Gnome survival game. There is no reception against the gnome: games about the gnomes. Single and Games with Active Multiplayer

So, looking at the colorful cartoon about the story of Midgard, along the simple mediterrane, we get to the main menu. There it is worth watching hotkeys, customize and write them to convulsely do not look for them on the cover during the game.
Tip of the experienced player - do not start the campaign immediately, go first to enter!
It will take no more than an hour, and in the game you will already be like fish in water.

After watching the horrors about the bad snout (and maybe Volcter!) Fenrir, and passing the heroic joining. And with the top of the gnomes, we get into the world of the forest ...
As the elf said - fruit and breed! Well, let's start !!!

Council №1 - combine free time among partner dwarves. They breed only during the rest and with a good mood.

Tip # 2 - pairs of dwarves connect to groups. (Select the gnomes and Ctrl + 1 ... 0)

Tip # 3 - Try to watch the gnomes during the rest of the 2nd, on the 3rd. Actually, it is necessary to build gnomes in groups.

It is necessary to take on the study of this world from 3 to 5 unarmed gnomes, from 2 to 4 dwarves with doubles and preferably with shields, but it is possible without them.
Run down and left. There you will find ... It's hard to call the village ... Herbers. They will give you a task to find their key. Have to do! Without it in any way!
Even below and a little right there is a cave with old gnome. There, he will explain in detail what happened to him and will give a task to get something to devour something. By "" Something "" is meant by 6 hamsters. Of course, you can give a damn on the Dage, but then we can not see the cards as your ears. Better help. As a result, we will have a map. Surveying the surroundings you will find a cave with 3 barrels. To get there to get to release water in all caves. (Do not attempt, the dressing skin is not worth it. There is an ax, though it is unique, and Jarriat.)

Run to the right of the cave down you will find a whole town of herbalists. We do not need them. Will the cave on the right and right you will eventually detect the tunnel. There, someone from the dwarves will say that the old man said precisely about this place. Roach down. Well, then there in the go sample yourself. Found a key? BRAVO! But it is necessary to find a ring of life. Not far from the left there is a fort trolls. There they are only three, and two sleep! But without the crowd, do not even approach there. Trolli, as they say, lungs, but strong.

In short, take this ring and dig down, down, and down. In all directions. It is better to dig dwarves without a ring of life, and then the Keyman will open the gate and time will be not enough. As you can find this cave with gates, collect all your hosts to thread and in the road - to the underworld. You will have 41 minutes for it.

Not far from the gate, one of the gnomes will fall from the suffocable smell of sulfur. ... do not be afraid - there will be no live, even health is not taken away. What can I say? So what are you, the world of sulfur.
Get down and develop. Forces you will need. Sulfuric vouchers and other plants live here.

Tip №4 - It is necessary to approach someone else's plants only with slingsters, onions, or guns! They take up 8 health strike.
Focused down and then until it stops, i.e. Before granite to the right. How to reach the right wall - dig up. There will be a decent system of tunnels. But without a crowd, there is nothing to do there too. Wauchers there will go through the 2nd, on the 3rd. Soon you will surfacing the underground titanic, completely filled with water. It, of course, can be explored with an underwater bell, but, bumping into working pistons, you will understand that with water you need to do something. Go until the left left. There will be a huge dragon. Maybe you told you a drummer from the lower village, and maybe not.

Admire the aggregate to the right of it. This pump! But for its work it is necessary 30 pieces of coal. Multimito ... Passing back you will wake up the dragon. After a kind conversation, he will ask to expand him the cave. Not difficult? Let's do! While working towards you on "Okonok" (j), a para-triple of trolls will take place. Do not be afraid. Dragon without reminders will give them to "see" (j) after the end of the work, he himself will break the partitions and it will become spacious. Then move it to the pump. He will melt it. Turn on the pump, and the water in the Titanic will start decree. After the heroic death (L), the dragon will leave you His Son. Yes, not a small dragon, but an egg. Take it - you will need it later.
Pass the pistons in the Titanic. There are 2 ways to it.

