in it. Go to the other side and untie Tiffany.

Child "s Play

Get out of bed, wake up Marcus and get out through the window. Avoid spotlights.

Run across the soldiers when they turn away. When another soldier appears, run back and hide behind the jeep, passing by you, go further.

Having met another soldier, go around the house for Lucas (or Marcus), go to the heap of garbage and throw a stone. Run across to the other side of the town one by one. For Marcus, go around the house again and find the trash can, hit him. Now for Lucas, run to the post and climb up.

Crawl along the wires, avoiding spotlights. Run to the hangar, don't get caught in the spotlight.


While reporting the Oracle, perform the QTE.

The pact

Go along the path, and you will see a grave, on which, a wreath will stand out, go to it. When talking with Lucas, choose the phrases "Trust", "Why" and "Oracle".

Frozen to the bone

Tell Tyler the truth about Lucas.

Then Sam will come to Tyler's office, tell her that you are leaving with her.

Another vision of Lucas, remember the picture.

Where is Jade?

Run to the shelter, run immediately to the end of the corridor, and go to the door opposite the picture from the vision. Taking the girl, you will see the oracle, go a little to its side, to the door, at which the inscription "Exit" will be burning on top. Next there will be a large QTE scene. Once in Agatha's room, she will ask to give the child to her, during this request there will be a QTE scene, after completing which you will hear strange interference, whether to give the child or not is up to you.

Follow the tramp. You will have a talk with Markus, and sit on the box to the right of that tramp that we saw near the eatery, talk to him. Ask him whatever you want, the conversation ends with the phrase "What now?"

Lucas goes to bed. As Carla, immediately go to the first car of the train.


Final countdown

If you kept the child for yourself.

Get out of the car and carry the child to the hangar.

In the hangar you will be greeted by the Oracle and several soldiers, complete the QTE.

Following the Oracle, artificial intelligence will appear, resist its influence and destroy it. Once all enemies are defeated, carry the child to the source of chromium.

After losing the battle with the Oracle, you will need to switch to Karla and run to the hangar, there you will find a crowbar, stun the soldier and wake up Lucas, waking him up, there will be a battle with the IR and the soldiers. If you lose on the stage with the soldiers, then the IR will appear and destroy them.

If you gave your child to IR.

There will be a battle with IR in the hangar. Destroy him and pick up the child. Following the IR, the Oracle will appear along with Karla. He will tell you to give up the Indigo Child, refusing, Perform QTE and Karla will kill the Oracle. Having lost, you will have to fight the Oracle. After winning, carry the child to the source of chromium.

If you give the indigo child to the Oracle or lose the battle with him, then the victory will remain with the orange clan. The snow will melt and the clan will be stronger than ever.

If you lose the IR, the Oracle will appear, and they will begin to fight with each other. As Carla, run to the Hangar and make Lucas wake up, time will be limited. The IR will defeat the Oracle and knock Carla back. Fight the IR, win the battle and you will save the world.

Having lost the battle with the IR or not having time to wake up Lucas, the victory will remain with the purple clan. People will be destroyed and the ground will be covered with snow.

Be sure to complete the tutorial before starting the game.
During the game, you will often have to act with both hands and a mouse at the same time, so reassign convenient hotkeys for yourself. For example, the left hand has the WASD keys, and the right hand has the arrows. The character moves along the first set of keys (or simultaneously holding both mouse buttons), the second set is needed for mini-games.
Interaction with objects and dialogues appear at the top of the screen - you see an action icon, next to which a white ball is moving. Your cursor is indicated by a red dot. To perform the required action or talk to another character, hold down the left mouse button and repeat the movement of the ball.

The game is non-linear.
You will play as several characters. In each scene, you need to maintain their mood and physical health.
The mood scale appears in the lower right corner of the screen and can change from 0 to 100. If you do the right actions, you get points for it, and the mood level rises. Otherwise, the mood level can drop to zero, and your character will die.
Physical health appears as white dots at the top of the screen. Collect crucifixes throughout the game to earn multiple lives.

The main character is named Lucas Kane, he lives in New York and works as a programmer at a bank.

1. Murder
We play for Lucas.

The action takes place in a diner toilet. After Lucas kills the stranger, his mood level drops by 60 points.
Approach the corpse and drag it into one of the booths (+5). Take the mop and wipe off the traces of blood on the floor (+5), but the bloody path will still remain. Go to the sink, examine yourself in the mirror and wash away the traces of blood (+5, you need to use the right sink). Go to the door and pay attention to the machine for the sale of condoms. Hit it several times and take a coin (+5). Only after that go to the knife, which is lying near the urinals, and take it (+5).
Timed assignment.
Quickly leave the toilet and go left to the tables. If you do this very quickly, the policeman at the counter will not notice anything, if slowly, he will go to check the toilet and the game will end.
Find your table (second to the left), sit down and eat (+5 - eat, +5 - drink). Examine the bill and the cup of coffee. Get up and pay off (+5). Walk left to the door. There is a musical apparatus behind the policeman's back, throw a coin into it and listen to the melody (+5). Go outside through the main exit or through the emergency exit (near the toilet). Turn right, cross the road and take the metro or take a taxi (+10).
Wrong actions: look through the window in the toilet (-5), call (-5), talk to a homeless person on the street (-5), walk the street for a long time and aimlessly (-5), talk to a waitress (-5), talk to police officers (-10), leave without paying (-10).

