Fortune telling on playing cards 4 volts. The best fortune telling for women - for love, for the future, for choosing a partner - Magic - a portal about magic: practical magic, white magic, love magic, magic of success and money, black magic, fortune telling for the groom, fortune telling

Magic has been popular since ancient times, its relevance has survived to this day. Especially popular in love magic are card fortune-telling for love and relationships. First of all, this is due to the ease of their execution. Almost any girl can do fortune telling on a guy at home. However, fortune-telling on playing cards the guy must be performed, guided by certain rules.

From time immemorial, the main theme for all young girls has always been the theme of love and marriage.

Who loves me? Who will I marry? Will I be happy with him?

Here are the basic questions that almost every single girl wants to answer. And many, in order to somehow shed light on their future, conduct it to the fortune-telling on the cards on the guy.

Moreover, by today, humanity has accumulated great amount different techniques. There are fortune-telling to determine the name of the betrothed and card fortune-telling for the future.

There are also ways to clarify the relationship of the beloved to the girl who is guessing at him.

It is not always easy to choose from the whole abundance of layout techniques, so we suggest starting with the simplest and easiest.

The fortune-telling offered here for a guy, or rather, for guys, is called "Four Jacks". This method allows you to determine the attitude of four men to a lady at once.

For this fortune-telling you will need a classic playing deck cards for thirty-six cards.

Before you start to lay out the cards, you need to "assign" each of the jacks in the deck the name of the person he will denote.

This can be done, as guided by the rules:

  • unmarried - diamonds,
  • married - heart,
  • a man older than the rest - a club,

and in random order. The main thing is then not to forget which jack denotes which guy, so it is better to immediately write this information down on paper.

Fortune telling 4 jacks - the meaning of cards

To begin this fortune-telling on playing cards, one should select all jacks from the deck and shuffle them. When the four cards in the fortuneteller's hands are well mixed, they need to be laid out in one horizontal row, face down.

Now you need to shuffle the rest of the deck and lay it out one card at a time under the jacks (however, this time face down). As a result, there will be eight rows, each of which will have four cards.

Fortune-telling on the cards for a guy and its results must be assessed not horizontally (as is usually done), but vertically (from top to bottom), while removing pairs of cards of the same value, which are located under each other.

When such a pair is removed from the alignment, it is not thrown away, but, on the contrary, is placed on the jack in which it was found. When all pairs of cards are drawn, you need to unfold the remaining deck in the same way three more times, repeating the same procedures.

Finally, after the last, fourth layout of the deck, you can open jacks and see which pairs of cards are on them.

Attention! It is worth remembering that the very first and very last cards in a vertical row are considered to be next to each other!

We are looking for the values โ€‹โ€‹of all paired cards:

  • Sixes- fast road, he is on his way to you
  • Sevens- he needs you, he is waiting for a meeting
  • Eights- an important conversation will take place soon
  • Nines- he loves you very much
  • Dozens- he shows an open interest in you
  • Aces- he probably has a great passion for you
  • Kings- jealous of everyone else
  • Ladies- he already has a lady, you are not interesting to him.

Fortune-telling is considered especially strong and truthful if on top of one of the jacks there are as many as four cards of the same value.

Fortune telling on cards 4 jacks - video

Another simple fortune-telling on the cards for the guy and his name can be done after the previous one, in order to concretize him. And here, at least, you need to know the full name of the object of fortune-telling, and also imagine how it looks.

Among other things, during the implementation of fortune-telling, it is necessary to think intensively about this person. For the layout, you need a deck of 36 cards.

A well-shuffled deck is laid out on the table in as many piles as there are letters in the name of the person on whom the fortune-telling is performed.
When the whole deck is laid out, the piles of cards are turned over and looked at the suit of the bottom card.

If the object of fortune-telling is light-haired, then it is necessary that there is a red suit below, if it is dark, then a black suit. In case of hitting the "wrong" suit, you need to put aside such a card until you get the right one.

Then the piles of cards are carefully, without mixing, put into one and continue the alignment in the same way, only now, guessing not on the full name, but on its diminutive (more accepted in relationships) version of it.