1) Door system. In the passage above the pistons there are doors. Go there 4 dwarf and decide the puzzle. And how to do it will not say !!! Curious please write to me on soap. Let's explain everything in detail. Next argue on the floor. On the right will be evil spruit. As soon as you sue close enough, he grabbing you and takes to the 1st floor. Immediately make your feet !!! Left !!! Hefty tentacle per blowing takes up 50 health !!!

2) Riding on the hill or on a board-aircraft. Come on the above devices as close as possible to the piston, and as soon as it starts to rise, run on the free space between these pistons. Then press the switch and everything!

Well, the pistons are no longer a problem. But we need to go past the spruit! This also has 2 ways. 1) on their own. Go to the spruit with slingshots, onions and guns and, by observing the distance, shoot in the head. 2) To the left of the spruit there is a niche. Quickly run there. Now they will raise you on the 2nd floor. (Strange he is a dude. That on the 1st, then on the 2nd ...) And as soon as he releases you, immediately press the near switch. See cartoon. In the niche to the right of the spruit there is a chest. There is a ring of water. Exit through the right hatch in the Titanic. Roach down. Soon you will find the bridge. Broken bridge. And it must be fixed. Collect all your belongings, 15 legs, 10 iron and down - to the bridge. How to render, go it. You will have 31 minutes for it.

Tip №5 - Build Houses at home and turn on love only when you already want the gnomes to be multiplied. There they will already use condoms.
And here he himself - the world of crystal ...

Here I can not help. Just get drove and dig. On the study of the world, you can walk 1st, 2 dwarves, but only with light swords. Here demons and crystal spiders live here, which, after death, leave crystal ore. And about demons do not be afraid. 2 of my gnome laid 6 monsters (not lying !!!). True, with special maneurs. ... And yet - the demons can not climb on the walls as voucher or spiders.
When you find several platforms one above one, connected by iron staircases, reserve meals and alpires. Elyprozia and elixins to taste. Go right to the fortress of trolls. The fortress is not necessarily cleaned all.

Council №6 - Do not appear in the fortress without 4-dwarves with light swords and Alpuras. In the fortress we are interested in not wealth, drunk on the barrels and chests, although they, too, and a large portrait of Cinderella, hanging in the hall on the right. In the highest rack of 5 trolls. 4 trolls of the guard (2nd class) and one troll leader (3rd grade). But in the chest, which they guard, lies the rarest amulet - dragon tear.
Then go to the left. There will be an ancient legendary fortress of fidget. Cross all the halls. You must find three more pictures of the gnomes. In the central lower hall there will be an art gallery. Here it will help us these pictures. How to solve this puzzle, I will not say either. Write on soap. I'll explain everything.

After the pictures are correctly placed, both doors will open. The door to the left leads to the treasury, naked gold. And in one of the barrels there will be a hyperboloid. Sha, what were delighted? This is not a weapon, but a local analogue of a jackhammer. Not yet Kayli wave !!! The door to the right end up will lead you to the village of Melnikov. Not far from this village, all your gnomes mugs mysteriously disappear. And without its inventory! Do not forget to capture him with you! We will have to work only by women. ... well, nothing. We cope. ... Go down to the bottom of the villages of the clever. Straight to some strange unit. Yes, I almost forgot, to collect all the belongings and as much as possible. Make sure that all the gnomes have had a weapon! It is important. So, in this room, you will explain in detail what happened to your men. Of course, this Lorili Vijuk, witch, carga and radish.
Radish is a bad man.