2. Investigation
We play for Karla.

Two investigators arrive at the diner - Karla and Tyler.
Go to the cafe and talk to the policeman (his name is Martin). Go to the waitress (her name is Kate) and talk to her on all topics (the murdered person's name is Winston). Agree that the next day she will come to the police to make a composite of the killer. When she leaves home, examine the table at which Lucas was sitting. Examine the remnants of food, the bill and a cup of coffee, look under the table (+10, there is a book there) and look at the sofa (there are traces of blood here). Talk to both experts (+5). Go behind the counter, find a coffee pot and have a coffee (+5).
Go to the toilet. Examine the corpse, go to the left booth and find traces of blood. Examine the mop. Go outside and find traces of blood in the snow near the door (+5).

We play for Tyler.

Talk to both experts (+5), go behind the counter and have a coffee (+5). Examine the corpse, go into the right booth and open the toilet cistern - there is a knife (maybe in the toilet cistern in the left booth, in the window frame, in the trash can, in the recess of the floor - only Karl can get it here). Examine the sink - there are traces of blood. Talk to the experts and Karla. Get in your car and drive away.
Incorrect actions: turn on the jukebox (-10), talk to a homeless person (-5, each), go to the toilet (Tyler, -10).

3. The next day
We play for Lucas. Two bonus cards (+15)

Lucas wakes up with a headache and finds that all the sheets are covered in blood due to cuts on his hands.
Make the bed (+5) and take the medicine from the bedside table (+10).
Turn around and go to the living room. At this time, your brother Marcus will call and leave a message on the answering machine. Near the pillar you should see a bloody sweater, take it with you and go to the bathroom (left door behind the pillar). Put the sweater in the washing machine, make Lucas go to the toilet (+5), wash (+5). Open the drawer above the sink and take out the bandages (+10). After that, you will see Winston in the reflection in the mirror, and Lucas's mood will deteriorate again (-20). Go to the bedroom - at this time a policeman will knock on the door.
Timed assignment.
The message "Get ready!" Will appear on the screen very quickly. Quickly place both hands on the hot keys and repeat the sequence of presses at the computer (the left circle is the first set of keys, the right circle is the second). If you can do it, you will see what evidence needs to be hidden.
Get clothes out of the closet and go to the living room. Walk left and take the key from the table near the kitchen unit. Open the door.
Tell the cop that you cut yourself and let him look around the apartment. In dialogues, try to answer naturally so that the indicator of the suspicion scale does not grow in the lower left corner of the screen.
After he leaves, go to the kitchen unit, open the refrigerator and drink milk (+5). Go left and take the bonus card (+5) from the cabinet above the sink. Go out to the balcony, look at the crow, and then walk along the balcony to the left - you will receive another bonus card (+10). Turn on the audio system (+5). Call Markus (the phone is near the wall to the right of the refrigerator) and arrange to meet in the park (+5). Exit the apartment.
Wrong actions: watching TV (-10), looking at a photograph on the table in the bedroom (-5), reading a newspaper in front of the front door (-5), drinking alcohol after taking a pill (the hero may die).

4. Recognition
We play for Lucas.

Lucas came to the park to meet his brother.
Follow the path until you see a snowy square and near the monument - Markus. Talk to him about the murder and take the crucifix (this is an extra life).
After that, Lucas will automatically go back and see first a vision, and then a child falling into a wormwood.
Timed assignment.
Quickly put your hands on hotkeys. Run after your child (direction key + Run key). Dive, swim to the child and pull him to the surface (when an arrow with divisions appears on the screen, you need to very quickly press the "A" and "D" keys in turn to hold the cursor in the extreme right position). After that, you need to do a heart massage. The countdown will appear on the screen, click on the count "3". When you do this several times successfully, you will earn 20 points.
The child wakes up, and one of the cops (Martin) recognizes Lucas, but lets him leave.

5. Police work
We play for Karla. Two bonus cards (+15)

Karla came to work at the police station.
Go through the right metal detector and take the bonus card in the corner by the bookcase. Go up to the second floor. Try to stay away from co-workers who will lower your mood. You can drink coffee from the machine on the right wall (+5).
Go to the opposite end of the hall and find your office door. You will automatically talk to Jeffrey, who Tyler owes $ 100 (the mood level will drop), and Garrett, who did the tests at the diner. Enter the office, sit at the table and open the right drawer of your desk (bonus card +5). Look at the messages in the e-mail - there is a letter about some Kirsten. Call Tyler.

We play as Tyler (bonus card +10).

Get out of bed. You can click on Tyler's girlfriend Sam and watch a love scene (+5), then switch to Karla, do something to her and return to Tyler (does not affect the passage).
Go to the bathroom (door on the left). Go to the toilet and get 10 bonus points. Make the character go to the toilet (+5) and take a shower (+5). Go out into the bedroom, open the closet and get dressed. Go out into the living room, go to the kitchen counter and have a coffee. Tyler will automatically talk to Sam. In a conversation, choose the lines "Understanding" and "Reconciliation" (up to +20). Go to the door, remove the jacket from the hanger. Walk up to Sam and kiss her (+10). Exit the apartment.
Arriving at the police station, go to Karla's office. Automatically, you will talk to Jeffrey, who is owed $ 100. Offer him to play basketball, and if you lose, promise him $ 200. Go into the office and hang the jacket on the hook. Exit into the hall and go to Garrett's table, near which Karla is standing.
Listen to the test results.