After the layout of the name in its diminutive form is completed, you should collect the remaining cards and lay them out two by two in the order in which they are in the deck.
Then the results should be deciphered, based on how many and which paired cards turned out in the final layout.

Decoding the results of fortune-telling

  • Sixes:
    two - marriage, four - fidelity
  • Sevens:
    two - a meeting, four - a date
  • Eights:
    two - a conversation, four - a quarrel
  • Nines:
    two is love, four is the greatest love in life
  • Dozens:
    two - interest, four - calculation
  • Jacks:
    two - chores, four - a lot of empty chores
  • Ladies:
    two - hopes, four - gossip
  • Kings:
    two - strong friendship, four - brotherhood
  • Aces:
    two - physical intimacy, four - passion.

All of the above layouts are good in that they are relatively easy to carry out on their own and do not require much experience in fortune-telling. In addition, they can be practiced at home quite often, because the relationship of people is a changeable phenomenon.

However, if you did not have a deck at hand, and you really need to know the fate, then this is not a reason to give up the desire to tell fortunes on the cards. In this case, you can always try on yourself

Divination description:

Fortune telling on a loved one (Valta).

Very interesting card fortune telling for girls and women. This love alignment will help you identify your loved one. Guess three men to whom you feel sympathy and assign each of them a jack card. The last fourth jack will symbolize a stranger.

The technique of this fortune-telling:

Remove all four jacks from the deck. Put jacks in front of you and make three men to whom you feel sympathy and determine each of them a jack card. The last fourth jack will symbolize a stranger. For example: Misha - Jack of tambourine, Alexander - Jack of spades, Nikolai - Jack of clubs, Stranger - Jack of hearts. Shuffle the remaining cards in the deck, focus. then move the deck with your left hand to your side and in turn lay out one card under the jacks until the Queen of Diamonds card (you) appears under one of the jacks. This will be the answer to this fortune-telling.

Select the desired deck for divination

In this article:

At present, a huge number of different methods of predicting the future are known, but the most popular of them, undoubtedly, is divination on the cards. Fortune telling on 4 card jacks is an old way of prediction that anyone can use.

If you have a desire to check the veracity of any fortune-telling, predictions on the cards are perfect for these purposes, since they are considered the simplest and most effective.

How to read cards

There are many different card layouts, capable of opening the veil of secrecy over your future. But in order for the cards to give truthful answers to the questions asked, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • For fortune telling, only those decks of cards that have not yet been played are suitable.
  • Your divination deck should not be touched by other people.
  • If you use Tarot cards, then try to keep them in a place where no outsider not only touches them, but even sees them.
  • It is better to guess on the cards all alone.

The first version of fortune telling with jacks

This fortune-telling is carried out in order to find out how several young people treat you. Take a new deck game cards and immediately pull the jacks out of it. Each jack will symbolize one of the men. For the greatest energetic connection, try to distribute the cards according to age.

Jacks by age: hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs. Thus, the youngest man should be a jack of hearts, and the oldest should be a jack of clubs. When the roles are assigned, you can proceed directly to the fortune telling process.

Arrange the jacks on the table in a row (face down), then carefully shuffle the remaining cards in the deck and spread them equally on each jack. You need to lay out the cards one by one, from left to right. When the whole deck is laid out into 4 piles, you can proceed to the interpretation.

Flip all the piles face down, but leave the jacks not upside down. Now count the number of each suit in each of the piles. If most of all hearts are for love and relationships, a tambourine is family happiness and children, clubs are financial well-being, peaks are quarrels and conflicts.

Fortune telling on cards is one of the most best options diagnostics for beginners

Think carefully about what you least want in a relationship with a guy, first of all, everyone excludes quarrels, therefore, you need to take the pile in which there was the most of the spades suit, and together with the corresponding jack (do not disclose, so as not to know , to whom it corresponds), we remove it from the table. The same actions are carried out until there is only one pile and one jack on the table. When this happens, you need to collect the remaining cards and lay them out two cards on top, bottom, left and right, face down from the remaining challenger to your hand.