But from this you need to somehow get rid of. First, take 10 crystals in the workshop. Secondly, collect all the ladies in one place. And grab the ring. See cartoon. It turned out not good. ... Try to two fronts, and yes will help you alone !!! Capture on the way all buildings and do not forget to act. Do not chase yourself for smarts throughout the village. They themselves will fall to you on their boards. If you have not acquired your own - do not score. Just below the primitive cuisine of the cleverware, oh, sorry - your primitive kitchen is a passage to the right, closed with a crystal door. That's where we need. Focus to the right to the right. Then swear down. There you will find the mysterious hall. In the center of the statue you need to insert the most magic ring, which we got carried out straight from the nose from the clever. Here I note that perhaps I had a glitch in the game, but I had two of these rings. But, in short, whatever it was, insert this ring into the statue and turn the poles so that the rays fell into this rings. Then insert the crystals into the lamps so that the beam hit the crystal door. This door is to the right and below the hall. In the chest behind this door is stored fire amulet, giving the power of a fiery sword. So if he has someone, then the amulet should go to his pocket. Then remove part of the crystals and insert them into the lamps so that the beam passes into the hall with your men. I hope that you have already found them because It is already needed. If not, they are left and down from the hall. I note that in the labyrinth with the lamps there are partitions that can be proceded. Look for them using the cave marker. After the liberation of the men, you will be described in colorfully that after death Lorihi cave lost her seismic resistance (for those who do not know: seismic resistance is the stability of the building to earthquakes) and here it will collapse. Sorry. It was good here. Kortch legs in hand and in the world of lava ...

Tunnel, like this, there is no, so dig up. There will be three small cave with barrels. Well, in barrels, as always, the food, the fire of I.T.D. etc. First build all the most necessary. On the sides, do not dig! Lava-demons live there and it's not easy to cope with them. Only 4th, 5 dwarves with light swords should be walking on exploration !!! These lava demons go there not one by one, but three - four !!!
Dropstanding in your lower cave, proceed on the tunnel to the right down. You need to dig to dig only to the lady that has a desired dragon egg. In the cave on the left there will be a huge black Madame Dragon. She should give her legitimate son. See cartoon. There, the grieving mother will give you a reward for the son of a magic hammer, which will come in handy later. In the lower cave of this tunnel there will be a pair of lava-demons. There will be a boulder of gold. Everything! About this part of the card you can forget! Is that digging there to conquer the place for caves and resource mining. Now our main goal is Glaipnir !!! In the lower cave in the left wall there is a slightly proofled tunnel. We need to go there. There, we will soon find the abyss, through which the bridge is thrown. There will be a fortress with lava. Those. There will be 4 vertical tunnels filled with lava, connected in several places, but isolated from each other by the doors that will not open until they come into contact with the lava. In general, with the help of 4 switches you need to move this lava and at the same time moving yourself. Indeed, in the upper hall of this fortress, the valve, lowering the lava to a minimum and also there is a ring of fire. About solving this puzzle to contact me on soap.

So, we already have all the globnir. It remains only to sow !!! Slop up with this fortress and dig up its left edge. How to reach the huge village of the deceased, collect the crowd. It is desirable that your gnomes have slingshots or bows. The guns can also be, but you can do without them. This village needs to be blocked. Although I just killed all the dead, and the buildings captured. From the right edge of the village there is a crystal elevator. At the very top of the tunnel with this elevator there is a passage closed by an iron door. There we need to go there. Go through this tunnel. There you will find a mountain where the desired magic anvil is located. But just so we do not sow collar. It will take that magic hammer. And of course all six rings. And it should all get together in the pockets of one gnome. But after all, the anvil must also warm up! The valve lifting the Lava flow under the anvil is located on the left of the mountain. So do nothing to dig.

And here Glaipnir is shoving! It is necessary to find a bad peel of Fenrir and push him this collar to the appropriate place. In a mine with this elevator at the bottom of the right there is a passage with an open door. Copy! In the near future you will get to the Logova Fenrir. Collar with you?! And three portions of the grill?! Not?! Then go and do in the laboratory.

Tip number 7 - take care that the grills and globnir are in one gnome.
Bring yourself from trolls. We must kill everyone. Then led away all except the gnome with globnir and grills. They run to the far right end of the cave and pull the plug out of the jacuzzi lava. Volgar will break away from its mug and will throw it to stick to flow. And you run to his mug at this time, Leite Glick and Run back. As soon as Fenrir is back to the table, run again to the jacuzzi and pull out the plug. And again leut into a mug already the second grill and make legs. When Fenrir is heating from his mug to the second time, run again to the jacuzzi. You can pull the plug. The wolf does not react. He is already very good !!! But it will be in rage to the peak of his personal rubber dwarf .... The portion of the grill will finish the merchant finally .... The gnomes are thrown at him. That's all .... Watch ...