Here you can choose who to play as.

6. Another reality
We play for Lucas (bonus card +10).

Lucas is in the Nezer & Jones toilet and is sick.
Exit the booth, go to the right and get a bonus card (+10). Wash your hands (+5) and go out into the corridor. A map of the office will appear in the upper left corner of the screen, where the blue dot is your location and the red dot is your office. Go there and sit down at the table. Open the desk drawer and take the crucifix.
Quickly place your hands on the hotkeys and play two mini-games. First you need to guess the thoughts of a colleague (who is afraid of you), then you will see that soon a mug of coffee should tip over. After that, talk on the phone with your ex-girlfriend Tiffany (+10).
A colleague will answer another phone call - equipment in the office has broken down somewhere. Go repair it (the correct compartment is marked on the map with a red dot).
As soon as you enter the booth and crawl under the table, a horde of beetles will attack Lucas. He will move back into the hallway. As soon as the screen says: "Go", go ahead and quickly put your hands on the hot keys.
You will be attacked by giant beetles, from which you will need to fight off for a long time. When the giant beetle begins to strangle Lucas, very quickly, in turn, press the arrows "A" and "D" to keep the cursor in the extreme right position of the scale (here you can lose the collected lives). As a result, Lucas will see the killed Winston, and the bugs will drive him into a corner. Lucas will then wake up on the office floor.
Incorrect action: look at the photo on the table (-5).

7. Autopsy
We play for Karla.

Karla went to the morgue to inquire about the cause of Winston's death.
Put your hands on the hotkeys and after each explanation of the pathologist, quickly press them - then you will see the videos, and Karla will draw conclusions (for each hit +10, if it does not work, -10). As a result, the pathologist will tell you that the murdered man has three arteries cut, and he knows only one person who was killed in the same way before - his name is Kirsten.

8. Tyler and Kate
We play for Tyler.

The waitress came to the police. You need to make a composite of the criminal. Make a rough portrait (it is advisable to try).

9. Lost love (bonus card +5)
We play for Lucas.

Lucas came home.
Try to bring your character into a normal mental state. Go to the toilet (+5), beat the punching bag properly (task for a while, +10), drink milk (+5), play the guitar (+5). You can drink one glass of alcohol (+10) or take a pill (+10). You can watch TV for the latest news. Take the bonus card (+5) in the cabinet above the kitchen sink. Go to bed (+10).
Tiffany will ring the doorbell. Open up to her and ask about the news. Offer her a drink if you want to make up. When she agrees, go to the kitchen unit and find a bottle of gin in the counter opposite the refrigerator. Pour it into a glass and give it to Tiffany (+10). After that, she will ask to bring two boxes with things (they have the initials: "TN" written on them). One box is in the corner next to the refrigerator, the second is in the bedroom to the left of the computer. When you do, you will have a choice - make up or let Tiffany go. The correct action is to make up. Therefore, in the dialogues choose: "Sincerity", "One", "Sentimentality". Tiffany asks to play her guitar. Go to the balcony, plug in your amplifier and pick up your guitar.
Quickly put your hands on hot keys and click after the computer. (+10)
Kiss the girl and go to the bedroom to watch the love scene (+30).
At night, you will wake up because the TV turns on. Turn it off and go to bed.
Incorrect actions: take a pill, and then alcohol, release Tiffany (-30), go out into the corridor at night and see the girl (-20).

Again, you have the choice to play as any of the heroes.

10. Game of hide and seek (bonus card +5).
We play for Lucas.

Lucas came to the cemetery on the anniversary of his parents' death.
Walk forward, turn right, walk forward a little, turn right and switch to first person view. At the branch of the main road, you will see a bonus card (+5). Find the grave of the parents (it is better to periodically switch to the first person view and look for the figure of Marcus) and put the flowers. Automatically, you will find yourself in Lucas' past.
Marcus and his friends call him to play in one of the hangars, but he refuses. Get up and walk a couple of steps.
Play a mini-game and find out that there is a bomb in the hangar. You need to save your brother.
The map will appear on the screen. First you need to get to its southeast point (i.e. run forward straight to the fence and find a camouflage net in the very right corner). Lucas is marked with a green dot, the soldiers are blue. Climb over the fence, very quickly repeating the movement of the ball with the mouse.
Switch to first person view and look at the soldiers. When they all turn the other way, run obliquely across the road to get to the left of the checkpoint into the gutter that will cover you. Switch to first person view and look to the left. You need to run to a large stone - there is a hole in the fence.
Turn right and run across the box. There is another box in front, carefully hide behind it. Do not run across the road, as there is a soldier at the hangar, and if he sees you, the game is over. Wait until a truck passes by and run out.
Run to the right diagonally to the truck and further parallel to it. Stop near the box by the road, let the truck go ahead and run across the road. Go to the hangar and talk to Markus.
Now you need to save his friends (there are three of them). If you save all three, you will get +10, if you do not have time to save at least one, then -20.
Timed assignment.
Run forward and to the right past the row of boxes. Go around them and enter the passage between the two rows of boxes. The first child is sitting in the box on the right (at the level of the boxes in the center of the aisle).
Now you need to very quickly run across to the other end of the hangar and turn right.
The second child sits near the stairs on the plane. He needs to lie that his mother is looking for him.
There is a staircase nearby, go up to the second floor. Run all the way to the left and find metal sheets, near which there are three boxes. Look to the left behind the sheets - here is the third child.
After that, Lucas will return to the present and receive the medium's address from Marcus.