Now you can ask the higher powers questions about what the relationship with the remaining man will be like, for example, you ask: "Will we be happy?" After asking the question, the top four cards are revealed, one on each side. Depending on the prevailing suit, conclusions can be drawn about the answer, but usually, the red suit corresponds to the affirmative answer, and the dark suit to the negative. Then you can ask one more question and, finally, open the remaining jack and find out with which of the four applicants you can have the happiest relationship.

The second option of fortune telling

Your initial actions should correspond to the instructions from the first method: we select jacks, shuffle them together and, without looking, lay them in a row on the table, face down. After that, you need to shuffle the rest of the deck and lay out the cards under the "men" in equal rows, face down.

When you do this, you need to look at the rows of cards, if there are two cards of the same number in the same row, then you have already received an answer. If not, the cards are collected and the process repeats.
Decoding matches:

  • Two sixes - a man thought or thinks about you, perhaps he is not averse to starting a relationship with you.
  • Two sevens - the guy is interested in you and will be happy to meet you alone.
  • Two eights - a desire to talk, discuss something.
  • Nines - it is likely that this man already has certain feelings for you.
  • Dozens - a clear interest in the fortuneteller.
  • Ladies - a man is prone to cheating, so think twice before starting any serious relationship with him.
  • Kings - the guy is very jealous, if you have feelings for him and want to be with him, be prepared for constant control. Sooner or later, but he will force you to give up everything and everything for him.
  • Aces are the brightest feeling, passion, lust. These cards can predict both the beginning of a serious relationship and a simple hobby.

If one man has three or four identical cards, this means that the meaning described above has an even more pronounced character.

And a thousand years ago, and now man wants to know what fate has in store for him. How you want to lift the veil of the future! How tempting it is to guess fate and try to change the future.

What person doesn't want to control fate? After all, this gives power, similar to God, power over your own destiny, and, possibly, over the destinies of loved ones and relatives, and sometimes unfamiliar people.

Card fortune telling is one of the ways to guess the future at home, and predict the next steps of Fortune. This action is simple and affordable. Anyone who does not have special knowledge and skills can master it.

To learn how to interpret what the cards tell you, you need to do certain rules.

What you need to know about cards

  • If you want to guess by 4 jacks, buy a new deck and do not pass it into the wrong hands. Cards do not like to change owners.
  • Do not use a divination deck to play.
  • If you want to know the future, tune in to the questions that concern you first. Start the alignment all alone (this is important!).
  • Don't ask the cards a lot of questions, they will get confused and tell a lie. It is better to concentrate on one important thing.
  • Do not leave the deck in sight: put it in a secret place wrapped in a clean cloth.
  • If you use Tarot, also hide them, and do not give them into the wrong hands.

Fortune-telling for four jacks

The Four Jacks layout is used to find out how men treat you. Put jacks in front of you, and in order of seniority (by age), give each the name of the men you know you are interested in. Jack of spades, the oldest, further clubs (cross), hearts and diamonds.

Flip them face down, and place the shuffled cards on them from left to right, one at a time.

When the whole deck is distributed, go to the interpretation. The jacks remain in the same position, and we consider the pile of each for the predominant number of cards of the same suit.

What the cards say

  • Tambourines promise harmony in relationships, a strong marriage and children, hearts - intrigue in love, clubs - money and financial well-being, and peaks - quarrels, troubles, illnesses and gossip.
  • Before you flip the jacks and find out which man's opinion belongs to, think about what you never wanted in a relationship and what you want to avoid.
  • If you want to exclude quarrels and scandals, dirty gossip and betrayal, remove the pile in which the cards of spades are mainly located.
  • Remove the three piles, and shuffle the remaining cards again and lay them face down again in pairs above, below, to the right and to the left of the face-down jack.
  • It's time to ask the question that interests the most on this moment... For example, will this man propose?
  • Now open the cards starting with those located in the heads. It is considered that the cards of the red suit give a positive answer, and the black one - a negative one. If the pair is black and red, then the answer cannot be interpreted accurately. This means that the young man has not decided in relation to you. Repeat the fortune-telling later.
  • Flip over last card and find out the attitude of this particular young man towards you.