Fairy picks up Fenrira - a cute white fluffy pussy, and will assign one.
Fidgets staged a drink right in the former Laugh of Fenrira. Titres crawled on the screen ...
But this is not all ... The king will take a break for the fairy. ... Well, ... the word of the king is the law! Send all the dwarves to the opened gate. You are not limited to this time. Do not take the buildings there! We need to take there more meal And Alpowers.

Happy game !!!

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If you are tired of endless wars with various and unsightly, we suggest you a little rest and plunge into the most beautiful fabulous world, filled with mythical creatures, which according to legends and legends live somewhere underground in drechy forests. Fascinating games about the gnomes will introduce you to amazing peace These little men are friendly cohesive in one team. They are hardworking and brave, they are famous for unthinkable wealth and skillful skill. They are fun enough, but often there are sullen, can be harmful and mocking, but somewhere in the soul these Liliputs are complete goodness. Most of them wear beards that symbolize wisdom and experience in them. They are with dignity fighting with unfriendliers and may be good focus on a stranger to visit.

Remember the Snow White, which sheltered the gnomes in their cozy forest. Lie, a magnificent story, who conquered the hearts of all generations for many decades and even the centuries ahead.

Now these fabulous dwarfs switched to virtual MirTo get acquainted with you! On our site you can play with them completely free. Gnomes prepared for you a lot of interesting games.

And here he is the top of the best games:

  • various with the participation of brave gnomes (for example, in addition to the war with enemies, your Liliputs will act as miners, they will have to minimize gold for you so that you can develop their city and army or you can choose the game where you need to protect your beautiful garden from attacking malicious insects - here you will also help the gnomes);
  • interesting shooters;
  • search for gnomes in pictures;
  • tightening fishing of dwarves (for example, your small friend should catch in his bag of small fairies);
  • games for agility;
  • flying to accuracy;
  • and other dwarf battles.

All games are bright and colorful. Play them is a pleasure that is many times increase, because all mini games can be downloaded for PC!

With book and cinema dwarves, probably are not familiar with only insulated tribes from the Amazon Valley or New Guinea. We have already accustomed to watching the screens and pages of books of harsh bearded healthy and axes, hardworking mines, custodians of secrets and treasures, and in many RPG gnomes are one of the standard races. How did it happen?

Creatures that served as one of their main prototypes were not completely brave warriors or cuties with great kind eyes like in the Snow White. The Scandinavian Tsvergs or the Lower Alvov (in fact, evil relatives, also referred to as the welacts, from Svart - black) gods created from gravestone worms, fascinated the corpse of the giant imir. Not only are the parents showed in this extremely perverted fantasy, so they have also decided to make fun on their children - they laughed at them to curse, turning the zergers into the stone, barely sunlight will affect their skin. And was it possible to expect something good from the creatures that appeared in this way, also damned by the gods, so that they did not hurt their brothers elves, which parents obviously loved more?

It turned out that it was possible. Tsverdi showed talent for for blacksmithing, It was they who were forced for one Spear a guggged, punching the most thick armor and clears any goal, the Drapenir ring, each ninth night bringing eight gold rings, from which you can make an invulnerability belt, and even clean gold for the goddess Siv, which is a sneaky Loki Ottosphere Naked.

So the gnomes began to be associated with secrets, treasures, underground kingdoms, skill. But judging by the Scandinavian Eddam, and the deceit of these dwarfs do not occupy.

In the German fairy tales of the XVII-XIX centuries, the gnomes retain these traits, and sometimes there are also magical abilities. They appear by bad, they are good, punishing for evil and rewarding for good, and sometimes give gifts with trick. At the wave of popularity of these fairy tales, in the middle of the beginning of the century, the first garden gnomes appeared, who to this day can be met by the European houses.