11. Friendly fight
We play for Karla.

Karla came to the gym.

Go around the ring and take the bonus card (+5) in the corner to the right of the table.

We play for Taylor.

Drink water (+5), choose any two machines and stretch (+10).

We play for Karla.

Go to the ring and beat Taylor in 10 rounds (+20).
Incorrect actions: lose (-5).

Here you can choose which character you want to play as.

12. Report
We play as Tyler (two bonus cards, +40).

After meeting with the chief (no matter how you answer his questions), you go to the bookstore to look for information about the book you found in the diner.
When you enter the store, go straight to the right along the balcony. In the farthest corner there is a bonus card (+20). Now go down the central staircase and talk about the book with the owner (his name is Takeo), but, unfortunately, he can do nothing to help. When you go back, Takeo will bring you back. He will be able to help in exchange for a favor - find a rare book and give you another book from the same series for a sample. Go under the stairs and put the book on the table. Look at it - it's called "De Gruttola". Now look through a magnifying glass Lucas's book and on one of the pages find the dedication "From MK". When you leave the table, a piece of paper will fall out of your book, take it with you (+20). Climb the stairs, go right and look at the catalog on the library cart. De Gruttola is numbered 1796. Return to Takeo and look at the book on the center table (behind it). Find out that books from 1700-1800 are on the 3rd floor, with books A through D on shelves with white tags. Go up to the 3rd floor and grab a book from any rack with a white tag. Take it to the owner (+10), but he will not really say anything in response. Go back and take the second bonus card (+20) from the stairs.

13. Archive
We play as Karla (bonus card +10).

Karla reports that she is claustrophobic, but goes to the archives to look for information about Kirsten.
Immediately turn left, enter the back street and take the bonus card (+10).
Exit into the corridor and go right to the iron grate. Turn on the light on the right side of the grate and go inside.
One of the most difficult moments of the game begins.
Passing tactics: you will have to use both hands at the same time. Move forward while holding down both mouse buttons. To step back, press the "S" key with your left hand. Along with this, you will have to constantly align Karla's breathing, so that she does not escape from the archive, by quickly pressing the "A" and "D" keys in turn. Look at the scale and hold the arrow in the middle (it will slide to the side about every 5 seconds).
Go to the valve and unscrew it. Go to the formed passage between the shelves. Turn left and unscrew the left valve on the second row of shelving. Retreat, turn right and approach the right valve. Unscrew it, step back and enter the passage. In front of you is a room with a computer, where you can take a break.
Go to the computer and turn it on - it does not work, you need to connect the power. Turn left and go through the first row of shelving. Turn right and unscrew the right valve on the second row of shelving. Step back, turn left and unscrew the left valve in the second row of shelving. Step back and go into the opened passage to the wall. There should be a switch in front of you, illuminated by a red light. Turn on the power, turn around and go to the computer.
Now you need to find the file you want. Facing the computer, turn right and unscrew the left valve on the first row of shelving. Retreat, go into the opened passage. Turn left and unscrew the left valve in the second row. Step back, turn around and return to the room with the computer. Face the racks you just left and unscrew the right valve on the first row of racks. Step back and go into the formed passage. Unscrew the right valve on the second row of racks. Step back and go into the opened passage. Take the cassette from the right rack. Go back to your computer and watch the cassette. Karla finds out that detective Mitchell (+20) led the case of the murdered Kirsten.
Incorrect actions: do not hold Karla's breath (every time -10), after the first failure, switch to Tyler, who does not suffer from claustrophobia, and find the cassette by Tyler (-30).

Here you can choose who you want to play as.

14. Agatha's house (two bonus cards, +25)
We play for Lucas.

Lucas came to the medium.
Go ahead and stop at the next house. Go up the porch, call and go inside. There is a narrow corridor in front of you, enter the door on the right - this is the kitchen. Take the bonus card (+5). The door in the hallway opposite - Empty room with cells. Go to the end of the corridor, enter the living room, and from it through the door on the left into the bedroom. Meet Agatha who wants you to take her to the birds. Before doing this, go around Agatha and take the crucifix from the bedside table. Walk past the bed, go to the bathroom and take the second card (+20). Grab the wheelchair and head to the bird room.
She wants you to feed them. There is a small sideboard near the wall, take a bag of seeds from its box and feed all three crows in turn. Take Agatha back to the living room. Now she wants you to find candles and matches.
Go to the door to the corridor, and to the left of it, get the candles from the chest of drawers. Go to the kitchen and take the matches from the table. Return to the living room, put the candles in the candlesticks on the table and light them in turn. After that, curtain both windows, go to the door and turn off the light to the right of it. Sit next to Agatha.
Put both hands on the hotkeys - you will have to follow the computer for a very long time before Agatha thoroughly delves into Lucas's memory and makes the next appointment for tomorrow. If you cope with the task, get +20 points, if not, - 5.

15. Questions and shooting
We play for Karla.

Karla came to the Police Academy to speak with Inspector Mitchell, who was in charge of Kirsten's case.
Find the inspector in one of the cabins and agree to shoot.
Try to shoot only red targets. Shot - left mouse button, change magazine - right mouse button.
If you shoot well, then at the end of the level you will get +10, if it is bad, -10.
The inspector will tell you that Kirsten's killer named Janos has gone mad and is now in the Bellevue Psychiatric Clinic.