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A quick way of divination "Four Jacks"

Each girl has boyfriends they know who invite them on dates or show signs of attention. It can be difficult to determine which one of them will develop a strong relationship with. Who loves, and who just spends time, with whom you can build a strong family, and who can betray. Therefore, girls often turn to cards in order to find out the true face of a young man with their help.

Distribute the names of the young people into jacks. As in the first method of fortune-telling, mix them, and spread them with their image up. Then, lay out the rest of the deck one at a time, starting from left to right.

When all the cards are laid out, turn them over. Without touching jacks, choose paired cards, i.e. two sixes or two queens. If such a pair was found, the cards answered the question. If no pair is found in all four piles, shuffle the deck and lay it out again. If the secondary divination does not work, postpone the ritual for a few days.

Decoding paired cards

  • Sixes - you are interested in this man, a relationship is possible.
  • Sevens - the young man will soon invite you on a date.
  • Eights - try to talk to a young man, in conversation he will reveal a true attitude.
  • Nines - love you, but hide feelings.
  • Dozens - the young man has a certain interest in your person.
  • Ladies - this young man is a windy man, prone to treason, he is not capable of a serious relationship.
  • Kings - the young man is jealous, you will not be happy with him.
  • Aces - he is in love with you, his feelings are passionate and tender at the same time.

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When the cards tell a lie

  • As I said, the deck should be yours, no one's hands should touch it. Otherwise, she will start telling lies or the meaning will be inaccurate.
  • If you are passionate about card fortune-telling, sew a bag of white linen for the deck. Store it in a secluded place out of the reach of strangers.
  • Treat your cards with respect. Don't lay them out for fun or boredom. Don't brag about your skill to your friends.
  • Do not ask more than three questions a day, because the cards get tired and start to get confused.
  • If you decide to tell fortunes to outsiders, take another deck.
  • Stir the deck thoroughly before starting your fortune-telling. The energy from your hands, thus, goes into cards.
  • Talk to them, ask them to help dispel your doubts.

Cards demand respect for themselves. If you want to get them to make true predictions, follow the rules.

Fortune telling "4 jacks" on cards for love has become widely used in practice quite recently and is considered predominantly female, because it gives girls a good opportunity to understand their feelings, to understand what their beloved has for them. This fortune-telling on the cards for a guy's love will not take you much time and effort. This divination is both simple and informative.

Layout technique. So, take a deck of 36 cards and choose four jacks from it. For each of them, ask a close friend who has long worried your heart, but you will not dare to take any serious action. If there are few such young people (for example, one or two), then let the remaining jacks be mysterious strangers. Most importantly, do not forget yourself who is who.

Now take the selected jacks in your hands and place them on the table in no particular order. At the same time, together they should make a horizontal line and lie face down.

Then turn your attention to all the other cards: shuffle them and lay out a vertical row of cards for each jack. Moreover, each should contain 8 pieces, and you can open them immediately, or after all the cards are laid out.

Take a close look at each of the resulting columns: you must choose cards of the same value from each and put them on the corresponding jack. Wherein empty seats should not be in the column: move all cards one place up.

And so you repeat until there are no options left. Then add all the cards, shuffle and repeat again everything that you did earlier in the same order. This must be done 4 times. Then you open the jack and look at the interpreter, what the double cards, folded on it, mean.

The meaning of cards in fortune-telling

Aces - this person has great passion and strong feelings for you.

Kings - the young man is very jealous, be careful.

Ladies - unfortunately, he is cheating on you.

Dozens - it's strange that you didn't notice, but this person has long been not indifferent to you.

Nines - the young man loves you.

Eights - he is seeking a serious conversation with you, where it will lead is unknown.

Sevens - the young man is seeking a date with you.

Sixes - a young man is looking for an approach to you (mutual friends, interests). If you want to do something for you, give him a chance to get to know you better.

It is important to know: if there are four cards of the same value on the jack, then the value of paired cards is doubled.

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