It is impossible not to pay tribute to the most great popularizer of the gnomes - Tolkuin. It was with his light hand that they did not know about whom they did not know, probably again, only people living in isolation from mass culture. His gnomes are not knowing fear of warriors, carrying heavy axes, endowed with huge powerful, low, broadly and proud. Surely the Scandinavian origin inspired the Creator to endow their features of northern Bersers.

About this form of gnomes appeared not only in children's fairy tales, but also on the pages of serious fantasy of the books of Prathots, Salvatore, Sapkovsky, etc. It is not surprising that game industry I could not bypass the side of these characters. By the way, D & D insists on a significant difference between Dwarf and Gnome races. The dwarves are like low-spirited, excellent warriors and blacksmiths, and the gnomes are even lowering dwarves, not so strong and broadcast, prefer magic, and in some worlds become steep engineers.

Interestingly, the derivatives from the "Gnome" or "Dvant" were not worried everywhere. For example, in Poland, invented their name - Krasnolyuda. So they are named and the Sapkovsky in the "Witcher", describing how skillful warriors, successful entrepreneurs, merry and terrible squares, who are sacred believe that men of all races and ages dream of their women. By the way, the absenteeism in the novels Pan Angeya does not appear, the same sin and many other authors. In the case of the "Witcher", the lack of women can be explained by the fact that fathers and husbands are too protecting them from lustful human and elven eyes. Perhaps it is also connected with jokes that any gnomge can face a dwarf length and a dense beard.

Single and Games with Active Multiplayer

10. SACRED series

9. Total War: Warhammer

Total War: Warhammer perfectly combines typical urban planning and dynamic battles. There are even flying troops here, which was not before.

Dwarfs have a bunch of military advantages: all the warriors, except the avengers, packed in thick armor, so that the fighters of the enemy, specializing in unprotected purposes, hardly hurt them, the gnome infantry is a terrible force, and their arrows at least slow and not such long-range arrows But very lively. But, in order to comply with the balance, the developers thought about weaknesses Dwarfs. They are still magic, cavalry is not available, and their slowness can play a keen joke on the battlefield.

8. The Dwarves.

This game is devoted to the gnomes entirely and is fully based on the book of Marcus Hayets "Lord of Dwarfs". The plot can not be called original: as always in fantasy, we have the main characterWho needs to go somewhere, and on the road he collects a detachment of a marched, who also needs to be there too. But all these characters are quite interesting and make a variety of gameplay.

The world The Dwarves is great, but sometimes it seems empty. This is explained by the fact that the developers decided to focus on battles. And here they are similar to the subway at the rush hour: whole hordes of enemies are in a limited space, it is clear to turn around, and new warriors arrive at the place of the fallen.


Imagine the gnomes arriving at the flying saucer. Unusually, right? Namely, the plot WE ARE THE DWARVES is about the gnomes on the PC from the Ukrainian Studio Whale Rock Games. The courageous dwarves sat down in their own and went to search for new sources of energy in order to save their people from extinction.

6. The Dwarf Run

The Dwarf Run tells the story of a pair of gnomes, an elf and a wizard, who have been detained in a dangerous journey in search of valuable artifacts. Each members of the detachment has its own role and its own characteristics, respectively, and to pump each separately. They are waiting for a lot of adventures, battles, intrigues, coups and other events in which the will of fate will have to participate.

Step-by-step battles in the game. The case is replaced by Point-N-Click, so the gameplay does not become monotonous and tedious. All this is seasoned with a fabulous atmosphere and a good humor.


DWARFS!? Confidently follows the tradition of Dwarf Fortress, which we will talk about just below. You will become the ruler of the underground colony of the dwarf and will try to expand it with all their mights to protect and develop. Death, of course, will still come for your wards, but only in your power to make her longer.

In Dwarfs!? There are several levels of difficulty and modes, so that the game can last like five minutes, and almost indefinitely, a bunch of different opponents, and the caves are generated by randomly, so it does not have to complain about monotony. You can download the game.