16. All or nothing
We play for Tyler.

We'll have to play basketball with Jeffrey.
If you win 10 rounds without losing points, you get +20. If you're kidding, also +5.

17. Storm
We play for Lucas.

Lucas came home.
Answer the phone call and quickly put both hands on the hotkeys.
You will have to dodge your own furniture for a long time and hold back gusts of wind (in case of gusts, you need to move towards the toilet). Here you can lose your accumulated lives. After that, Lucas's apartment will collapse, and control will pass to Marcus, who came to visit him.
Timed assignment.
From the elevator, go forward and find Lucas's apartment. Call and then knock down the door. Run to the balcony and shake hands with your brother. If you succeed, get +10.

Sometimes they say - "he was born at the wrong time" - and this, as a rule, implies a tragedy. But if “not then” and “not there” turns out to be an unusual person - anything can happen! Did Lucas think that by going to have a bite to eat in an ordinary cafe, he would become a killer - and then get involved in a crazy race where the fate of all mankind would be at stake? Starting the investigation, Karla could not even imagine that she would find out what would change her life forever.

A long journey begins with a small step. From a very small step across snowy New York. An ordinary cafeteria. An unusual visitor. The wheels of fate turn inaudibly. His Majesty's chance starts the game ...

Character control and gameplay

Attention is immediately drawn to an unusual system of interaction with objects and people. When you approach an object, an icon with an image of the object appears at the top of the screen, indicating where you need to move the mouse to use it. For example - if you go to the bed, the bed symbol and a circle with an arrow down will appear. Hold down the button and move the mouse down - see? - the character obediently settled down to sleep.

It's the same in conversation. Only here the time for choosing an answer is limited, so you will have to think quickly so as not to freeze stupidity. By the way, phrases are not written in full: only keywords are displayed. This sometimes creates confusion, as in some cases it is difficult to know what exactly your character will blurt out.

Mini-games. They are everywhere. Evade a flying chair. Find out what the character thinks. Knock down the door. And much more. Without a gamepad, they can become a nightmare. Let me explain why. There are two types of mini-games in total.

« Dance circle". Two circles will appear, each of which is divided into four sectors corresponding to the keys. Red - up, blue - left, yellow - right, green - down. The movement keys are for the left circle. Numbers - 2, 4, 6, 8 on the numeric keypad - for the right one. After the inscription "Get Ready", the divisions of one of the circles (and sometimes both at once) will begin to light up. You need to press the keys that correspond to the highlighted sector. If you have typed the correct combination, an inscription will appear - "Great", if it did not work out - "Failed".

Now imagine - you place eight fingers on the keyboard and desperately hit the keys. Because sectors light up and go out quickly. Often this technique helps - you stop watching the sectors and, with the persistence of a highly skilled woodpecker, hammer on all the keys at once. It sounds crazy, but it helps in most cases - especially in the case of complex combinations.

« Drag". A blue bar appears with a slider. You need to press the keys in turn and > to move the slider. At the same time, you have to knock on the keyboard frantically - otherwise you will "blow through" the mini-game or simply will not move the slider beyond a certain place.

There is another variation on this mini-game. In it, you need, on the contrary, to hold the slider in the middle of the strip and make sure that it does not slide to the edge. What can help? Reduce the monitor resolution to 640x480 and set the minimum graphic settings- works. Checked.

There are three main characters in the game. In another chapter, you have to manage two at once. To switch between them, press the Enter key. It is not uncommon to also be given a choice of which chapter to play first. This does not affect the passage of the game. A breath of freedom - that's all.

Each of your heroes has a certain level of mental health. If at the end, for example, of the first chapter, the character did not feel well, he will start the second in the same state. If it drops to zero, the character will go insane or commit suicide. Mental health decreases if the character, you yourself understand, is upset by something: for example, they were rude at work or remembered an ex-girlfriend.

You can improve your mood by successfully doing something good for yourself, such as having a snack, drinking milk, or sleeping. At the same time, the needs of the hero are highly dependent on the situation, so in the walkthrough I will mention actions that lower and increase mental health. The health value ranges from 0 to 100 points. Depending on your actions, it increases or decreases by 5, 10, 20 or 30 points. During the game, you can always press Right Ctrl and see the current state of the character.

Besides mental health, our friend Lucas also has physical health. It is represented by white circles at the top of the screen. If, say, you fail a mini-game that threatens your health, you will lose one space. When the values ​​of the circles are completely zero, the character will die. Health can be replenished by collecting crucifixes.

And the last thing. Not advice. Just a wish. Do not try to squeeze everything out of the game at all costs. Enjoy gameplay... Imagine watching a movie - an immersive interactive thriller. Unique and unrepeatable.


The murder

Three stabs in the chest. Murder in the toilet. So your story has begun. You need to leave the cafeteria before the police visit the toilet. Otherwise, you will be captured - and the game will end there. But first, you need to hide the evidence and raise Lucas's mental health.

As soon as the video ends, grab the body and drag it to the toilet. One less piece of evidence. Now take a mop and rub the blood stain. At the same time, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the marks on the floor, but you will improve the mental health of the character.

What else? Knife. Pick up the murder weapon from the floor and have Lucas hide it. Wash your hands in the sink to remove any traces of blood. Try using a condom vending machine. It's broken. Hit it a couple of times with your hand and you will get a coin. So, here we have done everything. Exit to the cafeteria.

Sit down at the table without talking to the visitors. Eat, drink, pay the bill. Look at the coffee mug. It's strange, because Lucas never drinks it. So someone was with him? It's time to get out of here. Once you reach the door, turn on the jukebox to cheer you up.

Once outside, take the subway or catch a taxi to get home.

For fun, you can try: go to the cafeteria with bloody hands, wait for the policeman in the toilet, talk to visitors, call the phone, try to leave without paying the bill, wait for the police to arrive on the street. True, nothing good will come of it.

The Investigation

Here are two more main characters. Karla and Tyler are cops without fear or reproach. After getting out of the car, think about the murder (the corresponding action will appear) and examine the bloody trail in the snow. Then go inside.

Have Karla talk to the police officer and then walk over to the waitress. It doesn't make much difference what questions you ask her, the main thing in working with people is communication. When the girl gets nervous, calm her down. After the conversation, the policeman will take her home. Now examine the table at which the killer was sitting. Notice the bill, the book under the table, and the blood on the seat.

Switch to Tyler. Examine the table Lucas was sitting at. After that, talk to two police officers and drink coffee at the counter to boost mental health (coffee won't hurt Carla either). To calm Tyler down, call his girlfriend.

Go to the toilet. Switch to Karla. Examine the body of the murdered man, examine the mop, the blood in the booth where Lucas was sitting, and open the door to the right booth. Let Tyler inspect the body too, check the sink, dig in the trash can and inspect the cistern in the right stall (they should find a knife there).

Now let Karla go out into the street through the emergency exit (do not try to go back, otherwise you will lose 10 mental health points) and talk to the bum. He will give some information. Return through the main entrance to the cafeteria. Let Tyler talk to the police again, and then invite Carla to go home. You get into the car, and ... this is the end of the chapter.

Returning through the back door has a negative effect on the psyche of both police officers (not otherwise, because the omen is bad), and for Tyler, in addition, the urge to relieve himself of the toilet, turn on the jukebox and talk to the homeless person.

The day after

Lucas woke up and realized that yesterday's incident was not a dream. Soon a policeman will come to the apartment, so you need to destroy the evidence. Take some medicine to relieve your headache (don't drink alcohol afterwards) and make your bed.

Exit to the living room. The phone will ring. Talk to your brother - and then listen to the answering machine. So what else? Pick up a shirt off the floor and throw it into the washing machine in the bathroom. That's it, there is no more evidence left. Open the shelf above the sink and bandage your hands with a bandage. In this case, an unpleasant incident will occur. Wash yourself. You can relieve yourself at the same time - a good way to improve your mental health.

Go to the bedroom and get dressed, then go back to the room. Drink milk from the refrigerator and listen to music. This will calm you down. A policeman will come right here. Take the key from the table and open the door. He will ask you to inspect the apartment. There is no more evidence, so agree. When the policeman leaves, go outside.

What you can do wrong: Drink alcohol after your medication, watch TV, read a newspaper, and look at a photograph. Better abstain.


Go along the path to the square, where Marcus is waiting. When talking to your brother, select the "Convince" option. When he offers to take the crucifix, agree - it will give you extra life. When Lucas goes back, he will see the child fall through the ice. And then, as luck would have it, there is a policeman who was in the cafeteria. There is absolutely no need to draw his attention - but what to do? Okay, let's hope for luck.

Throw yourself into the water and drag your child to the surface. Damn it, his heart isn't beating. Start doing heart massage. When Lucas says three, press. When the child wakes up, get up and leave the park. The policeman recognized you ... but why didn't he detain you?

Police work

Meanwhile, the police are on the alert. Our brave detectives have begun an investigation. Talk to the guard at the entrance and head up the stairs. Go to the side door to enter the office. In it, by the way, you can drink coffee to replenish mental health. The office is in the far corner. On the way, Carla will be intercepted by Detective Garrett and remind him that Tyler owes him money. And he will also say that he has some information on the murder.

Come into the office. Drink water and play yo-yo to boost your mental health. Then call Tyler and tell him to show up for work. Now switch to it.

Get out of bed (or you can lie, which will make Karla very angry), take a shower, relieve a small need (for reasons of mental health concerns). Return to the room and get dressed, and then go to the hall and have a coffee. Then talk to the girl. In the dialog, select "Tender" and "Convincing" to calm her down. Kiss her on the lips, put on your jacket and leave the apartment.

Go up to the office and go to the office. The detective will remind you to repay the debt. The choice of the response phrase does not matter: the result will be the same. Go to the office, talk to Karla. After drink some water, hang up your jacket and go out to the office.

Go to Garrett's table and listen to what he has to say to Carla. The choice of phrases does not matter. Then let Karla go back to the office, sit down at the computer and read the mail and news. Pay special attention to the letter with the subject: "Kirsten".

Alternate reality

Lucas, despite the incident, decided to go to work. Exit the closet and use the sink to wash your face. Leave the restroom and go to the office (it is indicated by a red dot). You can have coffee on the way. Sit down at the table - and attention - a mini-game. If you do it right, you will know what the colleague is thinking - but you will lose a few points of mental health.