Dwarf Fortress makes the brain players since 2006. With almost the absence of graphics, the game boasts a depth and excellent operation of the gameplay. Due to the unsightly for modern gamer, the realism of the picture, external view And places just a monstrous complexity at Dwarf Fortress are not so many fans, but those that are, very devoted to the game.

You have to build a gnome city, to establish a infrastructure there, reflect the enemy attacks and make sure that your wards with our own characters and psychological peculiarities are in good mood and good health. At the same time, any small mistake or careless movement may turn if not a disaster, then a major nuisance.


2. Arcanum: Of SteamWorks and Magick Obscura


MMO in which you can play a gnome

5. Panzar: Forged by Chaos

No one was waiting for anything new on session militants, but in 2012 the light saw in fantasy setting from Panzar Studio. This is a dynamic and very cute rubylovo, teams are struggling for honors and resources. The points have been spent on pumping the character, and gold pay for new clothes and weapons.

The races here are tightly tied to classes: the gnomes can be saules and canonons. The first is a good capport, undermine opponents on mines, mounted teleports and make a lot of useful things for the team. The second in the event of the eye is collected machine-gun installations and collapse a lead rain on the enemy.

4. Forsaken World

3. Neverwinter Online

Neverwinter Online - another work Perfect WorldBut this time for the universe forgotten kingdoms, and really decent. In addition to all traditional MMORPG components, there are many interesting chips here: separate satellites, a complex craft system, unlimited quantity Professions and even the opportunity to write quests. In addition, the game is free, but to tear, of course, no one forbids.

The choice of races here, one only an elven set, and without the dwarves, of course, was also not cost. They have an increased resistance to the effects with deferred damage, resistance, they are not so easy to knock down in battle, have a bonus to strength, endurance and wisdom, thanks to which of them are excellent in and dd in.


The Lord of The Rings Online can hardly make a competition to the leaders of the genre, but still it is the only MMORPG in the Universe of Tolkien. Naturally, the fans of the "Lord of the Rings" immediately ran to conquer the expanses of the Mediterranean, as soon as such an opportunity appeared, and, I must say, many remained. The game does not shine graphics, but the locations are drawn to the smallest detail and practically fully comply with the descriptions in the books, because the developers spent a decent amount of time, studying the original source.

The game races also fully correspond to the book, naturally, among them there are brave gnomes. That's just not all classes are available to them. But this is not at all racial discrimination, because the developers imposed such a limitation on all others. But there is a discrimination against sexual sign - a gnome, alas, you will not create.


It is hardly worth it once again to remind the greatness of the legendary brainchild. The world of Varcraft over the years of its existence with each new addition was becoming the second home for an increasing number of gamers from around the world. There was a place here and for those who dreamed of feeling themselves with a harsh chornasty warrior.

Dwarfs and dwarves in WoW are two separate races, but both are fighting on the side of the Alliance. Wideworms and harsh dwarves are talented archaeologists and skillful fighters, better than others resist the magic of ice, more criticized, can contact the stone, thereby removing the effects of the disease and other unpleasant curses. Cute little gnomes are easily released from traps due to their dexterity, they are not amenable to secret magic, they are easier for all the engineering business, and their speed is a serious advantage on the battlefield.

Free online Games The dwarves are collected in this list, from different genres and directions in which there is racial of the gnomes. In the main dwarfs, you can meet in Fantasy RPG games where the gnomes are represented as rudops, exquisite jewelers and outstanding blacksmiths who know a sense in the craft gaming items. Dwarves outwardly small people, sullen, bearded, physically hardy and strong as their weapons and armor. Most belong to gaming class "Tanks".

- Command Moba with RPG elements

Panzar - Fantasy Moba with elements of a dynamic action, shooter and RPG. The team on the command is born in continuous battles in the center of the map, and the victory in the match depends on the rules of the game mode. Create your character by choosing from eight unique classes. After each match, the character receives awards, artifacts, gold, new skills open, weapons, armor and gear. Precipping the hero of armor, weapon, potions with manany and lives, and forth into battle.