Open the drawer to get an extra life. Use a computer. True, this will lower mental health, but there is no other way. But soon the phone will ring. Pick up the phone and talk to Tiffany - this will lift your spirits again.

Sit down at the computer - there is another mini-game in front of you. If it works, you will see how the coffee mug fell. Damn it, it seemed. Use your computer again. Soon the phone will ring and the mug will actually fall. After talking, Lucas will go to repair the broken equipment.

As soon as he starts repairing, the beetle attack will begin - and here it all depends on sleight of hand. The faster you click on the buttons, the more chances you have to dodge attackers. When the inscription "Move" appears, run into the booth. And again - mini-games.

Your mental health will be reduced if you don't answer your phone, say no to Tiffany, or go into the left drawer of your desk to look at a photograph.


The pathologist will examine the body and talk about the characteristic lesions. In order for Karla to receive the maximum information, you need to win the mini-game. For each failure, she will receive minus ten points of mental health. If you fail everything, you can go crazy. After the autopsy is complete, talk to your doctor. Whatever answer you choose, he will eventually mention the Kirsten case.

Tyler & kate

Meanwhile, a waitress came to Tyler to compose a composite of the killer. Despite the girl's assurances that she supposedly remembers the killer, she will not say anything sensible. You will have to do all the work yourself. In fact, it makes no difference how the portrait comes out - albeit not at all similar. This will not affect the game in the future.

Lost love

Until Tiffany arrives, you can do your daily business. Namely - the restoration of mental health. To do this, you need to do the following: play the guitar (first turn on the speaker), practice with a punching bag, listen to music, go to the toilet, drink milk, take medicine or alcohol (do not mix together). You can watch TV. This will not add anything (nor will it decrease) your mood - but you will find out the latest news.

Then go to bed. Lucas will wake up when the doorbell rings. Let Tiffany into the apartment. First select "New" in the dialog - and then "Glass". She will agree to have a drink. Go to the kitchen and get the bottle. Pour the gin into glasses and return to the girl with a drink.

She will ask you to bring boxes - why not? One lies near the phone, the other to the left of the computer. Then in the conversation choose: "Sincere", "Sentimental" and "Alone". Tiffany will ask you to play the guitar. If you do it without mistakes, you will receive a passionate kiss and something else in gratitude.

The second time Lucas wakes up in the middle of the night. If you do not want to lose 20 points of mental health, then immediately go to sleep again. You will keep strong nerves, but skip the interesting scene (I suggest: see what happens, and then replay). So, have you decided to take a look? Then go to the hall and turn off the TV, and then go out into the corridor. A strange girl is standing there. Who is she?

Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy

In the passage, only those actions are indicated that bring positive points and contribute to the successful passage of the game. When two circles appear on the screen, you will need to press those keys that will be highlighted. The left circle corresponds to the arrow keys. The right circle corresponds to the arrow keys on the numeric keypad (numpad).

Murder (Lucas)
Get rid of a lot of evidence that you left in the toilet after the murder. Drag the corpse to the central booth by quickly fiddling with the left and right arrow keys. Use a mop to remove the blood on the floor by wiggling the mouse up and down. Pick up the knife lying near the urinal from the floor and get rid of it (Lucas will hide it himself). Then wash yourself. Go to the machine near the exit from the toilet. Examine it to notice that it is broken, then tap on it. Take a coin. Exit the closet. Come to your table and sit down. Eat, drink, then look at your bill and pay. Use a coin on the jukebox to listen to music. Then leave the cafe and onto the street. Using the subway or taxi, leave the area enclosing the crime scene.

Investigation (Police)
Let Karla talk to the police officer who found the body. Then talk to the two guys at the counter and Kate the waitress. Be kind to her to get the most out of her. Go behind the counter, pour yourself some coffee and drink it. Do the same for the second cop, Tylor. While controlling him, study the table at which the suspect was sitting and talk to the guys at the counter. Then examine Karla's desk, she will find more evidence than Tylor. Go to the toilet. Karloi look at the corpse, the mop, the booth where Lucas was sitting. Find a knife whose location is random. It can be hidden in a niche in the booth where Lucas sat, or in the window frame, or in the cistern in the booth closer to the urinals. Tylor also examine the corpse and the shell.

Speak again with the experts at the counter, then talk to Karla. Tell her it's time to leave and get into the car you drove here.

A Day Later (Lucas)
You wake up and realize that what happened the day before was not a dream at all, but real reality... The bed is covered in blood, and my hands are scratched. Stand up and take the pills from the table. Throw a blanket over your bed to hide the bloody footprints. Go to the living room. Answer your brother's phone call and make an appointment with him. Then grab the shirt off the floor and put it in the washing machine in the bathroom. Take a shower, use the toilet. Take a bandage from the medicine cabinet above the sink and wrap your hands with it. Return to your room. Take your clothes out of the closet and put them on. In the living room, in one of the kitchen cabinets, find a bonus, another one on the balcony. Drink milk from the refrigerator and wait for the arrival of the policeman. Pick up the key from the table and unlock the front door. Let the policeman into the apartment and tell him that you cut yourself. He will leave soon enough after he has looked around the apartment. Then you leave and you will meet your brother.

Confession (Lucas)
In the park, go forward to find Brother Marcos. Explain to him what happened. Convince him without aggression that you did not commit the murder. At the end of the conversation, he will offer you to take the cross. Please accept this gift as it is an extra life. Marcos will go home, and you will be visited by a vision in which a child falls into the water. Later he will really fall, the vision did not disappoint. Jump into the water after him and rescue by fiddling with the arrow keys. When the child is on the ground, give him ventilation. By doing so, you will save him. One of the police officers who patrolled the park will recognize you, but will not arrest you. Today is clearly your day.

Police work (Police officers)
Controlling Karla, go up the stairs and go through the double door. Take a walk to your office, which is located in the upper right corner. Call Tylor from your phone, then switch control to him. Go to the bathroom where you find the bonus. Take a shower and use the toilet. Take some clothes from the closet in the room. In the living room, have coffee and talk to a friend. She is not happy that you go to such a dangerous job every day, so encourage her. Put on your jacket, kiss her and drive to work. Go to Karla's office. Before you enter, the guy will ask you to repay the debt. Make him an offer he can't refuse. If he wins basketball, then you will return him twice as much, if not, then the debt is forgiven. Now go to the office. Hang the jacket on the hanger, then catch up with Karla. Listen to Garrett's report, then, controlling Karla, go to the office, where you check your email.

Reality Shift (Lucas)
Despite the fact that Lucas committed the murder, he decides to forget about it and return to normal life. Find a bonus in the toilet, wash your hands and go to your office (marked on the map with a red dot). Take a workplace. Remove the cross from the drawer on the right. You can see the visions by pressing the illuminated keys. Answer the call from Tiffany and let her come to your house in the evening. Dig into your computer. After your partner is informed about the malfunction of one unit, move to the place of the breakdown. Next, you will find a mini-game where you will need to click on the highlighted buttons.

Reconstruction (Karla)
Hear the coroner's autopsy report and press the correct buttons to try to restore the picture of the murder.

Tylor and Kate (Tylor)
Tylor, with the help of the waitress Keith, must create a composite of the killer.

Lost Love (Lucas)
Play your guitar before turning on the amp. Turn on the music center, go to the toilet. Find the bonus in the cupboard in the kitchen. Go to the room where you take the pills. Finally, go to bed before Tiffany arrives. All of these actions will help you achieve your well-being. When Tiffany comes, let her in. Ask her about the news, offer to drink. The drink is in a niche in the counter. Bring her two boxes with her things, one from the room, the other from the living room. Then speak sincerely, then sentimentally. Ask a question if she is alone now. Play her guitar, then kiss. And finally, have sex with her.

Hide and Seek (Lucas)
Go to the grave of Lucas's mother, where you will have a talk with Markus. Place flowers on your grave. At this moment, Lucas will be transported into the past, into his childhood. Marcus will call Lucas to play in an abandoned hangar, but he will refuse. Later, Lucas sees a vision of a fire in a hangar, where Marcus and friends went to play. He decides to save them. Go to the northeastern part of the map (we will count the red cross on the map as north). Climb over the fence, then go forward to the trench. Move along it to the west until you notice a hole in the fence. Make your way through it. Hide behind the boxes and wait for the truck to go. Next, walk parallel to the truck, thereby hiding from the guards, and then quickly slip to the place marked in red on the map. Enter the hangar. Inside, Lucas will tell Marcus to leave, and he will go to look for the rest of the guys. There are three of them. One is at the top, the other is on the plane down the stairs (he still has to be convinced), the third is in the part of the hangar opposite the plane.

Friendly fight (Police)
It's time to get some rest and discharge. Let Carla drink water from a bottle, then work out on two apparatus. Do the same for Tylor. Enter the ring and fight. You will fight by controlling Karla. Make sure you win and then you can either continue or stop.

Questioning (Karla)
Talk to your boss. Report to him about the progress in the murder mystery case in the cafe. When control passes to Karla, find the bonus in front of you and then go to the gate. Turn on the light first and only then go on. It is worth mentioning here that Karla is claustrophobic and therefore you must control her condition. Keep the mark on the strip at the bottom of the screen centered using the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard. If the mark touches the edge of the strip, you will have to start over this level. Do not be afraid, everything you do does not have to be redone. So, go straight ahead. There will be large racks in front of you. With the help of a valve, you can move them. Find the computer that turns off. To your left, behind the shelves, there will be a switch. If you move it to another position, then the computer will work. Now go to another part of the room. Open the path to the left side, turn the valve at the end, and then follow the right side towards the 1990-2000 archive rack. Take a film from the rack and watch it on your computer.

Questioning (Tylor)
Tylor was brought into the bookstore in order to get at least some information about the book found at the crime scene. Go downstairs and go under the stairs. Look at Shakespeare's book with a magnifying glass. On one of the pages, in the upper left corner, you will find a barely visible inscription. When you pick up the book, a piece of paper with some numbers will fall out of it. Talk to an old man who looks like a Chinese. He will not help you in any way if you do not help him at first (this will happen when you are about to leave the store). He will give you a book and ask you to find a similar one. First, look at the book under a magnifying glass. You will see the inscription "De Gruttola". Climb up the stairs and look at the book there. You learn that "De Gruttola" is numbered 1796. Now look at the book behind the old man. Book number 1796 is on the third floor in the white area. Go there and take the book from the shelf. Give it to the old man. After the conversation, get a bonus and exit the store.

Agatha (Lucas)
Find Agatha's house, which is dumb in front on the left. Ring the bell, and then go inside. Go forward to the living room, from there to the bedroom where Agatha will be.